11/24/1975 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington November 24, 1975 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Fulton, Caldwell, Doyle, Libby, Van Zee, Roos and Geiger. Also present Chiefs Weatherill and Dow, Attorney McCluskey and Engineer Knobbs. On motion by Councilman Doyle, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the November loth meeting with the corrections attached to these minutes. Councilman Libby moved that the proclamation proclaiming the month between Thankgiving and Christmas as Home and Family month be approved. Seconded. Councilman Doyle moved that the proclamation not be a paid advertisement. Seconded and lost. Original motion carried. Representative of the Eagles Lodge received the proclamation. Councilman Geiger reported on negotiations at this point with the City employees union and indicated that about $31,000.00 is needed to balance the budget, and stated that the City will have to find a new or increased source of revenue, mentioned head tax, increased B & O tax on telephone and electrical utilities or B & O tax on gross sales of the merchants within the City. Council set Friday evening at 7:30 P.M. as time to meet with the business people to discuss B & O tax or other suggestions as to revenues. Councilman Doyle suggested parking charges by those using City property as well as on the large parking lot. Councilman Van Zee reported that a questionaire is being prepared to be sent to all the citizens in the City as to their desires in the park and recreation area. Councilman Fulton reported that he will be absent from the Friday meeting. Councilman Caldwell stated they are still working on getting right of way along Tremont. Also, the State is taking traffic counts at the Westbay intersection and are going to install a right turn lane and possible lights. Attorney McCluskey reported that in reviewing the contract for service between the City and KCM he found the increase from 28.5% to 31.3% is not in disagreement with the contract and they could change their method of breakdown on the "mandatory and customary charges" under Section D (2). Attorney McCluskey informed Council that it would be possible to re -rezone the Clauson property and the property on Lippert (adjacent to the South Kitsap Hospital property). The City could initiate the action to re -rezone and as the property on Lippert is not being used, it would not appear to be a difficult procedure. The property of Mr. Clauson is somewhat different as it is being used. The Council could re -rezone this property and place it in a non -conforming use catogory which is more restrictive as to use. City Engineer will provide a map of these two areas for Council information. Councilman Fulton moved that a re -rezone of the Lippert Street property be considered and the necessary papers be drawn to re -rezone from Commercial to Residential. Seconded and carried. Councilman Doyle moved that the property of Mr. Clauson be re -rezoned from Commercial to Low Density Residential. Seconded. Councilman Fulton moved to amend by stating that an ordinance be prepared. Sconded and carried. Amended original motion carried. Engineer reported that Mr. Del Guzzi had improved the entrances and exits at the Safeway complex on Bethel and he will also install the turn lane. November 24, 1975 Page Two Engineer also reported the Bert Robinson Construction Co. has started on the transmission main this date. Engineer requested Council to approve an order and funds in the amount of $3,888.00 for the engineering firm of Olson and McGinnis to complete the survey for the purpose of laying the lines for the Bremerton Intertie. Seconded and carried. Chief Dow informed Council that his trial on the Griffith case has again been postponed. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the Mayor to appoint Doris Stewart, 1110 Bethel and John Dominguez, 520 Sweany to the City Planning Commission, Councilman Doyle voting no. Councilman Libby moved to adopt Ordinance #959 amending the Animal Control Ordinance #682. Seconded. Councilman Geiger moved to amend Section 2, by allowing dogs to be free of impounding as long as they are within 300 yards of their home. Seconded and lost with Geiger, Fulton and Doyle voting yea. Councilman Doyle moved to postpone for further study. Seconded and lost with Geiger, Doyle and Fulton voting yea. Councilman Fulton moved to amend to show an impounding fee of $10.00 each occurance. Seconded and carried. Councilman Doyle moved to amend by inserting "may" instead of "shall" in Section 2, sentence six before be. Seconded. Motion lost with Doyle and Geiger voting yea. Amended original motion carried with Doyle and Geiger voting no. Mayor recessed the meeting at 9:35 P.M. to 9:50 P.M. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council adopted Ordinance #960 amending Ordinance #949 relating to business registrations. Attorney will prepare and distribute copies of a model litter ordinance to the Council members. Councilman Doyle moved that her proposal to adjust the rating system of water and sewer as follows: Water $2.00 per month minimum and 75C per each additional 1,000 gallons. Sewer $1.00 per month minimum and 50t per each additional 1,000 gallons be considered and studied for its feasibility. Seconded and carried. Councilman Doyle moved that the Council move the collection boxes at Westbay to the recycling center on Mitchell. Seconded. Council- man Doyle moved to postpone the motion for further study. Seconded and carried. Matter of young men pitching bottles from the recycling center on top of the used cars at Wayne and Jim's car lot referred to Finance Committee. Meeting adjourned at 10:20 P.M. f/ f //-Z- C- � C K ic