01/01/1938 - Regular - Minutes472 payment of laborers and math rialoen. le vas culy inotructed to returp the contract an bond, witK the rpquo2 2 tKat thy c3nzract coply witt Un call for bids, uhic! was tilt is work b- completed by "uZ. 1, 1936, with a penalty of 0000 per uorkinE day thereafter, anu that thn bond co. ply with the laws of tne State of dasniAgtaa. The-Cl_rpresunted Resol;03n in rEspoct to the "iLkway money for the upkee,;, of Lay Street, esi.inatiat that thE allocatioA should be used exclusively for Ve ov- leep of Bay StrPet, Mica resolution was reqnirod by the State AQhway DgDartwunt, W the resolution va s duly adopted, Councilnpn Stevenson, KortoA, Corliss , Cobbey and Tnov;con -,ML in favor of the sane. The mattur of tAe riahly-of-rnV on 0" east side of Whey Street froN Lelcmer to the to7n limito was discussed, aw the Towineer Ptatra tint Ke wouic see if the riens-of-way coo ld be oltain-d in ny ean S!Ge Of the street for an ad6itiOnUl twen- ty feet. The attehoo" of we strrot uncrintennent was can& to the fact that tke con- crute MO Mari& at certain poinzs on Clinn 9trect, 4"r hu otated that ne was _OAL to COCK& the Rtate HiLhyay Dept. aAn lee how nj& it wo;: 6 coat for a black top body outside the concrete ojrfacts, Ln, hewas directed to co"Luct the local siporvisir of the tate KiEhway Dcyartn"nt in rnpqoct Q the coAwtivns at the Standaro 3tutions unct aloe E West Bay Meet. It was alga swuLested tAnt Cne Meet Opt. convact ceorge hrouLhtoa aau "luert luyLon in rusynct to the dralnuEE to :ront Af their jrv2iwv2 on Bay Noreet. Ni 11. Toe Street NocrimndeAt vuo birecte6 to fill n2c s at thn uotton of Poziery The Itrept q�qc rinteAdeat nos far tnar dirciM to co-` act the ownere of the Tex- sco Gas Mllon on "apt My 4tr-at in refcronce zo fixinL tne curb. teeth. T4- Conn Endqeer was dir-ozed to incluop the improve. eAz of Harrison Meet fron, to, --itoay under WPA uolc. The Street Tupi. was aittarized to nrocurn a new Lruder blOdc " nCurifier Councilmna QfvveAson otatm tint Dike MecTric Co. nunsed Mi for lc w fixtires Lt thy town hall and the matter .us laic ovor u•_til zne next meetinn The f ollowina hills uvre gr-ooizod: TtanjarG ail 00; puny AcTson �achine Bko-,, V.h. jal(well Wsey & I. tEPWDil County ROUE Us". &a. nruhann C. widezal Carl Lun6bPr,,, Alvin hovce Vels Lsr?urse---,. lowman ! 7&nforc Awe Motor Co. R.Y. BiWell Carl law2tad A.D. Amer premerton 702cr!e KRZET TUND Uasiline, oil, tires, Lraleop coal, etc. 31.4 dues, At: 1.50 20pnirs %o bump trAc< a"6 Lruder 30.57 O�QnMCAI OnAtl:t 14.88 C'wpn� i0.00 truck driver 15.13 Mulldozi opLra!02 44.80 .-hovel on-rator 23.1) avltinL leac joints is.00 State ULaway vovcnerL 2.10 repair ban, "truce 9.49 chainvoll 9.01) chainnan 6.10 dra5n tile 72.12 303.61 (7 i 473 Verne Corliss i't.Orcl�urc, Inde_oenoent Standard Oil Co. s?orton A,uirn. P1bEr. 1r MealV1 S 1-1pply 7lovr c.'s 77-ar6ilrare Duke .Electric Co. Ho';,e i:iiotor %o . Associated Oil Co.; Pearson & Cra,,� s'nav '7.R. atc-:lart i't .Urc�_aru Inc;e-�eiz�ier�t Richard~ =3rusl. Company Rovic- -'s Hardware :Mill iams 'ardiiare Holmberg �w Ilorman Standard Oil Co. -Pions-er Sand 2: _ravel Co. Chas. R. "Jatts Co. ilowe's Hardviare R.'". Bicknell Carl Laws tad A. ". Carter labor cu.�1 for bids, xater toi.rer base `a s 50 =al. dr'im, key-, frt Ae. pressor' cooker elc c ari cal u;oy;lie s re -pair to vrater truc'�: u }aS, ga s labor G-7IIT FL' I clea.i-u) 'orocl-:i:Zation broo-ms for lee �,iiller =ise. supplies mails mixer ti:.^.e gas " oil ela9tite spray outfit Ian t(—'rtls, :-lob('s, etc. AID -70.:�6 rt ilx e r tine ZIP I:�O.40 czu i;:irt n t ra;is i t aan and-::arrants were ordered dreo.,)n th,�refor. 6.60 , .65 1 .06 21.48 11.173 ", 3.02 4.41 4.96 8.80 4.00 11.68 7.85 6.86 49.50 25.97 56.00 12.75 4.50 45.00 9.00 9.00 12.00 On mation, the meeting adjourned. OR I: ug 23, 1938 i The '2ov.n Council :: et t-pis � ve-�.i . at 7:3J p.r 'resent: _,ayor y>+'1� link and Councilmen _ orto_:, Corliss, Cosbey and The minute~ of the meetin` of iI'a'y 9, 193: ,-iere redo area ap,' roved. Lr. Sloa-i nresente6 Lt lir.,t of 43 na:;ies us possi-ole t.>utro:::is of Lis arbaf,,eCD ser- vice, and he was authorized to co_ j-1denice to collect � arba- e o 1. J une 1, 1938, in the To,r,m of Port Orchard, but it was unaerstood th�-it ._�. �u+::r'�ib�r�er cot;,ld continue to collect garbage under _-is Zvi nj azs au the Council, but tt the 5 4.00 'geretofare paid to Jacob ' i rnber er s-+ould be cancelled. The Street :Su•;)erintende;it re.)or•ted in respect to the cost of fixing, Cline St. with blac'c top, and: the cost would be about '"325.00, and t�_e Matter Was put over for the moment. 'i'he Street 7)uperiatendent reported th&t ne 1-.ad fixed the drai �gaLe i-n front of the Luxton a,.nd .L5rou(1to 1 r)ropr rties, u..ci iacu filled up tt:e holes at tLe 2oot of Pottery Hill.He also reported tl:at the Texaco people ;-could not do anyt_'Ail,; in the r:idter, as t-e curbing: was up to the to.m. he furl?:er reported that he had ordered a grader blade. f 474 The Cleric read a com"uni c_:t i on fraA AM -i ordby, Seen t:'ary of the library Board, nO was duly directed t) ': r1 to to the Library houra, ti tatinE. that they could go ahead and UT up the library room, and that the council would take up the Pat ter later. 'He was, however, to , oate that they should not uo "tiythlnE until,the roof WM fixed, <<r%-ich had been ordered by the Council. The Cleft read a letter from hiss -elen Grclila l in respect to the bridle on } i the Black jack at the fact of Division street, uAd it ':gas uecidtea by the Council I to investlaute the matter on `:3unday, June 5, 1938, at aM a.a., when they would Aeet near _..T' Carcmils ,souse on L,?icht Stre t, :ad Eafterua]rds taCe such Lction as they saw fit. The Clerk brou;:ht up the matter of a letter K ich he laa received fr.)E the Washington Construction hea6ue, inciosl.`_ g copy of letter from nr. i_ockley, ReLion- al Director, Yederal Emvrgenc7 "Ministration of Public '.forks, and the Clerk was directed to write him ;or a fora of application for local and E rant in connection with cull proposed sewer syst s. I The Clerk presented the n1:_t-G=er of f:'1f orcim of the fireworks ordinance, and �1e nas duly directed, In accor we �: , r ce � .- ' ZT (Aa e �11"G�: p&:.�t :.3.'aC;Gi , t�3 have tt;E: arallc:l dis- tribute a . otice that the disc_.arEe of firework: vao absolizely prohibited in the Town, exceat that f it wor4s co:i. 6 be son off froo noon, duly 3, to midi iEnt, July 4th, 193S, but tt t squealers, bombs and tanedus could not be s t off aL any Niue, ana that t7F -�rS: all be duct".Or].ZE.Ci t0 employ =aSSlvtunCex Oi`1 july 3s'Cz «:"iCi 4ti i11 100ki:1E af- ter this matter. The Cler! .as fury er Oir_ cteG to write to the dealers in the Town that the Council consibern6 bombs, squealers and ioryeaos Can,erouv, and ask- ing then to abstain fro!i se1.linE tRe sam . The Clark brou,_"ht up the :latter of ha'1 inC the additional levy e&ection on Primary My i "i 9ppte`."'-tiler, IMA, instead of in V _ latter part of "e'OtC.mber, in vie '', of the fact Kat it apparently would be "uch easier to Elet the voters ant on that date than at a snecia.l election. Te,was directed to confer with Vgar D. Smith, the County Auditor, in reference to this matter, to see if this would be satisfactory to bold the two elections together. The Street Suet. mas directed to procure 4 5 fret of 3 z 8 lumber for curb- inE on �ast Bay Street, and to construct a concrete vu n er anc crossinv Ut Seattle: Avenue on lay Street. the Cl_ k uas vi ected to wrlta .;ohn A. Pattlson, iUl'n .gin- Ginee_r, to see if he coald ii7C. M the strip of gravelled sioewalk on Kitsap. StreE;t, near the .;Tetzel property, uncer the `:j.2.A. i ac,e Clerk reported t'Kat the MOM TelePho ie a lelegrag_ CO. hate tilea a written accpptance of Urdl.nance 437, which had been oily Y!eu in tr1e. Clark's office on nay IF, 1938. r -c= . OAt .s of `' un ul T a" "Must, 193E? the �. It ::a.� dal;; voted that ciur•ilt_ t 'r ,, � � -: Council neetiiE at 8 p.m. instead of V:30 ;.M. The follos:;in : - ills were 'oresentV: 4.5) Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co Port Orchard `transfer Pt.Or. cl rd Lumber Yard Lumber cupply Pt.Orchard lumber Yard Bremerton Concrete Products Iumber Supply Lumber Supply town phones 6.05 2 ricks wood 5.00 lu giber cc nails for tank base lumber, water tank piers r-, lumber L Sails, Day Gutters sexier pipe lumber �IIISICi`! 