004-19 - Saints Car Club - Contractllo. 19
This Professional Services Agreement ("Agreement')is made by and between the City of Port
Orchard, a Washington munlcipal corporation ("Cityn),and Sa nts Car C ub,a !i0l(clTcor on
organized under the laws of the State of Washington, doing business at: Old C lfton Road
Port Orchard, 98357 (hereinafter the "Organization").
A. The City collects a lodging tax for the purpose of contracting through Salnts Car C ub
for tourlsm marketing, as allowed by RCW 67.28.1815, and Sa nts Car C ub has applied for the use
of the revenues, also as allowed by the same statute.
B. The Organization proposes to market, operate a special event, events, festival,
festivals, or othenrise market and promote Port Orchard as a destination for vlsitors as described
in this Agreement; and
C. ln an effort to implement the City's wayfinding system to assure tourists are at the
correct community, the organization is authorized and encourage to use the City's wayfinding
logos in accordance wlth the Ci$s graphic standards and Use Pollcy attached as Exhibit D and E;
D. The City agrees to contract with the Organization for this purpose under the terms
and condltions set forth be ow; NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows:
1. Services bv Organization.
The services performed by the Organization shall not exceed the payment amount as referenced
in Sectlon 4 of this agreement. The Organlzatlon agrees to promote tourlsm as deflned ln RCW
67.28.080(5) and as allowed by RCW 67.28.1816 in the manner descrlbed ln the Statement of Work
attached hereto as Exhiblt "A," and incorporated by thls reference ("Servlces").
2. Term.
The term of this Agreement shall commence as of the date of the last authorizing signature
afflxed hereto, and shall continue until the completion of the Servlces, but in any event no later than
December 31, 2019.
3. Termination.
A. Either party may terminate this Agreement for any reason whatsoever upon giving
the other party at least 90 days' prlor written notice thereof. Any expenses incurred prior to the
date of terminatlon but not submitted by the Organlzation may be submltted for reimbursement
by the Organizatlon and relmbursed by the C ty of Port Orchard.
B. ln situations other than as described in Subsection A above, the City of Port Orchard
shall have the right to terminate this Agreement or reduce the amount which it has agreed to
and absotute discretlon, that tax revenues from the tax authorized by RCW 67.28.180 are
insufficient to generate sufflclent revenues for the City of Port Orchard to make said payment,
considering that other commitments for a portion of said funds have also been made; (2) if the
tax itself ls repealed by approprlate authorlty; (3) ln the event the funds paid by the C ty to the
Organizatlon are not used in compliance with the provisions of this agreement and/or Chapter
67.28 RCW, as determined by the City of Port Orchard or the State of Wash ngton; The City of
Port Orchard shall have the discretion to determine the appropriate allocation of such funds
amont those entities to which such commitments have been made for the funds subiect to
Chapter 67.28 RCW.
C. Notice of Termination. Either party may terminate this agreement for the reasons
set forth above, by written notice thereof to the other party. lf termination is based on the
reasons ln Section B(1) through (3), the termination may be effective lmmediately. Upon such
termination, the City of Port Orchard sha I be under no further obligation to make payments
hereunder, except any expenses incurred prior to the date of termination, but not yet submitted
may be submitted by the Organization and sha!! be reimbursed by the City of Port Orchard.
D. Non-Aoorooriation of Funds.
lf sufficient funds are not appropriated or allocated for payment under this Agreement
for any future fiscal period, the City wil! not be obligated to continue the Agreement after the end of
the current fiscal period, and this Agreement will automatically terminate upon the completion of
all remaining Services for which funds are allocated. No penalty or expense shall accrue to the
Cityin the eventthis provision applies.
4. Pavment.
A. Total Pavment. ln considerationof the Organization's performance of the Services, the
City agrees to grant the Organization an amount not to exceed Tlvo Thousend Four Hundred end
No/10 ($2,400).
B. Method of Pavment. Payment by the CiU for the Services will only be made after the Services
have been performed, and after the Organlzatlon has submltted a voucher or invoice to the Clty
using the form attached as Exhiblt '8". A I reimbursement claims shall be submitted to the City
Clerk's Office within 90 days of receipt of nvoice unless your event occurs after October, in which
the clalms must be submltted no later than January 6, 2020.
