04/23/2021 - Retreat - AgendaORCHARD City of Port Orchard: City Council Retreat Agenda April 23, 2021 1 8:30 a.m. —1:00 p.m. City Hall Draft v.4-20-21 Purpose: The 2021 retreat will focus on - the review of existing projects and discussion on the allocation of carry -forward funds. Engage the City Council in long-term goal setting and policy discussions and a presentation of the Port Orchard Organizational Assessment (as time permits). Time Agenda Topic 8:30 a.m. Welcome (Mayor Putaansuu) (10 min) • Overview of retreat agenda and purpose (JoyJuelson-Triangle Facilitator) 8:40 a.m. Review of Existing Projects and Discussion (Mayor Putaansuu) (60 min) • Presentation and review of existing and potential projects and Allocation of Carry -Forward Funds 9:40 a.m. City Council's Guiding Principles and Addition of a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (30 min) Principle (Joy Juelson- Triangle Facilitator) • Review current Four Guiding Principles the Mayor and City Councilmembers developed to help assess annual priorities • City Council will generate ideas and decide on a new guiding principle that will include diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) 10:10 a.m. Break (10 min) 10:20 a.m. City Council Policy and Long -Team Goals Discussion (60 min) Port Orchard Policy Discussion Topics (JoyJuelson-Triangle Facilitator) High-level discussion on policy items identified by City Council members (as time allows) Topics: • TIB Ballot Measure • American Rescue Act Funds • Hazard pay for grocery workers • Street Preservation and Maintenance • What is the estimated financial commitment and timeline for storm water and transportation improvements south of Tremont to Fireweed. • How does the council feel about growth? • What is the city's role in social issues? • How do we prioritize the needs of all our existing neighborhoods not just the growth areas? • Preserving historic homes: what value, if any, does the council find in having historic homes, especially in the downtown area, and is there any interest in protecting them? DOm ORCHARD Time Agenda Top • Transitory accommodations: Kitsap County and Bremerton have zoning for transitory housing, such as tiny homes. How does the council feel about something similar being allowed on private property in residential or other zoned areas? 11:20 a.m. Break (15 min) 11:35 a.m. City Council Policy and Long -Team Goals Discussion Cont. (20 min) Council Long -Term Goal Setting (Mayor Putaansuu and Facilitator) • Discuss long-term goals beyond the current budget process 11:55 a.m. Review of the Port Orchard Organizational Assessment (Mayor Putaansuu) (50 min) • Presentation to summarize and highlight key findings in the Organizational Assessment • Questions and discussion with City Councilmembers 12:45 p.m. Wrap Up (Mayor Putaansuu) (15 min) • Summary of today's work • Commitment to goals moving forward 1:00 P.M. Adjourn *Coffee and Snacks Provided