9`2'11 L.I.D. lumber and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion, the meeting; adjourned. _ WC17 ,7,�RX 46.25 3.12 147.24 23.01 6.26 16.53 I!UYOR June 13, 1938 1 the Council met this eveninE at 8 P-0. Present: hayor• 21emin6 and Councilmen Stevenson, Norton, Corliss, Cotibey and Thompson. .the minutes of the meetinE of Lay 23, 1538, were read and approved. We Hoglund appeared before the Council and stated that if there was any extra dirt on Sidney Street, it should be dumped on 5weahey `street, and John H. Pattison,. tthe `.L'o`iv'n TyEineer, who was present, stated that as soon as it was determined what dirt was needed • for Sidney Street the: extra dirt would be dumped on Swea ref `street. ,0ke- ="oE and coley_ pained about t't";e humps in the sibe.wal o, ane the 1j"tter 11vas re- ferred to the Street and Alley Committee, 406 it oas aLreed that the ;street ana "lley Committee would meet on Tuesday, june 14, 1938, at 2:00 a.n. to discuss this matter. .The Layor stated that he was present on Sunday morninU, .tune : , 1938, to inspect the lirdce across the lack jack, but that ., e was t'Ke only one present. after discus- sion, it was duly determined that JoLn H. Pattison, Town 7ngiaeer, be askew to include this Me the TPA. It was stated that it was thr ouUht that it was necessary to fell a cedar and solace the same across the strea", together with any o16 lumber thaxt could be availed of. f hr. Schooley, the renresentative of the CuicaCo Bridge L Iron Co. spoke to the council, in respect to the labor ^itoation in the erection of the new water tank, and stated .that he thong4t, in all probability, it would be necessary for them to sublet the contract to a Seattle contractor, with YV. Lawson, their 'ormoa.., re ;ainin6 on the job, and sup; rintending the construction thereof. After discussion, it was the consensus of o inioa of tie council tout the Council was aEreeable to this solution of the diffic.alty, a.la that if the tank was not finisted by xuE. 1, 1938, thsY would give clue consideration to the uaivinL of any forfeiture by 47fi reason of t Im- -ei-co-:­ipl (-, t i b" '4 ante. HL 11 e y 'D 1-t '0 a 01: F' ti: er't m'tt��T 'i-f tli'(: nuOeosity of -)Urcr;as 180 feet of 81, pipe, 2 8 11 7.ralves L. iu t:::e iii order t-j pi-o-jerl cw iiiect Lop wi -u'i 'U'Lie cw talik, a"'.6 _ie via-S cu'ly aut"lorized t-o wu L:Ie -possib-le n,:cice, L',:0 to uce Iowa Valves in thle. installation. The ?mq-1 Oub-­Iittlr(� ficurcf, on t­e ties i., tne, Coll,-tj-L).r-t' ()4' o u 1-16 at.. 017. for t­:Ir ijev1 "'Ut t er to?? oy lu- erg, F, _G c ouoci I I diJy a cc e- _ -p e d t h e jo�Cl, anc nt o-f of totall bile, ''.Or' - U: _1'� Ze6 PaITII`�P-, I -, 3. 13, to it t'nP' C-afl of .17 t'L':c'� he, alic , ayor .'IaG L "o to on �.;"L�urs- 6ay, June 193P, L"o s�,e tie 'Ras '3eal't-le to Sti iri 1-That enj�"iT Gut" 'l-lecessury in the t i r) J ot ii j � (1, 1.- o j-1 ?.vas �3' e -,r a c IC 0 LI _0i I IJ tI i "t q 1'.(I_-te of, ti,%c. price of c s arY aL:ta requireo i-I'1 the Lz�pplica tion, Out I w u I C" '-, C Ile nrerar�_�6 to d s L� t �',ie ne:�t of t'-c D U YI c 3, -L �­'n,_ w-re 1presEiced: L. Cookson R. P, arson p . sluc r-Lib e .T. 01ITeill Co. 6wa re cta'lbard %'L'-)il Co. 70 S t e m Un i on Amr. Pllcr. ,- 17tenm 9unnly A.D. Carter D.7 Ste in yd'. TCliance —C'or Co. -L . S) au no e r S c on 1c --a c t 0 1- Mdcaro 'ri6f-e Iron G'06 np 1E: 11. �te Olyn'lpi C 1 1 C'..'L :-' -C i01-11ti 7113 via rd -CO Oper Coi----_ dust r i Tractor �c Tquiot. Co Howets Standard Oil Co ,Tac'cson ,'ac'Line Pt Orc"-IU_ 6 1 tj'11;er 'd Tumber Su-ppiy J'ol-m H. Pattison Xozlels Hardwzirc Standard Oii Co. DImber Supply "Olue L_otor -'o. R.L-1. Bicknell Pt.Orcl:,atrd Yd i,aydyj 7,IUL:,,hes i".1'. Cal -ter Pioneer `-Fnd & GrL-Ivel i "Y f '."ork on ta.-I.0 f ounca�i )II 10 . 4- It 11 !1 6.33 it it 8.80 to 8 .,3b 200 i()-,) -- - ,'lifts 1.72 dI­L"_, o0iiCI, et": for-­O' c 13.87 Ot 0 1' b i 11 G a o 3 1 in U t e r, I 8. M I, J. n - e r i.-II L' CA: 'ba S e 4.00 7.56 .10 01 Oa cc, il,able 4 . 6 b b .,-,I 0 nie 4 9 .17 1C'L u I' G cA: i'c to a G Jy U iu f:,;!) a I R e c'r z, e C . 0 - 2 ?i .-- e x 2.25 cuttinL' i.4ra(,er nal , I F , .95 - L-p a�. oil 36-29 coal, rods, :i its, 5.63 1 i-ber 33.01 1_a,,nber l u1 tF rs j 27 .42 ?;II) -a) . 40 Irt o S F, 4 enLi leerin,­ I'L .00 b)I-s, etc. 12.07 -oil ai­ic; j.L-,s 12.67 1 umb e 1, 2. 29 re -pairs tc true'{ 12.00 1 U, nU'e 1 27 6 2 er i a:-'C " r Lk 41177. DIV13107 STREET (Austin to Cline) LID A.D. CARTBP Bngjneerin�- 8.00 D.E. MY; Enci ne er i ng 6.00 OWTGH! SWRART I.T.D. No. 3b PT.0-RC1--,-hRL Ordinance Appruvinb;Gol,ec0on 11.50 and warrants were praered drawn therefor. 1 On motion, tKe mvetinL adjoarneG. x A FrE 2.B. Flemim, Ynyor June 27, 1938 The Town Council uet this eveniuE at 8 p.N. Present: hayor jleuinE and Coun- cilmen Stevenson, Closbey and Corliss. In the absence of 2&nois L. ApplcEate, Town Clerk , Nora A. Hejry, Deputy Town Clern, took Ve minutes. The minutes of the meetine of June 13, 1938, were read ana ayprove6. Councilman Corlies reported for the Street & Alley ComEittee in respect to Like HoUlunbl, complaint about sibew&lKs aV the conditioi of Gueaney Street, and it was the consensus of opinion that there was no nocessity for doing a"ythinE in the Katter. The matter of water seepinL tkrou,h the Crouno on Prospect St. near Pendletonts wao brouEht up, and Harley jorlon, Water Superintendent, state6 that he was of the op- inion that it was not a main leak, anu Ile was sirecteu to note dili,ent effortz to find the cause of the trouble. Farley Norton, 'Dater Superintendent, reportce on the prices quoted on the pipe and fittinEo required to connect the new an6 o16 wer tanks, anc he was directed to buy the mopt inexpensive kind. Discussion was had in respect to -he parkinC problem, ano the Water Superintendent was direpted to inform the Town EarKal that the Council KVM6 hiPq to c0r.ar.,ience to issue parkinE tickets for overtime porkinE and inoroper pirking on Day 3treet. The Town Clerk was directed to write to the Mate HiChway Department to make sure that the Town Lod authority to enforce this ordivance of the Town. It i The Deputy Town Clark read a letter' receiv& from the Oun of h1wa is respect to rental rates on a newer system, and then precented tentative figures on proposed sys- tem for this town. After much discussioa, Council truly voted to told a speciol meetinE on Tuly A, 1918, at. B,p.m., when sewer nnEiaeers would be present, to niscuss the matter more fully. The Tovn Clerk was directen to write a letter to the Portland Cenent Assn. askins then if ihey could Bend an engineer on sewer systems to be pwe2enl at Kis meet - Doh n H. Pattison, town EAEineer, who wao present, stated tE at he van another en,ineer,woulc aEree to nate up all plans on u sewer system in form gatisfactory to the PWA, anc have tlem completed witKin the time stated by tl,,(-, :g,jA, for the sum of goo; 478 I t In t i f 'L r ' C. "o1.Oj act1 s -c- !..l t 'Giar0uttlC, G!!:- for 7ja o f e t ota cost o f I; e '3 V 0 LZ ',3 a -i 0 A 0 0(' Ue 6 Ui t (2 d n e L e u U t v C r"{ Y. e ad t t e j:' f r J+J- b;a 1,< 2 2:. s C C, G.O. reiLti ve to t Cie 1p U - p B f, t sErlt t 1 e 1-c Ir t c,_, t t S a v] Or I I t L), t i S I t w 0 y.-L't 1 �'- The lerm-,s j. t t -Cl - U r 4 U I t - 1-it ,101A6 Df the ljo,-v wa t e, r 't 6. 1?11 senteb ly Dejuty -Cler,c, the to !Liave co,,�t �b-38, vvL-�icii acce-)tt--6. (,y U,!-,e ;30ullcil. ii a C C 0 I'd a C e V%t i t L e u i C -L I 0i I . , I Lie -tPP U- y Clcr',C r)ii-3erittla u re e - ijti :M Ct 11' Ctu tt!c- 4 u- t e '.2 e, U U r ass T Ll of Of, --,tate .1CCi f re Ut i oil vja _-. U Ui I y . -assed by Gt,.f2 Goulicil, _,O,3b(2y votilll- in fw:01. t-IE:reof. 1)3_f2 S(:!_ �1wn -ii; i 1,,icer r(.201:tjo i I 2 T Re D e p u t 1 �- r' ?� ai-16 C-i to, �AL n, 1 ec, I )a r L a Ct u0 G,-' 01, 0 U-,C 0 2- 1 1, 0 C t r C s o 1 :,1 't i 0 vfa S C,u I y a s 31 c il, y t "i C 0 U) 1 C I OU11GiiT7 ii is, e ve- j 3: 1 0 1, .3 u C'. Co,cbb(y votini- �&v,,)r 41i,:a.n.oL'. t t `�tr(�et Sun-L. reno--t(�6 S c',, 0 a C C ��l ve rG leaf 1, -Ci PI&Ce --rc-cen ,ave -0 1.E a.16 a _-t :L, GA !I-. CUB Si Oil 1.e, %Vu 2 Cil,,,,ct- 'c to re.IEAce Sd v.,it", ]LB1,11 or 241, C0,1cr"tr, 'G:) S best j! i-I tlh(: mi.-I t � F,r . Gporre rJoc-,n vias -)resevz'it, ro Of ._e (.1U­'-1p oLin C i 1 t0 L t ,i t t , 6- 1 i(,_, U If 0 . '2 'Ur y -G vi �k 1-i e t t e i, o u i le 11 G D 1, U . - ., - .1 L - , i '� i' .- t i,- U Lab a 1 0 C t L e a.c 9.6U ri c L'lb� Stec;.: C,�; a 34.b0 U U 13tl,eet na c ei, -e----.t etc -,,i t L� I 'uaqe 100.00 ur tout !u-)Y)ly C 0 . ooncr(-Ae, Virus! s 3.30 -I' 1 - , , - K, e C, t S', I U1, i� e I steel , -b, P3 -Lor tali'{ f -ni� i ,3 n e (,,r4 _USe lb.00 J" 'Tall -ford tc P<., C 4 f i I 1:0 -,a.L -a, o- 1 1h o n e 4 . 50 1� ta 1 , C'i�;in bloc `&y t U, i nL-, --v Icier- 7, r, ,,ren,,,(-,rton oil Delivery Roa6 oil 7 3 1 .,r,) 0 TI a xel, `i-e 0 `44 0 TT). V -1110yd a v e 2_, t iL, 'm unloa(,scow S rLlkr 1. t c C 0 1 a,�D 0 U i 16 l 6 ruA) Z-. 1/ 30 479 Sidney y Street, L.T. �Jf "40 � contiylueu j jolmber[: & Nforr,,iarj mixer time, t ruc:k tir_re 24.7b Pt.Orc'rhard Lumber Yd. cemen t 808.02 D SDI.7 S T)_;T n1,1 7 10 J36 Kitsap Lurncer <c Feed plywood 1.02 Hol•nberr- & Noriian .slixer time 40.50 DE Kt�B ?fit sap Lumber Fieed plywood 2.88 nol­ berL & Norrlan mixer tine 6.75 a .c warrants were ordered ora�,;n therefor. On motion, the rleetin=_ ace„lourrsed. i '. _Aer_lin� , Uayor , ?1?L ,GA'1' :, Tovr12 Cler7c t By., � -�'. D u t �J July 6, 1938 `1"Cle Council met this eve-1-11iiiE 1'il soecial s('ssion �,t 8 p.r'r. to consi er a pro- posed seder system for the ''Drip, ir: accor«a: ce rrit : arxar., et_iezi-us made at the meetinL of t111£ Council ielo (on yjunle 27, 1938. Pre ent hAA:'or' zi'le:ilf1 alU Counc1.11Aen :�tevensoli, C •iTorton, Corliss, oubey aiii� l[;o John H. Pattison, `town _';InEincer, wac _)resent anG tad wit 1 Lim ! f3 W y, a sew- er en[•inee r. :-r. P<attison stated that the State health Dept. wou16 not requireDi u oiw�ro:al plant. It wa-s the: cougensus of opinion of the Council that the sere, develop 'ierlt should be limited to the con,, -rested 'oorti'on of the to--n, a ld routTlly from, Rockwell -venue 1,]e.st to include Pottery Hill, and ragninr 'back on )iuney to 'e1.cl.er Street. "Tt was formally decided 'Ghat a public heari.nLr would be held i i respect to the riiatter at the next meetiii{ of tpLe Council, t •be helc on :Tuly 11, 19,8, and the C"ierk vras duly directed to ask Guy ''letzel, as a6itor of the tort 0r•chard YidB?)e lcxent, to Live due publicitw- i;n respect to tPe nro�sed rseetinE . The followi-nc 'bills ,,vere presented: ,.. ,- -„ Henry -u -cher 10 hrs. wor.c, 22:°os pect leak 5.50 William Br ua - ahn ° " F6 " 4.95 Ri charo odk ins 12 6.60 area viarrants ;ere ordered ravin therefor. 