01/01/1966 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington January 10, 1966 Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 P. M. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Lippert, Mikelsen, Powers, Rylander and Van Zee. Geiger absent (excused). Also present: City Attorney Thompson, City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow, Building Inspector Hall and Mr. Gerald Grosso, representing the Bremerton Sun. Minutes of December 27, 1965 meeting read and approved. Mayor announced that a City Engineer -Superintendent of Public Works had been employed to replace George Givens and he introduced Mr. Thomas Hollenbeck to the members of the council and others present. Building Inspector Hall presented a map on which existing and proposed boundaries of Fire Zone #1 were drawn. Examined by councilmen and Mayor. The effect on existing structures and possible new building discussed. It was determined by the council that the proposed boundaries o'f Fire Zone ##1, as presented by Mr. Hall and modified by mutual consent should be adopted. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Powers that the boundaries of Fire Zone ##1, as outlined by Hell and discussed and mod- ified by the council be adopted. Approved. Building Inspector Hall to prepare detgiled description and new map. Mr. M. E. Cornelius, County Civil. Defense Director introduced and spoke to the council re: responsibility of City to establish a Civil Defense Center and appoint a City Civil Defense Director or Coordinator. He discussed the background of Civil Defense in Counties and Cities. He recomm- ended that the Council authorize the Mayor to appo-nt a Coordinator of Civil Defense or Civil Defense Director for Port Orchard as authorized by Ordinance ##625. Discussed by Mayor and Council- men. Building Inspector Hall reported that no further progress had been made in the obtaining of an easement in the Etta B. Jones addition to permit installation of a sewer in that area, particu- larly to serve the Nazerene Church and Parsonage. City Engineer Hollenbeck discussed engineer- ing features. Chief Dow reported no further figures were available on how parking was utilized during the period of removal of restrictions in December. He will assemble such figures for next meeting. Mayor and counci&men discussed the planting of a flowering cherry tree presented to the City by Business and Professional Women's Assn. Moved by Powers, seconded by Lippert that this tree be planted on the north side of the front of the City Hall. Approved with 5 yeas and 1 nay (Rylander). Councilman Van 'Lee recommended that the trees which are missing from the water front parking strip adjacent to the merchants parking lot be replaced. Mayor read a letter from the Board of Park Commissioners containing a list of recommendations as follows: 1. Procure property for Parks in anticipation of further rise in property values. 2. Investigate the possibility of acquiring the 500 feet of water front at Retsil from the State Fish and Game Department. 3. Procure property along Blackjack Creek from the County. 4. Search for suitable areas for observation or vantage points in Port Orchard around Dogwood Hill or the Courthouse for public use. Referred to Parks and Recreation Committee for study. Mikelsen of Fire and Light Committee reported no further progress on the survey of street lighting requirements due to extremely bad weather. Proposed ordinance authorizing Standard Oil Co. of Ealifornia to continue to maintain a petroleum pipeline in Bay and:Fort Streetsi authrized by Ordinance ##268 and which will expire in April, 1966 read. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Caldwell that a copy of this proposed ordinance be transmitted to the Standard Oil Co. with a letter explaining it and requesting a reply, as to whether it is acceptable. Approved. Clerk reported that two sewerage liens which had been filed against properties had been satisfied. Matter of proposal of South Kitsap Soroptomist Club to install a dringing fountain in downtown Port Orchard area discussed., Rylander will contact secretary and determine type of fountain bin considered. Further discussion that the old fountain, removed from northwest corner of Bay` treels should be installed near Active Club Recreation Building. Matter of special election for Library special levy discussed. Moved by Powers, seconded by Lippert that special levy proposition be placed on the ballot for the March 8th election which has been scheduled for the presentation of school propositions. Approved. Ordinance ##741 authorizing the library special levy read by the Clerk. Moved by Rylander, seconded by Lippert, that this ordinance be adopted. Approved. Resolution No. 1030 re: budgetary transfers to balance 1965 budget expenditures read. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that this resolution be adopted. Approved. Mayor called on the new City Engineer Mr. Hollenbeck for comments re: the Public Works Department. Mr. Hollenbeck stated that he had no opinions formed as yet. He did report on a few of the prob- lems involving the clean-up after the recent heavy snowfall. Van Zee asked questions of City Engineer re: installation of a new water line north of properties on Bay Streets._ Chief Dow reported that his present quarters need painting very badly. After discussion it was moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that the Police Department space be painted. Approved. Mayor re -opened discussion on request of Mr. Cornelius, Kitsap County Civil Defense Director earl- ier in this meeting that a City Civil Defense Director or Coordinator be designated. After con- f siderable discussion by the council it was moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Lippert that the Mayor be authorized to appoint a Civil Defense Coordinator for the City of Port Orchard. Approved. Van Zee reported that the Economic Opportunity or "War on Poverty' meetings that he had been interested in attending were being regularly scheduled for Tuesday nights and that he was unable to attend since he works 6n that night. Discussion of this program followed. Clerk reported that Mr. W. C. Rogers of 1349 Sidney Street had personally acknowledged responsib- ility for the payment of $170.00 engineering costs incurred in the survey of facilities preliminary to extension of South Street sewer which was done at his request and the project abandoned by him before completion. He will pay this amount in the near future. Clerk further reported that the insurance carrier for Mr. and Mrs. Grant Fuller had indicated that they would pay for the damage to Fire Department radio equipment incurred by Mr. Fuller's car striking a power pole. Letter from Mr. Don Van Gilder of Bill Avenue, Jones Addition read by the Clerk, reporting that heavy rains and snow melting had caused flooding of his driveway and sidewalk areas. He believes that the street may not have been properly graded. Referred to Street and Alley Committee for investigation and report. Bills read in the amount of: Current Expense, $2,604.94; Water, $592.51; Street, $1,130.65; Sewer, $303.52; Parks, $120.71; Water Construction, $5.59. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert that these bills be allowed and vouchers No. 1527 through 1573 authorized for payment. On the question some discussion was raised on Voucher #1561 involving equipment rental for snow removal from side- walks. Determined that this had been authorized by Superintendent of Public Wor ks Givens. The motion was approved. Meeting adjourned at 11:00 P. M. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington January 24, 1966 A regular meeting of the Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen, Powers and Van Zee. Also present were City Attorney Thompson, City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Gale Dow, Building Inspector Ray Hall and Mr. Gerald Grosso, representing the Bremerton Sun. Minutes of January 10, 1966 meeting read and approved as corrected. Mr■ John Kieinbach, Chairman of the Port Orchard Library Board introduced and spoke re: the matter of special library levy election to be held on March 8, 1966. Ideas for encouraging the public to vote in this election discussed. Mr. Phil Chadbourne of Herdman Realty introduced and spoke concerning an application for re -zone of an area frog► R-1 to R-2 of property southwest of Bay Street in Skaufe's Addition. After con- siderable discussion, the application for this re -zone, submitted by Mr. Elwood Emerson of Route 5, Box 153-A was read by the Clerk. After further considerable discussion, it was moved by Lippert seconded by Van Zee that the action of the Planning Commission► in recommending disapproval of this application be concurred in. Approved with 3 yeas, one nay and 3 abstentions. Ann application for re -zone from R-1 to Commercial, submitted by R. P. Joslin and E. W. Bloomquist an area on both sides of Bay Street, worth of Wetzel Street, was read by the Clerk. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert that the action of Planning Commission be concurred in (in recommending approval). Approved. Building Inspector Hall reported that he had completed a written description of boundaries of new Fire Zone #1, (continued from previous meetings) and he was directed to refer it to City Attorney Thompson for study and preparation as an amendment to the Building Code Ordinance. Mayor Repanich discussed the matter of appointing a Civil Defense Director of Coordinator(conkinued from meeting of January 10, 1966.) After discussion it was moved by Lippert, seconded by Van Zee that the area in the north end of Firemen's recreation room in lower level of Municipal Building be conv erted to Civil Defense Center. Approved. City Attorney reported on a meeting with Mr. & Mrs. Robert Williams of Route 2, Box 101, port Orcc- ard, regarding an easement for the construction of a sewer line to serve the -Nazarene Church and parsonage and later to be included in an LID to serve the Etta B. Jones Addition. He reported on an offer made to the Williams* for an easement from Sidney Street east along the north property line for about 120 Feet and south across their property onto property owned by the Nazarene Church to permit the construction of the sewer. City Engineer Hollenbeck reported on a discussion he had with Mrs. Williams regarding possibility of acquiring right-of-way for a street sKusk along north property line for full length of the prop- erty. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that City Attorney be authorized to negotiate with Mr. and Mrs. Williams for a 20 foot right-of-way along north side of their property for a part of a future street and an easement across their property from north to south for $300.00. Approved. A report prepared by Ch4ef Dow concerning abuses of free parking during period of 6-24 December was read. Approximately 10 to 151cars were involved in almost all of the abuses of these privel- egeh. Mikelsen reported that the flowering cherry tree (referred to In minutes of 1-10-66 meetin ) will be planted by Mr. Glen Greseth of Port Orchard Nursery in the designated area, northease o tithe Municipal Building in the near future. Matter of drinking fountain in downtown area of Port Orchard as proposed by South Kitsap Soropt- imist Club, continued in committee. City Engineer Hollenbeck reported that the matter of poov drainage in Jones Addition!as reported by Mr. Don VanGilder, in the minutes of 1-10 meeting, has been corrected. Traffic problems created by new sidewalks in TB&M and Howe Motors area discussed. Street side of the curbs along this didewalksshave been painted yellow to remind motorists. A statement of progress of this project prepared by Hammond, Collier & Isaac was presented by the Clerk for approval. Mayor reported on requests by the NARCE for extended privileges in Active Club Building. Other problems involving care and 6tilization of the building discussed. Mikelsen reported that the Fire Department had taken delivery of the van -type vehicle purchased partly by city funds, and partly by Volunteer Fire Department funds. It will be equipped as an emergency vehicle by volunteer funds. Mikelsen also reported on a meeting of Kitsap Community Action Board (War on Poverty program) on January 11, 1966. Mikelsen reported on progress of installation of wire on tennis court fences, and other improve- ments accomplished and still needed. He reported on the items discussed at a recent Parks and Recreation Committe meeting, in various problems involving the Active Club Building and play- grounds. Mikelsen reported on the desirability of the beautification of various areas, particularly the west end and north side of the municipalzbuiiding, Van Zee of Parks and Recreation Committe recommends the purchase of 3 doors for installation in new partitions to be constructed in basement of Active Club Reacreatiew Building. rived by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that Van Zee be authorized to purchase 3 used doors for this purpose which are available at a cost 6f about $8.00. Approved. Powers reported on status of sewer rate study and explained the new rate structure currently under consideration. Continued for further study. Powers reported that he had received a request for permission to install signs at south and west entrances of the city stating "Home of South Kitsap Wolves". Moved by Lippert, seconded by Cald- well that theses signs be authorized. Approved. Chief of Police Dow, reported on approach of the fire permit season, and time requirements established in Ordinance #393. Recommends a new Ordinance be adopted to coincide dates etc. with County re- quirements as administered by State Department of Natural Resources. Referred to Fire and Light Committee for study and recommendation. City Attorney Thompson reported that another lawsuit had been filed against the city for damages Incurred in construction of LID #60. r City Clark presented a Revised Six -year Comprehensive Arterial Street Program, required by -annually by the State Highway Department, for consideration. This program was revised by Superintendent of Public Works Givens prior to December 31, 1965, and approved by the Planning Commission. After reading the list of projects contained in this plan, Resolution #1031 adopting this plan, was read. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Lippert that this plan be approved, and Resolution #1031 be adopted. Approved. Bills were read in the amount of; Current Expense, $5,267.37; Water, $3,137.01; Street, $1,713.92 Sewer, $3,403.42; Park, $283.21; Total: $13,804.93. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Van Zee that these bills be allowed and Vouchers #1574 through #1607 be approved for payment. Approved. r Adjourned at 12:30 A. M. =110 W_714.11 Port Orchard, Washington February 1, 1966 A special Ming of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 P. M. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen, Powers, Rylander, and Van Zee Absent. (excused). Also present: Mr/ Gerald Grosso, representing Bremerton Sun. Mayor Repanich announced that this meeting had been called to recieve and act on the recommenda- tions of the City Planning Commission concerning the re -zone of two (2) pieces of property from Resodnetial 1 to Commercial. The Clerk read an application,of Richard E. and Elizabeth E. Schultheis, James I and Allene M. Maddock and Willi4m and Ci ra Lippert for re -zone from R-1 to Commercial of approximately 19 acres in NEk a WT; Na ffik. 'e tion 2, Township 23 North, Range 1E,.WM. After some initial discussion, it was moved 6y Powers and seconded by Mikelsen that the applicator for re -zone, as submitted and � recommended approved by the City Planning Commission be authorized. On the questions Mikelsen directed a series of guestio?l to Mr. Schulth6is as to the specific intentions of the owners of the property if this re -zones granted. Mr. Schulth6ts stated that no intention exiatbd to cahstruct any buildings or start any enterprises of broader commercial nature than the hospital or other ira health-care oriented type of business now under consideration. Mr. Britell of the Pioneer Develop- ment Copporation spoke for the Hospital Association and answered questions. The motion was approved with 4 yeas and one abstention (Lippert). The Clerk read an applic� ion of LeRoy and Hallie Barringer for re -zone from R-1 to Commercial of approximately 8 acres ia� of NWk, section 2, Township 23 North, Range 1 East, W.M. with exceptions. After brief discussion it was moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that this application for re- zone, as submitted and recommended approved by the City Planning Commission be authorized. Approved. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P. M. V Clerk ----------- Mayor Port Orchard, Washington February 14, 1966 Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:30 P. M. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen, Powers and Van Zee. Rylander abseert, (not excused). Also present: City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow, Ronald Thompson as City Attorney in absence of Donald Thompson, and Mr. Gerald Grosso representing the Bremerton Sun. Minutes of special weeting of February 1, 1966 read and approved. Minutes of regular_ meeting alglitnuary 24, 1966 read and approved. Mr. Phil Chadbourne of Hardman Realty Co. introduced and referred to a situation involving a dwell- ing which is encroaching on the property of another person, Mr. Elwood Emerson, and also on a city street, (Smith street). The clerk read a copy of a letter from Mr. Emerson explialning the situation. Mayor Repanich discussed the situation and informed the Council of certain facts concerning It. Matter referred to City Attorney for recommendation as to the city's action as involves the encroa- chment on city street with a report on February 28. Mr. Dusty Winebrenner, Mr. Fred Hannah and Mr. T. W, Heckel, a,coammittee of the Port Orchard Chamber of Commerce, introduced and Mr. Hannah spoke concerning a steady conducted of the parking problems in port Orchard. Recommendations made as follows: ))eight (8) hour parking f� Fred- erick street to tine.Thriftvay Store. 20 Remove parking meters from Frederick Street Sidney Street liouth of Bay Street. Mr. Hannah also reported that quite frequently the downtown business men and their employees are unable to find parking space near their place of work. Mr. Winebrenner then spoke concerning the same problem. He suggests that the evening traffic congestion at Bay and Sidney Streets between 4:45 to 5:00 P. M. could be relieved by man-,mally controlled traffic for a period of about 15-20 minutes to speed movement from the parking lot to Bay Street. Met. Heckel further discussed the problem and recommended the establishment of four (4) 15 minute park- ing spaces near the ferry laudiag.at the end of Sidney Street. After considerable further discus- sion, the mutter continued in joint study between Street and Alley Comasmittee and the Chamber of !� Commerce Committee, with an initial meeting on February 17. Ordinance No. 750, amending Ordinance #737, (Building Code) and redefining the boundaries of 'Fire Zones, read by Clerk. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this ordinance be adopted: Approved. Ron Thompson spoke concerning the negotiations between the city and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Williams concerning the easement across their property to permit installation of a sewer. Mikelsen of Parks and Recreation Committee, reported that the flowering, cherry -tree, donated by the Business and Professional Wom b's Club had been planted by Mr. Greseah near the northeast corner of the Minicipal Building. He also reported that the location of the fountain proposed to be in- stalled by the South Kitsap Seroptimist Club has been tentatively selected as about 20 feet *est of Sidney Street on Bay Street in front of Myhre's Cafe. Continued in committee with City Engin- eer Holleabeck to investigate connection with the sewer. Mikelsen reported that concrete block partitions have been started .in the basement of the Active Club Recreation Building. He also reported that the wire fencing will be installed around the tennis courts by a,firm specializing in such work for about $400.00. Mikelsen recommended that fire extinguishers be available in all city owed buildings'. Fire Chief to be requested to make a survey of requirements and a report to be submitted at a future meeting. Parks and Recreation Committee reported that additional fencing will be required along the east side of Central Playground to pr?J a ilfte property from wild baseballs. This -committee studied the beautification of the a and Bay Streets and the west'end and north slide of the Municipal Building. Matter continued in co ittee. Van Zee made additional report an various phases of recreational!gacilities and programs. Dis- cussed by Councilmen and Mayor. Matter of Fire (burning) permits and ordinance continued in committee. Fire and Light Committee (Mikelsen) reported that progress is being made in the improvement of street lighting. Letter of Pacific Northwest -Bell Telephone Company rea&re: application for a permit!to install 977 feet of underground cable, to serve Best's Garden Grove ;Addition on Fireweed Street. Dis- cussed by Engineer, Councilmen) and Mayor. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Van Zee that, the action of Engineer in approving the request for a coastruction permit to make this Installation be con- curred in. Approved$ except that the crossing of Fireweed Road should be with 55 feet of under- ground pipe instead of 25 feet as indicated in the letter and drawing. Letter of the State Census Board re: a census of Pest Orchard read by the.Clerk. Continued for determination pending completion of preliminary census now under way by the Part Orchard Junior Chamber of CO mirerce. Letter of Standard Oil Company of California read ref their application for a renewal of the right to maintain a petroleum pipe line is Bay and Port Streets. They will accept tlae proposed ordinance except that they request a thirty day notice prior to removal or re-locatialn of these lines. Continued with Attorney to make necessary changes in proposed ordinance and present at next meeting for action. A proposed ordinance for the establishment of a "Sidewalk Construction Fund" for the':.payment of costs of the construction of the sidewalks in TB&M, Hoge Motors and blestbay area read by the Clerk. This ordinance required by the provisions of RCW. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Lippert that this o#dfaance be adopted. Approved. Clerk read Resolution No. 1032 authorizing the Treasurer to transfer $1,957.881, as a loan, from water Fond to Sidewalk Construction Fund for payment of costs of the construction 4f sidewalks as authorized in Ordinance #751. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Caldwell that this Resolution be adopted. Approved. Letter from Explorer Post No. 530 read concerning a campaign being conducted by that'erganization to clean litter from streets and highways surrounding Port Orchard. The matter of parking in Merchants parking lot north of Bay Street brought up for further dis- cussion by Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee. Charts and drawings of proposed parking lay- out examined and discussed. This proposed parking system will be the basis of discussion between the Street and Alley Committee and the Committee of the Port Orchard Chamber of Cow"rce. City Engineer requested information concerning legality of selling timber from platted but un- improved street (Sherman Street from Melcher Street to Tremont Street,) Attbeney Thcimoprson stated opinion that such sale would be entirely legal. Engineer will further develop his plan for ex- tending Sherman Strebb. Matter of extending Port Orchard water service to annexed areas of Annapolis discussed. This matter will be further investigated. Bills were read in the amount of: Current Expense, $1,538.14; Water, $561.27; Street, $19659.92 Sewer, $524.84, Park, $80.499 Sidewalk Construction, $1,296.87. Total, $5*661.55. loved by Lippert seconded by 'Van Zee that these bills be allowed and that vouchers No. 1608 through Nq. 1666 be authorized for payment. Approved. Adjourned at 11:50 P. M. Clerk l Port Orchard, Washington. February 280 1966 Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 P.,M. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen, Powers and Van Zee. Rylakder absent, (not excused). Also present: City Engineer Hallenbeck, Chief of Police Dow, -Ronald Thompson as City Attorney, vice Donald Thompson a nd Mr. Gerald Grosso, representing Bremerton San. Minutes of February 14, 1966 meeting read and approved. Ronald Thompson speaking for City Attorney, reported that, in his opinion, the City has no responsibility to require the moving of the house which is encroaching in Smith Street near Grant Street, until such time as it is required to permit use of the street. Mr. Phil Chad- bourne of Herdman Realty discussed the situation as it effects property he is'interested in. Mayor discussed the Cityls position in the matter. Mr. Chadbourne introduced Mr. Gene Brennan who is building two duplexes on Smith Street at Nortl&Ur corner of Smith and Grant Streets, Mr. Brennan discussed the need for a water main from hall Street to serve these duplexes. Discussed by Councilmen and Attorney Thompson. It was the feeling of the Council that there is no justification for the City to require the house to be moved at this time. Mr. Brace Moriatity of Port Orchard Junior Chamber of Commerce reported on the heasus of Port Orchard which that organization is in the process of completing. On the basis of this count it appears that the unofficial poptlation of Part Orchard is approximately 31125. Mayor Repanich extended the appreciation of the City to the Junior Chamber of Commerce for their willingness to undertake this difficult project. Letter of resignation of Councilman Richard Rylakder read by the Clerk. Moved by Mikelsea, seconded by Powers that this resignation be accepted with regret. Approved. Mayor Rgpaaich informed the Council of their responsibility to appoint a replacement for this position. He requested the Councilmen to meet informally with his to discuss this situation. Moved by Powers that publicity be.given to the fact that a vacancy on the Council existst and that interested and qualified persons are encouraged to notify the Clerk of their availability. Seconded by Lippert. Approved. Mayor introduced Mr. John Rteinbach, Chairman of the Port Orchard Library Board, who requested authority to place posters in conspicuous places ftcouraging a favorable vote on the Library Special Levy Election on March 8, 1966. A sample poster was displayed and the matter was dis- cussed by the Councilmen. Authority granted to place these posters. Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee reported on a meeting with committee of the Port Orchard Chamber of Commerce regarding the parking problems of downtown Port Orchard (continued from last meeting). Recoeaeeadation of the Chamber Committee that motors be ies4oved from Sidney and Frederick Streets has been withdrawn temporarily, until a report of revenues from these meters is available. Caldwell displayed drawings and charts of proposed parking systems as discussed with the Chamber Commrlttee. Drawings examined and discussed by Councilmen. and Mayor. This plan is acceptable by the Chamber of Commerce Committee and is recommended for adoption by the Street and Alley Committee. Continued until the plan can be examined by Mr. Larry Wylie, the resident planner for Leo Daly Associates. Letter from Mr, Frank Shiars, Attorney, to City Attorney Thompson read concerning the matter of the street right-of-way and easement being sought from Mr. & Mrs. Robert Williams of Rt. 2,0 Box 101 to facilitate the installation of an extension of South Street sewer into the Jones Addition. Mr. k Mrs, Williams will consent to deeding the City a tight -of -wavy and grant an easement for the north to south crossing of their property for $500.00. The new owners of the property fe the North, Mr, and Mrs. Leon Shaw have indicated that a they are interested in part- icipating in the projedt. Referred to City Attorney for further legal derails. Mikelsen, of Parks and Playground Committee reported on matter of drinking fountain offered to City by South Ritsap Soroptimist Club and various matters involved is the installation of such a fountain. Due to djfferences of oplatoa in the type of fountains being considered, this was continued in committee. Tennis court fencing has been installed and lights and switches are being changed. Puget Power, is conducting survey of requirements for meters for controlinglights. Mikelsen reported that tennis court nets of metal material are available at nominal cost. It was proposed that signs and other methods of controlling access to the tennis cpurts be considered. The need for additional wire mesh on east side of Central Playground to control wild baseballs discussed. Cost to completely eliminate this problem estimated at ]about $350.00. A letter from LadiesO Slowpitch Baseball League read, requesting use of Central Playground for slowpitch gasses. Referred to committee for study. Van: Zee reported on progress of work in installing partitions in basement of the Active Club Recreation Building. Doers for these partitions have been procurred, partly by donation and frames have been constructed. Van Zee reported that a group, interested in beautification of the City recommends that the sewage disposal Plant be screened by inserting wood strips in the fencing. Possible planting of shrubs around the plant discussed. Ansneeting of several different civic groups interested in general beautification of the City will be held on March 7th in the Council Chambers for consideration of irarlove beautifloatiion projects. Moved by Van Zee, sedonded by Powers that the changing of electrical eircuits and installation of light switches in room #1 and #2 (Active Club Recreational Bldg.) cost about $70.00, be re- authorized. This work was originally authorized in the minutes of August 9, 1965 but not per - few d. Approved. Proposed ordinance authorizing Standafcf .9il Co. of California to maintain pipelines in Bay and Port Streets between their dock and plant read by the Clerk. Moved by Powers, seconded by Van Zee that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 752 assigned. Mikelsen discussed need for amendment of Fire (burning) Ordinance No. 393 to coincide burning permit seasons with County. Clerk read a proposed ordinance amending No. 393. Moved by Mikelsen seconded by Powers that this ordinance be idopted. Approved, and No. 753 assigned. Mikelsen reported on progress of street lighting improvements being accomplislIed by Puget Sound Power add Light Co. Letter of Mr. Gary Deal, calling attention to increased liedestrian traffic across Bay St..near his store, and the problem of pedestrian safety. He suggests that consideration be given to a stop sign or well lighted crosswalk there. Referred to Fire and Light Committee for study. City Engineer reported 6n the matter of logging of timber in right-of-way of Sherman Street , north of Melcher Street, City Engineer Hollenbeck presented drawing of contemplated remodeling of the carioprt area in lower floor of Municipal Building for Police Department quarters. Discussed by Councilmen, Mayor and Chief of Police. Continued with engineer to develop further information as to type of roof for the projecting part of the structure. Resolution #1033 read, authorizing the transfer -loan of $3,000.00 from Current Expense Fund to Street Fund, and authorizing,the budgetary Transfer of athe unexpended balance of Fire Department Salaries and Wages to Maintenance and Operation, Contractual Services. Moved by Caldwell, second- ed by Powers that this resolution be adopted. Approved. Mayor annoflnced a public meeting at 10:00 A. M. Tuesday, March 1, in First Federal Savings and Loan Building, Bremerton, to discuss cross -sound bridging. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Cald- well, that the City Council go on record as eddorsing bridge crossing route #1 recommended by Cross Sound Transportation Study prepared by Washington: State Department of Highways. City Attorney to prepare a resolution expressing this opintia . Approved. Van Zee will attend this meeting and Attend this meeting and attempt to present the feelings of the Council. Approved. Lippert reported on Annapolis water situation. He has talked to the coumuiasioners and will try to arrange a meeting between them and the Water, Swwer, Health and Sanitation Committee in the near future. Mikelsen discussed the possibility of purchasing a radar speed control unit for the Police Department. He recommends that this unit be purchased from the existing budget and that the unit be allowed to pay for tbeelf from fines collected. T he unit is estimated to�cost $1,187.00 plus tax for one make and $1,082.00 plus tax for another make. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Lippert that the Police Department be authorized to purchase or lease a radar ppeed control unit, approximate cost $1.200.00 and that,fi-nes collected be used to pay for cost of unit. Approved, with 5 yeas and one abstention, (Van See). Bills were presented in the amounts: Current Expense, $749.07; Water, $29.20; Street, $209.31; Sewer, $241.44; Parks, $7.01; Sidewalk Construction, 4101,#00640.15. Total, $1,876.18. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and Vouchers Nos. 1667 through 1685 be appeoved for payment. Meeting adjourned at 12:000 midnight. Clerk / ..i.r�.�Jo �� Mayor Port Orchard, Washington March 14, 1966 Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Duck J. Repanieh. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Geiger, Mikelsen, Powers, Van Zee arriving late. Lippert absent, excused. Also present City Engineer Hollenbeck, City Attorney Thompson., Chief of Police Dow and Mr. Gerald Grosso representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of February 28, 1966 meeting app"ved as corrected. Mayor reopened the mutter of the vacant position of City Councilmen and asked for a report for the council as a committee of the whole. Powers reported on an informal meeting of the members of the council and the namesof the canditates for the vacant position. The council recommended that John R. (Jack) Fitzgerald be appointed to fill this vacancy in accordance with RCW. Moved by Powers, seconded by Mikelson that Mr. Fitzgerald be appointed to the vacancy created by the resignation of Richard 8ylander. Approved. (� Mr. Fitzgerald being present, Mayor Repanich introduced him to the others present and directed the Clerk to read the certification of appointment and administer the oath of office. Councilmen Fitzgerald was then seated with the council. Mr. Laverne Insma was introduced and requested information concerning a request submitted at the last meeting by the Ladies Slowpitch Baseball League for use of Central Playground. Clerk read information left by Councilman Van Zee .(not yet arrived) concerning this. Mikelses, of Parks and Playgrounds Committee discussed the matter. Continued in Committee for further study and recomm- eadation. Mayor Repanich read a letter from Rear Admiral Floyd Schultz, Commander of Puget Sound naval Ship- yard re: 75th Anniversary of PSNS, to be officially observed on September 16 and 17, 1966, Admiral Schultz extended an invitation to various city officials and interested citizens to feel that they are a part of this observance. Dr. Howard Minor introduced and his letter concerning sewer charges on Applegate Building read by the Clerk. Matter of proposed revision of sewer rates discussed. Mutter of the procuring of right-of-way from Mr. and Mrs. Leon L. Shaw of 1349 Sidney St. discussed. They had previously indicated that they would deed to the City, 20 feet of the south side of their property for a distance of 391 feet for the scan of $200.00 plus cost of replacing fence, about $100.00. The Council had previously been polled by the Clerk as to their opinions in the matter and of 6 contacted by the Clerk, all had expressed approval of this action. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Powers that the payment of $200.00 to Mr. and Mrs. Shaw for this right-of-way be�made. Approved. City Attorney Thompson reported on need for *formation of a sewer LID in the NaWene Church area and involving the Shaw, Robert.E. Williams, Nazerene Church and Jones Drive area properties$ Dts- cuosed by councilmen. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that City Attorney Thompson be direct- ed to prepare a petition for the formation of the above LID. Approved. Moved by Caldwell, second- ed by Geiger that the Clerk be directed to write letters to all property owners in the Jones Add- ition area informing them of the planned LID and inviting them to a meeting with the members of the Council #on March 22, 1966.at 7:00 P.M. to discuss it. Approved. Mr. Gerald Grosso of the Bremerton Sun reported on a recent instance where a member of the Port Orchard police Department found it necessary to draw and cock his revolver to subdue a motorist who had been arrested and was being booked and who had threatened the officer with a knife. Letter of Mr. Laverne M. Bjorkheim of Rpate 4, Box 231, Port Orchard, seed by the Clerk. Mrs Bjorkheim complained of a citation he received for defective equipment (no muffler). Discussed by Chief Dow and councilmen. Patrolman Corey's report of the incident read by the Mayor. Chief Dow directed is request 8fficer Corey to come to the meeting for further discussion and a verbal description of the occurance. Clerk made a report for the South Kitsap Soroptimist Club that the differences of opinion in the selection, of a drinking fountain to be donated by the group had been resolved and that thep weref ready to proceed. Discussed by Van Zee, Mikelson and Engineer Holleabeck. Recommended that this fountains be installed at the Southwest corner of Bay and,Sidney Streets. Moved by Mikelsea,.sec- onded by Powers that City Engineer be directed to have this fountain installed in the location, referred to as soon as it is available. Approved. Van See reported that electrician has started installation of electrical circuits in basement of Active Club Recreation Building and reported the necessity of ordering light fixtures for this project. Van Zee also reported that used 2" and 2�" galvanized pipe in excellent condition is available at a very low cost, which could be used in constructing additional backstop facilities at Central Playground to permit its use for ladies and girls slowpitch and softball games. Conti#ued id committee. Concrete block partitions in basement of Active Club Recreation building are almost completed and additional material required to complete the locker rooms, shower rooms etc. should be ordered at a cost of about $260.00. Discussed by councilmen. Officer Corey now being available, the matter of the citation issued to Mr. Bjorkheim was reopened. Officer Corey stated that the Bjorkheim car appeared to Dave a "straight pipe" exhaust system and bhat there was no apparent indication that a muffler had been removed. He also stated that the manner in which the vehicle was being operated (rapid acceleration and deceleration.) caused excess- ive and objectionable exhaust noise and was the prime reason for the citation. Clerk directed to answer Mr. Bjorkheiu's letter. Mikolsea reported that good progress is being made in the completion of tennis courts. Signs are being prepared to keep bicycles and other objectionable traffic from the area. Van Zee reported that ho firm proposals had been made by the beautification groups which met with him on March 7, 1966. City Engineer Hollenbeck presented samples of materials and discussed the type of roof for the proposed new Police Department quarters when remodiidd. Discussed by council and Mayor. Powers reported on status of budget as affects Capital Outlay Improvements. Continued until next meeting. Clerk read a letter from the Lighthouse for the Blind re: the provisions of the City''s solicitor and peddler ordinance as effects a request for peddlers privileges of a blind person'represeating that orginizAtion. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Caldwell that this person be granted a Peddler's ;icense in the regular manner, but without the required fee. Approved. Matter of the water -filled hole in the garbage dump area discussed and the desirability of fencing this area or periodically pumping It out considered. City Attorney directed to check with our . Insurance carrier to determine if it can be filled. Resolution #1034, endorsing Cross -Sound Bridging via route #1, as recommended by the 'Cross -Sound Transportation Study of the Washington State Highway Commission, read by the Clerk. This resol- ution was discussed and determined to be desirable at hhe February 28 meeting. Moved by Van. Zee seconded by Caldwell that this Resolution be adopted. Approved. Copies to be mailed to various State legislators and bodies involved in the study of this project. Deed to Lot #2, Blk. #5, Wheeler's Addition received from Mr. Virgil Hall, City Attox%ey reminded the council that this lot should be held in trust for LID #60 until the assessment of $185.52 plus interest is paid. Mayor referred to several pamphlets on various subjects involving Federal Aid in areas of beau- tification, water and sanitation, urban open space land, etc. Mayor brought up matter of Initiatives #226 (Cities to share in 10% of State Sales Tax). Cited examples of how other cities are justifying their requests for support of the public in signing these petitions. City Engineer reported that Mr. Joseph Haas is out of the City and not airailable for ;discussing the proposed improbbmentof Harrison Street north of Bay Syreet. Continued. Chief 8f Police Dow reported on request of Veterans of Foreign Wars to held a parade in Port Orchard on April 30, 1966. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that permission be granted. It was re- commended that the VFW be requested to provide some assistance in directing traffic during this period. Approved. Chief Dow reported that the weekly receipts from the parking meters on Sidney and Frederick streets south of Bay Street are about $8.00 and $3.00 reppectively. Chief Dow reported on his progress in checking on performance and cost of radar speed control units in use in other cities. Mikelsen reported on possibility of storing diesel fuel oil in existing gasoline tanks in Street department building when, the new gasoline tanks are installed outside. A A scheduled March 24 meeting of interested bodies re: the comprehensive planning survey discussed. Matters which should be considered at athis meeting discussed. Bills were reported as follvs: Current Expense, $2,007.54; Water, $802.081 Street 'Fund, $1,077.89; Sewer Fund, $616.25; Park Fund, $777.73; Sidewalk Construction #101, $13.06; Total'$3,292,55. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and vouchers No. #1686 through #1739 be authorized for payment. Approved. Meeting adjourned at 12:20 A. M. Clerk ��..G,�� , f`'7G�/.� Mayor Port Orchard, Washington March 28, 1966 Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor Repanich. Council- men present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger;4'rs, and Van Zee. Lippert absent (excused). Also present: City Engineer�Nollenbeck, Mr. Thomas Lowrey representing City Attorney Don Tlkompson; Chief of Police Gale Dow and Mr. Gerald Grosso represneting the Bremerton Sun. Minutes of March 14, 1966 meeting read and approved as corrected. Matter of Ladies Slowpitch Baseball Teams and Girls Softball Teams using Central Playground for games re -opened for discussion. Van Zee reported on his discussions with property owners in area re: wild baseballs, etc. Possible conflict of schedules between these groups and in Little League teams discussed. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van Zee that the Ladies Slowpitch League and Girls Softball Leagues be authorized to use Central Playground for games for 1966 season only. Approved. Mayor reported on status of preparation of supporting material to justify the active promotion of Initiative #226 (Cities to share in 107. of State Sales Tax). Clerk read proposed reply to Seattle Municipal League request for certain factual information in explanation of the cities need for additional revenue. Mrs. Robert Geiger introduced and requested use of the Active Club Recreational Building for use by pre-school children group sponsored by Olympic College. A previous request had been denied because the project is partially subsidezed by fees of $5.00 per month required of each child. Mrs. Geiger explained the nature of the project and answered questions. Councilman Van Zee' directed additional questions to Mrs. Geiger and others of her group. Councilman Fitzgerald offered alternative suggestions for possible meeting places for this activity. After further considerable discussion by Mayor and Councilmen, it was moved by Powers that this Pre -School group be authorized to use the Active Club Building facilities twice a week at a fee of $20.00 per month. This motion died for lack of a second. After some farther discussion, it was moved by Van Zee and seconded by Caldwell that the group be authorized use of the facilities at the regular fee of $4.00 per meeting. Approved with 5 yeas and one no. (Geiger). Mikelsen reported that signs restricting traffic on tennis courts were not yet completed. Light- !� ing of this facility discussed. Appears that cost to provide this service this year will be too high. Van Zee reported a meeting of the South Kitsap Beautification Committee and discussed the need for 1�l `boundary markers of City Park properties which need to be improved and developed. The question of how to provide needed restroom facilities at park areas, particularly baseball fields was dis- cussed. These facilities are desperately needed during summer months. Mayor Repanich appointed Councilman Van Zee, Chairman of Parks and Playgrounds Committee and also appointed Councilman Fitzgerald as a member of this committee to fill the vacancy created by the recent resignation of Rylander. The application of American Field Service Committee to be considered for the operation of one fireworks stand in Westbay area prior to July 4th discussed. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Mikel- sen that the Clerk be directed to publicize this situation with other interested groups to make application for this privilege prior to next Council meeting. Approved. Caldwell presented maps and drawings of Merchant's Parking area north of Bay Street. Mr. Larry Wylie of Leo Daly Associates was present and asked to examine these plans and drawings and to offer opinions as to their desirability from a planning standpoint, with a recommendation to be offered prior to the next meeting. Matter of the payment to Mr. & Mrs. R. E. Williams of $500.00 for right-of-way and easement costs (referred to in minutes of previous meeting) discussed. Moved by Powers, seconded by Geiger that the payment of $500.00 to Mr. & Mrs. Williams for this purpose be authorized, to facilitate the extension of the South Street sewer. Approved. The Clerk read a claim against the City, submitted by Mr. & Mrs. Alfred D. Woods for $17*230.59 as a result of the death by drowning of their son Richard Steven Woods on Jams ry 9, 1966. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Van Zee that this claim be rejected and referred to the City*s insurance carrier. Approved. Clerk read an application of.Mr. & Mrs. Archie Fleming of Annapolis Hill for a vacation of a portion of Division Street and also for a variance from the provisions of Ordinance #719 as in- volves minimum lot width and area. Referred to Street and Alley Committee for study and recom- mendation at the next meeting. Mayor read a letter from U. S. Senator Magnuson inviting he and members of the council to partic- ipate in the Statewide Community Development Conference in Seattle, Tuesday, April 12, 1966. Mayor read a copy of a letter r Mr r is f Department o N t ral Resources to Mr. Lloyd Granquist concerning burning`���`;�n� tersria at oonig regulations. Cald- well reported on a visit to the dump on March 18, to inspect these conditions. Referred to,Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee for study. City Engineer Hollenbeck reported that the extension of South Street sewer is progressing satis- factorily. Approximately 200 feet of line has been laid. Councilmen Geiger reported on a conversation he had with Mr. Don Bennett of Kitsap County Health Department concerning sewage disposal problems in the Annapolis area. City Engineer Hollenbeck displayed some materials for consideration in the projected remodeling and enlarging of the car)Wrt area in the lower level of the Municipal Building. The the roof would cost about $65.00 per 100 square ft. or about $200.00 for tile delivered in Bremerton. Various matters involving the remodeling and furnishing of these areas for the Police Department discussed. Continued with the City Engineer to develop additional plans re. costs. Chief of Police Dow reported on proposed demonstration of a radar speed control unit under con- sideration by purchase. This unit will be demonstrated to the Council members and Mayor on Tues. evening March 29. Chief Dow also reported that the &verage collections from the parking ppeters on Sidney and Fred- erick Streets south of Bay Street have been $8.00 and $3.00 weekly, respectively. Mayor Repanich reported that he would be absent from the City during the period 2-10 April. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Geiger that Councilman Powers be appointed Acting Mayor during this period. Approved. Bills were read in the amount of: Current Expense, $960.88; Water Fund, $934.88; Street Fund, $221f.21; Sewer Fund, $978.69, Park Fund, $55.76: Total: $3,155.42. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and that Vouchers Nos. 1740 through 1771 be approved for payment. Approved. Adjourned at 11:20 P. M. f Port Orchard, Washington April 11, 1966 Regular meeting of the Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:45 P.M. by Mayor Repanich. Councilman present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelaen, Powers and Val Zee. Also present: City Attorney Thompson, City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow and Mr. Gerald Grosso, representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of March 28, 1966 meeting read and approved. Misses Gulliver and Perry, retired schoolteachers of South Kitsap School District Introduced and requested an extension of the three hover parking restriction in area north of M�hreva Cafe to permit retired school teachers to conduct a lengthy dinner and business meeting on April 28, Discussed by Chief Dow and Councilmen. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van Zee thata. special parking privilege identification card be issued to this group for this purpose. Approved. In future occassions of this kind, it will be policy, after approval by the council, to, issue a souvenir type identification card for these privileges, and the clerk was directed Co present some ideas on the design of such a card. Matter of Westbay fireworks stand re-opendd for discussion (continued from previous meeting). No applications for the operation of such a concession having been received other than that of the American Field Service Chapter of the South Kitsap School District, it was moved by Mikel- ssea, seconded by Van Zee that the application of the American Field Service Committee for this privilege be favorably considered. Approved. Matter of the proposed parking plan for merchants parking area, currently being studied by Mr. Wylie of,Leo Daly Associates, continued pending recommendations by Mr. Wylie. Caldwell reported on petition of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Fleming of Annapolis Hill for vacation of portion of Division Street between Tracy and Farragut Street (continued from last meeting) and discussed that matter with Mayor and Councilmen. Drawing of area examined. After considerable discussion, moved by Powers, seconded by Geiger that the petition be accepted and the date of hearing be set for April 25, 1966. Approved. Matter of complaint of Washington State Department of Natural Resources re: burning in garbage dump area (continued from previous meeting) discussed. Councilmen Powers reported that consid- erable progress has been made in correcting the deficiencies outlined by Mr. Morris of the Forestry Department. Continued for further progress reports. A report was made by Councilman Van Zee and City Engineer Hollenbeck re: the sewage plant wastes that have been dumped in the lagoon pit near the garbage dump site. Steps have been taken to hurry the drying of these wastes to a point where they can be used for fertilizer. City Engineer reported on the completion of the extension of the South Street sewer from Sidney Street to Jones Avenue. He also discussed the possibilities of extending sewer service to other areas. Claim of Harrison J. and Della Kilpatrick for daimges arising from an injury to Mrs. Kilpatrick's ankle when she fell while crossing Sidney Street at the intersection of Bay Street on March 28, 1966, read by Clerk. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Van Zee that this claim be rejected and re- ferred to Cityls insurance carrier. Approved. Notice of intention to petition for annexation submitted by Richard Schultheis and games Maddock and inv6lving NE'k ofe'NA .and that portion of SEA of NEk lying Northeasterly of State RIghway,Sec 3,TWP23N,R1E ,W dread by Clerk. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this Notice be received and April 250 1966 set as date to accept petition for annexation, provided that it includes all of the area, northeast of the Highway. Approved Letter of Mr. Forrest Denton of Goldenrod Road read re: complaint}:that water drainage from Golden- rod Road was running onto his property after the street was widened. City Engineer Hollenbeck reported on condition of road prior to and after it was widened to limits of,right-olf•way. Mr. Deftto*ts home is built in a low area south of the road and is naturally subject tejsnrface water ruaaiag from higher ground to north toward his home. City Engineer Hallenbeck reports that further improvement of the read will probably correct the situation. The request of Mr. Eugene Brennan for,water service to two (2) duplexes he is building on Smith and Grant Streets presented by the Clerk. City Engineer Hollenbeck reported on the project and various problems existing. Mayor will meet with Mr. Brennan on April 12, 1966 and present to Mr. Brennan the City's proposal. A bill from the Harrison Hospital for hospitalization and treatment of a prisoner admitted to the hospital from the County Jail was read. City Attorney stated that opinion that there was some doubt as to the responaibility of the City for treatment of a pre-existing condition as was the case. Continued with Chief Dow to contact the person and attempt to collect the bill. The Clerk was directed to determine what course of action was taken by the City of Bremerton and the County in similar cases. City Engineer Hollenbeck requested authority to purchase 500 gallon tank for storage of diesel motor fuel at street department. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that the City Engineer be authorized to make such purchase at a cost of about $75.00. Approved. Caldwell reported on a proposal to channeliae traffic in Beach Drive, east of Bay Street (Westbay area) to permit better traffic flow. Chart examined by Mayor and councilmen. Caldwell directed to confer with State Highway Department as to feasibility of this plan. City Engineer Hollenbeck reported on relative costs of brick vs, concrete block walls for the proposed remodeling of carport area of municipal building for Police Department quarters. Councilman Van Zee reported on a meeting scheduled for April 21, 1966 in Seattle between Federal government representatives and municipal officers on beautification matters. Van Zee requested authority to attend this meeting at City expense. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that this be authorized. Approved. Chief of Police Dow reported that the radar speed control unit previously authorized to be purch- ased had been ordered. He also reported that the Washington State Highway Department had approved the re-routing of traffic for the parade on April 30, 1966. Mikelsen reported that the new fire truck is rapidly nearing completion and that it will be avail- able for delivery in early Nn7 . He also reported on a shortage of volunteer firemen in general and also to a specific shortage during daytime periods. Publicity will be given to need for add- itional volunteers and in an attempt to increase interest in the department. Van Zee reported that girls softball team desires to do some work on Central Playground baseball field at no expense to City, which he has authorized. He also reported on need for lighting of horseshoe courts. City Engineer Hallenbeck reported that Joseph Haas is interested in putting in sidewalks on both sides of Harrison Street north of Bay Street and has been furnished specifications and plans used for recent sidewalk built in downtown area for his guidance. Bills were read in amount of Current Expense Fund, $2,374.65; Water, $230.91; Street, $782.26; Sewer, $2,191.86; Park, $214.70; Sidewalk Construction #1019 $39.70. Totals $5,834•08. Moved by Powers, seconded by Lippert that these bills be aliowdd and vouchers #1772 through #1817 be approved for payment. Approved. Adjourned at 10:45 P.M. 7� if i[ ilr Port Orchard, Washington April 25, 1966 Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Lippert, Mikelsen, Powers and Van Zee. Geiger excused until 10:30 P.M.. Also present, City Engineer Hallenbeck, Chief of Polio a Dow, Attorney Ronald Thompson substituting for Donald Thompson, City Attorney and Mr. Gerald Grosso represAting the Bremerton Sun, Minutes of April 11, 1966 meeting read and approved. Mayor announced that this was the date set for consideration of a petition of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Fleming of Annapolis Hill (Tracy Street) for the vacation of a portion of Division Street between Tracy and Farragut Streets. Mr. & Mrs. Leo E. Jensen, who live near the area in question presented problems which might affect the access to their driveway. Drawing examined by Mayor and Council- men. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert that this petition be returned to committee for fur- ther study and consideration of the welfare of all property owners who might be effected. Approved. Mr. Robert Sutton, Secretary of Kitsap County Humane Society introduced and spoke res the request of the Society for funds for construction of a crematory facility for the disposal of carcasses of dead animals. Mr. Sutton explained the position of the Society in view of new requirements of the State Health Department. These requirements have resulted in a discontinuance of an existing arrangement with Brem-Air Disposal Co. and new disposal arrangements must be made immed- iately. The only solution is the construction of an adequate crematory which will cost about $6,500.00. Port Orchards pro-rata share will be $268.98. The Society budget will provide for additional costs involved in the operation of this facility. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Van Zee that this request be approved, conditional upon the pro -rate participation of other activities which will utilise this facility. Approved with 5 ayes and one nay. Mr. Ross Powell representing Port Orchard Yacht Club introduced and spoke res a request for con- sideration, of vacation of that portion of Short Street north of Bay Street to permit expansion of the Yacht Club and enlargement of parking facilities. Drawings of proposed improvements of area examined by Councilmen and Mayor. Mr. Powell informed that he should make application to the Planning Commission for this vacation. Matter of petition for annexation of area southwest of Pottery Hull Road continued because of absence of petitioners. Ronald Thompson as City Attorney reported on matter of a bill from Harrison Memorial;.Hospitai for treatment of a city prisoner sent to the hospital from the County Jail (continued from previous meeting). He states that, in his opinion, the City has no legal responsibility to pay such bills for pre-existing conditions. After consideration and discussion by Councilmen, Mayor and City Atorney, this was continued until next meeting with the Mayor to discuss it at a meeting of Mayor,. and County Commissioners on April 26, 1966. Matter of changing of traffic flow in Westbay area from Highway #160 to Bay Street continued in committee. Mr. Adrian Vanderhouwen, President of the Junior Chamber of Commerce appeared and requested approval by the Council of plans to hold a motor Road-e-o in Merchants Parking Lot for demonstration and testing of driving skills by teenage drivers from the South Kitsap School, on May 15, 1966. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Fitzgerald that this be authorized. Approved. Councilman Van Zee reported briefly on a meeting of "Clean and Beautiful"; which Mond Mrs. Delores - Stetchen of the Parks Commission attended. He reported that his committee was considering the feasibility of establishing a small children play facility,in the area near the South Sidney water�� tank. Mikelsen reported that,the present tentative delivery date of the new fire truck will be late May. He also reported that some progress is being made in enlisting volunteer firemen to.replace those who have left the department. Mikelsen also reported on the matter of request of Mr. Gary Deal for a cross -walk light near his store on Bay Street. Mikelsen moved that Puget Power be requested to install the surplus light removed from Bay Street between Sidney and Frederick over the cross -walk near Mr. Dealfs store. Seconded by Powers and approved. Clerk to write letter to Puget Power requesting this install- ation. City Engineer reported no further progress re: sidewalks proposed on Harrison Street north of Bay Street by Mr. Joseph Haas. Caldwell reported on recommendation of City Engineer that a backhoe attachment be purchased far installation on International loader. Engineer reported on costs of purchasing a used backhoe complete as compared with the installation of backhoe attachment_ to existing equipment. He also reported that a projected overhaul of the Adams grader will cost approximately',$1,000.00 to $1,500.00 depending on the extent of necessary repairs. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Van Zee that this work be accomplished. Approved. Caldwell also requested information concerning the requirements of Uniform Building Code as con- cerns commercial buildings in Fire Zone #l. Engineer Hollenbeck provide information. Mikelsen requested information from City Attorney concerning control of construction of sign and bill boards on private property. Opinion of Ron Thompson that the City cannot prevent the erection of such signs as long as they meet the building or sign code (ordinance). Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van Zee that Letter be written to Standard Oil Co. of California request- ing cooperation in the expressed disapproval of the construction of a large bill board on the Oil Company property adjacent to Port Street. Approved. Mikelsen also discussed the recent opening of South Street east of Sidney Street which was accom- plished in connection with the extension of the South Street sewer. Van Zee reported that he had received a request that consideration be given widening West Street to the limit of the right-of-way between Melchor and Sroufe Streets. Referred to Street and Alley Committee. Mayor Repanich reported on a request from the President of the U. S. for cooperation of all citizens in the U. S. Savings Bond program. Mayor Repanich discussed the matter of how to promote interest in Initiative #226 for the sharing by cities,, -.of 107. of State Sales Tax. He read a letter which might be used to inform the public of the use to which such funds might be put inj�6 Port Orchard. Lippert reported on a conversation which he had recently with a commissioner of the Annapolis Water District re: the problem of the acquisition of that portion of the Annapolis dater facility which is inside Port Orchard. He suggests that the City Attorney be directed to cogfer,with the attorney for the Water District and attempt to arrive at a solution to this matter. Powers opened discussion on proposed new sewer rate structure and compared the existing commercial sewer.rate classifications with a proposed new set of rates. The next regular greet*ng set as the date for a public hearing. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that this rate schedule be approved, subject to minor changes and that a public hearing be scheduled for the next regular meeting. Approved. Mayor reminded councilmen that the Association of Washington Cities annual convention will be in Yakim* on May 11, 12 & 13. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert that Councilmen who can attend be authorized to do so at City expense. Approved. Chief of Police Dow reported that Judge Watt will be out of -town from Tuesday, April, 26 through Thursday, April 28, and suggests that a pro-tem judge be appointed, Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that Myron Freyd be appointed Police Court Judge, pro-tem for this period. Approved. The Clerk reported that Mrs. R. B. Poole of Beach Road had inquired re: connecting to the Port Orchard sewer which is in Beach Road. Mrs. Poole's property is just outside the sewer district formed by LID #60 and sust pay a special charge in lieu of assessment as required by Ordinance #698. She requests a deferred method of meeting this charge in the same manner as the LID assess- ments. City Attorney requested to advise. Clerk reported that the Nazarene Church had not signed the easement which was prepared to permit the extension of the South Street sewer. It appears that the sewer dine did not follow the inten- ded line and the easement as prepared is not correct. Referred to the Engineer for re -preparation, An application for a variance from the provisions of Ordinance #719 as involves set -back reguire- ments, submitted by Mr. John Grevstad of 1104 Sidney Street and recommended approved by the Plann- ing Commission, was read by the Clerk. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Fitzgerald that the action of the Planning Commission be concurred -in. Approved. The Clerk read a proposed Ordinance which would repeal a large number of obsolete and expired ord- inances. This action is necessary in preparation of the codification of Ordinance to clear the code of unnecessary and void ordinances. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van Zee that this ord- inance be adopted. Approved and No. 754 assigned. Bills were read in the amount of: Current Expense, $1,488.56; Water, $508.62, Street, $1;263.92; Sewer, $533.84; Park, $115.00. Total: $3,909.94. Meeting adjourned at 12:15 A. M. Clerk Mayor � / J Port Orchard, Washington May 9, 1966 Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order by Mayor Repanich at 7:35 P. M. Coun- cilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen, Powers and Van Zee. Also pre- sent: City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow; Ronald Thompson, substituting for Donald L. Thompson, City Attorney, and Gerald Grosso, representing the Bremerton Sun. Minutes of April 25_meeting read and approved. Mayor recognized Mrs. Archie Fleming who was present in re: a petition submitted by the and her husband for vacation of a portion of Division Street between Tracy and Farragut Street. Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee reported on an examination and study of the area involved with City Engineer Hollenbeck and Councilman Lippert. Committee recommends that the City not take any action on this petition until the properties are surveyed to determine exact boundaries. After considerable discussion of various factors* it was determined that this would be the policy in this and future similar cases. A Mr. Carr was recognized and requested consideration of the establishment of a facility to permit dumping of holding tanks of trailer and mobile home toilets into the sewer system. He explained the problems involved in use of sewage facilities by mobile home owners where the trailers are being moved about on trips, etc. Matter referred to Water, Health and Sanitation Committee for study and recommendation. Mayor Repanich reported the assignment of Councilman Fitzgerald to the following Committees: Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation; Parks and Playgrounds, and Fire and Light Committee. Mayor Repanich reported on the matter of a bill for hospital treatment of a City prisoner in the County Jail (continued from the last meeting). Opinion of Mayors of other cities in the County and of the County Commissioners that there is considerable doubt as to the liability of the City or County for such treatment for pre-existing ailments of prisoners. Caldwell reported on status of study of traffic flow in Bay and Maple Streets and Beach Drive in- tersection. He is still awaiting a visit from Mr. Ernst, Traffic Engineer of the State Highway Department. Mayor discussed the matter of Initiative #226 (cities to share in 107. of the State Sales Tax.) These initiative forms with a letter signed by the Mayor indicating what use the additional revenue would be put to in Port Orchard, will be placed in several locations to be signed. City Engineer Hollenbeck reported no progress on procurement of a back -hoe for use in the Public Works Department (continued). City Attorney reported that a meeting had been scheduled between himself and the Attorney for Annapolis Water District for May 13, to discuss the possible acquisition of a part of that district. City Engineer reported that a new easement was being prepared for the sewer crossing the Nazarene Church property. When it is ready for signature he will have it signed. In the matter of the request by Mrs. Martha Poole of Beach Drive to connect to the Port Orchard sewer; City Attorney recommends that a mortgage be required of the property owner to secure°the payment of the special charge in lieu of assessment, since this property has not been assessed, as it is out$ide the original sewer district. A letter from South Kitsap School District requesting annexation of the High Schoolproperty into the City, dated 4/19/61 was re -presented by the.Clerk. This -request could not -be considered at the time it was originally submitted because as a 4th class town, Port Orchard Sias at its maximum area, and no further property could be annexed. As -a third class city, it could be done. Matter continued in view of the possible annexation of additional properties in that general area in the future. A request of the RetiAtl Merchants, Committee of the Chamber of Commerce was read by the Clerk, requesting permission to sponsor "Kiddie Rides" operated by the King Amusement company during the period May 11, through 15, in same manner and under the same conditions as in past years. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Van Zee that this permission be granted. Approved. The Mayor announced that this was the date set for public hearing on the proposed revision of commercial sewer rates. Councilman Powers opened the discussion and explained the new rates as follows: The basic rate is proposed at $4.00 monthly with 25e, per employee over three (3). An additional charge for public rest rooms would be made, $3,25 for public rest roams with heavy usage, and in establishments normally furnishing such facilities; $2.25 for public rest rooms of moderate usage, in establishments where such facilities are available butinot used extensivily for the public; and $1.25 for rest rooms available to public on request but not offered to general public and with limited hours of availability. Churches would be $4.00, schools, 20t per person (students and staff) per month for 9 months, with $25.00 per month flat rate during summer vacation. Vacant spaces would be $4.00. Unusual or extra heavy usage rate to be determined by the Council on an individual basis. Multiple dwellings, (motel, hotels apartments), no change. These categories and the types of establishments to which they could apply were discussed by the Mayor, Councilmen and others present, including Dr. Howard Minor, past president of, Chamber of Commerce. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Geiger that this formula for rates be adapted and the Attorney be directed to prepare amendment to Ordinance #698. A letter from Kitsap County Retired Teachers Association, signed by Alvena Perry read, thanking the City for its cooperation in providing special4p ivileges for its meeting on April 28th. Van Zee reported on Parks and Playgrounds Committee projects, particularly the beautification of the entrance to the Active Club Building, where a number of shrubs and other flowering plants were planted on 5/9/66. Ladies of the Garden Clubs who assisted were: Mrs. Kenyony Austin, Steichen and Jones. Committee has studied the installation of the old drinking fountain which was once at Sidney and Bay Streets. Parts of this fountain are missing and mast bd replaced before it can be installed at the Active Club Building, Van Zee recommends that sprinklers be installed on each side of the entry to the building to provide adequate watering of the flowers and shrubs. Mikelsen reported that City crews had bladed and scraped the Bush League field and had hauled in several loads of top soil for surfacing this field. Wire back stops and framing will be painted by volunteer labor. The matter of summer water minimum was discussed. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that the summer water minimum of 5,500 gallons for June, July and August be authorized. Approved. Chief of Police Dow reported that some traffic problems are being created by the arrows which have been painted at the west entrance to TB&M parking lot, since they lead motorists into an area which is still blocked with parked cars at times. Question of liability on part of the City in event of accident discussed by City Attorney. Management of TB&M will be requested to eliminate the parking stalls which are causing this problem. City Engineer Hollenbeck reported on various Federal programs available to extend sewer and water services, acquire land, etc. Engineer also reported that a new sludge pit has been prepared at the garbage dump for sewage plant sludge and dumping will commence soon. Ordinance #754 (substituted for Ordinance of same number passed 4/25/66) was read by Clerk. The previously prepared Ordinance was not published because of an error discovered. Moved by Mikel- sen, seconded by Van Zee that this Ordinance be adopted. Approved. An Ordinance establishing time, place of Council meetings, order of business, etc. read by the clerk. Discussed by Mayor, Councilmen and Attorney. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert that this Ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 755 assigned. n Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 571 and re -defining "amusement devices" to include shuffleboard read by the Clerk. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Mikelsen that this ordinance be adopted. Motion failed with 5 no0s and 2 ayes. Ordinance read establishing the office of City Attorney, defining his duties, compensation, etc. read by the Clerk. After considerable discussion, this Ordinance was continued foir steady until the next meeting. An Ordinance establishing the amount of bonds to be required of various City employees read. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert that this Ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 756 assigned. An Ordinance amending Ordinance #682 to-4 da equately define "animals" read by the Cler4.<- Moved by Powers, seconded by Van Zee that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 757 assigned. Resolution No. 1035 authorizing the City Treasurer to deposit monies in the Port Orchard Branch, Tacoma Savings and Laon Association read by the Clerk. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert that this resolution be adUped. Approved. Resolution No. 1036 authorizing the City Treasurer to transfer funds from Water Fund to Sidewalk Construction Fund to complete payment of the construction of sidewalks read by the Clerk. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert that this resolution be adopted. Approved. Bills were read in the amount of: Current Expense, $6,641.78; water, $2,578.06; Street, $590.65; Sewer, $876.22; ,Park, $221.39. Total: $10,908.1f1. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and that Vouchers #1842 through #1892 approved for payment. Approved. seconded and approved that the meeting be adjourned at 11:40 P.M. Port Orchard, Washington May 23, 1966 Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:30 P.M. by City Clerk Woodward, in absence of Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Mikelsen, Powers and Van Zee. Lippert absent (excused).. Also present: City Attorney Donald Thompson, City Engin- eer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow and Mr. Gerald Grosso representing Bremerton Sun. The Clerk announced that Mayor Repanich was absent by reason of being called to Washington D.C. on government business and that a Mayor Pro-tem would need be appointed by the Council. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Fitzgerald that Councilman Powers be appointed Mayor Pro-tem. Approved. Minutes of May 9, 1966 read and approved. Mayor pro-tem brought up question of establishment of a trailer toilet dumping facility within the City (continued from previous meeting). Councilman Fitzgerald reported on an examination and eval- uation of several possible sites for such a facility. He and Councilman Lippert of the Water, Health and Sanitation Committee recommended that this facility be established in the unused portion of tips Taylor Street near the Assembly of God Church on Highway #160. City Engineer reported on mechanical features and requirements of such a facility and described a similar installation near the west sewage disposal plant in Bremerton. Discussed by Councilmen and Engineer. Committee re- port accepted and matter continued for further study. Caldwell reported no progress on traffic flow study in Bay, Maple and Beach Road intersection, awaiting contact with Traffic Engineer from Highway Department. (continued) Engineer reported on a possible traffic hazard which will be created at Bay and Rockwell Streets when the Lundy Apartments are completed and occupied. Discussed by Engineer and Councilmen.. Continued with Street and Alley Committee to study the problem. Clerk reported on circulation of petitions for Initiative 226 (Cities to share in 107 of Sales Tax Revenue). Mikelsen reported on various suggestions for promoting this initiative which he had re- ceived -at the recent Association of Washington Cities Convention at Yakima. Discussed by Council- men and Mayor. Decided that a meeting would be called of representatives of various clubs, Vet- erans Organilations, etc., to hear a speaker from Association of Washington Cities. Clerk to make necessary arrangements. City Engineer Hollenbeck reported on an offer of $1,700.00 trade-in allowance for the International loader on a new Oliver back -hoe, for a total cost of $8,700.00. Report concerning various costs involved in acquiring that portion of Annapolis Water District which is inside the city, submitted by the City Attorney read by the Clerk. Discussed by Council- man and City Engineer, who suggested one possible manner of resolving this situation would be the formation of a Metropolitan Water District to absorb all water districts in the Port Orchard, Man- chester and Waterman area. Continued for further study. City Engineer reported that the signature had not yet been obtained on the new easement for the sewer line across the Nazarene Church property. The minister who is authorized to sign is not available at the present. City Attorney Thompson reported that a mortgage has been prepared to secure payment by Mrs. Martha Poole of Beach Road for the additional sewer connection charge on her property to permit connection to the sewer. This property is outside the boundaries of the sewer district and,was not yet asses- ed. The mortgage has been left with Mrs. Poole for examination. The recent visit of King Amusement Co. to the City with their "Kiddie Rides" which were authorized at the request of the Retail Merchants.Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, and some of the prob- kma experienced with this concession t appears that the equipment occupied part of the parking A proposed ordinance which ,'uld confirm the establish nt of the office of City Attorney, and quired by an Attorney Gen al's Opinion was read. Di cussion of the various du ies, compensat n, etc.volved. Moved by aldwell, seconded by Geig that this ordinance be a opted. Approv d with No. 59 assigned. lot for a much greater time than was expected. Clerk directed to request that the Chamber be re- quested to give more advance notice of such requests in the future in order that certain parking arrangements and other details can be worked out, and a time limit for the occupancy of the park- ing area established. A proposed ordinance amending Ordinance No. 698 and revising commercial sewer rates Was read by the Clerk. A hearing on these rates was held on May 9, 1966. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Caldwell that this ordinance be adopted. On the question, Mikelsen and Geiger discussed certain features and pointed out one inconsistency. Approved, on condition that items concerning public restrooms be slightly modified to read as follows: Section 1, Class II (a), (b) and (c), an amount of blank dollars per establishment containing heavy, moderate or light use rest rooms resp- ectively deleting the words 11po&ted1Y. No. 759 assigned. A petition for the formation of a Local Improvement District was read. This district involves property owned by five persons plus the property occupied by the Nazarene Church and parsonage. �— The petition was signed by five of the property owners involved and involves installation of an extension of the South Street sanitary sewer to serve these properties. Moved by Caldwell, sec- onded by Van Zee that this petition be accepted. Approved. City Engineer to furnish certain information required and the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance forming this LID for consider- ation at the next meeting. A petition for vacation of that portion of Short Street north of Bay Street submitted by the Port Orchard Yacht Club was read by the Clerk. This petition has been reviewed by the Planning Comm- ission and recommended approved. Councilmen, Mayor and Engineer examined drawings of the proposed improvement of the Yacht Club property. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Caldwell that this petition be accepted and that 7:30 P.M., .Tune 13, 1966 be set as date for hearing this petition. Van Zee requested authority to be absent from the next three meetings of the Council, and Caldwell to be absent from next two meetings. Granted. A memorandum was read by the Clerk, drawing the attention of the Council to the fact that the scheduled meeting of citizens and organizations with the resident planner of Leo Daly Associates, set for May 26, 1966 had been rescheduled for June 2, 1966 and that an executive session of the Council will be held at 7:30 P.M., June 1, 1966 with Mr. Wiley. City Engineer Hollenbeck requested that consideration be given to amending our building code ordinance to require the minimum for foundation walls and footings to be increased by 1/3 as authorized for areas in known earthquake zones. Discussed by Engineer and Councilmen. City Attorney directed to prepare necessary amendment. Clerk read a letter of thanks from Pythian sisters, signed by Mrs. Edna Hodgens, Secretary, which expressed appreciation for the special parking privileges granted to that organization on occasion of their recent convention in Port Orchard. Caldwell reported on the petition of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Fleming for vacation of a portion of Div- ision Street, Annapolis Hill (continued from previous meetings). Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Fitzgerald that the petition be denied. Approved. City Engineer Hollenbeck reported that some playground equipment is in dangerous condition and that a regular program of inspection is needed to insure safe conditions. He also reported on a temporary shortage of personnel to adequately keep parks and playgrounds in proper condition during peak seasons of grass growth. Van Zee reported on various problems involving care of watering of flowers and shrubs and grass in certain areas of parks. He also reported on other matters pertaining to Parks recreations facilit- ies. Mikelsen reported that he had found the Association of Washington Cities Convention which he attended on May 11, 12 and 13 in Yakima, to be very educational and informative. He will reduce his obser- vations and opinions to writing and make this available to the councilmen. City Attorney reports that one jury trial on appeal from Police Court will be held over to the fall jury term. City Engineer requested permission to initiate an inquiry to the Department of Housfing and Urban Development re: possibility of being eligible for Federal funds for installation of South Sidney sewer mains and laterals to serve the new hospital and surrounding areas. Granted. Caldwell, of Street and Alley Committee reported that extensive work is required to rest ore the "snow detour" route in Seattle, Dwight, Harrison and Division 5treet:� to proper prior to next winter. Bills were reported in amount of: Current Expense $1,377.07; Water, $1,288.60; Street, $2,456.70; Sewer, $883.97; Parks, $81.18. Total: $6,057.52. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Mikelsen that these bills be allowed and vouchers Nos. 1893 through 1923 be authorized to be paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting be adjourned. Adjourned t 11:25 Pii M i Clerk - Mayor * A proposed Ordinance which would confirm the establishment 40f the 6ffIce of City Attorney, and required by an Attorney Generals opinion was read. Discussion of the various duties, compensation etc,. involved. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Geirge that this Ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 759 assigned. Port Orchard, Washington June 13, 1966 Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Repanich. Coun- cilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen, Powers and Van ?Zee. Also present City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow, Mr. Tom Lowrey substituting for Donald Thompson, City Attorney and Mr. Gerald Grosso representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of May 23, 1966 meeting read andceppaeoved as coreected. Mayor requested information as to matter of trailer toilet dumping facility (continued from previous meeting). Councilman Lippert reported on ideas which have been expressed. Councilman Fitzgerald also commented on the matter. Continued for further study. Matter of study of traffic flow in Westbay, Bay Street and Maple Street areas continued *ntil the area has been examined by an engineer from the Department of Highways. The parking situation in TB&M areas was discussed. at Mayor requested a report on the study of the possible traffic hazard bcy Bay and Rockwell Streets, continued for further study. Mayor discussed Initiative #226 and the number of signatures which have been secured and the methods by which additional signatures may be secured. City Engineer Hollenbeck reported on inquiries he has made into the feasibility of securing a back hoe for the Public Works Department. An offer has been received of $3,995.00 for a Ford backhoe attachment for the International loader. This was discussed and it was determined that this method offers no assurance that the machine would be serviceable and desireable even agter this invest- ment. Matter placed with Street and Alley Committee for study as to need for the equipment and the ability to finance it. The matter of acquisition of that portion of Annapolis Water District which is inside the city limits discussed. Continued for further information from the City Attorney and Mr. Terry Thompson. City Engineer reported that the easement for the sewer across Nazarene Church property still is not signed,as the minister is not airailable for contact. Continued. This being the date and time for a hearing on a petition of the Port Orchard Yacht Club for the vacation of a portion of Short Street, the Clerk again read the petition, and the endorsement by the Planning Commission which recommended approval. There being no object6ma present, it was moved by Lippert, seconded by Van 'Lee that this vacation be granted. Approved. A proposed ordinance vacating this street was read by the clerk. Moved by Mikelsen, secondBd by Caldwell that this Ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 760 assigned. A letter from the Kitsap County Benefit Show, Inc. read requesting permission to place a banner over Bay Street, advertising a benefit show for the Forest Ridge Center on July 8, 9 and 10. Moved by Fitzgerald, seconded by Lippert thatthis request be granted. Approved. Matter of proposed LID in Nazarene Church area, (extension of South Street Sanitary Sewer) continued until next meeting pending a report of assessed valuation of property. A proposed amendment to Ordinance #737 increasing dimensions of foundation walls and footings due to possible earthquake damage read by Clerk. Discussed by Mayor, Councilmen and Attorney Lowry and Engineer. Continued for further information re: earthquake areas. City Engineer reported that what appeared to be a favorable 4eply had been received to the City*s request for consideration for eligibility for Federal Funds to assist in construction of the sewers in the southwest section of the city, including the new Community Hospital. The Clerk reminded the council that the one year extension granted to Schulthies and Maddock in which to connect a residence at Tracy and Stockton Streets to the city sewer granted at June 14, 1965 meeting had expired and that Mr. Schulthies had verbally requested an additional extension. The residence is rented but will be demolished at some future, undermined date to make way for additional apartment untts of Farragut Arms. Discussed by Councilmen and Mayor. Moved by Caldwell seconded by Van Zee that no further delay &n connection of this residence to the dewer be author- ized and that Mr. Schulthies be directed to have such connection made within 30 days. Approved Notices of application for Liquor license renewals for several establishments in Port Orchard, from Washington State Liquor Control Board read for information. No objection to these renewals were made and they will automatically be considered approved. Request for variqpce from minimum lot areas submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Archie Fleming of Annapolis Hill re -presented by the Clerk. This was also a petition for a vacation of a portion of Division Street, and that portion of the petition was denied but no action was taken on the basic request for varigpce. Discussed at length by councilmen and Mayor. Continued until next meeting with the Flemings to be requested to consider a survey to determine exact area of emiiti•ng lotrtou. A petition for annexation of an area southwest of the city in section 3, Township 23N, R1E read by the Clerk. This petition was signed by all of the property owners in the area involved. It was noted that there are no outstanding bonded indebtedness which would affect this property and that no comprehensive plan has been adopted by the City. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that this petition be accepted. Approved. A Board of Review will be appointed in accordance with RCW 35.13,171. Van Zee of Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported on a continuing problem of "wild" baseballs at Central 4-lyground going into private property. Mr. Brinkerhoff whose property is adjacent to the Northeast corner of the playfield has requested that the city consider increasing the hkight of a concrete bulkhead between his property and the playfield and will contribute to the cost of the ptx� e+z xxxA icexxea sik�ex�[hiu�xr�tisnnaair�xcxdtXKKXsiKK project. After considerable discussion, moved by Van Zee, seconded by Powers that atihe city cooperate with Mr. Brinkerhoff in this project, including the replacement of the wire fence on top of the bulkhead. Approved, with the Committee authorized to ack� with 6 yeas and one (1) nay. Van Zee reported that sprinklers have not been installed in front of the Active Bnildilp Engineer directed to insure that these sprinklers are installed in the near future. " ".emu the new drink- ing fountain, donated to the City by the South Kitsap Soroptomist Club will be installed very soon. Van Zee reported on progress of cmmpleting the basemant of the Active Building. Mikelsen reported on a proposed building to be constructed at Givens Field Little League ball field behind the backstop. This building will contain rest rooms, scorers booth, press and radio booth, dressing rooms, etc., and will be built withput cost to the City. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van Zee that this proposal be accepted by the City and that the Little League be authorized to use the advertkiing proceeds from the fence signs for this purpose. Approved. Mikelsen requested permission for a sign to be erected on the street right-of-way near Tremont and Sidney Streets directing attention to the sight of the -new South Kitsap Community Hospital. Moved by Fitzgerald, seconded by Lippert that this be authorized. Approved. City Engineer Hollenbeck reported on a projected boat factory which may be built on the present site of the Port Orchard Machine Works. The Clerk reported that Mr. LeRoy B. Lundy had commenced work on foundationsfootingai etc. for the new 14 unit apartment building on his property without having applied for a buildingpermit and that a stop -work order had been issued to prevent further construction. Moved by Mikelsen that this pen- alty not be waived and that no work be permitted to continue until the penalty is paid and a permit secured. Approved. Bills reported in amount of: Current Expense, $5,172.64; Water, $1,579.13; Street, $1,187.44; Sewer, $721.99; Park, $87.85; Total: $8,749.05. Moved by Powers, seconded by Lippert that these bills be allowed and that Vouchers #1924 through #1981 be authorized for payment. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting be adjourned at 11:20 P.M. I Clerk Port Orchard, Washington June 27, 1966 Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:33 P.M. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Fitzgerald, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen and Powers. Caldwell and Van Zee absent (excused). Also present Attorney Ron Thompson substituting for DHnald Thompson, City Attorney, Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of -Police Gale Dow and Mr. Gerald Grosso, representing tho Bremerton Sun. Councilman Fitzgerald was excused by the Mayor immediately after arrival. Minutes of June 13, 1966 meeting read and approved. The meeting was temporarily adjourned to the Fire Hall in the lower level of the building to permit the Councilmen, mayor and others present to examine the new Fire truck, recently purchased and de- livered through a 10-mill special tax levy. b held Mikelsen, of Fire and Light Committee recommended that some type of an "open house" for the citizens of Port Orchard to inspect this new equipment along with other recently acquired fire and emergency equipment and to witness demonstrations of its operation. Mayor recognized Mr. L&Vyd M. Jett of Seattle, who was present in connection with a proposed boat building facility at the site of the present Port Orchard Machine Shop. City Engineer explained the problems involving the sij.e and shape of the lots involved. -Mr. Jett explained his plans for the property if the boundary problems can be resolved. After maps and drawings were examined by Mayor, Councilmen and Engineer, the matter was reffered to City Attorney for legal research and contact the State Land Department. Ray Hall presented plans and drawings re: the proposed right-of-way and street between Sidney and Rockwell Streeea north of present water line. The Council, Mayor, Attorney and Engineer examined and discuss d the charts. Referred to City Attorney for application to State Land Commission for necessary R W over State owned lots. Councilman Lippert reported no further progress in the matter of the trailer toilet dumping facility (continued from previous meetings). Lippert repotted on a meeting between himself, Caldwell and a State Highway Department Engineer on the matter of the traffic flow and traffic light at Bay, Maple and Highway #160. City Engineer reported on various aspects of this problem and access and egress to the Standard Oil Service Station at this location. Continued for a report from State Highway Department. Lippert reported on progress on study of possible traffic hazard at Bay and Rockwell streets. Continued. Mayor reported that he had received a request for immediate striping of the Merchant's parking lot in accordance with recommendations and approval of the Couneril and the recommendations of Mr. Larry Wylie, Planner. Continued watil return of Councilman Caldwell. Clerk reported on the status of Initiative #226, and the signatures which had been obtained, which totaled about 150. These petitions have been forwarded to the proper office in Seattle. City Attorney reported no further progress in the matter of obtaining a portion of the Annapolis Water District. Matter of procuring a backhoe for the Public Works Department continued until return of Councilmam Caldwell. I Clerk read proposed ordinance creating LID #61 (construction of sanitary sewer in Nazarene Church area and involving six parcels of property). Moved by Powers, seconded by Lippert that this ord- inance be adopted. Approved and No. 761 assigned. Clerk read information received from Mr. Norman Rasmussen, Senior Seismologist of the University of Washington re: earthquake damage areas in connection with the proposed revision of the Build- ing Code to compensate for possible earthquake damage. Discussed by Mayor, Councilmen and Engineer Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would amend the Building Code Ordf'aaae ( 737). Moved by Geiger, seconded by Lippert that this Ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 762 assigned. Mayor and other members of the Council noted that Councilman Mikelsen had recently received a spec- ial recognition award for 16 years of outstanding service to the youth of the community for his ackivities in Little League orgaiization and administration. Clerk read a proposed ordinance amending Ordinance #502 and repealing Section 2 and 4(a) of Ordin- ance 0571. Moved by Powers, seconded by Lippert that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 763 assigned. Clerk read information received from Mr. Joe Weigel, Senior Sanitarian of Kitsap County Department of Health concerning the solid sludge wastes recently removed from the first drying pit. It is now ready for limited use on flower beds and shrubs, but should not be used on lawns or baseball fields, since there is no indication that virus and bacteria will not be revived under some con- ditions. The matter of the petition of Mr. & Mrs. Archie Fleming for a variance from minimum lot size for a lot on Division and Tracy Streets (continued from previous meetings) discussed. Mr. & Mrs. A. ^ Fleming are negotiating to have this property surveyed and when this is done and the actual lot area is determined, they will re -present their problems to the Council. Clerk read a proposed resolution which would appropriate $1,371.19 from Current Expense Fund to Police Department, Capital Outlay, to permit payment for the radar speed control unit. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Lippert that this resolution be adopted. Approved and No. 1037 assigned. Clerk read a proposal of North Kitsap Gravel and Asphault Co. to grade and surface the area around and between the Street Department buildings for the sum of $1,725.55. Discussed by Mayor and Councilmen. Continued for study by the Mayor and Finance and Auditing Committee. Clerk read a letter of Mrs. Evelyn Ryan of 717 Taylor Street requesting that the Council consider the feasibility of placing several benches along the north side of the sidewalk along the Merchant's Parking Lot for the convenience of employees and others of the area to enjoy the view and reiaxx during the pleasant weather of the summer. Continued for study by the Parks and Playgrounds Comm- ittee to determine if any civic body would be interested in this project. Mayor Repanich reminded the Council of two "workshop" type meetings, one on July 8, 1966 at athe University of Washington by the Bureau of Governmental Research and the other on July 20-23 at Alderbrook Inn by the University of Washington School of Public Affairs. Councilman Mikelsen reported that the construction of the extension on top of bulkhead hetwbeen Central Playfield and property on Northeast corner (authorized at previous meeting) has been com- pleted except for rehanging the fence. The City has completed its portion of the installation of the new drinking fountain at Bay and Sidney Streets which has been donated by the South Kitsap Soropomist 41lub and .is awaiting the brick work for completion which will be done at the expense of the donating organization. Mikelsen also reported on damage which has occured to newly planted shrubbery in front of Active Club Building. He Also reported on problems caused by the leaving of garbage cans in street or sidewalks after garbage has been collected. Mikelsen further reported on a very undesirable situation existing from the uncut grass along bhe sidewalk on the north side of Prospect Street between Sidney and Frederick Streets. Clerk direct- ed to bring this to the attention of property owners involved and request that it be corrected. Councilman Mikelsen also reported on the progress of the installing lights over the horseshoe pits. 'Ifhese lights, Bight in number were donated by the Knights of Pythias and are very well suited for this purpose. Clerk will write a letter of appreciation to the donating organization expressing the thanks of the City and indicate the use to which they are being put. He also reported that the building being constructed by the South Kitsap Little League to serve the Little League teams, press, radio, etc. near the backstop at Givens Field is rapidly nearing completion and will probably be available for limited use by the time of the district tournament in July. Councilman Mikelsen presented a possible method of remodeling the City Ball which would provide additional space for the Fire Department, Police Department and the Clerk's Office. Continued for further study. Chief of Police Dow reported on possibikidifficulty in filling the existing vacancy on the Police force caused by the resignation of one patrolman. He Oas received only one application to date. Chief Dow also reported on a new parking problem in the Merchants Parking Lot and downtown area caused by the closing of the Annapolis Ferry Dock and the moving of Annapolis ferry runs to the Port Orchard dock. It was determined that athe Police should continue to enforce the posted parking limits. City Engineer Hollenbeck reported on the reply he has prepared to Department of Housing and Urban Development on the application for. Federal funds for the construction of sewer system in the south- west portion of the City. Clerk reported bills in the amount: Current Expense, $35,332.98; Water, $1,454.94; Street, $1,041.22, Sewer, $592.39; Parks, $44.92. Total: $39,466.45. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Powers that hhese bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 1982 through 2011 approved for payment. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn at 11:30 P.M. 1 Clerk r Mayor Port Orchard, Washington July 11, 1966 Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor Nick Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen and Powers. Ilan Zee absent, I&xcused). Also present: City Attorney Thompson, City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police flow and Mr. Tim Menees representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of June 27, 1966 meeting read and approved. Mayor requested City Attorney to report on matter of DeKaib Street water way and problems involving property lines of lot of lot on east side of the water way, (continued from previous meeting). He has not received a reply to his correspondence with State Land Department on this and the matter of the right-of-way requested across State owned lots for possible construction of a new street. Continued until future meeting.. City Attorney also reported on possible availability of State Funds to help in construction of a lost launching facility at the foot of Water Street. Mikelsen of Fire and Light Committee reported that an „open house" was being planner{ for Saturday, July 16, 1966 to permit citizens of Port Orchard to examine the new Fire truck and other new Fire Department equipment and witness its operation. This will take place on the Buchmann used car lot on Bay Street. Clerk to arrange publicity. Councilman Lippert reported no -further progress in the establishment of a trailer toilet dining facility due to the temporary absency of a Mr. Carr who originated the request. (continued) Mayor discussed a request received from the Merchants of Bay Street for the immediate re -striping of the Merchants parking lot north of Bay Street, and what layout would be used. Councilman Caldwell reported on a meeting between himself, Lippert and Mr. Fred Hannah of Hannah and Powell and the problems discussed. Drawings of three (3) different layouts were examined by the mayor and Council- men. Moved by Powers, seconded by Mikelsen that this lot be re -striped for parking, using a traffic flow along the extreme north side of the lot, with no parking along the north edge. Approved with 5 yeas and one nay. City Engineer to obtain information as to costs of this project. Chief of Police Dow reported on a serious need for a new typewriter in his office for use by Police Court Clerk. Present manual typewriter is in poor shape and requires frequent expensive service. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that the Police Department be authorized to purchase a new typewriter at a cost of approximately $250.00. Approved. Clerk reported that approximately 150 additional signatures on petition for Initiative 226 for a total of approximately 300 had been forwarded to the cognizant office in Seattle. City Attorney reported that preliminary work is progressing in the plans to acquire that portion of Annapolis Water District inside the City Limits. Continued. City Engineer Hollenbeck reported receipt of four (4) proposals for the possible purchase of a back - hoe -loader for use by Public Works Department. He discussed various features and option offered. Proposals were discussed by the Mayor and Councilmen. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that the City Engineer be directed to prepare specifications and issue a call for bids for one (1) back - hoe, with next meeting set as the date for opening the bids. Approved. Mayor requested information from Finance and Auditing Committee as to -the financial feasibility of grading and surfacing the area between and around the Street Department buildings. Powers recommended that this project be delayed until a later date. Chief Dow requested authority to hire one (1) part time patrolman to fill in during shortage of one regular patrolman. Approved by the Mayor. Mayor reported that County Road District No. 2 is planning paving of Mitchell Road to the City Limits and will continue on north to Bay Street if the City will participate in costs for that portion of street inside city limits. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Fitzgerald that authority be requested from the State Highway Department to perform this work and to use Arterial Street Funds on a 75-25 basis for this purpose. Approved, and City Engineer directed to ascertain costs from County Engineer. Mayor reported on a meeting of a Board of Review of petition for annexation by property owners in the NE,k and 1kat inxtti x ed ed NU kyftg aruxickKiruxty id sbais WASk , aU im gimtimm 1, of NE14 and that portion of SEA of NEk lying northeasterly of State Highway, all in Section 3, Township 23N, R1E, WM. The Board approved acceptance of this petition. Moved by Powers, seconded by Lippert that the regular meeting of July 25, 1966 be designated as date of hearing, after proper publishing and post- ing. Approved. City Engineer requested information re: responsiblity for widening and improving of streets never improved or widened to full right-of-way and allowed to deteriorate prior to annexation into city. ni Opinion of the Council and City Attorney that such streets will not be rebuilt and widened by the City unless the property owners underwrite the costs. Mayor reported that he has received complaints that horses are being ridden in the downtown area, on sidewalks, creating a nuisance. Police Department directed to be particularly alert to this viola; tion. City Attorney will check on present Ordinance to determine their adequacy to stop this pract- ice. Councilman Fitzgerald reported on instances of littering of streets by the garbage collectors. Clerk will request corrective action from operators of Port Orchard Garbage Service. Mikelsen reported on a suggestion of Horseshoe Pitching Association that the City consider the dev- elopment of eight (8) additional horseshoe pits to permit the hosting of State tournaments.. Volun- teer labor and some donated material would be available. (continued for further consideration.) Mikelsen reported on previous recommendations that addional fire extinguishers be placed in the City buildings. He also reported on status along the NE corner of Central Playfield. Work is progress- ing well on the building being constructed by the Little League at Givens Field. Mikelsen also reported on the effect of the new Radar speed control unit in operation to control speeding. Mikelsen requested the council to consider the passage.of an ordinance licensing cats in 1967. Fire Chief Tom Bontrager being present, reported that he was ilutte satisfied with the new fire truck and that it was far superior in his opinion to many being purchased in other districts. "Bugs" which will devalop4:vlll be eoraeeted by the vendor. He further explained the plans for the "open houses on Saturday, July 169 to dewuatrato,�the new truck and equipment. City Engineer Hollenbeck presented additional information on the proposed addition to the north side of the Municipal Building and reported on one proposal received for the construction of this addition of $10,260.00, This would be the shell only, without windows, wiring, plumbing, etc. Continued, pending receipt of additional proposals. Mr. Hollenbeck reported no further information received on cost offpaving winter "snow route" around Sidney Hill. The Clerk also informed the Council of the special meeting scheduled for 7:30 P.M., August 1, 1966 for receiving and considering objections to the assessment roll for LID 61, (sanitary sewer in Naz- arene Church area). The Clerk informed the Council of a request from the Kitsap Saddle Club of Manchester Highway for the hanging of a banner over Bay Street, advertising a horse show. This was of an immediate nature and was authorized by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by the Council. This banner meets the re- quirements of the Fire Department who are responsible for placing it. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Lippert that placing this banner be authorized. Approved. The South Kitsap Soroptomist Club has requested that the City assume the responsibility for placing the slate around the new drinking fountain at Bay and Sidney Streets, with that organization to pay $60.00 to perform this work. The man who had agreed to do this part of the project cannot get to it. A request has been received from Mr. Fred Wilson of 1306 West St. that he be permitted to park a mobile home (trailer) in West Street in front of his home, contrary to the provisions of Ordinance #720 as amended by Ordinance #741. On advice of the City attorney it was determined that this ord- inance will be enforced and no exceprtl on.s made. Clerk directed to so inform Mr. Wilson. Mr. Fred Best, Home Builder and developer was recognized and presented the final plat of his Garden Grove subdivision at Fireweed and Robinson Streets, for Council approval. He presented copies of the plat for examination. The plat has been approved by the Port Orchard Planning Commission, City Engineer, City Attorney, etc. Moved by Fitzgerald, seconded by Powers that this final plat of Best's Garden Grove Addition be accepted. Approved. Resolution #1038, authorizing the transfer of $168.03 from Water Fund to Current Expense Fire Depart- ment was read. This is necessary because of an inadvertent overcharge of the Fire Department of this amount for Weed Killer which should have been charged to Water Fund. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the Resolution be adopted. Approved. Bills were presented in the amount of Current Expense, $2,676.52; Water, $1,851.73; Street, $721.45; Sewer, $494.31; Park, $139.38. Total: $5,883,39. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell, that the bills be allowed and Vouchers #2012 through #2060 be authorized for payment. Appftved. Moved, seconded and carried that the meeting be adjourned at 10:20 P.M. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington July 25, 1966 Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7s35 P.M. by Mayor Rlepanich. Council- man present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Lippert and Mikelsen. Powers and Van Zee absent, (excused). Also present, Attorney Ronald Thompson, substituting for Donald Thompson, City AttoMe3y, City Engineer Hoilenbeck, Chief of Police Dow and Mr. Gerald Grosso, representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of July 11, 1966 meeting read and approved as corrected. Mr. T. W. Heckel and Mr. Fred Hannah of Bay Street Merchant's Committee of South Kitisap Chamber of Commerce were present to discuss the matter of the new layout of the Merchant's Parking lot as approved . at the July 11 meeting. Mayor Repanich also recognized Mr. James Duncan of Leo Dalai Associates who. was interested in the parking problem. Caldwell, of Street and Alley Committee pre' nted the three �? possible layouts of this lot in drawing form. Considerable discussion followed by N�ayor, Councilmen and others interested. Merchant's Committee was not in agreement that the plan apprioved at the July 11 meeting was the most desirable and recommends retention of the north -side 12 hour, parking with a few other minor changes to improve traffic flow. After much discussion, it was determined that a new survey will be made on basis of decision of last council meeting to re -pattern this sparking area to eliminate the parking along the north sidewalk and change flow through the lot. This plan will be presented at a future meeting. Mr. James Duncan, Assistant Planner of Leo Daly Associates, presented and explained ;colored sketches of future possible development of downtown and water -front areas. Letter of Mr. Fred Hannah read requesting opening of Harrison Street north of Bay Street to permit future filling north of liquor store building and end of the street to permit access, and.egress to and from the parking area west of Harrison Street. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Lippert that Harr- ison Street be opened to its present limits north of Bay Street and that parking be prohibited on the: west side by posting of sins. Approved. Srs- Mr. Joe Weigel, Chief of Sanitation in Kitsap County Health Department and Mi. Waltzer and Lloyd Granquist of Port Orchard Garbage Service were recognized by the Mayor to discuss undestreable con- ditions existing at the City garbage dump. A report of unsatisfactory conditions at the dui, sub- mitted by Mr. Weigel, dated 7/13/66 was read by the Mayor. Mr. Weigel discussed the situation as it exists now and projected it into the future. Mayor explained the City's position as involves the operation of the dump under terms of the franchise. Mr. Lloyd Granquist presented the problem as it effects the Port Orchard Garbage Service. Discussed by the Engineer and members of ;he Council. Continued, with the Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee to examine the dumps site on 7127/66 along with the Granquists and Mr. Weigel. The matter of the Qpquisition of portion of Annapolis Water District continued. The matter of trailer toilet dumping facility continued. this being the date set for ripening bids for a combination backhoe-loader, the following bids were opened and read by the Clerk: Fray Equipment Co., Seattle, Wash. No bid N-C Machinery Co., Seattle, Wash. No bid Clyde Equipment Co., Seattle, Wash. $8,183.00 Net Tool Crib Sales, Inc. $7,290.00 Net Cox Machinery Co. $5,788.47 Net Wayne -Buck Sales, Inc. $6,939.12 Net Air -Mac., Inc. No bid After discussion of the various machines offered, options, etc. it was roved by Lippert that the low bid of Cox Machinery Co. for a Massey -Ferguson diesel powered loader-backhoe combination for $5,788.47 be accepted. The motion, failed for lack of a second. Matter continued until next meeting with the Engineer to examine the bids and information available and make recommendations at that time. Mayor reported that the Mitchell Road paving project had been completed by Kitsap County Road District No. 2. Cost has not yet been accurately determined. This meeting having been designated as the date for hearing on the petition of Schulitheis, Maddock et al for annexation of NEB of NF'4 and that portion of SEk of NE4 lying northeasterly of State Highway 16, all in Section 8, TWP 23N R1E, WM. There being no interested persons present, it was moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that the petition be approved. Passed unanimously. A',proposed ordinance providing for the annexation of the area described in the petition was read by the Clerk. Moved by. Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 764 assigned. Mikelsen reported no further progress on request for additional horseshoe pitching courts. Matter still under study. Mikelsen reported that some problems have been encountered in installing lights over the horseshoe pits and will probably require wiring direct from the pole In the street. Mikelsen also reported that the new building being constructed by the Little League pea Givens Field Is rapidly nearing coWletion. He reported that the Western Little League desires plermission. to move the old scorers' booth to the Fernwood Little League Field outside the city. Moved by.Fitzgerald, seconded by Lippert that the removal of this booth to the Fernwood Field be authorized. Approved. Mayor Repanich requested Councilman Mikelsen to convey the thanks and appreciation of the Council and citizens of Port Orchard to the Little League officials and others responsible for this fine addition to the recreation facilities of Port Orchard. Matter of proposed addition on,north side of City Hall discussed and continued until future meetings. Mayor reminded Council of the special meeting scheduled for August 1, 1966 for the purpose of receiving and considering objections to the assessments for the LID #61,,(sanitary sewers in Nazarene Church area). The Clerk read a letter from the South Kitsap Beautification Council dated July 21, 1966 discussing the "Beautify America" project and calling attention to a meeting in the Council Chambers scheduled for 7:30 P.M., 7-28-66. Mayor reported on the possibility that Federal funds may be available through the State Highway Depart- ment for the establishing of rest and view areas along the State Highway entering and leaving the City. Recommends a letter to Mr. Ralph Kerslake, of the State High4a Department calling attention to the Comprehensive Plan now nearing completion, and requesting him to consider including these possibilities in the State Highway Department beautification programs. Continued. Letter from Mr. Marion Garland, Attorney read re: concern of Mrs. Mary Lieseke over plans to change parking in Merchantfs Lot which might adversely affect ferry patronage, and requesting an apportunity to be present at meetings at which this might be discussed. Mayor reported on the need for assistance, financial and promotional, in promoting the passage of ' Initiative #226 in the November election. A letter from Mayor Braman of Seattle in this regard was read. Lippert reported on a projected enlargement of 'Theisen Realty and Insurance building in west Port Orchard which will involve increased demand for water service. The present line serving this business will be inadequate for any increase in requirement. Mayor and Council xuxxftg kkiz knatmMs x1ft ka taxeigaaiaa i discussed need to extend the existing large main further west. Mikelsen reported that -the Volunteer Fire Department netted $483.99 from the sale of fireworks during the pre-4th of July period. He also reported on the completion of a railing on each side of the entry way into the Active Club Building to protect shrubbery from children. Mayor reported that dirt and rocks were being thrown from the NE corner of Central playfield into the streeWonto private property by children. Discussed need for immediate re -hanging of fence removed to extend wall. Engineer will contact Granquist Construction Co. to request this be done. City Engineer requested a meeting with Water & Sewer and Street and Alley Committee regarding budget. City Engineer reported on a request of the Federal Census Bureau for certain street and numbering in- formation. Chief of Police Dow reported the purchase of a new electric typewriter as authorized at last Council meeting. Also requested authority to pay overtime pay to patrolmen who work more than 40-hour week during the shortage of one patrolman while others are on vacation or sick leave. Clerk reported that a representative of -Washington State Department of Health had been here recently and remarked on the efficient operation of Port Orchards sewage treatment plant, and particularly the dedicated efforts of Mr. Schiro, the plant operator. There appears to be only one (1) other city in Washington, Winlock, which is fortunate enough to enjoy the services of so dedicated a sewage plant operator. Bills were reported as follows Current Expense $829.74; Water $743.60; Street $2,400.11; Sewer $288.53; Park $69.06. Total $4,331.04. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Geiger that these bills be allowed and that Vouchers Nos. 2061 through 2082 be authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn -at 11:55 P.M. Clerk - Mayor Port Orchard, Washington August 1, 1966 A special meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:45 P.M. by Mayor Repanich. Coun- cilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Lippert, and Powers. Mikelsen, Geiger and Van Zee absent., (excused). Also present City Attorney Thompson and City Engineer Hollenbeck. Mayor Repanich announced that this meeting was convened for the purpose of allowing the council to sit as a Board of Equalization for the hearing of objections to the preliminary assessment roll for Local Improvement District #61, he opened the floor for the presentation of such objections. Mt. and Mrs. Robert Williams of Route 2, Box 101, (Sidney St.) were recognized and presented object- ions to the assessment levied against Tax Lot #49, 35-24-1E, both as to amount and method of determ- ining the assessment, and that he did not understand the "Zone and Termini" method of making an assess-, meat. City Attorney Thompson was requested by the Mayor to explain the Zone and Termini method of deter- mining assessments for LID improvements. The City Engineer further explained the application df this method in the case at hand. After further discussion of various factors and matters involved, Mr. Williams stated that he had no;.objection to the amount of the assessment on his property but had originally felt that it might be out of line in comparison to the other parcels involved. He assured the council that he under- stood the method of making the assessment and that it appeared to be just. Mayor Repanich announced that all objections had been resolved and requested the City Attorney to draft an ordinance confirming these rolls and forming the LID. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn at 8:25 P.M. -- d Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington August 8, 1966 Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:50 P.M. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Lippert, and Powers. Mikelsen, Geiger and Van Zee absent (excused). Also present: City Attorney Thompson, City Engineer Hollenbeck and Mr. Gerald Grosso, representing the Bremerton Sun. Minutes of July 25, 1966 regular meeting and August 1, 1966 special meeting were read and approved. Mariam Garland, Attorney, was present representing Mrs. Mary Lieseke, operator of Horluck Transport- ation Company, and spoke re: the proposed change of plx6king layout in the north side of the Merchants parking lot. He read correspondence from then -Mayor Largis to the Commissioner of Public Lands for Washington in this matter. He explained how the interests of the Horluck Transportation Company might be adversely affected if this change is made. He discussed the desirability of retaining the present volume of business in Port Orchard enjoyed by reason of the traffic to and fro from Bremerton via ferry. Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee discussed the original purpose of the parking lot when origin- ally planned. He also feels that the removal of the present 12-hour parking from the north curb and relocating it 20 feet south was not in the best interest of the city. Other Councilmen also dis- cussed this matter. Mayor Repanich assured Attorney Garland and Mrs. Iteseke that the City has no intention to eliminate any of the 12-hour parking pow available. Mr. T. W. Heckel, of the Merchantts Parking Committee of South Kitsap Chamber of Com6iirce stated the Chamber's feelings and also assured Mrs. Lieseke that the merchants do not desire any change which would create hardship. After further discussion the matter was continued until further meetings. Mayor requested City Engineer Hollenbeck to report on recommendations re: the bids for combination back -hoe and loader, which were opened on 7/25/66. Mr. Hollenbeck reported on apparent deficiencies of the Massey -Ferguson back -hoe on which the low bid was submitted, as compared with other bids re- ceived. He feels that the low -bid machine does not meet the specifications in four (4) instances and recommends that this bid of Cox Machinery Co. of Seattle be rejected. Mr. R. B. Quay of Cox Mchinery Co. was present and spoke briefly in defense of the Massey -Ferguson machine and explained why his company had bid this machine, even though it does not meet minimum specifications. T he Council studied various brochures describing the machines for which bids have been reeved. Moved by Fitzgerald, seconded by Caldwell that the low bid of $5,788.47 for a Massey Ferguson back -hoe loader submitted by Cox Machinery Co. be rejected due to failure to meet specifications. Approved. Moved by Powers, seconded by Lippert that the second low bid of $6,939.00 submitted by Wayne -Buck Sales, Inc. of Fife, Washington for a Ford back -hoe loader be rejected due to failure to meet speci- fications. Approved. Moved by Powers, seconded by Fitzgerald that the bid of Tool Crib Sales, Inc. of $7,290.00 after trade-in of International loader for a Case Model 530 Construction King back -hoe loader be accepted. Approved. Letter of Mr. Jesse W. Sutton, Jr.'to Mayor Repanich and a copy of a letter to Mr. Tom Bontrager, Fire Chief announcing his resignation as Water Department Foreman and Assistant Fire Chief, respect- ively was read by the Clerk. Mayor announced that he had accepted the resignation as Water Department Foreman with regret. r Mayor requested a report of the Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee on the matter of the unsatisfactory conditions of the garbage dump as reported in Mr. Joe Weigel's letter of 7/13/66. Committee reported on an inspection of the dump on 7/27166 and recommended that the City participate-, in the cost of the necessary enlarging of the dump to an amount of not to exceed $300.00. Moved by Powers, seconded by Lippert that the payment of $300.00 be authorized to help defray the cost of this Improvement. Approved. The Clerk reported that the cost of re -surfacing Mitchell Street between Bay Street and the City limits was $2,600.00 and that authority had been received to use Arterial Street Fund monies to finance 75% of the cost. The cities share will be $650.00 (25% of cost). The Clerk also reported on the desirability of entering into an agreement between Kitsap County Road District #2 and the City for future street paving projects and other work which the County is equipped to do, as authorized by RCW 35.77, and read a sample agreement prepared by the City Attorney. This 4 will be completed and presented to the Council for approval at the next meeting. The matter of manholes in Mitchell Street, which have been covered by this project was discussed. The City Engineer reported that these will be raised and re -placed in the near future. Lippert, of Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee recommended that the assessment rolls as submitted for LID #61, (sanitary sewers) be accepted as prepared without changes and so moved. Seconded by Caldwell. Approved. Clerk read proposed ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll of LID #61. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that this -ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 765 assigned. Letter of Mr. Terry Thompson, Bond Broker to City Attorney read by the Clerk regarding some of the details of acquiring that portion of the Annapolis Water Department which is inside the City. A meeting of the members of the Council and Mr. Thompson and the City Attorney is tentatively sched- uled for 8/18/66 or 8/24/66. A letter of thanker from the South Kitsap Beautification Council congratulating the City Council for its efforts in beautifying the entrance to the Active Club Building read. Mayor Repanich announced that it should be the City congratulating and thanking the Beautification Council for its contributions and directed the Clerk to prepare a letter to this effect. The Clerk reported on a proposal of B&K Roofing Co. of Bremerton to re -roof the Active Club Build- ing with a 3-ply, fiberglass roof for $900.00 with payment not required until June of 1967. After discussion of the need for this work and other matters concerning this project, moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that a the Active Club Building be re -roofed at this time, in accordance with the proposal of B&K Roofing Co. Approved. A letter concerning the City's application for Federal assistance in the construction of sewer systems in the Southwest portion of the City, dncluding the new South Kitsap Community Hospital was read by the Clerk. This letter from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, required additional information in support of the application including a statement of policy by the Council of the method of implementing and financing of the project. The City Attorney having previously prepared a §ossible reply to this matter, it was read and after discussion, moved by Powers, seconded by Fitzgerald that this policy as stated in the reply be adopted for this project. Approved. City Engineer Hoilen.beck recommended the installation of new metal gutters and downspouts around the Public Works Buildings on Bay Street. The existing gutters are badly rusted out. Matter con- tinued. Mr. Hollenbeck also reported that the new drinking fountain recently installed at Bay and Sidney Streets by the South Kitsap Soroptimist Club was now functioning properly and that the remainder of the brick work could be installed. However, he recommends that the manual foot -oper- ated valve be removed and that the fountain be allowed to run continuously in the interests of increased efficiency and reduced maintenance. Moved by Fitzgerald, seconded by Powers that this be accomplished. Approved -with 4 yeas and one nay. City Engineer Hollenbeck requested authority to submit bids .to U. S. Government for surplus mater- ials as they are advertised. Moved by Powers, seconded by Fitzgerald that this be authorized and the Treasurer authorized to draw City checks as required for the 10% deposit. Approved. The Clerk read a letter from the State of Washington Department of Natural Resources re: our application for a street right-of-way across certain water front lots. This application has been received and is apparently in proper form and is under consideration. The Clerk reported that Police Court Judge Winifred Watt will be absent from the City from August 14th through the 21st and requests that Myron Freyd be appointed Police Court Judge pro-tem for this period involved. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Fitzgerald that Mr. Freyd be appointed Police Court -Judge pro-tem for the period August 14th through 21st, 1966. Approved. The Clerk reminded the Council of the need for the placing of a one -mill special levy on the November 8 ballot for the 1968 library opera ion and also asked that the Council think of the possibility of placing additional requests fbr special levy millage on the ballot for capital improvements in the Parks and Playgrounds Department. Bills were presented in the f ollowing amounts: Current Expense, $1,471.53: Water, $1,471.31; Street, $1,166.46; Sewer, $644.72; Parks, $315.76. Total: $5,069.78. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and that Vouchers Nos. 2083 through,2132 be authorized for payment. Appeaved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn at 10:35 PM. y i Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington August 22, 1966 Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen presents Fitzgerald, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen, Powers and Van Zee. Caldwell absent (excused). Also present: Attorney Ron Thompson, substituting for Donald Thompson, City Attorney, City Engineer Hallenbeck, Chief of Police Dow and Mssrs. Kurt Sherar and Harry Van Horn repre- senting Bremerton Sun. Minutes of August 8, 1966 meeting read and approved. Mayor Repanich congratulated Councilmen Mikelsen and Van Zee for their extensive efforts in Little League and Connie Mack and Kitsap County Fair, respectively. Mayor Repanich recognized Mrs. A. J. Hang of Annapolis who was present to request information as to the City's position on the recent closing of the Annapolis Ferry Dock by the Horluck Transporation Co. and whether it was causing any hardship in the downtown area as involves parking. Mrs. Hang reported on a conversation she had with Mrs. Lieseke, operator of Horluck Transportation Co. earlier this year which apparently conflicts with Mrs. Lieseke's recent statement to the press concerning the number of passengers being carried on her boats. Mayor and Councilmen expressed their regrets for the loss of this service to the affected areas, but pointed out that-Athere is no manner in which the City can enter into this controversy. Suggestions were made to Mrs. Hang as to possible alternate courses of action. Mr. R. J. Caretti of 930 Dwight St. was present to request information as to the removal of the sand which was spread on Dwight and Division Streets to protect the coat of oil recently applied. This sand is becoming a nuisance to the property owners aldong these streets. City Engineer stated that this could not be relieved until the first rains, which will dampen.the dust and permit the sweeping of the stVeets and removal of the sand and dust. Mr. J. W. "Walt" Huth of Port Orchard Machine $hop was present in re: his application to the U. S. Department of Army Engineers to fill in along the west side of Lot 1, Block 4, Original Plat of Sidney. A communication from the U. S. Army Engineer District, Seattle was read in this regard which requested a statement of policy by the City as to it•s approval of this.project. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Fitzgerald that the Council go on record as being in favor of the proposed filling. Approved. Mr, Carl Krause of Kitsap Bowhunters Club was introduced and requested information as to the poss- ibility of leasing a portion of the 80 acres of undeveloped land which the City owns southwest of Highway 16, for the purpose of establishing an archery range. Mayor Repanich suggested that int- erested members of the club examine the area and determine if it meets their requirements, and that n they then meet with the members of the Parks and Playgrounds Committee. Mr. Krause stated that some of the needs of his group as to size of area, terrain,etc. for such a field archery facility. The Mayor requested an opinion from the City Attorney re: the liability of the City in case of inj- uries which might result from this type of activity. City Attorney stated his opinion that the City would probably not be held liable if the private organization held a lease on the property, giving them full control. After further discussion the matter was continued until future meetings, pending further study by the City Attorney. In the interim the Parks and Playgrounds Committee, City Engin- eer and members of the interested organization will tour the area to determine its. potential. Mayor Repanich requested information from the City Engineer re: the latest drawings and sketches of the proposed lay -outs of the Merchants Parking Lot. This ,matter is in the hands of Councilman Caldwell, who was absent. The Mayor and Councilmen discussed these layouts and possible merits and faults of each. Continued until return of Caldwell, When a meeting of Merchant's Committee, Streets and Alleys Committee, City Engineer, etc. will be scheduled to examine, and make recommendations. Mayor reminded Council of the possible need or desirability of applying a coat of special aluminum roof coating on the City Hall as recommended by the firm which installed the roof in 1965. Contin- ued, with Parks, Playgrounds and Buildings Committee to make recommendations at next meeting. Van Zee of Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported on various matters of his committee. He reported on the lighting of the horseshoe pitching court and discussed recent improvements in the Active Crab Building. Powers reported that copies of 1967 budget estimates as submitted by Department Heads will be fur- nished to all Councilmen along with copies of these minutes. Mayor reported that the new Case loader-backhoe had been received and was in operation. � Chief of Police Dow reported that State Highway Department personnel had requested information as to the desires of the City re: parking on south side of Bay Street between Harrison Street and Seattle Street. After discussion and a recommendation by Chief Dow that parking be allowed in this area, moved by Fitzgerald, seconded by Mikelsen that the parking restrictions previously requested by the City from the State Highway Department and on file with that Department in Olympia be rescinded and the Department requested to remove these restrictions. Approved. Chief Dow reported on the possible appointment of a new patrolman who is currently eligible for appointment at =:ethe Sheriff's Department. This man is retiring from the U. S. Navy after 20 years n of service,.on September,15. The candidate has very satisfactorily passed the Civil Service exam- ination of the Sheriff's Department and the Chief recommends his appointment without a City Exam- ination, since our Civil Service System is not yet operating. City Attorney recommends the appoint- ment by the Mayor with the conformation of the Council. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Powers that this candidate be appointed by the Mayor. Approved. The candidate in question, Mr. Rny Lake being present, was introduced to the Mayor, Councilmen and others present. The Clerk -veferred to request of Committee for Community Betterment in re: the need for funds to promote the passage of initiative #226 in the November election. Mayor discussed methods being used by other cities to raise funds. Mayor Repanich appointed Councilman Fitzgerald as a committee of one to assist in promoting this matter of funds for this purpose. An application for variance from the rear -yard setback requirements of Ordinance #719, submitted by Mr. Joe Collins of 819 Cline Street was read by the Clerk. This application has been recommended approved by the Planning Commission. Moved by Powers, seconded by Mikelsen that the recommendations of the Plan- ning Commission be concurred in and the variance granted. Approved. A petition for vacation of an un-named street running east and west between Highway #160 and Maple St. south of Gullo-Middleton Medical Clinic was read. This petition has been recommended approved by the Planning Commission. Referred to the Street and Alley Committee for study and recommendation at the nextmeeting. A petition to the City Council for the inotallation of a traffic control light at the intersection of Bay, Maple and Beach Road was read by the Clerk. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Lippert that this petition be accepted and forwarded to the State of Washington Highway Department in Olympia for action. Approved. The Clerk reminded the Councilmen il the Association of Washington Cities Legislative District Committee meeting in Bremerton at the Sportsman Cafe on September 14th. The Clerk reported that a representative of a large casualty insurance company had shown favorable int- erest in the recent amendment to the City Building Code, increasing certain minimums to insure addition- al protection against earthquakes. The Clerk read a proposed resolution which would authorize certain budgetary transfers to equalize exp- enditures with revenues. Moved by Powers, seconded by Lippert that this resolution be adopted. Appro- ved and No. 1039 assigned. Bills.wexe read in the amount of: Current expense, $640.54; Water Fund, $3,491.56; Street Fund, $1,671.08; Sewer Fund, $4,243.63; Park Fund, $79.87; Total: $10,126.68. and Vouchers No. 2133 thru 2151 offered for payment. Moved by Powers, seconded by Mikelsen that these hills be allowed and that the vouchers be authorized paid. Approved. Move5l, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 11:00 P.M. J Clerk _ Mayor Port Orchard, Washington September 12, 1966 Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen presents Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen, Powers and Van Zee. Also present: Attorney Thompson, City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow. Minutes of August 22 meeting read and approved as corrected. Mayor Repanich congratulated Councilman Lippert for his efforts in promotion of Kitsap County Fair in this and in past years. Mrs. Helen Rutz of Route 3, was recognized by the Mayor and presented a request for the council to con- sider furnishing city water to an area in Port Orchard Villa Tracts near Lundberg Road and Old Gig Harb- or Highway. Mayor informed Mrs. Rutz that the city's policy in this matter is usually not to furnish water outside the City but to encourage annexation. City Engineer offered descriptive information. Re- ferred to Wt3ter, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee for study and recommendation at next meeting. Mr. Joseph Showalter of 1114 Garrison Street introduced and he thanked the City for past services and courtesies. He complained of the interuption of funeral processions leaving Port Orchard for the cem- etary. He stated that proper respect for the dead is not being shown by motorists who frequently break into the processions. Chief of Police Dow r*orted on the problems which face his department in attempt- ing to properly police these processions. Mayor reported on City's desire to cooperate. Matter will be discussed between Mayor and Manager of Funeral parlor to attempt to improve this situation. Mayor recognized Dr. Samuel Gullo who spoke regarding the petition which he had previously submitted for vacation of an unnamed street near the Gullo-Middleton Clinic. He presented a drawing of the area show- ing the properties owned by he and his associate and displayed a drawing of future development of this property. City Engineer informed Council and Dr. Gullo of possibility of water main extension to Annap- olis -Mitchell Hill area being involved in this.street. Matter discussed in detail by Mayor and Council- mens Matter continued in Committee. Matter of req est Kitsap Bowhunters Club for possibility of lease of unimproved city property for an archery rangMIV,, i,ttyAtittorney Thompson reported on legal asl5ects of such a lease. Discussed by Council men. Continued in committee to further contact this club and discuss this information. Matter of redesign of Merchants parking lot opened for discussion. A new layout was shown which had been examined by members of Merchants Parking Committee, City Council, Mrs. Lieseke of Horluck Trans- portation Co. in an executive session of Council on September 7, 1966. City Engineer directed to secure cost estimates for this job. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Van Zee that the pUking layout discussed at the executive session of 9/7/66, be adopted. This involves parking for 12 hours on both sides of the northerly lane, headed east; 3 hours in remainder between Sidney and Frederick Streets and 9 hours in remainder between Frederick and Orchard Streets. Approved. Mayor recognized Mr. Robert Gadberry of Port Orchard Volunteer Fire Department who reported that bn a drill earlier this evening, water pressure in a main near Fireweed and Robinson caused a pressure surge in residence;of the area which caused pressure relief valves of hot water tanks in these residences to lift and discharge into rooms. Mayor requested report on aluminum coating of City Hall roof. Van Zee reported paint had been applied by City Employees. Van Zee reported on certain matters regarding the horseshoe pitching courts. Mayor requested Councilman Fitzgerald to report on matter of procuring funds for promotion of Init- iative #226. Fitzgerald reported slow progress in this matter. Mikelsen suggested a letter to each organization in Port Orchard which is involved'in recreational activities (Little League, Babe Ruth League, American Legion, VFW, etc.) pointing out the additional facilities which the City can pro- vide if this Initiative is successful. Mrs. Marianne Hirsekorn, the Librarian of Port Orchard Branch of Kitsap Regional Library was intro- duced by Mayor. Mrs. Hirsekorn spoke informally of her appreciation for the courtesies shown. Mayor and Councilmen discussed the shortage of membership on the Library Board and the need for replacement. Mayor reported on a report submitted by Mr. Tom Lowry, Attorney who assisted the City Attorney in the comprehensive planning survey regarding the necessary items to be accomplished prior to acceptance of the Cpmprehensive Plan. Clerk read the letter from Mr. Lowry to Mr. Larry Wylie of Leo A. Daly Associates. City Attorney Thompson reported on various aspects of the final acceptance of the plan. City Attorney Thompson believes that the Council be allowed to review the plan and zoning and sub- division Ordinance. Mr. Thompson analized Attorney Lowry's letter item by item and explained the ben- efits to be diroved by following (Mr. Lowry's) recommendations. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Fitz- gerald that Othe course of action outlined in Mr. Lowry's letter to Mr. Wylie be followed by the Council. Approved, Mayor Repanich will communicate with Mr. Lifvendahl, County Planner in this matter. Mayor reported on a proposed comprehensive Plan for the Central Business District. This is not part of the overall comprehensive plan. After discussion, moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that the Comprehensive Plan for Central Business District, in addition to the basic plan be authorized to be prepared by Leo Daly Associates for the cost of $300.00 as discussed at Executive Session of 8/26/66. Approved. Agreement regarding repair and maintenance of City Streets by Kitsap County Road Dist. #2 read. Pro- posed Ordinance ratifying and confirming this agreement read. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this Ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 767 assigned. Clerk reported on a proposal of R. L. Polk Co. for the preparation of a Port Orchard City Directory, cross referencedby name and street and number. Clerk will further investigate and report at next meeting. Cost of Municipal Code reported by the Clerk as being about $500.00 less than original proposal. Letter of Book Publishing Co. regarding shipment of Code read. Letter from Mr. Kerslake regarding petition for traffic light at Bay, Maple and Highway,160, read by Clerk. This request is under study by the Highway Department and a report will be rec ftved. Report of Mr. Myklebust of Washington State Health Department to Mr. Weigel of Kitsap County Health Department regarding operation of Port Orchard City Garbage Dump and recommendations for changes in operation of the dump was read to Council. Proposed Ordinance authorizing one (1) mill special levy for the operation of the Port Orchard Branch of Kitsap County Regional Library read by the Clerk. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Fitz- gerald and approved with Ilumber 766 assigned. Clerk read a copy of a letter written by Mayor Repanich to Rr. Admiral Schultz, PSNS Commander regarding`a congratulations on the occasion of 75th Anniversary of PSNS. Clerk read petitions signed by various interested persons that the City Council consider naming the new street under construction between Sidney Street and Pottery Hill Road, fronting on the proposed South Kitsap Commuiaity Hospital, "Lippert Drive". Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that the petition be accepted and that the new street be named "Lippert Drive'". Approved. Letter'of Mr. Richard Schultheis regarding objections to any rezone of areas near the site of the South Kitsap Hospital for convalescent and/or nursing homes, read by the Clerk. Councilman Powers presented the preliminary budget for consideration. The amount of this preliminary budget is $318,259.38. Moved by Powers, seconded by Fitzgerald that the preliminary budget as pres4 ented, be accepted. Approved. Councilman Mikelsen spoke at length on the continuing need of Park Fund for improvement of recreation- al facilities of the City, including acquisition of additional property for development as recreation. areas. He suggests that a special levy'millage of 2 or 3 mills be considered for 1968 Park. Fund rev- enue. *An Ordinance was read to place a special levy on the November 8, 1966 election ballot to raise $32,000.00 (Approx. 8 mills) maintenance and improvement of Parks and Recreational facilities and acquiring new property. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Mikelsen that this Ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 768 assigned. Mr. Dick Brinkerhoff was present and reported on disturbances occuring frequently at Central Play- ground involving vandalism, riding motorcycles on the playgrounds. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Mikelsen that a special levy be placed on the November 8, 1966 ballot asking for $32,000.00 (approximately 8 mills) for the purpose of maintenance and improvement of the existing parks and playgrounds and acquire new property. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Mikelsen that this Ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 768 assigned. *A problem involving the improper construction of a piece of bulkhead along the Northeast corner of Central Playground by the Granquist construction company was presented by Councilman Mikelsen. Re- commended by Mikelsen that additoanal work be authorised in the amount of approximately $90.00 to complete this project properly. Continued in Committee and authorized to take corrective actimn4 City Engineer Hollehbeck reported on matters involving the Kitsap County Sewer District #5 as involves sewage being discharged into the bay at Mitchell point. City Attorney reported on progress of claims against City involving LID #60 damage. He also reported on claim of Mr. Paul Res Barger for damage incurred in Construction of LID 60. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Fitzgerald that the claim of Mr. Rosenbarger be rejected and referred to insurance carrier. Approved. Councilman Mikelsen requested information as to possible non-complainae with building code fire res- trictions on the construction of the Lundy Apartment Building. City Engineer Hollenbeck explained his interpretations of the Building Code. Bills were read in the amount oft Current Expense, $1,111.21; Water Fund, $642.20; Street, $3,026.11 Sewer, $248.65; Park, $173.36; Arterial Street Fund, $1,950.00. Moved by Powers, seconded by Fitz- gerald that bills be allowed and vouchers No. 2152 through 2200 authorized paid. , seconded and approved that the meeting bofadjourned. Adjourned at 12:50 A.M. Clerk .. �,,.�„� Mayor Port Orchard, Washington September 26, 1966 Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Repanich. Council- men present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen and Powers. Van Zee absent (excused). Also present: Attorney Ronald Thompson, substituting for City Attorney Ronald Thompson. City Engin- eer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow, Mr. Gerald Grosso, representing Bremerton Sun and Mr. Joe Zaspel, representing Radio KBRO. Minutes of September 12, 1966 regular meeting read and approved as corrected. Mr. James Piatt and other members of Port Orchard Junior Chamber of Commerce were present and ex- plained a -proposed house -number ing plan for the City of Port Orchard including areas immediately adjacent to the City. A map and drawing of the proposed plan was displayed and a detailed explan- ation of the recommendatipns of the group was presented. After considerable discussion and clarif- ication of certain aspects of the proposal, the Mayor requested opinions from the members of Council. Several Councilmen spoke and offered varied comments. Mayor Repanich summarized the two most desir- able alternatives, one in which North -South numbering would start at Bay Street and run South and East-West numbering would start at Sherman Street with all numbers west of that street to bear the suff*x "West„ and numbers east would have no directional suffix. T he other plan would have the num- bers starting at the westerly City limits with 1000 running easterly with no directional designation and with North -South numbers also beginning at Bay Street. Council unanimously selected the plan using Sherman Street as the dividing point. Continued for further study and recommendation. Mayor recognized Mr. Roberson of Cascade Natur4l Gas Corp. and Mr. Arthur Carter of Route 4, Box 134 Annapolis, who were present as spectators. Mayor Repanich requested information from Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee re: the re- quest of Mrs. Helen Rutz of Route 3, for city water service to an area outside the city (continued from last meeting). Councilmen Lippert and Powers have discussed this matter further with Mrs. Rutz and pointed out the policy of the City in this matter, which is to recommend annexation. Continued for further expressions of sentiment on part of other property owners. Mayor reported on a discussion between himself and Mr. Ted Wright of Pendleton -Gilchrist Funeral Home re: the complaint of Mr. Joseph Showalter concerning the interruption of funeral processions by motorists and the general lack of proper traffic control during funerals. No definite conclusion arrived at and matter continued. Councilman Caldwell reported on a study of the petition of Dr. Samuel Gullo for -vacation of an un- named street between Maple Street and Highway #160. He and other Councilmen presented reasons why they feel that this street should not be vacated. Caldwell also reported on the possible acquisition of two lots, Lots #1 and 2, Block 3, Wheelerrs Addition to Port Orchard, which border this street on the west end and which abut the property containing the city*s well #6, and the adjacent reservoir. Councilmen discussed this matter at length. Moved by Powers, seconded by Lippert that further steps be taken to purchase this property if it is available for sale. Approved. Caldwell continued to check on this. Mikelsen reported no further developments in the request of the Kitsap Bow Hunters Club for possible lease of City owned property. Mayor Repanich reported no further developments in the matter of the Comprehensive Survey as report- ed at last meeting. Clerk reported that he had not been able to contact the representative of R. L. Polk Co. re: the cross referenced City Directory referred to in minutes of 9/12/66. Mayor, Councilmen and City Engineer discussed the problem of surges in water pressure in area of Robinson and Fireweed Roads when Fire Department personnel are practicing in that area and using fire hydrants. These pressure surges cause relief valves in homes to 1#ft, with possible damage resulting. Councilman Mikelsen reported on the final decision of his committee in the matter of the fence along the east side if Central Playfield near the north corner. Some additional fencing will be installed and other work accomplished which will prevent persons climbing or jumping over this fence onto private property. This will cost approximately $90.00. Mikelsen.also reported on painting of play- ground fences. Mayer Repanich reported that he has discussed the Uniform Building Code Fire Zones as applied in the City of Bremerton with Commissioner Fred Schoneman. He will further study this matter to determine the best solution to this problem as it exists in Port Orchard. Lippert reported that he and Councilman Powers of Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee had met with Annapolis Water District Commissioners re: possible acquisition of that portion of the Annapolis Water district which is inside the city. Engineering problems must be resolved and a. method of financing arrived at. Continued with Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee to further study the matter with Mayor and City Engineer. Mikelsen reported that the new underground electric wiring at horseshoe pits has been installed and light installation will be accomplished in the near future. Clerk reported on a proposal of A -Paint Striping Co. of Tacoma for the painting of new parking layout in the Merchant's Parking Lot. This will be approximately $690.00 for new layout only or. approximately $960.00 if painting out old lines is included. Continued, awaiting additional proposals. Clerk reported the necessity for appointing a Treasurer Pro-Tem for the special Budget Hearing on October 3, 1966. Mrs. Carraway may be absent at the time. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Lippert that Mary E. Hodge: be designated Treasurer Pro-Tem for the above date and purpose. Approved. Clerk read a portion of a lengthy report of South Kitsap Beautification Council outlining projects and accomplishments. Clerk read a letter from Rear Admiral Floyd Schultz to Mayor Repanich thanking the Mayor, Councilmem and citizens of Port Orchard for the splendid support and good wishes expressed on the occasion of the seventy-fifth anniversary of PSNS. Mayor Repanich requested Councilman Powers to attend a meeting of the District Court Committee in Bremerton on September 27, 1966, since he (the Mayor) could not be present. This meeting is in connection with the new Justice Court procedures which will be in effect in the future. Attorney Ron Thompson presented a list of minor deficiencies in the new Port Orchard Minicipal Code which should be corrected by amendment to the ordinances involved. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that the City Attorney be directed to prepare necessary ordinance to amend the ordinances as required, and an ordinance adopting the new Port Orchard Municipal Code. Mayor Repanich announced that the second:,annual Mayor's Prayer Breakfast would be held at 7:15 A.M. Friday, September 30, J966 at Myhre's Cafe and encouraged all who could attend, to do so. Bills were read in the amount: Current Expense $420.25; Water, $468.98; Street, $934.90; 'Sewer $105.78; Park $42.80; Total: $1,972.71. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and that vouchers Nos. 2201 through 2216 be authorized to be paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting be adjourned. Adjourned at 10:50 P.M. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington October 3, 1966 A special meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor.Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen, Powers and Van Zee. Also present: Mary Hodge, Treasurer Fro-Tem; City Engineer Hollenbeek, Chief of Police Dow, Fire Chief Bontrager and Mr. Gerald Grosso representing Bremerton Sun. Mayor Repanich announced that this special meeting was convened for the: purpose of considering the final budget of the City of Port Orchard, as required by RCW 35.33.070. Mr. Joseph Dodd, Commander of Retstl Po#t #182, American Legion Spoke to the Council re: A Veterans Day Program being planned for the Port Orchard area on November 11. Mr. Dodd requested that the Mayor issue a proclamation, proclaiming this date as Veterans Day. Councilman Powers, Chairman of Budget and Finance Committee, explained the budget revenues and expenditures, fund by fund. Questions were asked by Mr. Grosso of Bremerton Sun. Mayor Repanich explained the reasons for increases in the budget over that of 1965. There being n© person present desiring to speak on the matter of the budget, it was moved by Mikel- sen, seconded by Lippert that the budget of the City of Port Orchard for 1967, as presented, be accepted. Approved. Clerk read a proposed ordinance adopting the 1967 budget. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 769 assigned. Mayor stated that this budget as adopted, is approximately $90*000.00 less thast the original esti•• mates submitted by Department heads and thanked the Budget and Finance Committee and others who were responsible for the preparation and necessary revisions of the budget. Fire Chief Bontrager spoke on the budget as adopted for the Fire Department and reminded the Council that his requests were cut to an absolute minimum. He also stated that he was disturbed over the possible adverse effect on the Fire Department, due to the reduced efficiency which would result. Attorneys Leonard Kruse and James Maddock of Port Orchard and Judge Ron Danielson of Bremerton were introduced by Mayor Repanich. Mr. Maddock spoke re: a new District Judge system which is being established in Kitsap County. If cities so elect, this system would also be used by the cities in lieu of the present system of Municipal Judges. Mr. Maddock gave a background explanation of this system and the State of Washington statute which authorizes it. He further explained how this Dis- trict Court would operate in Port Orchard, costs of its operation to the City, etc. Mr. Maddock introduced Mr. Kruse and Judge Danielson who also spoke in further detail and answered questions from Councilmen and Mr. Grosso. After considerable discussion, this matter was taken under advise. ment for further discussion and possible action at the regular meeting of the Council on October 10, 1966. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Fitzgerald that this special meeting be adjourned. Adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Clerk �r c Mayor r Port Orchard, Washington October 10, 1966 Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor Repanich. Council- men present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen and Powers. Van Zee absent (excused) Also presents City Engineer Hollenbeck, City Attorney Don Thompson, Chief of Police Dow and Mr. Gerald Grosso, representing the Bremerton Sun. Minutes of September 26, 1966 regular meeting and October 3, 1966 special meeting read and approved. Mayor requested information re: the possible purchase of lots in Wheeler's Addition, adjacent to Well #6 (continued from 9A-66). Clerk reported that City Attorney had received an affirmative ans- wer to his letter to the owner requesting confirmation that she would sell at a price of $1,000.00. A title search has been requested to determine if these lots are tlear of inddbtedness . Councilman Mikelsen reported on the status of the final portion of the improvement of the fence at the Northeast corner of Central Playfield. This will be completed in the near future. Mikelsen also reported on the hanging of new wire at Givens Field basketball courts. This is almost complete. The new lights over the horseshoe pitching courts have not been installed but the wiring is ready. Additional dirt has been hauled to the Babe Ruth baseball field for improving that facility. Councilman Lippert reported no further progress in the matter of the Annapolis Water District (con- tinued from previous meetings). 11� Mayor Repanich reported that the re -striping of the Merchant's Parking Lot was started on Sunday and that the northerly part of the lot along Sidney Parkway had been completed and was in use on Monday, with a minimum of confusion. The general opinion of those using this area is that it will be a considerable improvement. Chief of Police Dow directed to have patrolmen there for several days, particilarly in the morning rush period to educate the persons who use this parking facility. The removal of two light poles to new locations was discussed. Mr. T. W. Heckel of Merchant's Parking Committee of the Chamber of Commerce appeared before the council and spoke in opposition to a minor change which was made in the striping of the parking lot, sppeifically to the manner in which the rows of spaces will be divided, and stated that this was a change in the plan as approved by the Committee and the Council. He felt that this should not have been approved without the 6pproval of the Committee and the entire council. Mr. Bill Monteith of Peninsula Glass Co. of 626 Bay St. appeared to present a problem involving a lack of parking space in front of or near their store. He requests the council consider establish- ing a freight loading zone equal to two spaces. After several councilmen discussed this matter, it was moved by Geiger, seconded by Caldwell that two meters be covered fora trial period and the space be designated "FrUght Loading Zone 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M." The street and alley committee will keep this matter under study and report at a later date. Approved. Mr. Buck Gehring and Mr. Russ Noerenberg spoke re: a newly formed *'Boys' Club" which will be en- couraging boys football for 5th through 8th grade boys and requested the use of some of the City facilities, particularly the basemeat of the Active Building. Adult members of this club request- ed to inform Parks and Playground Committee members of needs and work out the details. Mayor reported re: a complaint of Mr. Hugh Bartlett, owner of the property occupied by Pete's Gun Shop and Peninsula Glass Co., This involves water backing up during periods of high tides and part- ially flooding the store spaces with raw sewage. Engineer Hollenbeck explained improvements under way in the f1low of sewage to the treatment plant which will improve if not completely correct this problem. Mayor Repanich reported on the necessity for appointing members to the Civil Service Commission for Police. He offered the names of: Mr. Virgil Parks, Mr. Dusty Winebrenner and Mr. Howard P. Cooke for these positions. After a brief discussion, moved by Lippert seconded by Powers, that the Coun- cil concur in the appointment of these men to the Civil Service Commission for Police. Approved. Mayor reported on the study of the new District Justice Court system being conducted in Kitsap County and discussed at the special meeting of October 3. He announced that another meeting is scheduled in this matter on October 11, 1966 which he and Councilman Mikelsen will attend. Councilmen discussed the proposed system as it would affect Port Orchard. It was the opinion of the council that if Port Orchard elects to participate in this system, it will be conditional upon the local availability of one of the Judges, i.e. that one of the judges will be resident of the Port Orchard area, or that one of the Court Commissioners be a resident of the area. Chief of Police Dow reported on the availability of a complete set of Revised Code of Washington for a cost of about $80.00. He recommended the purchase of this Code for use in the Police Depart- ment offices. After brief discussiomi it was moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that the purchase of this set if reference books be authorized, to be charged against the Police Department budget. Approved. City Engineer Hollenbeck reported on cases of cars parked in city streets for long periods of time to the extent that the streets become permanent storage areas for automobiles. City Attorney will determine if present ordinances are adequate to deal with this situation. Mikelsen and other councilmen discussed at length the problem of the drinking fountain at Sidney a nd 1 Bay Street. This facility has never been completed and the front is still open. Suggested that the brick column be removed and re -constructed with a more attractive appearance. Referred to Parks and Playgrounds Committee for study and recommendation. Councilman Fitzgerald spoke re: the need for funds for the promotion of Initiative #226 and re- ported that City Employees had been contacted and were contributing. He suggested that the Mayor and Councilmen also contribute to this fund. Bills were read in the following amounts: Current Expense Fund, $1,489.45; Water Fund, $263.10; Street Fund, $513.25; Sewer Fund, $393.92; Parks Fund, $446.45. Total: $3,106.17. Moved by Powers, seconded by Mikelsen that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 2217 through #2261 be authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting be adjourned at 11:20 P.M. Clerk r Mayor Port Orchard, Washington October 24, 1966 Regular meeting of the Port Orchard City Council called to order,at.7:33 P.M. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen, Powers and Van Zee. Also present: Ron Thompson substituting for Donald Thompson, City Attorney; City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow; Mr. Gerald Grosso, representing the Bremerton Sun, and Mr. Joe Zaspel, rep- resenting KBRO. Minutes of regular meeting of October 10, 1966 read and approved. Mayor introduced to Council and others present,, Mr. Virgil Parks, Mr. Dusty Winebrenner and Mr. Howard Cooke- newly appointed members of Ciirii Service Commission for Police. Mayor Repanich stressed the importance of the function of this Commission. Mr. Richard Rokes of Telecable, Inc. of Bremerton introduced and reported that his company probably would be constructing their facilities for cable television to and in Port Orchard in about l8 to 24 months. Mr. Rokes answered questions concerning the services which his company will offer. Mr. Richard Sq�ultheis of Schultheis, Maddock and Sutton presented a petition for the vacation of certain reserved rights of way in the newly annexed portion of sections 2 & 3, Township 23, R 1E. He explained in detail by reference to a blackboard sketch, the areas involved. He and his parte ner offer in return, property which will permit the extension and widening of Pottery Hill Road to 60, from its present dead-end to the southerly city limits, Vlth�,,,the exception of two short stretches in return for the vacation of two 30' strips which were reserved while this area was under county jurisdiction. After further discussion, matter==was referred to Planning Commission for study and recommendation. Councilman Mikelsen reported some progress on the completion of the fence at NE corner of Central Playground. He reported on other projects of the Parks and Playgrounds Committee. Councilman Lippert reported no further action on Annapolis Water District matter, (continued from previous meetings). Mayor reported on the Merchant's Parking Lot and the newly striped parking areas. Chief of Police Dow reported the traffic flow is improving rapidly. City Attorney Thompson reported that athe purchase of the lots in Wheeler's Addition (reported on in previous meetings) was being temporarily delayed due to a clouded title which must be resolved before the sale can be completed. Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee reported that the parking meters had been removed from the two parking areas near the crosswalk at Bay and Orchard Streets for a loading zone (reported in last meeting) and that the use of this zone was being watched. Continued in Committee. City Engineer Hollenbeck reported on.the progress of improvements to the inlet of the sewage treat- ment plant to correct problems which arise during periods of high tides. (continued from last meet- ing). Mayor Repanich reported on a meeting on October 11, 1966 of interested parties re: the District Justice Court system proposed for the County (continued from previous meetings). After some dis- cussion, a proposed resolution was read by the Clerk approving this system and adopting it for the City of Port Orchard. Moved by Powers, seconded by Lippert that this resolution be adopted. Approved and No. 1039 assigned. Mayor requested a report from the City Attorney re: parking of automobiles on City Streets for long periods of time and the possible control of such conditions. Rom Thompson reported on legal aspects involved where autos are parked and/or abandoned. After considerable discussion, matter continued, with City Attorney to make further study and recommendations. Van Zee of Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported no further recommendations in the matter of the` drinking fountain at Bay and Sidney Streets. After discussion, the City Engineer was directed to take steps to have the brick work in front completed. Councilman Fitzgerald reported on the matter of raising funds for the promotion of Initiative#226. Mayor Repanich reported on a meeting with Mr. John Porter of Puget Sound Governmental Conference re: an application by the City of Port Orchard for Housing and Urban Development Funds for sewer and water system expansion. It appears that this application may be the first to be approved by the Department, since it is the only one received which meets the planning criteria established. City Engineer Hollenbeck reported on engineering aspects of the proposed expansion. Mayor also reported on his attendance at the Community Festival in Seattle on Saturday, October 22. He recommended that the City of Port Orchard consider participating in this event in future years. Mayor Repanich reported on a meeting on this date (10/24/66) with the Commission of Kitsap County Sewer District No. 5 to explore the possibility of the City of Port Orchard assuming responsibility for the operation of the sewer facilities of that district. Councilman Lippert reported on the financial and physical status of the system and the matter was discussed in some detail. Referred to Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee for study and recommendation. Mikelsen reminded the Council of the Special Levy of approximately 8 mills which will be on the November 8 ballot for Parks and Playgrounds improvements and the need for signs and publicity. Mikelsen also reported on the desirability of encouraging underground electric and telephone ins- tallations in new developments. He reported on a meeting scheduled for Wednesday, October 26, 1966 at 7:30 P.M. with representatives of Puget Sound Power Company, School Board, South Kitsap Community Hospital, developers, and members of the Council to discuss this matter in the area now under development. Clerk read a letter from Mr. R. E. Nelson expressing his sincere appreciation for the attention given to his residence by the Police Department during a recent absence from the City. Clerk presented a request by Mrs. Viola Hunter of 501 Kendall Street for permission to install a temporary septic tank drain field in a platted but unimproved portion of West Street just north of Kendall Street. This is occasioned by the recent failure of the present drain field and the fact that no sewer main exists which is close enough for this connection. After discussion, it was moved by Powers, seconded by Lippert that this be authorized. Approved with 6 yeas and one absten- tion (Fitzgerald, because of conflict of interests). Clerk read a letter from the Committee for Community Betterment thanking the City of Port Orchard and Mayor and Council for their cooperation in the drive for funds to promote Initiative #226. The Clerk read a petition of Nwanson and McGoldrick Co. of Tacoma for a re -zone from R41 to R-2 of property near southeast corner of Sidney and Fireweed Roads for the possible construction of a convalescent or nursing home. This re -zone has been recommended dis-approved by the Planning Comm- ission at their meeting on October 17, 1966. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Lippert that the action of the Planning Commission be concurred in, that &hampetition be rejected. Approved. The Council discussed the need to amend Ordinance No. 708 which designates secondary arterial streets in Port Orchard. The amendment,would include as secondary arterials, the "snow route", Seattle St. ,,A from Kitsap to Dwight, Dwight `Seattle Street to Harrison Street, Harrison Street from Dwight to Division Street and Division Street from Harrison Street to Sidney Street. Referred to City Attorney for preparation of amendment. Clerk read a proposed ordinance prohibiting the wearing of police -type uniforms, and this was dis- cussed by the Council, Chief of Police and City Attorney. Chief of Police Dow feels that such an Ordinance (to replace a similar ordinance previously repealed -because it was ambiguous) is necessary to prevent indiscriminate wearing of clothing which might cause confusion and be mistaken for police uniforms. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Powers that this ordinance be adopted. After further dis- cussion on the question, the motion failed by 6 nays & 1 yea. A proposed ordinance amending Ordinance No. 698 was read by the Clerk. This amendment would pro- vide for a uniform delinquent period for both water and sewer charges of fifteen (15) days. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Fitzgerald that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 770 assigned. A proposed ordinance authorizing the combining of all utility charges in one billing, read by the Clerk. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Fitzgerald that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 771 assigned. A proposed ordinance adopting the Port Orchard Municipal Code, (a compilation of all City of Port Orchard ordinances) read by the Clerk. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van Zee that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 772 assigned. City Engineer Hollenbeck reported on numerous reports of trees on city street right-of-ways which are considered dangerous to private property and should be removed. Discussed by Council and City Attorney. City Attorney reported on a claim by Mr. P. E. Rosenbarger which will not be defended by the City's Insurance carrier. This claim involves dasages to the private property (real estate) of Mr. Rosen- barger during the construction of sewers in the Annapolis area. City Attorney requests authority to subpeona contractors, sub -contractors and engineers as co-defendants. Moved by Geiger seconded by Mikelsen that this be authorized. Approved. The matter of the valuation of the new Lundy Apartment building at Bay and Rockwell Streets was discussed by the Council. The building permits for this building total to about $56,000.00. While it is estimated that the building is worth approximately $100,000.00 to $150,000.00. Section 303 (9) of Uniform Building Code of 1961 provides that a building official of the City will determine the value of such buildings for permit purposes. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van Zee that the City Engineer make an estimate of the completed valuation of this building for permit purposes and inform the City Attorney of the amount arrived at and the Attorney will communicate with Mr. Lundy.. Approved. Bills were read in the amount of Current Expense $1,902.02, Water $2,465.87, Street Fund $1,624.26, Sewer Fund $1,146.92. Park fund $523.27. Total: $7,662.34. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be authorized paid and Vouchers No. 2262 through 2302 be authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Approved and adjourned at 12:00 midnight. Clerk w _ .�/ Mayor Port Orchard, Washington November 14, 1966 Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:37 P.M. by Mayor Repanich. Council- men present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen, Powers and Van Zee. Also present: City Attorney Thompson; City Engineer Hollenbeck; Chief of Police Dow and Mr. Gerald Grosso repre- senting Bremerton Sun. Minutes of October 24, 1966 regular meeting read and approved. Mr. LeRoy Eisehens of Blue and Gold Taxi Co. was present re: possible modifications of Ordinance No. 507 (Taxicab rates). Continued with Clerk and Mr. Eischens to work out details and present at next meeting. City Attorney reported on status of the proposed acquisition of lots 1 & 2, Block 3, Wheeler's Addition to Port Orchard, near well #6. The title to these lots is clouded and must be resolved before the purchase can be consumated. City Attorney will continue to investigate. Mayor requested Information from Street and Alley Committee te: the newly established loading zone near Bay and Orchard Streets. In connection with this situation, the matter of construction of sidewalks in this area by the creation of an LID by the City was discussed. Matter continued in committee. Mayor requested information from City Engineer Hollenbeck re: the improvements to sewer main conn- ection to sewer treatment plant (referred to in previous meetings). Project is completed and appears to be operating quite satisfactorily. Councilman Lippert reported no further action in matter of taking over the operation of Kitsap County Sewer District #5, (contiq-ued from previous meetings). Councilman Mikelsen reported on information discussed at a meeting on October 26, 1966 re. the in- stallation of underground utilities (electric, telephone, etc.) in the new areas under development. City Engineer reported on matter of evaluation of the Lundy Apartment Building, fcontin ued from last meeting). This valuation has been re -affirmed at $100,000.00. Considerable discussion followed City Attorney Thompson reported that Mr. Lundy's attorney has requested that no action be taken in issuing a stop -work order until he has examined the case. The Clerk reported that Mr. Lundy has been notified that his building permit for the completion of the structure was revoked due to inaccurate information (valuation) when completed. After further considerable discussion, moved by Van Zee, seconded by Powers thatia stop -work order be issued until the proper permit fee and valuation has been agreed to by Mr.,Lundy based on the Building Officials estimated replacement valuation of $100,000.00. Approved. Clerk reported that Police Judge Watt would be absent from the City from November 23 to November 28, 1966, inclusive, and that a Judge pro-tem would need to be designated. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Powers that Myron Freya be appointed Police Judge pro-tem for the period indicated. Approved. Clerk read a letter from Mr. Richard Schultheis requesting the opening of drainage ditches atasthe Sidney Road end of Lipperta",Drkve to prevent further erosion and damage during the heavy rains. During discussion it developed that ,.this street has not been accepted by the City, and it has not been completed to a point which would make it possible for the City to accept responsibility for its further improvement and maintenance. City Attorney Thompson gave an opinion on the responsibility of the City for the removal of dangerous trees from City property (referred to in previous meetings). The City would be responsible to some extent for damage resulting from the fall of trees on such property onto private property if the City had reason to believe that these trees were dangerous due to rot, etc. T he Clerk read a letter from Mr. Tyman Stephens, Chairman of American Field Service Committee thank- ing the Mayor, Council and citizens of Port Orchard for their cooperation in the efforts to continue the Foreign Exchange Student Program and informed the Council that the current exchange student, Miss Lilli Bruneaux of Caen, France would visit a Council meeting after January 1, 1967. Clerk reminded the Mayor and Council that the term of office of Carl Berger, of Parks Commission had expired and that an appointment need be made. The Clerk read a letter from the American Automobile Association addressed to Chief of Police Dow, congratulating him and his department and the residents of the City for earning the Pedestrian Safe- ty Award for a record of four years without a pedestrian traffic death. A plaque representing this award was displayed and will be placed on the Chamber wall. Dr. Howard Minor was introduced and also thanked the City Council for the good -will and cooperation which makes the foreign student exchange program possible. Dr. Minor presented to the Council a problem involving a piece of property near Kendall and Austin Streets which is less than the 5000 square feet area minumum required for residences in that land - use zone. Dr. Minor will apply for a variance from the min#mum established in the zoning ordinance to permit the erection of a one -bedroom house on this property. He explained in detail a new type of construction which involves the pre -fabrication of this type of a structure after which it is moved to the area and site at which it is to be located. Dr. Minor was informed to submit his request for a variance to the City Planning Commission for study .and recommendation. The Clerk read a request from Kitsap County Community Action program ItGrass Roots" Project, requesting a consideration be given to the establishment of a trailer toilet dumping facility which would pro- vide a means of dumping the trailer toilet holding tanks into the sewer system. This is currently under study by the Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee from a previous request. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would repeal Ordinance #274, licensing junk dealers. After considerable discussion, it was determined that this ordinance should not be repealed at this time. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would amend Ordinance No. 17 (Section 9.04.020 of Port Orchard Municipal Code)• This ordinance establishes the maximum amount of $30.00 for petty larceny offenses while the State Statutes.=establish the limits of this offense at $75.00. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that this Ordinance be adopted. Approved.and No. 773 assigned. Clerk read a proposed ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 314, (Section 5.12 of Port Orchard Municipal Code).. This ordinance established a business license schedule for the City, but has not been en- forced for a number of years. Moved by Powers, seconded by Van Zee that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 774 assigned. Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would amend Section 107 of Ordinance No. 694 and Section 1 of Ordinance #708 which designate arterial streets. Discussion followed. This ordinance would include as secondary arterial streets the "snow route" over which traffic is routed when Sidney Street must be closed due to ice and/or snow and certain other streets which have become of arterial nature since the original ordinance was adopted. Moved by Powers, seconded by Fitzgerald that this ordinance be adopted. Approved, and No. 775 assigned. The Clerk read a proposed ordinance which makes it unlawful to park a vehicle for a period of time longer therm a certain number of days without- living it. Discussed at length. Referred to City Attorney for more study, modification and to be presented to City Council at the next meeting. The Clerk read a proposed ordinance which would make it unlawful to park vehicles in certain specified areas. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Van Zee that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 776 assigned. Councilmen Van Zee of Parks and Playgrounds Committee requested a decision on the use of Givens Field tennis courts and other facilities by school children of Givens School for purposes other than those for which they were constructed. Discussion followed. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Mikelsen that Mayor Repanich be authrrized to work out with school officials, conditions under which this utilization could be authorized. Approved. City Engineer reported on recommendation of Puget Power Co. re: the location of the lighting standards in the Merchant's Parking Lot. Continued for further study. City Engineer requested authority to issue a call for bids for the dump truck authorized in the 1967 budget. Moved by Powers, seconded by Van Zee that this be authorized. Approved. Bills were read in the amount of Current Expense; $2,341.98; Water Fund $865.93; Street Fund �- $3,397.75; Sewer Fund $354.64; Park Fund $302.91; Total: $7,263.21. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 2303 through 2357 authorized to be paid Approved. Hamad* snamdad anal app==d Moved, s conded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 12:15 A.M. X54 /4�� Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Wa ington November 28, 196 A regular meeting of the Port Orchard City Council called to order by Mayor Repanich at 7:33 p.m. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald; Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen, Powers and Van Zee. Also present: City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow, Mr. Gerald Grosso, representing Bremerton Sun, and Mr. Tom Isenhart, a U. S. Navy journalish who is in an in -training program in journalism, observing newspaper functions. City Attorney Thompson to arrive later. Minutes of November 14, 1966 meeting read and approved. Mayor recognized Mrs. Haselle Simmons, who presented a problem concerning the safety of pedestrians, particularly small school children, who walk along Cline Street between Dwight and Division Streets. She requests the City consider providing a pathway or sidewalk along Cline Street for the use of such pedestrians. Mrs. Simmons was informed that this request, and the situation involved has been previously considered by the Council, without a solution being found. Caldwell, of Street and Alley Committee, reported on plans to provide a sidewalk on the west side of Cline Street. Continued until the arrival of the City Attorney for a legal opinion. Mr. Herb Theisen introduced and presented a problem concerning the extension of water and sewer service to his property in West Bay Street area near the City limits. City Engineer reported on sewer and water system comprehensive plan and the effect that it will have on the area concerned. Discussed by Mayor and Councilmen. Mrs. Dorothy Dildine of 716 Prospect Street requested information of the Council concerning the lack of parking space on Prospect Street near her place of business, a beauty shop. She requests consid- eration be given to establishing 2 or 3 two-hour spaces to eliminate the all -day parkers. Referred to Street and Alley Committee for study and recommendation. Mr. LeRoy Lundy was present and requested condideration be given to oiling and grading of Rockwell Street north of Bay Street, for 110 ft., 30 ft. wide. Discussed by Mayor, Councilmen and Engineer. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Lippert that conditionally upon the street road -bed being of standard and acceptable construction, that the cost to the City of oil and seal coat protection for this surface be applied to the cost of a commercially performed asphalt paving ,job. Approved w/6 yeas and l nays/ Mr. Del Taylor of Del -Mar Construction Co. was recognized and spoke re: a proposal of his firm to develop and sub -divide a 24 acre tract in the South Robinson Street area near Fireweed Road, and to be named "Shamrock Lane". He proposes if the preliminakry plat is approved, and if so authorized, to create and improve a street in the center of this tract, in return for which the City would vacate a astreet of like width bordering this tract on the north. Discussed by Mayor, Engineer, and Councilmen and drawings examined. Continued until preliminary plat is received from Planning Commission with their recommendations. Matter of the loading zone near Bay and Orchard Streets (continued from previous meetings) diAvussed. This zone seems to be working satisfactorily. Discussed by Chief of Police Dow and Councilmen, and It was determined that this zone should be further posted to be effective from 900 A.M. to 4:30 p.m. only. Continued for further observation. Councilman Mikelsen reported that another meeting will be held between the Council and interested business men, developers, etc. re: the placing of underground utilities, (electricity, telephone, etc.) Mayor requested information re: the placing of lighting standards in the Merchants Parking Lot. After discussion, referred to Street and Alley committee for study and determination of location of two standards which must be re -located, one near Sidney Street and the other between Orchard and Frederick Streets. The Committee willlinform the Engineer of their findings and direct him to place the standards accordingly. Councilman Fitzgerald recommended that the right turn into the parking lot from Sidney Street by south -bound cars be grade easier by removing a portion of the sidewalk and increasing the radius of the turn, including the elimination of one parking space. Mayor, Council and Chief of Police Dow discussed at length the periodic traffic slowdown which occurs at Sidney and Bay Street& each evening. Chief Dow requested to contact the State Highway Department re: permission to manually control this signal for a period each evening to expedite this traffic flow. Councilman Van Zee of Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported on a meeting of his Committee and the Parks Commission. He reported on the purchase of one new folding table for the Active Club Building and the order of five more for use by the various groups which utilize this facility. He reports that his committee will probably recommend an increase in the rental rate charged to various adult groups which use the building to assist in defraying rising costs of utilities, labor, etc. Van Zee reported on various projects under study by the Committee and the Parks Commission. He also reported on a proposal to improve the area around the South Sidney water tank as a playground for small children, equipped with swings, bars, etc. Mr. Van Zee proposed, as an immediate beautification project, that the area on the north side and the west and of the Municipal Building be planted in grass, shrubs, trees, etc., with Bence to be constructed between the building and the property on the north. The cost of this project would probably be shared in to some extent by several civic groups which are interested. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Mikelsen that the Parks and Playgrounds Committee be authorized to execute the above described beau- tification project and to continue_ -to develop plans for other projects. Approved with 6 yeas and 1 nay. Councilman Fitzgerald reported on an offer of Mr. Bob Roland of Roland and Roland Realtors, to donate a parcel of property in the May Street area for use as a park. Mr. Fitzgerald was requested to continue to explore this possibility. Mayor reported on "Clean and Beautiful, Inc.", an organization dedicated to the improvement of clean- liness and beauty of cities and urban areas. City Attorney Thompson reported on the status of the proposed purchase of lots in Wheeler's Addition.. He has requested information from an attorney for the persons who have some claim to this property and whose claim clouds the title. No answer at this time. City Attorney also requested to give an opinion on the legal aspects of constructing sidewalks of the Cline Street area and the spreading of the costs of such &.project. After considerable discussion, the matter was continued for further study and consideration at the next meeting. Clerk brought to the attention of the Council and easement granted to the City by Mrs. Elizabeth Barr (now deceased), across her property at Sidney and Melchor Streets to the pumping station. This ease- ment, granted in 1960 was conditional an the blacktopping and maintenance of a drive way to the pump station. This work has never been performed and new owner requests relief from a special sewer con- nection charge of $101.40 in return for the failure to blacktop this driveway. After discussion, it was recommended by the City Attorney that the drive be surfaced as a more desirable solution to the problem, with the property owner to continue to be responsible for the sewer connection charges. Clerk read a promissory note executed by the Local Improvement District No. 61, in favor of the LID Guaranty Fund which assumed the financial responsibility for the unpaid portion of the assessments in LID # 61. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that the installment note be confirmed and ratified. Approved. A proposed ordinance which would prohibit parking on any City street for more than 7 days was read by the Clerk. After discussion, moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 778 assigned. The Clerk read a letter from Cascade Machinery and Electric Co. re: the sewage pumps now installed In the treatment plant. They are of the opinion that these pumps will never provide the length of service and satisfactory operation which is required and that they should not be repaired in the future but replaced with pumps or drive mechanisms of a different type. Mayor read a letter from Seattle Area Industrial Council which announces a program which will effect the economic growth of the area in the future. A meeting is scheduled by the group on December 9, 1966, to present a report on oceanography and related matters. Chief of Police Dow requests clarification of a parking problem in the 12 hour area between Orchard and Frederick Streets. Determined that this area would be 12-hour parking at all times except as posted for sweeping. City Engineer requested authority to remove "No Parking" signs on Sroufe Street east of Sidney Street. These signs are carry-overs from the time when the Baptist Church was located on this corner. Engineer authorized to remove these signs. Bills were read in amount of Current Expense $821.34; Water Fund $230.80; Street Fund $577.13; Sewer Fund $442.42; Park Fund $52.03, total $2,123.72. Moved by Powers, seconded by Lippert that these bills be allowed and that Vouchers No. 2358 through 2379 be authorized paid. Approved. ved seconded and pproved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 12:25 a.m. Clerk Mayor N Port Orchard, Washington December 12, 1966 Regular meeting of the Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p. m. by Mayor Repanich. Councilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen, Powers and Van Zee. Also present: City Attorney Thompson, City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow, Mr. Gerald ;Grosso, representing the Bremerton Sun and Mr. Roy Griffin, a U. S. Navy Journalist from the USS Ranger, who is participating in the Sun-USS Ranger journalist familiarization program. Minutes of November 28, 1966 meeting read and approved. Mayor Repanich introduced Mr. Roy Griffin to the Council. This being the time and date set, bids were opened for one (1)�.dump truck for the Public Works Depart- ment. Bids were received as follows: Crawford Rambler Centre, Bremerton, Wash. International Harvester 1967 Model 1700, Truckweld body with Heil hoist, $6,359.80 with tax, not including trade-in allowance of 1952 Chevrolet truck. Alternate bids on this truck were $7,092.53 and $6,289.15 with different body. These bids are without radio. Halvorsen Chevrolet C6.3 Port Orchard, Wash. Chevrolet Truck, 1967 Model with Truckweld body and spreader, $6,531.37 without sales tax or trade-in of $300.00 for Chevrolet truck. Alternate bids on this truck were $6,346.00 and $6,600.00 with different bodies. These bids are without radio. Hazelwood Buick Co, Bremerton, Wash. GMC 1967 model ES-5640 with Marion dump body and Marion hoist with radio and tailgate spreader, $7,652.77 with sales tax and not including $500.00 trade- in allowance for Chevrolet truck. Alternate bids $6,599.47 without radio and $7,438.28 with Comco radio, both without trade-in allowance. Howe Motor Co., Port Orchard, Wash. Ford F-600, 1967 truck with Garwood dump body and hoist with tailgate spreader, $5,979.10 including trade-in allowance of $500.00 for Chevrolet truck, not including sales tax. No alternate bid. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that the bids, associat6dQ'documents and other materials Involved be turned over to the City Engineer for examination and recommendation at the next meeting. Approved. Bids were then opened for water pipe and fittings as follows: Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co,_Provo,_Utah: Cast Iron Pipe, 8" x 18' lengths, Class 150, TYTON joint, cement lined $2,775 ft., 10" $3.637 ft., 1211 $4.663 ft. Bactile Iron Pipe, 8" x 18t $3.072 ft., 10" $4.020 ft., 1211, $5.057 ft., Reading of quotations on fittings was dispensed with because of the large number of items involved, Fire �. Hydrant prices, $152.15 each. H. D. Fowler Bellevue Wash. No bids included for pipe. Fire hydrant prices, $145.10 to $190.11 each. Fittings prices not read due to large number of items. Western Utilities ,Su2ply Co., Seattle, Wash. No bids received for pipe. Fire Hydrant prices, $169.65 each. Fittings prices not read due to large number of items involved. U. S. Pipe and Foundry Co., Seattle, Wash. Cast Iron Pipe, TYTON joint class 150, 181 lengths in 40,000 lbs. lots. 8" - $2.80 per ft. 10" - $3.69 per ft. 12" - $4.73 per ft. (8" $2.78 ft. 10" $3.665 per ft. 12" - $4.695 per ft., in 60,000 lb. lots). No prices on fire hyd:ants or pipe fit- tings. Pacific Water Supp_ly_Co., Seattle,__Wash. No bids included for pipe. Fire Hydrants $169.00 each. Fittings prices not read due to large number of items involved. N6ved by Van Zee, seconded by Caldwell that these bids, associated papers and other material be referred to the City Engineer for study and recommendation at the next meeting. Approved. Andrian Vanderhouwen of Port Orchard Junior Chamber of Commerce introduced and requested permission to erect the huge Santa Claus at the Manchester "Y". Moved by Fitzgerald, seconded by Lippert that the Port Orchard Junior Chamber of Commerce be authorized to erect this Santa Claus at the location requested. Approved. Mr. Max Peabody of Pottery Hill area introduced and presented a problem concerning the width of the right of way in Melchor and Sherman Streets near his property. Drawings were examined by Council, Mayor and City Engineer. After considerable discussion of various street widths, etc. matter referred to street and alley committee for study and recommendations. Mr. Del Taylor of Del -Mar Construction Co. introduced regarding preliminary plat of "Shamrock Lane" which has been recommended approved by the City Planning.Commission. Discussion by City Council, Mayor and Mr. Taylor and drawings were examined. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Van Zee that the preliminary plat of Shamrock Lane proposed sub -division be accepted. Approved. The petition for vacation of an unnamed street abutting this property on the north side of this plot will be continued until January 9, 1967. Moved by Powers, seconded by Van Zee that a resolution be adopted that this unnamed street will be posted as the subject of a vacation hearing on January 9, 1967, the earliest possible date under RCW. AfP)'CVCC Mr. Ted Wright, President of South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce introduced and reported that a large Christmas tree had been furnished to the City for erection on the triangle near Cline and Bay Streets. Mayor Repanich expressed appreciation to Mrs. Faye Davis of Rt. 6, Box 15, Port Orchard, Wash* who donated this tree and to the Chamber of Commerce who arranged delivery. The Fire Department will erect it when weather permits. L Caldwell reported that the Street and Alley Committee had investigated the parking situation near the Beauty Shop of Mrs. Dorothy Dildine of 716 Prospect Street (continued from last meeting). His committee recommends that parking be limited to 2 hours in 5 parking spaces and has directed the engineer to so post the area involved. This has been accomplished. Chief of Police Dow reported on the operation of the Sidney and say Street traffic control signal, by manual means to expedite the traffic movement during the evening rush period. Manual control of this signal has resulted in a quicker evacuation of the parking lot of Navy Yard workers vehicles. Chief of Police directed to continue the manual operation of this signal at the evening peak period. City Attorney reported that title had been cleared on lots #1 and 2, Block 3, Wheeler's Addition and a warranty deed had been received and recorded. Caldwell reported on possible construction of a sidewalk on the west side of Cline Street between Dwight and Division Streets. City Attorney requested to give an opinion as to liability of City in case of injury to pedestrian in narrow portion of Cline Street where no sidewalk exists. His opinion was that no definite liability would exist, but that the courts might feel the City liable under certain circumstandes. After considerable discussion of the situation by Mayor, Councilmen and Chief of Police, moved by Powers, seconded by Geiger that Cline Street be designated for one-way traffic only, southbound between Dwight and Division Streets. Discussion on the question brought out the point that possible objections might be received from the Sherifffs Department and property owners in this block. Disapproved with 4 nays and 1 aye. Further discussion followed regarding possible posting for reduced speed or other designation of hazardous conditions. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Mikelsen that this area be posted from South to North at Division Street "Steep Hillil0omiles per hr" and Cline Street southbound between Dwight and. Division Street half -way up the hill "15'%iles per hr". Approved. Van Zee of Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported on the progress of the proposed improvement of the South Sidney water tank area for playground area. Matter still being studied and plans formulated. Van Zee also reported that two (2) 32" doors are still needed for the basement of Active Building. Mikelsen reported in the improvement of horseshoe pitching courts and tennis courts. A supply of an excellent type of light fixture for this purpose at a cost of $16.00 each for a lot of 50, if all are bought as a lot. Moved by Powers, seconded by Mikelsen that the 50 lights be purchased at a negotiated price, not to exceed $16.00 each. Approved. Mikelsen also reported on various improvements to basketball courts. Mikelsen reported on a previous recommendation that a cat licensing ordinance be considered for the next license year. Continued until a later meeting for further information. Mikelsen also reported in detail on a meeting of 12/7/66 regarding the feasibility of installing all electric and telephone utilities underground. This matter is continued until later date pending additional information. Chief of Police Dow reported the need for the appointment of a Police Judge Pro -Tom for the period December 22 to January 2 inclusive when Judge Watt will be alsent from the City. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Van Zee that Myron Freyd be appointed Police Judge Pro-Tem during the period December 22 to January 2 inclusive. Approved. Chief Dow also reported on a problem existing in the parking lot where an area normally posted for 3 hour parking is restricted to "No Parking" between 3 and 8 a.m. This works some hardship. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that this parking restriction be changed to prohibit parking between 3-5 a.m. for sweeping purposes as is the rest of the downtown area. Approved. City Engineer Hollenbeck reported that a temporary water service had been installed at the end of the Pottery Hill main for the use of the contractor building the new Community Hospital. City Engineer also reported on a dangerous condition existing at Lippert Drive and Sidney Street. Visibility is obstructed on the southwest corner of this intersection by trees and brush on city right-of-way, the lines of which disputed by the property owner at this corner. Councilman Caldwell recommends that the property owner be requested to trim the limbs on these trees up to 16 feet and to remove some underbrush at their base. City Engineer requested to discuss this matter with this property owner before further action is taken by the Council. City Engineer reported on sewer and storm drain problems during the current period of extremely high tides and heavy rains. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Lippert that parking meters be free during the period December 12 thru 24. Approved. Mayor reported the need for the appointment of three (3) members to the City Planning Commission and requested the concurrence by the Council of his appointment of the following body: Mr. Edmon A. Branes, 1115 Morton St., Port Orchard, Wash. Mr. Melvin Fingarson, 703 Harrison St., Port Orchard, Wash. Mr. James R. Piatt, Rt. 2, Box 129, Port Orchard, Wash. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Powers that these appointments be confirmed. Approved. ¢ouncilman Caldwell requested that the Council consider extending the target date for the beautification of the City property near the northwest corner of the Municipal Building. The operator of the business abutting the property involved on the north is negotiating for other property on which to place his equipment and merchandise, which will ease the problem which would be created if he were required to vacate this space in the Spring of 1967 as is now planned. Continued for furthErer study. Mayor and Councilmen discussed at length the various factors involved in the Horluck Transportation Co., operation of ferry service to Bremerton. Mayor reported that forms had been received for an application for grant and loan assistance to Department of Housing and urban Development for the construction of a sewer main from the treatment plant to the new hospital and Junior High School site. An executive session of the Council was suet for Wednesday, December 14, at 7:30 p. m. The Clerk read a letter from Mr. Joseph Weigel, Senior Sanitarian, Kitsap Co. Health Department calling to Councills attention the serious need for sewer service in the area adjacent to Bay Street near the westerly City limits, and recommending that this area be included in any sewer system extensions. The Clerk read a petition by Schultheis and Maddock, Attorneys for the vacation of property acquired in the annexation of the portion of Section 3 on July 25, 1966. This property consists of a strip 30 ft. wide extending East and West across the annexed area and a strip 200 wide extending 660 feet along the east side of the annexed area. If this petition is granted, the petitioners offer to deed to the City, land for the widening of Pottery Hill Road. The Planning Commission, on November 21, 1966, recommended the approval of this petition. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Powers that a resolution be adopted that this property be posted as the subject for a hearing on January 9, 1967, the next regular meeting of the Council. Approved. The Clerk reported that the Department of Public Assistance in Bremerton had requested a determination as to whether the City would apply for continuation of the Work Training Project for recipients of Public Assistance. Determined that this would be continued and the application to be completed. A letter of Mr. Joseph Kerkes, owner of Peninsula Cold Storage Co, on Highway #160 read requesting install- ation of a street light near his establishment. Referred to Fire and Light committee for study and recommen- dations. A letter of Dr. Ralph Smith, 710 Bay Street, read requesting that a parking space be set aside for his use since he must make emergency calls and frequently is Curable to park within several blocks of his office. Referred to Street and Alley Committee for study and recommendation. The Clerk informed the Council of a request by the Board of County Commissioners that the Council inform that body of its feelings regarding petition for a vacation of the easterly portion (about 250 feet) of First Street near the High School. This is outside the City, but contiguous to it and will in the future be considered for annexation. The Street and Alley Committee has studied the situation and recommends that no objection be raised to the petition, but recommends that reservation be made for an easement 20 ft. wide to permit the installation of sewer and water facilities at some future date. On discussion of the question, councilman Mikelsen strongly opposed the vacation of this street, feeling that the City might at some future date wish to extend the street to the east. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that the City go on record as not objecting to this petition, provided that the 20 feet easement reservation is Included. Approved with 5 ayes and one nay. (Mikelsen) Clerk displayed a Civic Achievement Citation presented to the City by the Book Publishing Co. in recognition of the codification of City Ordinances and the adoption of the Port Orchard Municipal Code. City Attorney Thompson reported that two attorneys in the City and the County Law Library have requested to purchase copies of the Municipal Code, and he recommends that the price of these books be set at $35.00 each and the price of the annual supplement, in4cluding copies of ordinances passed between issuances of supplements be set at $15.00. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Powers that the prices set forth above be established. Approved. Bills were read in the amount: Current Expense, $1,561.09; Water Fund, $282.74; Street Fund, $608.59; Sewer Fund, $181.83; 'Park fund, $401.03; Totals $3,035.28. Moved by Powers, seconded by Lippert that these bills be allowed and Vouchers Nos. 2380 through 2428 approved for payment. Approved. Moved, ded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 12:50 a. m. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington December 27, 1966 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 p. m. by Mayor Repanich, Councilmen present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Geiger, Lippert, and Mikelsen. Powers and Van Zee absent (excused). Also present: City Attorney Thompson, pity Engineer Hollenbeck and Mr. Gerald Grosso, representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of December 12, 1966 regular meeting read and approved as corrected. Mrs. Grace Hiber and Mrs. Winnie Terrell, members of South Kitsap Soroptimist Club were recognized and ,spoke briefly concerning the matter of the drinking fountain at Bay and Sidney Streets, which was donated by that organization, but which has not been completed. The ladies wished to know if any further effort on the part of their organisation was required and urged the completion of this project. Councilman Fitzgerald reported on his activiti4a in this as a committee of one appointed by the Mayor. Weather has prevented the relaying of the brick and the completion of this installation. Mr. Al Lieseke, owner of property at Sidney Street and Lippert Drive recognized and requested information concerning the width and location of the street right of way in front of his property. Discussed by Mayor, Councilmen and City Engineer. There appears to be some possible doubt as to the width and exact location / of this right of way. A possible traffic hazard caused by trees and underbrush which may exist after Lippert Drive is opened, was also discussed. City Engineer and Chairman Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee will check County records to determine exact status of the right of way. Continued until a future meeting. Mayor requested City Engineer Hollenbeck to make recommendations as to the award of the contract for one dump truck (continued from last meeting). The City Engineer reported that after careful consideration of all11factors involved, he had determined that the bid of Halvorsen Chevrolet Company of Port Orchard for one Chevrolet dumptruck with Truckweld body, F1ink Under -tailgate spreader, without radio, but meeting all major requirements of the specifications for $6531.37, less $300.00 trade in for 1952 Chevrolet dump truck, plus sales tax, was the low acceptable bidder and recommended the award of the contract to that firm. moved by Powers, seconded by Mikelsen, that the bid of Halvorsen Chevrolet Company as reported above, be accepted. Discussion of the question developed the fact that, due to the anticipated delay in delivery of 60 to 90 days, the Flink under tailgate spreader would be delivered immediately and installed on one of the International dump trucks in order that it will be available for sanding operations during ice and snow conditions..this winter. Approved. Matter of right of way widths, location, etc., in Pottery Hill area of Sherman and Melcher Streets (continued from previous meeting) discussed by Lippert of Street and Alley Committee, City Engineer Hollenbeck and Mayor. Recommended by the Street and Alley Committee that immediate steps be taken to establish the right of way width in this area at 60 feet to conform to State recommendations. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that the width of right of way on Sherman Street from Hull Street to Tremont Street, and on Melchor Street from Sherman Street to Pottery Hill Road be established at 60 feet. Approved. A request for variance from provisions of Ordinance No. 719 as involves minimum lot areas (for dwellings) � read by Clerk. This application submitted by Dr. Howard W. Minor involves a lot on Austin Street betwee n Kendall and Smith Streets of approximately 3000 square feet and was recommended approved by the City Planning Commission. If approved,, Dr. Minor intends to erect a one bedroom home on the lot. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Lippert that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be concurred in, and the variance granted. Approved. The request of Dr. Ralph Smith for a parking space on Prospect Street south of the rear entrance of his office (continued from previous meeting), discussed. Councilman Caldwell will meet with Dr. Smith to discuss several alternate ways of solving this problem. Councilman Mikelsen reported no progress on procurement of lights for tennis courts and horseshoe courts (authorized at last meeting). The proposal that cats be licensed in 1967 (continued from last meeting) discussed. Information received Indicates that State statutes prohibit Third Class cities from licensing cats. 1965 Legislature removed the old Limit on dog licenses for Third Class cities from $2.00 and the manager of Kitsap County Humane Society recommends that a fee of $4.00 for dogs be established. After discussion, moved by Mikelsen that the dog license fees for 1967-1968 be set at $4.00. This motion was defeated by lack of second. Councilman Mikelsen of Fire and Light Committee reported on a request of Mr. Joseph Kerkes, owner of Pen- insula Cold Storage for an additional street light near his establishment. A light now is located about 75 feet north of the building. After discussion, moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Fitzgerald that this request be denied. Approved. Mikelsen also reported on a requested street light in the south Pottery Hill area and recommends against the installation of this light since no residences are near the proposed light and no pedestrian traffic exists in the area. A request from the City Engineer that the Council consider replacing the 1961 Uniform Building Code with 1967 edition, continued pending receipt of further information. Matter of partially destroyed and delapidated buildings and the need for ordinance regulating such situa- tions discussed. The Clerk reported that the State Department of Natural Resources had approved the City's application for right of way across tidelands property between Sidney and Rockwell Streets. Moved by Lippert, sec- onded by Caldwell that this grant of right of way be accepted and recorded at the County Auditor's Office. Approved. Clerk read a claim for damages amounting to $830.26 for damages resulting from a partially plugged sewer main and submitted by Mr. Richard Brilinski of 405 South Street. After considerable discussion, moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that this claim be rejected and referred to the City's insurance carrier. Approved. Clerk read an application of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Mort of 120 Taylor Street for a variance from the provis- ions of Ordinance No. 719 (front and side yard setbacks) to permit construction of a car port. This application was recommended approved by the Planning Commission on 12/20/66. Moved by Fitzgerald, seconded by Lippert that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be concurred in and the variance granted. Approved. City Engineer Hollenbeck presented a proposal for improving Pottery Hill Road from May Street to Lippert Drive by constructing two (2) 22 ft. roadways, divided by a 10 ft. center strip carrying sewer, water, gas lines, etc., and to be planted with shrubs. Referred to Street and Alley Committee for study and recommendation. City Attorney Thompson reported that his office is still awaiting final judgement in the Horton vs City of Port Orchard damage suit arising out of the construction of LID #60. It appears that the Engineers insurance carrier will be liable. Other pending cases arising from the same project also discussed. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Mikelsen that the City Attorney be directed to recommend to the Association of Washington Cities that the organization initiate legislation in 1967 session which will bring the statute of limitations for damage liability for insurance carriers and those of cities into line. Such statutes.,now permit insurance carriers to escape liability after two years, while the limitations for liability of cities is three years. Approved. /'1 Bills were read in following amounts: Current Expense $5,152.98; Water $650.37; Street $1,047.74; Sewer $337.41; Park $21.58: 'total $7,210.08. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and Vouchers No. 2429 through 2466 authorized paid. Approved. Moved, seconded and approved that the meeting adjourn. Adjourned at 10:58 p.m. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington January 9, 1967 A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Repanich. Council- men present: Caldwell, Fitzgerald, Lippert, Mikelsen, Powers and Van Zee. Gagger absent (excused). Also present: City Attorney Thompson, City Engineer Hollenbeck, Chief of Police Dow and Mr. Gerald Grosso, representing Bremerton Sun. Minutes of December 27, 1966 meeting read and approved. Mr. Arnie Henyan representing South Kitsap Junior Chamber of Commerce was recognized by Mayor Repanich and presented a proclamation designating the week of January 15-21, 1967 as Junior Chamber of Commerce Week. This proclamation was signed by Mayor Repanich. Mr, T. J. Gaudette and Mr. Andrew Maier of South Sidney Road were recognized by Mayor Repanich and re - _,'quested information concerning letters they had received concerning the acquisition of rights of way along the westerly side of property south of Lippert Drive for extension of Pottery Hill Road. Proposed project explained to those present and discussed by City Attorney, City Engineer and Mayor. Matter continued for further study by the Engineer. This being the date set for hearing of the petition of Del Mar Construction Company for the vacation of an un-named street in NV4 of SWk of Section 2, Township 23 N R lE WM, the petition was read by the Clerk. This petition was previously recommended approved by the Planning Commission. Moved by Powers, seconded by Lippert that this petition be granted. Approved. A proposed ordinance vacating the street described in the petition of Del -Mar Construction Company was read. Moved by Fitzgerald, seconded by Caldwell that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No.,779 assigned. This being the date set for hearing of the petition of Schultheis and Maddock for the vacation of on un-named street in * of Sa of NEk of Section 3, 1ownship 23 N, R LE WM, the petition was read by the Clerk. ''his petition was previously recommended approved by the Planning Commission. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert that this petition be granted. Approved. A proposed ordinance vacating th6 street described in the petition of Schultheis and Maddock was read by the Clerk. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and No. 780 assigned. AX)13E #XX1U2 X A proposed resolution authorizing certain budgetary transfers of funds by the Clerk was read. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that this resolution be adopted. Approved and No. 1041 assigned. Bills were read in amount of: Current Expense $2,072.74, Water Fund $258.65, Street Fund $648.20, Sewer Fund $349.99, Park Fund $160.59, Total $3,490.17. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Lippert that these bills be allowed and Vouchers Nos. 2467 through 2509 be approved for payment. Approved. City Attorney Thompson informed the Council that it would be necessary for the Council to formally appoint a new Police Court Judge under the new District Justice Court System. Discussed by the Mayor, City Attorney and Council. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert that Mr. Gerard Fisher, the District #2 Justice be designated as Port Orchard Police Court Judge. Approved. Matter of request of Dr. Ralph Smith for parking space on Prospect Street continued in committee. Matter of lights for tennis courts and horseshoe pitching courts continued in committee. Mayor Repanich suggested that, in view of the granting of right of way across state owned tidelands by the State Department of Natural Resources, the City should tape steps to acquire right of way across privately owned tidelands which are required to make the construction of a waterfront street between Sidney Street and Rockwell Street. Discussed by Mayor and Councilmen. Continued until future meetings. Mayor reported on a meeting between himself, City 6ouncilmen Lippert, City Engineer Holienbeck, the City Clerk, and officials of Department of Housing and urban Development re: Federal participation in construction of the sewer main from the treatment plant to the site of the South Kitsap Community Hospital. The construction of this main and branch mains was discussed by the Council, Engineer and Mayor. Mayor Repanich also reported on a meeting between himself and members of the Council ;and members of the South Kitsap Community Hospital Board concerning construction of the hospital, plans and specifica- tions, inspections of work, etc.