09/08/1975 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington September 8, 1975 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Councilmen present: Fulton, Caldwell, Doyle, Libby, Van Zee, Roos and Geiger. Also present were Chiefs Weatherill and Dow, Engineer Knobbs and Attorney McCloskey. Councilman Doyle moved that the minutes of August 25, 1975 be approved with the following corrections: Page two, paragraph 8, to read: "Clerk read letter from DSHS, dated August 18, 1975 approving the plans for the two million gallon reservoir and its associated transmission line" Page 2, paragraph 7, line 3 after exceptions, insert: "except possibly agriculture" also add at the end of paragraph "City Engineer said he would work with Mr. Strosnider to reach a solution". Page 2, paragraph 9: after Mayor Powers, insert "ruled her out of order" delete from Mayor Powers the balance of sentence.after read her report, insert "she questioned the difference in the City Engineer's report to the Council on damage to pumping facility on July 4 and letter to DSHS of a water main break". Page 3, paragraph 1, after moved, delete the balance of sentence and insert "that the ordinance should be written to apply to business- es as intended" Page 3, paragraph 3, fourth line after and insert "suggested private Clerk read petition initiated by Mrs. Norman Sandland, 1381 Sherman Avenue, requesting that a fire hydrant be installed for fire protection in that area. Engineer informed Council that the main line in that area is only lh inch which is too small for a hydrant. A six inch line is necessary for a hydrant. The only way this condition can be alleviated is through a local improvement program with the costs borne by the residents. Engineer will prepare a rough estimate of costs for the local improvement program and Council set the date of October 6, 1975 for a hearing on the program. All owners of property within the proposed LID boundary will be notified. Mr. Pat McCullough, P.E.,Entranco Engineers, presented Council with a progress letter on availability of funds through the Federal Safety Act, Fam, EDA, FHA, Federal Aid Urban and Urban Arterial funds. Mr. McCullough discussed the contents of the letter and answered questions for the Council. Above letter dated September 3, 1975 is made a part of these minutes. Mr. McCullough also informed the Council that fund- ing for the Long Lake restoration has been approved. Councilman Geiger reported on a Finance Committee meeting on September 4, 1975 with the City Treasurer and that further information on the 1976 City budget was discussed. Stated that at this time it appears the anticipated expenditures exceeds the anticipated revenue by about $90,000.00. Councilman Geiger also reported on having a meeting with the Union representatives. Ccrancilman Geiger also reported on a Street and Alley meeting, discuss- ing Mitchell Point property and funds which may be available from other sources for the development on the property. Also, he showed pictures of a recreational building at a street end on Manette Point, stating that i.L is possible the Port of Bremerton may be interested in the Prc:_j(=.c'- a�; they have a commitment to reclaim tide lands and perhars SfE caR�rc�-�o �.-r �4f�rt�he�� Port Orchard, Washington September 8, 1975 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Councilmen present: Fulton% Caldwell, Doyle, Libby, Van Zee, Roos and Geiger. Also present were Chiefs Weatherill and Dow, Engineer Knobbs and Attorney McCloskey. Councilman Doyle moved that the minutes of August 25, 1975 be approved with the following corrections: Page two, paragraph 8, to read: "Clerk read letter from DSHS, dated August 18, 1975 approving the plans for the two million gall:mn reservoir and its associated transmission line" Page 2, paragraph 7, line 3 after exceptions, insert: "except possibly agriculture" also add at the end of paragraph "City Engineer said he would work with Mr. Strosnider to reach a solution". Page 2, paragraph 9: after Mayor Powers, insert "ruled her out of order" delete from Mayor Powers the balance of sentence.after read her report, insert "she questioned the difference in the City Engineer's report to the Council on damage to pumping facility on July 4 and letter to DSHS n-f a water main break". Page 3, paragraph 1, after moved, delete the balance of sentence and insert "that the ordinance should be written to apply to business- es as intended" Page 3, paragraph 3, fourth line after and insert "suggested private Clerk read petition initiated by Mrs. Norman Sandland, 1381 Sherman Avenue, requesting that a fire hydrant be installed for fire protection in that area. Engineer informed Council that the main line in that area is only 12 