Commitment Against Human TraffickingPROCLAMAT ON
WHEREAS, Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery which includes but is not limited to
events where one is forced, tricked or coerced into acts of sexual exploitation, debt bondage, work/labor
and/or marriage. Traffickers often manipulate the vulnerabilities of their prospective/current victims in
order to gain control or build relational/resource-based dependency. Both U.S. citizen and non-citizen
men, women and children can be victims of human trafficking of any kind; and
WHEREAS: Human trafficking is a billion-dollar industry occurring at epidemic levels across the
world and within the United States; and
WHEREAS, Human trafficking is a crime that is hidden in plain sight and touches al! of our lives
through its presence within local community/business practices; and
WHEREAS, Human trafficking goes against basic human rights, impacting the quality of choice and
consent. There is a vital need to eradicate this crime everywhere that it currently thrives; and
WHEREAS, Human trafficking is known to have many intersections with both illicit crime
(arms/drugs/gangs) and legal business within the commercial sex trade. lt is a crime of complex violence
and dehumanization; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE lT RESOLVED that I, Robert Putaansuu, Mayor of the City of Port Orchard,
do hereby proclaim the City's commitment against human trafficking. We commit to honor this city, its
people and the surrounding communities in the following ways:
L. lnvest in the prevention of human trafficking within Port Orchard and through our influence in
partnerships with neighboring regions
2. Support currently established avenues of healing for victims while continuing to invest in best
practices available to appropriately meet needs of victims.
3. Support practices that proactively pursue perpetrators/buyers of human trafficking in order to
end the demand that allows human trafficking to flourish.
4. Use language and behaviors that honor victims of human trafficking, committing to equity and
the avoidance of re-victimization.
in the City of Port Orchard and urlge its citizens to join me in this specia! observance.
Signed the 15th day of January 2O2O
Robert Putaan Mayor