08/25/1975 - Regular - Minutes_5r Port Orchard, Washington August 25, 1975 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Fulton, Caldwell, Doyle, Libby, Van Zee, Roos and Geiger. Also present: Attorney McCluskey, Chiefs Dow and Weatherill and Engineer Knobbs. Councilman Doyle moved that the minutes of August 11, 1975 be approved with the following corrections: Paragraph 1, page 3, add "Engineer Knobbs reported that the consulting engineers expected alternative route for water pipeline to be feasible with gravity flow." Paragraph 3, page 3, questioned the following statement (nothing wrong in polling) believes this was not stated by the Attorney. Paragraph 6, page 3, add "Mrs. Doyle reported on letter from Dept. of Ecology responding to the Council nom- ination of the Black Jack Creek area for research and recreation by saying it was unsuitable." After the word moved, first sentence, strike "that the Council give her permission." Paragraph 7, page 3, After moved, first sentence, delete "that the Council give her permission." After City, third sentence, delete "and that there will be no expenditures of funds with- out Council approval." Paragraph 2, page 2 After the word back fill, delete "and Blacktop." Paragraph 9, page 2, add "and recommended an additional lane be installed." Chairman Geiger, Finance Committee reported on meeting with Mrs. Piva, representative of the Public Employees Union and Mr. Leonard Clark, business agent, relative to the employee's requests for the year 1976. The list of requests are as follows: 1. 18% wage increase 2. Family paid medical plan; spouse + 2 or more children $44.60. 3. Family paid dental plan; employee, $7.75. Employee and dependent, $18.14. 4. Family paid prescription plan; $6.00 - $7.00 per month. 5. Family paid optical plan. Too small - "NA" 6. Longevity pay plan as follows: After completion of: 5 years continuous service 2% of monthly base pay. 10 years continuous service 4% of monthly base pay. 15 years continuous service 6% of monthly base pay. 20 years continuous service 8% of monthly base pay. 7. Accumulation of sick leave 120 days. August 25, 1975 Page Three review and prepare amendments if necessary. Councilman Doyle moved the Clerk and Attorney to review Ordinance #949 and amend the ordinance to apply to Business only. Lost for lack of a second. On motion by Councilman Libby and seconded, Council approved the sending of Kris and Carol of the Clerk's office to Bellevue, Washington, October 6, 7, & 8, 1975 for a seminar on accounting presented by the State Auditors office and also for costs in the total amount of $152.80. Clerk read Letter dated August 21, 1975 from the Kitsap County Conser- vation District requesting a parking spot be set aside for the govern- ment vehicle in the Marina parking lot. Clerk will contact Mr. John Schold and inform him to contact Mr. Jack Mandeville relative to park- ing in that area at a stated fee per month. Mayor informed Council that a letter from the Northwest Bell Telephone Company had been received asking a minimum price of $32,500.00 for their building located at 736 Prospect. Also, the City had forwarded a letter to them stating that the City would be interested and are tending an offer in the amount of $32,500.00. At the request of Councilman Roos, Council approved the Clerk to purchase name signs for each Councilman and for the Mayor after the elections. Attorney advised the Council that Sargeant Mares is in the process of investigating the activities around the Clauson property on Sidney to determine if Mr. Clauson is in violation of the Court decision. Councilman Geiger reported on meeting of the Coastal Zone Management funding. The Committee recommended that the City do not accept funding at this time. Councilman Geiger moved to untable the question from the August 11, 1975 meeting. Seconded and carried. Council held con- siderable discussion on the matter and on the question, Council approved the motion to not take advantage of the funding for the Coastal Zone Management program, Councilman Doyle and Roos voting no. Request of Mr. Walter Ainsworth, 208 Mitchell, for the vacation of a portion of alley lying between six lots he owns in Wheeler Addition referred to Street and Alley Committee. Meeting adjourned at 9:34 P.M. / �tylJ l` rat Clerk f , Mayor