015-17 - McMenamins Anderson School - ContractContract No. 015-17 &>. '& *«* ► A®»»►>8►9 S►9.BOTHELL WASHINGTON McMenamins Anderson school 18607 BOTHELL WAY NE Bothell, Washington 98011 Group Sales 42S.398.0127 City of Port Orchard Urban Design TourGroup: Contact:Nicholas Bond ADDRESS:216 Prospect St. port Orchard, WA 98366 360.876.7049Telephone: NBOND@CITY OFPORTORCHARD.USEmail: Event Date:09/08/17 S ATTENDANCE:24 Lodging: McMenamins Anderson School is a unique facility featuring 72 overnight rooms. All guest rooms are equipped with private baths, televisions, free Wi-Fi and telephones. Please note, all rooms are non­ smoking. Lodging prices are subject to change without notice. We cannot guarantee your block of rooms past the date specified on your contract. Please remind your guests that notice of cancellation on individual guest rooms or shortened stays must be received at least 48 hours prior to arrival in order to avoid forfeiture of one night’s room rental per cancelled room. Functions: (MMAS) McMcihimins Anderson School \11 Rcm.d «c\.S„LMlllMIl S'|\IIMOilllllo 09-08-17 11:00 AM-02:00 PM City of Port Orchard Design Tour Patty Murray Room See Notes 24 $600.00 Group may access event space(s) only during hours listed above. All hosted food and beverage prices are subject to a 21% service charge and Washington State sales tax. Service charge is a taxed item as required by the Washington State Department of Revenue. Please note, service charge and sales tax do not apply toward meeting the food and beverage minimum. McMenamins Anderson School requires the guaranteed number of attendees at least three (3) business days prior to your group’s arrival. Please sign and date the last page, and INITIAL all other pages of this contract before returning to the Sales Department. Meeting Room: Meeting Room Rental will be waived based upon your group meeting or exceeding a hosted food and beverage minimum of $600.00. Should the minimum not be met in hosted food and beverage, the difference will appear on the final bill as a room rental fee. Menu Requirements Menu is to be determined by 08-23-2017 Menu and event planning: Our banquet menus include fresh local foods and beverages, and are an excellent base to planning any group meal. All food must be provided by McMenamins Anderson School and served by its employees. Catering prices, menus and service charge are guaranteed three (3) months prior to the event date. Food and beverage items, room set ups, linens, audio-visual equipment, and all special arrangements are requested four (4) weeks prior to the event date. Please notify McMenamins Anderson School immediately if there is a change in the type of event to be held. ? Guarantees: We ask that you guarantee the number of guests attending your function at least three (3) business days in advance. You will be charged for the final count or the guaranteed number, whichever is greater. If attendance drops or increases, McMenamins Anderson School reserves the right to change the event to a room or rooms suitable for the attendance and you will be notified of the change. i Final bar details to be determined by 08-23-2017 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES McMenamins Anderson School does not permit the serving of alcoholic beverages to anyone under twenty-one (21), without proper I.D., or under the influence of alcohol, in accordance with Washington State Liquor Control Board regulations. All alcoholic beverages must be provided by McMenamins Anderson School and served by its employees. Beer will not be sold by the keg for private events. There is a corkage fee applied to any outside wine brought into the event space. McMenamins Anderson School has a five-hour limit on all bar service. The Function Room must be vacated one hour after the bar closes and no later than the posted vacate time. Rqom Set Up: Final set up requirements to be determined by 08-23-2017 Please Note: ■ All decorations and rental items must be removed from the event space immediately following the event. ■ McMenamins Anderson School is not responsible for items left behind. A/V & Miscellaneous fees: A/V requirements for your event are to be determined by 08-23-2017 All A/V & Rental Items are subject to a delivery fee. Summary of Charges ROOM Rental: $600.00 minimum food and beverage required to waive room rental. *** UPON CONCLUSION ***Method of Payment: Please sign and date the last page, and INITIAL all other pages of this contract before returning to the Sales Department Deposit Required ; ID id I K'po-.llI )ik' I Pik1 Dik' \iruHiiU I ilH I $300.00 08-23-17 $0.00 $300.00 [Catering $300.00 $0.00 $300.00[Summary A deposit for all meeting spaces is due as outlined above. Deposit will be forfeited for a cancellation 30 days prior to your event date. If cancellation occurs within 7 days of arrival, the client agrees to pay 50% of all food charges plus applicable state tax. If cancellation occurs within 3 business days of arrival, client agrees to pay whichever is greater, 100% of the food & beverage minimum, or 100% of all food charges, based on the guaranteed number of guests. Washington state tax will apply. We do not accept personal checks; however, we do accept corporate checks. Returned checks are subject to a processing fee. i i Rob Putaasuu- City of Port Orchard (Party Responsible for Payment)PAYMENT By: Outstanding Balance: All charges incurred during the event are due at the event close. Should the party responsible for payment vacate the premises without paying the final bill, the credit card on file will be charged for the outstanding balance due. Cancellation: Should a confirmed group reservation be cancelled, or the date changed, after the cancellation date as noted on the contract, the deposit is non-refiindable. Miscellaneous: All deliveries must check in at the front desk. Group will be responsible for providing, setting up, and breaking down all of their own decorations. All decorations and rental items must be removed immediately following your event. Anderson School is not responsible for items left behind. This includes audio visual equipment, flowers, votives and cake stands. Please make prior arrangements with your vendor(s) for pickup of these items. Anderson School policy prohibits taping, tacking, or stapling to any surface. Anderson School prohibits the use of confetti, rice, birdseed and synthetic flower petals. A clean-up fee will appear on the final bill for use of these items. Anderson School prohibits the use of fog machines in all indoor event spaces. McMenamins Anderson School cannot provide cooler space for flowers and/or cakes. Group will be billed for all linens damaged by candle wax, bum marks, etc... Only food and beverages purchased and consumed in the event space during event will be applicable to the food and beverage minimum. No exceptions will be made. A 21% service charge is required on all hosted food and beverage. Service charge does not apply toward the food and beverage minimum. Please sign and date the last page, and INITIAL all other pages of this contract before returning to the Sales Department. ■ Music is permitted in indoor event spaces until 11:00 PM. ■ Amplified/live music is permitted in outdoor areas until 10:00 PM. ■ All rooms are non-smoking. ■ Catering prices, menus and service charge are guaranteed three (3) months prior to arrival. ■ McMenamins is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged articles including, but not limited to, personal items and gifts. ■ McMenamins reserves the right to make improvements to event spaces without prior notice, including but not limited to: overall dimensions, lighting, decor, furniture and landscaping. INDEMNITY Client agrees to assume full responsibility for the conduct of its employees or third parties hired to provide services for the group. Client further agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless McMenamins Inc. from any injury, damage, suits, or claims which may arise from the intentional acts, negligence, or omissions of client’s employees or third parties hired to provide services for the group. Third parties may be required to execute a separate agreement indemnifying McMenamins Inc. against all claims and liabilities. CONTRACT AGREEMENT The contents of the above arrangements and the policies outlined above meet with my approval. I consider our contract definite and confirmed. Please sign and return contract to McMenamins Anderson School Sales Office by 08-23-2017. FOR MCMENAMINS ANDERSON SCHOOL: Lcuwco LiXley 08/16/17 Laura Lilley Sales Manager Datei For City of Port Orchard: ffsE^gj S/ufXi-v Rob Putaasa^| Date Please sign and date the last page, and INITIAL all other pages of this contract before returning to the Sales Department.