The City shall pay invoices within thirty (30) days after receipt of such voucher or invoice. Final
invoices, along with any supporting documents, must be submitted to the City no later than
January 6,z020,to avoid loss of funding.
C. Orsanization Resoonsible for Taxes. The Organization shall be solely responsible for the
payment of any taxes imposed by any lawful Jurisdiction as a result of the payment by the City for any
Services under this Agreement.
5. Comoliance with Laws.
Saints Car Club Tourism Promotion 2019 Contract
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The Organlzation shall comply wlth and perform the Servlces ln accordance wlth applicable
federal, state, and City laws including, wlthout limitation, Clty codes, ordinances, resolutions,
standards and policies, as now existing or as the same are hereafter adopted or amended.
5. ReportinrObliqations.
7. lndependentContractor
It is the intentlon and understanding of the Partles that the Organlzatlon shall be an
independent contractor in tte perbrmanoe of thls Agreement and that the City sha I be nelther
liable nor obllgated to pay the Organization slck leave, vacatlon pay, or any other beneflt of Cty
employment nor to pay any social securlty or other tax whlch may arise as an incident of Cy
employment. The Organization shall pay all income and other taxes due. lndustrialor any other
insurance that is purchased for the benefit of the Clty, regardless of, whether such may provide a
secondary or incidental beneflt to the Organlzation, and the same shall not be deemed to convert
this Agreement to an employment contract.
8 lndemnification.
The Organization shall defend, indemnify and hold the Clty, its offlcers, officials, employees, agents
and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, inJurles, damages, losses or suits, including all legat
costs and attorneys' fees, arlslng out of or in connectlon with the performance of this Agreemen!
except for inJurles and damages caused by the sole negligence of the Clty.
Should a court of competent jurisdiction determlne that this Agreement is Subject to RCW 4.24.t!5,
then, in the event of liabl ity for damages arislng out of bodlty injury to persons or damages to
property caused by or resu ting from the concurrent negllgence of the Organization and the City, lts
officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers, the Organizatlon's liabiliU hereunder shall be
only to the extent of the Organization's negllgence. The provisions of this section shall survive the
expiration or termination of this Agreement.
9 lnsurance.
The Organization shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against
claims for inJuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection wlth the
performance of the work hereunder by the Organization, its agents, representatlves, volunteers, or
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Pursuant to ROi/ 67.28.1815 (2XcXll), the Organization must provide the City of Port Orchard a report
in a form labeled JTARC Municlpallg Report, attached as Exhiblt "C, no later than January 3t,2O2O.
A. Minimum Scope of lnsurance. Contractor The Organization shall obtain insurance of the
Upes descrlbed below:
1. Automobile Liability insurance as required covering all owned, non{wned, hired and leased
vehlcles. Coverage sha I be written on lnsurance Servlces Office (lSO) form CA (X) 01, or a
substitute form providing equlvalent liabillty coverage. lf necessry, the policy sha I be
endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage.
2. Commercial General Uability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence
form CG 00 01, or a substitute form providing equirralent tiability co\rerate and shall cover
liabllity arising from premises, operatlons, independent contractorc and personat injury and
advertising injury. The Clty shall be named by endorsement as an addltional lnsured under
the Consultanfs Commercial General Liabllity insurance policy with respect to the work
performed for the City.
3. Workers' Compensation coverage as required by the lndustrial tnsurance laws of the State of
B. Minimum Amounts of lnsurance. The Organization shall maintain the fotlowing
insurance llmits
1. Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and
property damage of S1,000,0fi) per accident.
2. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written wlth limits no less than Sl,OoO,m
each occurrence, S2,000,(XX) genera I aggregate.
