01/01/1968 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington December 9, 1968 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order,.at 7:40 p. M. by Mayor Repanich, Councilmen present: Caldwell, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn and Powers. Van ?_ee absent (excused). Fitzgerald absent, but expected later. Also present: City Attorney Donald Thompson, Acting Superintendent of Public Works Nall, Police Chief Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mr. Travis Baker, representing Bremerton Sun, Mr. Terry Richards, representing Radio KBRO, Mrs. Helen Ross, representing Tacoma News Tribune and Mr. Ace Comstock representing Port Orchard Independent. Minutes of 11-25-68 meeting read ana approved. Mayor requested information from Councilman Caldwell re: the matter of the sidewalk, or lack of one, in front of Peninsula Glass Co, and Pete's Gun Shop (minutes of 10-25-68). Mr. Caldwell has met with the proprietors of the above business and presented them with the City's proposal and alternatives. These tenants will, in turn, make recommendations to the property owner that a new sidewalk be constructed. Mr, Caldwell further reported on the matter f the parking problem in Water Street, north of Bay Street (minutes of 11-25-68). He recommends that parking be allowed on the west half of Water Street adjacent to Gould Sheet Metal Shop, and prohibiting parking on the east side of the street, to permit free access and *gross to the build- ings and area at the north end of the street. Discussed at length by members of the Council and Mayor. Mr., Harold Reanier, representing Eagles Lodge, of Port Orchard, was present and spoke re: the parking problems of the Lodge and its auxilliary and the possible methods of solving them. Matter continued with Mr. Caldwell and representatives of Eagles Lodge to meet to work out solutions. Mayor reported that both Kitsap County Bank and Standard Oil Company have agreed to complete the sidewalk adjacent to their properties on Prospect Street between Bank and Frederick Streets. Mayor requested information from Councilman Caldwell re: his study of the matter of the status of Bay Street as involves two or four way traffic (minutes of meetings 10/12 and 10/25/68). Discussed briefly and continued for further study. Mayor Repanich requested information re: the proposed ordinance submitted by the Tele- tronics, Inc. Community TV Cable Company for a CATV franchise in Port Orchard. Discussed at length and continued for further study and possible inclusion of a provision that failure to commence construction and/or installation of equipment would be cause for forfeiture of franchise. Fire Chief Hacker reported 3 fires during November, with $50.00 loss. One of these fires was.a suspected arson attempt on the building at 813 Kitsap Street, which was later intentionally burned at the request of the property owner. Mayor reported that certain improvements in the condition and operation of the Ciy garbage dump (requested of the operators of the garbage collection service) have not been accomplished and that the City would now take corrective action. Continued. Acting Superintendent of Public Works reported on the progress being made in bringing traffic control signs, (stop, slow, yield, etc.) to the standards required by the State Highway Department. There are about 40 signs yet to be improved, mostly raised to the standard minimum height. Discussed at length and continued. Councilman Fitzgerald arrived at 8:35 p. m. Mr. Hall reported the need for replacements of certain parts in the sewage treatment plant, Councilman Mikelsen, Chairman of Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee read a written report on the negotiations between the City and Kitsap County Sewer District #5 re: a proposal that the City assume the operation and maintenance of the district's sewer plarit and �s stem. This report recapitulated the previous negotiations and noted that the 'negotiations were entered into at the request of the district, and con- cluded with the reading of a letter from the district, declining to enter into any such agreement. Discussed briefly. Councilman Mikelsen read a detailed report setting forth the need for a rate increase in water and sewer rates. This report dealt with the rising costs in furnishing these ser- vices, and the need for new facilities (storage, transmission and supply) and other capital outlay projects. Mr. Mikelsen informed the Council and others present that, in the last 12 years, costs of providing water service have increased 141% since the last December 9, 1968 Page Two increase, and that future costs will increase proportionately. Councilman Mikelsen then detailed the new recommended rate structure, including connection charges for both water & sewer as agreed on by the Water, Sewer, health and Sanitation Committee. Discussed briefly. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that the proposed rate changes be accepted by the Council for study during the next two weeks, with the City Clerk to have a Notice of Hearing published in the official newspaper and the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinances in anticipation of adopting these new rates at the next meeting on 12-23. Approved. Councilman Mikelsen, Chairman of Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee read a report dealing with a proposal that the City water supply be flouridated. This report dealt with the beneficial effects of flouridated water in the reduction of dental cavities in young children and possible benefits that might be derived by older people also. He reminded the Council and others present of the views and opinions of dentists and medical experts who have supported such action. The committee of which he is chairman, recommends that a proposition be put on the ballot for the special election scheduled for January 28, 1969, for a vote of the people of Port Orchard. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that the City Clerk notify the County Auditor of the intention to place this matter on the ballot and the City Attorney prepare the necessary ordinance for passage at the next meeting, Approved. Councilman Fitzgerald excused at 9:05 p. m. Councilman Mikelsen reported on a visit by himself and prospective bidders for the garbage collection franchise on December 3, 1968 to observe and inspect the sanitary land -fill garbage disposal operations in Ring County near Renton„ Mikelsen reported that the new garbage collection franchise would probably be on the basis of a sanitary land -fill operation in view of information previously received that it is probable that open burn- ing on garbage dumps, (and elsewhere) would possibly be prohibited after 6-30-69. Mr. Basil Ackley, of 1083 Hull Avenue spoke in protest of the action of flouridazation. His remarks were rebutted in detail by Dr. Nick Skalabrin, a local dentist, who offered medical facts regarding flouridation of drinking water. Clerk read correspondence from the County Auditor and County Prosecutor re: the proposed lease by the City of lots 17, 18, 19 & 20, Block 8, of Tom Cline's Addition, for the purpose of placing a portable building for use as a Fire Department sub -station. Dis- cussed briefly. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Molzahn that the proposed lease be prepared by the City Attorney. Approved. Clerk read a letter from Mr. Charles A. Carr of 437 Tracy Ave. North, reminding the Council of the fact that the telephone company has available a special number (911) for use, when the system is adopted, incases of emergency. This number is now being used in some parrs of the country. Mr. Carr urges the Council to go on record as favoring the adoption of such a system here. Clerk read another letter from the some writer, (Mr. Charles Carr), which directed the attention of the Council to a dead tree in an unimpteved street area in the vicinity of Tracy and Chester Streets. The tree is a possible hazard to private property in the area. Referred to Superintendent of Public Works for necessary action. Clerk read a letter from the Ritsap County Health Department requesting permission to use the Council Chambers on the second Weenesday of each month for the purpose of administer- ing Beverage and Food Service Workers Permits. Discussed briefly and determined that this would be granted. Mayor reported a meeting scheduled for 12-10-68 by the Olympic Peninsula .Law Enforcement Association at the Mission Creek Camp. Mayor reported receipt of a letter from the Bremerton Port Commission requesting support of a request for lWeral financial assistance in improving the facilities of Kitsap County Airport. These improvements involve $600.000.00 in possible Federal Aid. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Mikelsen that the Council go on record as supporting this project and the request for Federal "sistance, with a letter to be written to Senators Jackson and Magnuson and Congressman Hicks indicating such support. Approved. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would establish salary schedules for City employees effective January 1, 1969. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this ordinance be adopted, Approved and No. 814 assigned. Mayor reported the names of three new prospective members for the City Planning Commission, subject to the approval of the Council. The persons involved are: Mr. Russell Childers, a school teacher, Mr. Tired Best, a builder and Mr. Warren Williams, a grocer. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Molzahn that these appointments be approved and the Mayor authorized to make them. Approved. December 9, 1968 Page Three Councilman Caldwell requested that the Fire and Light Committee study the spacing and location of street lights on Sidney Avenue between Sroufe Street and Melchor Street. This is a long block and the lights are too far apart to provide minimum illumination. Chief of Police requested information re: a previous request for additional area lighting near the entrance to the new police department facility, which will be occupied in the near future. Fire and Light Committee will studyt Councilman Molzahn requested to be excused from the next 2 or 3 meetings of the Council, as he will be away from the City. Bills were read in the following amounts: Current Expense $1,679.92, dater $1,758.94, Street $691.31, Sewer $251.43 and Parks $145.38, Total $4,526.98. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and vouchers Nos. 4362 through 4400 authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 10:00 p. m. �Z� Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington December 23, 1968 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p. m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Mikelsen, Powers and Van Zee, Geiger and Molzahn absent (excused); Fitzgerald absent (not excused). Also present: Attorney Ron Thompson, substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, Acting Superintendent of Public Works Hall, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker and Mr. Travis Baker, representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of regular meeting of 12-9-68 read ana approved as corrected. Mayor Repanich extended to all present the opportunity to speak on any subject, prior to discussion of the regular agenda. Miss Roberta Schumann, of 1957 Sidney Ave., requested to be heard on the matter of the salary proposed to be paid to a City Engineer when one is employed. She feels that the salary authorized in the 1969 budget, 10,000 to 12,000 per annum is higher than might be necessary. Mayor reported the difficulty encountered in even receiving applications in the $8,500 to $10,000 range previously considered. Mayor requested information from Councilman Caldwell, Chairman of Street and Alley Committee re: the matter of the need for a sidewalk in the area of Peninsula Glass Co. and Pete's Gun Shop. This matter is still under study. Mr. Caldwell reported no progress in the matter of the parking problems in Water Avenue, north of Bay Street. Continued for further study. Mr, Hall reported no further progress in the matter of the sidewalk between Bank and Frederick Streets along Standard Oil and Kitsap County Bank properties. Continued. Mr, Hall reported on the progress of the inventory of traffic control signs to determine deficiencies. This survey is completed in rough form and ready for final preparation. Clerk read a proposed lease between the City and Kitsap County involving property formerly occupied by the Road District #2 facility. This property would be the site of a fire sub- station. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the lease be entered into, and the Mayor authorized to sign for the City. Approved. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would authorize the placing of a proposition on the ballot at the special election scheduled for January 28, 1969, asking the electors of the City to approve or reject the ftouridation of the City water supply (minutes of 12-9-68 meeting). Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that this ordinance be adopted. On the question, Councilman Van 7ee inquired as to the cost of the equipment to implement this treatment if authorized by the voters. He was informed that equipment would cost about $5,000,00 and the annual cost of materials would be about $500 to $800. Approved and No. 815 assigned. Mayor Repanich reported on the move of the Police Department to their new quarters in the lower floor level of the Municipal Building which was accomplished over the weeK end of 12-21 and 22. Chief Dow reported a need for a few additional items, including a sign to indicate the location of the new station. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that the Police Department be authorized to purchase plywood for construction of storage shelves, and tempered hardboard to place under chairs and desks to reduce rug wear. Approved. Further moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that the Fire and Light Committee, after study, be authorized to act to provide materials for construction of an illuminated sign to be placed near the steps leading down to the entrance of the new station. Approved. This being the date and time set for hearing and acting on new water and sewer rates, Mayor Repanich requested Councilman Mikelsen, Chairman of Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee to present a summary of the proposed new water rate schedule as presented for study and consideration at the meeting of 12-9-68. Mr. Mikelsen discussed the various Items of increased costs involved in providing this service and read an extract from an article in the American Water Works Association magazine which very clearly pointed out the need for cities to examine their water rates and compare them to costs of furnishing such service including capital expansion and improvements. Mr. Ralph Peterson of 511 Kendall Street and Mr. C. A. Carr of 457 Tracy Ave. North each asked questions concerning the proposed increases and expressed opposition to them. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which wouU establish new water schedules effective Jan. 1, 1969. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 816 assigned. Clerk read a letter of protest to the proposed rate increases from Mr. Walter Swanson of December 23, 1968. Page TWo 709 Smith Street. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would establish new domestic sewer service rates. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Caldwell that this ordinance be adopted, Approved and No. 817 assigned. Mayor reported receipt of a letter from City Attorney Thompson referring to the findings of Judge Bryan of Kitsap County Superior Court No. 3, which makes permanent the injunction issued in August, restraining the City from proceeding with the construction of LID #62 (sanitary sewers to southwest portion of the City), and informed those present that no action could be anticipated on this development until after thorough study of the court's actions by the Council and the City Attorney. Clerk read extracts from a summary report of the recent audit and examination of the City's records and business by a representative of the State Auditor's Office. The report indicates that all phases of the city$s operation is being conducted according to law. Clerk read a letter of the City Attorney written to State Senator Gordon Walgren, expressai ing hope that the 1969 State Legislature will take action to provide legal means whereby Cities may segregate properties subject to LID assessment after such final assessment rolls are prepared and approved. This is now permitted in county LID's, but not in Third Class cities. Clerk reported the need for authority to issue revenue bearing warrants for the final costs of construction of LID #63, (water mains in Lippert Drive -Pottery Avenue). These warrants total $2,784.70, and would be accepted by Kitsap County Bank as have all the other warrants for this project. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell, that the Clerk be authorized to issue these warrants. Approved. Clerk read a request from Standard Oil Company of California that the franchise granted them by Ordinance No. 752, to maintain A petroleum products pipeline in Bay and Port Streets (from the old bulk plant to the pier) be terminated. This pipeline no longer provides any useful purpose. Discussed briefly and referred to Street and Alley Committee and Engineer for recommendations. Clerk informed the Council of receipt of a request from officials of the Clover Valley Golf Club for information concerning costs of procurement of dried sewage sludge presently in the drying pits at the garbage dump. Information recently received from the State Health Department indicates that this material may be used under certain conditions for fertilizer. Referred to Water, Sewer, dealth and Sanitation Committee for study.. Clerk read letters from Mr. Janes E. Bihr, Technical Director of International Conference of Building Officials, and from Mr. Lester J. Gillis, Past President of the International Conference of Building Officials, both expressing the opinion that the Uniform Building Code requirements for footing and foundations, as contained in Table #28-2 of the Code, are adequate for construction in major earthquake damage zones (in which Port Orchard is located), and that any increase in these requirements was unnecessary and unwarranted. This information was furnished on written request of the Clerk, after several protests to the amendment to the requirements were received from builders and architects. Referred to the committee previously appointed (minutes of 11.27-68) consisting of Powers, Caldwell and Mikelsen. Fire Chief Hacker requested information re: the status of the triangle at Bay, Cline and Kitsap Streets and whether it is City owned property. The Fire Department has in mind, the possible utilization of this area for fire prevention displays, etc. Chief Hacker and the Parks and Playgrounds Committee will confer on this matter. Acting Superintendent of Public Works Hall reported on various problems caused by the sudden snow fall of 12-22-68. The new "Snow Route" parking restriction signs were in- strumental in reducing to an absolute minimum, the parking problems along the "Snow Route„ while it was in operation. Bills were read in following amounts: Current Expense $2,415.11, Water Fund $2,769.63, Street Fund $1,284.04, Sewer Fund $146.92, Park Fund $369.81, Library Fund $3,843.77, Urban Arterial Project, $12,00000. Total $22,829.28. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and Vouchers Nos. 4401 through 4439 authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 10:30 p. m. Clerk ` layyor Port Orchard, Washington November 25, 1968 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:40 P. m, by 14ayor Repanich, Councilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn and Powers, Van Zoe absent, (excused). Also present: Attorney Ron Thompson, substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker and Mr, Travis Baker, representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of November 12, 1968 read and approved as corrected. Mayor recognized Mrs. Helen Ross as representing the Tacoma News Tribune and welcomed her to the Council meetings as a representative of the press. Mayor recognized Mr, Mike Shobert of 114h Kendall Street, who was present to request con- sideration be given to the extension of Grant Street from Kendall Street south about 200 feet to provide his property with more convenient access. Discussed at length and deter- mined that this presently used right of way is not a city street and probably would not be accepted by the City, since it would be a dead end facility only 180 to 200 feet in length, also it is only 20 feet wide and would serve only one or two property owners. Mr. Shobert was informed that the policy of the City is not to accept such private drives as streets, when so few properties are served, and when the width is less than 40 feet. Mr, William Monteith of Peninsula Glass Co„ 624 Bay Street was recogniz d and presented a request for a clarification of the proposal (minutes of 10-28-68 and JO-12-68) that the normal sidewalk area in front of his establishment and Pete's Gun Shop be outlined with traffic paint from the end of the existing sidewalk to connect with the new sidewalk at the Standard Oil Co. property, This would be in lieu of a sidewalk at this point, which the property owner is reluctant to her, Explained by Mayor Repanich / Councilman Caldwell, Chairman of Street and Ailey Committee explained previous proposals to reduce the danger to pedestrians who use this sidewalk, and to prevent parking in the sidewalk area as is the present practice, Mr. Caldwell and Mr. Monteith will meet on the site to discuss the situation and consider remedies. Clerk read letters from Mr. George Hammond of Hammond, Collier and Isaac and Mr, Charles Gilman of Gilman and Green, Architects of Seattle, which protested the amending by the City of the requirements for footings and foundations of buildings to be constructed in the City, which amendment require one/third additional volume of concrete, to provide earthquake pro- tection. The protests indicate that the City may be imposing requirements in excess of those intended in the Uniform Building Code, Mayor recognized Mr, James Robinson, a Bremerton builder, who was present re: the above matter and specifically the proposed apartment building for Mrs. Beulah Crowley, in the Annapolis Hill area. Mr. Robinson was concerned that the additional foundation requirements might anduly increase costs. Mr, Charles Gilman was also present, and expressed an opinion that the City should consider using the services of an engineer specializing in the interpretation of the Uniform Building Code, Mr. Charles Ryan, a local builder, also spoke in this matter. After considerable discussion, the Mayor appointed a committee consisting of Councilman Powers, Mikelsen and Caldwell to study this matter and make a report and recommendation at a later meeting. The matter of status of Bay Street between Orchard and Harrison Avenues as involves two or four lane traffic (continued from meetings of 10-28 and 11-12) further continued. Mayor reported that the officials of the Kitsap County Bank will have a final answer in a day or so on the proposal that the sidewalk be extended from Bank and Prospect Streets to Frederick Street, adjacent to bank property. Clerk read a request of property owners abutting Water Street, no>Iednesdays h of Bay Street, (Gould Sheet Metal, Cookson Texaco Station and King Distributing Company, that steps be taken to eliminate a very bad parking problem which exists on Mondays and of each week, when certain activities are scheduled at the Eagles Hall. Discussed at length and referred to Street and Alley Committee for study and recommendation. Clerk read a letter from the local U. S. Soil Conservation Office, inviting officials of the City to a meeting in Renton on December 4, 1968, on matters involving soil information and urban growth problems. Clerk reported receipt of a proposed Community Television Antenna Cable franchise ordinance from the City Attorney who had in turn received it from Teletronics, Inc. of Seattle. The Clerk was instructed to make copies of the proposed ordinance and provide to each member of the Council. Novenber 25, 1968 Page Two Clerk read a letter from the Urban Arterial Board, delaying until about July 1, 1969, the requirement of submission of a long-range urban arterial construction plan relating to coats. Mayor read a letter from Miss Maryann Reynolds, State Librarian re: the completion and final payment of Library -aid grant monies, and thanking the City officials for their cooperation and prompt completion of necessary forms, reports, etc., which made the completion of this project much quicker than usual.. Chief of Police Dow reminded the Council of the need for adequate lighting of the area around the entrance to the new Police Station, and also an illuminated sign to point the way to the Police Station. Referred to Fire and Light Committee for action. Chief Dow reported that the Chevrolet patrol car, damaged in ccident about 3 weeks ago, was still out of service, due to non -availability of parts4UOr age of them at factory. Acting Superintendent of Public Works Hall reported that the area of the City garbage dump normally reserved for use of the Street Department to dispose of tree trimmings, stumps, etc. is no Longer avallable,due to the dumping of garbage and other trash. Referred to dater, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee for action. Bills were read in the following amounts: Current Expense Fund $987.16, hater Fund $1,119.27, Street Fund $186,94, Arterial Street Fund $10,780.68, Sewer Fund $36.03, Park Fund $2.93; Total $13,113.01. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell, that these bills be allowed and Vouchers Nos. 4331 through 4361 authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 9:40 p. m. ,f Clerk Mayor t. � Port Orchard, Washington November 12, 1968 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order by Mayor Repanich at 7:35 p. m. Councilmen present: Fitzgerald, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn, and Powers, Caldwell and Van lee absent (excused). Also present: Acting Superintendent of Public Works Hall, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker and Mr. Travis Baker, representing Bremerton Sun. City Attorney Thompson absent (excused). Minutes of regular meeting of 10-28-68 read and approved. Mayor informed members of the Council and others present that Councilman Van Zee was in the Group Health Hospital in Seattle for surgery. A number of people being present in attendance, Mayor Repanich offered anyone in the audience an opportunity to speak on any subject of interest. Mayor Repanich requested a report from Fire Chief Hacker re: fires in October. Chief Hacker reported four (4) fire calls, resulting in two (2) fires with a total fire loss of $10.00. Chief Hacker also reported that the old two-story apartment building at 813 Kitsap Street had been intentionally burned by his department, at the request of the property owner on Sunday, October 10, and that the burning had proceeded exactly as planned. Chief Hacker also reported that he, 42a"I—firemen and Councilman Mikelsen had attended the demonstration of the "elevated platform" for fighting fires and rescue work, held at Lakewood (Tacoma) on November 9. He explained the functioning of this equipment and how it might be used in Port Orchard, Councilman Mikelsen remarked that the demonstration was most impressive and that the equipment was very versatile and useful. Mayor Re anich r co n ed ssrto�► �" r 'ox rill and Rex Thompson, downtown property owners p e r vo Were in attendance to present a proposal for improving Bay Street. This proposal involves remodeling some store -fronts and constructing an arcade over the sidewalks in a nautical theme. This proposed improvement would extend from Orchard Avenue to Harrison Avenue on both sides of the street and on Fred- erick Ave. and Sidney Avenue. Mr, Hannah explained the background of the project, the or- ganization of a Downtown Development Corporation, the realization of the need to "upgrade" the downtown area to retain shoppers and business that might otherwise be lost to suburban shopping areas, Mr. Heckel gave additional details, explained the "nautical theme", and the possible relation- ship with the new marina projected for Port Orchard. After a short question and answer period, Mayor Repanich remarked that he personally felt this to be a most worthy undertaking and encouraged the group to continue their efforts in this project. Mayor Repanich requested information re: the letter (minutes of 10-V-68) concerning the status of Bay Street between Orchard and Harrison Avenues as involves whether this is a 2 or 4 lane thoroughfare. Councilman Caldwell, Chairman of Street and Alley Committee being absent, the matter was continued until a later meeting. Mr. Hall reported that the property owners of property north of Prospect Street and east of Frederick Avenue appear unwilling, at this time, to share the costs of extending the sidewalk from Bank and Prospect Streets to Frederick Street. Clerk reported that the City Attorney had filed a new Health Officer's Report and amending ordinance with the Kitsap County Superior Court in the contested LLD #62 case. The judge, after hearing the arguments of the City Attorney and the attorney for the protestors, will make a determination on the temporary restraining order issued against the City. Acting Superintendent of Public Works Hall gave a report on projects of his department. He also reported on the 6-unit apartment building being constructed on Division and Cline Streets. The plans for this structure call for a different type of construction than any previously performed in the City, and there appeared to be conflict with the provisions of the Uniform Building Code as involves foundations. However, George Hammond and other cognizant authorities have confirmed that this construction is approved, and the building permit has been issued. Mr. Hall also reported that the builder and architect in this project as well as the Consulting Engineer, Mr. Hammond, will present written arguments against the City's amendment to the Building Code, requiring footings and foundations to be of increased size due to earth -quake probability. These men feet that the earthquake protection is already included in the code. Mayor and members of the Council discussed the proposed painting of stripes to outline the November 12, 1968 e Two sidewalk area in front of Pete's Gun Shop and westward to conneca with the new sidewalk constructed by Standard Oil Co, Chief of Police Dow feels there will be difficulty in enforcing this type of traffic regulation. Continued for further study. Councilman Molzahn reported that South Kitsap School busses are continuing to violate speed limits and other traffic ordinances in their operation in the City, The Clerk will write a letter to Dr, William Davis, School Superintendent, requesting that this matter be brought to the attention of school bus drivers and other personnel. Clerk read a letter from Mrs, Wilma Buckingham of 104 Tremont Street West, who requested permission to take two (2) nursing patients into her home in accordance with provisions of Section 3,A.8 of Ordinance No, 719, which authorizes certain business type operations to be conducted in a home, regardless of zoning regulations. Mils. Buckingham is a Licensed Practical Nurse and has been informed by the Health Department that less than five (5) such patients do not require the licensing of the premises nor any approval by the Health Department, Discussed briefly and determined by the Mayor and Council that this is a type of business which might be expected to be conducted in a'.:home and is authorized under the provisions of the ordinance. Clerk Will so inform the applicant. Clerk read a letter from the Federal Water Pollution Commission, Northwest Regional Office in Portland, Oregon, offering a Federal grant in the amount of $49,830.00 for construction of an interceptor sewer from the treatment plant west to Ross Creek, about 5400 feet. This offer must be accepted by January 6, 1969. Clerk read a proposed resolution which would authorize the Mayor to accept this offer and to sign and authenticate any documents and correspondence involved in the above grant. This resolution is required as a part of the grant agreement. Moved by Powers, seconded by Geiger that this resolution be adopted. Approved and No. 1070 assigned. Clerk read a claim from Mr, Gerald Dietrich of 2508 Sherman Street in the amount of $9.04 for a burned -out water heater element, occasioned by an emergency turn-off of water service on October 7th, Moved by Powers, seconded by Mikelsen that this claim be denied and referred to the City's insurance carrier for action, Approved. Councilman Mikelsen, Chairman of Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee reminded the Mayor and Council of the need for another executive session to discuss water and sewer matters, particularly the proposed operation and maintenance agreement between the City and Kitsap County Sewer District No. 5, and suggested that Thursday, November 21, might be an acceptable date, Agreed that the Council would meet in executive session that date. Mayor informed the Council and other City family members that the annual Christmas dinner and party was scheduled for Friday, December 13th at Myhre's Cafe and encouraged all to arrange to attend if possible. He also encouraged broader participation in planning this function. Bills were read in the following amounts: Current Expense Fund $2,310.68, Water Fund $1,157.86, Street Fund $515.21; Sewer Fund $334.89; Park Fund $153.78, Total $4,472.42. Moved by Powers, seconded by Molzahn that these bills be allowed and Vouchers Nos. 4283 through 4330 authorized paid. Approved. second and app,6ved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at -25 p. m. Clerk Mayor � e � Port Orchard, Washington October 28, 1968 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:30 p. m. by Mayor Repanich, Councilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn, and Van Zee, Powers excused, but may arrive later. Also present: Attorney Ronald Thompson, sub- stituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, Police Chief Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mr, Terry Richard, representing Radio Station KBRO and Mr. Travis Baker, representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of 10-14-68 meeting read and approved as corrected. Clerk read a letter of Mr, T. J. Brennan, of Roderick & Brennan, Attorneys of Seattle, re: an application of a client, Teletronics, a community antenna television firm for consideration of a telecable franchise in Port Orchard, Mr. Brennan requested the indulgence of the Council to witness a presentation of slides or projected drawings and other information of the firm he represents in regard to the requested franchise. While the above demonstration was being set up, Mayor Repanich requested Fire Chief hacker for a report of fires, etc, for September. Chief Hacker reported only 2 fires with a total loss of $15.00. He also reported that an interesting demonstration of a newly developed piece of equipment for fighting fires in upper parts of buildings which will be held in Lake- wood, Tacoma, on November 9. He requested that any Council members Who could attend would find it informative. Hacker also reported that the demolition of the old locker building near Thriftway Store, which was badly damaged by fire last week, was almost finished. The contractor has been working for a week to remove the structure and clean the area. Mr. Prod Lightfoot, President of Teletronics, presented a series of drawings, projected onto a screen, drawings and pictures of various operations of the firm in providing cable TV service and explained how such a facility might improve TV reception in the Port Orchard area. After completion of the presentation, Councilman Van Zee requested information re: what other areas were being served by the firm, Mr. Lightfoot informed those present that the facility had been installed in south King County, and Was operating satisfactorily, and that the second installation was currently under way in the Port Townsend area. Other questions were asked of Mr. Lightfoot, including what the estimated cost to subscribers might be expected to be. He replied that a $15.00 connection charge and a $5.00 monthly service fee would be probable. Mr. Brennan then briefed the Council on the legal aspects of a franchise ordinance and offered to present a proposed ordinance for consideration. Matter continued for future consideration of such an ordinance when received. Clerk read an application of Mr. Gerald P. Morgan of 2167 Sidney Avenue, for re -zone from R-1 to R-2, of a two -acre plot of land at 2250 Flower Avenue for purpose of applying for a permit to establish a mobile hone park. This application was approved by the Planning Comm- ission on 10-21-68. A statement from 12 neighbors around the proposed development to the effect that they did not object to the proposed re -zone accompanied the application* Only one of the property owners in the immediate area was opposed to the re -zone. Discussed briefly, and moved by Molzahn, seconded by Mikelsen that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be concurred in the re -zone authorized. Approved. Clerk read an application of Mr. Dante Chackel of 1636 Bay Street for re -zone from R-1 to Commercial, of lots 1 & 2, Block 2, including vacated portion of Stockton (Depot) street and Lots 10 & 11, Block 1, Plat of Annzpolis (Sidney Tidelands). This re -zone is for the purpose of permitting conmierciai development of the properties and was recommended approved by the Planning Commission on October 21, 1968. A statement of several neighboring property owners indicating no objections to the proposal. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Fitzgerald that the recommendations of the Planning Commission be concurred in and the re -zone authorized. Approve Clerk presented the final plat of Shamrock Lane, a development on Sherman Street, near south city limits. This plat has been approved by Kitsap County Health Department, City of Port Orchard Planning Commission, City Engineer and City Attorney, and is now ready for consider- ation by the Council, the preliminary plat having been previously approved. Discussed briefly and moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Molzahn that this final plat of Shamrock Lane be accepted. Approved. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would amend Ordinance No. $04 to adopt a revised report of Kitsap County Health Department, to be included in lieu of the report previously adopted which was found to be inadequate and not sufficiently comprehensive to constitute a report. Legal aspects of ordinance and subsequent proceedings explained by Attorney Thompson. After further discussion, moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Fitzgerald, that the proposed ordinance, amending Ordinance No. 804, be adopted. Approved unanimously and No. 812 assigned. October 28, 1968 Page Two Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would order the improvement of certain properties by the installation of water mains and fire hydrants in Pottery Avenue and Lippert Drive, and establishing LID #63 for the purpose of financing part of these improvements. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Molzahn that this ordinance be adopted. Approved unanimously and No. 813 assigned. Clerk informed the Council that authority was required to issue a revenue warrant to fin- ance a portion of the costs of LID #63, (751.56, Attorney legal fees, etc,). Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Van Zee that the issuance of this warrant be authorized. Approved, Mayor Repanich reported on a meeting between himself, Councilman Powers, Mr. Will Farsje and Mr. Robert Siegfried, both of Puget Sound Power & Light Co. re: the incandescent street lighting contract,(continued from meeting of 10-14-68). The differences of opinion were partially resolved and another executive session of the Council will further discuss this contract on November 7, Acting Superintendent of Public Works Hall reported on several projects, either completed or under way in his Department. He reported specifically on progress of the improvements to Pottery Avenue near May Street, where a very muddy, rough condition exists and is getting worse. Gravel has been put in place and the area is being further improved. Mr. Hall and Mayor Repanich reported on meeting with Mr. Hugh Bartlett, owner of the prop- erty occupied by Pete's Gun Shop at Bay and Orchard Streets, re: the extension of the sidewalk in front of the gun shop westerly to connect with the new sidewalk in front of the new Standard station. It is not expected that the sidewalk will be reconstructed here, but that painted strips will mark the sidewalk area. The matter of extending the sidewalk from the northwest corner of Bay and Prospect Streets north and east to Frederick Street discussed in detail and determined that the property owners involved will be requested to consider extending this walk to connect with the walk at Frederick Street. Councilman Mikelsen asked re: the status of the "snow route" signs which were intended to be placed by November. Mr. Hall stated that this project will be underway in the near future. Chief of Police Dow reported the need for a "No Parking Within 20 Feet" sign on north side of Prospect Street, just west of Frederick S"rest, to prevent patrons of two new businesses in the old liquor store building from blocking the sidewalk. Clerk read a letter from Mr. R. R. Leurquin of 1013 Sequoia Street, Port Orchard, (Parkwood), requesting information re: the status of Bay Street as involves whether this is a 4 or 2 lane facility between Orchard and Harrison Streets. State Law provides for eight foot width of lane, and since this is less than half the width of each side of Bay Street, it qualifies as a "multiple lane" facility, even though the State Highway Department does not build roads less than 10 feet wide. Discussed by members of Council,. Mayor and Chief of Police Dow. Chief Dow reported on and discussed several problems involving traffic flow and congestion which exists in downtown Port Orchard, especially dangerous conditions which occur during periods of peak traffic flow. Chief Dow recommends that consideration be given to establishing two-lane traffic on Bay Street, with left turn holding lanes at Sidney Avenue and Frederick Avenue. After further discussion, matter continued for further study by Chief of Police and Street and Alley Committee. Councilman Powers arrived at 10:15 p. m. Councilman Van Zee reported on progress of completing the basement of the Active Club Building. Councilman Mikelsen opened a discussion on the merits of future acquisition of a ladder truck or an "elevated platform" by the Fire Department for fighting fires in the upper stories of structures and for evacuating persons trapped in such areas. He discussed the various uses to which such equipment could be put. Mikelsen also reminded the Council of the announcement by Fire Chief Hacker earlier, of the demonstration of this equipment on 11-9-68 in Lakewood. Councilman Mikelsen opened discussion on the forthcoming call for bids for operation of the garbage collection service. He also mentioned the possible desirability of the City operation of such service as a city utility. He discussed the operation of the garbage collection service by another city of slightly larger size, and the costs and profits. Discussed at length and continued for further study. Clerk informed Council of need for a resolution authorizing a temporary transfer loan in the amount of $5,788.39 from Arterial Street Fund to hater Fund ($3,171.67) and to Street Fund ($2,616.72), and read a proposed resolution. Moved by Powers, seconded by Geiger that this resolution be adopted. Approved and No. 1070 assigned. October 28, 1968 Page 'Three Bills Were read in following amounts: Current Expense $2,679.85, Water $1,744.56, Street $868.90, Sever $165.19, Park $24.13; Total $5,483.63. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Van Zee that the bills be allowed and Vouchers Nos. 4253 through 4282 authorized paid. Approved, Councilman Mikelsen reminded the Mayor and Council of the fact that the next regular meeting falls on November llth, Veteranrs Day, a holiday. Moved by Powers, seconded by Mikelsen that the regular meeting scheduled for Monday, November llth be postponed to Tuesday, Nov- ember 12th, Approved, Move seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 10:45 p. m, Clerk_.' �fu�r€�Mayor Port Orchard, Washington October 14, 1968 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:30 p, m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn, Powers and Van Zee. Also present: City Attorney Donald Thompson, Fire Chief Ken Hacker and Mr. Travis Baker, representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of regular meeting of 9/23/68 and special meeting of 10/7/68 read and approved as corrected. Mayor announced that this was the date and time of the required hearing on the formation of LID #63, (Water mains in Lippert Drive -Pottery Avenue). No interested person was in attendance to offer a protest against this improvement which is being formed by the resol- ution method, Moved by Mikelsen, seconded Geiger that the minutes show that no person was present to protest the formation of LID #63 by resolution, and that the City Attorney be directed to provide the necessary ordinance. Approved. Mayor announced that one of the more important items of business of this meeting would be the reading and consideration of the report of the Kitsap County Health Director in re: the formation of LID 62, this report intended to meet the requirement of the Superior Court (see minutes of previous meetings) and that the Council would adjourn to the auditorium of Givens School to accomodate all interested persons who might desire to attend. He requested that the Clerk read the bills for consideration, in the interest of saving time when the meeting re -convenes at the City Hall. Clerk read bills in the following amounts: Current Expense $6,446.38, Water $6,137.12, Street $1,865.07, Sewer $640.25 and Park $150.39; Total $ 15,239.21. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and that Vouchers No. 4196 through 4252 be authorized paid. Approved. Moved by Fitzgerald, seconded by Caldwell that the meeting adjourn to Givens School to re- convene at 8:00 p. m. Meeting reconvened by Mayor Repanich at Givens School at 8:05 p. M. Mayor Repanich informed all those present that the purpose of this portion of this meeting was to read, consider and act on the latest report of the Kitsap County Health Department re: the possible danger to public health, welfare and safety, if the construction of the proposed LID #62 (sewers in south south-west portion of the City) is not carried out. City Attorney mpson expladed the legal background of the proposed LID and summarized the various phases f the project to this date, including the court case where a temporary in- junction was issued because of the inadequacy of the health officer's report. The Clerk read the new report of the Health Department, signed by Mr. J. A. Wiegel, R. S. After reading of the report by the Clerk, the City Attorney reminded those present that this meeting was for the sole purpose of hearing the report, considering it, and the factors that are involved in the report, and that no other matter should be considered. Mr. Ray Sampson of Hull Street stated that he felt that Mr. Wiegel or some other represent- ative of the Health Department should be present to explain the nature of the complaints read in the report and what the corrective action actually consisted of in cases of faulty sewage system. City Attorney reminded Mr. Sampson that Mr. Wiegel had previously stated that these cases had been corrected and approximately what action had been required. Mr. Ray Anderson of 2246 Sidney Avenue stated that there are no more than six houses on south Sidney Avenue which might cause a health problem in the next 15 years. The rest of the prop- erty is acreage, and undeveloped. He was reminded that what is acreage today is very likely to be platted development next month. Mr. C. J. Craswell of 195 Tremont Street West asked what the next course of action would be after tonights meeting. City Attorney informed Mr. Craswell that if the Council received and accepted the report, the next step would be to file it with the court to see if it would meet the court's requirements. Mrs. Maxine Johnson of 2021 Sidney Avenue informed the Council of the situation Which involved the complaint re: one of the units of the Heritage Trailer Court. This was a confused sit- uation involving different instructions from two representatives of the Health Department. Mr. Richard Ness of 1533 Roland Avenue asked re: the complaint (No. 11) as involving the res- idence of Mr. Mike Olszewski of Tremont and Roland, Avenue and stated that he understood that this involved only roof drainage. Clerk informed Mr. Ness that this complaint involved raw sewage on top of the gound. October 14, 1968 Page Two Mr. Francis Fuller asked the disposition of the case of Mr. Dale Rothgeb of Garrison Street. The Clerk informed those present that this residence was connected to a different sewer line and the trouble corrected, Mr., Robert Gadberry of 1261 Sherman Street complained that he and other residents feel that they are being sold down the river and not being allowed to adequately express their feelings and that this constitutes taxation without representation. Mr, Philip Hater of Tacoma, who owns property in the Railroad Avenue area, spoke at length against this proposed sewer improvement and reminded the Council that the percentage of protests received and the actual number of property owners involved should influence the Council to possibly consider some other method of financing this improvement. Mrs, Maxine Johnson asked why this new report was not delivered directly to the court for Its consideration, instead of holding this hearing. City Attorney Thompson explained the reasons, as dictated by the State Statutes which require that such a report must be adopted at a public hearing. Mr., C. J. Craswell stated that it was his feeling that the State law being used in justific- ation of this method of LID formation was not intended to be used in such a manner as to be directly contrary to the will of so many people, Councilman Geiger spoke at length on the fact that he felt that it was imperative that all possible steps be taken to provide services such as sewer, water, etc. before they are needed rather than to wait until the first case of a communicable disease appears,t%o start planning and attempting to finance the new services. The question was asked of the Council, "What other method of financing the extension of the sewer service to the new school and hospital if the LID method is not possible through the findings of the court„? Councilman Powers replied that the City could,,'' increase water and sewer rates and finance the cost, less a charge in lieu of assessments which would be paid by the school district and hospital, through revenue bonds, in which case the whole City would be paying for sewer improvements in only a small portion of the system. After further general discussion by several present in the audience and members of the Council, It was moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van Zee that this report be accepted in place of the report originally submitted by the Health Department in this case, and that an ordinance be prepared amending Ordinance #804, to include this new report in lieu of the one previously submitted. Approved unanimously. Moved, seconded and approved that this meeting adjourn as Givens School and reconvene at City Council Chambers, Approved and adjourned at 10:05 p. m. Meeting revonvened in the Council Chambers at 10:15 p. m. by Mayor Repanich. In addition to those indicated as being present at 7:30 p, m., Acting Sup't. of Public Works Ray Hall was present. Mayor Repanich informed the Council of an emergency which exists in the Police Department involving a lack of funds to employ a patrolman to fill an existing vacancy. This shortage is caused by payment of overtime pay during periods of personnel shortages and the retro- active pay increases recently granted. Discussed briefly and moved by Powers, seconded by Geiger that the Police Department be authorized additional funds when necessary, to permit employment of an additional patrolman to fill an existing vacancy. Approv*dd Acting Superintendent of Public Works Hall reported completion of the storm sewer project in Cline and Bay Streets. He also reported that the pump has been installed on Well V, and th t t is ready to be put in operation when required. Mr. Hall also reported that the flow1va ve's for the artesian wells are to be ordered in the next week. Mr. Hall further reported that he had received a request that the City consider selling an old steel water tank of about 2000 gallons capacity at the old Ross Creek Water District plant on Pottery Hill., This tank is quite badly deteriorated and is rapidly deteriorating further, It is in excess to the needs of the City. Discussed briefly. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Fitzgerald that this tank be sold for what it will bring. Approved. Clerk read an application submitted by Mr. Ron Gall& of 2367 Garden Drive, for a variance from the side and rear yard set -back progistons of Ordinance No. 719 to permit construction of a duplex residence on Lot-7. Block 20, Plat of Annapolis. The Planning Commission has considered this application carefully and finds that a hardship exists in this case and re- commends approval of the application. Discussed briefly and sketch of the proposed structure examined. Moved by Molzohn, seconded by Van Zee that the recommendations of Planning Comm- ission be concurred in, and the variance granted. Approved. Clerk opened discussion on the proposed contract for electric service for the incandescent street lighting system (continued from minutes of 9-23-68). This contract was submitted to the City and approved by the Mayor on 8-12-68 and returned to Puget Sound Power & Light Co. October 14, 1968 Page Three for signature, It was subsequently returned without signature for the approval by the City of three modifications which would remove the authority for extension of the incandescent street lighting system, and require new lights to be of mercury vapor type. Discussed at length and determined that these restrictions are not acceptable to the City. Continued for further information. Mayor Repanich will contact Mr. Farsje of Bremerton office of Puget Power for further information and to make the feelings of the City known. Clerk read a claim for damages in the amount of $32.44, submitted by Mr. Paul Bruce of Sherman Street occasioned by the damaging of a hot water heater in the residence, when water supply was drained out of the tank while a main was being tapped for a new service near by. The Superintendent of Public Works reported that the turn-off of water to make this tap was an emergency, which precluded the informing of every homeowner and could not have been prevented. Moved by Powers, seconded by Fitzgerald that the claim be denied and referred to the insurance carrier for action. Approved. Clerk opened discussion on the matter of renting of City equipment to private individuals or contractors, There appears to be no firm policy in this matter. Previous Superintendents of Public Works or Engineers have, on occasion rented the air compressor and other items of equipment to contractors and private parties. Discussed briefly. Moved by Powers, seconded by Molzahn that a firm policy be adopted to the affect that no City equipment will be loaned or rented to private persons or firms. Approved w/ 6 yeas and one no. Clerk read a resolution of the Kitsap Rural Library, authorizing the placing on the November 5 ballot, a proposition authorizing bias the issuance of general obligation bonds for the construction of a new library building in Bremerton to serve the County. These bonds would not effect Port Orchard or other municipalities except Bremerton. The Librarian in the Kitsap Regional Library in Bremerton, Mrs. Bowen, had asked the Council to consider going on record as approving the purpose of the bonds and encouraging a favorable vote by the voters. Discussed in detail. Moved by Powers, seconded by Van Zee that the Council go on record as being in favor of the proposition as stated in the Resolution. On the question, Councilman Mikelsen stated that while he was in favor of any action that would improve the library and its function in the community, he was not in favor of the motion because the Council would be attempting to influence voters outside the City and felt that the Council should not do this. Motion disapproved by 6 nos and 1 yea. Clerk read a request of Mr. Lon Nickerson requesting the City consider granting an easement along the south side of the property owned by tho-City, east of Clifton Road, near the garbage dump. The purpose of this easement would be to provide access to property owned by Mr. Nicker- son which is now without access. Discussed briefly. Clerk directed to inform Mr. Nickerson that if the owner of the property to the South would grant a like easement, along the northerly boundary of his property, the City would consider granting an easement of 30 feet to provide the required access. This would also improve the City's access to parts of its property now difficult to reach, Councilman Mikelsen reported on developments re: the request of Mr. Harry McPherson of Court- house Realty for the installation of 225' of 6" cast iron water main in Sherman Street near Melchor Street (minutes of 9.23-68). Mr. McPherson has not provided a sketch of the properties involved as requested and also has not agreed to extend the length of the requested main to include all of the property he wishes to improve, to prevent leaving a gap which would result if the property owners beyond would desire to further extend this service. Until these requirements are met, the City cannot proceed. Further continued. Caldwell reported re: investigation of a complaint by Mr. Ray Sampson of Hull Street that water flooded onto his property during heavy rains. Mr. Caldwell feels that this water is foloowing a natural drainage path, and that the City has done nothing to cause or aggravate the situation and is therefore not responsible to take any corrective action. Mayor Repanich reported on the success of the fourth annual Mayor's Prayer Breakfast held at Myhre's Cafe on Saturday, October 12, 1968. This function was attended even better than those held in previous years. Moved seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 12:05 a. m. Clerk - Mayor Port Orchard, Washington October 7, 1968 A special meeting of Port Orchard City Council as required by RCW 35.33.070, called to order at 7:35 p, m, by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn, and Powers, Van Zee absent, (excused). Also present: City Treasurer Lorraine Carraway, Acting Sup't, Public Works Ray Hall, i'hief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Ass't. Fire Chief Caldwell, and Mr. Travis Baker representing Bremerton Sun. Mayor Repanich announced the purpose of this meeting to betconsider and adopt the final budget for the City for 1969, as required by RCW 35.33.070, and requested Council- man Powers, Chairman of Finance and Auditing Committee to summarize the budgets sub- mitted by the various department heads and to compare these proposals to the final balanced budget, Chairman Powers discussed the budget, fund by fund, and item by item, in a general way, and specifically in areas where adjustments were made to meet increased needs In other areas. it reported that salary increases, particularly in the Police Depart- ment had been determined to be essential to retain trained personnel and to attract new personnel when necessary. There was no resident of the City present who wished to speak on the budget. 'loved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this budget, as submitted, and in balance, be adopted. On the question, Councilman Fitzgerald asked whether the State's Direct Aid to Cities had been considered in this budget, particularly for the second half of the year (1969) since this might not be forthcoming unless the Legislature acted favorably, Clerk informed the Council that these monies had been included, as suggested by the Association of Washington Cities, and that a section would be included in the Ordinance adopting the budget to the effect that, if the second half appropriations were not forthcoming from the State, the budget would have to be reduced accordingly. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would adopt the budget and would levy the nec- essary taxes. Moved by Powers, seconded by Molzahn that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 811 assigned. Mayor Repanich thanked the members of the Finance and Auditing Committee for the hard and sometimes frustrating work required to balance the budget, and he thanked the department heads for the careful thought and judgement they used in submitting the budget proposals as involved their particular departments. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 7:55 p. m. C larks Mayor September 23, 1968 Page Two James Robinson, a building contractor from Bremerton, was recognized re: an application submitted by a client, ivirs, Beulah Crowley, for re -zone from R-1 to R-2, of Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9, Block 19, Plat of Annapolis, to permit construction of two (2) four -unit apartment buildings, Clerk read the application and w"r. Robinson discussed and explained the nature of the development and displayed drawings of it. Discussed by members of the Council, c,ayor and others, `,oved by Geiger, seconded by Fitzgerald, that this re -zone be granted, Approved. Clerk read a report of Kitsap County Health 'department, filed with the City Council, re: LID #62 and the matters of health, safety and welfare, intended to meet the requirements of Mtsap County Superior Court (Tudge Bryan), when he granted a temporary injunction to prevent the construction of the sewer project involved. Discussed briefly by members of the Council, and those present in the audience, rioved by Powers, seconded by T�olzahn that the report of the Kitsap County Health Department be accepted and filed, and establishing October 14, 1968 as the date at which this report will be considered by the Council for acception or rejection, Approved, and City Attorney and Consulting Engineer George Hammond directed to prepare necessary notices to interer:ted property owners., I.ayor requested information from :,ir, Ray Hail, re: the matter of the pump for well *'o, 7, which has been determined to be required (minutes of previous meetings), This pump has been reconditioned and is now ready to be installed. ',;r. Hall reported that Mr, Hammond, Consulting Engineer, had completed his study of the needs of the Water Department for flow control valves for the artesian wells, and these valves and control mechanisms will be ordered, hr, Hall also .reported that the street work on Pottery Avenue between May St, and Lippert Drive (authorized in minutes of 9-9-69) had not been started due to heavy rains of last two weeks, �r. [Tall reported that County "oad District No, 2 crews will start striping City streets in the near future, on our request, and as soon as materials are received, This striping will include adding reflective beads to the paint, to improve night-time and wet weather visability, installation Hall further reported that the new storm sewer/in Cline and Bay Streets (minutes of 9-9-6,q) is in process of being, completed, %tr. RAy Sampson, of 1013 Hull Street requested consideration of a problem caused by drainage water flowing across his property during periods of heavy rain. Discussed briefly, p;r, Everett Collins of 1230 Sherman Ave., reported a similar problem near his home, These reports referred to Street and Alley Committee for study and recommendations, Councilman Fitzgerald reported that he had had a report from a property owner on Kitchell Ave, that water had overflowed a street gutter during a recent heavy downpour and had run into their property, err. Nall has investigated this case, and it appears that this was due to the extremely heavy rain and could not have been prevented, Discussion developed between members of the Council and m,r, Hall re: several cases of flooding storm sewers and catch basins in recent extremely heavy rainfall. Clerk read a claim of 1r, .Lon Dickerson of Rt. 46, Box #206-A, Port Orchard, in the amount of $500,00 for damage to furniture and other items in the garage of a house owned by him on Perry Avenue, near '�'itchell Avenue, when a storm drain on Farragut Street became plugged and overflowed, causing water to run down the hill to the rear of '1r, Nickerson's property and into the garage, carrying mud and silt, "Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this claim be denied and referred to the City's insurance carrier., Approved, Clerk .reported that preliminary assessment notices and roll had been received for LIP, 'F63, (water mains in Lippert Drive -Pottery Avenue), and the hearing has been established in the "esolution of Intent for. October IL, Clerk reminded the ';ayor and Council of the Association of Washington Cities District meeting at Poulsbo on September 30, 1,,ayor Repanich urged all members of the City governmental family to attend, if possible, with their wives, G}'tar') �,u p�r"rr Clerk read a proposed resolution, which would authorize certain budgetary transfers of funds, i.oved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell, that this proposed resolution be adopted Approved, and No, 1069 assigned, Chief of Police Dow reported that the new Police Department quarters are nearing; completion, ,ayor and others discussed the desirability of holding an "Open House" to dedicate the new addition to the ?unicipal Building, both the library portion and the new Police Dept, spaces, -2- SepteTber 23, 1968 Page Three Councilman Fitzgerald opened a discussion on the matter of improved street lighting especiali, in the downtown pedestrian crosswalk areas, which was anticipated when new street lighting power contracts were negotiated with Puget Sound Power. and Light Company, '-lerk read changes in the incandescent street lighting contract, which have been requested by the Power Co, This contract was prepared by the Power and Light Company, and offered to the City. They were accepted and signed by the ;'ayor, and have now been re -submitted to the City for these modifications, These matters discussed in�detail and the contract referred to the City Attorney for examination and recommendations, Councilman 'yikelsen, in absence of Chairman Van fee of Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported that extreme vandalism is being experienced in the City's recreation facilities, especially the Little League Building, which has had several windows broken, doors battered down, etc, The possibility of lighting these areas to decrease this vandalism, discussed at length, -his problem is under study and will be reported on at a later meeting, Councilman Tjikelsen also reported to the Council that the local American Legion Post was considering requesting the City to authorize the placing of permanent brackets on the parking meter posts to facilitate the pla in of Sri aryf g on app pria_ Lidays, 'i'his was discuss ief 1y, �� E /`' dills were read in the following amounts: Current E p4se $2,692.24; Water $1,007.23; Street S749,67; Sewer $201,12; Park $74,28; Total $4,724..44, i°oved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and that Vouchers Nos, 4163 through 4195 be authorized paid, Approved, P'oved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 12:05 a, m, e Clerks ivayor Port Orchard, `-Yashington September 9, 1968 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p., M. by--iayor ^epanich, 'oun.cilmen present: Fitzgerald, Geiger, 'I kelsen, aVolzahn, Powers and Van 'ee, Caldwell absent (excused), Also present: City Attorney Thompson, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Sacker, Acting Public Works N rector Pay Hall and 'r, Travis Baker, representing Bremerton Sun, inures of regular meeting of August 26, 1968 read and approved as corrected, Mayor acknowledged the presence of a large ,group of spectators and encouraged any present to speak on any matter they might desire. No person having anything to offer, the ["'.ayor recognized FL.