0n motio'i, the rrieetin` I ui'1-1C_a. Vranci� = Applegate, ;ri 1 vrk ylerninc , July 11, 1938 ` Ile Council met this at r p.na. Present: I:mayor Y-ler.liliL: alld Council - Teen '7:teveneo-n, 7%,101-trJ'_'.l, Corl1SS s:7C1 COti t ey. minutes of tho special mpetinE of .duly 6, 1038, were read and c .rode( . A nU"jer of citizens were present in respect to the call for ca general Met - to to 2xnrnsn an opiDion about nw� in(- an vpDlicutinii t(7 the for a nroast ana Ica" or r, tee. er Nyt...... 2r.e .`.uyor pr..ve_Z E:c toe nutter that we i,.a.ca an op,;or .ity to secure rant of 45 and a loan of EL`' pit 4% 1 of Brest , to conotruc l+ d wt:l;ler system in the town, and that a roo _ estinatE had been made of 60to 80 thousand dollurti for a oe':I- e:'r Mick voulo cover from Rack ell, west, includi e Mdney out to nElctlm Cline Street and Po.tery Yill. it :;as estionted toot it could colt Q1.00 to 3100 per residence ice ic.r :iontii rental, in order to pay the loan off in u Duriou of a bowt 22 years. TV consensus of opinion of the meeti_hL `.4"as hat it woold to Mee for tie %+7':'n to avail of this opportu Aty, but objection wati v)icea to tar fact tKat w rsons who aftF:i'wards con- nectel Flith tAP cE'wer oystai woulo not 'Jay their Droper proportion of the cost t!her-of, aM it was uY1C'eroto& t nt in franint t c pr• mince roper provision s': oula to mace Mt people sa; oequentiy to ninE in on the s-ner should guy for a ;art of the co.•t of the tru_h t tower. & s w«7.1 as for runninL in outlets for vunant lots. It was finally decided that it was wise for the Council to expeno the sum of `' M for prel iminory e hnineerj nE esti -rsies in order t _ :t a proper agDlicatiun could be m,6e to t'hu 1 1k, if, beinE ua6 rstuu6 that the coat of We enEinceriuL would be 000, Mich would be a plied on account of tl e total, e h` ineerinL will if the ;roj- Ect was accepted and the Eraot uAd loan mude Q t ., _ I , total enUineerinL an unicil woulo be between i J . nu 7 p r 2ent of the total cist of the project. John H. kattlson, tLe Ava _,nLiHeer, and M My, Lis caosiciatQ, ve're :,`rest z, and tnFy were directed to ii".vcci< tely rii.ka this prGl1Y_inary survey, so as to be rE'uacy to put the application in at t'_'2c eur in t po sib.ic moirent. ` ll-, ; Cl,, rk read a Atter "_'ron the 2airbanks horse Co. statlnL t'iut thuy Would "Ive QJE. 00 for the olo pump, f.o.b. 9eattl . !he Water Supt . stated t} ut tLe pres- ent motor could JE _Nailed of for runni'nf_ &not'rher pump, and be was cult' cirected to order the necessary ']arts, to that we would have a fully eq_ Sped pump as a st red --by. I :,arley Arlon was also uireeted to ask Omar Vaq ee if he would not dump his 016 auto bodies at the foot of Aredericc Street. The ;'lers was 6irected to `;trite N .C. lorthe , _'own—urs..al, to i J c:':'E'aG an6 enforce the traffic ordinance in respect to Bay Snreet, iY1. o rued so the i ouncil l":as adviFed yyr t''tl- rtatE HiEhva. icy t. that the town a6 jurisdiction in rLagect to Loars s of purti'.L, etc. The follomin, bills were presented h.... Jackson Lolmber. ` & A crma.1 rtanVrd oil Co. Hu, 4ey Octernin Harley . .Gorton Verne 0orliss coal and steel 8.34 Las, etc. k?.84 mixer time '7.50 t as 43.44 repairs 00 Grauer 16.2F) pL:troi duty j my arc .. 4th MAO .r 10.30 481 PuF- et �.-ounc Nelys Go . rowe I'Lot•or Co. Tacoma Supply Afarn. Pl`bg. & :..tea*_i'Sun-ply Vifi11iams• iiaratsiare . Carl. Lal,•�stad Holmberg « i•lorman � olmber€ J orr;an Standard{ ")i1 Co . Carl Larrstar Bic'_Inell j Tames R . Patt i s on Donal6 7% f .tei n A.D. Carter 0'r;e Tuiotor Co. Vlil l iamo Hardware ` 1- ov c' s Ha rdv;are Peartion Crawohaw' Ho,�ie's Hardware Holmberg & Norman James R.• Pattison Jackson IZuchine 5n5p Do nal a -7-� . r t exi n cler'<_ts office sap-)Iieti 3.60 repair:; to r)ic':, up 21.63 I«eters 'hose 9.48 f re i f h.t 1.30 snove1 k1.70 e_l iiieeri iL , ter ta- 9.00 KI*2-.,-L2 S21YR"ET LL.I.D. r41 r:�il_er tine 4.50 9 -'R� ET L. T.D. #40 mixer time 12.75 :' 1 7.57 e:: ineerin__ 18.00 engineer1nL 6,00 e ni2- in e e r i ri &,--33.00 engineering 24.75 engi ne.erinEi- 8.00 reuasrs 50.59 nails, hose, etc:. 13.75 globes, lanterns 2.25 tc. 28.09 1ariterns, hails 16.90 ]1,TVT:>T; ., X-,.Y1SI �_, _ C3:I= :�) T:ID i"km mixter ti::e en';ineerin grates en: ineerinz; anc warrants v,,ere ordered dru,mn therefor. per_ On r2otion, the meet �E journec. An "r 6 .75 1.00 10.00 2.25 July 25, 1938 =he T'o-w-n Council met -thi'- at E. p.m. Present: i ayor 2ler,inL and Coun- cilmen iTorton, Cosbey and 211ompson. The minutes of the T:ieetint- of July 11, 193€3, vrere read a:Ld. ap-11roved. Councilman Cosbey brought up t'tie r_utter of the fact t �t C�u t Lindquist wisYaed to put a cerient sidewalk in f ro It of his ba'ery, and Eye trishea to know in respect to grades, specifications, etc. , and after discussion the, Street Supt. was authorized to fur As11 a sketch and specifictions in respect to his property and other property atirn- ers on the noi.ti_ side of Bay Street .A o raiz ti t be i iterested, and in case of need, to employ the `ho�rm ono-ineer i�i respect thereto. The Clerk reported that the County Assessor stated that tine assessed Valuation of the Tot n for the year 1938 was "p3lg,471, an increase of some '9,000 Over 1937. The Clerk also reported that V e Street Pxoject submitted to the 13taie Highs^gay De pt . t.ad been duly a-,pprovec by the Dept. The follovAn bill-; �-aere presented: Pacific Tel. &- Tel. Co. txL. •..BRA. � �i���l, '�ayor's, phones 5.20 482 jeylry Doyle Richard AIrcills Tacoma PlbC,. `',u-pplv Am j�n . P1 bE, t eanm 7Z un'-ply �'a i rb a n1c s o r e & Co Pacific '2r,1. 'Y- '.el. Co. �t.Orchtzr6 lumber Y6. IiiElmr."ay qui-t. :+'Und I. urnb e r B I' e rl'e r t on Y Pt.Orch&r6 _unC 'Jiloer 1't.O1c'.,lur6 Street Glen Jilcer R.1, . Bickii-ell Pt.Crc'-,_-i-d Genc.ral AuiCj F_ Gl--n �ilo-er v,.,(D.rk an, water punly), etc. 1-1 V-1 3- T) -1 L. I I t unions, lls, cock: T1_; 1 _ImI r , L, e I j.1m er, na c 60 bblo. rood oil T '7T :'3 6 reira)ursea Z. T.D. , -37 f 0 r e r gates E.YiLirieeri r i E ft �s 0, r e , i,r n C- e r i I -v tu -4-1-1 ne C, I' i Ili--' Iumtev Su-0ply i1r;foer,nails Chas. R. "I'atts CuY_-L-­' co­i0ou 16, '�-tr,,:et 2und e i n i - ouy,Ge for t3m-,-. L :_-tbvt. Ptl.crcl--=,rd Iuyn�er Yard cer.ent 1. D. #41 Glen Wilder ­-ineeriiaLl and warrants viere ordered druvm t'aerefor. On MctiXl, the rieeti.-,.: a '0 r,"� 10.4.. 2.20 0 18.60 11.46 3.94 1.00 1.38 21.38 40 12�- .0 0 6.00 1.5-00 31.48 2c,-.00 6.00 19.7-7 Z.00 1-11-30 47.30 132. r121 0 787.bC 16.00 1 _U,�Us-rs 8, 191_�;8- 1- t Y c) r c LIL a ri d the 2 ov,, n Council m e t t ai s i at P1' t-- X Oe Counci Imen 7 te ve n 2: 0:1 "Orton, 0 a�,v r p eac E"'Id. -C; T f ul 19 3 t re t ct c on F, ol t e 6 �,v` tr the Town 1'rir I r Uout -et pia r e,� o i t(6 Q 6 lee front o '_ Dl u , is I i 6, all th4_7 t %vas le e 6 e pj:,oDej, boJL16-in!__- I i nc, to Curb. -1cil iyl r('spect to -uttin.­ in uppealce<., i�-Iore t`l;� the alley a6,jjacent to his proP)ertj, a t,,,:-, 1-e Put tult-ie alley in sl pe !rjj. t,,rl in the next t,::ro or three Jo- n 11. Pattison in rr,,-snect t3 __rs, itoLL,!�.y cores lti,i id'L about t1le conditiorj of t1jt.7- ,jjr-­r b et%ri �veei �-ier la ac 1_rs. ,j u, i c� e r t,-:,, t e G t 1`1 t h e .�! o 'j la 'v e p u t s a o e T, le Z k C I e 1- -.,c e --I -p 1 - C- o e Y I L (.1 A !'O:L I,,! i u f OV' ill� 10 C L ir,aprove-."ierit (,i.—Iricts; 483 Division Str�et (Sidney to Seattle) sidewalks, curbs a -_au g utters, 1•I1) "36; P.e:alb `street & Seattle Sidewalks, curbs `utters, LID -r37; Division Street (r.usti.i to Cline) sidewal-Cs, curbs anc gutters, LID f38; Ki.tsap Street ( Seattle to Roc,a=ie1J.) sidewalks, curbs and• `utters, 1lIZ # 41; VlhiCCi wdre OrQeSeQ p.LaceQ do file. '[Ie Cleric tKen pre ,e''Yteu resolutions for the -'near- . ii1 on these asse.smeYlt roi-�s on Sept. 12, 193�?, at 7:30 p.m. r:.a p ic. ., l reotions 1vere duly severally adopter by the ";ouncil, Councilmen "teven,on, Uorton,.Corliss and Cos - bey votinL in favor thereof. The Clerk was d. ly autilorized to wri to to the C icaL'o :-ridge L Iron Co. that the neti^r water ta:�'k hGd been accpeted by tie Council. The consensus of opinion of the Council •,as that for thie tire beinC,, while he firms busy, the ';rater 9upt. si-lould devote '_1is tide excluoively to the water, until the further orrder of the Council. Ei`scassion was hao a'Lo It providin a:ic, shLed o:'i the `:later tan!c lot;, and the same arras referred to the Council for investiL,'zition and takinL a iy action at the text meetinE. The, Council discussed tiiCe i.gattes' of a - arb +e 6ui?i'J and d:idiu- the Nu--6e;ted sites were: �t i_elcher Street; a Lulch oil the first road runYliYiL' edt;t from ;iuliey just South of the town limits; a:16 t'vie apace on 1?re6erick Street between furs. Coiien's &Ila 84teven- son s-'urntiture Store, and t, e Clerk was duly directed to write the Council, calling their attention to these sites and also to investic ate the po,,sible loacation of an ecquipnient shed at the water to k . John H. Pattison and Z:.'°:.8. fey appeared before the Council with dntd in respect to the propoeed sewer syster. '} ey stateu that the sewer system covered practically I the entire town, eicept :11itcliell ilill, a-jd that the estimated cost was -';?158,592.00. Af- ter discussion the Council 6irected the: calling, of u special r�eetin to be held next _ °-onday niht, ''ugust 1.5, 1938, at 7:30 p.m. a-r the ' g_Owl) fall to discuss the data fur- nished by -the Engineers, the public to be present. The Clerk presented 0rdirla lce J-4o. 439, callinrE, for a special millace election on Sept. °12, 1938, which, on motion, arras duly adopted, Council.rien `>teven.son, Tortorl, Corliss and Cosbey votint, in favor of t e sa:. . fhe electionx officers mere: Inspec- tor 1,.T. Harris; JuuL,,E , ana JudLe, iurti. 