C. Other lnsurance Provisions. The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to
contain, the followlng provisions for Automobile tiability, and Commercial General Uabil6y
1. The Organization's insurance coverage shall be prlmary insurance as respect the
City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the CiU shall
be excess of the Organization's insurance and sha I not contribute with it.2. The Organization's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not
be cancelled by either pafrv, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified
mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City.3. The CiW will not waive its right to subrogation against the Organization. The
Organization's insurance shall be endorsed acknowledging that the C W wil not waive their
right to subrogation. The Contracto/s Organization's lnsurance shatl be endorsed to waive
the right of subrogation against the City, or any self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage
maintained by the City.
4. lf any coverage is written on a "claims made' basls, then a minimum of a three (3)
year extended reporting period shall be included with the claims made policy, and proof of
this extended reporting period provlded to the City.
D. Acceptability of nsurers. lnsurance is to be placed with insurers wlth a current A.M.
Best rating of not less than A:Vtl.
E. Verification of Coverage. The Organization shal! furnlsh the City with original cert flcates
and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, includlng but not necessarily limited to the
additlona! insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance reguirements of the Contractor
Organization before commencement of the work.
Saints Car Club Tourism Promotion 2019 Contract
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10. Eoual Oooortunitv Emolover.
A. ln all f the Organ zatlon's services, programs or activities, and all of the Organization's
hlring and employment made posslble by or resulting from thls Agreement, there shall be no
dlscrimination by the Organlzation or by ttrc Organization's employees, agents, subcontractors or
representatives against any person because of sex, age (except minimum age and retirement
provisions), race, color, creed, national origin, marital status, veteran status, sexual orientation or
the presence of any disability, including sensory, mentalor physlcal handicaps; provided, however,
that the prohlbition against discrimination in employment because of disablllty sha! not apply if
the partlcular dlsabillty prevents the performance of the essent al functions required of the
posltlon. This requ rement shall apply, but not be llmlted to the followlng: employment,
advertising layoff or term nation, rates of pay or other forms of compensat on, and selectlon for
trainlng, including apprenticesh p. The Organization shall not violate any of the terms of Chapter
49.60 RCW Title W of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of
the Rehabilitatlon Act of 1973 or any other applicable federal, state or local law or regulation
regarding non- discrimination. Any material violation of this provlsion shall be grounds for
termlnation of this Agreement by the Clty and, in the case of the Organizat on's breach, may result
ln ineligiblllty for further City agreements.
B. ln the event of ttre Organlzatlon 's noncompliance or refusal to comply with the above
nondiscrimlnation plan, this Agreement may be rescinded, canceled, or terminated n whole or
in part, and the Organization may be declared lneliglble for further contracts with the Clty. The
Organization, shall, however, be given a reasonable time in which to correct this noncompliance.
11. Work Product. The Organization shall perform and produce any work product consistent with
the Services described in Exhibit "A".
L2. Booksand Records.
The Organizatlon agrees to maintaln books, records, and documents which sufficiently and
properly reflect all direct and indlrect costs re ated to the performance of the Services and
maintain such accountlng procedures and practices to assure proper accounting of allfunds paid
pursuant to this Agreement. These records shall be subject, at all reasonable times during normal
business hours, to inspection, review or audlt by the City, lts authorized representative, the State
Auditor, or other governmental officials authorized by law to monltor this Agreement.
13. General Provislons.
A. Assisnment or Subcontractinr. The Organization shall not assign, transfer, subcontract
or encumber any rights, dutles, or interests accruing from this Agreement without the express prior
written consent of the City.
B. Notlce. Any notlces required to be Bhren by the Clty to the Organizatlon or by the
Organization to the CiW shall be in writing and delivered to the parties at the following addresses:
Saints Car Club Tourism Promotion 2019 Contract
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Robert Putaansuu
216 Prospect Street
Port Orchard, WA 98365
B[ Hu
Attn: Cruz U r
5 Old O Road
Port ard, 7
Phone: ( I LO
C. Resolution of Disoutes and Governins Law.
1. Should any dispute, misunderstandlng or conflict arlse as to the terms and
condltions contalned ln thls Agreement, the matter shall flrst be referred to the Mayor, who
sha I determine the term or provislon's true lntent or meanlng. The Mayor shall also decide all
questlons which may arise between the partles relatfue to the actual servlces provlded or to the
sufflciency of the performance hereunder.
