06/23/1975 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington June 23, 1975 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Fulton, Caldwell, Doyle, Libby, Van Zee, Roos and Geiger. Also Attorney McCluskey, Chiefs Dow and Weatherill and Engineer Knobbs. Councilman Doyle moved that the minutes of the June 9 meeting be approved as circulated with the attached corrections except correction of paragraph four, page one,line seven; that the motion carried in- stead of not carried. Seconded and carried. Councilman Doyle moved that the correction of paragraph four, page one, line seven, be checked for accuracy against the tapes of the hearing. Seconded and carried. Clerk read letter from Dor&lee Kingen, Primary Care Coordinator, South Kitsap Hospital District, requesting a non -conformist permit to house a medical office trailer on the Catholic Church property facing Bethel Avenue. She also stated they are looking for a per- manent site in the area and that they expect to have facilities available within a year. They have to vacate their temporary facilities at Retsil July 1, 1975. Engineer Knobbs stated there would be no 24 hour occupancy. Councilman Doyle moved to allow the medical office trailer on the property on a temporary basis of one year. That portion of the request for the City to forstay connection charges and service charges on both water and sewer referred to Water, Sewer: and Sanitation Committee. Clerk read letter from Chairman Arthur Mikelsen of the Planning Commission relative to their motion and recommendation to the City Council to establish a full time planning department and that the $10,000.00 in the current planning budget be utilized for this pur- pose. Letter referred to Finance Committee. Clerk read letter from the firm of Shiers, Kruse, Roper and Kamps on behalf of Orton G. Krueger and Christina Krueger/Royce M. Stockwell and Kay Stockwell, purchasers of the property at 296 Tremont, relative to a conditional use permit for the mobile home on that property. The mobile home has been on the property since 1963 and is presently rented. Letter stated that the removal of the mobile home would constitute a financial hardship both to the owners and to the tenants. Councilman Van Zee moved that the request for a conditional use permit to allow the mobile home to remain on the property be denied. Seconded and carried. Councilman Roos moved that the proposed ordinance regulating the procedures in short plats be adopted. Seconded. Mr. Jack Fitzgerald, Realtor, 813 Bay Street, spoke against the adopting of this proposed ordinance until a public hearing has been held, stating that this is a very important piece of legislation which would affect everyone within the City and the public should have a voice in the matter. Councilman Geiger moved to postpone action until a public hearing could be arranged. Seconded and carried. Clerk presented Council with Ordinance #950, amending existing Ordinances Nos. 906, 737 and 750, by declaring the existing Fire Zone #1 become Fire Zone #2 and that the remaining area of the City not in Fire Zone #2 be Fire Zone #3. Councilman Geiger moved to adopt Ordinance #950. Seconded and carried. Councilman Doyle voted no for lack of a public hearing. Councilman Geiger of the special committee appointed by the Mayor to review and report on the parking spaces for Orchard on the Green, reported on the meeting with the superintendent of the complex. They looked at all the trees, the areas which may be utilized for parking and the possibility of the purchase or lease of adjoining property for parking spaces if needed and informed Council that this should be held in abeyance until the final plans can be completed by the superintendent of Orchard on the Green. June 23, 1975 Page Two Councilman Geiger moved that letters be sent to those residents who do not keep the brush, grass and berry vines from encroaching on the sidewalk, informing them they are responsible for the side- walks fronting their property and that they shall remove the ob- structions. Seconded and carried. Councilman Roos moved that the Council Agenda and supporting letters and other action be posted on the bulletin board in the hall of the Municipal Building. Seconded and carried. On motion by Councilman Roos, seconded and carried, Council approved two firemen be allowed to attend the Washington State Firefighters Association's Annual Conference and Fire School in Olympia July 16 thru 19, 1975 and that expenses in the amount of $100.00 each be allowed. Mayor declared a ten minute break at 9:05 to resume meeting at 9:15 P.M. Mr. Dick Vlist, Vlist Motors, Inc.555 Bay Street, Mr. Jack Fitzgerald, JFK Realty 813 Bay Street and Mr. Shorty Gould, Gould Sheet