1216 - Ordinance - Uniform Building CodeORDINANCE NO. 1216 V
U-39 °-7
15.04-.01.0 (Port Orchard Municipal
Code) as follows:
Section 1.. That the Port Orchard Municipal
Code, Section .15.04.010 is amended to read as follows:
15.04.010 Uniform Building Code adopted.
There is ,adopted by the Council of the City of Port
Orchard for the purpose of prescribing regulations
govcrninq conditions hazardous to Life and property
the 1982 Edition of the Uniform Building Code, Uniform
Building Code Standards, Uniform Mechanical Code
Uniform Abatement for Dangerous Buildings ':ode, Uniform
Dwelling Construction, Uniform Signs, Analysis of
Revisions, Uniform Administrative Code, Uniform Housing
Code, and Uni.f<nm Building Security Code, as adopted
ani published by the International Conference of Building
Officials (ICBO) with the appendices of all volumes and
adopted by reference pursuant to the provisions of
RCW 35.21.180 is adopted as the official Building Code
of the City of Port Orchard subject to the amendment
and additions set forth in this title.
Volume 1, Uniform Building Code, 1982 edition
is hereby amended as follows:
1. Section 301(b): Delete items (i.) (3) (4)
(5) (6) and (7).
2. Section 703, first sentence shall read:
The application, plans and specifications
and other data filed by an applicant for
permit shall be reviewed by the Building
Official or hi.4 duly authorized
3. Section 1.210(a) Fire Warning Systems:
There is added "The provisions of this
section shall apply exclusively to
existing non -conforming Group R-Division
occupancy's more than two (2) stories in.
height. EXCEPTION: No Group R-Division
Occupancy containing three. (3) or more
dwelling units shall be exempt from
Section 1210(a) of Volume I Uniform
Building Code.
4. Section 2517(3) Bracing:
Delete D throunh H. EXCEPTION: Items
D through H may be used in conjunction
with A,B,C or other bracing methods
approved by th- Building Inspector.
ADD: All new )uildings will be insulated
to meet: he thermal performance and
design s,andards for new buildings
as described in RCW 19.27 (HB;98)
Ordinance lo.
Page 2
Compliance with this law shall be
evidenced at the° job site by the
posting of a compliance card.
The card shall jndicatc the "R
Value" of the m terial installed
by each section of this structure,
and in the case of loose insulatior
the number o£ bags and the weight
per bag. It is the re=ponsibility
of the local building inspector
(Building Off (ial) to assure
compliance in all new buildings
(including dwellings and new
apartment housed) to which this
law applies.
5. Section 713 (b) Standpipes:
The second to last: sentence shall
be changed to read, "The source of
water may be either by interconnection
with the spr_nk'or system or may be
connected with the domestic water
supply by a minimum of 2-inch-diameter
pipe with 1 1/2 inch NS fire hose
6. Section 5301(b) Energy Conservation in
new building Construction: EXCEPTION:
Insulation materials installed in walls
and ceilings which are required to be
of fire resistive construction shall
meet: Class 2 flame spread requirements
unless the materials are concealed in
a wall or ceiling cavity with fLre
resistive materials applied directly
against such surfaces.
Section 2. Uniform Building Security Code,
1982 edition is hereby amended as follows:
Chapter 41, Security Provisions:
ADD: New section 4102(a)
Section 4102(a)
Every building hereafter constructed, classified
as R-1 occupancy by vse or design shall comply
with the following:
1. Doors which provide an access into the
dwelling shall have a means provided
whereby the door locking devices shall
be changed or altered upon a change of
tenancy to insure against entry by a
previous key holder.
2. Every entrance door to a R-1 dwelling
shall have a dead bolt or dead latch
with at least a one-half inch throw.
The lock shall be so constructed that
the dead bolt or dead latch may be
opened from the inside without the use
of a key.
Ordinance No.
Page 3
3. Tn hotels and other multi -unit buildings
having transient occupancies every
entrance door to a unit shall also be
provided with ,a chain door guard or barrel
on the inside. EXCEPTION: Buildings
required by tK" Uniform. Building Code
to have exit doors equipped with p_nic
hardware shall be exempt from the
provision of Section 4102(a`- as rcrl.at.inec,
to exterior doors.
4. Enforcement. -Right of Entry: The Chief
of Police an9ior Fire Chief is hereby
authorized and directed to enforce the
provision of this ordinance and upon
presentation of proper credentials,
the chief of Police and or Fire Chief
or their duly authorized representative
may, with the consent of the occupant or,
pursuant to a lawfully 'issued warrant,
enter at: reasonable times any building
or premises: used for R-1 dwelling
purposes for the purpose of inspecting
the physical security of exterior
accessible openings of such building
of premises.
5. Responsibility for Compliance:
Responsibility for compliance with
specifications set: forth in the Uniform
Building Socur,fy Code shall be the
building owner and/or his agent having
charge, care or control of such building.
6. Penalties for Violations: Anyone
violating or failing to comply with the
provisions of the Uniform Building
Security Code shall upon conviction
thereof, be punishable by a fine of not
more than $500.00 or by imprisonment for
not more than .ix months, or by such fine
and imprisonment.
PASSED by the City Council and APPROVED by
the Mayor this 8th day of _ November _ lags?.
R. G. Lloyd, City Cler
City Attorney