1-dit i i'. Munzelman. The Street Suet. was directed to rer:,iedy the condition of the rocks at the foot of Sidney Street. The followinE- Gills were -presented: .T. Harris ',alph Pearson Dick Adlcins 'W i . I'ruhahn }ienry Turlber• Supply Standard. Oul Co. airbarsks, 1 - 0 r s e "o. Ho�Rre' s Hardware 110vie ..-otor Co. Kittidp txuto 'reit_i t i Duce Electric Co. labor, new tank 3.85 labor t«nk 26.40 labor, new ta_1'c, water tud 40.70 labor, new tan•c 34.65 typias meter books 5,40 2 sacks cement 1.73 L.ati 01 i n e 2.87 sct fltt.nL.S for 'r' t,im'] 91.00 union, hai1:,.;:r 'ianoic—s, etc. 2.26 re;pairs to pick-up 2.78 freii;ht on nui_,ilo 4.37 �;uUrc, ;_'loge, locknuts .68 y'ciir'L`anc , Cr'tiF, & Co. "'clir'Oc.�Ks _.:orcFe .-. vo. Pacific ':V tevroi'cs ',apply 11ia-,S iTar(IWaZ'e Co. -ureell ',o. Amm. "IbL-gtea-._ ;p^ly Lu'.ce Iec^,ric C•0. l'Sinerl ur'een, ITTc H,,::' Tlav,e . 01yuiric Iron �• Qc: i �Es,. Le,Xa1.b `'Rattle LID '�37 T.' A", (continued) r s Yi' x on pump 5.170 L0untinc�, purn-0 91..90 ` basic pum-0, 1 ss _�iti:il� +Ei.00 valves, noxxes, tees, ''lu': 1 .27 sIzovel.s, �:tu::ps, uTlion, etc. fre1i€ 'nt oil trade-in -pump pipe, pI[I, f tee, ti1F.e%To ;c51.22 cutter .39 libra-r", l ii l:t s, 010•)e , ( "n or 33. �0 asOl�.Yle '7.0`, 4.00 t: r'Icterrit�,a f'>`,C LiE d.leyr 101.34 1:ctCa1 b ca `,eatt-e I.TD ;'J37 for' 10an i; -3 r'is C. Livi ion :.treet I.I� .3 "6 foil "Yu 'LErIc-:iS, :tC. lf].brr i't.Grchcai.•O trr- t 2'uild truck reel-4:::1 0 Jciin H. Pc--6tison {:i l lilt IIb 00 pt .C.rC'f:V'l.'6 !�-tr•E`c t 'u.n6 trU C':{ I -feted 4.5o T_.:. Glen 'ilc, er• ill it eri :( E:.')0 E. GI r-:n '.'il6er e_i ivT.eri'z, rise: e,lt x 01.1 8.00 Jo}.ri ! . PG, tti�Qn ! rl�•"iiiF'E'r1Yl` l�•U� :1: n ''ii1_cer e"i inr�r!. 2.00 Pt.or'c'iar6, Street _r',z="iCz true{ ('T2tai 18.00 John H. Pc �ti=orT :.c;iYl eritis 60.00 John 11. P-: ttis--)n eYlr;i:Ieeri1-1, 30.00 Divisi0 1 Strept I -II: ;i r'].c:,iS, CtC. 4F50.66 Holym iL ToJr. : aia 'i011'ic;erE' I;ori:�lz E .T-. I loyd Wilk ins-LursFa, Il.Lc. ,�tanoa:L-6 -i.i �` ). V. Ca16 e11 Kit.,L. t ut0 '-TrE:i.. it t= 1,uYILer ~,apply HQ',::; e I s 6 we . Hove 110-tor Co. t r UC t? IiiE_ 3i C'r t11'; t ru C? r`- ntal a s of ine Pearl U,il. 10 0 f t. 'CIO s f:: 1 l-t; nu 1. on vOlil-�a, L1'ei at lur:lbei' 1 ittF"P'irsfLb� tC. xc-o«ii•s t� true°cs an, v:�;rr:_,i t: E rF orcPY ,c, c: �'�..a., t;a #iF_ c JJ.J6 54.00 '34 . ; 0 J✓U Jw70 a.50 2.24 27.13 �4.67 2b.53 f �iUj"LIE: t :ib, ici 38 -purEUua-lt; i;0 no-no tilE' nr'Op0 E Q E'z.'Fr' ,�y 0 r Ct . I:"1 a.CC;^.:lG_i:.Ci; F11.G_."1DtiC , 1.VE'.'li, c. 1 • 't'_�� �,ex", r1't1£-_ E);. x1��L.E:ilti�' `:'i�i;:, �rf;S:'1t �.:t tl'E.' City` 41Iall, vi-!ne--! thi? Mce.tiYT�: C_"l. Pre s1�!A ItcY01' 21--iliE_ ct'IQ COuncili_e-i `'teve..so_"l, 0i10", carE -ison. �fl iIpr i-t1 �01, �i:�' i,- ,.'_'Yl �i:__-,-'�-Sr'(-'Stwl ��Cl i; :,� Uc:i ci 1?1 L•c.�.}c:CJi, tJ `G :.e ,�J c:',•'i- er prJJectu" ['_J'. l:L` tip CJ: t E. LJU", i �i, 1CA �li;ai; C', 485 b;, :� LveraC. r,e r2 1t.T. to the ordinary 'louseholder of • :1.5() per riionth. II stated that a canvass of tine had been rlade L�:ia t?i�:t wI--ile the total .:Quad .•oe 472G a. rie:CmontI,, the t o t a I rev2liue t,iouIa uc %48.00 p, xr montcl, Liv:I.:1L a iotal of about per _nonth.. iLn informal dote was t iiEll, V!ILIC(I 24:101eG 14 LOx: a"-I(i 8 ciEc�iil:;t, but all t .ose pretieYlt' V.:ere nj-15 re 'resenlec.. 1.'1 aucl-1 ll2iOri::lcl Vote. TLe citizems 6iscussed tYie r`iattel - ro and cc-n, and fi:-iaily CQUIICi1_`lati '"J'O'`1.ies .lovec. t'lcit ctn applicc:6ion be sub- •nittce: to the ';vA,in res pest to t}le project, �, .'lic" 1::��tion �-ra s culy eeo'ndeu ana tide mo- tion duly carries, Councilr3ea1 c,orlitis" c,o bey and iixp2on votinL in favor Of the same, ano Councilman s:Q1'tO17 votl7.:-LL a ain t. .1ne "ayor Ce:clarec: the :`.lotion duly C 'rIEG• •il } he Street erupt. prF: erl;.cc t1:--c.tt,-r t'i.-;t Pa. for Gils.ispie o-_ the Gos;�el `'a�b- ernacle desired the side- allc raitiE:;d in fro --It o�' ti-e cr:urck, but t�,e r_idtter was coati -a - Lied wits- t'r_e vi-oug'nt that tI_e sU= to s'_ould fill iii —Bay street on the Churc _ side so a to conform to the proposed raised sicle�✓c;'.{. The fi ollmr;inu bills werr, presented: Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. -- Reliance I-otor Co. Pt.Orchard Lumber Yd rsi:..al's phones gasoline zi]`i:Y S'.L}U-E`i' 7:.I.D. FAO cement - lumber and warrants were ordered dray.n therefor. n Motion, Francis j Apple 4.85 6.90 792.86 d 7 r A65 +' Fler_.inL:,, I.?dyor :.u�ust 22, 1938 The Council 13Ct t'!is eve -Lnj a t8 p.ni. Pr( --sent 112zy'or JleriinL anti Councilmen Steve!l on, !orton, :;osbey and .ollpsoll. T1- e •l "5 1� f_ p f l i 1 ine ninut �s o:E" the :_'1:_etii7�; o. .�u�. �., . �s, ie�:.: r�ad <:;:;cl �:�)�ir�Q �c.a, aiia tii ii?11.3t '"a of t le special raeetivi-- of "uf . 15, .1936, 'were -react and aj)�)roved. The matter of t}le se,.-Ier was tale,en ul) uric, it ^liS x'e_,)ortea viat i)(,titions were be'inu circ'_3lated in the Town acainst the se`iPT' project. Tie flier'{ -,,,vas directed to formulate a letter to the propel-ty ow-,I,ors o_ the `i'o :ri, as'{inG t?.1at t�:.ey express al -I o-pinion in respect to the tiewer, by mari{in�. a ballot to be inclosed in the letter, ballots to be opened at the Council I.eetiriL, Q!l Sept, 12, 1938. The Cl: rk presented re solution uat .orizini the -`ayor• to file and ApDlic_ztion for the svywer project, :and thr , T.Jayor and and To%,m -:n5,ineer to fur- nish such data as mit7'ht be re:.Iuired by thkr P',IA, which resolution was duly passed, Councilmen Stevenson, vQT't01;, Cosbey a .a 1"t"1rJ1'r1'pson votinr:; ii1 favor Of the sa.xe. Ifs was cult' ceciuea by t..e ;aouliciI to use the ti:trcet e,lu betweelz -.-rs. Cohen's r c. e r b a 6 urn 16 ~tore a-.,.,c t �� veii so�-i Zu rn J- t 0 G t3 --�v lr�, f-) ,ITILZYI l-e 7,-rect 7)6-t. wa-- directed ',,o 1(-,,Te.-L C 10 p ot" a- L o 1 r 111, c u I in 2 5 10 d c ro girt at t' i c n o 1) 10 c f or j c J- --c t C) 1� cover t'!,- L,.,-arbaEe. e 1' i-� r 6 r r,�- C 6 0 1 DU i fy a,16 u Geol-c-e zl— ccllectors )- I Lm.-a rb, a, - e o cecz-,,,'P fa? s-:'Or,dAC aium- Y, Uoe t :� Co:, -q c Street 13 u wa s a I � o 6irecteb to off al(; c,-'-cb-- UJ,Li,ip uiu -)u -u U,:) s II to Vr,,,� cf ect t:,:St t?ae 0 C o u n c i LML� 11 C o b i a s c, A 1 111 j I Z) t L t i 0I s ]L'c c a -A u Z-�u 1 T - e I -, - a,-, C. I V e I- t s t L�� TI I C C C S,9:il'y to Iloto-,., i.i 15�'ie br a,)� .0") ..t''r t r ,I C,r, 6 t III t t !-I c G. r 1r v; C.. 1, JOG, v., C, u, d 0 %r f- 3: -)r 2. o c 0 i s -ed to 1, f S(,-jt-6 ,T I n 11,--1, t t i n bOO . ,)0 I F a7T C-1 1 r.1 c t i Sri s u I L i,� � 2.00 j P(-- t cr On vota 'or tea 2.81 R. Peal "301 ox. n- 2 r0a,r Oil C1, U.L e t e r !?L11-c(:111 Co. f I � I ., I Lt�.0 i 0 L, I B 2 71 Ti, -:%va�tcr -Issjc. -il Co. a 01 i 1 41.1J -1dard Oil Jo. a s :) I i "-I .80 40 rd Oil Co. 42 o u n 6 TiL e- t c-, r s c . t>il 1C o . C.ase '6 . '734 I- r: fj t 0 %-1 T,.q 0 t i -xi t e, t i A71 -Lyol 71r C S n C) u,1 I C z -7 1 1 -, t 7 1 A, t, E. -Cre "Le lit r u -!.I C - e, a T, I - J 01* t 1) 1 D Pi s f t h Em f :r a 0 LAIla ovec a; s, i v;a D r c e hill- -3 .L U :;:C U1,2CL,,,3seci C, (Matt'r C)C ( 'Di u 1) f 0 1' 1 L S kU U �3 2 1 C U -6 own Ha 11 It s, it�i� iy c i d e 6 t 1, A t';�- -C, c 1 t t Y. -,-3 u ) - -,, , a G 0 r i V C fe r t -U L3 12 ',j 0 A c D I L; c 0 u 1u- te t tc 11 :u -1 IG at u 0 -0 t ne�ir -1--le 'o, :1 ' -or 0, ) r 1 a a :r ana -mi 41 nt e f n, r it, E- Ics. 487 �� .Tobin 1. Pattison ''tateu that tu-'Ie i'l rst block of tle �otte,-r-1 k %,jas laic out to L--o on tine ea,��t side of L--p street, but 11-4t� 2:ecoj, U y1d C 0 tliat it start on tile ,uest side of t-.- Street. It . aaS L. tie Council woulo v, i it the, Jill e of the si6pliva11.c on e6'.nes6a- niCJAU, --Dez)t. 14, 10,38, a-d decide about the i-iatter. d 0 o u n c i 1 in a n Cosbey '��eatGlc- Sown -- in o"o-le -�roparty South of tol.1,,i, --for a Cjarb��, (jutj but 'rka6 11.),L y('-L a2d froni h i r:i It was repol-ted tliat it would be -necessary to -,)!At in '--o�me piiing- to hold the garbaCe d um-p beti;me-n !7tr he.-nls o-,,-i S aid C'one"! ' s st o:, e , a- - U � -U;-'ie Street Sui)t. vjLts direct- _i ed to at -Uen(" to t1l10 is -V:lell as ai.-i-ple oir6 -u,) (.,over ti1(2 du,'r,P). It renort:A t-at -6hc-' ul"til occu-yim" ti--e p.-)perty was not )Yne dL1rinL-; t1re day, ct=7G it wac reconi;,Iended -1E,1!ut be as'ced "o reitove on or beo-fre fDv. 1, 12.38, ana t�,at thlace b)ccunied 110rtol' relt, litit 2% ic, ate2 free. The cl:-ri.�as iected to as!c t'ne r.?ydto so vacate. It was also 6,-,cid(:- Q that aft,r harle-,,If J'libethe e I '�OrGo' n 1.1oved into Vllse P-er' s that Or a d�: e used to tit ore 7-3""'I c- (A --I -it. -�'n e C 1 2:-k r (- p a r t e a that t" C ma i 1 V0tE oil �It I (- s, EC 2 'Pr -,')o i t i ) Y i iia -o as f ) 1 i .Against 190; ri,t:,,-, for 6 4 2'5 4 ThAe Council -,iaceCi itsel-f on record in j:,ef(-,2:-Ejjce to L said vote in t lia t i t :_ only be i j-,-- vial t ca-rrly ou t the wishes of the -people of the town, 's'.nd t'nUF rllV(-� t�le-� 01pol't'j-1i�Y to POTPij of t- A 2 n t U PW r a. - 6 lowl, if they SO W1 S'C-ted , 5--id wi 4L'no u 11 any f orce t'he issue t1-rou,-Ov.. 11 � Cal e rk wa s U aul- autjiorized -I.-o notify O.C. 'HOC',Cle' tlYlr,' PWA t?E,+ ill vieW of tviis vote the Town i'-:ould itsapplicatio-ii for a slelver fir, nt a-.16 I o a -n 1"his ;gas the venin[,, for V, le on the �'inal rolls of t' foi- 10 W lat- Oistricts: Division `-', t r P- e t {SidY t 1 e} LID T'3 6 De-:a'Lb & Se.a t tl e ll vent ie ID Division Street (Austin to LID #38; Ki'tss-o Street (Seattle to T.TD ,�41; uno no ane was pre.sent objectim: to the -'ame. Tlac Clerk ILun read t"lic f o- oLqijl.,, ordi- nances: CA,dinance 441; ap� provini--,- assess'r.ie-it roll for -local Imp:L-)vejrl(..