01/01/1970 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington December 28, 1970 A regular meeting of Fort Orchard City Council called to order at 7s35 p.m. by Mayor Ropanich. Councilmen presents Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Monteith, Powers and Van Zee. Molzahn absent, (excused). Also presents City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mrs. Helen Ross representing Tacoma New Tribune, Mr. John Atkins representing Port Orchard Independent, and Mr. Boyd Hagen representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of meeting of 12-14-70 read and approved. 0 Mayor recognized Mr. Robert Green of Gilman and Green, architects for LID #65, (construction of marquees over sidewalks on Bay Street) who waw present to provide information rev the bids*' -the construction of the project, which were opened 11-23-70. Mr. Green presented statistical and cost information on the project and discussed various deletions, changes* etc., by which the costs could be reductd to the maximum indicated in the LID ordinance. Questions were asked of Mr. Green and answered. Discussed at considerable length. City Attorney Thompson gave a brief legal opinion on the effects of these changes on the LID and procedures to be followed. Mayor Repanich informed the Council that the changes referred to above have been approved by the Port Orchard Development Cbtporation, the group that initiated the project. Moved by Van Zee seconded by Monteith that the engineer (architect) be authorized to prepare a final assessment roll based on these revisions and that the necessary hearings be held, with award of the contract after these items are accomplikhed. On the "question% discussion developed on the acceptability of the new construction and the construction of existing marquees which will not be removed, as involves building and fire codes. Motion approved. Councilman Carr of Fire and Light Committee opened discussion on the matter of an additional street light on Tracy Avenue north of Chester Avenue (see minutes of 12-14-70). Mr. Knobbs reported on necessity to cut back trees at this point very considerably if this light were to be installed. Discussed further and oontinued until next meeting (1-11-71). Mayor recognized Mr. James J. Griffiths, of J S F -ticcaneer Refuse Company and Mr. Dean Pontius, his attorney, who were present to discuss the action of the Council on 12-14-70, to place the garbage -refuse contractor on 30 days notice of intention to lownate the contract. Mr. Pontius requested an executive session of the Council to meet with him and Mr. Griffiths to discuss this matter. Determined that this meeting will be held on Wednesday, 1-18-71 at 7s30 p.m. Various a sattersinccluding garbage -refuse collection in general discussed at length. Cork reported that tk copies of U. 6. Constitution and Bill of Rights which he was directed to procure at the 12-14;meeting are not available locally and will be ordered from the U. 6. Goverment Printing Office. Clerk read a proposed ordinanae establishing fees for processing of applications for "opeg. space" classification ii lands for taxationfpurposes (see minutes of 11-23 and 12-14). Moved by Powers, seconded by Carr that this proposed ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 871 assigned. Mayor opened discussion on the matter of the four acres of property under consideration for acquisition for parks and recreational purposes (see minutes of 12-14-70). Owner will pay the costs of the necessary survey prior to the preparation of the option agreement. Mayor requested the Council to consider additional meetings rev proposed zoning and develop- ment '�rdlnance (see minutes of previous meetngs). Discussed briefly and determined that the first of these meetings will take place on 1-13-71 after the sheeting with Mr. Griffiths and his attorney discussed earlier in these minutes. Clerk presggted a proposal of Knapp Brother Realty Company of Purdy, to develop a parcel of property on Flower Avenue opposite Garden Grove Addition. This parcel is 471 feet deep and four dwellings would beca mtracted, one behind the obher, with a private 30 foot wide driveway to provide access for all dwellings. Discussed at length and generally determined that this is an# undesirable method of development, in that it provides no public access to the dwellings behind the first one, requries private waterlines of considerable length, prevents plowing of snow by City equipment, hinders movement of fire fighting equipment etc. City Attorney gave andopinion that the City would not be required to provide utilities for those dwellings not having public access. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Monteith that thw owners of the parcel be requested to consider dedicating 40 feet for street purposes in lieu of the 30 feet for private driveway presently proposed, with the street to be constructed to City specifications and then to be maintained by the City. Approved. December 28, 1970 Page Iwo Clerk reported negotiation of a lease With Clear View Cable TV Company for a rental fee of $35.00 per month for use of Fire Hall No. 2 (see minutes of 12--14-70). Fire Chief -Hacker reported no fires so far in December. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported on progress of construction of Pottery Avenue Arterial, and on several other Public Works projects. Mr. Knobbs also reported receipt of an application for a building permit in the amount of $382,000. for a new nursing home at 2051 Pottery Avenue. This construction has been previously mentioned but no permit applied for. Clerk reported receipt of notification from Urban Arterial Board of a delay in disbursement of UAB funds until a new bond issue is sold and funds available (about 1-10-70. Clerk read a letter from Port Orchard Assembly of God requesting installation of a mercury vapor street light on the pole accross Bethel Avenue from tWe entrance to the Church property, in repbacement of the incandescent light now in place. Discussed briefly and moved by Powers, seconded by Van Zee that the four incandescent lights immediately south of the last mercury vapor light on Bethel Avenue, near Marv's garage, be replaced with mercury vapor lights, Approved. Clerk reported receipt of a prerposal from Mr. Gary Deal to lease or sell tidelands on Bast and West side of Water Avenue, for additional parkin 1for boat launch ramp parking. A meeting with Mr. Deal to discuss possible termsrtti­C',f i_ Clerk read a letter from State Department of Social and Health Services res approval and acceptance of flouridation equipment, and authorizing the flouridation of water supplies on January 15, 1971 provided that the public is notified 30 dayssprior. The newspapers have given this some initial publicity. Clerk read a report foam Kitsap-Bremerton Health Department res conditions at the sanitary landfill. Some items of the conditionsof this facility are unsatisfactory. Clerk reported that a meeting was scheduled for lls30 a.m. 12-29-70 between members of the City Council, Mayor Repanich and Mr. Walter M. Issacs of a planning consultant firm in Seattle res passible projects the City might engage in under the EDA program (see minutes of previous meetings). Clerk informed the Mayor and Council that the meeting orginally scheduled for Wednesday, 12-30-70 at Olympic Center res the anticipated closure of that instirtftIktim*,hhddbeen re -scheduled for 300 p.m. 12-29-70 and that the City had been urgently requested to have a representative present. MayoriRepanich will attend. Clerk referred to a proposed ordinance which would re -arrange holidays as required by RCW 1.16.050 (1970 revision) and make certain "housekeeping" clarifications of provisions as involves leave, of Ordinance No. 715 (chapter 2-28 of Port Orchard Municipal Code). Discussed briefly and moved by Monteith, seconded by Powers that consideration of this ordinance be continued until the next meeting (1-11-71). Approved with 5 yeas and one no. Councilman Monteith requested that consideration be given to limiting the number of excused absences which could be granted to a Council member in any one year. Discussed briefly. Clerk presented the payroll for 12-15-70 in the amount of $8,662.66 and bills in following amounts$ Current Expense Fund $2,692.19, Water Fund $3,635.85, Street Fund 5,432.16, Sewer Fund $384.23, Pak a Fund 057.75, Library Fund $3,899.95, Total $16,102,12. Moved by Powers, seconded by Geiger that this payroll and these bills be allowed and that Vouchers No. 6743 through 6795 be authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded an approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 1100 p.m. MAYOR �` �`�i CLERK Port Orchard, Washington December 14, 1970 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7s45 p.m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen presents Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Molzahn, Monteith, and Van Zee. Powers absent, excused. Also presents Attorney Ronald Thompson Athatituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mrs. Helen ss.representing Tacoma News Tribune, Mr. Hohn Atkins representing Port Orchard Independent, and Mr. Boyd Hagen representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of regular meeting of 11-23-70 and special meeting of 12-1-70 read and approved. Mayor Repanich noted that Mr. Green of Gilman and Green, Architects for LID #65, (construction of marquees over sidewalks on Bay Street) was not present to make recommendations on the bids for construction which were opened on 11-23-70. Continued until later in the meeting. Mayor opened discussion on the 1971 budget which had been received, studied and agreed upon at the special meeting on 12-1-70. The Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would adopt the budget and establish property tax levies to provide the necessary revenue. Moved by Molz hn, seconded by Caldwell that the proposed ordinance be adopted. Approved'isith S yeas and (Monteith) and No. 869 assigned. Clerk read a proposed ordinance establishing salary schedules for 1971 and repealing Ordinance No. 843. Moved by Carr, seconded by Molzahn that this proposed ordinance be adopted. Approved with 5 yeas and 1 no (Monteith), and No. 870 assigned. Mayor Repanich opened discussion on matters concerning operation of garbage -refuse service by the franchise holder. Chairman Molzahn of Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee requested a report from the Clerk and the Sup!t. of Public Works (Sanitation Supervisor) concerning complaints and irregularities of operations of the collection services and the sanitary land fill. The Clerk detailed several items general or specific deviation from the terms of the franchise which had come to his attention. Mayor Repanich requested a report from the Chief of Police re: a letter he had written to the garbage -refuse service operator concerning "double parking" while making pickups 4n " Bay Street. Discussed at length. Letters from Dr. Ralph Smith, Mr. Dale See, proprietor of Port Orchard Tavern, and Mr. Robert Geiger, proprietor of Geiger's Drug Store, protesting the requirement of the garbage service owner that all garbage cans in establishments on south side of Bay Street between Sidney and Frederick Avenues be brought to the southwest corner of Sidney and Bay for pickup. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs gave a detailed chronological report of various violations of contract provisions occurring in the lass 14 days. Mayor Repanich requested information from Attorney Thompson res legal steps that can or should be taken to resolve the problem. Attorney Thompson took the matter under advisement. After further discussion moved by Molzahh seconded by Monteith that the J k F Buccaneer Refuse Service be placed on 30 days notice that unless all deficiencies noted are corrected in that time the contract may be terminated. Approved. The matter of the bids for construction of LID #65 (marquee construction) re -opened. No `-- representative of the architechural firm being present, moved by Monteith, seconded by Carr that this matter be continued until 12-28-70. Approved. Clerk read a letter from the Port of Bremerton re: public boas launching ramp under consideration for the north end of Water Avenue. This letter confirmed the Fort's offer to assist in the project. Discussed briefly. Mayor Repanich requested information from the Street & Alley Committee re; the request for increased illumination of the pedestrian crosswalk near Deal's Piumbiss Shop (see minutes of 11-23-70). Chairman Caldwell reported that, on investigation by his Committee it was determined that the existing 20,000 lumen fixture now in place in the middle of the street be moved to a bracket on a pole at the side of the street and another of same capacity be installed on the pile on the opposite side, to give maximum illumination. This has been requested, per authority contained in minutes of 11-23-70, Councilman Van Zee requested the Council consider installation of an additional street light on Tracy Avenue Between Chesser and Lawtence Street%@ This is a narrow street without sidewalks and pedestrians find it difficult to walk in this area. Discussed briefly and referred to Fire and Light Committee, along with Sup't. of Public Works for study and recommend- ation at next meeting. After a brief discussion, moved by Monteith, seconded by Geiger that the City Clerk be directed to procure, by purchase if necessary, large wall -size copies of the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights suitable for framing and display on the Walls of the Council Chambers. Approved. December 14, 1970 page Two City Attorney reported no information on the "open space" tax classification and application fees (see minutes of 11-23-70). Further continued. Clerk reported receipt of the signed and notarized option agreement for the 3/4 acre of property on Tremont Street (see minutes of previous meetings) and payment of the $500* option fee. Discussion developed on an additional parcel of approximately 4 acres under consideration f4*parks purposes (see minutes of previous meetings). It appears that this property must be surveyed before an accurate legal description can be obtained. Mayor reported on a meeting on 12-1 of himself, the Clerk, Consulting Engineer Collier and a member of Federal and State Pollution Control Commission to inspect the completed Bay Street Interceptor Sewer. All items have been completed, and the accounting records are in order and final payment should be received in the near future. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported on progress of construction of Pottery Avenue Arterial. Clerk presented a Statement of Progress (No.2) from Select ContracVors, Inc. and a request for partial payment in amount of $60,212.75 (90% to contractor and 10% to a bank as retaingae). Discussed briefly and City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported that he has examined this progress report and found it to be in order. Discussed briefly and moved by Van Zee, seconded by Carr that this progress report be accepted and payment of the amount requested be authorized. Approved. Clerk presented invoices from Hammond, Collier and Wade totaling $10,033.26 for on -site engineering, inspection and staking etc., in construction of Pottery Avenue Arterial. Discussed briefly and moved by Van Zee, seconded by Molzahn that these invoicep be accepted and payment authorized. Approved with 5 yeas and one no, (Monteith). Mayor Repanich reported on attendance by himself, Fire Chief Hacker, Assistant Fire Chief Caldwell and Police Sergeant McGee at a seminar at McChord Air Force Base on 12-9-70 re: probelms and procedures involved in airplane crashes in urban areas. Clerk read a letter from Mr. Robert Mitchell, County Planner, res the City's proposed zoning and development ordinance now under consideration. Mr. Mitchell made several very pertinent comments which may be very useful to the Council. Clerk read an application for re -zone from R-1 to R-2 submitted by Mr. Fred R. Best of 304 Farragut Avenue North. This re -zone would be for the purpose of permitting construction of multiple dwellings. The Planning Commission considered this application at a special meeting on 11-30-70 and recommended approval. Discussed briefly and moved by Molzahn, seconded by Caldwell that the Council concur in the recommendations of the Planning Commission and grant the re -zone. Approved. Clerk read a letter from Clear -View Cable TV Company of Port Orchard requesting the rental of Fire Hall #2 when the Fire Department vacates the premises. Discussed briefly and moved by Van Zee, seconded by Molzahn that rental be authorized with the Clerk to negotiate an agreement for a minimum rental of $35.00. Approved. Atit Clerk read a request from Kitsap County Guilds for Retarded Children that organization be authorized to sell balloons on the streets of Port Orchard on March 5 and 6, 1971, with the proceeds to be used by the Guild in their work with retarded children. Moved by Monteith, seconded by Carr that this request be granted. Approved. Clerk read a letter from South Kitsap Chamber 66 Commerce Merchants Committee that the parking meters be free for the period 12-14 through 26. This had been tentatively authorized by the Mayor, subject to Council approval. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Monteith that the parking meters be covered during the above period. Approved. Fire Chief Hacker reported no loss from fires during November. He reported extensile discussion, at a meeting of Kitsap-Mason Volunteer Firemen's Ass'n., of the assignment of "911" as an emergency telephone number for police, fire, etc. Chief Hacker reported on a proposal of South Kitsap Fire District No. 7 that the City Volunteer Firemen's "tone alert" system would be inter -connected with the Fire District's system to provide a backup tone generator, in case of a sal -function of the City's equipment. Discussed briefly and moved by Monteith, seconded by Carr, that the expenditure of $200. for this purpose be authorized, from funds in the current budget. Approved. Chief of Police Dow reported on tatters dealt with at the Midwinter conference of Chieef's of Police and Sheriff's Assn. which he attended at Ellensburg, Washington Dec. 9-11. December 14, 1970 Page Three Chief Dow reported completion by Officer Sibley of an advance investigation course at Olympia College and that Officer Bention will graduate from Providence Heights Training Center'near Issaquah on 12-18. Sup't. of Public Works (Building Inspector) Knobbs reported issuance of a building permit for a new nursing home at Lippert and Pottery Avenues for a value of $372,000, Mr. Knobbs also reported that the flouridation equipment had been inspected by representatives of the manufacturer and the State and County Health Departments and accepted and that actual flouridation would probably begin on January 15, 1971. Discussed briefly. Mr. Knobbs reported some damage to the seawall between Orchard and Sidney Streets and to Bay Street north of Bethel Avenue during periods of high tides and heavy winds recently. Souncilman Geiger re -opened an earlier discussion on the matter of garbage -refuse collection on Bay Street. Discussed at length and moved by Geiger, seconded by Carr that restrictions on garbage collection as contained in franchise contracts for the business district be removed, except that no collection would be made on Bay Street between 4 and 6 p.m. Approved. Councilman Molzahn requested that he be excused from the 12-28-70 meeting and meetings in January and February because he will be out of the City. Clerk presented the payroll for 11-30-00 in the amoutl of $8,882.46 and bills in following amounts: Current Expense Fund $3,837.23, Water Fund $16,145.61, Street Fund $634.32, Sewer Fund $489.80, Parks Fund $604.24, Water b Sewer Construction (Proj. 2-70) $13,298.20, Total $35,009.70. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Carr that this payroll and these bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 6672 through 6742 authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned it 12:20 a.m. MAYOR CLERK Port Orchard, Washington December 1, 1970 A special meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7s35 p.m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen presents Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Molzahn, Monteith and Pomess. Van Zee absent (excused). Also pteseats City Treasurer Lorraine Carraway, City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow and Fire Chief Hacker. Mayor announced the purpose of this meeting to be the public hearing on the proposed budget for 1971 as requirdd by RCW 35.33.061. The Clerk requested members of the Council to make certainc: minor corrections in the copies of the budget which had been furnished to them, to bving totals into balance. City Treasurer Carraway explained certain technical aspects of the various bond redemption and interest items in the budget and certain non -operational items. Mayor requested Chairman Powers of the Finance and Augiting Committee to state any recommendations of his Committee regarding the budget. Chairman Powers reported that the Committee recommended the following modifications in the proposed budgets In Current Expense Fund, Salaries and Waged increase the City Clerk from $10.337. as proposed, to $11,000. Utilities Clerk from $5,393. as proposed to $5,616. Bookkeeper from $6,290. as proposed to $6,600. Police Clerk from $5,446. as proposed to $5,616. Radio Dispatchers from $1.97 per hour as proposed, to $2.10 per hour. Fire Marshal position reduced from full-time at $8,400. as proposed, to half-time at $3,600 (same as 1970). Clerk and Sup't of Public Works offered information on reasons why the increase in Fire Marshal from half to full time, for asisistance to the Building Inspector should be tetained in the budget. Matter discussed at very considerable length. A poll of the Council indicatdd that it was split three in favor of eliminating and three in favor of retaining the full time position as proposed. Matter continued until later in the meeting. Councilman Geiger of Finance and Auditing Committee opened discussion and explanation of the recommended salary increases (above) and the reasons for each increase. Discussed at considerable length and continued until later in the meeting. Chief of Police Dow made a comparison of the salaries of the police patrolman of his department as contained in the proposed budget as comparld to other cities of the area. He also discussed the proposed teletype service which had been deleted from his proposed budget, and explained ithy it should be reinserted. Determined that the teletype service would be put back in the budget andthat the only additional revenue required would be $750. to be realized from the Kitsap County Sheriff Department for their share of the costs. Matter of police patrolmen's salaries discussed at length and continued until later in the meeting. After considerable discussion on the recommendations of the Finance and Auditing Committee as a whole, moved by Molzahn, seconded by Geiger that the recommendations of the Finance and Auditing Committee, as described herein, be accepted and incorporated in the final budget. Approved, with 4 yeas and 2 nos. Moved by Monteith „ seconded by Powers that the janitorial services required in the various buildings (Municipal, Active Club and Public Works office) be proposed through an agreement with a commercial janitorial service after the termination of the present janitor expected in February, 1971. Approved. Chief of Police Dow repeated that patrolmen of his department spent 250 off -duty hours in court which is compensated for only, by time off, while in other cities such off -duty court time is paid at time and one half rates. Discussed at length and moved by Molzahnf seconded by Caldwell that the proposed budget be modified to include authorization for payment of time and one half for iff-duty court appearances up to a total of $1,500. for the year. Approved, with 5 yeas and one no. Moved by Carr, seconded by Molzahn that the proposed budget as modified herein, be fixed as the budget for 1971 and presented to the Council for adoption at the next regular meeting (12-14-71). Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 12s00 midnight. 4'Z i' 4 z� c cfi Clerk «���� MAYOR Port Orchard, Washington November 23, 1970 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7s40 p.m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Molzahn, Monteith, and Polgers, Van Zee absent (excused). Also present s City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Eagr-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mrs. Helen Ross represent- ing Tacoma News Tribune, and Mr. John Atkins representing Port Orchard Independent. Minutes of meeting of 11-9-70 read and approved. Mayor Repanich gave a bried summary of the matters discussed at the Association of Washington Cities Regional meeting in Winslow on 11-10-70. Counicluan Molzahn asked a question concerning the status of the amounts retained from contract payments which is now authorized to be deposited in banks instead ofbbeing retained by the City, (see minutes of 11-9-70). City Attorney explained the mechanics and legal points of the new procedures. City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported on the status of several public works projects and the mind problems encountered by the first snowfall of year (on 11-22-70). Chairman Molzahn of Hater, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee reported on a meeting of the Mayor, the Committee, Sup't. of Public Works and Mr. J. J. Griffiths, the garbage -refuse contract franchise holder on 11-21-70. Mayor reminded the Council that this was the time and date set for the opening of bids for the construction of marquees over the sidewalks from Frederick Avenue to Harrison Avenue on Bay Street. Clerk opened and read the following bides Westgate Builders Base Bid $118 100. g , let Alternate $2,644. Edmonds, Wash. 2nd Alternate $2,346. 3rd Alternate $2,418. Strom Construction Co. Base Bid $130,412. let Alternate $3,704. Tacoma, Wash. 2nd Alternate $3,452. 3rd Alternate $3,116. Solie Construction Co. Base Bid $105,480. 1st Alternate $3,071. Bremerton, Wash. 2nd Alternate $2,795, 3rd Alternate $1,974. Austin Company Base Bid $134,900. let Alternate $3,755. Seattle, Wash, 2nd Alternate $3,247. 3rd Alternate $2,866. Baker Construction C6. Base Bid $147,340. 1st Alternate $4,481. Bremerton, Wash. 2nd Alternate $4,025. 3rd Alternate $3,908. CormaiitiLl,"ilAers Base Bid $134,444. 1st Alternate $2,418. Bremerton, Wash. 2nd Alternate $2,206. 3rd Alternate $2,554. C. C. Purvis Co. Base Bid $110,309. 1st Alternate $39810. Tacoma, Wash. 2nd Alternate $3,597. 3rd Alternate $3,337. Hovde Construction Co. Base Bid $110,996. 1st Alternate 02,704. Lynnwood, Wash. 2nd Alternate $2,184. 3rd Alternate $2,348. J. H. Robinson Base Bid $125,980. 1st Alternate $4,329. Bremerton, Wash. 2nd Alternate $4,042. 3rd Alternate $4,150. UlleberaCo., Inc. Base Bid $124,430. let Alternate $4,646. Tacoma, Wash. 2nd Alternate $4,336. 3rd Alternate $3,539, V. H. West Co. Base Bid $143,115. 1st Alternate $3,4009 Tacoma, Wash. 2nd Alternate $3,400. 3rd Alternate $3,200. Port Orchard, Washington November 9, 1970 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p. m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Molzahn, Powers & Van Zee. Monteith absent, (excused, in attendance at EDA Committee meeting as City representative). Also present: Attorney Ronald Thompson, substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer-Sup't. Public Works Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mrs. Maureen Smith representing Port Orchard Independent and Mr. Boyd Hagen, representing Bremerton Sun. tlinutes of meeting of 10-26-70 read and approved. Mayor Repanich reminded councilmen of the Ass'n. of Washington Cities Regional Fleeting at Winslow on Tuesday, November 10 and urged all to attend. Mayor reported that copies of the 1971 proposed budget had been distributed to members of the Council for study and that copies are available for the public who may be interested. Nayor opened discussion on condition and operation of the sanitary land fill. The general condition of fill is satisfactory however, the compaction is not as efficient as it should be, even though the equipment be?ng used meets the requirements of the franchise. Discussed at length and determined that the Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee will meet with the operator and discuss various matters and problems. Mayor requested information from the City Attorney re: the matter of Councilmen's compen- sation and whether it will be paid by voucher or payroll in 1971, (see minutes of 10-26-70). City Attorney has researched the matter and reported that the Internal Revenue Service Code clearly defines this tyke of compensation as a salary and subject to payroll deductions for witholding tax and social security tax, and informed the Council that in his opinion it must be paid by payroll in 1971. C1erK reported receipts of the new harbor area lease from State Commissioner of Public Lands and that authority was required for the Mayor to execute this lease for the City. Discussed briefly and moved by Molzahn, seconded by Carr that this lease be accepted at a tee of �d59.du annually for 1970-1972 and the Mayor authorized to sign for the City. Approved. Clerk read a letter from Attorney Tom Lowry, who has been preparing a comprehensive plan and development ordinance for the City. This letter sets forth the tees that will be expected when the ordinance is completea. Discussed at length and continued, pending another meeting with fir. Lowry. Cierx informed the Mayor and members of the L;ouncii of requiceinents ana contents of itCW 64..i4 as involves "Open Space Taxation". This legislation involves the placing of undeveloped property in a low taxation status if it is dedicated to "open space" status and to public use for an extendea period of time. Discussed briefly and determinea that this wouiu prob- ably not efiect the City in very many cases, in as much as most droperty which might tall into this cia56iiicaLiDn would be large parcels in rural areas. Cierx presentea a Szdtement of Progress and Estimate for partial payment (No. 1) irom Select Contractors, Inc. in amount of ,$45,v53.75, with 9U% ( 4u,54b.36) payable to the contractor direct and IU% retainage ($4,5t)5.38). City Engineer Knobbs has inspected this report and found two instances of "overruns", but reels that they are justified. Discussed briefly and moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this statement be accepted and payment in amount requestea be authorized. Approved. ClerK informea the Council of the requirements of RCW bu.2d, which authorize the payment of the retainage on public works contracts to a bank for investment in certain types of secur- ities, etc. at the request of the contractor, and that the Select Contractors have requested that the 10% of amounts earned (referred to above) be paid to National Bank of Commerce, Jest Seattle branch, for investment in time deposits. An agreement has been received from the bank referred to, declaring that the funds so paid will be accepted and invested as requested. Discussed briefly and moved by Van Zee, seconded by Powers that the agreement between the rational Bank of Commerce, Select Contractors and the City be accepted and the Mayor authorized to execute for the City. Approved. Clerk informed the Council of the need for issuance of a Revenue Warrant in amount of $1,937.00 to permit payment of final costs of engineering of Bay Street Interceptor Sewer. Discussed briefly, and moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the Treasurer be authorized to issue this xtevenue Warrant. Approved. Nayor opened discussion on a recommendation of Association of Washington Cities that Councils and Commissions of various cities go on record in opposition of the efforts of Washington Environmental Council to remove the control of cities over shoreline areas within the cities for a distance of 500 feet from the water. This control would be accomplished by Initiative No. 43, which is expected to be presented to the 1971 Legislature in January. November 9, 1970 Page Two Discussed at length and continued until the next meeting. Clerk will provide copies of the material to members of the Council for information. City Engineer-Sup't. Public Works Knobbs reported that the emergency electric generator was ready for use in any emergency requiring it. Mr. Knobbs also reported on installation of flow meters at wells 6 and 7, and the flouridation equipment. Flouridation is expected to be in operation by mid -December. Mr. Knobbs reported that the results of the percolation test preliminary to installtion of a septic tank at the new fire station on Sidney Avenue, have not been received from the Health Department. Chief Hacker reported no fires and no loss during month of October. Chairman Molzahn, of Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee discussed the fact that the present garbage -refuse ordinance does not specify the maximum weight of a filled garbage can, only that "cans will not be overloaded to a point where one man cannot conveniently handle it." Discussed at length and determined that the City Attorney will prepare an amend- ment to the refuse ordinance to provide for this additional information. Clerk presented the payroll for 10-31-70 in amount of $8,938.08 and bills in following amounts: Current Expense Fund $3,823.08, Water Fund $1,226.14, Street Fund $457.57, Sewer Fund $260.28, Park Fund $100.59, Water and Sewer Construction Fund $2,327.75, Total $8,213.41. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and vouchers Nos. 6580 through 6637 authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 9:15 p. m. )% (411/ Itl4A�r �` Clerk �— y J � /• /f��l,''-i Pia or Port Orchard, Washington October 26, 1970 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Molzahn, Monteith, Powers and Van Zee. Also presentC/Vttorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer-Sup't of Public Works Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mrs -Maureen Smith representing Port Orchard Independent, and Mr. Boyd Hagen, representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of regular meeting of 1.0-1.2-70 read and approved. Mayor requested information from Mr. Knobbs on the street designation problem in the area of Tracy and Farragut Streets and Morton Street, (see minutes of 1.0-12-70). This problem has been alleviated to the extent that it is deemed practicable. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported that the grubbing and clearing of the R/W for Pottery Avenue Arterial is progressing very rapidly, and has been completed from Tremont to helcher Street. Mr. Knobbs also reported that the emergency generator wiring, etc. is almost completed. Chief of Police Dow reported no new developments re: the possibility for teletype service in his office, (see minutes of 1.0-1.2--70). Mayor Repanich reminded the members of the Council and others present of the Ass'n of Washington Cities Regional meeting and dinner at Winslow on November 1.0 and requested that all who plan to attend to inform the Clerk in order that the host Mayor may have information required. Mayor discussed the matter of the sewer required to serve the new fire hall on Sidney Avenue and the delays which can be expected before an LID can be formed, and recommended that a septic tank be installed in order that the building may be occupied without further delay. Discussed at length and moved by Molzahn, seconded by Caldwell that Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs be directed to install a septic tank at this location. Approved. tlayor opened discussion on the matter of:purchasing additional parks and playgrounds property (see minutes of previous meetings). Discussed briefly and determined that the parcel of property of 3/4 acre referred to in minutes of 1.0-1.2-70, contiguous to Tremont Street and involving an option of �500. for 6 months, would be paid for in full by April 1, 1971. Mayor informed the Council of the status of the 1.971, budget, which he has under review, as required by law. Clerk opened discussion on the hours and days that the sanitary land fill should be open to the public. The contract with the operator provides that it will be open for public dumping "on Saturdays from 1.2: Noon to 5:00 p.m. or as otherwise authorized by the City Council". It has been open on Saturdays and Sundays from Noon to 5:00 p.m. A decision by the Council is required as to what days the fill will be open to the public, in order that the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency may be so informed. Discussed at length and moved by Van "Lee, seconded by Geiger that the days and hours of operation of the land fill for public use be designated as 12: Loon to 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays only, and only for bona -fide Port Orchard residents. Approved with 5 yeas and 2 nos. Clerk informed the Council of the termina.ti6n of Workmen's Compensation coverage for full paid uniformed members of the Police and fire Departments who are under the provisions of Law Enforcement and Fire Fighters retirement System, due to the Health and Accident Insurance coverage provided by the employer under that law. Clerk read a "Thank" you letter from kirs. Harriett Norwood of the South Kitsap Junior Womens' Club for the cooperation the group received from Mr. Knobbs in their recent highway clean-up campaign. Clerk read a letter from the State Department of Ecology in reply to a request for information re: the disposal of used and worn-out automobile tires. The only solution to this problem appears to be to shred or grind the tires and use the residue as an additive to concrete or asphalt paving material. This is a very satisfactory use of this material and a very good way to dispose of as a waste matter. Clerk read an application for variance from the front and side yard set back provisions of Ordinance No. 71.9. This application is submitted by Mr. R. L. Rangitsch of 263 Farragut Avenue, and involves a reduction in side yard setback to one foot and front yard to 1.6 feet to permit construction of a carport, which will provide the only shelter for one vehicle. The Planning Commission considered this at its 1.0-1.9-70 meeting and recommended the variance be granted. Discussed briefly and moved by Geiger, seconded by Monteith October 26, 1970 Page Two that the recommendations of the Planning Commission be concurred in and the variance granted. Approved. Clerk informed the Council that the State Auditor's office had informed him that the Councilmen's compensation should be made an item of Payroll reporting, instead of contractual service as heretofore. Discussed briefly and the City Attorney requested to check into this to determine if any legal requirement exists for this change. Clerk reported on a. need for an emergency appropriation from unbudgeted surplus funds to provide funds for several items not considered when the 1.970 budget was prepared. These include installation and wiring of emergency generator, "tight" line in sanitary land fill, painting of City Hall and a deficiency in the Fire Hall levy funds due to the purchase of additional property. Discussed briefly and moved by Van Zee, seconded by N.olzahn that this emergency appropriation be authorized. Approved. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would confirm the above emergency and authorize the expenditures. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Van Zee that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 866 assigned. Clerk informed the Council of a request from Gilman and Green Architects for LID #65, (marquees and lighting on a two block stretch of Bay Street) that a call for bids for construction of the project be authorized. Discussed at length, and moved by Monteith, seconded by Carr that a call for bids be authorized with bid opening set for the regular meeting on 1.1.-23-70. Approved. Fire Chief Hacker requested information as to the construction of an entry apron to the new Fire Hall to make it possible to move equipment to this location. Discussed at length and moved by Carr, seconded by Monteith that Sup't, of Public Works inobbs be authorized and directed to commence construction of the entry apron. Approved. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported that Well No. 6 is giving more trouble and an increasing amount of dirt and sand is being pumped from time to time, resulting in dirty water. Discussed at length and the necessity of finding a site for and planning for a new Well considered. Chief Dow reported that one patrolman of his department (James C. Benton) is attending a training seminar at Providence Heights near Issaquah for the next several weeks. Councilman Monteith reported on various functions and progress made by committees, of the Economic Development Administration project under way in the County, (see minutes of previous meetings). Councilman Carr reported on meetings and functions of the Kitsap County Community Action Board, of which he is the Council representative member. Clerk presented the 1.0--1.5-70 Payroll in the amount of $8,937.05 and bills in following amounts: Current Expense Fund $3,750.87, dater Fund $1.,470.84, Street Fund $2,381..52, Sewer Fund $71.9.52, Park Fund $75.00, Water & Sewer Construction Fund $1.,073.92 and Urban Arterial Street Fund (Phase #l) $1.0,908.00. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this Payroll and these Bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 6538 through 6579 authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 1.1.:20 p.m. i , r t t. MAYOR U 'f'(/ �_ �. CLERK Port Orchard, Washington October 12th, 1970 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Molzahn, Monteith, Powers and Van Zee. Also present: Attorney Ronald Thompson substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow, Mrs. Helen Ross representing Tacoma Dews Tribune, Mrs. Maureen Smith representing Port Orchard Independent and Mr. Boyd Hagen representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of regular meeting of 9-28-70 read and approved. Mayor offered any person present with a specific problem to bring before the Council an opportunity to do so and recognized Mrs. Blanche Marcello of 249 Tracy Avenue who was present to protest a conflict in street designations and numbers in the Annapolis Hill area which has resulted in mis-delivery of mail, etc. Mrs. Marcello requests the City to take steps to either chage the street designation or the number assignments to correct the situation. She presented a petition signed by a number of her neighbors who also protest the situation. The Clerk reminded the Council of the system which was used in determining the dividing line between "north" numbers and those "south" of the dividing line, and that this is a standard method of numbering used in many cities. Discussed briefly and referred to the City Engineer for study. Mayor recognized Mr. Franklin King, representing Munson, Futrell and Nash, an engineering firm of Redmond, Washington who was present to offer the credentials of his firm and make a presentation of its capabilities in engineering projects. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported that the electricians are making good progress in wiring of the emergency generator (see minutes of 9-28-70). Mr. Knobbs reported that soil tests, preliminary to the start of construction of the Pottery Avenue Arterialp have been completed. Mr. Knobbs also reported completion of the improvements to the water system from Well #6 to Mitchell Avenue near the High School, (see minutes of previous meetings). Chief of Police Dow reported that two recent burglaries in the City have been solved. Chief Dow also reported that the 1.970 Plymouth patrol car was in the shop for installation of a new set of piston rings, and this will be under the terms of the warranty. Chief of Police Dow further reported on his inquiry into the complaint of residents of Hull Avenue, re: speeding automobiles (see minutes of 8-10 and 9-28-70). A radar vehicle was on duty in that area on 1.4 of the 1.9 days following the original complaint on 8-1.0-70, for total of 3 hours and 45 minutes. Chief Dow reported on the availability of teletype services between the Police Department and various County, State and Federal law enforcement agencies at a very nominal cost and explained why it would be advantageous for the City to have this service. Discussed at some length and continued until the next meeting. . Mayor reminded the Council of the Assn of Washington Cities regional meeting in Winslow on November 1.0th and invited all members of the City Council and others interested to attend. Chairman Molzahn of Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee reported on an executive session of the Council on 10-6-70 with the Refuse --Garbage contract holder re: various matters and requested the Mayor to officially designate the City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works as Sanitation Supervisor, to function as determined by various ordinances which use this term. Discussed briefly and Mayor Repanich formally designated the City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works as Sanitation Supervisor with authority to deal initially with all problems involving pick up of garbage and refuse and the operation of the sanitary land fill. The matter of the sewer line required to serve the new.fire station on Sidney Avenue discussed at length and moved by Monteith, seconded by Geiger that the Sup't. of Public Works be directed to commence construction of an 8" sewer line from the vicinity of the new fire station north to the nearest man -hole (Lippert Drive), using City equipment and personnel, on an emergency basis, subject to approval of the City Attorney. Approved. Chairman Van Zee of Parks and Playgrounds Committee raised the question of the necessity of purchase of additional property for parks and recreational purposes. Discussed at length and moved by Monteith seconded by Van Zee that an option in the amount of $500.00 be taken. on a parcel of property fronting on Tremont Street (about 3/4 acre) for 6 months, and an option in the amwnt of $50.00 on an additional parcel of about 5 acres for 18 amonths. Approved. October 12, 1970 Page TWo Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would establish the amount of and levy the ad valorem taxes for the City for 1.971.. Moved by Powers, seconded by Molzahn that this proposed ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 865 assigned. Clerk informed the Council that the City Treasurer, Mrs. Carraway, requests authority to attend one day of the Washington Finance Officers Association meeting in Richland on October 1.5th. The purpose of this would be to become better acquainted with the new budget preparation procedures, which must be followed in the budget now in process of preparation. Discussed briefly and moved by Molzahn, seconded by Caldwell that the Treasurer be authorized to perform this travel and to be reimbursed for the costs including registration, etc. Approved. Clerk read a letter of Mrs. Grace Bancroft of 1.640 Bay Street, Port Orchard requesting permission to operate a travel agency in her apartment at that address. Discussed briefly and determined that this falls within the general classification of offices and business that would be permitted in a residential district. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Monteith that this request be granted. Approved. Clerk read a letter from Mr. S1adO.Gorton, BtState Attorney General addressed to Chief of Police Dow commending Chief Dow in the attitude he has taken on the matter of gambling "tolernace" policies. Clerk read claim of Mr. C. W. Adams of 1.1.85 Sherman Avenue in the amount of $50,000. for encroachment of private property during the construction of the Melcher Street lateral portion of LID #64. Discussed briefly and moved by Van Zee, seconded by Carr that this claim be rejected and referred to the City's insurance carrier and the insurance carriers of Hammond, Collier and Wade, the Consulting Engineers and Jack Thorburn Inc., the prime contractor on LID #64. Approved. Clerk reported that the bonds issued in connection with LID #64 had been delivered to Terry Thompson Company on 1.0-9-70 and that the Kitsap County Bank had contracted to take all these bonds not purchased by local individuals. Discussed briefly and moved by Caldwell, seconded by Carr that a letter be prepared expressing to the officials of the bank the appreciation of the City for the confidence shown by this transaction. Approved. Clerk reported receipt of a final progress statement and request for payment on Bay Street Interceptor Sewer project in amount of $34,079.91. and requested authority to issue the necessary revenue warrant in amount of $34,31.7.70 to provide interim financing for this and several smaller items. Moved by Powers, seconded by Van Zee that this statement of progress be received and approved and the issuance of the revenue warrant be authorized. Approved." Clerk reported on progress of painting the Muncicipal Building and particularly on the need for refinishing the front doors. Discussed briefly and City Engineer authorized to investigate the cost of new doors as compared to refinishing the existing doors, with authority to act accordingly. Councilman Monteith reported on proceedings of the Economic Development Administration meetings he has attended, (see minutes of previous meetings). The Clerk presented the Payroll for 9-30-70 in the amount of $9,373.40 and bills in following amounts: Current Expense.Fund $2,630.1.3, Water Fund �681.44, Street Fund $204.94, Sewer Fund $649.02, Park Fund $220.49, Water & Sewer Construction $34,559.49, Urban Arterial (Phase #1.) $1.46, Arterial Street $2.1.9, Total $38,949.1.6. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this Payroll and these Bills be allowed and that Vouchers No. 6495 through 6537 (less # 6497, voided) be authorized paid. Approved. N oved,seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 1.0:20 p.m. y�. /:. -/L - MAYOR � ' CLERK r Port Orchard, Washington September 28, 1970 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen preselit: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Molzahn and Van Zee. .Powers absent (excused). Monteith attending another meeting and to arrive later. Also present: City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs, Fire Chief Hacker, Mrs. Helen Ross, representing Tacoma News Tribune, Nor. John Atkins representing Port Orchard Independent and Mr. Bob Boxberger representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of 9-1.4-70 read and approved as corrected. Mayor recognized Mr. Gordon Blaze of 71.3 Hull Avenue who was present to protest the speeding automobiles in the area of his home. This was previously brought to the attention of the Council on 8-1.0-70 by residents of the area. Mr. Blaze gave detailed instances of these occurrences and requested strong measures to remedy the situation. Mayor Repanich explained the demands on the personnel of the Police Department which make it difficult to concentrate on any given area when such action causes a neglect of other areas. The matter will be brought to the attention of the Chief of Police. �- ' X_ City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported that sad tests of the Pottery Avenue Arterial Right of Way is almost completed and that sub -contractors have moved in equipment to start the clearing and grubbing. Chairman Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee reported on a meeting of 9-18-70 with State Highway Department Traffic Engineers Truitt and Hartin re: the hazardous condition existing at the Highway 1.60-Bay Street -Maple Avenue intersection during periods of heavy traffic. The Highway Department will install a traffic control signal light at this intersection. This will be accomplished in 8-1.0 months. Clerk reported that the Robbery -Burglary insurance discussed previously (see minutes of 9-1.4-70) is available only along with the basic liability insurance and this will be considered when bids are called for in early 1.971. for new insurance coverage. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported on progress of water main improvements from Well #6 to Mitchell Avenue. Clerk read a copy of letter from firs. Helen Graham Greear, an attorney in Bremerton, commend- ing Chief of Police Dow for his stand on gambling and "tolerance policies" in Port Orchard. Clerk read a proposal of Beacon Electric Company to install condiit, wiring and switches etc., for emergency electric service from the gasoline driven generator outside the City Hall to the Police and Fire Departments. The proposal will complete this project for $655.00 plus tax. Discussed briefly and moved by Molzahn, seconded by Caldwell that this proposal be accepted and the work authorized. Clerk reminded the Council of the Ass'n of Washington Cities Regional meeting scheduled for November 1.0, at Winslow. This will be announced at October meetings. Councilman Monteith arrived at 8:20 p.m. Clerk read a letter from the DeWayne Brothers Circus which was in Port Orchard on September 6. The Circus personnel were very impressed by the cooperation they received from the City Police, Fire and Public Works Departments. Clerk read three additional claims for damages resulting when an automaobile struck a sewer man -hole in Creighton Avenue behind Wilkins Fuel Company on 6-25-70. These were filed by Mr. Alan J. Peters, of Canyonville, Oregon for $1,000. damages to the automobile involved, by Rita and Alan J. Peters on behalf of Leah Peters, age 3, in amount of $5,000. for injuries received, and by Fern Browning of Seattle, Washington for $1,0,000. for injuries. Discussed briefly and moved by Van Zee, seconded by Carr that these claims be rejected and referred to the City's insurance carrier. Approved. Councilman Monteith reported on the EDA meetings he has attended (see minutes of 9-1.4-70). These were on 9-15 and 9-28-70 and involved formation of committees, designation of chairmen, establishing of goals to qualify the County for assistance. Discussed briefly. City Attorney Thomspon reported that his associate, Mr. Tom Lowry is almost through with the drafting of the revision of the Comprehensive Plan and "Zoning and Subdivision ordinances and requests a meeting (preferably in Tacoma) to examine and discuss the matter. Discussed briefly and determined that October 8th at17;OO p.m. in the City Attorney's offices, 1515 Washington Building, Il th and Pacific Avenues, in Tacoma would be agreeable. September 28, 1970 Page Two City Attorney reported on various violations of Garbage -Refuse contract by the franchise holder and enumerated these violations. Discussed briefly and the Clerk read a copy of a letter from County Prosecutor to the Contract holder re: failure to apply for a permit to operate the City Dump. Further discussion in detail determined that a meeting with Mr. Griffith will be necessary and desirable to discuss these issues and necessary corrective action. City Attorney reminded the Council of the steps the City may take in case of complete violation of contract which would warrant termination.. Mayor informed the Council of the status of certain parcels of property which are under consideration for acquisition for Parks and recreational purposes. Discussed at length and continued for further information. Councilman Carr raised the question of charging a fee for inspection of excavations and fills as provided for in uniform Building Code. Discussed briefly and continued pending adoption of the 1.970 edition of the UBC. Clerk presented the Payroll for 9-1.5-70 in the amount of $9,268.86 and bills in the following amounts: Current Expense Fund $826.61., Water Fund $964.97, Street Fund $1.,234.65, Sewer Fund $1.93.29, Park Fund $90.62, Water & Seger Construction Fund (Proj. #1-70) $358.80, (Proj. # 3-70) $1.4.25, Total. $3,693.19. Moved by Carr, seconded by Caldwell that this payroll and these bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 6464 through 6494 authorized paid. Approved. Moved,seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 10:00 p.m. MAYOR C��ra ZL_-� CLERK Matter of LID #65 (construction of marquees over Bay Street sidewalks) opened for C11 discussion. The matter of the contract for this construction and whether it should be between the City and contractor or between the Port Orchard Development Corporation and the contractor discussed at length, and determined that the contract will not be approved and signed until the Council is satisfied as to certain questions. The City Attorney will be prepared to discuss this in detail and answer questions at the 3-22 meeting. Mr. Arvid Peterson representing Sidney Lodge #85, Knights of Pythias was present to askr questions re: the effect of the marquee on a driveway, or opening adjacent to their building on the west, if it should be desired to make this available to large trucks. Discussed briefly. Mayor reported on the meeting of members of the Council with Dr. William Davis, Superintendent Mr. Tyman Stephens, Business Manager and Mr. William Searles, President of the School Board, all of SK School District No. 402, on 3-4-71 res the responsibility for the costs of the sewer lift station of Cedar Heights Junior High School (see minutes of previous meetings), and asked Councilman Carr to recapitulate the discussion at the meeting. Mr. Carr reported the consensus of opinion of those present to be that the best method to resolve this problem would be to refer the whole matter to a neutral, disinterested engineer for a study and finding of responsibility. Discussed at length. Moved by Carr, that the Council action of 2-8-71. (to send a bill to the School District for the costs of the lift station) be reversed and the bill in the amount of $6,737.69 be withdrawn. Motion died for lack of a second. After further discussion at length, determined that the matter would be continued, pending completion of a study by City Engineer Knobbs. Clerk reported on the recommendations of the Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer Knobbs re: the request of the U. S. Navy for permission to erect a small building on a portion of Austin Avenue near the north edge of Dwight Street, (see minutes of 2-28-71). The City Engineer recommends certain requirements be met if the lease is to be granted. Moved by Carr, seconded by Van Zee that this request be granted, subject to the conditions indicated by the City Engineer and the Mayor authorized to execute the lease. Approved. Clerk reported receipt of a report from the City Engineer re: the claim of Sidney Lodge #85, Knights of Pythias for damages to their property when a water line broke in January, (see minues of 2-22-71). Discussed briefly and moved by Carr, seconded by Powers that this claim, and the engineers report be referred to the City Attorney for study. Approved. Clerk read a letter from Mrs. Sophie Stack of 545 Perry Avenue North, complimenting the City on their action in assuming responsibility for garbage service and the fine service which is being provided. Clerk reported receipt of Statement of Progress #4, and request for partial payment in the amount of $7,999.91 for work on Pottery Avenue Arterial. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this report be accepted and payment of the amount authorized. Approved. Clerk reported that the surplus funds which have been invested in short-term Government Securities for the past 6-9 months and which must be re -invested periodically, will now be invested in savings and loan banks, since the interest on the securities has dropped to under A% . The Treasurer suggests that some of the funds can be loaned to the Garbage Fund at 5% interest, rather than to borrow from other institutions. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this loan be authorized in the form of emergency warrants not to exceed a total of $30,000. Approved. Clerk read a letter from Dr. Ralph Smith at 710 Bay Street protesting the amount of a water bill. Dr. Smith's water service line between the meter and his office apparently broke and caused an unusually large consumption, and he requests relief from a portion of the charges. Clerk pointed out that to write off any part of this bill would be a radical departure. from practices of the City in the past and that to do so would be to open the way for many others to request similiar consideration. Discussed at length, and Councilman Monteith suggested that perhaps some relief might be in order. Moved by Carr, seconded by Van Zee that this request be rejected and the charges required to be paid. Approved, 4 yeas and 2 nos. Clerk informed the Council that the official population of the City was 3904, as of April 1, 1970 an increase of 41 over the preliminary figures released last summer. Clerk requested authority to call for bids for insurance needs of the City for the next three years. Discussed at length and determined that alternate bids should be requested, (1) for the complete insurance (and performance bond) package and (2) for the liability, fire, and vehicle coverage as one quotation and the crime insurance as a separate quotation. Moved by Carr, seconded by Powers that this call for bids be authorized. Approved. Clerk informed the Mayor and Council that one provision of the Governor's budget for the next biennium appears to be to remove all State general fund support from the office of the State Auditor, which would mean that annual audit costs for the City would be increased sharply. Discussed briefly and moved by Monteith, seconded by Van Zee that letters be written to Senators Durkan and Walgren and Representatives Goldworthy, Randall and Beck, informing them of the feelings of the Mayor and Council in opposition to economy of this type. Approved. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs requested authority to rent a wheel loader until the call for bids (authorized earlier in this meeting) can be effected and sale consummated. Discussed briefly and moved by Carr, seconded by Powers, that the rental of a wheeled loader be authorized at a rental of approximately $1,000. monthly with rental to apply on purchase price if the particular piece of equipment is purchased. Approved, for a trial periods. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported on status of construction of Ridgemont Convalescent Center and the Krueger Nursing Home on Pottery Avenue. Mr. Knobbs requested an expression of the feeling of the Council re: the desirability of keeping the sanitary land fill closed to the public. Discussed briefly and determined that it will not be re -opened for the time being. Chief of Police Dow reported receipt of a request from Cedar Heights Junior High School for permission to hold a parade on March 26 to promote interest in a school rodeo. He will make necessary arrangements. Chief Dow also reported need for a number of wooden signs for traffic control, particularly in connection with re-routing traffic during parades. This is a routine budget matter not requiring Council action. Chief)Dow also reported that the 1968 Plymouth patrol car was giving more and more trouble, (see minutes of 2-22-71) and will need overhaul in the near future. In the matter of patrol cars, Chief Dow reminded the Council that it might be wise to consider purchase of a new car in 1971 and to move the 1968 vehicle to standby status, disposing of the 1967 Chevrolet. Discussed briefly. Clerk requested authority to have shelves constructed in the small room of the old Police Department quarters, to provide for orderly storage of office materials and supplies. Determined that this was a budgeted item, not requiring Council action. Attorney Ron Thompson reported receipt of a claim for damages submitted by the insurance company for Kitsap County, arising from an accident on the unnamed road immediately south of Wilkins Fuel Company, in which a portion of Bay Street Interceptor sewer line is laid under a franchise granted by the County. This franchise contained a "hold harmless" agreemeat in favor of the County. Attorney Thompson, acting for the City;Attorney, recommended that the City receive and file the claim, and that an effort be made by the City Attorney to convince the City's insurance carrier that they should defend the County, and if this is unsuccessful, the City should be prepared to defend the County. Discussed briefly and moved by Carr, seconded by Van Zee that the dlaim be received, filed and a copy provided to the City Attorney for action. Approved. Moved by Monteith, seconded by Van Zee that the City Attorney be directed to negotiate with the City's insurance carrier for the necessary defense of the County in this action and if unsuccessful, to be prepared to defend the County himself. Approved. Councilman Carr reported on a meeting of Kitsap Community Action Board on 3-10-71 in the Council chambers and requested that someone attend in his absence. Councilman Monteith requested that consideration be given to establishing a limit to the number of excused absences which a Councilman might be entitled to in any one year period. He cited an imtance where a Councilman has been absent for a number of meetings and that he felt that this was excessive. Discussed at length and moved by Monteith, seconded by Powers that members of the Council be limited to four (4) excused absences in any one year, not including absences for illness, or for City Business. Approved, and the City Attorney directed to prepare an ordinance to this effect. Mayor Repanich displayed a drawing of the intersection of Pottery Avenue Arterial and Bay Street and reported that he had negotiated an exchange of property with Mr. Allen Van Buskirk whereby the City would acquire a small triangular parcel of the Van Buskirk property for a similarly shaped �d parcel belonging to the City. This will facilitate the construction of the intersection. City Attorney will prepare the necessary documents as soon as a legal description is provided to him. Mayor Repanich reminded the members of the Council and others present that the South Kitsap High School basketball team has just completed the most successful season in 19 years, with a 19-2 record and had earned a place in the State finals. He suggested that Port Orchard, Washington September 14, 1970 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Molzahn, Monteith, Powers and Van Zee. Also present: Attorney Ronald Thompson, substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mrs. Maureen Smith representing Po t Orchard I dependent, and Mrs. Helen Rpps representing Tacoma News Tribune. 7 lue f %.1 Minutes of meeting of 8-24-70 read and approved. Mayor Repanich noted that bids were opened on 9-8-70 at 2:30 p.m. for construction of Pottery Avenue Arterial (Phase #l) from Bay Street to Tremont Street and that Council would receive recommendations from Consulting Engineers, Hammond, Collier and Wade. Mr. William Collier read the names of the bidders and the amounts of the bids, which were: Stoner Excavating Company, Bremerton $448,162.50 Select Contractors, Inc., Seattle $335,697.50 Tucci and Sons, Inc., Tacoma $382,882.50 P. J. Anderson Co.Inc., Edmonds $434,21.7.50 Jack Thorburn, Inc., Seattle $370,1.42.50 Mr. Collier informed the Council that his firm's study of bids received indicate that the contract should be awarded to Select Contractors, Inc. Discussed briefly and moved by Molzahn, seconded by Powers that the recommendations of the Consulting Engineer be concurred in and that the contract be awarded to Select Contractors, Inc. of Seattle in the amount of $335,697.50 plus State sales tax. Approved. Mayor Repanich reminded the Council that this was the date set for the hearing on the petition of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Rouse of Route ##3 Box ##585 Port Orchard for the vacation of a portion of old Hemlock Street between Lot 8, Block 8, Wheeler's Addition and Mitchell Avenue. No person being present to speak for or against the proposed vacation, the Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would effect the vacation. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Carr that this proposed ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 863 assigned. Fire Chief Hacker reported 6 fire calls during August, all grass or brush fires with no financial loss. liar. Hacker and Mr. Knobbs reported on the removal of dangerous trees south of and adjacent to the new fire hall. City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported completion of the initial section (300 ft.) of "tight" line in the sanitary land fill area and that the land fill is now being constructed over it. Mr. Knobbs also reported completion of the Tremont Street water main extension and that it has been passed by the Health Department and is now in service. Mayor requested information from the City Clerk and the City Attorney re: marketing of LID #64 bonds (see minutes of 8-24-70). Clerk reported on a conversation with the County Treasurer as to what course the County will take in similar.stuations, i.e., the Commissioners will probably select and deal with one reputable and competent financial consultant as Port Orchard has done in the past. The Clerk also reported that the financial consultant for the State Public Employee's Retirement System in Olympia had indicated an interest in buying these bonds except that the interest rate (82%) is lower than that which they can get for other types of investments. Attorney Ron Thompson gave a report on the matter indicating that other well informed persons have indicated doubt as to whether these bonds could be marketed for less than 84 to 8 3/8% interest and concluded with a recommedation from City Attorney Donald Thompson that the bonds be sold to Terry Thompson Co., of Seattle who has agreed to buy them. Discussed briefly and the Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would authorize and direct the issuance of bonds in the amount of $1.07,71.0.56 for LID ##64, and authorize their sale to Terry Thompson Co. Moved by Powers, seconded by Carr that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 864 assigned. Mayor requested information re: the "Indian Cemetery" at the north end of Farragut Avenue (see minutes of previous meetings). Clerk read a letter from the City Attorney referring to the matter but apparently involving a different piece of property than that actually under consideration. Discussed at considerable length and finally determined that this area is too small and otherwise undesirable for development into a recreational area. Chief of Police Dow reported that the signs for the "Freight Loading Zones" authorized in minutes of 8-1.0-70, have not been received but are expected soon. He also reported on the public reaction to the new channelization of traffic through the City on Bay Street, which has been in effect about one month. Most of the comment which he has recieved has been favorable. September 14, 1970 Page TWo Clerk Read a letter from the State Highway Department re: a requested meeting with the District Traffic Engineer to discuss the hazardous condition existing at the intersection of Highway 1.60 and Laple Street (see minutes of 8-24-70). A meeting had been arranged for 1:00 p.m. this date (9-1.4-70) but was cancelled and re -set for 1:00 p.m. 9-1.8-70. Mayor requested information from Chief of Police Dow re: the problem of parking meter "feeding" (seeminutes of 8-24-70). Discussed briefly and Chief Dow will attempt to reduce this abuse by business men, their employees and others. City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported on the deteriorated condition of the exterior of the Municipal Building and strongly recommended that cracks be repaired and the walls be waterproofed and painted before another winter. He read two quotations received from reputable contractors, for this project, one in the amount of $1,430. and the other for $1,800., however he pointed out that the lowest offer included only one finish coat over the surface preparation of both walls and woodwork, while the other would provide two finish coats, plus permanent repair of cracks, etc., and recommended the proposal of $1,800. be accepted. Discussed at length and moved by Carr, seconded by Van Zee that the proposal of Bob and Dick's Custom Housepainting of Manchester be authorized to paint and refinish the exterior of the Municipal Building, exclusive of the front doors, for the cost of $1,800. plus state sales tax. Approved. Clerk read two claims against the City, one from a Mr. Alan Herman of 2018 Jenson,Bremerton in the amount of $300,000. for allegedly being attacked, and beaten by law officers believed to be employed by Kitsap County and the City of Port Orchard on May 1.7, 1970. The other from Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Speer of 2234 Jackson, Port Orchard in the amount of $250,000. for injuries received when the car in which they were passengers struck a manhole in the county road called Creighton Avenue, south of Wilkins Oil Co. plant. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Van Zee that these claims be rejected and referred to the City's insurance carrier. Clerk read a very interesting letter from Gerald (Jerry) Grosso former reporter for the Bremerton Sun who is now engaged in archeological excavatians on the coast in the old Ozette Indian reservation. This letter described briefly artifacts and other discoveries being made of the Indian tribes who lived in the area 1,000 years or more ago. Clerk reminded the Council of the need bo appropriate about $6,000. from unbudgeted funds to Current Expense Fund (Fire Department) to offset the cost of puchase of property for the Fire Department which reduced the funds available for the -costs of the new fire hall from the special levy. Continued for further action at meeting of 1.0-1.2-70. Mayor reminded the members of the press and others present that the City of Port Orchard will not be asking the voters for approval of the annual two -mill special levy for the operation of the Port Orchard branch of the Kitsap Regional Library. The funds for this operation will be budgeted from the half -cent sales tax monies in 1971. Clerk reported on a meeting on 9-1-70 scheduled by the Port Of Bremerton to explore the possibility of Kitsap County qualifying for EDA assistance (see minutes of 8-24-70). Discussed briefly and the Clerk read a letter from Kitsap County Board of Commissioners requesting the Mayor to appoint a member of the Council to represent the City in this project. Discussed briefly and Councilman Monteith volunteered to serve in this capacity and will represent the City at the first meeting in Bremerton on September 15. Clerk informed the Council that the 42nd annual report of examination by the State Auditor's office had been received and was available for examination. Clerk reminded the City Council of the Association of Washington Cities Regional meeting to be held on November 1.0, 1970 with Winslow to be the host City. The Mayor of Winslow will be contacted to determine the exact meeting place. Clerk informed the Council of the necessit to designate an Acting City Treasurer to function during the absence of City TreasurerarTaway who will be on vacation from 9-14 to 1.0-3-70. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that Mary Hodge be designated Acting City Treasurer for the period 9-14 to 10-3-70. Approved. Clerk read a letter from Mr. Arnold Carraway, manager of Deal's Mechanical Contractors thanking Mr. Knobbs, Mr. Vaughn and the other employees who were responsible for the improvement to a storm drain in the street near Deal's to improve the run-off of storm water. Clerk requested the Council to consider purchase of robbery -burglary insurance to protect the City against possible loss by burglary or robbery. Discussed briefly and continued for further information. Port Orchard, Washington August 24, 1970 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:45 p.m. by Acting Mayor Paul Powers. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Geiger, Monteith and Van Zee, Molzahn and Carr absent, (excused). Also present: City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mr. John Atkins, representing Port Orchard independent, and Mr. Bob Boxberger representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of regular meeting of 8-10-r70 read and approved. Acting Mayor Powers offered any person in attendance with a specific matter to discuss, an opportunity to do so and recognized Mrs.Barbara Hoover, owner of the mound -up Tavern who was present to protest the action of Chief of Police Dow, in his stated intention of enforcing the provisions of state law and the constitution against gambling (see minutes of 8-1.0-70) and reminded the Council that the state is still collecting the B & 0 tax on such business activities. Mrs. Hoover stated that the City stood to lose a considerable amount of revenue if the "tolerance" policies are discontinued. Acting Mayor Powers informed Mrs. Hoover that the City has not licensed these activities in over a year and consequently has realized no revenue in 1.970 from such licensing. Councilman Caldwell informed the Council that he felt that Chief of Police Dow was not carrying out the will of the Council when he acted to end all gambling on 8-25-70, since the Council had, on 8-10-70 voted to extend the "tolerance" policies until 2-1-71. Councilman Monteith also spoke in protest of the actions of Chief Dow. Chief Dow spoke in clarification of his position and the justification of his actions. Mayor Powers recognized Mr. Kenneth Mac George of 1.024 Mitchell Avenuv. who read a letter he had written to Mr. Slade Gorton, State Attorney General, concerning the sale of cigarettes to minors, and the reply received from Mr. Gorton's office. Others in attendance spoke on the matter. Councilman Monteith recapitulated the situation as it has developed over the past several months and stated that he felt that the action of the Council on 8-10-70, in tabling the motion to end "tolerance" policies, was a mandate to the Mayor to so inform and direct the Chief of Police. Mayor Powers reminded Mr. Monteith of the next motion of 8-1.0-70 which was to go on record as being in full support of the Chief of Police in his enforcement of the laws as he interprets them, which motion was passed unanimously. City Attorney Thompson explained the legal aspects of the gambling matter and concluded with the statement that he doubted the authority of the City to authorize or condone a "tolerance" policy as regards a violation of the laws of the state or the state constitution. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported the "tight" line in the sanitary land fill area (see minutes of previous meetings) to be almost completed and that backfilling would be accomplished in the next day or so. He also reported that the 1.2" water main in Tremont Street was complete and was being pressure tested prior to providing service to the new County Youth Center. Mr. Knobbs reported on the progress and status of the Bay Street Interceptor sewer project. The 80 feet of this line near manhole 1.3 which previously had failed twice, has been replaced and although it has shifted to some extent,it is probably serviceable. However the section has been extremely expensive to lay, and there is another area near manhole 1.7, which is believed to be as bad or worse, and over 200 feet in length. Discussion developed on the feasibility of terminating the project at manhole 1.7 discussed at length. Moved by Monteith, seconded by Caldwell that the construction of the Bay Street Interceptor sewer line be terminated at the location of manhole 1.7. Approved. City Attorney reported no information on the matter of the"Indian Cemetery" at the north end of Farragut Avenue (see minutes of 7-27-70 and 8-1.0-70). Discussed briefly and continued for further study. Chief of Police Dow reported that the "Freight Loading Zones: authorized to be created on Bay Street (see minutes of 8-1.0-70) are completed and awaiting signs. The removal of the parking meters from these spaces was authorized. Chairman Van Zee of Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported receipt of a request from one of the organizations utilizing the basement of the Active Club Building for the installation of a telephone in the basement of the building. Discussed briefly and continued until the next meeting. August 24, 1970 Page Two Mr. Van Zee reported need for installation of the basketball posts and baskets at the site of the new fire hall on Sidney Avenue and requested authority to take necessary action. Determined that this was within the budget authorization. Councilman Geiger opened discussion on the matter of abuse of the Bay Street parking meters by businesmen, employees, etc, who feed the meters and thereby deny the use of the parking spaces to shoppers, etc, and requested a study of the situation be instituted. Discussed by Chief of Police Dow and others. Chief Dow will investigate. Chairman Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee reported on his study of the traffic congestion problem at Bay, Maple and Bethel Avenues. Discussed briefly and the Clerk directed to request the District Traffic Safety Engineer to meet with the City officials to discuss the problem and offer solutions. Clerk informed the Council that the estimated valuation of real property in Port Orchard for 1.971. tax rolls is $1.2,999,1.90., based on 50% of estimated market valuation as required by the State constitution. Discussed at length. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would provide for payment to the City of one-half the appraised value of the peoperty. Discussed at length and moved by Van Zee, seconded by Geiger that this ordinance be adopted. Approved, and No. 861. assigned. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would amend the mobile home ordinance (No. 720) and Ordinance No. 828, as involves the definition of "mobile home". Discussed briefly and moved by Monteith, seconded by Van Zee that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 862 assigned. Clerk read a letter from Port of Bremerton concerning a meeting in Bremerton on 9-1-70 to receive information re: possible availability of funds to offset unemployment, and inviting City officials and other interested persons to attend. Clerk reminded the Council that a decision must be made in the near future re: the method to be used in marketing the LID #64 bonds. Discussed at length, and the Clerk and the City Attorney will assemble information for the next regular meeting. Acting Mayor Powers reminded the isembers of the Council of the bid opening for construction of the Pottery Avenue Arterial scheduled for 2:30 p.m. on August 31. Clerk informed the Council of the need for issuance of two revenue warrants in the amount of $22,21.2.94 and $163.62 for funds from LID #64 and Bay Street interceptor respectively. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Caldwell that the issuance of these warrants be authorized. Approved. Clerk presented the August 1.5th payroll in the amount of $9,369.03 and bills in the following amounts: Current Expense Fund $1,108.37, Water Fund $1.,264.76, Street Fund $1.,1.44.76, Sewer Fund $372.52, Park Fund $24.06, Arterial Street Fund $555.52, Water and Sewer Construction Fund (Prof. #1-70) $21.,462.94, (Proj. #3-70) $2,833.63, UAB PH #1., $28.90, Total $28,795.46, Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Geiger that this payroll and these bills be allowed, and Vouchers No. 6359 through 6390 authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 1.0:35 p.m. MAYOR (/ Z CLERK Port Orchard, Washington August 149, 1970 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Acting Mayor Powers. Councilmen present : Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Molzahn, Monteith and Van Zee. Also present: Attorney Ronald Thompson substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mrs. Helen Boss representing Tacoma News Tribune, Mrs. Maureen Smith representing Port Orchard Independent and Mr. Bob Boxberger, representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of 7-27-70 read and approved. Mayor Powers offered any person in attendance with a specific matter to present an opportunity to do so and recognized Mr. Gordon Blaze of 71.3 Hull Avenue who was present to request consideration for increased police patrol activity in the Hull Avenue -Pottery Hill area to reduce incidents of speeding and reckless driving. Mr. Carl Reece and Mr. Swan Hamrin of the same area also spoke on this matter. Discussed by members of the Council and the Chief of Police, who will take steps to give this area special attention. Mayor recognized Mrs. Basil Ackley of 1.083 Hull Avenue who asked a question re: the assessment against their property for LID #64. An answer was provided by the Clerk. Chief of Police introduced Sergeant Phil F. McGee to the members of the Council and others present. Sergeant McGee was recently promoted to that rank as a result of a competitive examination. Mayor Powers recognized Mr. Ed Chapman of 21.9 Tracy Avenue North who was present to strongly criticize those members of the Council who voted on 7-27-70 to continue the "tolerance" policy as regards gambling activities. Mr. Chapman reminded those Council- men of their oath of office to uphold the constitution and the laws of the state. Councilmen Caldwell and Van Zee offered statements in support of their actions in this matter. Mr. Francis MacPherson of 1.26 Farragut Avenue North who also spoke against the continuation of the "tolerance" policy. Chief of Police Dow offered a brief statement re: his reaction to the Council action of 7-27-70, and read an extract from the Revised Code of Washington and the Port Orchard Civil Service Regulations for Police re: the duties of the Chief of Police as regards enforcement of laws and regulations, and stated his feelings in regard to the position in which he finds himself wherein he is prevented from carrying out his legal duties by policies established by the Council. After further discussion moved by Geiger, seconded by Carr that the Council action of 7-27-70 be rescinded and the enforcement of a strict "NO Gambling" "NO Tolerance" policy be instituted effective immediately. Councilman Molzahn commented on the situation. Attoi!ey Ron Thompson offered legal clarification of the position of the Council and informed the Council that the consitutional amendment initiative required to place the matter on the November ballot was unsuccessful and there would be no such action. Councilman Molzahn moved that the motion of Councilman Geiger be tabled until February 1., 1971. Approved with 4 yeas and 2 nos. Moved by Carr, seconded by Geiger that the Council go on record as being in full support of Chief of Police Dow in upholding the law as he sees need for enforcement. Approved unanimously. Mayor Powers requested information re: the Indian cemetery at the north end of Farragut Avenue which has been suggested as a possible park and recreation site, (see minutes of 7-27-70). Discussed briefly and determined that the City Attorney will communicate with the Bureau of Indian affairs in Portland to secure additional information. Mayor requested information from Chief of Police Dow re: the disposition of the 1967 Chevrolet police patrol car which has been replaced in regular service by the 1970 Plymouth. Chief Dow requested that the vehicle be retained as a "standby" car and offered several reasons why this would be desirable. Discussed briefly and moved by Flolzahn, seconded by Carr that the vehicle be retained in service. On the "question" Councilman Monteith offered the comment that the Police Department budget would be increased considerably by this action. Discussed at length. Motion approved with 5 yeas and 1. no. Mayor requested information re: the proposed call for bids for the construction of the first segment of the Pottery Avenue Arterial (See Minutes of 7-27-70) The Council at the last meeting voted to call for these bids oAthe "lump sum" basis rather than the "unit price" bid. Clerk read a letter from the Chairman of the Urban Arterial Board which indicates that such a call for bids would disqualify the City for UAB funds. Discussed briefly and moved by Carr, seconded by Van Zee that the action of the Council of 7-27-70 directing the call for bids to be on a "lump sum" basis be rescinded. Approved with 5 yeas and one no (Monteith). Bids for this project will be called for on 8-1.1-70 and opened at 2:30 p.m. on 8-31.-70 with possible award of contract at regular Council August 10, 1970 /',Ya meeting on 9-1.4-70. Any Councilman who can be presentlis encouraged to do so. Mayor requested information re: the aluminum roof coating for the Municipal Builiding roof (see minutes of 7-27-70). Discussed briefly and prices of different brands of material compared. Continued for further study until next meeting. Mayor requested information from Chairman Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee re: the request of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Rouse of Route 3 Box 585, Port Orchard, for vacation of a narrow strip of R/W between their property and the west boundary of Mitchell Avenue (see minutes of 7-27-70). Mr. Caldwell reported that there was no reason for the City to disapprove this request, which had prior approval of the Port Orchard Planning Commission. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Carr that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be concurred in and the vacation granted. Approved. The City Attorney will prepare the necessary ordinance of vacation. The matter of vacation of streets and other property by the City discussed at length and moved by Monteith, seconded by Carr that the City Attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance establishing the policy of requiring the applicant for vacation of street R/W or other property to pay a fair price for such property. Approved with 4 yeas and 2 nos. Chairman Van Zee of Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported that, on a study of the request there appears to be no objection to the bringing of a circus into the City on 9-6-70. (See minutes of 7-27-70) Discussed at length. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Carr that the proposal of South Kitsap JayCees to bring the DeWayne Bros. Circus to Port Orchard on September 6, for 2 performances at 2:00 and 4:30 p.m. be granted. Approved. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported that the 1.2" water main extension in Tremont Street was almost complete and portions are awaiting inspection by the State Highway Department. Mr. Knobbs also reported on progress in the Bay Street interceptor sewer project. Mr. Knobbs reported completion of LID #64, with all items satisfactorily completed. However he is at considerable inconvenience in making sewer taps since no "as built" plans have been provided to the City by the Engineers. Mr. Knobbs requested authority to purchase the necessary sewer pipe for the "tight line" required to be installed in the sanitary land fill. Discussed briefly and request approved. Chief Hacker reported 9 fire calls during July/ 8 inside the City and 1. mutual aid call to Fire District No. 7 outside the City. Chief of Police Dow requested information as to who would replace the parking meter posts on the north side of Bay Street, east of Orcharo Avenue removed when the new sidewalk was poured in front of the drive-in bank facility. /Discussed briefly and the Clerk directed to write a letter to Mr. Charles Ryan, the contractor who laid the sidewalk, requesting the installation of these posts by September 1.5, 1970 or the City will install them and bill Mr. Ryan. Chief Dow also requested consideration of the immediate establishment of four (4) "Freight Loading Zones" on the south side of Bay Street, one near Frederick Avenue, one on each side of Sidney Avenue and one near Harrison Avenue. These zones are vitally needeJ-due to the new single laning of traffic through the City on Highway #160 (Bay Street). Discussed at length and moved by Monteith, seconded by Van Zee that two (2) zones be established marked "FREIGHT LOADING ONLY" on the south side of Bay Street, one adjacent to Frederick Avenue on the east and one Adjacent to Sidney Avenue on the east with restrictions limited to 9:00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. On the "Question" further discusstion developed and moved by Carr, seconded by Molzahn that the original motion be amended to include one (1.) additional zone adjacent to Sidney Avenue on the west. Original motion, as amended, approved. Clerk read a letter from Mr. John Buell, a resident of Parkwood, commending the City Council on the new striping and channelization of traffic on Bay Street. Attorney Ron Thompson reported receipt of an offer for a new lease on the harbor area occupied by the Merchants parking lot. The new lease, if accepted, would be only 2.99 acres as compared to 1.2.70 acres in the original lease, most of which has not been filled (see minutes of 6-8 and 6-22-70). The new lease would include all filled area plus an area approximately 80 feet deep at the full length of the parking lot for possible future expansion. The lease fee would be about $360.00 annually for the next two years, compared to $300. annually in the past for the original lease and $1,524.00 in the future. Discussed briefly and moved by Van 'Zee, seconded by Monteith that the new lease offer be accepted and the City Attorney be directed to so inform the Commissioner of Public Lands. Apprrved.._ August 10, 1970 Page Three Attorney Thompson reported on a situation involving an unsafe building at 1.01.7 Bay Street owned by Fred Ryen of Bremerton and occupied by Beacon Electric Co. The building has been inspected by the Building Inspector and the Fire Marshal and the owner has been informed and given until August 5th to commence repairs or removal. No action has been taken by the owner. Discussed briefly. Attorney Ron Thompson informed the Council of the recommendations of the City Attorney, namely that such structures be designated by ordinance to be unsafe and hazardous, listingithe deficiencies and establishing the date by which repair must be made and establishing other facts. Moved by Montieth, seconded by Caldwell that the City Attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance declaring the building in question to be a nuisance in that it is unsafe and hazardous and requiring action by the owner with -in 30 days. Chairman Van Zee of Barks and Playground Committee reported on progress of various repair and maintenance projects under way in that department. Mr. Van Zee also reported on the search for property for possible purcha$eas park and recreational facilities, and one parcel in particular, 3 acres which is available at a cost of $8,000. cash or $1.0,000. on terms. Discussed briefly and continued for further study. Clerk reported on the matter of property in Mattson's Addition, owned by Joseph B. Showalter, Jr. which has been siezed and levied for $555.52 by the Internal Revenue Service. The City purchased a R/W for Pottery Avenue Arterial accross part of this property in December, 1.969, but after the date of the IRS lien. If this property is sold by the IRS it will be by auction and even if the City bid on it and was not successful, the R(W would have to be re -purchased. The City Attorney recommends that the City pay the amount of this levy, and protect the investment by a court action against the property. Discussed in detail and moved by Carr, seconded by Van Zee that the payment of the amount of the IRS lien ($555.52) be authorized and the CA be directed to take necessary steps to secure the investment. Approved. Clerk informed the Council that the Urban Arterial Board had disapproved the request of the City for payment for City -owned property for R/W for Pottery Avenue Arterial, and have requested re -payment of $2,000. already paid. The Clerk read a statistical report from Kitsap Regional Library re: the operation of the Port Orchard branch. Clerk reported the need for Change Order No. 4 to LID #64 to reconcile the original contract to the final contract cost (a reduction of $27,558.30). Moved by Carr, seconded by Caldwell that this Change Order be authorized. Clerk requested authority to pay the 10% retainer on LID # 64 construction costs when the change order is completed and the City Engineer is satisfied that all obligations of the contractor have been fulfilled. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Monteith that the payment of the 1.0% retainer be paid at the expiration of the 30 day period conditional on approval of the City Engineer. Approved. Clerk read a request of the U. S. Corps of Engineers for comment on an application of Mr. L. M. Jett of Seattle for authority to fill to seaward from his property on the east side of Dekalb waterway (previously owned by Mr. Huth). The City has been requested to express an opinion. Discussed briefly and determined that no objection would be made by the City to this proposal. Clerk informed the Council that, due to a resolution passed at the 1.970 Assn of Wash Cities Convention, a 75% increase in Association dues will be applied for 1971. only, to assist in financing the costs of remodeling of a building recently purchased for a new Association headquarters. Clerk reminded the Council of the necessity for action on the request of the Kitsap County Department of Health for consideration of participation in the costs of the Kitsap County Council on Alcoholism for 1.971 in the amount of $128.52. This matter was discussed in an executive session of the Council on 7-27-70 with County Commissioner Bill Mahan. Moved by Monteith, seconded by Van Zee that the sum of $1,28.52 be authorized paid for this purpose, from budgeted amounts for health department costs in excess of actual requirements. Approved. Clerk informed the Council re: the costs of membership in the International Conference of Building Officials (see minutes of 7-27-70). Discussed briefly and moved by Monteith seconded by Geiger that membership of the City in ICBO at $50. annually be authorized. Approved. August 10, 1970 Page Four Payroll for 7-31-70 in amount of $9,949.13 and bills in following amounts were read: Current Expense Fund, $2,320.90, Water Fund $810.72, Street Fund $527.03, Sewer Fund $769.39, Park Fund $768.61, Water & Sewer Construction Fund (Prof. 42-70) $163.62, Proj. #3-70 $371.43, Total $7,061.1.2. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Van Zee that this payroll and these bills be authorized and Vouchers No. 6300 through 6358 authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 12:1.5 a.m. MAYOR �F�/'G, 2 �/{/G CLERK Port Orchard, Washington July 27, 1970 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Acting Mayor, Councilman, Paul Powers (Mayor Repanic b nt). o ncil present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Monteith, and Van Zee,i so present. L4'ity Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engr.-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs, Fire Chief Hacker, Fire Marshal Weatherill, Mrs. Maureen Smith representing Port Orchard Independent, Mrs. Helen Ross representing Tacoma News Tribune, and Mr. Bob Boxberger representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of regular meeting of 7-1.3-70 read and approved. Acting Mayor Powers offered any person present with a specific matter to bring before the Council the opportunity to do so and recognized Mr. Clarence Dahlke of Warner Road, Port Orchard who was present to offer a possible solution to the traffic congestion and hazard which exists at Bay Street and Bethel Avenue. Mr. Dahlke displayed several sketches on this matter. Discussed at length and matter continued for further study and possible recommendations to the State Highway.Department. Mayor recognized Mr. Len Kruse a Port Orchard attorney who was present on behalf of a number of tavern owners in the City to discuss the intention of the City to commence enforcement of a "No Gambling" "No Tolerance" policy as regards those activities designated as gambling by the State Attorney General. Mr. Kruse presented a petition signed by owners or operators of approximately 22 downtown business firms and organizations requesting the City Council to recon- sider its decision to act to enforce prohibition of all gambling activities on July 31., 1970 (see minutes of 4-27-70). Mayor Powers offered a statement in rebuttal of this request by stating that all the members of the Council and most of the citizens of the City recognize the illegality of the activities involved. Councilman Monteith stated that he had had second thoughts about the matter and felt that the Council should reconsider its action to terminate this "tolerance" policy. Several persons in attendance spore on the matter and Mr. Kruse spoke further at length on the matter. City Attorney Thompson offered several comments re: the interpretation of the constitution as involves gambling in general and the Attorney General's opinion in the matter. Mr. Thompson stated that in his interpretation the activities involved are clearly illegal. After further lengthy discussion on the matter, moved by Monteith, seconded by Caldwell that the enforcement of the prohibition of gambling in fort Orchard on July 31., 1970 as stipulated by Council action in minutes of 4-27-70 be postponed until a decision is reached on a constitutional amendment anticipated to be on the November 1970 general election ballot. On the question, comments were offered by several Councilmen for and against the proposal. Approved with 3 yeas and 2 nos. Matter of disposal of surplus 1967 Chevrolet police patrol car (see minutes of 7-13-70) continued until Chief of Police Dow is present. City Attorney Thompson reported on the matter of the Van Alstine family cemetery at the north end of Farragut Avenue and its possible acquisition by the City for park and recreation purposes. Mr. Thompson informed the Council of the legal requirements involving cemeteries as contained in RCW 68.24.090. Continued with the City Engineer to determine the legal description of the property and the Clerk to request a title report to determine ownership. Mayor Powers requested information on the call for bids on the Pottery Avenue Arterial (see minutes of 7-1.3-70). The call for bids has been delayed pending receipt of a hydraulic permit from the Department of Fisheries and Department of Natural Resources. Discussed at length and moved by Monteith, seconded by Van Zee that the bids be called for on a "lump sum" basis, instead of usual "unit price" bid. Approved. Clerk reported receipt of twelve names of residents of the City who were not counted in the April 1,970 federal census. The forms submitted will be forwarded to the State Census Board. July 27, 1970 Page Two Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported on the status of LID ##64, which is complete except for a few very minor details. He also reported that the Tremont Street water main extension has almost reached the entrance to the sanitary land fill area, its present intended terminus. Mr. Knobbs also reported that the contractor on the Bay Street interceptor sewer had moved back onto the project on 7-24-70 and as of this date (7-27-70) had placed two of the wells required to "dry out" the area. Clerk reported receipt of a request from State Employment Sedurity Department for approval of a "Supplemental Training Employment Program" whereby a stipulated number of skilled, 'c;semt-skilled and unskilled laborers would be furnished to the City with all costs paid by the State. Discussed briefly and moved by Monteith, seconded by Carr that the City enter into this agreement with the Employment Security Department and authorizing Acting Mayor Powers to sign the agreement for the City. Approved. Clerk read a letter from Mr. Dudley N. Perrine, attorney re: a mobile home: located at 761. Mitchell Avenue which has recently changed hands and which should be required to be removed in accordance with the Mobile Home Ordinance. Discussed in detail, and determined that the structure in question probably does not come under the definition of "mobile home" as contained in the ordinance since it is on blocks, and the wheels have been removed. City Attorney directed to prepare an amendment to the mobile home ordinance to correct the deficiency. Clerk read a letter from Hammond, Collier and Wade re: completion of LID ##64 by Jack Thorburn, Inc. and recommending no penalties be invoked for failure to complete in the allotted 250 days, due to non -receipt of equipment for lift station and bad weather. Discussed briefly and moved by Monteith, seconded by Caldwell that LID ##64 sewer construction projects be accepted as completed. Approved. Clerk reported on the desirability of an aluminum roof coating for City Hall roof. Continued for further study by Parks, Playgrounds and Buildings Committee. Clerk presented a request of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Rouse of Route 3 Box 585, Port Orchard for vacation of a small protion of Hemlock Street, where Mitchell Avenue diverges in an easterly direction from the old Hemlock Street line. This petition involves a strip of land 8 feet wide at one end and 1.5 feet wide at the other, 1.00 feet long, which lies between property purchased by the Rouse's and the Mitchell Avenue R/W. This strip separates the property from the street. The Planning Commission recommended on 7-20-70 that this petition be approved. Discussed briefly and continued for further study by Street and Alley Committee. Clerk read a letter from State Health Department which transmitted a Certificate of Competency as a water pollution control plant operator for Charles W. Rowden, Jr. the City's Sewage Treatment Plant Operator. TbA s=-certificate is a result of completion of a 16 week training course at Tacoma Vocational Institute which Mr. Rowden attendedon his off duty time. Mayor Powers complemented Mr. Rowden by way of Mr. Knobbs on this desire to improve himself. Clerk read a letter from Lt. Col E. L. Brady, USAF, the administrator of the Carl L. Ainsworth estate re: the probable infringement on the Ainsworth property occupied by Thriftway store dutcing construction of the Bay Street interceptor sewer line near the treatment plant. Mr. Knobbs confirms that this infringement probably took place as it appears that the excavation was very deep and quite wide at that point and that the side of the opening was probably well onto the adjacent property. Lt. Col. Brady's only request of the City at this time is that parking spaces which were destroyed when the area was re -paved be re -striped and that a curb line separating the west side of Orchard Avenue from the private property be painted in to define the property line and to permit better traffic control, accident investigation, etc. An additional purpose of his report was to make this infringement a matter of record in the event of any future damage to the parking area in the event of subsidence of the paved area due to washouts. Discussed briefly. A copy of Col. Brady's letter will be provided to the engineers and the contractor. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would amend ordinance No. 842 (budget adoption) and authrorize the appropriation of un-budgeted cash balances at end of 1.969 in Parks and Water Funds. Discussed briefly and moved by Carr, seconded by Monteith that this ordinance be adopted. Approved with 4 yeas and one no and No. 860 assigned. July 27, 1970 Page Three Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would order the filing of the assessment roll of LID #64 with the City Treasurer for collection. Moved by Carr, seconded by Caldwell that this ordinance be adopted. Approved with 4 yeas and one no, and No. 859 assigned. Clerk read a proposed letter from Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs to the public, by way of the press. This letter would ask the public both adult and youth, to cooperate in reducing the amount of vandalism to stleet signs and other markers used in traffic control. Discussed briefly and detemined that this letter will be released to the press as soon as it is prepared in smooth form. Mayor Powers recognized Mr. Dan Seelye of Port Orchard JayCees who was present to request consideration of a proposal to bring a circus into the City on 9-6-70. It is proposed that this circus would conduct its performances on the Babe Ruth pottion of Givens Field at 2:00 and 4:30 p.m. Mr. Seelye discussed anda%d.explained the proposal and answered numerous questions. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs registered a strong protest against this type of activity due to the damage which would be done to the turf and playfield surfaces by equipment, animals and crowds of people. Discussed at length and referred to Parks and Playgrounds Committee, City Engineer and Chief of Police for study and recommendation. Councilman Carr of Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported that he made a partial investigation of the property east of the old cemetery on Sidney Avenue which has been mentioned as a possible site for parks and recreational site. No conclusions were reached and matter still under consideration. Mr. Carr reported that he had copies of "leash law" ordinances from other cities and asked any interested Councilman to examine them with the view to possibly adopting this type of legislation in Port Orchard. Clerk presented a profit -and -loss statement for the water and sewer fund for the quarter ended 3-31.-70, the first such report to be prepared as a result of the new system of classified utility accounts of these funds, recently established. It appears that this system of accounting will facilitate the preparation of this and other types of financial reports. Discussed briefly. The payroll for 7-1.5-70 was presented in the amount of $10,344.32 and bills in following amounts were read: Current Expense Fund $5,884.51., Water Fund $1,234.93, Street Fund $1.,, Sewer Fund $275.68, Park Fund $1.08.07, Water and Sewer Construction Fund (Prof. #1-70) $750.00, (Proj. #3-70) $73.50, Total $9,440.53. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Van Zee that this payroll and these bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 6275 through 6299 authorized paid. Approved. Moved) seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 11:1.5 p.m. f /` , MAYOR }(_ (O G CLERK Port Orchard, Washington July 13, 1970 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Molzahn, Monteith, Powers and Van Zee. Also present: Attorney Ronald Thompson, substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Firs. Maureen Smith representing Port Orchard Independent, Mrs. Helen Ross representing Tacoma News Tribune, and Mr. Bob Boxberger representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of 6-22-70 read and approved. Mayor informed those present that he had received many favorable comments re: the Fathoms 0' Fun celebration July 3-5 sponsored by the South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce. The Clerk read a letter received from the Commanding Officer, Marine Detachment, USS Constellation thanking the Mayor and the City for the hospitality and the welcome received by the Marines of that ship while they were present to participate in the parade on 7-4-70. Mayor requested information from Chairman Van Zee of Parks and Playgrounds Committee re: the installation of new wire on the backstop at Central Field (see minutes of 6-22-70). This improvement has been ordered and will be accomplished in the near future. Councilman Monteith requested additional information re: the problems being encountered at Well No. 6 (see minutes of 6-22-70). Sup't. Of Public Works Knobbs reported that the well was improving and silt which had been giving trouble was decreasing and the well was still producing a good supply of water, however it is his apinion that plans should be made to construct a new reservoir to supply adequate settling capacity to permit the silt and sand to settle out. Fire Cheif Hacker reported 7 fire calls in June, including 2 mutual aid calls to Fire District No. 7 areas, which resulted in a total structural loss of $2,200. and automobile loss of $200. Three of these fires were suspected arson cases. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported excellent progress in the laying of the Tremont Street water main extension. Mr. Knobbs also reported on the final "clean-up" of LID #64 which is practically complete, except for the Tremont Place lift station. Chief of Police Dow reported that the new patrol car was now in service, and the replaced vehicle, a 7.967 Chevrolet should be disposed of. Councilman Molzahn requested the Council to consider requiring the City employee's of the Public Works Department to wear safety hats at all times when working on jobs or projects which require such protection. Discussed briefly and moved by Molzahn, seconded by Carr that all employees of the Public Works Department be required to wear such pro- tective head gear when required by the Sup't.-of Public Works, with the City to furnish the equipment at no expense to the employee, subject to being recovered on termination. Approved. Councilman Carr requested information from Sup't. Of Public Works Knobbs re: the new fire hall on Sidney Avenue and when it might be ready for occupancy. Discussed at length. This project has been delayed due to the Tremont Street water main extension and other pressing projects. Chairman Van Zee of Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported on a meeting of his committee on 7-2-70 at which time a decision was reached to recommend to the Council the acquisition of an old abandoned cemetery owned by the Van Alstine family., at the north end of Farragut Avenue, for use as a small park. Discussed briefly and the City Attorney requested to research the matter and report at the next meeting. Councilman Van Zee alo brought to the Council's attention the urgent need for the planning for acquisition of additional recreational property in various parts of the City. Discussed at length. Mayor reported on a scheduled meeting for 7-1.6-70 at the Hearthstone Cafe in Bremerton which is being sponsored by Radio Station KIRO in Seattle to permit Mayors.;and.`other City officials to speak on the problems and matter of their cities. Mayor Repanich will be unable to attend this meeting, since he will be absent on vacation and requested one of the Councilmen to act in his stead. Councilman Van Zee volunteered to attend. Clerk read the final periodic progress report No. 9 and request for payment in the amount $6,043.85 from Jack Thorburn, Inc. for work on LID #64. This has been examined by Mr. Knobbs and found to be in order. Moved by Powers, seconded by Molzahn that this July 13, 1970 Page Two report be accepted, and payment authorized, and the Clerk authorized to issue a revenue warrant to provide necessary funds. Approved. Clerk reported that Mr. Collier of Hammond, Collier and Wade was ready to call for bids on the construction of the first phase of Pottery Avenue Arterial and requested the Council to authorize such a call for bids. Discussed briefly, and moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that Hammond, Collier and Wade be authorized to advertise for bids about July 24, 1970 with bids to be opened on August 24, 1970. Approved. The possibility of "lump sum" bid be considered rather than the "unit price" bid usually received. Discussed and will be investigated. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would amend the Uniform Building Code as it applies to Port Orchard to permit the construction of the marquees authorized by LID #E65. Discussed briefly and moved by Geiger, seconded by Monteith that this ordinance be adopted. Approved with 6 yeas and one no, and No. 858 assigned. Clerk reported receipt of the preliminary federal census figure indicating the population of Port Orchard to be 3,863 as compared to the estimate of 4,030. Discussed briefly and determined that a special news release will be made requesting all residents of the City on April 1, who were not counted or believe that they may not have been counted in the federal census to contact the City Clerk for information and forms to make corrections to the federal census. A proposed resolution which would adopt the six -year comprehensive street program was read by the Clerk (see minutes of 6-22-70). Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Van Zee that this resolution be adopted. Approved and No. 1100 assigned. Clerk read the June 30 payroll in amount of $9,201.24 and bills in following amounts: Current Expense Fund $9,1.46.66, Water Fund $1,442.95, Street Fund $1.,992.07, Sewer Fund $1,072.00, Park Fund $315.31., Water & Sewer Construction Fund,(Proj. #1.-70) $1.1.,378.43, (Proj.#3-70) $31.6.50, Arterial Street Fund $12.44, Total $25,712.36. Moved by Geiger, seconded Caldwell that these bills and the payroll be allowed and that Vouchers No. 61.99 through 6274 authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 9:40 p.m. �. c ,.- .x�. Mayor6 Clerk Port Orchard, Washington June 22, 1970 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Councilman Powers, in absence of Mayor Repanich, whose presence was required at a hearing with County Commissioners re: the appraised valuation of leased tidelands. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Molzahn, Monteith, and Van lee. Also present: City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs, Fire Chief Hacker, firs. Helen Ross representing Tacoma News Tribune, Mrs. Maureen Smith representing Port Orchard Independent and Mr. Bob Boxberger representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of 6-8-70 read and approved as corrected. Acting Mayor Powers reminded the Council that this was the date set for opening bids for purchase of a used backhoe/crane/clamshell unit (see minutes of 6-8-70), and requested the Clerk to open and read any bids received. Only one bid received, that of Mr. Bert Braaten who offered a unit,meeting all the specifications for the price of $3,500. not including tax. Discussed briefly and moved by Molzahn, seconded by Carr that this bid be accepted and a contract of purchase be authorized. Approved. Acting Mayor Powers reported no new information re: the request by the State Highway Department for study of relocation of the second phase of Pottery Avenue Arterial, (see Minutes of 6-8-70). Information was provided by Mr. Knobbs re: the problems being encountered in Well No. 6 involving mud and sand when pumping is attempted. (See minutes #f 6-8-70). Discussed briefly. Acting Mayor Powers informed the Council that this was the date at which the annual up -dated 6-year comprehensive street program would be considered as required by law. Copies of this program had previously been furnished to the Councilmen. The various improvements contemplated in this program discussed at length. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Caldwell that this up -dated 6-year plan be adopted. Approved and City Attorney is directed to prepare a resolution to that effect. Acting Mayor Powers recognized Nir. Clarence Freimuth of 2712 Sherman Avenue who was present to request consideration for the widening of Sherman Avenue south of Fireweed Street where trees, weeds and brush have reduced the usable R/W considerably. Referred to Street and Alley Committee for study. Sup't of Public Works Knobbs reported that work had commenced on the Tremont Street water main extension (see minutes of previous meetings). Mayor Repanich and City Attorney Thompson arrived at this time, and Mayor Repanich assumed the gavel from Councilman Powers. i~1r. Knobbs reported that cost of fencing material for the backstop at Central Field toy;be about $58.00 (see minutes of 6-8-70). Discussed briefly. City Attorney Thompson gave a partial report on the results of the appeal hearing on the appraised valuation of the harbor area which is leased from State of Washington, Department of Natural Resources, and on which is located a portion of the Merchants parking lot. At this hearing it was determined that a very large portion of this leased property is under water and cannot be utilized. Discussed at length and a proposal was made that the leased area be reduced to only the area occupied by the parking lot plus a small additonal strip north of the present fill for possible expansion in the future. This would reduce the amount of the lease fee. Discussed briefly and moved by Molzahn, seconded by Caldwell that the area involved in this lease be reduced to the area occupied by the parking lot, plus approximately 60-80 feet north of the edge of the fill and from the west margin of OrcAd Avenue to the East margin of Sidney Avenue. Approved. Councilman Monteith re -opened discussion on the matter of the screening material for the Central Field backstop and requested serious consideration be given to the immediate repair of this facility due to the heavy usage it receives by children of the area. Discussed briefly and moved by Geiger, seconded by Caldwell that the Parks and Playgrounds Committee_ be authorized to negotiate the purchase and installation of this screening material and various other minor improvements. Approved. Chairman Van Zee of Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported the need for procurement of additonal parks and recreational property. Discussed at length and various possibilities explored. June 22, 1970 Page Two Clerk read an application for re -zone of Lots 3 through 8, Block 11 Annapolis Addition from R-1 to R-2, submitted by Richard Schultheis and James Maddock. The property involved is occupied by an qxrtment house which requires the R-2 zone. The Planning Commission considered this application on 6-15-70 and forwarded it to the Council recommending approval. Moved by Powers, seconded by Molzahn that this rezone be granted. Approved. Clerk read a letter from the Postmaster of the Port Orchard Post Office requesting permission to place two mail carrier relay (storage) boxes, one at Kitsap and Cline Streets and one at Cline and Taylor Streets. ;Moved by Carr, seconded by Powers that this request be granted. Approved. Clerk read a proposed amendment to the Garbage/Refuse Collection Contract which would extend the previous amendment involving cash deposits in lieu of a performance bond one year or until the total deposit amounts to $5,000. Discussed briefly and moved by Geiger, seconded by Powers that this agreement be accepted and the Mayor authorized to execute it for the City. Approved. Clerk presented an Award of Merit to the Management and Employees of the Port Orchard Water Department for an accident free year of 1969. Mayor in turn presented this award to Sup't. of Public Works LCnobbs with commendation. Clerk reminded the Council of the Association of Washington Cities Convention in Yakima on July 1-3. Clerk read a letter from Bert Cole, Commissioner of Public Land thanking the Mayor for the resolution recently adopted, going on record as opposing the oil and gas exploratory leases. Clerk informed the Council of a telephonic request of the Kitsap County Commissioners for the nomination of member of the Council for service on the Review Committee of the Kitsap County Comprehensive Water and Sewer Plan. Discussed briefly and Mayor Repanich reported that Mayor Lindvig of Poulsbo had discussed this matter with him and has nominated Councilman Hal Hoover of Poulsbo City Council for this membership and suggested that Port Orchard support this nomination. Discussed briefly and moved by Van Zee, seconded by Carr that the Council go on record as supporting the nomination of Councilman Hal Hoover of Poulsbo for mrmbership on the Review Committee of Kitsap County Comprehensive Water and Sewer Plan. Approved. Mayor Repanich requested all Councilmen who could be present to be available for an executive session on Monday June 29th at 7:00 p.m. to discuss several matters. Mayor Repanich also informed the Council that he would be absent from the City for most of July and August and suggested the appointment of a Mayor Pro-Tem during his absence. droved by itiiolzahn, seconded by Carothat Councilman Powers be designated as Mayor Pro-Tem during the absence of Mayor Repanich. Approved. Clerk presented the Payroll for dune 15, in amount of $9,129.92 and bills in the following amoetnts: Current Expense $772.21, Water_ ''und �5,402.39, Street Fund $1,187.53, Sewer Fund $287.83, Park Fund $479.85, dater and Sewer Construction Fund (LID Ik64) $2,622.76, Total $10,752.57. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this Payroll and these Bills be allowed, and Vouchers No. 6167 through 6198 authorized paid. Approved. Nioved,seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Mayors Clerk Port Orchard, Washington June g, 1970 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p. M. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Geiger, Molzahn, Monteith, Powers and Van Zee. Carr absent, (excused). Also present: Attorney Ronald Thompson substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mrs. Helen Ross representing Tacoma News Tribune and Mr. Bob Boxberger, representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of meeting of 5-25--60 read and approved. Mayor offered any person present with a specific matter to bring before the Council an,, opportunity to do so. Chief of Police Dow introduced Mr. Paul Bowman a representative of South Kitsap Babe Ruth baseball organization who, along with Chief Dow, was present to request permission to use the Babe Ruth field for a "donkey" baseball game on August 16. Discussed briefly and moved by Van Zee, seconded by Monteith that this request be granted. Approved. Meyor informed the Council of the outcome of an executive session of members of the Council, Mr. Knobbs, himself, and Mr. Bill Mahan, County Commissioner on 5-27-70 re: the extension of water service in Tremont Street west to the site of the new County Youth Center (See minutes of previous meetings). An agreement was tentatively reached at this meeting whereby the County would underwrite $21,000. of the cost of this extension which would be 12" with the City to provide the labor, equipment, etc. and the remainder of the material cost. The Clerk read the proposed agreement.Discussed briefly -and moved by Monteith, seconded by Van Zee that this agreement be accepted and the Mayor authorized to sign for the City, subject to the addition of the words "for a period of 10 years" after the last word in the last paragraph thereof. Approved with(6 yeas and one no. Mayor recognized Mx. G44aw of Gilman and Greene, Architects who was present to discuss the construction of the marquee over the sidewalks on Bay Street (see minutes of previous meetings). Mr. Gilman requested the Council to consider the modification of the Uniform Building Code as adopted by the City, to permit construction of this improvement closer to the curb than presently authorized. Discussed at length by the Mayor, and othersand various problems involving this improvement brought before the Council,. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Monteith that the Uniform Building Code, Section 4505 (b) and (c) as adopted by the City (Ordinance No. 737 and 788) be modified to permit the construction of this marquee closer to the curb and lower than now authorized. Approved with 5 yeas and 1 no. Mayor requested a report from the Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee re: the proposed purchase of a used back -hoe. Chairman Molzahn of the Committee reported that he had examined the machine which is available and believes it to be in good condition and recommends that a call for bids be authorized. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Powers that the Clerk be authorized to issue a call for bids for the purchase of a used backhoe/clamshell/crane with bid opening to be on 6-22--70. Approved. Mayor requested a report from Street and Alley Committee re: the proposal of J & R Sweeper Service to sweep streets of the City on a scheduled basis for $2,400. per year. Discussed briefly and moved by Powers, seconded by Mclzahn that J & R Sweeper Service be informed that the City is not interested in this service at this time. Approved with 5 yeas and 1 no. Clerk read a letter from State Highway Department re: the request of the City for a directional sign at Bethel Road on Highway 16 indicating to westbound motorists access to Port Orchard (See minutes of 5-25-70). A sign has been ordered and will be placed as soon as it is received. Mayor requested a report from Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee re: the sale of timber from the sanitary land fill area and the placing of the "tight line" in the dry creek bed which extends through the Fill area. Chairman Molzahn reported that he had toured the area and recommends the acceptance of an offer of $500. for the timber which must be removed to i^stall the drain line. Determined that this offer will be accepted. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported receipt of most of the flouridation equipment, and possible completed installation by July 15. Clerk read a letter from State of Washington Department of Natural Resources informing the City of a new lease rental fee of $1,524.00 annually for 1970 and 1971 for the tidelands between and including Sidney and Fredericks Streets. The previous lease fee for this property occupied by the Merchants parking lot, was 9-300. annually. Discussed briefly and determined that this will be appealed as provided for by law. June 8, 1970 Clerk read a letter from Governor Evans thanking the City fore e resolution passed at the 5-25-70 meeting re: leasing of tide lands or other lands for oil drilling or exploration. Clerk reported the need to consider what action should be taken re: the agreement with J & F Buccaneer Refuse Service substituting monthly cash deposits for the performance bond required by the contract. This agreement will expire on June 30, and the contractor is still unable to secure the required bond. Discussed briefly, and moved by Molzahn, seconded by Powers that the existing agreement between the City and Mr. J. J. Griffths dba J & F Buccaneer Refuse Service be extended to July 15, 1971, with a provision that interest on the cash deposits be credited to the Company. Approved. Mayor reported on the results of a meeting on 5-28-70 with representatives of the Urban Arterial Board of State Highway Department re: the second phase of Pottery Avenue Arterial construction and the route such a facility should take. The UAB now proposes that this segment of the street be re-routed from Tremont Street southeast to intersect Sidney Avenue south of Poplar Street, instead of southwest to Pottery Avenue as previously planned. Discussed briefly and continued for further study by Hammond., Collier & Wade. Fire Chief Hacker reported two fire calls in May with approximately $250. loss. Chief Hacker also presented a rough draft of a mutual aid agreement between the City and Kitsap County Fire Protection District No. 7 for mutual assistance in the fighting of fires in various public and institutional buildings in and around the City such as schools, resthomes, hospitals, the courthouse, Veteran's Home, etc. Discussed at length and referred to the Fire and Light Committee for study. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported LID #64 to be about 95% completed and progressing very well. Mr. Knobbs reported that problems had developed with Well No. 6 ()Maple Street) which require immediate attention, and outlined steps being taken to correct the situation. Mr. Knobbs reported completion of the annual up -dating of the six -year comprehensive street plan. Copies will be mailed to the Councilmen aling with copies of the minutes, for study, and possible adoption at the 6-22-70 meeting. Mr. Knobbs also reported on a study of the Bay Street interceptor sewer and problems associated with completi.oa of this project. Discussed briefly and continued for further study at an executive session. Chief of Police Dow reported taking delivery of the new patrol car on 6-4-70 and that equipment would be shifted to it after some mileage had been accumulated and any "bugs" taken out. Chairman Van Zee of Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported on improvements being made in the sprinkler system at Babe Ruth baseball field. Mr. Van Zee also reported the need for' new backstop screening at Central field. Discussed briefly and referred to Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs for cost estimate. id Councilman Monteith reopened discussion of the proposed mutu831 %greement for firefighting facilities of the City and District No. 7 (referred to earlier in these minutes) and informed the Council that, in his opinion,.approval of this agreement should not be delayed. Discussed briefly and moved by Monteith, seconded by Powers that the mutual aid agreement, for fire protection between Kitsap County Fire Protection District No. 7 and the City of Port Orchard (discussed earlier) be accepted by the City and the Mayor authorized to sign. Approved. Clerk presented Periodic Progress Report No. 8 and request for partial payment from Jack Thorburn, Inc. in amount of $33,027.93. Discussed briefly and Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported that he had examined the report and found it to be correct. Moved by Powers, sec- onded by Molzahn that this report and request for payment be accepted and payment authorized. Approved. Clerk presented the Payroll. for May 31, 1970 in amount of $8,683.83 and bills in following amounts: Current Expense Fund $2,367.47, GIMP;rFund $751.75, Street Fund $164.12, Sewer Fund $563.00, Parks Fund $543.53, Water an�d%% onstruction Fund (LID #64) $33,098.31, Total $37,488.18. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 6123 through 6166 authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 10:45 p.m. � Ac?� Ir. Y „_..... Mayor Clerk Port Orchard, Washington May 25, 1970 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Geiger, Monteith, Molzahn, Powers and Van Zee. Caldwell and Carr absent, (excused). Also present City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer Sup't of Public Works L. C. Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mr. John Atkins representing Port Orchard Independent and Mr. Bob Boxberger representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of 5-11-70 read and approved. Mayor recognized two young ladies, Misses Pam Irvine and Christy Caldon, candidates for Girls State sponsored by American Legion Posts at Retail and Port Orchard, and who were present to observe the proceedings, Mayor Repanieh welcomed them and explained to them some of the details of the Mayor -Council form of government. Questions were asked by these young ladies and answers.given. Mayor requested the Clerk to read a proposed ordinance creating LID #65 (construction of a marquee over the sidewalks over both sides of Bay Street from Frederick Avenue to Harrison Avenue.) After the proposed ordinanoe was read discussion in detail developed on various aspects of the proposed improvement, Moved by Powers, seconded by Monteith that the proposed ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 856 assigned. Mayor recognized Mrs. Harriett Norwood, Conservation Chairman of South Kitsap Junior Womens Club who was present to request permission to conduct a "roadside" clean-up of Tremont Street between Sidney Avenue and the City Limits to remove cans, bottles and litter from the roadside, and also requested the use of Street Department traffic cones and/or signs to provide a measure of safety to those participating. Determined that this would be approved and the Chief of Police and Sup't. of Public Works directed to cooperate. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported on the matter of the extension of sewer service in Sidney Avenue from Lippert Drive to the site of the new fire station (see minutes of 5-11-70). Matter discussed in derail. Mr,,Knobbs recommends the purchase of a used backhoe/elamshell outfit available lboally for about $3,500. This machine would be most valuable in digging the ditch for the proposed extension of the sewer, which will be beyond the reach of the present backhoe. In addition there will be numerous other occasions where this machine would be used, eliminating need for renting expensive equipment. Discussed at length and referred to Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee for study. This purchase would require that bids be called for. Mayor reported receipt of a new proposal from the Kitsap County Commissioner re: the financing of the 12" water main extension in Tremont Street from Pottery Avenue to the site of the new County Youth Center south west of Highway 16 on Old Clifton Road. Under this proposal the County would purchase all basic material, pay for boring under the highway and restore the streets, and the City would pay for the installation. Determined that an executive session of the Council will be held at 7:30 p.m. May 27 to further discuss this matter. Sup't. Of Public Works Knobbs reported on the proposal of J & R S r Service to sweep the City streets per a stipulated schedule, for $2,/.00.'� tes of 5-11-70). Discussed briefly and referred to Street and Alley Committee for study and recommendation, Clerk read a proposed ordinaace which would establish the dates of creation of the various Police Department positions. Discussed briefly and moved by Powers, seconded by Molzahn that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 857 assigned. Mayor reported on an executive session meeting on 5-14P-70 at which the desirability of establishing a Public Housing Authority was discussed. Such an organization would facilitate the construction of low cost housing. Discussed briefly and continued for further study, Clerk read a proposed a resolution authorizing the City Treasurer to invest such monies of the City as may be available in U. S. Government Securities. Discussed briefly and moved by Monteith, seconded by Geiger that this resolution be adopted. Approved and No. 1098 assigned. Clerk read a proposed resolution which would put the City Council on record as opposing the granting of leases by the State of Washington for commercial oil drilling or exploration. Discussed briefly and moved by Molzahn, seconded by Monteith that this resolution be adopted. Approved and No. 1099 assigned. May 25, 1970 Page Two Clerk read a proposed contract change order (No. 3) to LID #64 contract. This involves the installation, at no cost to the City, of a lift station in Tremont Place near Pottery Avenue. Moved by Powers, seconded by Van Zee that this change order be accepted and the Mayor authorized to sign for the City. Approved. Clerk read a letter from South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce requesting the City Council to go on record as being in favor of more adequate placement of signs on Highway #16 at Bethel Avenue indicating the route to Port Orchard. This matter has been brought to the attention of the Highway Department by the Chamber of Commerce several times in the past. Discussed briefly and moved by Monteith, seconded by Van Zee that the Clerk be directed to write a letter to the State Highway Department concurring the stand taken by the Chamber of Commerce. Approved. Clerk reported receiving a vote of thanks from the Annapolis Water District Board of Commissioners by way of Commissioner Moore, for the Cooperation received from Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs and personnel of the Water Department during a recent series of emergencies. Clerk informed the Council of receipt of numerous complaints re: the infestation of caterpillars and requesting what action could be expected from the City in requiring property owners to correct the situation. Discussed at some length and the City Attorney gave a resume' of the legal aspects of the situation and problems involved in the several methods of dealing with the nuisance. The City Attorney recommends against adoption of any ordinance which would declare such infestation to be a misdemeanor due to the lack of personnel to policerthe situation and possible costs involved. Clerk read a letter from State Highway Department re: the possible need for a left turn holding lane in Highway #160 east of Bethel Avenue (see minutes of /P-27-70). The records show no reportable accidents in two (2) years involving the situation described in our request, and in addition, the Department finds the cost to re -locate the overpass piers would be very considerable. The request was therefore denied. Clerk directed to forward a copy of this letter to Mr. Clarence Dahlke, who originally brought this matter to the attention of the Council. Clerk read a letter from the Kitsap County Planning Commission which requested a statement of opinion on the part of the City Planning Commission and the City Council re: a requested re -zone of property several hundred feet north of Salmonberry Road on the west side of Bethel Road for the purpose of constructing a church. The City Planning Commission examined the request and forwarded it to the Council.without comment. Moved by Monteith, seconded by Powers that the Kitsap County Planning Commission be informed that the Port Orchard Planning Commission and the Port Orchard City Council have studied this application and find no objections. Approved. Clerk requested authority to write-off certain uncollectable charges in water and sewer department. These are small amounts accumulated over several years due to errors, dirty water conditions, etc. Moved by Monteith, seconded by Van Zee that the Clerk be authorized to write off these charges in a total amount of $107,50, Approved. Fire Chief Hacker requested permission to purchase 5 large folding tables being offered for sale by a local veteran: organization auxiliary..Discussed briefly and moved by Powers seconded by Geiger that the Fire and Light Committee be authorized to purchase 5 of these tables for use in the new fire station. Approved. Chief of Police Dow reported probable delivery of the new patrol car in the next week or 10 days. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs requested a determination be made as to the new tight line which is required in the City's sanitary land fill area (see minutes of previous meetings). Sketch of area fined and the problem discussed at length. Chairman Molzahn of the Water, Sewer, Hehlth and Sanitation Committee will tour the area with Mr. Knobbs. Mr. Knobbs reported that pant of the flouridation equipment for the water system has been received but that a strike of long distance truckers is temporarily holding up some items. Chairman Van Zee of Parks and Playgrounds Committee informed the Council that the 200 folding chairs (see minutes of 3-23-70) authorized to be purchased, had been received, and would need some re -finishing before they could be used. Mr. Knobbs advised Councilman Van Zee of the most expeditious method of removing the rust and painting these chairs. May 25, 1970 Page Three Councilman Monteith reported poor success in the spaghetti dinner held on 5-24-70 to raise funds for improvement of recreational facilities. A profit of about $20. was realized at this function. The Mayor opened discussion on the requirement of the State Auditor that the City implement a double entry, accrual system of financial accounting in the water aAd sewer funds, whichwas discussed in an earlier executive session with the State Examiner who has just completed an examination of the City's records and transactions for 1968 and 1969. This requirement has been brought to the attention of the Council previously. Discussed at considerable length, and moved by Molzahn, seconded by Monteith that the Clerk be authorized and directed to take necessary steps to institute and implement a double entry, accrual System of accounting for the water and sewer funds in accordance with instructions and requiremehts of the State Auditor to be accomplished as time permits. Approved. Clerk requested authority to issue a revenue warrant in amount of $1954.48 to pay to HUD certain costs in connection with LID #64, and $454.48 to reimburse sewer fund from W & Sw Construction fund for advances (legal publication etc.) Moved by Powers seconded by Mol7ahn that the Clerk be authorized to issue this revenue warrant. Approved. Clerk presented the bi—monthly payroll for May 15, 1970 and the following bills: Current Expense Fund 5,933.16, Water Fund $2,597.96, Street Fund $1,575.93, Sewer Fund $249.94, Park Fund $103.29, Arterial Street Fund (UAB Ph #1) $9.93, Water & Sewer Construction Fund (LID ##64) $454.48, Total $15,315.42. Moved by Powers, seconded by Monteith that this payroll and the bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 6085 through 6122 authorized paid. Approved. Clerk reminded the Mayor and Council of the need to declare Friday, May 29, a holiday, since Memorial Day falls on Saturday. Mayor Repanich officially declared Friday, May 29, a holiday for employees of the City. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 10:40 p. m. LLL v Mayor a Clerk Port Orchard, Washington May 11, 1970 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p.m, by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Molzahni Monteith and Powers. Van Zee absent (excused) Also present: Attorney Ronald Thompson, Substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, Sup't, of Public Works Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mrs, Helen Ross representing Tacoma News Tribune and Mr.John Atkins representing Port Orchard Independent. Minutes of meeting of 4-27-70 read and approved, Mayor Repanich offered any person present with a specific matter to discuss an opportunity to do so, and recognized Mrs, Bonnie Loop representing Operation "Headstart" a program of Kitsap Community Action Program, and who was present to talk on the aims and functions of "Headstart" and to request consideration for use of Active Club Building space to conduct classes. Mayor Repanich informed Mrs. Loop that this request had been considered before, and that it had been rejected due to the lack of adequate storage space for equipment and materials used, and that it would interfere with meetings of other groups and would require considerable rescheduling, Mrs. Loop gave a detailed resume' of the goals of "Headstart" and how the program is administered. Discussed by Mayor and members of the Council, Moved by Monteith, seconded by Molzahn that this request be denied. On the question, Councilman Carr, as the City representative on Kitsap Community Action Program, gave additional information on the program. Dr. Howard Minor and Mr. Jack Fitzgerald spoke in support of the program and Mr. Fitzgerald offered a suggestion as to the availability of other space. Motion to deny the request approved, with 5 yeas and one no, Mayor opened discussion on the proposed LID to provide improvements to Bay Street (marquee over the sidewalks). Mr, Ralph Peterson, representing Sidney Lodge #k85, Knights of Pythias, requested information concerning the scope of the improvements as involves the K of P property, (the old D&R theatre bldg.). Mr, Ross Powell representing the Port Orchard Development Corporation answered part of the questions and Mr, Greene, of Gilman and Greene, Architects, explained the plans as they have been developed, Mayor Repanich requested the Clerk to read protests to the formation of LID #65. <:� Clerk read protest from Jane Kerr (heir to Ray Greenwood estate) involving the site of the old Veris Building; Mildred S. Cohen, property at Northwest corner of Bay Street and Frederick Avenue; Dr. Ralph L. Smith, E.k of Lot #2, Block 14, Plat of Sidney. These protests discussed and Mr. Richard Rylander representing Port Orchard Development Corporation provided information that a decision had been reached to limit the westerly extent of the improvement to that portion of Bay Street east of Frederick, thereby deleting the Cohen property, Mr, Jack Fitzgerald offered a comprehensive description of what -is needed to "update" the Bay Street business area, The probable costs of the project were discussed and both Mr. Rylander and Mr. T,W. Heckel requested that a stipulation be included in the ordinance forming the district that the costs not exceed $75.00 per front foot of property. Moved by Monteith, seconded by Powers, that the City Attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance forming a local improvement district to finance the construction of a marquee over the sidewalks on north and.seuth sides of Bay Street from Harrison Avenue to Frederick Avenue with costs not to exceed $75.00 per front foot of the properties 11mvetved. Approved. Mayor recognized Dr. Howard Minor who recommended that consideration be given in the future to the City operating the garbage/refuse collection service as being in the best interests of the City as a whole. Mayor recognited a representative of the Handlers Racing Association which is sponsoring a stock car racing event on May 23-24, 1970 and who requested permission to have a banner advertising the event hung over Bay Street from May 14 to May 24. No objection was raised to the placing of this banner and it was authorized, subject to payment of the usual fee and the approval of the Fire Chief who will be responsible for actual placement, Councilman Carr reported no new recommendations re: the street lighting situation on Mitchell Avenue near St. Gabriel's Catholic Church (see mintes of 4-27-70), May 11, 1970 Page Two Chairman Powers of the Finance and Auditing Committee reported that the proposed ordinance establishing a 5% B & 0 tax on the Municipal water and sewer utilities (see minutes of 4-27-70) had been studied and found to be proper and in line with the B & 0 tax imposed on power and telephone utilities and recommended its adop- tion, [loved by Powers, seconded by Geiger that this ordinance be adopted. Approved, and No. 855 assigned., City Engineer-Sup't of Public Works Knobbs reported that progress on LID #64 was very good and that a crossing of Bay Strelit to connect with the Bay Street interceptor Is anticipated on 5-13 or 14. Discussed/length. Discussion also developed on the need for formation of a small LID to provide sewers south on Sidney from Lippert Drive to the site of the new fire station. After a lengthy discussion of the needs for this extension and the methods by which it could be effected, Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the City Engineer be authorized to proceed with plans for extension of the sewer service south from Lippert Drive to the new fire station site, Approved, Sup't, of Public Works Knobbs requested information re: the water drainage line which will be required to be installed in the dry creek bed which extends north and south throught the City's sanitary fill area, in order to permit expansion of the fill area, Discussed briefly and referred to Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee for definite recommendations as to the sale of the timber in the area, Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs requested what course of action he should follow to alleviate the dusty condition expected to prevail in the May -Roland Street area during dry weather, while the streets are awaiting restoration, due to the sewer construction, Discussed in detail, Mr,Knobbs will determine the best method to meet this situation on a temporary basis until streets are finally restored. Chief of Police Dow requested that the authority granted to him by the Council to expend up to $50, for investigative purchases of narcotics, be extended to include expenditures for other types of investigation. He explained ln,detail the occasional need for such expenditures, Discussed at length and moved by Molzahn, seconded by Geiger that the authority previously granted be broadened to include use of the funds ($50.00) for other investigative purposes, Approved. City Attorney reported that he had examined the Civil Service Commission Rules and Regulations for Police and found them to be very well written and are approved by him. Clerk reminded the Council of the necessity of authorizing the increase in minimum rate water consumption from 5,000 to 8,000 gallons for summer months (June, July, August and September) iil,accordance with previous policies. Discussed briefly and moved by Molzahn, seconded by Carr that the summer minimum rate water consumption be increased from 5,000 to 8,000 gallons for the four month period, Approved. Fire Chief Hacker reported five fire calls during April, including one accidental alarm at Cedar Heights Junior .sigh School with a total replacement cost of $7,500, Chief Hacker reported that the Kitsap-Mason Volunteer Firemen's Association will hold its annual field day and picnic at Jarstad Park at Gorst on June 21. Clerk presented Periodic Estimate No. 7 and request for payment of LID #64. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this periodic estimate and request for payment be approved and payment in the amount of $53,726.30 authorized, Approved. Clerk read a letter from Association of Washington Cities re: a resolution of the City of Tacoma opposing the exploratory drilling for oil in and around Puget Sound, The resolution was read, Discussed briefly and moved by Carr, seconded by Monteith that the City Attorney be authorized and directed to prepare a resolution to the effect that the City Council of City of Port Orchard opposes the leasingp of State land in and about Puget Sound for oil exploration drilling. Approved. Clerk read a proposal of J & R Sweeper Service of Port Orchard to sweep the streets of Port Orchard on -a regularly scheduled basis for $2,400. per year, Discussed briefly and referred to City Engineer for study and recommendations. Clerk read a letter from Mrs. Helen Graham Greear an Attorney in Bremerton, commend- ing the Mayor and Council for their action in repealing licensing ordinances for "tolerance"policy gambling activities and going on record as enforcing the prohibition of Bingo, Raffles and other types of gambling activities, May 11, 1970 Page Three Clerk requested authority to issue revenue warrants in the amount of $57,005.93 to provide funds to pay the LID #64 partial payment #7,on-site engineering costs and other items requiring these funds. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the Clerk be authorized to issue these warrants. Approved. Clerk read a statement of Ron Nelson Construction Co, indicating completion of the new fire station and requesting the City to consider acceptance. Discussed at lengbhand moved by Carr, seconded by Monteith that this building be accepted . Approved. Clerk read a proposed ordianance which would formally establish the various positions of the Police Department, This information is required in ordinance or charter form for the new Washington Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters Retirement System, Discussed at lengthrdld continued until the next meeting for further study as to accuracy of dates, Mayor requested that the Council be available for an executive session on 5-14-70 to discuss the possibility of establishing a Housing Authority to implement the construction of low cost housing, Clerk presented the payroll for the bi-monthty period ending 4-30-70 in the amount of $8,563,51 and bills in the following amounts: Current Expense Fund $3,437.21, Water Fund $3,097,09, Street Fund $1,343,35, Sewer Fund $502.60, Park Fund $290.19, Water & Sewer Construction Fund (LID #64) $56,435.93, Arterial Street (UAB Ph #1) $2,127,72, Arterial Street (Prof. 1-69) $242.56, Total $67,746.45. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this payroll and these bills be allowed amd Vouchers No, 6025 through',6083 authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 11:30 p.m. Mayor c- CClerk Port Orchard, Washington April 27, 1970 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35p.m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr Geiger, Molzahn, Powers and Van Zee. Monteith absent, (excused until later in the meeting), Also present: City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engr-Sup't of Public Works Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mrs, Helen Ross representing the Tacoma News Tribune and Mrs. Maureen Smith representing the Port Orchard Independent, Minutes of meeting of 4-13-70 read and approved as corrected. Mayor informed those present that the matter of the proposed ordinance to repeal existing ordinances licensing amusement machines, card tables, punch boards, etc, which was tabled at the 3-23-70 meeting, would not be brought from the table until the arrival of Councilman Monteith, expected about 9:00 p.m. Mayor requested a report from Fire Chief Hacker on his attendance at Fire Command School at Yakima (See minutes of 3-23 and 4-13-70), Chief Hacker reported that this school is now bigger and more comprehensive than ever, Chief Hacker also reported on the presentation on 4-20-70 of training certificates to members of the department. Sup't of Public Works Knobbs reported completion of the work on the storm drain in the 1300 block of West Avenue (See minutes of 4-13-70), Chairman Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee reportedon a; study of conditions near the intersection of Bethel Avenue and Highway 160 (See minutes of 4-13-70). His committee recommends that the State Highway Department be requested to establish a short "holding" lane near the Mitchell Avenue overpass to permit westbound, left -turning traffic to safely wait for eastbound traffic, Discussed briefly and moved by Caldwell, seconded,by Carr that this recommendation be referred to State Highway Department for study, Approved, Clerk reported no new information received on the recommendation for two lane traffic and "Channelliztion" on Bay Street (Highway 160). The matter of parking on Bay Street after such channelization, discussed in detail and the need for loading zones explored in detail, Sup't of Public Works Knobbs reported that the LID #64 sewer trunk line had been connected at Tremont Street to the southerly portion and work is progressing very rapidly on other portions. Mr, Knobbs anticipates resumption of work on the Bay Street interceptor sewer approximately June 1, Mayor requested information on the projected drain tile installation across Givens Field, (See minutes of 3-23 and 4-13-70). Discussed in general detail, Mayor Repanich requested information re: the request for additional street lighting on Mitchell Avenue near the St. Gabriel Catholic Church. fta'irmam Carr of Fire and Light Committee reported his observations of the situation and stated that the lighting was approximately the same as in comparable areas of the City. Discussed briefly and continued for further study by the committee. Clerk read a proposed ordianance which would authorize the City Treasurer to make temporary transfer loans between funds when required, with prior approval of the Council. Moved by Molzahn seconded by Caldwell that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 853 assigned., Clerk read a letter from the University of Washington, College of Architecture re: the feasibility of preserving and utilizing of one of the State's overage surplus ferryboats. Discussed briefly and Clerk directed to refer this letter of the Port Of Bremerton. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would authorize a B & 0 tax on City owned utilities (water and sewer services of 5% of annual gross revenues received for services). Dis- cussed briefly and referred to Fimnce and Auditing Committee for study. Clerk read a letter from Tom Lowry and Thempaeft-,-Attorneya—at-Law re: the comprehensive plan and zoning and subdivision ordinances, which he has had under study for refinement. He anticipates the completion of this work in 60 to 90 days. April 27, 1970 Page TNwo Clerk read a request from South Kitsap School District No, 402 for permission to hang a b ner over Bay Street to draw attention to the Spetcal Levy Election scheduled for 5-170. Moved by Carr, seconded by Geiger that this be authorized. Approved. Clerk presented a request for partial payment on Fire Hail construction from Ron Nelson Construction Company in the amount of $11,923.21, Discussed in detail and moved by Van Zee that this request be accepted and payment be authorized, subject to retainage of full 10% of contract price plus the value of the door panels which were damaged in shipment. Approved, 6 yeas and 1 no, Clerk read the requests of South Kitsap Pee Wee Assn and South Kitsap Jay Cees for permits to sell fireworks during July 1970, (these requests were previously read on 4-13-70 and continued to permit other applications to be received), Discussed briefly. Fire Chief Hacker recommended that no fireworks sale be authorized at the Westbay Hut area until certain alterations are performed on the structure involved to meet the State Fire Marshal' s requirements, Choice of locations discussed, Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Monteith that the South Kitsap Pee Wee Association and the South Kitsap Jay Cees be authorized to sell fireworks during the authorized period subject to necessary alterations to the Westbay Hut to meet State Fire Marshals requiements and approved by the Fire Marshal, Approved, Councilman Monteith having arrived at 9:05 p.m. the Mayor opened discussion on the matter of "tolerance" policies as involve activities classified as gambling by the State Attorney General, Moved by Powers, seconded by Carr that the motion to pass an ordinance to repeal all ordianances licensing such activities (which was tabled on 3.23-70 after motion and second to pass) be brought from the table. Approved 5,yeas and 2 nos. The proposed ordinance discussed in detail. City Attorney offered information, pointing out that this ordinaance had no relation to the matter of bingo or raffles, which involved enforcement, since they haA never been subject to licensing. Clerk was requested to read the Kitsap County Prosecutor's letters of 4-10-70 and 7-9-69, and portions of State Attorney General's opinion of 4-29-70 re: the unconstitutionality of such activities, Mr. Harold Reanier representing Port Orchard Aerie of Eagles spoke in support of the "Bingo" games being conducted by that organization and the use to whicht the proceeds of such activities are put in the community. The City Attorney reminded the Council that Washington Courts haved ruled that cities cannot legally license such activities and ordinances which do license these games and devices are unconstitutional. The proposed ordinance which had been moved and seconded for adoption on 3.23-70 and then tabled, was approved and No, 854 assigned. Moved by Powers, seconded by Carr that the Chief of Police be required to enforce all prohibitions of activities ruled unconstitutional by the Attorney General, effective July 31, 1970., Approved with 6 yeas and one no. Clerk read Change Order No. 2, to LID # 64 contract in the amount of $564.79 which represents the increase in sales tax on the remainder of the contract on April 1, when the tax was increased from 4.5 to 5%. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this Change Order be received and the Mayor authorized to sign for the City. Approved. Clerk reminded the Council that the matter of a special levy for library operation for 1971 and the fact that the use of part of the additional revenue from the �% sales tax increase for this purpose had been discussed, No information will be available to indicate how much this revenue will amount to until the end of August. Discussed briefly and the Clerk requested authority to write a letter of intent to place a special levy request on the ballot for the September election. Moved by Carr, seconded by Van Zee that the Clerk be authorized tO write such a letter of intent to the Kitsap County Auditor, Approved, 4 yeas 3 nos. Clerk reminded the Mayor and Council of the requirement of legislation passed in 1969 that one member of the County Disability Retirement Board of the Law Enforcement and Firefighters Retirement System be a city councilman from one of the cities under 20,000 population, Discussed briefly and moved by Geiger, seconded by Powers that the name of Councilman C. Adrian Carr be submitted to the Board of County Commissioners as the Port Orchard nominee, Approved. Chairman Van Zee of Parks and Playgrounds Committeereported on receipt of an estimatejll $5,400,00 to construct 104f t. of concrete Ueabhers and retaining wall along Givens Field south of the Active Club Building. Discussed briefly. Councilman Monteith reported on the proposed improvement of the old Veris Building site on Bay Street (See minutes of 4-13-70) and gave a detailed report on the projected improvements, April 27, 1970 Page 'Three The Clerk presented the payroll for April 15, 1970 in the amount of $10,107.?6 and bills in the following amounts: Current Expense Fund $10,407.45, Water Fund $681.96, Street Fund $813.55, Sewer Fund $175.75, Park Fund $17.48, Water and Sewer Construction (LID #64) $300.00, Arterial Street (Proj #1-69)$37.80, Arterial Street (UAB Ph #1) $20.00, Total $12,453,99. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this payroll be approved and the bills be allowed, and Vouchers No. 5996 through 6024 (6023 voided) authorized paid. Approved, Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 10:30 p.m. 1(�A Mayor, ��� Clerk Port Orchard, Washington April 13, 1970 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Repa�i�.,�` ne p ent:y Caldwell, Geiger, Monteith, olzahn, owers and Van Ze 'AAIso r e 4 A orne Ronald Thompson, substitutingfor CityAttorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer-Sup't of Public Works Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Marshall Weatherill substituting for Fire Chief Hacker, Mrs, Helen Ross representing Tacoma News Tribune, and Mr, John Atkins representing Port Orchard Independent, Minutes of Meeting of 3-23-70 read and approved, Mayor Repanich offered Any person present with a specific matter to bring before the Council at%A--opportunity to do so and recognized Mr. Dale Morrison of 1326 West St., who was present to remind the Council re: a storm drain which was constructed by the City in 1959 across an easement provided by the property owners and at their expense but which was never completed, leaving pooling water, etc. Discussed at length and determined that this was an obligation of the City and City Engineer Knobbs authorized to take the necessary action. Mayor recognized Mr, Everett Collins of 1230 Sherman Ave,, who reported a potentially dangerous condition on Tremont Street near where the LID #6461n is being constructed, where a road side ditch exists caused by sewer work. Mr. Collins assured that this condition will be taken care of, Mr. Clarence Dahlke requested consideration be given to the correction of a traffic hazard near the intersection of Highway 160 and Bethel Avenue, Discussed briefly and referred to Street and Alley Committee for study. Clerk reported receipt of certificates of insurance for J & F Buccaneer Refuse Service (see minutes of 3-23-70). Information received also inidcates that a performance bond will be available, Mayor requested information re: the status of proposal to channelize traffic in Bay Street and a reduction to two-lane traffic, (see minutes of previous meetings). New drawings have been provided to the State Highway Department and their reactions are now awaited. Mayor reported that an executive session of the Council will be held on 4-15-70 to work out details of the proposed County -City joint project to extend water service west on Tremont Street to the City limits and on to the new County Youth Center. Also at that session the Council will hear a proposal of Hammond Collier and Wade and Jack Thorburn for a change order to LID #64 which will result in a saving in the costs of the project and reduce the depth of cuts in certain areas. Clerk read a proposed resolution which would declare the intentions of the City to form a Local Improvement District for the improvement of certain portions of the downtown business area. Discussed briefly and moved by Powers, seconded by Molzahn that this resolution be adopted, Approved and No. 1097 assigned. Clerk presented a Periodic Estimate and Request for partial payment from Jack Thorburn, Inc, for work to date on LID #64, in the amount of $32,035.32. This has been examined by the City Engineer and found to be correct. Moved by Powers, .:seconded by Molzahn that this report and request for payment be accepted and payment authorized. Approved. Mayor requested information from Chairman Van Zee of Parks and Playgrounds Committee re: the availability of 300 chairs from the Park Board (See minutes of 3-23-70). No new information is available, Mayor reported on a meeting of the Kitsap County Historical Society at the Active Club Building on 4-10-70, and requested Mrs, Helen Ross, who was responsible in part for this function, to give a report. firs. Ross gave an interesting talk on the various items of historical material which was displayed. Mayor requested information re: the cost estimate of placing drain tiles in Givens Feild (See minues`of 3-23-70). No information has been developed in this matter. Mayor requested information from Attorney Ronald Thompson re: the comprehensive plan and zoning and sub -division ordinances which have been under revision by City Attorney Thompson and his associate, Tom Lowry for a considerable length of time. No specific information was available but Mr. Lowry is expecting completion of his work., i•y '7-;4 f v?4 oe f v �, L' ee . April 13, 1970 Page Two Clerk reminded the Mayor and members of the Council of a "shirtsleeve" seminar for Mayors and Councilmen sponsored by the Assn of Washington Cities May 6 & 7, at Issaquah, The Clerk reported probable closing of Tremont Street between Pottery and Sidney Avenues for about two days commencing 4-20-70 to permit completion of LID #64 trunk line construction, Mayor Repanich re -opened the matter of"tolerance" policies re: gambling (see minutes of 3-23-70) which was tabled for 90 days at the 3-23-70 meeting. Discussed briefly and determined that this matter will be the subject of further discussion at the 4-27-70 meeting and may be brought from the table at that time. Clerk read a letter from St. Gabriel Catholic Church on Mitchell Avenue requesting additional street lighting near the church, Discussed at some length and referred to Fire and Light Committee for study and recommendation, Clerk briefed the Council on the request of Kitsap County Councilon Alcoholism for financial assistance from the County Health Department, which would have to be paid by an increase in the fees now being paid to the Health Department by the cities and the county, It has been suggested that the use of public funds for such purposes might be improper. Discussed briefly ,and Attorney Ron Thompson reported that such authorization might not be illegal, but might set an undesirable precedent. Discussed further and continued, Clerk read a proposed Change Order No. 1 to Garbage and Refuse Collection Contract (reducing performance bond requirements) (See minutes of. 3-23-70). Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Van Zee that this change order be approved, and the Mayor and Clerk authorized to sign for the City. Approved, Clerk read a letter from the State Health, Department containing information re: a Solid Waste Disposal planning program in which the state would give funds on a matching basis. Discussed briefly and determined that the Clerk will contact the County Commissioners to determine if this will be handled by them, Clerk read a letter from Commissioner Lobe of Kitsap County Board of Commissioners requesting the Mayor and Council to go on record as designating the week of 5-10 to 5-15-70 as Armed Forces Week, Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Monteith that the Mayor be authorized to designate that week as Armed Forces Week. Approved, Clerk read requests of South Kitsap JayCees and the South Kitsap Pee Wee Association, both requesting permission to sell fireworks in Port Orchard between July 1 and 5, 1970. Mayor Repanich recognized several members of the JayCees who were present in support of their group's request. Discussed briefly and moved by Van Zee, seconded by Molzahn that action on these requests be delayed until the 4-27 meeting in order to permit other interested organizations to submit application. Approved. Clerk read a request from the Port of $emerton requsting information re: the status of the proposed boat launching ramp at the north end of Water Avenue (See minutes of previous meetings, 1969), The Port has made available $4,000.00 of funds and some material, and is concerned that the project may have been abandoned. Di'.cussed briefly and determined thatthe Port will be notified that these plans are still active and under study as to financing, Clerk read a proposed ordinance that would authorize the City Treasurer to make temporary transfer loans between funds to meet temporary needs. Discussed briefly and moved by Van Zee, seconded by Geiger that this ordinance be adopted. The ballot was three yeas and three nos, with the Mayor casting a "no" vote to break the tie. Motion disapproved. The ordinance to be re -submitted, with a provision that the Treasurer would be authorized to make these transfer loans upon specific approval of the Council. Clerk reported need for the purchase of an additional filing cabinet for use in his office. The cabinet now in.use has reached the limit of its capacity, and additional material is being received faster than it can be retired to inactive status. Discussed briefly and moved by Molzahm, seconded by Monteith that the purchase of a legal size, 4-drawer filing cabinet be authorized at a cost of about $115.00. Approved, April 13, 1970 Page Three Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would indicate an emergency exists, requiring the expenditure of funds not budgeted, and amending the budget to provide for these expenditures. Moved by Powers, seconded by Molzahn that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No, 852 assigned, Fire Marshall Weatherill, substituting for Fire Chief Hacker, reported 4 fire calls by the Department during March, 1970, with a total estimated loss of $110. (2 auto, 1 trash barrell, 1 residence), Mr, Weatherill invited the Mayor and members of the Countil fo be present on 4-20-70 at the Orchard Heights Fire Station when training certificates will be presented to members of the Port Orchard department, as a result of a recently concluded period of training conducted by the State Department of Vocational Training. Mr, Weatherill requested the Council to authorize the Clerk to provide a supply of City maps to his department for use by individual members of the department in familiarizing themselves with the City. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the Clerk be authorized and directed to furnish a supply of maps, one for each firemen, to-.th* Fire Chief without charge, Approved. Chief of Police Dow reported on the enrollment of Officer Sibley in the Basic Law Enforcement Training Course at Olympic College in Bremerton for the period 4-13-70 through 5-20-70, Chief of Police Dow reported that the Association of Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police sooting will be held on Orcas Island June 16-19 and requested authority to attend at an approximate cost of $125.00. Moved by Powers, seconded by Molzahn that Chief Dow be authorized to attend this meeting at the expense of the City, Approved, Chief Dow reported the resignation from the Department of Sergeant Lloyd Berg, effective 4-15-70, to enter private business. An examination will be conducted in the near future to select a replacement, Chairman Molzahn of Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee reported need for consideration of closing the City -owned sanitary land fill to all private dumping, due to the alarming rate at which it is being filled. Considerbble unauthorized dumping is going on by persons not residents of the City. Discussed briefly. The operator of the refuse collection service will be requested to take steps to reduce the unauthorized dumping, Councilman Molzahvreported a mass violation of parking restrictions near the Eagles Hall at Bay and Water Street on 4-7-70 occasioned by activities at the Hall. Discussed briefly and the Chief of Police directed to give special attention to this area. Several mattersinvolving parking in general, discussed in detail. The street and Alley Committee requested to study the possible need for"loading" zones on Bay Street when traffic is "single" laned, Councilman Monteith of Parks and Playgrounds Committee requested consideration by the Council of a cooperative effort with interested groups, to improve and beautify the space on Bay Street formerly occupied by the Veris Building, now owned by Greenwood, Shiers and Kruse, The City's contribution would amount to the hauling In of materials, etc, and would not involve the direct expenditure of City funds. Discussed in detail and opinion of Council determined to be favorable if no actual City funds are expended, Councilman Monteith reported a meeting of the Parks and Playground Committee with groups interested in participating in fund raising activities for improvements to recreation facilities and that a "spaghetti" dinner was planned for May 24 in conjunction with the opening of the Babe Ruth season, Chairman Van Zee of Parks and Playground Committee informed the Council of the need for some expenditures in that department to prepare for this function. These funds would be reimbursed from the proceeds of the dinner. Clerk presented the March 31 payroll in the amount of $8,732.14 and bills in the following amounts: Current Expense Fund $5,128,34, Water Fund $1,817,31, Street Fund $1,046.42, Sewer Fund $800.76, Park Fund $614,.01, Water & Sewer Construction (LID #k64) $34,665,62, Arterial Street Fund (Prof, #1-69) $414.94, Arterial Street (UAB Ph #1) $94,50, Total $44,601,90, Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this payroll and these bills be approved and Vouchers No. 5239 through 5995 authorized paid. Approved, Moved seconded and approved that the meeting adf'ourn. Adjourned at 11:15 p.m. / �� mayor �i�y 7[.�_ Clerk - - Port Orchard, Washington March 23, 1970 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Monteith, Molzahn, Powers and Van Zee. Also present: Attorney Ronald Thompson substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engr.-Sup't of Public Works Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mrs. Maureen Smith representing Port Orchard Independent and Mr. Gerald Grosso representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of meeting of 3-9-70 read and approved. Mayor offered any person present with a specific matter to bring before the Council an opportunity to do so and recognized Mr. Harold Reanier, representing the Port Orchard Aerie of the Eagles who was present to discuss the possible ban on all types of activities designated as gambling (see minutes of 3-9-70) specifically "Bingo" games which are conducted twice weekly by the Eagles lodge. Mr. Reanier gave a detailed account of the uses to which the proceeds of this activity are put, which included a number of charitable organizations and activities. Mzs.�, K. MacGeorge representing the Ladies Auxiliary of the Eagles who also spoke in support of allowing the continuance of Bingo games sponsored by that organization. Mrs. Jean Truman representing the Veterns of Foreign Wars Auxiliary was recognized and spoke in support of the Bingo games conducted by that organization and explained the charitable uses to which the proceeds were put. Mayor Repanich recognized Mr. Leonard Kruse an attorney who was present representing Myhre's, Inc. and several tavern owners, to discuss the matter of "tolerance" policies of the City in the past, as involves amusement devices and trade stimulants (pinball machines and punchboards)and card tables, and urged the Council to reconsider their action of 3-9-70 declaring their intention to repeal all ordinances authorizing the licensing of such activities. Mr. Kruse discussed the impact of such action on the business he represents and the fact that such action would drive these activities "underground" and make control and policing almost impossible. Mayor Repanich requested the Clerk to read the proposed ordinance which wouldrepeal the licensing ordinances involving such activities (see minutes of 3-9-70). Clerk read the proposed ordinance. Moved by Powers, seconded by Carr that this ordinance be adopted. On the question, Councilman Molzahn requested information of the City Attorney as to how enforcement would be effected after the repeal of these ordinances. Acting City Attorney Ronald Thompson briefed the Council on the legal effects of the proposed ordinance, when and how the enforcement would be made, etc. Councilman Powers spoke on the moral aspect of a disregard of the laws and constitution of the State. Discussed in depth by the Mayor and other members of the Council. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Monteith that the motion of Councilman Powers, seconded by Carr (to adopt the ordigance) be tabled for 90 days for further study. Seconded by Molzahn and approved, 5 yeas and two nos. Chief of Police Dow requested from the Council a clearly defined policy as to how he should proceed in this matter, with an ordinance in effect requiring licensing of these activities but the City refusing to issue such licenses. Chief Dow feels he needs definite instructions as to what will be tolerated and what will not, in order that he may properly instruct his personnel. Discussed briefly with no conclusions reached and with a study session determined to be necessary. Mayor recognized Mr. Charles McCord representing Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency as its chief enforcement agent, who was present to discuss and make recommendations to the Council re: the proposed ordinance which would prohibit burning in the City, (see minutes of 3-9-70). Mr. McCord discussed and explained the "open burning" section of PSAPC Regulation No. 1, which was adopted by the Kitsap County Commissioners on 2-11-70. He discussed the exceptions to the general prohibition against burning and fires, and emphasized the fact that fires for the purpose of disposing of waste material are prohibited if any other method of disposal (dumps, etc) are available, with the exception of large btems of natural vegetation (tree limbs, stumps, etc) which can be burned on site by permit. Discussed briefly and Councilman Molzahn requested information re: burning of large amounts of debris resulting from demolished buildings, etc and how this situation would be handled. This and various other questions answered by Mr. McCord. The Mayor requested the Clerk to read the proposed ordinance (previously read on 3-9-70) which would prohibit burning, in general, in the City. Moved by Carr, seconded by Montieth that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 849 assigned. March 23, 1970 Page Two Mr. Knobbs opened discussion on a condition existing at the City dump, caused by the dumping of large numbers of appliances (refrigerators, ranges, washing machines, etc) that are being dumped which cannot be crushed and flattened and thereby creating potential voids in the fill when they eventually rust out and disintegrate. This situation also will cause the land fill site to become full much sooner than planned. Discussed briefly and moved by Powers, seconded by Van Zee that the dumping of appliances, car bodies, etc will be prohibited. Approved. Mayor opened discussion on the "stop" sign at Cline and Division Streets (see minutes of previous meetings). Discussed at length by Mayor and several Councilmen. The work of the City street crews in removing part of the"hump" at the north intersection line has greatly improved visibility. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Powers that the stop sign on Cline Avenue north of Division Street be removed. Approved. Mayor requested information from the Clerk re: the insurance policies of J & F Buccaneer Refuse Service (see minutes of previous meetings). These policies have not yet been received. Chairman Molzahn opened discussion on the need to resolve the matter of the performance bond of $10,000. required of the garbage -refuse franchise contract, since the one year agreement to waive this requirement will expire on 5-31-70. Discussed at length. The Clerk read a memorandum from the City's bonding agent which states that he flet the present $10,000. requirement was excessive for an operation of this size and that it would be impossible for the average bidder for this contract to provide such a bond. Two other bonding agents have expressed the same opinion. The City of Bothell, one fourth larger than Port Orchard requires only $5,000. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Carr that the contract for garbage -refuse collection be amended to require a $5,000. performance bond. Approved. The City Attorney requested to prepare the necessary amendment. Mayor requested information from the Street and Alley Committee re: the proposal of the State Highway Department that Bay Street be limited to two lanes of traffic, with holding lanes for left turning traffic at the intersections. Chairman Caldwell re-presented�a sketch originally submitted by the State Highway Department in 1965, showing how such a channelization might look and recommends that this proposal be accepted. Discussed briefly. Moved by Monteith, seconded by Caldwell that this plan be accepted and approved, subject to the approval by the State Highway Department of a left turn lane at Orchard Street. Approved. Mayor reported on a meeting on 3-11-70 between property owners on Tremont Street, west { of Pottery Avenue, himself and County Commissioner Mahan res the financing of an extension of the City water system along Tremont Street to the new Juvenile Center, (see minutes of previous meetings). This matter is still under consideration. Fire Chief Hacker reported that he and another officer of the department will be in Yakima at a Fire Command School April 13-16 and that he will miss the next Council meeting. Chief Hacker also informed the members of the Council of an informative TV program scheduled for 4-12-70 which will deal with arson investigations and will include Fire Chief Vickery of Seattle. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported construction of the new fire station to be 99% complete. Chairman Van Zee of Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported the need for action to provide the playground area on the site of the new fire station (see minutes of previous meetings). Discussed briefly. This being thedate of the required hearing for the vacation of a portion of Orchard Street as established in Resolution No. 1096 (see minutes of 2-25-70), the Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would effect the vacation. No person being present to speak for or against the requested vacation, moved by Powers, seconded by Molzahn that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 850 assinged. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which will authorize the City to impose the `a sales tax as provided for by the State Legislature in the 1970 extraordinary session. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Van Zee that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 851 assigned. receipt Clerk reported4of a revised billing in the amount of $938.31. for the election costs of the November 4, 1969 General Election. The previous billing (in the amount of $1,626.02) was March 23, 1970 Page Three not paid because it was felt to be excessive. (See minutes of previous meetings). Discussed breifly and moved by Monteith, seconded by Powers that this revised billing be paid. Approved. Clerk read a letter from the Fathoms 10' Fun Committee of the South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce requesting permission to bring a carnival into Port Orchaudon 4-1 through 4-5 and 7-2 through 7-5. The April date will involve 3 to 5 kiddie rides only and will be located in the Westbay parking area. The July dates will involve the complete carnival and will be set up in the Merchants parking lot between Frederick Avenue, and the Thriftway store. Discussed briefly and moved by Van Zee, seconded by Monteith that this request be granted. Approved. The Clerk will notify the Committee by letter. Clerk read a letter from Roats Engineering Company certifying certain information re: a proposed Local Improvement District proposed to be formed to finance improvements to the downtown business district. Moved by Powers that this information be accepted and the City Attorney be directed to prepare the necessary resoltuion of acceptance and establishing the date for the required hearing. Seconded by Carr and approved. Clerk reported a need in the near future for construction of shelving and storage facilities in the office formerly occupied by the Chief of Police, as soon as the voting machines now stored there can be moved. The costs of the necessary improvements to this room will be about $150.00 and this will permit the clearing of much material now stored in crowded conditions in the vault. Chairman Van Zee of Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported the receipt of a proposal to construct about 60 feet of 8' high steel mesh fencing to extend the outfield fence of the Babe Ruth baseball field. This would cost about $174.50, and he moved that this be authorized. Seconded by Monteith. Approved. Chairman Van Zee moved that he be authorized to make certain other improvements in Parks facilities (plantings, fertilizing, etc). Seconded by Monteith. Approved. Van Zee moved that authority be granted to extend the 220 volt electric wiring in the Active Club Building to the basement to permit installation of an electric range and an ice cream machine. Seconded by Carr and approved. Mr. Van Zee reported possible availability of a number of folding chairs through the Kitsap County Fair Board and recommends the purchase if an acceptable price can be negotiated. Moved by Monteith, seconded by Powers, that the purchase of 300 of these chairs (including 100 on loan) be authorized. Approved. Chairman Van Zee discussed the desirability of installing drain tile north and south through Givens Field to improve drainage and reduce damage due to erosion. Continued pending receipt of cost estimates. Councilman Geiger reminded the Council that the comprehensive plan and zoning and sub -division ordinances still had not bebn received from the City Attorney and his associate, Tom Lowry. Discussed briefly and Acting City Attorney Ron Thompson directed to inquire into the status of this material. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported LID #64 sewer main construction had proceeded as far as Radey Street, (Manhole #17) and was proceeding slowly but satisfactorily. Mayor presented to the Council, a copy of the comprehensive water and sewer plan for Kitsap County, in which the City participated to the extent of $300. Discussed breifly. Chairman Powers of Finance and Auditing Committee made a recommendation that the Council consider not asking the voters for a special levy for funds for library operation costs for 1971. but to finance those costs from a portion of the revenue from the one -half -- cent sales tax which will become effective April 1. / The payroll for the period 1-1.5 March 1970 in the amount of $8,450.39 and Claims Fund bills in the following amounts and vouchers No. 5889 through 5928 (5889 voided) were offered for payment: Current Expense Fund $1,500.57, Water Fund $846.43, Street Fund $954.07, Sewer Fund $432.65, Park Fund $8.18, Total $3,741.90. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this payroll be approved, and the bills authorized paid. Approved. Mayor Repanich informed the Council that we would be absent from the City from 3-26 through 4-4 and suggested the degignation of one of the Council to act as Mayor Pro-Tem in his absence i necessary. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Carr that Councilman Powers be designated as Mayor Pro-Tem during this period. Approved. se7/, nded and appro d that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 12:15 a.m. '� X /7L Mayor //�� /t,,.��� Clerk Port Orchard, Washington March 9, 1970 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p. m. by Mayor Repanich, Councilmen present: Carr, Geiger, Monteith, Molzahn, Powers and Van Zee, Caldwell absent (excused). Also present: City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engr- Sup't. Public Works Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mrs. Maureen Smith and Mr, John Atkins, representing the Port Orchard Independent. Minutes of regular meeting of 2-25-70 read and approved as corrected. Mayor recognized Mr. Robert Joslin, a representative of the City's insurance carrier, who was present to further discuss the City's need for additional insurance to protect the elected officials in the discharge of their duties. Discussed briefly by the City Attorney, Mayor and members of the Council. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Monteith that the additional coverage outlined and offered by Mr. Joslin, be accepted at an additional cost of approximately $120.00 annually, Approved. Mayor recognized Mr. D. Theodore Wright, Kitsap County Auditor, who was present to discuss the matter of a special election under consideration by the Council for the purpose of presenting a special levy request to the voters, and the date such an election might be held, This special levy would be for the purpose of providing funds for the 1971 operation of the Port Orchard Branch of Kitsap Regional Library. Discussed in detail and continued for further consideration by the Finance and Auditing Committee. Mayor recognized Mr. Robert Gadberry of 1261 Sherman Avenue, who was present to protest the establishment of the stop sign at Cline and Division Streets (see minutes of 2-25-70). Discussed length and Mayor reported that the situation and possible hazards created by the stop sign are under study and a possibility exists that, by removal of a portion of the "hump" at the crest of the hill, visibility would be improved to a point where the stop sign might not be required. Moved by Carr, seconded by Geiger that the surface of the street and shoulder be removed on the north side of the intersection to increase vis- ib-lity. Approved, Clerk :reported receipt of a letter from a local attorney, also signed by several other local residents, protesting this stop sign. Mayor recognized Dr. Dick Skalabrin, local dentist, who was present to request information concerning the status of the program to flouridate the City's water supply. Dr. Skalabrin reminded the Council that it was over a year since the voters authorized and directed the treatment of the water supply. He reported on the progress of the program of flouridation in Seattle and other areas. Mayor informed Dr. Skalabrin of the projected time table in this matter. Fire Chief Hacker reported three (3) fires during February, one of which was caused by a defective TV set Chief Hacker also reported on other matters pertaining to his department. Clerk reported on the status of liability and property damage insurance of J & F Buccaneer Refuse Service (see minutes of 2-25-70). This insurance was reported by a member of the Council as having been cancelled. This appears to have been a case of cancellation with prior replacement of coverage with another company, since new insurance had been applied for, approved and a "binder" issued by a new company, prior to the date of cancellation of the old policy. New policies are expected to be received shortly. Mayor requested a report from the Street and Alley Committee re: the request from the State Highway Department that the City consider "two -laving" the portion of Bay Street (Highway 160) between Harrison and Port Avenues (now four lane) and establishing "holding" lanes for turning traffic. Councilman Geiger of Street and Alley Committee recommended that the proposal of the State Highway Department be considered a desirable improvement in the situation, Continued for additional study by the Council as a whole. Mayor reminded members of the Council of the meeting scheduled for March 11, 1970 at 7:30 p, m „ between property owners on Tremont Street west of Pottery Avenue to City limits and County Commissioner Bill Mahan to discuss financing of a new water main which will also serve the new juvenile center. Mayor requested information on the matter of burning of waste matter in the City, (see min- utes of 2-25-70), Clerk reported receipt from the City Attorney, of a proposed ordinance which would prohibit such burning, in line with the Air Pollution Control Regulations. Discussed in detail, Moved by Carr, seconded by Van Zee that action be continued on this matter until the 3-23-70 meeting. Approved. March 9, 1970 Page Two City Engr,-Sup't. Public Works Knobbs reported that the progress of the construction of the new fire station has progressed almost to the point of completion. He reported that LID #64 construction of the main trunk from Bay Street south had progressed to manhole 12, near Sroufe Street, with about 3300 feet remaining, and that very good progress is being made, Mr. Knobbs also reported on various building and construction projects under way in the City, Clerk reported receipt of a map/sketch showing an extension of the Westbay fill to the north and east. This project is under consideration by Mr. Robert Gins in conjunction with a proposed enlargement of his properties. An application has been filed with the Army Corps of Engineers for the permit to fill, and Mr. GAns requests the City's opinion. The Clerk, on the advice of the City Attorney, has informed Mr. Gans that the City would not give its approval, if required, until the "landmark" Lake Chelan case is finally decided. This in- volves a court decision that navigable waters cannot be filled for non -marine oriented use. Clerk informed the Council that Mrs. Carraway, the City Treasurer, intends to attend a seminar in Everett on 3-16 and 17, dealing with various matters pertinent to her duties. The only expense will be for transportation and meals, Moved by Monteith, seconded by Powers that the Treasurer be authorized reimbursement for these expenses in the usual manner, Approved, Clerk reported receipt of a Periodic Progress Report (No. 5),.and request for partial pay- ment from Jack Thorburn, Inc. in the amount of $38,502.94. This has been checked by Mr. Knobbs and found to be correct, Moved by Powers, seconded by Van Zee that the report and request for payment be accepted, and payment authorized. Approved. Mayor brought before the Council the matter of the City's trade stimulant and amusement machine licenses which were not re -issued in 1969, due to the ruling of the State Attorney General that all such "tolerance" policy activities involved gambling and were unconstit- utional. The floor was opened for discussion on the matter. City Attorney gave an opinion on the legal aspects. Discussed in detail. Moved by Monteith, seconded by Carr that all ordinances authorizing licensing of such activities as designated by the State Attorney General as being illegal be repealed. Approved. Moved by Powers, seconded by Monteith that the Chief of Police be directed to take action to enforce a "No Gambling" policy in Port Orchard, effective May 1, 1970, and after the above ordinances are repealed, Motion disapproved with 4 nos and 3 yeas, with the Mayor voting to break the tie vote. Councilman Molzahn reported a plugged storm drain on Bay Street east of Rockwell Avenue. Mr, Knobbs reported that he was aware of this and that it was caused by the filling of prop- erty north of Bay Street, which covered the and of an existing storm drain. Work is under way to correct the situation. The matter of the forthcoming increase in State sales tax by � of I percent (with the add- itional revenue being received by the City and County) discussed in detail. Moved by Powers, seconded by Molzahn that the City Council go on record as intending to implement the k of 1% sales tax for the City as authorized by the 1970 Legislature, and that the Mayor be authorized to forward a "letter of intent" to the State Department of Revenue. Approved, Chief of Police Dow requested information on his request of 2-25-70 for permission to pur- chase 6 desk -type chairs. Discussed briefly and determined that there are possiblq/four of these chairs now available, and that only two would have to be purchased. Contilnued for further study. Councilman C„rr reported that meetings are being planned with groups that use the Active Club Building to determine what cooperation may be obtained in effecting necessary Improve- ments, Chairman Van Zee of Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported on a study of the area near the new fire station and water tank re: the possible establishment of a small playground. At this time a possible ceremony of dedication and acceptance of the new fire station also discussed. Bills were read in following amounts: Current Expense Fund $16,253.65, Water Fund $620.83, Street Fund $380.12, Sewer Fund $601,42, Park Fund $45.32, Water and Sewer Construction Fund $43,994.34, total $61,900,68. Moved by Powers, seconded by Monteith that these bills be March 9, 1970 Page Three allowed and Vouchers No, 5844 through 5888 authorized paid, Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn, Adjourned at 11:35 p, m. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington February 25, 1970 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council, postponed from 2-23-70 (holiday) called to order at 7:40 p.m, by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Carr, Geiger, riolzahn, Monteith, and Powers. Caldwell and Van Zee, absent (excused). Also present: Attorney Thomas Krilich substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, City rAgineer Sup't of Public Works Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mr. Gerald Grosso representing Bremerton Sun and Mr. John Atkins representing Port Orchard Independent. Minutes of regular meeting of 2-9-70 read and approved. Mayor offered those in attendance with a specific problem to present, to do so at this time, and recognized Mrs. Ned& Heng of Retail, who was present to request information re: Resolution #1073, which endorsed and recommended support of the County -wide Parks and Recreation ballot measure of 1969. Mrs. Heng's questions were answered to her satisfaction. Clerk presented a proposed ordinance which would amend Ordinance No.647 (POMC 6.04) and repeal resolutions No. 1014 and 1048 (garbage -refuse regulations and collection rates ) and would establish schedules of commerical -bulk refuse collection container rates. This ordhance was previously read on 2-9-70, the date set for the required hearing, and theNcontinued until this meeting. Moved by Powers, seconded by G41ger that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 847 assigned. Councilman Monteith reported receipt of information which would indicate that the liability and accident insurance of the J & F Buccaneer Refuse Service had been _cancelled,. Matter continued until Mr. Griffith can be contacted in the setter. ✓ Councilman Monteith requested information as to the use to which franchise fee payment for garbage -refuse contract is put, after it is receipted into the City Treasurer's records. Discussed in detail and determined that the costs of surveying the property prior to the establishment of the sanitary land fill, the placing of tightline drain line through the dry -wash creek bed from south to north full length of the dump area and other improvements to the fill area will undoubtedly require the full amount of this revenue for several years in the future. Clerk read a petition of Kitsap County Bank, signed by D. E. Rickett, Executive Vice President, for the vacation of a narrow s:aip along the east side of Orchard Avenue, north of Bay Street. Discussed briefly and moved by Powers, seconded by Molzahn that this petition be accepted and the necessary resolution presented for passage. Approved. Clerk then read a proposed resolution which would establish the date of required hearing on the above petition. Moved by Carr, seconded by Geiger that this resolution be adopted. Approved and No. 1096 assigned. Mayor requested information on the matter presented by Mr. Roos (see minutes of 2-9-70) re: the potential traffic hazard in West Avenue between Sroufe and Melcher Streets. Mr. Knobbs reported that no further widening of this street can be accomplished until the sewer main (LID #64) is in operation and laterals constructed, since a septic tank partially in the street right-of-way must be removed and this cannot be accomplished until the dwelling involved can be connected to the sewer. Clerk reported no additional information received from the Association of Washington Cities re: the need for additional insurance protection for elective officials (see minutes of previous meetings). Mayor requested a report in the matter of the potential traffic hazard at Kitsap and Seattle Streets and the need for a stop or yield sign at this intersection. City Attorney is studying the state statutes to determine what actions are mandatory on the City and what options are available in the control of traffic on both arterials and non -arterials. Discussed briefly and moved by Monteith, seconded by Carr, that a stop sign be erected on Seattle Avenue, at Kitsap Street. Approved. Chief of Police Dow reported a visit from the State Highway Department Traffic Engineer (Mr. Truitt) re: the City's request for the installation of "Form Single Lane Left" sites in Bay Street at Harrison Avenue for eastbound traffic and near Port Avenue for west bound traffic, (see minutes of 1-26 and 2-9). The Department will not install these signs at this time, since they do not consider Bay Street of sufficient width to accomodate four lanes of traffic, and instead recommend a system of holdinilanes which would reduce the through traffic lanes to two (this proposal was previously February 25, 1970 Page Two presented in 1965). Discussed in detail and referred to Street and Alley Committee for further study. Mayor reported on the results of a meeting with the Kitsap County Auditor on 2-24-70 re: protested bill for election costs for 1969 general election, (see minutes of previous meetings). This meeting also included representatives of Poulsbo and North Kitsap School District who also have withheld payment of their bills and are protesting the amount. Discussed briefly and several possible formulas which might be used to apportion these costs also discussed. Clerk reported on the insurance needs of the City to provide the medical -hospital - surgical protection to poliq ire chief under the new Washington Law Enforcement and Firefighters ct, passed by the 1969 legislature. This will cost $15.05 per month per man if the personnel involved are enrolled in a plan offered by the Washington Physicians Service through arrangements with the Washington Fire Commissioners Association. This availability requires the enrollment in the WFCA of the personnel involved at $2.00 each. Discussed briefly and moved by Molzahn, seconded by Monteith that membership in the WFCA for eight (8) members at $2.00 each be authorized. Approved with 4 yeas and one no. The medical insurance coverage offered by the Washington Physicians Service as described above, discussed briefly, and moved by Carr, seconded by Molzahn that the City enroll its policemeri4fire chief in the Washington Physicians Service effective 3-1-70 with premiums of $15.05 per month each to be paid by the City as required by law. Approved, with 3 yeas and 2 nos. Mayort reminded members of the Council of the meeting on 2-26-70 with property owners on Tremont Street west of Pottery Avenue re: the proposed installation of a new, larger water main to serve these properties and the new County Juvenile Home. Fire Chief Hacker reminded the members of the Council that the burning permit season is almost at hand, and that he needs guidelines as to the City's intentions re: the Air Pollution Control Commission regulations' -whether they will be adopted and to what extent they will be enforced in the City. Discussed at length and determined that the City Attorney will be directed to prepare an ordinance adopting, by reference, APCC Regulation No. 1, which was adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Kitsap County on 2-11.-70. This ordinance will be presented at the next meeting for adoption. Chief Hacker reported completion of the State Vocational Education school for firefighters by 5 members of his department. Sup't. of Public Works Knobbs reported that the construction of the new fore station was about 80% complete and progressing very rapidly. Clerk presented a Progress report (No. 3) and partial payment request in the amount of $13,544.00 for work to date on the new fire station. This request has been approved by the Project Engineer, Mr. Hendricks. Moved by Monteith, seconded by Carr that this report be accepted and the requested payment authorized. Approved. Mayor Repanich requested an expression of opinion from Fire Chief Hacker on the possible development of a small portion of the property on which the water tank and new fire station are located into a recreation facility for children. Discussed briefly and referred to Parks and Playgrounds Committee for study and recommendation. Chief of Police Dow reported on the establishment of an in-service training program for members of his department which requires 6 desk -arm type chairs to permit taking of notes, use of reference books, etc. and requests authority to purchase these chairs. Referred to the Finance and Auditing Committee for study as to availability of funds. Chief Dow also reported the need to consider the purchase of a new patrol car to replace the 1967 Chevrolet which has accumulated 80,000plus miles and is either in need of replacement or major overhaul. Discussed briefly and moved by Carr, seconded by Powers that the purchase of a new pol f pvv car through the applicable State of Washington contract for such equipmen Approved. Clerk read a proposed ordinance authorizing amendment of the Budget ordinance for 1970, (No. 842), establishing the existence of an emergency not anticipated at time of fori*lation of the budget and authorizing the appropriation of monies to meet this emergency. Moved by Powers, seconded by Molzahn that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 848 assigned. February 25, 1970 Page Three City Engr-Suet of Public Works Knobbs reported that work on LID #64 has progressed to Manhole #8, near Kendall Street and is going smoothly and rapidly. He also reported on other matters pertaining to his Department. Mr. Knobbs requested specific information from the Council res the flouridation of the City's water supply as authorized by the voter's of the City in 1969. Discussed in detail and moved by Powers seconded by Geiger that the purchase of two (2) 8" flow meters be authorized as the first step in the flouridation implementation. Approved. Mr. Knobbs reported the comparative costs of repairing/replacing the entrance slab between the Municipal Building and the sidewalk to be $100-120 for hot mix asphalt or $100. (approximately) for concrete, (using City labor). Discussed briefly and moved by Monteith, seconded by Molzahn that the City Engineer be authorized to replace the present slab with concrete materials. Approved. Clerk read a letter from Mr. Arthur M. Mikelsen of 2358 Garden Drive, Port Orchard, who recommended consideration for ordinances or other legislation controlling or prohibiting the keeping of horses or`=other farm type animals in the City and cited instances of damage to his and neighbork' property by horses. Discussed in detail. Clerk reported receipt from the Pee Wees (fomerly South Kitsap Boys Club) of $500.00 as a donation toward improvements to Givens Field. A letter will be forwarded to this group expressing the appreciation of the Mayor and Council for this contribution. Clerk reported the need for issuance of Revenue warrant(s) in the total amount of $8,622.16 to liquidate the final payments in the construction (to date) of the Bay Street Interceptor sewer project. Moved by Powers, seconded by Molzahn that the issuance of these warrants be authorized. Approved. Clerk presented two preliminary plats for subdivisions outside of, but adjacent to the City limits of Port Orchard. One is a mobile home subdivision of 9.+ acres, the other a residential subdivision of 19 acres. Planning Commission made no specific recommendation. Discussed in detail and moved by Powers, seconded by Geiger that these plats be recommended approved subject to the recommendation that the plat "Travera" include an extension of Orchard Street into the subdivision to connect with Orchard Place, to provoaccess into the plat at two points instead of one. Approved. Clerk presented an application of Mr. Charles W. Adams of 1185 Sherman Avenue for a re -zone of 1 7/8 acres in Tax Lot #18, Section 35-24 1 E (Sherman and Melcher Streets) from R-1 to R-2 to permit establishment of a mobile home park. This application was considered by the Port Orchard Planning Commission on January 19 and continued until the meeting of February 16, when it was recommended approved. Discussed briefly and a sketch of the proposed facility examined. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Powers that the recommendations of the Planning Commission be concurred in and the proposed re -zone be authorized. Approved. Mayor read a letter from the Department of the Army, Civil Defense, concerning the recent Civil Defense exercise in which the City took part along with the County and other cities of the County. Councilman Geiger reported a potential traffic hazard at the intersection of Cline Avenue and Division Street involving vehicles traveling south on Cline and those entering Cline on Division, due to the steepness of Cline Avenue at this point which reduces visibility. Discussed in detail and several alternate methods of reducing this hazard proposed, and Mr. Geiger recommends the installation of a stop sign to require southbound vehicles to stop before entering the intersection. Chief of Police Dow recommends the installation of a "speed bump" to force vehicles to reduce their speed to point that the accident potential is reduced. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Monteith that a stop sign be erected at this intersection for vehicles approaching Division Street from the north. Approved. Councilman Carr reported a possible deficiency of street lighting in Pottery Avenue north of Lippert Drive due to a complaint Of poor illumination. Discussed briefly and determined that to improve the condition for this property owner would require shifting all or nearly all of the lights south of this point and would create as many 'dark spots" as it would correct. February 25, 1970 Page Four Bills were read in following amounts: Current Expense Fund $2,141.48, Water Fund $624.16, Street Fund $981.30, Sewer Fund $215.74, Parks Fund $889.82, Water and Sewer Construction Fund (Bay Street Interceptor) $2,664.44, Total $7,516,94, Moved by Powers, seconded by Molzahn that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 5815 through 5843 authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 12:midnite. Mayor Clerk Port Orchard, Washington February 9, 1970 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Monteith, Powers and Van Zee. Molzahn absent (excused). Also present: City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer- Sup't of Public Works Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mrs. Helen Ross representing Tacoma News Tribune, Mrs. Maureen Smith and Mr. John Adkins representing Port Orchard Independent. Minutes of regular meeting of 1-26-70 read and approved.. This being the date of the required hearing on the proposed ordinance establishing a new schedule of commercial -bulk refuse and garbage collection rates, the Mayor requested the Clerk *o read the proposed ordinance. After reading, the Mayor requested any person present desiring to speak for or against this schedule of rates to do so. m Mr. T. W. Heckel, a Port Orchard business man was recognized and spoke in opposition to the new commercial bulk refuse container rates and stated he felt they were excessive. Matter discussed in detail. Mayor recognized Mr. Arnold Carraway, manager of Deal's Plumbing Supplies and Auto Parts Store who asked certain questions concerning the Batter. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Van Zee that the ordinance be held over until the February 23rd regular meeting. Approved. Clerk read a letter from Mr. T. W. Heckel commending the City on the fire inspection and fire pre -planning program and stating the feeling that this was most beneficial practice. Mayor recognized Mr. Donald Rickett, Executive Vice President of Kitsap County Bank who was present in re: the property lines of the property owned by the bank on the north side of Bay Street east of Orchard Avenue. (See minutes of 1-26-70) He presented drawings and sketches of the new drive-in complex planned by the bank. Chairman Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee and Mr. Knobbs reported that they had met with Mr. Rickett at the site and had conferred on this matter. Discussed at considerable length. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Powers that the proposed project and the property lines established by survey, be accepted in general, subject to the necessary petition for vacation of a strip along the east side of Orchard Street. Approved. Mayor recognized Mr. Alex Roos of 1032 Garrison Avenue, who presented a potentially hazardous situation in West Street between Sroufe and Melcher Streets, caused by a narrowing of the street"jear a rise which permits vehicles to approach each other head-on. Discussed in detail and referred to Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer for study. Mayor recognized Mr. W. Manny ofl 1.137 Tacoma Avenue, who re -presented the problem of water draining from Melcher and Tacoma Streets onto his property during periods of heavy rainfall. Discussed briefly and referred to Street and Alley Committee for study. Clerk reported on progress of securing additional insurance protection for elective and appointive officials in the performance of their duties. Association of Washington Cities insurance counselor is studying the needs of the City and our present coverage. Chief of Police Dow reported receipt of a request from VFW Fourth District Headquarters requesting permission to hold a Loyalty Day parade on May2. Discussed briefly and moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this request be authorized. Approved. Chief Dow then requested the manufacture or procurement of additional traffic control signs to permit re-routing traffic for this and future parades. Discussed briefly and determined that other means of procuring these signs, through the Art Department of the High School or other sources, be explored to reduce costs of this project. Councilman Monteith re -presented the matter of a potentially hazardous traffic conditi 'existing at Kitsap and Seattle Streets, to traffic entering Kitsap from Seattle 'Discussed at length and referred to Street and Alley Committee for study with Chief of Police and the City Attorney. February 9, 1970 Page Two Sup't of Public Works Knobbs reported on progress of correction of the drainage problem at the bottom of the steps leading to the Police station from Kitsap Street. Clerk reported no reply from the Highway Department on the "Form Single Lane Left" sags on Bay Street near Orchard Avenue and Harrison Avenue (see minutes of 1-26-70). City Attorney Donald Thompson reported on an exchange of correspondence with the County Auditor rel the costs of the November 4, 1969 General election. (See minutes of previous meetings) and informed the Council of the formula used to compute these costs. On the basis of the information he has accumulated he recommends the bill be paid. Discussed in detail. Determined that the County Auditor will be invited to meet with the members of the Council in a study session to discuss the method of computing these costs. Clerk read a letter from Councilman Molzahn who is vacationing in California, indicating he would probably be delayed beyond his intended date of return due to the illness of his wife and her inability to travel at this time. Clerk read a letter from the Washington Fire Commissioners Association re: membership in that organization and the fact that membership in that unit at approximately $0 00 per year would make the City eligible for the insurance group plan for law enforcement and fire fighting personnel required to be furnished by the employer under provisions of legislation passed by the 1969 legislature. Matter continued pending receipt of information from the City*s group health insurance carrier re: availability of an approved plan from that company. Clerk reminded the Mayor and Council of the fact that next Council meeting will fall on a holiday (the Monday after Washington's Birthday which falls on Sunday). Discussed briefly and moved by Van Zee, seconded by Carr that the regular meeting scheduled for 2-23-70 be postponed until 2-25-70. Approved. Clerk informed the Council of the settling of the entry slab between the sidewalk and the entrance to the City Hall to a point where a distinct obstacle exists and over which a man stumbled and fell tearing his trouseres and bruising his leg. Discussed in detail and continued pending information from Sup't of Public Works Knobbs re: most desirable method and approximate costs. Clerk informed the Council that the Final Assessment roll for LID #64 had been received from Hammond, Collier and Wade who had prepared it on machine ledger forms per the request of the Treasurer and that it was an outstanding job of preparation and would make the work of the Treasurer easier. Clerk presented a progress payment request from Jack Thorburn, Inc. for payment No. 4 on LID #64, in the amount of $32,194.90. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Powers that this statement of progress and request for payment be accepted. Approved. Clerk presented a progress payment from E. J. Rody & Sons for payment No. 3 on Bay Street Interceptor Sewer line in the amount of $2,664.44. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Monteith that this statement of progress and request for payment be accepted. Approved. Mayor Repanich read a letter from Mr. William Mahan, County Commissioner, addressed to the Mayor, as a member of the Kitsap County Health Board, requesting consideration be given to the providing of $600. per month for the Kitsap Council on Alcoholism to further the efforts to control alcoholism. Discussed briefly and continued for further information. Mayor Repanich opened discussion on the matter of the proposed water line in Tremont Street for Pottery Avenue to the area of the new County juvenile home. Comparative figures have been developed by Mr. Knobbs, presenting various costs which would be borne by property owners whose property fronts on Tremont, County and City. Discussed briefly and continued pending a meeting with the property owners concerned. Moved by Carr, seconded by Van Zee that a meeting be arranged between property owners involved and members of the Council to present the proposal. Approved. Van Zee reported a situation involving berry vines and other litter on the sidewalk on the south side of Kitsap Street east of Sidney Avenue. Chairman Van Zee of Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported that the groups using the Parks and Playgrounds facilities may be prepared to contribute some monies toward improvements if the City is prepared to cooperate. February 9, 1970 Page Three Councilman Monteith requested information on the status of the installation of new street lights in the vicinity of Cedar Heights Junior High School. Chairman Carr of the Fire & Light Committee reported the lights are installed and appear to be quite adequate. Councilman Carr reported on a proposal of a Mrs. Corliss that the City consider clearing brush and other growth from an old cemetery area at the north end of Farragut Avenue. The Kitsap County Historical Society would be willing to contribute $100.00 toward this project. Discussed briefly and continued for further study. Councilman Carr reported on a meeting of the State Office of Economic Development representatives, where various problems were presented and discussed re: economic development of an area, and how such development progresses through various stages. Fire Chief Hacker reported that the fire alarm system between Cedar Heights Junior High School and the Police Station had been at least partially tested. Sup•t of Public Works Knobbs reported on progress of construction of the new fire station and LID #64. Bills were read in the following amounts: Current Expense: $4,018.47, Water Fund: $806.43, Street Fund: $1,778.17, Sewer Fund: $295.41, Park Fund: $52.98, Water & Sewer Construction Fund: $35,146.60, Arterial Street (UAB Phase #1) $1,735.00, Total: $43,833.06. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 5735 through 5814 be authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 11:50 p.m. �.r Mayor�lerk J. Port Orchard, Washington January 26, 1970 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:40 p. m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Monteith and Van Zee. Molzahn and Powers absent (excused), Also present: City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer- Supt. Public Works Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker and Mrs, Maureen Smith, and Mr, John Atkins, representing Port Orchard Independent. Minutes of 1-12-70 meeting read and approved, Mayor recognized Mr.. Arthur M, Mikelsen, former member of the Council, who was present to request information re: the implementation of the flouridation of the City water supply, which was approved by the voters of the City, Mayor Repanich and Supt. of Public Works Knobbs reported on the progress of selection of equipment, financing, etc. Mayor requested information from City Attorney re: insurance protection of elected officials (see minutes of meetings of 12-22-69 and 1-12-70). No reply has been received from the Assn, of Washington Cities to a Letter in this matter. Continued until further information is available, Chairman Caldwell of the Street and Alley Committee reported on the matter of confused property lines in the area of Orchard Ave, and Bay Street, which have come to light as a result of surveys and record searches in connection with construction of the new Kitsap County Bank drive-in complex, There appears to be no conflict of interests between the City's R/W and the bank's plans for the improvement that cannot be easily resolved, when more detailed plans of the facility are provided in the near future. Fire Chief Hacker reported that steps were being taken to complete all work on the fire alarm system between Cedar Heights Junior High School and the Police Department, Chief of Police Dow reported the need to improve the drainage from the sidewalk at the bottom of the steps from Kitsap Street. Water pools at this location during heavy rains. Referred to Supt, of Public Works Knobbs for action. Mayor made mention of the "Appreciation Dinner" given for the benefit of the Volunteer Fire- men and their wives, by the First Methodist Church and the members of the City Council, and that it was appreciated by all who attended, Councilman Caldwell and Van Zee reported their attendance at the Air Pollution Control Commission hearings on 1-21-70. A short resume' of the proceedings was provided by Mr. Van Zee. Supt. of Public Works Knobbs reported on the progress in the preparation of the emergency electric generator for service (see minutes of previous meetings). Discussed briefly and moved by Monteith, seconded by Carr that the City Engineer be authorized to proceed with the pouring of a new slab on top of the old to raise the base of the generator, when in- stalled, above the ground level, and to construct two wails of concrete block to provide protection and cover for the unit, Approved. Clerk read a proposed ordinance (first reading), which would remove garbage -refuse collection rates from resolution form and put in the garbage ordinance, and which would establish a new` - schedule of bulk refuse container rates. Moved by Carr, seconded by Monteith that this ordinance, as modified after the reading, be accepted and the required hearing set for regular meeting on 2-9-70, Approved. Clerk read for information, the contents of an informational bulletin, which will be sent to all householders in the City concerning garbage -refuse collection, responsibilities of the collector and the subscriber, etc. Discussed briefly and determined that it will be witheld pending possible further modification. Chairman Carr of Fire and Light Committee reported no progress in the matter of the addition- al street lights in vicinity of Cedar Heights Junior High School (see minutes of 12-22-69 and 1- 2-70).. Discussed briefly and continued. Chairman Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee discussed the desirability of posting "Form Single Line Left" signs for eastbound traffic between Sidney Avenue and Harrison Avenue, and between Orchard and Port Avenues for west -bound traffic to reduce accident potential at these points, where the traffic lane narrows from 2 lanes to one. Discussed briefly and determined January 26, 1970 Page Two that an opinion will be requested from the State Highway Dept. City Attorney 'Thompson reported that he had received no reply from the County Auditor or the State Supervisor of Elections re: the propriety of the bill for election costs for 1969 General Election, Continued until this information is received. Clerk re -presented a proposed Stipulation and Agreement between the City and Mr. & Mrs, Vernon Lieseke of 413 West St,, involving the purchase of R/W for Pottery Avenue Arterial and which would obligate the City to vacate a portion of Sweany and Taylor Streets abutting the Lieseke property, Discussed in detail, City Engineer Knobbs has examined the area and feels it extremely unlikely that these streets could be developed for vehicular traffic, but that sewer and/or water lines could be installed there. City Attorney feels that advantages gained by agreeing to the vacation outweigh possible inconvenience to the City. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Monteith that this Stipulation and Agreement be accepted and approved, subject to a reservation for an easement 20 feet wide, Approved. Clerk read a proposed resolution which would affect certain budgetary appropriations and antra -fund transfers required to balance out all budget classifications at the end of 1969. Discussed briefly and moved by Geiger, seconded by Caldwell that this Resolution be adopted. Approved and No, 1094 assigned. Supt, of Public Works reported on progress of construction of a new fire hall and LID #64. Clerk presented a proposed plat of Section 8 of Sunset Lane Cemetery, involving 210 new grave plots. This plat was approved by the Port Orchard Planning Commission at a regular meeting on 1-19-70. Discussed briefly and moved by Monteith, seconded by Carr, that this plat be accepted and the approval of Planning Commission be concurred in. Approved and the Mayor and Clerk authorized to authenticate the plat. Mayor announced the need for nomination of three (3) new members to the Kitsap County Com- prehensive Health Planning Commission which functions with the Health Department, and request- ed the members ofthe Council to consider the matter and to make recommendations to him. Mayor read a letter from Mayor Young of Wenatchee suggesting that the Mayor write a letter to State Senators and/or Representatives supporting the Urban Arterial Program and urging its continuation. Discussed briefly and Councilmen agreed that this program has been ben- eficial and that it should be continued. Councilman Monteith opened a discussion on the merits of a business license that might be required of all businesses in the City, partly to produce revenue and partly to protect existing business from the "fly-by-night" type which come into the City, operate for a short time and then close up, occasionally with outstanding obligations in the City. Dis- cussed in detail and continued for further study. Bills were read in following amounts: Current Expense $12,319.51, Water $178.08, Street $299.,07, Sewer $436,79, Parks $83.63, Water and Sewer Construction $28,544.68, Arterial Street (Project 1..69) $2,896.71; 'Total $44,758.47. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No, 5700 through 5734 authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 10:35 p. M. C Jerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington January 12, 1970 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Repanich, Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Monteith, Powers and Van Zee, rolzahn absent, (excused). Also present: Attorney Tom Krilich of law firm of Lee, Krilich, Lowry and Thompson, substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer-Sup't of Public Works Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief hacker, Mrs, Helen Ross representing Tacoma yews Tribune and ,�r, Gerald Grosso representing Bremerton Sun, IA nutes of regular meeting of 12-22-69 read and approved, ,,ayor offered any person present with a specific problem or matter to bring before the Council an opportunity to do so. tiayor recognized fir, Robert Gans who was present in re: his previous request (see minutes of previous meetings) for vacation of a portion of Kitsap Street and an alley south of Kitsap Street, both vacations extending east from Bethel Avenue, Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would vacate a portion of Kitsap Street and the alley referred to above, moved by Powers, seconded by Van Zee that the proposed ordinance be adopted. Approved with four ayes and two nays, and No, 846 assigned, Mr. Gans asked a question re: the propted ordinance (referred to in minutes of 12-22-69) which would prohibit burning in the City after anti -air pollution regulations are adopted after scheduled hearings are held. Mr. Gans was informed that this ordinance was being held in obeyance until after the hearings. Ivir, Tom Krilich, substituting for City Attorney Thompson, reported on several matters referred to the City Attorney for action, i.e., debris resulting from burned buildings, and insurance deeds of the City as concerns elected officials. Mr. Robert Joslin, the City's insurance carrier representative, was present to discuss further the City's insurance needs for elected officials and discussed the matter briefly. Continued for further study and information from the City Attorney. Mayor recognized Mr. D. E. Rickett, Executive Vice President of Kitsap County Bank who was present to discuss plans for the new bank facility to be constructed on the north side of Bay Street, east of Orchard Street. The present sidewalk in front of this property was originally constructed on wooden framing which has rotted out leaving very little support for the sidewalk which is partially supported on the north side by the buildings which are scheduled for removal. Mr. Rickett recognizes the responsibility of the property owner for sidewalk repairs but suggests that the City also has an interest in the situation, since a void exists under the sidewalk which contains a sewer line, and he feels that perhaps a joint project of the necessary filling and re -construction of the facility might be in order, Continued for further study and consideration. Mr, Rickett introduced Mr. Robert McGinnis of S & 1 Land Company, surveyors who brought to the Council's attention apparent discrepancies in property descriptions and lines which have been discovered in surveys to determine exact property boundaries, Maps and drawings examined. After further discussion, referred to Street and Alley Committee for study, with that committee to meet with Mr. Rickett and Mr, McGinnis on 1-14-70, I,,ayor Repanich recognized Fir. Ralph Staples, representing South Kitsap Babe Ruth League, who was present to request consideration for permission to construct a new scoring booth and service building on the League's baseball field at Kendall and Cline Streets, i%ir, Staples also requests permission for the League to extend its foul line fences about 32 feet, if the City would furnish the material for the fences, with the labor to be volunteers. Latter continued for further study by Parks and Playground Committa-and representatives of Babe Ruth League, Clerk read a letter from South Kitsap Pee Wee's, signed by Robert "Buck" Gehring, board member thanking the City, the Parks and Playgrounds Committee and -Councilman Van Zee particularly for the fine manner in which the basement of the Active Club Building has been finished, January 12, 1970 Page Two Fire Chief Hacker reported that his Department answered 8 fire calls in December with about $15,00 loss, hacker reported that the fire alarm system between Cedar Heights Junior High School and the Police Department has been checked out by a representative of the State Fire marshalfs office and still needs additional work by the school district's architect, Councilman Carr reported that the "appreciation" dinner being planned jointly by the First Methodist Church and members of the City Council is scheduled ror b:.5U p,m. January 16 with all Firemen, their families and members of the Council and their families, and others invited, Chairman Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee reported the general disapproval of the committee of the petition of Mr, Gary Deal (see minutes 4 12-8 and 12-22-b9) for the vacation of a portion of dater Avenue. Discussed in general detail and determined that the matter would not be considered further. ,%ayor reminded members of the Council of the meeting of the Air Pollution Control Cormission on 1-21-70 at 10:30 a,m, at the Courthouse and suggested that since this was a most important hearing, that as many as could should attend. ,\iayor requested information on the status of the emergency electric generator (see minutes of 12-22-69). Clerk and Sup't of Public Works Knobbs reported on the progress of preparing this unit for service, r,ayor requested acting Chairman Powers of Water, Sewer, 'health and Sanitation Committee to report on the committee's study of the refuse -garbage questionaires distributed by Councilman 1,.onteith (see minutes of 12-22-69). �4ir. Powers informed the Council that these questionaires have been examined and evaluated, and that a study session of the Council as a whole is scheduled for 1-19-70 to study the situation further and attempt to resolve the matter. Councilman Powers reported on the proposal of the South Kitsap Jay Cees to place 55-gallon converted oil drums in the Nerchants' parking lot for deposit of litter., Representatives of the Jay Cees have met with the committee and discussed the matter. This proposal discussed in detail, i•.oved by Powers, seconded by Carr that the placing of these refuse containers on a trial basis be authorized, conditional on the availability of a member of the Jay Cees on each Saturday to.assist the truck driver in handling the cans. Approved, Chairman Carr�reproted on the matter of placing new street lights on Pottery Avenue and on Lippert Drive (see minutes of 12-22-69), Air. Carr has met with iir, Siegfried of Puget Sound Power & Light and agreed on the location of three (:3) new mercury vapor lights on Pottery Avenue between Lippert Drive and Cedar heights Junior high School and two (2) on Lippert Drive. ,,r. Siegfried has recommended the replacement of an incandescent light at Tremont Street and Pottery Avenue to reduce breakage by vandalism and improve lighting conditions. sir, Carr also reported that the street light on Bay Street near Harrison Avenue may be subject to adjustment to improve lighting at this crosswalk, Discussion developed on traffic control problems at the Harrison Avenue and Port Avenue portions of Bay Street, where traffic lanes narrow from two lanes to one, 1,,any near -accidents occur at these points, and some method of coping with the problem would be desirable, Clerk reported receipt of an invoice from Kitsap County Auditor for the City's share of costs of November, 1969 general election in the amount of $1,669.49 which represented a 400'A increase over the costs of the same type of election in 196/. In view of the drastic increase and certain other items requiring clarification, this invoice has not been paid, The City Attorney is checking certain facts and will report at the 1-26-70 meeting Clerk read a proposed agreement between the City and Kitsap County Humane Society for the services of the Society in enforcing and administering animal control ordinances for 19/0, This calls for payment of $180,7/ per month as compared to $lb5,UU in 1969. roved by Carr, seconded by Geiger that this agreement be ratified and the iliayor and Clerk authorized to sign for the City, Approved, January 12, 1970 Page Three Clerk read a progress report and request for partial payment (No.3) from Jack Thorburn, Inc, on LID # 64, in the amount of $26,104.88, indicating the project to be approximately 32.5% completed, Various portions and aspects of the project discussed in detail, :loved by Monteith, seconded by Van Zee that this progress report be accepted and the payment requested be authorized conditional upon examination and approval by the Clerk and Sup't of Public Works Knobbs, Approved, Sup't of Public '4orks Knobbs reported on the progress of construction of the new fire hall. Discussed in detail, and the Clerk presented a partial payment request from Ron Nelson Construction Company for work and materials supplied to this date, Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Van Zee that this progress report and request for partial payment be accepted and the payment made subject to adjustment of certain items and prior approval of Project Engineer X. i%i, Hendricks and Sup't of Public Works Knobbs, Approved. Chairman Powers of Finance and Auditing Committee recommends the authorization of the purchase by the Clerk of a new typist chair and an automatic copying machine. Discussed in detail by members of the Council, Loved by Powers, seconded by Carr that the Clerk be authorized to purchase a new typist chair and an automatic eopying machine. After further discussion motion approved with 5 ayes and one nay, Chief of Police Dow reported on his probable attendance at a police management school in Seattle on January 2U & 21, Chief Dow also reported that one new patrolman, a iir, James C. Benton had satisfactorily completed all phases of examination for appointment to the position of patrolman and had been accepted for appointment effective January 22, 197U. This brings the Police Department to full strength, Chief Dow reported that the office chair used by the Police Dispatchers required replacement, due to being broken. This chair was purchased as a used item from PSNS salvage sales, had previously been broken and repaired and was now believed to be beyond further value, ;Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Geiger that purchase of a new office chair by the Police Department be authorized, Approved. Chief of Police Dow also reported that he had been appointed to membership on the Training Committe of the Chief's of Police and Sheriff's Association and that he had been requested to attend a meeting on December 16, 1969 in Ellensburg, 4ashington, Discussed briefly and moved by VRn Zee, seconded by Powers that reimbursement at the rate of 10q per mile for the travel involved(which was performed by privately owned transportation) be authorized and that future travel required in the performance of this committee membership be authorized by privately owned conveyance at the established rate, Approved, .,ayor-Zepaaich reminded those present that this was the meeting at which one of the newly re-elected Councilmen f,.r, Carr was scheduled to be sworn in and requested the Clerk to administer the oath of office. Chairman Van Zee of Parks and Playgrounds Committee requested authority to have sketches made of the area around the Active Club Building preliminary to plantinb of shrubs and/or flowers if funds can be made available.. Determined that this is a routine matter, since the sketches would be provided at no cost, bills were read in the following amounts: Current Expense Fund: $3,267.00, Water Fund $1,550,81, Street Fund $1,990,03, Sewer Fund $1,244.16, Park Fund $43.44, Arterial Street Fund (UAB Phase 1) 815,639,73, Art, St, $168,82, Water and Sewer Construction Fund 51,079,36, LID #64 Construction $4,414,50, Total $28,697,95, ;loved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No, 5636 through 5699 be authorized paid. Approved, i•ioved,seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn, Adjourned at 11:30 p.m. 1iayor ' 1�i�7` h' - —Clerk