01/01/1965 - Regular - MinutesFart Orchard, Washington
January 11, 1965
Council of the City of Fort Orchard, Washington called to regular session by MaycFr:
Dick J. Repanich. Present were Councilmen Lippert, Mikelsen, Van Zee, Cardwell,
Geiger and Powers. Rylander excused.
Minutes of meeting of December 28, 1964 approved as read.
Harry Hansen, Kitsap County Planning Commission, was present to arrange witU Council
a schedule of meetings with eight Consulting Firms. mayor appointed screening com-
mittee consisting of Bob Geiger and Bill Lippert from Council and Jack Thompson
and Byron Sipe to represent City -Planning Commission, to act as screening board.
Mr. Hansen will schedule meetings and notify Council.
Bids for purchase of Police car,were opened by Clerk and read by Mayor. Bids sub-
mitted were: Halversen Chevrolet, $2,,654.15; Howe Motors, 2,791.36; Gallagher
Oldsmobile Cadillac, Inc 2,'8-41.38; aim Traveller Motors, Inc. 2,`668.58 rind
an alternate bid. of 2,809.94. Motion was made by Van Zee,, seconded by Lippert
and carried to accept bid of Traveller Motors for Dodge Coronet in the amount of
E. F. Roberson of Cascade Natural Gas Co. was present to thank Council for con-
sideration in matter of street breakage fee and to submit a request for gas line
extension across overpass bridge on Mitchell Roald. Attorney suggested-Cascarde
Gas Co. write a letter to State Highway Dept* as a matter of courtesy.
Larry smith and Charles Hall appeared as delegates of Civil Air'Patrol, request-
ing permission to use Active Bldg. two hours each week for meetings, and space in
the basement for storage. Referred to Parks and Playgrounds committee.
'fan Zee reported decision of committee regarding rental fee for teen-age dances.
Committees recommended regular charge of 16.-00. On motion by Powers, seconded by
Caldwell and carried, committee recommendation be accepted.
On motion by Mikelsen, seconded by Van Zee and carried, Mayor authorized to select
three citizens to form a Park Commission as required of a 3rd class city. An,
Ordinance will be adopted later to specify duties of Commission.
Rd Chapman of Annapolis was present to inquire of Council the possibility of Dirt,
Orchard water lines being extended into the newly annexed Annapolis area. Re-=
ferred until Comprehensive Planning has been completed.
on motion by Powers, seconded. by Caldwell and carried, Ordinance J736'establishing
Civil Service Commission for PortiOrchard Police Department be adopted.
Ed Higgins, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore requested neater line into their
property on Melcher St. -outside city limits where they hope to build. They were
advised to draft a petition for annexation. Matter continued.
H. J. Kilpatrick requested Council retain him on the payroll although he is ast
the retirement age. On motion by Mikelsen, seconded by Pagers and carried, gity will
request waiver from State Employees' Retirement System to allow Mr. Kilpatrick to
remain on payroll for 1 year provided it is within regulations of retirement:system.
Fhgineer Hammond authorized George Givens to present map of curbs, traffic pattern
and.sidewalks in West Bay area. Map was examined by Council and referred to Engineer
to contact State for approval and to submit completed plan with intersection; Matter
Ordinance 737, adopting building code and Fire Zones as corrected was read by Mayor
and, adopted on motion by Powers, seconded by Caldwell and carried.
Caldwell respprted that trailer on South St.- is not on a permanent foundation although
It is on the tax rolls. Building Inspector will inform owners to remove trucks and
provide permanent foundation to conform to regulations provided in Building Code.
Matter continued.
Matter of State Liquor Board Representative contacting Mayor regarding location of
Liquor Stare was brought to Council's attention
Letter was read from Dea*rtment of Natural Resources and referred to George Hammond
to provide property descriptions on Harrison St.'and block east.
Caldwell reported: on continuation from Sidney to May St.stating Mr, Bert Workman will
agree to trading property with Herman Cohen to allow road through from Tremont to May
street. Continued.
Property owners involved in a slide damage claims against City have been contacted
by Attorney to attend meeting in Council chambers Thursday at 8:00 P.M. January 14,
Ordinance deeming possession and use of BB guns and other weapons in City illegal
was read by Mayor and referred to committee consisting of Mikelsen and Chief of, J
Police. Matter continued.
On motion by Lippert, seconded by Van Zee and carried, Mayor authorized to sign the
contract with Kitsrip County Humane Society for the year 1965.
City Clerk to draw warrant for $500.00 for 1964 contribution to Kitsap County Joint
Planning Commission.
Meter and sewer committees recommended reduction of charges for William Van Zee from
$32.90 to $28.25.
George Givens reported that work on water Line installation on Bothwell St. will be
completed by January 12.
On motion by Lippert, seconded by Mikelsen and carried, bills in the following amounts
be paid: C.E., 2;180.16; rater, $5,1630.81; Street, 321.59; Sewer, 706.86;
Park, $30.29. Total: $8068.65.
Meeting adjourned at 11:40 P.M.
1114�4z'lw 65_�L� Clerk _ e��c�acC. ,.
Port Orchard, Washington
January 25, 1965.
Council of -the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor
Ntok J. Repanich. Present were ,Councilmen Mikelsen, Stan Zed,- Posters, Caldwell,
Lippert and Geiger. Rylander absent.
Minutes of the meeting of January 11, 1965 approved as cbrrocted.
E. E. Roberson of Cascade Natural Gas eo.- was present to state; that he had con-
tacted the Utility Engineer for the State of Washington and it was the engineer's
opinion that the granting of permission to install a 4" steol gas pipe line for
natural gas across the Mitchell St. overpass was up to the City of Port Orchard.
It was the opinion of the Council to grant permission to Cascade Natural Gas Coe
upon receipt of letter from the State Utility Engineer.
Bill Lippert reported on screening of Planning Consultants and that six (6) had
been interviewed so far. No action was taken.
Mayor announced a South Kitsap Improvement Club meeting, Wednesday, January 27, at
the Bethel Improvement Club at 8:00 P.M.
Financial report on Active Club Building income and expense was discussed. No action.
Van Zee reported on meeting with State Employees Service regarding "far on Poverty"
program. Advisery committee to be formed to formulate plans for allocation of monies
and projects to be undertaken. Meeting announced for February 4, 10:00 A.M. with the
Mayors, County Commissioners, Dr. Laden and Bob Mears to be present.
Letter of inquiry from Gene Ward regarding extension of sewer to a proposed develop-
ment on Frank Christian property was read. Mayor directed that a letter be sent to
Cone 'Ward setting a meeting with Council for Fesbbuary 1, at 7:30 P.M. Continued,.
Report from Kitsep County,Regional Library was read by Mayer showing that 29,853 books
were circulated and that 775 persons registered for library cards.
Minutes of Planning Commission for Deeember)21, 1964 were read and ordered filed..
Givens reported on problem of Active Building basement door being kicked and broken
down. This was repaired four (4) times and is costly. Chief to check into thus.
Givens reported -on new gas installations. On motion 'by van • Zees seconded by Caldwell
and carried, $500 be charged Cascade Natural Gas Co. for extra time used and for
use of pipefinder in Adkins installation on Sidney St.
Matter of appointment for a park advisory board continued. attorney to prepare an
Don Thompson, in referring to City Liability Insurance recommended insurance represent-4
ati.ves or specialists meet with City officials as well as Association of Washinjgton.
Cities representatives. Attorney will contact them to arrange] for a meeting with the
Ray Hall reported on trailer on South St. Will confer with attorney regarding a
permanent foundation. Continued.
George Givens and Ray Hall reported on extension ofMay-street to Sidney St; matter -
Don Thompson reported on meeting with -property owners regarding slide damaged in the
Annapolis area.. He -also read letter he had written to Insurance adjusters expla inimg
cause for action, and that property owners felt there was negligence and thot insu,r
ance companies should pay for damages. Matter continued.
Givens reported on Bothwell street water line completion. Engineer to notify Clerk
of , f anal costs to Joe Oswald. Continued.
Bngineering and related services concerning aspects of more reasonable fees were
discussed and referred to Finance -Committee for study and report. Continue..
Mayor appointed Caldwell, Van Zee and Mikelsen to contact merchants in Blk.113,
1st addition to Sidney regarding possible formation of LID for extension of Harrison
street and for street facilities. Acquisition of Harbor area owned by Stated would
be necessary for street right-of-way purpose. Matter continued.
Letter from Fort Orchard Clinic regarding employees parking facilities was read by
Mayor. It was the decision of Council that no changes in policy be made. Mayer will
see complainant. Matter continued.
Chief reported on the ticketing of cars behind Myhre l s +Cafe - and matter was discussed..
On 'mot ion by Mari Zee, se-conded by Lippert and carried, with Powers opposed and Mik-
elsen and Geiger abstaining, .matter of parking and righ-of-way for traffic on perking
lot referred to Street committee for investigation. Tickets were ordered voided.
Matter continued.
Givens reported on request made -to City for removal of tree in street right,of-way
at edge of ]Horton property on Beach road statin6 that heavy rains and thawing has
moved tree two (2) ft. and property owners are alarmed. Letter of,permission for
removal of tree must be received by Sup't.and the stump must be left in they ground,
On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Lippert and carried -authorization given t, o Su.p'V
to haver tree removed if above,stated.provisions are adhered to.
Givens reported on cost of compressor to be purchased from. water and sewer fund. He.'
reported 1957 model would cost $1800.00 overhauled and guaranteed. On motion by
Oeiger; aeconded by Caldwell and carried, a rebuilt, piston -type compressor with
Jack hammer be purchased in the amount of '$1,'800.00.
Mikelsen reported on replacement of waste receptacles on downtown streets. This
matter and BB gun Ordinance continued.
Powers and Lippert, with Mikelsen as chairman were designated as a committee wo look
into the possibility of securing a petition for -annexation from 'property owners ad-
jacent to Wash. State .Veterrans Rome and also investigate possibilities of parkwood
annexation and promotes •public relations in these areas.
Matter of possibility .of °Annapolis water system becoming a part of Fort Orchard
water system was discussed, with committee appointed consisting of Lippert as
chairman and Geiger and Rylander.
On motion by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell and carried, bills in the following
amounts be paid. C. It.; $10683.53; Water, $8420-33; Street, $1,010.95; Sewer,
$326.48; Park, $77.80. Total.: $3941.00.
Meeting adjourned at 11:35.P.M.'
�- 1erk a /.
Port Orchard, Washington
February 8, 1965
Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor
Nick J. 'Repaanich. Present were - Councilmen Mikelsen, Van Zee, Lippert, Rylander
Geiger, Caldwell and Powers.
Minutes of the meeting of January 25, 1965 approved as corrected.
Mayor-Repaanich introduced Richard o. Woodward to members of the Council and to others
present. Onimotion by Lippert, seconded by Van Zee and carried, Mayor's appointment
of Mr. Woodward to the position of City Clerk was confirmed.
Bill Carlson appeared before Council to request permission to move a house trailer
to the Ray!Anderson property on Sidney St# to be used as an office while he is
logging in that area with the understanding that the trailer will be moved away on
or by May 1, 1965. Mri Carlson referred to Clerk's °`off ice to obtain application
for variance and payment of $15 aoo fee.
Van Zee reported on investigation of broken door in Active Building and stated that
a -boxing class supervised by Jaek Dean: was responsible for damage.- Chief Dow also
reported on this .matter and recommended continuous use by this group -as a -bene°ficial
youth program. Mr. Barrett, father of one of the boys responsible for damage assured
Council this would not happen again.
Dr. George Eisentrout, Roy Franko and Myron Freyd appeared before Council to discuss
possibility of coordination between City --and School District regarding educational
vocational and anti -poverty programs.
Letter from Kenneth Branch of the firm Branch, Branch and Garrison of Bremerton
urging selection of aprofessional firm of planners -was read by, -Mayor and discussed
with the school officials present. February 11, Thursday, 7:00 P.M. was set for
meeting of School Board, City. Planning Commission, County Planning -Commission and
Council members with the three firms screened and selected for interview.
Mayor announced meeting of Washington State Association of Planners at the Doric
Motel in Taeome for Friday and -Saturday, February 12 & 13 Application. blanks are' .
made available from. LifvendaahlOs office. Members of Council who may attend are
Powers, Mikelsen and Caldwell.
Letter from State Highway Commission was read by Mayor regarding gas line across
Mitchell street bridge. Sinee copy was received by Gas Co, no action was taken.
Van Zee reported on "War -on Poverty" program meeting, that it is in formulative-
staRes, that many will benefit from, such as drop out students, students helping
themselves through school, single motheft training for jobs, Bob Mears will assist
insetting up this program. Continued.
Mayor reported on meeting with Gene Ward regarding extension of sewer facilities
to -southwest area of City and possibility of forming an L. I. D. in area. Attorney
advised Council that L.I.D. by petition would be adviseable. A Meeting with
interested property owners in area and other interested persons was discussed and
it was determined, notices would be mailed to residents of that area announcing an
open meeting Thursday, February 25, at 1:30 P.M. It -was moved by Powers, seconded
by Caldwell and carried that t1 is act ion be taken.
Concerning City Liability Insurance, Attorney to contact Gordon H. Sweany in Seattle
from General Insuraance Co. �to speak with Council on March 1, Monday, at 7:30 P.-M.
Ray Hell reported on trailer on South street owned -by Lenora LeMay., Wheels have
been removed, skirting intended as well as car port to improve residence.
Attorney reported on Annapolis property owners' claim against Citys No answer had
been received from residents. Attorney will contact the attorneys representing them.
Matter continued.
Report on computation of water hook-up charges on Bothwell St, project given by
Engineer Hammond. Matter continued.
Sidewalks, traffic pattern and other improvements in the Wiest Bay St. area was dis-
cussed. Engineer Hammond inquired about method of financing. Sstimaate will be nec-
essary for committee to continue negotiations. Caldwell will contact property owners.
Matter continued.
Faarrison street continuation and water front street right-of-way was discussed. on
motion by Van Zee, seconded by Rylander and carried, authorization was fiven to
Ray Hall to make application to State for right-of-way on tidelands, between meander
line and inner harbor line.
Regarding tree on Horton property, Bill Carlson will confer with Sup't Givens regard-
ing this job. Matter continued.
Rudy dllones representing Washington State Horeshoe Tournament requested of Parks
and Playgrounds committee consideration to provide pits that will acoomodaate tourart- ,
aments in the City. Referred to committee..
Requests of various groups using Active Building referred to committee to provide
ample chairs and tables for their endeavors. Referred to Rylaander and Van Zee.
Rylander reported on Puget Power Company t s new schedule #24. On motion by Van Zee,
seconded by Powers and carried, Terry Rice, of Rice Electric, be contacted to install
a one (1) meter .service for the City, and Puget Sound Power & Light Co; is to be
notified by letter when completed.
Van. Zee reported that too many lights are used in the Active Building when it is
not necessary thus causing unnecessary expense. Parks Committee to resolve ',this.
On.,motion by Powers, seconded by van Zee and carried, attorney authorized to prepare
a Resolution for Council to request~;s�atdthe A.O.Q. 3 being built at P.5.�1.P...be
named the U.S.S. Pori Orchard, usi A ae ground as a basis for the Resolution
Letter and map from Merchants Committee was submitted to Council by Caldwel� regard-
ing a more satisfactory plan for the traffic pattern and parking facilities',in the
water -front parking lot. Action detained until the Liquor Stare traffic had been
determined. Continued.
Mayor reported on meeting of Legislature in Olympia to promote HB J33, to remove
toll from barrows Bridge�as proposed when bridge was erected.
Mikelsen reported on provision of waste receptacles. Continued. Reported on BB
Gun Ordinance which was read by Powers. Carried over for next meeting to allow in-
Ordinancw 738 affixing amounts & interest rate for L.I.D. #60 was read by Mayor.
On motion by Lippert, seconded by Geiger and carried, Ordinance was adopted,
On motion by ]Powers, seconded by Caldwell and carried, bills in the following
amounts were allowed. C. 1.9 $1,193.88; Water, $1,141.04; Street, $219.66;
Sewer, $374.45; Park, $65.82; Art-erial Street Fund, $4;441.25.
Total: $7,436,010.
Meeting adjourned at 12:20 A.-M.
Clerk Mayor
Port Orchard, Washington
February 23, 1965
Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order by Mayor Nick Z.
Repanich, at 7:45 P. M. Members pre,>ent were Mikelsen, Powers, Geiger,
Caldwell, and Rylander. Van Zee and Lippert excused. Lippert arrived at
10:15. City Attorney excused.
Minutes of February- 8, 1965 meeting were approved as read.
Mr'. Lloyd Granquist was present to discuss mutt( r of dumping refuse from ]PS
in our garbage dump. Mayor Repaanich discussed a tour of Port Orchard:garba e
dump area on February 20 with Granquist end council members. Acceptance, for
disposal, of some PSNS refuse looked favorable. fie also reported that he,
Grancuist, Lippert and 081dwell visited present PSNS dumping site at Bremerton
Annex to determine amount of salvageable materials, bulk, etc. Three methods
of operation discussed: 1. Granquist to operate as separate operation.
2. Contract for operation with some outside party.
3. City to operate.
Rylander expressed doubt that present Port Orchard area would be adequate a d
thet we might soon find ourselves without dumping facilities. Discussion f f-
lowed. Granquist feels area will be adequate for several years. He will o fer
cast information in 2..or 3 days. Continued.
Vernon Lieseke, of Railroad Avenue commented on proposed "BB Gun Ordinances",
particularly in regards to bows and arrows. Answered by Mikelsen and Rylanaer.
Matter continued.
Ray Fall, building inspector, reported on trailer on Anderson property. Carlson
c� has applied for paxmit, for use as office only.
Meeting annoi need for Feb. 25, at 7:30 P.M. betvi en the Mayor, members of. Council,
residents of the four -corners area and the area south-west and Gene Ward to deter-
mine, feelings of residents toward possibility of extending sewer -"and water facili�.
ties to their area for development.
City Clerk directed to contact City Attorney regarding March 1 meeting with'Mr.
Sweany, representative of General Insurance Corp. regarding City*-s Insurance
needs dhd status of his contacts with attorney's for property owners in Annapolis
concerning property damage. Continued.
Mayor announced that new hook-ups to existing LID water systems would for a'period
of five (5) years after the original date of the LID assessments be charged at a
rate of 25% over actual costs plus hook-up of $75.00. This would include eAgin-
eering costs, labor, material, overhead, etc.. The additional revenue realized by
the 25% contribution to water system would be applied to retire the LID bonds.
Property owners who have participated in the LID on other property directly con-
tiguous to the property to be hooked up, would not be required to pay the 25%
contribution. After discussion by council and Mayor it was moved by Powers,
seconded by Caldwell and carried, new hook-ups to existing LID be billed at
25% above actual costs plus the regular $75.00 tapping fee. This 25% not to
be applied to property directly contiguous to area in original LID, and to be
in effect 5 years after the LID assessments were made.
Caldwell stated that a figure by Hammond, Collier and Isaac of $5.67 per lineal
feet for sidewalks in the TB&11 and Howe Motor Co. area had been submitted.
Caldwell will contact property owners affected.
Ray Hall reported on request to State regarding tidelands. He discussed this
with State officials but has not initiated an official request pending further
study. Caldwell presented a map which was examined and discussed by Council.
Mayor suggested that the committee determine the exact limits of desired area
and originate a formal request to the State. Matter continued.
Caldwell presented a drawing and map of suggested parking on waterfront provid-
ing for parking and traffic movement if new street is created; Butter continued.
Superintendent Givens reported thet Mr. Carlson is ready to remove tree on Hnrton
property, Beach road on or about Feb. 24.
Resolution to Navy Department for naming of newly constructed ship at PSNS as
USS Port Orchard was presented. It was moved by Caldwell, seconded by Mikelsen
and carried an additional resolution be prepared naming ship under construction,
the USS Puget Sound, with both resolutions to be acted upon at the next meeting.
Active Building: furniture was discussed, prices for tables and chairs presented
from Parks Furniture. Referred to committee.
Mikelsen reported that street lights in Pottery Hill area dim at times. He in-
vestigated and will keep informed. Mikelsen also reported on unpaid light bill;
for security light near Thriftway. Letter was read from previous owner, Quality
Food Stores, and Mikelsen's reply was read. On motion by Mikelsen, seconded by
Rylander and carried, matter be referred to City Attorney.- Mikelsen reported to
information was available on side walk waste receptacles, price lists and other
information had not been received. Blotter continued.
Mr. Venn Watson who resides near Central Field complained that hard ball games
are being played on the told Central Field resulting in a broken window in his
home. Chief Dow suggested signs reading "NO HARD BAIL PLAYED ON THIS FIELDV
Discussion by Council on greater utilization of playground and referred to
Mayor read letter from Pastor de Vries of Methodist church requesting adjustment
of water and sewer charges on vacent'rental property at 711 Kitsap St. Discus.,
lion revealed water is on same meter as other properties and no adjustment could
be made. Sewer service charge cannot be pro -rated or adjusted. City Clerk
directed to contact Rev. de Vries and explain.
Chief Dow reported that badges were ordered and received in 1964 but were billed
in 1965, that the 1965 budget does not allow for badges. It was determined the.t
this bill be approved and paid and if Police Department is at -the end of the year
short of funds a transfer from another fund will be negotiated.
Editorial from the Port Orchard Independent was read by Mayor regarding sale of
objectionable publications in local stores.
Mikelsen reported on investigation of building in 1400 block on West street. On
motion by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers and carried, Attorney to contact Mr.
Hovgard to recommend removal of building as a fire trap.
Ray Hall re„crted request from Herb Pfeffer for permit to construct garage on hack
of his property. Ordinance j719 does not clearly define construction of outbuild-
ings and Council suggested an ammendment to this ordinance. Mayor suggested that
permit be issued to Mr. Pfeffer for garage with 5 ft. rear clearance.
Ray Hall spoke on lack of house numbering in newly annexed areas of City as well
as some areas now identified by Route and Boa numbers. Mayor stated that a plain n
has been considered to renumber the entire ' City. Chief Dow remarked that lack of
house numbers also presents problems in answering calls. Referred'to Engineer
Hammond for report at next meeting.
It wag reported that Bert 'Workman had offered a right-of-way as well as long term
lease for playground use in May street area. Referred to Parks and Playgrounds com-
mittee for thorough investigation.
Rylander mentioned progress of new Police Department office area and related cone.
s iderat ions .
Mikelsen recuested large maps of areas outside city limits subject to annexation
to be used in gathering facts and information of interest to residents in those'
areas. Continued.
Powers discussed subject of actual census of PoYt Orchard stating that the cost,
would be la¢ to 200 per person if State Census Board conducted this census.
Determined that actual count would �,e desirable but through volunteer onumer-
ators. It was suggested that the Retired Peoples Club (NARCL) be contacted to det-
ermine their interest in assisting in such a census count. Moved by Lippert,
seconded by Rylander and carried that the Finance Committee make firm decision
whether or not to conduct a census:
Mayor stated City Attorney and Engineer Hammond would be available for the Thurs-
day, Feb. 25 meeting with Gene Ward and interested residents of Fourcorner and
adjacent areas for sewer and water service.
Chief Dow discussed the availability of additional high speed pursuit type driver
training for port Orchard Police Dept. patrolmen in Olympia and requested author-
ization for patrolmen to attend. Mayor requested more information as to length
of time involved, how many would attend at one time, mode of travel,ete. Continued.
On motion by Mikelsen, seconded by Lippert and approved, the following bills were
allowed: C. L. $232.53- later, $1,930.52; Street $716.45; Sewer$1,037.06;
Park, $298.33; Total: 4,214.89.