-lt District 36; Ordina-rice 442; approvini_-, a&Eess-lent fDr I-ocal Ii',2j)rove1ieit District 37; Ordinance 443; approvinC. assessnent -roll f or Local T,-.,I, - -tr-C 3 L - pXovement EiIj i t 8; Ordinance 444; approving assessnient roll for Local IM-Provel.,lelit District, 41; mmk i --qL-- the assessments heretofore levied accorclin& to the ass(�ss , -ieiit rolls as filed a lien aE, -ainst the properties s,,)(---c--',fied in said ojrdiri-Ince,,q wer E, severally duly adopted, Counc'ilrnen Stevenson, 'Torton, Corlies, Co -bey and ",Ioln—.,ml votirlL in favor t1nereof. rs. 'L�ilman made a-p-plic, tJ;)n to 61tl e Council for j3erLli:j i0l'i to 1101 eetil of tne Gurley Creek Garden Club a-t the -aii a.i(i -i„intain a c,,qpboard wit?l books lcherei',I, a.nd V(-e natter was referred to trie 'llibrary �Joarcl for Lictioll. --.vas preseill� al -id coni,)Iaia7-ed about all open 61 tcl - oil tIhr� north side 48N Of i�i v i o i Y, o'n 'C'! i -I et 3 �i tf I (: "t r (? C, t 5 u'.'t . wa -_ a -- '_-Cec U ) at t e., I C. J Tt"C; -I e L -1.16 t"nr" CIe, srruo directed t n ot if-%, t I I e f)rOpe r%V 0'.-nic S to at -up' no Z I _e next, I. ee- i. !IE of �:, 12 . . - -.) - tl 4- t h l t:) t EL t 'rl e -lu- t, e 2' o f, -,)JU i _1 a- I Q. '� 1 C L 1. on - - -, - L. U. I C,, C 0 -F* t a' I t t i I I Q it w J tl l ci t -u "t. e :'> '6 il LA '6 _i'_l 1 i S f), C u I I, t U,, `11& t e I iu riy _:Di' t :) 'i re Or t G u i a -I. I e Q a new motor iii ciis truc'< at Lk co,.t of o,Jer .101).01). -t e d t 3 b t y t e e, f t ?i e C" I e r-, � "'Ira 11� () 1 :C __ LC i,,,&l'c at t`_e 1OLliltaln nr000rtv. T t was dal led to the atteYlt on of -.1 �11C`L 1 -15 ft e +.�,ivi s i oil of " _Luni C mpal Cor-Poratiorts xx ruled t'­iLt t"-,(- town -,ad lio ri,_`rt to fur_ii:i_ cltiurcl;es wit'! free y e - `n�, t 'I a t wa - -IT � t 1. rent 0 1" 1 0 e r -1 a 11 t V.; C) C- "L d I C11 I ar{ EG a i 1-1 t oyl after Oct. 1, 19,` '_2 !-� e a s e c, e s r -iin,' -t",at tlie '2own �;�-c notlr to CO itj­j to - Cj:, )y-OC)rrt -xb,- L;n is -.cent o%,,IE,r k'_LU' (Iel' %'1100116 be 'L 0 C 01, t`iC, n-tter. U `0 directed to irlc 1 de as resit i ;oG a "I'mDx i"''Tli._ t U I y 0 C o LIIT_;. t __ 13 L4 TaX YI 1-4 i C vita about i1 1 ) o Li -i From 19 3 8 ".."');J16 to Z-,� cF 2:. -, D-L, 1"'10 i'r) o, 1: 1 1� G S - 0 U 1'i3 lu - u Salary, lectAC LiL..tinL, S et, -'5')3 : L 1. r" C f 011 0�v i nc b i 11s ,7cr presented: Ric�fielib Service il , 4-: a , 3 Lie tc b -) - 7"? I . - e" 'o .�=s:):Line, etc. 41.51 T I , 0 �., e I t t C) r C a . etc. 1 . 12 9 Lurdb-r Suply c, e i.,., e i -i U T(L:� r 1 .33 olyrupic "Vor",cc- nuts 3.57 T,ret-aerton Oil 1'.elivery oil 130.60 Georg.e _i?lanc,-Iard cio-,, i for F­ti:-ee+u 1.00 E. Ciei- t7il6er ield 'nook for �3 t 1, o t 32-00 27,,'r e me r t o .i C, o Yi c r e t roducts r b o x c s 36.00 Va-,tiri 11jericen 45.10 Tacoma 1'c Sur, I i 1-1 c ad ;,-2 . 6 8 r r p _p- t" va­ve iron 4.39 0 lym, p i 0 Iro."I on 1qaL­3C tla-.1", t C 15.60 1,0" TL'otor Co. i 1-s U r) 103.07 Ge o rr e E1a11char6 --iclor 41 Van ',Waters _'�o,­:ers b Pt.Orciiard I11der)ende-_,1t LL r 1�1-CIIJDlt, etc. 41.70 i,)ly.,-�,-ipic Ir�xn I-ICS etc. 10.66 Du __cc 7-1 e c t r i c -"j'o c I i D L; e s 1.90 io­uices of clect-on, etc- 20.00 1-irlber Su-pply I u iia`� e r 17 .01 T' T.'-. "0 41 't.:- I'arc rld 0 -0 ' C T e.­i(:ent oil 9.40 All r cl. P t -iard InCe-ae-,16ent lution 9.3-1 r -3 1 j. L 7, Pt. Orchard Indene.ndent resolution 9.45 11� "'Li" 3 111717._ I i P_ 37 resolution 1,,) 20 489 '0' .11 r rl L.I.L. .o. 39 � I ;�.D. Carter Carl Lawstad James Pattison l:r. rilson H.?'. "ryant James R. Pattison .&.D. Carter Bremerton Concrete Prdo. Richfield Service Standard Oil Co. Holmber& w Norman Hussey a Peterson Pioneer Sand & Gravel Olympic Iron ec I;iac'ni r•ie Jro,,eI, Hardware 7. Lloyd !Yilliams Hardware Lumber Supply Holmberg ec Yorman Pt.Orc'ra.rd L,Lzmber Yd. enL,ineerinL ►l it f, fl I -I . 1'0. 40 e:lgi�leeriri� sewer �)i-pe E as of Lie . oline rail er t i r_ie , truck t ii,: e piston, ring— j,istalled, etc. Banc, a1,1G rC,tvel bl�. c'�srli t'Yl coal nai L, fi l -S, -Ac. ircuk tiAe nails, spout, etc. nails, shipla-.;, e'c. truCc tl"ne 1,000 sa cer_1eilt t' Sr' lumber] and warrants were oretered crmun t �er.efor. 8.100 3.00 32.00 5.00 lb.00 12.00 4.)0 5.25 3.29 45.99 92.25 74.61 24.46 360.00 4.00 15.16 24.50 7.35 6.89 y2Q4.755 r! r_ J . 3 The bill of Glee ':lilder against the Sic:nev .street LIMP :?o. 40 for en- &JneerinC�• on the Cookson vial1, in the sure o� 1F .r)0, was ordered ''tie Id up renc..ing further i r,7eMtiEation t.le-reol. On mention, tl meetin1 was adjouriic;6 to "ieranesday 14., 1938, at 7:30 p.r.i. topass ticte bucuet for the year 1939, su1hj act to the millaF ,.lection to held ar pt . 13, 1938.1 �. �. _,le—,.ljnL'. , 1'eiayor Francis ,.1. p1e ;ate, ;n C1 Septernber 14, 1938 the `sown Council raet in s-pecial session t}-.,is `venintt , pursuant to adj ournraent of t'^e meeting; of Sp��t. 12 , la: 8, to �r�ss u�or� tli�- budE-et. ?resent: �;� yor i�'le.nin�; and CounCi1'nen Steve—,so-1, ?'Torton, Corl'iss, Coti:bey and i') Ori13sC)t1. l'he C I e r1cpresented the buf_4 et as made u-y for the year 193:=, and after discus- sion it was duly voted to adopt the sa 1e as Made yap, COLUICilrleil `)tevC: is a.-1, ' Orton, Corl iss , Cosbey and I- on son votin in favor th.eY'eof. The -f:,.atter of runnin,, the first stretch of the ].'ottery -iill sidewalk on tile east or vilest ,ide was discusser, and after cue co--isideration it was detf:rrriried to have the zame run on the east side ws oriEiilally plaaner, and the Clcrc was direc-te-d to se notify the engineer. On,motion the meet .�� ad. darn d. brancis L App1- gPt:E. "' Va CI rkj. /'/.5-, ;;� +'. 'lerrliri , lAlayor r C. -q -F ;Tit, I ; . .LC '2rr- To,,-i n:- t I/ : 3J e. i tu Q r 11 i C, e V "i 1111, L Co un c 1,1- r, e i On 1 D ' 1 1 1, `3 C) L, 0 _0 ell T r.11 i r u t i� o f t I`i v e c t i S )e01ai 12 C e 1 -,1 .9 t 14 I'D 3 E�' �prDveo Th e C i e r:.< r e G ?�i I e t "U I 1, 011 --i. q --a -L u i a t %A I-ef ��rence' -to co, jo r L 0 -p r t 0 1 r a, - 'r E: r 1.: 1: 1 a 's 6. y e C! I'. e d ';J Cel IV( -,I t 1 )0 i'l 2:- c s,) e c t 3 C 1:.':C E6 " a a.-, eX t ra C t fr011-L t"'C: t"i 12.:" ril I'E' e C: t to 'xL.e a"-16 the C-1 - v:as d i,- e cte6 t) 1.!r1'6,-. -u`ic L«x r co i..L E, c -15 o t �,L e be ":-,r c'u3.- (1 o IL sa�.Ic a, ':;aw-horse- si-n-s -were OrdlereC _"I&Ced to e fro-,_,i p;xr'cint­ so as to prevent prone r o onF )-orr,re6 i.,-i to crvlllstructi'�'.l of a Cii-1--ter On t 1101't:' Side of v J-'- 2i -, n t r e e -t 4_1 11 f _r o Y-1 t of P 1 o c lan6 the ';Ireet -'w)t ':was (7i-7.-Ict- 1'1-ieasure tllle 2-a-e jp -7.,n(, ("jti.:1L;tp -As to f'�'-'C" 10 q4' , s 0 t t t E" C J'. Ik c o u notify t lne 0 ':.' rl'. rS. 1"'las 'r onsD­ of t C -Q j.'j 0 1 1 . '_ . L .­ -.- -L -ea e)g &I IC -10�t"j 1rO.__ T:,? - - (, p f '�oao, a, -Id it ied a-c r'is at e t Ll r I I wide, -Ct&S to ")e 'street dleY "o*naitt-ii-l tne13ar "tree�EnE, i neer, t Cotact -.-r i1i Di-t to -_,ee t Cie wou-1-a uo abo -it 'Gh- ldutt- eD' -;G C I e r 'p t L.- t 3' 1 c'!?'O'Isor ­'1c' i7i i':r. o 1 L P1 La C e j Oh n Pa t t i '_' On r e ec �A s' -10 lici 7� def (=ed -AIL e c 4. t -is rr.eetli-iil.�. b11Is r r s t e d D Pacific Tel ze I Co "C'Or 4 95 o e a n 0 o C C. j Hilt 7.00 !,.d i t,-,, ".anzel--iran 7.100 IUMI-;el' SUpply _,'cxaco c�,_rvice Lant­- i- , Ins u1'a,IcE� ti e IcTavi li6ew:_-6er "-SOC. Oil 1,an,_er, T;isura:ice '-_3qt_ri ca,-, i'l "br Su-,) u t i 0 aa'L '.-'t e r do "'acom.' Plb(... Sun-ly JC t J l6e­ Pt.CrC'L' u j i ine 0.'1 -�-)J '-SUT�) a` V. ells iJ frost Leturs i.e so n IT T­77� 1 '[ I __4cm r e ,3 o I tion Etc. 41 1.33 4 9 . 0 -'- 23. 9_ 2J 1.94 6 9 9.40 9.35 491 Pt .Orchard Tndepeqdent Pt -Orchard independent A.D. Carter Carl hawstad J.R. Patti Non R.C. Wilson H.-F. Bryant DIVIMaT 021=77T T,.T.D. 'To. 36 resolution Ur K.)J,B :' -7ACM, 1. I.P. 137 resolution POT'T�,'-IRY HILL t T =dial T T.D. 39 en;ineerinL [I It ti It 1TTTR'--:1,:T, T.T.D. NO. 40 Texaco Service Easoline Chas. R. Watts Co. Concrete curinE con sound Pioneer Sand L Gravel Co. saw and gravel, elassite and warrants were ordered drawn tneTefor. On motion, the meetinad� urned. Francis 1.. A-ppl_ea e, - A I 9.45 10.20 8.00 3.00 32.00 5.00 15.00 36.17 47.30 396.00 MminE, Layor October 3, 1938 The Council aet this evenimp at 7:30 p-M. Present: 0,yo2-.' a116. Council- men Stevenson, _+orton, Corliss, Coobey Lnu Aompson. Twis was the neetinE on the haurinE on the AM Budget. No one appeared in in- spect thereto and the BuQet was wuly approved. Me Clark %Lon read Ordinance lo.445, levyinE the 1939 taxes, wKich or67.' ance was My s6oDtc6 by the Council, Councilmen Stevenson, Nartou, Corliss, Conbey and Thonapson vazinL in favor of the $a: u. Walter Will$aws a7peared before tho Council and stated that Me property owners on the proposed LID Sidewalk were aot in favor of alb uing the petition unless the side- walk extended to the curb, and the Council . ent on record in favor of E xtenbinU the xidewalk to the curb. R. Eloy6 appeared beforn ne Council in ref orence to thervices of an enuineer to Co the necessary w=4 in reference to comnletinC the bidney `?treat sibewalk, and 1r. T.A. Cave was present aV recomsendeb the employment of a Yr. Titler for the Own En- Eineer, aQ the Councii autLoriz& thi2 enployment. Yr. Cave, the enEineer for t':-.e WPA, apyearna beforE the Council in reference to criticism of citizens of the Town as to the ',,flVi. wor-. in the 2own, ano suLnitteu M re- port form No. 301. The PuEet Soyno Power & MUM Co. apDeured before Me Council in reference to the new lighting system, and suggestcd u cnange from Steve's Service Station to just beyond thE Theatre, to run from the foot of nottery hill to the brevery. This showed the net increase per year to be 1810.00, or 367.57 per month. Barley Norton applied for purr: ission t; attend the lot 2acific hort,west Course for `� aterworks & SeVage Wreatment operators, on Oct. 13, 14, and lb, 1938, and the Coun- cil declineo to crant such perniusion. 