09/22/1975 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington September 22, 1975 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular sess- ion by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Fulton, Caldwell, Libby, Van Zee, Roos, Doyle and Geiger. Also present, Chief Dow, Engineer Knobbs and Attorney Ryan. On motion by Councilman Doyle, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the September 8th meeting with the following corrections: Page 2, paragraph 1, after seconded, add "approved". Page 2, paragraph 8, line 1, after Bldg., add "shelter". Page 2, paragraph 10, line 1, delete "Roberts" and insert "Noble" and at the end of paragraph add "Letter dated September 2, 1975 is hereby made part of these minutes". Page 3, paragraph 2, line 4, after (that a) add "pedestrian". Mr. Richard Warren and Mr. William Cranston, Kramer, Chin and Mayo, Consulting Engineers for the City of Port Orchard Water Improvement Program presented Council with a letter setting forth the recommenda- tions relative to the bids on Phase 1, Reservoir and Transmission Main. On the engineers recommendation Councilman Fulton moved that the bid of KETA Construction Company in the amount of $448,770.00 for the Two Million Gallon Reservoir and the bid of Bert Robinson Const. Company in the amount of $216,682.80 for the B-2 Phase (Transmission Main) be awarded subject to the approval of the Department of Social and Health Services. Mr. Warren reported that on the Phase II portion of the Water Improvement Program (Bremerton Intertie) there appears to be, according to their estimates, additional funds required in the approx- imate amount of $97,000.00 over and above the amounts now available, and recommended the City meet with the financial consultant to explore methods of acquiring the additional funds. After meeting with DSHS and getting financial information, the engineers will meet with the Council on the balance of the project and at that time will present a final pre -design report on the Phase II. Letter dated September 22, 1975 from Kramer, Chin and Mayo is made part of these minutes. Chairman Geiger, Finance Committee reported that there will be a negotiations meeting on Wednesday, September 24, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers with the representatives of the Local 42052, Public Employees Union. Chairman Van Zee of the Parks Committee stated there will be a meeting of the Parks Committee, Commission and Advisory Committee on October 8• 1975 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers. He also reported that the Parks Committee had met with Mr. Lee Johnson and discussed a Comprehen- sive Park & Recreation Plan. Clerk read letter dated September 16, 1975 from Lee Johnson & Associates relative to working with the City on developing a comprehensive park and recreation plan for the City setting forth what duties they will perform and what City staff will have to prepare and submit to them and that the charge to the City would be $1,000.00 and with $500.00 not to be paid until additional planning and development funds are received. As part of this program the City would retain their services as their park and recreation consultant on an ongoing basis. Councilman Van Zee stated that he has contacted a Mr. Bill Griffith of the University of Washington who will assist in the preparation of the Comprehensive Plan. Councilman Van Zee moved to aDorove a contract with the Lee Johnson Associates for the develop- Port Orchard, Washington September 22, 1975 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular sess- ion by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Fulton, Caldwell, Libby, Van Zee, Roos, Doyle and Geiger. Also present, Chief Dow, Engineer Knobbs and Attorney Ryan. On motion by Councilman Doyle, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the September 8th meeting with the following corrections: Page 2, paragraph 1, after seconded, add "approved". Page 2, paragraph 8, line 1, after Bldg., add "shelter". Page 2, paragraph 10, line 1, delete "Roberts" and insert "Noble" and at the end of paragraph add "Letter dated September 2, 1975 is hereby made part of these minutes". Page 3, paragraph 2, line 4, after (that a) add "pedestrian". Mr. Richard Warren and Mr. William Cranston, Kramer, Chin and Mayo, Consulting Engineers for the City of Port Orchard Water Improvement Program presented Council with a letter setting forth the recommenda- tions relative to the bids on Phase 1, Reservoir and Transmission Main. On the engineers recommendation Councilman Fulton moved that the bid of KETA Construction Company in the amount of $448,770.00 for the Two Million Gallon Reservoir and the bid of Bert Robinson Const. Company in the amount of $216,682.80 for the B-2 Phase (Transmission Main) be awarded subject to the approval of the Department of Social and Health Services. Mr. Warren reported that on the Phase II portion of the Water Improvement Program (Bremerton Intertie) there appears to be, according to their estimates, additional funds required in the approx- imate amount of $97,000.00 over and above the amounts now available, and recommended the City meet with the financial consultant to explore methods of acquiring the additional funds. After meeting with DSHS and getting financial information, the engineers will meet with the Council on the balance of the project and at that time will present a final pre -design report on the Phase II. Letter dated September 22, 