2. lf any dispute arises between the City and the Organizatlon under any of the
provisions of this Agreement whlch cannot be resolved by the Mayor's determination in a
reasonable time, or if the Organization does not agree with the Mayor's decision on a disputed
matter, jurisdiction of any resulting litigation shall be filed in Kitsap County Superior Court,
Kitsap Counry Washington.
3. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws
of the State of Washington. n any suit or action instituted to enforce any right granted in this
Agreement, the substantially prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs,
disbursements, and reasonable attorney's fees from the other party.
D. Non-waiver of Breach. The failure of either party to lnsist upon strict performance of
any of the covenants and agreements contained herein, or to exercise any option herein contained in
one or more instances, shall not be construed to be a waiver or relinquishment of said covenants,
aBreements, or options, and the same shall be in full force and effect.
E. Modiflcation. No walver, alteration, modlflcation of any of the provisions of this
Agreement sha I be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of the City
and the Organizatlon.
F. Severabilitv. The provisions of this Agreement are declared to be severable. lf any
provision of this Agreement is for any reason held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or
unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of
any other provision.
G. Entire Arreement. The written provisions of this Agreement, together with any Exhibits
attached hereto, shall supersede all prior verbal statements of any officer or other representative of the
Clty, and such statements shall not be efHlve or be construed as enterlng into or forming a part of or
altering in any manner whatsoever, the Agreement or the Agreement documents. The entlre agreement
between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereunder is contained in this Agreement and
the Exhibtts attached hereto, which may or may not have been dated prlor to the execution of this
Agreement. A I of the above documents are hereby made a part of this Agreement and form the
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Agreement document as fully as if the same were set forth hereln. Should any language in any of the
Exhibits to this Agreement conflict with any language contained in this Agreement, then this Agreement
shall prevail.
H. Authoritv. Each individual executing this Agreement, on behaf of the City,and the
Organizatlon, represents and warrants that such individua s are duly authorized to execute and
deliver this Agreement on behalf of the Organization or the City.
l. Performance. Time is of the essence in performance of thls Agreement and each and all
of its provlsions in whlch performance is a factor. Adherence to completion dates set forth in Exhibit
A is essentialto the Organization's performanceof this Agreement.
J. Remedies Cumulative. Any remedies provided for under the terms of this
Agreement are not intended to be excluslve but shall be cumulatlve wlth all other remedles
available to the City at law, inequlty or by statute.
K. Counteroarts. Thls Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts,
which counterparts shall col ectively constitute the entire Agreement.
City of Port Orchard Salnts Car C ub
Robert Putaansuu
216 Prospect Street
Port Orchard, WA 98356
Telephone: (360) 87 64401
q Print Name:
Fax:(360) 8es-s02s
Bra ndy Ri nearson,MMC, City Clerk
B', t \ t-{ ub\e, t)
Title: Cruz D rcctor
5 Old dlfton Road
Port Ordrard, 98367
Telephone: ( | 67+7ttl
Fax: A
Clty Attorney
Saints Car C ub Tourism Promotion 2019 Contract
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ent of
ToursmPrcmoton-Sa nts Car C ub contractamountnottoexceed52, .
To fulfil! the terms of its Lodging Tax Agreement with the City of Port Orchard, the Sa nts Car
C ub (Organization) will provide the following servlce to promote the City and attract and
welcome tourists during 2019:
I nsert ement of rk as p ded on 4a of the glng Tax App lcat on. To be
comp eted by O n onl
) tloo 9 tr Tr; 6r ur--? 6* A7usruftzt,ta y- Zn-fto/^re
fl, C fzvZ A Llncu Caru JHow /4sto 7il Zro*.,rtont
rtnohcltrn ')
7t/" ADr frnt /taac// 1P (/ntr-,,iuc llrfi //of,/ (ufJa,ae{",,,(
rPl frL-f" /tyr^, e /"rfuu lcnot^onrre i/r fu, q,
Saints Car Club Tourism Promotion 2019 Contract
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Exhibit B
Claim for Reimbursement
City of Port Orchard Lodging Tax
Organization Name
1. Submit the signed claim for reimbursement, including supporting documentation, within 90 days of receiving invoice to: City Clerk,
City of Port Orchard,2L6 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98365.
