07/14/1975 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington July 14, 1975 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Fulton, Caldwell, Doyle, Libby, Van Zee and Geiger. Absent, Roos. Also present: Attorney McCluskey, Chief Dow and Weatherill and Engineer Rnobbs. Councilman Doyle moved that the minutes of the June 23, 1975 meeting be approved as circulated with the following corrections. Page 1, paragraph 3, line 10, add "seconded and passed" and page 2, paragraph 7, line 1, add "payment to each", and page 2, paragraph 10, line 1 add "reported on Association of Washington Cities Annual meeting, and". Motion seconded and carried to approve with corrections. Elvin Page, representing Wayne and Jim's Used Cars appeared before Council to request permission to install security lights for the sales lot at 823 Bethel Avenue. The lights would be placed on City street right of way, if permission is granted. Chairman Caldwell of the Street and Roads Committee also spoke to Council regarding the request, ex- plaining plans for improvement, including a chain link fence and citing cases of vandalism to cars on the lot, which necessitates this proposed improvement. Attorney advised a "Hold Harmless" clause is usually obtained. Councilman Caldwell moved that permission be granted to Mr. Wayne Farrar of Wayne and Jim's Used Cars to install security light standards parallel to Bethel Avenue and to install a chain link fence both on City street right of way. Seconded by Councilman Libby. On the vote, Fulton, Caldwell, Libby, yes and Doyle, Geiger and Van Zee no. Mayor cast a yes vote to break the tie. Motion carried. Councilman Doyle moved that the City investigage use of City property by private enterprise, with the possibility of negotiating lease agree- ments. Seconded by Councilman Geiger and carried. Mr. Adrian Carr appeared before the Council regarding the City acquisition of Mitchell Point Indian Cemetery which the City could maintain as a park area if deeded to the City by the Van Alstine brothers. Mr. Carr stated CETA labor could be used to clear the area. The lots are a circular area 180' in diameter. Councilman Libby moved that the proposal be referred to the Parks Committee for investigation and recommendation on the proposed acquisition. Seconded by Caldwell and carried. Council- man Doyle asked for Attorney's opinion regarding the City's acceptance of the property. Attorney will check the title report. Mr. Carr also congratulated the Council upon recent action of passing of a dog lease law. This being the date set for the hearing on the Special Use Permit application by Richard E. Jacobsen and John W. Upham for a 6-unit, two-story six-plex on approximately 52 lots located at the corner of Smith Street and Austin Avenue. Mayor opened the hearing by reading the action of the Port Orchard Planning Commission, recommending to the Council that the Special Use Permit be approved. Citizens appearing before the Council were Mr. Collins, who spoke against approval, citing there were 50 people who signed a petition against this, and stating the petitioners did not wish an increase in population in their area. Those speaking in favor included Richard Jacobsen and Arnold Norum. Upon motion by Councilman: -"Caldwell, seconded by Councilman Libby to approve the application of Richard E. Jacobsen and John W. Upham for a Speecial Use Permit for a 6 unit, two- story six -plea at the corner of Smith Street and Austin Avenue, motion carried with Councilman Doyle and Councilman Van Zee voting no. Councilman Doyle stated that the six-plex is too close to the Collins property line. Patrick H. McCullough, P.E. and local Branch Manager of Entranco Engineers appeared before the Council, introducing Alex Redford, President of the Environmental and Transportation Consulting firm, with local offices at 1208 Bay Street, Port Orchard. He explained many aspects of funding street projects, which include Highway Safety Act, Federal Aid -Municipal (FAM), Urban Arterial, etc. Mr. McCullough stated that the local firm would like to work with the City in developing a funding prospectus for street improvements. Councilman Caldwell moved to allow the firm to make a feasibility study and investigation at no cost to the City. Seconded by Councilman Libby and carried. July 14, 1975 Page Two Treasurer Lorraine Carraway read proposed Resolution #1145 - Update of Water System Improvement Plan. Councilman Doyle moved the Council hold a public hearing to discuss resolution update and to investigate alternatives and sources for funding; i.e. H.U.D., P.U.D. Seconded by Councilman Libby. Motion failed with Councilmen Doyle and Geiger voting yes, Councilmen Van Zee, Caldwell, Fulton and Libby, no. Mayor stated that the proposed resolution is to up date the 20 year Comprehensive Plan with statistics on population growth from the Trident project and anticipated growth of the City. Councilman Caldwell moved to adopt Resolution #1145. Seconded by Councilman Fulton and carried with Councilman Doyle voting no. Mayor informed Council the three 4 year term City Council positions which are up for election this year must draw Council position numbers. Numbers drawn were; 1. Fulton, 2. Caldwell, 3. Geiger. Matter of letter dated June 27, 1975 from the Kitsap County Boundary Review Board in regard to the Annapolis Water District extension and East Hill Sewer extension to District #5 was brought before Council. Councilman Doyle moved that the City Council go on record as recommending a public hearing be held on the annexation to the Annapolis Water District. Councilman Libby seconded the motion. Motion lost with 3 yeas, 3 nays and Mayor Powers i oting no on the tie vote. Mayor recessed meeting at 9:10 to reconvene at 9:25. Councilman Caldwell moved that Ramona Childers be appointed to the Parks Advisory Committee. Seconded by Councilman Fulton and carried. Engineer Knobbs reported on the hold lanes which have been painted on Bay Street, and stated there will be "beginning and end of left turn lane" signs hung on the cables that are over Bay Street. Puget Sound Power and Light Co. to move the pole in front of Dick Vlist Motors 4 to 6 feet back to accomodate new hold lanes. Attorney Terry McCluskey reported on the following: he has filed in Superior Court recent foreclosures in Local Improvement Districts of the City. Discussed the Short Plat Ordinance with Engineer Knobbs, City Clerk Lloyd and Jack Fitzgerald, and recommended that Section 7, Item 5 be changed from City Council to City Engineer. Recommended passage of Short Plat Ordinance and Affirmative Action Program. Councilman Geiger moved to adapt Ordinance #951 (Short Plats), seconded by Councilman Van Zee and carried. Councilman Doyle moved to adopt Ordinance #952 (Affirmative Action Program), seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. Engineer further reported: 1. Serious water problem during the 4th of July weekend caused by broken automatic water control line at Fire Hall #2. 