01/27/1975 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington January 27, 1975 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Fulton, Caldwell Doyle, Libby, Van Zee, Roos and Geiger. Also present: Chief Dow, Engineer Knobbs and Attorney McCloskey. Chief Weatherill excused. Councilman Fulton moved that the minutes of January 13, 1975 meeting be approved as circulated. Seconded. Councilwoman Doyle mo e�stf� gu CO - amend the motion by the addition of several corrections which she explained to the Council. Motion to amend lost as there was no second. Original motion carried. Jerry Bruckart, President of the Sidney Museum and Arts Association introduced several officers of the Association and requested the Council to assist their Association in securing funds for the purchase of the Navy View Hotel on Prospect Street. This building was declared as a National Historic Site and is available for 50% matching funds and will be available for purchase in the immediate future. There is also a possibility that 100% matching would be available through HUD. A proposition was submitted to the Council for the City to purchase the Sidney Gallery and the Telephone Co. building next door for the Library expansion. Also informed Council that the Association has some funds in savings and also pledges from interested parties. Mayor informed those present that the City will consider the proposition and will set up a study session to discuss the project. Marilyn Erhardt, Chairperson for the 1975 Fathoms of Fun Festival informed Council that the festival will be July 4, 5 & 6, 1975 and requested the use of the new parking lot for the Carnival and con- cessions, stating that the Sidney Museum and Arts Association is going to coordinate their facilities to coincide with the Fathoms. Also requested that Prospect Street, from Sidney to Frederick Street be blocked for display and foot traffic. Matter referred to Street and Alley Committee. Mr. Ted Cobbs, Commodore of the Sinclair Inl acht Club informed Council of the proposed purchase of a retire Mate ferry which is 260 feet in lengi and 60 feet wide, and is proposed to be temporarily moored s of the Marina, and of the long range plan to make this a permanent installation to include a seafood restaurant cocktail lounge, banquet facilities and also areas available for the public. Commodore Cobbs requested the Council to give them approval of their venture with no definite location at this time. City Engineer and Fire Chief informed Council that the ferry would meet the Building and Fire Codes. Mr. Jack Fitzgerald was concerned about the height of the vessel and whether this would detract from the business places. Councilman Caldwell stated that a study session will be set up for the Council and Yacht Club and interested citizens for discussion on the project. Councilman Geiger moved that the old flatbed trailer which the City no longer needs or uses be declared as salvage. Seconded. Councilwoman Doyle moved to amend the motion to "be declared as surplus and advertised". Seconded and carried. Original amended motion carried. Mr. Clarence Dahlke asked the Council what has been doe n his plan about Wlanning Bethel Avenue to Westbay, and also Tr,3ranning East by Herrick Auto Parts. Informed that at this time no action has been taken. On motion by Councilman Van Zee and seconded, Council approved the expenditure of $8.00 for the Citie's dues to the South Kitsap Improve- ment Council for the year 1975. Letter from Mr. Robert Bess, 2331 Colonial Lane, requesting the Council approve his establishing a Taxi Company within the City, to be known as "The Veteran Cab Company" which cabs will be driven by veterans and will be equipped with meters and radio. Also the drivers will be uni- formed. Referred to Police Committee. January 27, 1975 Page Two Councilman Fulton moved that Mr. Jerry L. Nowlin, Investment Banking Officer of the Seattle First National Bank be appointed as Bonding Consultant for the City on the marketing of the $700,000.00 General Obligation Bonds for the City of Port Orchard Water Improvement Pro- gram. Seconded. After discussion, motion lost. Councilman Caldwell moved that Terry Thompson of Terry Thompson & Co., be appointed as the Bonding Consultant for the City to market the $700,000.00 General Obligation Bonds. Seconded. Councilwoman Doyle moved to table the motion for a study session with the thought of going out for bids on the consultant. Motion lost for lack of a second. Motion for appoint- ment of Terry Thompson as Bond Consultant to market the $700,000.00 General Obligation Bonds carried. Mayor Powers declared a recess at 9:15 P.M. for 15 minutes. Mayor Powers reconvened the meeting at 9:30 P.M. Engineer report: 1. Had contact with the Eldercraft (senior citizens) and they will research among their group to see if they find someone who can construct the baskets to protect the lights on the Port Orchard Boulevard. 