05/12/1975 - Regular - MinutesCouncil of the City of Port Orchard, session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Caldwell, Doyle, Libby, Van Zee, Roos Attorney McCluskey, Engineer Knobbs, Port Orchard, Washington May 12, 1975 Washington, called to regular Council members present: Fulton and Geiger. Also present, Chief Dow and Weatherill. Councilwoman Doyle moved to approve the minutes of April 28, 1975 meeting with the six corrections as noted on copies of the minutes. Motion died for lack of a second. Councilman Fulton moved to approve the minutes with the following corrections: Paragraph 2, page 1, strike the last sentence and add the following (after that) "the minutes are not correct and complete". Page 2, paragraph 8, first sentence after yield sign, insert "by the ferry entrance". Page 2, paragraph 9, after penetration, insert "oil surface". Page 4, last paragraph after City officials, add "consultants and". Councilwoman Doyle moved to amend the motion by correcting paragraph 3 and 4, page 1, as indicated on the original correction sheet. Seconded. Motion to amend lost with four nays and three ayes. Councilwoman Doyle moved to amend the motion by correcting paragraph 5, page 2 as indicated on the original correction sheet. Motion lost for lack of a second. Councilwoman Doyle moved to amend the motion by correcting paragraph 2 page 3, as indicated on the original correction sheet. Motion lost for lack of a second. Councilwoman Doyle moved to amend the motion by correcting paragraph 8, page 2, as indicated on the original correction sheet. Motion died for lack of a second. Original motion carried. The applications for a Shorelines Management Substantial Development Permit for interior renovation from grocery store configuration to office banking facilities by owner of property at 619 Bay Street (Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4m Block 11, Plat of Sidney and Block 11, Sidney Tidelands) Mrs. Norma G. Brady, Route 6, Box 159-A, Port Orchard, was reviewed by the Council. The Notice of Application has been published as required and the thirty day waiting period has expired and there has been no written objections to the project. Council discussed at length, the development and on motion by Councilman Caldwell and seconded, Council approved the application and the issuance of a Shorelines Development Permit. Council reviewed the Evaluation and Declaration of Environ- mental impact generated by the project and on motion by Councilman Geiger and seconded, declared that there is insignificant adverse effect upon the environment by the project and that the action is of minor in nature and shall constitute a negative declaration and shall be filed as such. Complete text if this action is contained in tape #1 and #2 and is filed in the office of the City Clerk. Mr. Kurtis R. Mayer, Mayer Built Homes, 10013 Lakeview Avenue, S. W. Tacoma, Washington informed the Council that in order to comply with the current zoning regulation as to aprking (two spots for each unit) several of the trees on the property will have to be removed and asked the Council what they would desire. Attorney informed Council that if we deviate from the plan as approved on a rezone or Special Use Permit the plan must go through the regular procedures in order to be amended. Councilman Fulton moved that the City take the proper steps to amend the original plan to lk spots per unit. Seconded and carried. Mr. Roy Metzgar, Puget Sound Governmental Conference, Coastal Zone Management, informed Council that the Department of Ecology has sub- mitted an application to the Federal Government for funds to upgrade Shoreline Master Plans and that there may be funds for the municipal- ities. Clerk advised the Council that only one bid has been received on the refuse collection and disposal for the City. South Sound Sanitation Inc., 512 Sheldon Blvd. Bremerton, Washington submitted the one bid together with a cashiers check in the amount of $1,350.25 which is 5% of the offer to purchase the existing containers and other equip- ment belonging to the City. The bidder would pay the City a franchise tax of six percent upon the gross collections and also offered an additional twelve percent of the gross collections to the City. Contractor will make all collections for services and shall take care of the billing of the customers at his own cost. Councilman Roos moved to accept the bid of the South Sound Sanitation, Inc. Seconded. Councilman Geiger moved to table the matter until a study session could May 12, 1975 Page Two be held. Seconded. Motion lost with four nays and three yeas. Engineer Knobbs recommended acceptance of the bid stating that the City would have an immediate outlay of around $50,000.00 for new packers, would need one additional employee and also that the rate would have to be raised to pay for this. Councilman Geiger moved to amend the original motion by the deletion of the twelve percent of gross income to the City and reduce the garbage charges for both residential and commercial users by twelve percent. Seconded and carried with four yeas and three nays. The amended original motion carried with five yeas and two nays. Councilman Roos moved that the date of service by the contractor be June 30, 1975. Seconded and carried. Mayor Powers declared a recess at 9:30 P.M. to reconvene at 9:45 P.M. Clerk read Resolution No.// 1 assuring the Federal Insurance Admin- istration that the City wil enact as necessary, adequate land use and control measures with effective enforcement provisions consistant with Section 1910 of the National Flood Insurance Program Regulations. The Council was informed that the City now meets all the requirements and any action would not create additional manpower. Councilman Van Zee moved to adopt Resolution No. Seconded and carried. Clerk read Resolution No. ! 7-r authorizing the City Engineer as the reviewing official for all building permits, subdivision proposals and utility requests. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council adopted Resolution No. 1/1I --'- Clerk read letter from the City Engineer to the City Council relative to the Environmental Impact Statement prepared by Robert M. McGinnis RPLS, for Robert A. Gehring, 751 Mitchell Avenue, Port Orchard, Wa. for a rezone to Commercial General of approximately fourteen acres of property lying south of SR 160 and East of the underpass over SR 160. Attorney McCluskey questioned the procedure of acting on the EIS prior to hearing by Planning Commission, stating that the imput by the Plann- ing Commission would be valuable to the Council. He informed Council that this procedure is not illegal but contrary to procedures of other cities. Councilman Roos moved to declare the action as being major and with significant adverse effect upon the environment. Seconded and carried. Complete hearing on this action is on tape No. 3, dated May 12. 