01/01/1969 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington December 22, 1969 A regular meeting of Port Orchard 4ity Council called to order at 7:35 p,m, by iayor. tepanich, Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Monteith, Powers and Van -ee. Nolzahn absent (excused). Also present: City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer-Sup't of Public Works Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief ,-,acker and Nr. Gerald Grosso, representing Bremerton Sun, [Minutes of regular meeting of December 8, 1969 read and approved, 1:ayor announced the first order of business to be that of administering the oath of office of City Creasurer to ;Mrs, Lorraine Carraway who was reelected on November 4, 1969 but had not yet received the oath of office, The Clerk administered the oath to hirs, Carraway, who was then congratualted by the :favor and thanked for her past dedicated service to the City, Layor Repanich inivted any person present with a specific matter aar- problem to bring to the attention of the Council to do so, and recognized A r, Robert Gans who was again present to discuss his petition for the vacation of certain streets and alleys, (see minutes of previous meetings), Nr. Gans exhibited additional drawings of the area involved and the methods by which surface water drainage would be accomodated, existing sewer lateral in Kitsap Street would be re -located and earth slides would be prevented. Various aspects of the proposed project discussed including grading, slopes, easements, etc, and determined that the minimum width of the necessary easements will be 15 feet. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the petition to vacate a portion of Kitsap Street for a distance of about 166 feet (measured along the south margin) east. from Bethel Avenue (highway 160) and a portion of an alley immediately south of Kitsap Street for a distance of about 75 feet (measured along the south margin) east from Bethel Avenue, subject to the approval and concurrence of the City Engineer and Citv Attorney. Approved with 4 yeas and 2 nays. City Attorney will prepare necessary ordinance after necessary legal description is obtained and other requirements met. 'iayor Reppaich recognized Mr, Robert Joslin, the City's insurance carrier representative, who was present to discuss with the members of the Council, the City's insurance liability coverage needs as involves elected officials in the performance of their duties, Discussed at length and the matter continued, with the City Attorney to pursue the matter with the Association of Washington Cities, with a further report to be available at the January 12, 1970 meeting. The matter of the petition of :sir, Gary Deal of 4-28-69 for a vacation of a small portion of Water Avenue north of Bay Street (re -presented by Mr. Deal at meeting of 12-8-69) discussed by Chairman Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee, After a study of the existing situation and a consideration of the causes of it, the committee recommends that the present street width of approximately 68 feet be maintained, but that if Fir, Deal would deed to the City an equal amount from the property on the east side of the street also owned by him, that the City then reconsider the vacation of the westerly strip in question. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Caldwell that Mr. Deal be informed that the City would consider vacating a portion of the westerly side of Water Avenue in exchange for an equal amount of Right -of -Way on the east, Approved, Councilman Carr reported that arrangements for the "Appreciation Dinner" for the Volunteer Fire Department members to be sponsored jointly by the First :Methodist Church and members of the City Council, scheduled for January 16th are proceeding smoothly. Fire Chief Hacker reported that the fire alarm system between Cedar Heights Junior High School and the Police Department has still not been tested, and it has not been possible to secure any aommittment from any one as to when this will be accomplished, December 22, 1969 Page TWo Chief Clacker reported a serious need for copies of plans from new commercial buildings and alterations and/or modifications to exsting commercial buildings, when building permits are secured, for use in his department to develop detailed information on fire fighting requirements, Discussed briefly and determined that the $gilding Inspector, Mr. Knobbs, will attempt to insure that required information is furnished prior to issuance of the building permit. Mayor Repanich read a bulletin from the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency which transmitted a copy of proposed Air Pollution Control Regulation 1, and advised the addressees of a public hearing on the proposed regulation will be held in the County Courthouse on January 21, 1970 at 10:30 a.m. Air Pollution Control regulations in general discussed briefly, and in this connection the Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would ban all burning of refuse inside the Citv. Discussed briefly and continued tr}*il the County wide regulations are finally agreed on. Chief Backer requested consideration be given to having the emergency electric generator (provided by the County Civil Defense Office) placed in operating condition and made available for a source of emergency power for the operation of Police and Fire radio equipment, etc. Hacker reported instance when normal power source was out of service for 30 minutes, during which time no radio contact between department transmitters and other vital facilities was available, Clerk directed to secure an estimate on the cost of such work,. Chief ]-tacker also reported on the showing of a film "The New Breed" dealing with fire departments and firemen, to be shown in the Council Chambers on Monday December 29th, at 7:30 p,m, and requested all interested Councilmen and others to attend, The matter of the garbage -refuse collection problems in downtown business and commercial areas (see minutes of 12-8-69) re -opened for discussion, Councilman Monteith anounced that he had circulated a questionairre to various business and professional offices of the City requesting an expression of their feelings toward the refuse service now being provided as the adequacy of the service, etc, yr, Monteith turned these completed questionairres over to Mayor Repanich who in turn referred them to Councilman Powers, Acting Chairman of water, Sewer, health and Sanitation Committee for study, Mayor reminded the members of the Council that anv public action or utterance which might be interpreted as coming from the Council should be discussed as a group of the entire Council, in order that the Council as a whole and the Mayor, would be aware of what was being done, Clerk read a letter from South Kitsap JayCees requesting permission to place trash and 14tter barrells converted from 55 gallon oil drums, in the Merchants parking lot. Discussed briefly and determined that containers of this size would be too heavy for the refuse collector to handle, and that additional discussions would be necessary between the Council and the JayCees, Clerk read a request from Kitsap County Planning Commission requesting an expression of opinion from the Port Orchard Planning Commission and the City Council on a request for a special use permit for the construction of a Mobile Home Park on Bethel Road south of Lund Avenue, outside of but adjacent to the City Limits, !'he Planning Commission has physically examined the site of the proposed facility and at their regular meeting on December 15, 1969 went on record as being in favor of the proposed permit as being in the best interests of the orderly development of the area. Discussed briefly and moved by Monteith, seconded by Carr that the recommendations of the Planning Commission be concurred in and that the County Planning Office be so notified, Approved, Clerk read a letter from the Mayor of Nilton, Washington which enclosed a resolution from the town council of that town requesting the Governor to consider stronger penalties for the sale or distribution of narcotics and more education and rehabilitation of users. The letter requested the adressees to add their support to the proposal. Discussed briefly and the City Attorney reminded the Council that legislation as proposed in the resolution would result in the City would be involved in the prosecution of very considerable numbers of felony cases now the responsibility of higher authorities. Moved by Carr, seconded by Van Zee that no action be taken on this request, Approved, December 22, 1969 Page Three Clerk read a letter from Gordon Howe of Howe Notor Company requesting that the City break out 24 feet of the curb in front of the east set of doors on the Prospect Street side of the Howe .Hardware Building to permit access and egress into the upper floor of the building through that entrance, by trucks. Discussed at length and moved by Geiger, seconded by Van Zee that Mr. hove be given authority to make the driveway opening as required, at his own expense, Approved. Clerk read a letter from Department of Housing and Urban Development informing the City Attorney that the designation of Hammond, Collier and Wade as the authorized representative of the City for matters involving that Department was not permissible, Discussed briefly and moved by Monteith, seconded by Powers that City Engineer-Sup't of Public Works Leslie C, Knobbs be designated as the authorized representative, Approved, Clerk presented a plat of a new section (No, 8)of Sunset Lane Cemetery, received from Ward :puller, Land Surveyors, submitted on behalf on Sunset Lane Cemetery, Inc, Determined that this plat follow the route of all plats and subdivisions, and be considered by the Port Orchard Planning Commission before it will acted on by the City Council, Clerk read a proposed ordinance making it a misdemeanor for any person to make a false report of a fire, through turning in false alarms or in any other manner, Discussed briefly and moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the proposed ordinance be adopted. Approved and No, 845 a8signed. Clerk reported a need for a revenue warrant to provide funds for LID # 64 construction costs, in the amount of $4,558.98 for payment of on -site inspection and staking by iiammond, Collier and Wade and publication costs of LID #64 bond ordinance, Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the Clerk be authorized to issue the revenue warrant in the stated amount. Approved. Chairman Van Zee of Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported on a meeting of his committee to discuss the needs of the recreation facilities of the City, in view of budget restriction for 1970, and determined that the committee would attempt to raise money through public functions, dinners, etc, to finance some of the needed projects not now possible. Discussed briefly and the Dlayor again reminded the Council members of the need to discuss such matters with the Council as a whole, before giving out such information to the press and the public, which does not come to the attention of the Mayor and other members of the Council until they read it in the paper. Discussed further at considerable length and moved by Carr seconded by Powers that the Parks and Playgrounds Committee be authorized to contact various groups and organizations who are interested in recreational facilities and programs in the interests of developing fund raising activities with authority to act if appropriate, Approved, Mr. Van Zee also reported that top soil had been placed alongside the Active Club Building and was now ready for planting of shrubs or flowers, Discussion developed on the possibility of interesting garden clubs or other groups or individuals in participating in the improvement of the area, ,%r. Van Zee also reported the urgent need for improvement of the drainage of Givens Field and the banks on the west side, south of the Active Club Building, to prevent further erosion damage. Discussed briefly and continued for further study by Mr, Knobbs, Chairman Carr of Fire and Light Committee reported on the matter of street lights on Pottery Avenue in the general vicinity of Cedar Heights Junior High School (see minutes of 12-8-69). Members of the Committe have visited the site during early morning hours and after darkness in the evening, when school children are enroute to and from Sschool and report a definite need for additional lighting, The committee recommends that four (4) additional street lights be installed on Pottery Avenue between the last light preseRIW on Pottery Avenue and the school and two (2) lights on Lippert Drive between Sidney Avenue and Pottery Avenue, Discussed at length and moved by Carr, seconded by Van Zee that the installation of up to six (6)new mercury vapor street lights of 7000 lumens be authorized for selected locations on Pottery Avenue and Lippert Drive, Appr&ved, December 22, 1969 Page Four ,ir, Carr reported on his attendance, as the City's authorized representative, at a meeting of the Kitsap Community Action Board, where the principal item of business was the handling of emergency welfare cases by the State Public Assistance Department-. In order to insure that no worthy needy family is deprived of food, etc, volunteer organizations such as Salvation Army and Red Cross are working out plans to assist, ,"ir, Geiger reported the need for a study of street lighting in general, particularly on Bay Street where present lighting is believed to be inadequate, particularly in periods of heavy traffic and poor visibility, Continued for further study and observation. Councilman Geiger reported that the debris resulting from the intentional burning of two structures on request of the owners, one on Kitsap Street near Sidney Avenue and one on Coles Lnae near Rockwell Street, still has not been cleaned up and suggests that these property owners be informed by letter of the need to clean up the situation, rioved by Geiger, seconded by Monteith that the City Attorney be directed to communicate with the property owners involved in this matter, Approved, ,ir. Knobbs reported on the progress of the Fire Hall construction and the construction of LID 464., Bills were read in the following amounts: Current Expense Fund $1,025.97, Water Fund $12,781,17, Street Fund $2,720,74, Sewer Fund $219.52, LID #64 Construction $35,423,76, Arterial Street Fund, UAB Phase 1 $14,820,46, Arterial Street Projects $7,887,08, Library Fund $4,651.13, Total $79,542.35. Mnved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No, 5589 through 5635 authorized paid, Approved. :loved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 11:40 p.m, ivlayor� G��` Clerk Port Orchard, l,ashington December 8, 1969 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p.m, by i�.ayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Nonteith, Powers and 'Jan ''ee. "olzahn absent, (excused), Also present: Attorney Ronald Thompson substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer Sup't of Public Works L, C. Knobbs, Fire Chief !sacker and lair, Gerald Grosso representing Bremerton Sun, :,inutes of regular meeting of 11-24-69 and special meeting of 12-1-69 read and approved. tiayor Repanich invited any person present with a specific problem or matter to present to the Council to do so at this time,, sir. Robert Gans, manager of Westbay properties was present on behalf of his request (see minutes of 11-10-69 and 10-27-69) for a vacation of a portion of Kitsap Street and two (2) alleys, from Bethel Avenue east for a short distance, and explained the reason, for the requested vacation, (-ayor called for anv protests which may have been received against the proposed vacation and recognized MIr, Sidney R. Carlson owner of a 4-plex residence structure at 1428 Kitsap Street, who read a letter of protest against the proposed vacation of the street and alleys due to the close proximity of his property to the excavation which is proposed by :sir. Gans, and the possibility of slides and other damage which might result. hr. Gans discussed the methods by which such slides would be prevented and reminded A:r. Carlson of his will- ingness to indemnify the property owners against damages, Clerk read a letter from Der. Virgil t'i, Parks who owns property in the area, expressing his concern regarding possible damage to his properties due to slides or other earth movement, This protest was discussed by ir. Gans and i�ir., Larven Parks, son of Virgil Parks, 'i-he question in ,general discussed by Air, Gans,., the City Attorney and nle.mbers of the Council and the i%;ayor, ,,Iayor reminded those present that the protests lodr,,ed above cannot be used as a basis for denying the requested vacation, since these properties do not abut the street or alleys involved, the matter of relocating_ the sewer lateral now located in Kitsap Street d1 scussed at length, Further dicussion developed on various phases of the matter and on recommendation of Nr, Gans, the request was continued for further study by the Street and Alley Committee with recommendations to be made on 12-22-69. Layor recognized Mr Gary heal who was present re: an earlier request (see minutes of 4-28-69) that the City vacate a portion of Water Street north of Bay Street. Clerk read a memorandum from Mr, Deal requesting that the Council consider directing the City Attorney to represent both parties in a friendly court suit to determine whether the City is entitled to retain ownership of the full width of Water Street as it now exists., r, Deal recapitulated the situation as he presented it in his original petition. This involves a loss of front footage of property, due to inadvertent changes in lot widths in repeated re -plats of the area. Matter discussed in detail and referred to Street and Alley Committee for re -consideration and report on 12-22-69, .Fire Chief ;sacker reported that the "Appreciation" dinner planned by the First '.Methodist Church and members of the Council has been defintely set for January 16, 1970, December 8, 1969 Page TWo Chief Hacker reproted only one fire alarm call in November, an overheated stove, with no damage resulting, new t,.r, Knobbs reported no/information on the "WELCOI.E" signs proposed to be erected at.. West and South entrances to the City by the South Kitsap JayCees (see minutes of 11-24-69). Chief Hacker reported that the fire alarm system between Cedar ,`Eeights Junior High School and the Police dispatchers office had not yet been tested, Councilman Van ''Zee requested information re: street lights on Pottery Avenue in the vicinity of Cedar Heights Junior High School, Discussed briefly and referred to S ommittee for study and recommendation. Clerk read a proposed resolution which would authorize the participation by the City in a Solid Waste Disposal Study with the other municipalities and the County. This project has been the subject of previous di � cu �S, i (fee minutes of 11-24-69). ]he City Attorney has re -prepared the ti�, with slight modification of the original submitted by the County Commissioners, Discussed briefly and moved by VAn Zee, seconded by Monteith that this resolution be adopted. Approved and No, 1092 assigned, !;r, Knobbs reported no further contact in the matter of the sale of the surplus road roller :ayor Repanich reported on a meeting of this date, (12-8-69} between himself, P,r, George J ammond of 1'ammond Collier and Wade, Councilmen Powers and Carr and ,=r. Knobbs, re: several items involving the Bay Street Interceptor Sewer and LID #64 projects, particularly the risers in 1hay Street suggested in minutes of 11-24-69.. Discussed in detail and moved by Powers, seconded by Van lee that �ir, Knobbs contactr, 'rhorburn and arrange the installation of the required "risers" in l\ay Street, while the trench is open, with costs to: be defrayed from sewer funds other than LID #64 Construction, Approved Clerk presented a bulletin from the Association of Washington Cities re: a new film available for showing to interested groups of citizens contemplating improvements normally financed by LID, Discussed briefly and determined that arrangements will be made to procure this film on a loan basis and show it at a Council meeting, Clerk read a letter from the South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce requesting permission to cover the parking meters in the downtown area for the period December 15 through 26th, as is the annual custom, Moved by Powers, seconded by 1,:.onteith that the request be granted, except that the dates will be from December 15th through 27th, Approved, Clerk reported that the Christmas decorations and lights had been strung accross Bay Street ('iighway #160) without receipt of authority from the State Highway Department, Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would establish salary schedules for the City employees for 1970, Discussed briefly and moved by Powers, seconded by Carr that the proposed ordinance be adopted, Approved and No, 843 assigned, Clerk read a letter from Port of Bremerton re: the City's request for surlus small boat floats, This request has been rejected, due to the fact that the Port has already allocated $4,000.00 to the City for a launching ramp and it was felt that the floats should be allocated to another applicant, Clerk reported receipt of a partial progress report and request for partial payment from Jack Thorburn, lnc, the contractor for LID #64. This is partial progress report No, 2 and indicates the project is approximately 25% complete, Discussed briefly and moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the partial progress report be accepted, subject to examination and vertification by tMI' City Engineer-Sup't of Public Works Knobbs, and authorizing the payment of $35.,423.76 and issue of the necessary revenue warrant to provide funds for payment, Approved. liayor 'epanich reported on a meeting of 11-25-69 with County Commissioners and ;;ayors and other officials of cities and towns of the County re: Air Pollution Control, This meeting was the first of many which will be held to implement the adminstration of air pollution control regulations, Chairman Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee reported on projected December 8, 1969 Page Three improvements to the building occupied by the State Liquor store at the north end of Harrison Avenue, and a request from the property owner for improvement of :3arrison Avenue, including extending it some 20 or 30 feet northward, surfacing, etc. Discussed briefly and determined that such improvements must be at the expense of the property owner, since this street has never been improved and accepted by the City as a part of the street system, Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would establish at/"Advance Travel Expense Revolving Fund", to make available advances of estimated costs of travel,etc, necessary in the performance of an employees duties. In the past such travel and other expenses have had to be borne by the individual subject to reimbursement, and this at times worked a hardship on.the official or employee. Laws of 1969 Legislature now provide for a system of advances. Moved by Van ?ee, seconded by Carr that the proposed ordinance be adopted, Approved and No, 844 assigned. Councilman Carr reported on a problem involving a resident of Farragut Street who finds it difficult to back out of his driveway because the street is quite narrow at this point. Discussed briefly and determined that this is a situation that cannot be improved by the City, Mr. Carr will so advise the property owner, Councilman Carr requested information re: the adequacy of the cities liability insurance coverage as providing protection for elective officials from law suits. Discussed briefly and Attorney Thompson requested to pass the problem on to the City Attorney for study and report, Councilman Monteith brought up a problem re: garbage -refuse collection and the rates being charged for such service in the business area, Discussed at some length and iMr. Monteith suggested that a body consisting of three members of the City Council and three business men be assembled to study downtown garbage -refuse collection problems and make firm recommendations to the Council as to corrective action, Mayor Repanich took this recommendation under consideration, Chairman Van Zee of Parks and Playground Committee reported a sharp reduction in the use of the Central Playfield restroom since bad weather began, which makes it desirable that this facility be closed for the winter, Mr. Knobbs reproted that the toilets and traps, etc,, had been winterized against freezing and the building locked, water turned off, etc, Mr., Van Zee also reported that Mr. J. W. Sutton, who lives near the playfield had agreed to check the area frequently, do some routine cleaning and provide some security against vandalism for $15.00 per month in compensation but that due to the state of his finances and income he had not accepted the money, rr, Van Zee suggested that a letter of appreciation and thanks be sent to Mr. Sutton, Mayor Repanich reminded all present of the annual Christmas dinner and fellowship night for officials and employees of the City on Friday December 12th and urged all who could attend to do so, Bills were read in the following amounts: Current Expense Fund $2,507,18, Water Fund $787,38, Street Fund $1,116.47, Sewer Fund $380.30, Park Fund $214,78, Arterial Street Fund Proj #1-69 $30.75, Project #3-69 $66,68, UAB (Pottery Avenue Arterial) Phase 1 $7,220.00, LID #64 Construction $144.48, Total $12,496.81. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Monteith that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No, 5550 through 5588 authorized paid, Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 11:30 p,m, Clerk Mayor �t it x Port Orchard, Washington December 1, 1969 A special meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order by iyayor Repanich at 7:40 p.m. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Monteith, Powers and Van Zee, Geiser and Niolzahn absent, (excused), Also present NtIrs, Lorraine Carraway, City 'treasurer, Mayor announced the purpose of this meeting to be that of considering and adopting the final budget for the City for the year 1970, in accordance with dhpter 95, Laws of the State of Washington, 1969 Extraordinary Session, and requested Chairman Powers of Finance and Auditing Committee to present the budget and explain various items and answer questions, Chairman Powers discussed briefly, the fact that revenues available were much lower than the expenditures represented in the preliminary budgets submitted by the various departments and explained the areas in which adjustments were made to balance revenues with expenditures, Councilman :Monteith, newly elected member of the Council, asked questions concerning budgets in general and this budget in particular, ."roved by Van lee, seconded by Powers that the budget for 1970, as presented by the Clerk, be adopted, Approved, with 4 ayes and one no. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would adopt the budget and levy the necessary personal and real property taxes involved. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the proposed ordinance be adopted. Approved and No, 842 assigned, �,eved,saconded and approved that the meeting adjourn., Adjourned at 8:00 p.m, Clerk ��C7'� G►f-�i�c.i4� ��iayor i Fort Orchard, Washington November 24, 1969 A regular meeting of Port Urchard City Council called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Mayor <epanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Molzahn, Mowers and Van Zee. Also present: City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer-Sup't of Public Works L. C. hnobbs, Chief of police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mr. William Collier, Consulting; Lngineer of dammond Collier and wade, Firs. Helen doss, representing Tacoma Pews Tribune and Mr. Gerald Grosso representing oremerton Sun. Finutes of regular Peeti.ng of 11-10-69 read and approved. iayor announced that the first order of business would be that of administering the oath of office to the newly elected or re-elected members of the Council, who have been duly certinied by the County Auditor. The Cler;i informed the riayor and others present that Councilmen holzahn and 'Van !.eye and Councilman elect William L. Monteith had executed oaths of office and filed there with the County Auditor as required by law and been formally certified as hay.inL been elected. The Clerk administered the oath of office to :.he above named Councilmen and they were then seated in office-. hayor iepanich invited any person present with a specific _problem or matter to present to the Council to do so at this time. ku. Howard zarshall was present on behalf of the South nitsap JayCees and re -presented a ;previous request of the organization for authority to place two ""KCOHE TG PUnT ti,::;iEr:nY signs, one each at west and south entrances to the City which would draw attention to the Jayvees and also offer a convenient place for other service clubs or ortanizations to hang signs advertising their meeting; dates, etc. This request was previously Submitted on 1.0-27-69 and continued pending receipt of additional details. Discussed briefly and moved by Carr, seconded by Caldwell that the erection of these signs be authorized, subject to final selection of the site by the Sup't of Public Works hnobbs and Chief of Police Dow. Approved. i•_ayor reco ,nized Nr. Jerald Morgan of Morgan's Mobile Home Park on Flower Avenue who was present to discuss a severe drainage ?problem on his property which involves water draining from a neighbor's property. Discussed briefly and determined that the City cannot become involved since the problem is completely caused by private property conditions. nr. h or an requests advice and guidance for both himself and his neighbor. Nr. inobbs will. give advice and ,guidance to both property owners. riayor announced new committee assignments, required due to election of one new Council- man. 'These assignments are: eater, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee, Lolzahn, Chairman and Powers and Carr as members; Finance and Auditing Committee, rowers Chairman and Caldwell and GeQer, members; Parks, Playgrounds and building Committee, Van Zee, Chairman and Carr and Monteith, members; Street and Alley Committee, Caldwell, Chairman and `iolz.ahn and Geiger, members; Wire and Light Committee, Carr, Chairman and Ilan Zee and LonteLLh members. Mayor recognized Mr. William Collier, Consulting 'Engineer of Hammond Collier avid Wade, who was present to discuss and explain the status of the Pottery avenue Arterial project (see minutes of 1.1.-10--69) and to answer questions concerning the plans, drawings and maps, etc, which have been developed in this connection. Members of the Council directed statements and questions to hr. Collier. The future status and financing of this project discussed in general. iLre Chief Hacker reported that the "Appreciation Dinner" planned by members of the Council and the pastor of First Methodist Church, for the members of the Volunteer Eire Department would be most desirably held on either January 9th or 16th. Continued for further information. Chief Hacker also reported that Kitsap County Fire Di_ strict No.7 would take delivery in the near future, of a new diesel fire truck -pumper and invited members of the Council and others to be present when this piece of equipment is tested. Chief iacker reported that the fine alarm system between Cedar Heights Junior High School and the Police dispatchers office, is now installed and nearly ready for testing. Er. k nobbs repo-thI no new progress on the construction of the new fire station. The contractor is waiting for delivery of the material for the building shell which will be erected before the refinishing of the slab is completed. NovaTber 24, 1969 Page Two Councilmen Carr and Monteith reported on the seminar for newly elected Councilmen, held 1.1.