2. Contacted the Safeway engineers and was informed that Mr. Delguzzi will meet with the Street and Alley Committee relative to extend- ing the right turn transition lane. 3. Informed Council the County Building Department would like to take over the City`s plumbing inspection as well as the mechanical inspections. Clerk will see that a draft of the necessary amend- ments to accomplish the above will be prepared by the next Council meeting. Councilman Caldwell stated that the City Engineer should be complimented on the preparation of the letter circulated to all Council members informing them of the pitfalls of eliminating the building code fee of home repairs under $500.00. Chief Dow informed Council that there is a possibility of obtaining grant funds for the purchase of a new radar under the LEA or Highway Grant. Also, that under the Safe Street Act there may be funding available for a new patrol car and one new patrolman. Application is not yet prepared.. Attorney McCluskey informed Council that recent legislation allows the pay for Council members to be increased but that the increase would affect them only after the next election. The proposed Short Plat Ordinance as prepared by the Attorney has been reviewed by the staff for corrections and will be returned to the Attorney for the final draft. Attorney ifnormed Council that in his opinion the City could use dead end streets for the parking of vehicles and that a lease arrangement could be negotiated with individuals for a stated period of time. Also stated that it may be necessary to get on opinion from the Attor- ney General in this matter. Clerk will attempt to find Title or Deed on the property East of Sidney and North of the buildings for which the City has no police authority. jprZr,j ( Lc+ ap�H�Ei✓� is MA iv•a r3el.,.vn FzEr.QsF��) kr"4f-, Councilwoman Doyle informed Council of the Shorelines Master Plan Advisory Committee meeting on February 5, 1975. Reported of her attending a meeting of the Trident ,Reso r e Planning on transportation / ,}� �, 1. and informe Cou c 1 t a the is�a Ruraf""De onstra io P1 i pro- gress. ," � r `�sshelters is/o �e ftagie�of omen Voters program for this year. Also stated that we should have a public hearing on the proposed Business Registration Ordinance in order to get public input. January 27, 1975 Page Three Councilwoman suggested a study session to review the City's property acquisition plan so that the Council can get the whole picture of what we have and where we are going. Also review as to what structures and what groups we would permit on public lands arid waters. Suggest that the Council amend the UBC to exempt utd home repairs�y owners. Attorney informed Council that there is proposed legislation that would allow local jurisdiction to change the fee structure of the UBC. Councilman Fulton asked for a full Council study session at 7:30 P.M. February 6, 1975 in the Council chambers to discuss proposed legislation on water and sewer service rates. Clerk will inform news media. Clerk read proposed agreement between the City of Bremerton and the City of Port Orchard for the purchase of surplus water in the maximum amount of 1 million gallons per day by the City of Port Orchard from the City of Bremerton in the amount of .20� per 1000 gallons. Council- man Fulton moved that the Council authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement for the City of Port Orchard. Seconded and carried. Councilwoman Doyle urged the Council to invite the public to give their comments on this agreement. Clerk will see of there Laen any seminars available for Councilmen ro attend on the matter ofWegotiations. Councilman Caldwell informed Council of their Parks, Playgrounds and Buildings meeting stating that something should be done to improve the condition and appearance of the Council Chambers, also that the City should have a good map which would include the surrounding County areas. Stated that cork boards could be placed on the walls as well as chalk boards. Councilman Caldwell also stated that the City could install swamp coolers for the upstairs during the summer and would get better air conditioning than we now have. The Active Building needs two chalk boards and one each of cork board and bulletin board. Councilman Libby informed Council of his speech before the Port Orchard Lions Club and that the Lions Club complimented the Council on doing an admirable job in the operation of the City's business. Also, that they would like to see the City Council do something about the control of animals. Meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. Clerk / - Mayor