) Rll claims will be verified by the City Clerk's Office and submitted to the City Treasurer's Office for payment through the City's
regular claims approval process.
L lncomplete or inadequate submissions will likely cause delays.
l, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the above-described materials have been furnished, services
rendered andlor labor performed, and that this claim is a just, due and unpaid obligation against the City of Port Orchard Lodging
Tax Fund.
Payee or Vendor Name Date Number
*Please use attached explanation sheet if
necessa ry Project Name Amount
Amount Requested for this Reimbursement
Reviewed and Confirmed/Adjusted by:Date Form No of
Signature Title
JI-ARC Municipality Reporting - 2o7g Port Orchard.
Projected Actual (Estimated) *Methodology (See description page)
Activity Date:
Start Date:
Total Cost of
End Date:
Overall attendance:
Attendees who traveled:
50 miles or more:
Out of State or Country:
Attendees who stayed overnight:
ln Paid accommodations:
ln Unpaid accommodations:
Paid lodging nights:
Select One
Select One
Select One
Select One
Select One
Select One
Cityof Port Orchard
Contract No. 034-14
Submitted by
Ambrosini Desigu
February 2015
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Exhibit E
Crw Polrcy FoR Use or
C w or Ponr OncnARD's WnvrrruDrNc Loeo
The City of Port Orchard Wayfinding Logo is a registered official mark protected by the City of Port Orchard,
Washington. The logo, including any facsimile thereof, is intended for use by authorized agents or employees of the
City of Port Orchard in conducting the official business of the City. Use of the City logo is limited to City contractors
working on City projects or agencies such as the Chamber of Commerce and the Kitsap Peninsula Visitor and
Convention Bureau to promote City activities. The logo shall not be used for political or unauthorized commercial
purposes. The logo may not used by third parties on any published material or resource without the prior written
permission of the City. Duplication and use without permission is prohibited by law.
INTERNAL CITY USE: Pursuant to POMC 7.22, lhe Wayfinding Logo is to be used for official City business - for
example, City communications, merchandise, facilities, signage, events and services. Please consult the City Clerk's
Office if you have questions about the appropriate use of the Wayfinding Logo for official City business.
EXTERNAL USE: There are limited circumstances under which third parties may be granted permission to use the
City logos on a case-by-case basis for reproduction (for example, on websites, publications, print materials, email,
products and signage). Any use that falls outside of the policy specifications is strictly prohibited. Any assumption
of use, including past usage, is unacceptable. To protect the City's valuable property rights inherent in the
Wayfinding Logo, City staff must govern its limited use by third party entities in a professional, consistent manner.
With the exception of government agencies and public institutions, inaugural or one-time programs and events
primarily sponsored by third parties that are unfamiliar to the City or without a direct collaborative history with the
City are ineligible to use the Wayfinding Logo. These parameters help the City manage community expectations and
protect the City's public image by building and assessing new relationships with third party entities over time.
Permission to use the City logos is a privilege and requires direct, written City approval in every case.
l. lnformation on External Use of Wavfinding Loeo
Trademarked Logo. The City of Port Orchard's trademarked Wayfinding Logo is a valuable asset. Following
the City's Use Guidelines helps the City protect valuable trademark rights and strengthens our brand
identity. By using the logo, you are acknowledging that the City is the sole owner of the trademark and
promising that you will not interfere with the City's rights in the trademark, including challenging the City's
use, registration of, or application to register such trademark, alone or in combination with other words,
anywhere in the world, and that you will not harm, misuse, or bring into disrepute any City trademark. The
goodwill derived from using the logo exclusively inures to the benefit of and belongs to the City. Except for
the limited right to use as expressly permitted herein, no other rights of any kind are granted hereunder,
by implication or otherwise.