Metal and Heating, 525 Bay Street, appeared before Council and protested the $15.00 registration fee as stated in the ordinance for the registration of all business operators within the City. They stated that the charge in Bremerton is $1.00 and that this $15.00 fee is too high. They asked the Council to amend the proposed ordinance and eliminate the $15.00 fee or at least make the fee fair to the businesses in the City. Council will take the suggestions under advisement. Mr. Jack Fitzgerald, 813 Bay Street, suggested tha the Council impose parking charges on all parking spaces of 50� per day per car and use the Diamond type coin collectors. Councilman Van Zee showed Council several flyers giving information on parks and recreation facilities and suggested that the City might have some printed showing the park and recreation facilities within the City. The cost would be about $3.90 per 100. He informed Council of the Parks meeting on Wednesday, June 25, 1975 in Council Chamber and asked the Mayor to be present. Mr. Dave Grant will be here at 7:00 P.M. He also informed Council that while at the AWC convention he had discussed the preparation of a Parks and Recreation plan with Mr. Lee Johnson and was informed that the cost to prepare this plan, covering about 8 acres would be about $3,000.00 Councilman Libby moved that a letter be written to those responsible for the hanging baskets on Bay Street. Seconded and carried. Councilman Libby moved that the Council approve an increase of Council member from $20.00 per meeting to $40.00 per meeting. Seconded and carried. Councilman Doyle questioned the publishing of the anticipated use of the Federal Revenue Sharing for the period 6/30/75 thru 6/30/76, stating that the anticipated use should be decided by the full Council and approved before publishing. Councilman Doyle reported there is a meeting on July 3, 1975 at 10:00 A.M. at the Gold Mountain Golf Course on Social Service Planning. Councilman Doyle moved that the Council approve a policy that future delegates sign up at meeting for events they will attend. Seconded and carried. Councilman Doyle will make available to Council members, a list of resolutions passed by the members of the AWC, and that she had the impression the City should be developing its urban area and trying to get grant help to do it. June 23, 1975 Page Three Councilman Doyle suggested the City consider making arrangements for the Sister City program. On motion by Councilman Doyle, seconded and carried, Council approved the nominating of Blackjack Creek for a Research and Recreation site under the Federal Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, and that the Department of Ecology be contacted relative to the preservation of the Blackjack Creek as an estuary for research and recreation. On motion by Councilman Doyle, seconded and carried,Council approved the Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee and the Mayor to try to secure a guaranty of water supply from the City of Bremerton in addition to the existing contract. Councilman Caldwell infomed Council that the sidewalk north of 691 Building on Bethel Avenue has been completed and the cost was between $300.00 and $400.00 Mayor Powers informed Council and others present that he will be a candidate for the Mayor's office in the forthcoming election. Engineer reported he had met with R. Truitt of the State Highway Department relative to the traffic hazard at the Bethel "Y" and that the State will be making some changes to alleviate the traffic hazards. Also informed Council there is a chance that the State will complete the third lane just west of the City Hall. He further reported that the electrical and soil engineers of Kramer, Chin and Mayo have completed finishing up the design of the water meters for the reservoir and the ground inspections. Russ Lombard reported he is completing the Comprehensive Water Plan, also that funding will be for a six month period and not for one year. He further reported the City can be reimbursed for the time in preparing the application for the Coastal Zone Grant and there are no funds left except those not being used by the County and the City of Bremerton. The City will submit for reimbursement in the approximate amount of $488.00 to the City of Bremerton who has some remaining funds. Chief Weatherill showed a picture of the 1250 gallon pumper he would like to have. The cost is $66,891.00. Chief Dow informed Council that the conference at Ocean Shores was interesting. There will be a special meeting of the City Council on June 30, 1975 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chamber on a proposed ordinance to adopt Short Plat procedures. Adjourned at 11:00 P.M. CLERK MAYOR