04/09/2001 - Regular - Agenda-RevisedCity of Port Orchard *THE COUNCIL MAY ADD AND TAKE ACTION ON OTHER ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THIS AGENDA Ordinance No. 1820 Resolution No. 1933 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REVISED APRIL 9, 2001 1. CALL TO ORDER – 7:30 PM a. Pledge of Allegiance 2. AUDIENCE COMMENTS FOR ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THIS AGENDA 3. NEW BUSINESS: a. Introduction of new staff members Engineering/Planning Department. b. Mary McClure KRCC seeking ratification of Interlocal Agreement and Bylaws. c. 7:30 PM Public Hearing regarding an application of a Conditional Use Permit/Shoreline Substantial Development Permit to redevelop an existing commercial center to include a mini-mart/fuel station within 200 feet of the shoreline of Blackjack Creek. Application submitted by Kaz Soung, LLC, owner and contract purchaser. d. 7:35 PM continued Public Hearing on request submitted by Charles Childress seeking a Developers Extension Agreement for Road B of Flower Meadows Subdivision. e. 7:40 PM continued Public Hearing on request submitted by Charles Childress seeking a Developers Extension Agreement for Road D of Flower Meadows Subdivision. f. Resolution No. 1932 authorizing the Mayor to sign documents to obligate the funding for the intersection improvement at SR166 (Bay Street) and Frederick Avenue. g. Request authorization for Mayor to sign Interlocal Cooperative Agreement with Office of the Administrator for the Courts for 2001 equipment Replacement Project. (OAC will reimburse City for 5 computer work stations up to maximum of $6,500.) h. Request authorization for Mayor to extend Gary Hulbert’s Personnel Services Contract from March 31, 2001 to May 15, 2001 to provide additional time for completion of Salary Survey. 4. OLD BUSINESS: 5. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed below are considered routine business. Individual documents have been (or will be) distributed to Councilmembers in advance for study and will be enacted by one motion. If separate discussion is desired on an item, that item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered as a separate item of business at the request of a Councilmember. a. Minutes of the March 26, 2001 regular City Council meeting b. Approval of Claim Warrants. c. Revised Application for Public Event – Kitsap Chiropractic’s Run in the Sun – May 19, 2001 (See attached map for location) 6. REPORTS a. Councilmember and Committee Reports b. Department Head Reports NOTICE OF ORDINANCES AND OTHER MATTERS TO BE PLACED ON A FUTURE COUNCIL AGENDA Items listed below will be placed on a future agenda as noted unless the Mayor or a Councilmember request the item be reassigned to another section of the agenda. Materials for each item will be distributed to Councilmembers in advance and will be available to the public upon request to the City Clerk’s Office.