08/14/2000 - Regular - Agenda-RevisedCity of Port Orchard *THE COUNCIL MAY ADD AND TAKE ACTION ON OTHER ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THIS AGENDA Ordinance No. 1800 Resolution No. 1905 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REVISED August 14, 2000 1. CALL TO ORDER – 7:30 PM a. Pledge of Allegiance 2. AUDIENCE COMMENTS FOR ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THIS AGENDA 3. NEW BUSINESS: *** a. Presentation of Good Neighbor Awards. b. Monty Mahan, Kitsap County, update on Bethel Corridor Plan. c. 7:35 PM Public Hearing regarding the adoption of the proposed comprehensive parks plan. (Note: Proposed Resolution No. 1902 attached for consideration.) d. Proposed Resolution No. 1904 establishing reimbursement rates for city personnel expenses. *** e. Mayor Weatherill recommendation for appointment of representatives from the following organizations to serve on the Year 2001 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee: Councilman Wyatt, Chair Guest House Inn Kitsap County/Bremerton Visitor and Convention Bureau Vista Motel Port Orchard of Commerce Holiday Inn Express Givens Center (Concerts by the Bay) 4. OLD BUSINESS: a. Brad Reid requests to extend utility lines to two parcels and allow access to Caseco Lane from the Dogwood Hill area. (Water/Sewer Committee 7/24/00) 5. CONSENT AGENDA: Items listed below are considered routine business. Individual documents have been (or will be) distributed to Councilmembers in advance for study and will be enacted by one motion. If separate discussion is desired on an item, that item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered as a separate item of business at the request of a Councilmember. a. Minutes of the July 24, 2000 Council meetings: b. Approval of Claim Warrants. 6. REPORTS: a. Councilmember and Committee Reports b. Department Head Reports c. 7. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Labor Negotiations Update – 30 minutes NOTICE OF ORDINANCES AND OTHER MATTERS TO BE PLACED ON A FUTURE COUNCIL AGENDA Items listed below will be placed on a future agenda as noted unless the Mayor or a Councilmember request the item be reassigned to another section of the agenda. Materials for each item will be distributed to Councilmembers in advance and will be available to the public upon request to the City Clerk’s Office. No ordinances scheduled to be heard at 8/28/00 meeting as of 8/10/00.