07/28/1975 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington July 28, 1975 City Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Pro Tempore Robert Geiger. Council members present: Fulton, Caldwell, Doyle, Libby, Van Zee and Roos. Councilman Fulton moved that the minutes of July 14, 1975 meeting be approved with the following correction: page three, paragraph 9, item #1, to read as follows: He had attended a meeting on Comprehen- sive Health Planning and the meeting on Emergency Medical Services. Seconded. Councilman Caldwell moved to amend the motion to make additional correction: page one, paragraph three, line twelve, after the word way, and to be removed at the owners expense at the request of the City Council. Seconded and carried. Original amended motion approved and carried. Standing Committee reports: Councilman Fulton reported that the Committee had reviewed the Coastal Zone Management Application for Local Planning Assistance and offered the following recommendations: Councilman Fulton moved that the Council not sign the contract for the planning assistance funds offered by the Department of Ecology for Coastal Zone Management Planning and not to continue the program at this time. Seconded. Councilman Doyle moved there be a study session prior to any decision on the above recommendation. Seconded and carried with five yeas and two nays. Councilman Doyle moved to postpone any action until after the study session. Seconded and carried with five yeas and two nays. Mayor Geiger informed Council that the priority list has not been finalized at this time and is continued until next meeting. Coun- cilman Doyle moved that the meetings on the priority for the spend- ing of Federal Shared Revenues be public. Motion died for lack of a second. Street Committee: Chairman Caldwell reported there will be a meeting at East Port Orchard Elementary School at'8:00 P.M., July 29, 1975 with the Fathoms of Fun group and they would like a representative from the City. Mayor Geiger appointed Chairman Caldwell as the rep- resentative of the City. Fire and Light Committee: Chairman Roos reported that a meeting will be held of his Committee to discuss the 1250 gallon pumper as soon as the Fire Chief has the specifications completed. Also reported the Fire Chief is preparing a proposed sprinkler system ordinance for the consideration of the Committee. Park Committee: Chairman Van Zee reported that at the next Park meeting the re- surfacing of the tennis courts at the Active Building recreation site will be discussed. Also the committee is still working on the application for lAC funding. Chairman Van Zee informed Council that on August 20, 1975, there will be a meeting of the Park Committee, the Park Commission and the Park Advisory Comm- ittee. Mr. Jim Armstrong has been elected as Chairman of the Advisory Committee. Water Committee: Chairman Fulton reported that the firm of Kramer, Chin & Mayo has submitted two sets of plans for the reservoir and the Comm- ittee has not had time to review them. Also reported the letter passed out to the Council members sets forth the time schedule from this point on to the call for bids. The above mentioned letter dated July 28, 1975, File & Project #KCM #500-1 is made part of these minutes. July 28, 1975 Page Two Councilman Doyle informed Council and Mayor that she wants the records to show that Mayor Powers at the July 14, 1975 meeting, stated that taxes were not being assessed against the property of the residents of the City on the Water Project. Councilyn6Lfi Doyle further stated that the City was collecting taxes and that the Mayor.b statement that no taxes were being collected on the Water Project is not an honest way to proceed and that he should not make false statements. Councilman Doyle further stated that the Intertie can not be built and she will guarantee this. Mayor Geiger ruled that the discussion is ended. Clerk read petition signed by 35 residents on Farragut Street North protesting the installation of a park area on the site of the Mitchell Cemetery. Stated that it would create parking congestion and that they do not want back packers and others using the place as an over- night camping spot. Mr. Archie Watson, 530 Farragut, spoke on be- half of the other signers of the petition. Mayor referred the matter back to Park Committee for investigation and recommendation at the next meeting, and also that the Attorney give legal assistance to the Committee. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Strosinider, 460 Tracy North, asked the Council for relief from having to adhere to the Uniform Building Code on the construction of a greenhouse which does not comply with the City's Building Code. Matter referred to Parks and Building Committee. Committee will confer with the Building Inspector and Attorney. Mr. Charlie Moore, 1432 Sidney Street, stated that when the City resurfaced Sidney Street they did not put the driveway approaches in as was and now he cannot use his driveway. Also there are others in the same condition. Matter referred to Street Committee. Clerk read letter from Lee Walker Realty, 515 Sixth Street, Bremerton Washington, offering the City a piece of property located on Mitchell Point, known as the Mitchell Point property for the amount of $5,000 plus the City pay the existing sewer assessment on LID #60. Council- man Doyle reported that the assessed valuation of the property accord- ing to the Assessor's roll is $4,200.00. Referred to Street and Alley Committee and Attorney. Mrs. Mary Wilson, 1306 West Street, informed Council of the vandalism and theft in that area and stated a street light is badly needed. Referred to Fire and Light Committee. On motion by Councilman Roos, seconded and carried, Council approved the addition of art escape --clause in the Inter -Municipality Contract Regarding Solid Waste Transport and Disposal Facilities for Kitsap County. Councilman Doyle reported that she had met with Dr. William Davis and Dr. Dale Linebarger of the South Kitsap School District and all agree that a marine science facility should be considered for this area and the School and City should pursue the possibility of such a project. Mitchell Point is a possible site for such a project. Matter of use of City property discussed. Chief Dow informed Council he is going to retire in the near future, is now looking for employment and when he finds what he wants, he will then retire. Councilman Doyle criticized the staff for not following through on amending the Animal Control Ordinance as ordered by the Council. Attorney will research and complete the amendment. Councilman Doyle moved to re -submit the issue of building 1 or 2 reservoirs to the people or we should refund the taxes collected and issue revenue bonds for this cost of reservoirs. Motion died for lack of second. Meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M. f Clerk ' i { Mayor