Meet in a d Joourned at 11:10 F. M.
a Clerk Mayor
Port Orchard, Washington
March 8, 1965
Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order by Mayor Repanich at
7:35 P.M. Members present: Mikelson, rowers, Geiger, Caldwell, Lippert, Van Lee,
Rvlander and City attorney.
Minutes of February 23, 1965 meeting approved as corrected.
Mavor introduced Mr. Clarence liahlke and his letter re: use of Bet4any Lutheran
Church Sunday School Building as a Day school. Referred to Bldg. Inspector for
action W/ Fire Chief.
Russ Nuerenherg introduced Mr. R. L. Rabbitt, .gyres. of ?3abe Huth League who requested
more water stand pipes at Givens Field for watering turf. mn additional tap near lst,
2.nd, and 3rd bases is desired. Discussed by Mayor and council. Givens gave tech-
nical information. Referred to Parks and Playground Committee for action.
Mr. L. W. Cole, Rt. #l, Box 526 appeared and offered an easement in the alley near
the M„rton St. area opposite the Cecil Bader property to ease the problem of long
vehicles in making a turn. This easement to be given in exchange for re-routing
existing water lines to two (2) residences in area to permit more equitable bill-
ing of water charges. After additional information was provided by Lippert re:
di_mentions, etc., and after discussion by the Mayor and council, determined, that
no further obligation existed onthe part of the city to furnish additional turning
room for trucks.
Further explanation by Mr. Cole as to his interests in the matter resulted in motion
by Mikelson, seconded by Geiger and approved that the matter of the street and alley
be dropped and that the matter of Mr. Cole's water supply pipets be turned over to
the Water, Sewer and Health Committee, for study and recommendation.
Manor called on Fire Chief Bontrager for comment anc� reports. He reported 43 Fire
calls, 2 false alarms, man average at fire drills 12!, fire loss $4,100. building
and $300. contents for 1964. On new fire truck negotiations are progressing favorably
and bids may be called for in May with truck to arrive about November.
Asst. Fire Chief Caldwell mentioned Fireworks stand operated by the Fire Department
annually and the license required by the State Fire Marshall.
Moved by Mikelson, seconded by Powers and approved that the Port Orchard Eire Dep't
receive one (1) permit for Fire works stand.
A letter elated 12-9-64 from Port Orchard Chapter American Field Service regarding
application for privilege of operating a fireworks stand in the Wiest Bay parking lot.
City Clerk directed to arrange for publicity in interests of other applications by
organizations desirin; to sell fireworks.
Frank Sbiers, Attorney, presented a idea in the case of Mr. r:rnie Coles in regard to
the Bader case, with respect to the retaining wall constructed by Air. Bader which has
resulted in excess dirt being piled on his property, dirt running down into right-of-
way around ends of wall, lack of steps to upper area, etc. risks removal of excess
dirt above gall, with provisions for steps to upper level and reconstruction of one A
,,V-smal.l section of wail at the -other end to prevent erosion of Mr. Cole's property.
Considerable discussion indicated that Engineer Hammond may not have Laken into con-
sideration various aspects and events which could and did come to pass in this mat-
ter vilen he made the original study.
41 wall partl`, removed, when the retaining wall was built, anc. t' e construction of one #/
Mr. Shiers suggested th.it perhaps Mr. Coles would participate in the cost of the
project, if the steps mentioned were constructed at the same time. tloved by Lippert,
seconded by Rylander and approved, that Superintendent of Public Works Givens be
directed to investigate and determine t.ie best manner in which the conditions can
be alleviated and approximate cost and to report at the next meeting. Mr. Cecil
limier, Mr. Ernest Coles, and George Hammond be invited by letter to attend the
next Council meeting on March 22 to resolve this matter as to the liability of the
City and the degree of participation in the costs.
Mr. Lockery of the National Association of Civil Retired x;rriployees was introduced
as the representative of this organization and discussed the new horsehoe pits.
Von Zee reported on the progress of this project.
Mayor rPr)ortPfl that Mrs. Ferguson, of the business and Professional Women's Club
was not able to meet in their regular room in the active Club Bldg. on 'i'uesday
Feb. 23 bec:cuse a Boy Scout Troop (#525) was there. Clerk oirec►ed to contact
Mrs. Ferguson and assure her that the assigned room would be available to her
group unless of some future date, it might be necessary to adjust the schedule.
Mr. Beal of Boy Scout Troop #525 to be notified that his troop was riot to meet
in that room on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays.
Van /ee directed to investigate possibility of purchatsing 50 folding steel chairs
from Kitsap County Fair Assn.
Mayor informed the council that the PD will be directed to have a. patroliiian 61ck
the :Letive Club Pld g. inthe late evening .tif'ter it is vacant, to insure ta,'t the
furnace is turned down, doors lockaO , etc.
Mikelson mentioned the Weapons (BB gun) Ordinance and it wits continued.
Mayor discirssrid dumping of refuse on our dump by �'SNS anti informed the Courci_l 111A
an offer bad been made to PSNS re: lease. No answer received as yet. Continued.
The conclusions formed after meeting of Feb. 25 with resi4i eats cif' Four-CornHrs and
area southwest re: the extension of water and sewer services discussed.
Percolator tests required of soil for septic tank instoll,.ticn in new construction -
discussed, as well ..s existinm septic tanks, drain fields, etc.
Mayor reported re: company to eencduct comprehensive planning survey. ale Leo Daly
Associates appeitr to be the company selected or decided on.
Caldwell reported or. status of sidewalk in TB&M, Howe Motors ano We,_-tbay areas.
CaTOwell reported on st:utus of improvement of Barking area north of tray St. includ-
ing Proposed new street north of Post office. Property owners generally agree that
this is a desirable improvement. Streets and alleys Committee directed to contact
Port Commission to determine if material and information in the proposed marina-engin-
epring studies would the of value in this matter. Continued.
Proposed Resolution on naming the a(;i; 3, under construction at PSNS, the U66 Tort
Orchard was read. Moved by Powers, seconded by Van Lee and approved.
Proposed Resolution on naming the Al) 38, under construction at rb v5 the U66 Puget
Sound was read. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell and approved. Copies of
j these Resolntions to be mailed to U. S. Senators and Representatives from Washing-
ton, Washington State Senators and Representatives of Kitsup County, Secretary of
Navy, Chief Bureau Ships and others interested.
Mikelson reporter? some information received re: sidewalk waste receptacles.. Some
pictures shown. discussed features. Continued pending more information, on prices.
Mikelson mentioned the bill for electric light (security light) at Thriftway warket
which is owed by quality Food Stores. Given to City attorney for action.
Pottery Hill street lights have been checked for intensity by PSP&L. They will be
street May and June. � replacing �tr.et light bulbs in y nContinued.
Central Mayfield problem of preventing playing of hardball baseball was continued. -
Ma.ttnr of the ;partially completed and abandoned house in 1400 block of West St. was
continued, pending answer of the believed owner Mr. Roy ilovgaard to letter from City
A plPn for numbering houses in iinnapolis Brea (,knnexed portion) was presented as sub-
mitted by George Hammond of Hammond Collier and lsaac and discussed. Committee.will
inspect as to desirability. Continued.
The proposal of Mr. Burt Workman concerning playfield and right-of-way in May St.
area continued to next meeting.
Possible- future annexation of innapolis business area and Veteran's home area was
Mikelson reported Fire Department has complained that there seems to be an undesir-
able delay in the sounding of the alarm siren after receipt of report of fire in
Police Dept. After discussion, determined that Fire Chief should give additional
instructions for desired results to 'Chief vow for indoctrination of Police Depart
ment di5patche-s .
Insurance coverac;e for Xiremen and other city employees discussed as to protection
against injuries on job (Industrial Insurance and Medical Aid as provided by Depart-
ment of Labor and Industries.)
Matter of Census for 1965 discussed and conclusion reached that physical enumeration
of population not be taken but an estimated figure would be used from new wdter
connections, etc. Plans to be laid for actual count in 1966.
Van Zee discussed playfields and work required to put them in shape. Iiscussed pos-
sibility of using Welfare recipients to perform work.
Claim for damages of James Jones and wife resulting from automobile accident at
Fireweed and Sidney roads on December 12, 196f read. Motion, by Lippert, seconded
by Van Zee that claim be rejected and referred to City attorney for action., Approved.
Bills read in amount of: Current Ex 0,764.83.
rase $1,406.95; Water $852.57; Street $244.27;
Sewer $168.89; Park $92.05; Total Moved by Powers, seconded by Rylander,
Adjourned at 12:15 A.M.
610.( Clerk Mayor
Port Orchard, Wash.
March 22, 1965
Regular meeting of Part Orchard City Council Balled to order at 7:40 P.M. by Mayor Repanich.
Members present: Caldwell, Geiger, M.i.kelson, Lippert, Powers and Van Zee, Aylander excused.
Also present: City Attorney Thompson, Supt. public Works Givens, Chief of Police Dow, 42gin-
eer George Hammond, Bldg. Inspector Hall.
Minutes of March 8, 1965 regular meeting read and approved as corrected.
`Mr. F. Pike, President of Jane* -United, Inc. introduced by Mayor to speak ro: sidewalk waste
receptacles, a sample of which was available for examination. Answered questions and explained
Matter of Ernest Coles and Cecil Bader retaining wall in the lower Morton Street area taken up
for discussion with Mr. Coles, Attorney Frank Shiers, and Mr. Bader present. City Attorney
Thompson briefed the council on prior events.
Engineer Hammond explained technical aspects of the wall, constructed by Mr. Cecil Bader,
abutting Mr. Ernest Coles' property. Gave his opinion that the situation could be easily
corrected at the east end by installation of concrete blocks to retain dirt. Caldwell
commented on personal inspection of site on 3-22.
Mr. Bader explained his part of the project and that actual construction of Litho retaining
bulkhead had been as outlined in Hammond's and Given's drawings and instructions.
Mr. Shiers, Attorney for Mr. Coles presented his client's views, that he (Mat. Coles) was
not properly informed of the intentions of the city and the builder concerning the wall..
Mr.- Caldwell discussed the length of the wall and boundary linos of Carlos' let.
Givens reported lowest cost of correcting the situation was $50. for the_:wi.ng walls at east
and west ends of the wall to retain dirt and $147. for steps from the alleyito Mr. Colo!s
property. Mr. Shiers reported that his client (Mr. Coles) would accept the construction of
the wing walls and would construct the steps himself.. Wing wall on east #1k4 to be sufficient
to prevent earth from running drawn around the retaining wall; on the west and equal to the
old wall removed when the new call was built. Agreed to by Mr. Colds and 34iors and that
no further claim will be made. Moved by Powers, seconded by Van Zee that wing walls be.
constructed at each end of the existing retaining wall, at City expense. Approved with
five (5) Yes and two(2) No votes.
Mr. C. Bulftneh, Manager of new Crazy Eric's restaurant introduced and presented a project
of passible installation of floating dock extonding about 106 feet north from the shore
to accommodate beaters desiring to patronize his establishment. Proposal well received.
Mr. Richard McGee of IOOF Ledge introduced and his letter read re« the objection to
Sewer Service charge of $10:50 for the IOOP Hall at Sidney and Prospects streets and
requested a reduction in this charge. Referred to Water, Sewer, stealth Saai.tation
Committee for investigation and recommendation at next meeting.
Mr. L. W. Colo introduced and re -presented his problems of changing the water service
to two (2) houses at 109 and 119 Seattle Street. Lippert gave a committee report on
this matter giving details of present arrangement. Givens explained the corrective
action if approved which would cost $164.12. Committee (Lippert and Powers) recommended
that the necessary action to place these houses on separate service and met rs be
performed at City expense in return for a deed to a strip of Mr. Cole.'s proerty---about
8' X 30' plus a triangular piece 8' X. 20' X 0" (about 300 sq. ft. ) to be used to fur her
ease the problem of turning long vehicles. Served by Lippert and seconded by Powers tffat
the above be accomplished and approved with 5 Yes and 2 No. City -attorney directed to do
the necessary legal paper work.
Mr. Rudy Allenes, President of Washington State Horseshoe Pitching Asstn introduced and
spoke on the excellent horeshoe pits being constructed near the active Club Bld g. The
Seattle and Bremerton Horseshoe pitching chappions have indicated intention of visiting
this facility. Mayor expressed his appreciation for efforts of Mr. Allones and members
of his Ass'n. Mr. Allones requested to be informed of the exact date of the opening of
this facility. Dedication to be in the near future.
At 9:1.0 P. M. a short recess was called and the Council Members and others present were
treated to take cake and coffee, the cake being presented by Campfire Girls, accompanied
by Mrs. Betty Daniels of Colchester in commemoration of the 55th anniversary of the found-
ing of Camp Fire Girls.
Re -convened at 9:30 P.M.
The application of the American Field Service Committee for a fire -works stand in West Bay
area prior to July 4th was read. It being the only application received in reply to a �
notice printed in the Port Orchard Independent, moved by Mikelson and seconded by Lippert
and approved.
Van Zee presented a sample of the used steel folding chairs which may be available from
Kitxap County Fair Assn at about $2.00 each. Suggested by Mayer that 75 of these chairs
be purchased, if available, for Active Club Bldg. Continued.
The matter of PENS refuse dumping mentioned and it appears that another location may have
received this contract.
Mr. Jerry Grosse asked re: comparison (ana-lytical and chemical content) of Annapolis and
Port Orchard water. Givens reported copies of reports are available.
Mikelsen reported that Weapons Ordinance still in final formulative stage. Continued.
Caldwell reported that matter of sidewalks in TBdM, Howe Motors and West Bay are still
pending answer by property owners. Continued.
Mayor directed Caldwell to make one more attempt to get a committment one way or the other
from property owners, with the City attorney to write letters to TB&M, Howe Meters and West
Bay property owners with answer requested by next meeting, April 12.
Chief Dow brought up matter of parking cars near stands at Givens Field Little League field.
Mayor recommended that parking in wooded area in back of backstep and stands be prohibited.
Chief Dow so instructed.
Mikelsen discussed matter of wall needed at south side of Givens Field at edgy of Sroufe
Street. Mikelson and Givens to examine this situtati.on in further detail.
Matter of Burt Workman offer of playground field lease and right of way in May S*rest area
City Clerk directed to attempt to ascertain ownership of house in 1400 block of West St.
Claim of Virgil Lynam for damages against city for accident on December 12,1965 read by
Clerk and on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and approved, it was rejected and
turned ever to City Attorney for referral to City's Insurance Company.
Mayor reported that the City Planning Commission had adopted a motion that the Council
make a study of pedestrian traffic ascending Cline Street hill from Dwight Street to
Division Street as to desirability of sidewalks to provide safoty, particularly.for
children. Planning Commission also has requested a large map of Part Orchard be avail-
able in the Council Chambers.
City Clerk was directed to contact George Hammond re: cost of large maps.
Peddler's Ordinance and Parks Ordinance (Proposed) continued to nest meeting.
Robert Williams of Etta B. Jones Addition has requested that a decision be made as to
whether or not he is inside the City limits. County records indicate that their survey
shows that he is not, but City records indicate that he is.
Matter of several businesses -and residences along Bay St. which are not hooked to the
sewer line discussed. Letters to be written to property owners involved informing them
of Cityts intention to make ho®)r-ups and bill the property evners. Bauer and Winters
Standard Oil Station was not assessed in LID 60, but should be in the district and
hooked up.
Mikelsen requested to be excused from April meeting as he will be in the east on Little
League business. Approved.
Mikelsen reported that the alley between Maas Bldg. and Bldg. to west is being asphalt -
surfaced and prepared as street for access to and from the new liquor store. City .attorney
informed council that the owner of such property could not be prevented or denied access,
but public could be barred. City Attorney directed to write letters to State Liquor
Control Board and State Highway Dept requesting their cooperation in this matter.
Mikelson reported that a traffic hazard exists in east bound traffic turning into Crazy
Eric's restaurant. Chief Dow directed to maintain observation.
Givens reported that 3 men reported from Welfare rolls and were working (one day only)
in Park areas cleaning up.
Matter of parking area north of Bay Street and proposed new street north of Post Office
discussed by Caldwell and Hall.
Extension of Harrison Street, costs, property acquisition, etc., discussed by Van Zee.
Hall to make drawings and start negotiations. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell
that City exchange parcels of property with Clyde Vaughn to facilitate extension of
Harrison Street. Approved.
City Clerk directed to contact Assn of Washington Cities as to help re: funds which
may be available (Federal, State, etc.) for this project.
Lippert discussed the negotiations re: Comprehensive Planning and Survey and the selec-
tion of Leo Daly Associates to conduct this survey.
Mikelson reopened discussion of sidewalk waste receptacles. Comparative features, how
many should be purchased, where to be located, etc. Emptying by Port Orchard Garbage
Service discussed. Turned over to Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation. Committee for
final study and recommendations.
City Attorney reported,letter had been written to Quality Food Stores re: unpaid electric
bill for security light in Thriftway Store area.
Van Zee reported on Central playfield and ether playgrounds and eacilities. Reported
that Mrs. Stevenec"had had bulldozing done on property adjoining Central playfield which
will cause possible damage to city property, if some action is not taken.
Mikelson reported that Active Club Bldg. rooms had, been assigned numbers as follows:
Lame room (North Side) #1; Medium sized room (South West) #2; Small room (South bast
corner) #3; to facilitate assignment in the Clerk's office.
Central playground to have signs *No batting except w/ approval of barks Department*
.We organized games except under adult supervision! Little League and Bush League games
to be authorized after new chicken wire is installed on backstop. VelunteOr labor will
install this mesh. Signs to be repaired, tdAces to be painted, main gate to be repaired.
Givens Field: Committee recommends new water taps near 1st, 2nd and 3rd bases of Babe
Ruth field be installed. Recommend new cyclone type wire mesh fencing on backstop of
the practice field near tennis courts.
Tennis Courts: Recommend new Cyolone type wire mesh, repairing and repainting of Pipe
framework, re -surfacing of tennis courts discussed.
Landscaping of Recreation Area (Active Club Bldg. area) Tennis court area and area around
the new horseshoe pitching pits was discussed with a long range plan recommended.
Posts around Givens Field discussed. Deed replacing. Mikelson.is in contact with State
Highway Dept. re: some concrete posts which.may be available.
Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Powers and approved that report of Parks and Playgrounds
Committee be accepted and expenditures outlined approved.
City Clerk directed to contact Gary Deal re: asphalt surfacing of the Service Station
area in West Bay St. which was agreed on in return for deeding of small area of Bay St.
near Water St.
Mills in amount of Current Expense $219.20; Water $3,057.74; Street $10972.39;
Sewer $262.39; Parks $54.69, Total $51566.41. Moved by Mikelson, seconded by Lippert
and approved.
Adjourned at 12: 50 A. M.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * o * o * * o * * o * * * * * 4 * * 4 *
Port Orchard, Washington
April 12, 1965
Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order by Mayer Repanich at
7.35 P.M.. Members present: Caldwell, Geiger, Lippert, Powers, Rylander and Van Gee.
Mikelson excused. Also present: City Attorney Thompson, Suit. public Works Givens,
Chief of Police Dow and Bldg. Inspector Hall.
Minutes of March 22, 1965 regular meeting read and approved.
Mrs, Fuller, residing on F. Taylor St. introduced and thanked the Citty for the repairing
of streets in her area and then requested the City take action to remove some trees
growing in City streets near her house. These trees cause so much shade on her property
that her roof has been damaged by moss, which would be corrected if these trees are
removed. Possibility of sales of these trees to loggers working in the area explained.
Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell and approved that the Parks and Playgrojunds
Committee be directed to investigate the situation with authority to take corrective
City Treasurer, Lorraine Carraway, introduced andrequested resolutions a.uthori!zing her
to transfer funds to LID 60 from Current Expense Fund and Sewer Fund to cover interest
and deletions in LID #60; and the authority to deposit surplus funds of the City in
certain Savings and Loan Associations.
Resolutions No. 1020 authorizing the transfer of funds, and No. 1021 authorizing the
deposit of surplus funds were read by the clerk. Moved by Lippert, seconded by
Powers that Resolution No. 1020 be approved. Moved by Rylander, seconded by Van Zee
that Resolution No. 1021 be approved. Both resolutions unanimously approved.
The treasurer reported on status of Arterial Street Fund after payment of final bal-
ance of Ritsap St. project and reported the necessity of transferring of 410690.93
from Street Fund to Arterial Street Fund to maintain the 75% to 25% ratio of expendit-
ures for said project. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell and approved -that the
stated amount be transferred from Street Fund to .arterial Street Fund.
Invoice of $790.30 by Roberts, Shefelman, Lawrence, Gay and Moch for legal fees for
work in LID 60 Bond and Tarrant approving opinions introduced and discussedp Some
criticism offered re: the length of time elapsed before submission of this bill.
Mayor recommended payment from Sewer Fund. Moved by Rylander, seconded by Caldwell
and approved that this bill be paid from Sewer Fund.
Mr. Roy Hoover of N. Ritsap Sand and Gravel Co. ihtroduced re: Tennis Court resur-
facing project. This matter continued in Committee,
Petition for vacation of a part of Division St. submitted by Archie and Florence
Fleming, abutting property owners read. Mr. and Mrs. Jensen, also involved as
to access to their property, spoke in explanation and support. Referred to Streets
and Alleys committee for recommendation.
Mr. Carr and Mr. Sherk appeared re: storm water run-off from proposed Methodist
Church Sunday School Bldg. Givens gave some technical information. Referred to
Streets and Alleys Committee w/ Gee. Givens for investigation and recommendations
as to disposition of this "run-off"
Mr. Frank Shiers, Attorney, appeared in behalf of Mr. George Saxby re: water main
connections on Tremont Street. Described property owned by Saxby and location of
houses on the property. Discussed the annexation of this area and the Ross Crook
Water District mains. Requested clarification of the charge in lieu of assessment
required before additional taps can be made to the 8" main now serving the area.
Explained that Mr. Saxby had recently sold the property containing the small house
which had been served with water through the larger house.
Mr. Bob Roland of Roland and Roland, explained that he had purchased the property
without knowing that it was subject to the charge in lieu of assessment in ardor to
provide water service. City Attorney read the Statute which authorizes Cities to
make such charges. Discussed by Caldwell and Mayor.
Mr. Shiers presentee) additional information re: the propriety of the City making these
charges in the: manner in which they were made. Mr. Roland offered information com-
paring the cost of such service to this property with other properties, particularly
in the Pottery dill area where service was provided for the regular "Tap Fee" only..
Further discussion by Mayer, councilmen and Givens regarding the background of
service provided by the old Ross Creek Water District, the obligations of the city
regarding the change over from that service to the city service, etc.
Mayen recommended that the single home now not served directly b water connection
be hooked with a regular 3/4 0 tap to the 8" main at the regular 175.00 tap fee.
The remainder of this property to pay the Engineer's unit cost determined in a'msanner
similar to that used in LID 57. Moved by Powers, seconded by Geiger. Ballot in-
dicated tie vote with trree (3) No and Three (3) yes. after considerable further dis-
cussion another ballot was taken and motion carried with four (4) yes, one (1) no
and one abstaining.
Mr. Joslyn and Mr. Earl Jones of General Insurance Co. were introduced and prosented
figures, facts and general information concerning the Fire, Accident, Liability and
Property Insurance requirements of the City. .Proposals of General :and Insurance
Companies of forth America"given to Finance and auditing Committee for inv6stigation,
study and recommendation at April 26 meeting.
