03/10/1975 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington March 10, 1975 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Pro Tempore Robert G. Geiger. Council members present: Fulton , Caldwell, Doyle, Van Zee and Roos. Councilman Libby excused on account of sickness. Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr had to attend another meeting. Also present: Chief Dow and Chief Weatherill, Engineer Knobbs and Attor- ney Jackson. Mayor Geiger led the Council members and others present in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Geiger called upon Mr. Richard Warren, Kramer, Chin and Mayo to make his report on the progress of the Water Improvement Program. Mr. Warren reported on the activities of the firm in contacts with the State Highway Department relative to the acquisition of a franchise permit, the predesign services on the transmission intertie and reservoir, and alternatives on the route of the intertie. Also recommended that a call for bids be made on the construction of the reservoir and that the City hold up on the call for bids on the intertie as it will be at least 120 days _,W e atheP S�tpat it � on o �2 franchise q ermit �,,,,, Informed Counci14 o the interest r 4 e Par Shore Dever im%n 6oin�pany in water being available for a proposed development in the Ross Point area and that they would possibly assist the City monetarily. Also, in response to the question by Councilwoman Doyle if a new E.I.S. had to be completed in the shifting of the reservoir site, Mr. Warren stated that there would be no problem as the area is the same. Mr. Warren introduced Mr. Bill Cranston, design engineer for the reservoir and Mr, Tom Kearns, engineer for the transmission line.5ef ,t44-AcYr.-D Q9_F#X7' On motion by Councilman Fulton, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of February 24, 1975 meeting with corrections. Mrs. Marilyn Erhart, Chairwoman of Fathoms of Fun, introduced Mr. Bill Blake of the Funtastic Carnivals who informed Council that his carnivals use parking lots such as ours all over the State and that he could see no reason why th rerfshou d �e n �r ku o h a top �o K e � r py new parking lot/land alsoatiy carry5 0 . D `pe y damage and $1,000,000.00 in public liability. Chairwoman Erhart informed Council that the Fathoms of Fun have three sources of income to defray the costs of the festival; (1) Button sales, (2) Shipwreck Dance and (3) Carnival. Also, that between 30,000 and 40,000 attend the three day festival. Councilman Fulton moved that the parking lot East of the Peninsula Feed Store be set aside from June 27. 1975 through July 5, 1975 for the carnival. Seconded and carried. Mr. Jack Mandeville stated that he would work with the Street Committee to promote additional parking for the slots lost by the carnival, and also in getting the word to the citizens who are being displaced. Engineer stated that he has no'_ objections to the use o% the parking lot ,6rro2M,4i��a �^`} #s er C0-Y �r,n f412nr,164L r�n-p0& 8F_FoAF- ,an,u iF4-« oppe.4f,01" Mr. Sam Belcher, 1339 Garrison Street, accused the Clerk's Office of harassing him by making phone calls to him at his home and threatening him. Complained of being charged for utilities at__13.9,8,.Ca.nyo4iL- a e while under construction. Referred to Water, Sewer and Sanitation Committee. Mrs. Paggy Caldron, South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce, requested per- mission from the Council to hold the Fathoms Parade on Saturday, July 5, 1975, starting at 10:00 A.M. at Port Orchard Boulavard and ending at Westbay. Permission approved by Council on motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried. Chief Dow informed Council that he has in his budget the necessary $1,000.00 to pay the wages to patrol the parade. Mrs. David Daily, 507 Austin, read a letter to the Council on the treat- ment of heir d�B ed �fed h d�nc �l nrc��eig ommit e: recs� G� shouldAb `89rreAMM atte rM r e�to i IT -Le Daily also stated that she would assist with input on the subject to the Committee. Telephone is 876-2740.M/U. 9,4,L6, r"iz /-Dv�f k� �q/r��"'y W/P $VMMe//} -To ey %fix C/-(,49!Q Tf1,97- %fi F I) dcJ w A 5 L, OaS e ON $C 1Ooi— Ci ItUf//yVS March 10, 1975 Page Two Mr. Robert Bess, 2331 Colonial Lane, asked what action was taken on his request to start a new cab company in the City. Also informed Council that his company would offer better and cleaner equipment than the existing company. Also, that he would have new equipment in