`r, i••Iilllam D. Cornwell, President of the Port Orchard Jaycees, The Clerk read a letter of the .TayCees which requested consideration of the City that the organiz- ation be eranted a lease on a portion of City property (Tract 14, Port Orchard Villa ''racts (for use as a clubhouse site), P"r., Cornwell offered further information on the aims and desires of the Ja_yCees, ",`ayor Repanich informed ^,r. Cornwell that it is not the practice of the City to lease park property, Councilman tan 7ee, Chairman of the Parks and Playgrounds Committee also commented on the matter, and reminded the Council that the Port "'rchard soccer group had suggested that they might be interested in using this property for a playfield, Continued, with the Parks and Playground Committee to meet with members of the ..JayCees for further study of the matter, ir. Sob Price, President of South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce, was recognized and spoke again concerning the Courthouse and ,Juvenile Center bond levy which will be voted on at the September 17 election. Clerk read a resolution which endorses the need for these improvements and encourages voters of the City to support the measure, IN:oved by ;iikelsen, seconded by 14olzahn that this resolution be adopted. Approved and No, 1067 assigned, After the passage of the resolution, further discussion developed between the "Jayor and members of the Council on the urgent need for an enlarged and improved Courthouse complex and Juvenile Center, Councilman ritzgerald moved that the City Attorney be directed to prepare a resolution assuring the cooperation of the City with the Board of County -Commissioners in the matter of City owned property which might be required for this expansion, Seconded by Powers and approved unanimously, mayor ?epanich recognized Nr, !-carry icPherson, of Courthouse Realty, who was present to request information as the procedures required to install a 6" water main in Sherman Street for a distance of approximately 225' south of �Ielcher Street to permit development of the property for residential use. "efer.red to Water, Sewer., Health and Sanitation Committee for study, Fire Chief Backer reported nine (9) fire calls answered by the Fire Department during August. of which one (1) was a false alarm, Approximately $1,000.00 loss was sustained in these fires, Chief Hacker also reported that truck #3 (1945 Ford) is temporarily out of service while .repairs are being made to the pump and booster tank. Chief 'Tacker reported that no personnel of his department would attend the oil fire school at Yakima this year, due to the fact that applications have been refused for some time due to number received., Acting Sup't, of Public Works Hall reported on the progress of construction of the new Standard Oil Service Station on Bay Street North of Bank Street, and the new sidewalk being laid in conjunction with the station, fir, Pall asked for an opinion of the Council re: the desirability of obtaining easements for placing of a new storm sewer section on private property as compared to the more costly installation in the street, This new facility is required in Cline and Flay Streets from Kitsap Street to the salt water to replace an existing portion of a storm sewer which is partially blocked at the outboard end and not capable of carrying off heavy storm water. Discussed briefly and a determin- ation reached that the line should be placed in the street, ,,r. mall requested approval by the Council of a proposal that the City improve Pottery Avenue from ":ay Street south to Lippert Drive, using surplus dirt and fill material from the construction performed recently on Pottery Avenue south of Lippert Drive, hir. Hall authorized to proceed in this project, September 9, 1968 Page Two i`.r. Hall informed the Council that the Kitsap County .-oad District No, 2 will with the City in striping the City streets if requested. Discussed at length that the striping will be accomplished using the reflective beads such as the to increase visibility, cooperate and determined County uses ` `,ir, Hall reported that a permit for the mechanical (plumbing, etc,,) portion of the new South Kitsap Junior Hiryh School had been issued, in spite of a request from the City that it be withheld until the matter of the automatic sprinkler system and other fire fighting facilities were resolved. Discussed briefly and Mr. Hall directed to contact school authorities immediately and the Clerk to issue a stop -work order to the contractor per- forming the work, '.ayor Repanich opened discussion on the exact placement of the new sidewalk propos7,,f�� Bank Street from, Bay Street to Prospect Street and aroung to Frederick Street, and >vs�r m. a 3' unpaved strip between the R/W and the property line should be next to the curb or next to the property line, After a brief discussion, moved by k1 kelsen, seconded by Fitzgerald that the 5' sidewalk with a 31;' unpaved strip between. the sidewalk and the property line he required, Approved, "°r Nall and 'Iayor Repanich reported that "1r, Hugh Bartlett, owner of property immediately northeast of the new Standard Oil Station site, has indicated an unwillingness to construct a sidewalk adjacent to his property, due to the possibile necessity for expensive remodel- inb of the property to conform to the new sidewalk height, Chairman '•ikelsen of 'dater, sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee requested information from N r, Hall re: the status of the installation of the flow control valves to prevent the wasting of artesian well water during periods of small consumption, The purchase of these valves were authorized to be made by ','r, George Hammond at a meeting in early July, ','.r. Hall will contact ?,�r. Hammond re: this matter. �tr, N;'lkelsen also requested info on the project of installing a pump on Well No, 7, �.r, Hall reported that he had had no contact with the pump repair firm which was to rebuild and install the pump, He will contact them, ,,;ayor .Repanich opened discussion on the matter of LID #62, and specifically, what action the Cotincil might take on the four (4) alternative courses of action outlined in the City Attorney's letter of 94 -6S, City Attorney Thompson again outlined these courses of action in detail and answered questions on each, Discussed at length and moved by likelsen, seconded by Powers that the Council proceed with alternative No. 4 of the City Attorney's letter, to wit: that the Kitsap County Health Officer be requested to prepare and submit a detailed report of the necessity for public sewers in the entire area originally included in the LTD, description, such a report to meet the requirements stipulated by the Kitsap Co, Superior Court in the injunction against the City, On the question, Councilman Fitzgerald reported on a pendinv development of some 60 homesites in the -area immediately north of the new .Junior High School, which will probably increase the need of public sewers. Approved unanimously. "embers of the group of protesters against the formation of the LID, who were present, engaged the members of the Council in questions and answers re: the status of the project. Ilr. William Cornwell, President of Port Orchard JayCees spoke on the need for planning and progress, particularly in areas of water, sewers, etc. He reminded those present that expansion of sewer, water and street systems must be planned and accomplished before the area is built up, Chairman lA kelsen, of Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee reported on a meeting of his committee with i'ir. Lloyd Granquist, one of the operators of the Port "rchard Garbage Service, on 8-27-68, He read an opinion of the City Attorney, that a call for bids must precede the granting of a franchise for such an operation. Discussed at length. Moved by �Mlkelsen, seconded by Fitzgerald, that the Committee aNOWUM, Clerk and City Attorney be authorized and directed to begin preparation of a recommended franchise and be prepared to call for bids about ,January 1, Approved, Clerk reported on the re -numbering of residences and business in the City which former".y WOJ on rural routes, This is progressing quite smoothly with a minimum of confusion, Mayor Pepanich reported on meeting of ^-28-68 with representatives of Urban Arterial Board re: the Pottery Avenue Arterial project and with representatives of the Federal and State 'ater Pollution Control Commissions re: the Bay Street interceptor sewer main. These meetings were administrative in nature and dealt with details of grants in aid, Clerk read letters from the `;rate Librarian and the "ederal Agency making aid grants for library construction which confirm approval of an additional 53,673. in the library grant becaused of increased costs over the original estimate, - 2 - September 9, 1968 Page Three Clerk read a letter from �vr, Hall Wennerberg, Secretary of South Kitsap Western Little League, thanking; the City for the cooperation received during the recent tournament held in Port Orchard. Clerk read a proposed ordinance amending Ordinance "1o, 793, which establishes salary schedules for 1968, These salary schedules-mr involve increases in uniformed members of the Police Department salaries, 1;oved by Powers, seconded by Geiger that this ordin- ance be adopted. Approved and No. 809 assigned, Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would authorize the placing on the November ballot, a special levy of approximately one (1) mill to raise an amount of $3,995.00 for mainten- ance of the Port Orchard branch of the 'sitsap Regional Library, A:oved by Powers, seconded by Fitzgerald, that this ordinance be adopted, On the question, Councilman Geiger discussed the desirability of requesting the special levy in the amount of $7,990.00 or approximately two (2) mills. After considerable discussion, moved by Van lee, seconded by Geiger., that the motion be amended to read "an amount of 57,990,00, approximately two (2) mills) Amendment to motion approved, four (4) yeas and two (2) nos, The motion, as amended, carried, four (4) yeas and two (2) nos, Clerk read a request of "'.r. Robert Gadberry of 906 Grant Street for a temporary use permit to authorize the occupancy of a mobile home at 1261 Sherman Street while a new residence is being constructed, Moved by �;.ikelsen, seconded by Geiger that the request be granted, Approved, City Attorney opened discussion on proposed LID #63, (water mains in Lippert Drive -Pottery Avenue) and reported that the LID could not be formed by the petition method due to in- sufficient assessed property values, since the school (new S. K. Junior High) has no assessed value, He reported that the only way the LID could be farmed was through the .resolution method on the basis of the need for water mains and fire hydrants in the interests of public welfare and safety. Clerk read a proposed resolution which declares the intention of the City to carry out improvements to water works utility and to form a Local Improvement District to finance such an improvement, roved by '1 kelsen, seconded by Geiger that this resolution be adopted, Approved unanimously and No. 1068 assigned, Councilman ^iol7ahn reported that, from information he has received, there appears no possib- ility that the Ciry cot.ild obtai�n�'ontrol of the old Sidney Cemetery for use as a park, Heirs of persons Ins ry.,have indicated no willingness to cooperate, Chairman Lean lee of Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported on projected improvements to Active Club Building grounds to prevent pooling of water and seepage into basement. He also reported on additional improvements planned for the building itself, r tan lee also discussed other improvements to recreational facilities planned or in progress. Councilman Van -ee requested that he be excused from the next two (2) meetings of the Council due to vacation, Bills were read in the following amounts: Current Expense G2,086,66, Slater $1,583,26, Street $395,33, Sewer $491.65. Park 8113.64, total $4,670,54, Yoved by Nolzahn, seconded by Powers that these bills be allowed and Vouchers Nos. 4116 through #4162 authorized paid, Approved. A;;oved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 10:45 p, m. Clerk .; i�.avor { - 3- Port Orchard, Washington August 26, 1968 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:40 p. m, by .Mayor Repanich, Councilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Mikelsen, riolzahn, Powers and Van "ee, Also present: Attorney Ronald Thompson, substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, Acting Superintendent of Public Works Ray Hall, fire Chief Hacker and Mr, Travis !faker, representing Bremerton Sun, Yinutes of August 12, 1968 meeting .read and approved as corrected. Mayor recognized a large number of visitors, as a group, who had protested LID #62, none of whom had specific problems, l-;ayor recognized her, Bob Price, President of South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce, who was present to request the cooperation of the Council in promoting interest in the bond levy for Courthouse improvements which will be voted at the September primary election, Mayor Repanich requested Councilman Fitzgerald to cooperate with the Chamber in this matter. Mayor requested Attorney Ronald Thompson to give a report, in the absence of City Attorney Donald Thompson, on the recent suit brought in Superior Court to prevent the construction of LID #62, Attorney Thompson read a report prepared by the City Attorney which summarized the proceedings and findings in the case, which resulted in a temporary injunction against the City due to an inadequate report of the Kitsap County Health Department, that the sewers are necessary to the health and welfare of the residents of the area, City Attorney's letter concluded with suggestions for future action in this matter. These courses of action are (1) to abandon the project completely, (2) abandon the project in its present scope and reduce the sine to a smaller area, where there is less protest, (3) negotiate with the protesting property owners to delete certain areas to make the project acceptable, or (4) attempt to document and prepare a report of health and welfare conditions which would meet the requirements of the court.. The various alternatives and what they entail, were discussed in detail and questions were directed to and answered by Attorney Thompson, Mayor Repanich asked Dr, Shirley Benham, Vitsap County Health Department Director for a statement as to what steps the Health Department was ready to go to collect data for a report which would meet the requirements of the court, Dr, Benham reported that the Health Department would cooperate to the fullest extent possible, Clerk reported that the petition of Amr, Sherman Coulon, of lit, 6, Box 524, for vacation of a portion of Lawrence Street between Bay Street and Perry Avenue North, had been withdrawn by I'r, Coulon, 4:avor requested titr, Ray Hall, Acting Public Works Director to present the Six -Year Compre- hensive Arterial Street Program (required by Chapter 83, 1967 Legislature (Ex, Session), Nr, Hall presented this report as he has developed it with the assistance of representatives of the State Highwav Department, and discussed item by item. Clerk read a proposed resol- ution which would adopt this six -year program, *:owed by Powers, seconded by ��olzahn that this resolution be adopted. Approved and No, 1064 assigned, -:r, Hall reported on the temporary shortage of water which occurred on Sunday morning, August 25, which was apparently caused by a malfunction in the special telephone line which connects units of the automatic water control system. Fr, Hall also reported on the progress of the construction of the new Standard Oil Service Station at Bay and ?lank Streets, Councilman Van. lee, Chairman of Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported that the last unit of the concrete floor in the basement of the Active Club Building had been completed by volunteer labor and had been finished off in a very professional manner. The next project in this area will be the completion of partitions, which, after discussion, were determined to require construction of concrete blocks, for better fire protection, Councilman Van Zee reported no further progress in the matter of the construction of a restroom facility on the Central Play -field, He reported that the new coin operated electric light meters have been installed at the horseshoe pitching facility, Councilman Niolzahn reported no progress in the Sidney Cemetery matter (minutes of 8-12-68). iayor recognized Mr. Lloyd Granquist, one of the operators of the Port Orchard Garbage Service, who requested consideration be given to the renewal of their franchise for operation of the garbage collection service, which would warrant their purchase of new equipment. August 26, 1968 Page Two Councilman Mikelsen, Chairman of Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee reported the feeling of the Committee that bids should be called for at the expiration of the present franchise to insure that more than one proposal might be received and that a more desirable agreement might be reached, Discussed at length, Continued for further study in committee. Chairman Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee reported on the matter of the welding equip- ment available for purchase at the old Port orchard Machine Shop (reported in minutes of previous meetings), This equipment which is available at a price of $600.00, determined not to he in such condition as to warrant purchase by the City. Clerk read a proposed 4 e which would commend the Port Orchard ,JayCees for their efforts and time spent in developing the recently adopted street -numbering system, and expressing the appreciation of the Mayor and Council as a whole for this service, roved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this resolution be adopted. Approved and No, 1065 assigned, Chairman Fitzgerald of Fire and Light Committee presented a bill to the Council on behalf of the Volunteer fire Department in amount of $112.08 to pay for the new distinctive shoulder identification insignia which is now being worn by the members of the Depa ent. He a la ed that initially, the Department had intended to pay for this item from wt- �K&, but due to the fact that it was necessary to purchase in a large quantity, the bill was larger than anticipated. Discussed briefly. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this bill be authorized paid from Fire Department budgeted funds, Approved, *tiGtifil Clerk read a proposed once which would re -designate all north and south thoroughfares as avenues and east and west thoroughfares as streets, with a designated few to retain old designations, These few are short streets which are not a part of the traffic flow of the City street system, Noved by Nikelsen, seconded by Fitzgerald that this resolution be adopted. Approved and No, 1066 assigned, Clerk reported receipt of an offer from the Board of County Commissioners to the -City for the lease, (without cost) of two lots and portions of two others on Kitchell Avenue, These lots are part of the County Road District No, 2 complex which will be vacated soon, and are desired to provide space for a building to house Volunteer Fire Department equipment. "owed by Fitzgerald, seconded by Caldwell that a letter be written to the Board of County Commissioners request_ine consideration for ,granting of a 35-year lease on portion of lots 17 and 19 and all of lot 19 and 20, Block 8, Tom Cline's Addition to Sidney for use as a Fire Hail site. Approved, `.Iayor reminded the Council of certain important meetings pending especially on 8-28-68 with representatives of State Urban Arterial Board at 9:00 a, m, and with representatives of State and Federal .pater Pollution Control roanissions at 10:30 a, m, Clerk read bills in following amounts, Current Expense $830,05; Water Fund $869,69; Street Fund S5,322.74; Sewer Fund $232,70; Park Fund $383,49; Total $7,638.67. ?Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 4085 through 4115 be authorised paid, Approved, '!owed, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 9:50 p. m. C. Clerk ,/�� ` ayor Port Orchard, Washington August 12, 1966 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:30 p. m, by Mayor Repanich, Councilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn, Powers and Van Zee, Also present: City Attorney Donald Thompson, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Acting Public Works Sup't, Hall, and Mr, Travis Baker, representing Brem- erton Sun, Minutes of July 22nd, 1968 regular meeting read and approved as corrected, Mayor Repanich recognized Mr, Sherman Coulon of Rt, 6, Box 524, who was present regarding a previously submitted petition for vacation of a portion of Lawrence Street between Perry Avenue and Bay Street, (minutes of 7-22-68). Discussed at length. The Street and Alley Committee, (two members only) have considered this request and recommend against the vaca- tion, but would authorize the use of the street in question by the abutting property owners. Continued for a formal hearing as required by RCW. Clerk directed to publish notice of such hearing, Mr, Coulon requested that, in the event that the vacation is denied, the street be cleared of dead trees, vines, etc. to reduce possibility of injury to children who use the area as a playground. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Geiger that the City Attorney prepare a resolution to establish the next regular meeting as the special hearing date, Approved. Mayor recognized Mr, Bill Cornwell, President of Port Orchard JayCees, who was present to urge the Council to consider the flouridation of the City's water supply, and presented a resolution to that effect, Mayor Repanich recognized Dr, William Davis and Mr. Roger Maxwell of S. K, School District #402, who were present re: the possible modification of plans for the new Junior High School (currently under construction) as involves internal fire fighting facilities in and around the buildings, Mr. Ray Hall, Acting Building Inspector discussed these modifica- tions in detail, Dr. Davis will refer this matter to the school architect for study. Matter continued, Mayor recognized Dr, Howard Minor, who protested the applications of the provisions of the Building and Fire Prevention Codes to this structure, He felt that while these preventative measures were desirable, the money needed to effect the changes involved will not be avail- able, and he felt that the City was being unnecessarily restrictive, Dr. Minor was informed that these were recommendations only at this time and that every effort would be made to cooperate with the school board in the matter, but that these modifications were the rec- ommendations of experts in the field of fire prevention and were felt to be the minimum for fire safety. Mayor requested information from the City Attorney as to the status of the LID #62. Ease- ments have been prepared for necessary properties and are awaiting a companion document (a waiver of 90 days delay period) required by HUD, City Attorney reminded the Council of the lawsuit pending in this case and set for August 20, 21 and 22nd, and discussed the back- ground and apparent strategy of the Attorney for the protesting property owners. The matter of easements and rights -of -way in general discussed at length. Moved by Fitz- gerald, seconded by Powers that an appraiser be directed to start an appraisal of the easement properties as soon as the pending lawsuit is decided, Approved. Mayor requested information from the City Attorney re: the foreclosure action against the Mildred Thompson/John Breed estate property for sewerage installation costs (authorized in minutes of 7-22-68). City Attorney reported no further progress due to other pressing matters, Fire Chief Hacker reported 10 fire calls and one first aid call during the month of July, with $50,00 fire loss, He reported that the fire prevention inspections of business estab- lishments (reported in previous meetings) have started. Chief Hacker also deported that the program of flushing and repainting fire hydrants Was completed. Mr. Hall presented the Six -Year Comprehensive Arterial Street Plan required by Section 27, Chapter 83, Laws of 1967. This plan has previously been required to be updated by -annually. It now has been expanded to include the Urban Arterial Program. Discussed briefly and deter- mined that the required hearing will be held on August 26th, 1968 at the time of the regular Council meeting. Continued until 8-26-68, August 12, 1968 Page Two Mr, Hall reported on status of water supply and the wells, in view of recent periods of very heavy consumption and hot weather, He reported that a gasoline engine driven pump on well No. 5, which had not been used for a number of years, had been put in service and was capable of delivering about 100 GPM to supplement the other wells during periods of hot weather and heavy demands, Councilman Van Zee, Chairman of Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported that the under- ground portion of the plumbing and drainage system of the south half of Active Club Building basement was completed and that the concrete floor would be poured and finished over the weekend, He has ordered the reds -mix cement and obtained the services of cement finishers to complete this project, Councilman Van Zee also discussed the feasibility of building a restroom facility at Central Playfield and showed a small sketch which had been prepared. He and Mr. Hall and Councilman Molzahn will investigate the location of existing sewer laterals to determine the best loc- ation, Continued, Councilman Mikelsen and Van Zee reported the results of a meeting between the committee and representatives of various youth athletic programs. General agreement was reached on the utilization by the various groups of the facilities to their fullest extent.. Discussion developed on the possibibility and feasibility of attempting to procure the old Sidney cemetery as a City Park facility, Councilmani Molzahn will explore this matter. Con- tinued Councilman Mikelsen thanked the City Council and Mayor on behalf of the Little League Base- ball officials for the assistance and cooperation given in connection with the recent tourn- ament Councilman Mikelsen reported on the urgent need for an ordinance which would require the cutting of weeds, berry vines, trees, etc, whenever these growths obstruct sidewalks, streets or alleys or restrict visibility to traffic, etc,, or when such growths on private property constitute a fire hazard, etc. He reported specific areas where sidewalks are completely go#ied and pedestrian traffic is forced onto streets. He requested individual Council members to inspect these areas for their own information. The Clerk will write letters to the property owners Involved directing that these conditions be corrected. Mikelsen further reported on a fire at the City garbage dump which could have resulted in serious damage to the timber around the dump area. He has discussed the matter of periodic burning (daily or every -other day) and covering of materials with the operators of the Port Orchard Garbage Service, Councilman Fitzgerald excused at 9:20 p, m. Chief of Police Dow reported to the Council that he was being faced with problems of shortage of personnel, He has one vacancy at this time and Patrolman Mares has indicated that he will be resigning to accept other employment about September 15, This will create a serious problem In the Department and the Civil Service Register has no eligible candidates.. Applic- ations are not being received in any significant number and the quality of applicants does not indicate that the examinations would produce replacements, Councilman Geiger suggested that serious consideration be given to granting an emergency salary increase to alleviate the situation and to encourage more persons to apply. Discussed at length, Continued, Clerk informed the Council that authority was needed to issue interest bearing Revenue Warrants to provide interim financing for LID #63 (Lippert Drive -Pottery Avenue water mains) prior to issue of bonds. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the Clerk be authorized to issue revenue warrants in the amount of $18,000,07 which will be purchased by Kitsap Co. Bank at 4�% interest, Approved. Clerk read a proposed resolution approving and adopting the house numbering system developed and recommended by the Port Orchard JayCees. Discussed briefly. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Powers that this resolution be adopted. Approved and No. 1062 assigned, Councilman Mikelsen recommended that a commendatory resolution be prepared by the City Attorney expressing the appreciation of the Council and citizens of Port Orchard for the efforts of the JayCees in completing this difficult project, Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Molzahn that such a resolution be drafted, Approved, August 12, 1968 Page Three Clerk read a proposed resolution which would accept a proposed Municipal Street Lighting Contract for the ten-year period commencing May 1, 1968, and authorize the Mayor to sign such a contract, This contract covers the purchase of electricity for incandescent light- ing only. Moved by Van lee, seconded by Caldwell that this resolution be adopted and the contract approved, subject to verification of the rates contained. Approved, and No, 1063 assigned, Councilman Caldwell excused at 10:30 p, m. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would make it a misdemeanor to sell or give away materials which could be used to produce an intoxicating or exhilerating sensation by "sniff- ing". This ordinance has been strongly supported and recommended by Superior Court Judges and other law enforcement officers to help control a rapidly increasing situation. Discussed at considerable length by the members of the Council, Mayor, Chief of Police, and City Attorney, Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Van Zee that this ordinance be adopted. Approved with 3 yeas and 2 nos and No, 808 assigned, Mayor informed the Council that he would be absent from the City from August 19 through 25 and requested that a Mayor Pro-Tem be designated for this period. Moved by Van Zee, sec- onded by Molzahn that Councilman Paul Powers be designated Mayor Pro-Tem for the period August 19-25, 1968. Approved, Bills were read in following amounts: Current Expense $13,331.47; Water $5,915.49; Street $3,292.19; Sewer $3,772,45; Park $89.20; Total $26,400.80. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Mikelsen that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 4016 through 4084 authorized paid, Approved, Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjoutiged at 11:10 p. m. !���� Clerk =/ r L - Mayor Port Orchard, Washington July 22, 1968 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order. at 7:30 p, m. by Mayor Repanich, Councilmen present: Geiger, PFikelsen, Powers and Van lee, (Caldwell and Fitzgerald to arrive later); Molzahn absent (excused). Also present: Attorney Ronald Thompson. substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, Fire Chief Hacker, Consulting Engineer George Hammond, N?r. Ray B, Hall, Acting Building Inspector and Mr. Travis Baker representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of. July R. 1969 meeting read and approved as corrected. '�Iayor recognized Mr, Sherman Coulon of Rt, 6, Box 524, who was present re: a petition for vacation of an unused portion of Lawrence Street between Perry Avenue and Say Stret, (near Mitchell Point). Discussed at length, and a number of questions were asked of Mr. Coulon. Moved by Van lee, seconded by Powers that this petition be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for study and recommendation at next meeting, Approved, Councilmen Caldwell and Fitzgerald arrived at 7:50 p, m. Mayor recognized Mr. Gene Meyer, 1015 Coles Lane (formerly Lower Morton St.,) who was present to discuss the undesirability and practicability of construction of a 4-unit apartment on Coles Lane across from his property, for which a building permit has been Issued. Mr. Meyer contends that the street is not of sufficient width to handle the vehicular traffic which would be generated, since it is actually only a 16 foot alley. Discussed at length, Attorney Thompson offered the opinion, in the absence of the City Attorney that under the present building and zoning code, the City could not legally prevent the owner from building such a structure, if other zoning regulations, etc, were observed. Further discussion developed on accessibility for fire equipment, etc. Fire Chief Hacker described the methods he would use in fighting a fire in this area. N'ayor recognized Mr, Robert Siegfried, local office manager of Puget Sound Power and Light Co., who in turn introduced Mr. Glen Brincken, also of Puget Sound Power and Light Co, These gentlemen were present -to make a proposal to the City whereby PSP& L Co, would pur- chase the street lighting system as it now exists on Bay Street from the City Limits at Sherman Street to the intersection of Bay Street and Mitchell Street and would assume the responsibility for maintenance and up -grading of all existing mercury-vapor street lights in the City and the replacing of existing incandescent street lights on West Bay Street with mercury vapor type lights. A decrease in the costs of electricity under such a change would make it possible to install the additional mercury vapor lights at a monthly Increase in power costs of only 86,30. Discussed at length, Councilman Fitzgerald of Fire and Light Committee reported that his committee had studied this proposal and had met previously with Mr. Brincken and Mr. Siegfried concerning it and recommended its acceptance and ratification. He informed the Council that, under this agreement, the power company would up -grade crosswalk illumination at Bay and Frederick, Bay and Sidney, and at Bay and Harrison Sts, which would improve a bad situation which exists, particularly in wet stormy weather. Moved by Van lee, seconded by Fitzgerald that the proposal to purchase and assume maintenance responsibility for the Bay Street lighting system be accepted, Approved. Mayor recognized Mr. George Hammond, Consulting Engineer, who reported that his final tablulation of the protests against the formation of the proposed LID #62, indicates valid protests representing 56,67% of the total cost of the project to the property owners. He reported on the status of the project up to this point. Mr, & Mrs. Basil Ackley of Rt, 4, Box 161 were present to protest the improvement as it affects their property. They re- quested an explanation of the assessment formula as it will be applied to their property. Engineer Hammond explained this procedure to Mrs. Ackley. Dr. Howard Minor was recognized and stated that he was not now, nor had he ever been opposed to the formation of the LID (62), He was concerned over the amount of the assess- ments, particularly as involves the larger parcels of property. He stated that he realizes the need for such facilities in the areas from a health standpoint, Mr, Ray Anderson of Rt, 2, Box 231 spoke in protest of the installation of the sewers in view of the high assessment to him as an individual. He stated that he would probably be forced to sell his property because of insufficient ability to meet the assessment costs. He stated a feeling that the project had been initiated to benefit only a few property owners who had property for development in the area, and the school and hospital, at the expense of all the property owners. Councilman Powers informed Mr. Anderson that this improvement was not being planned for the benefit of a few, but for the benefit of all the property owners and the City as a whole. July 22, 1968 Page Two The matter of the percentage of protests against formation of the District and whether it would be desirable to reconsider the formation of the District or delete areas or further reduce the scope of the project discussed at length,. Moved by Powers, seconded by Mikelsen that the protests against the formation of LID #62 be rejected and that the Council reaffirm its intention to proceed with the project, Approved. George Hammond reported that the plans and specifications for the construction of the sewer project were completed andthat the next step was to commence procurement of the easements and rights of way required, Clerk read a letter from Dr. Howard Minor requesting'that the boundaries of LID #62 be adjusted to include more of his property, to the limit that it can be served, This is part of the old Peabody farm on Sherman St. The property involved is all in Dr. Minor's ownership. Referred to City Attorney for action. Engineer Hammond displayed a map on which he had drawn in a proposed water system Improve- ment to the Ross Point area which might be required in view of possible extensive develop- ment of the area, Councilman Caldwell excused at 10:00 p, m, :Mayor recognized Mr, Robert Gadberry of Port Orchard Babe Ruth Baseball League and com- plimented him on the success of the local Babe Ruth team in recent tournament play-offs, Mr. Gadberry thanked the Mayor and the Council for the cooperation the League officials had received in preparations for the tournament. Councilman Mikelsen reminded the Council and the Mayor that much of the material, and a great deal of the labor involved in the improvement and maintenance of the park and recrea- tion facilities, particularly the Givens Field area, are donated by private citizens and that without the efforts of these dedicated individuals, the costs to the City for the maintenance and improvements to these areas would be greatly increased. Fire Chief Hacker presented a picture of a steel building of a type used in other cities for fire stations, He requested information as to whether any plans had been formulated for the procurement of property and design and construction of the new fire station auth- orized by the passage of a special levy in 1967, *Mayor directed the Fire and Light Comm- ittee for study and action, Chief Hacker also reported that a program of thorough flushing of fire hydrants and of clearing around the hydrants had been started and was progressing well. The program of fire prevention inspection of businesses in the City (reported in minutes of previous meetings) will begin in the current week. He displayed a new insignia to identify the firemen which they will wear on uniform type clothing in the future, Fire Chief Hacker requested authority to send four (4) men to oil fire school in Yakima. Moved by Fitzgerald, seconded by Powers that this be authorized. Approved. Chief Hacker reported on the receipt of a request from South Kitsap School District #402 for authority to delete certain interior fire fighting standpipes from the plans for con- struction of the new South Kitsap Junior High School under construction on Pottery Avenue, Discussed at length, Chief Hacker and Ray Hall will study this further and will secure expert advice prior to making a final recommendation. Ray Hall, Acting Building Inspector, reported on other matters concerning the construction of the new school and discussed the need for a set of the mechanical plans for the facility in order that requirements for internal sprinkler system may be determined. Mr. Hall reported that the present phase of construction of the Pottery Avenue Arterial is completed and ready for installation of the water mains authorized by LID ft3, Mr. Mall reported that an application for construction of a new Standard service station at Bay and Bank Streets, which will extend to the east boundary of the property at Orchard Street, and which will cost about S45,000.00 Mayor recognized Dr, Nick Skalabrin, a local dentist, who inquired whether any additional discussion would take place re: the matter of flouridation 69 the City's water supply (minutes of previous meetings). Councilman mikelsen, Chairman of Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee reported that his committee was not ready to make a recommendation on the matter. Clerk read a petition from Dr. Howard :Minor for a variance from the set -back provisions of Ordinance #719, to permit construction of a car -port at 514 Sroufe Street. This applica- tion involves a hardship resulting from the existence of a drainage ditch which drains surface run-off from areas to the south and is so situated on Dr. Minor's property to prevent construction of the facility without a variance. This petition was approved by the Planning Commission on 6-17-68, Discussed briefly. moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that the July 22, 1968 Page Three recommendation of the Planning Commission be concurred in, and the variance granted, con- ditionally on the obtaining by the applicant of statements of concurrence from abutting property owners. Approved. Clerk reported a request of the City Attorney that he be authorized to commence foreclosure proceedings against property believed to be owned by a Mildred Thompson, who is an heir to the John Breed estate, the property in question. This foreclosure involves a sewerage lien against the property, which was filed after the installation of a sewer line from Bay St. to the dwelling on the property, Discussed briefly, Moved by Powers, seconded by Mikelsen that the City Attorney be authorized and directed to commence foreclosure proceedings against Tax Lot #6, a portion of Lot 1, Section 25, Twp 24 N, R 1E, WM, Kitsap County, believed to be owned by Mildred Thompson and/or Lary Hanson, as heirs to the John Breed Estate. Approved. Clerk reported receipt of a statement from Baker Construction Co. for the final increment of the cost of remodeling the ;Municipal Building, Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Powers that this bill be authorized paid subject to the retaining of 10/ of the net total of the contract as modified, and subject to the receipt of clearances from the prime and sub -con- tractors from State Department of Labor and Industries, Approved, Clerk reported that the house numbering system for portions of the City now identified by rural routes and boxes was ready for implementation, but that due to the "freeze" put on the Post Office Department, the local Post Office would not be able to implement the mail delivery part of the program until funds are available to provide the extra man needed. Discussed briefly. Clerk directed to put the numbering system into effect for purposes of house identification for dispatching fire and police equipment, etc. Notices will be mailed to affected properties informing the residents accordingly. j Clerk read a proposed signature resolution which would authorize the Mayor to sign any �j and all documents involved in the application for Public Law 660 and State Water Pollution Control Commission Funds to construct a sewer interceptor system. This is required by the Commission. Moved by Powers, seconded by Fitzgerald that this resolution be adopted, Approved and No, 1061 assigned, Clerk presented a bill from Hammond, Collier and Isaac in the amount of $12,000.00 for engineering services on the proposed Pottery Avenue Arterial street. Continued for future action, I Clerk read a letter from the Bremerton office of the State Department of Public Assistance �! which informed the Mayor and Council that the Department's program of Community Work Training Projects, which the City had indicated a willingness to participate in, had been discontinued and would be handled by U. S. Department of Labor. Clerk informed the Council of the receipt of a request from the State Planning and Commun- ity Affairs Agency requesting that 2 City maps be furnished, up -dated with certain infor- mation for use in the 1970 Federal Census, The maps have been furnished. Clerk informed the Council that the Enpo sewage pump installed in the sewerage treatment plant for circulation and discharge of sewage, and which was guaranteed to perform satis- factorily, or no expense would be involved, was not performing as required, and that the company had no recommendations as to how to assure satisfactory operation of the system. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that Red's Electric Motor Service in Bremerton, the Installers, be directed to remove the pump and re -install the one previously in operation per the agreement. Approved. Clerk reported the need for authority to issue Revenue Warrants for interim financing of LID #63 (water system improvements on Lippert Drive and Pottery Avenue), These warrants will be accepted by the Kitsap County Bank at 4�interest rate. The amount of these warrants would be $1,897.99, Moved by Powers, seconded by Mikelsen that the Clerk be authorized to issue such warrants. Approved. Clerk read a letter from Mr. B. E. Mahon, of Navy View Apartments, which protested the possible fouridation of the City's water supply, and which enclosed an article about the possible adverse affects of such flouridation. Referred to the Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee. Fitzgerald opened a discussion on the parking situation in the rear of Modern Hotel and Rice Electric store, Present three-hour parking restricts flow of traffic in the area. He recommends that the parking be limited to one -hour and that three additional private parking spaces be authorized for use of hotel patrons, He reminded the Mayor and Council that this is a private parking facility not in the same status as the large parking lot. Discussed at length. Owner of the Modern Hotel authorized to erect signs "Hotel July 22, 1968 Page Four Patrons Parking Only" in three parking spaces immediately in rear of the hotel and Acting Police Chief will be notified. The change to one -hour parking could only be made at the unanimous request of all property owners of the properties involved. This matter Was continued. Councilman Van Zoo also reported a possible traffic hazard existing on Guy Wetzel Street between Bay Street and Perry Avenue where no center line is available to channel traffic in proper lanes. This will be painted when other traffic control painting is done. Councilman Van Zee reported on progress of improvements to basement of Active Club Building and Givens Field facilities, Mayor Repanich requested authority to employ Mr. Ray B. Hall on a temporary basis as Build- ing Inspector and Engineer/Superintendent of Public Works until a new engineer is employed. Mr. Hall has been acting in this capacity on an hourly basis. The temporary appointment would be at the salary paid to the previous engineer. Council concurred in the Mayor's recommendation and authorized this temporary appointment. Councilman Mikelsen requested that Sroufe Street between Spokane and Tacoma Streets be designated as one-way traffic with right-angle parking on the north side on August 2nd and 3rd to provide parking for spectators of the Little League Tournament on those dates. This was approved. Clerk informed Council of need for a resolution authorizing a temporary transfer loan in the amount of $12,500.00 from Sewer Fund to Current Expense Fund in the amount of $6,400., and to Street Fund in the amount of $6,100., and read a proposed resolution. Moved by Powers, seconded by Mikelsen that this resolution be adopted. Approved and No. 1062 assigned. Bills were read in the amounts: Current Expense Fund $2,394.38; Water Fund $1,372.26; Street Fund $2,517.47; Sewer Fund $586.42; Park Fund $297.24; Total $7,167.77. Moved by Powers, seconded by Fitzgerald that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 3985 through #4015 authorized paid, Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 12:15 a. m. z L , C' "L, Clerk .c Mayor Port Orchard, Washington July 8, 1968 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:45 p, m, by Mayor Repanich, Councilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Mikelsen and Powers. Geiger, Molzahn and Van lee absent (excused). Also present: City Attorney Ronald Thompson, Mr, flay Hall, Acting Building Inspector, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker and Mr, Travis Baker representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of ..tune 24, 1968 meeting read and approved as corrected. Mayor announced that this was the date and time stipulated for the opening of bids for laying (trenching, backfilling, etc,) of approximately 2500 feet of cast iron water main on Lippert Drive and Pottery Avenue, Clerk announced that no bids had been received for this project. Discussed briefly. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that, in the absence of bids for this project, that the City proceed and install this improvement with force account personnel and equipment. Approved. Clerk read for information, a previously received application for re -zone of lots 14 & 15, Block #1, S. M. Stevens Plat of Sidney (northwest corner of Division and Cline Streets). This application, submitted by Mrs. Lillian Van 7ee, was continued from the 6-24-68 meeting to permit examination of plans for the proposed improvement (six unit apartment). Mr. James Robinson, a builder representing Mrs. Van Zee, displayed sketches of the proposed building and answered questions, Moved by Fitzgerald, seconded by Mikelsen that this re- quested re -zone be granted. Approved. Clerk read a proposed resolution of concurrence in the classification of urban arterial streets in accordance with the standards developed by the Urban Arterial Board and reviewed and updated by City Officials and Highway Department representatives on 6-6-68. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that the proposed resolution be adopted, Approved and No. 1059 assigned. Clerk rpad a proposed resolution adopting a revised Six -Year Comprehensive Arterial Street Program. This resolution adds Pottery Avenue from Lippert Drive to Fireweed Road to the program, riloved by Caldwell, seconded by Powers that this resolution be adopted. Approved and No. 1060 assigned, Clerk read a proposed ordinance authorizing certain additions and improvements to the City's waterworks utility, the installation of 2500 feet of 10" cast iron water main along with 8 fire hydrants and other fittings in Lippert Drive and Pottery Avenue, Moved by Mikelsen seconded by Powers that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 806 assigned. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would create Local Improvement District #63 to provide funds for the improvements outlined in Ordinance No. 806 (above). Moved by Powers, seconded by Mikelsen that this ordinance be adopted. Approved unanimously and No. 807 assigned. Clerk read a letter from the Bremerton-Kitsap County Health Department commending the City's efforts in providing sewer service to un-sewered areas of the City, through LID and Federal grants. This letter was signed by Glenn Jarstad, mayor of Bremerton as Chairman and Dr. Shirley Benham as Secretary, Dr, Benham, County �iealth officer was present and regr ei n opportunity to address those present to explain the connection between the Health Department and the various cities of the County. Mayor Repanich recognized Mrs. Maxine Johnson, as spokesman for a group of property owners who are protesting the formation of LID #62 (sewers to the southwest portion of the City). Mrs. Johnson asked whether the Council was prepared to modify or reduce the area to be assessed in LID 062, Discussed by Mayor and members of the Council. Mayor replied to Mrs. Johnson that, at this time, he anticipated no change or reduction in the size of the LID as originally planned. Questions were directed to the Mayor and members of the Council and replied to. Dr. Shirley Benham, County Health Officer sp6ke on the problems involved in performing percolation tests to determine the feasibility of septic tank drain fields. Mayor Repanich requested whether additional protests to the formation of the LID or for other reasons were ready for presentation at this time. No replies were received. Mayor recognized Mr. Adrian Vander Howen of Port Orchard Jay-Cees who requested that the Council formally approve the house numbering system, which has been developed by that organization, This action is necessary in order that the Postoffice Department may begin house -to -house "mounted" mail delivery on August 10, 19689 Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell, that the City Attorney prepare a resolution adopting the house numbering system proposed by the Jay-Cees and authorizing the Clerk to mail out notices to the affected householders informing them of their new street numbers, Approved. Bills were read in the following amounts: $4,962.80; Street Fund $855,22; Sewer Fund Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that through 3984 authorized paid, Approved. July 8, 1968 Page TWo Current Expense Fund $1,762.60; Water Fund $74.33; Park Fund $180.24 Total $7,835.19. these bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 3941 Councilman Caldwell was excused at 9:15 p. m. Mayor Repanich recognized Dr. Howard Minor, a local dentist who was present to further discuss questions concerning his previous (6-24-68) recommendation that the City's water supply be flouridated to the end that the dental health of infants and children under age ten would be greatly improved. He introduced Dr. Olin Hoffman of the Dental Division of the State Department of Health, who spoke at length on the statistical background of dental deterioration in areas without flouridation of water supply, as compared to those which have such treatment, He also explained the biological reasons for the improved dental health of children up to age 10 when they drink such treated water. Mayor then recognized Dr. Nick Skalabrin, a local dentist who also spoke in support of such water treatment and reported that the increasing ratio of dental patients to the number of dentists available, is making it very difficult for persons requiring dental treatment to secure it, Another local dentist, Dr. Marvin, also spoke in support of such a program of.-- flouridation. Persons present in the audience, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Ackley and Mrs, R. W. Register spoke against such water treatment and cited information they had assembled, that was contrary to the facts presented by the dentin S. c� Dr, R. W. Merley, a local physician spoke concerning the medical aspect of this problem. Dr. Shirley Benham, County Health Officer, spoke on the subject and supported the practice of adding flourides to the water supply, and cited benefits of use of flouride-treated water by members of his family. Mrs. Doris Micklin, a long time school nurse discussed experiences with children in a school who had never brushed their teeth and whose dental problems were seldom given any attention at the time when attention was badly needed. She was definitely in favor of the practice of flouridation, to reduce dental deterioration in children. Dr Minor then made a final presentation of the reasons why the dental profession is pressing for flouridation of water supplies. Matter of flouridation of the City's water supply, as recommended, referred tb the Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee for study and further discussion at the next meeting. Councilman Mikelsen reported on the action of the Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Com- mittee re: the request of property owners at Kendall and Cline Streets for permission to change the course of a storm drainage ditch onto City property from private property (minutes of 6-24-68). This has been authorized, to be accomplished at the expense of the propert y owners. Ray Hall reported on the progress of road construction on Pottery Avenue. This approximately 60% completed and is progressing well. Mr. Hall also reported on an inspection of a small house on South Flower Street which may not qualify for a building permit for remodeling, due to the fact that it appears to be badly deteriorated, Mr. Hall also reported on receipt of an application for a building permit for construction of the new Junior High School, but of this date, no plans were available. Clerk reported receiptt of a request from Dr. Howard Minor that either a drainage ditch which crosses his property at 514 Sroufe Street be culverted and covered, or that he be granted a variance to permit construction of a car -port on the property. The drainage ditch, which drains surface water from areas to the south, cuts across the property in such a manner as to prevent such construction with due observance of set -backs. Discussed at some length. Referred to Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee for study.and recommendation. Chief of Police Dow reported that the Sun Fair Celebration was a very uneventful one from a Police standpoint. Clerk reported on receipt of a verbal request of Miss Chloe Sutton, that a presently un- named street which runs from Division to Ada Street, and located between Seattle and Harrison Streets, be named Sutton Lane, in honor and membry of her father, William Sutton, a pioneer settler of Port Orchard. Referred to Street and Alley Committee for study and recommendation. July 8, 1968 Page Three 'Councilman Art Vikelsen, who is Washington State Little League Tournament Director, re- quested 'avor Repanich to make the formal drawing of opponents for first round competition In the State "rournament. *iayor Repanich drew District 5 vs 6 first; District 3 vs 4 second; District 2 vs 9 third; District 1 vs (7 vs 8) fourth, Mikelsen explained that the District 5 vs 6 tournament winner will play the District 3 vs 4 tournament winner and District 2 vs 9 tournament winner will play the District 1 vs (7 vs 8) tournament winner at Fort Orchard on August 2nd. Mleettiin,g adjourned w/o motion due to lack of quorum at 11:20 p. m. Clerk .£ .Mayor Port Orchard, Washington June 24, 1968 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:33 p. W. by Mayor Repanich, Councilmen present: Caldwell, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn, Powers and Van Zee. Fitzgerald absent (excused). Also present: Attorney Ronald Thompson, substituting for Donald Thompson, City Attorney, Police Chief Dow, Fire Chief Hacker and Mr. Travis Baker, representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of June 10, 1968 meeting read and approved as corrected. Mr. Robert Wibbels, President of South Kitsap W ittle League was present and dis- cussed plans for the forthcoming Little League 3� Tournament which will be held in Port Orchard on August 2nd and 3rd. He requested special consideration be given to the accomodation of out-of-town visitors who will be in the City at this time for the event. He expecially requested that the parking of campers and small trailers on City property be authorized. Suggestion made that more desirable parking facilities for such visitors might be obtained in parks or other facilities outside the City. Mayor Repanich expressed the appreciation of himself and the Council for the efforts being made to bring these tournaments to Port Orchard. Chief Hacker reported that the steel building procured without cost from Standard Oil Co. (reported in minutes of 6/10/68) had been successfully moved to the County Road District No. 2 area on Mitchell Street, where it will be set up for use as an uaxiliary Fire Station for the housing of one truck. Chief Hacker further reported that a City -owned wire which connects the radio base station transmitter of the Fire Department with the remote trans- mitter in the Police Department, is deteriorating badly and is causing a considerable amount of noise interference. He recommends that consideration be given to replacing this line with a line leased from the Pacific Northwest Bell Co, which is available at a monthly charge of 55.00 after an installation charge of $10.00. Discussed briefly. Moved by Powers, seconded by Molzahn that the City lease a wire from the Pacific Northwest Bell Co, for this purpose at the quoted rate. Approved. Councilman Mikelsen reported on the matter of the steel building which has been offered to the City by Standard Oil Co. for the use of the Water Department. The Water and Sewer Committee considers the building more than worth the cost of moving and new foundation, etc. He recommends that the City accept the building and move it to the area of Well No, 7. After some brush is cleared from this area, it will be examined again and specific placement determined. Mayor reported on a meeting of June 18, 1968 with County Commissioner Robert Lloyd re: possible acquisition of a portion of the area occupied by the old County Road District No. 2 complex. Mr, Lloyd informed the Mayor that property sufficient for a Fire Department sub- station would be made available to the City, but not the entire properties now owned by the County at the Mitchell Street location. Mayor recognized Rev. Edwin Jorstad of Port Orchard Assembly of God Church, on Highway #160 near Manchester Junction, who was present in re: a request to be permitted to erect a sign near the church adjacent to the street. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Molzahn that the placement of the requested sign be authorized, subject to approval of the Street Department Foreman. Approved, Mayor Repanich reported on several meetings held recently in the matter of obtaining property rights -of -way for the extension of Pottery Avenue. Rights of way required are either in hand or definitely committed and awaiting signature. Mayor Repanich reported the receipt on 6-24-68 of a request from Attorney Paul Fisher, rep- resenting a group of property owners protesting the formation of LID #62, for an extension of 30 days in the time allowed for the receipt of protests to the proposed improvement. This period will normally expire on 7-12-68. Attorney Ron Thompson read the letter to the Council. Discussed at length. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Molzahn that the request for extension of time be denied. Approved unanimously. Mayor opened discussion on the Six Year Comprehensive Arterial Street Program as required by Chapter 83, Extraordinary Session Laws of 1967. Discussed at length. Continued for further study and additional guidance from the State Highways Urban Arterial Board. Clerk referred to a water geologists report from Robinson and Roberts of Tacoma, Washington relative to the recent re -development of Well No. 7. Clerk read a letter from Mrs. Julia Folden of 1129 West Street directing attention to a condition existing in the street in front of her property, where a bank about 6ft. high has been created by street improvement. This bank is entirely on City street property and is sloped properly to present a minimum of problems. City Attorney directed to reply to this June 24, 1968 Page Two letter. Clerk reported that he had been informed that, providing the City has adopted a uniform house numbering system, the Post Office will begin house to house "mounted" postal delivery service on August loth. The numbers have been tentatively assigned and plans are being foraitiiated in the Clerk's Office to notify the residents of their new addresses. Clerk read a letter from Mr, Lee F. Caldwell of 922 Sidney Street which protested the LID sewer assessment on Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 11, Sidney Villa Addition, for possible lack of benefits due to terrain. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Powers that this protest be received and forwarded to Consulting Engineer Hammond. Approved. Clerk read an opinion of the City Attorney that the City has the authority to change street names within its corporate limits, even thomgh the name may have existed prior to state- hood, This was to confirm the authority to change street names which may have had territor- ial significance. Mayor Repanich opened discussion on a request of Judge Bryan of Kitsap County Superior Court #2 that the City Council consider the adoption of an ordinance making "glue -sniffing" or similar practices a misdemeanor, punishable by fine and/or jail sentence. Continued for further study and a report by the City Attorney. Clerk read a petition for a variance from side -yard set back requirements of Ordinance #719 for construction of a carport. Submitted by Mr. Lee F. Caldwell of 922 Sidney Street. This petition was considered by the Planning Commission at its regular meeting on 6-17-68 and - recommends approval. Discussed briefly. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Mikelsen that rec- ommendations of Planning Commission be concurred in and variance granted. Approved. Clerk read an application of Mrs, Lillian Van Zee for rezone of Lot 14 & 15, Block #1, S. M. Stevens Plat of Sidney (NW corner of Division and Cline Streets) from Residential 1 to Residential II to permit construction of a six unit apartment building. Discussed at length. Planning Commission recommends approval of the request and rescinded the Council that this had previously been considered (in mid 1964) and recommended to be re -zoned at that time. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this request be continued until the next meeting, with the builder to present specific plans, indluding parking provisions. Approved. Clerk informed Council that Mr. Claude Stoner had offered to the City, the broken concrete to be removed in the demolition of the old Standard Oil Co. bulk plant at Bay and Bank Sts if the City will provide a close -by dumping site. Discussed briefly. City will arrange to stockpile this material, probably at the north end of Water Street until it can be effective- ly put to use. Clerk reminded the Council of the need to call for bids for the installation of approximately 2500 feet of 10" cast iron water main in Lippert Drive and Pottery Avenue (proposed LID #63). It is expected that the petition for formation of this LID will be signed by all affected property owners by 6-25-68, Moved by Powers, seconded by Molzahn that Consulting Engineer Hammond be authorized to prepare contract documents, plans and specifications, and to call for bids to be opened at 7:30 p. m., July 8, 1968. Approved, subject to prior approval of petition for formation of LID, Mikelsen informed the Council that previous plans for underground electric service to the properties involved in the above proposed LID had not materialised and conventional above ground service will be utilized in the streets. Mayor Repanich recognized Dr. Howard Minor and Mrs. Minor. Dr. Minor is a local dentist and spoke to the Council at length on the subject of the desirability of flouridating the City water supply in the interests of promoting greatly improved dental health in infants and young children. He cited various statistics and facts from Dental Associations, State and Federal Health Services, etc. to substantiate his recommendation. He described the dental problems of young people, even teen agers whose teeth become so deteriorated that they must be extracted and artificial dentures fitted. He also informed the Council that the number of dentists entering practice every year in the United States is falling behind the demand and that it is possible that, in the future, dental care may be difficult to obtain. Dr. Minor presented a sample ordinance which would establish the process of flour- idation of the city's water supply. Questions were directed to Dr. Minor concerning methods of flouridation. costs, results, etc. Two ladies, Mrs. R. W. Register and Mrs. Elena Lange were present in the audience and spoke against the use of flourides in the water system. The Council will consider this matter additionally in future meetings. Councilman Mikelsen of Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee reported on a request of two property owners near Kendall and Cline Streets for permission to re -locate a storm drainage ditch from the rear of their property to adjacent City property to permit develop- June 24, 1968 Page Three ment and utilization of their full property. This re -location would be a matter of about 4 feet and would be done at no eXpense to the City. Discussed at some length. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Caldwell that the matter be referred to the Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation, Committee for further study, with authority to approve the request. Approved. ;c �"3 Bills were read in the amounts: Current Expense Fund $5M.47; Water Fund $1,008.72; Street Fund $710.10, Sewer Fund $234.69, Park Fund $36.73, total $2,515.71. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Molzahn that these bills be allowed and vouchers No. 3923 through 3940 be approved for payment, Approved. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this meeting adjourn until 5:30 p, m., June 25, 1968, at which time the petition for formation of LID 63, (water main installation in Lippert Drive and Pottery Avenue) will be considered. Approved. Adjourned at 10:30 p. m. Clerk Mayor T.l ,j Port Orchard, Washington ,Tune 25, 1968 An adjourned meeting of a regular meeting (6-24-68) called to order at 5:32 p. m, by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present, Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Mikelsen, Molzahn & Powers, Mayor announced that the purpose of this adjourned meeting was to receive, examine and consider a petition for formation of an LID for the installation of water mains in Lippert Drive & Pottery Avenue. Moved by Powers & seconded by Molzahn that the petition of Schultheis & Maddock, S. K. Community Hospital Association and S.K. School District No 402 for a Local Improvement District to install 10 inch cast iron water main in Lippert Drive and Pottery Avenue, be accepted and the City Attorney directed to prepare an ordinance forming this LID to be presented at the next meeting for adoption. Approved. Councilman Molzahn informed the Mayor & Council that he would be absent from both Council meetings in July and requested to be excused from those meetings. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 5:45 p. m. Mayor Clerk Port Orchard, Washington June 10, 1968 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:30 p. m. by Mayor Repanich, Councilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Mikelsen, Molzahn, Powers and Van Zee. Geiger absent, (excused). Also present: City Attorney Thompson, Chief of Police Dow and Fire Chief Hacker. Minutes of meeting of May 27th (which was continued to June 3) read and approved as corrected. Mayor recognized Mrs, Maxine Johnson and Roberta Schumann who were present to ob- serve the meeting. Mayor also recognized Mr. Harley "arrington who was present to request specific infor- mation re: connecting a residence at 309 Guthrie Street to the proposed sewer. He indicated that maps indicate no lateral available to serve the property adjacent to his present dwelling, which is connected. Clerk directed to contact Mr. Hannond for specific information, fir. Harrington stated that he was in favor of the construction of this sewer system, Fire Chief Hacker reported 2 fire calls answered in '''ay, with no loss involved. He also reported that 7 men attended a Fire Attack School at the Belfair Fire Hall on May 15, 22 & 29th, Chief Hacker also reported on the formation, within his department, of Fire inspection teams, which will conduct fire planning and fire prevention inspections. A public relations program will be conducted prior to the inauguration of this program to obtain fullest cooperation of the business men, Chief Hacker requested authority to purchase 8 pairs of white coveralls for use of the inspection teams in conducting these inspections. He also requested authority to purchase a used typewriter for use in the office to do typing involved in business of the office. Moved by Fitzgerald, seconded by Van Zee that these items be authorized if funds are available in the current budget. Approved. Chief Hacker informed the Council that 13 members of the department had completed advanced first aid classes. He invited the Mayor and members of the Council to a Kitsap-Mason Volunteer Firemen's Assn. picnic at Gorst Water Works on Sunday, June 23. He also reported on the intentional buAng of an old house on Hull Street on June 3. Hacker reported on a problem with operators of the carnival which was in Port Orchard recently, Fire prevention requirements were not observed, even after repeated warnings by himself, Chief Hacker recommends that this organization not be allowed to operate In the City in the future, including the July 3-7 Sunfair observance, unless these re- quirements are met. Discussed briefly, Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Molzahn that the City Attorney write a letter to the owner -operators of this carnival (King's Evergreen Shows) outlining the areas in which they have been delinquent -in the past and informing them of the possible consequences of failure to do so. A��rp Gle The Fire Chief also reported on the availability of a steel building from Standard Oil Co. at no cost other than what it would cost to move it. This building is presently loc- ated at Prospect and Bank Streets and formerly housed bulk delivery trucks. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Caldwell that this offer be accepted. Approved. Mayor Repanich reported on the availability of a second steel building from the same source, which is now located at Bank and Bay Streets which might be desirable for use by the Public Works Department for additional storage space. Discussed briefly. Moved by Fitzgerald, seconded by Mikelsen that Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee will study the situation with authority to act, since the offer expires on June 21. Approved, Mayor opened discussion of the desirability of re -opening negotiations with Board of County Commissioners re: the possible acquisition of all or part of the property on Mitchell Street now occupied by County Road District #2 road shed. Mayor and Council will meet with Mr. Lloyd, South District Commissioner in near future. Mayor recognized Mr. Ty Stephens South Kitsap School District #402 Administrative Officer, who was present to discuss matters re: the construction of the new Junior High School. Mayor opened discussion on matter of eliminating certain lateral lines in the proposed LID #62 sewer construction, (minutes of June 3 continued meeting). No additional infor- mation was available from the Engineer, except that the line on South Street from Pottery June 10, 1968 Page Two Avenue to the trunk line, originally recommended deleted, must be built due to certain peculiarities of the area, t`ayor Repanich reminded the Council of the need for immediate work to open and improve Pottery Avenue from Lippert Drive south to the site of the new junior high school, or at least a strip of sufficient size to permit the installation of utilities, He reminded the Council and others present of the policy of requiring the property owners to con- struct the street to the point of oiling before it would be accepted by the City, He cited the need for additional right-of-way on this street for ultimate construction of the Pottery Avenue arterial. If this property could be obtained now and the rough grade established, at least for the median strip, the underground power supply could be supplied to the school site at a saving of $1,200.00. The pros and cons of procuring this right-of-way discussed at length. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the City negotiate with property owners for acquiring the required right-of-way on both east and west sides of Pottery Avenue on the basis of application of the value of the right of way to the roughing in of the street. On question, Mikelsen pointed out the terrain problems involving cutting and filling to accomplish this project. Approved, County Engineer will be contacted to determine the availability of County equipment to perform all or part of the work. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would establish LID 02, and authorize construction of sewers in the southwest portion of the City. Moved by Powers, seconded by Fitzgerald that this ordinance be adopted, Approved unanimously and No. 804 assigned. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would modify the current arterial street system ordinance by adding the Pottery Avenue Arterial when constructed. This is for the purpose of bringing it under the purview of the Arterial Street Fund Program. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this ordinance be adopted. Approved, subject to correction of street names to latest approved designations. No. 805 assigned, Councilman Powers requested information on a bill for aluminum culvert pipe which had been purchased and apparently installed partially on private property. Discussion dev- eloped on who authorized the purchase and installation of this pipe and whether this was a proper City expenditure, Clerk read a proposed resolution authorizing certain changes in street names in conjunc- tion with the street and house numbering system currently being implemented. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Caldwell that this resolution be adopted. Approved and No. 1058 assigned, Mayor Repanich displayed a plaque which was previously presented to him by the Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. Puget Sound. This is a very handsome replica of the official insignia of the ship, This insignia was designed by Miss Bobbi Stoner, a 1966 graduate of South Kitsap High School and presently attending Olympic College, Clerk read a letter from the Commander, Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, requesting permission to install a low wattage light in the navigational marker now located on the top of one of the Sidney and Kendall water tanks. This light would further assist the shipyard in calibrating navigational equipment. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Molzahn that this request be granted. Approved. Clerk read letter from Hammond, Collier and the notices of hearing on the resolution of to install sewers in a portion of the City, owners, as required by law, Isaac, Consulting Engineers, certifying that intent to form a Local Improvement District had been forwarded to all affected property Chief of Police Dow reported that the 1968 Police patrol car had been received, and was being "broken in", and would be undergoing change -over of equipment in the near future. He reported that the work of the contractor in the enlargement of the Municipal Building as involves his area, is rapidly nearing completion. The Clerk reported possible difficulties in the enlarging of the library area due to the fact that the contractor has determined that it is structurally impossible to remove the entire wall between the existing library space and the new space due to the fact that no supporting beam exists to support the roof between old and new sections, Contractor states that the only way the wall and concrete post can be removed is to install a glue - laminated beam with three steel posts to support it.. This would cost about S580,00. Discussed briefly, Moved by Powers, seconded by Mikelsen that the contractor be authorized to perform this additional work, Approved. ^9ikelsen reported that the 12" water main in Bay Street north of Guy Wetzel Street had been extended an additional 300 feet to the south margin of Depot Street with a fire hydrant to be installed, This was done at the request of the property owners abutting on the south- east, and at their expense. June 10, 1968 Page Three Mrs. Maxine Johnson requested the Mayor and Council to consider the petition for deletion from LID #62, submitted by approximately 40 property owners in the Sidney Ridge area, This petition was discussed briefly, all the protests contained therein having previously been considered as individual protests at the hearing on May 27, 1968. Moved by Powers, seconded by Mikelsen that this petition be denied. On the question, discussion developed re: the number of properties involved, assessed valuation of the properties, possibility of serving the area by other means, etc. Approved unanimously. Clerk informed the Council that the unofficial population, as determined by the State Community Planning and Development Agency was now 3,900. Clerk referred to the Mayor and Council a request from the Water Department Foreman for a decision on whether to patch street cuts for water and sewer taps with hot mix asphaltic concrete or cold mix. Mayor will discuss this matter with Street Foreman. Clerk read a letter from the State Water Pollution Control Commission which reminded the City of the continuing program of water pollution control and informing the Council and Mayor of the criteria which has been established to insure that all wastes, sewage, etc. will be properly treated. In the future, additional treatment of raw sewage may be necessary to maintain the standards established. Clerk read an application of Mr. Ralph Weikal of Bremerton for a lIn&qsq tP discharge Dt'Wfireworks from a barge offshore from the Merchant's parking lot. Hea 4aLbtained a state permit and is licensed by the State to conduct fireworks shows. Moved by Powers, seconded by Fitzgerald that this application be accepted and permission granted. Approved. Clerk read a revised six -year comprehensive arterial street program as worked up by Ray Hall. Continued until next meeting which will constitute required public hearing. ' Clerk will provide copies to each Councilman. City Attorney informed the Mayor and Council that Chief of Police Dow and Mrz. Dow had been made parties to a lawsuit over his presumed responsibilities to recover and return to the owner, a stolen gun. Bills were read in the following amounts: Current Expense $16,761.46; Water Fund $678.75; Street Fund $675,89; Sewer Fund $176.34; Parks Fund $256.13; Library Fund 3,843.77; total $22,392,34. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 3883 through 3922 authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 12:00 midnite. i - — Clerk- - -- — Mayor Port Orchard, Washington June 3, 1968 An adjourned regular meeting (continued from 5-28-68) of the Fort Orchard City Council called to order by Mayor Repanich at 7:30 p. m. Councilmen present: Fitzgerald, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn, Powers and Van Zee, Caldwell absent (excused). Also present: City Attorney Thompson, Mr. George Hammond, Consulting Engineer and Mr. Travis Baker representing Bremerton Sun. Mayor Repanich announced that this meeting was a continuation of a meeting of May 28, 1968 which was adjourned until this date for further consideration of the proposed LID to construct extensions of the sewerage system to the southwest area of the City and specifically to confirm the area to be included in the district, if formed. He further announced that the meeting would adjourn to Givens School at 8:00 p. m. to accomodate all who may be present. Mayor Repanich re -convened the meeting at Givens School auditorium at 8:00 p. m. He informed those present of the exact purpose of this continued meeting. He reminded those present of the future order of business and the rights of the property owners for further protest of the amounts of assessments, benefits received, etc, he introduced the City Attorney who offered additional explanation of the methods of assessment which might be used and also gave a detailed expalanation of the "zone and termini" method of determining the amount of assessment and how It was more equitable than other methods. Questions were directed from interested property owners concerning assessments on their own properties, location of lateral service lines, apparent discrepancies between platted and un- platted areas, etc. Mrs. Maxine Johnsq} asked consideration for the deletion from the proposed district, the properties *MW & Sidney Street, called Sidney Ridge. She feels that this area should not properly be included in the area since the septic tank problems in that area are not acute. Mr. Charles Geyer, representing the owner of a considerable amount of property in the area contiguous to Sidney Ridge, stated that private engineers have indicated that satisfactory percolation tests for septic tank installation in this area would be impossible. Various other questions were directed to members of the City staff and were answered. Mayor Repanich recapitulated what has gone on before, i.e., the Health Department findings that the area should be severed, discussions at two previous meetings, protests, etc. Additional protests were acknowledged as follows: Mrs. Lena Forrester TL #37, SW'k SA 9,184.98 Mr. & Mrs, H. J. Keppert Mr, & Mrs, J. W, Darling Mr, & Mrs. James J. Loch Mr, & Mrs, Robert Gsdberry Mark and Dolores Steichen David A. Vedder John W. Sodergren Mr & Mrs Lyle E. Cable Mr. & Mrs, C. W. Buckingham Mr. Clarence Bowker Por Lot 8, B1 2, Hayward Home Tracts 602.76 TL #31, Sec 35-24-IE For Lot #2, Block #3, No Addition shown No property description, No amount Formation of District, high assessment in relation to property value. No reason shown No reason given No reason given Formation of District, amt. of assessments TL #161, Sec 2-23-1E 48.72 Inclusion in District TL #43, Sec 35-24-1E 368.34 Inclusion in District Por TL #63, Sec 35-24-1E Inclusion in District No amount TL #203, 2-23-LE, No amount Inclusion in District TL #102, 35-24-IE No amount Inclusion in District Residence on Tremont, No amt. Inclusion in district Clerk informed the Council that two withdrawals of protests had been received, those of Dr. Howard Minor, involving only the formation of the district and Mr. and Mrs. John H.A. Edwards, who have stated that they favor the construction of the sewers. June 3, 1968 Page Two Further questions were asked and answer returned. Mrs. A. J. Hang discussed the project as a whole, and concluded by withdrawing (verbally) the protest of she and her husband, to the formation of the district. Their protest that no benefits will be realized will remain. Mr. Richard McCann asked questions re: the status of hospital construction and its financing p and effect on the sewer project. Councilman Mikelsen answered thee* questions. Geiger asked question of Hammond re: the approximate cost of the trunk line compared to the total cost of the project and suggested that perhaps the cost of the trunk line could be financed by additional revenue bonds. Mikelsen rebutted this proposal with the thought that property owners in portions of the City some distance from this project would be paying for improvements which would not benefit them. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers, that the LID as described in Resolution No. 1057, be formed, subject to possible deletion of three (3) laterals on private property, if found to be feasible by the Engineer and agreeable to property owners. Approved, and No. 62 assigned to this LIB. Council considered a suggestion from Mr. Hammond that a lateral on South Street, which would require construction through a pond or small lake, be deleted. This lateral would serve only 2 or three dwellings. Moved by Fitzgerald, seconded by Mikelsen that the sewer lateral on South Street between the main trunk and Pottery Avenue be deleted conditional on the approval of the property owners involved. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 10:15 p. m. Clerk t' Mayor Port Orchard, Washington May 27, 1968 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:30 p. m, by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn, Powers and Van Zee. Also present: City Attorney Thompson, City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mssrs. Hammond and Collier, Consulting Engineers and Mr. Travis Baker, representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of May 13, 1968 meeting read and approved. Mayor announced that the primary purpose of this meeting was to serve as the official hearing for the protests to the proposed LID to provide sewer mains and laterals in unsewered areas in southwest portion of the City. Bills were read in following amounts: Current Expense $1,237.73, Water $2,280.56, Street $217.59, Sewer $309.62, Park $21.78. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and Vouchers Nos 3958 through 3882 authorized paid. Approved. Mayor recognized Mr. Adrian Vander Houwen of Port Orchard JayCees, who was present to discuss further street name changes to implement the extension of the street and house numbering system which the JayCees have under way. Maps and grids of the system were displayed and examined by members of the Council. Street name changes to better identify streets were dis- cussed. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Caldwell and approved, that the below listed street name changes be adopted: Mitchell Road (from DeKalb Street south) to Mitchell Avenue Unnamed street between Maple and Cedar Streets at end of Grandview Street to Grandview Place Old Gig Harbor Highway to Bethel Avenue The alley between Howard and Flower Street, from Tremont to Melcher to Canyon Lane The street running from Pottery Avenue southeast to Tremont Street to Tremont Place The street running from Pottery Avenue southwest to Tremont Street to Alder Lane The alley running north near Tremont and Tremont Place to Starlet Lane Old Clifton Road to Tremont Street, The street running southwesterly from Hull Street to venue to Hull Street Tremont Avenue to Tremont Street The lane or alley running north from Melcher Street to City limits between Sherman and Pottery Avenue (now marked "MacSaddlery) to Hill Avenue Pottery Hill Road to Pottery Avenue Rhodes Avenue and Robinson Road to Sherman Street Perry (or Percy) Street to Garrison Avenue Lower Morton Street to Coles Lane The street running east from Mitchell Avenue (extension of Melcher Street) to Melcher Street Mayor Repanich announced the resignation of Mr. T. A. Hollenbeck, City Engineer, effective May 31, 1968, and thanked Mr. Hollenbeck for an immense amount of work accomplished. Mayor informed those present that this meeting would adjourn at 8:00 p. m. to Givens School to permit all those present in re: the proposed LID formation to be in attendance. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Caldwell that this meeting adjourn to Givens School and immediately re -convene. Approved. Mayor Repanich re -convened the meeting at Givens School auditorium at 8:15 p. m. and announneds again that the purpose of this meeting was to conduct the official hearing, as required by RCW 35.43.140, on the proposed formation of a LID to provide sewerage to the southwest portion of the City. Mayor Repanich introduced the City Attorney, Donald Thompson, who gave an explanation of legal aspects of formation of LIDs by resolution when a declaration of health hazard has been furnished by cognizant Health Officer. He explained the alternate courses of action which the Council might follow, i.e.,: Abandon the project completely, delete certain areas and proceed with a smaller project, or proceed with the project as originally outlined. City Attorney at this time recognized the presence of Mr. Joe Wiegel, Chief Environmental Sanitar- ian of Kitsap County Health Department. City Attorney then directed the Clerk to read the protests which had been received and tab6tated in the order received. The City Clerk read the protests one at a time, as contained on Attachment 1 to these minutes* After each protest was read, the City Attorney asked if the protestor or his representative was present. Those protests marked with an asterik on the attachment hereto were present and confirmed the accuracy of the protest as read, with the exception of those marked "stricken" which were removed at request of protestor or his representative. May 27, 1968 Page Two After the protests contained in the attachment were read, a Mr. Macario Gallegos of Rt. 4, Box 228 informed the City Attorney that their protest had been mailed in sufficient time to be received and was not in those read. City Attorney directed the Clerk to make a note of this fact and to record the protest conditionally upon receipt in writing. City Attorney recognized Mr. Len Kruse, Attorney, who spoke briefly on behalf of a group of property owners in the Sidney Ridge area, on the east side of Sidney Road, who protested inclusion in the district and were petitioning for deletion. The City Attorney requested Mr. Wiegel of the Kitsap County Health Department to answer questions re: the finding of that department that a health hazard exists. Several questions were directed to Mr. Wiegel and answered by him. The City Attorney then answered specific questions re: certain matters of a legal nature in- volving formation of LIDs in general. Mayor Repanich commented on the fact that the protests received and tabulated represented only one/third of the property owners involved. A computation of the relative proportions of the cost of the improvement to protestors and non -protestors indicated that the protestors represent about 31% of the total cost of the improvement to be financed by LID and only 21.4% of the total cost of the project. The following residents and/or property owners spoke in favor of the improvement: Robert Cooper, 1037 West Street Barney Folden, 1129 West Street Don Olson, 310 Guthrie Street Mrs. Vernon Lieseke, 413 West Street These property owners presently have problems in sewage disposal through septic tanks and are hopeful of sewer availability. Mr. Charles Geyer, representing Mr, & +rs. Philip Lyman, of Bothwell Street was recognized and requested to have the names of the Lymans stricken from the list of protestors. Mr. Geyer spoke at length on the increasing development of this area and the fact that septic tank method of sewage disposal is rapidly becoming impractical, as the concentration of homes Increases. Discussion developed among the members of the Council, City Attorney and interested persons re: various details of the proposed project. Mayor Repanich requested the City Attorney to study the possible alternative methods of assessment of such areas to finance this project. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Caldwell that this meeting be adjourned to June 3, 1968 for further discussion and action. Approved. Further moved by Molzahn and seconded by Caldwell that the meeting, when reconvened, be a special meeting for continuing the legal hearing on proposed sewer assessment protests. Approved. Moved seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned 11:25 p, m. i( Clerk Mayor PROTESTS TO LID 62 (Proposed extension of Sewer to Southwest portion of City) No. Nave Property Description Amount Nature of Protest 1. Myhre's Inc. (by Signe Myhre) Lot 21-24, Blk 1, Lot 24, Blk 2, Lots 1-20, Blk 10, Not Shown No benefits Lots 13-18, Blk 13, Sidney Villa Addition 2. Kukendall, Austin Lot 5, Blk 1, Matson's Addition Not Shown Presently served by sewer 3. * Fuller, Francis L, TL #28, Sec 2-23-1E $6,979.96 Exorbitant, Unnecessary & Inclusion in district 4, Clauson, Newell F. TL #105, Sec 2-23-1E $3,058.67 Amount of assessment & inclusion in district 5, Frank, Josephine A. Lots 13-15, Blk 1, Sidney Land Co, 2nd Addition $ 472.00 Amount of assessment 6, Jacobson, Dick lots 1-12, Blk 4 & Lots 4-5, Blk 11, Sidney Villa Add. Not shown No benefits 7, Carlson, C. J. Lots 1-4 & 9, Blk 3, Replat of Central Addition $ 772.05 No benefits 8. * Harrington, Harley A. Lot 7, N. 101 Lot 6, Matson's Addition Not shown Presently served by sewers 9. Soderberg, Gertrude A. Lot 2, Blk 1, Hayward Home Tracts Not shown Object to formation of district 10. - Pauley, Velma L. Lot 1-8, Blk 1, Sidney Land Co. 2nd Addition $1,214.40 inability to pay & form- ation of district ll. * Anderson, Albert & Patricia Por TL 11B, Sec 35-24-1E Not shown Presently served by sewer 12. ,t Sampson, Roland & Helen Por NEk of N*,, Sec 35-24N-lE $2,668.00 Amt. of assessment & formation of district 13, Mealer, Theo Lots 12-24, Blk 11, Sidney Villa Addition $2,015.56 No benefits 14. Hager, Philip lots 2-9, Blk 1, Matson's Addition Not shown Object to formation of district 15. Clark, George Por TL #13, Sec 35-24-1E $3.316.32 Amount of assessment 16. Workman, Burt & Lois TL 97, Sec 35-24-1E $1,756.57 Object to formation of district & no benefits 17. Boyd, Esther C. Lot 20 & alley, Blk 1, Railroad Addition Not shown Presently served by sewer 18. Morgan, Katherine A. Por TL 26. 2-23-1E, NEk, NWk Not shown Object to formation of & inclusion in district Page 2 No. Name Property Description _Amount Nature of Protest 19. -t Mashburn, Margaret & TL IOA & lOF Sec 35-24-1E $3,158.16 Object to formation of i Juliano, Ernesto TL 10 Sec 35-24-1E $3,630.00 district 20. i Schramm, Ernest A. Lot 18-19, Blk 1, W. F. Smith's Addition Not shown Presently served by sewer 21. Heng, Arndt J. Lots 10-12, Blk 2, W. F. Smith's Addition Not shown No benefits 22. Deal, Garrison E. Por TL 11, Sec 35-24-1E $1,237.29 Presently served by sewer 23.*- Barber, Robert & helen TL 188, Sec. 2-23-1E Not shown Amt. of assessment & inclusion in district 24.E Collins, Everett & Idabelle Por TL 45, Sec 35-24-IE $2,204.61 Amt. of assessment s i 25.+ E First Baptist Church of Port Orchard TL 189, Sec 2-23-1E Not shown Inclusion of property 26.' Loftus, Edwin Poor TL 11-A, Sec 35-24-1E Not shown Presently served by sewer 27.4 Lloyd, Stewart & Barbara Por NEk NWk, Sec 35-24-1E Not shown Object to formation of district and amount of assessment 28. * t!^! k,� i , -let sheer ..._...--Z-b*n*fIis 29. � MacDonald, J. H. Lots 4-8, Blk 5, Replat of Central Addition Not shown Object to formation of district 30. Laha, John H. Part of TL 62, Sec 34-24-1E Not shown Inclusion in district and amount of assessment 31. Ogden, Verne E. Lot 13-15, Blk 1, W.F. Smith's Addition $ 765.00 No benefits 32, Lowenstein, Michael J. Lot 3 and Por of Lot 2 & 4, Blk 3, Hayward's Home Tracts $ 612.79 Object to formation of dist. & apportionment of assessment 33.*• Miles, R. L. Lots 4-11 & 28-38, Kendall's Addition $3,761.00 Object to formation of dist. & no benefits 34.4 Minor, Howard Lots 7-11, Blk 1, Pottery Addition & Por TL 1, 26, Sec 35 Not shown Method of assessment Lots 1-14, Blk 1, Sidney Villa, Lots 1-16 and 21-23, Blk 2, Sidney Villa, Lots 1-24, Blk 3, Sidney Villa 35, 4 Craswell, C. J. & Dorothy L. Lots 7-25, Blk 1, Harrison Park Addition $6,083.29 Protest formation of district Lots 3-25, Blk 2, Harrison Park Addition 36.* Hollenbeck, T. A. TL 121, 161, 25 & 27 2-23-1E Not shown Doubts benefits 37.-0 Cruz, Iva M. TL #182 2-23-IE Not shown Inclusion in district 38. Stubbs, Chas. E. & Margaret A. Por of TL #201, Sec 2-23-1E Not shown Inclusion in district Page 3 No. Name Property Description Amount Nature of Protest 39. Blakeslee, Lela Por TL #17, Sec 2-23-IE Not shown Inclusion in district 40.* Schlenker, Emanuel Por TL #44, Sec 2-23-1E Not shown Inclusion in district 41. Robards, William R. Por TL #178, Sec 2-23-1E Not shown Inclusion in district & doubts benefits 42. Webb, Ray D. Por TL #187, Sec 2-23-1E $ 978.68 Inclusion in district 43. Stevens, Gene Por TL #149, Sec 2-23-IE Not shown Inclusion in district 44. Bollman, Betty S. Por TL #83 & 84, Sec 2-23-1E Not shown Inclusion in district 45. Hetrick, Leonard L. The S 1101 of the N 2301 of por of the SW'k of the NA Not shown Inclusion in district of Sec 2-23-1E lying easterly of Sidney Road 46. Williams, Frank A. Por TL #41, Sec 2-23-1E Not shown Inclusion in district 47. Anderson, Raymond H. & Vera J. TL #43, Sec 2-25-IE Not shown Inclusion in district 48. Williams, Lynn K. Por TL #199, Sec 2, lying wly of In 1201 Ely of & Not shown Inclusion in district parallel to Ely mgn of Sidney Rd 49. Knutson, Elmer TL #180, Sec. 2-23-1E Not shown Inclusion in district 50. YYma.. u-a _UkiIL -p -sown- In01..e46.. In d striet I -Not- 51.1" Johnson, Roy B. & Maxine E. Por of TL #24, Sec 2-23-IE Not shown Inclusion in district 52.4 Johnson, Maxine (M.) & Schumann, R, Por of TL #198, Sec 2-23-IE Not shown Inclusion in district 53.0 Williams, Wayne F. Por of T1. #166, Sec 2-23-IE Not shown Inclusion in district 54. + Hawkinson, James O. TL #202, Sec 2-23-IE Not shown Inclusion in district 55. * Gaudette, T. J. 56.* Jones, Minard & Elizabeth 57.A LeFave, Bernard 58.+ Cunningham, Esther H. TL #117 & 155, Sec 2-23-IE TL #85, Sec 2-23-1E Sec 2-23-1E TL #19 Lots 1-6, Blk 6, Sweaney"s Addition Not shown Inclusion in district Not shown Inclusion in district Not shown Inclusion in district Not shown Doubts benefits because of topography of property Page 4 No. Name Property Description Amount Nature of Protest 59.* McCann, Richard E. & Joyce D. TL #36, Sec 35-24-1E Not shown No benefits, cannot be served 60, Corliss. Verne & Thora Lot 4, Blk 9, Replat of Central Addition 255.30 Have sewer connection 61. Fred & Marilyn Dengler Lot 3, Blk 1, Hayward's Home Tracts (W 80' of S. 140' of Wh) 504.00 Inclusion in district & no benefits 62. Schenk, Glen A. & Lydia A. Eh Lot 3, ex the S 2601, Blk 1, Hayward Home 'tracts 685.00 to 63.* Ness, Richard K. & Sharon G. Beg at intersection E, in of Lot 5, (Alder Road) 633.98 64.4 Boyd, Floyd L. & Betty J. Por Lots 3-4 & 7, Blk 2, Hayward's Home Tracts 598.39 65, Campbell, James M. & Lorene TL #87, Sec 34-24-1E, and N 100€t Lot 1, Blk 1, Hayward's 678.75 Home Tracts 1,755.00 66, Ecklund, Roy A. & Veronica 67. Looney, Charles & Evelyn 68, Arnold, Charles R, 69. Saxby, Mrs, George 70, 71. * iAokley,, Basil F. & Myrtle 72. Moen, Thoralf & Borghild 73. * Knutson, H. L. & Doris 74, Edwards, John H. D. & Ellen 75. Adams, Minnie & Brittingham, Abbott 76. Wells, Lee D. & Elaine 77. Reynolds, Robert V. 78, Harvey, Elton & Effie Lot 1, Blk 1, Hayward Home Tracts Ex W'k Lot 6, Blk 2, Hayward's Home Tracts Lots 15 & 16, Blk 1, Sidney Villa, Lots 17-20, Blk 1, Sidney Villa & Lots 17-20, Blk 2, Sidney Villa Addition W 132- A of SE'k of SWk TL #10-C, Sec 35-24-1E Lots 15-16, Blk 9, Sidney Villa Addition Lot 19 & 20, Sidney Villa Addition Lot 3-4, Blk 9, Sidney Villa Addition Por of TL #76, Sec 35-24-1E TL #30, Sec 35-24-1E Lots 17-18, Blk 9, Sidney Villa Addition TL #10E, Sec 35-24-1E TL #29, Sec 35-24-1E & Lot 1-6, Blk 2, Harrison Park Add. 1,720.00 to 333.33 to 1,578.15 10 898.13 of 1,584.00 Inclusion in district & no benefits 315.63 of 315.63 315.62 81.00 2,396.10 Not shown 1,777.91 1,189.00 of Port Orchard, Washington May 13, 1968 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:30 p. m. by Mayor Repanich: Councilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn, Powers and Van Zee. Also present: City Attorney Thompson, City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker and Mr. Travis Baker, representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of April 22, 1968 regular meeting read and approved. Mayor announced first order of business to be final consideration of and award of bid for one 4-6 ton road roller (continued from meeting of 4-22-68). Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee reported on merits of various proposals offered and recommended the award of the bid to Feenaughty Machinery Co., 717 Michigan Avenue, Seattle, Washington, for one (1) 4-6 ton Ferguson roller. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that recommen- dations of Street and Alley Committee be concurred in and the contract awarded to Feen- aughty Machinery Co. for the Ferguson roller at a cost of $6,266.00 plus sales tax $281.87. Approved, Mayor recognized Mr. Adrian Vander Houwan of Port Orchard Jay Cees who was present to discuss the City house numbering system which the Jay Cees have been working on for some time. Mr. Vander Houwen displayed most recent maps and plans for numbering houses in areas now served by rural routes, and for changing names on several streets which are obviously in conflict with other streets of the same name. The matter of street name changes discussed at length. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Molzahn that the following street name changes be approved. First Street (west of Mitchell) Second Street Third Street Fourth Street First Street (east of Mitchell) Division Street Depot Street to Prospect Street to Kitsap Street to DeKalb Street to Dwight Street to DeKalb Street to Morton Street to Stockton Street City Attorney will prepare a resolution for presentation at next meeting to formally effect these changes. Fire Chief Hacker reported that the new fire hydrants,(authorized in previous meetings) have been received and will be installed in the near future. Chief Hacker reported four (4) fire alarms in April with a total loss of approximately $25.00. He reported an average of eight (8) firemen answering in each fire alarm. Van Zee reported no information on matter of Mitchell Point Cemetery. Clerk reported on progress of procuring used 10 Kw generator from Civil Defense. Recommen- ded that this generator be placed north of Municipal building on concrete slab. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Fitzgerald that a concrete slab be placed to receive this unit. Approved. City Engineer reported that from appearances, Del Mar Construction Company would start developing Shamrock Lane, (on So. Sherman Street) in very near future. Clerk reported on the application of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Johnson, of 1410 Flower Street for Rezone from R-1 to R-2 for purpose of establishing a boarding house. State Health Department has indicated that an application must be submitted by the Johnsens for such permission before they will make any determination. Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee reported no progress on the 6-year Arterial Street Program required by 1967 legislature. Chief of Police Dow reported that Mr. Duane Baker of Baker Construction Co., contractor making addition to Municipal Building, will be present later in the evening for a progress report on the project. Clerk gave a progress report from the Consulting Engineer on the proposed sewer project (Ordinance #803 and Resolution No. 1057). This project discussed at length. May 13, 1968 Page TWO Clerk reported information from Urban Arterial Board of State Highway Department re: the status of the Pottery Hill Arterial. A new application for consideration of additional funds will be submitted. Mayor reported on a request of Mr. Cecil Brewer of 514 Smith Street for the City to remove some trees in an alley in the rear of the property. Referred to Street and Alley Committee for action. Mayor also reported on a complaint of Mrs. W. S. Stevenson of 931 Dwight Street re: dust on Central Playfield and also that thrown and batted balls and soccer balls are coming onto her property. Van lee reported that he had discussed this problem with the property owner, He requested an expression of policy from the Council regarding the playing of soccer on this field. Soccer playing appears to be doing a considerable amount of damage. Referred to Parks and Playgrounds Committee for further study. Van 7ee reported that the Horseshoe Pitching Association had requested the reinstallation of the coin operated light controls on the horseshoe pits. These were vandalized and stolen during the winter. Discussed briefly. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Mikelsen that the coin operated meters be reinstalled. Approved. Mayor reported that an important meeting of the Bremerton Port Commission was scheduled for 7:30 p. m., May 14, 1968 in Bremerton City Hall and suggested that Councilmen who can, attend. Mayor recognized Mr. Duane Baker, contractor who was present to provide information re: the status of the Municipal Building addition being constructed and to discuss various types of floor coverings for the lower floor spaces. He explained the relative merits of the floor the and other coverings which might be used, and compared costs. He sug- gested that tye type specified in the call for bids, vinyl asbestos would be the most practical and the most economical in the original installation. Discussed at length. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Molzahn that the first floor area be completed as to par- titions, wall finishing, etc. with vinyl asbestos floor the to be installed per original specifications. Approved with 6 yeas and one no. Clerk reminded the Council of the necessity of formally authorizing the increase in min- imum water consumption for summer months in line with past policies. Moved by Powers, seconded by Fitzgerald that the minimum charge water consumption be increased from 3,500 to 5,500 gallons for June, July, August and September. Approved. Clerk discussed the desirability of changing utility billings to bi-monthly periods as is the practice in many other cities. This will be necessary when further expansion to water and sewer system increases billing load. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Caldwell, that the City Clerk be authorized to implement a bi-monthly billing system when he deems it necessary, Approved. Clerk reminded the Council of an earlier discussion re: the possibility of the City re- entering into a Community Work and Training Agreement with the Department of Public Assist- ance and read extracts from a new agreement by which the City will agree to utilize the services of four to eight public assistance recipients in various applicable City areas. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Fitzgerald that this agreement be authorized. Approved. Clerk read a letter from the State Board for Volunteer Firemen which explains a situation involving the Fire Chief and whether or not he should be considered a full paid fireman, and subject to the provisions of the portion of the Firemens disability and compensation law governing full paid firemen (payment by the City of 1% per year of his salary). It appears that Chief Hacker will be considered a full -paid fireman until the legislature clarifies the situation. Mikelsen reported that owners of Sunset Lane Cemetery had offered an easement of deed to a strip of land 3 ft. wide across the cemetery to permit installation of a City water line end other utilities across the cemetery. Matter discussed in detail. This deed, or ease- ment would replace a like easement or deeded strip about 80 ft, south of the new location. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that the City accept this easement or deed, of 3 ft. for placement of utilities across the Sunset bane Cemetery, at a point to be identified by the management, Approved, Mikelsen also opened discussion on the desirability of assembling all easements, deeds, rights of way (special), etc. and plotting these on a map for easy reference. Many such easements and deeds now exist which are difficult to identify, due to complicated legal descriptions. Discussed at length. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that the Clerk be authorized to implement this program as funds are available. Approved. OR- May 13, 1968 Page 'Three Mikelsen reported a serious deterioration of the rip -rap revetment on the north side of the parking lot near the Horluck Transportation ferry pier. He recommends that the operator of the ferry company be contacted and made aware of this unsafe condition. Mikelsen also reported that a serious traffic hazard develops frequently on Sidney Street between Radey Street and a point south of Tremont Street caused by motorists who pass other vehicles in area of reduced visibility. He recommends that a "No Passing" zone be established by either signs or yellow double line. Discussed at length. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers, that the area on Sidney Street between Radey Street and the crest of the hill south of Tremont Street be designated a no passing stone. Approved. Mayor Repanich suggested that the City improve the shoulder area on the west side of Cline Street between Division and Dwight Streets to provide an off-street pedestrian walk. Referred to Street and Alley Committee for study. Mikelsen reported that further improvements are needed on West Street between Sroufe and Melchor Streets. Considerable dust has resulted from the recent widening of the street. Street and Alley Committee will study and report at next meeting. Mikelsen also reported on the removal by Street Department personnel, of shrubbery and plants on slopes adjacent to Highway #160 near Mitchell overpass. These shrubs and plants were paid for by Mr. and Mrs. Glen Greseth, who operate a nursery near there. The Greseths also fertilized and watered these plants for several years in an effort to beautify this area. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers, that the sum of $50.00 be expended from the Street Department budget to replace these plants. Approved. Chief of Police Dow requested information re: possible deletions from new area being added to Municipal Building to permit availability of funds for furnishings. Chief Dow also informed the Council of the advantages of a different radio installation in the new Police Department officies and diagrammed the suggested layout. He was directed to study his budget for 1968, to determine if funds are available for these costs, estim- ated at about $250.00. City Engineer Hollenbeck reported that the new 611 water main in Mitchell Street between the County Shed and Catholic Church is completed and awaiting the approval of the Health Department before putting in service. This will almost double the amount of water avail- able on Mitchell Hill, He also reported on other continuing improvements in the portion of the water system in Annapolis Hill area. Mr. Hollenbeck reported that repairs to Well No. 7 were completed and the artesian flow had been increased from 150 gpm to 650 gpm. City Engineer displayed an Award of Merit for an excellent safety record in Water Works Operation for 1967. Chief of Police Dow reported on the school of instruction he attended in Portland during the week May 6-10. Bills were read in amounts: Current Expense $11,175.85; Water $6,278.79; Street $1,200.89; Sewer S456,67, Park $59.O8, Total $19,171.28. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell, that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 3795 through 3857 authorized paid. Approved. Moved,, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 12:25 a. m. Clerk � %�,,• ;� - ;� mayor i Port Orchard, Washington April 22, 1968 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:30 p. m, by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Geiger, Mikelsen, Powers and Van Zee, Fitzgerald and Molzahn absent. (excused), Also present: Attorney Ron Thompson, substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mr, George Hammond, Consulting Engineer, Mr. Terry Thompson, Financial Consultant, and Mr, Travis Baker, representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of April 8, 1968 meeting read and approved as corrected. Mayor announced the first order of business to be the determination of the successful bidder on 1968 police patrol car per bids opened 4-8-68, (continued from meeting of 4-8-68). Powers, of Finance and Audit Committee recommended that the low bid, that of Winthrop Motor Company of Tacoma, Washington for one 1968 Plymouth Sedan for $2,579.80, plus sales tax of $116,09, less trade in of $300.00 for 1965 Dodge Coronet Sedan, be accepted. Moved by Van 7ee, seconded by Geiger that the bid of Winthrop Motor Co. be accepted. Approved. This being the date and time specified for opening of bids for one (1) street roller, 4-6 ton, the Clerk opened and read the following bids: Cox Machinery Co. 3200 Fourth Ave. South Seattle, Washington Sahlberg Equipment Co. 5950 Fourth Avenue, So. Seattle, Washington Air -Mac, Inc. 3838 Fourth Ave. Seattle, Washington Feenaughty Machinery Co. 717 So. Michigan St, Seattle, Washington Make of roller - Galion Price $6,755.00, plus sales tax $303.98; Total $7,058.98 Make of roller - Huber Price $6,615.00, plus sales tax $297.68; Total $6,912.68 Make of roller - Rex Rexrol Price $6,625.00, plus sales tax $298.13; Total $6,923.13 Make of roller - Ferguson Price $6,266.00, plus sales tax $281.87; Total $6,547.87 Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van Zee that these bids and other information be referred to City Engineer and Street and Alley Committee for study and a recommendation at the next meeting on May 13, 1968. Approved. Mayor recognized Mrs. R. H. Hopper of Rt. 4, Box 16 (Mitchell Road) who was present to discuss the progress of the street numbering project. Mrs. Hopper has assumed a great deal of the work involved in this project from the South Kitsap JayCees. City Engineer and Mrs. Hopper discussed and explained the projected system as now developed. Discussed by Mayor and members of the Council. Mrs. Hopper will continue to work on refining this project, with additional reports to be submitted as desirable. Mayor recognized a Lt. Purchase of U. S. Army Reserve, who Ass requested cooperation of the Mayor and Council in the forthcoming observance of the sixtieth anniversary of the Army Reserve, Lt, Purchase discussed the Army Reserve in general, and the Port Orchard unit in particular, He described the various functions of his unit in its training with regular Army units at Fort Lewis. Mayor expressed appreciation of himself and Council for Lt. Purchase's remarks. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would authorize certain additions and betterments to sewerage system in the area from Bay Street south to Highway #16 in areas not now served by the sewer system. Various provisions of the ordinance discussed in detail. Consulting Engineer Hammond and Financial Consultant Terry Thompson explained various technical and financing features and answered questions. This ordinance will also combine the waterworks and sewerage facilities for bonding purposes. Moved by Powers, seconded by Geiger, that the proposed ordinance be adopted, with the following changes in the original preparation: Page 1, heading, line 13, $358,500. changed to $381,000.; Page 2, Section 2. (2) item 7, under approximate length insert 1801 and under approximate pipe size 10"; Page 7, Section 4, fourth line, thirty years changed to forty year's; Section 5, fourth line $532,000. changed to $555,000., Subsection (3), line 2, $358,500 changed to $381,000., Page 8, Section 6, 9th line, thirty years changed to forty years. Approved unanimously, and No. 803 assigned. April 22, 1968 Page Two Clerk read a proposed resolution of intention to form an LID encompassing the area outlined in Ordinance No. 803 above. Provisions and effect of this resolution discussed in detail by Mayor, members of the Council and others. Approved unanimously, subject to following changes in the original preparation: First page, ninth line, $538,500. changed to $555,000., sixteenth line $358,500. changed to $381,000,, and third page, Section 3, first line $358,500. changed to $381,000. No, 1057 assigned to this resolution. Mr. Terry Thompson suggested that extensive public relations efforts be undertaken to insure that a maximum amount of accurate information and minimum of misunderstanding be received by the effected property owners. He suggested an informal preliminary meeting be scheduled with the property owners to answer as many of the expected questions as possible, in:�ad- vance of the required public hearing scheduled for May 27th. Determined that this preliminary meeting will be held on May 20th in the Active Club Building, and that a letter of explan- ation with a map of the affected area will be sent to the property owners prior to that date. Fire Chief Hacker introduced Fire Chief Chet Kirk of Kitsap County Fire Protection District No. 7, who was present to discuss along with Chief Hacker, a proposed Mutual Aid Agreement by which each Department, (No. 7 and Port Orchard) would aid the other in answering fire alarms in certain areas of the City and surrounding areas. Hacker explained the areas to be affected and referred to a map of the City. Clerk read the proposed agreement which was discussed briefly, and questions answered by Hacker and Kirk. Moved by Van Zee, sec- onded by Powers that this Mutual Aid Agreement between KCFPD #7 and City of Port Orchard be accepted by the City, subject to review and approval by the City Attorney, Approved. Fire Chief Hacker offered for examination and approval, a proposed new burning permit form to replace present forms, the supply of which is nearly exhausted. Discussed briefly by members of the Council. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Mikelsen that this permit be approved, subject to the addition of certain additional information. Approved. Hacker also discussed a new building inspection form and business permit (service stations, dry cleaning establishments, etc.) which has been produced for use by all Volunteer Fire Departments in the County., City will be expected to pay about $15.00 as its share of the costs. 90 Hacker reported that the new fire hose (141.90 feet) had been received. Chief Hacker reported that he and one member of the Department had attended a fire command school in Yakima during the period 8-11 April, and had received some very excellent Instruc- tion and training. Six fires were reported for the month of March, with a total loss of approximately $150.00. City Engineer Hollenbeck reported that the drain culvert across South Flower Street near Fireweed Road has been installed. The cost of material will be billed to the developer and builder of the Garden Grove Addition per findings of the Council in previous meetings. Mr. Hollenbeck also reported that "No Parking Between Signs" markers had been placed on north side of Bay Street near Seattle Street per previous instructions. Caldwell reported no progress on possibility of U. S. Soil Conservation Service assisting in the draining of ponds near the end of Radey Street near West Street. Mayor reported on further discussions with members of the Board of County Commissioners re: possible acquisition by the County of properties near the Courthouse for expansion, Including possible vacation of unused streets. Van Zee reported that he and the Van Alstine brothers would visit and examine the site of the old cemetery at Mitchell Point in the near future (continued from minutes of 4-8-68). Clerk reported on availability and apparent condition of a 10 KW gasoline powered electric generator which is available through Kitsap County Civil Defense Office. This is believed to be a source of dependable emergency electric service in event of power outages. This plant has been inspected by a mechanic and appears to be in good to excellent condition. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Caldwell that the City acquire this piece of equipment at no cost, other than moving and placing it. Approved. Fire and Light Committee will investigate and recommend where it should be placed, City Engineer reported on communications between himself and Del Mar Construction Co. re: street construction and other improvements in Shamrock lane on South Sherman Street, a newly platted area, The requested changes (from minutes of 4-8-68) have been made. Discussion April 22, 1968 Page Three developed on various aspects of plato ng and development of new areas. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Van 7ee that these plans as revised, be accepted. Approved. Clerk read an application of Mr, and Mrs. Charles C. Johnson for re -zone from R-1 to R-2 of property at 1410 Flower Street, This re -zone is requested for the purpose of establishing a boarding home. This application discussed in general. Continued until next meeting for further investigation as to provisions for safety and health. Clerk read a letter offering reflector -type crosswalk markers for increased visibility and safety of pedestrians in crosswalks. Referred to Street and Alley Committee for study and recommendation. Clerk read a report of appraisal of City -owned property on Taylor Street, now occupied by No. 2 Fire Hall. This property will probably be surplus to the needs of the City when the new fire hall is constructed in 1969. The appraised value of this property is $5,150.00. Clerk read extracts from Session Laws of 1967 Extraordinary Session re: the need for a six - year Comprehensive Arterial Street Program to be submitted to State Highway Department prior to July, 1968, and updated annually thereafter. Referred to Street and Alley Committee for study and action. City Engineer reported on the availability of a sewage re -circulating and discharge pump for the sewer plant. Present pump has never satisfactorily functioned. Clerk directed to contact the distributor as to guarantee of satisfactory performance. Continued until next meeting, City Engineer reported on acts of vandalism involving broken windows in street department equipment and broken water meter registers. Chief of Police is investigating. City Engineer reported on need for repair to rip -rap revetment along north side of Merchant's parking lot between sewage treatment plant and ferry pier. He estimates cost of this repair to be about $2,000, Annual convention of Association of Washington Cities in Spokane, May 14-17 discussed. Mikelsen intends to be present to represent Port Orchard. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Caldwell that Mikelsen be designated a voting delegate and necessary expenses authorized paid, Approved. Mayor reported on costs of remodeling of new quarters for Kitsap County Health Department and reminded Council of necessity for increased contributions by all participating agencies to meet these costs. City of Port Orchard will pay about $3,000.00 of these costs as its share. Additional information will be available at a future meeting. Bills were read in amounts: Current Expense $644.40; Water $695.15; Street $1484.42, Sewer $240,19, and Park $87.33, total $3,151.49. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 3769 through 3794 be authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 12:35 a. m. Clerk _� Mayor Port Orchard, Washington April 8, 1968 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p. m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn, Powers and Van Zee, Also present: City Attorney Thompson, City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow, Assistant Fire Chief Caldwell, and Mr. Travis Baker, representing Bremerton Sun, Minutes of March 25, 1968 meeting read and approved as corrected. Mayor recognized Mr, Harrison Kilpatrick who resides near the northern and of the proposed Pottery Hill Arterial, He desires specific i?�forms ion re: the exact location of this street and how it will effect his property.leTVI i77 Ac'AiL-Ai3 i E 47" % g is 7_1 Mge. This being the date and time set for the receipt and opening of bids for a 1968 Police patrol car, the Clerk opened and read the following bids: Halvorsen Chevrolet Co., Port Orchard, one 1968 Chevrolet, $2,909.92 plus $130.95 sales tax with trade in allowance of $500.00 for 1965 Dodge Coronet Sedan. Net price $2,540.87. Howe Motor Co., Port Orchard, one 1968 Ford, $2,900.92, plus sales tax $130,54, with trade in of $300.00. Net price $2,731.46. Winthrop Motor Co. of Tacoma, one 1968 Plymouth, $2,579.80 plus sales tax $116.09, with trade in of $300.00. Net price $2,395.89. These bid proposals and various details discussed at length. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Mikelsen that these bids be turned over to Finance and Auditing Committee for study with Police Chief Dow, Approved, Mikelsen of Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee reported on situation involving pickup of garbage from houses a considerable distance from streets on narrow drives (minutes of 3-25-68). Operators of Port Orchard Garbage Service state that such pickup can be performed without trouble and will be made if the proper rate is paid. City Engineer reported further dry weather is needed to enable the Public Works Department to install the drain culvert across Flower Street near Fireweed Road, (reported in minutes of 3-25-68). Mayor requested a report from Street and Alley Committee and Fire and Light Committees re: the problem of providing better illumination and identification of crosswalks in downtown area, particularly at Bay and Frederick Streets, where a pedestrian was injured recently. Problem discussed in detail by the committee and other members of the Council. Various methods of improving crosswalk safety discussed. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van Zee that the crosswalks be repainted in present pattern (two 2410 parallel bars and that one additional street light be installed at Bay and Frederick Sts. diagonally from the existing light, and that the use of reflectorized buttons to further identify the crosswalks be studied. Approved. City Engineer reported that he had determined the exact location of the signs authorized to be installed on the north side of Bay Street near the properties,of Mr. Touchette and Mr. Sprinkel to provide access and egress to and from their driveways (reported in minutes of 3-11-68 meeting). The Clerk will now request permission from the State Highway Depart- ment to place these signs. City Engineer also reported that signs would be placed on north side of Prospect Street in rear of Howe Hardware building to prohibit parking in front of the entrance to a storage area in the building, (authorized in minutes of 3-25-68). Caldwell, of Street and Alley Committee reported that water is pooling in rather extensive pools or ponds near the end of Radey Street, near West Street. These pools or ponds appear to be of sufficient depth to be a hazard to small children. Discussed by City Engineer and members of the Council, West Street has now been widened and extended almost to the edge of these ponds in recent improvements. Most of the pooling exists on private property and there is little the City can do to correct the situation. Reference was made to the services of the Federal Soil Conservation Service which is prepared to offer assistance in such cases and who might be able to assist in relieving this situation. Moved by Fitzgerald, seconded by Molzahn that the Soil Conservation Service be contacted and re- quested to provide such services as available for this purpose. Approved. April 8, 1968 Page TWo Mayor reported on conversations he has had with members of the Board of County Commissioners re: the County property on Mitchell Street presently being vacated by the County Road District. He also reminded the Council that the County will probably be interested in obtaining the City property on Taylor Street now the site of No. 2 Fire Hall, for future Courthouse expansion. Previous discussions of several years previous were mentioned. Mayor Repanich stated that the City should cooperate to the fullest extent, including possibly vacating unused streets if necessary. City Engineer reported on a request of Mr. McPherson of Rt. #4, (Annapolis Hill) for im- provement to a rutted, muddy alley off Guy 'Wetzel Street. This is a private drive and not a platted alley, and City has no interest in its maintenance. Councilman Fitzgerald reported on the matter of extra police patrolmen during "Sunfair" July 3-7, and the cost of providing such additional protection. The Chamber of Commerce, who is promoting this affair has not budgeted any funds to provide this additional pro- tection, and expressed the feeling of the "Sunfair" committee that such additional pro- tection would not be required. Mikelsen reminded the Council that the City should take the attitude that it is the responsibility of the City that such emergencies be anticipated and that adequate police protection should be available. However, he felt that the City should not bear the entire cost of this additional service. Discussed at length. Chif of Police Dow reported that he was in communication with the Sunfair committee in this matter. Mayor requested information re: the progress of the addition to Municipal Building which got under way April 2, 1968, Chief Dow reminded the Council that it was imperative that a determination be made immediately on the method of providing heating and ventilation before construction has proceeded too far for economical installation. He discussed three types of heating systems and quoted the costs of each for the lower floor spaces. Discussed by members of the Council. Mr. D. C. Gould, local heating contractor discussed relative merits of the various systems. Moved by Powers, seconded by Molzahn that the "heat coil" system, utilizing heat from existing hot water boiler, be installed, with provisions for later installation of air conditioning unit, initial cost about $1,500.00. Approved. Mayor Repanich reported on the "kick'off" of the 1968 Clean-up, Paint -up, Fix -up campaign on Saturday, April 6. Councilman Fitzgerald is the Chamber of Commerce Beautificai n Chairman, Mayor Repanich complimented Mr. Fitzgerald and the Chamber of Commerce: W� eab their efforts in this matter. Councilman Fitzgerald in turn, thanked the Mayor and City, on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce for the city's cooperation. Determined that com- munications will be resumed with Department of Public Assistance re: the use of welfare recipients for beautification work, if it is possible to secure 4 or more at a time. Mr. Robert Gadberry, a member of the Volunteer Fire Department, was present and volunteered to donate healthy holly trees for such beautification projects as will be able to use them, Van Zee of Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported on status of improvements to basement of Active Club Building, Plumbing is being installed by volunteer labor and it will soon be ready for the finished cement floor. Mr. Van Zee will contact a floor finisher for a quotation on cost of completion. Mr. Van Zee also reported on a conversation with Miss Chloe Sutton, local historian, who informed him of the historical significance of the old Annapolis Cenetery at Mitchell Point. Miss Sutton and the Van Alstine family request a fence be put around this area, and some clearing of brush to improve and preserve this historical spot. This is on private property and contrary to normal City policy. Van Zee will further investigate. Van Zee also reported on a request from the Ladies Slow Pitch Softball for use of Central Playground for practice sessions and for the use of Little Leagu4we for two games, when not used by the Little League. Clerk will advise the person responsible of conditions under Which this will be authorized. Discussion de- veloped on the desirability and feasibility of providing toilet facilities at Central Pray - ground. Mr. Molzahn and City Engineer will check into the availability of a sewer line at the field. Mayor reported that Consulting Engineer Hammond had presented the City's need for additional funds for Pottery Hill Arterial Street, to Urban Arterial Board on Firday, April 5th, and that such applications for amendment to existing grants are not being approved where the need exceeds 107. of the original application or $50,000.00. Further information will be available at the Executive Session on April llth. April. 8, 1968 Page 'free Clerk read a letter from Mrs, Cora Lippert, widow of the late Councilman William Lippert, expressing thanks to the Councilmen and Mayor for the many courtesies which have been extended to her. She will be leaving Port Orchard in late April to make her home in California. Clerk reported on availability of a 10 KW 240 volt diesel generator through office of Kitsap County Civil Defense for providing emergency electric power for radios, etc. The present 2.5 KW generator is too small for the needs. This generator is located at the Bremerton Water Department shops in West Bremerton. Clerk will arrange for a competent mechanic to examine and give a possible evaluation of the equipment and its condition. Clerk read the quarterly report of the Building Inspector. There were issued in first 3 months of the year, 23 building permits with a total value of $191,531.00. Clerk read a proposed resolution authorising the Treasurer to make a temporary Transfer loan of $2,568.20 from Current Expense Fund to Street Fund, to permit continued operation until tax monies are received. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Van Zee that this resolution be adopted. Approved and No. 1055 assigned. Clerk read a proposed resolution authorizing the appropriation of $5,000.00 from Water Fund Contingency Reserve to Water Fund, Capital Outlay, Extensions and Betterments for financing improvement to water system in the newly acquired portion of Annapolis Water District, "loved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this resolution be adopted. Approved and No, 1056 assigned, Clerk read a proposed ordinance which will bring administration of water and sewer ordinances Into line and will correct minor discrepancies. Discussion on the matter in detail followed. Moved by Van 7ee, seconded by Mikelsen that the ordinance be adopted, with the stipulation that Section I shall read **a reconnection charge of $5.00 (five dollars)**. Approved wf 5 yeas, one nay. No, 801 assigned. Clerk read a proposed ordinance amending Ordinance #693, which prescribes dog license fees and which will increase the license fee for dogs to $3.00. This increase in dog license fees was approved at the meeting of 3-25-68. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Geiger that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 802 assigned. City Engineer reported that the wooden underpinnings under the sidewalk along north side of Bay Street, between Frederick and Sidney Streets, has rotted away in places, leaving the concrete walk without support. Discussed at length as to responsibility of property owners for such repairs as required. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that any property found to be in such condition will be brought to the attention of the property owner. Approved. City Engineer discussed need for additional signs for various traffic control areas and requested authority to purchase them. This was authorized as a part of budgeted street department costs, City Engineer recommended limiting parking between the Municipal Building and Cline Street (near Fire Chiefts Office) to one-half hour or one hour at most, to insure that allmday parking will be eliminated and that City trucks, Fire Chief, etc. will have access to the parking facilities. Discussion developed on various matters of parking around Municipal Building and the increase in parking requirements which can be expected when the Municipal Building addition is completed, Referred to Street and Alley Committee for study and recommendation. City Engineer presented a plan of the Shamrock Lane development on South Sherman Street. He explained plans for water and street facilities within the platted area. City Engineer has been requested to approve plans presented and requested guidance from the Council. Discussion developed that street surface drainage has not been provided for and the Engineer was directed to inform the developer that the City will require formed curbs and gutters or a formed depression (trench) in the outer edge of the paved surface to drain the water away from the lots, Mikelsen reported that the operators of the Port Orchard Garbage Service had prepared in- formation sheets re: garbage service tnd that they werebeing distributed to water and sewer customers as they pay their bills. April. 8, 1968 Page Four Mayor informed the Council that he would be absent from the City from April 10 through April 14th and reminded the members of necessity for appointing a Mayor Pro-tem for that period. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Caldwell that Councilman Powers be designated Mayor Pro-tem. Approved. Bills were read in following amounts: Current Expense $3,835.65, Water Fund $2,097.64, Street Fund $1,008,64, Sewer Fund $994.65, Park Fund $71.90, Total $8,008.48. Moved by Powers, seconded by Molzahn that these bills be allowed and vouchers Nos, 3706 through 3768 authorized paid, Approved, Moved. seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 12:20 a. m. Clerk y* /f_ /Cz,race'� Mayor Port OrcharCl, 1-tot, F,irch 25, 1963 ,', r.egular meeting of Port Orchard City Council caller' to orCer at 7:35 P. ";. by •ayor Bepanich. Councilmen present: Caldtit�ell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, 'Nikelsen : olz.lhn, Powe, rs and Vpn Zoe. -'•lso present: '.ttornev on Thompson, substitutin for City r.ttorney :%onald Thompson, City In^ineer 1,ollenbeck, Chief of Police ow Fire 'hie` Hacker _,nd i';r. 11"T1 B''.i.Cr, r('orESEntlrtn r)r€1i1GrtGn Sun. :linutes of �'orch 11, 1963 meetins read and approved is corrected. i�yor reco gnizad r. Allen Vein .hush ir;c, a businessman and property owner, who was present to discuss and obtain infannintion as is gvi7ilnblc re: the northerly tc,ri.Arius Of the =jc'cter', i'ot'Lery '.ill ,'irtt,rial which -rill h -acar his husities ; On )611 lb -at. :.i iJ.S z,,1so i prcl-lentin(T the' O {jS end Of �Outh. ''At!-np Chcw,-,ber of Cor,racrce.) innuirins as to plan:, for the .southerly ^nC Or tlhc C..Jhrr_ it waill cross Cr lnt12rclaz:nec -at Iii hL^ay i"10. �.1 y(-Ir=7an1C11 provided, w.s iuch infcrriation as is available ire: the plans of the Hi11 -Ilway T)c- partmc_nt in this respect. Discussed further -at lcn-,th by the i embers of the Council. Clerk read a. petition for a variance frog set -bat: requirements of Ordinance No. 719, sub;:litted by the City of Port Orchard and involving Lots 3 == 4, Pottery cidition, located at Cline and 7'enclall Streets, along; north side of Givens Field. This variance reque_,ted to permit n_nlargem.ent of the >corin-* bootji without nec- essity of re, -locating; entire B,,,be Ruth Field. This petition tans recommc.n(-ed >p-roved by the Planning �:oi �mi scion at a regul: r i!lcetin� on 3,'13/'62. k' OVe i by zee, Seccnr_Icll by ..1'.C'1`�fn, thu't t'-,e or the 'l;-,nnin,_1 1:3Sima ')c CGncurrC('. In •"'nt) the vorianec be ; rcinte- . r. '�al.t :i th, FresiU^nt_ Of SOLILI 'itscLp J, c:ut-i __ :` uC, C7, )r :SCilt Lc,. cL1s5 tilt' 'Si%c (i^ th, sLructurC to be 'uI t C t the ^��ev it", c:n<i pOr i .. that L'.15 ;";rout) i)c_ fiTvinclally unable to uihEiCYt .:•:2 C InSt:ruct nn C) %? fLicilit,, _, l ,r,' U _ C t<. L _ ctr':: iI1(.7. l'11y Zunf,s C orr,: i `etc.- .-!1::cUS. cr'' ID .Tl :n l 1G.el-:.Cfl Ciith ? ltl1. ".OvCCi. by T:".il Zcc Lh(t the Cty SrOVirin towrd the con`7tru`;tion nT th.is !)uil(,in- [?itl,, t1LC-i)l�.ns t0 to the ;it; Enc;ineer '.or ,.p)roval . _-onsi{ierable di ;cu> io - .eveloped cn the of the i'otion I.OSt for 12c':. Uf n ?C.:'"`.n:i. '=ter furth('.r diCcu:;:;lnn of the prc jcct, i-..iovecl by V -n ;! ^, .;'_COnCiCd by ti''Clseq tilat p3 .R i and !>pecificacicns for the rccoT-�nc.nde,fI :�trucLure r)e sulhmi tte6 to- theity 1.n�in -_,r nnrl- the Fl nys,roUnt''_s ComTli ttc ', with the COitl::itt2c aui: orizr_- tC ?)rucae(l as they i)eF;t soe Fit. : )prove_C. FUrILher i lovcd by 'Akel:sen, seconC't;{. by `:rain Z--c that the ne cr-Sssary builClin- peri-.At be issuc.:I TA tilout :a fo..e, :�nc! tlh•-at if one wa:> ,)aid, Tor the I•Ye,-Lcrn LittI-c Lea-ue buildin_.; at the south- east corner of ,iv^ns ?ie ci L roE�,(I 1 - (' rC'.l:;i'Lt r'• ;l)p r, ,0 )CrrOC'.1'OUt�224 .'iS pre>Cnt to r )iilVOlVln1. Of i col ! Cyction o F , Irba2e in the are of youth .0 l cmmr and ireCj,'Oe i ';trCet5. Y. .:us:hi.lell and others live frotr: 3"5--O to 45`:� fcct From the: street, on L'nore or less narrow driVP[Ja yS, ian(_j the carbage trucks cannot no-o-ti"'te the (listanc^_, but the compulsory irovisions, of the ordin_hnce r,,Ike no ellow7ince -ror such problem;,. Discu-,secl at len-th and then re.-fo�rrec tr.) 1.7 ?t_i', .leix_r, :'-enitz and :� t,itatian l.r. Bob i illcr :ms present to reC?Uest COn�_ i der;�tlon for>1 JT1T7C'nt cc space in e. in t `cLivc club f-u11e'in? for a Cub 3cout '),m .ieetin7, On every �'''d.neSeav- dve- nin s. One `7c,incs&i y has no vac<'nCi -'. iTtf?r C'iSCIiS lOn, l.er'c and Er. ;:-li llwr will "ttel;ipt to wort, out the situation. ire [ii,t ,_ccl...nr re—lorterl on tent^tive UtU;I. iC'. rY (C ..-:Cnt between the Cit, C1" r--)art:r.,cnt an,_ ilirC' ;i i='^1Ct No. 79 -,, iercbV e,'Ch deportment t-7OUI1 ,, '),rOviC'-- ccr Ar,_!bl e servicc,s n the'_ Oiil?r, p,t rticularly in C2.; (? of n larmr-, i-nvolviri schools, church:'_S, inStituLions, -ire,-,s of heavy cOnc(�'ntr%piton Of businc , Ctc. F7t l enf th. Firc Ch1e i Ce'.'r 2uthorizCC.. t0 prO- CecG in r2finin­' the a-recT,,a Lt pret)aro Lary to submitti.n- it For ,1p rOVt'1 b,tli:' �CL'.tlC 11 . �Z1 13?cl�;Cr :?Iso rCportccI on the'. acc l for procurin- 't ;u-_)ply of nc_ ,7 hurnin� 7C r%:itS. )i Cu ssiOn developer] on mctho6 Cf ,7pplyin" ?"or anC' icsuin? Of burnin- 'i7Cri,:its•-.^Ci:f_Y L,r11-1 d-wl';n new permit form, One.One. Tile'=Ct y.7iti1 the L,ayCi' end r• 1rC a.nc Light cm iittce to, ,tpprovc it. March 25, 1968 Page Two thief K1: cl. cr reportec' on a r.< quest cf i r. ,nlpn ;'i ,:,el. for v. permit to conduct lrircwori::i cisplay c'iuring :gun Fair, July 4th. 11c is hol(iln; this request In ab yancc, oendirl ad.�titiont:tl information. li11citer requestecl autiority to purchase 600 ft. of new fire hose as authorized in 17613 buciSot, prior to cn anticinnted pricc 1nCrC 1sC which will cf=octivc ; pri i 1. :° ovec': by :'olrahn, �,ecended by l itz _;t rc l ' that purchase cf this Dose vms =a11JroVc�L. llel�__ker info-~rie�' the Council that Fire -c. -: v,,ncl School_ 7si.l l ')c held in `'akiTaa on • pril 2-11 zinc' rcquested permission for nttcndanCC by 11imself and on-- other iieribe r Of the de, ,_rtillent. This is a bucl­cteri ite�:• and approval ,ranted. thief lac'ter als,) rc,portei on the intentional )U1'nln", by t11irC l cp2.rt1;[nt of :i si.-all .,tructur- On PoJl�i.r treet near �irj ,:+y h ' r n e 1 n,_, . T..is CJa.., cone a:t tll� re_,ue:>t of the own!r. .':n oft,'well, (reFerre..0. to in ';':ii.nutcs c,f 'r)rcviou , t' octin'-) liar, '.)ccn f it lee 1)y the o'Lnler. .-F"YOr 1"e•IUE!s ted a report FroT:l Street find' :'.11c,r AO":'Tii=t'2 On-iC-tter Of rC^ _:UCSt rYJ i.11 i OUChctte n 1':.`'51 Bay it. for no-')arkink; 70ne neo-,r his drive- `.•;<lj', t. pcii:it sii.fo access to tine' f-r �.�.:`yr .�tr�lot. (contin,,.lc'ri fro l :'ectin- of .irrrian Of th.e ,o;Tii-iittce, ':ftcr _, E,tudy of -�hc problem rO.COT 'ends rcmoval of one ;J lr:ln 1pace on the e,7.st :sic'^ of the cl:rivc_wC iy nnC for C-le u uul 50 m tlic west side of the acI�ncont of ,treet I)a.ri:ln ­ Si,&c _', OLneC'. ?oy 1'r. JJriR'.c l.. -''1` CUSS(C! in c7ct2il, r1nC. then iTi'VC:d, by rCl ;er, s:-CPnC.ec1 by !:D1La1111, that. Si,:;ns iJ6_' ere+Ct^Cl On e C11 sic!(, of tail :One. `'11O Parking • 1 pYoveci. �11C1WC1.1 2ilso rcportcC on further invesUi-ation Of the floo(-1.i _- cun,'itlon �7. t ire.as^d ^nd i lo.aer %t:cects, %reported. in m1mitcs of pre-vtous-mcetin-s). 11is conimittcc concurs in previous reccr::::cndations and dc�terriinations that the dtv- lpper of the subdivision, :r. F red 1'cst, and th builc'er of the di•Je1lin s on `lo�'Jei: .�trCP_t, r. vl;'n R %lrinny have Caused orJa-,rcvated the condition, dUe to disturbinc, the natural run-off pattern and the absorption qualities of the area and shoulc' poly the coat of the -uteri al. rc(,uired to provide a drain culvert under Flower Street to permit run-off fror:iwcst to east. Strc ct and i l ey '-o'.-mdtLee hnd Fire—, Li-ht ComiJttoo stu6ii-ec1 the miattor of increased pec.cs lrinn safety in crosswal1; and dolmto=Jn are , and t,articul.-;rly at the gay earl Frederic'.; "i:reet intersection and recoE,T,.ends the installation of two additional street li-hts at this intersection, on the corners not now li-hted to provide, better illimination and u--c.,ts t%.at the. "7c'bra" striping between the crosswalk nrirallel lines be p inteclin, as i-ms sug e sted by ; r. District l nginee:r of tl-e _lta.tc 11i-Anway Department. Jtreet and ='alley cormittee rccomil.-,ends charm-c in parlci.n. pattern on Fro,pect .Street behind 11owe ",iardware building which will provide access to storage areas in the lJuile'in;_ . Discussed briefly. '-ved by '` ilc'_well , s^ec)nc?ed by Ceiaer that "No parkin- betw.T,en signs" be placed at each slc'r' of the entrance to the building. .� .pproved. iMayor reported on a cliscus,ion with County C.oc-rdssioner Lloyd r(-2: the probable «VciiIiibi'.it r oI: the 1)res011t COuIItN7 Old -ne(i r net .ropC-rty on iitcholl S—rect. This will be further Oiscussrd when all present facilities are moved from it (:ab,)Ut 60 r'aysl. clerk read a pr'o')osed ordimince which wroulc''aclo;ot the 1965 eclition of Fire Pre- vention Code in lieu of the present 1956 edition. hover' by :iikelsen, secondec! by Fitzgerald that this ordinance be adlopted.-%pproverl, and No. SO'O assirtned. lerk read a letter frc.r,,, the `Mato Department of Labor and Industries T,ihich clarified the status o' Fire Chief Eaclter as involves Industrial Insurnace and i',Ieclical -`-id. ct,,iber s of Volunteer Fire .3cpartments, either salaried or non - salaried, are not eli?ible for this insurance. Clrr3: r:ported that the BremWrton-Fort Orchard City Dircctor.y, published by R. L. F'o11c Co. oL I•cs l n�cles have bem rece.ivcC. but that, contrary to specific March 25, 1968 Page Three statements by the company representative that the 1959 directory would contain Port Orchard infori73ation in a separate section, the boon still lists Port Orchard information int rninnled with ':r(,lierton. Discussed briefly. sock will be retained anal paid for, but n strong letter of ?rot st will big written to the publisher. Clerk road a letter from his. Almeja Harris, alter of Nitsap County Humane Scoiety, which 'urged the Council to consider increasing dog license fees for Im.1959 to $3,00 in line with the 'fee the County Commissioners have under consideration. 11ved by Geiger, seconded by `an Zee that dog license fees be esLabl ishY nt 1,0Qy either :le.':. Approved, City Attorney will prepare an amendment to :'reinance 1593 to hffset this Chan3e- Clerk read a letter fron South iiitsap Chamber er of Commerce, a Benutificetion Committee re. 1359 ..lean -Up lint -Up Fix -Up Cc<F':WKEn w11_ch Will "pril 6, and which requested the Mayor to officiate in a tree -planting ceremony. prociarl<Etion will be issued. Various manners in which the City can partic- i me in this program discuss d. Clerk reported on a re jue st of 4 non-profit organization for permission to sell r7fflc tickets to raise. Funds, Datert'."iined that this is r firm of g amblinZ EnO COU10 not be authorized under l iccnsing ordinances. Jerk reported that Nr. Terry Thompson could not he p1"f'_2ent at the 1bi-Ceakjy executive session of the Council on ['later, :sewer and street matters on Thurs- day, nI d r•` quE si.ed a ch :i" gc to ' e ncsday F aDetermined i ct this Or "1G..� . t� meet- ing will be p( `;t on d until Friday, "Qrch 22, if consulting Engineer i ;E':.,mond is av0labl.a. City Ensin>ez requested authority to issue a call for hi6q for c 4-0 tom ,7?vp- E'.l+ nt "011f'.i: as u.uthor0`_e in 195C 1JUCgct. Di.`cussK briefly. i.:Ot'C_'.0 by ';Ton Zcc, oconl' 0 by • l well that the Clerk be eirect<:d to ingun lily^_ requirnd call for City -yngincer report d a bed ieater main brcnk On '_''E'rr,t Avenue, in the old. Annapolis main. This h s been re'pnireQ. City Engineer slso reported on r euctation recently received for P G" waterconditionwatermeter. Arevue sts authority topurch se this meter on a trial basis to moo sure the output of the main pumping station. Discussed at length. Loved by Van Zee, .seconded by Geiger that this purchase be rnuthorizerl On the question, Cons3Ct r bla discussion C ''dope_ On the neK for such a meter and _ _'vantages of its installation, Approve& Clerk r_'_mind?d the Council that Ws is 0 capitni- outlay item and will requirc a .._"olution 7rior tc T)£,.3`>'r Gilt. City KnZincer also rcporteK receipt cf r lettcr from , r. "ills_m YcPherpon of Q. 4, AM }1e dl_y rutt2e, C7LAdy alley ncar tilWr hone l-,Ihiclo is barfly in nee'C', of work. Isc"s'sE'd at long>ti. Kng inner ciil eetc wine if this i3 Indeed an alley or only a private _. Chief of folic_ W rc?ortFC. on the pr0bablo i',_,_ Tor 'dcitional police patrol- men during taF. '.iUn F;'.i•r" C0C'JYatiOn9 .Jul.:iT 4-6 and 7"l-..';1nCif9') the '..ollilCil OL tl1(_' cost rf qua"E.Citi- wl personnel. 7i ,Cllq.seO at l en"t . Inforiation will. 02 rccucstZ from Chanter of Corvcrce as to whether the sponsoring organizatlons Wi11 une :r-;:'rii_..'. the costs of thin Witional protection. Fairs arc rene in W f11 n ^iJnCurrent )Cn;E �U , 1 , 51 5.2; Ottert"" Fui_ 01774AT; ..;trn_t T'ui1_ 1,2' 5.72; : .ucr $251. ,2; Parts Q05,42. Totnl. $= ,4.73.-; 7. Loved i _ 1 , . , 3econOW by _a.,Idwell that these bills be alloyed i1C `:rouCi. crs An. 3075 throu` a _] 355 authorize& pail'.. Approved. .,oaf;^. , ,... c.n' r ;1. approv2o Chat the sno ill' rejourn. •-journc at 12: _ 0dnit.. C C'K Port orchard, Washin ton ;Krch 11, 1963 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 P.M. by 1yor Repanich. Councilmen present were: Fitzgerald, Ceiger, ` ikelsen, Nolzahn Powers and Van Zee. Caldwell absent (excused). Also present were: City Attorney Thompson, City Engineer llollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Backer ant'' Hr. Travis Baler, representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of February 26, 1968 meeting read and approved. `ayor announced that first order of business; would be to consider all appli- cations .for fire works concessions for July Ath Holiday period.. Clerk read four (4) applications from South Kitsap Boys Club, Port Orchard Junior Chamber of Comwerca, American field Service and South Ritsap 'usic roosters. 11yor invited representatives of these groups who were present to speak on behalf of the applications. Representatives of .Si_ KuCsic Boosters, Junior Chamber of Commerce and `:South Kitsap Boy's Club were present and presented merits of their groups. Dived by Van Zee, seconded by Powers that action on this matter be by secret ballot. approved. On the question, discussion developer': on the possibility of a joint operation of the two stands by all four groups, each to share in the proceeds. A written ballot was taken to resolve this matter with the following results: :South ,:itsap Boys Club, 5 votes: Part Orchard Junior Chamber, 4 votes; South Kitsap Nusic roosters, 2 votes and American Field 'Service, 1 vote. The two fireyorka concessions vore awarded to South Kitsap Boys Club and. fort Orchard Jay Cees. By mutual agreement the Boys Club will operate the concession in the Westbay but area and the .Tay Coos in the Thriftway area. nayor recognized ? r. Willinm `Couchette of 1011 Bay St. who was present to com- plain of n traffic hazard existing an the north side of Pay Street near Seattle St. This specifically involves vehicles parked off ray :Street as they attempt to enter the street. Discussed by Chief of Police who reported on at least two accidents which have occurcd here in the past. Further discussion by Ayor .end members of the council. Nr. Touchette requested that parking be prohibited on the north si_?e of Bay St. from Beacon Electric Store to Harrison :Street to alleviate a general problem of congestion. referred to Street and =illcy Co7irn- ittee for st'ud.y and. recommendations. An offer was received Prow Mr. John Gertz, through a third party, requesting the City to consider a porposal whereby 1•r. Gertz would log off surplus timber on the city property cohere the 4arbage dump is located. he offers 401 of the gross of the value of the timber at the mill. no will be present at a future - meeting to present the offer in person, and to answer questions. rayor recognized. Ar. Burdick, who was present to represent Telecable, Inc. a-nQ who informed the council that his company would be unable to axercisc the privileges of the Tolerable franchise (Ordinance 747) for the nc :t 18 ronths at least, ane that the council should be aware of this. Discussed briefly by memb rS of the council. cwyor rcco3niz'cd Mr. e nl.t ��si th who 77as present re: the proposed now inbc i uth Leaanue Scorinq Tooth at Civcns F ic1G, (reported in minutes of 2111.2/6 ). The group had been requested to consider a lorger structu7c than originally planned. Discussed by KikNscn anK 0n Zee Referrcd to Parks and P ayZrourds Committ ee for study and a mcctinS with --r. Smith. Firs_ Chief Necker reportei I fires in February for a total loss of appromirla tely M.N. Ho also reported that the foam generator, authorized in 1960 hudnet wan& the purchase of TRich *.ns nuthoriz,ed in December, 1967 has been receiver'. nryor Repanich reported tho rcceipt of a requnst from mouth Nitsap ::School 7is- trict !402 for the placing, of a banner over jBay >t. :'e referred to .a policy 0scusset at thy- meeting of when it was SeterNined that Kann= must fleet Certain specifications in order to be placed over thf street aqd that they we uli not be pl,occd by ormb: rs of the Volunteer Fire `;apartment on drill nights but would be put in place at other times, and that the city would make ch rge of `?15.09 for this scrvicc, to he paiS to firemen at prevailing casual labor rotes. Oincussod at lcn3th and discussion 6eveloned the fact that the ?cl.icy r- fcrrn� to was never fornally approved by the council. :roved by Powers March 11, 1968 Page '1'iao seconded by •lolzahn that the placing of banners be performed by members of of the Volunteer Fire Department at other times than drill nights, and for a fee of $16.00 to be paid to the city for placing and removal and that the firemen will be paid casual laborer's wages by the city and be covered by State Industrial Insurance and 'Iedical Aid. Approved. �",ikelsen, of Water, 3cwer Health and Sanitation Committee opened discuss- ion on means of alleviating a shortage of water potential in the area of. Mel- cher and Sherman Streets. He offeree one possible solution of the immediate emergency facing a property owner who contemplates construction of a new residence in the area. This involves placing a 3/4'' meter adjacent to a 2" existing meter at the Sw corner of the intersection, with the property owner involved to place pipe from that point to the home site. Cleric reported Baker Construction Co. is ready to sign the contract for enlarg- ing the t;unicipal Building. Mayor requested a report for the Street and r,lley Committee re: the problem of water pooling and. flooding at Fireweed and: Flower Streets with possible damage to street surface. This is immediately adjacent to Garden Grove r=dd- ition. City Engineer reported on a, discussion with '•x. Tied Best, the dev- eloper. Councilman i-lolzahn reported on a visit to the area on a recent rainy clay, with Councilman Caldwell. After an examination and evaluation of the situation, it is the opinion of the committee that the improvement to the area by the developer and builders) and the increase in surface d.rainae from roofs of dwell,in(;s have aggravated the situation. Discussed at length by llayor Council, and the engineer. Aioved by ilolzahn, seconded by likelsen that the ccuncil concur in the findings of the Street and Alley CoPirtAttee holding the developer responsible in part for this situation and that the developer pay the cost of the material (culvert pipe) requires'. and the. City will install it. hpproved. "ftcr approval, considerable discussion developed on the matter of - responsibilities in such cases. City iri3inecr l,ollenbeck reported that the culvert pipe under :ay Street near Pottery Hill I:oad (reported in minutes of 2/26/58) had been moved to a point where drainage will be improved. ."il:elsen reported on the matter of placing; pipe at arbage dump to bring water from the wooden tank to a point nearer the possible fire hazard area, (rc?orted in minutes of 2/26/f8). 'discussed by City Engineer and. Council. There is available, about 290 ft. of I!," and 2" pipe in gooc_' condition for 15� per ft. i:oved by ''ikclsen, secondedl by Van Zee that the pipe be A�urchased. pproved. e1. sen reported on a ;erious prcbIcm being creates at Ube ;arba-e Ounp b,r Onc Cityfs dumping of tree stumps, limbs and other burnable as wall ns unburnable debris, resultin(; from ri-ht-cf-way clearing operations. City '-Lngineer intends to ,tart burning this material this week. 'Teri: reported on reply of ' r. Eaffman of Dental section, state Department of Iles ith to an invitation to speak to the council on water matters. Dr. Iloffirnn will speak to the 1:iwanis Club in Port Crehard on =�pril 10, an(? invites members of the council to be present and to report to the council as a whole. Cleric read a letter of ,"Lr. t'%rthur 0. Grebistad of Route 14, Boj: 72, who complains of motorists speeding on Farragut Street between k4ahan and Stockton 3treets, where the paver„ent width is restricted and visibility is impaired due to a crest of a hill at this point. Referred to Chief of Police 'Sow for investigation. Clerk rear applic.�;tions of Westbay i'Lerchants :'association and the South �:itsap Chamber of Commerce for permission to sponsor carnivals in Port Orchard on '4ay 28 to June 2 and July 3 to 7th. These will both be King imiusement Co. operations. I°`oved by i" kelsen, seconded by 'Jan Zee that these recuests be approved, conditicnel to meeting certain requirements as to set up and t4.ke down dates, insurance and fire protection. iapproved. March 11, 1968 Page Three Clerk read a letter from R. T. Nerslake re: the request of the City at a recent meeting for assistance in improvise; crosswalk safety of pedestrains. `several suggestions were offered. Referred to Street and Alley 'Committee for study. Yn yor reported on the receipt on behalf of the City of the Honorable Mention Award in the Clean -Up Paint -Up FiX!Up Award in Washington D.C. by Mrs. Arlene Grosso Van Voert on February 20, 1968. He displayed the Certificate Award and a picture of Hrs. Van Woert receiving the award. The Clerk read a letter from ?xs. Van Woert which described the ceremony, etc. and which contained much inforns tion which might be useful in the future. Nayor reported on progress of beautification in general and information from Pr. Glen Greseth of Port Orchard Nursery who has offered to donate a flowering cherry tree to the city as a gesture toward a program of beautification. Coun- cilman Fitzgerald reported on an offer to the city of the use of the site of the old Veris building on Buy :t. for a downtown part area until such time as the property is improved or sold. City Engineer reported on need for the purchase of a gasoline powered compactor to provide maximum ccmpacting of backfill when repairing streets which have been cut for water a& sewer mains. This was in the 1967 budget but was not purchased and was omitted from the 1968 budget. Noved by Vein Zee, seconded by Powers that the City Engineer be authorized to purchase the Qompnetor now on a trial -rental basis for a price of 030C.00 plus. City Engineer reporter, on traffic counts at various points in the city. The traffic flow ranges from 1,000 vehicles per dray at some points to 4,000 per day at others. City =ngineer also reported on State Highway %partment recommendations for future improverents of various city streets on a priority basis. ZAyor reported on the ii:.iminent availability of the old County Road Shed and the property on Kitchell Street and the possibility of negotiating a trade For the property occupied by No. 2 Fire U ll.. Discussed at length. Mayor will contact County Commissioner(s) to discuss the matter. Determined that the property on Taylor Street should be appraised to determine the fair market value. Chief Dow also reported that the specifications have been prepared preliminary to issuing, a call for bids for a new police patrol car and reported that three dealers have indicated intention of bidding and request at least three weeks between the call for bids and the opening date. !.over' by Kolzahn, seconded by Van Zee that the call_ for bids for the patrol car be -authorized. approved. Chief Jow reported a request for the establishment of a loading zone on the Prospect Street side of the Howe Hardware building. Details discussed at length. Referred to :street and Alley Committee for study. Chief :pow reported at least one old open well which might be dangerous and re- yuested legal inforpotien from the City Attorney as to procedure to be followed to get this hazard corrected. Pikelsen asked re: the status of the Ordinance which will 8dont the 1931 edition of the Fire Prevantioa Code. City Attorney has this in process of preparation. Kikelsen also reported on & Ef_etia with ?otential dev;lopers of a.. new arcs west_ of the city re: availability of water and sewer .Services. This will require annexation. Nikelszn also discusser] construction of the new lire hall in the southerly part of the City, and pointed out n need for additional meeting space in the city. he requested that a sincere and concentrateseffort be made 4n the very early planning stages to investigate expanding the facility to meet then? needs J& a moans to finance the additional costs. March 11, 1968 Page Four I:ikelsen discussed construction of the new Fire Hall in the southerly part of the city. Chief i-{acl.er reported two or three possible locations have been eonsiderecl and final :selection will be based on recommendations of the ?lashington purvey and Gating Dureau, re-ard-int the new Fire 11--I1 location. :ikelsen uiscusscd the nee(_E for adjustment of minimum lot sizes for dwellings to be constructed with septic tangs for sec.a e disposal. Recomenindations of Chief sanitarian of i:itsep County 11e,-lth Service read -Lnci discus.; .d. Such con- sideration is Unc)er study by the City Attorney in the pcnd.in- re -craft of the zonin ordinance. iayor reported on executive sessions with Terry Thor,.pson and t:r. Charles Chapman regarding water and, sewer rate structure:: and the operation of th,a Urban Z rt- erial Board as o,ill effect the construction of they Rottc, y =lrtcrial ."troct. i:e rc%'inded the coutl.�il. of the Ihur-eay, "a',,, "ch 14 P'icctinSr `.' with 11. .;'1lylcnd <InH Thompson in e.—Kecutiv" ')ills N7ere r acl in the following, 971.0unts: Current lsxponsc-- Fund, '�4,p22.1D; ?-ater Fund, $99(1; , $9591.12; ve�rer Func, $302.24; PErk; Funcl, .7�� �trc_..t Fund $44. 7ota1: $,318.25. loved by;i!;el ,en, seconded by :'cigcr that these bills he allowec' ;.nc vcuchcrs i`kos. 3510 through 3574 nuthor_izer' p.4ic;. i,pproveni. -ove(I, ,,CCCn(:Led nd a mrov"ci that the 1:,ectin` -'djourn. = r"t[?UrnLd t 1-1:55 P. i`. 1eri: r Fart °:rrchard, `<ashin ;ton February 25, 1956 � re4U11-tr meeting of Tort Orcharca. City %ouncil c2:llccl to orcler G-t 7:351 F. by ..�:.yor Rei]anich. .t;UnCllllien i]rescnt: . ci; cr, l-ii:C1SLn, 1'.'olzalhn, Powers anc., `t'an 'ce. Ca1C'twoll •`,,n_'t Fitzccralc. Ibsent (e,cuset). :'Iso �)rescnt: ljttorncy ion 'fhor:p on Substitutin; for City Attorney Dan Thompson, City i,Yl inner i1o11Cnb'C� Chief of Folic(-. i1CW, L 11'E Chief T1aC�:Cr ci lC! _' r• Travis 5 li 'l:E'1"", rcprc Sentin- the 3remcrton :gun. !:i.nute , of Fcb=,,ry 12, 11116 mcetin� road approvcca a; corrected. 1-i�lyor announced the t applications for two (2) rirc,aor`c;� concessions for 19�S`3 season would be road a ncl. consi.ciercd. Tree (3) applications :.7cre rear',, from south ilitsap boys Club, Port Orchard Junior Char,,bcr of Corr7ercc and 2 ericarl ii:nld 'service. .-=ter brief discussion, movcc'- by 1'cl .alin, seconded 'oy Po,mrs that final action on these ap,]1 ications be eelayc'c'• until the =:arch 11 rrroetinr, to perr;it additional_ applications known to be )en'in_; to bc3 considered. -":p>rov d x1ith three (3) ycc s anc': two (2) mays. Representatives GT' the ,roue whose opplications imrc read. Were prescnt and were invite,-'_ to speal_ on behalf of their groups an1 explain their position. '��iyor reco nized -ir. ,lil.l Fars je and 11r. f obcrt ;ci fried, rcprosentang u et :�;ound 'owcr and Linht Co. taho were present for the second reading o£ a proposed l;rdinance which would �,romt to the Power Co 1pany 7 25-ye r franchise to distribute power, place poles, String wire, etc. in Port Orchard!. 'Elie present franchise ex- pires in 1'-pr.il, 1963. Prior to the reading of thv Crdinance, Councilman Gci-er moved th .t .ad:litiot:a]. information be ensertcd in )cction II to uuarcntee protect- ion oz propcirty owmers al ainst unnecessary? obstruction of views, etc. -;r. 1 <^rs j2 Ci.iSCUSSCe the prapoS`il in 'Iet8il and 4nsworcd questions oC Council.ra Eicn nd the ryaor. otion seconcled by olzahn, who aftcrward ;:7ithclrecv his second. .?fter Lurthcr ciscu: si.on, 4r. Ceiger withdre 7 the r::otion in favor of :such ;latter in Sep,:=te ordinaaccs: . Clcr'- rr r.cl the proposesal ordinmcc, this b-_ in ; the seconc' rc,::clin;. :roved by ';-AheLsen, sccenc3e(' by `:F n Zee that the. ordin,-nec, 7,ra.ntin�., a 25 yer.r franChlS^ to Pu,;Ct Fo"v;^r Co. l7 cloptrCl_ l provcd c,.n(l No. 792 as:;i-ned. <tyOr rCCCiniCCCi r. lei"tn ri Si:OViC, ?;hO *.T:3 7i"C:Cnt tC invite th C;yor an- mel;'bers Of th �OC1nCl], t0 dinner On i L rC 1 3, It �) t0 T.Ie1COm2 t11C boys EnC': girl. s Occcr nziriis frOt;': :)outh jurn.iiby, 3. C. CAio b731.1 1:]c l c-rc to coril"_te whin the t! 117s r i.rom thi S Err a. Fire hief reportnG. that, on F_cbruary 22, 1`6there woos a tower outac'e. in the clowntown Lrea which put the Fire nlmzT;i SvctEm out o% .service for 7.ppirox- imoLely 1 hour. cf ''atcr, Scwcr, health and 11-snit ition Core::ittee roport cl in c r:cctinC of his, coli";:idttCe 7ith the o.?ner s of Fort 'rchar(a 'CF it"1] ^f 'icrvice to discuss a:nu, resolve arCa,> of Co;.-,pl.ztints �,nc' dis:;atisLa:ction on Dart of subscribers to th e service. =:any problems ^nd situations anc' r.lisuncJerstanclins which h<vv rC.aultee in co,iplaints in the pa.sL TaPrc c'iscusse ? -snd raetllods of correctini; these situations cliScussecl. i'ew personnel on tiro truc'.�:.3 .arc rapidly becoming efficient and co-mplaints ,)rc on the clr.crCnsc. i',ol sen al..sn reported on the fact that there arc rc5ieents in the City who are not subscribing to the cot pulsoty service. 'I(- reed tj c provisions of Ordinance slo. 6547, which SpwCi`ieS that Such service is Tnnnrlatory and not ri mattor of ]er.,ional choice. The g�'rbage comp,ny T.':' Rn 'l:l?n! Will provi(l(' t list of names of householders <.7ho ire not subscribers to the .service and action will b co11- . i(lered at the ne:-_t ^(,_Cin . LloyC lranquist roport�_C th. � 'art OrClls:rCl ')lInS t" ) r)UrChn3e t r,. - of irb i ce _:nc' rofu:-.0 'rich _ for t_1.1C t 'in:��]Oltln .. Will further iriDrove t110 St::rvice. it<_�15F R further r:r)ort:&-' On '.7 O}j1C CaiU9?c': b1! r.jT .. t_"F.: t TP,'L"Ch 7 ltc I,ihO 711 Car'lboarC boxes, vrapi]in,,, -no.terial.S, tC., C)UtSiC' t`1C lr ?1 iC '.S Of bUSin SS aunitin; Pic'. -up by the rb: ' e truce:. Frequcntly* t17 :'.c r,0tcriols are allo:7cc:'_ nvcr ,.L :7t'_o:-;end of uiCcumulati,cn i,.hcn srr'wicc'_ is nC,t rtvaiL?blc, anC'. this crcatcs o. Eirc lla nrd. by i:ayor anr2- Councilmen. Fire. Chief backer Will Ci] ;Cuss t pis .iituntion -ith the i-erch<:nt" conc"rn".C'l in an e fort to finer a soluticn tc tine February 26, 1968 Page Two T ayor reported on a problen presented in the area near •-:'.lcher nne Sherman ;ts. where the cmistinq C^nter service main is not adequate to provldc additional set" - vice to new dwellings contemplated. Problems Ascu.s:;cJ in d eWil by Vycr, Coun- cilmcn nnO City %..into. a aferrod to W tcr, .7f?wer, K nIth and nnnitation Comm- ittee for study. rowers of +in<nci <ncAucitin;r Corrittcc reported that uTrs are available for the purchase of a new police petrol car and recommends issuing of call :'.or hid. for such a vehicle. Kayor remindcl the Council of the nee& For formal action on the bid received at 21112/63 meeting for construction of addition to lunicip_-i Building. This bic, was sub','.iittcd by Baker Construction Co. of Bremerton in the amount of $18,777.0CI plus sales tag:. Oiscussed at length by Viyor, Councilmen and City Znsineer. loved by Powers, seconded by VikKsen that the bid of Baker Construction Co. of $13,777.00 plus t_: for this improvement be acceptcd. : ?proved. Mayor discussed the methods by which the capital improvement to water utility system in Annapolis Hill area might best be accomplished as recommended by the consulting engineer, Mr. Ilammond. Recommended that the projected improvement be separated into two increments, i.e,. the 12" portion in one increment and the remainder in a second increment. Clerk read a ,proposed amendment to ordinance 095, which establishes the plans and systems of improving the water system utility. Novcd by Kilcelsen, seconded by hAlz<ahn that this ordinancc be adopted. Approved. and No. 799 assigned. Mayor reported on the receipt of the Clean -Up, Paint -Up, Fix -Up award (reportee in minutes of 2/12/65) by Mrs. Arlene Grosso Van yFoert in Washingtcn R. C. on February 2C. City CnS ineer Hollenbeck reported on pooling of seater near South Flower Street and 1'ireweK Road. This is Caused by clearing and leveling of property in the Garden Grove Addition by the developer and builder(s). A culvert is required near :-youth flower Street to perri'lit this water to drain to lower areas with- out damaging the paves] road surface. Discussion of the problem develops the fact that it appears the correction of this situation is the responsibility of the developer and builder. City Engineer will contact the men involved and dis- cuss the matter with Chem:. City engineer also reported drainage problems in the Vay Street -Pottery hill Road area. He requested Authority to move a culvert to a point where it will more efficiently drain the area and prevent damage to the street. This is det- C'1'm ned. to be routine maintenance work and he was Sirected to proceK. City Engineer also requested the feeling of the Council na the n oner of extend- inb a ?,. itsr !Q2 from the wood(_gpnK in the gnrbage dump area to a point where the ,Dater woulW be: more rcrd_ily ev`.ilable for fighting fires. This was discussed at previous meetings. Continued for further :study. Chief o` .slice low reported that & course of instruction in teaching techniques for police instructors would be offerer.' in Portland, Oregon, :'say 5-10. He re- quircis permission to register and attend in interests of improving the quality of training he is diving to younger members of the force. The Only costs to the City would be transportation, meals ane lodging. Pov d by Van Zee, secondcc by Kikelsen that Chief uow be authorized to attend this course. approved. Clark read a claim for damages submitted by Jr. David :IcCann, Rt. 4, Box 204, fort Orchard, for damages to his car in amount of $30.83 caused by deep dole in Pottery hill Road .Zoos Aoy Street. :`roved by Kikelsen, seconded by Van Zee that the claim be rejected and referred to the `ity's insurance carrier. Approved. Clerk read an application for vacation of a portion of Kattle Street north from Say St., submitted by Nr. and Mrs. Harry Sprinkel and AN. and As. William L. Touchette. The Planning Commission at a regular meeting on 2/19/63 considered this petition carefully and rccomnencied disapproval because of the fact that this street and others in the area will probably be required when the new water front February 26, 1968 Page Three street is constructedover tidelands and the area in between is filled and developed. Discussed briefly. AovH by Van Zea, secon0d. by Geiger that the recoii,nndations. of the P1 anninS Commission be concurred in and the application be denied. Approved. Clerk read an application for a variance from the front yard setback provisions of Ordinance 1719 submitted by Mr. William E. i cPherson of Rt. 5, Boy: 504, Port Orchard. This application involves property at Tracy and Division Streets and is requested to permit the construction of an 81 sundeck on a new residence instead of a 41 as originally planned. Port Orchard Planning Commission on 2/19/6S considered that matter and rccommened the approval of the request. Moved by holzahn, seconded by Geiger that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be concurred in and the variance be granted. Approved. Clerk read an application for a variance from the side yard setback provisions of Ordinance No. 719 submitted by Mr. Fred Best of Ut. 4, 5on 39-R, Port Orch- ard. This application involves property in Garden Grova: Addition and is re- quested to permit placing of a dwelling in a peculiar position. The Planning Commissiori at a regular meeting on 2/19/63, recoi=mlended approval of this app- lication. :'loved by `Jan Zee, seconded by Volzahn that the recommendation of the Planning; Commission be concurred and the various be granted. Cn the question considerable discussion developed as to the reasons for varinaces in generz 1 and the original need for the various in question. :isapprovai unanimously. The Clerk will advise Er. Best by letter of an alternate method by which the setback may restored to the required 5 feet. Bills were reed in the amount: Current Expense $557.59; Water Fund $554.55; Street Fund ,$44 .48; Newer Fund 042.45; Part{ Fund $06.43; Total: $1,702,6 0. Zowed by Kikelscn, seconded by Geiger that these bills be allowed and vouchers Nos. 3595 through 3609 authorized paid. Approve&. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 12: 35 ., .. Port Orchard, Washington February 12, 1968 A regular meeting:; of Port_ Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 P. N. by Playor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Pikclsen Plolzahn, towers and 'Jan Zee. Also present: City :'ttorney Thompson, Chief of Police Dow, A. Jerry holiday representing Bremerton qun and Ars. Rosalie Atkin- son representing Port Orchar& Independant. C'inutes of January 22, 1968 meeting read and approved. The Clerk read a letter from '_r. Mel Yingling, President of `south Kitsap Boys Club recuestino consideration for a Fireworks concession permit for the 1968 season. In this same muter, the Eayor recognized i r. Itynard Lundberg who was prc;sent to discuss in detail the aims and accomplishments of the Boys Club. He exibited a number of items of football equipment which had been purchased by the organization for use by the boys, and which were possible in a large extent by the proceeds of the sale of fireworks in 1957. Pryor Repanich informed Nr Lundberg that when applications for such concessions are received, every con- sideration will be extended to his prganization. The Clerk was instructedd to publicize the fact that applications for such concession will be considered and_ acted on a the next Council meeting on 2/2 /6S. This being the date set for opening bids for construction of an addition to the south side of the ilunicipal Building, the Clerk opened anc read the only bid received. The =raker Construction Company of Bremerton, Washington offered to construct the facility as outlined in spccifications, less an item of furniture, loaf: tables; for the sure of $18,777.00 not including :Mate sales tax. Koved by Caldwell, seconded by "ol.zahn that this bid be referred to the City 'Engineer for examination. Mr. Wait Smith, President or South Kitsap Gabe Ruth League was recognized and requested information concerning the possibility of demolishing the existing Labe Ruth Scoring Booth at riven.: Field and replacing it with a concrete block and frame building. Discussed by members of the Council and referred to the Park: and Playgrounds Committee for study. Kikelsen and Van gee directed questions to Mr. :smith re: the maintenance of play- ing areas of the facility, and problems arising from the use of the sane area by 'both soccer and baseball teans during the coming scason. Mayor Repanich recognized Hr. Bale herbold of 925 Division St. who was present to enter a complQnt re: dissatisfaction with the service provided by Fort Orchard. Garbage `service, and particularly with the conduct of lair. Lloyd Granquist, one of the proprietors of the firm. he complains of hawing received only approx- imately 8 pick-ups of garbage in 5 months, and that garbage Cans arc being mis- treated, cans not being set a?right after cm?tyinS, lids not mein; replaced, etc. Van Zae mentionec' the fact that the garbage company h.ad found it difficult to hire employees who were dependable. Nikelsen, lhairman of `Water, Sewer, Health and janitation 'Committee commented Lha t A had rccoivei more complaints re: poor `,<rbane service than on any other controversal matter. He discussed the lack at public relations on the Dart of the o[aier:s G% the Sarhage cowp<nny. Kr. :iNalswn read a latter from N nr. John A. kills of maple Street, who complained of poor garbage service, irregular pickups, etc. over the part several months. Discussed at length by Kaycr and members of the Council. Referred to Nater 44;er, health and Sunitaticn Col?mittee for study ant' to meet with ,representatives of the: Company. Kr. AillarO L. Boatwright w,-,s recognized and informed the nayor and council that he has established an ambulance service in Fort Orchard and the South Kitsap Area. .. come Hammond, Consultin3 Engineer was present to infori':'. the Council of progress on planning of the sewer projcct to southwest Lrca of the 'City. Be requeste6 per- mission to contact ALntc a encies re: ;pertinent information concerning the art- erial street Tor which funds were recently authorized by the Urban "rterial Board. This strc'ot will follow the exact route o;: the sewer and will be a companion project. T&yor, na bers of the Council and others examinci a drawing showing the proposed route of the street and sewer, and discussed possible problems areas, etc. ingi never lla rond will meet with members of the Council and the Kayor on February 12, 1968 Page TWO Thursday, February 15 at 7:00 P.M. in an executive session to further study this matter. Mayor recognized Ar. Will Fars,je and Tt. Robert Siegfri&, of Puget Sound Power and ]Light Company who were present to discuss a new franchise ordinance for op- eration of the facilities of the Power Company in Port Orchard. . Farsje dis- cussed the background of the existing ordinance which has been in effect for 25 years ane which cNpires in iq)ril, 1968. A then emplainK the proposed ordinance topics of which had been provided to the members of the Council. Yr.. Forsje discussed various matters concerning the operation of the company, especially the details involved in installation of underground service. City _attorney read the proposed ordinance to those present, and this constituted the first read- ing as required by statute. After the ordinance was read, Nr. Forsje explained further details. Fire Chief Dacher reported 5 dire calls in January, with a total loss of. $8,500.00 of which $8,000.00 was sustained in one fire. He r.equosted. consideration be given to the installation of 2 four. -foot flourescent light 'fixtures in the Fire Chief's office to provide adequate lighting for various itcros of office work, Statistical research, etc.,which he must perform. Present lighting produces eye strain. Fire Chief Hacker also reported that the Volunteer Fire Department would not wake application for a fireworks concession in 1969 anc? rncor:rendcd that the permit normally reserved for the Department be granted to some organization. Chief Kacker also suggested that no action be taken on the proposed re -draft of the outdoor burning ordinance, in view of the fact that pollution control legislation will probably prohibit outdoor burning within a year to 18 months. The natter of burn- ing at refuse by householders discusse& at length. coldwel, of Street %end Alley Committee reported that no :City fun6s were avail- able to participate in hprovement of the North end of lIarrison Street anc on access -egress route to the panting lot around the North end of the liquor store. Property owners of the area have the proposal under study as a private project. Clerk reported that safety engineer of. the State Highway :department had visted the City in compliance with a request, to determine how crosswalk snf_=.ty might be improved. No report yet received. Payor tiepanich retorted on the receipt of notification that the City will receive a "Clean -Up, taint -Up, Fix -Up" award at ceremonies in Washington D. C. on Feb- buary 20. It appears that a local resident temporarily in the Capitol, Mrs. Arlene Grosso Van Wirt may be available to receive the ca wards on behalf of the City. Clerk read a rerluest of Kr. Al Epsata of T. G. n. Stores of Port Orchard and Bremerton, that his store be given the authority to collect Fort Crch_rd water and sewer bills. Discussed briefly. Aved by Kikel.sen, seconded by `Ian Zee, that the present Petho& of requiring payment at Clark's Cffiee or by mail be continued. unproved. Clerk read a letter from hr. R. W. Qrslake, District Engineer of the State Depart- ment in reply to a request. e`,plaining the %portment' s position in the uatter of sanding of Highway 060 within the City Limits (continue' from minutes of 1-22-58) T his letter establishcsi the `act that sanding of highways :within the City will be the responsibility of the City in the future. Clerk read a letter from the Home and Fnmily Life Education Coor0notor at Qlpnpic Coll.c e requesting use of space in tho 0tive Club Buildinq for conducting class sessions in parent -child relationships. Discussed at length by Council and Kayor. Clerk informed the Council that, based on conversation with persons interestee in this program-:, that two rooms per clay, two days per week, apparently would be re- quired, at a time .when the rooms are already committed to some entent, for youth activities of the area. Moved by Nikelsen, seconded by Caldwell that this request be denied. Approved with 5 yeas and one abstaining. Clerk rc-presented the resolution from _youth Kitsap :school District 402, request- February 12, 1968 Page Three ing that the City annex the South %itsap Ei h school properties, including the portion of First St. aK Atchall Street now in the county, adjacent to the Nigh School. This [•Teas on .final lu rcqucs tad in 101 am rq-presented in 107.Dis- cussed at len,' th. City�:n_rne advised the Council that the property .� � op_rty without a nn 05c for rcv-cnue purposes, (schools, Statc o?nhe(' areas, etc.) cannot ':)e annemcd by the petition or resolution mothoO unless the petition includes pri- vately owned, ton base properties. Discussed Et Length. Determine& that school, C.r".ficiOls will be advised of this; situation and, roquestei to help in obtaining signatures of s lditional proparty owners to vVidatc ca petition for annenation of nil the 'properties fronting ?Atchcll Are;-t on the Wst, from First Street to Highway 0160. kelsun explained the latest thinking of the Council and Engineers re: the im- provementG to wat'ar system on Annapolis Bill., the C)r er ':`.nd methods in which they might be made, as discussed at on executive session of the Council on 2/3/63. jiscusscd at len th. Koved by Kkelsen, seconded by Cr ldwell, that Hammond be authorized to prepare plans and speci£icaticns preliminary to call for bids whiCn will he issued after the Plans and : ysters Orclina_nce 4795) is amended. :'approved.. Chief o£ Police Dora read a request from VFW Post 02559 for permission to conduct as Loyalty Dozy Parade on Any 4, 1968. Aved by Van Zec, sccon&6 by Fitzgerald that this request be grunted. Approved. Chief Dow will work out details. Chief :'Tow reminel'C'. the Council that consideration shoule be given Soon to his need for e new patrol car to replace the 1965 Lodge which has 93,000 miles an(! is in need of major waintenance work and/or overhaul. Finance ,_<nd iudit Conw.littee will examine finances VD& Oaks n recor:.nendation. City Attorney Thompson roport"eo that a recent State Supreme Court Kcision will ,sake the revision of Lihc proposes' Zoning Ordinance. This decision reverse-' opinions that zoninj_ nu;t be based on an Kopt& Compreihensive Plan. Councilman Sci � er [:�:L Finance d o +` i o - a.ns ill itlil �Or.1L?i tee rE2^Ot7?C�C�nGc^ tht't the Clate; be sut;horizeO to purchase t new Vonroe printing calculatcr. Geiger also reported on a recent visit frcr 8 of la.shiia;ton ,;t7tc Wltih Apartment Dental Health Section), who requested that he be offered the, opportunity of spenkin`; to the Countil re: the City's water supply. He will be invitei to attend a future "crtin . `Ian Zee repartea on the theft of coin ? oncs from electric light service at the horseshoc ?its nt Givens kiele. 'Jan Tee reportce that the 3nbc -Guth League will furnish the labor to reel ace or rency about 50 feet of fence at Avens field. He also reported on £loodinA con- ditions in the bLscmcnt of tho Active Club 51dS. from pools of water which collect near the front of the L-uilAng during recent heavy rain;. City in ineer will in- spcct the situation one 6etcrnine if the low area(s) involved ;??aj% be filled to Prevent %turn pooling. Bills were read in the amount: Current Knpcnse $2,635.97; '.water $1,526.65; Street $1,274.6i; lever. V727.43; Part $27.52. Total: $6,232.73. Moved by 1- zahn, seconded by Caidwel l that these bills be allowed .nnd vouchers Nos. 3524 through 1392 authorized ,laid. Approved. r_oveV, econucd anc approved that the uectin ; be aejourne a. Ae journed at 12:45 . .7. Port Orchard, Washington January 22, 1968 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 P.1M. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn, Powers and Van Zee. 1`j so present: City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief,.of Police Dow and Mr. Jerry Holiday representing Bremerton Sun. iiinutes of January 8, 1968 meeting read and approved as corrected. ayor announced that the first order of business was to a6minist7.r the oath oi_ office to Councilman ijolzahn as a result of his election to the office on November 7, 1957, 1. r. i'lolzahn having been a'osent from the last two mcctin s. Clerk 'V.`Ood- ward adndnistero(3 the oath of office to Councilman �'olzahn. Aayor '� epanich recognized r. John T£in s!:'ovic, local resilient who was present to spet;k to the Council re: the local youth soccer t[ r!, composed of 15-1-7 year olds, the Port Orchard 1'i rivers, which he was instrumental in fornlnn and creat- in considerable int-crost in. Pir. Tanaskovic informed the Council that Port Orchard had been honcred by the selection of its tear-,i to meet a Canadian team of 15-17 year olds in games on lurch 2 and 3rd in Port Orchard and then to visit the Canadian team of South B irnaby, B.C. on ''arch 9th ane, 1 0th indicate its supp- ort of the visitation. He reported on other cleveloperints concerning the promotion of interest in this sport in W, shington and Kitsap County, and its beneficial effect on the youth who ,participate in it. Iiayor Repanich inforricd :ir. Tanaskovic of his intention to support this activity to the utmost. i-r. T<inascovic renues,tecl the City to consider some improvcments in the playin area to reduce mudr'y wet surf ce s. Caldwell of Street anCl tilley Corn ittee displayed a small s'cetch of the proposed development of the north end of Harrison Street and the area north of the liquor stare. This improvement would provide an access to one from the parking lot- and Post Office area. Discussed in detail by 1:1wayor and Council. *i"ikclscn reco:,nncnds that the Police Department study this situation to dctcrm-inc if a traffic conges- tion eight not be created at liarrison and Bay :Street, during peal: traffic periods. Continued for study by Cheif of Police and the Finance Cor,m-a tt•2e. Caldwell also had no report to offer in the matter of the water which was pooling between the Pottery Hill right-ef-way and private property, south of May Street (continued from previous meeting). Deeds to portions of the abutting property have been received by the Clerk, and the Engineer will commence drainage of this area in the near future. City Engineer and Council discussed a situation of minor flooding near the south- west corner of Bay and Sidney Streets during periods of heavy rain. It appears that the run-off water is not finding its way into storm sewer. City Engineer will determine how this can best be corrected. Mr. Caldwell also reported on an undersirable situation which exists at Cedar Street and Highway #160 when heavy rains cause mud and silt to run across the sidewalk and street from the graded property formerly owned by fir. Lundy. City attorney will write Mr. Robert Gans the pres-,nt owner and request him to take corrective action. Matter of proposed street which might be constructed north of present water -front discussed, specifically the desirability of applying to the State for title to the :State owned property north and south of the planned right-of-way. Moved by 1•iikelsen, seconded by Geiger that fir. Ray Ball be authorized to commence discussion and negotiations with owners of both right-of-way and non -right of way privately and State owned properties. Approved. Fitzgerald, of Fire and Light Committee reported on the need for better lighting of intersections and crosswalks, and suggested several possible means of relieving the situation. Discussed at length by the Council and ,Mayor. Moved by Fitzgeral�,, -econded by ��'.ikelsen that the Clerk be directed to write to officials of the State Highway Department and request assistance in this matter. Approved. 14ikelsen reported that the newspaper "drop points" are now being kept spotlessly clean of litter and debris resulting from pick-up of newspapers by carriers, as a January 22, 1968 Page Tao result of the letters recently written by the City Attorney. Clerk directed to write letters of appreciation to those concerned. it Van Zee reported on the construction of new baseball backboards' and posts for Givens Field. These will be completed in the near future. Used two-inch pipe on hand in Water Department will be made available to Parks Department for this purpose. br. Van Zee also reported tin the improvements being completed in the basement of the Active Club Building. Fitzgerald recommended that the City consider encouraging interested groups to plant a living Christmas tree at the westerly approaches to the City. Van Zee requested information on the matter of the Cojrnnuntiy Cable TV franchise which was authorized by Ordinance No. 747. Discussed by Mayor and Council. Clerk reported that the City Attorney had written a letter to the Attorney for the Cable TV Company, reminding him that the franchise was subject to cancellation if a bond was not posted and a license issued and fee paid within 60 days. City Engineer Holienbeck reported on a possible problem involving pooposed con- struction of a new commercial building near the westerly City Limits and the lack of adequate water and sewer facilities. To properly serve this facility and other properties in the area would require the extension of the sewer interceptor line and a new water main of at least 8" capacity from the vicinity of Kitsap and Cline Streets. City Engineer also reported on possible problems if further delays are encountered in construction of the sswcr main from Bay Street to the Hospital Junior High School sites. Present plans call for the occupancy of the new Junior High School in January of 1969.and contractors will require water and sewer facilities for testing, etc., in November or December at the latest. Er. Hollenbeck also reported on progress in the improvement of water distribution system in the Annapolis Hill area. He recommends that the amendment to Ordinance No. 795, as discussed and tentatively approved at an executive session of the Council on January 12, 1968, not be adopted at this time and held in abeyance for further study, and explained his reasons for this recommendation. Discussed at length by Engineer, Councilmen and Mayor. Relative merits of the plan presented by the City Engineer as compared, to that of George Hammond, the City's consulting Engineer discussed. Determined that the proposed amendment to Ordinance No. 795 will be held in abeyance for further study. ;Mayor discussed that matter of. the City's participation in County Civil Defense activities. Clerk read extracts from a proposed new County Civil Defense Council resolution which stipulates, among other things the method of funding this office and the apportionment of costs among various participating bodies. Moved by .ikelsen, seconded by Van Zee that the Mayor be authorized to sign the proposed resolution for the City. Approved. Clerk read a letter from the Director of Kitsap County Civil Defense which informed the City of its share of the 1963 Civil Defense costs ($570.23) and requested pay- ment. Moved by LMikelsen, seconded by Van Zee that this be authorized. Approved. Clerk read a proposed agreement between the City and the Kitsap County Humane Society for the administration of animal control ordinances for 1963 and stipulating the fee for 1968 to be $152.50 per month. Noved by Van Zee, seconded by Fitz- gerald that thid agreement be adopted and the ifayor authorized to sign on behalf of the City. Approved. Clerk explained a situation where a resident, a.'r. �:� A. Brittin-ham, whose house burned on January 7, 1968, had moved a mobile home into the City on the property at which the fire occur.ed and was residing therein in violation of the mobile Home Grc?inance. The City %ttorney had advised "ir. Brittingham of the provisions of this ordinance and the possible consequences of his ac-4 . )ir. lir.ittingham intends to apply for a temporary use permit to permit occupancy until he can re- build the burned dwelling. Moved by jMikelsen, seconded by Van Zee that the temp- orary use permit for 3 months be granted in accordance with Ordinances --P719 and 4720. (approved. January 22, 1968 Page Three Clerk read a resolution of the South l:itsap School District No. 402 for the annex- ation into the City of the properties comprising the South Kitsap High School. This had been previously presented and hold in abeyance pendin the possible pet- itioning for annexation of properties contiguous to the high School on the south, but this not having materialized were now anxious for this action. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Mikelsen that the City Attorney be directed to prepare the necessary ordinance for this annexation. «pproved. Clerk read a claim for damages submitted by the Grange Insurance Association on account of damage to the automobile of P!r. Alan il:ltizer, 1421 4th St., Port Orchard, suffered when a portion of a tree fell on the auto near the residence of ?ir. Altizer. Discussed by the City Engineer. 'loved by i<likelsen, seconded by Fitzgerald that the claim be rejected and referred to the City's Insurance carrier. ."approved. Clerk read the City Engineer's annual report of building reports issued in 1967. There were 171 permits issued for a total declared construction value of $548,009.48. Clerk read a request of Fire Chief Hacker for the removal and/or demolition of an old building, used for wood storage, in rear of Fire Hall #2. This shed has apparently been used by teen agers for improper purpose (drinking, "glue sniffing etc.,) gloved by bikeisen, seconded by Fitzgerald that this building be demolished. 4'ipproved. Clerk read a complimentary message from a Mr. .Alen, of tfitchell Road, to the Superintendent oj' Public i•Jorl<s and personnel for the efficient and workman -like manner in which the change over from Annapolis `•dater District water to City water and the installation of meters was being accomplished. Clerk read a petition from l r. & :Mrs. Touchette, 1661 Pay Street, and dr. c Ctrs. Sprinkle, of 937 3ay :street for vacation of a portion. of Seattle Street, from Bay :street north into the tidelands. Discussed by the Council. Moved by Go iger seconded by Van "Lee that this petition be forwarded to the Planning Commission for study and reconmien(lation. �Ipproved,. Cl.er1; read bills in the follceing amounts: Cur c,nt Fcnense $2,793.51; Ts ter $2,709.67; Street $3,220.13; Sewer $696.05; Park $1�.S.33. Total $9,469.11. Moved. by Can Zee, seconded by �:olzahn that these bills be allowed anc that vouchers No. 3477 through 3723 authcrizec.1 paid. Approved. Ad ourned at 12:10 r.avect, seconded m noel approve..'•. that the eetin d journ.. j Port Orchard, I%7ashington january 8, 1968 reeular meetin" of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 P. A. by 11ayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Geiger, ilikelsen, Powers and Van Zee. Fitz erald absent (not excused and �lolzahn absent, (excused). Also present: City Attorney Thompson, City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow, i1r. Jerry holiday representing Bremerton Sun and KIrs. Rosalie :,tkinson representing Port Orchard Independent. Minutes of December 27, 1967 Tneeting readand approved. Caldwell reported no further progress in the matter of the proposed fillin� of the north end of Harrison Street and north of the liquor store. Further contin- ued after a brief discussion. batter of improved lighting of crosswalks and intersections in downt<_Aan area discussed briefly and further continued due to absence of Councilman Fitzgerald the Chairman of Fire and Light Committee. Clerk read a proposed ordinance designat'_ng a "snow route" to be used during periods of snow to permit by-passing of steep hills leading from Bay Street to the southerly areas of the City and providing for the towing away of vehicles left parked after snow has bec-un to accumulate. Discussed at Iennth. Deter- mined that an additional item would be included in Section 1, to be numbered (6) to read as follows: 0°Sidney Street from Division to Melcher Street". Noved by Van Zee, seconded by Powers that this ordinance be adopted as modified. ,I�pproved and No. 796 assigned. Clerk read a -proposed ordinance formally establishing; a library and Board of Library Trustees. City Attorney informed the Council that the library never been established by ordinance nor had any provision been made for a Library Board and felt that this should be corrected. Discussed by the Council briefly. t1oved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van Zee that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 797 assigned. Clerk informed the Council that the Mayor had been requested to issue a call for bids for construction of the addition to the tunicipal Building to provide larger quarters for the library and police departments prior to January 12, 1968, to insure favorable consideration of our request for State Library Board aid in the construction. These matching funds are approximately $4,000.00. Discussed e.t length. loved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the Call for Bids be author- ized for the project discussed and that one general bid be considered for all portions to be constructed on the initial phase, rather than the "unit" bid method. i�pproved. Cleric informed the Council of a request of i-rs. Ardith Phelps who owns property on Pottery Bill Road south of Tremont Street re: eater which is pooling in con- siderable quantities between her property and the street shoulder and which constitutes a possible hazard to small children. She requests an examination of the situation by members of the Council to evaluate the situation and deter- mine whb is responsible for the corrective action required. Referred to Street and hlley Comnittee for study. City .ttorney reported on the response to his letters to Seattle and Bremerton newspapers re: the problem of littering of City streets and property near "drop pointst4 where news carriers pick up their papers. The publishers appear to be quite concerned that this situation be corrected without further inconvenience. Clerk read a letter from the Cascade Natural Gas Company of Bremerton for con- sideration of an arrangement whereby the City would accept responsibility for the repair and resurfacing of streets after the Gas Company has installed mains and/or service lines. discussed at length. The PSayor will discuss the matter with the District ,:anaser of the Cascade Gas Company. Clerk will write a letter to the Company rejecting their proposal. City Engineer reported on a request of the Principal of Givens School for infor- mation concerning the maintenance of Spokane Street fron Sroufe Street north t� Kendall Street. This area is very rough and rutted and becomes quite muddy and January 8, 1968 Page Two almost impassable during bad weather. Discussion develops that this is only a platted street and never has been developed for use as a thoroughfare. Opinion expressed that since it would divide the school property if developed as a street, such would hamper the best use of the property by the school. Determined that improvement by the city and development into a city street would not be accomplished. City Lnaineer requested authority to install a flow meter in water discharge lines between pumps and tanks or distribution systems to measure the quantity of water pumped from wells. Ile feels that this would provide fairly accurate information concerning the amount of water lost through leaks, etc., when this datel,is compared with the amount of water sold through individual meters. Dis- cussed at length by Mayor and Councilmen. Continued for further study. Chief of Police Dow reported that the Secretary -Chief Examiner of the Police Civil Service Commission conducted the first examinations of applicants for appointment to the Police Department on December 30. Two candidates survived the three phases of the formal examination. One has been appointed to the de- partment, a Jaynes R. Puller. The other qualified applicant is still undergoing background investigation. Various problems involved in calling for applications discussed. Chief Dow rE-ported that in the near future he will begin a program of public re- lations in connection with reducing the practice of "jaywalking" by pedestrians in Port Orchard. He estimates that approximately Narch 1, 1968, he will begin issuing citations for this offense, and informed the Council that the bail re- quired for such a citation is currently $13.00. Chief Dow also reported that the two -may radio, authorized to be purchased in October (minutes of 10/23/67), has not been received. This portable equipment is overdue, and since it was authorized to be purchased in 1967, Chief Dow re- quests that payment for this specific item be authorized to be paid from 1967 budget balc'lnCeS, rather than be charged against 1968 budget amounts. Clerk authorized to include this amount with bills when they are finally approved. Cleric read a summary report in the absence of Fire Chief hacker, of fires and loss for December, 1967. There were 4 fires with $4,025.00 loss. Chief Hacker will have the report for year 1957 probably ready for the next meeting. Clerk read a proposed resolution authorizing certain budgetary transfers necessary to redistribute funds remaining in various funds to per;:it liquidation of out- standing; obligations for which invoices have been received. ialso provides for appropriation of $600.00 to the Fire Department to cover costs of clothing for volunteer firemen not originally budgeted for 1967 and $300.00 for rsttorney's fees for LID foreclosure actions. :loved by towers, seconded by Geiger that this resolution be adopted. r-,pproved and No. 1054 assigned. Council�.:ian :ikelsen opened a discussion on the matter of garbage cans and the features reouired of such receptacles if they are to be approved by the garbage franchise holder. Numerous complaints are received by the Clerk, Councilmen and even the Mlayor, from disgruntledd householders and business firms whose garbage is not picked up due to the fault of the container. The Clerk inforiiied those present of the various requirements of the Port Orchard kunicipal Code concerning this matter. loved by Geiger, seconded by t;ikelsen that a recommendation be made to Port Orchard Garbage Service that steps be taken to inform the public of re;auirements as to types, sizes, etc. of cans and other matters which should be brought to the attention of-arba;e service subscribers as contained in the Nunicipal Code and Franchise. j'approved. Bills were read in the amounts: Current Expense, $3,956. 3; [dater, $945.67; Street, $856.09; Sewer, $584.88; Park, $93.68; Total: $6,449,95. These totals include last ouartez and Industrial Insurance premiums and payment for the two-way radio for police .'-kept. l oved by C'nidwell, seconded by gran Lee that these bills be al.lotred and Vouchers iNo. 3414 throu,h 3475 authorized paid. •approved. 1•ioved, seconded and 0pproved than. the neetingr ac'journ.-iajourned at 10:20 P.11.