492 Counciman Corliss Malec Vat inore was a propaeutive ouycr Von t"s old Park property at to foot of voltery M, SOG t. j)nacil rent 0" rwco2L in fafol- of sellinc tie 2ume 7&6� Trancis r, Aqplr�:- P.Oc �"�) I , 4E, -, 0 11 n October 13,1938 the 2onn Council met 1"ie v7eninL at 7:30 p.A. Present: Haov naeyin: .. Councilmen Qtevemon, Torton, Cosbey and Tiompson. The minutes of the mectiAE of Sept. 26, 1933, uU of the special meetinE of Oct3ber 3, 1238, wore reac and apnrov&. County cownissionur care tti agnea, vu bafore t4c Council vith reference to the hnilwinL of the sivewalk on Litchell hill roLc, aa(: Etat& that he thouch! it would be a Ureat mistake to anild it as Lr. "Insworzn eeened to want it. hr. Steven- son was of tie opinion that Lr. ninswortn would not OunEt toe nutter fr)m his preE- ent plan. Ac wole matter v&s referrea to tne Mreet " "My Lmxai%t,�(_- witit', the idea tart Ld. Co obey ana othe r mviebers of t"Ine Co-.,-ilmittee would Eet on the job on the lltt ano iron tK2 matner out. Whe C?vrk presented a rpsolution offercd by !,_" Peterpon, 'Au, n Treasurer, with rnfvrence to trangferrinr a sam awountinE to 5% of tkv present TTD inCettedness from the Spheral lind into thr General TTD Guar&nten func, vnick resolytLyn was duly pasupd uy the Council, Council on 9tevenson, Morton, orhey una Yowp,21 voti, in favor tt2veof. :0. WyompsDn ravaTteu th%t he anu nr. StvvensoA c "d the Town Mrk :ad visit- ed Olympia and had seen Er. C=cy, Chief Suq2rvasar of —unicipul Corionations, anu it Md been arrhnEed that tKy Council s:ould Uo on record that taey did not NO to in- cur tbe election expenoe for ratification of tAw vurchase of the new water tank an6 tVvt in vicof the fact that the Kitsay County hank would Wo tke warrants if tA, To= vDaid Luarantee them to the extent wat if any objection was mace thereto, the Town voul6 inmate ap election for to ratification of z"c warraAm such Euav- antee was aroered placK on to sinutus. Rex Thomppon vas alloveb V P sum of 06.00 for Cransporatation for the trip to Clympi a. Yhe mLtter of a request for the on on of an alley bewen Sroufe and velcler streets was reforred to the 9treet & Alley WimitWe-,Na4don6QQn of the, sidewalk on the north We of "Bay Meet wuo a!,,-,c rcf�-_-rrr-o to the Arebt A Alley Committee. eamed nerniuson o use 16Wrorton, as jater t Lradley anc �iz te�m for cleahinE up the vater tank late. The followin; bills vere Dresented: 4.9. 3 ST,7 'i i' 1T ..jet 7TD ( ` as ... ., .� i. J��_V Bremerton Concrete; Products Co. sever pipe Howe riotor Co. rv;airs to true<c I Lumber Supply Nails a.N lumber Howe's Hardware Jlobes and bolts (Ainswort ') Pioneer Sand & Grarel Co. saaa and Lrovel Reliance Motor Co. Lasol ine Standard mil Co. ca s of i ne Jackson Lachine Shop steel ane labor Olympic Iron Work,-, blacksmith coal Hiehway lqui pt . Fund equipment rental Williams Hardware Standard Oil Co. ;-owe motor Co. Hobert Ryan Alex McTavish Kitsap Lumber & Reid Tacoma -.Bremerton Auto At. Duke Electric Co. ,;o,,ess Hardware Lumber Supply A .P.Arnold Tacoma PlbE. Suppl; Pt.Orchard Independent Henry Lusther Chas. R. Natts Co. Trick & Yurray HolmberE & lorman H.T. Doyle Pt.Orchard Lumber Yd. Lui:le.r Supply Kitsap Lumber A Feed ?reliance Motor Co.' Standard Oil Co. Howe Yo f o r Co. material 8as of ine repairs to true'; labor, wort/ on overflow 100# tar fregit`_ on pipe condulets hinGez a_ 6 steel wool lumber pipe fi t t ii'1Es fl`anEes, etc. �E 31 , _, ?.; L =;`V .7D budget " tax levy lots at Lawbage dump Bus Stop s itns red ititration -supplies L.I.D. 30. 40 truck an0 mizer rent labor lumber lunfoer lumber gasoline Easoline repairs to truck DIVIOTOX STR7 "T, I.T.D. ro. 36 Pt.Orchard Independent Ore;. approving assessment Pt.Orchard Indepdeadent ord.app. assessment -notice Pt.Orchard Independent ord.app.assesament-notice KIY SAF STRIET LID 70. 41 Pt.Orchard Independent ord.app.assessment-notice and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion, the meetian adliourne€i. WAY 2rancis h. Apbleeate, -o ; ? C' r.;rk 6.84 4.80 1.29 10.27 272.40 5.71 67.32 4.00 4.00 85.02 0.24 1.33 14.18 2.20 4040 2.50 0.50 1.90 0 0.79 22.82 15.65 28.05 11.00 2.20 15.21 97.50 13.20 3.90 3.65 28.68 12.97 21.07 8,65 11.40 11.30 11.75 11 . 25 494 October 24, 1938 The.T-own Council met this evening at 7.30 p.m. Present: Councilmen Stevenson, Thompson,, Corliss and Cosbey. In the absence of tiayor Fleming, W.S. Stevenson pre- sided as. Acting Mayor. mrs. P.M. Applegate took the minutes as Deputy Town Clerk. The.minutes of the meeting of Oct. 10, 1938, were read and approved. Hugo Hoglund appeared before the Council, and requested the Town to fill in with dirt to make the approach to his lot at Sidney and Sweaney Streets better. The matter was referred to the Street Superintendent for action. Carl Holmberg appeared before the Council and asked if he could submit a bid on sand and gravel for Pottery Hill LID #39 Sidewalks, delivered, rather than on the scow. He was asked to submit a bid, which would be considered. D.IL Corliss, of the Street and alley Committee, reported that. the Committee had settled the Mitchell Hill right-of-way matter. Councilman Cosbey of the Street and Alley Committee also reported on. the alley between Sroufe and: T;elcher. streets, . and the matter was to remain in status quo until it could be leartled whether this alley had ever been vacated. The -matter of repairing the gutters in front of the Reliance Motor Co. at Bay and Harrison Streets was referred to the Street and Alley Committee. The Town Clerk was instructed to write a letter to the State Highway Dept. in Port Orchard, inquiring when the shoulder of the raod in front of the Standard Sta- tions, Inc., could be finished with black top. Councilman Stevenson was authorized to instruct Henry Buscher:to put in more Jlogs at the present garbage dump between Cohen's Store and Stevenson's,Furniture Store. Alan Totten, Fire Chief, appeared before the Council and stated that 50 feet, of hose had broken, and that the Dept —should have some new hose, and also that the fire hall should be repaired. lie was authorized to contact some hose dealers and, report to the Council at its next meeting. The -Deputy Town Clerk presented the usual resolution relative to the annual town election, asking the Kitsap County-lection Board to take charge of the elec- tion, and to appoint the following election officers: E.T. Barris, Inspector; W.W. Alderman, Judge, and !Are. Edith 11. Kunzelman, Judge; which resolution was duly adopt- ed by the Council, Councilmen Thompson, Corliss and Cosbey voting in favor of the same. The Clerk was directed to give the usual Notice of the Caucus, to be held on .Nov. 14, 1935, for the town election Dec. 6, 1938. s were presented: bill The following YIATER FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Transfer control circuit between Division and water tank 16.01 MME'P FUND F.J. Williams Engineering on Mitchell xiill 18.00 John Steel " '+ it t 16.00 C.R. Smith " " H 67.50 \ Pt.0rchard Lumber Yard engineering stakes, uiitchell Hill 3.93 `I k Pt.Orchard Transfer Psci.fic.`1'el. & Tel,. Co. E. Glen Wilder B. E. Lloyd GENERAL FUND 2 ricks wood at town hall Mayor -Marshal phones SIDIIEY STREET LID NO. 40 Engineering, final assessment Truck rent POTTERY HILL, LID NO. 39 5.00 4.85 48.00 24.5E1 P.J. Williams Engineering 19.87 John Steel " 22.00 C.R. Smith " 60.00 C.R. Smith Use of car 1.65 Port Orchard Lumber Yard Engineering; stakes 5.08 and.warrants were ordered drawn therefor. Un motion., the meeting wasadjourned to Monday evening, Xov. 7, 1938, at 7:34 P.M., when the Council will again meet to consider the bids on materials on the Pottery Hill III; Sidewalks;- W.S. Stevenson, Acting Idayor Mrs. F.U. Appleg t' , Deputy Town Clerk lJovember 7, 1938 The Town Council met this evening at 7:30 p.m., pursuant to adjournment of the meeting of Oct. 24, 1938. Present: Councilmen Stevenson, Nortons Corliss and Cos - bey. In the absence of 1Iayor Fleming, Councilman Stevenson presided as Acting Mayor, and Mrs. F.M. Applegate took the minutes as Deputy 'down Clerk. The minutes o!f the meeting of Oct. 24, 1938, were read and approved. The following bids were received on the Pottery Hill LID #39 material: Pt.Orchard Lumber Yard Cement 2.90 per barrel " " It If Form Lumber 21.00 " 110OG ft.. tr e If Expansion Joint (T 3.20 " 100 ft. Pioneer Sand & Gravel Co. Sand @ 1.17 cu.yd. .4 W It- Gravel Cat 1.17 cu.yd. w It a rr ItExpansion Joint C1 3.20 " 100ft. Holmberg & Norman Sand & Gravel (2 1.45 c.y.,delivered on the job or on scow It was moved'by Councilman Corliss and seconded by Councilman Cosbey, that the bid of Holmberg &"Dorman for sand and gravel, delivered on the job, be accepted, in- asmuch as the fact: that the material was delivered on the job would balance the dif- ference in price;'and that the bid of the Fort Orchard Lumber Yard on cement, form lumber and expansion joint be accepted, and the motion duly carried, Councilmen Cosbey, Corliss and Norton voting in favor thereof. i . The Town Clerk was instructed to get in touch with the telephone company with re- gard to moving the Water Supt.'s phone from his former residence to his new house in i the city