A request for 1'TA group to place a sign supporting and promoting the forthcoming School
Mond Levy in the landscapeed'triangle area it the Manchester "Y" was reported and the
placing of the sign was approved. - i
The action of the council in authorizing the sale of the Seagrave Fire Truck to the
town of Lacey, continued from the April 5 meeting was re -introduced and on motion by
Geiger, seconded by Van Zee, the sale was approved.
Matter of Mr. Iversen, 1342 Flower Street, building (starting) a garago whtch does
not meet the minimum set back rdquiremeant at the rear line, was discussed. Recommended
by Hall that this permit be issued, since the set back established would not differ
materially from other buildings in.the area. Meved by Van Zee, that the building
permit be issued, seconded by Geiger and approved.
Matter of excavation bf dirt in alley near Rockwell St. in Lower Morten Street area
discussed. Apparently ordered by Mr. Cecil Bader on Mr. Timser's proporty� Infor-
mation provided by Geiger from visit to area on 4-12-65.
Matter of wingwalls on Ernie Cole's property in Lower Morton Street area continued
to neat meeting.
In order to formalize the action taken at the meeting of April 5. concerning the
barricading of the alley -way between Bay St. and the new liquor store arealit was
moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell and approved that the private alley way run-
ning north from Bay Sto to the parking area near the liquor store be barricaded if
and when it is opened to vehicular traffic. Barricades to bear signs reading "NO
Matter of request for relief from sewer charge of $10.50 monthly or a reduction in
the charge, in the case of the IOOF Lodge Hall at Sidney and Prospect Streets, con-
tinued from March 22 meeting re -presented for further discussion, and report by
Sewer and Sanitation Committee, Discussed by Mayor, Van Zee and Lippert. Moved by
R,ylander, seconded by Caldwell and approved that the Ledge be informed that no relief
could be granted.
Mayor reported on meetings w/ gitssap County Planning Commission and with officials
of the Government on the War on Poverty Program.
The new horseshoe pitching facilities near the Active Club Bldg. discussed and de-
termined that a dedication ceremony should be held, probably a little later when
weather is better.
Mayor mentioned the need and desirability to promote a Diamond Jubilee (75th Anniver-
sary) of the founding of Port Orchard, (founded as Town of Sidney) en Septjember 1.
Suggested that the Merchants be contacted and requested to cooperate with their sum.
mer promotional carnival days.
Caldwell reported on status of proposed sidewalks in front of TB&M, Howe Motors and
and West Bay area and the discussions he has had with the property owpers.' Part-
icular details of area near Union Oil Service Station discussed. Centinuo4.
The wall needed between Givens Field and Sroufe Street, continued from last meeting
was further continued.
Burt Workman offer of right-of-way and playground lease in May Street area continued.
Matter of partially dismantled house at 1430 West street discussed. Clerk reported
owner had been contacted and authority obtained to destroy by burning by the Fire
Dept. Release from damage claims also obtained.
Authority requested by Asst. Chief Caldwell to send Sutton and Sussmome4ul,i volunteor
firemen, to a Fire Command School in Yakima, Washington during period April 11 to 15
was discussed. Motion by Caldwell, seconded by Lippert and approved.
Request by Dr. Ralph Smith for removal of Sewer charges from his rental property at
712 Bay Street read and discussed. Clerk directed to prito letter to fir. Smith ad-
vising his that such.reduction in charges in the case outlined is not autherizod.
The matter of the ro-surfacing of the area near the fury Decal Service Station prop-
erty on West Bay Street, continued from last meeting, was discussed, Clem reported
Mr. Deal had.informed him that the surveyor who is to survey the property was ill.
When this is accomplished and the property is loasod, the area will be re -surfaced.
City Attorney reported he had contacted Mr. Earl A. Schande of than St"10 + ur ..Cent."I
Board and requested a meeting in regard to the Joseph Haan, Alley belay fro Bay St.
Ven Zee reported on matter of purchase of stool chairs from S.itsap County ',Fair Assn
and stated that our request to purchase had boon disapproved. however he 'staated that
100 chairs would be s tor" with the City V the Fair Asss cst wito the City to be respon-
sible for their custody and to pay the pair Asss'n the sum of 10. per year. Continued.
Matter of adopting a uniform house -numbering system in the city discussed by Caldwell.
Matter of house trailers parked in Spokane Street and Mitchell Read after enactment
of Ordinance brought up by Caldwell. Discussed by Criincil and Mayor. City -attorney
dirdcted to investigate as to further :action re: enforcement of Ordinance,
Matter of sidewalk on Cline Street between llwight and Division Streets (continued
from previous meeting) further continued. Proposed Ordinances re: Licensing of Ped-
dlers and Solicitors and relating to definition of Parks and Creating Park Commissioners
etc. (continued from previous meetings) further continued.
Matter of whether or net property of Mr. Robert Williams, in Etta Jones addition is
within City Limits or not, continued, with City Clerk directed to check records of
County Assessor's Office ro: boundaries. �
Matter of sidewalk waste receptacles discussed. Committee recommends purchase of
five (5) new receptacles. Continued to next meeting.
Matter of Mrs. Stevenson's bulldozing work near Central Playground fence discussed.
It is apparent that damage to City property may result when rainy weather comes, duo
to erosion and Bluffing off of dirt. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Caldwell and approved
that the property owner (Stevenson) be required to build an adequate retaining wsall to
prevent erosion and damage to City property. City Attorney directed to notify owner
of action.
Chief Dew reported that a resident of Farra,gut Street near Stocktan-and Mahan, Streets
requests a reduced speed of 15 MPH in a narrow part -of Farragut Street. Referred to
Streets and Alley Committee for recommendation.
Chief Dow reported on problems involved in accepting bail monies, particularly after
hours and when Police Clerk is on vacation. Clerk and Chief presently only personnel
of PD authorized to accept bail money. Discussed by Councilmen Mayer and Chief.
Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert and approved that four (45 Police Department
Radio Dispatchers be bonded and authorized to accept bail monies with procedures to
be set up to account for such monies.
Chief Dow discussed matter of additional office furniture which may be required when
PD reeves to lower floor area. Civil Defense in Seattle has some equipment available.
Chief Dow requested autherityr to go to Seattle to inspect and procure same if possible.
Bills in amount of Current Expense $6,235.62; Water $634.20; Street $900.98 Sewer
$337.12 and Parks #98.92; Total $8,296.84. Moved by Lippert; seconded by Caldwell
and approved that these bills be paid.
Adjourned at 12:43 A.M.
Clerk Mayor
Port Orchard, Washington,
April 26, 1965
Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to. order by Mayor Repanich at 7:35 P.M. Members
present: Caldwell, Geiger, Lippert, Mikeisen, Powers, Rylander and Van Zee. Also present were City
Attorney Thompson, Superintendent of Public Works Givens, Chief of Politer Dow and Building Inspector
Minutes of April 12, 1965 regular meeting read and approved.
A letter from the South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce Port Orchard Downtown Merchants committee request-
ing permission to sponsor "Kiddy Rides" on the West end of the City Parking Lot, five (5) days'start-
ing May 6, 1965, was read and discussed. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Lippert and approved.
Mrs. Mary J. Foster introduced and requested the installation of a new street light at West and Sroufe
Streets in interest of safety and to prevent drinking parties now going on in parked cars. Referred
to Fire and Lights Committee for investigation.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Fleming appeared in support of their petition to vacate a portion of Division St.
Annapolis Hill area. Caldwell, Streets and Alleys Committee reported on investigation of the situat-
ion. After considerable discussion, continued in committee to obtain additional information on water
mains and sewer mains in area.
Dr. Howard Minor appeared in request of relief from sewer charges at a building at 517 Austin street
which is vacant and which he: will have dismantled as soon as the Christmas decorations of the,Cham-
.ber of Commerce are removed. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Powers and approved that these charges
be removed.
Mr. Herb Theisen, and Mr. Ray Karnawski, representing Insurance by North America and Mr. Robert Joslin
and Mr. Bob Pierce, representing General Insurance Corporation were present to discuss their proposals
for the Insurance needs of the City. After very considerable discussion, with questions asked and
answered by the Company representatives, it was moved by Powers, seconed by Mikelsenjand approved that
the proposal by Gerneral Insurance Corporation for Fire Insurance coverage on basis of the Company0s
replacement value Schedule and the Automobile Schedule w/ $100.00 deductible as presented be accepted,
with other items not included to be further studied. Finance and Auditing Committeeldirected to study
the items of coverage for the Sewer Disposal Plant and the Water Tanks and make report to the Council
at the next meeting.
Matter of evidence of liability insurance of canivals and amusement organizations prior to authority
to operate was discussed. Ordinance required.
Matter�of trees near Mrs. Fuller property (continued from last meeting) discussed by Committee. Re-
ported that six (6) trees had .been authorized to be cut by loggers operating in the area and sold for
$:18.00 per thousand at mill.
Parks and Playgrounds Committee (Rylander) reported that three (3) bids had been received on re-
surfacing the tennis courts. Bids ranged from $1,800.00 to $2,000.00. Low bidder not eonsidered
able to perform the job and wait for payment for the time probably involved. Next higher bidder
p kobably the one to be most considered.
Jerry Grosso spoke on the desirability of doing a complete job on the tennis courts (both resurfacing)
and refencing). After further questions and discussion, moved by Lippert seconded by Geiger and
approved that the tennis courts be re -surfaced.
Van Zee reported on further improvements to Active Club Building.
Fair Association agreement required of City to pay $10.00 per year for privilege of using 100 folding
steel chairs was discussed. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert and approved that at agreement be
approved and signed.
Van Zee reported that water is coming into the basement of Recreation Building durin',g heavy rains,
and that the roof is leaking. Roof has been patched but will need re -roofing in future.
Matter of wingwalls on Ernie doles property on lower Morton Street continued from last meeting, was
re -presented. This project has been completed by Mr. Bob Ryan.
Caldwell reported on status of sidewalks in TB&M and Howe Motors area. This project seems to be
progressing in satisfactory manner. Property owners in general agreement. Also reported on sidewalks
In Westbay area near Union station. Ray Hall suggested that the State Highway Department be contacted
as to actual grade to be used in the projected re -surfacing of Hay St. and this infokmation be used in
determining height of sidewalks. Caldwell to contact State Highway department officials and report
at next meeting.
Matter of house -numbering system, particularly in Anapolis area discussed. Moved by Geiger, seconded
by Lippert and approved that this project be assigned to the City Planning Commission.
Comprehensive Planning Survey brochures, -prepared by County Planning Commission were distributed to
Councilmen and discussed briefly.
Matter of the wall required at edge -of Sroufe Street abutting Givens Field discussed by Mikelsen'and
Givens. Concrete bulkhead about 100 ft. long and 6 ft. high at highest point required to prevent
future damage to street. Rough estimate of $2,000.00 received. Since funds are not ak*ailiable for
such a project, it must be postponed for the present.
Matter of offer by Burt Workman re: playfield and right-of-way on May street area continued in comm-
Matter of private alley -way from Bay St. to Liquor Store parking area continued.
Matter of Mr. Robert Williams, Etta B. Jones addition as to whether his property 3s in the City Limits
(continued from previous meeting) has been investigated by the Clerk, and records in County indicate that
this property is within the City Limits, with the exception of a very small triangular area at the
north boundary.
Matter of sidewalk waste receptacles (continued -from previous meeting re -presented).' After short dis-
cussion tt was moved by Lippert, seconded by Van Zee and approved that five (5) new'sidewalk receptacles
Lawson. make, "Champion" model, Colonial blue in color with decals on two (2) sides "Keep our City Clean"
be purchased, to be delivered FOB, Port Orchard.
Matter of Stevenson bulldozing near Central Playfield (continued from previous meeting) discussed, and
her reply to a letter by the City Attorney read. Discussed by members of the Coulci�l and City attorney.
Moved by Geiger, seconded by Mikelsen and approved that the City Attorney wrtte-Mrs.� Stevenson a letter
informing Iler that the project and her offer to share in the costs of a retaining wall will be studied.
Matter of request for 15 MPH speed limit on Farragut Street near Stockton Street in Annapolis Hill area
(continued from previous meeting) discussed and reported by Committee. Committee recommends that this area,
about one-half block where roadway is quite narrow) be posted at 15 miles perhour speed limit. Moved by
Lippert, seconded by Caldwell and approved.
City Clerk directed to write a letter to Mr. Ted Thompson, former owner of Port Orchard Thriftway Store
requesting him to liquidate the unpaid bill of $40.50 for the security light near the Thriftway Store
for the period January through September, 1960.
The request of the Humble Oil Co. to move the large sign from the south end of the Enco Service Station to the
to -the corner of Beach Road and the Highway (a proved by the City Planning Commission 4-19-65) formally
approved on motion by Lippert and seconded by 4lander.
Minutes of the.April 19 meeting of the City Planning Commission noted and directed filed.
Chief of Police Dow reported that one Patrolman, Harrington, would attend training school at Yakima,
Washington on May 3 to 28th.
Bills in amount of : Current Expense $519.65; Water, $349.26; Street, $1,000.70. Sewer, $938.98;
Park, $129.77; Total, $2,938.36. Moved by RylAnder, seconded by Lippert and approved.
Meeting Adjourned at 12:15 A.M.
Port Orchard, Washington
May 10, 1965
Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order by Mayor Repanich at 7:35 P.M. Members
present: Caldwell, Geiger, Lippert, Powers, Mikelsen and Van Zee. (Rylander absent) Also present
City Attorney Thompson, Superintendent of Public Works Givens, Building Inspector Hall and Chief
of Police Dow.
Minutes of April 26, 1965 meeting read and approved as corrected.
Mrs. Archie Fleming introduced in regards to her petition to vacate a portion of Division Street.
Caldwell, Street and Alley Committee, reported that a 6" water main would have to be moved to the
center of the street to permit access to it if the petition were approved. Maps examined by Mayor
and Councilmen. After discussion, moved by Lippert, seconded by Mikelsen and approved that the
petition application be disapproved.
Mr. Richard Caretti introduced and offered his thanks and appreciation for the services and atten-
tion given to his property by the Police Department while he was absent in California during the
Mr. Lochry, Mr. Boehme and Mr. Lider of the NARCE introduced and Mr. Boehme spoke re: securing for
the NARCE one (1) years free rent of space in the Active Club Bldg. in return for work in cleaning
and painting 100 folding chairs. In justification of this request Mr. Boehme stated that this is
the only one of 16 chapters of this group in Washington that is required to pay rental on their
meeting place. After discussion by the Mayor and members of the council re: the restrictions on.
the use of this building, it was moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Caldwell that the matter be placed
in the hands of the Parks and Playgrounds Committee for study. Disapproved by 4-2 vote. Then
moved by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert that the NARCE be granted one (1) year free rent of present
meeting space in return for sanding and painting 100 steel chairs. Mikelsen cautioned the Council
that a precedent was being established in doing this. Approved with 5 votes for, and one abstain-
ing. This period commencing May 1., 1965.
Mayor announced dedication of new horseshoe pitching facilities will be on Sunday, May 16, 1965
with free coffee, speakers, etc.
Matter of requests for new street lights at north end of Seattle St. and at West and Sroufe Streets
(continued from last meeting) discussed by Fire and Lighting committee (Mikelsen). Both requests
recommended disapproved, with committee to investigate the desirability of moving an existing light
in the Sroufe and West street areas to meet the need there.
Matter of insurance on Sewage Disposalocontinued from previous meeting) discussed. Moved by
Lippert, seconded by Powers that the plant -be included in our Fire Insurance Coverage. Approved
with 5 for and 1 against.
Report by Parks and Playgrounds committee re: re -surfacing of tennis courts. Second low bid for
/his job, from, from North Kitsap Gravel and Asphalt Co. of $2,010.84 accepted due to inability of
low bidder to accept partial payment and wait for remainder. Will be accomplished in next two weeks.
Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers and approved that sufficient wire fencing be installed to-
p4a*eet to protect people passing horseshoe pitching courts.
Matter of sidewalks in TB&M, Howe Motor and Westbay areas continued in committee after detailed re-
port of traffic flow into and out of the area by Chief Dow.
John Kleinbach, chairman of Library Board appeared to present the nomination of Mrs. Mary Smith
of 515 Austin St. for Library Board Member, vice Mrs. Dorothy Sivo, who has resigned. Mayor con-
curred in this nomination and announced the appointment of Mrs. Smith after move by Lippert, seconded
by Caldwell and approved.
City Attorney 'Thompson spoke on apparent shortcomings of outline of Comprehensive Planning Survey,
first as to possible increase in cost and second in regards to specific areas to be surveyed. Mayor
discussed certain points in regards to the Survey being planned. A meeting is planned on May 26 with
County Planner Lifvendahl and members of the Council.
Offer of Burt Workman of playground area and right-of-way continued in committee.
Ray Hall reported that the Peninsula Feed Co. Fire has eliminated the possibility of exchanging
properties with Clyde Vaughn at extension of Harrison St. and thereby changes the outline of
the proposed street along the waterfront. This project was continued in hands of Ray Hall.
` Mikelsen discussed events of the night of April 26 at the time of the Peninsula Feed Co. fire,
particularly in regard to the calling of a Navy tug to assist in fighting the fire. It was
moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Caldwell and approved that a bill in the amount of 175.00 be
sent to Mr. Joseph Haas for damage to City property, namely one 50' length of 2�" fire hose,
ruined by being pushed by Mr. Hass' auto down the asphalt surfaced private driveway off Bay
St. during the fire.
Matter of need for Ordinance covering the removal of debris during and after fires, the time
lapse before "clean up" by property owners can be required, etc. Recommended that an "unfit
building and dwelling Ordinance"be prepared. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van Zee and approved
that such an Ordinance be prepared by the City Attorney.
On matter of Mrs. Stevenson's bulldozing near Central playfield (continued from previous meeting)
Givens reported that Mrs. Stevenson had inquired of him what decision the Council h I d arrived
at on her offer of equally sharing with the City, the construction of a bulkhead wa 1 to pre-
vent erosion of the playfield surface. Moved by '.:.,Powers, seconded by Mikelsen and Approved that
the city not participate in the cost of constructionblsuch a wall. City Attorney to so inform
Mrs. Stevenson.
The City Attorney was directed to write a letter to the owners of a house on Austin street south
of Kitsap street (Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Price) calling attention to the delapidated and dangerous
condition of the house and directing them to remove it as a hazard to surrounding property.
Fire Chief Bontrager to check a garage at 624 Sidney St. (Saffer residence) to determine if a
fire hazard exists or is being caused by a neighbor using the garage to store and mix paint
and to clean brushes, etc.
Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell and approved that barricades be placed on Sweany St.
west of Sidney to prevent motorcyclists from using this area for "trail -riding".
Mayor suggested that the deposit of $5.00 for meter hoods be reduced to $2.50 by ammendment to
Ordinance #694.
Letter from Mr. Richard Schulthies,Attorney, read requesting that he not be required to hook a
house in Annapolis Hill area to the sewer because he intends to move or demolish the house with-
in the next year and build another apartment unit. City Attorney requested to furnish opinion
as to whether the City can legally do this.
Letter from Lacey, Washington Fire Department informing the City that the Seagrave Fire Truck,
sold to that department had developed serious cracks in the cylinder block and requested that
the City of Port Orchard assume responsibility for a portion of the cost of repairs Moved by
Mikelsen, seconded by Lippert and approved that the City negotiate arrangements to share in
the coat of repairs.
Proposed Ordinance to license and regulate peddlers, solicitors and transient merchants etc.
read by the Clerk. After considerable discussion this matter was continued.
Lippert discussed a meeting of South Kitsap Good Roads Council on July 28 which will, be hosted
by the Council and meet in the Active Club Bldg.
Mayor reported that a "Prayer Breakfast" date had been established for July 9, 1965 at Myhres
Cafe with possibility of Governor Mark Hatfield of Oregon as guest speaker. Urge& all who
possibltycan to attend.
Caldwell discussed parking lot changes and painting of new marking stripes. Representatives of
the Chamber of Commerce to be invited to be present at a meeting with Streets and Alleys comm-
ittee as convenient, to discuss this.
Givens reported that only known damage to City property due to recent earthquake was one broken
water main on Pottery Hill -Tremont street area.
Ed Perdue was introduced as representing the Bremerton Sun, in the absence of our usual represent-
ative, Jerry Grosso.
Chief Dow informed the Council that May 159 1965 had been designated as Peace Officer Memorial Day.
Bills in the following amounts were presented: Current Expense, $2,675.46; Watery $430.91;
Street, $755.85; Sewer, $238.78; Park $479.37, Total: $4,580.37. Moved by Lippert, seconded
by Caldwell and approved, the bills be allowed.
Meeting adjourned at 12:30 A.M.
Clerk Mayor
Port Orchard, Washington
May 24, 1965
Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order by Mayor Repanich at 7:40 P. M. Members
present: Caldwell, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen, Powers, Rylander and Van Zee. Also present were: City
Attorney Thompson, Supt. Of Public Works Givens, Police Chief Dow and Jerry Grosso representing
Bremerton Sun.
Minutes of May 10, 1965 meeting approved as read.
Mr. Dick Brinkerhoff introduced and spoke in defense of Mrs. W. S. Stevenson and her action in the
bulldozing work which she has had done on her property on Dwight Street adjoining Central Play -field.
He is of the opinion, from a very close knowledge of the situation that a disservice had been done to
Mrs. Stevenson by the Council in its decision to not share in the cost of construction of a retaining
wall between the city property and her lot.
Mr. Brinkerhoff then complained of the playing of hard -ball on Central Playfield and of a broken win-
dow on four (4) different occasions. Also, basketballs frequently bounce into his yard. Requests
that additional protection for property in area be provided in forms of better and higher fences.
Councilman Mikelsen answered part of Mr. Brinkerhoff's statement, that hard -ball games are authorized
for the Bush League only, that Little League teams can use it for infield practice only and that signs
to that effect are being made and will be placed as soon as ready.
Mayor requested information from City Attorney as to city's liability and responsibility in this
matter. City Attorney explained. Matter then given to Parks and Playground Committee for inspection
and evaluation in detail.
Mr. C. M. Sorenson of Kitsap County Horse Shows introduced, and his letter read requesting permission
to put about 5 large helium -filled balloons in the air over Port Orchard for several days prior to
the benefit horse show in Thunderbird Stadium on .Lune 25, 26 & 27. Council determined that no
official objection exists.
Matter of street lights at Sroufe and West Streets and at north end of Seattle Street (continued
from last meeting) discussed by Fire and Light Committee. Recommended that no new light be installed
at end of Seattle St., and no new light at Sroufe and West Streets at this time. Mikelsen recommended
the removal of at least one large maple tree on city property to improve situation. Moved by Mik-
elsen, seconded by Van Zee and approved.
Parks and Playground Committee reported that resurfacing of tennis courts has been completed except
for replacing of fence. After considerable discussion, it was decided to request the contractor to
examine the courts re: low spots which collect water during rains and do not dry up after rains as
quickly as they should.
Mikelsen reported that new fencing material for various facilities has been ordered and should be re-
ceived soon.
Caldwell, (Street and Alley Committee) reported on a meeting with Mr. Fred Pierce and another State
Highway official and George Givens re: the effect new paving project on Bay Street will have op the
proposed new sidewalks in the 'TB&M, Howe Motors and West Bay area. Recommend that the sidewalk project
not be started until paving project is completed. Continued until intentions of State Highway Dept.
is known (second meeting in June.)
Mayor reminded Councilmen and City Attorney of meeting on May 26 wl County Planning Commission, Lif-
vendahl, City Planning Commission, etc. re: Comprehensive Planning Survey.