2. Changes in pump locations (wells and pumping stations). 3. Re: Bremerton Water Intertie alternate route, surveys will be taken for elevations next week. 4. Plans on reservoir to be finalized in 1-12 weeks, with call for bids planned for end of August. 5. Minor damage to parking lot after carnival - less than anticipated. Carnival operator had taken care of most of damage. 6. Funding for right turn lane by Exxon Station to be included in State budgeted funds. July 14, 1975 Page Three Chief of Police Dow reported there were no significant problems during the Fathoms of Fun Festival. Fire Chief Weatherill reported on the following: 1. There were 11 alarms during the month of June with no significant fire losses. 2. Recommended installation of alarm line to Police Department in event of water control line damage or breakage in the future at Fire Hall #2. 3. Fire truck specifications not completed as yet. 4. Would like meeting with Fire and Light Committee to discuss sprinkler ordinance. Councilman Doyle reported the following: 1. Attended meeting on a Title 20, Social Services Plan, and volunteered to attend future meetings. 2. Shorelines rough draft still to be finalized' and concluded. 3. Objection to Clerk's method of polling Council by telephone. Mayor Powers stated he had requested City Clerk to poll Council relative to the Clerk attending the Personnel Management School in Ellensburg, Washington from July 14 thru July 18, 1975, because the letter from the school was not received until June 24, 1975. After polling the Council, he then granted Clerk permission to attend. Councilman Doyle moved that matters should come before the Council in- stead of being polled by telephone. Motion died for lack of a second. Councilman Caldwell moved that City Clerk or Assistant Clerk(s) upon direction of Mayor be authorized to poll Council members when necessary. Seconded. Councilman Doyle moved to table for Mayor to check validity with Attorney, seconded by Geiger and carried. Councilman Doyle stated City should investigate other possibilities of water supply in regard to Bremerton Water Intertie project. She further stated there is evidence of ignorance and incompetence on the part of the Engineers on the project and the City should think seriously of terminating them. Councilman Caldwell reported that County will commence work (oiling) on City streets by the first week in September. Councilman Fulton reported: 1. He had attended a meeting of the Comprehensive Health Planning Committee on Traffic Health Service and Emergency Medical Service y-��:'Zor the Mayors 2. Conferred with Fred Schoneman, Public Works Commissioner, City of Bremerton re: guaranty of water for City of Port Orchard, and received assurance of Mr. Schoneman that City of Port Orchard will receive water according to the agreement entered into by the two cities. 3. South Kitsap Hospital District request to forestay water and sewer hook up and monthly charges considered by Water/Sewer Committee and he has no recommendation from the Committee. Councilman Roos is against the request, and Councilman Libby has some logical comments in favor of granting the request. Councilman Libby spoke to the Council in favor of granting the South. Kitsap Hospital District request to forestay the charges for water and sewer connections and monthly charges. Councilman Doyle moved that South Kitsap Hospital District be charged according to normal charges as set forth by City ordinance. Seconded and carried with Councilman Libby voting no. Councilman Fulton also reported that he Council Position No. 1 and he hopes this other people to file for his position. July 14, 1975 Page Four will not be filing for his announcement will encourage Councilman Geiger reported on the following: 1. Toilets are needed at City boat launch, and recommends their installation with Port District assistance to fund project. Also a hose is needed for rinsing boats. 2. Possibility of joint City -Port District constructing a boat lift or grid. Councilman Fulton suggested to Council that the Revenue Sharing Priority List (No. 3 on unfinished business) be finalized. Meeting date to be set and a public meeting scheduled for 7:30 P.M. at the July 28th Council meeting. Councilman Van Zee urged the City to consider purchasing a piece of property at Mitchell Point on the Perry Avenue side to afford widening of Beach Drive. Matter referred back to Park Committee for consideration and recommendation. Councilman Doyle moved that the City investigate possibility of a joint project with South Kitsap School District to purchase Mitchell Point property referred to in above paragraph for joint Park -Marine Science facility. Seconded and carried. Councilman Van Zee reported that the Park Committee will receive imput from the Citizen's Advisory Committee for the Basic Comprehensive Park Plan, as information is needed to apply for IAC funds. Councilman Libby requested that parking meters on Sidney between Bay and Prospect Streets which are damaged or missing be replaced. Councilman Libby moved to install parking meters on both sides of Sidney north of Prospect Street. Councilman Fulton moved to amend the motion to include repair of meters as necessary on Frederick Street south of Bay Street. Motion to amend seconded and carried. Original motion as amended seconded and carried. Russ Lombard, Planner, reported that he and Mary Hodge of the City Clerk's Office had attended a workshop on budgets for grants, and he would like confirmation from Council on certain items he would like to implement. Date set for Finance Committee meeting with Mr. Lombard at 8:00 A.M., July 16, Council Chamber. On motion by Councilman Geiger, and seconded, to approve bills be paid (Voucher No. 839 thru 957) in the amount of $26,376.71, motion amended to withhold payment to Puget Sound Power & Light Co. for Port Orchard Blvd. street lighting, with 6 wer letter included to request credit for prior months in which lights were nct in service. Amended motion carried. Original motion as amended carried. Adjourned at 11:07 P.M. R. G. Lloyd CLERK Z6 �,7 MAYOR