08/11/1975 - Regular - Minutesis- CO "p c4,61vs Port Orchard, Washington August 11, 1975 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Geiger, Caldwell, Doyle, Libby and Van Zee. Councilmen Fulton and Roos were excused while on vacation. Also present: Attorney McCluskey, Chief Dow and Engineer Knobbs. Chief Weatherill excused. Councilman Doyle moved that the minutes of July 28, 1975 meeting be approved with the corrections prepared by herself. Seconded and carried. Mr. Patrick McCullough, P.E., Entranco Engineers, reported to Council that there are funds available through the Federal Urban and the High- way Urban Acts for the upgrading of the City streets with buttons and markers as well as for the removal of side stripes. The grants are 100% grants and only brief plans are necessary. Also, that under the Highway Safety Act there are funds available in the amount of $10,000 to $20,000 for a supplemental street budget and can be used for the removal of side striping. He stated that the capacity of vehicle traffic on Bay street is 30,000 and at this time the count is 23,000 and a study is needed. He stated he would prepare a project prospectus if the Council desires, and further stated that Bethel and Bay are the high priority streets. Above matter referred to Street and Alley Committee. Mr. McCullough stated that he would like the City to make a declaration or something supporting the restoration of Long Lake as the County is applying for a 90% demonstration grant for the restoration of the lake. Councilman Geiger moved that a letter be written on behalf of the citizens of the City of Port Orchard supporting the demonstration project of the restoration of Long Lake. Seconded and carried. Chairman Geiger of the Finance Committee informed Council on the items selected by the Committee as of priority in the spending of Federal Shared Revenues, ie: $ 2,800 Pave gas pump area and public works lot. Gravel properly behind building. 25,000 Library Building - Telephone Building. 9,000 Launch Ramp - Toilet 1,500 Move siren, distroy tower or remodel and paint or stain tower. 7,000 Resurface Tennis Court - Givens 7,500 Tennis Court at Reservoir 11,000 Tremont Park Restrooms 12,000 Soccer Field - drain tile, fill & grade. 4,000 Radey Pond - complete fill. 2,000 Right of Way Brush Cutter $ 81,800 Councilman Geiger stated that if there are other priorities, please present them and there will be a public hearing on the items. Chairman Van Zee, Parks Committee reported that he has two quotations on the resurfacing of the tennis courts at Givens and that one more is expected this week. Chairman Caldwell, Street Committee reported that his committee could not find any record of Lawrence Street being vacated in the area of the Mitchell corner property and felt there would not be sufficient August 11, 1975 Page Two area to build a duplex because of this. Also, there may be burial plots on the property. Matter continued. Chairman Caldwell also reported that there are still some easements needed before the City could continue on the filling of Radey Street Pond. Engineer will work on this. Chairman Caldwell reported visiting the Charlie Moore residence at 1432 Sidney and informed Mr. Moore that if he would build a bulkhead, the City would provide the back fill a"d—b4erek4ep the area. Chairman Caldwell reported on his attendance at the Fathoms of Fun meeting and that all were satisfied with the parking during the fest- ivities. Gene Caldwell volunteered to be the 1976 Fathoms Chairman. Councilman Caldwell reported inspecting the greenhouse built by Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Strosinider, 460 Tracy No. with the chairman of the Building Committee, Councilman Van Zee and the City Engineer and discussing possible alternatives to the project in order that it might conform to the Uniform Building Code. He also reported, Mr. and Mrs. Strsinider had aquired a building permit and did not include the greenhouse and after the building inspector had told Mr. Stro- sinider to stop the construction, he did not. Attorney will research the Building Code and report, if the Council has the authority to allow the non -conformity of the Building Code. Mayor Powers recognized Mrs. Anita Sanford, chaperone for three young aspirants for the Kitsap County Fair; Sam Farmer, Carla Clipps and Michelle Steinman, who then informed the Council of what is being offered for all at the Fair and Rodeo, what it will cost and informed the Mayor that his time to get dunked is at 7:30 P.M. Wednesday, August 20, 1975. They presented a cowboy hat to the Mayor, kissed him twice and further stated that all donations would be accepted. Mayor stated he will be in the dunking booth. The Fair will be open from August 20 through August 24, 1975. On motion by Councilman Van Zee and seconded, Council approved that Chief Weatherill be allowed to attend the Fire Chief's Convention in Everett, Washington, September 25 through 27, 1975 and $100.00 be allowed for his expenses. On motion by Councilman Van Zee, seconded and carried, Council approved the installation of one street light on West Street, the location of the light will be determined by the City Engineer and the manager of P.S.P.& L. Co. Councilman Van Zee reported on meeting with members of the Board of Trustees of the Port Orchard Library and members of the Port Orchard Historical Society and discussed the Old Sidney Hotel. it is up for sale by sealed bids on September 12, 1975. The appraised value is $37,500.00. The Society has about $14,000.00 and would like the City to participate with them on the acquisition of the property. Also discussed the possibility of the Society acquiring the hotel, remodel, and the City leasing the downstairs for a library. They would like the City to help them in any way it can. Chairman Nelson of the Board of Trustees stated that the hotel area would be of no improvement over what they have and that they are in favor of the Northwest Bell Tele- phone building on Prospect Street for temporary housing until sometime in the future when a new and larger library building could be built. Copy of the letter from the Port Orchard Planning Commission was circ- ulated to the Council members. Letter addressed the Bethel Avenue area residential businesses. Mayor Powers informed Council that Centennial signs to be placed over advertising the Bi-Centennial and $20.00 to $30.00 each. On motion and carried, Council approved the several cities were purchasing Bi- the existing City limits signs that the approximate cost would be by Councilman Caldwell, seconded purchase of seven signs.