1975 from Kramer, Chin and Mayo is made part of these minutes. Chairman Geiger, Finance Committee reported that there will be a negotiations meeting on Wednesday, September 24, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers with the representatives of the Local #2052, Public Employees Union. Chairman Van Zee of the Parks Committee stated there will be a meeting of the Parks Committee, Commission and Advisory Committee on October 8 1975 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers. He also reported that the Parks Committee had met with Mr. Lee Johnson and discussed a Comprehen- sive Park & Recreation Plan. Clerk read letter dated September 16, 1975 from Lee Johnson & Associates relative to working with the City on developing a comprehensive park and recreation plan for the City setting forth what duties they will perform and what City staff will have to prepare and submit to them and that the charge to the City would be $1,000.00 and with $500.00 not to be paid until additional planning and development funds are received. As part of this program the City would retain their services as their park and recreation consultant on an ongoing basis. Councilman Van Zee stated that he has contacted a Mr. Bill Griffith of the University of Washington who will assist in the preparation of the Comprehensive Plan. Councilman Van Zee moved to approve a contract with the Lee Johnson Associates for the develop- ment of a Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Plan. Seconded. Council- man Roos moved to table until after the meeting of the Parks Committee. Seconded and carried. Engineer Knobbs stated that it would take about two or three weeks of the planners time and other staff members to prepare and submit the information desired by Mr. Johnson. Chairman Caldwell, Street Committee, read a letter from the Highway Department relative to the property whbch Mr. Lon Nickerson is desirous of acquiring from the Highway Department, lying adjacent to SR 160 and South of Quik-Pac Grocery. The letter requested the City to indicate if any of this property should be retained for future right-of-way. n;•ame1•, C :in & Mayc%Iae_ 1W7 First A enus. Sest+ie. Weahingwry dilr September 22, 1975 'i ulep4, ne .Area Code AW-447-SEUI S3 (j , r� V . -':� KCM #500-1 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Port Orchard City Hall Port Orchard, Washington 98366 Re: Water System Improvement Program Gentlemen: Bids were received on Phase I of the Water System Improvement Program on September 12, 1975. A tabulation of the bids received is included for your review. Based on these bids and the latest estimates of the cost of the Bremerton Intertie, the following table gives the status of the project. Item Asbestos Cement Pipe Ductile Iron Pipe Phase I Construction Costs Reservoir W/Alt. 2b $453,147 $453,147 Pipeline 118,219 126,683 Total $571,366 $579,830 Other Project Costs Sales Tax $ 30,282 $ 30,731 Contingency 28,568 28,991 Design Fee 47,138 47,836 Construction Management 28,568 28,991 Total Phase I Project Cost $705,922 $716,379 Phase II Estimate, Including ,r all Project Costs $431,000 $491,000 Total Wacer System Improvement w }'rcgrs:m Cost $1,166,922 $1,207,379 Cranc Eligible Amount $ 984,034 91,000,756 Probable Grants (41%) - 403,454 _ 410O310 Balance $ 783,468 $ 797,069 Consulting Engineers, Architects and Applied S, ienttets Kramer, Chin a Mayo, Inc. Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Port Orchard September 22, 1975 Page Two G.O. Funds Authorized $700,000 $700,000 Additional Funds Required $ 83,468 $ 97,069 From the table above, it is obvious that additional grant money must be obtained and additional funds are required from the City in order to complete the entire project. In light of these requirements, we recommend the following: 1) The City authorize award of the contracts to the low bidders for the reservoir and the asbestos -cement pipeline, subject to State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) approval of the award. Sufficient funds are in hand to complete Phase I of the Improvement Program. 2) Authorize a meeting between DSHS, Kramer Chin & Mayo and the City Director of Public Works within the next two weeks concerning the additional grant money to complete Phase II. Preliminary discussions with DSHS have laid the groundwork for this meeting, and indications are favorable that such a grant increase is obtainable. 3) The City authorize their financial consultant to work with RCM and the City staff to recommend a method for raising the additional funds required. 4) Following these meetings with DSHS.and the financial consul- tant, Kramer, Chin & Mayc will return to the Council with recommendations for the balance of the project. At that time we will present a final pre -design report on the Bremerton intertie (Phase II of the ?SIP). It is unfortunate that inflation and problems with the Highway Department have had such an effect on this program, but we remain confident that the work can be completed. Phase I will go a long way toward alleviating the present water storage and supply problems, but in light of the anticipated Kramer, chic &Nlayo, Inc. Honorable Mayor. and City Council City of Port Orchard September 22, 1975 Page Three growth of the City we strongly recommend that Phase II, the Bremerton inter - tie be constructed as the long range solution to the City's water problem. Sincerely, KRAM�ERR,,� CHIN 6 KAYO, INC. William A. Cranston Project Engineer WAC/cn