01/01/1964 - Regular - MinutesCouncil after review allowed the request of Mr. Cooper to place trailer on his lot. The application for purchase and contract for purchase of this trailer was consumated prior to the passage of the mobile home ordinance. Myhres contributed considerable amount of soil pipe to the city for use in the Active Build- ing. Mr. Givens will pick the pipe up. Also the rough plumbing will be placed in basement of Active Building sometime in the middle of January. On motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried unanimously, council adopted resolution #1011 entering the South Kitsap Parks District. Matter of ground breakage for gas company continued. Building code continued. Ordinance #722, (establishing a Pay Roll and Claims Fund) adopted on motion by Powers, second- ed by Bowers and carried. Council, after considerable discussion, determined that the vacant area of Mr. Robert Gans in the Westbay Center shall be charged for sewer service even though empty. Mayor will contact potential members for planning commission. Matter of Gans and Westbay pattern for traffic continued. Matter of converting city hall to gas continued. Tennis court fence continued. Following amounts approved by finance committee and ordered paid on motion by Bowers, seconded by Lippert and carried. Current Expense, $641.89; Water $137.09; Park, $183.21; Street, $226.03; Sewer, $72.07; Council approved the payment by revenue warrents number R-6 and R-7 to Lease Company., and Hammond. Collier and Isaac in the amounts of $49,491.43 and $2,719.22 respectively, on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert And carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:05 pm on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Van Zee and carried. OR Clerk Mayor February , 1964 Port Or ard, Washington Council of the Ci of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular ssion by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Prose were councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, n Zee, Lippert and FTlander. Also press n was Chief Dow, Engineer Ham mond, Attor y Thompson and Super- intendent George Givens. Minutes of meeting of Janua 7, 1964 approved as read.,! One bird received for used Wayne s eper in amount o $2,312.00 from Feenaughty Machinery Company. Bid acceopted on motion b ippert, sec deld by Geiger and carried unanimously. Mr. Robertson and Mr. Peck representing C cede Gas Co., presented themselves to the council and protested the ground break ordinance. They stated that it discriminated r.. against the gas company. On motion by go seconded and carried unanimously, council maintained the prior stand, that no sp al con 'oration be gives. Council informed Granquist Brother that no further scussion will be had on rate increase on garbage service until records howing income and exp se are submitted to council. Attorney Thompson reported t)ekt sidewalks in need of repair"tn�the City can be ordered repaired by the council by resolute under certain conditions. Hazardous condition atAAvision and Cline streets referred to Stre k,and Alley Committee, as well as conditior/at Keleher and Sidney: r Street and Alle committee will investigate and report conditions and ree ndation of steps at Beach and rry. Councilmaw'Caldwell presented plans of Westbay and adjoining area for purposes Xotraf fic 7chance study• ', eported that some additional soil pipe is needed at Active building and that hd, as to get some in Bremerton at a reduced rate. Council voiced approval. dinance #723, pay increase for City employees adopted by council on motion by Powers, secon by or and carried. Ordinance #7 one (1) mill levy for Library, to be voted by people on March ,0-;' 9'64 passed on motion by Lipp seconded by Caldwell and carried., Ordinance #725, ten (10) M4 levy for new fire truck to be voftod-bn March 100 1964 passed on motion by Van Zee, seconded br4'owers and carried. Superintendent Givens reported that ma and latarals in LID 00 will be complete this week. Soon as flushing and testing is complete, dents will be able to hook up to the sewer system. On motion by Fglander, seconded..ybyftippert and carri he bills from Claims Fund as audited by finance committee appr9"fffor payment. Meeting adjourned -`at 11:30 PM on motion by Lippert, seconded bby�nder and carried. Clerk `"'mayor Port Orchard, Washington January 13, 1964 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mryyor Nick J. Repanich• Present were councilmen Caldwell, Powers, Geiger and Bowers. Absent were Lippert VanZee, and Rylander. Also present were Superintendent Givens and attorney Thompson. Minutes of the meeting of December 9, 1964 approved as read. Mr. Larkin of Goldenrod Road wanted council to give a cost estimate in order that water could be run to his place and also what the (in lieu of assessment) cost would be. Engineer will prepare this information and