the compact class, radio equipment and uniformed drivers. At a later date he may obtain a mini -type bus system for the south end of the County. At this time Mayor Powers returned, took the chair and Mayor Pro-Tempore Geiger returned to his Council seat. Mr. Bess also stated that it is his intention to install 911 type phone in the area of the City for the customers and also would have a waiting room and stand in the downtown area. Councilman Roos moved that the Council approve the request for a second cab company. Seconded and carried. Mayor Powers called a recess for 15 minutes at 9:15 P.M. and resumed at 9:30 P.M. On motion by Councilwoman Doyle and seconded, Council approved the request of the American Diabetes Association, Washington Affiliate Chairman Jenny E. Pau:lson, 807 Merrill Drive, Bremerton, Washington to declare Sunday, April 27, 1975 as "Port Orchard Bike-a-thon Day". On motion by Councilman Caldwell and seconded, Council approved the 1975 fire works sales locations for (1) Port Orchard Rotary at 1011 Bethel, (2) South Kitsap Pee Wees at Westbay, (3) Port Orchard Lions at 555 Bay. Ordinance #948, adopting regulations and procedure for short plats held over until the March 24, 1975 meeting in order that Councilmembers can suggest changes in the Ordinance. Councilman Fulton moved to adopt Ordinance #949 Amending Ordinance #946 Section 13.04.010, water rates. Seconded. After considerable discussion on the Ordinance, Councilman Geiger moved to table until next meeting. Seconded and carried. Council will study Section E, multiple connect- �, ions and under one ownership connections j�,4s1-s C9AX6r-.s Anr1) L+kE q yan�ti Clerk read letter from Mr. Roger A. Johnson, 406 Sidney, informing Council that he had planted five ornamental plum trees in the City right -of --way and requested permission of the Council to leave the trees in that place. Councilman Caldwell moved to approve the request. Seconded. Councilman Fulton said the Council is setting a precedence in allowing trees to be planted in City right-of-way and the property owners should be asked to remove the trees. On the vote, the motion was lost with two yeas and four nays. Councilman Van Zee moved to adopt Ordinance #950 creating a General Obligation Bond Fund . e,,,,� nded . Xoua c ijwom «Doyle moved t � table the motion;,~ '_8-�ion to tab e lost or f11ac o a second. briginal motion carried. Chief Dow informed Council that Patrolman MacPherson, while in physical contact with a man in the process of making an arrest, lost his glasses and had them broken. Chief requested Council approval to purchase the glasses with City funds. Councilwoman Doyle moved to approve the re- quest in the approximate amount of $65.00 and attempt to get reimbursed from the arrested man through the procedure of restitution at the time of sentencing and if this cannot be accomplished, file a claim with our insurance carrier. Seconded and carried. Chief Dow informed Council that the 1974 patrol vehicle sustained $400.00 damage when a truck backed into it. Both parties are covered by ins- urance. Mr. Sherman Coulon, 791 Bethel Avenue requested permission from the Council to connect to the Mitchell Avenue water main to supply his building and tenants at 791 Bethel Avenue. Mr. Coulon stated that the building south of his is now getting their water from the Mitchell water main. Engineer informed Council that there could not be enough water March 10, 1975 Page Three taken from the Mitchell line to operate a fire hydrant. Chief Weatherill stated that there is some question as to whether the basement of the 791 building meets the Fire Zone 1 requirements. Council approved the tapping of the Mitchell main and running a water line west over the bank to the 791 building on Bethel Avenue. Engineer reported: 1. Bids on the purchase of the two used 3/4 ton pick ups will be opened at 3:00 P.M. Friday, March 21, 1975. 2. Reported that the Brownsville Marina is charging $1.00 per boat to use the holding tanks. 3. On motion by Councilman Roos, seconded and carried, Council approved the recommendation of the Engineer to declare the 1963 International pick up as a salvage and authorized the Engineer to dispose of it. City will retain the items that are usable. 