06/09/1975 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington June 9, 1975 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular ses- sion by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Fulton, Caldwell, Doyle, Libby, Van Zee, Roos and Geiger. Also present Attorney John Jackson, Engineer Knobbs, Chief Dow and Chief Weatherill. Councilman Doyle moved that the minutes of the May 26, 1975 Council meet- ing be approved with the three following corrections: Page 1, paragraph 8 add (Mr. VanderStaay stated that a swimming pool or comparable recreation facility would be provided), Page 2, paragraph 9, delete (reported that the sign on the south side of is encroaching about two feet on), add (cited examples including parking of vehicles for sale at Howe Ford), Page 3, paragraph 4, add (Councilman Doyle asked that Del Guzzi be informed that several trees are dead at the complex). Seconded and lost with six nays and one yea. Councilman Caldwell moved that the minutes as circulated be approved. Seconded. Councilman Doyle moved to strike, after the word poster, line 5, paragraph 6, page 2, the sentence (which would be produced by the High School Art Class). Seconded and carried. Councilman Doyle moved to amend the amended motion by including on Page 1, paragraph 8, (Mr. VanderStaay stated that a swimming pool or comparable recreation facility would be provided). Seconded and lost with four nays and three yeas. Amended original motion carried. Councilman Caldwell moved to approve the flyer prepared by the Fathoms of Fun to be distributed to all patrons of the parking lots beginning June 24, 1975, stating that there will be only 109 parking spots in the Marina Parking lot north of Peninsula Feed Company from 5:00 PM, June 26 thru July 6, 1975 due to the Fathoms of Fun festivities. There will be parking available during this period on both sides of Kitsap, Cline, DeKalb, Sidney and Port Orchard Blvd. The posted time limits will not be enforced during the above period. Seconded. Councilman Roos moved to amend that a letter be sent to the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard with the request that this infor- mation be carried in the Salute. Seconded and carried. Amended original motion approved. Mrs. Morris of the Fathoms thanked the Council. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the passage of Resolution #1143 amending the equipment rental rates of the City to reflect current increased costs. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved passage of Resolution #1144 authorizing a Coastal Zone Management Program "Advisory Committee" and that the City may request the Department of Ecology Shoreline Management Division to provide the administrative and planning assistance funds to perform the proposed program. The amount of funds which may be requested is $22,956.00 and will be matched by the City in the amount of $11,478.00 Clerk read letter from Mayor M. E. Lindvig, Poulsbo, Washington thanking the Council for their congratulatory letter relative to the adoption of the constitutional government of Norway 161 years ago. Council will meet in a study session for the purpose of reviewing the pro- posed affirmative action plan prepared by the attorney. Meeting will be 7:30 PM June 26, 1975. Councilman Fulton moved to adopt the Short Plat Ordinance as recommended by the staff. Seconded. Councilman Caldwell moved to postpone the matter until the next Council meeting on June 23, 1975. Councilman Doyle reported she is spending almost full time on the County Shorelines Master Plan, also, that the final draft is now being typed. Councilman Doyle moved that the planter adjacent to the Exxon Station be removed by the owner so that the State can be requested to install a right ` turn lane while on this paving contract. Seconded and carried. Councilman Caldwell moved that the Engineer be allowed to negotiate with the contractor on the Bethel Avenue job to replace the sidewalk on Bethel that was removed by the Water Department. Seconded and carried. June 9, 1975 Page Two Councilman Doyle stated that the Council should invite the City members on the County Shoreline Master Program to participate on the City Advi- sory Committee for Shoreline Master Program. Also stated that there were about 10 members, who were well versed in the procedures of the Master Program. Councilman Doyle moved that the noise ordinance be enforced within the City. Seconded. Councilman Doyle stated there are cars racing on the Catholic Church parking area as well as motor bikes and that several com- plaints have been received by her. On the question, the motion lost with five nays and two yeas. Chief Dow stated that if the parties complaining will come to his office and file a formal complaint on these infractions, he will forward them to the City Attorney for processing. Councilman Van Zee moved that the following persons be appointed by the Mayor