12/08/1975 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington December 8, 1975 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers. Jr. Council members present: Fulton Caldwell, Doyle, Roos, Van Zee and Geiger. Councilman Libby excused. Also present: Chief Weatherill, Attorney McCluskey and City Engineer Knobbs. Chief Dow absent. Councilman Doyle moved that the minutes of the November 24, 1975 meet- ing be approved with the following corrections: page (1), paragraph 3 delete lost and enter carried; after the word motion, line (4) add as amended; after proclamation line (5) add and agreed to pay advertising. Page (1), paragraph 10, second line after "to" strike low density. Page (2), paragraph 3, add to paragraph "Mrs. Doyle explained her objec- tion to the reappointment of Ms. Stewart since she had not been attend- ing meetings for the past 2 years". Page (2), paragraph 8, second line, strike "minimum" and insert "basic charge per unit". Line (3) strike "additional". Fourth line, strike "minisLum", insert "basic charge per unit". Line five, after feasibil- ity, insert "by City staff". Page (2), paragraph 9, line two, strike "at Westbay and insert "in the City". Seconded. Councilman Doyle moved to amend the motion to exclude the correction on page 2, paragraph three and to vote on this item separately. Seconded. Amendment lost with Councilman Doyle voting yea and balance of Council voting nay. It was commonly agreed that correction shown as "and agreed to pay advertising" page (1). line five, paragraph 3 and correction on page (2), paragraph 3, "Mrs. Doyle explained her objections to the re -appointment of Ms. Stewart since she had not been attending meetings for the last 2 years" would be dropped from the requested corrections in the original motion. Original motion with the agreed corrections carried. C uncilman Doyle moved that the letter of resignation presented by . K ikelsen to the Council and the Mayor be made a part of the minutes ofNa er 24, 1975. Motion lost for lack of a second. Councilman b6<1e moved that the Council make the policy that all min- utes of futuremeetings be recorded on tape to assist the Clerk in the preparation of acCxKate minutes. Motion lost for lack of a second. Councilman Geiger reported that Union #2052 Municipal Employees had made their final offer to the City and the offer was almost the same as the last offer. Their letter stated that if the City did not respond with a better offer by December 4, 197.5, the Union would request a mediator be assigned by the Department of Labor and Industries. The City has declared an impasse in the negotiations and has so notified the Department of Labor and Industries and has asked that a mediator be assigned.,. Councilman Van Zee reported that the questionaires on parks and recrea- tion have been mailed and about 100 have been returned. He also re- ported a merry-go-round has been purchased from the Sbgth Colby school (used) for $20.00. Councilman Caldwell reported meeting with Mr. Pat McCullough,`Entranco Engineers, relative to crosstown traffic and there is a possibility of getting both Federal and State funding if a plan can be prepared F and submitted. The three streets under consideration are Tremont, Ken- Port Orchard, Washington December 8, 1975 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers. Jr. Council members present: Fulton Caldwell, Doyle, Roos, Van Zee and Geiger. Councilman Libby excused. Also present: Chief Weatherill, Attorney McCluskey and City Engineer Knobbs. Chief Dow absent. Councilman Doyle moved that the minutes of the November 24, 1975 meet- ing be approved with the following corrections: page (1), paragraph 3 delete lost and enter carried; after the word motion, line (4) add as amended; after proclamation line (5) add and agreed to pay advertising. Page (1), paragraph 10, second line after "to" strike low density. Page (2), paragraph 3, add to paragraph "Mrs. Doyle explained her objec- tion to the reappointment of Ms. Stewart since she had not been attend- ing meetings for the past 2 years". Page (2), paragraph 8, second line, strike "minimum" and insert "basic charge per unit". Line (3) strike "additional". Fourth line, strike "minimum", insert "basic charge per unit". Line five, after feasibil- ity, insert "by City staff". Page (2), paragraph 9, line two, strike "at Westbay and insert "in the City". Seconded. Councilman Doyle moved to amend the motion to exclude the correction on page 2, paragraph three and to vote on this item separately. Seconded. Amendment lost with Councilman Doyle voting yea and balance of Council voting nay. It was commonly agreed that correction shown as "and agreed to pay advertising" page (1), line five, paragraph 3 and correction on page (2), paragraph 3, "Mrs. Doyle explained her objections to the re -appointment of Ms. Stewart since she had not been attending meetings for the last 2 years" would be dropped from the requested corrections in the original motion. Original motion with the agreed corrections carried. Councilman Doyle moved that the letter of resignation presented by Mr. Mikelsen to the Council and the Mayor be made a part of the minutes of November 24, 1975. Motion lost for lack of a second. Councilman Doyle moved that the Council make the policy that all min- utes of future meetings be recorded on tape to assist the Clerk in the preparation of accurate minutes. Motion lost for lack of a second. Councilman Geiger reported that Union #2052 Municipal Employees had made their final offer to the City and the offer was almost the same as the last offer. Their letter stated that if the City did not respond with a better offer by December 4, 1975, the Union would request a mediator be assigned by the Department of Labor and Industries. The City has declared an impasse in the negotiations and has so notified the Department of Labor and Industries and has asked that a mediator be assigned. Councilman