Matter of Burt Workman right-of-way and playground facilities continued in committee.
City Attorney reported on matter of Richard Schultheis request to delay in connecting house to sewer
In Annapolis Hill area. A letter has been written to Mr. Schultheis requesting certain facts and com-
Mayor reported on meeting of himself, some councilmen and downtown merchants committee of the Chamber
of Commerce re: parking area and redesignation of parking spaces. Recommendations of Chamber discussed
and map examined.in detail. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Mikelsen, that the changes and recommen-
dations of the downtown Merchants' Committee, which were concurred in by the Council, be adopted.
Approved with 6 yeas and 1 nay.
Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Mikelsen and approved that the parking in the area east of Sidney Street
in the lot be changed to conform with changes in remainder of the area.
Matter of desirability of removing parking meters in certain areas discussed. Moved by Van Zee, sec-
onded by Lippert and approved that the meters be re -installed on the west side of Sidney Street north
of Bay Street.
Fire Chief Bontrager reported that the delapidated house at 1430 West Street had been burned by the
Fire Department today, (5-24-65) at request of the owner.
Clerk requested to check Building Code re: sprinkler systems required in buildings.
Mayor read a letter from Mr. .Jack Rogers re: editorial in local paper on need for reducing of auto
truck freight rates between Tacoma and Kitsap Peninsula since bridge tolls have,been.,rgmoved. Mr
Rogers requests that the Council go on record by resolution or other means recommending such correc-
tive action in this matter in order to improve market conditions in this area. Moved by Geiger, sec-
onded by Rylander and approved that the City Attorney prepare a resolution that the Public Service
Commission hold hearings relative to the desirability of reducing auto freight rates between Tacoma
and Port Orchard -Bremerton area.
Matter of Mr. R. E. Ross' request for reduction in charge in lieu of assessment for property at
Bay and Maple Streets (Standard Oil Company, Bauer and Millard station) discussed. Mr. Ross requests
that this charge be reduced as he is prevented by State Land Office from utilizing all of his property,
since it is in the inner harbor area of Black Jack Creek. Engineer Hammond has computed the reduction
at approximately $230.00. Continued pending receipt of more information.
Clerk reported that on basis of preliminary unofficial figures, the population of Port Orchard is
3650 as of April 1, 1965.
Mikelsen requested to be excused from the June 14 Council meeting because he will be in California on
government 13usiness. Approved by Mayor.
Request of Mr. Frank Alberti and attached correspondence recommending re -location of storm sewer in
post office area due to possible earthquake damage read and discussed. This drain was flushed extensive-
ly after the quake and no damage apparent, and it is open. City Attorney reported on possible future
�. liability of city if this sewer is determined to have been damaged and further damage, occurs to private
property in the area. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Mikelsen and approved that a firs! (Soil Solidifiers
of Seattle) be contacted to determine the nature of their services, cost of camera exploration, etc,
from Sidney and Bay Streets to outer end to determine if damage exists, availability of written report,
pictures, etc.
Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van Zee and approved that the Public Works Department commence install-
ation of one additional length of pipe to the storm sewer mentioned above to prevent possible plugging.
Proposed ordinance relating to Parks and recreational facilities, creation of Board of Park Commission
etc. read. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Rylander and approved that this ordinance be adopted. Assigned
No. 739.
Proposed ordinance to license peddlers, solicitors, etc, discussed. Geiger recommends that permanent
resident solicitors, peddlers and transient merchants be required to pay an annual license fee in lieu
of weekly or monthly fee. Considerable discussion followed. Clerk directed to contact Association of
Washington Cities to obtain information re: license fees for such types of solicitors, etc. Continued
for further study.
Bills in the following amounts were reported: Current Expense Fund; $2,059.20, Water Fund; $636.15, Street
Fund; $1,091.84, Sewer Fund; $189.22, and Park Fund; $91.78. Total $4,068.19 and Voufihers Nos. 985
through 1008 inclusive have been approved for payment this 24th day of May, 1965. Moved by Rylander
seconded by Lippert and approved. Adjourned at 12:30 A. M.
� Clerk Mayor
Port Orchard, Washington
June 14, 1965
Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order by Mayor Repanich at 7:35 P.M.
Members present: Caldwell, Geiger, Lippert, Powers, Rylander and Van Zee. Mikelseh excused.
Also present: City Attorney Thompson, Superintendent of Public Works Givens, Fire Chief Bontrager
Ass't Fire Chief Caldwell, Building Inspector Ray Hall and Jerry Grosso representing the Bremerton
Minutes of May 24, 1965 regular meeting read and approved.
Mr. Hugh Bartlett introduced and requested that the pedestrian crossing in front of his property
at 626 Bay Street be moved to the west, a distance of approximately 10 to 12 feet, to clear the
driveway into the warehouse at that address. Referred to Street and Alley Committee for study
and recommendation at the next meeting,
Mr. Dusty Winebrenner and Mr. Victor Cohen., representing the South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce
introduced and the Chamber Parking Committee letter of June 14 read re: parking control and re-
questing delay in final decision on parking lot changes. Mayor explained current status of this
project,, Caldwell expressed his opinion as to priority of some changes planned, Mr. Winebrenner
expressed his views on parking problems in Merchant's Parking Lot.
Dr. Howard Minor, President of South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce, introduced and stated that he was
concerned about the parking situation in Port Orchard.
Mayor stated that the major changes in the Merchant's Park&ng area would be continued under study
until the long-range study planned by the Chamber and the comprehensive planning survey were com-
Letter of Mr. Harry LeRoy re: alledged speed trap on South Sidney Street read and discussed- No
action taken,
Van Zee reported that the large street light near the Post Office is not working, and that the pole
and standard had been taken down. He reported that the pole was to be replaced in next day or so.
Assistant Fire Chief Caldwell reported that specifications for the new fire truck have been prepared
and are available for study by the committee, and requests that calls for bids be published, pref-
erably as soon as possible and not later than mid -July. Specifications handed to Fire and Light
Committee for study.
Dr. Minor strongly commended the Fire Department for their fast and efficient action -in controlling and
containing the recent fire at the Port Orchard Yacht Club.
City Attorney reported on proposed delapidated and unsafe building ordinance. There appears to be at
least three methods of dealing with such situations: 1. Deal with each situat4on:.individually by
ordinance declaring a given building to be unsafe and directing its removal, etc, 2. Encourage volun-
tary abatement. Initiate a survey of building and encourage owners to cooperate in the removal of
those found to be unfit. 3. Adopt-an%over-all ordinance involving Uniform Housing Code as part of
Building Code which sets up standards of housing which determines what constitutes unfit buildings.
(Commission required to hear owners rebuttals, and make recommendations to the Council)
Association of Washington Cities leans toward the third alternative. Ass't Chief Caldwell feels that
the voluntary abatement method is,a desirable one, if some method of compensating the Fire Department
for their time in burning unfit and delapidated buildings is included in the Ordinance. Referred to
Parks, Playgrounds and Buildings Committee for study.
Matter of Central Playfield (continued from last meeting) re -presented. Rylander reported that one
sign for Central Playfield is about ready and suggests that one more be constructed by a professional
sign painter. This suggestion was considered desirable and will be accomplished.
Matter of Burt Workman offer of playground area and right-of-way in May Street area continued, in comm-
Matter of fire control sprinkler systems in new commercial construction continued until next meeting,
Letter from Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission in reply to our Resolution No. 1022
re: reduction in auto truck freight rates from Tacoma read and reference made to attached correspon-
Mr. Dick Brinkerhoff introduced himself and re -presented the problem of wild baseballs at Central Play -
field and the control of this situation. Parks and Playgrounds Committee directed to study this
matter closely, particularly the feasibility of raising the height of the fence which is ifiter_ded.to
prevent this situation. Mayor also requested that the Deltalb St, entrance to -this playfield be inves-
tigated as to safety for children.
Mayor reported on Status of the project to inspect the storm sewer from Bay Street to the outfall and
along Sidney Street north and under the Post Office Building. Soil Solidifiers of Seattle,,,failed in
their attempt during the recent period of low tides. Video -Scan Co. of Portland, Oregon now plans to
conduct TV scanning inspection of -this line on -June 30. They are to agree to a -"no result -no pay"
stipulation and to furnish informat;on re: liability insurance in event of damage as a result of their
action, such as loss of equipment in the storm sewer. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert that this
be accomplished at approximate.9ost of $250.00. Approved with 5 yeas- and l nay.
City Clerk was directed to write a letter to Mr. Frank Alberti, directing the securing of a building
permit for the repair to the new Post Office building.
City Clerk was directed to contact City Engineer Hammond and request that he meet with Mr. R. E. Ross
in regard to the charge in lieu of assessment for the Standard Oil, Bauer and Millard property at Bay
amd Maple Streets.
Mayor Repanich nominated three Port Orchard citizens, Maynard Lundberg, Delores Steichen and Carl Bsx
Berger for membership on the new Board of Park Commission. Mayor reported 6n the background of these
persons and his reasons for considering them for this responsible commission. Mr. Lundberg to serve
for three years, Mrs. Steichen for two years and Mr. Berger to serve for one year. Moved by Van
Zee, seconded by Lippert and approved that these nominations be confirmed.
Matter of peddlers and solicitors proposed ordinance (continued from last meeting) re -presented by
Mayor. Discussed by various councilmen and the City Attorney. Continued until next meeting. Council-
men will study various similar ordinances of other cities.
Mayor d�"eported on meeting to set up a Mayor's Prayer Breakfast which has been established for July 7,
1965;`3A. M. at Myhre's Cafe.
Building Inspector Hall reported on remodeling project at Landmark Missionary Baptist Church at Div-
ision and Sidney Streets wherein the Building Permit did not include all the work being done, and the
possible violation of the Building Ordinance as to set -back restrictions. Recommends that the Building
Committee investigate. Council recommended that Hall contact the responsible parties and request an
ammended building permit to include all the work.
Mr. Hall reported that he is still working on the drawings and sketches of the proposed new waterfront
George Givens reported on status of new parking signs for Merchant's Parking Lot (3 hours vice 2 hours)
Also requested information on easing the curve at Mitchell Point. Van Alstine has offered to sell 3
feet at the point of the curve. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell, that Givens install light steel
posts w/ reflectors on the present right-of-way around this corner. Approved w/ 4 yeas -and 2 nays,
Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert, that Mr. Van Alstine be offered the sum of $50.00 for the 3 ft.
of land. Approved w/ 5 yeas and 1 nay.
Moved by Powers, seconded by Rylander and approved that the summer water rate schedule as authorized
by Ordinance #667 be put into effect for June, July and August.
Mr. Lyle Osmundsen's request for determination of proper sewer charges for dry cleanipg and laundry
outlet at 837 Bay Street, referred to Sewer, Sanitation and Health Committee for actin. Determined
by the committee that the correct charge for this business should be $10.50 per` month.
Clerk reported that $46.98 was realized from the sale of 4610 board feet of fir timber removed from
�j in front of Fuller property on E. Taylor Street.
A letter from Mr. Joseph Weigel, Department of Public Health for Kitsap County was read pertaining to
certain Plumbing Code provisions which have been mis-interpreted and suggests that we be aware of the
Letter from Mrs. David C. Hanson read, authorizing the installation of the sewer at 1213 Morton Street,
(the Breed property) with the cost to become a lien against the property until paid.
�} A memorandum from Councilman Mikelsen (absent) stated that the wire for the tennis courts, backstops,
etc. was expected to arrive any day. Mr. Russ Childers will see that the tennis court framing will
be painted. The S.K. Little League (Western) will install the wire on the backstop at SW corner of
Givens Field.
Councilman Mikelsen suggests that all future city maps eliminate the old County Hospital which was
located near the S.K. High School and now is the location of the High School addition.
Mr. Terry Thompson, Investment Counsellor and Broker will meet with the Audit and Finance Committee,
Mayor and City Attorney on June 24 to discuss refunding of of sewer and water Bonds. in accordance with
1965 legislation.
Mr. Schiro, who performs custodian work at the Recreation Building reports that the wash basin in the
ladies restroom has been torn from the wall aasin and considerable water Vias allowed to run onto the
floors, also damage was caused to tile in the halls by scratching which appeared to have been caused
by baseball cleats. This is the 4th time the wash basin has been torn from the wall '
Letter from Mr. Richard Schultheis read re: agreeing to .eigher connect the house at Stockton and Farr-
agut Streets to the sewer within one year or to remove it or otherwise discontinue use of the existing
septic tank. This was in further application to not be required to connect at this time. Moved by
Powers, seconded by Lippert and approved.
Letter from Mr. T.W. Heckle of Parks't-Furnitute that the sidewalk trash receptacle located on the
west side of hiss store at Frederick and Bay Streets be removed, since the sidewalk there is quite
rwarrow. This will be considered when the new receptacles are received and placed in operation.
Reported by the Mayor that Kitsap County Sewer District #5 had taken over operation of the Sewage
Treatment Plant formerly owned by the State at the Veterans' Home and had requested assistance from
the City in training operators. An agreement has been made with the City to reimburse the City of Port
Orchard for the time spent by City employees in performing this duty.
Bills in the amount of: Current Expense $8,272.57; Water; $1,260.72; Street, $1,459.88; Sewer, $268.61
and Park, $218.95 were read. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Rylander and approved that Vouchers No.
1009 through 1074 be paid this 14th day of June, 1965.
Meeting adjourned at 12:00 midnight.
Clerk Mayor
Port Orchard, Washington
June 28, 1965
Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 P. M. by Mayor Ropanich. Members
present, Caldwell, Geiger, Mikelsen, Lippert, Powers and Van Zee. Rylander absent. Also present=
City Attorney Thompson, Superintendent of Public Works Givens, Chief of Police Dow, AssIt. Fire Chief
Lee Caldwell, Bldg. Inspector Hall and Mr. Ed Perdue representing the Bremerton Sun.
Minutes of June 14, 1965 regular meeting read and approved.
Mr. Maynard Lundberg and Mrs. Delores Steichen, newly appointed members of the Board of Parks Comm-
ission introduced to the Council andi the Council and others introduced to them. The Mayor addressed
a few words of advice to them and expressed sone ideas for future planning for their consideration.
Mr. Van Zee also furnished sone information.
Mr. Hugh Bartlett introduced and his request for moving of the pedestrian coosswal-k at 626 Bay St.
re -presented. Caldwell reported on property line markings, sidewalk widths, etc. Continued in committee.
Mr. Walter Grant of Beach Road, appeared and presented a pkoblem of parking•in lot in'rear of Myhre's
Cafe, where he had recently received an improper parking citation. He complained that the new markings
in the area are confusing. Chief of Police Dow offered explanation of situation. Considerable discuss-
ion by members of the Council and Mayor. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Geiger that the improper park-
ing citation issued to Mr. Grant and others in this area after this confusion came into being, be can-
celled and monies collected as fines be refunded. Approved by 5 yeas and 1 nay. Moved by Mikelsen, sec-
onded by Geiger that the changes in the parking and traffic flow on Sidney, north of Myhre•s Cafe to
correct this situation, be implemented, approved with 5 yeas and 1 nay.
Fire and Light Committee (Mikelsen) reported on specifications for new fire truck and recommended that
jvev bP_i pySXeg9 Cfevadtb�irWels r8f8Vded by Lippert that these specifications be approved subject
Mikelsen requested information as to the future status of Fire Hall #2 and whether it was still under
consideration as a County Juvenile Home. Mayor stated that it is still a possibility that it might be
made available for that purpose. Mikelsen and the Mayor will discuss this matter with the Committee
which was active before.
Mikelsen recommended that fire extinguishers be placed in the Active Club Building. He also recommends
that the gasoline tanks under the floor of the Street Department building be removed. Moved by,Mikelsen,
seconded by Van Zee that George Givens be directed to determine the costs of relocation of these storage (�
tanks to an outside location. Approved.
Mikelsen reported on study of proposed unsafe and delapidated building ordinance. City Attorney reported
on mechanics of declaring such buildings to be nuisances, etc. Geiger requested that Dr. Benham of
the County Health Department be requested to be present at the next Council meeting to discuss health
and sanitation aspects of such buildings.
Matter of Burt Workman offer of playground area and right-of-way in May Street area continued in com-
Matter of sprinkler systems in new buildings discussed. Continued in committee, with a meeting to be
arranged with Mr. Glen Buettgenbach of the Bremerton Fire Department.
Matter of wild baseballs which land in property owners yards near Central Playfield, discussed b y
Mikelsen. He recommends eventual installation of better fencing protection when new budgets are prepared.
Various matters involving recreation facilities discussed. Mikelsen reported on painting of fence
framing around tennis courts.
Clerk reported that Video -Scan Corporation of Portland, Oregon will conduct scanning inspection of
storm drain on June 30, 1965. (Sidney Street)
Matter of Mr. R. E. Ross' charge in lieu of assessment for the property at Bay and Maple Streets (Stan-
dard Oil Station) reported by Clerk and Engineer Hammond's recommendations reported.
Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that this matter be referred to the City Attorney. Approved
with 5 yeas and 1 nay.
Matter of proposed peddlers and solicitors ordinance continued, and referred to Finance and Auditing
Committee for study.
Mayor reported that Mayor's Prayer Breakfast will be at 7:30 A. M.,,-.July 7, 1965, at Myhre's Cafe,
and urged all who could, to attend.
Building Inspector Hall reported that building permit issued to the landmark Missionary Baptist Church
at Division and Sidney Streets is now in order and that all work being performed is covered. Addition-
al work planned will require a new permit.
Givens reported on matter of acquiring 3 feet of property at Mitchell Point corner from the Van Alstine
brothers. He will meet with them as soon as they are both in the area together.
Chief Dow reported on remodeling of lower floor area for occupancy by the Police Department. Cost
estimated at about $3,900.00.
Ch ief Dow also reported from appearances, it may be that youngsters are gaining entrance to the
Active Club Building through a window in Room #3.
Chief Dow recommends that q new drunk and disorderly and vagrancy ordinance be enacted prior to the
Diamond Jubiltee celebrations in September. He also requests additional appropriation of funds to
hire additional police officers and pay overtime pay to others during this four -day period in September.
He and the City Attorney will consider the ordinance and the matter of the additional funds continued
in committee.
Mayor Repanich suggested the establishment of a Port Orchard Police Reserve in the Police Department
to provide additional assistance in such cases -in the future.
Mr. Charles Hill of Pete's Gun Shop offered the services of members of the Citizen's Band Radio Club
to augment the Police Department during the September period.
Givens reported that the City Hall should be re -roofed. He will get estimates of the cost for consid-
The project of resurfacing of Bay Street by the State Highway Department and the resultant lowering of
curb heights was discussed. The matter of insufficient storm drainage, in Bay Street, taken under
The application for variance from provisions of Ordinance #719 as involves front yard setback at 1112
Spokane Street, applied for to the Planning Commission by Mrs. Dale Plaggemeier was read. Planning
Commission finds that no variance is required since the proposed remodeling will conform to existing
conditions. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell, that the findings of the Planning Commission
be concurred in. Approved.
A Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the State Highway Department was explained by the
Clerk and examined by the City Attorney.
Sewerage Lien Motteds against property owned by Mrs. Mildred Thompson, 1213 Morton Street and Mt.
Joseph Haas, 1241 Garrison Street, were read and explained. Moved by Powers, seconded by Van Zee
and approved that these liens be filed in the usual manner.
The matter of the damage to City property (50' length of fire hose) on April 27, 1965, (Peninsula
Feed Co. Eire) discussed. Haas has not replied to letter requesting payment. Moved by Lippert,
seconded by Van Zee, that City Attorney be directed to write a letter to Mr. Haas in this matter.
Bills in the amount: Current Expense $470.95, Water $715.96; Street $237.28; Sewer $342.45; Park $41.20,
total $1,807.84. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and that Vouchers
1075 through 1093 be approved for payment. Approved.
Adjourned at 11:50 P. M.
jjjJJJ E��� Clerk
Port Orchard, Washington
July 12, 1965
Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 P. M. by Mayor Repanich. Members
present: Caldwell, Geiger, Mikelsen, Powers, Rylander and Van Zee. Lippert excused. also present:
City Attorney Thompson, Chief of Police Dow, Bldg. Inspector Hall and Mr. Ken Christy' representing the
Bremerton Sun.
Minutes of June 28, 1965 regular meeting read and approved as corrected.
Dr. Benham of the Kitsap County Health Department introduced and brought up to date on status of pro-
posed unsafe and delapidated building ordinance and the health and safety aspects of such situations.
City Attorney Thompson briefed Dr. Benham on Association of Washington Cities views and the three (3)
methods of dealing with such situations, etc. Dr. Benhan explained the %,..orkings of the Bremerton
Ordinance and the various areas in which his department is involved In. -,such cases.
(questions directed to Dr. Benham by members of the Council, and Dr. Benham explained As to sanitation
aspects, infestation of such buildings with rats, insects, etc. Explained the cooperation with State
Health Department. Proposed ordinance continued in committee.
Mr. Gary Deal introduced and he recommended that perhaps a flashing yellow or amber light or other
means could be used to protect pedestrians crossing Bay Street in the crosswalk near Peal's stage and
TB&M. Mayor mentioned that new sidewalks in this area which are proposed will ease the situation, but
that the problem will be considered.
Matter of pedestrian crosswalks at 626 Bay Street, (Hugh Bartlett property) representjed. Caldwell rec-
ommends that raised sidewalk be installed in front of this property and continued to the west to in-
clude Standard Oil Station. Continued in committee.
Caldwell reported on parking situation in rear of Myhre's Cafe with further improvements in parking and
traffic flow recommended. Chief Dow offered a deatiled report on traffic flow. Movea by Powers, sec-
onded by Rylander that Supt. of Public `forks Givens be directed to install portable concrete curbs 60"
apart north from corner of Myhre's Bldg. to the crosswalk running east and west to the Post Office.
These curbings to be installed with the flat side outward if possible. The area between the curbs to be
filled and topped with asphalt. Approved.
Reported by Mikelsen that the new fire truck specifications have been examined by the City Attorney and
found to be in good order. Handed to Clerk to prepare Multilith master and reproduce copies, and Clerk
directed to publish Call for Bids.
Mr. Dudley Perrin, Attorney, presented a Notice of Intention to Commence Annexation proceedings for an
area west of Pottery Hill Road, portions of Sections 34 and 35, Township 24 North, submitted by Mr. & Mrs.
Clarence W. Gilmore, who will appear at the next council meeting. Moved by Rylander, seconded by Powers
that the next meeting date be designated as the date to receive the petition. Approved.
Matter of sprinkler systems in new buildings continued in committee.
Mikelsen reported that all tennis court fence framing has been cleaned and painted in an excellent manner,
mainly by Mr. Russ Childers.
Clerk reported on the attempt to scan the inside of storm sewer on Sidney Street north of Bay Street, on
June 30th. This attempt failed because of silt build-up in outfall end of pipe, blocking travel of the
TV camera. Possibility of another attempt to scan this line during a period of low tides in August. Con-
tinued until next meeting.
City Attorney Thompson reported on the matter of charge in lieu of assessment on the R. E. Ross property
near Blackjack Creek on the highway, (Bauer & Millard, Standard tail Station). Engineer Hammond to be
requested to recompute this charge on basis of frontage on highway instead of Maple Street. 8ontinued
until next meeting.
Mayor reported that Mr. J. M. Van Alsti.ne will donate 3 ft. of property on Mitchell Point to the city to
further ease the sharp turn there. Sup't. of Public Works will install steel posts w/reflectors to keep
traffic on the right-of-way.
