10/01/2018 - October 2018 Newsletter
City of Port Orchard
Update: Tremont Street
Widening Project
Construction Phase 2
-Public Works/Engineering Department
O c t o b e r 2 0 1 8
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Tremont Street from SR 16 to SK Boulevard
In August of 2018, the curb/gutter and base paving
of the Tremont Street Widening Project, between SR
16 and South Kitsap Boulevard, was successfully
completed. Although Tremont Street will still be
closed at Pottery Avenue, and the Phase 2 Detour
will still be in effect through the fall of 2018 and win-
ter of 2019, the completion of this activity has al-
lowed for the functional interim use of the new
roundabout at South Kitsap Boulevard. The Project
was delayed due to the Equipment Operators Strike
which will most likely effect the contractors ability to
complete the remaining curb/gutter and base paving
scheduled for 2018, but work has since resumed as
the strike is now over. In general, with the strike’s
impact on the allowable seasonal paving window, it
is currently anticipated that 3-months may need to
be added to the Project schedule.
Roundabout at SK Boulevard
Roundabout at SK Boulevard Before Initial Paving
Visit the Tremont Street Widening
Projects website for information on
construction updates, project details,
and contact information.
Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway -
Segment #3 Construction Phase
-Public Works/Engineering Department
The long awaited construction phase of Segment No.
3 of the Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway Project,
which will connect with the Port of Bremerton’s
Mary Ann Huntington Waterfront Park), and Seg-
ment No. 4 (Pedestrian Bridge at Blackjack Creek), is
nearing completion. This phase of construction activi-
ty, funded through the State Legislature’s 2015 Con-
necting Washington Funding Package and City funds,
will provide for continued multi-modal pedestrian
path along the Sinclair Inlet waterfront as the Path-
way transitions from Bay Street at Rockwell Avenue
to the shoreline side of the Comfort Inn and Titus
Ford, before linking up with the Pedestrian Bridge at
Blackjack Creek. The Project currently anticipated to
be completed within 2018. In the spring of 2019, the
construction phase of the Rockwell Park, located be-
tween the Marlee Apartments and the Comfort Inn
and adjacent to the Pathway, will commence.
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Kitty Hall Day
On August 29, 2018, City Hall was taken over by all
things kitty, including adoptable kittens, informa-
tional booths, spay/neuter opportunities, and much
“In partnership with the Kitsap Humane Society, the
City of Port Orchard supports adoption of all ani-
mals and hopes that our Kitty Hall Day will be able
to help place all the kittens and cats in that purrfect
home!” said Mayor Rob Putaansuu.
We are excited to announce that 15 kittens were
adopted that day!
Upcoming Events
• Council meetings, second and fourth Tuesday of each
month starting at 6:30pm
• Work Study Session, third Tuesday of each month
starting at 6:30pm
• City Hall CLOSED November 12 for Veterans Day
• City Hall CLOSED November 22 and 23 for Thanksgiving
• Festival of Chimes and Lights—Saturday, December 1
• Visit the City’s website at www.cityofportorchard.us for
the full events calendar and to sign up to receive City
information; request public records; and contact staff/
Blast from the Past: Bay St. Looking East
Bethel Road and Sedgwick Road
Corridor Plan
-Planning Department
In October 2018, the City Council adopted the Bethel
Road and Sedgwick Road Corridor Plan which presents
a long-range improvement program for two major arte-
rial segments in Port Orchard. These two roads serve
the recently-annexed portion of the City known as the
Bethel/Sedgwick Subarea and provide connections to
SR 16, downtown Port Orchard, the Southworth ferry
terminal, and other commercial areas of the City. The
plan identifies projected transportation demands
through the 2040 planning horizon, as well as safety
concerns, right-of-way needs, and design recommenda-
tions for corridor improvements. The study area of the
corridor plan and existing intersection control is shown
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Key objectives of the conceptual design in the final
plan are to:
• Address existing deficiencies in the City’s transpor-
tation network
• Support existing businesses and anticipated eco-
nomic growth
• Provide safety improvements, including pedestrian
and bicycle pathways and road access
• Make intersection control improvements, includ-
ing roundabouts, to meet future traffic needs
• Improve overall traffic flow and corridor access
from driveways and side streets
• Upgrade utilities and landscaping for a functional
and visually attractive corridor
The recommended corridor improvements and road
section designs, are shown below:
Bethel Road and Sedgwick Road Corridor Plan-Cont.
-Planning Department
Bethel Road North – Typical Section A Bethel Road South – Typical Section B
Sedgwick Road – Typical Section
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As shown above, the proposed corridor improvements rely on
additional roundabouts to facilitate smooth traffic flow and ease
of access. An example roundabout design is shown below:
Links and Contact Info.
The adopted plan can be reviewed on
the City’s website at:
Questions can be sent to the City at: