02/03/2004 - Special - AgendaRevised February 2, 2004 Revised Agenda Joint Board of County Commissioners – Port Orchard City Council Meeting February 3, 2004 7:30 p.m. 1. Opening comments from Mayor Abel and Commissioner Lent. Meeting Goal: The meeting will ensure that the City, County and stakeholders understand the components of the planning process, including the steps, projected timeframes, and resources necessary to ensure a high-quality, defensible document that reflects a balance of the community’s interests. 2. Overview of last year’s Visioning effort. 3. Future plans – direction needed on all items listed below: • Discuss existing MOA and attachments; potential modifications to each. • Timeline/work plan. • Roles and responsibilities of the City and County. • Personnel and financial commitments – see attached “Commitments Chart.” • Citizens advisory group. • Joint meetings between Planning Commissions (City and County). 4. Questions and comments from participants and the public. 5. Consideration and discussion by the City Council and BCC (for direction). 6. Items for future discussion: • Annexation process. • Meetings with County Courthouse neighborhoods regarding upcoming construction and parking issues.