01/01/2018 - January 2018 Newsletter
City of Port Orchard
Urban Design Tour
Nicholas M. Bond, AICP, Development Director
The City and its leaders have spent the last several months focusing on urban design and the future of
Port Orchard initiating work on several projects which will influence our community’s urban form. The
recent efforts started in September when members of the City Council, Planning Commission, and De-
sign Review Board attended an urban design field trip to High Point in West Seattle, the Burien Town
Center, the Bothell Town Center, and to the Mill Creek Town Center. City leaders toured recent exam-
ples of successful projects while reviewing which of these examples would or would not be allowed pur-
suant to the City’s existing development regulations. The field trip was conducted to kickoff a City pro-
cess to create urban design standards applicable to all development (excluding single family develop-
ment). In early 2017, the City hired Makers Architecture and Urban Design to assist the City with the
creation of design standards for the City. Work on the Design Standards is nearing completion. A public
hearing on the proposed standards is scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on January 10, 2018, before the Planning
Commission. The Design Standards to be consid-
ered by the Planning Commission will be available
on the City of Port Orchard’s website.
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Mixed-Use Pilot Program
-Nicholas M. Bond, AICP, Development Director
In addition to the design standards project, the City Council recently passed a Mixed -Use Pilot Pro-
gram ordinance scheduled to take effect on April 1, 2018. The purpose of this ordinance is to create
alternative development regulations which would, in conjunction with the design standards, remove
some regulatory barriers to promote mixed -use development in and around downtown. The ordi-
nance paves the way for up to 250 units of housing in a mixed -use setting to be built in areas of down-
town. The target areas are shown in cross hatch on the map below.
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640 Bay Street
-Nicholas M. Bond, AICP, Development Director
The City is soliciting proposals for the redevelopment of
downtown City-owned property located at 640 Bay
Street. The City is seeking a mixed-use project meeting
the design standards under development and utilizing
the mixed-use pilot program ordinance. City leaders
are optimistic that a project at this location could be a
catalyst for other downtown redevelopment projects.
Stay tuned for more information on all the exciting
changes related to urban design and redevelopment
underway in Port Orchard. For more information, visit
the City’s website at:
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Bethel Road and Sedgwick Road
Corridor Study Underway
On October 23, 2017, an open house was held at City
Hall so citizens could meet with City staff and SCJ Alli-
ance. For more information, visit the City’s website at:
Upcoming Events
• Council meetings, second and fourth Tuesday of
each month starting at 6:30pm
• Work Study Session, third Tuesday of each month
starting at 6:30pm
• City Hall CLOSED January 15th
• City Hall CLOSED February 19th
• Visit the City’s website for the full events calendar
and to sign up to receive City information; request
public records; and contact staff/Mayor/
Confirmation of New Municipal
Court Judge
On December 26, 2017, Timothy Drury was sworn in as
the new Port Orchard Municipal Court Judge. District
Court Judge Jeffrey Jahns provided opening comments
and District Court Judge Kevin Kelly performed his Oath
of Office. Eleven robed judges participated in the cere-
mony and the Council Chambers was full of family and
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Tiger Cruise
-Mayor Robert Putaansuu
In December I was given the opportunity to participate in a Tiger
Cruise aboard the USS Nimitz as it sailed from San Diego to Bremer-
During the trip home, I was given tours of the ship; witnessed a
burial at sea; and was impressed by an air show and shown a
demonstrations of sea power. Of all the experiences I had aboard
the Nimitz, my most treasured were the meals I shared with the
crew as they talked about their careers in the Navy and their expe-
riences over the last six months. The most memorable of these
conversations was about what they were looking forward to as
they returned home and reunited with family and friends.
I was amazed by the number of families that will call Port Orchard
home for a short period of time or possibly a lifetime.
Thank you, Captain Lenox, to you and your crew for the memorable
experience and a fabulous trip.
Left to Right: Executive Officer David Kurtz, Mayor
Putaansuu, and Captain Kevin Lenox