01/01/1967 - Regular - MinutesBills were read in following amounts: Current Expense $5,152.98; Water $650.37; Street $1,047.74; Sewer $337.41; Park $21.58: Total $7,210.08. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 2429 through 2466 authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 10:58 p.m. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington January 9, 1967 A regular meeting of Port orchard City Council called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Repanich. Council- men present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Lippert, Mikelsen, Powers and Van Zee. GoAger absent (excused). Also present: City Attorney Thompson, City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow and Mr. Gerald Grosso, representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of December 27, 1966 meeting read and approved. Mr. Arnie Henyan representing South Kitsap Junior Chamber of Commerce was recognized by Mayor Repanich and presented a proclamation designating the week of January 15-21, 1967 as Junior Chamber of Commerce Week. This proclamation was signed by Mayor Repanich. Mr. T. J. Gaudette and Mr. Andrew Maier of South Sidney Road were recognized by Mayor Repanich and re- -,"quested information concerning letters they had received concerning the acquisition of rights of way along the westerly side of property south of Lippert Drive for extension of Pottery Hill Road. Proposed project explained to those present and discussed by City Attorney, City Engineer and Mayor. Matter continued for further study by the Engineer. This being the date set for hearing of the petition of Del Mar Construction Company for the vacation of an un-named street in NA of SA of Section 2, Township 23 N R lE WM, the petition was read by the Clerk. This petition was previously recommended approved by the Planning Commission. Moved by Powers, seconded by Lippert that this petition be granted. Approved. A proposed ordinance vacating the street described in the petition of Del -Mar Construction Company was read. Moved by Fitzgerald, seconded by Caldwell that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No.v779 assigned. This being the date set for hearing of the petition of Schultheis and Maddock for the vacation of an un-named street in * of S4 of NEB of Section 3, `ownship 23 N, R LE WM, the petition was read by the Clerk. 4his petition was previously recommended approved by the Planning Commission. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert that this petition be granted. Approved. A proposed ordinance vacating the street described in the petition of Schultheis and Maddock was read by the Clerk. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 780 assigned. XX)13ffi*KX1XYKK A proposed resolution authorizing certain budgetary transfers of funds by the Clerk was read. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this resolution be adopted. Approved and No. 1041 assigned. Bills were read in amount of: Current Expense $2,072.74, Water Fund $258.65, Street Fund $648.20, Sewer Fund $349.99, Park Fund $160.59, Total $3,490.17. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Lippert that these bills be allowed and Vouchers Nos. 2467 through 2509 be approved for payment. Approved. City Attorney Thompson informed the Council that it would be necessary for the Council to formally appoint a new Police Court Judge under the new District Justice Court System. Discussed by the Mayor, City Attorney and Council. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert that Mr. Gerard Fisher, the District #2 Justice be designated as Port Orchard Police Court Judge. Approved. Matter of request of Dr. Ralph Smith for parking space on Prospect Street continued in committee. Matter of lights for tennis courts and horseshoe pitching courts continued in committee. Mayor Repanich suggested that, in view of the granting of right df way across state owned tidelands by the State Department of Natural Resources, the City should take steps to acquire right of way across privately owned tidelands which are required to make the construction of a waterfront street between Sidney Street and Rockwell Street. Discussed by Mayor and Councilmen. Continued until future meetings. Mayor reported on a meeting between himself, City 6ouncilmen Lippert, City Engineer Hollenbeck, the City Clerk, and officials of Department of Housing and Urban Development re: Federal participation in construction of the sewer main from the treatment plant to the site of the South Kitsap Community Hospital. The construction of this main and branch mains was discussed by the Council, Engineer and Mayor. Mayor Repanich also reported on a meeting between himself and members of the Council 'and members of the South Kitsap Community Hospital Board concerning construction of the hospital, plans and specifica- tions, inspections of work, etc. Mayor reported that Chief of Police Dow will be attending a Police Officers Training School in Yakima during the period January 17-19, 1967. Van Zee reported on the projected repair and construction of playground equipment during the winteroe.y months. Mikelsen requested consideration be given to a program of public relations in bringing to the attention of parents and children the need for adequate lights and/or reflectors on bicycles and the safe operation of bicycles on our streets, in the interest of preventing accidents. He feels that many potentially ` hazardous bicycles are in use in Port Orchard, due to the removal of lights and reflectors. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 8:45 p.m. &1t-_44_UJ Clerk Port Orchard, Washington January 23, 1967 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Repanich. Council- man present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen, Powers and Van Zee. Also present! Attorney Ron Thompson, substituting for City Attorney Don Thompson, City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow and Mr. Gerald Grosso representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of January 9, 1967 meeting read and approved. Mayor Repanich informed the Council of a meeting on Wednesday, January 25, 1967 of the South Kitsap Improvement Club and reminded them of the fact that 1967 dues in that organization are now due. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Van Zee that the annual dues of $5.00 for membership of the City of Port Orchard in the South Kitsap Improvement Council be paid. i`Approved. Letter of Mr. Dean Pontius, Attorney at Law of Bremerton read re: flooding of property of Mr. Hugh Bartlett at 624-626 Bay Street, during periods of recent heavy rains and high tides, Mr. Bartlett, being present was asked to comment on the flooding conditions Which have occurred recently at Bay and Orchard Streets, and which he claims has damaged his property. Discussed by Mayor, City Engineer and City Attorney. Re- ferred to combined Street and Alley and Water and Sewer Committees for study and recommendations. Mr. Raymond Currier, a jeweler of 727 Bay Street, was recognized by the Mayor and spoke to the Council re: the problem he has in parking his car and getting to this living quarters, due to hAs physical lim- itaitions. In bad weather he is unable to safely get from his car to his room when he parks in the mart of his business and if he parks in the street all nite, the street sweeping and snow removal crews are hampered. Also, his car is frequently blocked in when it is parked in the rear, by other cars parking in the parking spaces along the north side of the building. Discussed by the Mayor, Chief of Police and Councilmen. Referred to Street and Alley Committee for study and recommendation. Mr. Max Peabody of Rt. 4, (Pottery Hill) was present and reported that the deeds for property along Melcher and/or Sherman Street for rights of way (reported from previous meetings) are almost ready for presentation to the City. The requests of Mr, T. J. Gaudette and Andrew Maier of South Sidney Street area for information concerning the intentions of the City as involves rights of way in the area of their properties discussed. Continued pending further study by the Engineer. In this connection, the possible establishment of an interchange with Highway #16, instead of Sidney Road, as at present was discussed for the future when Highway #16 is widened to four lanes. limited access. Matter of request of Dr. Ralph Smith for parking space near his office on Prospect Street discussed by Councilman Caldwell. Matter appears to be in process of resolving itself. Letter of Dr. E. W. Bloomquist, Veterinarian, of 944 Bay Street, requesting a "No Parking Zone" read by the Clerk. Reported by Caldwell and discussed by Kaayor and Councilmen. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that a 30 ft. yellow "No Parking" Zone be established west of the intersection of Seattle St. on South side of Bay Street, and that the parking space immediately west of the end of this zone be des- ignated as 1115 minute parking". Approved. The unsafe condition of certain. sidewalks in the City, due to accumulations of mud, leaves, etc. discussed by Mayor, Councilmen and Attorney. Opinion of City Attorney that property owners are respons#bleiBeW.,-,::- safe conditions of sidewalks, but that the City would be liable in case of injuries if an unsafo condition- was known to exist and no action was taken to correct it. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Van Zee that y, property owners slong.dangerous sidewalks be notified of these conditions and directed to correct them and notified that if they do not, the City will take such steps as are necessary and will bill the property owners for the costs. Approved. Matter of lights for tennis courts and horseshoe pitching courts continued. Mayor reported on a meeting of South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce on January 19, 1967 re: the improvement of the central business district as outlined in the Comprehensive Plan of Leo Daly and Associates. Business men of downtown area appear anxious to implement at least part of these recommendations. Mayor appointed Councilman Fitzgerald as a committee of one to keep liason in this matter. Matter of construction of new street from Sidney to Rockwell over tidelands discussed. Considerable in- to -rest has been indicated in this project. Continued for further study and planning. Mayor discussed possible cooperation and participation in the County Comprehensive Sewer Plan being consid- ered by the County. Possible benefits of such participation discussed by Councilmen. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Van Zee that the City of Port Orchard contribute $300.00 to the Kitsap County Comprehensive Sewer Plan. Approved. Proposed distribution of Governorts funds to Cities and Towns discussed. It appears that Port Orchard would be eligible for approximately $13,000.00 as its share in this program. Mayor read a letter fxmm the Mayor of Port Angeles which requested our cooperation in support of State legislation which would permit the State participation in Federal funds authorised by the "Clean rater Act" of 1966. The letter pointed out the possible benefits to be derived by the City of Port Orchard as tit well as other cities and townsof the State and asked that letters be written to State legislators in support of this legislation. Discussed by the Mayor and members of the Council. Continued, The Clerk presented a renewal contract for services of the Kitsap County Humane Society to the City of Port Orchard. ''his contract calls for the payment of the same fee as in 1966. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Powers that the agreement as presented be ratified and executed. Approved. A proposed ordinance was read repealing certain portions of Ordinance No. 507 relating to taxicabs and establishing accurate rates for taxicabs in Port orchard. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Fitzgerald that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 781 assigned. A proposed ordinance was read which would direct the creation of a Traffic Violations Bureau in the City of Port Orchard under the District Justice Court System. The need for such a bureau was discussed by the City Attorney, Mayor and Councilmen and Chief of Police. Mechanics of operation of such a Bureau explained by Chief of Police. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert that the creation of a Traffic Violations Bureau be authorized and the ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 782 assigned. Mayor reported on a meeting of 1/23/67 between himself, Councilmen Powers and Lippert, City Engineer and Dr. Shirley Benham and Joseph Weigel of Kitsap County Health Department re: the areas of proposed sewer construction where LID's might be formed by resolution due to existence of health and sanitation hazards. Mayor reported on a meeting of 1/19167 between himself, the Civil Service Commission for Police, Mr, Co C. Southerland of Bremerton Police Civil Service Commission and City Clerk re: the implementation and functions of the Commission in Port Orchard. The Mayor reported that the Clerk hkd been appointed Secretary -Chief Examiner of the Civil Service Commission for Police. Manor reported on a letter received by City Engineer Hollenbeck from the Department of Housing and Urban Development re: various items necessary to be accomplished in order to have our application for Federal assistance in the construction of sewers ready by the deadline date of March 15, 1967. he also reported on a conversation with a representative of Taylor and Bruckhart re: the possible extension of sewer services to an area west of the present City limits which that firm has duder development. Councilman Lippert reported on a meeting of himself, Fitzgerald, Powers, City Engineer Hollenbeck and Commissioners of Kitsap County Sewer District No. 5, re. possible cross -utilization of services and fact t es in the area of Annapplis and Retsil, to permit better sewer service to the area served. Continued for further study. Van Zee reported on the progress of plans to develop South Sidney dater tank into a playground facility, also reported on additional work planned for the basement of the Active Club Building. Attorney Thompson reported on certain matters pertaining to the Marlee Apartment Building and apparent violations of the Uniform Building Code during its construction. Discussed by the City Engineer and others. Attorney explained two approaches to the problem seen to exist: (1) to bring a criminal action against owner -builder for violations of the Building Code or (2) bring a civil action to prevent occupancy In the absence of Certificate of Occupancy as required by Section 306 of the Uniform Budding Code. Fitzgerald reported that he had received a complaint or adverse comment from a local builder that indicated a possible conflict in interpretation of the Building Code as involves foundations and footings for garages and/or other outbuildings as compared with residences or commercial altructures. Chief of Police Dow requested information on desirability of replacing one of the gasoline pumps in the street department area. Mayor discussed the matter and it appears that a good, reconditioned pump can be procured for approximately $150.00 with installation cost of about $35 4 $40. After discussion, it was determined that a reconditioned pump should be purchased for this purpose. Chief Dow also requested permission to commence preparatidn of specifications for a new police patrol car for consideration for a future call;`€or bids. City Engineer reported on status of right of way for possible widening and improving of Pottery Hill Road. Bills were read in the amount of: Current Expense $1,868.09; Water $591.44; Street $1,118.00; Sewer $345.82; Park $1,039.90; Total $4,963.25, Moved by Lippert, seconded by Powers that these bills be approved and Vouchers No. 2510 through 2544 be authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 11:45 p.m. Clerk 2 Mayor Port Orchard, Washington February 13, 1967 Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Repanich. Council- men present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelse❑ and Van Zee. Powers absent, (excused). Also present: City Attorney Thompson, City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow and Gerald Grosso and Mike Ross representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of January 23, 1967 meeting read and approved. Mayor Repanich recognized Mr. & Mrs. Tyman Stephens of American Field Service Committee who introduced Miss Lilli Bruneaux, a foreign exchange student whose home is on the Normandy coast of France near Caen, and who is sponsored in the U. S. by American Field Service Committee. Miss Bruneaux thanked the Council for its cooperation with the sponsoring organization which helped make her trip to this country possible. She compared briefly the High Schools and Universities in her country with South Kitsap High School. Mayor Repanich recognized Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stewart and Mr. & Mrs. Erwin Shipman of Goldenrod Road near the east city limits, who were present to request information relative to the extension of the existing water main from its present terminus to their property which borders the city limits. Discussed by members of the Council, Mayor and Engineer. Matter referred to Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee for study and recommendation. Matter of request of Raymond Currier, jeweler of 727 Bay Street for improved parking facilities in rear of his establishment discussed by Mayor, Councilmen and Mr. Currier. Caldwell explained his recommen- dation to relieve the present conditions. This includes blocking out two parking spaces between Myhre's Cafe and Tomts Shop -Rite to permit access to the private parking space directly in rear of Mr. Currier's business. This solution appears to be completely acceptable to all concerned. Mayor reported that the operators of the Port Orchard Garbage Service, Walter and Lloyd Granquist had petitioned the Council for a rate increase of 30C per can per month. Geiger gave a detailed report of the situation as studied by the Finance and Auditing Committee. He reported that the Committee was faced with two possible courses of action, (1) to grant the requested increase, and condition this action on the assumption that the service would be correspondingly improved and that the conditions at the dump would be also improved,or (2) that the requested increase be denied. After considerable study, the committee recommends that the requested increase be denied. Mr, Lloyd Granquist reported certain facts and statistics in support of the requested increase. He reported additional restrictions being applied by Department of Natural Resources and Department of Health. Additional comment offered by Caldwell, Van Zee and Fitzgerald. Matter continued with committee to meet with the Granquists to further study the problem. Ray Hall reported on progress of the proposed street over tideland properties between Sidney and Rock- well Streets. He is studying County Assessor's records to determine ownership of properties involved. Mr. Max Peabody of Rt. 4, (Pottery Hill) presented plans for increasing right-of-way on Sherman Street south of Melchor Street. Specifically, he requested the approval of the Council for the placing of excess dirt and fill materials resulting from necessary cuts on adjacent property. Discussed by Mayor, Councilmen and Engineer. Determined that such excess dirt as results from this construction will be placed on property of persons who donate rights -of -way for this project. Further discussion followed on woad construction, sewer and water mains, etc. Councilman Fitzgerald excused by the Mayor. Mayor requested information from combined Street and Alley and Water and Sewer Committee re: the flooding conditions of Hugh Bartlett property at Bay and Orchard Streets. Commented on by the City Engineer. Continued in Committee. City Engineer reported on the matter of the T. J. Gaudette property in the South Sidney area in relation to possible extension of Firewood Road from Sidney to Pottery Hill "oad. The request of Dr. Bloomquist for "No Parking' zone near Bay and Seattle Street discussed. This zone has been established along with a 15-minute parking zone to the satisfaction of Dr. Bloomquist. Agreement between City and Kitsap County Sewer District No. 5 re: cross -utilization of services by that district and the City of Port Orchard discussed. Contined, pending receipts of information from the attorney for Sewer District No. 5. The swatter of a Certificate of Occupancy for Marlee Apartments discussed. Recommendations of the State Fire Marshal, whose representative inspected this building recently, appear to have been met to the satisfaction of the Building Inspector. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that the required Certificate of Occupancy be issued. Approved. ((A previous request of Mr. L. B. Lundy that the City participate in the cost of paving a portion of Rockwell Street north of Bay Street, (reported in previous meetings) discussed. This request previously denied because of failure to comply with certain minimum requirements for street construction. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Van Zee that this bill be denied because of failure of construction to meet city's minimum requirements. Approved. 11 Claim of Mr. & Mrs. E. L. Rose, Rt. 5, Box 553, Port Orchard (Fourth Street and Mitchell Road) for damages to their furnace and underportions of the house resulting from a broken 6" water main on Mitchell "oad on January 19, was read. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Van Zee that claim be rejected and referred to Cityfs insurance carrier. Approved. Clerk reported on an offer of Mr. Walt Huth of Port orchard Machine Shop to sell to the City a heavy- duty electric welding machine and oxy-acetylene cutting and burning outfit for $640.00 Discussed by Councilmen and Engineer. Continued for further study by Street and Alley Committee. Clerk read a letter from a Mr. G. L. Beckett of Indiana who had received a courtesy parking envelope i1\ and nickel for the meter while in Port Orchard in September. The writer expressed his appreciation J for the courtesy. Clerk read a revised schedule of equipment rental rates for the rental of City equipment by other governmental agencies or private parties. This schedule must be adopted by Council action in order that the rates will be accepted by the State Highway Department. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that this schedule be adopted. Approved. Clerk read a resolution from South Kitsap School District No. 402 which requested that the City consider the annexation of the South Kitsap High School properties, Discussed by Mayor, Councilmen and City Attorney. Continued, pending receipts of exact description and extent of property involved. Mayor reported on a letter from State Census Board informing the City that if an actual count census of our population is desired, the Council should take certain action. Determined that, in view of the forthcoming federal census in 1970, no census would be taken now. Mr. Jerry Grosso of Bremerton Sun, who has reported the Council meetings for the past several yearej, announced that he will no longer be present as a representative of the press, and introduced his successor, Mr. Mike Ross. Mayor Repanich bade him farewell and welcomed Mr. Ross as the new reporter. City Attorney reported on correspondence between himself and Mr. William Fraser, Attorney representing the City's insurance carrier in the damage suits resulting from the construction of the LID #60 sewer. He explained in detail the legal aspects of the judgement of $2500.00 which has been awarded to one plaintiff. ' Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell, that the City Attorney be authorized to furnish certain legal data to the Department of housing and Urban Development in connection with the application for Fgderal matching funds for sewer construction. Approved. Clerk reported on a burned out building at #12 Perry Street, in Annapolis, which has deteriorated to a point where it might be hazardous to motorists or pedestrians due to falling debris. Referred to City Attorney for action. The matter of selecting a consulting engineer firm to plan and engineer the proposed sewer mains to the new hospital and junior high school site, discussed. Results of the interviews conducted recently of representatives of three different firms reported by the Mayor. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Lippert, that the firm of Hammond, Collier and Isaac of Seattle, be retained as consulting engineers' for this project. Approved. Councilman Lippert of Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee presented the problem of the inadequacy of the present water tap fee and feels that perhaps the rate should be revised to take into consideration increased costs of such service. Continued in committee for further study and recommendations; Van Zee reported on meetings of his committee and Park Commission concerning improvement of City properties for recreation purposes. He requested authority to conduct survey of South Sidney water tank property to determine exact boundaries of property. Discussed by Mayor and Councilmen and determined that a survey is not required, but Engineer will compare apparent limits of the site to the legal description in title. Mr. Van Zee's committee is planning to purchase playground equipment as soon as it is determined how much funds are available. Councilman Mikelsen of Fire and Light Committee reported on a request of Mr. & Mrs. Levi Cornell, of Rt. 4, Box 112, (Perry Avenue), for an additional street light in their area near their home. He described the location of present street lights and recommended that no new light be authorized. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that recommendations of the committee be concurred in. Approved. Clerk will notify the applicants of this action. Geiger presented a proposal to improve the appearance of the Council Chamber by remodeling � re -building of the large table and leoverning with formica, and the purchase of twelve new chaffs for the Council, LL Mayor and others who mt attend meetings. Continued for further information as to prices of chairs, etc. Geiger recommended that the old Street Department shed located on Kendall Street be dismantled, the property cleaned up and that the cement slab which would remain, be used by the Street Department to store asphalt mix. Referred to Street and Alley Committees for study and recommendations. City Engineer reported on a meeting scheduled for 10:00 A. M., February 15th, with representatives of State Pollution Control Commission and Kitsap County Health Department re: possible participation of the Pollution Control program in the construction of the Bay Street portion of the proposed hospital -junior high school sewer project. Bills were read in amounts of: Current Expense $2,728.39; Water $1,173.31; Street $1,104.54; Sewer $806.51; Park $286.50; Total $6,099.25. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 2545 through 2609 be authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjoined at 12:50 a. m. Clerk - ZZ Port Orchard, Washington February 27, 1967 Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:33 p. m, by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen and Van Zee, Powers absent, (excused). Also present: City Attorney Donald Thompson; City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Tom Bontrager, consulting engineer George Hammond and Mr. Mike Ross, representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of February 13, 1967 meeting read and approved. Mayor reported on a discussion between himself and Fire Chief Bontrager and read a letter of resig- nation from Mr. Bontrager from the position of Fire Chief. Mr. Bontrager in his letter recommended the employment of a paid full-time or part-time Fire Chief, due to the steady growth of the City and the increasing demands on the department as a whole. Mayor Repanich informed Mr. Bontrager that he was accepting the resignation with regret. He spoke of the many advancements and the in- creased efficiency of the Fire Department during Mr. Bontrager's period of service as its chief, and he expressed the appreciation of himself and the Council and City for his dedicated service to the department Ever a period of 27 years. Mayor Repanich announced that he had met with Mr. Kenneth Hacker of 807 Sidney Street, Port Orchard, and had discussed the possibility of Mr. Hacker being appointed Fire Chief on a part-time, salaried basis. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Lippert that the appointment of Mr. Hacker as Fire Chief be concurred in. Approved. Mayor recognized Mr. Steve Barrett, a golf professional at a local golf course, who announced that he was opening a sporting goods store in the old D. & R. Theater building. He offered to the City his services as an unpaid youth recreational director and explained in some detail what he could offer for such a program. Matter referred to Parks and Playgrounds Committee and Parks Commission for study and recommendation. Mayor introduced Mr. James Duncan, Planner of Leo Daly Associates, who discussed the recently com- pleted general plan report and related suggested zoning and sub -division regulations and capital outlay improvement program. Mr. Duncan explained the regulations and _:improvement program in detail and answered questions. He presented maps showing recommended land -use areas. Clerk read a proposed contract between the City and Hammond, Collier and Isaac, for the engineering services involved in the construction of the sewer mains and system between the treatment plant and the hospital -junior high school area. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that this contract be ratified and the Mayor authorized to sign for the City. Approved. Mr. George Hammond, of Hammond, Collier and Isaac explained the status of the application for Department of Housing and Urban Development funds to assist in the construction of the above mentioned sewer. The application will be readyjfor submission approximately March 3, 1967. Discussed by Mayor Councilmen and City Lngineer. Mr. Kenneth hacker, whose appointment as Fire Chief was previously approved, was introduced by the Mayor to members of the Council and others present. Mayor requested information from the Water and Sewer Committee re: the request of Mr. Stewart and Mr. Shipman for extension of water service eastward on Goldenrod Road (Continued from last meeting). Discussed by Mayor, Councilmen and City Engineer. Continued for further study. City Attorney reported no further progress nd Kitsap County Sewer District No. 5 for in the execution of the agreement between the City the cross -servicing of sewer systems. (continued). Councilman Caldwell reported on the offer by Mr. Huth of Port Orchard Machine Shop to sell welding equipment (continued from last meeting). He recommerids against the purchase of this particular equip- ment due to its age. City Engineer exhibited brochures on new welding equipment which might be desirable. Clerk reported on the exact boundaries of South Kitsap High School properties which have been subject of a request for annexation by the school authorities. Discussed by Councilmen, Mayor and Engineer. Continued for further study and possible inclusion with other properties of the area for annexation. Mayor requested information from the City Attorney re: the delapidated and dangerous building on Perry Avenue (continued from last meeting). A letter has been written to the Attorney in bankruptcy who has control of the property for action in relieving the condition. Councilman Lippert reported no further action in the matter of a proposed change in water tap fees. Continued. Proposal to dismantle the old Street Department building on Kendall Street discussed and continued. Councilman Lippert reported on a proposed Federal program for damming of Blackjack Creek south of Highway #16. Discussed by Mayor and Councilmen. Mr. Lippert will obtain a copy of the report for future presentation. Councilman Van Zee reported on a meeting of South Kitsap Beautification Council, where a proposal was made for a "Clean up - Fix Up - Paint Up" week prior to Arbor Day which is April 11, 1967, and requested information as to possible pick-up of such additional trash as may be occasioned by such an effort. Continued with the Mayor to issue a proclamation for such a "Clean Up" week. The Parks and Playgrounds Committee and Parks Commission suggest that a 5-year plan for development of recreational facilities be undertaken. Also suggested that a fee be charged for the use of the City property immediately northwest of the City Hall by the adjacent property owner, if it is still being used after an established date. Continued. Van Zee also reported on a search of County and City records for information concerning the exact boundaries of the South Sidney Water Tank property. Clerk read a letter from Mrs. Tyman Stephens, President of Port Orchard Chapter of American Field Service, reporting on the efforts of that organization to bring foreign exchange students to South Kitsap High School. She requests consideration of their request for the privilege of selling fire- works during the period immediately prior to July 4th. Clerk read extracts from the 1966 annual report of Kitsap County Humane Society. Fitzgerald reported on meeting of an Executive Committee of proposed County Water, Sewer and Fire Districts on February 20th. Clerk reported on need for an amendment of section of Municipal Code dealing with licensing of dances, pinball machines, etc. City Attorney will study and report at next meeting. Clerk read a bulletin from Director, Kitsap County Humane Society re: the animal seizure bill before the State Legislature. The Director urges a letter be written encouraging defeat of the legislation. Clerk read a proposed ordinance amending Ordinance #694. Traffic Ordinance, (Chapter 10, Port Orchard Municipal Code). Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Fitzgerald that the proposed ordinance be adopted. Approved, and No. 783 assigned. Chief of Police Dow presented a set of specifications for a new Police Patrol car. He compared various changes in specifications over previous ones which he feels desirable. Referred to Finance and Audit- ing committee to determine availability of funds prior to call for bids. City Engineer reported on a considerable amount of new building which results in delays in installation of water service. City Engineer reported on problems developing in the construction of Lippert Drive near South Kitsap Community Hospital. Discussed by Councilmen, and Engineer. Determined that the final acceptance of this street by the City will require 46 feet of roadway, including curbs and gutters w4th provisions for 7 ft. sidewalks on each side at a future date. The three parties concerned with the construction of this road will be notified by letter of exact requirements, Schultheis and Maddock, Pioneer Develop- ment and South Kitsap Community Hospital Board. City Attorney reported on a need for a resolution in connection with the City's application for Depart- ment of Housing and Urban Development assistance in the sewer construction. This resolution requires the City to make every effort to acquire necessary property for such sewer by purchase and that the occupants of such acquired property be allowed 90 days to relocate. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that such a resolution be adopted. Approved. City Attorney reported on foreclosure proceedings being instituted against certain properties in the area of the LID #60 sewer district which are two assessment installments delinquent. Moved by Geiger seconded by Lippert that this action be taken. Approved. Bills were read in following amounts: Current Expense $590.55; Water $215.61; Street $287.80; Sewer $323.79; Parks $40.88; Total $1,458.63. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 12:30 a. m. 1 Mayor Clerk .2� / (�.z �OX.16&_z V N.- Port Orchard, Washington March 13, 1967 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:34 p.m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen, Powers and Van Zee. Ccur: Also present: City Attorney Thompson, City.Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker and Mr. Mike Ross, representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of February 27, 1967 meeting read and approved. Mayor recognized Lloyd and Walter Granquist, proprietors of Port Orchard Garbage Service and their accountant, Mr. Harry Dahlner, who were present in support of their request for an increase in garbage collection rates. Councilman Powers stated that the committee was not prepared to make a final recommen- dation at this time and requested further study. Continued. Mayor recongnized Mr. Steve Barrett who was present re: a previous proposal that he might assist in develop- ing a recreational program for the City with no charge for this services. Councilman 'Van Zee reported on the recommendations of the Parks and Playgrounds Committee and the Parks Commission, namely that the City cooperate with Mr. Barrett in promoting such a program but that the position of Recreational Director (which had been recommended) not be established at this time. Councilman Fitzgerald voiced his opposition to the committee's report and explained his readon. Matter continued for further study. Fire Chief Ken Hacker reported on his first two weeks in his new position and reported on a fire at 1011 Lower Morton Street where unsanitary conditions existed. Clerk reported that these conditions had already been brought to the attention of the Juvenile Department and the Health Department. Mr. Hacker also reported on three locations (including the City Street Garage), where abandoned gasoline tanks are installed. These abandoned tanks are considered very dangerous and should be removed, preferably, or filled with sand or as a last resort, filled with water. Chief knacker also reported on the purchase of a solition which, used in conjunction with the smoke ejector, deodorizes premises which have been subjected to smoke and fire. A demonstration of installation and service of gas appliances has been arranged with Cascade Natural Gas Co. for a future date. Mr. Bob Joslin of Hanks Realty Co., who requested information re: availability of City water service to properties east of Guy Wetzel Street on Bay Street (Beach Road). Discussed by Mayor, City Engineer and Councilmen. Determined that the expense of extension of the main from the west side of Mitchell Street would be prohibitive. Service in this area is presently available from the Annapolis Water District. Mayor requested information from City Attorney re: the need for a meeting with the Planning Commission, Council, City Attorney, etc. to study and consider the recently received General Plan Report, and supplements prepared by Leo Daly Associates. Determined that a meeting would be scheduled for 7:30 p.m. March 29, 1967. Clerk reported that a meeting between Water and Sewer Committee and Kitsap County Sewer District # 5, their ngineers and Attorney and the City Attorney and City Engineer, was scheduled for 7:30 p.m. March 21, to study items of common interest to both the City and the Sewer District. Mayor requested information from Water and Sewer Committee re: the request of Mr. Stewart and Mr. Shipman of Goldenrod Road for water service beyond the present end of main. Continued for further study. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would provide penalties for late application for licenses for dancing, music boxes, trade stimulants, etc. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that the ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 784 assigned. Mayor requested a report from Finance and Auditing Committee re: availability of funds for purchase of a new police patrol car (continued from last meeting). Powers reported that funds will be available by the pi robable date of delivery. Moved by Powers, seconded by Mikelsen that Clerk be directed to issue a Call for Bids for purchase of a. new patrol car. On the question, Mayor reported on a suggestion that the new car be of wagon -type in order that it might serve the dual purpose of patrol car and emergency vehicle (ambulance). Discussed by Chief Dow and Councilmen. Motion approved. Chief Dow read a request of Port Orchard Junior Chamber of Commerce for permission to hold a "kiddie parade" on April 1, 1967. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van Zee that this parade be authorized. Approved. Chief Dow requested authority to purchase a new office chair to replace one recently broken. Continued for further information. Mayor reported on meetings he has attended of interested kroups re: the proposed construction of "feeder" bridges across parts of Puget Sound, to Bainbridge Island. He reported that various Chambers of Commerce are in agreement on certain points concerning cross -sound bridging. Clerk read a draft of a proposed policy statement issued by Bremerton Chamber of Commerce. Mayor discussed various parts of this policy. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that the City Council go on record as concurring in the statement of policy as read. Approved unanimously. Clerk reported that the request of Mr. LeRoy Lundy for the City to participate in costs of paving Rockwell Street north of Bay Street in the amount of $252.80 had been re -submitted for reconsideration. This claim had been previously (twice) considered and rejected. Caldwell reported on a meeting between the Street and Alley Committee, Mr. Lundy and City Engineer and the Committee recommended that the City approve payment of this amount. Discussed by Councilmen, Mayor and Engineer. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Van Zee that payment of this bill be authorized. Motion disapproved with four nays and 3 ayes. !f Clerk read a bulletin from Association of Washington Cities noting a change in dates of opening and - closing of filing for city offices (Mayor, Councilmen, etc.). New filing dates are: Open on July 31, close on August 4. Clerk read a proposed resolution authorizing the transfer of $1,700.00 from General Government, Salaries and Wages to Fire Department, Salaries and Wages, to provide funds fot-Fire Chief's compensation. This amount was previously budgeted for the Police Judge's salary and not now required due to the elimination of the Police Judge. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Geiger that this resolution be adopted. Approved and No. 1044 assigned. . . Clerk read a request from Kitsap County Retired Teacher's Association for special extended parking priv- ileges on April 27, 1967 to permit attendance of members at a luncheon meeting. Moved by Powers, seconded by Lippert that this be authorized. Approved. Clerk read a claim in amount of $155.25, of J. R. Henry, representing Transport Storage and Distributing ea. of Seattle, Washington for damages to an automobile being transported on a transport truck -trailer outfit on January 31, 1967 by a low -hanging treet limb near the intersection of Bay and Grant Streets. Moved by Powers, seconded by Van Zee that the claim be rejected and referred to insurance carriers. Approved. Clerk reported that the report of the State Auditor's examination of the City for 1965 will be received shortly after March 31. Ray Hall was present to report on projected acquisition of right-of-way across tidelands between Sidney Street and Rockwell Street for the construction of a new street. Mr. Hall is awaiting copies of drawings from State Land Commissioner's office. Continued. Clerk read a letter from Mr. Leonard Kruse, Attorney, representing Mr. Edgar Rose, of Rt. 5, Box 443, Port Orchard, re: damages to his home incurred as a result of a broken water main in Mitchell Road. This claim was previously rejected and referred to the insurance carrier, who has since rejected the claim on the ground that no negligence on the part of the City was shown. Discussed by City Attorney, Engineer and Councilmen. City Engineer exhibited plans and cross -sections of projected improvements of Pottery Hill Road from Tremont Street to Fireweed Road, fireweed Road from Pottery Hill Road to Sidney Street, and the southerly portion of Sidney Street. Examined by Mayor and Councilmen. Engineer also presented detailed plans for expansion of water facilities in the same area. An executive session of the Council will be scheduled In the near future to further examine these plans. City Engineer reported on the possibility of repairing and re -roofing the small storage building in rear of old Street Department building on Kendall Street and using it for storage of Park Department equipment and materials which will be moved from the basement of the Active Club Building, preliminary to demolishing the main building (reported in previous meetings). Van Zee requested that consideration be given to the request of the 4-H Leader's Council and the Kitsap County Fair Board, that they be permitted to demolish the building and remove the material for use in constructing facilities at the fair geound. Matter discussed by Mayor, City Engineer and Councilmen. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Fitzgerald that the 4-H Leader's Council and Kitsap County Fair Board be authorized to purchase this building for the sum of $1.00 with the stipulation that the building be removed and the property cleaned up within 60 days. Further stipulated that the City would be held blameless and relieved from the liability of damage or injury. Approved. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Lippert, that the City Engineer be authorized to repair and re -roof the small building remaining on the Kendall Street property. Approved. Van Zee reported on a request of Mr. Lavern Inman for use of the Central Playground by Ladie's Slowpitch and Softball Teams for practice and games. This request was approved by the committee. City Attorney reported on a provision of the Fire Prevention Code, (adopted by the City by ordinance), ` which provides corrective action in the cases of abandoned basoline tanks in the ground (previously reported in these minutes). The owners of these tanks can be required to fill them or otherwige render them safe to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief and Building Inspector. Bills were read in the amount: Current Expense $1,490.66; Water $648.37; Street $2,483.48; Sewer $275.31; Park $180.41; Total $5,060.23. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and that Vouchers No. 2632 through 2679, with the exception of #2668 be authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 11:40 p.m. i Clerk. f, A �a rs�u - Mayor Port Orchard, Washington March 27, 1967 A%:eggular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:40 p. m. by Mayor Repanich. Council- men present: Caldwell, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen, Powers and Van 7.ee; Fitzgerald absent (excused). Also present: Ronald Thompson, substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker and Mr. Mike Ross, representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of March 13, 1967 meeting read and approved, as corrected. Mayor Repanich recognized Mr. Arndt Heng, member of Board of Commissioners, Kitsap County Sewer District No. 5, who was present re: an operating agreement between that sewer district and the City of Port Orchard. He reported to the Council that Sewer District No. 5 presently served 410 residences plus schools. Powers, i of Water and Sewer Committee reported on a meeting with the Sewer District No. 5 Commissioners, where the peoposed agreement was discussed in detail. The committee recommends that the City enter into an agreement with the Kitsap County Sewer District No. 5, whereby the City would assume the responsibility for -operating maintaining, billing, collections, etc. with periodic reports to the Board of Commissioners, who would retain the responsibility for the administration of the district. Discussed by Mayor, Councilmen and Mr. Heng. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Powers that the City enter into an agreement with the Kitsap County Sewer District No. 5 to operate the sewer system, treatment plant, etc., subject to an acceptable agreement to be arranged by the City Attorney and the attorney for the district. Approved. Fire Chief Hacker reported on the matter of abandoned underground gasoline tanks (reported in minutes of previous meeting). City Engineer has removed two tanks from street shed and Texaco, Inc. are currently filling three tanks with sand at station previously operated by Cookson. He will be in contact with the owners of the remaining location to resolve the matter with them. This being the date and time set for opening bids for a new police patrol car, the Clerk opened and read the following bids: Howe Motor Company, Port Orchard, Washington ` Ford Custom 4-door sedan per specifications, $2,767.26 w/tax. Jim Travekler Motors, Bremerton, Washington Dodge Polara Police 4-door sedan per4specifications $2,916.81 w/tax. Halvorsen Chevrolet, Port Orchard, Washington Chevrolet 4-door sedan per specifications $2,838.25 w/tax. No bid included any allowance for trade-in of 1963 Ford sedan now used for police patrol car. Matter i continued until later in meeting. i Mayor requested information re: Fireworks license applications. Clerk read names of applicants for two licenses authorized to be granted. They were: Port Orchard Volunteer Fire Department American Field Service, Port Orchard Chapter Port Orchard Junior Chamber of Commerce South Kitsap Boys Club, Port Orchard, Washington Ace Fireworks Company, Seattle, Washington Mr. Maynard Lundberg, representing South Kitsap Boys Club spoke briefly in support of this application and the aims of the Boys Club as a whole. A representative of Ace Fireworks Co. spoke in support of his firm's application. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that licenses be granted to Port Orchard Vol- unteer Fire Department in the western part of the City and to South Kitsap Boys Club in the Eastern part. Approved, w/4 ayes and one nay. t Clerk read an application of Mr. T. D. Clauson of Port Orchard for 2 card tables and reported that the ordinance governing such licenses does not authorize their issue by the Clerk, and referred to the Council. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this application be referred to the Finance and Auditing Committee for study and recommendation at the next meeting. On the question, additional questions were asked of Mr. Clauson. Approved w/four ayes and one nay. Powers, of Finance and Auditing Committee discussed the matter of the requested increase in garbage collection rates by Walter and Lloyd Granquist, operators of Port Orchard Garbage Service. Recommen- dation of the Committee that the increase of 30C per month per can (from $1.10 per month to $1.40 per month), excluding the area now operated at a different rate which cannot be changed. This increase, if approved, to be conditional (1) on the collection of all potential customers ,approximately 1100 as indicated on the water tap accounts of the Water Department within 90 days, or that the City be informed of an acceptable reason why such collection is not being made; (2) that no written complaints be received from the Department of Natural Resources or the Kitsap County Health Department re: improper operation of the dump; (3) that the dump be open to the public on one day per month for dumping of privately hauled trash or refuse (not garbage) at a fee to be established; (4) that one day per month be established for additional pickups by the operator, of surplus trash, etc. for an additional fee. The last two conditions to be on a three-month trial basis. Various problemepinvolved discussed by Mayor, Councilmen and Granquist brothers. Moved by Powers, seconded by Van Zee, that the above recommended increase in garbage collection rotee be authorized subject to the conditions stipulated and after public hearings as required by law. Approved. Mr. Roos, of 1032 West Street was introduced and presented a possible problem involving the installation of a storm drain by the City at West and Sroufe Streets, which he fears might result in run-off water being diverted onto his property. Discussed by Engineer, who will further investigate the problem. A request of tenants of the Medical -Dental Clinic, Pharmacy and bank in the Maple Street, Bay Street, Highway #160 intersection for a crosswalk read by the Clerk. This will be forwarded to State Highway Department District Engineer for study and action. Clerk reported on a request of Mr. Ken Hacker, Fire Chief for a new ordinance covering the appointment and duties of Fire Chief. The present one is dated 1927 and does not provide for the present situation. City Attorney will study and make recommendations. Mr. Max Peabody of Pottery Hill requested information re: the use of dynamite to assist in removing stumps from his property. Informed that such was not prohibited, but cautioned him concerning liability - and the need for an experienced powder man. Clerk reported on the need for additional telephone service (one additional instrument and one additional trunk line in the Clerk and Treasurer's Office. Mikelsen spoke on the need for similar increase in telephone facilities in the Police Department. There have been occasions when the one police line was in use for a considerable length of time when emergency calls could not be completed. After a considerable discussion of this matter, it was moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Lippert that one additional trunk line and one instrument be installed in the Clerk's Office and one additional trunk line be installed in the Police Department effective with the issuance of new directories in October. Approved. Mikelsen suggested that the fire siren on the pump house near the Municipal Building be moved to a location at the street shed to reduce the noise level in the Police dispatcher's office during the sounding of an alarm and permit the un-interrupted completion of other calls while the alarm is operating. Referred to the Fire Chief for study and recommendation. Van Zee, Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported that a work party will commence demolition of the old street shed on Kendall Street which has been authorized sold to the Kitsap County Fair (minutes of meeting of 3-13-67). F Mr. Bob Joslin of Hanks Realty Co. requested further consideration of his previous request for extension of water main along Beach Drive West of Mitchell Road. Discussed by City Engineer, Mayor and Councilmen. A proposal was discussed whereby the"property owners would pay for the minimum size line which would be required by those properties (611) and the City would pay the difference between a 6" line and 1211, which would be installed to meet future increased demands when the portion of the Annapolis District becomes the responsibility of the City. Further discussion developed on the water supply in general in the Annapolis area. Mikelsen, of the Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported on trees which overhang the sidewalk area and need trimming at Sroufe and Sidney Streets. These trees are on Sidney Street, just South of Sroufe Street on property formerly owned by John Grevstad. The Clerk will determine present ownership of this property and write a letter requesting that this situation be corrected. Mikelsen also reported that Mrs. W. S. Stevenson of 931 Dwight Street had complained that the bank be- tween her property and Central Playground is washing out and requests that it be corrected. Mikelsen will work out the manner in which this will be accomplished with the City Engineer. He further reported on construction of a bulkhead along the North side of Sroufe Street between Sidney and Tacoma, bordering Givens Field. This is being done by the Western Little League, and will benefit the City street system ) as well as the Little League facility. He recommends that the City consider sharing in the cost of this project. Mayor Repanich congratulated Councilman Mikelsen on the honors conferred on him at the recent meeting of Little League officials at Houston, Texas. He was selected as top district administrator of the World Little League program. Chief Dow reported on receipt of permission from State Highway Department for the South Kitsap Junior Chamber of Commerce "kiddie" parade on April 1. City Engineer reported that the fence along the west side of Central playground is in need of painting and that a climbing vine of some type is growing through the fence from the adjacent properties which prevents painting and also the vines cause cause rusting and deterioration. Property owners will be contacted to request cooperation with the City in correcting this situation. City Engineer also reported on the general condition of the South Kitsap Sewer District No. 5 system, i and its potential for future development. Bills were reported in amounts: Current Expense $757.79; Water Fund $196.25; Street Fund $715.85; Sewer Fund $1,580.40; Park Fund $48.32, Total $3,298.61. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that the bills be allowed and vouchers Nos. 2680 through 2702 authorized for payment. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that this meeting adjourn until 5:00 p.m., March 28, 1967, to further consider bids on the police patrol car. Adjourned at 11:30 p.m. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington March 28, 1967 An adjourned meeting (March 27, 1967) of Port Orchard City Council was re -convened at 5:00 p. m. by Mayor Repanich to consider further information re: the bids for a police patrol car. Meeting adjourned at 5:05 p. m. until 7:00 p. m., March 29, 1967. by reason of lack of a r{uorum of members. Clerk r Mayor ie �1r �r �Ar Sr is Port Orchard, Washington March 29, 1967 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council of March 27, 1967, adjourned until 5:00 p. m., March 28, 1967 and further adjourned until 7:00 p. m., March 29, 1967, called to order at 7:30 p. m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Geiger, Mikelsen, Powers and Caldwell; Fitzgerald, Lippert and Van Z4ke absent, (excused). The Mayor announced that the purpose of this adjourned meeting was to open and consider supplementary bids for the Police patrol car, involving trade-in of a 1963 ford Police patrol car, involving trade-in of a 1963 Ford Police patrol car, since the call for bids requested such information. Clerk opened and read the following supplementary bids for trade-in of 1963 Ford police patrol car: Halvorsen Chevrolet Co., Port Orchard, Wash. $300.00 Jim Traveller Motors, Bremerton, Wash. $325.00 Howe Motors, Port Orchard, Wash. No Bid Mayor and Councilmen discusded relative factors of total bids. Mayor stated that the call for bids and the net bids submitted were in order. The net bids of Halvorsen Chevrolet Co., Port Orchard, of $2,538.25, including tax and trade-in and Traveller Motors, Bremerton, of $2,598.70 were analyzed. Moved by Powers, seconded by Geiger that the bid of Halvorsen Chevrolet Co., Port Orchard, Washington of $2,838.25 including sales tax, less $300.00 trade-in for 1963 Ford 4-door sedan for a net bid of $2,538.25 be accepted. On the question, Mikelsen asked questions of Halvorsen Chevrolet Co. representative who was present. Motion approved. Matter of application of T. D. Clauson for a card table license at 211 Sidney St. was considered, dis- cussed and determined that the issuance of this license would not be in the best interests of the City, since other such card tables are operated as trade stimulants in taverns and cocktail lounges. Con- tinued for further study. Clerk read a proposed resolution authorizing a transfer loan of $500.00 from Current Expense Fund to Street Fund, with interest computed at 1'% per annum. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this resolution be adopted. Approved and No. 1045 assigned. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 8:00 p. m. r,36��4,2 Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington April 10, 1967 Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:30 p, m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald; Geiger, Mikelsen, Powers and Van Zee. Also present, City Engineer Hollen- beck, Chief of Police Dow and Mr. Mike Ross representing Bremerton Sun. City Attorney Thompson and Fire Chief Hacker absent (excused). Minutes of regular meeting of March 27, 1967 adjourned to 5:00 p. m. March 28 and further adjourned until 7:00 p. m. March 29, redd and approved as corrected. Mayor announced that it was his sad duty to officially inform the Council and others present of the death of Councilman William C. Lippert at 2:30 p. m. on Sunday, April 9, 1967 at his home. Mr. Lippert was first elected to the City Council in 1960 and was reelected in 1964 He was very active in many other civic affairs. A moment of silent prayer was observed for our departed frien$. Mayor stated that as this was the time and date set for the hearing on the proposed increase in garbage collection rates (meeting of 3/27/67), he invited any interested person to speak on the matter. Various factors involved In the proposed increase discussed by the Mayor and Councilmen. No person being present In the audience wishing to speak, it was moved by Fitzgerald, seconded by Van Zee that the increase of 30t per can per month for domestic garbage collection ($1.10 per month per can to $1.40 per month per can), subject to the conditions set forth in minutes of 3/27/67 meeting be authorized. Approved. Mayor recognized Mr. Everett Collins, Rt. 4, Box 176, who was present re: the widening of Sherman Street between Melchor and South Streets (discussed in previous meetings). He objected to the widening of this street unless the project includes the widening of the remainder of the Pottery Hill route north (Sherman, Hull, Division and High Streets). Drawings and profile maps of present and projected levels and grades of this street were examined. Mr. Max Peabody of Rt. 4, Box 180, requested the Council that, if possible, he be advised of the approx- imated grades which would prevail in this street when completed, in order that he can do some preliminary bulldozing of his property. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Mikelsen that the grades for this improvement of Sherman Street as recommended by the City Engineer (maximum of 10%, minimum of h of 1%) be accepted. Approved. Chief of Police Dow reported that the "kiddie" parade held on April 1, was a distinct success, very orderly and well organized. City Engineer reported on progress of painting fences around Central playground. Will be completed in the near future. Mr. Gary Deal was recognized by the Mayor and requested information re: the proposed roadway from Sidney to Rockwell Street, north of the present beachline. He offered to cooperate with the City in the matter of rights of way across tidelands which he owns. He also reported on a projected improvement of properties west of TB&M Store. Clerk read letters from State Highway Department re: the requested extension of the left turn lane at Bay and Maple Streets to the west to connect with the two way left turn lane. This request has been denied because of legal difficulties. The second letter acknowledged receipts of a request for a pedestrian crossing of Highway #160 at Maple Street and Informed the City Clerk that this would be investigated and considered. Van Zee reported on improvements to Active Club Building/ Chief of Police requested information on his need for a new office chair, (continued from previous meetings). He also reported that a new control system had been installed in the signal at Bay and Sidney Streets and that this light could now be controlled to show "stop" at all four approaches if a "hot" line and switch are installed in the Police Department 6ffice for control. This will be further investigated by the Chief. City Engineer reported on a restricted traffic flow at Sidney and Kendall Streets during school hours. Recommends parking be authorized on west side of Sidney between Kendall and Sroufe Streets during after school hours. Discussed by Chief of Police, Engineer,. Mayor and Councilmen. Referred to Street and Ailey Committee for further study and recommendation. Mikelsen presented a copy of plans provided by Schultheis and Maddock of a projected development of areas near the new South Kitsap Commukity Hospital. Bills were read in the amounts: Current Expense $2,567.71; Water $455.72; Street $421.90; Sewer 6,979.42; Park $98.39; Total $10,523.14. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and vouchers Nos. 2703 through 2752 authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 9:05 p. m. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington April 24, 1967 Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:30 p. m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Fitzgerald, Geiger and Powers; Councilmen absent; Caldwell, Mikelsen, and Van Zee, (excused). Also presents Fire Chief Ken Hacker, Chief of Police Dow, City Engineer Hollenbeck and Mr. Mike Ross representing Bremerton Sun. Mayor Mayor Repanich announced that, due to lack of a quorum, he was forced to adjourn the meeting without transaction of business. Adjourned at 7:45 p. m. Clerk Mayor e � � Port Orchard, Washington May 8, 1967 Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:42 p. m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen ( present: Caldwell; Fitzgerald; Geiger; Mikelsen; Powers and Van Zee. Also present: City Attorney Thompson, City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Ken Hacker and Mr. Mike Ross, rep- resenting Bremerton Sun. Minutes of April 10, 1967 and April 24, 1967 regular meetings read and approved. Mayor offered to Councilmen Caldwell and Van Zee the condolences of himself and the members of the Council on the occasion of the recent loss of Mr. Caldwell's mother and Mr. Van Zee's sisters. Mayor announced thattthe first order of business was to appoint a replacement on the Council in the vacancy created by the death of Mr. William C. Lippert. Councilman Powers reported on a study of the four aandtdates, Mr. T. W. Heckel, Fred Best, Louis C. Molzahn and Richard McCann, and recommended the appointment of Mr. Louis C. Molzahn. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van Zee that Mr. Molzahn be appointed to fill the vacancy on the Council. Approved unanimously. Mayor Repanich presented a drawing of a projected extension of the proposed new roadway across the tide- lands north of the City, commencing at Rockwell Street and extending to Maple Street Waterway. Drawing examined by Councilmen, City Attorney, Engineer and others. This plan will be presented to Mr. Gary Deal and Mr. Gordon Howe for their approval. Mayor requested information re: the parking of cars on west side of Sidney between Sroufe and Kendall St., (continued from meeting of 4/10/6.7). All day parking in this area has been discontinued. Matter dis- cussed by Councilmen and Chief of Police. �< Mayor requested information from the City Attorney re: the proposed operating agreement between the City and Kitsap County Sewer District No. 5. Agreement is being prepared. Fire Chief Hacker reported on an undesirable situation existing in Larking lot #2, west of the Post - office involving the blocking of a fire hydrant by parked cars. A pumper could not get close enough to this hydrant in ease of fire to connect suction lines to it. Discussed by Fire Chief Hacker and members of the Council and Mayor. Referred to Street and Alley Committee for study and recommendations. Fire Chief Hacker also reporter on a fence on South Sidney Road south of Tremont Street which has been constructed so close to a fire hydrant as to be a hindrance in connecting a hose. Engineer will check location of this fence in relation to the right of way. Chief Hacker reported on an abandoned gasoline tank in Harrison Street north of Bay Street near the old Peninsula Feed Co. location. This tank is in a hazardous location and may contain some gasoline and should be removed or filled. Fire Chief will contact former owners of this property to arrange for the removal or filling of this tank. Other abandoned tanks in the City also discussed. Chief Hacker reported on the Fire Command School which he and one of the captains attended for four days. He praised the school highly. Chief Hacker requested consideration be given to the purchase of a used vehicle for the use of the Fire Chief in the discharge of his duties. He now uses his personal vehicle without reimbursement. He suggests that the City submit a bid on the Chevrolet Station Wagon, 1961 model with red paint, siren and red light, being offered for sale by sealed bids, at the Bainbridge Island Fire District. He also reported on the desirability of disposing of one 1942 Ford Fire Truck, almost completely stipped of equipment, which is surplus to the needs of the City. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van Zee that a bid be submitted on the 1961 Chevrolet Station Wagon, and that one 1942 Ford Fire Truck be disposed of as surplus. Approved. Clerk read a proposed resolution establishing new garbage collection rates (authorized minutes of meeting of 3-27-67) and collateral agreement to the franchise agreement establishing certain conditions in addition to the existing agreement. Discussed at lenkth by Councilmen and Mayor. Moved by Fitzgerald, seconded by Powers, that the proposed resolution and collateral agreement be adopted. Approved and No. 1040 assigned to the Resolution. Max Peabody reported on a possible fire hazard existing at the garbage dump caused by the 4umping of brush and other debris by the City. Referred to Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee for study. Clerk read a proposed resolution accepting the Justice Court Districting system and appointing Honorable Gerard N. Fisher as Port Orchard Municipal Judge. City Attorney reported on need for this resolution and explained the situation. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van Zee that the proposed resolution be adopted. Approved and No. 1046 assigned. Clerk read cards from Mrs. Cora Lippert, widow of the late William C. Lippert, a member of the Council, thanking the Mayor, Councilmen and employees for their floral contributions at Mr. Lippert's funeral and their contributions to the Washington Heart Association in Mr. Lippert's memory. Clerk informed the Council of the receipt of another application for a card table license from Mr. Thomas Clauson in the name of Kitsap Auto Racing Association in the same location in the Roland Building on Sidney Street. City Attorney discussed this application and reminded the Council that they have the prerogative to reject this application for the same reason as previous applications were rejected. Matter discussed at length by Mayor, Councilmen and Chief of Police. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Mikelsen, that this application be rejected. Approved with 5 yeas and one no. Clerk read a petition of property owners in Section 25, TWP 24 N (south and southeast of the high School) notifying the Council of intention to petition for annexation. This petition was signed by owners of property of 10% or more of the total assessed valuation of the area in question. The fact was noted that there is no outstanding general bonded indebtedness existing. Moved by Powers, seconded by Fitzgerald that this petition be accepted. Approved. Clerk reported on the matter of all day parking on south side of Bay Street, between Harrison and Seattle Streets. the State Highway Department has not received a request that the "No Parking' re- strictions in effect in this area be rescinded. The State Highway Department Safety Engineer requests .that the situation be closely examined for need for this all day parking and if the need is definitely determined to exist, that the width of the roadway in this area be measured to determine if there is sufficient width to permit such parking with safety. Referred to Street and Alley Committee for study and recommendations. Clerk read an application from Mrs. Rena.Stegner of 1415 Third Street for a variance from the'set-back requirements of Ordinance #719 for the construction of a carport. Recommended approved by the Planning Commission. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that the recommendations of the Planning Commission be concurred in and the variance granted. Approved. Clerk read an application of Mr. Marvin Roosendaal of Rt. 2, Box 561 for a variance from the provisions of Ordinance #.719 for construction of a storage building and garage. Recommended approved by ,Planning Commission. City Engineer recommends that approval by the Council be witheld until adjacent property owner IN informed of the situation and given an opportunity to approve or protest. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that this application be returned to the Planning Commission for re -consideration with the City Engineer. Approved. Clerk read Department of the Army Public Notice that the Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company has applied for permission to install an additional telephone submarine cable across Sinclair inlet from Mitchell Point to Bremerton and requested a statengt of approval or assent if required from the City. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van Zee that the Department of the Army be informed that the City has no objection to the laying of this cable. Approved. Clerk read a letter from Mr. Richard Schultheis re: offering to deed 50 feet of right of way Along Pottery Hill Road south of Lippert Drive to permit street widening. City Attorney will acknowledge receipt of this offer. Clerk read a letter from South Kitsap Community Hospital Association Board signed by Mr. Floyd Ayala, Chairman, offering a 20, right of way along east side of Pottery Hill Road adjacent to the hospital !"1, site. City Attorney will acknowledge receipt of this offer. t Clerk read a letter ff Mr. H. R. Lochry protesting the charge of $17.90 for damage to a stop sign and post in front of the pout office. Discussed by the Mayor and Councilmen. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Geiger that the amount of this charge be reduced by one-half. A tie vote resulted with three ayes and 3 nos. Motion approved by vote of the Mayor to approve the reduction. Van Zee of Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported on the lighting of the horseshoe pits. He reported that the doors opening into the hallway of the Active Club Building and the doors'in the baseoient were being modified to swing outward in accordance with building code and Fire Prevention Code req*irements. Mikelsen reported that South Kitsap Community Hospital Association requests permission to place a pro- motional banner over Bay Street when the space is not otherwise committed. Council determined that no objection exists to this placement. Mikelsen reported on action taken by Kitsap County Commissioners to pay a $16.00 doctor bill incurred in 1966 by a City prisoner in the County Jail. The City had previously denied responsibility for this bill under the conditions that it was incurred. After considerable discussion and the advice of the City Attorney, moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that the City reimburse the County for this amount. Approved. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van Zee that the summer water consumption minimums be increased to 5500 gallons permonth effective with June, July, August and September billings. Approved. Mikelsen commented on recent newspaper report that South Kitsap High School students have a poorer driving record than the youth of other parts of the county. It appears that of the arrests for driving offenses of this age group, about 90% are tiding made by the Port Orchard Police Department. Mikelsen reported on a continuing problem of littering of streets by newspaper carriers. Clerk will write a letter to the circulation department of each newspaper requesting cooperation. Chief of Police Dow reported on and discussed a problem of parking in lower Morton Street. Referred to Street and Alley Committee for study. City Engineer presented an up -dated water development plan for the South Sidney Hospital -Junior High School area. He also reported that a representative of the U. S. Geological survey had been In the city examining our wells and water supply in general. City Engineer discussed the 1967 edition of the Uniform Building Code and recommends that the City Building Code Ordinance No. 737 be amended to adopt this edition for the regulation of building in Port Orchard. City Attorney will take the matter under study. Mayor requested information on a badly delapidated building at 1424 Sidney Street. Building permit has been issued to remodel and renovate this dwelling. Bills were read in amounts: Current Expense $2,438.40, water $1,442.71 , Street $2,116.13, Sewer $1,246.60, Park $423.81, Total $7,667.65. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and vouchers Nos. 2753 through 2825 authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 12:20 a. m. ?Errk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington May 22, 1967 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p. m. by Mayor Repanich. Council- men present: Caldwell, Geiger, Mikelsen, Powers and Van Zee. Fitzgerald absent (excused). Also present, Attorney Ronald Thompson substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer Hollenbeck, Police Chief Dow, fire Chief Hacker and Mr. Gerald Grosso representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of May 8, 1967 meeting read and approved as corrected. Mayoe Repanich announced the presence of Mr. Louis Molzahn, appointed Councilman at May 8, 1967 meeting to fill the vacancy caused by the death of William Lippert, and asked Mr. Molzahn to step forward and be administered the oath of office by the Clerk. Mayor Repanich then welcomed Mr, Moleahn to the Council and congratulated him. Clark read a letter from the City Engineer to Mr. Max Peabody stating that a piece of property 800 x 30, bordering on Sherman Street south of Melcher Street, has been graded and otherwise made acceptable as a city street. Clerk then read a Statutory Deed executed by Mr. Peabody conveying this piece of property to the City forusseasska city street at some future date when other property owners are ready to widen Sherman Street. Moved by Powers, seconded by Mikelsen that this parcel of land be accepted for the purpose stated. Approved. Fire Chief Hacker informed the Council that the City's bid of $601.75 for the 1961 Chevrolet Station Wagon offered for sale by Bainbridge Island fire district No. 2 had been high bid by the margin of $1.75 and that delivery had been taken on the vehicle. He thanked the Council for their prompt action on his request for a vehicle for the Fire Chief. He reported that the new fire sprinkler system in the Methodist Church Annex had been tested. Chief Hacker requested the Council consider amending the City Fire Prevention Code (Ord. #655, Chapter 15.12, Municipal Code) to adopt the 1965 edition of the American Insurance Association Fire Prevention Code in lieu of the 1956 edition presently in effect. Referred to City Attorney for study. Chief Hacker reported on a study of the fire hydrant situation in parking lot f2 near the Post Office (continued from minutes of 5/8/67 meeting). He drew diagrams on black -board of two alfternative recommendations which would permit the connection of the pumper truck to the hydrant. A third alternative of moving the hydrant 25 feet to the west to permit more convenient connection was presented by Van Zee. Discussed at length by Mayor, Councilmen and Engineer. Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee reported on a study of the situation by his committee. Continued in Street and Alley Committee for study. Councilman Van Zee reported on a possibility of developing some off-street parking particularly for employees of downtown businesses. Mayor requested information from City Attorney as to status of operating agreement between the City and Kitsap County Sewer District No. 5. City Attorney is meeting with Attorney for the sewer district q this week for further study. City Engineer reported that s fence near a fire hydrant on east side of Sidney Street near Tremont Street (cont'd. from 5/8/67)aappears to be inside of r/w. Continued for further study. Powers reported no progress in study of possible fire hazard in city -dumped tree and brush clippings at City Dump. Continued, City Engineer reported on a study of the parking situation on south side of Bay Street between Harrison and Seattle Streets (continued from last meeting). Caldwell reported on measured width of Bay Street at this point, which is 21 feet from center line to curb, allowing 13 feet of traveled area. Discussed by Chief of Police, Mayor and Councilmen. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that the State Highway be requested to lift the "No Parking" restriction in this area. Approved. Clerk to contact local State Highway Department representative for additional information. Councilman Mikelsen again presented the problem of the littering of streets by newspaper carriers near the "drop points" where papers are reeeived by the carriers, (continued from previous meeting). Discussed by Mayor and Councilmen. City Attorney gave an opinion that to restrict the "drop points" to the residence of the carriers might be subject to court action and might not hold up in court. Clerk will"write letters to all newspaper circulation departments to request their cooperation in this matter. Mayor requested a report from Street and Alley Committee re: a parking problem on Lower Nomrdn Street (cont'd. from last meeting). Caldwell reported that this seems to be a feud between neighbors and i— that there appears to be no city involvement. A "No Parking" sign currently in place at this point be removed by City Engineer. City Attorney reported that the proposed adoption of 1967 Edition of Uniform Building Code in lieu of the 1961 edition now in effect is under study. City Engineer reported on desirability of adopting Volume IV of Uniform Building Code dealing 'with dangerous and delapidated buildings. Referred to City Attorney for study, along with Volume of 1967 Edition. City Engineer presented drawings of proposed enlargement of lower area of south side of Municipal Building to provide new quarters for the Police Department. Moved by Van Zee, seconjded by Mikelsen that cost figures on Engineer's proposal be obtained. Approved. City Engineer reported on a three -wheeled utility vehicle which might be desirable for transportation of meter readers, and water and sewer repair work. Discussed by Councilmen, Mayor and Engineer. City Engineer reported on the need for replacing one of the variable speed drive units in the sewage treatment plant. He described the problems involved and reminded the Council that one of the resent units had been overhauled twice and that no firm would guarantee any future repairs to the uni,s. Discussed by Councilmen and Mayor. Moved by Powers, seconded by Geiger that one new variable Speed drive unit be authorized at a cost of about $1,800.00. Approved. City Engineer requested authority to cooperate with Kitsap County Sewer District No. 5 in repairing a bad break in the sewer main south of National Guard Armory. Council authorized this as a routine matter. City Engineer reported on continuing acts of vandalism to street signs in area of Kitsap, Seattle and Rockwell Streets. Caldwell reported on a meeting between his committee, City Engineer and Mr. Robert Gans re: a ro osal h p to excavate a considerable amount of dirt from property on East side of Highway #160 between S cond and Third Streets and involving possible petition for vacation of two streets and two alleys. (Dis- cussed by Mayor and Councilmen. Continued until further information is received. Chief of Police Dow reported on delivery of new police patrol car recently ordered as a resultl'of bids called for and received on 5/18/67. He has put about 250 miles on it to bring out any "bugs"., He will probably begin transferring equipment to it this week. Chief Dow requested that the Police Civil Service Commission be requested to begin laying ground work for the establishment of a register of applicants for patrolmen. Commission is now one memberlshort and remaining members are reluctant to act without a full membership of three. Van Zee, Parks and Playgrounds Committee recommends that the "U" turn circle at the end of Sidney be filled with dirt and planted with shrubs and flowers. Mikelsen requested if any results had been noticed in the request of the City that the property owner trim low -hanging tree limbs over the sidewalk on west side of Sidney near Sroufe Street. A letter has been written and action is being awaited. Clerk reported on a recent need for the Council Chambers to be used by a session of the County''ISuperior Court and possible additional requirements in weeks to come. Clerk reported that the Washington State Census Board had reported the population of Port Orchard to be 3850 as of April 1. This is an increase of 131 over 1966 population. I Clerk read a request of Mr. Marvin Roosendaal for a variance from the side -yard setback requirements of Ordinance No. 7x9. This request has previously been considered by the Planning Commission and recommended approved, but was returned to that body for reconsideration. The Planning Commission again recommends the approval of this petition, finding no possible way in which the interests of the adjoining property owner could be harmed. Continued until the adjoining property owner can be notified and offered an opportunity to object. Clerk read a proposed resolution which would assure that certain requirements of the U. S. Government would be not if Federal funds are made available for the construction of sewers in Hospital-ne-6 Junior High School area. This resolution is required to accompany the application for such funds. M ved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this resolution be adopted. Approved and No. 1047 assigned. Clerk read a proposed resolution which would affirm in writing action taken at the meeting of /23/67 indicating a desire by the Council that the City participate in a County -wide comprehensive sever plan. This resolution has been requested by the County Planning Office. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this resolution be adopted. Approved and No. 1049 assigned. Mayor presented catalogs and pictures of several types of chairs for possible purchase for the'lCouncil Chambers. Councilmen discussed and tried sample chairs on hand and the relative merits of others offered. Continued for examination of more samples. Bills were read in the amount: Current Expense, $1,099.50, Water $824.48, Street $1,552.89; Sower $465.85; Park $204.37, Total $4,147.09. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Mikelsen that bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 2826 thru 2858 be authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded 4nd approved that meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 1100 p, m. pf� 040 Clerk - Mayer Port Orchard, Washington June 12, 1967 Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p. m. by Mayor Repanich. Council- man -present: Fitz Fitzgerald, Geiger, Mikelsen Molzahn Caldwell Powers and Van Zee. Also g g + , Present. City Attorney Thompson, City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker and Mr. Gerald Grosso, representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of May 22, 1967 meeting read and approved. Mayor announced certain changes in Council Committee assignments. Major changes involve reassignment of Councilman Mikelsen from Chairman of Fire and Light Committee to Chairman of Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee, and reassignment of Councilman Fitzgerald from member to Chairman of Fire and Light Committee. Councilman Molaahn was assigned to membership in Street and Alley Committee and Fire and Light Committees. Mr. William Touchette of 1001 Bay Street was recognised and requested information concerning possible plans to improve and extend Seattle Street north of Bay Street. He was informed that no such plans exist for the immediate future. Fire Chief Ken "acker reported four (4). fire calls during May, with a total loss of approximately $75.00. He reported that certain repairs and maintenance work had been completed on Truck #6. Chief Hacker also reported that all known abandoned gasoline tanks with one possible exception have been removed or filled. He presented a proposal that the City cooperate with Kitsap Co. Fire District No. 7 in constructing a pumper test facility, and this was taken under consideration. Councilman Mikelsen reminded the Council that this matter had been under consideration by the Fire and Light Committee for some time. Chief Hacker recommended certain changes in burning permits. This taken under consideration by the Fire and Light Committee. Councilman Caldwell of Street and Ailey Committee reported on a study of the matter of the fire hydrant In Parking Lot #2, near postoffice (reported in munutes of previous meetings). He recommends that the parking spaces immediately south and west of the fire hydrant be moved 12 ft. south to line up with the existing parking between that point and the building occupied by the liquor store. this will allow 12 feet for the pumper truck to pull up to the hydrant for connection. Continued for further information from business men and property owners. Matter of fence on South Sidney, which restricts access to a fire hydrant was continued to a later meeting. Clerk read a request from the President, South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce, that the City consider asking r the State Highway Department to reestablish the crosswalk on Bay Street between Sidney and Frederick Streets. Dr. Howard Minor, past president of the Chamber of Commerce, spoke in support of this request. Mayor Repanich reminded the Council and others present that this crosswalk was removed at the request of the State Highway Department. Matters of general concern and interest to downtown business district discussed. Continued for further study, with the Clerk to search out previous correspondence from the State Highway Department in this matter. City Engineer Hollenbeck reported that the new population figures have been placed on the various City Limits signs which are the responsibility of the City. He also reported on increasingly acute problem of abandoned automobiles and car bodies. He reported on methods of meeting this problem used by other cities. City Attorney reported on a review of the City Fire Prevention Code and which now adopts the 1956 edition of the NBFU Fire Prevention Code, compared this code with the 1965 American Insurance Assfn. Code (successor to NBFU). He reported a possible conflict between the 1965 FPC and the City's Building Code. Retained by City Attorney for further study. Chief of Police Dow reported the resignation of Patrolman Philip Corliss as of 6-11-67 and the problems involved in such a condition. He requested authority to pay overtime pay to the remaining patrolmen until the position is filled and the new patrolman trained. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Caldwell that payment of overtime pay be authorized until a new patrolman is obtained and trained. Approved: Mayor announced his intention of appointing Mr. Burt Workman to the Civil Service Commission for Police to replace Dusty. Winebrenner, who resigned in March. Moved by rowers, seconded by Fitzgerald that the appointment of Mr. Burt Workman to the civil Service Commission for Police be concurred in. Approved. Clerk read telegrams from U. S. Senator Henry Jackson and Mr. L. R. Durkee, Director for Northwest �\ Operations, Department of Housing and Urban Development announcing the reservation of $199,000 in Federal <-funds for the constructing of sewers in the Hospital -Junior High School area, in the event the application for such funds is finally approved. Councilman Van Zee reported no further developments in the matter of off-street parking, (from minutes of 5-22-67). City Attorney reported on progress of the operating agreement between the City and Kitsap County Sewer District #5 (continued from previous meetings). This agreement is in final process of preparation and approval. Discussed by City Engineer, Mayor and members of the Councili Powers reported on an inspection of the City dump and the possible fire hazard resulting from the dumping of brush and other debris by the City. He finds no present hazard, but recommends that this material be burned in the fall when weather permits. The matter of hauling of rubbish and trash, other than garbage by Port Orchard Garbage Service discussed. There apparently have been cases when the company was called to make special pick-up of tras, tree clippings, etc., when the rubbish was not picked up and laid on the curb for days or weeks. Caldwell, Street and Alley Committee reported on the matter of parking on the south side of y Street between Harrison and Seattle Streets, (cont'd. from meeting of 5122). A measurement of the istance between the center line and the curb taken at about 50-foot intervals indicate that except a the corner of Harrison Street, there is not sufficient width to allow 12 feet of traveled space which i the ab- solute minimum required by the State highway Department to permit parking of the maximum num er of cars. Discussed at length by the City Engineer, Councilmen and Mayor. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers, that no parking be allowed between Harrison and Seattle on the south side of Bay Street. Ap roved with 6 yeas and 1 no. Mikelsen reported on matter of the littering of newspaper drop points by newsboys. Condition is improved but still needs attention. Other matters involving littering and spreading of debris on the streets and parking lot in the business district discussed. City Attorney reported on a study of the present building code which adopts Uniform Building Code, Vol. 1, 1961 edition and a recommendation that the City adopt the 1967 edition as being more up-to-date. He also discussed ghe possible merits of Volume IV, 1967 Edition of UBC for controlling delapid ted and unsafe buildings. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the City adopt the 1967 Edition, Volume;.I, Uniform Building Cada by amendment to the Building Code Ordinance (No. 737), Sn lieu of 1961 edition now adopted. Approved. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that five (5) additional cops s of 1967 Edition, Volume I of UBC be purchased. Approved. City Engineer reported on the relative merits of 3-wheeled vehicles which have been tested a6d examined. Clerk reported on one proposal received to remodel and construct a 2-story addition to the M.fnd icipai Building to provide additonai space for the Police Department. Mr. Robert Ryan of 929 DeKalStreet offered to construct a two-story concrete and concrete block addition w/3-ply built-up roof concrete floor above first story, of construction comparable to the present building, less windows andoors €or a price of $4975,94. Discussed by Mayor, City Engineer and Councilmen. Contined for psible additional proposals. Matter of petition of Marvin A. Roosendaal of Rt. 2, Box 561, Port Orchard, for a variance from the rear -yard set -back provisions of Ordinance #719, to permit construction of a garage -storage uiiding within 2 feet of the westerly boundary of his property. The Planning Commission has twice a proved this petition. The adjoining property owner has been notified by mail of the pending applic tion and requested to indicate any objections, but no reply has been received. Moved by Mikelsen, se nded by Powers that the recommendations of the Planning Commission be concurred in, and that the var ance be granted. Approved with 4 yeas and 3 nos. Matter of selection of new chairs for the Council Chamber discussed, (conttd. from previous Continued for further studyvz Mr. Lon Nickerson requested information from the Council in regard to some large water tanks which he has available for sale. City Engineer and Councilman Van Zee have inspected these i reported on their condition. Continued for further study by Street and Alley Committee. Clerk read a request from Mr. R. P. Josiin for water service on Bay Street, (Beach Drive), nc of Mitchell Street. This involves 290 feet of line and Mr. Joslin agrees to pay the cost of 611 line with the City to assume the cost of such additional size line as may be installed. 7 discussed at Council meeting on 3-27-67. Discussed at length by City Engineer, Mayor and Coi Referred to Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee for further study and recommendati( by Fitzgerald, seconded by Powers that the committee be authorized to instruct City Engineer If oatisfact.avyarrangements can be made. Approved. ings). and valves tems and ortheast installing "his was me i lmen. in. Moved to proceed Clerk read an application for re -zone of lots 1, 2, 3 & 4, Block 3, Sroufets Addition to Sid ey, sub- mitted by Mr. H. J. Thiesen, from R-1 to Commercial. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Molzahn that rec- ommendations of the planning Commission be concurred in and the requested Re -Zone be granted Approved. Clerk read a request of the Blue Star Mothers to the Mayor requesting permission to sell daisies on June 23 and 24. This had previously been approved as a routine matter as provided in the M„T icipal !Code. Clerk read a request of the Kitsap County Horse Shows, Inc, for permission to place a bannerlon Bay Street from June 26 to July 9, advertising a benefit horse show for Forest Ridge Center. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van Zee that this be authorized. Approved. Bills were read in amounts of Current Expense $8,491.07, Water Fund $785.08, Street Fund $50 .62, Sewer Fund $407.35, Park Fund $262.24, total $10,453.36. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell th t these bills be allowed and that Vouchers Nos. 2859 through 2912 be authorized paid. Approved. Move sec nded and a roved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 12:35 a, m. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington June 26, 1967 Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:40 p. m. by Mayor Repanich. Council- men present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn, Powers and Van Zee. Also present: City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mr. Gerald Grosso, representing Bremerton Sun, Mrs. Rosalie Atkinson, representing Port Orchard Independent. City Attorney Thompson absent, (excused). Minutes of June 12, 1967 meeting read and approved. Mayor recognized Mr. Lon Nickerson, who asked the Council if a decision had been reached on his proposal of 6-12.67 to sell water tanks and valves to the city. Caldwell had no report. City Engineer Hollenbeck reported on a detailed examination of valves. Mr. Nickerson offered a wooden waster tank of 17,500 gallons capacity delivered on City property for $325.00. Discussed by Mayor, Councilmen and City Engineer. The possible placement of this tank at the garbage dump site was discussed. Moved by Powers, seconded by Van Zee that the City purchase this tank. Approved, w/City Attorney to prepare agreement. Mayor recognized Mrs. Clara Saunders, the newly appointed manager of Kitsap County Chamber of Commerce who was visiting the Council for the first time in her new position. Mrs. Ned& Hong of Annapolis, was present to speak re: Kitsap County Sewer District No. 5, of which her husband is one of the commissioners. Mrs. Hong related some of the background of the sewer district, and the problems which face the commissioners. Fire Chief Hacker reported on the projected move of the main fire siren near the Municipal Building to the Street Department area (reported in munutes of 3127/67). The estimated cost of this move would be about $850.00 and would involve installation of 440 volt service which is not available at the projected location now. Discussed by Mayor, Councilmen and Fire Chief. Referred to the Fire and Light Committee for further study as to location. Mayor requested a report of progress on possible revision of ordinance authorising burning of rubbish and the permits involved. Mikelsen, former Chairman of Fire and Light Committee reported on material he had developed in this matter, and which he had turned over to Chief Hacker. Continued for further study. Councilman Powers requested information on improper parking citations which have been issued in the Merchant's parking lot. Chief of Police Dow stated the policies of his department in this matter. Mayor, Council and others discussed the reduction in number of speeding violations in Port Orchard in the past year. Clerk reported on the matter of the request for consideration of reestablishment of the crosswalk in Bay Street between Sidney and Frederick Streets. State statutes define crosswalks as being at street or road intersections on highways in cities and towns. The State Highway Department would disapprove any request to reestablish this crosswalk or to establish any new crosswalk in the middle_ of a block between intersections. Mayor announced that he had received a telegram from Senator Jackson in Washington D. C., announcing that the City•s application to Housing and Urban Development Department for federal assistance in con- struction of the sewer extension to the Community Hospital -Junior High School area has been approved. City Engineer Hollenbeck reported on the operation of the three -wheeled utility vehicle which he has. had in a trial operation for several weeks. He stated that this type of vehicle is very well adapted for use in the Water and Sewer Departments, and permits the reading of most of the water meters in less time than has been possible in pick-up trucks. Discussed by Mayor, Councilmen and Engineer. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Powers, that the purchase of a three -wheeled utility vehicle be authorized. Approved with the Engineer to negotiate for the type and cost. Clerk reported on the receipts of recent information calling attention to the new legislation implementing the 1963 contractor9s registration law which requires building and other contractors to be registered and bonded and requiring cities and counties not to issue building permits to contractors who are not registered. Clerk read a letter from the manager, Bob's Place, which requested information concerning the conducting of "sing-alongs" by patrons of the establishment. Discussed by Mayor and Council. Determined that no ordinance prohibits this, and that this would be permitted subject to the limitations imposed by "nuisance" ordinances. Clerk will inform the proprietor of the establishment accordingly. Clerk read a claim for damages submitted by Mr. Sheridan Wiseman of Yakima, Washington, for damages to his automobile in the amount of approximately $75.00, sustained when a City dump truck, operated by Mr. Theodore Brose, slipped backward at the intersection of Tremont and West Streets and struck Mr. Wise- man's car. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Van Zee, that this claim be rejected and referred to the Citylp insurance carrier for action. Approved. A proposed resolution was read by the Clerk, authorizing certain budgetary transfers of funds. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell, that this Resolution be adopted. Approved and No. 1050 assigned. Mayor informed the Council of forthcoming workshops and seminars for Urban Administrators and other. subjects of interest. City Engineer reported on a recent change in State Highway Department regulation, which make it no longer necessary to match Arterial Street Fund monies with 25% of other funds for street construction and maintenance. Discussed by the Mayor and Council. Van Zee, Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported on a request of horshoe pitching groups that run- ways along side the horseshoe pits be paved with concrete. The participating groups would provide the labor and cement if the City would provide the aggregate material. Discussed by the Council.) Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Fitzgerald that the City provide the sand and gravel (bank -run) for this project. Approved. Van Zee reported on recent improvements to the drinking fountain at Bay and Sidney Streets. 1e also reported on the removal of the remains of the old street department shed on Kendall Street. Bills were read in the amount: Current Expense $4,271.74; Water $327.80; Street $888.00; Seweir $42.63; Park $4.77; Total $5,534.94. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and vouchers Nos. 2913 through 2939, authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 10:10 p. m. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington] June 29, 1967 11 A special meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:30 p. m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Fitzgerald, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn, Powers and Van Zee. Caldwell absent, (excused). Also present: City -Attorney Thompson, City ngineer Hollenbeck, and Mr. Gerald Grosso, representing Bremerton Sun, and Rosalie Atkinson representing Port Orchard Independent. Mayor announced that the purpose of this special meeting was to discuss and consider the Grant Agreement between the City of Port Orchard and the Federal Government (Department of Housing and Urban Development), involving the proposed construction of sewer system extensions in the West - Southwest portion of the City not now being severed. Clerk read extracts from enclosures to HUD letter of June 27, 1967, Subject! Project No. WS-0-48-0027, Contract No. H-602-2573. City Attorney stated that he had examined the contract hastily and found nothing unusual or not of understandable nature. A resolution authorizing the execution of Grant Agreement was read by the Clerk. Moved by M14elsen, seconded by Molzahn that this resolution be adopted and that the Mayor be authorized to sign the Grant Agreement and other documents for the City of Port Orchard. Approved unanimously and No. 1051 assigned. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 8:10 p. m. �r Clerk Mayor! e � e Port Orchard, Washington July 10, 1967 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p. m. by Mayor Repanich. Council- men present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Mikelsen, Molzahn, Geiger, Powers and Van Zee. Also present: City Attorney Thompson, City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mr. Gerald Grosso, representing Bremerton Sun, and Mrs. Rosalie Atkinson, representing Port Orchard Independent.) Minutes of June 26, 1967 regular and July 6, 1967 special meeting read and approved. Mayor discussed briefly the status of the sewer construction project proposed to extend to thq south- southwest portion of the city (minutes of special meeting of 7/6/67). i Mayor recognized Mr. Fred Best, who was present re: a problem which exists in connecting a dwelling he has under construction on Farragut Street on Annapolis Hill. He feels that the sewer as situated in Farragut Street does not permit connection of a dwelling built with a basement and with required set- backs, and he feels that the City has an obligation to provide a more adequate connection. Councilman \/ Mikelsen, Chairman of Water and Sewer Committee make drawings on blackboard and displayed construction j( drawings of LID #60, explaining in detail the situation. Discussed by Councilmen, Mayor, Mr. Best and City Engineer. Moved by Powers, seconded by Molzahn that the City Engineer be authorized to llay approx- imately 200 feet of 6" sewer line to extend the line presently terminating on Lot #5, Block l , Annapolis Addition to the north property line of Lot #1 at City lhxpenset Approved w/6 yeas (Fitzgerald abstaining due to conflict of interest). Fire Chief Hacker reported 3 fires in June with no financial loss:aresulting. He reported on projected moving of main fire siren from tower near pump house to roof of Municipal Building. Need forithis move discussed. Chief Hacker and Chief Dow explained procedures in alerting firemen by telephone and tone - alert radio and dispatching fire equipment. Continued for further study. Clerk reported on a request of Kitsap Saddle Club for permission to hang a banner over Bay Street to advertise a horse show on week -end of July 15-16. Permission granted asva routine matter. Fitzgerald reported on the study by Fire and Light Committee of the ordinance regulating burning of trash and rubbish, which is proposed to be revised. Discussed by Mayor and Councilmen. Continued for further study. Mayor reported on a previous request of South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce for the reestablishment of a crosswalk do Bay Street between Sidney and Frederick Streets. This was discussed at the meeting of 6/26/67 and the majority opinion of the Council at that time was that this would not be in the best interests of the City. Discussed by Mayor and Councilmen. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Molzahn that a letter be written to State Department of Highways (resenting the request for the reestablishment of this crosswalk. Approved, w/4 yeas and 3 nays. Moved by Powers, seconded by Geiger that the City Council go on record as requesting the establishment of a crosswalk on Bay Street between Frederick and Sidney Streets. Disapproved w/6 nays and 1 yea. Reference was made to the authority granted to the City Engineer in minutes of 6-26 for the City Engineer to purchase a 3-wheeled utility vehicle. The Clerk informed the Council that the authority did not stip- ulate make of vehicle. Moved by Powers, seconded by Fitzgerald that the City purchase a three -wheeled utility vehicle of Cushman make. Approved. Van Zee reported on progress of the concrete runways alongside the horseshoe pitching courts, as requested by the Horseshoe Pitching Club. Approximately 5 cubic years of aggregate (bank run) will be required, as authorized in minutes of 6/26/67. Chief Dow reported another resignation from his Department on 7-7-67. He reported that approximately 8 applications had been received for position of patrolman in reply to classified advertisements in Bremerton, Tacoma and Seattle newspapers. Mayor reported on a study by the City Engineer for an improvement of Pottery Hill Road portion of the proposed parkway which will follow the route of the sewer main which will be constructed to the south- southwest portion of the City. Discussed by City Engineer and referred to Street and Alley Committee for study. City Engineer reported that the wooden water tank (authorized purchased in 6-26-67 meeting) has not yet been received but that the timbers, etc. were ready to receive it when it is delivered. Mayor reported on an executive meeting of members of Water and Sewer Committee, City Attorney, City Engineer, Consulting Engineer George Hammond, the Mayor, and Mr. Joe Weigel of Kitsap County Health Department re: the financing and other details of the forthcoming sewer construction project. Clerk read the minutes of this meeting for the information of those present. He informed the Council of the need to determine the width of r/w which would be procured i.e. 15 ft. to 25 ft. for water and sewer lines only, or 60, 80 or 100 ft. for street (parkway) which would include area for utilities. Continued for an executive session on July 17, at 7:30 p. m. �-� Mayor requested Finance and Auditing Committee to examine plans for the enlargement and remodeling of City Hall and to determine availability of funds for this project. Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee reported on a request of Mrs. Dorothy Stokes that a portion of West Street near Taylor Street be opened for traffic. Map and sketch of area examined. Determined that this street has never been improved and accepted by the City as a thoroughfare and that the property owner would be required to improve the street to the standards set by the City before it would be accepted and maintained in the future. Clerk directed to write a letter to Mrs. Stokes explaining the situation and setting forth the City's policy on the matter of improving of streets. Van Zee requested information on the lease granted to Mr. Harvey Cable to pick brush on unimproved city property. Determined that this lease expired on 6-30-67, Van Zee requested that the matter of chairs for CouncilChambers'be discussed and resolved. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Fitzgerald that chairs be purchased for the Mayor and Council. Moved by Mikelsen, secoonded by Molzahn that the motion be amended to direct the appointment of a committee to bring a rec- commendation as to type, etc. of chairs. Disapproved. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Powers that a committee be appointed to investigate and recommend the purchase of chairs for Mayor and Council. Approved and referred to Parks and Playgrounds Committee for action. Clerk reported on a request of the Civil Service Commission for Police for the authority to expend up to $300.00 for the operation of the Commission for the remainder of 1967. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the sum of $300.00 be authorized for the Police Civil Service Commission for the remainder of 1967. Approved. Clerk read County Board of Commissioners Resolution 57-1967 re: Boarding of Prisoners of Other Agencies,,,,/,, in County Jail. This resolution raises the cost of boarding City prisoners from $1.00 to $3.00 and auto- matically obligates the confining agency to be responsible for medical care of such prisoners. Clerk read a letter from Attorney Frank Shiers concerning a claim of $252.00 from Mr. LeRoy Lundy for a share of costs of paving a portion of Rockwell Street. Noved by Mikelsen seconded by Caldwell that this ex-contractu claim be rejected. Approved. Councilman Mikelsen reported that conditions involving the newspaper "drop" points on Sidney and Kendall Streets and Sidney and Radey Streets were improved but still not in a desirable condition and that additional steps must be taken to alleviate the situation. Mikelsen reported on a telephone pole which is broken off at Sidney and Sroufe Streets which has been in that condition for two months or more. He requests official action be taken to repair this damage. Clerk directed to contact Telephone Company engineers to determine what action is contemplated. Mikelsen also requested information as to progress of negotiations to acquire and serve the portion of the Annapolis Water District which has been annexed to the City. Discussed by Mayor, Councilmen, City Engineer and City Attorney. Clerk read information from Secretary of State re: Primary and General Elections for Mayor andlCouncilmen to. be held in September and November respectively, and informed the Council of necessity for drawing lots for position numbers for the electi.on(s). Lots were drawn with following results: Regular four-•y4ar• terms: Position No. 1: Incumbent Vern B. Caldwell; Position No. 2: Incumbent: Robert G. Geiger; Posit t No. 3: In- cumbent Patti D. Powers; Unexpired terms: Lippert: Position No. 4: Incumbent: Louis C. Molzahn;ylander) Position No. 5: Incumbent: Jack R. Fitzgerald: At -Large Position: Incumbent; Arthur M. Mikelse�. Filings will open 7.31-67 and close 8-4-67. Bills were read in the amount: Current Expense $2,635.14, Water $4,435.07; Street $1,434.24, Sewer $1,386.74, Perk $140.09, Total $10,031.28, Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Caldwell that the bills be alloied and that vouchers No. 2940 through 2976 approved for payment. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 11:30 p. m. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, W4shington July 24, 1967 Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Mayor Repanich. Council- men present: Caldwell, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn, Powers, and Van Zee. Fitzgerald absent (excused). Also present: City Engineer.Hollenbeck, Police Chief Dow and Fire Chief Hacker, Mr. Jerry Holliday, representing Bremerton Sun, a new representative of that newspaper. City Cttorney Thompson absent , excused. Minutes of July 10, 1967 meeting read and approved as corrected. Mayor recognized Mr. James Kors of Sleavin & Kors, consulting Engineers of Tacoma, who rRas presents RE: a preliminary plat of Andersonwood, a subdivision proposed for the southeast corner of Fireweed and Sidney Streets. This preliminary plat was approved by the Planning Commission at its regular meeting on June 19, 1967. Maps of the preliminary plat examined and discussed by the Mayor,Imembers of the Council and Engineer. Moved by Powers, seconded by Geiger that the recommendations of the Planning Commission be concurred in and the preliminary plat accepted. Approved. Fire Chief Hacker reported that Mr. James Morgan, a pensioner who has resided in a city -owned dwell- ing adjacent to Fire Hall had suffered a paralytic stroke, and was now living with a sister.i Mr. Morgan had acted as caretaker and watchman at the fire station and his services will be sorely missed. The various problems posed by this situation were discussed by Mayor, Council and Fire Chief (Hacker. Referred to Fire and Light Committee for study. Chief Hacker reported on a regent 3-day meeting of Fire Department representatives of western cities t ` in Tacoma recently, which included instruction in various matters of interest to fire department personnel and particularly to him as Fire Chief. This included the fighting of fires involving various new chemicals and containing spills of such chemicals. Councilman Van Zee reported o the Council that Chief Hacker had paid the cost of registration to this meeting from his own pos4et, and suggested that he be reimbursed for this expense by the City. Discussed. Moved by Van Zee, '!seconded by Geiger that Chief Hanker be reimbursed for the expense of registration to this seminar inithe amount of $25.00. Approved. i Chief of Police Dow reported that one member of his department had returned from leave and another recently terminated patrolman would be reinstated to the force on 7-29-67. This will alleviate the police personnel shortage somewhat. Chief Dow summarized that the reinstatement procedures which have been approved by the Police Civil Service Commission. He announced that examinations would be conducted in the near future to establish a register of eligibles. City Engineer Hollenbeck requested consideration be given to an amendment to the parking ordinance which would prohibit the parking on the "snow route" (Kitsap, Seattle, DeKalb, Harrison, Divi'ision and Sidney, from Division to Melcher Street between 3=r A.M. from November to March to facililtate removal of snow. Discussed by Mayor and members of the Council. Referred to Street and Allay Comm- ittee for study and recommendation. Hollenbeck requested consideration be given to the removal of speed restrictions on Farragut'Street between Chester and Mahan Streets, since the narrow area of this street has been widened. Referred to Street and Alley Committee for study and recommendation. Hollenbeck also reported that the wooden water tank, authorized in minutes of 6-26-67 to be placed in the area of the garbage dump, had been delivered but had not been placed in the previously discussed location due to the inability of the truck to get to the proper position. Discussed by Mayo:, and Councilmen. Engineer will proceed to get this tank in the agreed -upon location and properly isupported. Engineer also reported that the sewer extension to the property owned by Fred Best on Annapolis Hill has been completed. (authorized in minutes of 7-10-67). Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee reported that his committee had examined the recommendations of the Engineer concerning the application of Arterial Street Fund monies to the improvement, of Pottery Hill Road south of Tremont Street. His committee approves the plans as outlined. Dilscussed by the Mayor and members of the Council. This project will be held in abeyance pending further de- velopements. Clerk read a letter from Mr. R. W. Kerslake, District Engineer, State Department of Highways which expressed the disapproval of the reestablishment of the abandoned crosswalk on Bay Street between Frederick and Sidney Streets, which had been recommended to the Council by the South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce. Mayor Repanich reported on the Executive session of the Council, Mayor, Engineer, etc. on 7-17-67 which was for the purpose of discussing plans for the sewer project and the rights of way which would be required for the street which is under consideration for construction along with the sewer mains. At this meeting, it was the opinion of the members of the Council and the Mayor that 80 Ft. of right-of-way would be required and that efforts should be exerted on that basis. Discussed at eingth. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that the right-of-way for the Railroad Avenue arterial to be constructed in conjunction with the sewer project should be 80 feet. Approved. Mikelsen reported that a distinct improvement had been noted in the condition of newspaper "drop points" (reported in minutes of previous meetings) after letters had been written to the carriers and district managers responsible for these carriers. Mikelsen also reported on a meeting with the commissioners of Annapolis Water District re: the acquisition of that portion of the Annapolis Water District which is inside the City Limits. He is being provided with certain items of information by the Annapolis District which he needs to facilitate the completion of this project. The cities financial consultant, Mr. Terry Thompson, will meet with the financial consultant of the Annapolis Water District, Mr. Riley Atkinson, to work out some of the financial details. Van Zee reported the recommendations of the Parks and Playgrounds Committee re: the purchase of chairs for the Mayor and Council. The committee recommends the purchase of seven (7) chairs of the "Judges" model as recently purchased by the Street Department, color, black, and as per catalog description. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Powers that the recommendations of the Committee be accepted and the Clerk directed to negotiate with the supplier. Approved. Van Zee reported on the matter of chairs for the audience section of the Chambers. Catalog pictures and descriptions of several types of chairs were examined and discussed. Continued for further study. Van See reported on increased interest being shown by several groups in finishing the basement of the Active Club Bldg. He specifically discussed in detail the need for plumbing and drainage fittings and pipe and redi-mix concrete for the floor. Mayor requested information re: the projected enlargement and improvement of the south side of the Municipal Building. Continued in Audit and Finance Committee. Clerk read an application of Mr, Fred C. Dengler of Route 4, Box 211-B for a variance from the rear yard setback provisions of Ordinance No. 719 to permit the construction of a garage. Moved by Mikelsen seconded by Powers that the recommendations of the Planning Commission be concurred in and the variance be granted. Approved. Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee reported on a need for the laying of asphaltic concrete kn-the area between and around the buildings of the Street Department to reduce mud and chuckholes in winter months. Continued. Bills were read in the following: Current Expense $960.60, Water $1,420.54, Street $1,495.81, Sewer $3,118.56 and Park $1,114.49. Total: $8,110.00. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Caldwell that the bills be allowed and that vouchers No. 2978 through No. 3005 authorized for payment. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 11:00 P.M. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington August 14, 1967 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn, Powers and Van Zee. Also present: City Attorney Thompson, City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mr. Jerry Holiday, representing Bremerton Sun and Mrs. Rosalie Atkinson, representing Port Orchard Independent. Minutes of July 24, 1967 meeting read and approved. Mayor Repanich recognized Mr. Charles Eserhut, a school teacher, who recently filkdnfor the position of Councilman in the November election, and who was present to observe the functioning of the Council. Mayor Repanich requested information from the Fire and Light Committee re: the situation created by the less of Mr. Morgan, the former caretaker and watchman at No. 2 Fire Hall. Continued for further study. `. Caldwell, of Street and Alley Committee reported on observation of cars parked on "snow route" in connection with a request of City Engineer for possible restriction on parking during winter months (continued from minutes if 7-24-67). Continued for further study. limit Caldwell also reported on a suggested increase in the speed/on Farragut Avenue between Chester and Mahan Streets from 15 MPH to 25 MPH (continued from previous meeting). After considerable discussion moved by Caldwell, seconded by Van Zee that the speed limit in this area be increased to 25 MPH and a 5 ton load limit imposed on the south -bound lane. On the question considerable discussion developed as the desirability of prohibiting truck traffic, Caldwell and Van Zee withdrew their motion and second. Moved by Fitzgerald that traffic in this area be limited to one-way movement northbound only, for a period of four (4) months or longer to permit further stabilization of the filled area and the asphalt surface. Motion failing for lack of a second. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Caldwell that the speed limit in this area be increased to 25 MPH. Approved. After further dis- cussion, moved by Molzahn, seconded by Van Zee that truck traffic in excess of four (4) ton total weight be prohibited in the: southbound lane between Mahan and Chester Streets. Approved. Mayor Repanich informed the Council and City Engineer that Mr. Burt Workman of Rt. 4, had loffered to make available such right-of-way off his property as might be required in the constructlion of the Railroad Avenue arterial street. City Engineer will investigate. Mikelsen reported on further progress in negot}.tioRo acquire that portion of Annapolis Walter Dist- rict which is inside city limits. The Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee,,Mayo,lr and City Engineer will meet at 5:00 P.M., 8-17-67 for a preliminary meeting to discuss variouslfactors in this matter. City Engineer reported on a directive received from the State Department of Highways concerning the necessity of replacement of approximately 50 stop signs in the City by 12-31-68. Referred to Street and Alley Committee for study. City Engineer also reported on an excavation which has been started by a private party on Cedar Street, adjacent to Highway #160, without authority. Referred to Street and Alley Committee for study. Fire Chief Hacker reported five (5) fires during July, with a total loss of about $100.00. Fitzgerald reported on a possible fire hazard in dead weeds and berry vines in private property adjacent to Harrison and Bay Streets. Discussion developed on the urgent need for a revision of the Fire Prevention Ordinance, particularly as involves burning permits, burning in containers, incinerators, etc. Molzahn discussed the desirability of attempting to acquire the old Sidney Cemetary for develop- ment as a Memorial Park. Considerable discussion developed on various aspects of previouslattempts to accomplish this. Clerk read a letter from Pacific Northwest Bell requesting permission to install a manhol& and buried conduit in Sidney Street at Sweany Street. Discussed by City Engineer, Mayor and Council- men. Moved by Powers, seconded by Fitzgerald that the request be granted. Approved, with'City Engineer to answer the request. Clerk read a letter from Miss Beth Rinehart, Secretary of South Kitsap Hah School Student,Body, requesting authority to place two (2) signs, 4" x 8" in dimension, one at east and one at west entrances to the City. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Caldwell that this request be approved subject to the approval if Chief of Police and City Engineer and with the stipulation thatjshould the signs become deteriorated and unsightly, if not corrected by the congnizant body, theylwill be removed by the City. Approved. i Mayor referred to a message: from the Association of Washington Cities re: the apparent influence which first and second class cities exert, as compared with the influence of cities of lower class- ification. Clerk read a proposed ordinance amending Ordinance No. 17, (Section 9.04.030 of Port Orchard Munic- ipal Code) defining "Disorderly Conduct"" and declaring such offence to be a misdemeanor. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Powers that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 785 assigned" Clerk read a proposed ordinance amending Ordinance No. 17 (Section 9.04.050,of Port Orchard Munic- ipa.1 Code) defining "Disturbing the Peace" and declaring such an offence to be a misdemean r. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Caldwell that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 7 6 assigned. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would authorize peace officers to close off certain areas in event of disaster, earthquake, major fire, etc. Discussed at length and continued for further study. Clerk read a proposed ordinance amending Ordinance No. 711 (Section 15.08.210 of Port Orchard Municipal Code) revising the fee schedule for certain sewer and plumbing permits. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 787 assigned. Clerk read a proposed ordinance amending Ordinance No. 737 and Section 2 of Ordinance No. 162 (Section 15.04 of Port Orchard Municipal Code) and which would adopt by reference Volume h and III of 1967 Edition of Uniform Building Code for control and administration of construction in Port Orchard. Moved by Molzahn, seconded by Fitzgerald that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 788 assigned. Van Zee, of Parks and Playgrounds Committee displayed a chair which might be desirable forl',use in the Council Chambers for the audience with the exception of the front row. Continued for further study. Van Zee also requested consideration of a budget item in Park Fund in Park Fund Budget for com- pletion of the Active Club Building basement. Powers requested that the matter of the enlargement of the Municipal Building be continued for further consideration. Caldwell discussed a request of John Hull, Port Orchard Postmaster, that :the !!snorkel"Metter drop box be moved to the west side of Sidney Street to a position which would permit use by the drivers of autos. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Powers that the City Engineer be directed to move this mail box to the agreed location for a trial period. Approved. City Engineer reported on the placing of the 17,500 gallon water tank in the garbage dump area. This tank is now located on a concrete foundation and is awaiting final lightening of bands, etc. by Mr. Nickerson. City Engineer also reported on the purchase and installation of a 1,200 gallon steel tank on one of the Street Dept. trucks for hauling sewage sludge from the plant to drying pits and also to act as a water storage and supply for fires, street sprinkling, etc. Matter of washing down Bay Street discussed. Clerk will discuss matter with Fire Chief to de$:er- mine &f this can be accomplished by the Volunteer Fire Department. Bills were read in amounts: Current Expense $1,491.64; Water $473.41; Street Fund $1,890.81; Sewer Fund $943.05; Park Fund $70.63; and L.I.D Guarentee Fund $300.00. Total $5,169.54. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and that Vouchers Nos. 3006 through 3056 be authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 1 :50 P.M. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington August 28, 1967 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn, Powers and Van Zee. Also present: Attorney Ron Thompson substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer Hollenbeck, Fire Chief Hacker and Air. Jerry Holiday, representing the Bremerton Sun. Minutes of August 14, 1967 meeting read and approved. Councilman Van Zee informed those present of the death of Mr. James Morgan, former caretaker of Fire Hall No. 2. Mayor Repanich recognized Mr. Kleinsasser, of Mattson, Kleinsasser and Naketa, Architects of Seattle. who was press re: a petition for re -zone of Lots 1 & 2, A & $, Block 24, Annapolis Addition, which had prausly been recommended approved by the Planning Commission at their regular meeting on 8'-67. This rezone would be from R-1 to R-2 to permit the construction. of a 10-unit apartment building. Mr. Kleinsasser presented sketches of the proposed structure. Discussed by Mayor and members of the Council. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Fitzgerald that the recommendations of the Planning Commission be concurred in and the requested re -zone be auth- orized. Approved. Mayor Repanich on a meeting with members of the Port Orchard Volunteer Fire Department at which the suggestion was made that banners which are hung over Bay Street must be made to certain spec- ifications to permit hanging with the least amount of trouble. The Department also requested that personnel who hang these banners do so on other than drill nights, and that a charge of $16.00 be made for each banner hung and removed. The Department also requests that the personnel who wash down streets with Fire Department equipment be compensated at Street Department casual labor rates for this service. They request that they not be required to water down playgrounds as they have done in the past. Chief Hacker indicated that the Department would require a room in the Active Club Building in September and October for school purposes. A recommendation was made by Chief Hacker and the Department that Vhen a new fire hall is constructed to replace present Fire Hall No. 2, that it be located in the South Sidney area. All the above recommendations were referred to the Fire and Light Committee 66r further study, and recommendations at next meeting. Mayor recognized Mr. Lon Nickerson, who was present to request payment for the balance due ($125.00) for the wooden water tank recently placed in the garbage dump area. Moved by Fitzgerald, seconded by Van Zee that Air. Nickerson be paid in full immediately. Approved. Mayor and members of the Council discussed the features of chairs for the rembinder of the Council Chambers. Continued in committee. Caldwell reported no further progress in the matter of parking on "snow route', (continued from previous meeting). Continued for further study. Caldwell also requested further continuance of the matter of the replacement of stop signs in the City (continued from previous meeting). Fitzgerald, of Fire and Light Committee reported no progress in re -drafting of burning ordinance. Mayor and Council discussed the matter of several areas where berry vines, weeds, etc. were inter- fering with pedestrian traffic on sidewalks. Engineer will determine ownership of properties invol- ved and Clerk will write these persons letters requesting corrective action. Clerk read a proposed ordinance empowering peace officers to close certain areas during emergencies. This ordinance was read at the 8-14-67 meeting and continued. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Molz- ahn that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 789 assigned. City Engineer reported on a complaint from property owners in the vicinity of Guthrie and Wgst Sts. that Guthrie Street, previously closed to through traffic by posts set in the ground, is being used by motorcyclists and possible motorists for fast driving. Referred to Street and Alley Com1*1ittee for study. City Engineer reported on new construction in South Flower Street, which may create a traffic hazard since there is only a 15 foot strip of paved surface there, and suggests the necessity of increasing the width of the travelled surface. He also reported on work being conducted preliminary to the possible construction of a large Mobile Home Park on Tremont Street west of Sherman Street., City Engineer also reported on several buildings which are severely deteriorated and delapidated.� Dis- cussed at length by Mayor, Councilmen and Attorney Thompson. City Attorney will study 19671edition of Building Code to determine if the means of dealing with such situations are contained thdrein. City Attorney will also further communicate with Mr. Dean Pontius, referee in bankruptcy fox the property at No. 12, ferry Avenue, which has burned out and presents a dangerous condition. Clerk read the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of August 21, 1967, which recommended the approval of the final plat of Andersonwood development at Fireweed and Sidney Streets and referred the plat to the Council for action. Discussed at length by the Mayor, Council and City Engineer. The Council was reminded of a policy adopted some time back that street construction in plAe s and developments will be of 2" asphaltic concrete. Moved by Powers, seconded by Molzahn that final plat of Andersonwood be approved and the Mayor authorized to sign the approval, conditionalliy upon the execution of a bond by the developer of suffi�cidat amount, to be determined by the Engineer to guarentee that the street will be of standard and acceptable construction and surfaced with 2" asphaltic concrete construction. Approved. Clerk read a petition of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Barra, Rt. 5, Box 563, Port Orchard, for a variance from rear -yard set -back provisions of Ordinance #719, reducing the setback to 3 feet to permit con- struction of a carport. Continued for further study and action at the next meeting. Clerk reminded Council of need for an ordinance calling for a special levy of approximately 1 mill to be placed on the ballot for the November election for pperation of the branch of the Regional Library. Clerk also reported on the probable share of the City in the Governor's Special Fund for Cities of 22 million dollars. It appears that this will total about $10,800. Clerk informed the Council that, as a result of the utility revenues exceeding $50,000.00 per year state law required that a Classified Utility Accounting system must be instituted, which will in- clude an appraisal of the assets and liabilities of the water and sewer systems, a double entry accounting system of receipts and disbursements. This can be accomplished on the present NC Book- keeping machine with the purchase of an additional bar. The Clerk will secure a manual fromjthe Division of Municapal Corporations in Olympia for instruction purposes. Van Zee, of Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported on steps being taken to install an automatic light switch at the Active Club Building to turn on the lights in the evening and off in the',morning. He also reported that the Horseshoe Pitching Assn. members had finished pouring the concrete runways alongside the horseshoe pits. Mikelsen, of the Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee, reported on the progress of the acquisition of that portion of Annapolis Water District which is inside the City. He discus ed sev- eral aspects of this project. He also discussed the 8-inch cast iron main which was built f om Port Orchard through the Annapolis Hill area and on to Retsil by the Federal Government early in World War II. There is considerable question as to the ownership of this line. Councilman Geiger suggest- ed that the City Engineer be authorized to purchase the materials and install 700 feet of 6-inch cast iron water main in Farragut Street from Guy Wetzel Street to Mahan Street to provide relief from a water shortage problem being experienced on that street. Discussed by Mayor, Council and Engineer. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Fitzgerald that City Engineer be authorized to purchase materials and install 700' of 6" cast iron water main in Faraagut Street between Guy Wetzel Street and Mahan Street, but connections to dwellings not to be made until legal questions.have beed re- solved. Approved. Bills were read in amounts of: Current Expense $1,566.93; Water $850.13; Street $2,050.74 S@wer $407.53; Park $67.01. Total: $4,942.34. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Mikelsen that these bills ( 1 be allowed and that Vouchers :No. 3057 through 3080 be authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 11:00 P.M. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington September 11, 1967 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 707 P.M. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn, Powers and Van Zee. Caldwell and Fitzgerald absent (excused). Also present, City Attorney Thompson, City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Jerry Holiday representing Bremerton Sun and Mrs. Rosalie Atkinson representing Port Orchard Independnet. Minutes of August 28, 1967 meeting read and approved. Mayor recognized Mr. Eugene Terryl of 613 Division St. who was present re: a problem which he has in maintaining access to his garage due to cars which park in front of and block access. Discussed at length by Mayor, Councilmen and Chief of Police Dow. Recommended to Mr. Terryl that he constr- uct a driveway tapered to street level or install drain culvert pipe with asphalt, to establish the cact that the garage is in use and that a driveway actually exists. He was also advised to place a sign on the doors of his garage "No Parking in Front of Driveway". Fire Chief Hacker reported 5 fires during August of which 4 were small brush fires with about $20.00 toss. Matters of interest in Fire and Light Committee, including re -draft of burning ordinance (continued from previous meetings, further continued due to absence of Committee Chairman Fitzgerald). Van Zee directed attention to five (5) new chairs which were displayed for examination and trial for possible purchase for the front row of the audience section and use by Attorney, engineer, etc. Actual decision as to their desi.reability witheld until later in the meeting. Mayor reported that he had been informed that rubbish was being dumped in the unimproved portion of Harrison Street north of DeKalb Street. Fire Chief will investigate. City Engineer reported (in absence of Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee) on the report chat motorcyclists and possible motorists were using blocked -off portion of streets near Guthrie and West Streets. This appears to be partially corrected and if vehicles are still by-passing; the barricades they are travelling on private property. Molzahn of Fire and Light Committee discussed the possibility of re -furbishing the house owned by the City, next to Fire Hall #2 for occupancy by a pensioner who would act as caretaker-watchman'of the Fire Hall. Continued in committee. Mr. Molzahn also reported on a traffic hazard existing at Tremont and Sidney Streets, when north- bound cars approach'.Tremont Street on Sidney, intending to turn west and meet cars entering Sidney. Referred to Street and Alley Committee for study and recommendation to City .Engineer for corrective action. Clerk reported on matter of application of Mr. Donald Barra for variance from rear -yard setback provisions of Ordinance No. 719, (continued from last meeting). This application had been held over due to a screpancy of 24 between Mr. Barra's request and the statement given by his neighbor that no objecwould be expressed. Mr. Sruen has indicated by telephone that he will not object to 3' set -back. Moved by Powers, seconded by Molzahn that the recommendations of the Planning Commission in this application be concurred in and that the variance be granted. Approved. Mayor reported on a meeting between himself and Mr. Mostar, architect for State Library Board, Mrs. Bowen, Kitsap Regional Librarian, City Engineer Hollenbeck and the City Clerk re: possible state funds for the enlargement of the City Hall for the expansion of the branch of the Library. City Engineer Hollenbeck will prepare additional plans and specifications, complete with cost estimates. Clerk reported on the sale of property on both sides of Bothwell Street which are adjacent to the 6" water line build by the City. One piece of property is presently being built on and the pro- rated share of the cost of this line has been paid. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would authorize.ithe calling of a special election authorizing the City to levy a one -mill tax to raise about $3,995.00 in 1969 for the operation of the Branch Library. Moved by Powers, seconded by Van Zee that this Ordinance be adopted. Approved. Powers of Audit and Finance Committee suggested that the Council consider a special levy at the November 7 election to raise funds to permit the construction of a new fire hall to replace exist- ing Fire Hall #2. Possible location of such a facility discussed at length by Mayor, Councilmen and others. Moved by Van Zee that a five -mill levy be placed on the November 7 ballot. Motion defeated for lack of second. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Powers that a special meeting of the Council be galled at 7:30 P.M., Wednesday, September 20, to consider this special levy proposal. Approved. Mayor reported on a meeting of himself, Councilmen and the City Clerk on September 6, with members of hhe State Water Pollution Control Commission in Olympia re: the Cityts application for Public Law 660 Funds for construction of new interceptor sewer line in the West Bay Street area. Addition- al information has been furnished to improve the possibility of approval. Mayor also reported on a meeting scheduled for Thursday, September, 1967 with officials of Depart- ment of Housing and Urban Development to determine status and progress of our sewer construction project. This meeting will be attended by the Mayor, Clerk, members of the Council, Attorney, Engineer Hammond and HUD staff members, In the afternoon another meeting will be held in the office of Mr. Terry Thompson to discuss probelms involved in the acquisition of a portion of the Annapolis Water District, which is inside the City. Mayor discussed the need.for classified utilities accounting system, (rgnrted in minutes of lust meeting) for the Water and Sewer. Departments. lie discussed the possible need for additional jequip- ment and/or personnel to accomplish this which will be required within the next 6 to 9 months!. Chief of Police Dow reported on checks made of parking on "snow route" over several days. Reports referred to Street and Alley Committee for information. Chief of Police Dow also reported on number of cases, complaints and arrests, etc., handled by his office between .Tune 1, 1966 and May 31, 1967. Mayor Repanich recommended that the Chief of Police be authorized to attend a 3-day course 16 Police Administration in Yakima in October. Councilman Mikelsen reported on violations of ordinances requiring certain lights and reflectors on bicycles ridden after dark. Police Department personnel will be alert for possible violations. City Engineer Hollenbeck requested authority to sell the street roller now used by the street depart- ment, in anticipation of purchasing another in 1968. Matter continued. City Engineer also reported on parking problems developing at Givens School. Referred to Chilef of Police who will contact the school principal and discuss remedies. City Engineer Hollenbeck reported that the price of cast iron water pipe will go up $5.00 periton after the firm price quotation now effective expires in December. City Engineer reported on a proposal he has received for a complete leak -finding survey of the City water system at a cost of $100.00 per mile of lines. Determined that information will be requested from other cities who may have used this service to determine the degree of satisfaction. Other references will be requested. Van Zee of Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported on work accomplished and projected in preparing to finish the basement of the Active Club Building. He also reported on other improvements being effected in the Parks and Recreation facilities. Clerk read a letter from the Kitsap Councilmon Aging which requested the City make available or acquire for the purpose, a building, store or house for the establishment of a Senior Citizens Center in the immediate area of Port Orchard. He also'llread a letter from the same organization which transmitted a resolution signed by members of otherjinter- ested groups which basically requested the same action. Mayor directed members of the Parks and Playgrounds Committee to meet with this group. Mikelsen of Sewer, Water, Health and Sanitation Committee reported on the progress of acquisition of that portion of the Annapolis Water System which is inside the City limits. Clerk read a request of Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company to place a buried cable on the east side of Sidney Street from the south City Limits to South Street. City Engineer reported on his examination of the request and area involved and reported no objections. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Powers that this request be approved, subject to the requirements of Ordinance #712 (Section 12.04 of Port Orchard Municipal Code). Approved. Matter of 5 chairs for front row of Council Chambers audience section re -presented by Van Zee, Merits of sample chairs which had been used for this meeting discussed by Mayor, Council and others. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Mikelsen, that the 5 chairs displayed by purchased at a cost of aboutl$43.00 each. Approved with 4 ayes and one no. Bills were presented in following amounts: Current Expense, $1,528.32; Water, $1,306.72; Street, $1,171.59, Sewer, $1,246.79; Park, $80.32; Total: $5,333.85. Moved by Powers, seconded byMol- zahn that these bills be allowed and Vouchers Nos. 3081 through 3132 be authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 12:00 midnight. Clerk mayor Port Orchard, Washington September 20, 1967 A special meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:50 P.M. by Mayor Repanldh4 Coun- cilmen present: Geiger, Caldwell, Mikelsen, and Powers. Fitzgerald, hiolzahn and Van Zee absent (excused). Also present, Fire Chief Hacker and Mr. Jerry Holiday, representing Brermerton Such. Mayor Repanich announced the purpose of this special meeting was to discuss the desirability 8f placing a proposition on the November 7 ballot asking for a special levy to provide funds forcon- struction of a new fire hall. Mayor Repanich reported on information furnished to him by Councilman Fitzgerald, Chairman oflFire and Light Committee in this matter, including examination of other fire halls and like facili6 es of approximately the same capacity. Cost estimates indicate that a structure of the type required, capable of housing three pieces of equipment would cost in bhe neighborhood of $35,000.00. This amount would be reduced by the amount realized by the sale of the property on Taylor Street, pre- sently occupied by Fire Hall #2, which would be acquired by the County. Fire Chief Hacker discussed the proposed building, location, size, etc. and suggested that the location be approved by the Washington. Survey and Rating Bureau. City property on south Sidney Street, where the water tank is located, might be suitable. Chief Hacker displayed drawings and literature on other Fire Stations in the area for examination. He provided other information deal- ing with various features required of such structures. Moved„by Mikelsen, seoonded by Powers that a proposition be placed on the November 7 1967 ballot asking for a special levy to raise $39,900.00 or approximately 10 mills for construction of new fire hall. Approved. I. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 8:30 P.M. _ /0 clerk Mayor Port orchard, Washington September 25, 1967 A regular meeting of Port orchard City Council called to order at 7:37 P. M. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Mikelsen, Powers and Van Zee. Molzahn absent (not excused). Also present: Attorney Ron Thompson, substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker and Mr. Jerry Holiday representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of regular meeting of September 11, 1967 and special meeting of September 20, 1967 read and approved. Fire Chief Hacker reported on a three-day school held in Yakima September 22-24 on various aspects of fire fighting and fire control. This school was attended by.Chief Hacker, Ass1t Chief Cald- well and two members of the Department. Chief Hacker discussed the various items covered and benefits obtained. He was very enthusiastic about the demonstrations witnessed and training re- ceived. 1 Chief Hacker reported that brush and rubbish dumped in Harrison Street north of DeKalb St. had not been cleaned up (reported from previous meeting). Councilman Fitzgerald of Fire and Light Control Committee reported on the recommended contents of a new ordinance which would control burning of rubbish etc. by private residents. He discussed the various features required of such an ordinance as determined by consultation with the Fire Chief. Continued for further study. Matter of remodeling the City owned dwelling near Fire Hall No. #2, (continued from previous meet- ings) further continued due to absence of Councilman Milzahn. Mayor Repanich requested information from City Engineer re: progress in the plans for enlargement of the Municipal Building, particularly as involves the second floor portion which will provide for expansion of the library area. The plans are progressing but slowly. Councilman Mikelsen reported on progress in matter of taking over a portion of the Annapolis Water District inside the City. He reported that another important meeting in this matter scheduled for September 27, when it is hoped that most of the problems will be resolved. Mayor Repanich reported on the 9-13-67 meeting with representatives of Department of Housing and —Urban Development in Seattle. Information obtained at this meeting was very helpful in determining the status of the proposed sewer project to South Kitsap Hospital -Junior High School area. Caldwell, of Street and Alley Committee reported on possible restriction of parking on "snow route" streets in event of snowfall in winter months which require plowing of snow. Discussed by Mayor, Councilmen and City Engineer. Publicity will be given to the problem and residents affected will be requested to cooperate. The matter of parking of automobiles on West side of Sidney Street adjacent to Givens School (continued from previous meetings) discussed at lehgth. A proposal was made that the west Aide of Sidney Street from Kendall to Sroufe Streets be posted "No Parking 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.". Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that the area referred to in the above proposal be so posted. Approved. City Engineer Hollenbeck reported on a proposal submitted by L. R. Gaudio Well Drilling Co, of Tacoma to do re -development work on Well #6, which has been giving some trouble. Discussed at length by Mayor, Council and Engineer. City Engineer authorized by Council to proceed with this work. Attorney Ron Thompson reported on two (2) law suits pending involving damage resulting from construction of LID #60. Don Thompson recommends that he be authorized to negotiate a s ttle- ment if possible, in each case for up to $500.00. Moved by Powers, seconded by Fitzgera d that the City Attorney be authorized to negotiate for settlement of these cases for up to $50 .00 each. Approved. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would authorize the placing of a special levy on the Nov- ember 7 ballot to raise $39,900.00 (approximately 10 mills) to provide funds for the acgiisition of land and construction of a new fire hall in South Port Orchard area. This action wasiapproved by the Council unanimously at the special meeting on September 20, 1967. Moved by Mikel en, seconded by Van Zee that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 791 assigned. Clerk read a request from Mr. Clarence Largis, 934 Kitsap Street, for a variance from rear yard set -back requirements of Ordinance #719, for the construction of a small tool storage building. Planning Commission recommends that no variance be required for this structure and that it be considered a part of the yard. Discussed by Mayor, Councilmen and Attorney Thompson. Moved by Fitzgerald, seconded by Powers that this variance be granted subject to an opinion of the City Attorney as to whether this variance is required. If required, the variance will be eff ctive, and if not, it will be voided. Approved. t City Engineer discussed several instances where building construction has been started without building permits. Discussed by Mayor, Councilmen and Engineer. The Clerk will arrange publicity in the newspapers and radio to promulgate to the public the general basic requirements f6 r build- ing permits. Councilman Van Zee, Parks, Playgrounds and Buildings Committee, reported on communication which he has had with representatives of the Kitsap Council on Aging and the Retirees' Councilmin reply to a request for space, (building, store, etc.) in which a Senior Citizens$ Center could be established in Port Orchard. This matter was continued from the last meeting. He id4cussed the aims, objectives, and basic needs of the groups as he understands them. Addit+onal m4etings will be held with committees of these groups to develop further information. Van Zee also reported on progress of improvements to Active Club Building. The need forlwater proofing the south wall of the basement was discussed. This needs to -be done prior to the fin- ishing of work inside the basement to prevent water damage. The project of roughing in the plumbing and drain lines in the basement prior to pouring the concrete floor is progressing and Mr. Cliff Deisler will do the roughing -in this week. City Engineer reported on measures used to correct the hazardous condition at Tremont and Sidney Streets, (reported last meeting). This condition has been improved considerably. 1 Bills were read in the amount: Current Expense, $946.27; Water Fund, $1,017.39; StreetiFund, $1,276.63; Sewer Fund, $52.06. Total: $3,459.42. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwelii, that these bills be allowed and vouchers Nos. 3133 through 3154 be authorized,paid. Approved.' Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 10:35 P. M. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washiington October 2, 1967 A special meeting of the Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:33 P. M. by Mayor'Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn, Powers and Vr.n Zee. Also present: City Treasurer Carraway and Mr. Jerry Holiday, representing Bremerton Sun. i Mayor Repanich announced purpose of this meeting to be the consideration of the preliminary bud- get for 1968, as required by RCW 35.33.060, and requested Councilman Powers, of Audit and,Finance Committee to present and discuss the preliminary budget. Councilman Powers analyzed the budget, fund by fund and made comparisons to like items inithe 1967 budget. Mayor and mmmbers of the Council discussed various decreases and increases Aver 1967. Bond reserve and redemption funds were discussed in detail. Questions were directed to the Clerk and Treasurer for specific information. Councilman Powers pointed out that the preliminary budget was in balance with anticipatedllrev- enues and moved that the proposed $364,951.61 operating fund budget and $143,538.77 bond fund and other non -operating funds of $508,490.38 budget be adopted as the final budget for tho City of Port Orchard for 1968. He further moved that Ordinance No. 792 which adopts the budget and establishes the various levies of millage required be adopted. Seconded by Geiger and approved unanimously. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 8:55 P. M. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington October 9, 1967 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:40 p. m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geigar, Mikelsen, Molzahn and Powers. Van Zee absent, (excused). Also present: City Attorney Thompson, City Engineer Hallenbeck, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, and Mr. Jerry Holiday, representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of regular meeting of September 25, 1967 and special meeing of October 2, 1967, read and approved as corrected. Mayor recognized a Mr. Vaughan of the Vaughan Co., Inc. of Montesano, Washington, Who was present to discuss a proposal of his firm to furnish a pump to the city for the purpose of pumping sludge from the sewage disposal plant into a truck for hauling to drying beds. City Engineer Hollenbeck reviewed the problem as it now exists. Mr. Vaughan described the features of the pump proposed and showed a film of the pump in operation in a situation approximately similar to the one under consideration. The various problems involved discussed by the Mayor, Councilmen and Engineer. Referred to Water, Sewer, health and Sanitation Committee for consideration. Councilman Fitzgerald excused by the Mayor at 8:00 p. m. Fire Chief Hacker read a letter from the Fire Chief of Bremerton requesting concurrence in a proposed change of location in the Bremerton Fire Department radio base transmitter station and antenna. Clerk directed to contact radio maintenance technicians to determine if any adverse effect would be noted in Port Orchard radio operations. Chief Hacker also informed the Council of the possible consequences of loss of electric power to the fire sirens and radio transmitters due to storm, or ether cause. He ekpfained that no alarm could be sounded by siren or radio, including tons -alert receivers. He recommended that consideration be given to providing some type of auxiliary power source (motor generator, etc.) which would provide electricity in the event of a power outage. Continued for further study. Chief Dow reported on recent target practices by members of the Police Department and reminded the Councilmen that the excellent scores attained by at least two of the patrolmen is partially due to the munition allowance included in the department budget for the last two years. Chief Dow also reported the need for repairs to or replacement of the manual typewriter fasted by the Police patrolmen in preparing reports, etc. The present typewriter will require about $70.00 in repairs and it would still be of dubious value. Chief Dow recommended purchase of newer machine. Chief Dow also reported on the information received at the recent police administration school he attended at Yakima, Washington, October 3-5. i Mayor Repanich displayed a Pedestrian Safety Award Citation received from the American Automobile Assoc- iation for a 5 year, pedestrian death -free safety record. Councilman Molzahn requested that his suggestion that the dwelling owned by the City adjacent to #2 Fire Hall be remodeled and reconditioned, be held in abeyance until it is determined if the new fire hall will be built. Councilman Mikelsen of Water, Sewer, health and Sanitation Committee reported on a meeting of 9-27-67 between himself, Mayor Repanich and members of committee and the Board of the Annapolis Water District re: the acquisition by the City of the part of the water facility which is inside the City. Mikelsen discussed various matters which developed at this meeting. City Engineer Hallenbeck reported on the need for extending a water supply main from Well No. 6 to the Annapolis Hill area when this area become a part of the Port Orchard system. City Engineer was directed to assemble cost estimates for several alternate methods of providing this supply, to be considered at a discussion meeting of the Council, 10-16-67. Mikelsen also reported on an executive session of the Council held at 7:00 p. m. on 10/9/67 prior -to this Council meeting where further details of this project were discussed, including the amount of bonded indebtedness of the Annapolis Water District, which will be assumed by the City, and the method of liquidating this indebtedness which might be used. Discussed by the Mayor, Councilmen and Engineer. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that the City Attorney and Mr. 'Ferry Thompson, bond consultant, be directed to analyse the figures and computations discussed at the executive session and that the City Attorney prepare an agreement for consideration at the next regular meeting of the Council on 10/23/67. Approved. City Engineer Hallenbeck reported the the L. R. Gaudio Well Drilling Co. of Tacoma will start the work of re -developing Well #6 in the next week, Mikelsen (in absence of Van Zee, Chairman of Parks and Playgrounds Committee) reported an a meeting of that committee with representatives of the Kitsap Council on Aging ret the request of that organization for assistance in finding space to establish a Senior Citizens Center in Port Orchard. Continued for further.meetings. Mikelsen also reported that the project of water proofing the south wall of the Active Club Building basement (continued from previous meeting) has been accomplished. Mikelsen reported that additional demands on the athletic fields at Givens Park may require additional work and seeding to maintain them in the proper condition. Groups using the facilities have volunteered to assist in this matter. Cleric read a proposed agreement between the City and Kitsap County Sewer District No. 5 (prepared by the City Attorney), which would provide for the processing of sewage from that district which is currently being emptied into Puget Sound at Mitchell Point„ Moved by Powers, seconded by Mikelson that this agrOS- ment, as prepared by the City Attorney, be ratified and the Mayor authorized to sign for the City. Appmwed. Mayor Repanich read a letter of resignation of "r. Howard Cooke from the Civil 9ef vice Commission for Police, and reminded the Council that this leaves the Commission with only one member. Clerk read a request from the Port Orchard Postmaster requesting permission to slave a carrier's relay mail box from Portland and Melchor Streets to West and Melchor Streets to permit better utilization. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that this move be authorized. Approved. Councilmen Mikelsen directed the attention of the Council to the sample table -chair which wash available for examination. Mikelsen recommends that chbkrs of this type be purchased for use by membe� of the press who regularly are present at the Council meetings and who must take notes. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that two (2) of the chairs as displaye4, be purchased for the use of news (reporters. Approved. Clerk read an opinion of the City Attorney re: an application of Mr. Clarence Largis for a val lance from rear -yard set back provisions of Ordinance #719, (continued from previous meeting). Cit Attorney's opinion is that this type of a structure does not come under the provisions of set -back requi laments for a rear yard and no variance is required. City Attorney requested to provide an opinion at the next meeting as to the effect on the City of the proposed increase to 259E of assessed valuation by the County if a measure on the November 7 ballot passes. Mayor Repanich announced that the Association of Washington Cities Legislative District Coms tee meeting for the 10th and 23rd Districts would be held at 7:00 p. m., October 31, 1967 at the earth - stone Restaurant in Bremerton, and urged the Councilmen and others to attend, with their wiveie if possible. Mayor Repanich also reminded these present of the annual Mayor's Prayer Breakfast scheduled for 7:00 a. m., October 13, at Myhre's Cafe in Port Orchard, and urged attendance by those who could. City Engineer Hollenbeck reported on status of the plans and specifications for the projectedlenlarge- ment of the Municipal Building and displayed the latest modifications of planned improvement.' Engineer will complete the drawings and edit the revised specifications and then the architfct for the State Library Board, will be contacted for a final examination prior to the preparation of the appl cation for state aid. City Engineer reported on road construction and maintenance seminar being conducted by Washington State University in Olympia. City Engineer also reported on a sharp increase in number of building permits issued in the lest 3 months. Caldwell, of Street and Ailey Committee reported on a complaint of Mr. Les Pryor, of 1411 West Street, that water is running onto his property from an alley in the rear. Caldwell feels that the w ter is coming off other private property and that the City has not caused it or aggravated it, and at the responsibility is not that of the City. City Attorney Thompson discussed the pending sewer construction project to the southwest port on of the City, and the formation of LID or LID's in that area. He also discussed the pending lams ftz for damage involved in construction of LID M, and the authority granted at the last meeting to ettle these cares for up to $500.00 each. Bills were read in the following amounts: Current Expense, $3,442.47, Water $947.22, Street 868.62, Sewer $454.29, Park $264.29, Total $5,977.44. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the a bills be allowed and that vouchers Nos. 3155 through 3203 authorized paid. Approved. I Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 10:45 p. in. P-A) Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington October 23, 1967 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p. m. by Mayor Repanic Council- men present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Mikelsen, Powers and Van Zee. Molzahn absent (ex sod). Also present, Attorney Ronald Thompson, substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, City gineer Hollenback, Chief of Police Dow, Asset. Fire Chief Caldwell, Mr. Jerry holiday representing B merton Sun, and Mrs. Rosalie Atkinson representing Port Orchard Independent. Minutes of October 9, 1967 meeting read and approved as corrected. Mikelsen reported on the matter of the Vaughan Sludge Pump (continued from previous meating).1 City Engineer stated that sludge is being removed from the treatment plant in sufficient quantitie$ to prevent any emergency and recommends that further studies be made of the situation to determine if a Gump of this size and power is required. Matter continued for further study. Mayor Repanich requested Councilman Fitzgerald of the Fire and Light Committee to study the need for emergency (stand-by) source of electric power for fire siren and radio operation in the eventlof loss of regular power (reported by Chief Hacker at the 10/9/67 meeting). Councilman Powers of Finance and Auditing Committee recommends that the Police Department be uthorized to purchase a new manual typewriter for use by the patrolmen in writing reports, etc* to repl;ce an older model not deemed practical to repair. This was approved without vote. Matter of publicity for forthcoming special levies which will be voted on at the November 7 election. New signs will be prepared for erection at Westbay intersection and in the memorial triangle at Bay and Kitsap Streets. Attorney Thompson reported on the content of RCW as involves the effect on the City of the raise to 25% in assessed valuation of real property. Discussed by Mayor and Council. Continued for further study by City Atter6ey. Mayor Repanich requested Assistant Fire Chief Caldwell to determine if the Vojunteer Fire Department would help in the matter of publicity for the Fire Hall Special Levy. Several suggestions were made as to how this could be accomplished. Mikelsen, of Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee reported on the status of negotiations between the City and Annapolis Water District. Clerk read a proposed agreement between the City and the Water District, prepared by the City Attorney, which spelled out the details of the proposed take over by the City of that portion of the Water District which is inside the City, plus several pieces of property which are outside the City, but which would have to be servid by the City in this arrange- ment. Various provisions of the proposed agreement discussed. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Posers that this agreement be ratified and the Mayor authorized to sign for the City, and that the City Attorney then be directed to contact the Attorney for the District, and have that body consider it. Approved. City Engineer Holienbeck reported on costs of several phases of the project -of furnishing water to this district, and also on alternate methods of providing this water. He read a proposed call for bids for the construction of the major portion of this project, i.e., the furnishing of, installation of mains, laterals, etc., and the house connections. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that the Cleric be authorized to call for bids. Approved. Mikelsen suggested an executive session of the Council for 10130/67 to study additional details of the project. City Engineer reported that the re -development work being done on Well No. 6 is progressing very well. Van Zee, of Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported no further progress in matter of the request of the Kitsap Council on Aging re: a Senior Citizens Center in Port Orchard. Mayor Repanich announced that Mr. John Hull, Port Orchard Postmaster was available to serve on the Civil Service Commission for Police, and requested an expression of opinion from the sabers of the Council in this matter." Moved by'Powers, seconded by VAn Zee that the appointment of Mr. John Hull to the Civil Service Commission for Police be authorized. Approved. Mayor Repanich reminded those present of the Association of WashingtoO+ Legistative District 11 Committee meeting in Bremerton at the Hearthstone Restaurant at 7:00 ., d again urged a good rep- resentation by members of the City Government. Mayor reported that copies of plans and specifications for the enlargement of the Municipal Building have been suhmteeddg an application to the Board for financial assistance in building the addition. Councilman Fitzgerald discussed the need -for improvement of lighting in the ,Council Chambers and the Library. Clerk directed to determine the costs of installing lighting fixtures, similar to those in the Clerk's Office. Mayor Repanich requested information from Attorney Thompson on progress in the matter of the comprehensive plan. City Attorney Thompson and Attorney Tom Lowrey are ready to proceed when authorized. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell, that the Council meet in executive session w/ City Attorney Thompson, Tope Lowrey, Planning Commission members, and the Mayor, on October 30. 1967. Approved. Clerk read a letter from Mrs. H. J. McClenathon, Rt. 3, Box 20, requesting a temporary non -conforming use permit to allow the parking of a mobile home on her property for human occupancy for up, -to 90 days. This would permit the remodeling of a house on her property for occupancy by the owner of the trailer, who is being forced from his present trailer site. Moved by Powers, seconded by Fitzgerald, that this request be granted. Approved. Clerk to authorize this in writing, setting forth condidttions. Clerk informed the Council that in April, 1968, a new City Directory for Bremerton -Port Orchard would be published by the R. L. Polk Co., which will have the listings for Port Orchard in a separate section instead of intermingled with Bremerton listings as heretofore. Discussed by Mayor and Council. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Fitzgerald that the Clerk be authorized to purchase one copy of this directory for use in the Police Department and Clerk's office. Approved. Clerk read a report of a problem of low water pressure and volume at a residence at 501 Kendall Street. This is due partially to the long distance which the service line runs and partly due to the fact that another residence is connected to this service line, and which was originally intended to be a temporary connection, but which has never been removed. Discussed by Mayor and members of Council. Enginaeer will determine the costs involved in replacing these individual service lines with a larger line. Clerk rescinded the Council of the necessity of declaring a holiday for City Employees in lieu of November 11, which falls on Saturday. Moved by Powers, seconded by Fitzgerald that Friday, November LO, be authorized as a holiday for all City employees in lieu of November 11. Approved. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would establish salary wage scales for 1968 for City employee* and officials. Moved by Powers, seconded by Mikelsen that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 793 assigned. Chief of Police Dow discussed the need for a two-way portable radio to be used by patrolman when out of their cars and otherwise out of. communication with the dispatcher. He reported that a radio f this ty would cost approximately $800.00. Discussed by Mayor and Councilmen. Moved by Powers, sec:on d by Mikelsen that the purchase of a portable two-way radio by the Police Department be authorised from une pended budget items. Approved. City Engineer reported that the City sewage treatment plant had started receiving a small amount 66 sewage from Kttsep County Sewer District #5 in the past few days, per the agreement ratified on 10/9/167. City Engineer also reported that the heavy rain on the morning of October- 22nd had caused oro ion and slipping of earth into Highway #160, which had to be removed at overtime rates by City employ as. Attorney Thompson gave opinion that the owner of the property is responsible for costs of clearing the road of this dirt and debris. Clark will b611 the property owner. Mikelsen discussed need for a standard for no -parking scones adjacent to crosswalks, cornets, driveways, etc. Councilman Geiger reported on an inspection of an allay in the area of South and W at Streets, which he feels should be improved. He recommends that some grading be done and gravel be placed to give relief from muddy, rough situation. Discussed by Mayor and Councilmen who also discussed a similar situation in an alley named Canyon Lane, north from South Street, west of Flower Street, which badly needs grading and gravel. Councilman Van Zoe reported on -plans to re -grade the playing surfaces of Givens Field in the pring, but states there is a need for additional sprinkler stand pipes to be installed so that adequate ester may be provided. He also discussed the parking of cars on playing fields. Signs will be placed pro ibiting parking and letters will be written to the organisations using the facilities, reminding Chem that driving and parking of cars in these areas is prohibited. Bills were read in amounts: Current Expense $270.20, Water $743.62, Street $963.12, Sewer $2$9.19, Park $217.18, Total $2,453.31. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van Zee that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 3204 through 3229 authorised paid. Approved. I Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 12:00 midnight. .. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Walhington November 13, 196 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:30 p. m, by Mayor Repanic . Council- men present: Caldwell, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn, Powers and Van Zee. Fitzgerald absent (excised). Also present: City Attorney Thompson, City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Ha ker, Mr. George Hammond, Consulting Engineer, Mr. Terry Thompson, Financial Consultant, Mr. Jerry Holiday, representing Hremattefta2 ht and Mrs. Rosalie Atkinson representing Port Orchard Independent. Minutes of October 23, 1967 regular meeting readsend approved. Engineer Goor0_,ff'110mnd reported on progress of the sewer construction in thw area south and west portion of the City. This work is proceeding as rapidly as possible. Various details of the project liscusstd. 40 watl as tilt -fay Street interceptor, which must be constructed in conjunction with the main roject. irivAneing of these projects wet* also discussed -with the Financial Consultant, Terry Thompson. City 1lfttorroy reminded the Council of the necessity of acquiring property for construction, by nego iation where• ever possible. He strongly recommends the retention of a land acquisition agent for this pu se. Mr. Terry Thompson, Financial Consultant reviewed and explained a set of statistics he has dev loped re: an Incurs"� in utility.beted indebtedness and the need for an increase in revenue to meet suc an In- c:9:&" in indebtedness. I Mayor Repanich recommended additional htmciy meetings for developing water system plans for thelAnnapolis area. City Attorney Thompson explained the necessary administrative steps to be accomplished afore actual sentro4ts psa-be let and work commenced. City Engineer reported on various detail invo ved in the mechanics of e6amencing the water service to the Annapolis area. Mr. Drake, of Western Utility Supply Co. was present re: a sealed bid his firm had submitted t furnish materials for the Annapolis water project, for which a call for bids had been Issued. Mr. Dra a was in- fewmad that the bids were called for installation of this system and that his bid for material only was out of order. Mr. Drake than requested that his brid envelope be returned to him unopened. Th s Was done. This being the date to open bids for installation of water system Improvements, the Cleric info mad the Council that no bids had been received.. 11� Further discussion developed on various items to be assembled and furnished to the City Attorney for preparation of Plans and System Ordinances required by such improvements. Determined that weekly executive discussion meetings will be held starting 11-30-67 to study progress being made in these various problems. City Engineer authorized to construct this addition to the water systems, using force account personnel, equipment and materials. Mr. C1 turtles Vde atsd Mr. Beb'Wibbels were recongnized and requested Information re: the matter of insurance on the new Votorn Little League Building on Givens Field. They requested whethbr City's fire insurance and liability and other coverage would apply. Clerk will determine the exact nature of coverage availabl6. Information was also requested concerning the availability of sewer lines to serve this building when it is comspdmted. Councilman Mikelsen reported on a State Little League baseball tournament to be held in Port Orchard in August, 1968. I Mayor Repanich took this occasion to congratulate and thank Councilman Mikelsen and Mr. Hovde and Mr. Wibbels for their tireless efforts in promoting Little League activities in Port Orchard. Mr. Earl Snead of Rt. 6, Box 512, Port Orchard, was present re: his request (read by the Clerk) that he be permitted to establish a small appliance repair business at his residence on North Bay Streets, near the easterly city limits. Mr. Snead answered questions regarding the proposed operation of this shop and furnished information as to his plans. Determined that this application is within the intent of paragraph 8, Part A, Section 3 of Ordinance 719, as involving a "home occupation". Moved by Powers, seconded by Molsahn that this request be granted and Mr. Snead be authorised to establish the business as requested. Approved. Clerk will inform Mr. Snead in writing. Fire Chief Hacker reported a shortage of Firemen's clothing for volunteer firemen. He is gaining members regularly. He requested permission to purchase 8 sets of clothing, (coats, pants, boots, etc.) at a cost of about $750. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that the Fire Department be authorized to purchase 8 sets of clothing. Approved. Chief Hacker requested consideration be given to a replacement of six fire hydrants of an inferior type. Discussed by Council and Mayor. Determined that provisions were made for this in 1968 budget. Hacker also reported on a State fire Marshall -sponsored school to be held in December to quality members of Volunteer Fire Departments to conduct fire prevention inspections. To qualify to send personnel to this school, the City must amend the Fire Prevention Ordinance (Ordinance No. 655) to adopt the 1965 American Insurance Association Fire Prevention Code, in lieu of the 1956 NBFU Code now adopted. City Attorney directed to prepare an `amendment to the FPC Ordinance to affect this change. Chief Hacker reported on the receipt by the Department of a new portable first -aid resuscitator, a gift from the South Kitsap Junior Chamber of Commerce. The Clerk will prepare a letter of appreciation for the Mayor's signature. Chief Hacker reported on a school to be held December 4th on natural gas handling and fire -fighting. He also reported on the intentional burning of the old Olalla School on Sunday, 11-12-67. This was a training exercise for the benefit of the volunteer departments of the area and excellent training was realized. The matter of &--,new trash and refuse burning section to Fire Prevention Ordinance discussed. This will be ready for adoption and publicity, prior to the next burning season. Chief of Police Dow reported that the portable twoWrldio for his department recently authorized, will be shipped about 11-22-67. City Engineer Hollenbeck reported on a request of Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Co. to place a buried telephone line in Fireweed Street and Anderson Street (Andersonwood Addition). He offered no objection to this placement. Moved by Powers, seconded by Van Zee that this request be granted. Approved. City Engineer also reported that the "No VehicleR on Playing Fields" signs have been placed along north side of Givens Field. City Engineer Hollenbeck reported receiptdof a request from the State Highway Department for certain statistical information re: future street and road construction projects. City Engineer also reported on communications received from State Highway Department Urban Arterial Board and suggested that Port Orchard submit an application for Urban Arterial Funds for the Pottery Hill Parkwaypproject prior to the next deadline for applications which is December lot. The Council and Mayor discussed the prospectus prepared by the Engineer for this project. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Van Zee that the Individual Project Prospectus for this project be submitted. Approved. City Engineer reported on sewage sludge pumps which are under consideration for handling sewage plant s ludge. Matter of emergency 4lectric power (cont'd. from previous meeting) continued because of absence of Chair - main Fitzgerald of Fire and Light Committee. Councilman Mikelsen reported on the status of the agreement between the City and Annapolis Water District which was ratified by the City on 10-23-67. He reported that a few small, inconsequential discrepancies which were resolved at a greeting between himself and the District Water Commissioners on November 8, 1%7. He read several other changes which are necessary to meet the requirements of both parties. The agreement, as now prepared provides for the City to commence supplying water to the Annapolis area on January 1, 1968. City Engineer Hollenbeck reported that the re -development work on Well #6 was completed and the well is now delivering water at approximately the same rate as when first drilled. Mayor reported the appointment of Mr. W. S. Jacobson, of Rt. 4, Box 214, Port Orchard, as a member of the Civil Service Commission for Police. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Caldwell, that this appointment be concurred in. Approved. Clerk reported on the cost of installing flourescent lighting in the Library and Council Chambers. Discussed at length. Clerk will obtain additional installation costs and report to Council members direct. Clerk read a letter of Attorney Thomas lowrey re: refining and tailoring the comprehensive plan and soning and subdivision ordinances to the needs of Port orchard. Discussed by Mayor and members of the Council and the City Attorney. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Molzahn that the proposition outlined by Mr. Lowrey be accepted and that he be authorized to proceed with the project. Approved. ity Engineer reported on progress of improvements in Kitsap County Sewer District No. 5, and !the fact that increasing amountw of sewage are being received in the City's sewage treatment plant. Caldwell reported a meeting November 1st re: a Traffic Safety program being instituted by the County En- ginser's Office. This appears to be mostly a StatemwCounty program. A letter from the City Attorney was read, transmitting statements of costs of ap praisals, etc. of damages in LID construction, arising from recent damage suits. Discussed at length. Moved by Van Zee seconded by Caldwell that these bills be paid., Approved. i Clerk read a letter from Department of Public Assistance requesting information on the intentions of the City in regard to the Community Vm#ks and Training Program (the use by the City of Public $ssistance reci#ients in performing certain work projects). The Clerk recommended against renewal of thi agreement due to the dis•proportionato amount of paper work and supervision required for the results obt fined., Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Caldwell that this agreement not be renewed. Approved. Ckork read a.proposed ordinance which will amend Ordinance No. 17, (Section 9.04.030, Municipal Code, and Ordinance No. 785, sub -section 6) to insert a line inadvertently omitted when Ordinance #705 was prepared. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Molsahn that this proposed ordinance be adopted. Ap�roved and No. 794 assigned. I Bills were read in the amount ofs Current Expense $2,108.36, Water $4,145.15, Street $1,362.91, Sewer $1,306.51, Park $127.66. Total $9,140.59. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be approved and Vouchers No. 3230 through 3292 authorised paid. Approved, Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 12:00 midnight. LWO-V 6�� Clerk Mayor * e e * e Port Orchard, Washington November 27, 1967 A regular meeting; of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:32 p. m. by Mayor Repanich.' Council- men present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn, Powers and Van Zee. Also present: Attorney Ronald Thompson. substituting for City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow. Fire Chief Hacker and Mr. Jerry Holiday, representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of November 13, 1967 meeting read and approved as corrected. Fire Chief Hacker reported on a firm offer of $800.00 for the sale of the 1942 Ford fire truck (IM). This has previously been determined by the Council to be in excess of the City's needs and authorized to be sold Chief Hacker authorized to continue negotiations and sell the truck, Fire Captain Robert Gadberry asked information re: the problems of water pressure surges in thel! southerly part of the City on Robinson Road, when fire drills are conducted in this area, involving opens g and closing fire hydrants. Pressure relief valves have opened in the past, causing some damage. Tlis was previously reported in the minutes of 9-12-66. Discussed at length. The suggestion was made Mat tests be conducted with property owners to be notified as to date and time, and that the City Engineer deter- mine various pressure fluctuations at different locations to determine the cause and remedy for such con- ditions Moved by Fitsgerald, seconded by Powers that the property owners in the area of Fernw od Park Addition be notified that a test of pressure will be conducted, giving time, date, etc. Approv d. Matter of sewage sludge pumps, (cont'd. from previous meetings) further continued for further study. Matter of a source of emergency electric power, to be available in event of power outages discussed. A used, diesel powered 440 volt generator set is available for approximately $1,800.00. Determin d that this unit might not be practical due to need for transformers and extensive wiring. Continued, with Chair- man of Fire and Light Committee Fitzgerald to contact Bremerton officials to determine type and capacit y of new generators recently purchased by that City. I Councilman Fitzgerald recommended that a fire hydrant, now in the middle of the street near Fir eed and Flower Streets be moved to the edge of the right of way. This resulted from the recent widenin of streets In the area. City Engineer directed to move the hydrant. Councilman Mikelsen reported that the latest draft of the agreement between the City and the Annapolis Water District had not been presented to the District by its attorney at their .taste sting and therefore had not been ratified by the District in time to be re -presented to the City for approval. It is hopedjthat it will be ready for action by the City at the next Council meeting 12-11-67. I Clerk read an application of Mr. Wm. Van Zee for a variance from the side-yJard setback requirements and the use requirements of a garage on Lot #15 & 16, Block 12, Annapolis Addition, (Bench Road) and read statements of adjoining property owners indicating no objections to the granting of this varian e. Moved by Molrahn. seconded by Fitzgerald, that the recommendations of the Planning Commission be concurred in and that the variance be granted. on the question, considerable discussion developed on varian es in general and non -conforming uses and the conditions under which they should be approved or disapproved. The motion approved with 5 yeas, and one no and Van Zee abstaining. Mikelsen opened a discussion of instances where the City has performed street clearing and dirt!re- moval in some areas under questionable circumstances which might indicate preferential treatmen and which tend to result in criticism of the City's policies. Conditions and circumstances under which s ch work will be done discussed at length. Mayor recognized Mr. Adrian VanderHowen, Mr. Richard Gray, Mr. Ron Calla and Mr. Bill 7Cornwell, rep- resenting South Kitsap Junior Chamber of Commerce, who were present to discuss and show plans for a pro- posed uniform numbering system for the City, a project undertaken by that organization a year ago. A large map with numbering grids was displayed and examined at length. Street name changes where re- quired also discussed. Methods by which these changes and number assignments could best be accomplished were discussed. Moved by Fitzgerald, seconded by Powers that the plan as now developed, be tentatively accepted subject to further refinement, and that the group be authorized to continue on the project. Motion included a commendation of the Junior Chamber of Commerce for their efforts in this project. Approved. The Clerk reported on costs of labor only for the installation of flourescent lighting in the Library. He was directed to secure additional proposals for the furnishing of fixtures and labor. Clerk read a resolution which would authorize the budgetary transfer of $35.00 from Current Expense, Maai�nt— enance and Operation to Current Expense, Salaries and Wages, (General Goverment). Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this resolution be adopted. Approved and No. 1052 assigned. Chief of Police Dow requested information re: the proposed remodeling of the City Hall to permit additional space for the Police Department. Mayor reported the status of the City's application for State Library Board financial assistance in this project. Chief Dow reported on the progress being made in preparing to conduct examinations and tests to establih a roster of eligible applicants for appointment to the Police Department. Chief Dow reported on receipts of the new chemical gun for the use of patrolmen in controlling violent or menacing suspects. City Engineer Hollenbeck reported on a request of Mr. Fred Hannah of Hannah and Powell properties for assistance in repairing the "drive through" corridor from Harrison Street to the parking lot near the Post Office. Referred to Street and Alley Committee for study. City Engineer also reported on problems of the Water Department involving old and deteriorated water lines of inadequate size. He is replacing these lines and eliminating duplications 6f service to provide better service, as rapidly as this can be accomplished. He also discussed other areas in the westerly portion of the City, where the water supply system is inadequate. Councilman Van Zee of Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported on a request from youth groups for replace- ment of basketball backstops at Givens Field. These are under construction. Vmn 7.ee also presented a bill for approval involving the replacement of a window in the new Little League Bhilding. Little League officials h d previously requested clarification of the status of this building as involves coverage under the City's insurance protection. This building is on City property and is there- by the City's responsibility. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Molzahn that this bill be paid. Approved. Mikelsen requested information on the re -scheduling of the regular meeting of the Council (December 25th) which falls on Christmas Day. Determined that this meeting would be held on Wednesday, December 27th, 1967. Councilman Molzahn reported that he would be absent from the City for the December 27th and January 8th meetings. Mikelsen reported on a continuing problem of littering of newspaper drop points in the City, particularly at Sidney and Kendall Streets and Sidney and Radey Streets. He requested the City Attorney to determine what further steps could be taken to reduce and improve the situation. Bills were read in the amounts: Current Expense $515.55; Water $8,402.14; Street $385.75; Sewer $756.49; Park $21.89; Total $10,081,82. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Van Zee that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 3293 thru 3323 authorized paid. Approved. Moved, /seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 11:30 p. m. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington December 11, 1967 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:30 p. m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present were: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Mikelsen, Molzahn, Powers and Van Zee. Also present: City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker, Mr. Jerry Holiday, representing the Bremerton Sun. City Attorney Thompson excused until later in the evening. Minutes of November 27, 1967 Council meeting read and approved. Mayor recognized Ray Hall, who presented the latest plans and thinking of the Council and interested property owners re: the street which has been proposed to be built north of the existing water front and tide lands. A map showing the route of the proposed street was displayed and examined. Future extension of this street east and west discussed. Alter considerable discussion, Mr. Hall was directed to further discuss the project with the property owners who would be effected and determine their ideas, as well as those of the South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce. Mayor recongnized Mr, Bob Joslin, the City's insurance carrier representative, who discussed the problem of possible employer's liability insurance coverage particularly fat the volunteer firemen. It appears that volunteer firemen had recently been granted legal right to sue the City in event of injury due to negligence on the part of the City. Mr. Joslin suggested that additional insurance coverage might be made available to provide protection for such liability. Discussed at length. City Attorney requested to study this matter of possible liability and report at the next meeting. Chief Hacker reported on the matter of water pressure surges in lines in southerly portion of City (Robinson Road, Fernwood Park area) when fire hydrants are opened or closed. A test was conducted on 12-8-67 as directed in minutes of 11-27-67. This test indicated that there is definitely slivery strong pressure surge when hydrants are opened or closed, with pressure fluctuation between 40 and 1 0 pounds, with resultant lifting of domestic pressure relief valves and other possible damage. Referre to City Engineer for study and recommendations As to corrective action feasible. Chief Hacker also reported that the surplus Ford fire truck to the new owner. He also reported that the Fire Department appreciable loss. #4) had been sold for $800.00 an delivered had answered two calls in Novemb�r with no Mayor Repanich recognized Mr. Richard Gray, President of the South Kitsap Junior Chamber of Commerce, who requested authority for his group to erect the huge Santa Claus at the Highway #160-Bethet highway intersection. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Molzahn that this be authorized. Approved. Councilman Mikelsen, Chairman of Water, Sewer, "ealth and Sanitation Committee reported that the latest draft of the Annapolis Water District - City of Port Orchard agreement (reported in previousminutes) has not yet been ratified by the District, but that it will be acted upon by that body 12-13-7, in which event the Mayor would be requested to convene a special meeting of the Council to ratify it. City Engineer Holienbeck reported that the fire hydrant (minutes of 11-27-67) at Fireweed andlFlower Streets had been moved to the edge of the right-of-way. Clerk reported that one proposal had been received to furnish and install flourescent lightin fixtures in the Library for $308.00 for open diffuser type or $321.-- for "Wrap -around" polystyrene di fusers. Clerk directed to obtain additional proposals from two firms to install these fixtures in both the Library and Council Chambers, (separate proposals for each area). Councilman Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee reported on the request of Mr. Fred Hannah *nd Ross Powell, for consideration of improvement to the "drive -through" between Harrison Street and the Post Office area. This project ('reported in minutes of 11-27-67) has now been changed to the possibolity of firing the north end of Harrison Street and the area north of the liquor store sufficiently to permit acOss and egress from the parking lots to Harrison Street. Continued for further study and information' Caldwell also reported on a survey of about 150 street intersections to determine whether traffic.control signs are of standard size, color, height, etc. The State Highway Department has directed that these s#gns be standardized by December 31, 1968. Matter of littering of newspaper "drop points" in the City discussed by Mikelsen. Course of action recommended by the City Attorney was reported by the Clerk. Continued until future meetings. Clerk reported that Pacific Northwest Bell Co. was about to let contracts for the laying of the line along east side of Sidney Street right-of-way from South Street to south City limits as approved in1minutes of September 11 meeting, but no permit has been issued and fee and bond has not been provided Engineer will keep this under observation. Clerk reported that the fortieth annual skeport of examination by the State Auditor (for 1966)1had been re- ceived and was available for inspection by any interested person. Clerk also reported on receipt of a new directive concerning the placing of banners or other decorations over streets which are part of the State Highway System. A request is required for each suchlinstaliation. The Clerk will make application for the placing of the Christmas decoratinris already placed. Mayor Repanich discussed recent developments involving Kitsap County health Department. Thatldepartment Is preparing to move into permanent quarters at the old Bremerton Annex to Naval Ammunition D pot, on Kitsap Way west of Bremerton. This move, along with new state legislation will increase the cost of Health services to participants, by approximately 50%. City Engineer Hollenbeck reported on the recent high water accompanying the high tide of December 5th, which resulted in the highest water in over 60 ,years in the Port Orchard area. Water stood 5;to 6 inches deep on North Bay Street north of the new dry cleaning and laundromat establishment and 6 to $ inches on the north side of Bay Street at Orchard Street, but did not rise up through floor drains in the building owned by Hugh Bartlett occupied by Pete's Gun Shop, which has been the source of trouble on the occasion of many high tides, which did not rise as high as the one mentioned, City Engineer also reported that Kitsap County Sewer District No. 5 new connection to the C ty sewer system at Bay and Tracy Street had been inspected and approved by the Health Department and sewage will be routed Into the City's system very soon. Chief of Police Dow reported on the probable loss of another police patrolman within the nextitwo weeks, which will result in considerable overtime being required of the remaining members of the force. Clerk reported on the matters discussed at the Executive Session of the -ouncil on November 3�, 1967 when it was determined from Mr. Terry Thompson and City Attorney Don Thompson that the City Engineer's plans and drawings for the improvement of the water system in the Annapolis area lifter the City takes over the portion of the Annapolis Water District which is in the City, must be approved and bear the seal of a consulting engineering firm. Discussed by the Mayor and members of the Council. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Caldwell, that the Clerk be authorized to direct the City's consulting engineering firm, Hammond, Collier and Isaac, to examine, refine and modify as may be necessary, and approve the plans for the extension and improvement of the City water system..in the Annapolis Hill area to meet the requirements of the bond and finance firm and the plans and system ordinance which will by presented to the Council at the next regular meeting on December 27. Approved. Bills were read in amounts of: Current Expense $1,825.25; Water $595.46; Street S946.28; Sewer $255..20; Park $67.66, Total $3,716.85, Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be al�,owed and Vouchers No. 3324 through 3375 authorized paid. Approved. Clerk Mayor e � 0 Minutes of meeting (special) of Dec. 14, 1967 appear after December 27, 1967. Port Orchard, Washington December 27, L967 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council (postponed from December 25) called to order at 7:45 p. m. by Mayor Repanich. councilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Mikelsen, Powers, Molzahn and Van Zee, absent, (excused). Also present: City Attorney Thompson, City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Hacker and Mr. Jerry Holiday, representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of regular meeting of December 11, and special meeting of December 14, 1967, read and approved as corrected. Mayor announced that the first order of business of this meeting would be to administer the oath of office to the Mayor and Councilmen who had been elected (re-elected) at the November 7, 1967 election. The Clerk administered the oath of office to Mayor Repanich and Councilmen Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Mikelsen and Powers. The oath of office in the case of Councilman Molzahn will be administered at the next meeting at which he is present. Mayor requested information from City Attorney re: the possible liability of the City in case of injuries to Volunteer Firemen, who might be injured while fighting a fire due to the negligence of the City or its officials or employees, (referred to in minutes of 12-11-67 meeting). City Attorney reported on a very recent Attorney -General's opinion that indicate definite liability on the part of the City in such cases. Discussed by Mayor, Councilmen, City Attorney and "r. Bob Joslin, agent forthe City's insurance carrier. Several hypothetical and actual cases were considered. City Attorney stated an opinion that the City should assume that such liability would exist if a volunteer fireman were injured under such conditions as des- cribed above. Moved by Fitzgerald, seconded by Powers that the City take steps to provide for insurance against such liability by additional coverage in the insurance program now in effect, at an approximate cost of $180.00 annually. Approved. Fire Chief Hacker reported that he would be absent from the next three (3) Council meetings due to atten- dance at schools. City Engineer reported on the matter of fluctuation of water pressure in the Fernwood Park area when fire hydrants are used. He recommends, as the most economical method of correcting the problem, the installation of individual pressure reducing valves at each service line. The ideal and permanent solution to the problem would be the completion of a loop connecting this dead end to another main which would eliminate the pressure surges. Discussed by Mayor and Council. City Attorney stated the opinion that this could be left to the option of the property owner, to be at his expense if accomplished. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Caldwell that the City Attorney be directed to prepare letters to each property owner informing of possible damage resulting from such surges and recommending the installation of pressure reducing valves at their own expense. Approved. Clerk reported on proposals of two electrical contracting firms to install flourescent light fixtures in Library and Council Chambers. 'he proposal of "ice Electric Co, was for $321.00 for six (6) 8-ft. fixtures in the Library, installed, plus tax and $440.40 for eight (8) 8-ft. fixtures in the Council Chambers in. stalled, plus tax. The proposal of Beacon "lectric Co, would have installed the same number of each Location for S395.00 and S552.00 respectively. Discussed at length by Mayor and Council. Clerk directed to determine what the saving would be for the installatioA of individual 4-ft. four -light fixtures on existing extensions. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Geiger that the lowest proposal for installation of polystyrene -diffused fixtures in Library (Rice Electric Co. $321.00) be accepted, and the work done. Approved. Caldwell reported "no progress" in the matter of the proposed fill at north end of Harrison Street and North of the liquor store (minutes of 12-11-67). Discussed briefly and further continued. The matter of jaywalking by pedestrians in the City discussed. It appears that this practice is on the Increase. Chief of Police Dow directed to arrange publicity re: the problem and reminding the public of the fact that this is a dangerous practice and a violation of City ordinances. The Chief of Police was directed to enforce these ordinances after a reasonable period of publicity. During the discussion on this matter, the Mayor and Council also considered the desirability of providing better illumination of dangerous intersections for additional protection of pedestrians. Referred to Fire and Light Committee for study. Clerk read'a proposed ordinance which would adopt and authorize a system or plan of additions, betterments and extensions of the waterworks utility of the City. This involves the improvements necessary to provide Port Orchard water to the Annapolis Hill area. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that this ordinance be adopted. Approved as corrected in Section 3, paragraph (7) and No. 795 assigned. City Engineer reported on progress and problems in preparing to deliver water to Annapolis Hill area of the City, This water service will be inaugurated at 8:00 a, m., January 2, 1968. City Engineer also reported on problems arising during snow plowing operations during recent storm, particularly along "snow route", wheree parked cars caused difficulties. Discussed at length. City Attorney requested to study the matter of controlling or prohibiting parking on this route during periods of snowfall. City Attorney reported on the problem of possible conflict with State Statutes in the case of the structure constructed on City Park property by private funds and limited to use by Little League baseball clubs. Discussed at tenth by Mayor, Council and City Attorney. City Attorney recommends the leasing of land occupied by the structure to the appropriate organizations which would be responsible for maintenance. City Attorney mentioned the need for an ordinance establishing a Library Board to recommend policies for the efficient operation of the Port Orchard Library to the Kitsap Regional Library. Discussed by Mayor and Council. City Attorney will prepare an ordinance for this purpose. Clerk read a proposed resolution which would temporarily relax the requirement of Ordinance No. 715 (Sec. 2.28.050, Port Orchard Municipal Code) which limits the amount of accrued annual leave which may be carried from one year to the next. This involves the Chief of Police and one patrolman who have been prevented from reducing their accrued leave to the maximum allowed due to shortage of personnel. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that this resolution be adopted. Approved and No. 1053 assigned. Clerk reported on a verbal request of Mr. Ed Roberson, local manager of Cascade Natural Gas Co. for con- sideration by the City of an arrangement whereby the City would accept responsibility for the restoration of pavement broken by the Company in making installations, for which the City would be reimbursed in the usual manner, Continued pending receipt of a written request. i Clerk read a copy of a letter from the State Librarian, Miss Maryanne Reynolds, to the Regionall!.Librarian, Mrs. Evelyn Bbwen, which indicates the approval of the City's request for Federal financial assistance in the en- larging of City Nall to permit a 100% increase in the space available to the Library and new quarters for the Police Department. This application has been approved by the State Library Board and $4,000.00Ihas been set aside for the matching funds, conditional upon certain conditions being met. City engineer will begin assem- bling necessary information preparatory to issuing a call for bids for the project. Councilman Mikelsen re -opened discussion on the matter of littering of streets and other public property by newspaper carriers at "drop points" where papers are left by distributors (reported at previous ',meetings). Discussed by the City Attorney as to legal problems involved. He recommends that he be directed to write letters to the newspapers and the local circulation managers informing them of the problem and the intention of the City to adopt an ordinance which will prohibit the delivery of papers on City property, Moved qy Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that the City Attorney be directed to contact newspapers and their circulation agents who deliver papers for carriers in Port Orchard, informing them of the problem and what the City intends to do to correct the situation. Approved. Bills were read in the amount: Current Expense $4,398.93, Water Fund $980.25, Street Fund $981.79, Sewer Fund $216.40, Park Fund $36.97, total $6,614.34. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Powers that these bills be allowed and 'ouchers No. 3376 through 3413 be authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 11:00 p. m. ow "W-11d Clerk 4c $c 4c ,4 Mayor Port Orchard, Washingtoo December 14, 1967 A special meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 5:10 p. m. by Mayor Repanich. ',Council- men present: Fitzgerald, Mikelsen, Molzahn, Powers and Van Zee. Caldwell and Geiger absent (excused). Also present were: City Engineer Hollenbeck and Mr. Jerry Holiday, representing Bremerton Sun. Mayor R*panich announced that the purpose of this meeting was to ratify the final draft of the agreement between the City and the Annapolis water District for the assumption of service to that portion Or the District now inside the City, Clerk read the new draft of th$s agreement, which was ratified and signed by the Annapolis Water'iDistrict Comissioners at their meeting on December 14, 1967. 'loved by Mikelsen, seconded by Molzahn that this agreement be ratified by the Council and the Mayor authorized to sign the agra went for the City The City Engineer reported to the Council his plans for the necessary changes to effect this "take-over" on January 2, 1968, and other work to be done after service is provided. Mov seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 5:30 p. m. Clerk Mayor DJV. CF MUN, CORP. STATE EXAM!`IEN of Hi 1� �X r I i