Van Zee reported that the questionaires on parks and recrea- tion have been mailed and about 100 have been returned. He also re- ported a merry-go-round has been purchased from the South Colby school (used) for $20.00. Councilman Caldwell reported meeting with Mr. Pat McCullough, Entranco Engineers, relative to crosstown traffic and there is a possibility of getting both Federal and State funding if a plan can be prepared and submitted. The three streets under consideration are Tremont, Ken- dall and Kitsap. Councilman Caldwell moved that the City purchase necessary air photos of the City for the use of the consultants. Sec- onded. It was pointed out that preliminary plans must be completed before any funds will be available. Engineer Knobbs informed Council that the State has been cooperating and will continue to cooperate with the City. Councilman Geiger moved to amend that Federal Shared Revenues be used to purchase the air photos. Seconded and carried with Council- man Doyle voting no. Amended original motion carried. December 8, 1975 Page Three Councilman Caldwell informed Council on up -coming meeting with Mrs. Mary Lieseke, Horluck Transportation Company, relative to charges for parking in the parking areas. Mrs. Lieseke stated that she wishes to have her attorney present at the meeting. City Engineer is obtain- ing information on parking slot boxes and parking gates. Attorney McCluskey informed Council that they are still exploring the procedures on the re-rezcr4ng of the Clauson property and the property adjacent to Lippert. Engineer has prepared maps showing the location of both properties. Engineer Knobbs reported that the Contractor on the reservoir is start- ing on the job, and the transmission contractor should be in Tremont Park area by the weekend. Clerk read letter from Chairman John Hokanson, Planning Commission, informing Council that the Planning Commission had denied the applica- tion of Mr. Ronald Nelson for a Special Use Permit to build a 10 unit apartment complex on Rockwell Street. Letter filed for future infor- mation. Clerk read Ordinance #961, amending Ordinance #703 by increasing the B & O tax on telephone business within the City from 5% to 8%. Coun- cilman Caldwell moved to adopt Ordinance #961. Seconded. Councilman Roos moved to table the action until Attorney could get information on the meaning of message units. Seconded and lost with Councilman Roos and Doyle voting yea. Councilman Doyle stated that there are better ways to raise revenue than to tax the basic telephone service, suggest- ing one tenth of one percent B & O tax on gross business. Original motion carried with four ayes and two nays. Clerk read Ordinance #962 amending Ordinance #705 by increasing the B & O tax on gross sales of electricity from 5% to 8% Councilman Caldwell moved to adopt Ordinance #962. Seconded. Carried with Councilmen Doyle and Roos voting no. On motion by Councilman Fulton, seconded and carried, Council adopted Ordinance #963 adopting the budget for the year 1976 in the total amount of $1,648,416.00. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council approved the Mayor to appoint Committee to meet with Mrs. Heninger, Director of the Kitsap County Regional Library to discuss possible contributions to the City to refurbish the recently purchased building on Prospect Street for library use. Councilman Doyle moved that the Mayor appoint a Committee to meet with Mr. Colin Hergert relative to disposition and operating procedures at the recycling area on Mitchell. Seconded. Councilman Fulton moved to amend that Committee report at the next meeting. Seconded and carried. Amended original motion carried. Mayor appointed special committee of Councilman Fulton, Doyle and Van Zee with Councilman Fulton as Chairman. Council approved the attendance of Mr. Russell Lombard, Planner, at the IAC meeting in Olympia on December 17, 1975. Councilman Doyle moved to amend the Holiday section of Ordinance #873 to adhere to the Statd's designated holidays excluding special holidays. Seconded. Councilman Fulton moved to postpone action on the motion until after negotiations. Seconded and carried. Councilman Doyle moved to remove all parking on City property at Black Jack Creek for a distance of 100 feet each side of the centerline of the creek. Motion lost for lack of second. There is a special committee appointed by the Mayor to review and recommend on the area at Black Jack, (Councilman Geiger, Van Zee and Roos). Engineer has prepared maps of the area for Council information. Councilman Doyle moved to place the action on this piece of property in the Parks Committee. Seconded and lost. December 8, 1975 Page Three Councilman Doyle reported there will be a meeting at the County Annex Building, at 7:30 P.M., December 23, 1975 on the proposed Master Plan for County Shorelines Management. Councilman Doyle reported that she had inspected most of the City's buildings and will complete the inspection this week. Councilman Doyle moved that a fee of $10.00 per month with a graduated scale down to 5� per hour be charged for parking on City property. Motion died for lack of a second. Councilman Doyle moved that department heads be instructed to not have any scheduled overtime. Seconded. Councilman Geiger moved to amend that treatment plant operators be excluded. Motion died for lack of second. Original motion lost with five nays and one yea. Councilman Roos moved that the Business Registration Ordinance be amended to include all persons and businesses doing business within the City of Port Orchard whether or not they reside or maintain a business within the City. Seconded and lost with five nays and one yea. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council approved the bills (#1360 through #1452) in the amount of $31,185.32 and November payroll in the amount of $32,753.25. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Cler�f l Mayor c_ �