Need for a License. Use, reproduction, copying, or redistribution of the logo is strictly prohibited without
a written trademark annual license agreement from the City. lf you do not have an existing agreement with
the City, you do not have permission to use the logo. The terms and conditions set forth in a license
agreement are for those individuals/entities/organizations who have obtained permission to use the logo
in promotional materials, or on products and packaging that are subject to a cross-promotional agreement
with the City. The terms of an express written license agreement with the City make up your rights and
obligations regarding use of the logo.
Fair Use. Limited fair use of the logo is permissible in referring to the City, for example in a magazine article,
without our permission, provided you follow standard trademark usage practice and provide proper
attribution. All other uses require written permission.
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ll. Procedure for Applving for External Use of Wavfinding Logo
Organizations requesting permission to use the Wayfinding Logo shall submit the application form available
from the City Clerk's Office. The Mayor or his/her designee shall consider (as appropriate) any of the following
criteria to evaluate the merits of the third party entity's proposal and the benefit to the City of co-branding an
event or program with the third party entity:
o Demonstrated commitment to the City's mission, core values, City's Strategic Business Plan, and City's
Strategic Plan for Children, Youth and Families;
o lmpact on City core services, operations, assets, and facility resources;
o Financial viability;
o Media exposure value for key City messages;
o Economic impact (for example, alternative funding sources gained for City priority programming and
o Protection of the city's best interests in the short/long term;
o Project timelines;
o Third party entity's experience, qualifications, and reputation;
o Communicationsstrategy;
o Other relevant criteria as determined by the Mayor or his/her designee.
The Mayor or his/her designee shall review all applications for approval, modification or denial. Any applicant may
appeal the Mayor's decision to the City Council within fourteen (14) days of receiving written notice of the Mayor's
decision. To the extent feasible, the City Council will consider the appeal at the next regularly scheduled City Council
meeting. The City Council's determination shall be final.
lll. Use nes
The Mayor or his/her designee shall ensure the following guidelines for the use of the Wayfinding Logo are
adhered to:
L. GeneralGuidelines:
o Reproduction of the Wayfinding Logo shall adhere to the City's Reproduction Guidelines set forth below;
improper use may result in termination of the trademark license agreement and disallow future use of the
Wayfinding Logo.
o Third party entities must submit a pre-event copy of final artwork for approval by the City Clerk's Office.
Review will be completed within 2 Business days of submitting to the City.
o City logos do not imply endorsement or sponsorship of any kind.
o Unacceptable use of the Wayfinding Logo include:
o Use that advocates or promotes the sale or use of tobacco, alcohol, controlled substances, firearms or
o Partnership agreements with retail, food or pharmaceutical establishments that may sell, in part,
tobacco, alcohol, controlled substances, firearms or weapons (for example: Target, Big 5 Sporting
Goods) shall be permitted provided that the City's collaboration with such establishments may not
relate to, advertise or promote the prohibited items.
o Use that promotes pornography, obscenity, indecency or other material offensive to the prevailing
community standards or persons with ordinary sensibilities;
o Use that promotes adult-oriented businesses;
o Use that promotes religious messages or advocates or promotes religious beliefs;
o Use that promotes, or supports or opposes, any political candidate or ballot measure;
o Use that promotes or supports political messages not endorsed by the City Council; and
o Use that in any way denigrates the City of Port Orchard or its operation, or its officers, agents or
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2. Reproduction Guidelines:
Proper Use. The following are the City's Reproduction Guidelines for the proper use of the logo.
Any use of the logo that is inconsistent with these guidelines, or other unauthorized uses of the
logo that are confusingly similar to the City's trademark, may violate the City's trademark rights.
Any use of the logo other than under a license agreement with the City may violate the City's rights.
The City's logo or any other stylization of its trademark should never be used without the express
written permission of the City.
Do Not Create Composite Marks. The logo must not appear to be part of any other mark (whether
words or graphics). Do not incorporate the logo into your own product names, service names,
trademarks, logos, or company names, and do not adopt marks or logos that are confusingly similar
to the City Mark.
Graphic Elements. The logo should be used only as provided by the City following obtaining
permission from the City to do so. The logo may only appear with the words, logotype, graphic
elements, and spacing approved for use, and may not be modified. See Guidelines Standards
attached as Exhibit A.