inch which is too small for a hydrant. A six inch line is necessary for a hydrant. The only way this condition can be alleviated is through a local improvement program with the costs borne by the residents. Engineer will prepare a rough estimate of costs for the local improvement program and Council set the date of October 6, 1975 for a hearing on the program. All owners of property within the proposed LID boundary will be notified. Mr. Pat McCullough, P.E.,Entranco Engineers, presented Council with a progress letter on availability of funds through the Federal Safety Act, Fam, EDA, FHA, Federal Aid Urban and Urban Arterial funds. Mr. McCullough discussed the contents of the letter and answered questions for the Council. Above letter dated September 3, 1975 is made a part of these minutes. Mr. McCullough also informed the Council that fund- ing for the Long Lake restoration has been approved. Councilman Geiger reported on a Finance Committee meeting on September 4, 1975 with the City Treasurer and that further information on the 1976 City budget was discussed. Stated that at this time it appears the anticipated expenditures exceeds the anticipated revenue by about $90,000.00. Councilman Geiger also reported on having a meeting with the Union representatives. Councilman Geiger also reported on a Street and Alley meeting, discuss- ing Mitchell Point property and funds which may be available from other sources for the development on the property. Also, he showed pictures of a recreational building at a street end on Manette Point, stating that it is possible the Port of Bremerton may be interested in the project as they have a commitment to reclaim tide lands and perhaps September 8, 1975 Page Two this project would serve to help satisfy this commitment. Councilman Geiger moved to remove the amended original motion to purchase the Mitchell Point property for $4,500.00 from the table. Seconded., 1_-*rYk_'_ Councilman Geiger moved to amend the amended original motion to offer $3,500 for the property which contains the 4 lots (tidelands) and that portion of the property inside of the curve, leaving 9,500 square feet for the sellers. Seconded and carried with Councilman Fulton and Roos voting no. On the original amended motion, Council approved the offer with Councilman Fulton, Roos and Doyle voting no. Councilman Doyle moved that the City negotiate with the owners to acquire the balance of the Mitchell Point property (9,500 square feet) Seconded and carried with Councilman Fulton and Roos voting no. Councilman Geiger moved to adopt Ordinance #954 (Creating a Cumulative Reserve Fund for Street Capital Improvement Matching Funds and trans- fering funds from the Contingency Fund to Cumulative Reserve Fund for Street Capital Improvement Matching Funds). Seconded and carried with Councilman Doyle voting no by reason that she did not know enough y. about the funds. Councilman Doyle wanted to include bycycle paths in the above ordinance. Clerk will contact Auditor relative to the legality of intermingling funds for both bike paths and street improvement within the same Cumulative Reserve Fund. Councilman Doyle moved that the bicycle paths be included in Ordinance #924. Motion lost for lack of second. Clerk presented Ordinance 4953, authorizing the calling for a special election to levy a tax for the purchase of a fire truck and associated equipment. After considerable discussion on the matter, Councilman Doyle moved that the entire cost of the fire truck ($64,000.00) be paid from the Federal Shared Revenues, seconded and lost with Council- man Roos and Doyle voting yes. Councilman Fulton moved that Ordinance #953 be adopted. Seconded. Councilman Roos moved to amend the motion to 50% of the cost from special levy and 500 of the cost from Federal Shared Revenues, seconded and carried with Councilman Fulton, Van Zee and Libby voting no. Chief Weatherill states that the total cost would be $68,000.00. Councilman Van Zee informed Council of meeting with Mr. Lee Johnson relative to preparation of the Park Comprehensive Plan and Mr. Johnson would see that the plan is completed and the application for IAC fund- ing'is submitted. The City planner will prepare and submit information to Mr. Johnson. Councilman Van Zee moved that the Council approve Mr. Lee Johnson to prepare the Comprehensive Plan for the Tremont Park and see that the application be submitted to the IAC and that the City planner assist Mr. Johnson. Also, that Mr. Johnson will be paid $500.00 at this time and the balance of $500.00 when the grant is received. Seconded and carried. k Councilman Doyle reported that the doors to the rest rooms at Active Bldg. are usually locked on weekends and the public cannot use them. She asked if something could be done about it. At this time the Police Department is supposed to handle the restrooms. Councilman Doyle moved that the Active Building be opened for use without charge for public meeting for any and all age groups. Seconded. Councilman Caldwell stated that the Active Club of Port Orchard built the build- ing for youth groups and gave the building to the City with the stip- ulation that it be used for youth groups. Councilman Geiger moved to table the motion until a firm set of ground rules could be prepared and submitted. Seconded and carried with Councilman Fulton voting no. Mayor referred the matter to the Park Committee for compliance. Councilman Doyle asked about the status of the Swimming Pool Safety study and was informed that it was still under study. Councilman Doyle read a letter from Robinson, Roberts and Associates 1315 South 59th Street, Tacoma, Washington in reference to their letter dated December 2, 1971,stating that the original estimates for drill- ing wells had increased considerably. Also stated that the potential September 8, 1975 Page Three for water in this area is real good. This letter was a brief up date of the December 2, 1971 letter. Councilman Doyle stated the Council could use their proposal as an alternative. Councilman Doyle moved that the Council consider the alternate of well water supply and further investigate the offer of Robinson and Roberts. Motion died for lack of second. Councilman Caldwell reported that the Street and Alley Committee had met and stated that perhaps a letter should be written to the Highway Department about the installation of another light on Bethel Avenue. Engineer will follow through on this. Informed Council that a ramp has been completed connecting the Marina Parking area to Bay street at the east boundary of the parking area. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried; Council set the hearing on the petition of Walter Ainsworth, 208 Mitchell for the vacation of a portion of an alley in Block 5 of Wheelers Addition for 8:00 P.M., October 13, 1975. Councilman Caldwell added to the priority list for Federal Shared Revenues, a brush chipper,,at the estimated cost of $5,000.00. Councilman Fulton informed Council of the workshop at the Sheridan Park Community Building in Bremerton at 7:30 P.M., September 15, 1975 to secure input leading to a sewerage facilities plan, letter from CH2M Engineers. After considerable discussion on Ordinance #949, Business Registrations it was evident that some clarification was needed especially in Sec. 1 and Councilman Doyle moved to amend Ordinance #949 immediately to comply with the intent of the Council that registrations apply to businesses only. Seconded and carried. On motion by Councilman Libby and seconded, Council approved the Attorney to prepare an amendment to the animal control ordinance for the consideration of the Council based on the existing amendment passed by the Bremerton Commission relative to loose animals. Chief Dow informed Council that four patrolmen will attend a three day driving school in Seattle at no cost to the City and that the Sergeant will attend a Firing School at Fort Lewis, costing $30.00. Engineer reported that the reservoir bids will be opened at 3:00 P.M. Friday, September 12, 1975 in the Council Chambers. Mayor referred to the Street and Alley Committee the complaints to the Engineer of several ladies in the Marlee Apartments relative to a crosswalk in that area. Clerk read letter dated August 29, 1975 from R. Wes Henry, Director of the Kitsap County Fhergency medical.Sw..rvices program informing the Council that this program has entered into the required number of contracts with separate entities to validate the overall contract. Clerk read letter from Mr. Klaus Kunter, Port Orchard, Washington informing Council that he had a letter from the Chairman of the Plann- ing Commission stating that his request for an extension of his special use permit will not be considered. Mr. Kunter feels that circumstances have not changed since the granting of the original permit and would like the Council to consider the request for extension. Referred to Finance Committee. On motion by Councilman Doyle and seconded, Council approved Resol- ution #1147 approving the issuance of a Quit Claim Deed to Kitsap County for Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 4, Sweany's Addition to Sidney. This property is being traded for Lots 17 through 30, inclusive, of Block 8, Tom Cline's Addition to Sidney. Councilman Geiger moved that the Mayor write a letter to the County Commissioners to meet with the Council at a regular meeting to discuss the possible contracting of police service. Seconded and carried with Councilman Libby voting no.