01/13/1975 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington January 13, 1975 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Fulton, Caldwell, Doyle, Libby; Roos and Geiger. Councilman Van Zee excused on account of being snowbound in South Dakota. Also present Engineer Knobbs, Police Chief Dow and Fire Chief Weatherill. Mr. Jackson represented regular City Attorney Terry McCluskey. Councilman Caldwell moved that the minutes of the December 9, 1974 meeting be approved as circulated. Seconded. Councilwoman Doyle moved to amend the motion by the addition of several corrections which she had noted and which she explained to the Council. Seconded. On the vote of the motion to amend, the motion lost. The original motion approved by the Council. Councilman Caldwell moved to approve the minutes of December 2, 1974 and of December 20, 1974. Seconded and carried. Mr. Robert Yeasting and Mr. Thomas Satterlee, representing the Investment Bankers and Brokers of the firm of Foster & Marshall, 205 Columbia Street, Seattle presented a proposal to the Council for the Financial Consulting Service of the $700,000.00 General Obligation Bonds of the City for the Water Improvement System. Quoted a cost of $650.00 to prepare and distribute prospectus, submit information to Moody's as deemed appropriate so as to receive an advantageous bond rating and to assist in the evaluation of the bids and follow up service in the delivery of the bonds. Stated that the Moody rating would cost about $600.00. Clerk read letter from Mr. Terry Thompson, Terry Thompson Company, Bond Investments, informing Council that he could not be in attendance at this meeting but would be glad to assist with the sale of City's General Obligation Bonds by preparing for the prospective bond bidders the financial information at no charge for his service. Also will assist in the application for a Moody rating if the Council desires. If the information on the financial status is to be in printed form, then the City would pay for the printing cost. There will be a study session of the Council at 7:30 P.M. January 21, 1975 in the Council Chamber for discussions on the choosing of a bond consultant for the marketing of the City's $700,000.00 General Obligation Bonds. Mr. R. Rivas asked Council what their decision is on his request to lease the building at 1017 Bay Street and then after a period of time when the cost of financing was more realistic continue to renovate the building and bring it up to code. Mr. Rivas asked the Council to extend his last extension for one year in order for him to find a tenant with sufficient funds to assist him in the cost of re -building. Councilman Caldwell moved to allow an ex- tension until the May meeting of the Council on May 12, 1975, to find a tenant and also to bring the building up to Fire Zone #1 Code. Seconded. Councilman Geiger moved to amend the motion by making the premises secure from trespassers. Seconded and carried. Amended motion carried. Mr. Asa Norwood, Our Next Step Medical Group, asked permission from the Council to place one sign off the right'of.wapn the entrance from SR 16 onto Tremont Street and two signs in the area of the Hi Joy Bowl to urge the citizens to vote for the Hospital Levy and Bond issue. Approved. Mayor recessed Council at 9:00 P.M. until 9:20 F.M. 9:20 P.M. Council re convened. January 13, 1975 Page Two Clerk read letter from Commandant, Thirteenth Naval District relating the appreciation to all the citizens that contributed to the hospitality for the crew of the submarine USS PUFFER. For Council information, letters from Kitsap Humane Society and from Mr. Adrian Carr relative to animal control were read. Chief Dow reported that the Post #2669, Veterans of Foreign Wars, request permission to hold the Loyalty Day Parade on May 4, 1975. Councilman Fulton moved to approve the request. Seconded, and carried. Chief informed Council that the approximate extra cost for patrolling the parade would be $350 to $450. On the request of the Chief of Police to be refunded for the out of pocket expense to attend the trial on the charges against the Chief in Federal Court in Seattle on behalf of Mr. Griffith, for parking, boat tare and meals, for about $10.00 per day, Council- man Caldwell moved to allow the expenses. Seconded. Councilman Geiger moved to amend that the Chief take the launch to Bremerton, catch the Seattle Ferry and then ride the rapid transit to the Federal Courthouse if this method is practical. Seconded and carried. Councilwoman Doyle moved to table the matter. Motion lost for lack of a second. Amended motion carried. Engineer Knobbs reported: 1. Only one proposal has been received on the manufacturing of the protective screens for the light bulbs on Port Orchard Boulevard. Councilman Geiger told the engineer to contact the Eldercraft people. 2. S. & I. Engineering is in the process of preparing the preliminary draft of the E.I.S. for the Louis Molzhan project. 