11/10/1975 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington November 10, 1975 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Fulton Caldwell, Doyle, Libby, Van Zee, Roos and Geiger. Also present Attorney McCluskey, Chief Weatherill and Dow and Engineer Knobbs. Councilman Doyle moved that the minutes of the October 27, 1975 meeting be approved with the following corrections: (a) Page 1, next to last paragraph, add: Don Shaw asked consideration on getting school buses from Mitchell Avenue onto Highway #160. (b), Page 1, last paragraph, Add: A letter from John Piety was read and is made a part of these minutes. Alsq a question from John Svenson asked what designation was made for adjacent property on the city Comprehensive Plan and the answer was low density housing. Page 2, last paragraph, third line, delete all after "public hearing" and all of fourth line. Page 3, third line, Add: "Utility" at beginning of line. Seconded. On motion by Councilman Fulton, seconded and carried,motion amended by striking reference to the John Piety letter. Amended original motion carried. Gerry Bruckart gave Council a short sequence of events leading up to purchase of the "Old_Sidney_Hotel" and up to this point when the City will act as the action agency between the Historical Association and the State of Washington. Attorney McCluskey informed Council that the only way funds would be disbursed to the Association for the purchase of the Hotel would be if the City acts as an agent for the Association. Also informed Council that the City should enter into an agreement with the Association by which the Association carries fire and liability insurance and agrees to maintain the building in the same or better condition than it is now. Attorney stated he had reviewed the agree- ment and found that liability insurance is carried in the amount of $100,000.00 per person and $300,000.00 per occurance. Also stated that the Council should have included within the insurance policy, a hold harmless clause. Councilman Caldwell moved to enter into an agreement with the Association subject to a hold harmless clause being incorporated within the agreement. Seconded and carried. Councilman Caldwell moved that Ordinance #958 providing for the annexation of the Kenneth Boyer property, et al, be approved. Seconded. Councilman Roos moved to postpone the action until Mr. Kenneth Boyer presented himself to the Council to answer any questions. Seconded. Motion lost with Doyle, Roos and Geiger voting yea. On the original motion, Council approved the Ordinance with Councilman Roos voting nay. Councilman Geiger announced there will be a general meeting of the Council Wednesday evening after the opening of the bids on the sale of the General Obligation Bonds to discuss the budget. Councilman Van Zee asked the Council to give their approval to loan several tables located in the Active Building to the Sinclair Inlet Yacht Club for a special event. Attorney informed Council that it would not be a very good idea to loan City equipment or articles to private parties and recommended against it. Council did not approve the lending of the tables. Councilman Caldwell informed Council that if traffic counts show the need for a right turn coming from the south, off Bethel Avenue, at intersection with Bay street, the State will pay all the costs of installing the turn lane. Councilman Roos moved, after the Clerk read the letter from Kramer, Chin and Mayo: requesting that the agreement with the City be amended and that item D (2), Salary Costs shall be computed by adding a per- centage to direct labor costs to account for "mandatory and customary benefits" should be changed from 28.5% to 31.3%, that Council stay with the original agreed amount of 28.5%. Seconded. Councilman Geiger moved to postpone action on this matter until the Attorney can review the agreement. Seconded and carried. lO & 12: Fort0Opn2sc_ Cit7r Jouneil, _:& or anc Clerk, re ranutes or _;ov. Correct ante to Fov. lu P-rv.:I-ra�n L . Jalton motion was witnarawn witn approval o_ the secona. (Delete Emenced) Paragraph 5 : tied T_nsurance on ouilczng is ror v1u,uvO. Para�;rapn 5, line 2: FOR the openang or bids ... 30 bonds and a st:d-r session to di3auSS tre budget. Page L2, para�ra..h 'J (On executive Session) Add at _'Iitcnell Point. Nov. le meeting: (I'ollovnn�.-- bid results) -alton moveci to alsara bits to Seattje First IJational Bank, apparent low bidder. Seconded. Liaxine Doyle moved to postpone aotion until interest rate figures were cnecked on Fiper, Jafrrey, Iiopwooa et al scnedule. Seconaea ana carried. (Paragrapn : :Ir. _.!_ioripson ..—;bll,300-) follows • =nsert : '.lotion to azvara to Seattle 2irst vutea ag ainst unanimously. ,Continuo Counci L11SM Caldwell ;esl.ectfU- su�:nttted, iSaxine Doyle