part. The followingibills were presented: WATER FUND Wilkins-Lureen, inc. Gasoline 2.58 Standard Oil Co.. If 5.12 Lumber Supply - Lumber 2.47 496 WATER FUND ( C o nt ' d Callisons rebate on water 4.20 Howe Is Hardware pins, clarips, etc. 1.63 Nels Markussen work on tank 6.58 Howe Motor Co. lubrication, etc. 2.43 Alex McTavish labor 13.20 STREET FUND Standard Oil Co. gasoline 24.56 Geo. E. Mitchell plan profile ]-Utbhell Hill 1.00 Reliance Motor Co. gasoline 22.95 Highway Equipt. Fund equipt. rental 15.50 Howe's Hardware nails and globes Mitchell Hill 1.72 Williams Hardware axes and wire Mitchell hill 2.28 Howe .Motor Co. repair truck 11.47 Puget Sound News Co. supplies 3.22 Vlaters° Specialties Co. receipt book, stamp pad 2.55 W.F. Leavell election supplies 2.00 Philmor.e Lund Halloween patrol 5.00 Verne Corliss Halloween patrol 5.00 POTTERY HILL, L.I.D. NO. 39 Howe Motor Co. repairs to truck 14.78 G.H. Eckert engineering 1.88 Daily Journal of Commerce publishing call for bids 15.40 Howets Hardware nails, twine, etc. 6.55 SID_NMY L.I.D. No. 40 Reliance Motor Co. gasoline 11.24 Holmberg & Norman truck and mixer tir..ie 18.00 Standard Oil Co. pearl oil 7.42 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion, the meeting adjourned. I.S. Stevenson,Actizig iiuyor fire. F.I. Appleg t , Deftvy To" wn Clerk November 14, 1938 The regular caucus for nomination of officers to be voted for Dec. 6, 1938, at the annual tov�n election was held this evening at 7:30 p.m. i Mrs. Francis LL. Applegate, Deputy Town Clerk, read Notice of the holding; of Caucus, and Guy L. Wetzel was elected Chairman of the meeting and Iirs. F.M. Apple- { gate, Secretary. The chairman announced that nominations were in order for a Mayor to serve two years, and Dr. H.E. Wilson put in nomination C.A. Hanks, which nomination was duly seconded. V.M. Parks put in nomination A.R. Cruikshank, which nomination was duly seconded, and on motion nominations were ordered closed. A vote was taken on the nominees, resulting as follows: C.A. Hanks 12 votes A.R. Cruikshank 8 votes and C.A. i-+anks was declared to be the nominee of the caucus for mayor at the coming election. The chairman announced that nominations for two Councilmen to serve a terra of Koh two years were in,order, and F.E. Langer put in nomination the following: W.S. Steven- son and S.A. Norton, which nominations were duly seconded. .Tames Pattison nominated Harry. Hill, and J".M. Pe•tereon nominated George D. Cline, which nominations were duly seconded, and on motion, nominations were ordered closed. A vote was taken on the nom- inees, resulting as follows: George D. Cline, 12 votes P.S. Stevenson, 10 votes Harry Hill, 10 votes S.A. Norton, 8 votes Another 'ballot was. taken on W.S. Stevenson and Harry Hill, resulting as follows: W.S. Stevenson, 8 votes Harry Hill, 16 votes and George D. Cline and :tarry Mill were declared to be the nominees of the caucus for Councilmen at the coming election. The chairman 4nnounced that nomination for a Treasurer to serve a one-year term was in order, and �F.3. Langer nominated 1.19. Peterson, which nomination was duly sec- onded, and on motion nominations were ordered closed, and the Secretary was directed to cast `the ballot of the caucus for J.M. Peterson, as `Treasurer, which was done, and J.M. Peterson was declared to be the nominee of the caucus for Treasurer at the coming election. W.F. Cosbey duly moved that the ticket so nominated should be known as the "Citi- zenst Ticket", which motion was duly seconded and duly,carried. It was also duly voted that the Chairman appoint a committee of three to fill va- cancies, and at the request of the meeting the Chairman appointed the following: Air. F.I1. Wrona, Mr. K.G. Leahy and Ir. Charles Grieve. On motion, the meeting adjourned.) Mrs. Francis M. elegle Secretary November 14, 1938 The Town Council met this evening in regulw cession at 7:30 p.m. Present: bbgXON Councilmen Stevenson, Norton, Cosbey and Thompson. In the absence of Mayor Fleming, Councilman W.S. Stevenson presided as Acting Mayor. Mrs. F.M. Applegate took the minutes as Deputy Town Clerk. The minutes of the special meeting; of Nov. 7, 1938, were read and approved. Street Supt. C.F. Brasch reported that Ers. Frank Givens' sewer should be rebuilt, and he was advised to confer with Mrs. Givens about the matter. Discussion was had on the Pottery Hill L.I.D. #39 sidewalk improvement, relative to the estimate, and Mr. C. Russell Smith, Town 1ngineer, was instructed to hold the cost of the improvement clown to the estimate. The condition of the gutter at the alley near Mr. Hazard's property was brought up, and Street Supt. Brasch was instructed to meet with the Street & Alley Committee on the ground on Saturday morning, Nov. 19, 1938, to consider the Fatter. i i .1 Water Supt. Harley Norton reported that the steps at the water plant needed attention, and he was of the opinion that the same should be put in in concrete. After discussion, mortion was made by Councilman Thompson, seconaed 'by Councilman Cosbey, that temporary repairs only sho-ald be Dade at this time. The following bills irrere presented: STREET FUND Tohn Steel Engineering Mitchell Hill 8.00 C.R. Smith fi " 15.00 F.J. Williams " " t' 6.00 Mrs. F.E. Applegate recording right of way " " 2.50 Pt.Orchard Lumber Yd. lumber for culvert 31.05 G. sNF,RHL FIM Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. phones for ,�.ayor, iiarsr al, Fire Hall 5.85 Kitsap County real. payment on park property 9.82 Howard -Cooper Corp. refills for fire extinguishers 5.00 Henry Burscher log at garbage clump, labor 4.10 SIDNEY L.I.D. NO. 40 J.R. Pattison engineering; 4.00 POTTERY HILL, L.I.D. #39 C.R. Smith engineering 5G.63 John Steel 11.00 F.J. Williams it 13.13 American Blue Print Co. tracing of preliminary map 0.60 E.E. Lloyd truck rent 10.78 Bremerton Concrete Products Co. sewer pipe 10.80 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion, the meeting adjourned. Y.S.Stevenson, Acting Mayor f Mrs. F.I . A legat Deputy Town Clerk November 28, 11-78 The Town ",ouncil met this eveninL at 7:30 p.m. Present: Councilmen-'tevenson, Norton, Corlise, Cosbey an,,- Thompson. In the apsE nce of Mayor F1e.mine, Councilman Stevenson presided as Acting mayor, and Lrs. 2.1:1. npplegate took the minutes L-.s Dep- uty Town Clerk. The minutes of the meeting of itovember 14, 1938, were read and approved. The Deputy Cleric presentee the assessment ro-Li in respect to Sidney Street (Di- vision to ielcher) Sidewalks, curbs and gutters, L.I.D. No. 40, whicci wus ordered placed on file. The Clerk then presented. Resolution for the hearing on this assessment roll, on L'ec. 27, 1938, at 7:30 p.m., which resolutiorl was duly adoptea by the Coun- cil, Councilmen Norton, Corlise, Cosbey and Thompson voting ii1 favor thereof. The following bills were prresentec : WF1T Fd 1' V1iD Trick & Murray Water Consuriers* Ledger 13.56 Charles Bowers Labor 4.40 V Tacoma Plumbing Supply Pipe, unions, hacksaw blade; 14.20 i f G?MT RAL o7JND Howard -Cooper Corp. Wul C 0 Two Recharge 5.00 Trick and murray warrant register 54.50 Waters' Specialties Co, staples 1.50 S T REST 'FUND I r John Steel engineering, Mitheell Hill 2.00 C. Russell Smith �► „ ,t 3.75 SiD113Y, L.I.D. NO. 40 E. Glen Wilder engineering 72.00 John H. Pattison " 150.0Q POTTERY HILL, L.I.D. NO. 39 C. Russell Smith engineering 31.88 C. Russell Smith use of car 3.50 Tohn Steel engineering; 10.00 F.J. Williams engineering; 7.50 Pt «Orchard Lumber Yard cement 580.00 i and warrants were ordered drawn therefor, with the exception of the bill of C. Russell Smith against Pottq-ry Hill LID #39 for use of car, »3.50, which was not allowed. Mrs. F.Y. Applegate was authorized to sign the Warrants as Acting Town Clerk. On motion, the meeting; adjourned. c I'rs. F.M. Appleg-- Deputy Town Clerk W.S. Stevenson, Acting Hayor December 12, 1938 The Town Council met this evening at 7:30 p-m- Present: Councilmen Corliess, Cosbey, Thompson and Norton. In the absence of Mayor Fleming, Councilmen S.A. Norton presided as acting Mayor. Deputy Town Clerk Nora A. Henry took the minutes. It was stated'that fix. Casad, the engineerta in charge of the W.P.A. work, would be present Tuesday evening, Dec. 13, 1938, to go over with the Council the situation in respect to the Pottery Hill sidewalks, and in view of this fact, the Councilmen decided to hold a special meeting on Tuesday evening, December 13, 1938, at 7:30 p.m. The reading of: the minutes of the meeting; of Nov. 28, 1938, was deferred until 1;ec� tuber 13, 1938. The matter of the bill of the Lumber Supply Coy. for p55.39 for lumber used on the Bank wall and sidewalk, which bill Ur. Langer has refused to pay, was taken up, but was continued t-o Dec. 13th. The following bills were presented: G?�+ VFR.�=.L PtTi1D Pt -Orchard Transfer: wooa at town hdZ1 5.00 Pacific Tel. & Tel Co. Mayorts-Marshal's phones 4.85 Howe Motor Co. repair to fire truck 5.83 Helen G. Kearney election officer 6.50 W.W. Alderman " it 6.50 R.T. Harris " It 6.50 Kitsap County Auditor 1939 Fire Truck license 1.25 00 S„7 , TR�s�, ; UITD C. Russell Smith engineering 11itchell Hill 5.63 Howe Motor Co. repairs to truck 8.47 Williams hardware shovel 1.55 Lumber Supply nails & lumber 8.01 Standard oil Co. 4asoline 55.77 Kitsap County ,,uditor 2 1939 truc< Licenses 2.50 WATER `FUND Reliance Motor Col gasoline 5.39 Olympic Iron Works meter box covers, etc. 5.02 Palmer Supply Co. 1 can Green Streak solder flux 0.69 Duke Electric Co. chisel, switch 4.75 Howe 1,1otor Co. repairs to truck 2.29 Paget Sound News Co. carbon6t paper 1.50 Howe's Hardware stove oil 3.70 Standard Oil Co. gasoline 1.23 Howe's Hardware soot destroyer 0.75 Kitsap County Auditor 1939 license-V8 pickup 1.25 Peter Nuernberger clianging service lines on 'r ull Sti. 14.85 PO`r VP,IIY HILL, L.T.D. NO. 39 Iiowe's Hardware nails, ells, pipe, etc. 8.95 Olympic Iron Works 200# blacksmith coal 4.00 H.W. Jackson grate frames 47.60 Lumber Supply, lumber 0.37 Holmberg & Norman sand & gravel, truck & mixer rent 248.75 Standard Oil Co. gasoline 35.25 C. Russell Smith engineering 31.88 John Steel engineering 4,.00 F.J. Williams engineering 4.50 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion, the meeting, was adjourned to 7:30 p.m. _)n Tuesday evening, Lecember 13, 1938. S.A. Norton, Actin Tukyor !Mora A. He Deputy Town Clark December 13, 1938 The Town Council met this evening at 7:30 p.m. in special, session, pursuant to the adjournment of the meeting of Dec. 12, 1938. Present: Councilmen Stevenson, Norton, Corliss, Cosbey and ^thompso i. In the absence of Ialayor r'lemine, Councilman W.S. Stevenson presided as Acting I&ayor, lire. F.M. Applegate taking; the minutes. The Clerk read the resignation of i+.B. Fleming as Mayor, on account of ill health, effective as of Dec. 13, 11938, which resignation was duly accepted by the Council. � Nominations for the unexpired terra of I.r. Fleming were called for. Councilman Cor- liss nominated Lr. C.A. Hanks, the L"ayor-elect, which nomination was seconded and carried, and on motion the nominati:)ns were closed. Mr. C.A. Hanks was declared duly elected as Mayor to serve -the unexpired terra of Mayor Fleraing, Councilmen Norton., r, Gorliss, Cosbey and 'Thompson voting in favor thereof. Mr. Hanks accepted the office in the spirit of rendering community service, and took the chair as Mayor. He ap- pointed Mrs. F.3,u. Applegate Actin; Town Clerk from Dec. 10, 1938, to Jan. 9, 1939, to fill the unexpired term of Francis 11. Applegate. poi A delegation !was present from Pottery Hill, with Mr. George Cline and Air. Peter Nuernberger acting as spokesmen. They objected to some of the work done on the cross i roads, on the ground that they were not included in the original petition. Mr. Smith, the engineer, expllained that he had taken it upon himself to cut out additional widths between curbs. Councilman Stevenson suggested that the Street & Alley Committee should go up and look over the improvement, in which suggestion the Mayor concurred. The com- mittee agreed to meet on the ground at 9:30 a.m. uYddnesday, Dec. 14, 1938, to go over the matter. lair. Smith stated that his object was to keep within the estimated cost of j the sidewalk, and jgave quite a coriprehensive report of the work done. Ile reported a total cost, to date, of $1042..00 for materials, etc., and engineering, $267.00, making; a total of $1310.00, and stated that the job was 75% completed. Mr. Lloyd, foreman of the WPA was present, and explained how much lumber was on i hand and what use had been made of the various purchases, and stated that the value of the lumber turned fiver to the Pottery Hill job was, in fact, about 73.00. The matter of the lumber usedion the sidewalk and wall for the Hank, as well as the bill for en- gineering, was discussed, and Mr. Hanks postponed the matter until the next meeting. Mr. Stevensonjreported that on some of these jobs man -power might have been used, instead of steam s'4ovels, which would have reduced the cost of the improvement to t he town, and suggested that Mr. Cave of the WPA should meet with the officials and con- . i sult with there on future jobs. County Commis fioner Caretti was present, aijd stated that the Mitchell Hili job had been stopped until additional rights -of -way could be obtained, in order to widen the road. These wejre now in order. He inquired when the pouring of the sidewalk on Mitchell Hill would; be started, as he also had a sewer project to put in, and did not want the two jobs to conflict. Mr. Smith stated that the work on the sidewalk would probably be done early in January. Councilman Cor..iss reported that some of the residents on Sweany St. would like the County to let the town use the bulldozer to straighten this street in places, and the Clerk was instructed to write County Commissioner Caretti to this effect. It was explained that the presidents making this request would pay all expenses incident to i the straightening off' the street.. r On motion, the meeting adjourned. ors. ppleYk. Acti To C 1 e C 1,/ 502 December 27, 1938 The Town Council met this evening at 7:30 p.m. Present:: Mayor Banks and Councilmen Stevenson, Norton, Corliss and Cosbey. The minutes of the meeting of December 13, 1938, were read and approved. Tr:is being the return date for the hearing on the Sidney Street L.I.D. No. 40 Assessment Roll, Mayor Hanks called for protests thereon or objections thereto. fir. T. R. Ried was present, and objected to the bank left in front of his place, and Tohn H. Pattison, engineer,'reported that he thouEht the bank should be fixed, as it was sliding at one end, and said that lie would be glad to meet with the Street & Alley Committee and try to take care of the matter. The Street & Alley Committee' agreed to meet with 11r. Ried and the Street Superintendent on the ground at 7 p.m., Dec. 28, 19'38. tar. Barr complained about the light. pole in front of his property, stating that it has been set in tte sidewalk 21 inches. Motion inias made by Councilman Norton, seconded by Councilman Cosbey, that the pole be removed and placed in the proper position, and that Mr. Puttason be instructed to take the matter up with the Puget Sound Rower & Light Company, which motion daly'carried, Councilmen Stevenson, Norton, Corliss and Cosbey voting in favor thereof. Mr. ftttisot stated that he ... 4 would take this matter up with the power company, .� Councilman. Cosbey reported that Mrs. Cosbey was assessed for 24 feet of side- walk, but that the lot itself could not be found. It decided that this was a private ttr,:tter, and should be taken up with an engineer. There being no further objections to the Assessment Roll., the Acting Street Local Improvement District No. 40, making the assessments heretofore levied according to the assessment roll as filed a lien against the property specified in said roll, which ordinance was duly adopted, Councilmen Stevenson, Norton, Corliss and Cosbey voting in favor thereof. The Street and Alley Committee reported with reference to the complaint of Peter Nuernberger on Pottery Hill L.I.D. #39, and stated u at the Corx;iittee endorsed the recommendation of the engineer that the aistances between curbs be shortened, as he had laid it out. Councilman Stevenson st:Ated that he had asked Mr. Cave of the WPA to come over ane explain to the Council. the work his department was doing. Mr. Cave was introduced, and he in turn asked Mr. Cliff Casad of Bremerton to explain the program of the WPA in Bremerton. ter. Casad .3tated that full advantage had been taken of the opportun- ities offered under t!ie 1VJ'A to make extensive improvements in Bremerton and had been found to be very satisfactory. idr. Smith reported that the work on Pottery Hill was progressing very satis- factorily, and that there was only about fifty feet of sidewalk left to complete. He recommended treat a new curb be put in on the east side of High Street, as the old wooden curb had vrorn out and it was only a matter of time until the Town would 503 be required to replace it, and stated that it could be done much cheaper while they were working on Pottery Hill. He estimated that there would be about 280 feet of curb t.o be put in. Motion was made by Councilman Stevenson, and duly seconded that money be allotted from the Street Fund to replace the wooden gutter on the east. side of High Street, which motion duly carried, Councilman Stevenson, Norton. Corliss and Cosbey, voting in favor thereof. Mr. Pattison, the County Engineer, reported in respect to the Mitchell Hill sidewalk improvement, that the bids on the Mitchell Hill sewer had just been opened, and a report would n,)t be made thereon until next week. The following°bille were presented: Pt. Orchard lumber'Yard Ploy G. Applegate B. F. Goodrich Combany Pt. Orchard Lumber'. Yard John Steel C. Russell Smith F. J. Williams Pt. Orchard Lumber' Yard Pt. Orchard Lumber' Yard lumber postage, 1938 (Town Clerk). fire hose POTTERY HILL LIP 39 cement engineering engineering engineering panel 1 umber WAT R FWD Tacoma P1bg. Supply pipe Amrn. Plbg. & Stead Supply ratchet & handle' F. P. Arnold oakum Floy G. Applegate postage, 1938 (Town Clerk) Tacoma Plumbing Supply ells, ratchet, etc. and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion, the meeting adjourned. Fl oy Op#eteAiting , Towk January 9, 1939 2.'75 24.00 98.00 353.80 4.00 26.25 3.00 1 .12 11.64 17.92 1.66 3.00 12 00 9.4'7 The Torn Council met this evening at 7:30 p.m. Present: Mayor C. A. Hanks, and Gouncilmen Stevenson, Dorton, Gorliss,_Co-sbey and Thompson. The: minutes of t` e Meeting of December 27t1-1, 1938, were read and approved. Cou!ncilma.n Corliss of the Street and Alley Committee reported on the bank in front o�l the Ried property on Sidney St., which had been referred to tYlis Committee at tl e last meeting. He stated t'. at the Committee had visited the property and recommended that the sandy part of the slope be riff -naffed with sacks of rocks and boulders. He also stated that he had investigated the walk in front of Nat*s Service Station at the junction of the Gig Harbor Highway and round that part of the railing along toe walk had broken down and s1.ould be repaired. A third matter tsras t e cro sing at Taylor St. on Pottery Bill which is too level, and he stated that the curbing :hould be out back and lowered.