10/27/1975 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington October 27, 1975 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Fulton, Caldwell, Doyle, Libby, Van Zee, Roos and Geiger. Also present, Attorney McCluskey, Chief Dow and Engineer Knobbs. Chief Weatherill excused. Councilman Doyle moved that the minutes of October 14, 1974 be approved with corrections as follows: Page 1, paragraph 5, ADD in line 4 (before vote) Mrs. Doyle questioned Mr. Fulton's and Kitsap County Bank's or stockholders interest in the pipeline to supply Ross Point area and also in bond purchase. Also ADD Councilman Fulton stated if any stockholder owns property in that area it has nothing to do with Councilman Fulton, and that Councilman Fulton does not have any knowledge that Kitsap County Bank owns any property in the questioned area. Page 2, paragraph 8 (middle of page) line 5, REPLACE: Councilman Doyle moved that the retaining of Lee Johnson at the time when needed be approved. Page 3, paragraph 4, ADD in the amount of $126,455.00 estimated to be 6.750 mills. Page 3, paragraph 5, ADD in the amount of $32,500.00. Page 3, paragraph 7, ADD Matter now in Committee. Councilman Doyle resigned from the Committee. Seconded and carried. Mayor Powers informed the Council and public of the hearing on the application of Mr. Robert Gehring, et al for a rezone from Residential to General Commercial of 14 acres located east of the Hi -Joy Bowling Alley on SR 160. Planning Commission on May 28, 1975 approved the request and so informed Council by letter dated July 1, 1975. Draft E. I. S. has been circulated to all interested agencies and responses to their letters have been prepared and forwarded. Several members of the public spoke regarding possible traffic problems which may occur and were informed other alternatives have been considered and an agree- ment has been drawn and becomes a part of the rezone relative to control and correction of problems. Councilman Roos moved that the application be approved. Seconded. Councilman Geiger moved to amend the motion by including the development would be contingent upon the supply of water and the availability of sewer. Seconded and carried. Amended motion carried. Mayor Powers informed Council and public that the public hearing on the request of Robert Roland et al for the annexation of approximately 111 acres abutting the City on the South and West is open for comments. City Attorney McCluskey informed Council that they have three altern- atives as how to proceed on the petition presented. (1), Not consider the petition, (2), Want to consider and refer the petition to the Planning Commission for recommendation as to amending the comprehensive e _ r o� /� ! Port Orchard, Washington �f' T 'I� October 27, 1975 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Fulton, Caldwell, Doyle, Libby, Van Zee, Roos and Geiger. Also present, Attorney McCluskey, Chief Dow and Engineer Knobbs. Chief Weatherill excused. Councilman Doyle moved that the minutes of October 14, 1974 be approved with corrections as follows: Page 1, paragraph 5, ADD in line 4 (before vote) Mrs. Doyle questioned Mr. Fulton's and Kitsap County Bank's or stockholders interest in the pipeline to supply Ross Point area and also in bond purchase. Also ADD Councilman Fulton stated if any stockholder owns property in that area it has nothing to do with Councilman Fulton, and that Councilman Fulton does not have any knowledge that Kitsap County Bank owns any property in the questioned area. Page 2, paragraph 8 (middle of page) line 5, REPLACE: Councilman Doyle moved that the retaining of Lee Johnson at the time when needed be approved. Page 3, paragraph 4, ADD in the amount of $126,455.00 estimated to be 6.750 mills. Page 3, paragraph 5, ADD in the amount of $32,500.00. Page 3, paragraph 7, ADD Matter now in Committee. Councilman Doyle resigned from the Committee. Seconded and carried. Mayor Powers informed the Council and public of the hearing on the application of Mr. Robert Gehring, et al for a rezone from Residential to General Commercial of 14 acres located east of the Hi -Joy Bowling Alley on SR 160. Planning Commission on May 28, 1975 approved the request and so informed Council by letter dated July 1, 1975. Draft 1 E. I. S. has been circulated to all interested agencies and responses to their letters have been prepared and forwarded. Several members of the public spoke regarding possible traffic problems which may occur and were informed other alternatives have been considered and an agree- ment has been drawn and becomes a part of the rezone relative to control and correction of problems. Councilman Roos moved that the application be approved. Seconded. Councilman Geiger moved to amend the motion by including the development would be contingent upon the supply of water and the availability of sewer. Seconded and carried. Amended motion carried. Mayor Powers informed Council and public that the public hearing on the request of Robert Roland et al for the annexation of approximately 111 acres abutting the City on the South and West is open for comments. City Attorney McCluskey informed Council that they have three altern- atives as how to proceed on the petition presented. (1), Not consider the petition, (2), Want to consider and refer the petition to the Planning Commission for recommendation as to amending the comprehensive plan and requiring the petitioners to assume their prorated share of the existing City indebtedness, (3), Accept the petition, want to annex and not amend the comprehensive plan and require the petitioners