4. Asked the Council if Environmental Impact Statements are to be pre- pared by the City rather than by the applicant. Councilman Fulton stated that it is not the City's place or responsibility to prepare and obtain the necessary data for the draft. Mr. Louis Molzahn 1866 Sidney asked the Council to reconsider their declaration that the project proposed for about 270 residental units abutting on Pottery Avenue was of major action and there would be significant adverse effect upon the environment and that an Environmental.Impact Statement be prepared and circulated. Also stated that he spoke to consultants in the business of the preparation of E.I.S statements and their feeling is that this project should be of major action with iisignificant adverse effect on the environment. Engineer reported that when the water problem appeared to be solved and with the drain- age problem solvab'Ie in his opinion the project would be of insignif- icant adverse effect on the environment. Mr. Sherm Coulon stated that there are people with some expertise in this field who would give the Council some information that would assist them in deciding the line between significant and insignificant effects. Councilman Van Zee moved that the Council reconsider their prior decision and change their declaration to major action with insignificant adverse effect on the environment. Seconded. Councilman Roos spoke against the motion stating that many meetings have been held and discussions of the JlrCl�S� S» pand e thatthe. rig 13 �l MoefQtL decision, sbLou d s tand.�Yl Y l0 rWpT g Councilman Caldwell stated that the Engineer's recommendations should be considered. On the vote, Councilmembers Geiger, Van Zee and Caldwell voting yes, Councilmembers Roos, Doyle and Fulton voting no. The tie vote was broken by the Mayor voting yes. Motion carried. Councilwoman Doyle suggested that the Council consider new traffic congestion through the City by banning parking on one side of Bay Street between 4:00 and 6:00 P.M. and two lanes routed east. Mayor referred matter to Street Committee. Councilwoman Doyle moved that the Council approve the installation of one additional street light at the Bethel Avenue intersection as shown on the Highway Department Plans. Seconded and carried. Also that the request for an additional street light on West street be considered as a second priority. Councilwoman Doyle suggested that a study session be held to discuss all City property and review prospective purchases and uses. Meeting will be held at 7:30 P.M. Thursday, March 20, 1975 in the Council Chambers. Press will be notified. Councilman Caldwell moved that the Council approve the expanding of the library to the east to the sidewalk and defray the cost with Federal Shared Revenues. Motion withdrawn by Councilman Caldwell as this will be discussed by the Board of Trustees of the Regional Library at their meeting March 12, 1975 in the Council Chambers and the Council will be informed by the Board of any recommendations. Councilman Fulton moved that the Council approve the closing of Prospect Street from Frederick east to the funeral home on July 4, 5 and 6, 1975. Seconded and carried. iHF Ccos;^� a F `/Zasr Fc7 stT�FF� �� uP�. UISTD F,r, f4F A24-!� In o i-X�/ �,fs March 10, 1975 Page Four Councilman Geiger stated that the Council should discuss a budget for the use of Federal Shared Revenues at the March 20 study session. Councilman Roos stated that the new draft of the Ordinance for business registrations is completed and that he and Councilwoman Doyle have copies. Clerk will supply other members with a copy. Councilman Fulton moved that the bills be approved and paid with the exception of the February billing from the South Kitsap Schools in the amount of $735.89 which will be held for further information. Vouchers #407 through #509 in the amount of $17,168.77. Also that February payroll in the amount of $33,906.89 be approved. Seconded and carried. Meeting adjourned at 12:22 A.M. %� �` Clerk tMayor eidiner,Chin & 4ar, Inc. :917 First Avenue, Seattie. Washington 981: Teiephurte Area Code 206-417-53NJ PROJECT STATUS REPORT To: City of Port Orchard Attn: Leslie Knobbs, City Engineer Subject: 1975 Water System Improvement Program Period: November 1, 1974 to March 1, 1975 PREDESIGN SERVICES March 10, 1975 KCM's contract with the City for the design of the improvements to the City's water system is divided into several phases. The first is Predesign Services during which final design parameters are worked out so that final design can be accomplished smoothly once the decision is made to proceed. The results of the Predesign effort are to be reported to the City in a brief, written report. The next step following Predesign will be the