09/21/2021 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes ;A 1 . *' '� �,. Work Study Session Meeting of September 21, 2021 i e-t 4i i CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Putaansuu called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Roll call was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Mayor Pro-Tem Ashby Councilmember Chang Councilmember Clauson Councilmember Cucciardi Councilmember Diener Councilmember Lucarelli Councilmember Rosapepe Mayor Putaansuu Present via Remote Access Present via Remote Access Present via Remote Access Present via Remote Access Present via Remote Access Present via Remote Access Present via Remote Access Present via Remote Access Staff present via remote access: Community Development Director Bond, Long Range Associate Planner Sallee, City Attorney Robertson, and Deputy City Clerk Floyd. The meeting is also streaming live on YouTube. Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Putaansuu led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Presentation: Update on Design of South Kitsap Community Events Center Mayor Putaansuu introduced John Morrissey, the City's representative on the Public Facilities Board, and thanked him for supporting this project. He is a valuable member of our steering committee. Lori Limson Cook, Steve Rice, Michael Wright, Angie Tomisser, and Leah Delaney with Rice Fergus Miller, provided a presentation on the interior and exterior building design concept which included event space, common spaces, library, outdoor covered spaces, service entrances, public feedback, views of the event center from the street and waterside, and outdoor decks. Additional discussion was held regarding solar arrays, steps of the next phase, community conversations, graffiti, and compliments to Rice Fergus Miller for the design concept shown tonight. Council Direction: No direction was given to staff. Minutes of September 21, 2021 Page 2 of 3 EXECUTIVE SESSION At 7:12 p.m., Mayor Putaansuu recessed the meeting for a 10-minute executive session pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i), to discuss with legal counsel legal risks of a proposed action when public discussion may have adverse financial or legal consequences for the agency. City Attorney Robertson and Community Development Director Bond were invited to attend, and Mayor Putaansuu announced no action would follow. At 7:22 p.m., Mayor Putaansuu extended the executive session for an additional 5-minutes. At 7:27 p.m., Mayor Putaansuu reconvened the meeting back into session. 1. POMC Title 20 Amendments -Legislative Housing Requirements Community Development Director Bond said in 2019, the state legislator passed new laws concerning certain types of housing which included shelters, and transitory and supportive housing. We have a mandate based on the legislation passed this last spring to adopt changes to our land use code by the end of September. We are required to adopt regulations that will allow indoor emergency housing and shelters, permanent supportive housing, and transitional housing. In some cases, we have to allow these uses in areas where we also allow either residential housing or hotels and motels. The only flexibility we have is we could establish buffers, but we have to open the door to these types of uses within our City. We could also choose to make these uses permitted outright or to be a conditional use where you would have a conditional use permit hearing. The benefit of permitting outright is it streamlines the process, but it could come at a cost to a neighborhood or have impacts when those neighbors don't have the opportunity to come to a public hearing. In the proposed ordinance, the indoor emergency housing and indoor emergency shelters are conditional use permits only, and they are only allowed in five zones; the neighborhood mixed use; commercial mixed use; downtown mixed use; commercial corridor; and commercial heavy zones. Regarding the permanent supportive housing, we are proposing to make conditional uses in the R1 and R2 zones, but they would be permitted outright in the R3 and in every other zone where we allow housing and/or hotels and motels. Lastly, we propose to make transitional housing a conditional use permit in all zones except for commercial corridor and commercial heavy where they would be permitted outright. This has gone before the Planning Commission who voted to move forward with the ordinance. Council can make amendments to this proposal, as long as it is consistent with state law. Discussion was held regarding making all uses to be conditional use to allow for public input as it is important for the neighbors to know and understand what is being allowed in their neighborhood, and the definitions of each of the uses. Minutes of September 21, 2021 Page 3 of 3 Council Direction: Council directed staff to update the ordinance to allow conditional use with a public hearing for indoor emergency housing, indoor emergency shelters, permanent supportive housing, and transitional housing, and bring back to Council on September 28, 2021, for adoption. 2. POMC Title 20-Amendments for Congregate Living Land Use Community Development Director Bond said the proposal before you tonight is about changing our zoning code so a particular use could be established in other parts of the City. The use is congregate living which is already in the land use table; however, there is no definition in our code. This is a housing type that contains sleeping units where non -transient residents can share a bathroom, kitchen facility, or both. This is a conditional use except in the gateway mixed use zone. We also want to limit the facility so that they can only be in a certain proximity of transit. As an example, Mr. Bond spoke to a non -conforming church building in which a purchaser is interested in converting into a congregate living facility. If the code is changed, they would be able to apply for a conditional use permit which would go through a permitting process which includes a hearing before the hearing examiner and sending notices to the people within 300 feet of the property. Additional discussion was held regarding support of this code change, public comments during Planning Commission meeting, locations to availability of transit, service on demand and fixed transit routes, and allowing this use to be citywide. Council Direction: Council directed staff to update the proposed ordinance to allow the use within a quarter mile radius of a transit route citywide, and bring back to Council on September 28, 2021, for adoption. GOOD OF THE ORDER Councilmember Rosapepe urged everyone to stay safe, mask up, and vaccinate. Mayor Putaansuu noted there is a special Health Board meeting on September 28th and provided a brief update of COVID cases. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m. No other action was taken. Audio/Visual was successful. ,., II.`�p0 T� .r %J ine Floyd, CIVIC, puty City Cler�`,.�n R��' rt Putaansuu, Mayor Ci. aSv = SEAL