03/25/2002 - Regular - AgendaCity of Port Orchard *THE COUNCIL MAY ADD AND TAKE ACTION ON OTHER ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THIS AGENDA Ordinance No. 1850 Resolution No. 1971 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MARCH 25, 2002 1. CALL TO ORDER – 7:30 PM a. Pledge of Allegiance 2. AUDIENCE COMMENTS FOR ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THIS AGENDA 3. NEW BUSINESS: a. Bid Opening held Mach 21, 2002 at 4:00 PM regarding Sidewalk Replacement Program b. 7:35 PM Public Hearing re: Petition to Vacate the westerly half of Farragut Ave. right of way, submitted by Heng. c. 7:40 PM Public Hearing regarding Application for Preliminary Plat as submitted by Richard and Karen Berg for property located in the vicinity of 215 Wilkins Drive. (Note: Applicant has requested the public hearing be continued for 60 days.) d. 7:45 PM Two Public Hearings regarding the deletion of the requirement for pedestrian access between Rockport and Aidan Place subdivisions. The path is located between 2981 Sprague, 2983 Sprague and 2961 Lowren Streets. (Note: These applications seeking deletion of the pedestrian path requires two motions. One for Rockport Subdivision and a second for Aidan Place Subdivision to uphold or delete the requirement for the pedestrian access between the two subdivisions.) 4. OLD BUSINESS: a. Proposed Ordinance No. 1828 establishing the Port Orchard Police Rotational Tow List and adopting rules and regulations for eligibility and participation. (Replaces Resolution 1629) (Finance Committee 9/24/01) b. CONTINUED for 90 days Council deliberation regarding reconsideration of SUP-1021 – 207 Rockwell Avenue. (90 days expires May 26, 2002) 5. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed below are considered routine business. Individual documents have been (or will be) distributed to Councilmembers in advance for study and will be enacted by one motion. If separate discussion is desired on an item, that item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered as a separate item of business at the request of a Council member. a. Minutes of the February 11, 2002 regular City Council meeting b. Approval of Claim Warrants. 6. REPORTS a. Councilmember and Committee Reports b. Department Head Reports 7. EXECUTIVE SESSION requested by City Attorney to discuss pending litigation. NOTICE OF ORDINANCES AND OTHER MATTERS TO BE PLACED ON A FUTURE COUNCIL AGENDA Items listed below will be placed on a future agenda as noted unless the Mayor or a Councilmember request the item be reassigned to another section of the agenda. Materials for each item will be distributed to Councilmembers in advance and will be available to the public upon request to the City Clerk’s Office. The City Council may consider other ordinances and other matters not listed unless specific notification period is required.