11/14/1975 - Regular - MinutesCouncil of the City of Port Orchard, session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Caldwell, Doyle, Libby, Van Zee, Roos Attorney McCluskey, Chief Weatherill Port Orchard, Washington November 14, 1975 Washington called to regular Council members present: Fulton and Geiger. Also present and Dow and Engineer Knobbs. Councilman Doyle moved that the minutes of the October 27, 1975 meeting be approved with the following corrections: (a) Page 1, next to last paragraph, add: Don Shaw asked consideration on getting school buses from Mitchell Avenue onto Highway #160. (b), Page 1, last paragraph, Add: A letter from John Piety was read and is made a part of these minutes. Alsq a question from John Svenson asked what designation was made for adjacent property on the city Comprehensive Plan and the answer was low density housing. Page 2, last paragraph, third line, delete all after "public hearing" and all of fourth line. Page 3, third line, Add: "Utility" at beginning of line. Seconded. On motion by Councilman Fulton, seconded and carried,motion amended by striking reference to the John Piety letter. Amended original motion carried. ry Bruckeyart gave Council a short sequence of even eading up to pu hase of the "Old Sidn-Hotel" and up to this point the City will act s taction agency between the Historical sociation and the State ohef Washington. Attorney McCluskey infor d Council that the only w funds would be disbursed to the As ciation for the purchase of the tel would be if the City acts as n agent for the Association. Also info ed Council that the City sh d enter into an agreement with the Associ ion by which the Associa on carries fire and liability insurance an agrees to maintain t building in the same or better condition tha it is now. Attor y stated he had reviewed the agree- ment and found hat liability J surance is carried in the amount of $100,000.00 per erson and $ 0,000.00 per occurance. Also stated that the Council ould hav included within the insurance policy, a hold harmless cl se. uncilman Caldwell moved to enter into an agreement with the A so at -ion subject to a hold harmless clause being incorporated within t, agreement. Seconded and carried. Councilman Caldwel mov that Ordinance #958 providing for the annexation of th4Kenn— Boyer property, et al, be approved. Seconded. Councilman Roo:'moved to p tpone the action until Mr. Kenneth Boyer presented himself to the Co cil to answer any questions. Seconded. Motion lost aaith Doyle, Roos nd Geiger voting yea. On the original motion, Council approved the O finance with Councilman Roos voting nay. Councilman Geiger announced there will be a general meeting of the Counczrl Wednesday evening after th opening of the bids on the sale of the General Obligation Bonds to scuss the budget. Councilman Van Zee asked the Council to ive their approval to loan several tables located in the Active Bu ding to the Sinclair Inlet Yacht Club for a special event. Attorne informed Council that it would not be a very good idea to loan City quipment or articles to private parties and recommended against i . Council did not approve the lending of the tables. -A 0r-J,ri1 +I,if k- IFFir :^t».n 1-c gh-w }>Zn