-24-69 in Seattle by the Ass'n of Washington Cities. This meeting was well attended and quite informative. Mayor reported on latest developments in the projected 1.2" water main from Pottery Avenue in Tremont :Street to the site of the new County Youth Center on 01d Clifton }toad, which is under consideration by the City and County jointly. Discussed in detail and the matter of fire hydrants on this line considered. Continued for further study. Mayor reported on the matter of the Solid Waste Disposal stu_ct(reported in minutes of ,previous meetings). It appears that the Federal loan thought to be no longer available for this study is still possible to obtain, provided all conditions are met. This study would include solid waste disposal problems of the cities and towns of the County as well as the rural areas. Discussed in detail, and legal aspects of such a contract for a study discussed by the City Attorney. Moved by Van Zee that the City enter into the joint agreement with the County and the engineering firm of Hill, Engman and Chase for a Solid Waste Disposal study. notion failed for the lack of a second. Mioved by Carr-, seconded by l;onteith that this matter be referred back to the City Attorney for thorough study and firm recommendation at the next meeting. Approved. Clerk read a "Thank you" card from Nrs. Lorraine Carraway, City Treasurer for the gift certificate presented by the officals and employees on the occasion of her recent hospitalization. Clerk read a request from the 1,itsap County Guilds for retarded Children for permission to sell ballons on the streets of the City on March 6 & 7, 1.970. Discussed briefly and :roved by Powers, seconded by Molzahn that this request be granted. Approved. Clerk informed the Council of the need for authority to issue a revenue warrant to provide funds for payment of the .progress payment request of Jack thorburn, Inc, for construction performed in LID #64 in the amount of $49,433.60. The payment request was approved at the 11-1.0-69 meeting. Mioved by Powers, seconded by Molzahn that the Clerk be authorized to issue a revenue warrant in the amount of $49,433.60. Approved. Clerk read a letter from the City Attorney re: amounts of court awards and out -of -court settlements of Pottery Avenue Arterial condemnation proceedings. These amounts total ilI.,243.0 Discussed briefly and moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the report of the City :attorney be accented and the Clerk authorized to take necessary steps to effect payment rii the amounts involved. Approved. City :ngi.nuer-Sup't Public �dorks i nobbs reported a tentative offer from a Seattle equip- rnent firm to purchase the old road roller which is surplus to the needs of the City since the new roller was purchased. No trade-in was offered on this old piece of equipment and no offers of purchase havebeen received in the past. Discussed brei.fly and moved by iolzahn seconded by Carr that the Pity Engineer be authorized to negotiate the sale of this item at an acceptable price. Approved. Nr. :,nobbs reported on a proposal of 'Mr. Burt Workman, owner of property in the Hayward home 7-acts addition to open iay street from its present terminus east to Sidney Avenge and the need to consider the desirability to provide a sewer trunk connection. Discussed briefly anc determined that this )gust wait until the improvement is started, as it could not properly be part of the L1D ,r64 ,project. ,,ayor inLornied the. Council of a possible problem to be faced in making future sewer taps to property on May Street and toland Street, due to the extreme depth (20 feet aprox.) of the lateral main at this Joint. The desirability of placing vertical risers at regular intervals before the e\cavation is closed, to provide more convenient connections to ndivival proDorties later, was discussed and determined that the situation must be studied iuz-ther. Chief of Police Dow requested authority to attend a Chief's of Police and Sheriff's Convention and Seminar in Vancouver, Washington on ' ecember 9-1.1., 1.969. Discussed briefly and determined that this is a routine natter which would depend only on availability of budr.eted funds. Councilman Caldwell reported on a visit to the Street (ritsap Street) and the alleys under consideration for vacation (see minutes of 10-25-69). Mr. Caldwell suggests that the alleys be not vacated, to provide more protection to abutting property owners. Discussed at len th and continued for further study prior to the hearing on the matter, set for 1.2-8-69. November 24, 1969 Page 'Three Matter of the :votonat buildinf; which has been mentioned in previous minutes, and which has now been removed from the City -owned /W in the Westbay area, discussed by members o� the Council. :':owed by Geiger, seconded by Van Zee that a claim be presented to 'ir. Cans in the amount of Y7.,Of.'C,.00 for rental of the property on which this building was located. Approved. Councilman Geiger brought before the Council the critical problem of drug and narcotic use by ,;iinors ( juveniles). M.r. Geiger cited the alarming, quantities of drugs, as well. as ma-rijuana which are finding their way into the hands of even sub -teenagers. He „equested the :Mayor and members of the Council to give thought and consideration to arias in which the City officials might assist in curbing the sale and use of these ~Materials. ::r. Ceiger also stated his feeling that the widespread use of tobacco by youn people contributed to their use of marijuana, and reminded those present that the possession of tobacco by minors under age 1.8 is a misdemeanor as well as the sale of tobacco to persons under are 21.. Councilarr!n L:olzahn requested that he be excused from meetings in December and January due to his absence from the City. Sills were read in the following amounts: Current Expense Fund $778.22, Water Fund $635.01., Street fund $1.,179.98, sewer Fund $275.58, Park fund $65.35, LID #64 Construction Fund *49,433.96, Total $52,363.1.0. i':oved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 551.6 through 5543 authorized paid. Approved. `roved seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. adjourned at 11:30 p.m. May �.' �I �� Clem Port Orchard, Washington November 10, 1969 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p, m, by Mayor Repanich, Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn, Powers and Van lee, Also present: City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer Sup't Public Works Knobbs, Fire Chief Hacker and Mr, Cerald Grosso representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of October 27, 1969 meeting read and approved as corrected, Mayor Repanich invited any person present with a specific problem or matter to discuss to feel free to do so at this time. Mayor requested of Street and Alley Committee any additional information on the matter of surface water drainage onto property of Mr, Manney, 1137 Tacoma Street, (see minutes of 10-27-69), Councilman Molzahn reported no further contacts in this matter. Further continued, Mayor reminded members of the Council and others of the Assn of Washington Cities District meeting, of which he is chairman, scheduled for November 12th and urged all who could attend to do so, Councilman Molzahn requested additional information on the projected construction of a water line from Pottery Avenue and Tremont Street to the site of the new County Youth Center, Clerk presented a Periodic Progress report and estimate for partial payment sub- mitted by Jack Thorburn, Inc, for construction of sewer mains in LID #64. Discussed briefly and copies of the report and estimate of costs examined by Mayor and members of the Council. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Carr that this report be accepted and payment of the amount requested ($ 49,433,96) authorized Approved. Clerk read a proposed resolution which would establish equipment rental schedules and rates�wh}ch would apply when equipment (particularly Public Works Department) is used �iy Nftpartments..of the City, or when it is rented to the County or other governmental agencies. Discussed briefly and moved by Geiger, seconded by Caldwell that this resolution be adopted. Approved and No, 1091 assigned. Clerk read letters from the City Attorney reporting agreement for out -of -court settlement of three of the cases involving condemnation action on procurement of Rights of Way for Pottery Avenue Arterial, These involve Dr, Howard Minor offer to settle for S2,980,00 in comparison to appraisal by City's appraiser of $2,175.00. Joseph B. Showalter, Jr, $1,850,00 in comparison to $1,050.00, Richard E. Jacobsen and Joseph Haas, $1,800.00 in comparison to $1,020,00. Discussed briefly, and the City Attorney reminded the Mayor and Council that those cases still unresolved out -of -court as of Monday, November 17, are scheduled itor3 trial in Kitsap County Superior Court commencing November 18, Moved by Carr, seconded by Van Zee that these offers of settlement be accepted, Approved, Clerk reported the need for a revenue warrant in amount of $21,930,60 for funds to pay the engineering costs LID 62 and 64, Discussed briefly and moved by Geiger, seconded by Powers that the Clerk be authorized to issue a revenue warrant in the above amount, Approved, In connection with the Pottery Avenue arterial project discussion developed that although a considerable amount of money has been expended for engineering on this project, the only firm material that has been received by the City is the right- of-way maps, After $onSiderable discussion moved by Geiger, seconded by Van Zee that Hammond, Collier and Wade be required to provide a copy of all plans, etc which have been developed in this project, as a condition to receiving payment of $12,000,G of the total amount involved in Voucher No, 5500, Approved, Fire Chief Hacker reported two (2) fires in October, both automobile!fires with a total loss of approximately $75.00. November 10, 1969 Page Two Chairman Molzahn of Fire and Light Committee reported that the steel gar,(age building acquired from Standard Oil Company some time ago for use by the Volunteer Fire Department as a temporary auxiliary fire station in the vicinity of the Old County Road complex on Mitchell Avenue now appears to be surplus to the needs of the City and the Fire Department, due to lack of funds to prepare it for use, and the fact that the County has never ratified the agreement by which space would be made available for its occupancy, Discussed briefly and moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van lee that the building be declared surplus to the needs of the City and transferred without cost to Kitsap County Fire District No, 7, Approved, Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would amend Ordinances No. 823 and 825, to authorize the issuance of 8300,000,00 in Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, create a special fund for payment of such bonds and ratifying the sale of the bonds to `Ferry Thompson Company, Seattle, Washington, Moved by Van lee, seconded by Caldwell that this ordinance be adopted, Approved and No, 841 assigned. Clerk reminded Council of the need to arrange for the printing of these bonds, and read an offer of Roberts, Shef elman, Lawrence, Gay and Moch, the law firm which specializes in legal matters of municipalities, to arrange to have these bonds printed. This firm will furnish the legal opinion required for the bonds. Discussed briefly and moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van lee that the offer of the above law firm to arrange printing of these bonds be accepted, Approved, City Engineer Knobbs reported on progress of construction of the new fire hall and informed the Council that the contractor will erect the shell of the building complete with roof before he commences final surfacing of the concrete slab, which has a low spot, City Attorney reported that he had studied the proposed contract between the County and the firm of Hill, Engman and Chase to conduct a solid waste disposal study for the County and the municipalities in the County. Discussed at length, and Mayor reported that it appeared that the federal loan involved in this project had been denied and if so, the study would not be conducted as contemplated in the contract under consideration, City Attorney reported that he had studied a recent letter received from Kramer, Chin and Mayo, ENGRS., recommending that cities and water districts insure that their vilts and other sources of domestic water are registered with the State Department of Natural Resources, in order that water rights are protected, Referred to City Engineer for action, Mayor took this occasion as probably the last appearance of Mr, Mikelsen as a member of the City Council, in view of the results of the election on November 4th, Mayor Repanich complimented and commended Mr. Mikelsen on the many hours of work spent in thoroughly researching the many items of business coming before his committees, Bills were read in the following amounts: Current Expense Fund$6,836,51, Water Fund $502.92, Street Fund $382.38, Sewer Fund $691.,5u Arterial Street Fund $1,062.93, Urban Arterial Project, Phase 1 $12,000.00, LIU Kstruction $21,930.60, Sewer Construction (Bay Street Interceptor) $5,236.13, Total $48,682.44. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 5465 through 5515 authorized paid, Approved. Moved seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 10:15 p. m, Clerk ��� Mayor Port Orchard, Washington October 27, 1969 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order by Mayor Repanich at 7:35 p. m. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn, Powers and Van Zee. Also Present: Attorney Ronald Thompson sustituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer-Sup't of Public Works Knobbs, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mrs. Helen Ross, representing Tacoma Hews -Tribune, and Mr. Gerald Grosso representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of regular meeting of 10-13-69 read and approved. Mayor Repanich encouraged any one in attendance with a specific problem or matter to bring to the attention of the Council to do so. Mr. Robert Gans, manager of Westbay Shopping Center properties was present re: his petition for vacation of a portion of Kitsap (Second) Street and an alley immediately north and an alley immediately south of Kitsap Street extending east from Bethel Avenue (see minutes of 10-13-69) Mr. Gans discussed the matter and explained maps and drawings of the proposed vacation and the reasons for it. Discussed in detail by the Mayor, members of the Council, Mr. Gans and Mr. Bob McGinnis, Civil Engineer (retained by Mr. Gans). Moved by Powers that the petition to vacate Kitsap Street from Bethel Avenue east 166.07 feet measured along the south RJJd line, the alley south of Kitsap Street from the east R/W of Highway 160 to thesterly property line of Lot #6, Block #6, Wheeler's Addition,,xd the alley north of Kitsap Street from the east R/W of Highway 160 to the masterly property Idne of Lot #10, Block #5, Wheeler's Addition be accepted, with the City to retain an easement 15 feet wide (7h feet on each side of center line) of alleys and 5 feet wide along east side of Lots 6 Block #6 and 10 of Block #5, conditionally upon Mr. Gans providing a signed agreement to assume liability for all damages arising out of slides or other earth movement attributable to the removal of earth from the vacated street, alleys or private property. Seconded by Molzahn. On the question, Councilman Geiger recommended that easements be retained on all vacated thoroughfares. Motion approved with six yeas and one no. City Attorney and Clerk will take necessary steps to post and publish notice of hearings, etc. Mayor recognized Mr. Howard Parshall who was present on behalf of South Kitsap (Port Orchard)JayCees to request permission to erect two "WELCOME" signs, one at each entrance into the City (Rear Groat Street on Bay Street and near Assembly of God Church on Bethel Avenue). These signs would also offer a convenient place for other organizations to hang their signs. Discussed briefly and a sketch of the proposed signs examined by the Councilmen. Referred to Street and Ailey Committee for study. Mayor Repanich took the presence of Mr. Parshall as an opportunity to express his appreciation to the JayCees for the efforts devoted to the 5th Annual Mayor's Prayer Breakfast which was held on Saturday, October 25. 1969. Mayor recognized Mr. Terry Thompson, Financial Consultant, who was present #e: the proposed issuance of Water and Sewer revenue bonds and informed Mr. Thompson that the matter was being continued for further study, probably after this meeting. Mayor requested information of Street and Alley Committee re: the complaint of Mr. Manney of 1137 Tacoma Avenue, (seeminutes of 10-13-69) re: a problem of surface` water drainage onto his property. Chairman Caldwell explained the situation and possible corrective action. Discussed briefly. Mr. Molzahn has contacted one of the property owners who will cooperate in contacting the others in attempting to secure an easement from Melchor Street north to Sroufe Street along the center of the block bounded on the west by Tacoma Avenue and on the east by Portland Avenue. Continued for further study and information. Mayor requested information from Attorney Thompson re: the proposal that the City offer a reward for inforintion leading to arrest and conviction of persons committing acts of vandalism to City property particularly the Parks and Recreation facilities. Clerk read a letter from the City Attorney on this matter informing the Council that statutes appeared to prohibit this. Clerk read a letter form the City Attorney concerning the request of Mssrs Noble and Thompson (see minutes of 10-13-69) for information concerning issuance of a license fdr a "Young Adult" club to be operated in the old D&R theatre building an Hay Street. City Attorney indicates that a daily or quarterly dance license October 27, 1969 Page Two as stipulated in Chapter 5.020.030 of the Municipal Code would be applicable. The applicants will be informed of the type of license required. Clerk read a proposed ordinance (second reading) which would grant a franchise to Port Orchard Garbage Service to pick up refuse -garbage in certain areas of the City for five (5) years after annexation in accordance with RCW. This proposed ordinance was read for the first time on 10-13-69. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that the proposed ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 839 assigned. Mr. Knobbs reported that he had received no additional information concerning the request of Pacific Northwest Bell to bore or tunnel under a city street for the purpose of laying underground cable (see minutes of 10-13-69), Continued. Mayor requested Mr. Knobbs to report the result of his inspection of manhole elevations in Bay Street interceptor sewer (see minutes of 10-13-69). Mr. Knobbs found these manholes to be of the elevation stipulated in the plans and specifi- cations. Mr. Knobbs also reported that the Jack Thorburn Co. is making excellent progress in the construction of LID #64. Project discussed in general. Fire Chief Hacker reported two (2) fire calls in September, one automobile and one dwelling. Hacker also reported that seven (7) members of the department had received certificates from a school in firefighting conducted by the State Depart- ment of Vocational Training, and that approximately 12 members were enrolled in a new course in basic firefighting. He read a letter from Mr. non Mitchell, principal of Givens School thanking the Fire Department for bringing an engine and other equipment to the school for inspection by children. Chief of Police Dow reported an`%be attendance, by Officer Sibley at a school in defensive driving at the WSP Acadamey in Shelton and requested consideration of the use of Police Department vehicles by other members of the department in a similar school which would include pursuit driving, and which might be established in the Kitsap County area, probably at the County airport. Discussed briefly and continued for further study. Clerk reminded the Council of the request of the County Commissioners dated"6-18-69, for consideration by the City to participate in a solid wates disposal study which would be undertaken by the County and for which an interest free government loan would be applied. The request had been previously continued pending examination by the City Attorney of the proposed contract with the engineering firm which proposes to conduct the study. Discussed in detail. In the same connection Chairman Mikelsen of the Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee read a letter from the State Department of Health requesting submission of a report on what steps the City might take to conduct or cooperate with the County conducting such a study. Continued until the 1970 budget is more firm. Clerk read a memorandum from the Bremerton Port Manager re: the small boat floats that are soon to be surplus to the needs of the Port and which the City has requested be made available. These floats are the subject of interest by other orgatizations and our request is being held up temporarily. Clerk read a letter from Mr. Fred Lightfoot, President of Telectronics, Inc. who have a franchise to construct Cable TV facilities in Port Orchard. This letter was informative in nature and reported the progress being made in preparing to actually construct the facility. Discussed briefly. Clerk reminded the Council and others present of the Association of Washington Cities Bistrict meeting to be held in Port Orchard, with Mayor Repanich as District Chairman, on November 12, 1969. Mayor Repanich encouraged all who can possibly attend to do so. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would amend the Arterial Street ordinance and extend the arterial designation of Fireweed Street when constructed, from Sidney Avenue to the easterly City Limits, to join Salmonberry Road. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 840 assigned. Clerk read a letter from City Attorney which enclosed a letter from the Fotomat Corp. indicating that the Fotomat building now located on City R/W in Westbay Shopping Center, will be removed in the near future. October 27, 1969 Page Three Clerk read a letter from Dr, "Bill" Davis, President of South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce, requesting consideration be given to authorizing an associate member- ship in the Chamber of Commerce for the Chief of Police. Discussed briefly and de*ermined that such would not be authorized at City expense, due to the austerity of the budget for 1970, Clerk read an invitation from the Cedar l eights Junior High School, inviting the members of the Council to dedication ceremony on 11-2-69 at 2 p, m. Clerk read a proposed agreement between the City and Kitsap County which would result in the construction of an 8" water main in Tremont Street from Pottery Avenue to the site of the new County Youth Center on Old Clifton Road, This agreement has been approved and signed by the County Commissioners, Discussed in considerable detail. Continued for further study. Clerk reported the need to designate an acting City Treasurer during a period of hospitalization of Tirs, Lorraine Carraway between November 4 and approximately December 8, 1969, Moved by Powers, seconded by Van 7ee that Mrs, Mary Hodge be designated as City Treasurer, Acting, for a period of about 4 weeks commencing 0-3-69, Approved The Clerk read a proposed resolution (prepared by the City Attorney in the interim since the discussion of the proposed vacAion of alleys, earlier in this meeting) which would propose that a hearing be held to determine if such a vacation is in the best interests of the City, !loved by Powers, seconded by Mikelsen that the resolution be adopted, Approved and No, 1090 assigned, Clerk reported the need for a revenue warrant for Sewer Construction (Bay Street interceptor) to reimburse Sewer Fund for advances in the amount of S 1630,57, Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the Clerk be authorized to issue a revenue warrant in the above amount, Approved. Bills were read in the following amounts: Current Expense Fund $901,35, Water Fund $212,66, Street Fund $2,432,53, Sewer Fund $403.94, Parks Fund $1,11, Arterial Street Fund $5,325,00, Total $9,276,59, Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No, 5438 through 5464 authorized paid, Approved. Moved seconded and approeved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 11:35 p, m. After a short executive session, the meeting was reconvened by Mayor Repanich at 12:40 a, m, with all Councilmen, City Attorney and Mr, Gerald Grosso, representing Bremerton Sun, present, Mayor announced that he had re -convened this meeting to permit action to be taken on the proposal of Mr, Terry Thompson to purchase Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds in the amount of S300,000,00, Discussed at great length and moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Molzahn that the offer of Terry Thompson Co, to purchase these bonds at $98,00 per hundred with the City to assume the expense of issue, (prtnting�legal opinion, etc.) up to $1,500. with the Thompson Company to assume excess over this amount, Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 12:55 a, m, Clerk. Mayor Port Orchard, Washington October 13, 1969 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p,m, by Mayor Repanich, Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn, Powers and Van lee. Also present Attorney Ronald Thompson substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer-Sup't of Public Works Knobbs, and Chief of Police Dow, Minutes of 9-22-69 meeting read and approved as corrected. Minutes of special meeting of 9-29-69 read and approved., Mayor invited any person present with a specific problem to bring to the attention of the Council to do so at this time. Mr, W. R. Manney of 1137 Tacoma Avenue presented a problem of surface water which drains from the street and from private property onto his property, causing extreme inconvenience and presenting a possible hazard to his dwelling. He offered to provide a right of way or an easement along his property line to permit the laying of drain tile to relieve the situation, Councilman Molzahn and City Engineer Knobbs have investigated the complaint and explained the probable causes. Discussed at length by those present in the audience and Mayor and members of the Council. Attorney Thompson informed the Council of the legal aspects of such cases, After futher ,general discussion, referred to Street and Alley Committee for study as to possible corrective measures and recommendations at the next meeting. Mayor recognized fir, Raymond Noble and Mr. Dennis Thompson, both of Bremerton who were present to request consideration for the issuance of a license for the operation of a "Young Adult" club in the old D & R Theatre and presented a written request for sc.ich consideration, Discussed at length and questions asked of the applicants and answers received, Referred to City Attorney for determination as to type of license required. Mayor requested Mr, Knobbs to report on the matter of street drainage on Farragut Avenue (seeminutes of 9-22-69), This situation is partially corrected and will be completed in the next few days. Mayor informed the Council that the action of 9-22-69 regular meeting approving the expenditure of $3,000.00 by the Parks and Playground Committee to construct a combination bleachers and erosion control project south of the Active Club Building had, by his order, been suspended, in view of the need for strict austerity of expenditures for the remainder of 1969 and the outlook for budget restrictions in 1970, He also informed the Council that he had requested department heads to limit their purchases and expenditures to purely routine items unless discussed with him, and that they were not to fill such vacancies of personnel that might occur without first discussing the matter with him. Mayor requested information from Attorney Thompson re: the proposal that a reward be offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of persons committing acts of vandalism on City property (parks and recreational facilities particularly). Contined for further study by the City Attorney, Mayor requested information from Chief of Polce Dow on the matter of false arrest insurance for members of his department, Chief Dow recommends (see minutes of 9-22-69) a change in insurance companies and coverage, to provide better and increased amounts of coverage. Discussed briefly and moved by Carr, seconded by Van lee that Chief of Police Dow be authorized to negotiate a new false arrest insurance plan through .James F, Jackson Associates of Washington D. C. for coverage with American dome Assurance Co, with coverage of $100,000.00 for each person, $300,000,00 each incident and an aggregate total coverage of S500,000,00, Approved, Clerk read a proposed ordinance defining a "principal" to a crime or offense and stipulating that aiding or abetting in commission of an offense would make such person a principal to the offense. Discussed briefly and moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Molzahn that this ordinance be adopted, Approved and No, 838 assigned, Clerk read a proposed ordinance granting a garbage -refuse franchise to Port Orchard Garbage Service in areas annexed in to the City, in accordance with RCW 35.13,280. This is the first reading. Second reading will be the next regular meeting on 10-27-69. Discussed briefly and the RCW quoted by Attorney Thompson, Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that this proposed ordinance be accepted for the first reading, Approved, October 13, 1969 Page Two Clerk read a request of Mr. Talbot E, Childers 808 Cline Street for permission to install protective guard rail about three or four feet from his fence to protect it from damage by cars which attempt to turn around in the dead end of Taylor Street, west of Cline Street, Discussed briefly and moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Geiger that Mr. Childers be authorized to install this rail, under supervision of City Engineer, Approved, Clerk read a letter from City Attorney requesting authorization for out -of -court settlement of one of the cases in condemnation action (Pottery Avenue Arterial R/W) scheduled for trial in Superior Court. The appraised value of this R/W property is $4,250,00 and settlement has been offered for $5,325.00, It is the opinion of Mr. Thompson that the costs of settling this case in court would exceed this amount. Discussed briefly and moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Carr that settlement of this R/W purchase for $5,325,00 be authorized . Approved, Clerk informed the Council of the death on September 22, 1969 of retired City employee Mr, Harrison Kilpatrick who retired on February 28, 1966 from the position of janitor. He had previously worked in the Street Department, Clerk read a proposed resolution adopting an up -dated Six Year Comprehensive Arterial Street Program as required by State Highway Department, Discussed briefly and moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this up -dated plan be adopted by the adoption of the resolution, On the question, Councilman Mikelsen requested consid- eration be given to the inclusion in category of Access Arterils, of Salmonberry Street from Flower Avenue to East City Limits, Discussed briefly and motion approved with the addition of Salmonberry Street as item #13 under Access Arterials, No. 1089 Assigned, Clerk reported need for a revenue warrant in total amount of $59,818,14 to permit' payment of Statement of Progress No, 2 to E. J. Rody & Sons for Bay Street Interceptor construction ($56,381,84) and Hammond, Collier & Wade for progress engineering of the same project, Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the issuance of the re- quired revenue warrant be authorized, Approved., City Engineer Knobbs reported a request of Pacific Northwest Bell for permission to bore under a City street to install underground cable. Continued pending receipt of additional information. Mir. Knobbs reported that some of the manholes in Bay Street Interceptor Sewer apparently are not high enough to prevent accumulated surface water to enter the line if a ditch were to plug up. Discussed briefly and continued for further study, I,lr, Knobbs reported excellent progress in the construction of LID #64, The line from Lippert Drive to the Cedar Heights Junior '1igh School has been completed and work will start soon on the Tremont -Lippert Drive section, Mr. Knobbs also reported that forms have been placed and the foundation pouring for the new fire hall under construction will be accomplished in the near future. Clerk read the Change Order No. 3 to Bay Street Interceptor Sewer construction project authorizing suspension of work until spring to prevent possible damage from slides. Moved by Van ?ee, seconded by Mikelsen that this change order be approved, conditional upon the entering of the number of days during which the construction must be completed after work is resumed, Approved, Chairman Caldwell of the Street and Alley Committee reported on a request of Mr. Robert Gans, manager of Westbay properties for a vacation of a portion of Cedar Street and Morton Street, Discussed at length and continued for further study and information from Mr, Gans, Bills were read in the following amounts: Current Expense $5,769.67, Water $1,973.37, Street $1,538,46, Sewer $1,612.66, Parks $388.56, Arterial Street $11, 088,85. LID #64 Construction $3,590.00, Sewer Construction $59,818.14, Total $85, 779,71. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No, 5359 through 5437 authorized paid, Approved, eloved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 10:25 p.m. Clerk _"Zf Mayor Port Orchprf, AMR�ton 3eptembar 20, 1961-1 � nut -in' rvmtiv� A Nut OrApre 711- 79uncil calInd 0 o-Aor Pt 5:15 P,M. by %or Rmanitf. CoUnAlm" prempt: WWII, Carr, 7045en, Almhn, Pcwerz, nod An lee, 7011-r . �vrr nanounced the purpose A this weetian to be !hot oF Wkinj Finn! actiol-_ on the ownrd of cummco for ,..Is 54 sewer cunntruction, The %2cona low bid n'-- V rMSPOMOhle contractor hein3 acnAdemd Wee Anutes V sponin! rceting of, july 31, 1960(due tr M with"rawal by the low %Wer n" his bi.0 is thqt A jock Thorhurn, inn, I Senttle, "nAin1ton, in thn wromt of $199,11MC. DO - Pus;& briefly and vcvnV by Wers, secoNed by �rlzphn that ths thE cvatrnW-_ For construction of the f9cility involved in LID it be awnrPAd tr lock Thorhurn, Wc for 3112,112&n. In thr question bri& discunRlo- "moloned or cortmin ne- unil; A An orcjcct. Knlicn ipprovel. UV& AWWW" nn" ZpprLW-F thl! W WC&ln VIjUMP. �Pj"Urn& rt 5:17 P.�- Port Orchard, Washington September 22, 1969 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:40 p. m, by Mayor Repanich, Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn, Powers and Van lee, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker and Mr. Gerald Grosso, representing Bremerton Sun,& Atty. Don Thompson & Engr. Sup*:t. P.W. Knobbs, Minutes of 9-8-69 regular meeting read and approved, Mayor Repanich encouraged any one in attendance with a particular matter or problem to present, to do so, He recognized Mr, William Rill and Mr. Hal Weddle, representing Port Orchard Kiwanis Club, Mr, Rill announced that he was present first, to invite Mayor and Mrs. Repanich to a forthcoming 40th anniversary observance dinner of the Kiwanis, and briefly outlined some of the aims and objectives of the organization. The second matter involved a request on behalf of the Kiwanis, for an expression of opinion and support by the Council of a ballot levy proposal for the November election for the construction of a community swimming pool adjacent to the South Kitsap High School, Mr, Larry Olson who was also present on behalf of this project, exhibited a large sketch of the proposed facility, and he, Mr, Weddle and Mr. Rill made a detailed explanation and answered a number of questions, and presented a proposed resolution for adoption by the Council approving and urging support of this project by the community as a whole. Moved by Van 7ee, seconded by Mikelsen that this resolution be adopted. Approved and No. 1088 assigned. Mr, Francis McPherson of 126 Farragut Ave, Noth, was recognized and presented a problem involving street drainage near the intersection of Guy Wetzel and Farragut Streets, Surface drainage during periods of heavy rain runs onto his property and that of neighbors. Discussed briefly and referred to Street and Alley Committee and the City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works for study and recommendations. Clerk read a letter from Mr, Robert Gans, manager of Westbay Shopping Center properties re: the matter of the Fotomat building, located on City right of way (Maple Street Waterway), This matter is being studied by all parties involved and it is believed a possible settlement may be offered. Discussed briefly and continued for further information. Clerk read a letter from a new organization called "Washington Municipal Clerks Association" made up of Town and City Clerks of the State, and discussed possibility of the City subscribing to the membership of the City Clerk, Continued until a future meeting for further information on the aims and goals of the group. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would authorize placing a proposition on the ballot for the November election for consideration by the voters, calling for a special levy to raise $8,336.00 (approximately two (2) mills), This is an annual special levy, required to provide funds for the maintenance and operation of a branch of the Regional Library in Port Orchard, Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Carr, that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No, 835 assigned. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would amend Ordinance No. 796 (Sec, 10.66.020, Port Orchard Municipal Code), which established the "snow route" and clarifies the spacing of signs. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Carr that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 836 assigned, Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would amend Ordinance No, 830, and clarify the extent of an annexation, Moved by Powers, seconded by Van 7ee, that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 837 assigned. Clerk reported a need for a revenue warrant in the approximate amount of $6,200.00, for paying costs of easements for sewer construction in LID #64. Moved by Powers, seconded by Geiger that the Clerk be authorized to issue the required warrant, Approved, Mayor Repanich recognized Mr, Pat Byrne of Walker and Byrme, Consulting Engineers of Olympia, who had previously appeared before the Council to ask consideration of his firm when additional engineering projects were anticipated and who appeared now to present informational material about the firm, Mr. Byrne distributed folders describ- ing the potential of the company, Mrs, Roland Sampson of 1111 Sherman Avenue requested information of the Council as to whether she would be permitted to rent her mobile home to another person for the winter while they are absent from the area. City Attorney informed Mrs., Sampson and the Council that the intent of the Mobile Rome Ordinance was to place all mobile homes located on private property in a non -confirming use status, and the permit involved would not be transferable.to another person, and is limited to the owner, Discussed briefly. September 22, 1969 Page Two Mayor presented a report, prepared by Chairman Van Zee of Parks and Playgrounds Committee on projected construction of concrete bleachers on west side of Givens Field, south of the Active Club Building (see minutes of 9-8-69). Mr, Van Zee offered additional information and indicated the cost to be about $3,000.00. Discussed at length and moved by Carr, seconded by Van lee that the Committee be authorized to expend up to $3,000.00 for this project. Approved, rr- Councilman Van Zee requested information concerning possibility of installing a elevision antenna tower on an unimproved City -owned right of way (an extension of Mahan Avenue between Farragut and Perry Avenues). City Attorney explained legal aspects of the situation. Con- tinued for further study, City Attorney reported the probable need for the prosecution of a case by the City involving a personal friend and associate and requested to be replaced by a special assistant for the case, and recommends the appointment of Mr, Thomas G. rrilich, of the law firm of Lee, Krilich, Lowrey and Thompson, Tacoma, Discussed briefly and moved by Molzahn, seconded by Van lee, that Mr, Thomas C. Krilich be designated as Special Assistant City Attorney for this case, Approved. Chairman Van Zee of Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported on continuing vandalism in the recreational areas and recommends the authorizing of a reard for information leading to the arrest and conviction of vandals. Discussed briefly and continued for study and report by the City Attorney. Mayor reported on request by E. J. Rody and Sons, contractors installing Bay Street inter- ceptor sewer line between the treatment plant and Ross Creek, that they permitted to suspend work on this project until drier weather in the spring. There is extremely unstable soil conditions in the area of manhole 13 and 14, and quite probably in the area of manholes 17 to 18, Mr. Hammond, Consulting Engineer, feels there might be a hazard to the abutting private property and to the State highway. Discussed briefly and moved by Molzahn, seconded by Caldwell, that this suspension be authorized and that the City Attorney prepare a change order to the contract, Approved. Chief of Police Dow reported that he was generally dissatisfied with the false arrest in- surance now provided to himself and the members of his department. He explained the specific areas in which he feels the present plan is deficient. He recommends discontinuance of the present insurance and substituting a plan which would increase and broaden coverage. Dis- cussed at length, City Attorney recommends that the City's insurance carrier for other forms of coverage be contacted to determine if there might be any duplication of coverage. Con- tinued for further study and recommendation at next meeting, City Engineer -Superintendent of Public Works Knobbs presented a rough working draft of an updated 6-year comprehensive Arterial Street Probram, required by the State Highway Depart- ment and Laws of 1967, Discussed briefly and continued until the next meeting for the hearing required by statute, Bills were read in following amounts: Current Expense Fund $1,489.15, Water Fund $1,094.40, Street Fund $1,129,09, Sewer Fund $4,855.76, Park Fund $180.57, Arterial Street Fund (UAB Phase 1) $7,324,00, Total $16,072.97. Moved by Powers, seconded by Van Zee that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 5297 through 5358 authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjounred at 9:35 p. m. Clerk t Mayor Port Orchard, Washington September 8, 1969 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:40 p. m. by Mayor Repanich, Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn and Powers Van Zee absent (excused, but expected later). Also present: Attorney Ronald Thompson, substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer-Sup't. of Public Works L. C. Knobbs (newly employed on 9-1-69), Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mrs. Helen Ross, representing Tacoma News -Tribune and Mr. Gerald Grosso, representing Brem- erton Sun, Minutes of meeting of 8-25-69 read and approved as corrected, Minutes of a special meeting of 9-4-69 read and approved. Mayor requested Mr, Hendricks to present the latest concept of the proposed boat launch- ing facility for the north end of Water Avenue, Mr, Hendricks introduced Mr. Jack Ray, a Civil Engineer from PSNS, who generously donated a considerable amount of time and energy to this project, Mr, Hendricks presented a large scale model of the ramp and explained it and its associated features, Discussed at length and numerous questions asked and answered, Continued pending further study of methods of financing, Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would confirm the final assessment roll of LID #64, (see minutes of previous meetings), as revised by Exhibit "A" thereto„ Discussed briefly and questions of property owners present answered by Mayor Repanich. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Caldwell that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No, 834 assigned, Mayor Repanich at this time encouraged any person present with a problem or complaint to speak, Mrs, Roland Sampson of 1111 Sherman Avenue reported that she had notified I the operators of J. & F. Refuse Service, the garbage collectors, that they would be absent from the City for three months (June, July and August) and would not require garbage collection service, they had still been billed for these three months. Referred to Chairman Mikelsen of Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee for action. Mr, Chuck Hill of Pete's Gun Shop, and representing the Hunter's Safety Training program In Kitsap County, was present to protest being denied the use of Room #1 of the Active Club Building because of other prior reservations. Matter discussed in detail and the Clerk reported his version of the matter, Determined that Mr. Hill's group may reserve this room on September 24, 25 and 26th, 1969. Mayor requested Mr, L. C. Knobbs, newly employed City Engineer-Sup't, Public Works to report on the operation of the sewage lift station at Cedar Heights Junior High School and the handling of the sewage problem in the absence of the sewer line in Pottery Avenue., Mr, Knobbs reported the system to be operating satisfactorily with little or no problems, however additional modifications of the installation will further increase its effic- iency, Mayor Repanich requested information from the Clerk concerning the status of the bid and proposal of Ron Nelson Construction Co, for the new fire hall to be built on Sidney Avenue south of Granat Street. The bid of this company was low and acceptable, except that Mr. Nelson had requested modification of the provision for indemnification of the City against liability, Mr. Nelson has withdrawn this request for modification and will Sign the contract as worded. Discussed briefly and moved by Molzahn, seconded by Carr that the contract for construction of the new fire station be awarded to Ron Nelson Construction Company of Port Orchard for $41,950.00 (plus tax) and authorizing the Mayor to execute the contract for the City when the necessary bond and insurance documents are provided, Approved, Clerk reported receipt of a letter from the City Attorney in the matter of the negotia- tion for purchase of Right of Way for the Pottery Avenue Arterial from Michael Koltiska. Mr. Koltiska is an incompetent person and is under a guardianship. The City's offer of the appraised value of the property to be taken is acceptable, however the attorneys for the estate request an additional $350.00 to offset costs of re -opening the guardian- ship (now terminated due to lack of reason for its existence) and other legal costs. Discussed briefly and moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Molzahn that the payment of an additional $350,00 in this case be authorized to offset the additional expenses to the Koltiska estate, Approved, Clerk reported the need for issuance of a revenue warrant in the amount of $2,515.00 to provide funds for payment of a portion of the easements negotiated for sewer purposes September $, 1969 Page Two In LID #64. Moved by Powers, seconded by Mikelsen that the Clerk be authorized to Issue a revenue warrant in the amount of $2,515.00 for the purpose stated,. Approved. Mr, Hendricks, who has been acting as City Engineer for 8 months, informed the Council that, due to the employment of a permanent engineer -public works superintendent, he would no longer be in regular attendance at Council meetings, but would be available for special consultation or advide on any matter. He will oversee construction of the new fire hall, Mayor Repanich thanked Mr. Hendricks for his services to the City during a period when the problems of the Public Works Department were numerous. c4 1 Fire Chief Hacker reported only one fire in August, apparently arson, c a property loss of $5,000, Chief Hacker also reported on the attendance of four (4) mem- bers of the Department at an oil fire control school in Yakima on September 6 & 7, He also announced that the Governorts annual Fire Prevention Conference would be held in Olympia on September 24th and would deal with fire prevention codes, Councilman Mikelsen, of Parks and Playgrounds Committee, in the absence of Chairman Van lee, reported on the proposed construction of concrete bleachers along the bank on the west side of Givens Field, south of the Active Club Building., This proposed im- provement would provide much needed seating facilities along this athletic field and at the same time, prevent further erosion of the bank during rainy weather. Chairman Van Zee arrived at 9:00 p. m., and assumed presentation of this and other projects. He also reported on several recent cases of vandalism at recreation facilities involving broken doors and windows and broken mercury vapor light fixtures. Mayor Repanich recognized Mr. Pat Byrne of Walker and Byrne, Consulting Engineers of Olympia, Washington, who was present to request consideration of his firm for future engineering projects in water and sewer utilities. Mr. Byrne briefly recapitulated the background of his firm and its experience and qualifications. Bills were read in the following amounts: Current Expense $2,487.96, Water $429.45, Street S1,040.23, Sewer $1,748.82, Parks $124.33, Arterial Street $964.45, Urban Arterial Street $1,843,56, LID #64 Construction $2,695 00, total $11,333.80, Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 5240 through 5296 authorized paid, Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjounred at 9:40 p, m, i' Clerk Mayor y' Port Orchard, Washington September 4, 1969 A special meeting of the Port Orchard City Council for the purpose of receiving protests to amount of assessments in LID #64, called to order at 7:40 p. m, by Mayor Repanich, Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn, Powers and Van Zee Also present: Attorney Ronald Thompson, substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, Consulting Engineer William Collier of Hammond, Collier and Wade, Mayor announced the purpose of this meeting to be the receiving of protests to the amount of assessments on properties affected in LID #64 (proposed sewer construction In southwest portion of the City), and requested Attorney Thompson to give a short resume' of the legal aspects of the hearing, etc, Mayor Repanich requested the Clerk to read the protests. The Clerk read letters of protest from following property owners: Mr, & Mrs, George N. Clark Mr. & Mrs, Roland Sampson Mr, LeRoy Barringer Mrs, Martha Burnett Mrs, Margaret Mashburn Mr, Alexander Roos Mr, A, R, Lawlis Mr, Philip E. Hager Mr, Henry Martens Mr Ernesto Juliano Mr, & Mrs., Richard E, McCann Mr & Mrs, Basil Ackley Mr, & Mrs, R. L, Miles Mrs, Ardith 0, Phelps These protests were in relation to the amount of the assessments,. after discussion of several aspects of the proposed construction, Mayor Repanich encouraged any person present with questions to present them. Several persons present asked questions, and received answers. Some examined maps on hand and asked specific questions of the Engineer, Mr. Collier, Mayor Repanich appointed a committee consisting of himself, and Councilmen Carr, Mikelsen, and Powers, and any others who might be available to meet at 1:00 p. m., Friday, 9-5-69, along with Engineer Collier and City Attorney Donald Thompson to investigate these protests and if necessary, examine the properties involved to resolve the matter. After some additional discussion, moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourned. Adjourned at 8:20 p, m. / Clerk T/%°%_c,i cf_' . Mayor J: Port Orchard, Washington August 25, 1969 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p, m. by Mayor Repanich, Councilmen present, Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn and Powers. Van Zee absent (excused). Also present: Acting City Engineer R. M. Hendricks, Attorney Ronald Thompson, substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, Acting Superintendent of Public Works R, B. Hall, Fire Chief Hacker, Mrs, Helen Ross, representing Tacoma News -Tribune and Mr, eBlair, representing Bremerton Sun, 5111 1� c/ Minutes of /August 11, 1969 meeting read and approved. Mayor requested a report and recommendation from Acting City Engineer Hendricks on the bids and proposals for construction of the new fire hall (see minutes of 8-11-69). Mr, Hendricks recce ed a bidsEclep d �, sq are oe _yco various proposals, Mr, Hen - various proposals. c �el�'�h�"t� ceof th f RoNelsonnstruction Co. of Port Orchard for the followin option g A. Pre-engineered metal building $ 31,950.00 B. Slab on grade foundation & floor 4,300.00 C. Service pit 1,100,00 D, Gas -fired hot-air heat 2,300.00 E. Metal overhead door 2,300.00 Total $ 41,950.00 (Not Inc. sales tax) Discussed briefly and moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that the recommendations of Mr. Hendricks be concurred in and the contract for the construction as outlined above, be awarded to Ron Nelson Construction Company of Port Orchard, subject to the approval of the City Attorney, of a request of the Nels n mpany that the wording of Section 11, 2-03 involving Indemnification of owner from loss 11, pproved. Clerk read an Application for Zoning Hearing submitted by Mr. Lynn K. Williams of 2245 Sidney Avenue for re -zone of approximately 2 acres (plus) at the above address, from R-1 to R-2 to permit establishment of a mobile Home park, This application previously considered by Port Orchard Planning Commission on August 18, 1969, and recommended for approval, Discussed briefly and Mr, Williams answered questions concerning his plans and presented a sketch of the proposed facility, Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Geiger that recommendations of Planning Commission be concurred in and the re -zone granted, Approved. Clerk read an Application for Zoning Hearing submitted by Mr. Donald L. Ostrom of Fall City, Washington for re -zone of approximately 6 acres located about 1000 feet south of Lippert Drive, east side of Pottery Avenue from R-1 to R-2 to permit establishment of a convalescent home. This application previously considered by the Port Orchard Planning Commission on August 18, 1969, and recommended for approval. Discussed very briefly and moved by Molzahn, seconded by Carr that the recommendations of the Planning Commission be concurred in and the re -zone granted. Approved, Mayor requested information of Chairman Mikelsen of Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation C mittee re: the complaint of Mrs. Henry White concerning garbage service (minutes of 8-11-69). Councilman Mikelsen reported that his committee had met with Mrs. White and the garbage ser- vice operators and that the problem, (and others) had been resolved. Mayor requested a report from Mr. Hendricks on the estimated costs of the proposed boat launching facility at the north end of Water Avenue. Mr. Hendrickts study has not yet dev- eloped firm figures but it appears that the full project will require about $26,000.00, but this would be variable due to various items which might be modified in the final estimate. Mr.. Hendricks reported that the Bremerton Port Commission had offered to provide a number of styro-foam floats for a dock, which would be desirable as a part of the project, Dis- cussed briefly and moved by Carr, seconded by Mikelsen that the Clerk be directed to prepare a letter to the Bremerton Port Commission requesting that such floats as are surplus to the needs of the Commission be made available to the City for use in this project. Approved. Clerk reported that the agreement between the City and Kitsap County re: construction of the water main from Tremont Street and Pottery Avenue to the site of the new County Juvenile Home, has been prepared by the City Attorney and delivered to County Commissioner Mahan for study and approval, Discussed at length and continued. Matter of water system improvements in the effected area of the City in general, discussed in.d4tail. Acting Superintendent of Public Works Hall reported that the asphaltic paving of Lippert Drive and Pottery Avenue had been completed by the County road district crews and equipment, August 25, 1969 Page Two and that when the surface was +'cured„, the finish -up work on shoulders and driveway entrances would be accomplished. Mr. Hall reported a possible traffic hazard at the intersection of the two streets, and suggested consideration of establishing Pottery Avenue as a stop street for traffic entering from the east on Lippert Drive. Discussed at length and Mr. Hall directed to confer with Police Chief Dow on the matter, with the opinion of the Council favoring the making a stop required on entering Pottery Avenue. Mr, Hall also reported that the parking in Water Avenue north of Bay Street, which has been quite congested in the past has now been controlled and "center parking only" established, with one-way traffic north -bound on the east side and southbound on the west side. The system appears to be working quite well, especially on Mondays and Wednesdays when the activity at the Eagles Hall is heavy. t Mr. Hall reported that almost all the materials required to install the new sewage lift pump at Cedar Heights Junior High School have been received and work is proceeding rapidly. Mayor Repanich recognized Mrs, Ardith Phelps of Bremerton, who owns property on Pottery Ave, near May Street, and who was present to request that information be made available at time of the LID #64 hearing on 9-4-69, as to whether her property can be served by a sewer and how the assessment on her property was computed. Clerk read a claim submitted by Mrs, Richard L. Burleson, of 533k Radey Street, in the amount of $653.51 for damages incurred when a sewer line plugged near her home, and her basement was flooded, Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this claim be disallowed and referred to the City's insurance carrier for action, Approved. Clerk read a proposed resolution which would authorize the establishment of a "Construction" classification within the Street Fund, authorize the transfer of funds within the Street Fund budget and a transfer loan to Water Fund from Sewer Fund, Moved by Powers, seconded by Cald- well that the proposed resolution be adopted. Approved and No. 1087 assigned. Clerk requested authority to issue revenue warrant in the total amount of $2,358.84, to cover appraisers fees for sewer easements in LID #64, and costs of publication of hearing notices for LID hearing. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Caldwell that the Clerk be authorized to issue these revenue warrants, Approved. Mayor recognized a Mr. Davis, representing Evergreen State Builders, who have proposed to build a Planned Unit Development of townhouses in the East Port Orchard area. This will not be in the City, but would eventually be considered for annexation, Mr. Davis desired to ex- plain this type of facility to the Council, since it is a new concept and one used in other cities extensively, This proposal was previously considered by the Council at the request of the County Planning Director, and the Council went on record as being not in favor of such developments, due to the narrow private streets, limited access into the area, dead end streets, lack of public parking for overflow needs, etc, Fire Chief Hacker gave an opinion that the movement of fire -fighting equipment would be difficult in the 24 foot roadways, es- pecially in those with dead ends. Mayor recognized Mr, C. W. "Red" Beck, Washington State Representative from Kitsap County, who was present to solicit and encourage the Mayor and members of the Council and others, to attend the annual breakfast to welcome new school teachers in the South Kitsap District on Friday, August 29, Councilman Mikelsen reported on the existence of three (3) dead or dying fir trees in West Street, near South Street, Discussed briefly and determined that these trees should be re- moved, Mr, Hall will investigate. Mr. Mikelsen also reported that loose gravel is being thrown onto the sidewalk on the east side of Sidney Avenue opposite the end of Prospect Street by cars using the vacant lot at that point for a parking lot.. The owner of the property will be notified that this gravel must be kept off the sidewalk. Bills were read in following amounts; Current Expense $395.80, Water $1,433.88, Street $1,591,82, Sewer $453.70, Park $154.09, Arterial Street Fund $3,297.50, LID #64 Construction $2,358.84, Total $9,685.63. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and vouchers No, 5199 through 5239 authorized paid, Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 9:45 p. m. L� Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington August 11, 1969 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order by Mayor Repanich at 7:30 p. m. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn and Powers, Van Zee absent (excused). Also present: Acting City Engineer R. M. Hendricks, Acting Superintendent of Public Works R. B, Hall, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mrs. Helen Ross, representing Tacoma News Tribune and Mr. Jack Merry representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of regular meeting of 7-28-69 and special meeting of 7-31-69 read and approved. Mayor announced that this was the date and time set for the opening of bids for the con- struction of the new fire hall authorized by special levy, and directed the Clerk to open and read the bids received, The Clerk opened and read the following sealed bids: Austin Construction Co, Steel structure on concrete slab, w/gas Bellevue, Washington fired forced air heat, metal doors $ 42,400.00 Friegang Construction Co, Unit masonry structure on concrete slab, Tacoma, Washington w/gas-fired forced air heat, wood doors $ 53,850,00 Frame, w/Tex III siding, on concrete slab w/gas-fired hot water heat, metal doors $ 52,550.00 Frame, w/stucco, equipment room on slab, office/classroom on crawl space, gas -fired hot water heat, fiberglas doors $ 54,750.00 Steel structure on full concrete slab, w/ gas -fired forced air heat, metal doors $ 46,550.00 Baker Construction Co. Steel structure on concrete slab, gas -fired Bremerton, Washington forced air heat, metal doors $ 44,929.00 Ron Nelson Construction Co. Port Orchard, Washington Steel structure on concrete slab, gas -fired forced air heat, metal doors $ 41,950.00 All above bids were without sales tax and contained several optional offers which are not enumerated, The engineers estimate of the cost of this facility was $36,000,00. These bids and alternate proposals were discussed briefly and moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the bids be referred to the Fire and Light Committee, Fire Chief and Acting City Engineer Hendricks for study and recommendation at the next meeting. Approved. Mayor recognized Mrs, Henry White of 804 Dwight Street, who had written a letter complaining of garbage service and problems with the garbage collector. Matter referred to Water, Sewe Health and Sanitation Committee for study and action, Mayor Repanich adjourned meeting at 8:10 p. m. for a short time to permit himself and members of the Council and others to make a brief inspection of the sewage treatment plant and observe its reactivation after a lengthy period of maintenance and overhaul. Meeting re -convened at 8:35 p, m, Mayor Repanich announced that a new time -table had been developed for the sequence of events leading to awarding of the contract for construction of LID #64. These dates are now ten- tatively set as follows: Final Assessment Roll in hands of City Clerk, 8-13-69. Publication of notice that roll is available for examination 8-13 and 8-20. Notices of final assessment mailed 8-18-69, required hearing 9-4-69, confirm roll on 9-8-69 and award contract on 9-18-69. Acting City Engineer Hendricks displayed tentative drawings of the boat -launching ramp proposed for the end of Water Avenue, north of Bay Street. Discussed in detail and Mr. Hendricks requested to provide cost estimates at next meeting. Clerk read a letter from Saint Gabriel Teen Club requesting permission to hold a street dance in the parking lot of St. Gabriel's Church on Mitchell Avenue, Determined that such dances do not require permission of the City when on private property. Clerk directed to write a letter informing the group that the City had no objection to such a function. Clerk read a letter from Kitsap County Board of Commissioners , requesting consideration of installation, at County cost, of a water line to the area of the new juvenile home, west of August 11, 1969 Page Two Highway 16, with the County to recover part of the costs, as *a -domestic services are added and the "late comers„ charge collected. Referred to City Attorney for opinion. Clerk read a letter from Hammond, Collier & Wede, Consulting Engineers, recommending the negotiation and purchase of Lot 8, Block 2, Knob Hill Addition to provide for a new access -egress for High Avenue -Pottery Hill area, Discussed briefly and continued until a determination can be made by the Engineer to determine if this can properly be considered a part of the Pottery Avenue Arterial, Clerk reported on receipt of a letter from Dept. of Motor Vehicles concerning disposition of abandoned vehicles. Referred to City Attorney for study. Clerk read a letter from Mr, Lynn K, Williams of 2245 Sidney.Ave„ requesting a temporary use permit to locate and occupy a mobile home at the above address pending action of an application for a re -zone from R-1 to R-2 of the property to permit establishment of a mobile home park, Discussed briefly and moved by Molzahn, seconded by Carr that the temp- orary use permit be granted, Approved. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would authorize the acquisition by eminent domain pro- ceedings, of property for street right of way, where property owners have refused to neg- otiate voluntarily. Moved by Powers, seconded by Molzahn that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No, 833 assigned. Fire Chief Hacker requested authority to send four (4) members of his department to an oil fire control school at akima on September 6 & 7. Moved by Mtkelsen, seconded by Carr that this request be grants Approved, Chief Hacker reported on the intentional and controlled burning of two old residences, and he also reported three (3) fires during month of July, with fire loss of approximately $10. Acting Superintendent of Public Works Hall reported all crushed rock in place preliminary to placing of asphaltic concrete pavement in Lippert Drive and and Pottery Avenue, by County crews, Clerk reported the need for issuance of Revenue Warrant in the amount of $2,876.00 for inspection and in -progress engineering costs in construction of Bey Street interceptor sewer. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the Clerk be authorized to issue a revenue warrant in the above amount for the stated purpose, Approved. Sills were read in the following amounts: Current Expense Fund $3,593,.90, Water Fund $8.007.12, Street Fund $1,509.42, Sewer Fund $967.84, Park Fund $1,086.84, Arterial Street Fund $8,845.09, Sewer Construction Fund $73,396.54, Total $97,343.75. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 5143 through 5198, less 5154 and 5163, voided, authorized paid, Approved. Moved, seconded and approved hat the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 9:50 p. m. Clerk ,���r ` ..%! L�/�Lc/z-1 Mayor i Port Orchard, Washington July 31, 1969 A special meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 5:25 p. m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Mikelsen, Molzahn, Powers and Van Zee. Carr, Geiger and Caldwell absent (excused). Also present, George Hammond, of Hammond, Collier & Wade, Consulting Engineers and Mr, Jack Merry, representing Bremerton Sun. Mayor Repanich announced the purpose of the s meeting to be the consideration of the second responsible low bidder for the construction of LID #64 (sewer mains and laterals to southwest portion of City), This action is required due to the request of Select Contractors, Inc., the low bidder to withdraw their bid, due to errors in preparation. Mayor Repanich also reported that the City Attorney (who could not be present at this special meeting) had recommended the rejection of the requested bid withdrawal and that action to recover costs incurred between low and second low bid plus the amount of bid bond be instituted. Mayor recognized Mr, Mike Mohundro, President of Select Contractors, who was present to discuss his firms stand in requesting withdrawal of the bid. Mr. Mohundro read letters written by him and his attorney. Matter discussed briefly. Mayor then requested Mr. Hammond to report on the second low bidder, Jack Thorburn, Inc. of Seattle, Washington, whose bid was $338,612.00. Mr. Hammond reported this firm to be a responsible and acceptable contracting organization. Discussed briefly and moved by Molzahn, seconded by Powers that the bid of the next responsible low bidder, Jack Thorburn, Inc. in the amount of $338,612,00 (w/o tax) be accepted. Approved, Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 5:45 p. m. 2 Clerk x it k it do Mayor ,i Port Orchard, Washington July 28, 1969 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to f�aar r 7• gg m, b Ma or Repanich. Councilmen present: Carr, Geiger, Molzahn, Pot w� � i sn A fie�lAmred. Attorney Ronald Thompson, substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, Acting City Engineer R. M. Hendricks, Acting Superintendent of Public Works R. B, Hall, Chief of Police Dow, Mrs, Helen Ross, representing Tacoma News -Tribune and Mr, Jack Merry, representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of meeting of 7-14-69 read and approved, Councilman Molzahn reported on a visit by himself and Chairman Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee to the alley reported by Mrs, Marie Lochry to be in poor condition (minutes of 7-14) for some grading and gravel filling in ruts, but that it is not as bad as indicated. Street crews will work there as soon as they can be spared from more pressing projects, Acting City Engineer Hendricks reported that very considerable interest was being shown in the projected construction of the new fire hall, by the number of specifications distributed to contractors. Attorney Thompson reported no progress in the study of the joint cities -county solid waste disposal problem (minutes of 6-23-69 and 7-14-69). Further continued. Attorney Thompson reported receipt of a letter from Mr, Robert Gans, manager of Westbay prop- erties concerning the "Fotomat" building on City owned property adjacent to Westbay. The matter is under study by Fotomat, Inc, and other interested parties. Further continued, s Matter of awarding contracts for LID #64 construction (minutes of 7-14-69) discussed, A letter has been received from the low bidder, Select Contractors, Inc., requesting return of their bid and the bid bond, due to an error in submission. Discussed by Attorney Thompson, and members of the Council. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Powers that Select Contractors, Inc., the low bidder, be placed on notice that their request of 7-11-69 for return of their bid and security bond is rejected and that a special meeting of the Council be scheduled for consideration of the second low bid, that of Jack Thorburn, Inc,, and that the City Attorney institute action to recover an amount equal to the difference between the low and second low bids plus the amount of the bid bond. Approved. Mayor informed those present that a special meeting of the Council would be convened at 5:00 P. m,, Thursday, July 31, 1969, to consider the bid of second low bidder, Jack Thorburn, Inc. Clerk read a request of Mr, Robert Mitchell, County Director of Planning for consideration of a request from Mr, Roy A. Clark for re -zone of property on north side of Highway #160, west of and adjacent to the City Limits of Port Orchard from Residential to Commercial, to permit establishment of a dock and float manufacturing facility. This is outside City Limits, but Of concern to the City, due to its being contiguous, The Port Orchard Planning Commission, on 7-21-69, studied and discussed this request and recommended its approval as being in the best interests. -of the City., Moved by Powers, seconded by Van lee, that the recommendations of the Port Orchard Planning Commission be concurred in and the request recommended granted. Approved, Clerk read a request of Mr. Mitchell, County Planning Director for consideration of a proposed Planned Unit Development in East Port 'rchard, between Mitchell Avenue and Overlook, and contigous to the City, This proposed development involves a high -density type development of town -house construction. The Port Orchard Planning Commission on 7-21-69 considered this proposal at considerable length and recommends against approval due to width of private road- ways involved, lack of sufficient off-street parking and in general, conditions not compatible with the City's zoning, Discussed at length, and moved by Carr, seconded by Molzahn, that the recommendations of the Port Orchard Planning Commission be concurred in and the proposed development be considered to be not in the best interests of the City. Approved. Clerk read a proposed resolution which would establish a new classification of expenditure in the Arterial Street Fund Budget, and authorizes the intra-fund transfer of $10,000. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Powers that this resolution be adopted. Approved and No, 1085 assigned. Clerk read a proposed resolution which would authotize the City -Clerk to sign certain documents, purchase orders and correspondence of special nature. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Powers that this resolution be adopted. Approved, and No. 1086 assigned. Clerk read a progress report of E. J. Rody and Sons, contractor constructing the Bay Street Interceptor sewer line, The report included a request for a partial payment of $70,520.54. Clerk reported need for issuance of revenue warrants in the amount of $70,742.65 to provide partial payment of the construction costs of the Bay Street interceptor sewer project and to pay title search costs for the easements required in LID #64, Moved by Geiger, seconded by Powers that the issuance of the required revenue warrants be authorized. Approved. July 28, 1969 Page Two Acting City Engineer Hendricks reported that repairs to the sewage treatment plant are entering final stages and should be completed and in operation by August 15. The desirability of providing a trailer toilet dumping facility near the sewer plant dis- cussed, This has been considered in the past. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Powers that Mr, Hendricks investigate feasibility and approximate costs of such a facility and report at the next Council meeting. Approved, Acting Superintendent of Public Works Hall reported on progress of Lippert Drive and Pottery Avenue improvements and other projects under way in his department. Chairman Van Zee, Chairman of Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported on progress of improve- ments in progress in Active Club area and other recreational facilities. Bills were read in following amour rent Expense Fund $897.75; Water Fund $1,046.92; IJ�*fS r �� $289,41; Sewer Fund , Park Fund 468.97; Arterial Street Fund $355.34 aA6.49, Moved by Powers, seconded by Molzahn that these bills be allowed and Vouc!iers No. 5107, through 5142, less No, 5125 (voided) be authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 10:00 p, m. Clerk j Mayor Port Orchard, Washington July 14, 1969 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:30 p. m. by Mayor Repanich, Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Gieger, Mikelsen, Molzahn, Powers and Van 7ee. Also present City Attorney Donald Thompson, Acting City Engineer R. M. Hendricks, Acting Sup't, of Public Works R. B. Hall, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mr, George Hammond, of Hammond, Collier & Wade, Consulting Engineers and Mr, Jack Merry, representing Bremerton Sun, Minutes of June 23, 1969 meeting read and approved. Mayor invited those present in the audience to bring any matter of interest to the attention of the Council, and recognized Mrs. Marie Lochry of 1140 Spokane Street, who had written a letter to the Mayor complaining of grass, weeds and debris in an alley extending south from Sroufe Street to Melcher Street between Portland and Spokane Streets. This alley is also in need of grading and filling. Referred to Street and Alley Committee for study and recommendations. Clerk introduced Mr. Jack Merry, who will represent the Bremerton Sun at Council meet- ings temporarily. Mr. Travis Baker, the previous press representative has been reass- igned, A Mr. C. T, Lund, who owns the Courtview Apartments on Cline Street, was present to protest the requirement that he provide a garbage can for each unit of his facility, claiming that the three cans provided in the past have been more than adequate. Matter discussed at considerable length and referred to Water, Sewer, "ealth and Sanitation Committee for study, Mayor Repanich requested Acting City Engineer Hendricks to present the drawings he had completed for the proposed new fire hall to be constructed on property near the Sidney water tank south of Lippert Drive. Mr, Hendricks explained the highlights of the pro- posed facility, and answered questions. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Mikeisen that a Call for Bids for this construction be authorized, with bid opening date set for August 11, 1969 at 7:30 p, m, Approved, Mayor requested a status report from Mr, Hall, Acting Superintendent of Public Works, of various projects under way. The new sidewalk between northwest corner of Bank and Prospect Streets and Frederick Street, has been poured, and will be a considerable im- provement to the area, The surfacing of Lippert Drive and Pottery Avenue will be accomplished by County crews in the near future, as soon as the City force completes earth removal and ballasting. Approval has been received from the Highway Department and other cognizant agencies to widen Bay Street at DeKalb Waterway, which will provide an area to lay the interceptor sewer across the Waterway, and, when completed and surfaced, provide for a left turn holding lane for west -bound traffic desiring to turn south, Mr. Hendricks reported that a complete and comprehensive sketch of the proposed Water Avenue boat launching facility will be available at the next Council meeting. Mr. Hendricks also reported that steady and satisfactory progress is being made in the re- pairs to the sewer plant, s City Attorney Thompson reported that he had eceived a copy of the proposed contract between the County and Hill, Ingmon and Chase, Engineers, for the proposed Solid Waste Disposal Study, in which the City has been requested to participate, and therefore could make no recommendation on whether the City should cooperate, Fire Chief Hacker reported one (1) fire call in June with no loss, He reported nine (9) calls in the first six months of 1969, of which seven (7) were automobiles, with a total loss of $575.00, and two (2) residential, with no loss. Chairman Molzahn, of Fire and Light Committee, reported on the committees study of Fire Chief Hacker's request (minutes of 6-23-69) for employment of a part time Fire Marshal, the duties involved, length of time, cost, etc. Chief Hacker gave a detailed report of the duties of a Fire Marshall from a technical standpoint, and reminded the Council that employing such a person would permit the completion of the pre -fire inspec- tions and statis ,ics started by the Volunteer Firemen in 1968, but not completed due to the volume ldetails involved. Matter discussed at considerable length. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Van Zee that the employment of a Fire Marshall, as recommended in minutes of 6-23-69, at an hourly rate of $3.50, for approximately 84 hours per month, be authorized. Approved, July 14, 1969 Page TWo Chairman Molzahn outlined the need for purchase of cettain equipment in the Fire Depart ment. These items discussed at length, Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Powers that the Fire Department be authorized to purchase three (3) Nicad batteries for portable radio transicialvers, and one (1) battery charger maintaining charge in these batteries. Approved. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Molzahn that the Fire Department be authorized to purchase an air conditioner for the Chief's office, at a cost of $175.00. Approved. Mayor requested a report from the City Attorney re: the "FotoMat" building now located on City owned property adjacent to Westbay Shopping Center, and which has been ordered removed. City Attorney is awaiting a reply to his letter to Mr. Gans, the manager of the Westbay properites, Matter continued. Clerk reported on the bid opening of 7-10-69 for construction of sewers in LID #64. Bids were received in following amounts. - Jack Thorburn, Inc., Seattle, Wash. $ 338,612.00, less tax Byron Rockstad Constr, Co., Tacoma, Wash. $ 474,040.00 Sleed Tonneson Constr, Co., Tacoma, Wash. $347,562.00 F. J. Schade Co,, Inc., Auburn, Wash. $ 380,175.00 Select Contractors, Inc., Seattle, Wash. $ 278,110.80 These bids were referred to Mr. George Hammond, of Hammond, Collier and Wade, Consulting Engineers, for the project for study and recommendations. Mr. Hammond recommends the acceptance of the low bid of Select Contractors, Inc., in the amount of $278,110.80, conditional upon negotiation of a work change order involving splitting the project into two increments and the approval of Department of Housing and Urban Development, Moved"by Molzahn, seconded by Geiger, that the low bid of Select Contractors, Inc., be accepted, subject to the negotiation of the above items and approval of necessary agencies. Ap- proved, Clerk read a letter from the firm of Schultheis, Maddock and Fox, Attorneys of Port Orchard, requesting a statement in waiting that the properties re -zoned in 1966, at the request of Mssrs. Schultheis and Maddock, near and including the site of the South Kitsap Community Hospital, is zoned to permit construction of long term psychiatricV(geriatric) care and convalescent care facilities, and that the City Council would not object to the construction of such facilities in this area. Discussed at length and moved by Molzahn, seconded by Geiger that the Clerk be directed to prepare a letter as requested confirming the zoning and approving the location of the proposed facilities in this area. Approved, Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would create a "Sewer Construction Fund " to provide for receipt and disbursement of funds for the construction of the Bay Street interceptor sewer and authorize the issuance of interest bearing revenue warrants at 5% interest for interim financing, Moved by Powers, seconded by Molzahn that this proposed ordinance be adopted. Approved and No, 832 assigned. Clerk reminded the Council of the forthcoming Primary and General Elections in September and November and the requirement of assignment of position numbers to those Council positions which will be voted upon. The positions now occupied by Councilman Carr (At - Large), Van 7ee, Molzahn, and Mikelsen, and the City Treasurer, are involved. By mutual agreement, the following numbers were assigned: Position now held by Van Zee, No. 1; by Mikelsen, No, 2 and/l(olzahn, No. 3, No number is assigned to At -Large position, Chief of Police Dow reported a minimum of law enforcement problems during the Fathoms 0' Fun activities July 3-6. He also reported that traffic control and congeeti6n-prob- lems caused by the Bay Street sewer construction project were not serious and that the contractor was cooperating to the fullest, Councilman Mikelsen requested to be excused from the July 28th meeting, due to Little League tournaments in progress requiring his presence. Bills were read in following amounts: Current Expense $3,739.39, Water $1,755.22, Street $1,751.38, Sewer $2,028.61, Parks $1,062.16, Arterial Street $1,395.51, Total $11,732.27. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 5026 through 5107 authorized paid, Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjounned at 10:40 p, m. 0 lerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington June 23, 1969 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:40 p, m, by Mayor Repanich, Councilmen present: Carr, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molsahn, Powers, Caldwell and Van Zee, Also present: City Attorney Donald Thompson, Acting City Engineer R. M. Hendricks, Fire Chief Hacker, Mr. George Hammond, of Hammond, Collier & Wade and Mrs. Helen Ross, representing Tacoma News -Tribune. Minutes of 6-9-69 read and approved with additions. Mayor announced the first order of business would be to ask those in the audience who wished to address the Council to do so at this time. Among those presenting complaints regarding garbage and trash pick-ups and increases in charges were; Buck Gehring, of .� Buck's A & W, Mrs. Barbara Hoover, Round -Up Tavern, Mr, Simonsen, Star Tavern, Ruth Wale, OK Tire Store, Dale See, Port Orchard Tavern, Arnold,Carraway, De*14s,-- T. W. Heckel, Park's Furniture, Barry Ultican, Howe Hardware, Lloyd and Walt Granquist, Hi-Y Lumber, Don McPherson, Halvorsen Chevrolet and Bill Monteith, Peninsula Glass. After hearing the various complaints, Mr. J. Griffiths, d/b/a J & F Buccaneer Refuse Service stated that in his opinion, the commercial charges recently sent out were justified, After a lengthy discussion between those in the audience, Mr. Griffiths and the Council, Mayor determined that as per contract with franchise holder, the Sanitation Committee and the Council as a whole will study the matter and will strive to resolve it at a meeting with the garbage franchise holder on Wednesday, June 25, 1969, 7:30 p. m. Mayor asked all those present to present any complaints regarding garbage pickups and charges, in writing, to the City Council before Wednesday, June 25, 1969 at 7:30 p. M. and to state rates previously in effect and and rates now being charged by the new operator.and any other pertinent information which pertains to their grievances. Don Thompson, City Attorney, stated that there is no increase in rates accbrding to the terms of the contract, and the problem seems to be in interpretation of Resolution No. 1048. George Hammond reported that LID #64 bid opening is scheduled for July 10, 1969. On motion by Van Zee and seconded by Powers,Clerk authorized to call for bids. Approved with request that bid call specify request for a break -down of complete job into upper portion, lower portion, etc. George Hammond further reported that construction would commence on the Bay Street Interceptor sewer on June 24, 1969 and that Franchise No. 5039 granted to the City by the State Highway Commission would enable construction of the sewer to proceed, with one-way traffic for local traffic only between the hours of 8 a. m and 4 p. m., Monday through Friday of each week during the construction period. Dr, Howard Minor and Mrs. Ackley inquired of Mr. Hammond what procedures would be taken for right of entry to properties and various aspects of rights of way, etc. Attorney also advised them that the right of entry to properties are given by property owner only after easements for rights of ways have been negotiated with the property owners, re: LID 64. Acting City Engineer Hendricks reported that plans are nearing completion for the new fire hall and will be ready for the July 14 Council meeting with bid opening to be scheduled for July 28, 1969. Various features of the plan were explained to the Council by Mr. Hendricks. Comments from the Councilmen were very favorable toward the plans as presented. An application for re -zone from R-1 to Commercial of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5, Block 28, Annapolis Addition, submitted by D. Alson Vander Staay and A. June Vanderstaay was received with accompanying letter from the Port Orchard Planning Commission approving the re -zone. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Carr that this recommendation be concurred in and that Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 of Block 28, Annapolis Addition be rezoned to Commercial. Approved. Attorney Thompson informed the Council he had briefed Supreme Court decisions regarding buildings erected in city streets, and determined that property owner does have a right for ingress and egress, but that he does not have the right to erect a building on street right of way, and if he does, the city has the power to charge a "permit fee" according to square footage (under regulation of use) or as an alternative, order to remove the building. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Powers that Attorney be directed to June 23, 1969 Page TWo notify Foto-Mat to remove the building from Maple Street. On discussion, Attorney directed to research the matter regarding possible recovery of rental which Foto-Mat paid to Robert Gans, Approved, Mr, Hendricks reported plans are progressing on the boat launching ramp proposed for Water Street, stating that engineering services had been obtained on a gratuitous basis. Mayor read a letter from the Kitsap County Board of County Commissioners, Frnak Randall, Chairman, regarding possible city participation in a county -wide solid waste disposal program plan, and explained to the Council that he (Mayor) had attended a meeting with County officials and others to hear a presentation explaining the plan. The letter stated that the firm of Hill, Ingman, Chase and Co. w"itarto prepare contract for the County to sign, and this contract would be contingent upon all the cities and towns signing an attached resolution. After reading of the resolution and discussion of this matter, Mayor requested that a copy of the contract be secured from Hill, Ingman, Chase and Co, and referred to Attorney for study and review. A letter from South Kitsap Community Hospital Association, Inc,, Floyd M. Ayala, President, was read, Permission was given to the City to dump the spoil (dirt) from street construc- tion on Pottery,Avenue on the northwest portion of the hospital property. (minutes of 6/9/69) A letter from Kitsap County Board of County Commissioners, and accompanying resolution was read, accepting the offer of the City of Port Orchard for land to be used for a Juvenile Home. Resolution was referred to Attorney to follow through with legal action (requesting Superior Court to be requested to consider whether this transfer is in the best interests of the City). Matter continued. Mr. Caldwell of Street & Alley Committee reported on investigation as to feasibility of request of Mr, Clarence Dahlke to establish a two-way left turn holding lane in Bay St. near Harrison Street (minutes of 6/9/69), stating that his committee and Chief of Police had determined that there is enough footage to allow for this proposed lane. After con- siderable discussion, moved by Van Zee, seconded by Powers that request be denied to establish this traffic control, and recommendation of the committee and Chief of Police not be concurred in, Approved, Van Zee reported that Active Building sidewalk project is about to be completed, and sug- gested that a terraced wall or steps be built on the southeast corner of the building to eliminate the bank and beautify the area. He also reported that the restroom project at Central Field is in use and the basement project, sidewalks, etc. at the Active Bldg. Is nearing completion, and that he is well satisfied with the results. A proposed resolution read appropriating revenue to the 1969 budget which was received in excess of anticipated income and authorizing expenditures for services incurred within the Current Expense Fund, Street Fund and Sewer Fund. - , No. 1084 asigned. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this resolution be passed. Approved,; Thank you notes for flowers received from Mayor, Council and City employees were read. Notes were sent by Martha Hendricks and Elizabeth Martin. Mr, Hendricks reported on progress of painting and repair of the sewage disposal plant, stating that 5/6 of the pieces in the main core were now painted. He em- phasised the need for a grit chamber to be placed 17' underground near the point where sewage enters the plant. A rough cost estimate is $10,000.00. Matter continued for futher study by Engineer. Acting Superintendent of Public Works Mall reported on Pottery Avenue construction project, and stated the weather has held them up somewhat. Mr, Hall further reported he had received a complaint of brush obstructing traffic in the alley between Dwight and DeKalb Streets (900 Block), and upon investigation, determined that shrubs & bushes should be trimmed back, Clerk directed to write letters to property owners requesting them to trim shrubs back. Mayor called attention to the Tremont, Sidney area, which needs to be checked out, as there is high grass which makes vision poor. Clerk also directed to write letter to the owner of the building occupied by Ward C. Muller and Associates on Sidney Avenue, directing that shrubs should be trimmed where they overhang the sidewalk area, Chief of Police Dow reported on beautification of the City Hall grounds in the Police Dept. area, and stated he had received $160.00 in donations. Mr., Molzahn, of Fire and Light Committee read a letter from Fire Chief Hacker requesting the Councils permission to hire Alvie Weatherill, member of VFD, as a temporary Fire Marshall, to complete the Fire Department Inspection program. Before making a determin- June 23, 1969 Page Three ation on this request, members of the Council asked Chairman Molzahn to secure more details from Chief Hacker regarding length of time needed for the completion of the survey, respon- sibilities of the job, etc. Matter continued, Van Zee reported that the Babe Ruth League organization requested a security light in the vicinity of the concession stand, as the stand had been broken into recently, and if the City would install a light, they would pay for the power. Van Zee directed to check further on possibility of Puget Sound Power & Light Co. installing this facility with less cost for power to the Babe Ruth League. Matter continued. Bills were read in following amounts: Current Expense $1,628.83, Water $3,629.64, Street $915,11, Sewer $1,342.71, Park $679.84, Total: $8,196.13. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 4968 through 5025 authorized paid, Approved, Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 11:50 p. m. Clerk �i't_ �. �.-- Mayor 4 Port Orchard, Washington June 9, 1969 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:45 p. m. by Mayor Repanich, Councilmen present; Carr, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn, Powers and Van Zee. Caldwell absent, (excused). Also present; City Attorney Donald Thompson, Acting City Engineer R. M. Hendricks, Fire Chief Hacker, Mr, George Hammond, of Hammond, Collier & Wade, Mrs. Helen Ross, representing Tacoma News -Tribune, and Mr. Travis Baker, representing Bremerton Sun, Minutes of 5-26-69 read and approved as corrected. Mayor requested Mr. Hendricks to make any reports he might have, in order that he could be excused early. Mr, Hendricks made a detailed presentation of preliminary plans for a new fire station, as authorized by the voters in 1968. Plans examined and discussed at consider- able length. Matter continued for further study and refinement of plans and exploration of costs. Mr. Hendricks also reported on progress of repairs and maintenance being performed on the sewage treatment plant. Discussed in detail and questions asked and answered. Mr, Hendricks asked the Council to consider authorizing additional "dirty and hazardous work" compensation for the personnel actually engaged in the work of cleaning, repairing and painting the sewage treatment plant. Discussed at length and moved by Molzahn, seconded by Powers that additional compensation in the amount of 20q per hour be authorized for the personnel engaged in overhaul of the sewage treatment plant. Approved. Mayor requested information of Mr. Hendricks re: the automatic water control system and the operation of the pump on well No. 7. Mr, Hendricks reported that the pump is being manually controlled at present until he has studied the problem further. Mayor recognized Mr, Frank Fuelner of 112 May Street West, who was present to request the Council to consider the slight re -location of the proposed arterial street, where it bi-sects his property, to reduce the amount of property taken for this purpose, and the resultant loss to him. Discussed in detail and matter referred to Mr. Hammond via the Clerk, for study and recommendations, Mayor recognized Mr. D. Alson Vander-Staay, who was present in connection with his petition to annex five (5) lots in Annapolis into the City. Mr. Vander Staay informed the Council of his intention to petition the City for re -zone of this property to "Commercial" after the annexation is completed. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would effect the annexation of the above property into the City. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Carr that proposed ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 830 assigned. Mayor recognized Mr, Gene Bloom of Bremerton, who was present in connection with his previous- ly submitted preliminary plat of "Cedar Heights Addition". A slightly revised sketch of the proposed addition was submitted, involving only a deletion of one lot, and renumbering of the remaining lots. The sketch was examined closely by members of the Council. The prelim- inary plat was recommended approved by the Planning Commission at a special meeting on June 2, 1969, Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Mikelten that this revised preliminary plat dated 6/5/69, be approved, with Lot No. 37 designated as recreational area for children. Approved. Fire Chief Hacker reported 3 fire alarms in May, involving two grass fires and one furnace fire. Hacker also reported another resuscitator call on 6-9-69. This piece of equipment is becoming more and more valuable. 4 Chief Hacker expressed considerable concern over the progress of construction of the new Cedar Heights Junior High School and the need for additional fire protection. He recommends the early installation of the fire main loop through the school property and the install- ation of the fire hydrants (see minutes of previous meetings). Vandalism in the area is increasing and Chief Hacker fears possible fires resulting from such activity. Clerk directed to bring this to the attention of School District officials. Mayor recognized Mr. Arndt Hong, Chairman of Commissioners of Kitsap County Sewer District No, 5, who requested information concerning availability of space to dump partially dried sewage sludge from the district's treatment plant at Retsil. Discussed briefly and determined that dumping this material on City's garbage dump would not be practical. June 9, 1969 Page Two Mr. Ray Hall reported that County crews and equipment would be able to start on the Pottery Avenue construction p;roject about July 1. Discussion developed on two portions of Right - of -Way still required to complete the project as planned. Mr. Hall also reported on the probable availability of an unknown quantity of fill material (spoil) from this work, and suggested that some of it might be placed in a part of the hospital property to alleviate a condition of pooling of water. This would be much less expensive and time consuming than hauling the spoil to some more distant location. Clerk directed to prepare a letter to the South Kitsap Community Hospital Association, requesting permission to dump this spoil in the location indicated. Mayor7re-presented the matter of the proposed ordinance (minutes of 5-26-69) concerning a "readiness to serve" charge for persons within 200 feet of a lateral sewer service line in lieu of being actually required to connect. This ordinance was read at the last meeting, and continued until the current meeting to permit explanation of certain details by the City Attorney. Discussed briefly, and certain portions clarified. Clerk read the entire proposed ordinance. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that this proposed ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 831 assigned. Mayor opened discussion of the terms "garbage", "refuse" and "rubbish", as contained in Ordinance No. 647 (Chapter 6 of Port Orchard Municipal Code) (continued from minutes of 5-26, 1969). Councilmen Carr and Mikelsen and Mayor Repanich discussed the matter in detail. Con- tinued for further study. Mayor requested any information available from the City Attorney in the matter of the "Foto- mat" building on City property in the Westbay area. City Attorney briefed the Council on legal aspects of any law suit which the City might institute to require connection of the structure to the sewer system and/or removal from City property. The status of the City - owned Maple Street Waterway and the background of its acquisition by the City in 1959, dis- cussed in detail. Matter continued for further study. The matter of parking in front of and near the Police and Fire Department areas discussed at length, Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that all City owned off-street property west of the City Hall, excluding the area authorized for beautification, (minutes of 5-26-69), be graded and surfaced with asphaltic concrete and marked off in parking lanes. Approved. Clerk reported results of a visit to Olympia in search of means of authorizing the new garbage franchise operator to tow more than one small garbage trailer behind his pickup truck in effecting garbage pick-up in residential areas. This may be authorized by local legislative bodies by authority of RCW 46,44.090. Discussed briefly. Clerk read a proposed resolution which would authorize the present holder of the garbage contract to operate a combination of picu truck,¢dwotra�i�le r, 4nbtves� in ccrdanc wth the tCW Capter referred to above ° ppro ec, an o: assi;;e n ee t�a reso ut on be adopted. Clerk read a proposed resolution which would approve the transfer of 9.37 acres of the 80- acre City -owned plot in SEk SWk, Sec. 34, to Kitsap County for location of the new juvenile home. Moved by Powers, seconded by Carr that this proposed resolution be adopted. Approved and No. 1083 assigned, The next step in this matter is for the County Commissioners to pass a resolution accepting the property and then for the Superior Court to be requested to consider whether this transfer is in the best interests of the City. Clerk read an application of Mr. Ralph Weikal for a Public Fireworks Display permit for a fireworks display on July 4, 1969. This is for the same operator who conducted the display in 1968. Moved by Powers, seconded by Van Zee that this fireworks display be authorized. Approved. Clerk read a letter from the manager of the Bremerton Port District offering $4,000 toward construction of a boat launching ramp and float at the north end of Water Avenue. Mikelsen gave an additional report in detail on possibility of County and/or State funds which might be available to further assist in the completion of such a facility. Mayor Repanich will attempt to secure necessary engineering on a gratuitous basis. Continued for further study. Clerk reported that the Acting Superintendent of Public Works, Mr. Hall, had made a check of the signatures on the petition for formation of an LID for the improvements of downtown Port Orchard to determine if the required number of signatures have been obtained. On a frontage basis, the signatures represent 82.5% in favor, on an area basis 86%, and on an assessed valaustion basis, 89%. City Attorney informed the Council that the next step in this matter whould be for the Port Orchard Development Corporation to secure the services of an architect to prepare plans, specifications, etc. and a registered engineer to do nec- essary engineering and give an estimate of costs, prepare preliminary assessment roll, etc. Discussed briefly and referred to City Attorney for further action. June 9, 1969 Page Three Clerk read a letter from South Kitsap Community Hospital Association, Inc, re: our request that the Association consider participating in costs of paving of Lippert Drive. The City Was informed that the Association is without funds to share in these costs. Discussed briefly, and continVd for further study. Clerk read a copy of a letter from State Highway Department to Mr, Clarence Dahlke of 751 Warner Road, Port Orchard, in reply to a letter Mr. Dahlke had written requesting the estab- lishment of a two-way left turn holding lane in Bay Street, near Harrison Street. Discussed briefly and referred to Street and Alley Committee along with Chief of Police Dow for study. Clerk reported that he had received a deed to a 5• wide strip of property adjacent to the property of Mr. J L. Brown at 916 Taylor Street. Mr. Brown had requested that this parcel of property be made available to him to provide for installation of a sewer line to serve the property, which cannot be served in any other practicable manner. Discussed briefly and moved by Powers, seconded by Van Zee that the City Attorney be directed to prepare a resol ution declaring this property surplus to the needs of the City and authorize sale to Mr. Brown for sum of $50.00. Approved. Councilman Van Zee, Chairman of Parks and Playgrounds Committee, requested consideration be given to construction of an 8 foot wide concrete sidewalk along the east side of Active Club Building, Discussion developed on the desirability of extending this walk along the north side of the building to the front for convenience of people using the lower floor. This will be studied further, Mr. Van Zee also reported on various other items of maintenance and improvement of Parks and Playgrounds facilities, Mr, Ven Zee also reported that he had tentatively arranged with a resident of the area near Central Playfield to be responsible for janitor work and security of the new restroom fac- ility for $15.00 per month, Bills were read in following amounts: Current Expense $7,401.07, Water $529.69, Street $701.20, Sewer $856.86 and Parks $1,594.99, total $16,624.25. Moved by Powers, seconded by Geiger that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 4902 through 4967 authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 12:25 a. m. %' Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington May 26, 1969 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:40 p. M. by Mayor Repanich, Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn and Powers. Van Zee absent, (excused). Also present: Attorney Ronald Thompson., substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, Acting City Engineer R. M. Hendricks, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mrs. Helen Ross, representing Tacoma News -Tribune and Mr. Travis Baker representing Bremerton Sun, Minutes of regular meeting of 5-12-69 were read and approved as corrected. Mayor Repanich recognized three young ladies who have been selected to attend Girls State from the area and introduced Miss Christy Newstrom, who in turn introduced Misses Jerri Daniels and Lura Ryan. These girls were present to observe the proceedings of a City Council meeting in preparation for their attendance at Girls State. Mayor introduced Mr. T. W. Heckel and Mr. Fred Hanna representing the Port Orchard Develop- ment Corporation who presented, through Attorney Thompson, a petition for the formation of a local improvement district to finance the improvement of the downtown business area on Bay Street between Harrison and Orchard Streets (minutes of previous meetings). This petition accepted by tAe Council, and will be referred to the City Engineer for necessary checking of assessed valuation of properties representeg by signatures as required by law. The project was discussed in detail and questions asked answered. Mr. Hendricks r trted on the project of maintenance and repairs to the sewage treatment plant. Almost. a accumulated dirt, sand and miscellaneous debris has been removed and the restoration of the plant to maximum operating efficiency will begin on Tuesday, May 27. Clerk read the findings of the Planning Commission on the re -submission of the petition of Mr" Gary Deal for a vacation of a portion of Water Avenue. The Commission had previously recommended approval of this request, but it was referred back to them for reconsideration (minutes of 5 12-69) with additional information not previously available. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Molzahn that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be concurred in and the petition denied. Approved, Acting City Engineer Hendricks reported that he would recommend rejection of the offer of Service Controls of Portland, Oregon, to integrate the new pump on Well #7 into the auto- matic control system. He feels that the price quote for the benefits received, is too high and will attempt to arrive at some other solution. Clerk read a petition for annexation of lots #1, 2, 3, 4 & 5, Block 28, Annapolis Addition, submitted by Mr. & Mrs. D. Alson Vander Staay. A special hearing was held on 5-19-69 to act on the Notice of Intention to Petition for Annexation, at which time authority was given for the circulation of the petition. Moved by Carr, seconded by Powers, that this petition be accepted and setting June 9, 1969 as the date for the required hearing. Approved. The Clerk reported that the four (4) new street light locations, authorized by the Council in minutes of previous meetings have been referred to Puget Sound Power and Light Co. Mayor requested information on the proposed improvement of Lippert Drive and the requests which had been made of the two main property owners to participate in the costs. One prop- erty owner has declined to participate and the other property owner has not yet replied to the request. Fire Chief Hacker reported on receipt of a proposal from the Austin Bldg. Co. to build a steel structure for the new fire station. Hacker displayed a drawing of the proposed facility and explained its features and layout. This proposed building complete would cost approximately $47,600.00. Discussed at length, particularly the need for early preparation of plans and specifications and call for bids for construction. Referred to Fire and Light Committee along with Chief Hacker and Acting City Engineer for study and refinement of plans. Mayor requested information re: any additional protests which might have been received of formation of LID #64. Clerk reported no additional protests and reported withdrawal of one (1) protest previously received. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would amend Ordinance #698 (Section 13.08.060) Port Orchard Municipal Code), which would eliminate the C,s t�r�e�q .r e tat residences and structures within 200 feet of an existing sewer line, scussed � a nd moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that action on this proposed ordinance be continued until the next Council meeting at which the City Attorney is present to provide additional information. Approved. May 26, 1969 Page Two A general discussion developed on progress of Pottery Avenue Arterial. Questions were asked by persons in the audience and answered. Attorney Ron Thompson, on the matter of the definition of "Garbage", "Refuse" and "Rubbish", and other contents of Ordinance No, 647 as requested from the City Attorney, after a study session on 5-19-69. Mr. Thompson explained in detail that in the opinion of the City Attorn the garbage franchise holder is entitled to pick up "garbage" and a few items under the description of "refuse", but not items of "rubbish", which are enumerated as being authorized to be burned on private property. Discussed at considerable length, Chairman Mikelsen of Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee requested that this matter be given additional study to determine if a clarifying amendment might be desirable. Clerk reported receipt of a request of Clarence "Bud" Frelmuth, of 2712 Sherman Avenue, Port Orchard, for authority or permission to establish a "Merchant's Security Patrol" in Port Orchard, Discussed in detail. No ordinance currently exists to cover such cases. Clerk presented a preliminary plat of a proposed subdivision to be called "Cedar Heights Addition", and involving approximately 14 acres of land from Pottery Avenue west to City limits and from north line of Section 3 south to Junior High School property. This prelim- inary plat examined and discussed by members of the Council. Referred to Planning Commission for recommendation, Clerk read a proposed resolution which would authorize the execution of an agreement between the City and County Road District No. 2 for the construction by the County of a portion of Pottery Avenue south from May Street to the south and of Cedar Heights Junior High School, at a cost of about $22,800.00. The attached agreement was also read. Moved by Powers, sec- onded by Mikelsen that the proposed Resolution be adopted and the Mayor authorized to execute the agreement. Approved, and No. 1079 assigned. Clerk read a proposed resolution which would authorize the execution of an agreement between the City and Kitsap County Road District No. 2 for the striping of certain arterial and access streets by the County, at a cost of about #300.00. The attached agreement was also read. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the proposed resolution be adopted and the Mayor authorized to execute the agreement. Approved and No. 1080 assigned. Clerk read a communication from the County Engineer requesting the City to consider possible acquisition from the County of certain streets or roads which are in whole, or in part, surrounded by'the City. These are: DeKalb Street from Mitchell Avenue to the east and, Mitchell Avenue (east half) from DeKalb Street to Highway #160 overpass, and Bethel Avenue from just south of Highway #160 intersection to south City limits. Discussed briefly and moved by Molzahn, seconded by Carr that the Clerk be directed to request the transfer of these streets to the City, Approved. Clerk read a proposed resolution which would officially approve a set of 4 maps on which the required rights of way for the Pottery Avenue Arterial street are defined, and designating Mr. Dean Corliss of 931 DeKalb Street, Port Orchard, as right of way acquisition agent, and directing the recording of the maps with the County Auditor. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Molzahn that this proposed resolution be adopted. Approved, and No. 1081 assigned. Clerk read a letter from Mrs, Lena Forrester of Hansville, Washington, written in response to a request from the City Attorney, stating that she would consider deeding 20 feet of property fronting on Pottery Avenue to the City for right of way purposes if she is paid the fair market value. Discussed briefly and referred to the land appraiser for appraisal. Clerk informed the Council of a request for permission to purchase two obsolete unserviceable fire hydrants, Moved by Carr, seconded by Powers that the sale of two such fire hydrants be authorized for $10.00 each plus sales tax. Approved, Clerk reported a request from the South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce for permission to eliminate parking on the northerly (parallel) 12 hour parking lane of the Merchant's Parking Lot for about 4 hours on Saturday, July 19 for the purposes of displaying about 50 antique and classic cars which will be passing through the City. Discussed at length. Determined that parking will be blocked off from the two northerly lanes and traffic prohibited in the driving lane between Frederick and Sidney Avenues for this Y*&I% Mayor Repanich recognized Mr. Jay Weatherill of Port Orchard, the __newly elected Vice President of Washington JayCees, who was present to remind the Council of the excellent caliber of young men who are members of the local JayCees organisation and how they are eager to become involved in City government and other community activities. Mayor Repanich thanked Mr. Weatherill and reminded those present that the JayCees have previously made noteworthy con- tributions to the community. May 26, 1969 Page Three Acting City Engineer Hendricks gave addhtional details on the extent of the repairs necessary to restore the sewage treatment plant to service. Mr, Hendricks also reported on the recent problems with silt in the City water supply. This was caused by the need for operating the well -head pump on well #6, which stirred up accumulated silt in the reservoir. Chief of Police Dow directed the attention of those present to the newly installed mercury vapor area light illuminating the area between Kitsap Street and the front of the police station. This area is now brightly lighted. Chief Dow read two letters from traffic speed violators both for the same offense and issued by the same officer, one complaining bitterly that she was unlawfully cited and the other apologizing for breaking the law and complimenting the officer on his attitude and conduct. Chief Dow presented a proposal for the beautification of the area in front of and on each side of the entrance to the police station. This project would be in line with the „nautical" motif of the proposed improvements to the downtown area, and would be quite decorative. Discussed at length and moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Geiger that the proposed beautification project be authorized and that the expenditure of $50.00 from Park funds be authorized. Approved, Attorney Ron Thompson reported on a pending suit between State of Washington along with various counties and cities and the asphalt paving supply industry for damages due to bid - fixing and possible overcharging for asphalt and asphalt products and road oil. Discussed In detail. Attorney Thompson read a lengthy proposed resolution which would include the city as a party to the suit and if passed, to pay initial pro -rat& costs of $500.00 with the remainder of the share of costs to be paid when all costs are known. The City would receive a pro-rata share of the damages if the suit was successful. Discussed briefly and moved yy- Powers, seconded by Molzahn that the City not participate in this action. Approved, with yeas and one no, Chief of Police Dow reported on several additional items involving the new garbage franchise operator and the proposed "trailer train" operation. Discussed briefly. Mayor Rep&nich reported on a meeting on 5-21-69 including mayors, law enforcement officers and others involved re: the State Attorney General's recently announced policy on gambling tolerance and associated matters. It appears that almost every city will wait results of a State Supreme Court decision before taking any action. Chairman Mikelsen of Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee reminded the Council of the need to approve adoption of summer water consumption schedules. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that the summer water consumption schedules be adopted per Ordinance No. 667, as amended by Ordinance No. 816, effective for June, July, August and September. Approved, Councilman Geiger re -presented the problem of the condition of road into the Knights of Pythias cemetery from Sunset Lane Road, (reported in minutes of 5-12-69). The maintenance and repair of this road is apparently not the responsibility of any person or group and is badly in need of work. Discussed briefly and determined that this should not be done by the City, since it would set a very undesirable precedent. Councilman Geiger also reported on the existence of a yellow "No Parking" none in front of Gilchrist Funeral Home. It appears that there is sufficient room for parking one car in this space. Determined that this yellow zone should be painted out, Mr. Geiger also reported on a study of parking problems which exist in front of the Police and Fire Department areas (reported in minutes of 5-12-69). He proposes a complete revamp- ing of the parking in the off-street area involved, as well as establishing Limited parking on north side of Kitsap Street west of Prospect Street, and on both sides of Prospect Street from Kitsap Street to the alley. Discussed briefly, Mr. Geiger also requested information in the matter of the Fotomat problem (reported in minutes of previous meetings). Discussed at length and additional information will be re- quested from the City Attorney. Councilman Mikelsen reminded the Council of the forthcoming Asa*n. of Washington Cities4in Seattle, July 15-18 and indicated his intention of attending and encourage others to do so. Councilman Van Zee, who arrived late, reported slow but steady progress in the Parks and Playgrounds improvements. He also reminded the Council that, when these expanded facilities as well as old police offices are occupied, there will be additional demands for janitorial services which may be beyond the abilities of the present janitor. May 26, 1969 Page Four Chief of Police Dow requested permission to attend a law enforcement officers conference in Wenatchee on June 10-12 a _- Discussed briefly. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that Chief Dow be authorized to attend this convention. Approved. Clerk requested approval of two (2) bills for pumping and hauling of sewage sludge from the treatment plant to the drying beds, which were received after the vouchers had been processed, The firms involved have indicated that, if possible, they would desire payment, without waiting until the next Council meeting. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills on the Sewer Fund, totaling $2,110.90 be authorized paid immed- iately. Approved. Clerk read bills in following amounts: Current Expense Fund $8,183.09, Water Fund $700.15, Street Fund $890.34, Sewer Fund $1,843.31, Park Fund $1,914.00, Total $13,530.89. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 4853 through 4901 authorized? paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 1:05 a. m. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington -ay 12, 195R A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p, m, by Mayor Repanl0l. Councilmen, present: Carr, Geiger, rfkelsen, Powers and Van ''ee. Caldwell and Nol?ahn absent, (excused), Also present: City Attorney Donald '`hompson, A.ctine Citv 7noineer R, 'endricks, Chief. of Police Pow, fire Chief 'sacker, �'r, George ?amirond, of ?ammond, Collier. and "I+ade, Consulting ,Engineers and %!rs, 'elen "joss, representing Tacoma Mews '''ribune, '•'inw7es of regular meeting of 4-28-69 read and approved, '-:avor informed those present that any person wishing to address the Council on a specific matter was invited to do so. .,."avor. requested ','r, �'endricks to report on the matter of the request of `-'r. Gary Heal for vacation of a P.g feet of the west side of WAter Street, and the resultant discussion (minutes of 4-28-69) re: the possible use pf this street for a boat launching facility, '•`r• ''endricks presented drawings of a proposed boat launching. ramp and parking area and explained how it might be laid out, 'discussed at length and a number of questions asked and answered. I.oved by vikelsen, seconded by Ceiger that the request be returned to the Planninry Commission for reconsideration of their previous action on 4-24-69, Approved, ',utters of low water pressure, joint cooperation w/County in trash and garbage disposal, and the integrating of the pump on Well \o, 7 into automatic control system, all continued from 4-2q-69, continued for further study, avor announced tha•- the matter of the sewer construction project to southwesr portion of the City (proposed LITt64) would be discussed at this time and asked City At.tornev hompson for brief recapitulation of legal aspects, etc, Discussed at length and the Matter of protests received to this date questioned, ''r, Pammond and '.'�r, Vendricks were requested to tabulate `$-e Protests and determine the total assessment figure represented in these pro - "Ps is , Clerk read a claim of "rs, "iola -euel, of 3552 Clover Valley '-'oad for damages in the amount of 550,000 for injuries sustained when she fell on the sidewalk at the west side of 3lack- iack Creek bridge, oved by Powers seconded by ikelsen that this claim be denied and re- ferred to t`e Citv's insurance carrier, Approved, "avor reported on a request from rs, repairs to "he roadway into t'le Sunset roadwav and responsibility rests with Clerk read a note of appreciation from attack at t-ie hearing on ''av 7, 1969. the `'Pyor and members of the Council, .I, Caretti for possible City responsibility for Lane "en,eterv. Determined that this is a private t'te owner. the family of ' r. 1,1nard Tones who suffered a heart for the concern and assistance rendered to him by particularly CouncIIT-an YtkeIsen. ^ierk read a " otlee of Intention to Petition for Annexation". presented by 1,r, and -,rs, VanderStasv, "his Irvolves Tots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, plock 29, Annapolis Addition, bo+tnded by 'rac�l Avenue, Lawrence and Ray >treets. City Attorney noted that a petition for anripyation of a parcel of this size does not require a loard of Review. '"ove-d by Iikelsen, seconded by Carr that this `'otice of Intention to Petition for t'nnexation be accepted and settinff `ay lath at 7:30 p, m, in the Council Chambers as the date, rime and place of t,e required acceptance of ane hearing on the petition, Approved. Clerk read a request of ±-he ?eta Sigr^a Phi Sorority for permission to erect- a small sign at the east and west entrances of. the City advertising their oraanivation, ►]iscussed briefly and moved by Powers, seconded by Carr that this request be approved, subject- to approval of Chief of police slow and the Acting Superintendent of Public &'orks 'gall, as to accentahility, and provided that they are maintained in a neat and attractive +canner, Approved, Clerk read a request of -rs. Rena 31egner for. a s*r.eet light on De'Kalb Street, west of `itchell Street and a report of Chairman volzahn of Fire and Light Committee recommending t'ie installation of this light. Discussed briefly and moved by Van lee, seconded by Powers that the installation of an incandescent street light at this location be authorized, Approved, May 12, 1969 Page Two Clerk read a request from the Fathom's 0' Fun Annual Celebration sponsored by the South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce for permission to place their banner advertising this function over Bay Street from .Tune I through July 7, 1969, *'oved by 1-1kelsen, seconded by Powers, that the hanging of this banner be authorized, subject to payment of the regular S16,00 fee, Approved. Mayor Repanich opened discussion on the matter of the need for completion of Lippert Drive, In view of the probable need for this facility for school busses, The probable cost of this project would total about �7,150.00, presuming part of the work to be done by the City, and the remainder by the County road district, Discussed briefly and continued pending notif- ication of property_ owners involved, (S, K. 7ospital Ass n, and Schultheis and ti'addock), to request them to participate in the costs of base preparation only, about $3,000,00, *)ayor recoenized �Ir, and 'rs. ':7arold 41ain and "•".r, and Nirs, John Skelton of VFW Post 2669, who presented a 50 star American Flag on behalf of their organization and requested that it be displayed on the memorial flag pole at the Bay Street - Kitsap Street - Cline Street triangle. 'ayor 'iepanich accepted the flag on behalf of the City and thanked the group for their thoughtfulness. He also took the occasion to thank and compliment the VFW for their part in organizing the Loyaltv ?gay parade on ?'ay 3rd, Fire Chief -tacker reported no fires in April, and in fact no fire calls in 54 days. Chief "iacker also reported that Truck 13 was now back in service after several months of being out for repairs, Truck No. 6 was out of service for 6 days while waiting for parts for a fuel pump, le reported long delays in procuring parts for the Tord trucks, Chief tracker reported a serious parking problem in the area immediately in front of his office, between the entry to the truck bays and the Police Department area, Discussed at length and re- ferred to the Street and Allev committee for study, along with Police Chief and Fire Chief, Chief Aacker reminded the Council that a convention and Fire School dealing with Investig- ations, tactics and defensive driving would be held at Moses Lake, Washington between 6-18 and 6-21, requested to attend, 9e also reminded the 14ayor and Council that the Kitsap Vason Volunteer Firemen's Association picnic on 6-22 at Jarstad Park (,orst), '�'Pyor Repanich requested *1r, `'.endricks to report on the computations he and Mr, ''ammond had completed re: the amount of assessments represented in the protests against the formation of the proposed LID #64, received until this time, V r, :endricks reported a total of ;13,321.38 in assessments represented in 3R protests, for a total of 9% of the total Assess- ment roll. Citv Attorney Thompson reported that it appears that the lateral proposed south of Lippert ;rive on Sidney Avenue and the lateral proposed south on Pottery Avenue, south of the new junior high school, will be eliminated due to having received requests less than 51% of the frontage and area for these services. Discussed briefly and moved by :hiikelsen, seconded by Powers that these laterals be deleted from the proposed system. Approved. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would establish LID 464, and provide for payment of the portion of costs to be borne by property owners to be by assessment. Various portions of the ordinance discussed, shoved by Powers, seconded by Vikelsen that this ordinance be adopted, Approved unanimously and No. 829 assigned, Discussion developed on the matter of the imposing a monthly "sewer availability" charge equal to the monthly sewer charge of 54,00 on improved properties on lateral sewer lines, "his matter explained in detail by the Citv Attorney and questions asked and answered, loved by �.ikelsen, seconded by Powers that the City Attorney be directed to prepare an amendment to Ordinance No. 698 (Section 13.08,060 Port Orchard f,,unicipal Code), to relieve property owners of the requirement to connect to the sewer system if it is within 200' of the property, as now required, until and +finless required by the Health Officer, and stipulating that the monthly "sewer availability" charge of S4,00 would not be imposed on properties adjacent to the trunk line, but would be imposed on improved properties on lateiillines. Approved, C`iairman Akeisen of kTater, Sewer, '4ealth and Sanitation Com­t�ittee reported on the progress bein¢ made by the new garbage collection franchise holder in organizing his service and the latest development in the change from present operation of the dump to a sanitary land fill operation, and explained in detail the method by which the land fill will be operated. 'e also reported several instances of unauthorized dumping near the entrance to the dump, May 12, 1969 Page Three Mikelsen reminded the Council and the Mayor of the need to review the uncompleted portion of the Annapolis Hill water improvement project, including a storage tank in the area. Chairman Van Zee of Parks and Playgounds Committee reported the completion of the new rest - room facility at Central Playfield. He also reported on the progress being made in other improvements to various parks facilities. Mr. Hendricks, Acting City Engineer, reported in detail, on the condition of the sewer treatment plant which currently is out of service in a maintenance and repair status. Chief of Police Dow reported a possibly hazardous condition which is likely to exist when a new eating facility is completed at Bay and Maple Streets. Traffic leaving this establish- ment west -bound will cross the south -bound traffic lane in such a manner as to create a dangerous condition. Chief Dow recommends the closing of a gap in the center dividing curb to stop this crossing and require outbound traffic to leave via Maple Street. Clerk will csntact the Highway Department in this matter. Chief Dow requested information re: the matter of purchase of typewriters and drapes (minutes of 4-28-69). Chairman Powers of Finance and Auditing Committee recommends that the sum of $200.00 be allowed for the purchase of a typewriter (or typewriters). Moved by Powers, seconded by Van Zee that the Police Department be authorized to expend $200.00 for typewriter Approved. The matter of drapes for the Police Department office windows was discussed briefly and Chief Dow instructed to get additional cost figures from another source. Councilman Hikelsen, in the absence of Molzahn, requested information on the matter of in- sufficient street lighting oid Division Street between Harrison and Seattle Streets (Minutes of 4-28-69). Discussed briefly and moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that one additional incandescent street light be installed on Division Street between Harrison Street and Seattle Street, with the selection of poles to be by Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Approved. Bills were read in the following amounts: Current Expense $1,971.14, rater $609.92, Street $112.78, Sewer $7,050,67, Parks $711,75, Total $10,466.26. Moved by Powers, seconded by Mikelsen that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 4805 through 4852 authorized paid. Approved. Moved seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 12:10 a.m. J� 17 ti �'7t/f Clerk % �(-vr -Zr..� Mayor Port orchard, Washington April 29, 1969 A regular meeting of Port orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p. m, by ".ayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, F°sikelsen, Yolzahn and Powers. Van lee absent, (excused), Also present: ,Attorney Ronald Thompson, substituting for City Attorney Donald 'Thompson, Acting City Fngineer R, 'J, '?endricks, Consulting Engineer Wsn, Collier, Chief of Police Pow, Fire Chief Hacker, T�!rs, Helen Moss, representing Tacoma -News 'ribune and ,r, 'Travis3aker, representing Bremerton Sun, \,'inutes of meeting of 4-14-69 read and approved. ;iayor ?.epanich reported that, after consultation with the Acting City Engineer, the place- ment of the permanent power poles in Pottery Avenue (see minutes of 4-14-69).should be about one (1) foot east of the center line to permit engineers to use the center (the sec- tion line) for survey purposes. Yayor requested the Clerk to read a reply written by the City Attorney to County Commissioner ..Jack r_"ogers re: a possible joint application of the County and various cities and towns for funds for construction of improved jail facilities, niscussed briefly and continued for further study. Councilman "ol7ahn. of Fire and Light Committee reported a definite need, after studying the situation, for additional street lighting; from the vicinity of the Vista '°'otel to the saur;, city limits, (about four (4) additional lights), (see minutes of 4-14-69). Discussed briefly and note was taken that the street (Bethel Avenue) in this area appears to be still in the ^ounty, while Property on the west side is in the City, roved by ",likelsen, seconded by 'ol7ahn that mercury vapor street lights be installed from the above area to the City Limits, (about four (4) lights), Approved. City Clerk will contact County Engineer re: possible acquisition of the street, _olzahn also reported on a study of t°ne problem of insufficient street lighting in the area between Sroufe and '�`elcher Streets on Sidney .Avenue, (reported in minutes of 4-14-69), `e reco-Mends the installation of one (1) additional incandescent light in this area, Discussed briefly and moved by Powers, seconded by lolzahn that one additional incandescent light be installed in this area on a pole to be designated, Approved, °ayor T.epanich announced the assignment of Councilman Adrian Carr to the grater, 17pwer, !-sealth and :Sanitation Committee, Parks and Playgrounds Committee and Fire and Light Committee, and the assignment of. Councilman 'oixahn to Chairmanship of Fire and Light Committee, ayor ?.epanich requested a report from P`r. 1-Jilliam Collier, Consulting F,n¢ineer on the two sewer construction projects (3ay Street interceptor to Poss Creek and sewage collection sys- tem to area of new Junior ''igh School). Vr, Colder reported that the low bidder for the interceptor project had posted the required performance bonds, !1e also reported on the status of the plans for the second sewer project and the arterial street project. Discussed in de- tail and a+aestions of the Councilmen and "'avor answered, "he �7ayor reminded all present of the hearing for the formation of the proposed LI9 for financing part of the costs of the construction of the sewer system to the southwest part of the City, to be held at rivens .School at R:oO p, m, )4ctZJ-17 `!!� t&?6e7, ^ ayor recognised 11':r, Iry Loun and Mr. :ion Fayden of the local American Legion Post, who were present to request the Council's permission to mount permanent flag brackets on the parking meter posts in downtown Port orchard to facilitate the display of the L'. S, flags on various holidays. Sample brackets were examined by the Councilmen and discussed in detail, Foved by ,A kelsen, seconded by Powers that the installation of these brackets, with double mounting clamps, be ai.athori z ed . Approved, t l �y / tt " `j C� Fire Chief Backer reported 3 fires one false alarm and 1 reaussitator call He also reported on attendance by himself and Assistant Chief Caldwell at a Fire Command School in Yakima, April 13th through 17th, and indicated that, due to a change in method of conducting the instruction, the school was even more beneficial than previous schools have been, Chief 'sacker also reported that 7 members of the Port Orchard Department have completed a locally conducted course of instruction through the State T°Ppartment of Vocational Education, and that they performed very well, Chief Packer also presented a preliminary drawing of a new fire station bulldin,g, authorized by a ten -mill special levy for 1969, April 28, 1969 Page Two Chairman Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee reported on a study of the need for a side- walk in front of Pete•s Gun Shop, near the Standard Oil Station, Discussed briefly and continued with Mr, Caldwell to further confer with Ray ;fall, on exact location. Clerk read a letter from ±r, Gary Deal, owner of property on North side of Bay Street, both East and Wpst of Water Street, requesting the Council to consider the vacation of 8.8 feet of the West side of Water Street, reducing the street to a standard width of 60 feet, in return for which he would complete the paving of Water Street from Bay Street to the end. Discussed at length and the thought expressed that this street would provide an excellent site for a boat- launching service. Continued for further study by Mr. nendricks as to depth of water at mean low tide and other technical information and by individual members of the Council, N:ayor reported on the discussion by the Kitsap County F'ealth Department (of which he is a member) of the problem of disposal of garbage and trash in view of the imminent possibility of suspension of all burning of such wastes, in interests of reducing air pollution. The Board of County Commissioners is considering entering into a study of, garbage and waste disposal on a County -wide basis, Discussed briefly and continued for further information as to costs, ^lerk read a proposed resolution which would authorize a temporary transfer loan from Arterial Street Fund to Street Fungi?, and the appropriation of 1968 unexpended balances In the Park Fund to 1969 nark rund, Capital Outlay budget, t'oved by Powers. seconded by Caldwell t-ha,- this resolution be adovred, Approved and 'Jo. 1079 assigned. Caldwell reported on a potentially hazardous condition existing at the southeast corner of F"arrison and T'wight Streets caused by loose pea gravel on the sidewalk, which comes from parking, strips from which sod has been removed and replaced with the gravel, -his nravel is kicked onto the sidewalk by children and other pedestrian traffic, riscussed briefly and referred to the City Attorney for preparation of a letter to the property owner requesting corrective action, ',ayor reported on a meeting between himself, Councilmen Van lee, Caldwell, Carr :Y Powers, and ';ay fall on 4-73-69 for the purpose of discussing and determining the alignment and Improvement of Pottery Avenue between '`ay Street and the south entrance to the new (Cedar .eights) Junior (lioh School, The construction of two lanes of roadway is particularly urgent in view of the anticipated opening of this facility in September. Councilman :,,ikelsen reported on a request- from a resident of Division Street, between �'arrison Street and Seattle Street for improved street lighting, "he problem involves poor lighting due to a high point in *)ivision Street which prevents the existing lights from. providing the desired illumination, Deferred to sire and I..ight Committee for further study, 1-1 kelsen, As Chairman of hater, Sewer x, 'iealth and Sanitation Committee reported an apparent variation and lack of water pressure in certain areas served by the single tower on south Sidney Avenue, "iscussed at length, an(t the problem will be studied to determine if the pressure in the vArious areas is proportionate to the height of tank, Acting City F_ngineer "endricks reported on a proposal of Service Controls Inc, of Portland, Oregon, to integrate the newly installed pump on Well No. 7, into the automatic control system at an estimated cost of �1,200,00, 'Ir. Hendricks considers this to be excessive and will study means to reduce the cost or obviate the necessity for the change, Chief of Police Dow reported on a need for additional typewriters for use by patrolmen in writing reports, :referred to Finance and Auditing Committee for sttidy, Mayor opened discussion on need for drapes for furth r study as to alternate methods of controlling sunlight through windows, t j-),t_Zf 41-cwv Councilman %olzahn requested to be excused from the May 12th meeting and Councilman Caldwell requested to be excused from both !ay meetings due to absences from the City. ayor reported that he had met with representatives of the State Highway Department on 4-24-69 re, the overpass of �Iizhway 16 at Sidney Avenue or Pottery Avenue, when the highway is widened to 4 lanes and changed to limited access, -he 'Ilghway Department will now consider the placin..g of this overpass at Pottery Avenue on the :section line, instead of at Sidnev Avenue as oria_inaliv planned. Sills were read in the following amounts: Current 7xDense S1440,36; 'dater. 51622.95; Street fiR95,06; Sewer 5499.93; Parks 5192,R5; Total 54,651,05, :roved by Powers, seconded by Cald- well that- these bills be allowed and Vouchers ';os. 4774 through 4804 authorized paid. Approved ove seconded and app ved that the meeting adjourn. AdjoisrneO at 10:45 p,Itn? f. -� N..'avor Jerk d / , G- Port Orchard, Washington April 14, 1969 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p., m, by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, Geiger, Yikelsen, xnolzahn, Powers and Van ?ee. Also present: City Attorney Donald Thompson, Acting City Engineer R, `, gendricks, N'sr, George €ammond, of Hammond, Collier and Wade, Consulting Engineers, Chief of Police Dow, "i;rs, '3elen Ross, representing Tacoma *yews Tribune and Nr. Travis Baker, representing Bremerton Sun. 1,Anutes of regular meeting of 3-24-69 and special meeting of 3-31-69 read and approved, 14avor announced the first order of business to be the receiving of a report from '4annond, Collier and ;Jade, Consulting E'naineers, re: the bids received at a special meeting 3-31-69 for construction of an interceptor trunk sewer line from vicinity of Ross Creek to the sewage treatment plant, tier, George 'lammond reported by letter that he had examined the four (4) bids received and recommends that the contract be awarded to the low bidder, E. T. Rody and Sons of Tacoma, idash, Discussed briefly and moved by Powers, seconded by Van lee that recommendations of Consulting Engineers be accepted and the contract awarded to E, J. Rody and Sons of ''coma, dash, for S102,038,00, the low bid received, subject to the conditions and stipulations contained in the specifications. Approved, ?'ayor Repanich requested the Clerk to report on the matter of the 5 foot strip of property on ",,Ylor. Street, adjacent to Lot 4251) (916 '"aylor Street), (reported in minutes of 3-24-69). The owner of Lot 25D is desirous of obtaining this strip of land to provide space for the installation of a sewer line and the property cannot now be served without this extra strip of property. Discussed briefly, Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Van lee that necessary steps be taken to obtain this strip of property. Approved, If ,II,,ayor Repanich addressed the audience and informed all present that they wished to speak on a specific subject, they were free to do so, '9rs Basil Ackley of 1083 Mull Street reported that surveyors for }Iammond, Collier and '4ade had trespassed on her property again on 3-14-69, She informed the Mayor and ",':r, George ammond that she would «ladly Give her consent to such entry onto her property if she were asked by the surveyors themselves, but up to that time this had not been done, Discussed briefly. Clerk read an amended request from Port Orchard �Nasonic Temple Association for a variance in set -back requirements on Lots 21, 22, 23 and 24, Block 1, Sweany's Addition, to permit possible construction of an apartment house, (continued from minutes of 3-24-69). Discussed briefly, and members of the Council examined a new drawing of the proposed structure. N•oved by :,Iikelsen, seconded by Van -ee that the amended request be granted, Approved. `,'ayor Repanich interrupted the regular business of the meeting to deliver a short eulogy on the services to the City of Mr. M, `i, "Rex" Thompson, who died 3-25-69 in ?-esa, Arizona. ?'avor 3epanich spoke of the dedicated service of "r, Thompson as a member of the City Council, and %•savor from 1939 to 1947, and asked those present to observe a 30 second period of silent prayer. °avor requested fir. George ';ammond to outline the present status of the sewer construction project from Bay treet to the vicinity of the new Cedar Heights Junior High School, Hammond displayed a map with the latest developments in the project and answered questions concerning various parts of it. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would specify and adopt a plan of additions to the waterworks utility of the City i,e „ construction of sewer lines from Bay Street to a point 1930 feet south of Lippert T)rive in Pottery Avenue, and including a lateral system. After a brief discussion as to the effects of the ordinance, moved by 1,1 kelsen, seconded by Powers that the ordinance be adopted, Approved unanimously and No. 825 assigned, Clerk then read a proposed resolution which signifies the intention of the City to carry out the construction of the plans and betterments outlined in ordinance No, 825, above, and to create a Local Improvement 91strict to finance a part of this project. 11iscussed briefly and two minor corrections noted, ''oved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this resolution be adopted, Approved unanimously and No. 1075 assigned., Clerk read a letter from Pilget SounO power and Light_ Co, which requested a decision as to where the permanent- power poles in or along Pottery Avenue, south of Lippert i'rive, should be placed, ''his information is especially important to the contractor at the new Cedar eights .Tunior ''igh 13&ool. ,iscussed briefly and *loved by Powers, seconded by ^ ikelsen that Puget Sound Power �.. Light Co. be instructed to place permanent power poles in the center of the median strip on the entire Pottery Avenue Arterial, Approved, April 14, 1969 Page Two Clerk read a proposed resolution authorizing the disbursement from :dater Fund, Contingency 'deserve (Capital Outlav) to LIP. d163, to pay the costs of the City's participation in the costs of this project, Noved by Geiger, seconded by Van lee, that this resolution be adopted, Approved and No. 1076 assigned. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would authorize the City's LIP Guaranty Fund to purchase a promissory note for the outstanding indebtedness of LID 63, in lieu of issuing bonds, Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the proposed ordinance be adopted. Approved and No, 826 assigned, Clerk read request from South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce for authority to locate an amuse- ment carnival in the `"erchant's Parkin„ Lot- during the period July 3 through 6th, in connection with the "Fathoms 0' run Festival", .roved by Caldwell, seconded by Powers, that this request be granted, subject to the condition that no more than one (1) day will be allowed for move in and set up and one day to dismantle and move out, Approved, Clerk read a letter from County Commissioner Jack 3ogers requesting possible participation by the Cir_w in a joint Ciry-County application to the State of Washington Law and Justice Planning Office for funds to construct a new County jail and Sheriff's Office, Discussed briefly and referred to the City Attorney for study and recommendation. Clerk read a revised agreement submitted by Standard Oil Company of California re: abandon- ment of the pipelines in Bay and Port Streets (see minutes of 3-10-69) which would result in. the transfer of these pipelines to the City. Discussed in detail. Noved by Powers, seconded by Mikelsen, that this agreement be accepted and ratified and the hayor authorized to sign for the City., Approved. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would repeal Ordinance No. 752 and which granted a franchise to Standard Oil Company for the maintenance of the above pipelines. Moved by Van lee, seconded by Carr that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 827 assigned, Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would amend Ordinance No. 720 (Section 17,04.050 of Part Orchard Municipal Code), specifically the definition of "A'obile nnme", (see minutes of 3-24-69). Discussed briefly and moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the proposed ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 928 assigned, Clerk read a proposed amendment to the City's contract with Book Publishing Company of Seattle, Washington, the firm which codified the city's ordinances and which provides the annual supplement. This amendment would increase the cost of the annual supplement to keep pace with rising costs, Discussed briefly and moved by Powers, seconded by Geiger that this amended contract be accepted, Approved, Navor read a letter from Mayor Glenn Jarstad of Bremerton inviting the Mayor and any other interested individuals to the Annual .Mayor's Prayer Breakfast on April 17, 1969. Clerk presented a plat of Section 7, Sunset Lane Cemetery for consideration. Discussed briefly, and a proposed resolution which would approve this plat read. L"Ioved by Carr, seconded by Molzahn that the plat be accepted and the proposed resolution adopted. Approved and No, 1077 assigned, Councilman Van lee reported that he and Chief of Police Dow had travelled to Lynwood, Wash. to inspect used mercury vapor lighting fixtures which will be available in the near future. These fixtures are 21000 lumen and will be available at a price of $37.00 each, including mounting brackets. Discussed in detail and determined that two of these lights which are available now should be procured immediately, and additional fixtures obtained as soon as they are available, Councilman Van lee reported an "Open House" which he has planned for the improved recreation- al facilities at Givens Field (Active Club Bldg,) and Central Playfield, where a new rest - room facility is being constructed, Councilman Carr reported on a very hazardous situation which develops when spectators at baseball games at South Kit -sap '.filth School park and double park on a narrow portion of DeKalb Street, east of Vitchell Avenue, "'his is a County street and the responsibility for policing it is that of the County Sheriff, Councilman Nikelsen reported that the two mercury vapor lights authorized in minutes of previous meetings had been installed at the Givens Field Little League facility to reduce the possibility of vandalism, Port Orchard, Washin:zton March 31, 1969 A Special Meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 8:00 P. m, by Yayor Repanich, Councilmen present: Caldwell, Carr, 44olzahn, Powers and Van 7ee, Geiger and '1 kelsen absent (excused), Also present, Mr. George Hammond of Fammond, Collier and Slade, Consulting Engineers and Acting City Engineer R, V. Hendricks. 1.Ayor announced the purpose of this meeting to be to open bids for the construction of the interceptor sewer main from the City's treatment plant to the vicinity of Ross Creek, Clerk opened and read the following bids: F. .J, Schade, Inc., P, 0, Box 549, Auburn, Wash. Total base bid 5 174,174.00 .Jack '+'horburn, Inc.., 4218 S. !, Cenessee, Seattle, Wn. " 163,486.00 F. ,T, ?ody '', Sons, 1624 F. 72nd, -acoma, wash, 't 102,038.00 "anson Excavating Co_ Inc., Tacoma, .;gash, it 192,923.00 Clerk was requested to read the unit costs of the low bid. Clerk read the unit costs of the bid of E. T, ?odv ,, Sons, After a brief discussion, moved by Stan Zee, seconded by Caldwell chat these bids be referred to Consulting Engineers Hammond, Collier �, k'ade for stlzdv and recommendations at the regular meeting on April 14, 1969, Approved, oved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 8:15 p, m, fr Clerk > r r� ; ,'ayor Port Orchard, Washington v,,arch 24, 1969 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p, m, by ^'ayor ?epanich, Councilmen present: Caldwell, Geiger, Yikelsen, TMolzahn, Powers and Van ?ee. Carr absent, (excused), Also present: Attorney ?on Thompson substituting for City Attorney Donald 'hompson, Acting City Fngineer R, '_, Pendricks Chief of Police ?how, Fire Chief Hacker and 'r. "ravis 'faker representing Bremerton Sun, "inures of regular meeting of 3-10-69 read and approved as corrected. Favor announced that the first order of business would be the consideration of an ordinance proposed by the xitsep County Health department for the control and licensing of food service establishments and the con.trot and inspection of various foods in such establishments, This ordinance was read on 3-10-69 and continued until this meeting, `,'.avor Repanich invited 11'.r. Toe wiegel. Senior Spnitartan of Kit -sap County Pealth Department to comment on the provisions and intent of the ordinance. `r. %ieg.el ol.ittined the requirements of. the State health Department as to inspections, etc, of such facilities, I reported on past and current inspections of food service activities in the county and -he municipalities and how the proposed ordinance would provide additional protection to the public., le also discussed temporary food service permits (church camps, youth organization camps, etc.), '1i.r, tdiegel answered questions of specific items including a question from Councilman Van lee as to how events such as the annual county fair might be affected, and was provided with answers, Councilman �iikelsen raised the question of the requirement for permits for a full year for seasonal concession stands (such as those for Little League and 9,abe Puth League frames), which are needed for only three months per year. Discussed indetail by h'r., Wiegel, After further considerable discussion of the fee schedule for various establishments and the answer of additional questions, moved by Van lee, seconded by ''ikelsen that the proposed ordinance be adopted, Approved and No. 824 assigned, Moved by Van ?ee, seconded by P'ikelsen that the ordinance as adopted become effective ,July 1, 1969, Approved, ";ayor requested any person present with a specific question to present, to do so, Pr., Paul Fisher, Attorney, representing Yrs. h'argaret Washburn of 1011 'dull Street, introduced himself and stated the purpose of his presence was to request information re: the status of the proposed sewer construction from Bay Street to the area of the new (Cedar heights) Junior fi7ieh Schoot and to formally protest the trespassing on the property of hers, �-Tashburn and others in the area where rights of wav will be required, h'ayor read to V r, Fisher and others present, the time -table for this project approved by the Council on 3-10-69, h^r. Fisher directed a number of questions to the 'Mayor and members of the Council, dealing with the proposed sewer and arterial street project, "he matter of trespass'on provate properties by surveyors in the employ of Hammond. Collier and wade was discussed and the h:'!ayor informed Nr, Fisher and others that the Consulting Engineering Firm had been informed that no personnel would go onto any property without first obtaining permission from the owner or resident, City Engineer lendricks explained and outlined the sewer project, particularly the lateral i portions, as it has developed to this date, by use of maps and drawings and answered questions Discussion developed on the apparent understanding among a number of persons present that persons petitioning for lateral service would not be required to connect to the system with- in thirty days after it is available, as required by Ordinance No. 698. This was apparently due to a misunderstanding on the part of the Acting City Engineer, discussed briefly, and moved by h�ikelsen, seconded by Yolzahn that, subject to study and approval by the City Attorney, the mandatory 30 day requirement for connection to a city sewer .within _200 feet mpr�sd-parcel of of_an__i property, as stipulated in Section 6, Ordinance #698, (Chapter 13, 09,060, Port Orchard �'imic peal -Code) be waived for this pro ect on Ty, such_waiver to be auto- maticai.l.y_terminated for each parcel of property involved if in conflict with any finding by the Kit -sap County Health officer that other sewage disposal facilities are inadequate, Approved. Clerk read a request of 14r, Russell Brown, Sr, of Manchester, on behalf of his son, James Brown of 916 Taylor St., concerning a problem involving need for additional septic tank drain field area, `she lot at the above address is only 35 feet wide and does not provide the needed area. 'There is a five foor strip of p roper.ty adjacent to this lot on the east, which is in the ownership of Kitsap County, which probably could be obtained by the City, on request, which would help to alleviate the situation, �r. !frown, Sr, offered additional information, moved by '�'olaahn, seconded by Van lee, that the Clerk be directed to contact the County Engineer to determine the availability of this strip of land, and the method by which it might be obtained, "he Clerk read a request for Re-7,one from R-1 to Commercial, of Lot #3, Block f2, Annapolis Addition, submitted by her, Fred Best, who desires to construct a 4-plex at this location. Discussed briefly and additional information offered by Mr. Bp.st.. The Planning Commission recommended approval of this request on 3-17-69. moved by �'olzahn, seconded by Geiger that March 24, 1969 Page T Wo the recommendations of the Planning Commission be concurred in and the Re -lone granted, Approved, Chairman Nol7ahn, of Fire and Light Committee reported that negotiations are continuing for the purchase of the property.adjacent to the South Sidney water tower. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Powers that the Committee continue to negotiate with authority to act, to the extent of making an earnest money payment if a satisfactory price can be reached, Approved. Clerk read a request for Re -zone from R-1 to R-2 of Lots 21, 22, 23 and 24, Block 11, Sweany's Addition, submitted by Port Orchard Nasonic Temple Association, which would permit the con- struction of two six -unit apartment buildings. The Planning Commission recommended approval of this request on 3-17-69, Discussed briefly, and a sketch examined. Moved by AMikelsen, seconded by Van lee that the recommendations of the Planning Commission be concurred in and the Re -zone .granted, Approved, The Clerk read an application for a variance from the set -back provisions of Ordinance No. 719 to 12 feet on Sidney Street and 0 feet on Sroufe Street, and on the north and east property lines, Discussed briefly and determined that action on this request, recommended approved by the Plannine Commission on 3-17-69, should be continued until the next meeting for additiona information, ,".ayor recognized Y r, Muss Noernbere, representing South Kitsap Youth Athletic Council, Inc., who was present to inform the Mayor and City Council of the plans being formulated to form a South Kitsap Parks and Recreation district, Discussed briefly and the Clerk read a proposed resolution approving the inclusion of the City of Port Orchard in the proposed Parks and Recreation District, he resolution was discussed at length, and moved by Iikelsen, seconded by Van lee that this resolution be adopted, approved and No. 1073 assigned, Clerk read a request for 'fie -zone from R-1 to Commercial of Lots No. 3, 4 FG 5, Block 4, Annapoli Addition, submitted by 1�'r, `•eorsze Snyder, who desires to convert the large brick dwelling on the property to a combination dwelling and office structure. The Planning Commission recomm- ended approval of this request on 3-17-69. Discussed briefly and moved by Geiger, seconded by %ikelsen that the recommendations of the Planning Commission be concurred in and the Re -zone granted. Approved. Clerk read a proposed .resolution which would approve the retaining of E, .J, BRard of Bremerton and r. Leslie `•,,,. 