to the Parks Advisory Committee: Robert Hussman, 1103 Spokane; Susan Schaeffer, 703 Kitsap; James Armstrong, 319 Sidney; Frank Haberlach, 109 Seattle; Margaret Miller, 615 Hull and Darwin Teeter, P. O. Box 440. Seconded and carried. Councilman Van Zee stated that hopefully a meeting with the new Advisory Committee, the Park Commission and the Park Committee will be held on June 25, 1975. Councilman Van Zee informed Council that a Comprehensive Park Plan is needed before any development funds can be obtained from the IAC, also there is considerable work to be done on the preparation of the Plan and the Planner does not have the time. Informed Council that he had discussed the cost of assistance with a planner and the cost was prohibitive. Mrs. Harriet Norwood stated that she knows whom to call at the U. of W. relative to assistance and she would be willing to call and talk to the party. Mayor recessed the meeting at 9:10 to reconvene at 9:25 PM. Councilman Roos reported that because of the letter from the Fire Chief relative to the elimination of Fire Zone 1, substituting Fire Zone 2 within the existing boundaries of Fire Zone 1 and the remaining area of the City be Fire Zone 3, the matter of changing the Fire Zones will be continued until the next Council meeting. Councilman Roos moved to adopt the ordinance relating to and providing for registration of the act or privilege of engaging in business activities, occupations, pursuits and privileges within the City. Seconded. Council- man Fulton moved to amend the motion increasing the license fee from $5.00 to $15.00. Seconded and carried. Amended original motion carried. Councilman Geiger moved that a letter be written to the commercial sweeper operator on the Safeway property explaining the problem resulting from the early hour sweeping and the complaints from the residents in that area and informing the sweeper operator that there will be no further sweeping in the Safeway area before 7:00 AM. The letter will be over the Mayor's signature. Seconded and carried with five yeas and two nays. Councilman Geiger thanked Councilmen Doyle and Van Zee on submitting their priority lists for the spending of Federal Shared Revenues. Councilman Geiger moved that the Mayor appoint a committee of the Council to inspect the trees on the complex of Orchard on the Green with Mr. Kurt Mayer. Seconded and carried. Mayor appointed Councilmen Doyle, Geiger and Fulton to the Committee. Also Chairman Mikelsen of the Planning Commission will be asked if he would like to attend. Clerk instructed to write a letter to Irene Taylor, 1254 Sidney thanking her for her ten years of service to the City. Councilman Roos moved that the Council approve an amendment to the Animal Control Ordinance by adding to Section 7.04.020 the following, "provided that this section shall not prohibit a person from walking or exercising a dog in a public park or on a public beach when such dog is on a leash, or under control by a competent person, and proper safeguards are taken to protect the public and property from injury or damage from the dog". Councilman Doyle moved that the State Highway Dept. be requested to install a sign at the traffic light at the intersection of Bethel Avenue and Old Gig Harbor Highway stating, "Use Your Turn Signals". Seconded and carried. June 9, 1975 Page Three Councilman Roos moved that a letter be written to District #2 Judge Gerard Fisher of the concern of the Council on the handling of animal citations. Seconded and carried. Coundilman Caldwell moved that the Council give permission to the Sinclair Inlet Yacht Club to maintain and develop the small public recreation area east and north of Peninsula Feed Store. Seconded and carried. Engineer Knobbs reported that South Sound Sanitation has received a 1975 packer for the Port Orchard route and the representative of that company will begin touring the City with our crews on the 16th of this month. Reported there are a few more property owners from which approval is needed for the crew of Kramer, Chin and Mayo to complete the survey on the alter- nate route of the intertie between Anderson Hill Pumping Station and the City's reservoir. Chief Weatherill reported he would probably have specifications ready for the Fire & Light Committee on a new pumper by the next meeting. Russ Lombard, Planner, reported that he is participating with the Trident Advisory Committee, attending their meetings, and stated the City's trans- portation plan must be incorporated within the County's overall plan to be eligible for funds. Also spoke briefly on report submitted to Mayor Powers relative to staff needs and budget in the amount of $16,736.00 for the balance of 1975. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council approved that the bills be paid (Vouchers #731 thru #838) in the amount of $26,975.70 and May payroll in the amount of $53,033.93 be approved. Adjorned at 10:30 PM. r