Clerk reported ohnsteitusJof,�4th4ka:,•i:nitallaeivn of new locks on the doors of the Actiise 'recreation Building.
Recommends the installation of one (1) restricted key lock on one of the double doors) in front, with the
other two front doors to be exit doors only, and sufficient keys to this lock to permit the making up
of sets of keys for each room in the building.
Matter of use of restrooms in Active Recreation Bldg., particularly the basement was discussed. Moved
by Mikelsen, seconded by Caldwell that restrooms in upper part of building be opened for use by groups
in outside recreational area when requested by responsible persons. Approved.
Matter of re -roofing of City }call (continued from last meeting) discussed and proposals of two (2) roof-
ing firms in Bremerton read. Also report of Van Zee on the proposal of an additional firm to provide
materials for a re -coating job, which would be applied by city personnel. Sup't. of Public Works
Givens to examine the proposals and report at the next meeting. Finance and Auditing Committee to ex-
amine the finances.
City Attorney Thompson reported on the apparent controversy between Mr. Holman of the Mayors of Cities
Within the Urbanized Area of Central Puget Sound Region and Mr. Charles Prahl, State Director of High-
ways, over the Memorandum of Understanding.
Matter of failure of Mr. Frank Alberti to obtain a building permit for repair of Post office Building
discussed. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Caldwell, that the City Attorney be directed to write Mr.
Alberti a letter, since he has not acknowledged the letter written him by the Clerk on June 15.
Mayor reported that the first annual Mayor's Prayer Breakfast, on July 7, was a very successful event,
and hoped that it would be a continuOing annual affair.
The matter of the removal of the gasoline tanks and pumps from the Street Department Building (contin-
ued from last meeting) re -presented, and an estimate of $650.00 for two (2) new 1000 gallon capacity
tanks and two (2) new industrial type pumps reported. Superintendent of Public Works Givens will have
more detailed information at the next meeting.
A letter from the Director of Civil Defense of Thurston County regarding the payment for the Seagrave
Fire Truck recently sold the Town of Lacey was read. The City will be reimbursed for this equipment
when the cost of repairing it is determined.
A card of thanks from Mrs. William (Cora) Lippert was read, for the flowers sent to Councilman Lippert
while in the hospital after a recent accident involving an overturned tractor.
Chief of Police Doworequested authority to park cars on the Bush League Field near the tennis courts
during the Babe Ruth Tournament, and to use:.tHe Babe Ruth Field for parking during the Little League
Tour&entt After considerable discussion, it was determined that the Courthouse parking lot and the
area near the Fire Hall #2, would accomodate the anticipated cars andwould obviate the necessity of
using the ball fields. Chief Dow reported that he would be oii'vacation at the time of the next meeting
qnd requested to be excused.
Proposed weapons ordinance read by the City Clerk, and discussed by the Councilmen and Mayor. Moved
by Van Zee, seconded by Mikelsen that this ordinance be adopted. Approved. The number 740 was assigned.
A request of persons residing in the neighborhood of South Flower Street and Fireweed Road read re:
the oiling of South Flower Street for about 100 yards to control dust. Referred to Supt. of Public
Works Givens for a report.
Letter from Mr. R. P. Joslin, General Insurance Corp. representative, was read, re: the desirability
of paying the Fire Insurance premiums for three (3) years in one payment and the insurability of the
water towers under the fire policy. Matter continued in Finance and Auditing committee.
Bills in the amount: Current Expense $2,481.77; Water $424.78; Street $541.88; Sewer $470.53; and Park
$113.14, total $4,032.10 were read. Moved by Powers and seconded by Caldwell that these bills be
allowed, and vouchers nos. 1094 through 1132 be approved for payment. Approved.
Adjourned at 11:45 P. M.
'a- _tom-/ Clerk
Poet Orchard, Washington
July 26, 1965
A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order by Mayor Repanich at 7r30 P.M. Members
present: Caldwell, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen, Powers and Van Zee. Rylander absent, not excused. Also
present were City Attorney Thompson, Bldg. Inspector Ray Hall and Jerry Grosso, representing the Brem-
erton Sun.
Minutes of July 12, 1965 regular meeting read and approved.
Mr. Robert Terrell introduced and asked what plans are anticipated for a triangular shaped piece of
property bounded by Bay and DeRalb Streets near Price's Drive -In Dairy Store. Discussion by Mayor and
Councilmen. Determined that this was at one time a waterway and as such is City property. Mayor
directed the Street and Ailey Committee to study the situation and determine the need for this property
with a recommendation at the next meeting as to the feasibility of selling it.
Mayor reported that the Board of Parks Commissioners has determined that a parcel of property of,about
14 acres on the south side of the Manchester highway just east of the City Limits is available for
purchase and could be developed into excellent park facilities, with a possibility of obtaining Federal
matching funds. Also mentioned that the Commission was investigating possibilities of private persons
donating acreage for parks and recreational use as memorials to them or their families. Various other
areas with park and/or recreational potential were discussed.
Matter of proposed hazardous and delapidated building ordinance continued in committee.
Matter of sidewalks and pedestrian crossing at 626 Bay Street (Hugh Bartlett property) continued in
comfmi t tee.
Reported that the re -surfacing of Ray Street by the contractors for the State Highway Department is
now scheduled for week beginning August 2nd,
Dr. Howard Minor, President of the South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce introduced and requested per-
mission from the City Council to stage Go -Kart races is the Merchant•s.parking lot on Sunday,
September 12, in connection with and as a finale to the Diamond Jubilee celebration. Moved by
Mikelsen, seconded by Lippert ghat the South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce be authoriaed.to promote
and stage these races. Approved.
Clerk read a letter �o South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce recommending suspension of parking meter
tolls for September 9, 10 and ll, during the days of the Diamond Jubilee celebration., Moved by
Mikelsen and seconded by Powers that this request be granted. Dr. Minor discussed the situation.
Clerk read a letter from South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce (C. W. O'Redl Beck) requesting the closing
of Bay Street (State Highway) in Port Orchard on September 11, 1965 at 10:00 A.M. for a parade
platiAed in connection with the Diamond Jubilee celebration. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers
that the proposed parade,be approved and that the City Clerk and Chief of Police arrange for the
closing of the highway with the State Highway Department.
In the absence of Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Gilmore of Hull Street (Pottery Hill Road), who filed a Notice
of Intention to commence Annexation Proceedings at the last meeting, City Attorney reported that the
circulation of the pultIism fm xxxvxaftma proposed petition for annexation required ''approval of the
Council, and that it should be noted that there is no City indebtedness involved in-oo-far as the
annexation is concerned. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert, that the circulation of.the petition
be authorized. Approved.
Matter of scanning of inside of storm sewer on Sidney Street north of Bay Street, discussed. Before
this can be attempted again, it is necessary that the deposit of silt and dirt in the line be removed.
This is a very difficult and expensive operation, and no reasonable means of accomplishing this part
of the project available. There is no reason to feel that there is any damage to this line.. Moved
by Van Zee, seconded by Powers, that this matter be closed for the present. Approver.
Mikelsen reported on project of hanging of wire on tennis courts. There is a lack of volunteers to
direct the project and no known available help on a volunteer basis.
Van Zee reported that the basement door of the Active Club Recreation Building had been forced open
damaging the door frame. Recommends that cost of repairs be billed to the Babe Ruth Baseball League
(South Kitsap). Moved by.Mikelsen, seconded by Caldwell, that the bill for repairs be sent to South
Kitsap Babe Ruth League, Mr. Buss Noerenberg, Treasurer. Approved.
Matter of sprinkler systeems in the new buildings continued in committee.
Mr. Dudley Perrin, Attorney, introduced and reported the provisions of Ordinance #740 as prohibit-
ing the sale of firearms to minors under the age of 21 years will work a severe hardship on dealers
in firearms who sell hunting rifles. Recommends that the Ordinance be amended to ease this re-
striction. City Attorney reported that the sale of rifles and shotguns, (hunting weapons) is not
prohibited by State or Federal Statute. Discussed by Councilmen and Mayor. Mayor directed the.
committee who drafted the ordinance, (City Attorney, C{fe£ of Police and Corsncilman,Mikelsen) to
take that particular portion of the ordinance under consideration for aw#endment and report at the
next meeting.
Matter of R. E. (Bud) Ross property on Blackjack Creek (Bauer & Millard), Staddard Oil Station,
special sewer connection charge re -presented. Engineer HammondIs latest computationlof these costs
based on the highway frontage in lies of Maple Street frontage discussed. Moved byPomers, seconded
by Mikelsen, that Mr. Ross be required to pay the amount of the most recent Engineerts computation,
$613.62 for the sewer connection charge plus $100.00 regular sewer connection fee. Approved..
Superintendent of Public Works Givens and Chief of Police Dow directed to post "No Parking" signs
on outside of Mitchell Point curve to prevent clampiekers from parking their cars there.
Matter of keys to Active Club Recreation Bldg. discussed. New restricted keyway lock to be installed
on front door, with keys to be arranged in sets by room number, etc.
Building Inspector Hall reported on status of two (2) building or remodeling jobs whore no permits
have been applied for. Clerk reported letter had been written to one of the parties involved,
calling his attention to the requirements.
Proposals for re -roofing City Bail to be further studied by Superintendent of Public Works Givens
to ascertain if alusinft roof coating is available in the proposals of the two Bremerton contractors.
Will report at the next meeting.
City Attorney reported that a letter had been written to Mr. Frank Alberti calling his attention to
the requirements for a building permit for the work performed on the Post.Office building in repair -
tag earthquake damage. Clerk directed to send Mr. Alberti a bill in double the original amount on
basis of cost of $10O,000.00 per Ordinance f737 and the Uniform Building Code.
Matter of new gasoline tanks and pins to replace those under the floor of the Street Department
garage continued until rece4pt of information as to the costs of electric wiring and tnstallation.
( } Matter of insurance on water tanks, (continued from last meeting) re -presented for discussion.
Determined that this insurance is not practical and that it will not be provided.
Councilman Powers of the Finance and Auditing Coemittee recommended that the premiums on the Fire
Insurance on City Property be paid on a three year basis instead of a one year basis* at a saving
of about $180.00. Moved by Powers, seconded by Van Zee that such premiums be paid for three (3)
years. Approved.
Mayor reminded the members of the Council present that we are the hosts to a meeting of the South
Kitsap Improvement Council on July 28, 1965, at the Active Club Reeereation Building. About 50 are
expected. We will provide cake and coffee.
Clerk read application of Mr. Guy W. Dow of Box 179, Retsil, for a vari4pee from provisions of
Ordinance #719,.as to rear yard set -back requirements for a garage he wishes to construct at,702
Taylor Street. This application recommended„ approved by the C ty,+Planning Commission at ah*ir
meeting on July 19, 1965. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Pourers, that the recommendation of the
Planning Ce, ission be concurred in. Approved.
Clerk read a proposed am ad meat to Ordinance No. 720, regarding parking of mobile homes on City
Streets. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van lee, that this amendment be adopted as Ordinances #741.
Clerk read a letter from JANCO-United re: shipping date of 5 Lawson sidewalk# waste receptacles.
They will arrive about August kith.
Minutes and report of Kitsap County Humane Society noted and ordered filed.
Mayor reported that he had been contacted by a firm which is desirous of entering Port Orchard and
soliciting subscribers to comity television cable service. finance and Auditing Committee will
study their proposal.
Bills were reported in the'amouat of: Current Expense $368.80; Water $1,213.99; Street $671.97;
Sewer $386.70; and Park $49.88; Total $2,691.34. Moved by Powers and seconded by Lippert that
bills be approved and that vouchers Nos. 1133 through 1152 be approved for payment. Approved.;
Meeting.adjourned at 11:50 P.M.
e � e
Port Orchard, Washington
August 9, 1965
Regular meetine of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor Repanich. Mem-
bers present: Caldwell. Lippert, Mikelsen, Powers, Rylander and Van Zee. Geiger excused, Also
Present: Chief of Police Dow, Supt. of Public Works Givens, Building Inspector Hall, Engineer
Hammond and Mr. Jerril Grosso, representative of the Bremerton Sun. City Attorney was absent on
Military leave (excused).
Minutes of July 26, 1965 regular meeting read and approved as corrected.
Mrs. Claudia Du Pee (Du Pay) introduced along with 5 young ladies representing Cycle City at Gorst,
and invited the Mayor, members of the Council and citizens of Port Orchard to a Suzuki Beach Party
at Gorst on August 13, 14,�.and 15.
Mrs, Edward M. Reid of 916 E. Taylor Street introduced and requested installation of a street light
near her home at the end of East Taylor Street. She complained of prowlers and the theft of .oil
from her car recently. Matter referred to Fire and Light Committee for study and recommendation
at the next meeting.
Mr. C.,W. "Red" Beck of South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce (Diamond Jubilee Committee) introduced
and spoke in promotion of the celebration on September 9, 10, 11, & 12. Mr. Beck and two young
ladies sold buttons to Mayor and Councilmen and others Present to publicize this event.
Mr. Robert Terrell introduced and requested information regarding City owned prop- rty at Bay and
DeKalb Streets and the possible sale of this property. Continued in committee.
Matter of sidewalks in T.B. & M. and Howe Motors area and in front of Union Oil Station in West -
bay area (continued from past meetings) re -presented. Engineer Hammond, Councilmen and Mayor par-
ticipated in discussions concerning traffic openings, costs, methods of financing, etc. Moved by
Mikelsen, seconded by Caldwell. that the Clerk be directed to write a letter to Mr. Robert Gans.
(Property owner in Westbay area), informing him of the present intentions of the Council, quote
him the engineerrs estimated cost (approximately $4.00 per lineal feot if done on a cash basis or
$4.25 if done by L.I.D) and also inform him of the expressed opinions of the other property owners
involved. Approved
Mr. Dudley Perrine, Attorney, introduced and requested information re: the status of Ordinance
#740, (Weapons Ordinance). Councilman Mikelsen reported that a study was underway relative to
Possible amendment, but was temporarily delayed due to the absence of the City Attorney. Continued
in committee.
Matter of failure by two (2) property owners to obtain building permits prior to commencing remodel-
ing projects (continued from previous meetings) discussed. Clerk reported that Mr. Charles Jones
had obtained a permit, but that the other owner, Mr. Daniel Culley, had not and had ignored a'letter
dated July 26, 1965, calling his attention to the Possible consequences. Moved by Powers, seconded
by Rylander that the Clerk be directed to write a second letter, establishing estimated value of the
Project and determining the fee and penalty. Approved.
Matter of hazardous and delapidated building Ordinance (continued from previous meetings) discussed.
Park, Plavground and Building Committee recommends that copies of Bremerton Ordinance be made
available to all members of the Council and Mayor for study and report at next meeting.
Matter of pedestrian crossing at 626 Bay St., (HUgh Bartlett property) continued in -committee.
Mayor reported that paving of Bay Street is completed with some additional work to be done in
channelization areas.
Givens reported no progress in securing someone to direct the installation of wire on tennis court
Councilman Van Zee reported on cost of installing individual switches in rooms 1 & 2 of Active Club
Recreation Building.which is estimated at $70.00. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van Zee that the
committee be authorized to direct this work to be done per the proposal. Approved.
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Minor introduced, and he reported the loss of 3 boat propellers at the Yacht
Club during the recent fire. He reported the recovery of one of these propellers by a diver but
found the other two in possession of an individual who claimed salvage rights. Chief Dow will
investigate the matter.
Clerk reported re: securing of restricted key -way locks for the Active Club Recreation Bldg...
types, comparative costs, etc. Discussed by Councilmen and Mayor. Moved by Rylander, seconded
by Van Zee that night -latch type lock be procured with 14 keys for the front door. Approved.
Superintendent of Public Works Givens reported on proposals to re -roof the City Hall, (continued
from last meeting). Aluminum coating of completed re -roofing job will cost about $160,00 in
addition to re -roof costs. He recommends that the proposal of B. & K. Roofing,!Company of Brem-
erton be accepted and that the aluminum coating be applied next spring by City employees. Moved
by Powers. seconded by Caldwell that the proposal of B. & K. Roofing Company be accepted and
that they be directed to commence immediately. Approved.
Matter of request of Telecable. Incorporated to solicit subscribers to a community TV cable
service (continued from last ureeting) discussed and continued in committee.
Matter of Mr. F. Alberti"s failure to procure a building permit prior to commencing ;the repair
job to the Post office Building (continued from last meeting) discussed. The Knudse4-Ness
Construction Co,. who will do the actual building repair, have secured a permit for ,the entire
job in Mr. Alberti's extended absence from Seattle. The estimated total cost of the project
was $60,000.00 with a fee of $211.00. In view of this it was moved by Van Zee, seconded by
Rylander that the penalty action in this case be waived. Approved.
Matter of new gasoline tanks and pumps for the Street Department Garage building (continued from
last meeting) discussed. Superintendent of Public Works Givens reported that the cost of these
tanks, pumps and electrical wiring required will be approximately $900.00. Moved by Powers,
seconded by Caldwell that new tanks, pumps and required installations be performed, including
a new circuit and switch panel for the rest of the building. Approved.
Matter of sprinkler systems. in new buildings continued in committee.
Matter bf new sidewalk waste receptacles and their placement discussed. Determined that these
new receptacles will be palced as follows: in front of Kitsap County Bank. Parks Furrniture.
Geiger Drug Store and Hannah and Powell Drug Store, all on Bay Street. The locatio" of the
fifth receptacle will be determined later.
Letter of Judge Matthew W. Hill of State Supreme Court read re: Mayor's Prayer Breakfast of
July 7, 1965.
Request of Bremerton-Kitsap County Board of Health for budget consideration of $1,825.00 in
1966 budget read.
City Attorney Thompson letter to council read, requesting authority to attend meeting of Assoc-
iation of Washington Municipal Attorneys and "Lawyer -Layman Conference on Traffic Courts and
Traffic Safety" on September 17, 1965 on the same date. Continued until the next meeting.
Matter bf proposed solicitors and peddlers Ordinance continued until next meeting.
Superintendent of Public Works Givens reported that the City needs a new road graders. Caldwell
and he have been inspecting used models and have found one at -a price of about $13,O00.00 com-
pletely rebuilt. Matter and method of financing discussed. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by
Rylander that the grader mentioned be rented for maximum time permitted with option to buy and
rental to apply on purchase price, contingent on availability of funds. Approved.
Chief Dow revruested authority to purchase a small "Hands -talky" radio for additional communie.ati.on
service, such as for patrolman on foot or when otherwise out of their cars, or at large fires, j
or in case of power or radio failures. The cost is about $800.00. Continued until next -meeting
with the Finance and Auditing Committee to closely examine the availability of funds.
Chief Dow also mentioned the need for additional patrolmen during the period of September 9-12
during the Diamond Jubilee Celebration. Cost estimated (additional personnel and overtime pay
for present force) about $600.00. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van Zee that the expenditure
of additional funds in the amount of $600.00 be authorized for additional uoiiee patrolmen and
over -time pay during the period mentioned. Approved.
B411s were reported in the amount of: Current Expense Fund; $2,617.56, Water Fund, $310.63. Street
Fund. $1.531.08: Sewer Fund, $663.32: Park Fund, $1,188.74: Total: $6,311.33. Moved by Powers,
seconded by Mikelsen that these bills be allowed and vouchers No. 1153 through No. 1199 be aoproved
for vaym ent. Approved.
Meeting adjourned at 12:15 A.M.
Port Orchard, Washington
August 23, 1965
A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor Nick Repanich.
Members present: Caldwell, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen, Rylander and VanZee. Powers excused. Also
present: Attorney Thompson (City Attorney), Superintendent of Public Works, Givens; Chief of Police
Gale Dow, Building Inspector Hall, Assistant Fire Chiefs CaldwelI4 Sutton, and Jerry Grosso repre-
senting the Bremerton Sun.
Minutes of August 9, 1965 regular meeting read and approved.
Mrs. Joseph Wagner of Route 44 Box 236, (Pottery Hill)was introduced and protested the provisions of
City Ordinance #647, which requires the utilization of Port Orchard Garbage service for hauling and
disposition of garbage refuse and payment for same. She explained that her husband has been ill and
that she is unable to pay for these services, due to the reduced income on which they are living.
She also stated that she does not feel that she should be required to pay for these services since
she did not use them nor "sign up" for them. Mayor explained the workings of the Ordinance and the
legal obligations of citizens of Port Orchard to use this service. Members of the Council question-
ed Mrs. Wagner. City Attorney Thompson explained that legal steps would be taken to collect the
bill if the matter were referred to him. Mrs. Wagner advised to contact the owners of the Garbage
Service to attempt to resolve the problem.
Matter of Ordinance #740, (Weapons Ordinance) continued from previous meetings was discussed by the
Council and correspondence from Association of Washington Cities in this regard read by the City
Attorney. Mr. Dudley Perrine, Attorney, presented a rebuttal to the expressed feeling that control
of sale of firearms to those above age 21 would be desirable. After considerable further discuss-
ion it was moved by V nZee and seconded by Rylander that Ordinance #740 be amended to limit the
sale of rifles and shot guns to persons 18 years and older. Approved with 5 yeas and one nay
(Mikelsen) and number #742 assigned.
This being the date and meeting set for the opening of bids for the purchase of one fire truck,
bids were opended by the Clerk .and read as follows: Crist Co., $29,494.37,plus State sales tax;
L. N. Curtis & Sons, $33,184.10 plus sales tax; Western Fire Apparatus Co. $29,907.33 plus sales
tax. After discussion of option, alternate proposals, etc by representatives of the companies
involved and the council, these bids were referred to the Fire and Light Committee for study, with
definite recommendations to be made at the next regular meeting.
Mr. T. W. Heckel, owner of Parks Furniture Co. introduced and spoke concerning the proposed place-
ment of one of the new sidewalk waste receptacles in front of his store on Bay Street. He stated
his reasons why he was opposed to this placement. After considerable discussion it was moved by
Van Zee, seconded by Mikelsen that these four receptacles be installed as previously noted and fast-
ened to the concrete sidewalk. Fifth receptacle to be temporarily placed in front of City Hall
but not fastened down. Approved.
Matter of damage to City property (fire hose) by Mr. Joseph Haas on April 27, 1965 during Peninsula
Feed Store fire discussed. No reply has been received to letters by the City Clerk and the City
Attorney requesting payment. After considerable discussion it was moved by Mikelsen, seconded by
Rylander that the Mayor be directed to personally contact Mr. Haas in this matter and if no agree-
ment can be reached that the City Attorney is to institute action to collect. Approved.
Building Inspector Hall reported that Mr. Max Peabody has offered to deed 15' on the South side of
Melcher street (Peabody road) and 30' on West side of Sherman street to increase width of right-of-
way of these streets in return for which the City would pay the costs of establishing the lines for
these streets. After discussion it was moved by Mikelsen that Mr. Peabody's offer be accepted and
further moved that other property owners on Sherman and Melcher streets be contacted to determine
if they would also be willing to deed property to the city to permit the establishment of 60' right-
of-ways along these streets. Seconded by Lippert and approved.
A new addition to Peninsula Feed -Co. structure appears to have been started which does not conform
to Fire Zoning Ordinance. A permit has been issued. After considerabler,discussion, the Clerk was
dirested to take steps to obtain publicity in Bremerton Sun and Port Orchard Independant to the
effect that building permits will not be issued until plans and pertinent information is made avail-
able and no work to be started until permit is secured.
Matter of Mrs. Reids' request for additional street lighting in the vicinity of end of east Taylor
street (continued from last meeting) discussed by Mikelsen and Rylander of Fire and Light Committee.