to assume their share of the City existing indebtedness. Attorney for the petitioners, Leonard Kruse, pointed out on a map the area within the petition, stating that the annexation has been discussed with the City for a period of five plus years, discussed the relation of the interchange at SR 16 to the property, informed the Council that the County Boundary Review Board chose not to invoke their jurisdiction and urged the Council to accept the petition for consideration. He also informed Council that the petitioners agree to assume their share of the existing City indebtedness and that the comprehensive plan be amended to include the property in the petition. Mr. Jack Sleavin, October 27, 1975 Page Two Consulting Engineer for the petitioners, addressed the Council and explained in general terms what is hoped to be incorporated in the area if the property is annexed to the City, ie; shopping center, motel and allied roadside service centers, mobile home park and facil- ities, and possible residential areas. Discussed the possible location and relationship of the interchange with the property and the tentative course of action to be taken relative to utilities. Matter of Sherman Avenue being too narrow for the increased traffic load was a concern of the public and they were informed that the developer would upgrade that Avenue to accomodate the traffic problem which would be generated by the development. Matter of E. I. S. at this time was brought up and it was stated that an E. I. S. should be completed prior to the acceptance of the petition for consideration. Attorney McCluskey stated that at this time the E. I. S. is not required. When and if the Council accepts the petition, and when this is reviewed by the Planning Commission, a complete E. I. S. would be submitted for con- sideration. Several other items were presented and discussed, such as sewerage plant capacity, high level water system, installation of utility lines,flood plains, advisability of City expansion and time frame of the development. After substantial discussion by the concerned residents of the City and others, Councilman Geiger moved to postpone any action on the petition until Council holds a study session to obtain adequate information and to consider all the information that has been submitted at this time. Seconded. Councilman Doyle moved to amend the motion to require an E. I. S. be submitted prior to the study session. Seconded and motion lost with Councilman Doyle voting yea. The original motion lost with Councilmen Geiger and Doyle voting yea. On question by Councilman Roos, Attorney stated that the Council cannot demand an E. I. S. but request one. Councilman Roos moved to accept the petition for consideration andto.-rdter the petition to the Planning Commission to consider amending the comprehensive plan and consider the petitioner to assume their share of the City indebtedness and request a detailed Environmental Impact Statement, recommending their findings to the Council. Carried. Complete text of the entire proceedings of this hearing are contained in tapes (1) and (2) and are made part of these minutes. Chairman Geiger of the Finance Committee reported they are waiting for a response from the City's Union representative. Also, that a meeting has been suggested for either November 4 or 5, 1975 at 7:30 P.M. in the lounge in the City Hall. Informed Council that in projecting the expenditures for the balance of this year against the anitcipated rev- enues, it appears there will be a deficit in the Current Expense fund of $10,000.00 and in the Street Fund a deficit of $5,000.00. Councilman Fulton moved that the City hire a person to go door to door within the City for the purpose of licensing dogs. Seconded. Council- man Doyle moved to amend the motion to refer the motion to the Fire and Light Committee. Seconded and carried. Amended original motion approved with Councilman -Fulton voting nay. Clerk read letter from Willis Twiner, Olympic TV Cable, increasing the monthly service charge to $8.00 per month for first outlets. There will be no charge for additional outlets. Clerk read letter from KCM to Keta Construction Company and Bert Robison Construction Company informing them that they were the success- ful bidders on the 2 million gallon reservoir and the transmission main respectively. Clerk read letter informing Council of birthday party luncheons at various places to celebrate 8iecompletion of two years in the Title VII Nutrition Program for Kitsap County. Councilman Caldwell moved to accept the petition submitted by Kenneth D. Boyer and to set the loth day of November, 1975 at 7:30 P.M. for a public hearing for the puspose of determining if the City of Port Orchard will amend its comprehensive plan and require the petitioners for annexation of property abutting the City on the West and bounded on the North by Tremont Street and on the West by SR 16, to assume October 27, 1975 Page Three their share of the City indebtedness. Seconded and carried. Councilman Doyle moved that developers pay the full cost of increased capacities necessitated by their developments. Seconded. Councilman Geiger moved to amend the motion to include the increased capacities of collector roads, access roads and arterial roads necessitated by their development. Seconded and carried. Amended original motion carried. Councilman Doyle moved that a letter be written to the Highway Depart- ment requesting that a USE TURN SIGNAL kigni-be 1aistalled at;the:iintersection . of Bethel Avenue and SR 160. Seconded and carried. Adjourned at 11:35 P.M. Clerk Mayor j,: