04/01/2019 - April 2019 Newsletter
City of Port Orchard
McCormick Village Park
A p r i l 2 0 1 9
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McCormick Village Park, located at 2628 SW Old Clifton
Road, is now open to the public.
The park features more than a mile of trails, an entry pla-
za, pedestrian bridges, picnic shelters, play areas and
play structures, fenced dog park areas, and a splash pad
water-play feature! The splash pad is a summer feature
that is anticipated to be operational sometime in June.
Additional parking will be added during Phase 3 in con-
junction with the construction of Campus Parkway.
There is no estimated date for this project at this time.
Rockwell Park Construction
-Public Works/Engineering Department
Construction for the
Rockwell Park is moving
swiftly and includes
amenities such as park-
ing, beach access, ter-
raced seat walls, picnic
areas and a kayak launch
Along with the comple-
tion of the park, Seg-
ment 3 of the Bay Street
Pedestrian Pathway will
also be completed
around June of this year.
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Port Orchard Community —
Kitsap Boeing Bluebills
The Kitsap Boeing Bluebells are working together
with RSVP Kitsap on independent living support ser-
vices, including fall prevention and home repair, for
low income seniors and disabled people in Kitsap
In November 2018, work was focused on helping
low income seniors in the Orchard Bluff senior mo-
bile home trailer park. Ten Bluebill volunteers spent
the day building 2 full sized wheelchair/walker
ramps, resurfaced an existing ramp, repaired out-
door stair steps, and installed fall prevention hard-
Ramp #2 Construction Site: Bob Keever, Charlie Mar-
quis, Bernie Wittman, Marty Dasler and Don Creamer
Porch Step Repair: Kevin and Jim McGonigle
2018 Accomplishments
• Hired New Judge and Court Administrator
• Began Designing Marina Pump Station
• Started Design of McCormick Sewer Lift Station #2
• Replaced Park & Street Trees
• Created Opportunity Zones
• Launched the Mixed Use Pilot Program
• Completed the Bethel and Sedgwick Corridor Study
• Replaced Downtown Trash Cans
• Replaced Downtown Electric Vehicle Charging Sta-
• Broke Ground on the Bay Street Pedestrian Path #3
• Designed Rockwell Park
• Constructed McCormick Village Park Phase II
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Upcoming Events
• Council meetings, second and fourth Tuesday of each
month starting at 6:30pm
• Work Study Session, third Tuesday of each month
starting at 6:30pm
• Port Orchard Farmers Market, Saturday’s April 13th
through October 12th
• Seagull Calling Festival & Cook-off, Saturday, May 25th
• Pirates Rendezvous Craft & Vendor Show, Seagull Splat
5k Run, SKHS Wolf Pack Crew Regatta, Saturday, May
• Visit the City’s website at www.cityofportorchard.us for
the full events calendar and to sign up to receive City
information; request public records; and contact staff/
City Priorities and Goals for
Finish the Capital Projects the City has begun:
• Tremont
• Bay Street Pathway
• Rockwell Park
• Well #9 Treatment System
• Well #13 Drilling and Conveyance System
• McCormick Lift Station #2
• Marina Pump Station
Hiring New Police Chief.
Implementing New Accounting Software.
Facilitate the groundbreaking of a mixed-use project
Retain Kitsap Bank downtown and attract their new
corporate campus.
Continue to support the construction of new schools in
the SK School District.
Activate our waterfront with parks, paths, and public
Leverage the investment our community has made in
high speed ferries.
Develop Code and Long-Term Plans that are the right
fit and vision of our citizens.
Save the Date! Community
Service Day— April 27, 2019
Visit our website for more information:
From a September 8, 1999, Kitsap Sun Article ‘Ten Interesting Facts About New City Hall”
• There are 71 concrete piles supporting the building.
• The building has 28,370 square feet.
• The artifacts from the Bay Street Midden suggest that hunters -fishers=gathers occupied the mouth of the stream and adja-
cent beach on Sinclair Inlet for a period of 800 years.
• The weathervane is a sailing ship and is either chasing or is being chased by the whale next door.
• Several artisan wells were discovered under the parking lot. One of the wellheads was encased in the older buildings foun-
• A computer operates the four clock faces in the tower.
• There is a lightning protection system in the City Hall. The lightning would be carried through the steel columns to the
• The building is fully sprinkled for fire protection.
• A computer monitors and operates the building heating, cooling, and lighting systems.
• One window in the building is blocked off and you cannot see inside. (It is in the elevator maintenance room. Codes did
not allow windows in this room).
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