7astman, Jr., of Seattle, as appraisers of the property required for right- of-way for sewer and arterial construction. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the proposed resolution be adopted. Approved and �'o, 1074 assigned, tter of hazard to school children at Givens School (in Spokane Street) reported in minutes of 3-10-69, continued to a future meeting, a ayor requested information of City Attorney as to what property owner can do when confronted with unwanted peddlers. City Attornev reported that this is a civil matter, strictly between property owner and peddler, not involving the City. City Fngineer 'Tendricks presented a proposal that the newly installed pump on Well No. 7, he integrated into the automatic control system, 'ie explained the necessity for this addition, and asked authority to expend up to 5500.00 to accomplish this, Fe also recommends that an alarm buzzer or light be installed in the police radio -dispatcher's office, to warn of a mal- function of the system. *'owed by �!Ikelsen, seconded by Powers, that this be authorized, Approved. City Attorney read a letter from Y:r, Robert Gans in the matter of the I'Votomet" building on City property in the '�pstbay area (reported in minutes of 3-10-69) in which `r. Gans has refused to comply with the Council's demand to remove the building from the City right-of-way and to connect it to the sewer system if re -located, He has retained an attorney to defend his stand in the matter, Attorney Thompson also reported on a recent State Supreme Court decision regarding the status W?2f8 omes from which wheels have been removed, -he court ruled that such mobile homes Lion usually used in 11niform Mobile ?'ome ordinances, are to be considered the same as permanent residences. Discussed at length. Noved by Geiger, seconded by Powers that the City Attorney be directed to prepare an amendment to Ordinance No, 720, (Chapter 17.04.50, Port Orchard Municipal Code) to include the recommendations of the Association of Washington Cities in this matter, Approved. Chairman Yikelsen of Water, newer, 'iealth and Sanitation Committee reported the urgent need for survey of the 80 acres owned by the City, west of Righway 16 and reported the estimated cost of such a survey to be 81,800 to $2,000, Discussed at length. Moved by Powers, seconded by *likelsen that the proposal of S Fe I Land Company to survey the property be accepted. Approved. March 24, 1969 Page Three Chairman Van '%ee of Parks and Playgrounds reported that rough plumbing in the basement of the Active Club Building is completed, installation of toilets and wash basins will be accomplished in the near future, A`r. Van lee also offered a proposal that a concrete block building be constructed at Central Playfield for restroom facilities, He provided copies of a drawing of the proposed structure. Foved by Geiger, seconded by Caldwell, that the proposal be accepted and construction authorized, Approved. Bills were read in the following amounts: Current Expense 52,043.93, Water $1,501.82, Street $543.25, Sewer $213.27 and Parks $213.27, total $5,486.00. Noved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the bills be allowed and Vouchers No., 4666 through 4695 authorized paid, Approvec Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 12:20 a, M. Mayor Ma I Clerk �� f`� l Y Port Orchard, Washington March 10, 1969 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:38 p, m, by N.ayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Ceiger, Mikelsen, AIolzahn, Powers and Van lee; Carr absent, (excused). Also present: City Attorney Thompson, City Engineer iendricks, Chief of Police now; Fire Chief 11acker, Yrs. "elen Ross, representing Tacoma News Tribune and N r, Travis Baker representing Bremerton Sun. N,inu-es of regular meeting of 2-24-69 read and approved as corrected, +ayor recognized Mr, T W, Heckel representing Port Orchard Development Corporation, who spoke on the progress being made in the proposed remodeling and redesigning of the Bay St, properties from Orchard Street to Harrison Street to present a "nautical" theme (see minutes of 11 12 $8 and reported that present plans are to form an LID to finance the costs of this improvement, City Attorney reported briefly on the legal and financing details and that the cost appeared to be about $55.00 per front foot. `•r. 'Heckel answered questions from the Council, f �M NK Mayor P.panich reported that Mrs. 4*t*n Langer, of Kitsap County Bank, had intentions of requesting changing of some of the parking in the merchant's lot between Orchard and Fred- erick Streets from 9 hours limit to 3 hours, Discussed at length, with the consensus of opinion being that change in parking limitations would probably be approved by the Council. Mayor offered to all present, the opportunity to speak on any subject, hIr. 1111arold Reanier, representing the Port Orchard Eagles, Aerie 2338, requesting that consideration be given to permitting the Eagles Hall on Bay Street near Water Street to connect direct to the new interceptor sewer line when it is constructed in Bay Street to permit the elimination of a sewer puma now being used to transfer sewage from the building to the sewer main, ''his was necessary due to arrangement of the foundation timbers of the building and the very shallow location of the sewer main at that location, Continued, with the Engineer to study the situation and make a recommendation, 1-favor announced that the next order of business would be to consider the applications for 1969 fireworks stand permits, Clerk read an opinion provided by the City Attorney re: the matter of whether or not it would be legal to grant a permit for more than one year. The City Attorney finds that this would not be legal.. The Clerk then read applications of the South Kitsap Youth Athletic Council, Inc., and the Port Orchard ,JayCees, the only ones re- ceived, Discussion developed on the locations to be assigned, I. e,, Westbay Shopping area and the area near Bay and Port Streets, N:oved by Van 7ee that the South Kitsap Youth Council be granted a permit to sell fireworks in the Westbay Shopping area and that the Port Orchard ,JayCees be granted a permit to sell fireworks in the Bay and Port Street area, Notion lost for lack of a second, Voved by "olzahn, seconded by Caldwell that the applications of South Kitsap Youth Athletic Council and the port Orchard JayCees for permits to sell fireworks in the 1969 season, be approved and permits issued, On the question, discussion developed on possible sites which might be utilized, in addition to those described above, Approved, unanimously. Yoved by Ceiber, seconded by ^3 kelsen that the groups be authorized to select a location for their operations, subject to the approval of the Council, Approved, Mayor requested information from Fire Chief i'iacker and City Engineer �!endricks re: the search for property which might lend itself as a site for the new fire station to be built this year -Tacker reported on a two -acre plot which is available abutting the south Sidney water hank site. If purchased, the fire station could be built on the tank site and the two acre plot would offer the necessary training area. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Van %ee that the City negotiate further for possible acquisition of this property, Approved, and the Mayor directed the Fire and Light Committee, (Molzahn and Van Zee) to contact the owner and begin negotiations, Fire Chief '-Tacker reported no fires during February. Chief Tacker reminded the Council and those present, that the burning permit season for trash fires commences on March 15th, but that he does not intend to start requiring permits until Monday, :March 17 th. Chief Backer informed the Mayor and Council that State budget legislation now pending may cut in half the vocational training program funds, amounting to about $145,000. and informed them that this would seriously hamper training of volunteer firemen, }coved by Mikelsen, seconded by Nolzahn that the City Clerk be directed to send telegrams in the Fayor's name, to the proper legislators protesting the cuts and urging that these amounts be restored to the Governor's budget, to permit continuance of vocational training, particularly that of March 10, 1969 Page Two volunteer firemen at present level, Approved. Mayor requested information re: the installation of check valves in supply lines to hot water tanks, to prevent draining of tanks when lines in the street are opened, as has occurred four times in the past 6 months, discussed and continued for further study. Mayor requested information on the need for a cold air supply duct to provide an additional air supply to the furnace room (continued from 2-24-69), Discussed briefly and continued for further study, Mayor requested information re: the need for a commercial type vacuum cleaner to properly clean the carpeting in the Police Department area (reported in minutes of previous meetings). Discussed briefly, roved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the purchase of a new hoover commercial type vacuum cleaner be authorized at a cost of about 5170.00. Approved. TIr, Adrian Vander Tiouwen of Port Orchard JayCees, now being present, was informed of the earlier action of the Council on the granting of fireworks stands and informed that the Proup could select a site on which to conduct this operation, subject to the approval of the Council. Mayor reported on the attendance of himself and Councilmen Caldwell and Cprr on 2-25-69 In Olympla'regarding the legislation then under study re: collective bargaining between city employees and the cities which would include supervisory personnel. The cities opposed the legislation, but appears that it will pass. Mayor also reported on legislation now pending in the matter of direct State Aid to Cities. A new formula being considered would increase Port Orchard's share. Novor requested City En.zineer Hendricks to explain a series of maps and charts of the pro- posed addition to the sewer system, which would extend from Bay Street southwest to the new (Cedar Heights) Junior �iigh School, Mr, Hendricks explained the status of the lateral portions of the proposed system, which are subject to the approval of a majority of the property owners. Various areas and portions of the system discussed in detail, City Attorney 'Thompson reported on a meeting between himself and Mr. 'ferry Thompson on behalf of the City , with officials of Department of Housing and Urban Development re: the requirement of an April 1 call for bids in the sewer construction project to protect the PTID grant, As a result of this meeting, and the presentation of evidence of definite progress in the project, the City Attorney recommends that the property owners be allowed the full 20 day period to determine whether they wish to participate in the project by LID, instead of the 10 days which was announced at the informational meeting on 3-5-69. Mr. Thompson submitted to the Council, a time schedule which would require that construction actually start on June 16, which would be satisfactory with HUD, Discussed at length, and moved by �Iolzahn, seconded by Caldwell, that this time schedule be adopted, subject to con- currence by ';Tammond, Collier and Wade, Consulting Engineers for the project, Approved. Clerk read a request of the Kitsap County Planning Commission for permission to use the Council Chambers for a hearing and review of the County's Comprehensive Plan proposal on Yarch 18, No space is available in the County Administration Building for such a meeting on that date, ',loved by hlikelsen, seconded by Van lee that this request be granted, Approved. Clerk read a letter from Urban Arterial Board approving the City's request to reduce the scope and length of the Pottery Avenue Arterial to permit construction within the funds authorized, It is now proposed to construct a four -lane facility from Bay Street south to Tremont Street, without curbs, gutters, etc., and a new application to complete the project from Tremont Street south to Highway 16, has been submitted for future consideration. Clerk read a proposed ordinance authorizing the enrollment of Volunteer Firemen in the Volunteer Firemen's Disability and Pension system, and authorizing the expenditure of fees required, ?'roved by Powers, seconded by Van ?ee that this ordinance be adopted. Approved, and No. 822 assigned, Clerk read a proposed agreement between the City and Standard Oil Company of California, which would terminate the franchise for maintenance of a petroleum products pipeline in Bay and Port Streets (granted by Ordinance No. 752), discussed briefly and moved by Van Zee, seconded by Nikelsen that this agreement be ratified and that the 'avor and the Clerk be authorized to sign for the City, Approved, An ordinance to repeal Ordinance No. 752 will be presented after Standard Oil Co, returns a signed copy of the agreement, March 10, 1969 Page Three Clerk read a proposed ordinance recommended and submitted by the Kitsap County 1.ealth Department which would establish a comprehensive system of food service establishment control, including all elements of food handling, food serving, etc, and providing for inspection of food service establishments. Discussed at length and action delayed until the next meeting. Clerk will provide copies of this proposed ordinance to Councilmen for study in the interim. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would specify and adopt a system of additions and betterments to the sewerage system and would combine the sewerage and water systems in a waterworks utility system, and would repeal Ordinance No. 803. Discussed briefly, and moved by n'ikelsen, seconded by Powers that the proposed ordinance be adopted. Approved, and No. 823 assigned. Clerk read a proposed agreement between the City and the apparent successful bidder for the garbage and refuse collection franchise (minutes of previous meetings) to waive for one year, the requirement -.hat a performance bond in the amount of S10,000. be furnished. ; This waiver would be conditional on the initial deposit of $500., and a monthly deposit of $200 „ until the bond is furnished. discussed briefly and moved by Powers, seconded by Nikelsen that this agreement and the amendment to the franchise specifications contract be ratified and the Nayor and Clerk authorized to sign for the City. Approved, *tatter of refunding the bid bond of Brem-Air Disposal, Inc, discussed, t•,oved by VAkelsen, seconded by ^eirer that the bid of Brem-Air Disposal Inc. be rejected, due to non-conformance with the specifications, and the bid bond check be returned. Approved. `loved by Powers, seconded by N5ikelsen, that the franchise for collection of refuse and V garbage in Port Orchard for the five-year period commencing June 1, 1969, be awarded to Mr. .Tames J. Griffiths of 1546 41gh Street, Bremerton, whose proposal was accepted on 2-7-69, conditional on the execution of the aboae amending agreement. Approved. Chief of Police Dow reported a request from Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #2669 to hold its annual Loyalty Day parade in Port Orchard on Yjay 3, 1969. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Caldwell that this request be granted. Approved, Chief Dow will secure necessary permission from State Highway Department. Ntatter of the 1°Fotomat't building, now located on City property adjacent to the hIaple Street waterway (continued from 2-24-69) re -opened for discussion. After considerable additional discussion, moved by Geiger, seconded by Caldwell that the City Attorney be directed to communicate with kir. Gans, informing him of the Council's rejection of his request for vacation of the property and the offer to pay a rental or lease fee on the property, that it be removed from City property, that the City be paid an amount equal to the rental fee received by br. Gans and that if it is relocated in the City, that it be connected to the City sewerage system. Approved with 4 yeas and 2 nos. Councilman Mikelsen reported that the mercury vapor lights (authorized by the Council previously) to provide improved illumination of the Little League area at Givens Field, have been received and arrangements have been made with Puget Power and an electrician to complete the installation. Chairman Van and Playsrounds Co ittee reported on scheduled meetings with the 2 Parks South Kitsap fief► Council;�* iscuss the formation of a Parks and Recreation nistrict to facilitate improvements to recreational facilities of the surrounding area, including possible construction of a swimming pool, mayor reported on possible need for additional street Lighting in Bethel Avenue, south of the entrance to Sunset Lane Cemetery. Referred to Fire and Light Committee for study. Councilman Geiger reported an undesirable situation which appears to exist at Givens School where children are prohibited from using certain recreational facilities due to the existance of a platted, but unimproved extension of Spokane Avenue north from Sroufe Street across school property. This street is used frequently enough by various persons to provide a possible hazard to children. Continued for further information. Bills were read in the following amounts: Current Expense Fund $2,306.50, Water Fund 5375.63; Street Fund $1,309,90, Sewer 111und $4,628.20, Park Fund $.20, Total $8,620.49. Moved by Powers, seconded by '-!Ikelsen that these bills be allowed and Vouchers Nos, 4620 through 4665 authorized paid, approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 12:15 a, m. i Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington February 24, 1969 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p, M. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Geiger, Mikelsen, Aolzahn and Van Zee. Powers absent (excused), Also present: Attorney Eton Thompson, substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, Acting City Engineer R. \M. Hendricks, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, fir. Travis Baker, representing Bremerton Sun and A•"rs, Helen Ross, representing Tacoma News-`"ribune. 1-tayor announced that the first order of business would be to formally affect the appoint- ment and administer the oath of office to the two newly appointed Councilman, Mr, Arthur �f, Mikelsen (who resigned from the At -Large position on 2-10-69 to compete for appointment to Position No, 5, vacated by resignation of ,Tack Fitzgerald on 1-27-69) and Mr. C. Adrian Carr, who has been selected by unanimous vote of the Council on 2-10-69 to fill the At - Large position, These appointments will be effective until the State General Election on November 4, 1969, Clerk read the appointments and administered the Oath of Office to err. Mikelsen and �"r. Carr, and they were warmly welcomed to the Council by Nayor Repanich. Minutes of regular meeting of 2-10-69 and special meeting of 2-19-69 read and approved as corrected. ,Kfayor offered any person present who wished to speak on any matter, the opportunity to do so. Mayor then recognized Mr, Robert Gans, the manager of the Westbay Shopping Center proper- ties, who was present to rebut previous claims by the City that the small "Fotomat" filet receiving building located on the Maple Street waterway property of the City, should be moved onto private property. and also, that when it is moved to a permanent location, it must be connected to the City sewer system, Mr. Gans discussed the background of various permits which were necessary prior to being able to do necessary filling, rip -rapping, etc., in the preparation of this property for building. The present situation discussed at length, Yr. Gans requested that the City consider vacating this strip of property which Is 75 ft. in width, Councilman Caldwell. Chairman of Street and Alley Committee informed Mr. Gans that the Council would not consider vacating this property in the fore -see -able future. kir. Gans then offered to pay the City a nominal rental or lease fee for use of this space for the purpose it is now being used. The whole matter was discussed at con- siderable length by air. Gans, Mayor Repanich, members of the Council and the Clerk. Mayor recapitulated the many aspects of the problems involved and the plans which the City has developed for the use of this right-of-way, when the water front arterial is constructed. Kr, Ceiger commented on the fact that City ordinances and State of Washington Health Depart- ment regulations require that such structures, when occupied by persons, require toilet facilities, Continued with City Attorney to review the matter. Letter from South Kitsap Youth Council and South Kitsap Boys Club, requesting consideration of application for 1969 rr r s, ad by the Clerk, Mr. Russ Noernberg, fir. Buck Gehring aftd`.�ir, T-lel Yingling,4 rep= s�ese organizations, each spoke on behalf of the group, and reminded those present of the many youth projects which are sponsored by the Youth Council and the fact that the need for funds to continue these activities and to increase them is quite great. Councilman Van Zee reminded the Council that a great part of the improvements to the Active Club Building and other recreational facilities which have been made in the past 2 or 3 years would have been impossible without the cooperation of this group and others with similar ideas. Discussed at length and moved by Van Zee, seconded by Nolzahn that the South Kitsap Youth Council be granted a 5-year permit for selling fireworks in Port Orchard, subject to an opinion of the City Attorney that such action would be legal and proper. Ballot resulted in a tie vote (three yes and three no). In view of the tie vote, the mayor voted to break the tie, with a no vote, and the motion was disapproved, 4 nos to three yeas. Fire Chief Hacker reported no progress on his part, in the matter of selection of a new fire hall site, but reported on a meeting with County Planner McConnell and representatives of Harstad and Associates who are conducting studies of firefighting problems in the County, City Fn,gineer Hendricks is working on preliminary plans for the structure. Mayor Repanich reported that one desirable parcel of property has been offered to the City for S15,000. Additional sites will be investigated. Continued until future meetings, ?Mayor requested information re: the matter of check valves in domestic hot water supply lines and turn-off valves between a water meter and the residence (discussed in minutes of 2-10-69). Clerk informed the Mayor and Council the City's plumbing ordinance is the County ordinance, adopted by the City by reference, and any amendments would require approval by the County Commissioners, Discussed briefly. City Engineer Hendricks will study this matter further, February 24, 1969 Page Two Mayor Repanich reminded Council of the need to select a new land appraiser to make apprais- als on the property required for right-of-way for the Pottery Avenue Arterial and the re- vised sewer project to the new Junior High School area, due to the death of Otto Chantler, who had previously been engaged for this purpose,. Mayor requested information on the matter of installation of duct work or other method of providing adequate air to the furnace, in view of the fact that the new Police Department quarters blocked off the furnace room from the outside and a lack of air to the furnace might result, (continued from 2-10-69 meeting), discussed briefly and continued for further study., Mayor requested information re: the need for a new vacuum cleaner to adequately care for the carpeting in the Police department (cont'd, from previous meetings). Clerk reported that a used vacuum cleaner, presumed to be in good condition had been used in a demonstration period. but was not satisfactory and that a new commercial model was now being used in a trial period, Purchase will probably be recommended. Mayor Repanich took note of the fact that a number of persons were present who would be affected by the new proposed sewer system from Bay Street to the new Junior High School area, and gave a detailed resume' of the present intentions of the City as regards financing, etc. and informed them of the informational meeting scheduled for 7:30 p. m,, Yarch 5, 1969. The Nayor gave a detailed explanation of this project, referring to a system of large drawings, N�ayor reported on the acquisition of 22 used chairs for use in the Council Chambers at a bargain price of $8.60 each, plus tax. These chairs are in use in the chambers and were examined and commented on, The Nayor reported on receipt of a letter from the South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce whip requested the Council to consider the appointment of a representative from the City govern- ment to membership in the Chamber, to act as liaison between the City and the Chamber, and suggested that the City Clerk be designated, discussed briefly and moved by Van 7ee, sec- onded by hIikelsen that City Clerk Woodward be authorized an associate membership in the South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce at the expense of the City. Approved, N14yor reported on a program being initiated by the Altrusa Club of Bremerton to establish a Kitsap County Council on Alcoholism and a meeting scheduled in this regard at Haddon Hall in Bremerton on 2-27-69. He requested any Councilman who could, to attend, Councilman Carr will try to attend this meeting, Mayor Repanich reported on two important legislative hearings in Olympia on 2-25-69 and 2-27-69 concerning very important legislation affecting cities, and reported on the general content of the legislation. The Mayor, and Councilman Carr and Caldwell will attend the meeting on collective bargaining on 2-25-69. Clerk read an annual report of the operation of the Port Orchard branch of the Kitsap County Regional Library. Mayor reminded those present of the Annual Washington Community Festival in Seattle Center on June 12th-15th, This festival traditionally gives Washington cities and towns an oppor- tunity to promote their sightseeing highlights and other interesting features to the attention of the public at the beginning of the vacation season„ This will be brought to the attention of the Chamber of Commerce for their consideration, A Kitsap County Humane Society Report for the month of December, 1968, as involves the City, was read for the information of those present to provide information about the operations of the Society. A letter was read from the Port Orchard Lions Club requesting authority to place a sign at the west and east City limits to the City, advertising their club, Discussed briefly, and moved by Van lee, seconded by Geiger that permission to erect these suns be granted, subject to approval by Chief of Police and Street Superintendent. Approved. Mayor Repanich reported on a meeting between himself and members of the South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce on 2-20-69 at which the possible location of the new County Juvenile Home was discussed. !ie reported that he had offered to the County, subject to the approval of the Council approximately 10 acres of the 80 acres owned by the City abutting Old Clifton Road, at no cost. He discussed the desirability of this offer and the location of the property in relation to the Courthouse and the fact that all other properties offered to date were offered at the appraised property value. Discussed at considerable length. Nioved by Nolzahn, seconded by Van ?ee that the Mayor's offer of 10 acres of City -owned property to the County for a juvenile home site, be concurred in and ratified. Approved, with 5 yeas and 1 no, February 24, 1969 Page 'Three The City Attorney will research this matter to determine if this can be accomplished. Attorney Ronald Thompson reported an opinion of the City Attorney that the only remedy available to the City in the matter of the failure of the operators of Port Orchard Garb ag Service to live up to the terms of their franchise, both as to quality of service and the maintenance of the garbage dump, would be cancellation of the franchise. Chief of Police Dow presented a proposal that he be authorized to purchase an audio-visual training device consisting of a film strip projector with sound, a screen and twelve (12) film strips for training purposes in his department. Such a device would permit more efficient training on a much more frequent basis than is now possible and would consider- ably increase the efficiency of the Police Department. He explained the operation of the device and the nature of the training provided and explained that the device is available until 3-1-69 at a savings of 50"/ due to a grant by the U. S. Department of Justice International Association of Chiefs of Police. Mayor added additional comments on possible use by other departments in training personnel and asked Chief Dow if any information was available as to films for use in other areas of operation. No information is available at this time. Discussed by members of the Council. Moved by Van Zee that Chief Dow be authorized to communicate by long distance telephone if this machine can be used for other training films, Motion failed due to lack of second. Councilman Van Zee reported on a meeting with civic groups of the area re: the possibility of constructing a swimming pool in Port Orchard to serve the South Kitsap area. These groups are studying various problems involved, i.e., location, methods of financing, etc. Acting City Engineer Hendricks explained the system which he recommends be used at the 3-5-69 informational meeting on the proposed sewer construction to the southwest portion of the City, to facilitate dissemination of information to interested property owners and assembling information as to desired lateral systems. Councilman Mikelsen, Chairman of Water, Sewer, "ealth and Sanitation Committee made a detailed report on an undesirable situation which has developed in the operation and V maintenance of the garbage dump by the franchise holders (Port Orchard Garbage Service)., He also reported that he had received numerous complaints re: poor service. Bills were read in the following amounts: Current Expense Fund $1,405.46; Water Fund $633,11; Street Fund S1,241,73; Sewer Fund $707.82; Park Fund S246.63; Total $4,234,75. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van 7ee that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 4581 through 46.19 less 4594 (voided)authorized paid, Approved. ?iove�, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 11:58 p. m. Clerk Mayor i Port Orchard, Washington February 10, 1969 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p, m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Geiger, Molzahn, Powers and Van Zee. Mikelsen absent (excused), Also present: City Attorney Thompson, City Engineer Hendricks, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker and Mr, Travis Baker, representing Bremerton Sun, and Mr. Ace Comstock, representing Port Orchard Independent. Minutes of 1-27-69 regular and 2-3-69 (adjourned to 2-7-69) special meetings read and approved as corrected. Mayor Repanich opened discussion on the vacancy in the membership of the Council, caused by the resignation on 1-27-69 of Jack Fitzgerald. Mayor read the applications of the following persons for the vacant Council position, and gave a brief background biography of each: 1. Mr. Arthur -M. Mikelsen (now a Councilman in the At -Large position), who tenders his resignation in the same letter. 2. Mr. C. Adrian Carr of 437 Tracy, N. 3, Marvin F. Parks, 306 Mitchell Ave. 4. Donworth W. Macomber, 931 Kitsap Street 5. William Monteith, 934 DeKalb Street 6, Mrs. Peggy Hopper, 205 Mitchell Ave. 7, Mr. Jack Grable, 1019 Kitsap Street 8, Mr. Leslie Prior, 1411 West Street The vacant position on the Council and the above named applicants for appointment to the vacancy discussed briefly. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Caldwell that the resignation of Councilman Arthur M. Mikelsen from the At -Large position be accepted, Approved. Moved by Powers, seconded by Molzahn that Arthur M, Mikelsen be appointed to the un-expired term of Councilman Fitzgerald, who resigned effective 1-27-69. On the question, Mayor Repanich three times called for additional nominations to this position and hearing none, called for the ballot, Approved unanimously. Matter of the appointment to the At -Large vacancy, created by the resignation of Mikelsen discussed briefly and City Attorney advised the Council of peculiararity of the situation. The applicants for the vacant position discussed briefly. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Van lee that Mr. C. Adrian Carr be appointed to the vacant At -Large position. On the question, Mayor Repanich three times called for additional nominations, hearing none asked for the ballot. Approved unanimously, Mr. Carr will be formally appointed and the Oath of Office administered on February 24, 1969, Mr. Clarence Dahlke, of Warner Road, reported that the advertised "One DAy Film Service", offered by the Fotomat developing service in Westbay, had, in his case at least, extended to four days, and asked if any additional complaints had been received. Mayor Repanich requested City Attorney Thompson to give a resume' of proposed methods of financing sewers to the new Junior High School, Community Hospital and surrounding areas, as discussed at previous meetings and in executive session, City Attorney Thompson read a report he had previously prepared, and explained various alternative plans which might be conssidered, and answered questions of persons in attendance. Mayor Repanich added additional explanatory remarks and answered questions. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Caldwell that the City proceed with the installation of the trunk sewer only, from Bay Street to the area of the new Junior High School, of sufficient cap- acity to serve the entire drainage basin, under an LID, using the resolution method, and without using the health report. In addition, sewer laterals would also be installed to serve those areas where persons indicate a desire to have them. The motion approved unan- imously. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Powers that the City Attorney be directed to notify affected property owners that an informal hearing will be held on Wednesday, March 5th, at Givens School. Approved, February 10, 1969 Page 'Io Clerk read a proposed ordinance (second reading), granting a license to Teletronics - Port Orchard, Inc, for construction and operation of a coaxial television cable and repealing Ordinance No, 747, (Chapter 5.72, Port Orchard Municipal Cod�e Moved by Powers, seconded by Van lee that the proposed ordinance be adopted, Approved and No. 821 assigned. Fire Chief Packer reported 3 fire calls in January, with one residential fire (no loss) and two automobile fires (total loss $500). Fire Chief Hacker reported no progress in discussion with City Engineer re: new fire hall. Clerk reported on a request of the State Department of Motor Vehicles for use of Council Chambers to conduct hearings in contested "Implied Consent" cases, (continued from 1-27-69 meeting), These hearings will be infrequent and on an unscheduled basis. When a sufficient number of cases in the South Kitsap area have been received, they will contact the Clerk and arrange for use of the facility on a date when not otherwise being used. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Van lee that authority be granted to the Department of Motor Vehicles to use the "ouncil Chamber as requested, Approved. Clerk read claims for damages received from Lyle C. Boyd, 376 Sunset Lane, West and Mrs. Verne Bjorkheim, of 344 Sunset Lane, Test, for damages to hot water heaters when an emer- gency occurred on the 4" water line serving these dwellings and there was not sufficient time to inform each property owner, Moved by Powrs, seconded by Caldwell that these claims be rejected and referred to the City's insurance carrier for action. Approved. Discussion developed on the problem of houses without chek valves in the hot water supply line. This lack of check valve has resulted in four claims similar to the above, in the past year, which would have been prevented, had check valves been in the system, the damage would have been prevented, Also discussed, was the problem of houses which have no water supply turn-off valve between the meter and the house, in which cases, the Water Department personnel must turn off the water at the meter and then turn it on again when required re- pairs are completed. Clerk will check with the Plumbing Inspectors office in these matters. Clerk read a letter from the Federal Water Pollution Commission in Portland, Oregon, request- ing a schedule of probable bid call, bid opening, letting of contract and commencement of construction of the West Bay Street sewer interceptor, Mr. Collier of Hammond, Collier and Wade, Consulting Engineers, has provided the following informatio�ptl approval; March 3rd and loth, advertise for bids, :March 31rpenbidseconded by holzahn that this "time table" be accepted, anhe City Attorney directed to J prepare the necessary Plans and Betterments ordinance. Approved. Discussion developed on the need for the appointment of a Land Appraiser and a Land Acquisition agent to appraise and negotiate for purchase of rights of way for the proposed -- Pottery Avenue Arterial and the sewer trunk line. Local appraisers will be contacted. „ N City Clerk and City Engineer Hendricks reported on a meeting on 2-6-69, with a represent,, ative of the Urban Arterial Board Aid Division, at which Mr. Collier of Hammond, Collier and Wade was also present. This meeting concerned administrative details involved in theo�, Pottery Avenue Arterial Grant, 1 Clerk read a letter from Mr. Robert Cans, operator of Westbay Shopping Center, re: the City Attorney's letter of 1-24-69 concerning the removal from City property of the small Fotomat Building now located on the Maple Street Waterway right of way, and the requirement that it be connected to the sewer when moved to another location, (discussed at meeting of 1-13-69) Mr. Gans desires to appear before the Council and resolve the matter. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Caldwell that the City Attorney be directed to reply to Mr. Gan's letter, re- N questing him to be present at the 2-24-69 meeting. Approved, Councilman Molzahn excused at 10:00 p. m. Clerk read a letter from Washington Parks and Recreation Commission addressed to Mr. Van Zee re: possible installation of small day --use rest rooms at Central Playfield, Discussed briefly, Continued until a meeting can be arranged between members of the Council and a representative of the Commission. Clerk read a proposed agreement between the City and the Kitsap County Humane Society for administration of the City's animal control ordinances for 1969, Noved ipy Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the agreement be accepted and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and ratify it for the City, Approved. Clerk read a letter from Mr. Glen Greseth, proprietor of the Port Orchard Nursery, and who has voluntarily undertaken to improve the south side of the intersection of Highway #160 and Bpthel Avenue, where a rather high bank exists. Flowers and shrubs have been planted and will be cared for by Mr. Greseth at no cost to the City. Clerk will express the thanks of the Mayor and Council for this unselfish expression of civic pride on the part of Mr, Greseth, Febraary 10, 1969 Page Three Clerk read a letter from Kitsap County Guilds for Retarded Children requesting permission to sell balloons in Port Orchard on February 28, and March tat to raise money for the re- tarded children of Kitsap county, Discussed briefly and moved by Powers, seconded by Van 7.ee that this be authorized. Approved. Clerk read a proposed ordinance approving and confirming the final assessment roll and the assessments contained therein for LID #63 (water mains and fire hydrants in Lippert Drive and Pottery Avenue), Moored by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this ordinance be adopted. Approved, and No. 820 assigned, Clerk informed the Council of a proposal of Mr, D. C. Gould, of Gould Sheet 'Metal Co. to provide an air intake duct from the furnace room to the northside of the building. This would cost $323,95, and the City would break the hole in the poured concrete wall in the center of the building. Referred to the City Engineer for study as to other possible methods of providing air to furnace. Nayor read a communication from County Prosecutor to various Mayors, Law Enforcement Officers and City Attorneys of Kitsap County, requesting meeting on 2-11-69 to discuss possible courses of action in event 1969 Legislature takes action in the local tolerance policies on gambling. Discussed at length. City Engineer reported that the efficiency of operation of the sewage treatment plant was Improving and that overhaul of sewage discharge pump which was previously thought worn out, was being undertaken, and if successful would provide an additional stand-by pumping unit. Councilmen Powers informed Council of the need for a more efficient vacuum cleaner for cleaning rugs in the Police Department. Discussed briefly and continued for further study. Bills were read in the following amounts: Current Expense Fund $2,505.53, Water Fund $604.45, Street Fund $1,100.86, Sewer Fund 5165.83, Park Fund $411,00, Total $4,787.67. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Van 7ee that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 4544 through 4580 authorized paid, Approved, Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 11:15 p, m. —. ._ Clerk ���"r �;..L�-�wc�-fs`.--.__... _ Mayor Port Orchard, Washington February 19, 1969 A Special Meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 5:40 p. m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Geiger, Molzahn, Powers and Van lee. Caldwell and FlIkelsen absent (excused). ?Mayor announced the purpose of this special meeting to be to consider the fact that the apparent successful bidder for a garbage collection°` franchise, and whose proposal was accepted at a Special Meeting of the City Council on February 7th, conditional on the furnishing of a $10,000.00 performance bond within i0 days of the above date. had not yet provided the bond. !.'he Clerk informed those present that one disinterested, reliable bonding agent states that 10 days is not sufficient time for many business men to secure such a bond. 'I'he Clerk stated that, in the opinion of the City Attorney, this matter could be con- sidered a "minor informality's and could be waived in accordance with the specifications, but feels that it would be more appropriate if the Council were to consider the matter in a formal meeting and, if a majority approve, authorized additonal time. Discussed briefly. N(oved by reiger, seconded by Van ?ee that 1,1r. .Tames J. Griffith, whose pro- posal to furnish arbage collection service commencing June 1, 1969, has been accepted, be authorized anextension of time to 5:00 p. m., March 10, 1969, in which to furnish the required per ormance bond. Approved, Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn, i adjourned at 6;.00 p. m, Clerk ��� LE 2zc 46e�Mayor Port Orchard, Washington February 3, 1969 A special meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:55 p, m, by Mayor V Repanich, ouncilmen present; Caldwell, Geiger, :likelsen, Powers and Van lee, Molzahn absent (excused). Also present; Mr, R. M. Hendricks, City Engineer. Mayor announced that the purpose of this meeting was two fold: (1) to open bids for a garbage collection franchise for the five-year period beginning ,June 1, 1969, and (2) receive any protests as to the amount of the assessments involved in the final assessment roil of LID 63 (water mains in Lippert Drive and Pottery Ave.). Clerk was requested to open and read such bids for garbage collection franchise as had been received. Following sealed bids were opened and read: 1. James J Griffith of 1546 High Street, Bremerton, Washington, will provide all services and equipment as stipulated in the specifications and will pay to the City of Port Orchard 20% of the gross revenues as a franchise fee, 2, Brem-Air Disposal Co, of Bremerton, Washington, will provide all collection services with adequate equipment. but did not include the land -fill compacting equipment required in the specifications and will pay to the City of Port Orchard 5% of gross revenues as a franchise fee. Discussed briefly. Moved by .like,,�econded by Powers �haxa.idiZtL4�'Ci and other documents be referred to the Water Sewe . Sanitation Committee or and recommendations, and that this meeting be adjourned to a later date, at which time the recommendations would be considered, Approved. Mayor announced that protests, if any, as to the amount of the assessments in the final assessment roll of LID 63 would be received at this time. No person being present to speak in this matter, it was moved by Mtkelsen, seconded by Van 7ee that the City Attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance accepting and filing the roll. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that this meeting be adjourned until 5:15 p. m,, Friday, February 7th, 1969. Ae.journed at 8:10 p, m. Clerk / '/�:�,c_z �� Mayor Port Orchard, Washington February 7, 1969 A Special Meeting of Port Orchard City Council, originally convened at 7:55 p. M. February,?, 1969. called to order at 5:20 p, m. by mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Geiger, Mikelsen, Powers and Van lee. Caldwell and Molzahn absent (excused). Also present: Mr, "ravis Baker, representing Bremerton Sun, and Mr. R. M. Hendricks, City Engineer. Mayor informed those present that the purpose of reconvening this meeting was to receive and consider the recommendations of the Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee and City Engineer concerning the bids received on 2-3-69 for a new garbage collection franchisee Councilman Mikelsen, Chairman of the above committee, on behalf of the committee and the City Engineer, recommended that the bid of Mr. James J. Griffith of Bremerton, Washington be considered by the City Council, Mr, Mikelsen moved that the proposal of .James J, Griffith to collect, haul and dispose of garbage and refuse of residences and business of the City of Port Orchard for a period of five (5) years commencing June 1, 1969, per specifications Provided. be accepted, and that the contract for such a franchise be consummated on receipt of the specified 510,000.00 performance bond, and that the Ltayor and City Attorney be authorized to execute and sign this contract at that time. Approved, Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn, Adjourned at 5:50 p, m, ../�� Clerk -� 'r .[, Mayor Port Orchard, Washington January 27, 1969 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order by Mayor Repanich at 7:30 p. m. Councilmen present, Caldwell, Geiger, Powers, Mikelsen and Van Zee. Molzahn and Fitzgerald absent (excused). Also present; Engineer Hendricks and Fire Chief Hacker. Minutes of regular meeting of 1/13/69 read and approved as corrected. Matter of billing period for new water rates (continued from 1/13/69 meeting) discussed, with Treasurer reporting that the verbal advice of Attorney Thompson is to follow usual procedures In regard to imposition of charges. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van Zee to proceed with regular billing procedures for bi-monthly schedule. Approved. Mayor read a report to Council and interested audience, submitted by Attorney Thomspon concerning variations of Alternative #S (report submitted 1/13/69), sewer LID to southwest portion of city. The report contained suggested methods of financing trunk line and methods by which desire for sewer laterals could be indicated, After considerable discussion, Mayor suggested this matter be continued for further discussion and clarif- ication with City Attorney, Engineer Hammond and Terry Thompson, Financial Consultant to meet with City officials. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Caldwell that action be postponed on choice of alternative to present to interested property owners at a public meeting. Approved, Maxine Johnson & Roberta Schumann were present in the audience and asked questions pertinent to information contained in Attorney's report, and discussed issues relating to financing, etc. A proposed ordinance was read (first reading) granting a license to Teletronics - Port Orchard, Inc., a Washington Corporation, for the installation, amintenance and sale of use of television coaxial cable, providing regulations thereof and license fees therefor, and repealing Ordinance No. 747 (Chapter 5.72 of the Port Orchard Municipal Code). Con- tinued for second reading at next regular meeting. Mr. Fred Lightfoot, President, acid Mr. John D. Belenski, Treasurer of Teletronics, Inc. were present to answer any questions concerning the proposed ordinance which was read. Mr. Lightfoot stated that it was the intent of the company to waive hook-up fees during the pre -construction period, and that $5.00 per month is still the tentative monthly charge. He also stated that they expect construction to be well under way before the end of the year. Mayor read a letter from the Department of Motor Vehicles, Driver Services, asking for use of space in Council Chambers to conduct hearings requested by those who have refused to take the breath test for alcohol.. Action deferred until more information is received regarding time of hearing, frequency, etc, Mayor read a letter of resignation as City Councilman from Jack Fitzgerald, stating that due to circumstances at home and In business, he feels the duties of Councilman require more time and effort than he will be able to give in the future. He further stated that he would be glad to assist in any civic project should his services be needed. Moved by Van lee, seconded by Caldwell that Jack Fitzgerald's resignation be accepted with regret, Approved, Mayor instructed Treasurer to notify the press and radio of the vacancy in the Council, asking those who might be interested in filling the unexpired term of Councilman Fitzgerald, to apply In writing to the City Clerk's Office by February 6. Disposition of Standard Oil Co. request to terminate franchise (Ord. #752) and subsequent action by City (1/13/69) to approve request provided pipeline remains in ground and is sealed, and a map furnished City indicating size and location of pipeline, continued for report from City Attorney at next meeting. Chairman Van lee of the Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported on the possible use of volunteer organizations and groups for beautification work on the new Pottery Avenue Arterial project, Chairman Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee reported there is no further progress on permanent placement of power poles in Pottery Avenue and Lippert Drive area. Continued. January 27, 1969 Page Two Mayor read letter from the State Health Department regarding a Basic Water Works Training Course to be offered in the Spring. Mayor stated that tuition would be paid by the City for interested employees to attend on their own time. 'treasurer read a proposed resolution authorizing her to make the following temporary transfer loans; From Sewer Fund to Water Fund $952.25; from Park Fund to Library Fund $483.30; from Sewer Revenue Bond Fund to Water Revenue Bond Fund-l9bI $347.23, and from Sewer Revenue Bond Fund to Water Revenue Bond Fund-1963; $52.04.11qudgetary appropriations and transfers as follows are requested by City Clerk: Current Expense, total appropriation of $392.14 to General Government, Capital Outlay - City Hall Improvements; Water Fund, total appropriation 95,677.12 to Maintenance and Operation ($194,72) and Capital Outlay ($5,282,40); Street Fund, total appropriation $3,157.21 to Capital Outlay Equipment ($34.83) & Capital Outlay, Construction ($3,122.38); and Arterial Street Fund Construction approp- riation S10,780.68 and Arterial Street Fund Urban Arterial Account --Engineering $12,000.00. Transfers (inter -departmental) as follows: Current Expense Fund, from Police Department to General Government 92,691.31 and from Fire Department to General Government $522.85. Budgetary classification transfers within departments in Current Expense Fund as follows: General Government, from Salaries & Wages to Maintenance & Operation $21.75 and from Other Expenditures (Non -Direct) to Capital Outlay $2,240.00; Police Department, from Salaries & Wages to Maintenance and Operation $2,200.51 and to Capital Outlay.$68.28; Fire Department, from Capital Outlay to Maintenance & Operation 9805.42. Budgetary classif. transfers within funds as follows; Water Fund, from Salaries & Wages to Maintenance & Operation $1,075.23 and Other Expenditures (Non -Direct) to Capital Outlay $1,990.00; Street Fund, from 'Maintenance & Operation to Capital Outlay $1,738.84 and from Other Expenditures (Non -Direct) to Capital Outlay $1,401.30 and to Salaries & Wages $1,098.70; Sewer Fund, from Capital Outlay to Salaries & Wages $1,980.68; Park Fund, from Capital Outlay --Improve- ments to Salaries & Wages $118.30. Moved by Powers, seconded by Van Zee that authority be granted Treasurer to make the necessary trans er loans and to the City Clerk to make the . budgetary appropriations and transfersa "set forth in the FK � proposed resolution. Approved and 41072 assigned, City Engineer Hendricks reported on sewage disposal plant operation. Fire Chief Hacker reported the total fire calls for the year 1968 numb zowt of these, 46 were actual fires, Total fire loss was $12,025.00 of which insured loss. He further stated there were 3 calls for December with fire loss of $2,150,00, Mayor requested Fire Chief Hacker to express his thanks and appreciation to those firemen who were attending the Fire School sponsored by the State of Washington Division of Vocational Education, Mayor also requested Fire Chief Hacker to confer with Engineer regarding plans for new fire hall construction. Mayor reported he had discussed with South Kitsap District #2 Commissioner Mahan the possibility of trading City Taylor Street property for a portion of Mitch It A nu County property for a possible site forlie••mew fire bc'�fi 12 Councilman Mikelsen of Parks and Playgrounds Committee t repot e at due to extreme vandalism in the past at the Little League Building at Given w d n RePAWFURP 98UH& a ICY g Power & Light Company representative survey the area for lighting, althbugh'vanda'ltsvi has sub- sided, --somewhat After conferong with PSP&L Co., he recommends installation of two (2) 7000 lumen mercury vapor lights, to be installed at City expense, with Little league to pay the light bill on same,Y cost to be approximately $200.00.for material, fixtures & installation. Moved by Mikelsen seconded by Powers that Parks & Playgrounds Committee be authorized to purchase and install two (2) mercury vapor (7000 lumen) lights in the area of Little League ballpark building, with cost not to exceed $200.00. Approved. Chairman Van Zee, of Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported that work is progressing on Active Building basement with door jambs, doors, etc, being installed so that cement block work may be completed. Bills were read in the following amounts: Current Expense $1,950.40; Water Fund $233.32; Street Fund $1,638.40; Sewer Fund $143.30 and Park Fund $76.36. Total $4,041,78. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and Vouchers Nos, 4506 thru 4543 authorized paid. Approved. Moved by Van Zee and seconded that meeting adjourn. Approved. Adjourned at 11:05 p. m. 'Z Clerk _F�� Mayor Port Orchard, Washington January 13, 1969 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order by Mayor Repanich at 7:30 p. m. Councilmen present, Caldwell, Geiger, Mikelsen and Van Tee. Powers and Molzahn absent (excused); Fitzgerald absent (qur excused),. Also present; Attorney Don Thompson, City Engineer Hendricks, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mr. Travis Baker, representing Bremerton Sun and Mrs. Helen Ross, representing Tacoma Tribune. Minutes of regular meeting of 12/23/68 read and approved. Mr. Roland Sampson of 1111 Sherman Avenue and Mr. E. F. Collins of 1230 Sherman Avenue addressed the Council regarding billing period of new water rates (meter reading date in December, 1968 to January 1, 1969). Attorney to advise Council of legal aspects re- garding imposition of charges for this period of time. A proposed ordinance was read which repealed Section 4 of Ordinance 737 as amended by Section 4 of Ordinance 762, relating to minimum requirements for stud bearing walls, as contained in the Uniform Building Code. Moved by Van Tee, seconded by Mikelsen that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 818 assigned. Matter of Standard Oil Company of California request to terminate franchise (Ordinance 752) granting permission to maintain a petroleum products pipeline in Bay and Port Streets (con- tinued from 12/23/68 meeting) discussed, and recommended by Caldwell, Chairman of Street and Alley Committee to approve request, provided pipeline remains in the ground and is sealed. On motion by Van Zee, & seconded by Caldwell, City Attorney directed to prepare letter to Standard i1,Cmpany advising that the City would agree to leave the line in place, underground',I`an requesting a map indicating the size and location of said line. Approved. Attorney Thompson discussed with the Council and those present in the audience, nine points which are alternative proposals, in lieu of recent Court action (LID #62), to construct sanitary sewers to the southwest portion of the City. He stated that City officials had met with representatives of HUD and had been assured that the HUD grant would be continued for a period of time as long as the City keeps moving ahead with no substantial deviation from the original plan. The proposals are listed as follows: Alternative #1: Advantages: Disadvantages: Alternative #2: Appeal Court decision to State Supreme Court 1. Preserve entire HUD grant 2. Complete project 1. Time (1 year approximately) 2. Cost of appeal ($1,500.00 +) 3. Outcome doubtful Form new LID (resolution), same boundaries, same costs, using new _Health Report Advantages: 1. Preserve entire HUD grant 2. Quick (if no Court action) 3., Complete project 4. Equitable spread of costs Disadvantages: 1. Same persons may challenge 2. Possible Court action and delay Alternative #3: Form new LID (resolution, same boundaries - pay trunk lines With revenue bonds rather than area assessment, using Health Report, same laterals Advantages: 1. Preserve entire HUD grant 2. Quick (chance of Court action) 3. Complete project Disadvantages: 1. Still includes main protestors 2. Set precedence for revenue bonds for trunks, previously used only for interceptors Alternative #4: Form new LID (resolution), same boundaries and laterals, pay for trunks with revenue bonds in lieu of area assessments, using no Health Report. Advantages: 1, Preserve HUD grant 2. Quick (chance of Court action) 3. Complete project 4. Health Report not an issue January 13, 1969 Page Two Disadvantages: 1. Still includes main protestors 2. Sets precedence in use of revenue bonds for sewer trunks, previously used for interceptors Alternative #5: Form new LID (petition), same boundaries and costs, no Health Report Advantages: 1. Save HUD grant 2.. Complete project 3. Eouitable spread of costs 4. No protest allowed Disadvantages: 1. Time for petitions 2. Same main protestors Alternative #6: Form smaller LID (resolution), delete those lines serving main protestors Advantages: 1. Fast 2, Reduce likelihood of appeal to courts Disadvantages: 1. Lose part of HUD grant 2. Not a complete project 3. Higher costs at later date Alternative #7: Form smaller LID (petition), delete those lines serving main protestors Advantages: 1. Even less likelihood of appeal to courts Disadvantages: 1, Lose part of HUD grant 2. Not a complete project 3. More time to secure petitions Alternative #8: Form smaller LID (resolution), install trunk lines only, plus those laterals where persons indicating a desire for sewers at a public meeting. Area wide assessment for trunks Advantages: 1, Fairly fast 2. Lets people have voice 3. Reduces chance of appeals to courts Disadvantages: 1. Further reduce HUD grant 2. Not a complete project Alternative #9: Install trunks with revenue bonds, charge users a "charge in lieu of assessment" Advantages: Fastest of all methods Disadvantages: 1. Reduced HUD grant 2. Owners could not have benefit of installment paying 3., Extra bookkeeping After considerable discussion, the Mayor stated the Council will have to determine which alternative would be most acceptable to the people, and which they (Council) can take action on, Councilman Mikelsen suggested Alternatives #8 & #9 be selected for refining and presented to interested property owners at a public meeting. Mayor asked for comments from the interested audience. Mr. E. F. Collins indicated in his opinion, Alternative #8 seemed to be the best presented so far. Maxine Johnson inquired as to the adequacy of sewage disposal plant to handle increased volume due to more area to be served, She was assured that plant would function properly, and with greater efficiency. Choice of alternative by City Council continued. January 13, 1969 Page Three Refuse Collection and Sanitary Fill Specifications were presented to Council by Attorney. It was moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van Zee that the specifications as revised be accepted and that Clerk be authorized to call for bids on same, with bid opening to be on February 3, 1969 at a special meeting of the Council. Approved. Attorney directed to give notice of special meeting to the public. A letter from the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Farmers Home Administration, was read, requesting use of the Council Chambers for a three-hour period once a month (third Thursday). Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van Zee that permission be granted for this request. Approved. A request from the Teletronics, Inc, for a waiting period of 2 years, in which facilities may be constructed, granted on motion by Van Zee & seconded by Geiger. Discussion of franchise with the Teletronics, Inc. (CATV Cable Co.) ensued, Moved by Van 7ee, seconded by Caldwell that Attorney be directed to contact Teletronics, Inc, and request them to be present at a regular meeting of the Council, before the first reading of the ordinance granting a franchise. Matter continued. A request from Robert Gadberry, 1261 Sherman Street, for an extension of time on temporary use permit (mobile home), was read to the Council. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Caldwell that request be granted. Approved, Chairman Caldwell, of the Street and Alley Committee reported on discussions with Puget Sound Power & Light Co, representative, Mr. Robert Siegfried, relative to permanent place- ment of power poles in Pottery Avenue and Lippert Drive in area of new junior high school and hospital. Matter continued, Mayor read a proposed ordinance relating to the "Implied Consent Law", and amending Section 99 of Ordinance 694, as amended by Section 17 of Ordinance 783 (Chapter 10.76 of the Port Orchard Municipal Code), relating to Washington State statutes adopted by reference, and adopting a new section relating to driving while intoxicated or drugged. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van 7ee that this ordinance be adopted, Approved. Chief of Police Dow informed the Council that typewriters are sorely needed in his department and requested purchase of at least two typewriters. Matter continued. Councilman Geiger opened discussion on thw matter of the s"ll portable building recently erected on Maple Street Waterway adjacent to Westbay Shopping Center. This building is used to receive and deliver film for processing. Mr. Geiger questions the propriety of such a commercial facility being allowed on City property, Also, he feels that such a facility should be connected to City sewer, Moved by Geiger, seconded by Van Zee that Attorney be directed to write a letter to owner, directing him to move building off Maple Street Waterway, and comply with provisions of Ordinance No. 698 (requiring sewer connection). Approved. Chairman Van 7ee, of Parks and Playgrounds Committee, reported on progress being made in finishing Active Club Bldg, basement. Bills were read in the following amounts: Current Expense $3,202.66; Water Fund $2,342.51; Street Fund $1,080.65, Sewer Fund $896,28 and Park Fund $90.85. Total: $7,612.95. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and Vouchers Nos, 4440 thru 4505 authorized paid, Approved, Moved and seconded that meeting adjourn, Approved. Adjourned at 12:00 midnight. Al Clerk �' �.� � Mayor . f ,