3. Reported that Mr. Morrissey, Bremerton Stages, cannot spend any money on the preparation of a new bus stop area. Also that Mr. Morrissey stated that he would be content to stay where the stop is now if one more meter could be removed. Council informed engineer to contact Mr. Morrissey and inform him that he can stop fronting the feed store if he desires and if he still wants to use the regular spot to come back to Council on the removal of the additional meter. Chief Weatherill reported that there were 8 alarms last period. Also will prepare and distribute his annual report to the members of Council. Requested permission to attend the Northwest Fire Investigators and Fire Prevention School in Bellevue, Washington, February 6/7, 1975. Two will attend with the total cost of $30.00. Approved. Mr. Omar Neshem, Sinclair Inlet Yacht Club, informed Council of their intent to purchase a used Washington State Ferry in the amount of $35,000.00 and to possibly moor the boat just west of the Port Orchard Marina. Several questions were asked relative to the venture. The matter of parking was discussed. Also the question of private enterprise mooring on public property was discussed. This matter will be presented to the Port of Bremerton this coming Thursday by Mr. Neshem. Mayor Powers read Proclamation proclaiming the year 1975 as International Womens Year and requested approval from the Council. Approval granted on motion by Roos, seconded and carried. Mayor reported that the Chairman of the Planning Commission has expressed the need for a revolving map and chalk board and two bulletin boards with supports. The approximate cost would be $300.00. Councilwoman Doyle suggested that the entire west wall of the Chamber could be used for this purpose. Also that there is little enough room in the Chamber now. On motion by Geiger, seconded and carried, matter referred to Parks, Playground and Building Committee. January 13, 1975 Page Three Councilman Geiger reported on the final meeting with the City and Employee's Union bargaining agents and that the rank and file had accepted the City's offer of $1000.00 per year per full time employee. Councilman Geiger moved that the Council approve the amount of $1000.00 per year per full time employee and that there shall be no increases during the year which would exceed the $1000.00. Seconded and carried. Councilman Geiger moved that the following chapters of the Traffic Code contained the the City of Port Orchard Municipal Code (1) Chapter 10.52 (2) Chapter 10.56 (3) Chapter 10.60 (4) Chapter 10.64 be referred to the Police Committee for updating and rewriting. Seconded and carried. Matter of the installation of a street light on West Street as requested by Mrs. Mary Wilson, 1306 West Street, to Councilman Roos referred to Fire and Light Committee. Councilman Roos reminded the Clerk that the matter of Animal Control Chapters of the Municipal Code should be carried under Old Business. Councilwoman Doyle suggested that the Council limit meetings to three hour& and if there is not enough time to complete the business have another meeting in the following week. Also have a meeting on a regular basis to hear the public, this meeting would be in addition to the regular Council meetings. Clerk instructed by Mayor to obtain the deposition of the court in the cases of C. W. Adams, Mr. Tom Clauson and Mr. J. Griffiths. The Adams case being one of boundary line dispute and non payment of LTD #64 assessments. The Clauson case, directed to obtain a Special Use Permit to operate a junk yard. The Griffith case is a Civil Rights charge against the Chief of Police. Councilwoman Doyle informed Council of the existing traffic hazards in the vacinity of the Bethel Y and offered several methods of correcting those hazards. Matter of moving the two stop signs (one northbound from Bethel and one southbound from Manchester) to create better vision was discussed. Councilman Geiger moved that in light of the information furnished by the State that they did not want to create a new change at this time and in a short period of time re -change the same conditions, that the stop signs not be moved if the State does not want to move the stop signs. Seconded and carried. Councilman Caldwell brought up the possibility of Dr. J. Coyle cleaning up the area on the west side of the T.B.M. building and engineer reported that Dr. Coyle would do what is possible to clean up the area. Councilman Fulton moved that a study session be set for the pur- pose of letting a garbage contract. Motion not completed as this will be scheduled at the 7:30 study session on January 21, 1975. Councilman Fulton reported that the Water/Sewer Committee is setting up a meeting with the City Commissioners of Bremerton on the Water Contract for the purpose of purchasing water from Bremerton. Clerk will distribute copies of the proposed water and sewer rate increase ordinances to all members for study. Members Fulton, Caldwell and Doyle have copies of the above. Councilwoman Doyle suggested that the Council contact the attorneys within the limits of Port Orchard and ask if they would be inter- ested in being the legal counsel for the City. Also stated that the fees for the year 1974have been rather expensive and that the Council is not getting enough service for those fees. Mayor Powers informed Council that he has no intent to terminate the services of the existing firm of walgren & Sexton and if this is desired the Council will have to take what steps are necessary. Councilman Geiger moved that vouchers #205 through #309 in December payroll in the amoun and carried. Adjourned at 11:50 P.M. January 13, 1975 Pagg�e Four the bills be allowed and that the amount of $15,743.38 and that t of $31,915.88 be allowed. Seconded CLERK `% '7 /gin .i-� MAYOR C