Variations of Logo. You may not use a variation of the City's logo. Variations of the logo may
confuse others as to the source of goods or services bearing the altered mark, and such uses may
infringe the City's trademark rights and be actionable under relevant law. Do not join the logo to
other words, symbols or numbers, either as one word or with a hyphen. Do not use a phonetic
equivalent, foreign language equivalent, takeoff, or abbreviation of the logo for any purpose. Do
not portray the logo in a negative, false, disparaging or derogatory light. Always use the proper
Changes to Logo. The logo may not be distorted, and if the colors versions listed below
are being used they may not be changed in any way. lf you have a special request, please
submit it via email or in writing to the City Council/Mayor/City Clerk or designee.
- "PORT", Pantone 2995
- "ORCHARD", Pantone 300
- Wave Green, Pantone 397
- Logo Wave Aqua, Pantone 305
Proper Notice and Attribution. Use the appropriate trademark symbol and trademark
acknowledgment of City ownership of the City's logo.
Prohibited Uses. The City does not permit use of the logo in the following ways:
as part of another trademark;
to identify services that are not the City's;
in a manner likely to cause confusion between products and services of the City and those of another
in a manner that inaccurately implies that the City sponsors or endorses or is otherwise affiliated with
other activities, products, or services;
in connection with goods or services which, in the City's judgment, may diminish goodwill in the logo,
including, for example, uses which could be deemed to be obscene, pornographic, violent, or otherwise
in poor taste; or
in connection with any unlawful activities or to encourage unlawful activities.
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Citv Review. The City reserves the right to review all uses of its logo by others and to conduct periodic spot
checks of such use. Upon request from the City, you must provide a copy of any product, packaging, or other
materials bearing the logo. You must correct any deficiencies in the use of the logo and/or the quality of the
product or service used in conjunction with the logo upon reasonable notice from the City. Refusal to correct
such deficiencies may result in revocation of the license to use the logo. [f you are hterested h obtahirg
permission to use the City logo, or if you have any questions regarding these guidelines, please contact the City
Clerk's office.
lV. Terms and Conditions for Use of the Wavfindine Logo
When permission is given by the City to use the logo, such use must also be in line with the following terms and
conditions, and the permittee must sign a trademark license agreement with the City for such use.
The logo is to be maintained as a symbol of the coordinated identification of community services,
points of interest, and events.
Permission for use of the logo may only be provided by the City CouncillMaVor/City Clerk or
Use of the logo is restricted to community events in Port Orchard that are open to public
participation, and merchandise sales that promote the City of Port Orchard and/or the community
Any other use of the logo must be approved by the City Council/MayorlCity Clerk or designee.
The individual/entity/organization receiving permission to use the logo shall not grant permission
to any other individual/entity/organization to use the logo.
The City of Port Orchard reserves the right to approve or deny the use of the logo by any
i n d ivid ual/entity/orga n ization.
Use of the logo which could be considered to express or imply any endorsement of any political
candidate is strictly prohibited.
The logo shall be used only in connection with marketing for the City of Port Orchard. lt may not
be used solely to market any other entity.
The logo shall not be used in any manner which is deceptive or which would bring the logo or the
City of Port Orchard into disrepute.
V. License Agreement
Third party entities granted permission to use the Wayfinding Logo for approved activities shall sign an annual
Trademark License Agreement accepting the City's terms and conditions of such use.
Not-for-profit organizations recognized by the City, State of Washington and/or United States may be granted use
of the Wayfinding Logo without a license fee in connection with merchandise for sale.
For-profit corporations granted permission to use the Wayfinding Logo in connection with merchandise for sale shall
be required to pay an annual license fee. The license fee is an annual fee of One Hundred Dollars (S100.00). The
for-profit corporation shall register the City of Port Orchard as the point of sale for said merchandise.
Recipients of Lodging Tax funds will not be required to submit an application form or pay a license fee to use the
Wayfinding Logo; however, such recipients are still required to follow the City's Use Guidelines and to sign a
Trademark License Agreement with the City.
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