Recommended that a new light be installed in this area. After further discussion, moved by Mikelsen
seconded by Rylander that this light be installed on the second pole from the end of Taylor St.,
provided that three maple trees are removed from private property which would reduce the effect-
iveness of the light. Approved.
Matter of Mr. Robert Terrell's request for information re: the triangular piece of city owned prop-
erty at Bay and DeKalb streets (continued From last meeting) discussed by Caldwell and other coun-
cilmen. Determined that this property cannot be made available for private use since. it is appar-
ent that it was acquired by the city originally "for public use only'".
Clerk reported that no reply has been received from Mr. Robert Gans re: his decision as to financ-
ing his portion of the costs of installing sidewalks and curbs in the Westbay, TB&M and Howe Motors
Clerk reported that delinquent building permits have been obtained by two residents referred to
in minutes of last meeting.
Resurfacing of tennis courts, performed by North Kitsao Gravel and Asphalt Co. discussed, There
appears to be very shallow low spots which hold water for some time after rains, but they are too
shallow to patch. Clerk directed to pay this obligation which has been withheld pending determin-
ation of condition.
Chief Dow reported on the matter of the salvage of boat propellers belonging to Dr. Minor from
water below Yacht Club. Not determined whether salvage rights are vested in individuals who are
performing work for public agencies.
Sprinkler systems in new building construction continued in committee.
Moved by Rylanderf seoonded by Mikelsen that City Attorney be authorized to attend Washington
Municipal Attorney's conference and a Lawyer -Laymen conference on traffic courts and traffic
safety in Seattle on September 17, 1965. Further moved and seconded by the same councilmen that
Police Judge Watt and any off -duty policemen be authorized to attend the "Lawyer -Laymen Conference".
Matter of Peddlers and Solicitors License Ordinance continued in committee.
Councilman Geiger reported that an alley between West and Garrison streets, running from South street
to Tremont Avenue needs repair and pobsibily oiling. Givens will make such repairs as he feels are
required to correct the situation.
Givens reported that new grader will be available Wednesday or Thursday, August 25 or 26. City
Attorney informed of action of,council authorizing a rental/purchase agreement. Council advised
of certain restrictions and requirements to implement this type of agreement. Bids must be called
for prior to excercising the purchase option. City Attorney will examine the agreement before it
is executed.
Mayor reported that the Veterans of Foreign Wars had indicated a desire to sponsor worthy youth
activity programs. Parks and Playgrounds committee will study this proposal.
Mayor also reported that local Horseshoe Pliching Assn has requested that lights be installed
for the benefit of those using the facilities at Givens Field. Parks and Playgrounds Committee
will study this request and meet with responsible persons.
Chief Dow mentioned the need for 4 new Ordinances prior to the Diamond Jubilee Celebration to
facilitate dealing with situations which may arise. Requested special meeting of the council
to act on these matters. Referred to committee consisting of Mikelsen, City Attorney Ttlompson
and Chlk Dow for study.
Chief Dow requested that the Council consider purchasing new radar speeder control unit to replace
the present unit which cannot be kept in operating condition. It has been repeatedly, repaired
only to become undependable, after a short time. Referred to Finance and Auji4fing Committee for
study as to availabieity of funds.
Matter of summons of Arthur M and Georgine Carter vs the City of Port Orchard for damages to real
property during the construction of Annapolis Sewer on Beach Road (LID 60) referred to City Attor-
ney. Moved by Mikelsen and seconded by Rylander that the City Attorney be authorized to refer
to the insurance Barriers of other defendants, that portion of the summons involving contrac,tbes
sub -contractors and Engineer and to the City's carrier that portion involving the City. Approved.
Clerk reported on need for resolution designatkg him as the official responsible for the examin-
ation and audit of invoices and vouchers prior to submission to the Audit and Finance Committee
for final approval for payment. City Attorney directed to prepare the resolution.
Clerk reported on request of Mr. Edward J. Weir of Tremont Street to be supplied water from 2"
main in Tremont St. or the 4" main in Sunset St. Letter of 8/19/65 from Mr. Weir discussed.
Mayor discussed this and compared with similar cases. Referred to water, sewer and sanitation
committee for study and recnendation.
Clerk reported that a representative of Housing and Home finance Agency of Federal Government
(Urban Renewal)Administration) will meet with the Parks and Playgrounds Committee, the Parks
Commission, Mayor and City Attorney on September 8 at 7:30 P.M. to discuss the availability of
Federal assistance in developing recreational areas for the City.
Clerk read a letter and certificate of appreciation from Mrs. Frank Grace and the Totem Council
of the Girl Scouts of America for the assistance and cooperation provided to that organization.
Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Caldwell that George Hammond, City Engineer be directed to go
ahead with the installation of the lift pump and collecting tank to provide sewer service to
the four (4) houses below the sewer level on the north side of Bay St. and the Peninsula Feed Store.
Bills were reported in the amount of: Current Expense Fund, $689.33; Water Fund $1,075.37; Street
Fund $1,843.71; Sewer Fund, $509.64; Park Fund, $23.86; Total: $4,141.91. Moved by Rylander,
seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and that vouchers No. 1200 through 1226 be approved
for payment. Approved.
Meeting adjourned at 12:20 A.M.
�'GZ'L Mayor Clerk
� Z
Port Orchard, Washington
September 13, 1965
Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Couhcil called to order at 7:33 P.M. by Mayor Repanich.
Members present: Caldwell, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen,xKd Rylander and Powers. Van Zee excused.
Also present: City Attorney Thompson, Superintendent of Public Works Givens, Chief of Police Dow
Fire Chief Bontrager, Assistant Fire Chiefs Caldwell and Sutton. Also present Mr. Jerry Grosso
representing the Bremerton Sun and Mr,#<' Clare Hoover representing the Port Orchard Independent.
Minutes of August 23, 1965 meeting read and approved as corrected.
Letter Mr. J. J. Glaser of 921 Cline St. requesting the opening of a portion of the alley runn --
ing UVA for about 100 feet, the alley being in the 900 block of Cline Street. Mr. Glaser being
present, offered his views and further explanation of his request. Referred to Street and Alley
Committee for study and recommendation.
Matter of bids for Fire Truck, opened at the last meeting, discussed by Councilman Mikelsenof Fire
and Light Committee. Recommended that the bid of L. N. Curtis & Sons of Seattle be accepted, with
optional deletions amounting to $32,789.10 plus sales tax for a total of $34,166.24. Moved by
Mikelsen, seconded by Rylander that this bid be accepted. Approved.
Letter of Mr. D. E. Rickett, Vice President of Kitsap County Bank, objecting to the placement
of a new sidewalk waste receptacle &A front of the bank, was read by the Clerk. After consider-
able discussion by the council, moved by Powers, seconded by Mikelsen, that this receptacle re-
main as placed. Approved with 5 yeas and one abstantdion.
Matter of indebtedness of Mr. Joseph Haas to the City for damage to City prrt,7 re hose) on
April 27th, discussed by Mayor. After a meeting with Mr. Haas, he tendered a c ec n payment of
this claim in the amount of $75.00 plus tax of $3.00.
Matter of Mr. Max Peabody's offer to deed property to the City for right-of-ways along Melcher and
Sherman Streets �ontinued from last meeting was continued in committee.
Matter of new street light at end of E. Taylor street (continued from last meeting) was discussed.
Mikelsen reported that three maple trees have been removed and that the light will be installed by
the Power company next week.
Matter of sidewalks in Westbay, Howe Motors and TB6cM area (continued from previous meetings) was
discussed. Mr. Robert Gans has indicated to George Hammond, City Engineer, that he probably will
not resist this improvement. Mr. Hammond is proceeding with the project. Moved by Lippert, sec-
onded by Rylander that Mr. Hammond be requested to be present at next meeting with plans, etc, to
present information in order that a call for bids be published. Approved.
Judge Watt has requested that she be allowed transportation, lodging and meals while attending a
Magistrates' convention in Spokane, September 26, 1965. Discussion by Mayor, councilmen and City
Attorney. Moved by Powers, seconded by Rylander that the sum of $33.00 be authorized toward these
expenses. Approved.
Sup't of Public Works Givens reported on the operation of new grader on actual job. Functioning
satisfactorily and the supplier is performing all the required adjustments and service.
Matter of offer of Veterans of Foreign Wars to sponsor youth activity continued in committee.
Resolution #1024 designating the City Clerk as the officer responsible for examining and auditing
of invoices and vouchers prior to payment as required by legislation passed in 1965 (approved at'
last council meeting)read. Moved by Powers, seconded by Mikelsen and approved.
Matter of Mr. E. J. Weir of Route 4 (Tremont St.) request for water service (continued from last
meeting) re -presented for discussion. Recommended by Councilman Lippert of the Water, Sewer,
Health and Sanitation committee, that Mr. Weir be authorized to connect to 4" line on Sunset St.
contingent on payment of $1.50 per front foot of property served about $150.00�and with the under-
standing that when an adequate larger,main is installed in Tremont St. that he (Mr. Weir) will be
requ*rsa�ito connect to such main. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Rylander that this request as
recommended by the Committee be approved. Approved.
Mayor reported on meeting of September 8, 1965 with representative of Housing and Home Finance
Agency (Open Space Preservation Division), Parks and Playgrounds Committee, Parks Commission and
City Attorney Re: purchasing of open space areas for recreational development. Information recei-
ved and discussions of this meeting relayed to other councilmen. City Attorney briefed council on
legal aspects and limitations and read from RCW 39.30.010 which establishes the City's limitations
and other conditions. Discussed by Councilman Rylander and other councilmen.
Matter of lights for horseshoe courts continued in committee. Mayor reported on recent horseshoe
pitching tournament.
Mikelsen reported on condition of framing for fence at tennis courts. This is in bad condition
and will require an expenditure of $400.00 to $450.00. After discussion by councilmen, determined
that this amount not currently available and that other work not requiring immediate expenditure
will be performed until funds are available.
Matter offour (4) new ordinances requested by Chief of Police Dow continued in committee.
Matter of request of Chief Dow for purchase of new portable radio (continued from August 9 meeting)
and new Radar speed control unit (continued from last meeting) discussed by Councilman Powers,_
of Finance and Audit Committee. Discussion of needs and the undependability of present radar unit.
Committee recommends against the purchase of portable radio transceiver and the new radar unit at
this time. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Powers that the recommendations of the Finance & Audit
Committee against this purchase be concurred in. Approved. Chief Dow directed to contact suppliers
of radar units relative to feasibility of renting such units on occasional, infrequent basis.
Mikelsen reported on occasion of bicycle riding on sidewalks in downtown area. Discussed by Chief
Dow and councilmen. Police will bring future juvenille offenders to Police Station and parents will
be called to come and get them.
Matter of acceptance of bids for new fire truck re -opened and Mayor requested authority to enter
into contract for this purchase. Moved by Rylander, seconded by Lippert that the Mayor be author-
ized to execute a purchase contract with L. M. Curtis & Sons in Acc*'dance with their proposal with
optional deletions at a price of $34,166.24, including sales tax. Approved.
Mikelsen reported that there is still a definite problem with noisy motorcycles and cars. Discussed
by Chief Dow and council. Police will increase their pressure in this matter,
Matter of lawsuits against the City of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Carter and Mr. and Mrs. Loran Horton of
Perry Avenue., (Bench Road, Annapolis) for damage to real property during construction of LID 60
sewer discussed. City Attorney has referred summons to appropriate insurance carriers for deter-
Mayor reported that Diamond Jubilee celebration was a huge success. Dr. Howard Minor of South
Kitsap Chamber of Commerce introduced and reported on functions of Chamber in this celebration.
Expressed his appreciation to the City officials for thAir cooperation with the Chamber.
Dr. Minor reported that a meeting is scheduled between the Chamber and a representative of a Federal
Agency concerning the possible establishment of the Federal Shellfish 4mil& Sanitation laboratory at
the old Manchester Fuel Depot. This meeting to be at the Beachcomber Restaurant, September 15th.
Chief Dow reported a total of 53� hours of overtime work by his patrolmen and himself and 93k hours
of additional labor during the Diamond Jubilee Celebration. Reported very little activity involving
Mayor requested a meeting with members of the council on Thursday, September 16, 1965 to discuss the
possibility of hiring of a City Engineer to replace retiring Superintendent of Public Works Givens
and to examine budget estimates. -
Matter of Mr. L. W. Cole's offer to deed property to enlarge alley turning area in Lower Morton St.
area in return for improvements in water service to houses on Seattle street (minutes of March 22)
discussed. Mr. Cole has never provided the Attorney with legal description of property involved
and has not pursued the matter. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Ge4ger that the motion of March 22
in this matter be rescinded. Approved.
Letter of Mr. Jack Fitzgerald requesting relief from sewer charges for a dwelling at 613� Dwight St.
presently @umxptndxaxd unoccupied and uninhabitable, read by clerk. Moved b y Powers, seconded by
Lippert that this request be denied. Approved. Clerk directed to advise Mr. Fitzgearald.in writing.
Petition for Annexation of property in Pottery Hill area, signed by property owners, Mr. & Mrs.
Clarence Gilmore, Mr, Joe P. Christen and Mrs. Helen Hill read by Clerk, Discussed by Council.
Moved by Lippert, sed"onded by Caldwell that the petition be accepted and the first council meet-
ing in October (October 11) be designated as date of heating. Referrdd to Review Board for nec-
essary action.
Recommended by the Water, Sewer,Hdalth and Sanitation Committee that the sewer rate,for Beacon
Electric Co. 1017 Bay St., and Callison's Evergreen Co., Bay St. be established at$6 50 per month
and $10.50 per month, respectively. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Lippert that this action be
concurred in. Approved.
Ordinance #742 amending Ordinance #740 (Weapons Ordinance) read by Clerk. The preparation of this
amendment was approved at the last meeting. Moved by Rylander, seconded by Lippert that this
Ordinance be approved. Approved with 5 yeas and one nay (Mikelsen).
�. Chief of Police Dow requested clarification as to status of parking priv#lftes of volunteer fire-
men.in metered areas. Determined that such volunteers are not exempt from parking restrictions*
t lQ✓/sro�
Request of Telecable Company to solicit subscribers to community cable service discussed by the
Finance and Auditing Committee. Continued in committee. Clerk directed to write a letter inviting
the president of the company to a special meeting of the council on October 4, 1965.,,
Superintendent of Public Works Givens reported that some trouble has developed in Well #6, and
recommends certain corrective action be taken. Cost estAmated at $3,500.00 to $4,OOQ.00. After
discussion determined that Mr. Givens should proceed with this work as budgeted. Moved by Lippert,
seconded by Mikelsen that this action be authorized. Approved.
Mayor reported on a meeting of Association of Washington Cities representatives at the Hearthstone
in Bremerton on November 17, 1965 to discuss resolutions adopted at AWC convention in Tacoma in June
Bills were reported for approval in the amount of: Current Expense, $2,214.70; dater, $322.88;
Street, $2,344.77; Sewer, $276.96; Park, $2,201:24. Total: $7,360.55. Moved by Lippert, seconded
by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and that vouchers #1227 through #1270 be approved for payment.
Adjourned at 11:50 P.M.
Clerk .'� Mayor
Port Orchard, Washington
September 22, 1965
A s pecial meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor Repanich.
Members present: Caldwell, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen and Powers. Van Zee and Rylander absent and
excused. Also present was Mr. Jerry Grosso, representing the Bremerton Sun and Mr. C. W. Beck, State
Mayor Repanich announced that the purpose of this special meeting was to enact an ordinance author-
izing the submission to voters of Port Orchard a special levy proposition at November 2, 1965 elec-
tion for part of the funds necessary to maintain a branch of the Kitsap Regional Library in Port
Proposed ordinance was read by the Clerk. After discussion and modification, moved by Mikelsen,
seconded by Lippert that this ordinance be enacted. Approved and No. 743 assigned.
Mayor and councilmen then discussed the effect of Chapter 174 of the Sxtra Session of Laws of 1965
Legislature as regards the freezing of tax revenues at 1965 level, in event the Assessor increases
the percentage of assessed valuation for purpose of application of taxes. After a blackboard present-
ation of the mechanics of the legislature by Mr. Beck, it was moved by Powers, seconded by Lippert —�
that no action be taken to place a measure on the November ballot in this matter. Approved.
Adjourned at 8:50 P.M.
r r Mayor Clerk
Port Orchard, Washington
September 27, 1965
Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor Repanich. Members
present: Caldwell, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen, Powers, Rylander and Van Zee. Also present: City
Attorney Thompson, Superintendent of Public Works Givens, and Chief of Police Dow. Also Mr. Jerry
Grosso, representing the Bremerton Sun and Mr. Clare Hoover representing the Port Orchard Independent
Minutes of regular meeting of September 13, 1965 and special meeting of September 22, 1965 were read
and approved.
Ordinance #743, passed at special meeting September 22, 1965 was read for information of full Council.
Since it was necessary to slightly change the wording of this ordinance after it was passed, ratif-
ication as changed was necessary. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Mikelsen that this ordinance as re-
worded be ratified. Approved.
Mr. Howard, of N. A. R. C. E. introduced and in turn introduced a committee who invited the Mayor,
Council and others to meet the National President of their group, Mr. Clarence 'Tarr at a meeting of
N. A. R. C. E. at Parkwood Community Hall at 1:00 P.M., October 14, 1965.
Matter of request of Mr. J. J. Glaser of 914 Cline Street regarding opening of`the alley between
Cline and Austin Street for about 100 feet east of Cline Street in the 900 block (continued from last
meeting) discussed by Caldwell. No apparent reason for objection to this opening on part of the City
if the work is done without city csst. Mr. Glaser directed to contact other property owners and to
obtain their approval if possible, Moved by Lippert, seconded by Mikelsen that Mr. Glaser be auth-
orized to open this portion of this alley. Approved.
Matter of sidewalks in T.B. & M, Howe Motors and Westbay area discussed. Ge*vge Hammond, City Engin-
eer, not being present, George Givens and Councilman Caldwell gave a report of information furnished
by Mr. Hairmnd. A map was shower to describe planned improvements. Determined that bids should be
called for as soon as written committments are recoqved from property owners involved as to the agreed
method of payment (cash or LID) to be opened at the next meeting. Approved.
Councilman Mikelsen reported that the new street light at the end of E. Taylor Street (continued
from previous meetings) has been installed.
Letter from Mr. Robert Hinds, Claims Adjustor for General Insurance Co., re: lawsuits of Carter
and Horton for damage to real property in Construction of L.L.D. #60, read.
Mayor reported on meeting of South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce with a representative of a Federal
Agency on September 15, 1965 re: possible establishment of a new Shellfish Sanitation Laboratory
at the old Manchester Fuel Depot. This is still under study.
Superintendent of Public Works Givens reported that the repairs to well #6, (authorized at last
meeting) are still pending.
Matter of lighting of horseshoe pitching courts (continued from last meeting) discussed by Council-
man Rylander. 10rawing prepared by Mr. Van Gilder of Puget Sound Power and Light Company shown.
Estimated to require approximate investment of $100.00 to adequately light two (2) courts. Cedar
poles,are available at no cost. Continued in committee. .
An application for a variance of setback requirements of Ordinance #719 submitted by Mr. J. S.
Smith of 1140 Tacoma Street, read. This had been recommended approved by the Planning Commission.
Moved by Rylander, seconded by Lippert that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be con-
curred in. Approved.
An application for a variance of setback requirements of Ordinance #719 submitted by Mr. C. R.
Bucholz of Route 2, Box 221 read. This had been recommended approved by the Planning Commission.
Moved by Powers, seconded by Lippert, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be con-
curred in. Approved.
Matter of District Meeting of AWC in Bremerton in November continued until November 9. meeting.
Matter of R. E. Ross offer of a promissory note for the amount of $613.62, the special sewer
connection fee for Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5, Blk. 1, Mankowskils First Addition (occupied by Bauer
& Millard Standard Service Station) discussed. This method of payment had previously been
discussed and determined to be fair and equitable. City Attorney will prepare the note. Moved'
by Lippert, seconded by Van Zee that this note be accepted. Approved
A very nice "thank you" note from Mrs. Esther Dill Stevens for the fine treatment her mother
and she received at the "Pioneer Banquet" was a very interesting communication.
Resolution #1025 read by Clerk, requesting authority to make certain budgetary transfers in
Current Expense Fund. After expianation:of the exact circumstances, moved by Powers, seconded
by Lippert that this resolution be adopted. Approved.
A letter of thanks and appreciation to the Mayor was read from Mrs. L. 0. Thompson, advisor to
South Kitsap High School Girl's Drill Team, thanking the Mayor for their treatment in the Diamond
Jubilee Celebration.
Letter from Mr. Vernon Crady of 921 Hull St., requesting permission to operate a shoe repair shop
in his home read. Referred to Planning Commission for study and recommendation.
A plat of.Best's Addition in Fireweed -Sidney Road area was presented, maps examined and referred to
the Planning Commission for study and r ecomemndations.
A request for sonhideration for increasing accumulation -of sick leave for employees was presented
by the Clerk on behalf and at the request of the City employees. Referred to Finance and Auditing
Committee for study.
Councilman Rylander reported that the Chairman of the County Parks Commission desires to set up a
meeting with the City Parks Commission, Parks and Recreation Committee of the Council and Mr.
Kenneth James of the Housing and Home Finance Agency in late October.
Chief of Police Dow reported that he had purchased a used office desk from P.S.N.S. Salvage Store
for $7.50 for use in Police Department Squad Room when established. He also reported that he had
travelled to Seattle to the Civil Defense warehouse to examine surplus office furniture which is
available at very reasonable cost. Requested authority to make infrequent purchases when items of
value at reasonable costs are available. After considerable discussion, moved by Van Zee, seconded
by Lippert that Chief Dow be allowed to make such purchases on limited basis. Approved, with three
yeas, three nays and one abstention, the Mayor voting yea to break the tie.
City Attorney reported that four (4) appealed Port Orchard Traffic Court cases are be to tried in
November's session of the Superior Court.
City Attorney discussed various aspects of trial in suits of Carter and Horton vs. City of Port Orchard
for damage to real property. Mayor recommended that City Attorney,&ssist and participate in these
trials. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that City Attorney be present at and assist in
City's defence in these trials. Approved.
Bills were reported in the amount of: Current Expense $467.82; Water, $534.47; Street, $2,054.23;
Sewer, $157.76; Park, $17.26. Total, $3,231.54. Moved by Powers, seconded by Lippert that these
bills be allowed and vouchers #1271 through #1299 be approved for payment. Approved,
Adjourned at 11:00 P.M.
Mayor Clerk
Port Orchard, Washington
October 4, 1965
Special meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:45 P.M. by Mayor Repanich.
Present were Geiger, Mikelsen, Lippert, Powers and Rylander. Van Zee and Caldwell absent(excused)
Mayor announced that the primary purpose of this meeting was to consider the final budget for the
City of Port Orchard for 1966.
Copies of the budget were examined by the councilmen and mayor and discussed in detail.
Moved by Mikelsen and seconded by Powers that the 1966 budget as presented and discussed be adopt-
ed. Approved unanimously.
Mr. George Barnes, Sales Manager and Mr. Robert Bryan, Attorney representing Telecable, Inc. (a
communtiy television cable and antenna service) were introduced in support of a request to sol-
icit subscribers to their service in Port Orchard. Mr. Barnes spoke on the background of this
type of service, hoUrit tuproves tk;e.giiality of television,sigualay brings.in stations not prev-
iously received, etc.
The history of Telecable, Inc., its planned extensions, etc. was discussed. Questions were
directed to Mr. Barnes by the Mayor and councilmen and answered by him.
Mr. Bryan explained the mechanics of Franchise, Ordinance of authorization, etc.
This being the special meeting no action could be taken on this matter and it was continued to
the next regular meeting on October 11, 1965.
Adjourned at 9:05 P.M.
r Mayor Clerk
Port Orchard, Washington
October 11, 1965
A regular meeting of Port Orchard Council called to order at 7:35 P. M. by Mayor Repanich. Members
present: Caldwell, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen, Powers and Rylander. Van Zee absent (excused).
Also present: City Attorney Thompson, Superintendent of Public Works Givens, Chief of Police Dow.
Also present: Mr. Clare Hoover representing the Port Orchard Independent and Mr. Jerry Grosso,
representing the Bremerton Sun.
Minutes of regular meeting of September 27, 1965 and Special Meeting of October 4, 1965 read and
approved as corrected.
Mr. Jack Mapper, realtor, introduced and presented a proposal to erect a six-p1 ex dwelling on Bay
Street and Seattle Street. Discussed restricted access via lower Morton Street. Presented a draw-
ing indicating hx*Adtvg* xuxxuusdi:ua pmapaxty, simx proposed building, surrounding property* etc.
Mayor suggested that the City would be willing to accept a portion of one lot to increase alley
access -if the property owners would pay the cost of pipe to improve water service to adjacent
property. Continued for further information and study.
Mr. Adrian Vander Houwen, newly elected president of the Junior Chamber of Commerce introduced
and welcomed by the Mayor.
Matter of sidewalks in T. B. & M., Howe Mors and Westbay area (cont'd* from previous meetings)
discussed by Caldwell. Letter from Mr. Robert Gans read and Clerk reported that Dr. Coyle had
signed an agreement to participate in the project on a cash basis. Mr. Caldwell to further con-
tact Mr. Gordon Howe to resolve minor differences. Engineer directed to prepare and Clerk to n
publish call for bids which will be opened November 80 1965
Mayor reported on a discussion with Mr. Joseph Haas re: extension and improvement of Harrison
Street from Bay Street north involving sidewalks, paving, etc. Mr. Haas has plans to improve
the old Peninsula feed Co. site. Referred to streets and alleys committee for further study.
Mayor announced that this meeting had been designated as the time to act on the petition of annex-
ation of property in Pottery Hill area, signed by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gi.tmore, Joe P. Christen
and Helen Hill. Petition and resume of proceedings of Board of Review meeting of October 1, 1965
read. City attorney informed the council of provisions and requirements of R.C.W. regarding
It was moved by Powers, seconded by Lippert that the Petition for Anenxation be accepted by the
City of Port Orchard. Approved.
Rylander reported that Mr. Howard Raught has offered 12 or 13 long cedar poles for installing
lighting facilities at the horseshoe pitching courts and !tennis courts.=Kdx1xxxtax9K=1=
Matter of request of Mr. Vernon Crady to operate a shoe repair shop in his residence,at 921 Hull
St., discussed. Recomemdnations of Association of Washington Cities discussed. City Attorney
l discussed legal aspects of Zoning NOrdinance.
Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Lippert that Mr. Crady's request be denied and that it be suggest-
ed to him that he make application to the City Planning Commission for a special use permit for
this purpose, such permit to be for a period of 6 months. Approved with 5 yeas and one nay (Powers).
Ordinance #744, adopting the budget for 1966 read by the Clerk. Moved by Lippert, seconded by
Mikelsen, that this Ordinance be adopted. Approved.
Ordinance #745, establishing salary schedules for employees of the City of Port Orchard read by
the Clerk. Moved by Powers, seconded by Lippert that this Ordinance by adopted. Approved.
P an
Letter of Mr. Robert 4136m, Attorney for Telecable, Inc. read and copies of a proposed ordinance
authorizing that firm to operate in Port Orchard, was distributed to Mayor and Councilmen for
study. Continued.
Clerk discussed the matter of statttjtg the process of codification of the City Ordinances and
asked that the Mayor be authorized to sign the contract with Book Publishing Company now, in
order that work on .this long project could begin at this time rather than wait until January.
Moved by Geiger, seconded by Powers that the Mayor be authorized to sign the contract at this
time, with no payment to be made until after 1966 revenue is received in sufficient amounts
to make payment. Approved.
Matter of sewage collecting tank and lift pump to serve four (4) residences and the new Peninsula
Feed Co. Bldg. discussed. Engineer is obtaining easements etc, to facilitate this improvement.
Continued for Engineer's report.,
Superintendent of Public Works I reported that the Mitchell Road -Gig Harbor Highway water main loop
has been completed. He also reported that the main in front of the Active Club Building on Tacoma
Street had recently broken, causing some flooding of that building and that it had been repaired.
Matter of proposed Peddler's and Silicitor's licenstitg,7 ordinance, (continued from previous meet-
ings) discussed by Councilman Powers and members of the Audit and Finance Committee. Ordinances
of other cities discussed. Continued, with City Attorney to study particular ordinance deemed to
be desirable.
Bills were reported in the amount of: Current Expense, $20367.78; Water, $734.49; Street,
$2,502.86; Sewer, $626.80; Parks; $80.73 and Water Construction, $116.13; Total. $6,428.78.
Moved by Rylander and seconded by Lippert that these bills be allowed and that Vouchers No. 1300
through 1347 be approved for payment. Approved.
Adjourned at 10:35 P.M.
Clerk Mayor
Port Orchard, Washington
October 25, 1965
A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order by Mayor Repan4ch at 7:35 P.M.
Members present: Caldwell, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelien and Powers. Rylander and Van Zee absent
(excused). Also present: City Attorney Thompson, Superintendent of Public Works Givens, Chief
of Police Dow and City Engineer Hammond. Also present: Mr. Jerry Grosso representing Bremerton
Sun and Mr. Clare Hoover representing Port Orchard Independent.
Minutes of October 11, 1965 regular meeting read and approved.
Mr. Robert Terrell appeared again seeking information concerning lots owned by the City at Bay
and DeKalb Streets (the old DeKalb St. Waterway). Matter still in hands of Planning Commission.
Mr. N. M. Rerecich and Mr. M. J. Fassbinder introduced and discussed their proposal to install
an automatic car -washing facility on S. W. corner of Bay Street and High Avenue. Requested determ-
ination as to whether sanitary facilities (toilet, etc.) would be required as stipulated in Ord-
inance #698 and also whether the water used in washing cars should go through the sewage disposal
plant or into a storm drain. Mr. Joseph Weigel, Chief Unitari#n of Kitsap County Health Depart-
ment being present, he was asked questions as to pollution, etc. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by
Caldwell that the matter of the used waste water going into disposal plant or storm drain, be
studied by the Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee with information and recommendations
of Mr. Weigel. This committee to also make recommendation on the need for toilet facilities, etc.
Mr. Berwin Mahon of Port Orchard appeared in support of a complaint which was read hey the _clerk.
This complaint involves the refusal of drivers of the Blue and Gold Cab Company (agents for Brem-
erton -Tacoma Stage Lines) to accept a shipment of mink vaccine via Tacoma -bound bus. After
elaboration of the incident by Mr. Mahon, the matter was continued pending further information
from the Public Transportation Commission.
Mr. 3oseph Weigel, Chief Sanitarian, Kitsap County Health Department, introduced and spoke
concerning the inspection of sewer installations, side sewers, etc. Discussed the mechanics
of issuance of permits, collection of inspection fees, etc. Determined that inspection of
sewer connections anchines on private property will revert to the Kitsap County Health Depart-
ment as soon as arrangements can be completed.
Mr. Weigel then discussed various aspects of the City Plumbing Code and Sanitation Code. He
requested information as to the possibility of the extension of City sewer service to the area
west of High avenue along Bay Street. Matter discussed by Council, Engineer, and Public Works
Superintendent. Continued for further consideration.
Mr. Weigel reported that a complaint had been received by his department concerning the cons-
truction of what appeared to be a septic tank at 1339 Garrison Street, and resultant correspon-
dence to and from Mr. Sam Belcher read. 1
Mr. Weigel suggested that the City Council pass a resolution urging the Department of Health, }
Education and Welfare to establish the new Shellfish Sanitation Laboratory at -the site of the
old Manchester Fuel Depot.. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell, that such a resolution be
adopted. Approved.
George Hammond, City Engineer, presented drawings and information re: installing sewage lines,
collecting tank, lift pumps, etc. at four (4) residences and Peninsula Feed Co. store. Cost
of this project discussed and in view of the probable temporary nature of the residences in@
volved, the difficulty of obtaining easements, high cost of the project, etc., he recommends
that this project be aband6ned and that Peninsula Feed Co. be required to connect directly to
the sewer main in Bay Street, and that the four (4) residences be authorized their choice.of
Installing individual lift pumps at their own expense or to install septic tanks and drain
fields. Situation summarized by the Mayor. Moved by Mikelsen and seconded by Powers that the
recommendations of the Engineer be approved and that the four (4) residences be authorized to
utilize septic tanks. Approved.
Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that the dwellingy on both sides of Bay Street west of
High Avenue, now dumping raw sewage into the Bay or other than septic tanks be required to
utilize septic tanks and drain fields. Approved. Mr. Weigel will inform these property
Tom Bontrager, Fire Chief, reported on difficulty of complying with new Highway Department
directive requiring cross -highway banners and decorations to clear the street by 20 feet. No
building front at that height is considered safe. Merchants committee of South Kitsap Chamber
of Commerce to be contacted by the Clerk in regards to Christmas decorations which have been
strung across Bay Street in previous years.
Matter of application of Telecable, Inc. for authority to solicit,,subscribers to their TV Cable
Service (continued from previous meetings) discussed. Proposed ordinance examined and changes
recommended by City Attorney discussed. Mayor and Councilmen discussed the desirability of ..
this service to the residents of Port Orchard. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that the
fee or revenue to Port Orchard be set at $200.00 per year for the first 5 years and to be re-
negotiated at 5 years intervals, with service without charges to be provided to Port Orchard
Youth Activity Building, Givens School and the City Hall. Approved;
Matter of proposed Peddlers and Solicitors licensing ordinance (continued from previous meetings)
discussed. City Attorney will prepare copies of new draft of Ordinance for Councilmen and
Mayor for discussion at next meeting.
Mikelsen, of Fire and Light Committee recommends new street light near west end of Givens Street
(west of High Avenue) be installed. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers, that this light be
installed. Approved.
Ordinance relating to and providing for the annexation of territory to the City of Port Orchard
(Pottery Hill area) read. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that the ordinance be adopted.
Approved, No. 746 assigned.
Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Geiger that Ordinance No. 4-79 (Leave, Sick -Leave, Holidays, etc.)
be amended to clarify section G as to number of holidays. Approved.
Preliminary plat of Bestfs Addition (Fireweed Road) which has been recommended to be accepted by
the Planning Commission was examined by Councilmen. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Lippert that
recommendations of the Planning Commission be concurred in. Approved.
Applications for variance from provisions of Ordinance #719 as regards rear yard and side yard
setbacks by W. W. Ochs, 1103 Spokane Street, recommended approved by Planning Commission, read
by Clerk. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Lippert that this application be approved. Approved.
Resolution No. 1026, authorizing transfer of funds��y the Clerk. Moved by Powers, seconded by
Lippert that this resolution be adopted. Approved.
Applications for Variance from provisions of Ordinance #719 as regards rear yard set back requi-
rements submitted by Lyle E. Cable, Rt. 2, Box 239-A, Port Orchard, recommended approved by
Planning Commission, read by Clerk. Moved by Powers, seconded by Lippert that this application
be approved. Approved.
Application for variance of Albert 0. Williams, Rt. 4, Box 116, Port Orchard, as regards front
yard setbacks on Beach Road, (Annapolis), recommended approved by Planning Commission, read by
Clerk. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Caldwell, that this application be approved. Approved.
Councilman Mikelsen discussed the desirability of acquiring property for dedication as County
Historical Society site.
Mayor read letter of Adjutant General, Washington National Guard re: encouraging support of Vet-
eran's Day, November 11.
Mayor read letter of Washington State Board Against Discrimination calling attention to state-
wide conferenc& on Human Relations to be held in Seattle on December 11, 1965.
Mayor read letter from Robert McKisson, Mayor of Winslow re: plans for AWC District meeting in
Bremerton on November 17.
Mayor reported that Eric Bjorkheim has requested that Howard Street north of Tremont street be
opened and improved. Referred to Street and Alley Committee for study and recommendation.
Mayor reported that Mr. Burt Workman is still interested in deeding property for playground and
extension of Howard Street in return for certain street improvements.
Mayor reported that Fire Department desires to purchase a van -type vehicle for emergency use.
Referred to Finance and Auditing Committee for study.
Superintendent of Public Works reported that Gary Deal had offered to sell two Wayne gasoline
pumps at the old service station on west Bay Street for $35.00 each. They are believed to be
in very good condition and he recommends that they be purchased for installation in new.,gasoline
system at street garage. Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Lippert that these pumps be purchased.
Chief of Police Dow requested that Mrs. Kratz, the Police Clerk and himself be authorized to
attend a one -day state-wide school for police officers on the use of the Uniform Crime Reports
at Yakima in the near future. Discussion by Mayor and Councilmen. Determined that this would
not be authorized.
Bills were reported in following amounts: Current Expense, $523.43; water, $114.57; Street,
$1,968.51; Sewer, $528.27; Parks, $2.08 and Water Construction, $609.48. Totals $3,746.34.
Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and vouchers #1348 through
#1372 authorized to be paid. Approved.
All ed at I2:45 A. M.
Clerk Mayor
Port Orchard, Washington
November 8, 1965
Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Mayor Repanich.
Councilmen present: Caldwell, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen, Powers, Rylander and Van Zee. Also
present: City Attorney Thompson, City Engineer Hammond, Supt. Public Works Givens: Chief of
Police Dow, Bldg. Inspector Hall. Also present were Mr. Gerald Grosso representing the Brem-
a:ton Sun and Mr. Clare Hoover representing the Port Orchard Independent.
Minutes of October 25, 1965 meeting read and approved as corrected.
This being the time and date for opening of bids for construction of the sidewalks in the TB&M
Howe Motors and Westbay area, bids were opened and read by the Clerk as follows:
H-G Construction Company,
Lincoln Construction Co.
Almer Construction Co.
These bids were turned over to the City Engineer for examination and review and report later in
the meeting.
Letter of Mr. Otto Chantler of Port Orchard Planning Commission read re: request of Mr. Robert
Terrell to lease or buy city -owned lots at Bay and DeKalb Streets (old DeKalb St. waterway).
Mr. Terrell being present, questioned relative to exact plans involved for use. Mr. Nan Buskirk
of Van*s Lumber Supply spoke in protest of this project, in view of the traffic hazard which
would be created and possible effect on the business of Price's Dairy Drive -In Store. After
discussion and consideration by all concerned, matter returned to the Street and Alley Committee
for further study, with Engineer Hammond to prepare an accurate drawing of the area and furnish
to the committee for their use. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert, that the Engineer be
authorized to prepare this drawing. Approved.
Mr. Max Peabody of Pottery Hill area introduced, and spoke in re: the increasing the width of
the rights -of -way on Melcher and Sherman Streets near property he owns in the area. City
Engineer Hammond provided drawings of the area and streets as they now exist, and explained
existing rights -of -way in relation to adjoining property. After considerable discussion, it
'was determined that Ray Hall, should contact other property owners in the area regarding the
deeding to the City sufficient property on Melcher Street between Sherman Street and Pottery
Hill Road, and Sherman Street north and south of Melcher Street. Moved by Caldwell, seconded
by Lippert that these rights -of -way be procured. Approved.
City Engineer Hammond reported that he had reviewed the bids opened earlier for construction of
sidewalks and recommended that the low bid of Almer Construction Co. of 4731 12th Avenue, N.E.
Seattle, Washingtin in the amount of $1,477.00 be accepted. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by
Mikelsen that the low bid of $1,477.00 be accepted on condition that the property owners in-
volved agree, and that the Almer Construction Co. is found to be competent. Approved.
Mr. Merlin Eischens 6f Blue and Gold Taxi Co. spoke concerning problems that have arisen in
connection with the taxi stand on Bay Street west of Harrison Street and school buses unlead-
ing there Chief of Police Dow reported a complaint by the School authorities that taxis have
not moved from the area as previously agreed. After discussion, it was moved by Mikelsen, second-
ed by Ryiander that Chief of Police Dow be requested to contact school authorities regarding the
authority to discharge passengers in the City and to make arrangements with the school transp-
ortation officer for the buses westbound to discharge passengers in the area at the intersection
of Bay and Harrison Street to prevent congestion in the regular bus zone west of Harrison Street.
Matter of automatic car -wash at Bay Street and High Avenue, (continued from last meeting) dis-
cussed. Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation Committee has studied the situation and recommends
that the requirements of Ordinance #698 as requiring toilet and other facilities be waived in
this instance and that water used in car -washing operations be discharged into storm drains
instead of into sanitary sewers. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell that the recommends"',
dons of committee be concurred in. Approved.
Mr. Joseph Kerkes of Peninsula Cold Storage Lockers requested information as to use of plastic
sewer pipe at his building on Highway 160. Clerk to ask opinion of Mr. Weigel of Kitsap County
Health department.
Mr. Larry Wylie, new resident planner of Leo Daly Associates, engaged in the Comprehensive
Planning Survey introduced and explained briefly the outline of the project, functions of the
Citizens Committee, etc.
Mr. Robert Bryan, Attorney for Kitsap Community Cable TV Company and Telecable Inc. spoke re:
the proposed ordinance authorizing that firm to operate in Port Orchard and to solicit., sub-
scribers to thier service. City Attorney Thompson pointed out changes he had suggested in the
ordinance and which were agreed upon at the last meeting. Discussed with Mr. Bryyn. The pro-
posed ordinance was read by the Clerk. Moved by Powers, seconded by Lippert that the first
reading of the ordinance be approved and that the second reading be effected at the next meeting.
Approved, and No. 747 assigned.
City Attorney directed to prepare necessary resolution re: insurance limitations required by
Section 8 of the ordinance referred to above.
Mayor reported that First Lutheran Church at Cline and DeKalb Streets had requested installa-
tion of a pedestrian cross*alk across Cline Street. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Lippert that
this cross -walk be authorized, and Public Works Superintendent directed to take -action.
Superintendent of Public Works Givens reported that Fr. Donohoe of St. Gabriel•s Catholic Church
on Mitchell Road had requested a cross -walk be painted across Mitchell Road to connect the main
building and a recreation building. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert that this cross -walk
be authorized, and Superintendent of Public Works directed to take action. Approved.
Resolution petitioning the U. S. Department of Health Education and Welfare to locate the new
Shellfish Sanitation Laboratory at the site of the old MAnchester Fuel Depot (authorized at last
meeting) read by the Clerk. Moved by Powers, seconded by Van Zee that this resolution be adopt-
ed. Approved, and No. 1027 assigned.
Matter of authorization of use of septic tanks by four (4) residences north of Bay Street, be-
tween Harrison Street and Seattle Street (below level of sewer main) discussed and Mayor recom-
mended that Peninsula Feed Co. store be also authorized to utilize a septic tank and drain field
in lieu of connecting to the sewer in view of the extreme depth and the undesirability of break-
ing the newly paved surface of the street. Determined that this would be the most desirable
solution. Mr. Joseph Weigel of Kitsap County Health Department to notify the owners.
Proposed ordinance regulating solicitors and peddlers read by the Clerk. Discussed at length
by Councilmen, Mayor, City Attorney and Clerk. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert that this
ordinance, as finally corrected, be adopted. Disapproved, with six (6) nays and one (1) aye.
Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Rylander that this proposed ordinance be returned to Finance and
Auditing Committee for further study. Approved with 6 ayes and one (1) nay.
Matter of request of Eric Bjorkheim St. to open a portion of Howard Street, north of Tremont St.
discussed. Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee recommends that a 36 ft. street be establish-
ed in this area and that Mr. Bjorkheim be required to do necessary work of opening, filling, etc.
with City to accept responsibility for maintenance after it is opened, and legal requirements
are met. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert that this request be approved, subject toldet-
ermination of platted street width of 361 or more. Approved.
Matter of Burt Workman offer of playground and right-of-way (continued from previous meetings)
continued in committee.
Caldwell reported that Mr. Joseph Haas had architects working on plans for improving the prop-
- erty formerly occupied by the Peninsula Feed Co. at Bay and Harrison Streets. Continued in Street
and Ailey Committee.
Request of the Fire Department for authority to purchase a van -type vehicle for use as emergency
equipment vehicle discussed. Recommended that such budgeted funds as are in excess of reasonable
budget requirements for remainder of 1965 be made available fir this purchase. (about $2,300.00)
Equipment for this vehicle to be purchased by non -appropriated funds of the Volunteer Fire Dep-
artment. Moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that purchase of this vehicle be authorized with
edit expenditure of approximately $2,300.00. Approved.
Letter of Mr. Joseph Haas relative to blocking of the private alley north of Bay Street by taxi-
cabs read. Matter discussed and continued.
Announcement of District meeting of Association of Washington Cities at Hearthstone Restaurant
In Bremerton on November 17, 1965 announced by Mayor and all Councilmen and Clerk and others
interested urged to attend.
Mayor presented plan for remodeling of Clerk and Treasurer's office space. Present and future
requirements discussed. Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert that these improvements be started
immediately. Complete list of specifications and proposals to be asked for from contractors.
Mayor read an announcement of a meeting of Tacoma Area of federal Executive Association in Tacoma
on November 10, 1965.
Mayor read a request of Mr. R. W. Kerslake of State Highway Commission, that a representative of
the City be designated to attend a meeting at the Courthouse on November 23rd relative to High-
way Planning. Councilman Van Zee will attend this meeting and future meetings of this group.
Superintendent of Public Works Givens reported that Approximately 30,000 gallons of sludge had
been pumped from the sewage treatment plant. More will be pumped in the spring and twice annu-
ally thereafter.
Chief of Police Dow requested information as to when he can expect to move to new quarters.
Determined that this will not occur prior to early 1966.
City Attorney Thompson reported that Judge Oluf Johnson had ruled in favor of the City in a
disputed case over the use of the Uniform Traffic Citation.
Clerk reported that 18 inquiries had been received from interested persons concerning the vaca-
ncy for a City Engineer. Mayor announced that a committee consisting of Lippert, of Water, Sewer
Health and Sanitation Committee; Caldwell, of Street and Alley Committee and Powers, of the
Finance Committee will interview applicants for the position when they are available:
Bills were reported in the following amounts: Current Expense $4,651.68; Water, $682.79;
Street, $2,404.62; Sewer, $319.03; Park, $27.42 and Water Construction Fund, $19.89. Total
$8,105.43. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be altowed and that Vouchers
#1373 through #1421 authorized to be paid. Approved.
Adjourned at 1:05 A. M.
Clerk Mayor
Port Orchard, Washington
November 22, 1965
A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:30 P. M. by MayoriRepanich.
Councilmen present: Caldwell, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen, Powers, Ryiander and Van 6e Also
present: Ronald Thompson in absence of Donald Thompson, City Attorney. Superintendent of Public
Works, Givens; Chief of Police Dow; Building Inspector Hal! and Mr. Gerald Grosso representing
the Bremerton Sun.
Minutes of November 8, 1965 meeting approved as read.
Mrs. Mildred Burford of Annapolis Hill area introduced and requested an additiodal street light he A,51*4/�'l
in the area near her home. Discussed by Mikelsen. Referred to Fire and Light Commmitiee for study
and recommendation at next meeting. In this matter, Mikelsen recommended that the whole area be
studied to determine adequacy of street lighting as a whole.
