03/11/2020 - Port Orchard library will remain open during repairs PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 11, 2020 Port Orchard library will remain open during repairs PORT ORCHARD, WA – A series of leaks in the roof drains at the Port Orchard library has led to some unexpected water damage, necessitating a partial closure of the building. Though the damage is still being assessed, the City of Port Orchard anticipates the areas will need to be closed through the end of April in order to complete the necessary repairs. Kitsap Regional Library does not anticipate a dramatic impact to service. While a wall has been constructed to partition off the teen area and the meeting room is currently closed off, the rest of the Library will be open regular hours for the duration of the repairs. There will be some impact to meetings and programs. Because the meeting space will be closed, current reservations will be canceled during the time construction is happening, while scheduled Kitsap Regional Library classes and events will take place in other areas of the building. The AARP Tax-Aide assistance which was being offered on Saturdays through April 11 has been canceled. However, patrons seeking this service can still take advantage of it at the Bainbridge or Poulsbo locations. Find the dates for these tax events at KRL.org/taxes. For continued updates on the Port Orchard repairs, visit https://www.krl.org/port-orchard. The Port Orchard library building, constructed in the early 1960’s and owned and maintained by the City of Port Orchard, was originally the old town post office, and was purchased in 1984 for library use. The building was expanded in 1995 to create additional spaces for children, teens and meetings, and in 2013 additional renovations were completed to include, new carpeting and furnishings throughout and a modernized layout. Library services are provided for the Port Orchard community in partnership with Kitsap Regional Library. ### City of Port Orchard City Clerk’s Office 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 Voice: (360) 876-4407 ( Fax: (360) 895-9029 cityclerk@cityofportorchard.us www.cityofportorchard.us