preparation of plans and specifications (final design) and the call for bids for construction. This brief summary describes our work to date on the City's project under the Predesign Services portion of our contract. Part I - Lower Level Reservoir (KCM #500) This project must, of course, be carefully coordinated with the planning for the transmission line from Bremerton. As discussed in the next section, there are still some questions to be resolved on the transmission line; however, it is now possible to make the necessary decisions to permit the reservoir design to proceed. We have worked with the City staff in selecting a site for the reservoir, and an offer has been made for its purchase. The site selected has been surveyed, and the piping connections to the distribution system have been resolved. A new booster pump installation for the upper zone is being planned as part of this project. Predesign of the reservoir is now estimated to be 70% complete. Part II - Transmission Line (KCM #506 This project, to provide an intertie to the City of Bremerton, has been delayed by two preliminary requirements. First, we felt the final contract for water purchase should be signed. This has now been done. Second, permission to use the State highway right-of-way must be Consulting Engineers. Architects and Applied Scientists Project Status Report City of Port Orchard March 10, 1975 Page 2 received. This has proven to be a difficult and time-consuming task. The State is presently asking for special features which, in our opinion, are beyond normal practice or our original understanding of their requirements. A detailed analysis of the State's requirements has been submitted to the City Engineer. We are looking at other routes but are not yet prepared to make a final recommendation. Necessary surveys to determine the hydraulics of the transmission line are complete. Base maps have also been prepared. Predesign services related to the transmission line are approximately 50% complete. Much of the work to date has been related to Special Services and is covered by separate invoices. SPECIAL SERVICES (KCM #502) Our contract calls for certain work to be accomplished on a time and materials basis due to the uncertainty of the time required. Among these tasks, which were initially authorized, are negotiations related to the purchase agreement with Bremerton and land and right-of-way acquisition. Field surveying is also a special service. These services have been provided as described above. Should a new transmission line routing be required, some additional surveying will be needed although much of the work to date will continue to be us ab 1 e . Under our contract, Special Services are to be billed monthly as incurred. To date the following invoices have been issued: Invoice Period Amount 2506 November 1974 $1,137.24 2449 December 1974 135.41 2559 January 1975 1,237.67 TOTAL DUE TO DATE $2,510.32 ACTION RECOMMENDED We are currently preparing a Predesign Report covering the reservoir project and will recommend that this project proceed to bid. We recommend that the transmission line project proceed on a limited scale under Predesign until such time as routing can be finalized or another recommendation can be made. We will be asking for permission to proceed on final design of the reservoir shortly. A tentative schedule for accomplishing the reservoir construction is attached. CORREC'T�I%vavS�TOj� MIN�U%TES BY COUNCILW Mri1Q DOYLE Page 1 Para. Line 10 after Council to after monetarily line 12 to yy read (that Herb Loop may permit pipeline to cross his his land as an alternative route) Page 1 Para. Line 5 after lot (add "and that their crews would cold patch the holes they make.") Page 1 Para. # Add at end of paragraph. "Informal agreement was made for joint inspections by City and carnival manager be- fore and after operation." Page 1 Para. Line 3 after should be add "changed to require by the Humane Society a complaint of damage before a dog was picked up." Para.Line 5 add "Mrs. Daily asked for advice regarding her summons to court on the charge that dog was loose on school grounds." Page 2 Para.\*8 Line 5 after connections add "basis charges, and fire hydrants." Page 2 Para. Line 3 after motion add "because it was not on agenda and copies were not available." Page 3 Para. #5 - End of paragraph add "Attorney Jackson said that the advise given previously by Attorney McCloskey should be followed." Page 3 Para #10 Add or the arts and crafts exhibit."