1975. Clerk read letter to Council from Mr. Adrian Carr, 437 Tracy Street urging the Council and other municipalities in the County to pass a leash law for control of dogs. Clerk read letters from Senator Henry M. Jackson and Senator Gordon L. Walaren relative to their interest and their assistance in the build- ing of the Naval Hospital in the South Kitsap area instead of the Jackson Park area. Russ Lombard, City Planner, informed Council of the value of a City Advisory Committee for the Coastal Zone Management Act. Also suggested that the Council appoint a five or seven member Committee. Also recommended that the Committee be from various sectors of the City to act as a vehicle for citizen input and community participation and would oversee the activities of a proposed Coastal Zone Management Administrative and Planning Program. Councilman Roos moved to set up an advisory committee. Seconded and carried. Clerk will see that a notice be published in the Independent for volunteers and the dead- line for interested citizens is June 20, 1975. On motion by Councilwoman Doyle, seconded and carried, Council approved a Proclamation recognizing the Norwegian National Constitution Day, May 17, 1975. Copies will be mailed to Poulsbo and Lillestrom, Norway. On motion by Councilwoman Doyle, seconded and carried, Council approved sending letters to those groups participating in the Clean up Project. Councilwoman Doyle will write the letters. May 12, 1975 Page Three Letters of commendation will also be written to the South Kitsap High School Marching Band, the South Kitsap High School Drill Team and to the Fathoms of Fun for their winning the Grand Parade award with their float. Councilwoman Doyle moved that the Council adopt a statement of coopera- tion in the continuing of the recycling program and improvement of the recycling program by the youth of our City together with the community schools and the County, and shall continue to use the Mitchell Avenue site. Seconded. Mayor ruled that any action relative to use of facil- ities on Mitchell are not germane at this time,as at the meeting of April 28, 1975, the matter was tabled until such time as the exchange of properties has been completed. Engineer informed Council that the time schedule given to Mr. R. Rivas 316 Naval, Bremerton, Wash. to bring his building at 1017 Bay Street up to code has lapsed and that he , Mr. Rivas, has not done anything or contacted anyone. Councilman van Zee moved to delay any action until the meeting of May 26 ,1975 and that a letter be written to Mr. Rivas advising him that the Council will take action at that time. Seconded and carried. Engineer reported that the Hansen Backhoe has been sold for $1,000.00 to Mr. J. Smith. On motion by Councilman Libby, seconded and carried, Council approved the request of the Engineer to declare the 1961 Chevrolet Station Wagon as surplus and bids be solicited for its sale. Engineer reported there has been no further information on the altern- ative route for the Bremerton Water Intertie. Also, that Mr. Herb Loop would be most happy to pay to have the water main near his property. Clerk read opinion prepared by City Attorney Terry McCluskey on expend- itures of proceeds of general obligation bond sale. Copies will be distributed to Council members. /" Councilman Caldwell reported on meeting with the "Fathoms" represent- atives, Downtown Merchants, Mr. Jim Armstrong of the Marina and Mrs. L bseke of Horluck Transportation Co. on the parking facilities during the Fathoms of Fun celebration over the Fourth of July. It was agreed that the City would leave the parking as is with no change and the parking lot would be patroled as usual. Also agreed that both sides of the following streets will be available for all day parking during the four day festival: Sidney, Prospect, DeKalb, Cline, Kitsap and Port Orchard Blvd. Bulletins will be prepared and placed on cars and in public places informing regular parkers of the temporary changes in parking for the four festival days. Councilman Caldwell also informed Council that Mr. Vic Cohen of Jordans Department Store would collect funds froiq merchan e to for the extra costs for patrol officers. Councilwoman Doyle informed Council that the center lane sign fronting ,the Shell Station on Bay Street is down and should not be replaced. Also recommended that a sign be installed near the intersection of SR 160 and old Gig Harbor Highway to remind motorists to use their turn signals. Councilwoman Doyle allowed to attend the Association of Washington Cities Convention in the Tri-Cities during June 17-20, 1975 on motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried. Councilwoman Doyle asked the Council if they would approve the contact- ing of the Employment Security Department and come up with some plan to let the young people of the City know of job and career openings available. Council approved. Councilwoman Doyle moved that the basic charge for water he changed to $4.00 for the first 5,000 gallons. Motion lost for lack of a second. Councilwoman Doyle moved that the staff compute and report the effect of overall rate of .80 per 1,000 gallons. Motion lost for lack of a second. May 12, 1975 Page Four On motion by Councilwoman Doyle, seconded and carried, Council approved that the 5argeant of the Police Force, Albert Mares be allowed to expend approximately $40.00 for a notarial seal. Councilman Van Zee informed Council on status of park and recreation facilities and suggested that a public meeting be held for input on the needs and wants of the citizens in the park and recreation area. Council approved the Park Committee holding a meeting for the public. Councilman Geiger informed Council plans to construct a plaza park on Orchard Tavern. They will install Will be in use by July 4, 1975. of the Downtown Plaza Association the vacant lot east of the Port tables and benches for the public. On motion by Councilman Roos, seconded and carried, Council approved the attendance of Marvin Parks at a Fire Investigation Workshop in Ellensburg, May 19-22, 1975 and travel, meals and lodging. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council approved that the bills be paid (Voucher #619 -#730) in the amount of $26,197.60 and that April payroll in the amount of $33,970.25 be approved. Meeting adjourned at 12:21 A.M. Clerk �. Mayor ,r r