Mr. Joseph Dodd, Commander of American Legion Pout #k182 introduced and spoke in support of govern-
mental policies in Viet -Nam and encouraged all those present to so indicate their stpoort by
participating in operation „Show Your Colors".
Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee reported on study of the request of Mr. Robert Terrell
to purchase or lease city owned property at Bay and DeKalb Streets (old D*Kalb waterway). Area
drawn on blackboard and situation as now exists and as proposed discussed. Mr. Dave Oead, Mr.
Allen Van Buskirk, Mr. Ed Sundt and Mr. Price, all business men of the area, were introduced
and spoke in protest of the proposal, citing traffic hazards, reduction in available customer
parking, etc. It was the Peeling of those interested that the property in question iai now serv-
ing the best interests of the greater number of people. After further considerable discussion ,
moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers that Mr. Terrell•s request for lease or purchase of this
property be denied. Approved.
Mrs. Hazel Simmons Apartments of Cline and Kitsap Streets requested that some type of protection
be provided for the power pole in front of her property because of the repeated damage to it by
automobiles which go out of control at that point. Chief Dow reported on the most recent acci-
dent. Referred to Street and Alley Comittee for study and recommendation at the next meeting.
Mr. Roy Mitchell and Mr. Robert Wright of Wright Construction Co., introduced and Mr. Mitchell
spoke concerning his f$rm's proposal to build a Butler (steel) building for the Methodist
Church on Kitsap Stteet and requested information whether this type of structure would be auth-
orised in Fire Zone #1. Discussion by Mayor and Councilmen followed. Bldg. Inspector Hall re-
ported on his appraisal of preliminary plans, Fire Zones and types of construction authorized
in these zones. Mayor recommended that a further explanation of "Buffer Zones" be obtained from
the Fire Rating Bureau representative.
City Attorney recommended that the matter be continued until the next sooting pending further
study of the Building Code, and Building and Zoning Ordinances and other factors before making
a final determination. Moved by Mtkelsen, seconded by Rylander that Mr. Leonard of the Fire
Rating and Survey Bureau be present at a meeting with members of the Council on 11/29/65 to
explain the Fore Zoning, etc, before the Ordinance is amended. Matter continued until next
Patrolman Philip Corliss of Police Department Introduced by Mayor and was complimented on suc-
cessful completion of a training course for Police Officers at Fort Lewis, Washington. Patrol.
man Corliss explained briefly the nature of the training received and various aspects of law
enforcement which were covered.
Mr. Joe Kerkes and Mr. Dean Rappleye of Peninsula Cold Storage Co. appeared and requested per.
mission to delay until Septeeber, 1966 the completion of the connection of their building to
the City sewer system. The reason for this delay is to permit extensive filling behind the
building to support the sewer line to the street. Discussion by Councilman. Moved by VanZee,
seconded by Geiger that the requested extension until September 1, 1966 be granted. Approved.
Matter of sidewalks In TB&M, Howe Motors and Westbay area discussed. The awarding of the con-
tract to the low bidder, Almer Construction Co., of Seattle, continued until receipt of signed
acknowledgement of the property owners that they will pay for the project when completed.
Ordinance #747 granting a license to Northwest Community Cable TV Co. to construct and operate
a CoaXial TV and Radio Cable in Port Orchard read (second reading). Moved by Lippert, seconded
by Rylander that this ordinance be adopted. Approved.
Resolution #1028 fiding the amount of Insurance to be carried by the Northwest Community Gable
TV Co., under Ordinance #747 read by the Clark. Moved by Powers, seconded by Van Zoe that this
resolution be adopted. Approved.
Ordinance #748, amending Ordinance #715 (Leave, sick leave and holidays of employees) read.
Moved by Pourers, seconded by Lippert that this Ordiname be adopted. Appr$vod.
Moved by Potters, seconded by Lippert that City of Port Orchard employees be authorized a holiday
on Friday, December 24, and Fft4ay, December 31, since Christmas day and New Years day fall on
Saturday. Approved, City Attorney will draft resolution.
Matter of School buses stopping in Port Orchard to discharge passengers (continued from last
meeting) discussed and a portion of letter from Mr. Tyman L. Stephens, Business Administrator
of South Kitsap Schools, read concerning this and explaining the situation.
Matter of two (2) buildings proposed to be built in downtown area (Bowe Motors on Z. Bay St.,
and Gary Deal on W. Bay St.,) discussed as to their qualifying under the Uniform Building Code
and Fire Zoning Ordinance. Moved by Lippert and seconded by Powers that these building permits
be issued. Approved.
The application of Mr. Vernon Crady for a special use permit for operation of a shoe repair
shop in his residence at 921 Hull St. received from Planning Commission, recommend4ng no action
on special use permit and that Mr. Crady be authorized to operate this business under provisions
of Section 3, Article A-8 of Ordinance #719. Discussed by Councilmen. Moved by Powers, seconded
by Van Zee that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved as to the special use
permit, but not approved as to the operation of the business in the residence. Approved with
4 ayes and 3 nays.
Mayor reported on meetings with various groups in connection with the comprehensive Planning J
Survey now being conducted for Port Orchard, South Kitsap Schools and Kitsap County. Discussed
at length by Councilmen.
Request of Mr. George 0. Jenson, of 720 Harrison St., for a variance from the rear yard set back
requirements of Ordinnuae #719 for construction of a garage at Pottery Rill and May St. r!'esidsn.
ce read by Clerk. This had been recommended approved by the Planning Commission. Moved by Lt-
0ert, seconded by Rylander that this variance be granted. Approved.
Request of Mr. R. Z. Ross that condiderstion be given to installing a graffic control light or
device at the intersection of Bay Street and Beach Road to permit traffic entering Highwaly #160
greater access. Continued, pending completion of sidewalks in vicinity.
A request of Mr. W. C. Rogers of 1349 Sidney St. for an extension of South Street sewer to permit
his property to be served was read by Clerk. Discussed by the Mayor, Councilmen and Supt. of
Public Works. Moved by Geiger, seconded by Lippert that this project be accomplished at'Mr.
Rogers' expense. Approved, and the Clerk direetod0to secure specifications from the City Bngin-
*or and ask for informal bids, since the project is estimated to be considerably under the
amount requiring formal bid calls.
A request of Mr. Fred Besse for two (2) new street lights in his new Garden Grove Addition
read by Clerk. Mr. Beat will install underground utilities in this addition. Afteridis-
cussion and a report by Mikelsen of the Fire and Light Committee that he had made an on -the.
site appralial of the situation, it was waved by Powers, seconded by Lippert that this instal.
lation be authorised. Approved.
Matter of remodeling of Clerk. and Treasurer's office discussed and proposal and estimate of
Mr. Fred Hrusa of Manchester read for information and discussion. Continued with Clerk to
contact one additional contractor in an effort to secure an additional estimate for oompar•
ative purposes and to secure detailed sketches.
Councilman Mikelsen reported that new street light on Givens Street will be installed in the
near future. He also reported that the van -type vehicle authorised to be purchased by the
Fire Department has Men ordered. Mikelsen raised the question as to the status of the house
numbering system in areas not now numbered, which was a project assigned to the Planning Comm-
ission. This lack of numbers in certain areas makes for a difficwlty in prompt answering ofp
fire calls. Matter of violatba:s of parking regulations on streets discussed. It is apparent
that cars are being parked on curbs, too far from curbs, not turning wheels in to curbs on hills
etc. Chief Dow reported on methods of enforcement in this matter. Determined that 0 public
relations compaign will be used to educate the public as to the correct method of parking.
Superintendent of Public Works Givens reported that Peninsula Feed Co, store desires to connect
to sewer in Bay Street instead of utilising septic tank as previously authorised. This proper-
ty has not previously been assessed for sewers and the method of computing special sewer conn-
ection charge was discussed. It was determined that the cost of installation of LID #60 sewer
per lineal foot will be used to determine the cost for this property.
Van Zee requested whether a street department employee could be made available to lay concrete
blocks in the basement of the Recreation building. Volunteer labor is not available except to
assist. Referred to Park and Recreation Committee for further consideration.
Chief of Police Dow reported that Police Judge Winifred Watt will be on vacation from about
December 22 until January 4 and recommended that Judge Freyd be appointed Dolice Judge Pro -Tom
during this period. Moved by Powers seconded by Lippert that Myron Freyd be appointed Police
Mudge Pro Tom during absence of Judge Watt. Approved.
Chief Dow reported that radios were damaged by a power surge after a car had knocked out a power
pole at Cline and Kitsap Streets recently.
Bills in the amount of: Current Expanse #243.93; Suter, $1,090.52; Street, $90.64; Sewer,
$661.46; Park, $28.58; Water Construction, $1,556.93; Total, $3,672.06. Moved bylRylander,
seconded by Lippert that these bills be allowed and that vouchers lidos. #1422 through,-#1443 be
approved for payment. Approved.
Adjourned at 1:55 A. M.
Port Orchard, Washington
December 2, 196�
Special meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Mayor Ropanich.
Councilmen present: Caldwell, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen and Powers. Rylander and Van Zee absent
(excused). Also present, Lorraine Carraway, City Treasurer, Mr. Terry Thompson, Bond Broker,
Dr. Howard Minor, president of South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce and Mr. Gerald Grosso, represent-
ing the Bremerton Sun, and Mr. Ray Ball, Building Inspector and -former mayor and Councilman.
Mayor Repanich announced that this meeting was convened to consider the removal of parking
res-trictions in Port Orchard during the period December 6th through 24th and to discussjthe recast•
mendations of the Finance and Auditing Committee concdrning sewer rates. After die Sion of
various factors involved, it was moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Caldwell that all ping res-
trictions, both meter and other ate removed during the period December 6 through December 24, 1965,
Clerk to arrange publicity in newspapers and radio.
Matter of sewer rate structure discussed. Recommended by the Finance and AuditbAg Committee
Chairman Powers that domestic sewer rates be reduced to $3.20 per month from $3.25 a0d that a
now commercial sewer rate be established as follows: Basic rate $4.00 per month wto 250 per
month addition for each employee over three (3) and $2.25 per month additional if public rest
room faciliaties are maintained. This rate would include the County Administration Building,
Fraternal Organizations, etc. Schools $4.00 basic charge, plus 224C per person, (Students, fac--
ulty, administration and maintenance personnel), Plus $2.25 for public restroom facilities. Dr.
Minor, President of South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce discussed the background of the present sower
rate structure and how it was arrived at, particularly as involves the schools. Discussion by
Mayor and Council and Mr. Grosso.
Mr. Torry Thompson explained the not result required to satisfy bond holders requirements for
bond principal and interest. He also reported on the factors which would determine how such ^
revenue would be required in the future for repairs, replacement, bond retirement, etc.
Ray Hall discussed the present rate structure and the method by which they were arrived at.
Mayor Repancih made a recapitulation of the purpose of the meeting, the feeling that the council
was under an actual as well as moral obligation to survey these rates. He suggested that the
council approved up to this point and that the matter be continued
in committee for further study.
City Attorney Thompson arrived at 9t25 P.M. and was briefed on the discussions that had preceded
his arrival. He reminded the council of the necessity of holding public hearings on any pro-
posed changes in the sewer rates,
Meeting adhourned at 10:05 P. M.
Clerk. {L.,� Mayor
Port Orchard, Washington
December 13, 1965
A regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order by Mayor Repanich at 7:35 P.M.
Councilmen present: Caldwell, Bolger, Lippert, Mikelsen, Powers and Van Zee. Rylander absent
(excused). Also presents City Attorney Thompson, Superintended of Public Works Givens, Chief
of Police Dow, Building Inspector Hall. 'Also present, Mr. Gerald Grosso, representing BFemH-
erton Sun.
Minutes of regular meeting of Movember 22, 1965 and Special Meeting of December 2, 1965 radd and
Mr. Adrian Vander Houwen, President of Junior Chamber of Commerce was introduced and in turn (�
introduced Mr. Gary Hagaboom, Internal Vice -President who requested permission to erect a huge
Santa Claus at the old Gig Harbor Highway -Manchester "Y". After discussion it was moved by
Lippert, seconded by Van Zee that this be authorised. Approved.
Mr. Roy Mitchell, representing Wright Construction Co., introduced and requested information
concerning the action taken on his company's request for a permit to build a Butler -type (steel)
building for the Methodist Church on Kltsap Street. After discussion by the Mayor and Council-
men of Fire Zoning regulations and restrictions and the possible desirability of re -defining the
boundaries of Fire Zone #1, it was moved by Geiger, seconded by Lippert that Bldg. Inspector
Hall be directed to re -draw the boundaries of Fire Zone #1 to a line approximately parallieling
the alley between Kitsap and Prospect Streets, this new line to extend from Bay Street to'Rock-
well Street and than to follow approximately the old boundaries of Fite Zone #1, and to be
presented at the next meeting. Approved.
Matter of request of Mrs. Hanel Simmons of Cline and Kitsap Streets for some type of protection
for a power pole'near her apartment building (continued from last meeting) discussed, and con-
tinued in committee.
Matter of survey of street lighting system by a representative of Puget $over Co, and Council-
man Mikelsen of Fire and Light Committee (Continued from last meeting discussed) Mikelsep rep-
orted on certain light installations and recommended changes to improve the over-all stre t
lighting service. Mr. Seigfried is also investigating other changes which if approved ai;l
further improve lighting. Mikelsen recommends that a 4000 Lumen Open reflector light be installed
on a 20 ft. bracket on Narragut Avenue where it narrows to single -lane to increase illiml ation
at the narrow area of the street. He reported that re -spacing of tights in Annapolis H11 area
is impractical due to irregular spacing of power pAles, He also reported that no lights qre now
serving the area from Tracy and Chester Streets to bottom of the hill, however this situation
can be relieved to some extent by cutting brush on both sides of Tracy Street*.
Mikelsen recommends that one (1) 2,500 or 4,000 Lumen light be installed on Perry Avenue pear
mall boxes Nos. 143 and I" where no light is now available. He recomsonds that the 20,000
Lumen light currently in place over Bay Street between Fredertfk and Sidney Streets be removed,
since the cross -'walk it served has been abandoned, and that this light be reinstalled east of
the last light now on Bay Street (near Dairy queen store). After discussion it was moved'by Van
Zee, seconded by Lippert that these recommendations be concurred in. Approved.
Matter of sidewalk project in Westbay, Howe Motors and TB&M area discussed and council informed
of the status of the project.
Resolution No. 1029 authorizing a holiday for city employees on Friday, December 24 and Friday
December 31, was -road by the Clerk. This resolution was required as a result of action by the
Council at the regular meeting of November 22, 1965. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell
hat this resolution be adopted. Approved.
Matter of request of Mr. W. C. Rogers of 1349 Sidney Street for the extension of the South
Street sewer trunk line to serve his property discussed. Mr. Rogers has suffered a heart
attack since his request was approved at the last meeting and is now forced to abandon the
project; Matter of costs incurred in the engineering phase of this project and who should
pay these costs discussed. Determined that Mr. Rogers should be billed for the costs up to
this point and if he declines responsibbilty that the City would pay these costs and would
apply there to the cost of the construction of this extension when the project is undertaken
by some new owner of the property in the future. Moved by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell,
that this action be taken. Approved.
Matter of free parking privileges (authorised by council at a special meeting on Novemmber
221F 1965 discussed.
Matter of proposed changes in sewer rates (discussed at special meeting on December 2, 1965)
continued in cor,mittee until future meetings.
Mayor read a letter from Mrs. Alice Burket of Business & Professional Womena Club reminding
the Council oftthe offer of the BPW to present to the City a flowering ornamental Japanese
Cherry tree. He reported that he had assured Mrs. Burket that this tree would be pllanted
in a prominent place when the season is appropriate.
Mr. Hal Weddle introduced and requested information regarding the building proposed ito be
built by Methodist Church and he was informed of the previous action of this meeting as
presented to Mr. Roy Mitchell.
Letter of Mr. W. Cohen, Under Secretary of Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare re: Man-
chester site of the new Shellfish Sanitation Center read.
Letter of R. Ads.f.M. Alter re: request for consideration of namsng the new ship the, AOE-3
now under ammotswcti as the USS Port Orchard read. This ship has been named USS Seattle.
Letter from Director of State Highway Department requesting that the 6 year Comprehensive
Arterial Street ImproVerment Program be up -dated and furnished to the Department read, and
referred to the City Planning Commission for study and recommendations by the Commission and
Supt. of Public Works Givens.
Letter from Standard Oil Co. of California concerning the 50 year authority to maintain a
petroleum products pipeline in Bay and Port Streets read. This company desires than this
authority be extended for another 50 years. Refered to City Attorney for study andirecommmen-
Superintendent of Public Works Givens asked that the cross -walk across Mitchell Road near the
St. Gabriel Catholic Church (previously authorised) be discussed, in light of odditjonet dev-
elopments. Caldwell of Street and Alley Committee reported that it had been-deterri,ned that
it would be necessary to lay culvert the in a ditch in this area and cover it in order to
provide facilities for a straight crossing of the read in lieu of a diagonal crossing that
was previously used. Cost satiated to be about $100.00. Discussed by Mayor and councilman.
Moved by Van Zee, seconded by Mikelsen that this work be authorized. Approved.
Mikelsen reported that Public Works Department personnel had been working on the tennis court
framming and are installing cedar poles for light standards. Work progressing satidfactorily
and wine will be installed as soon as the fsame repairs are completed.
Bills were reported as follows: Current Expense, $20365.12; Water Fund, $776.36; Street
Fund, $2,805.85; Sewer Fund, $504.08; Parks, $51.03; Water Construction Fund, $15.22.
Totals $6,517.66. Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell that these bills be allowed and
Vouchers No. 1444 through 1497 be authorized for payment.. Approved.
Meeting Adjourned at 1Ot25 P.M.
�14711 �;P WIN �RW74' �Agrl FF0' IM, M- 0- M R z 1, �
Port Orchard, Washington
December 27, 1965
Regular meeting of Port Orchard City Council called to order at %t4O P. M. by Mayer Repanich.
Councilmen presents Caldwell Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen, Powers, Rylander and Van fee. Also
presents City Attorney, Stu to. of Public Works Givens; Chief of Police Dow; Building Inspector
Hall and Mr. Gerald Grosso, representing the Bremerton Sun.
Minutes of December 13, 1965 regular meeting read and approved.
Mr. Roy Mitchell of Wright Construction Company of Belfair was present rem the proposal of
his company to build a Butler Building for the Methodist Church, and the matter of the re-
defining of Fire Zone #1. Bldg. Inspector Hall presented a map on which.the existing bound-
aries of Fire.Zone #1 and the proposed boundaries of the Zone if it is determined to be re-
drawn. Considerable discussion followed by Mayor and Councilmen and others Interested. Bldg.
Inspector Hall directed to prepare detailed preliminary description of new limits at Fire Zone
061" at next meeting.
Mr. Virgil Parka and Mr. Daryl Deeds of Northwest Outdoor Advertising Corporation wort present
rot the application of that firm to build two (2) large outdoor advertising signs in Port,Orch-
ard, one on the property owned by Mr. Parks at Bay and Harrison Sts. and one on Standard Oil
Co. of California property at Bay and Pert Streets (near Thriftwasy Store), Discussed by coun-
cilmen and Mayor and a report of Streets and Alleys Committee mods by Caldwell. Moved by,Rylan-
der, seconded by Powers that the pewit for sign on Parkes property be granted. Approved w/
4 yeas and 2 nays (Van Zee and Caldwell) and 1 abstention (Mikelson).
After further discussion, specifically on the proposal involving Standard Oil Co. property,
moved by Lippert, feconded by Powers that the permit for a sign on that property at Bay and
Port Streets be ted. Disapproved with 2 yeas and 5 nays.
Mikalsen, of Fire and Light Committee, reported that nothing further had been accomplished in
relocation and installation of street lights (continued from last meeting). Further continued.
Chief of Police Dow reported that free parking prtwileges-granted from 12-6 through 12-24 had
not been abused to any extent. Collections have been high in spite of removal of parking,re-
Matter of placement of the flowering Japanese Cheryy tree donated by the Business and Profess-
ional Women's Club (mentioned in minumtes of 12-13) discussed. Clark will call this to the
attention of Parkes Commission to ask for suggestions as to best location.
Matter of sidewalk construction project in Bay Street near TB&M and Howe Motors discussed. Work
will commence about January 3, 1966.
Request of Standard Oil Co. of California for renewal or extension of 50 year authority to
maintain pipelines in Bay and Port Streets, authorized by Ordinance #268, discussed. City
Attorney Thompson reported on methods by which this could be accpmplished. Moved by Van Zee,
seconded by Lippert, that City Attorney prepare a new ordinance gAtnting this franchise for
a period of 10 years, conditional on payment of publication costs by the Standard Oil Company
and compliance with all present and future ordinances governing the breaking and excavating of
streets. Approved w/ 6 yeas and 1 nay (Powers).
Supt. of Public Works Givens reported that laying of culvert the and filling near St. Gabriel
Church, for cross -walk, was nearly completed. He also reported on progress of repairing tennis
court gaming. He also reported on various emergencies which have been caused by the heavy
stowfall of the night of 12-26-65.
Mayor Repanich reminded the Council and others present that Mr. Givens was retiring on December
31, after 26 years service to the City of Port Orchard, and that this would be the last Council
meeting that he would attand in his present capacity. He stated that the city would sorely
miss Mr. Givens; services and thanked his for his many years of devoted and unselfish service
and wished himll in retirement.
This being the date established to open and consider bids for one motor grader, the Clerk
opened and read the only bid received as follows.
N C Machinery Company, Seattle, Washington - $6,500.00 plus sales tax
of $273.00, total of $6.773.00 for Caterpillar Diesel Motor Grader, Model 12.
Moved by Powers, seconded by Caldwell, that this bid be accepted, subject to examination of bid
and speciftactions 1! City Attorney. Approved.
Councilman Mikelsen discussed a complaint he had received involving the cutting of berry vines
and other growth on private property. Supit of Public Works Givens reported also.
A letter from the Soroptimist Club of South Kitsap County read rem the desire by that organi-
zation to erect a drinking fountain in the downtown Port Orchard area as a public service pro-
ject. Referred to Parks and Recreation Committee for study and recommendation.
Letter of Kitsap County Health Department read rat dwellings below Bay Street east of Harrison
Street, and those on West Bay Street which had previously been authorized to utilize septic
tanks and drain fields. Such sewage disposal is not possible due to the high moisture content
of the soil and the level to which high tides saturate the areas. After considerable discuss-
ion, this matter was continued in committee.
Clerk reported that the Hasarene Church at Sidney and Jones Drive desires to connect to the
South Street sewer and requests information as to best method of accomplishing this. After
considerable discussion, it was determined that a study should be made of the feasibility of
extending this sewer service to Jones Addition dwellings and that the line, when installed,
should be at least 80. Continued in committee with bldg. Inspector Hall to determine "oil -
ability of iasemants, etc. for crossing of private property.
Matter of extension of water service to Annapolis aunexations discussed. Referred to Water,
Sewer and Sanitation Committee for study and recesmandatton,
Bills reported in amount oft Current Expense Fund; $6, 513. 68; Water, $238. 80; Street,
$1,093.26; Sewer, $346.23; Park, $63.86 and Water Construction, $1,04. Total $8,256.87.
!loved by Rylander, seconded by Li". wrt that those bt-tts be atlowed'and Vouchers #1498 -thtough
1526 be , authorised to -be paid, Ate. ,.e +:
Ad od at 1is10 M.
Clerk.J-1 Mayor