clerk will relay the information to Mr. Larkin. Committee recommended the increase of garbage rate on one and two can users to the council in the amount of .15. Council stated that this increase will be considered at the same time as the renewal of contract. Granquist will furnish council with copy of existing contract. �. Matter of connection and breakage charge to gas company continued. Finance committee will report at next meeting. On motion by Powers, seconded by Bowers and carried, a ten mill levy will appear on the March 10, 1964 ballot for new fire truck. Also on motion by Powers, seconded by Bowers and carried, a 1 mill levy for library will appear on the M^rch 10, 1964 ballot. Attorney authorized to prepare ordinance to adopt by reference the Uniform Building Code, Volumed, 1961 addition and engineer will prepare necessary descriptions for attorney on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Bowers and carried. On request of `Erick Bjorkheim of 310 South Street for permission to open that portion of Howard street running north from Tremont for about 500 feet. Street and alley committee will take under advisement. Attorney will investigate the possibility of false arrest insurance. Attorney will also contact officials of Tacomas planning and urban renewal program and arrange IN XMIEW a meeting for council and planning commission On motion by Bowers, seconded by Powers and carried, Mayor authorized to sign contract with Humane society for 1964. Westbay traffic pattern continued. Conversion of city hall to gas for heating continued. On motion by Powers, seconded by Bowers and carried, clerk authorized to draw warrents in the amounts of $309,886.68 to Lease Comlpny and $19639.62 to Hammond, Collier and Isaac for LID #60. Following amounts approved by finance committee and heads of departments and ordered paid on motion by Powers, seconded by Caldwell and carried. Current expense, $4,358.98; Street, $2,367.99 water, $1,455.89; Sewer, $1,130.96; Park, $501.77. Council adjourned at 10:30 P.M. on motion by Bowers, seconded by Powers and carried. Clerk r Mayor Port Orchard, Washington January 27, 1964 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Nick J. � Repanich. Present were councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, Bowers, Van Zee and Lippert. Absent, Fglander. Also present were attorney Thompson, engineer Hammond, superintendent Givens and Chief Dow. Minutes of meeting of January 3, 1964 approved as read. Jerry Russell representing the Bremerton Sun was present to take notes of meeting. Granquist brothers were present and informed council that they were concerned about the rate increase for the garbage contract and also about the building code. Lloyd Granquist requested that the increase in rates be imposed immediately as a financial crisis is pending. Mayor informed both finance committee chairman and Granquist brothers that any increase would not be automatic and shall be justified by a audit of their records by the finance committee and after the report of the finance committee and supporting papers of the audit, the council will take appropriate action. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Geiger and carried unanimously, council adopted policy that the existing ordinance for ground breakage will remain as published and that no special con- sideration will be given in response to the Natural Gas Companies request. Upon recommendation of the street and alley committee, council will request the planning commission to prepare procedure and policy for the preparation of aaordinance with reference \� to plats, subdivisions and opening of streets in the city. Eric Bjorkheim shall submit a request in writing and explain in detail what is requested so that the planning commission can investigate and recommend to the council. Attorney Thompson has set a meeting of the planning commission and city council for 7:30 P.M. February 199 1964 in the council chambers, at which meeting Mr. Gillis, building inspector of the city of Tacoma, will inform both the council and the planning commission the fine points of the Uniform Building Code. Attorney will investigate the possibility of false arrest insurance. Westbay traffic pattern continued. Gas installation at city hall continued. Clerk will contact School District regarding the condition of the sidewalks in the Givens school area. On motion by Powers, seconded by Bowers and carried unanimously, superintendent authorized to call for bids on used Wayne sweeper. Bids to be opened at 7:30 P.M. February 10, 1964 at council chambers. Street and alley committee will investigate the possibilities surrounding the crosswalk near the D & R Theatre. On motion by Powers, seconded by Caldwell and carried, the bills as listed on the claims fund journal were approved and ordered paid. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 on motion by Bowers, seconded by Van Zee and carried. Clerk c Mayor Port Orchard, Washington February 10, 1964 Council of the city of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Nick J. Repanich. Present were councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, Van Zee, Lippert and Rylander. t ? Also present was chief pow, Engineer Hammond, Attorney Thompson and Superintendent Givens. Minutes of meeting of January 27, 1964 approved as read. Mr. Robertson and Mr. Peck, representing the Cascade Gas Company, presented themselves to the Council and protested the ground breakage ordinance. They stated that it discriminated against the gas company. On motion by Geiger, seconded and carried unanimously, council maintained the prior standing that no special consideration be given. Council informed Granquist Brothers that no further discussion will be made on rate increase of garbage service untill records showing income and expense are submitted to the council. Attorney Thompson reported that sidewalks in need of repair in the city can be ordered repaired by the council by resolution under certain conditions. Hazardous conditions at Division and Cline streets referred to Street and Alley committee, as well as conditions at Melcher and Sidney Streets. Street and Alley committee will investigate and report conditions and recommendation of steps at Beach and Perry. r Councilman Caldwell presented plans of Westbay and adjoining area for the purpose of traffic pattern for study. Van Zee reported that some additional soil pipe is needed at the Active Buiding and that he has a chance to get some in Bremerton at a seduced rate. Council voiced approval. Ordinance #723 pay increase for City employees adopted by council on motion by Powers, seconded by Geiger and carried. Ordinance #724, one (1) mill levy for Library to be voted by people on March 10, 1964, passed on motion by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell and carried. Ordinance #725, ten (10) mill levy for new fire truck to be voted on March i:0, 1964, passed on motion by Van Zee, seconded by Powers and carried. Superintendent Givens reported that mains and laterals in LID #60 will be complete this week. Soon as flushing and testing is complete, residents will be able to hook up to hhe sewer system. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Lippert and carried, the bills from Claims Fund as audited by finance committee approved for payment. Meetingg adjourned at 11:20 PM on motion by Lippert, s and d by Rylander and ca ri d. One bid received for used Wayne sweeper in amount of 2,31�i.44 from Feenaughty coact very Company. Bid accepted onl motion by Lippert, seconded by Geiger and carried unanimously. Clerk �� Mayor Port Orchard, Washington February 24, 1964 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor hick J. Repanich. Present were councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, Van Zee, Lippert. Rylander was absent. Bowers was absent also. Present was chief Dow, Superintendent Givens and attorney Thompson. Minutes of the meeting of February 10, 1964 was approved as read. Superintendent reported that the sewer construction of LID #60 is almost complete. Council approved the idea of a permit system for the connection of sewers which will be maintained for all future connections. City will kot connect or inspect connections unless a permit is obtained. Mr. E. A. Bunch, who is currently running for mayor of G&g Harbor and councilman H. B. Secord of Gig Harbor were present to observe the councils action. Garbage rate increase and :Irenewal of contract negotations referred to finance committee. Matter of curbs and sidewalk between Division and Dwight on Cline Street still in hands of committee as well as traffic hazard at Melcher and Sidney. Ted Wright, representing the chamber, presented the council with several alternative propos- itions regarding the lot on which the fire hall now stands. A special committee appointed by the mayor consisting of Caldwell and Lippert, will investigate the costs and other items that the city will require before any offer or committment is made with the county regarding the new juvenille home. Mayor will contact commissioners relative to a meeting. Superintendent will get estimates as to the repairing of stairs on Beach road. This matter still is in street committee. Westbay traffic plans continued. Engineer will be requested to prepare preliminary plans and costs for sidewa;ls and curbs on both south and north side 6f Bay street in vicinity of Deal's a..Q and Howes. Clerk will have engineer prepare descriptions of zones for attirney. Attorney will prepare fire zone for building code. Clerk will order copies of Volume III of uniform building code. On motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried, council will join the Western Plumbing Officials Association for the sum of $35.00. Council instructed clerk that all future requests for building permits must be submitted to planning commission. Attorney informed council by application as to the benefits of false arrest insurance and on motion by Van Zee, seconded by Powers and carried, police chief authorized to carry insurance on himself and four patrolmen. Attdvney will write letter to police judge regarding the $30.00 shortage found by examiner Also attorney will write letter to attorney general office regarding civil service for police department. Letter from state highway department read regarding crosswalk in vicinity of Slocums. Attorney will answer letter. Claim for damages of A. Richardson rejected on motion by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert and carried and referred to insurance company. 11� Claims warrants as supported by invoices and journal and approved by finance committee ordered paid on motion by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell and carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:25 P.M. on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried. Clerk.a'.�°F�- - _ Mayor I _.,.,. �.._�._.._..,..... f� Port Orchard, Washington March 9, 1964 Council of the city of .Port Orchard, Washington was called to regular session at 7:30 PM by Clerk, as Mayor Repanich was absent. V. B. Caldwell presided over meeting, on motion by Powers seconded by Lippert and carried. Minutes of the meeting of February 24, 1964 approved as read. Mr. Bunch, mayor of Gig Harbor, and Mr. Secord, candidate for council of Gig Harbor were again present. They asked questions of policy and procedure of the city and were given manuals of fourth class towns for th6tr study. Garbage rate increase and contract renewal for Granquist Garbage Co. continued. Matter of new sidewalks and curbs on Cline street between Division and Dwight streets continued. Engineer estimated that the cost of sidewalks and crubs on Bay Street, northerly from Deal's to Shopping Center (5 ft sidewalks and 6" curbs) at $3,800.00 approximately $6.60 per lin. ft. Matter of issuance of building permits continued. Council approved two permits for Walt Granquist and clerk to issue same after inspection by engineer Hammond. False arrest insurance for chief and four patrolmen continued. Council approved request of Babe Ruth group to install concrete dugout at own expense. Van Zee was instructed to get additional information regarding the location and installation of a memorial for Jim Smith in the vicinity of scoreboard. Claims for damage resulting from latteral support removal of Horton, Rooms and Carter along Beach road referred to attorney and insurance company on motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried unanimously. On motion by Powers, seconded by Rylander and carried, attorney instructed to write letter to coup ty commissioners informing them that the city property abutting on and adjacent to the court house area is available for a new juvenille home site, and that council will be available for negotiations. Committee on Parks and Playgrounds will prepare and submitt to council plans as to how the plumb- ing will appear in the basement of the Active Building. Parking pattern for area north of building and between Sidney and Frederick streets continued, so that a cost estimate can be prepared and submitted to council. Robert Gans letter objecting to sewer charge in vacant store room at West Bay referred to attorney. Interrogatories propounded to defendant City of Port Orchard, File #44209 served by James Maddock, attorney for First Baptist Church as defendants, read to council and referred to attorney on motion by Powers, seconded by Rylander and carried. Chief informed council that Jerry Roble was leaving the City service on March 29, 1964. Also approximate cost to ready downstairs at $1,000.00. Notice of intention to renew franchise served by attorney for Port Orchard Garbage Service, read and referred to committee. Council approved on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried that Clerk be directed to draw warrant from LID #60 to Terry Thompson & Co., for payment of Parrott and harper easement in amount of $25.00 and $50.00 respectively. Continued: Beach Road steps repair estimate; description of zones for attorney from zoning traps; letters by attorney to Judge Watt on shortage and to highway department re: cross walk at Slocums. Claims warrants approved for payment on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. on motion by Lippert. seconded by Powers, carried. Clerk Mayor 011 5 Port Orchard, Washington March 23, 1964 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Clerk, as Mayor was absent on vacation. V. B. Caldwell was appointed acting Mayor on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried unanimously. Minutes of meeting of March 9, 1964 approved as read. Russ Noerenberg reported that the plaque in memortum of Jim Smith would be placed on a concrete post approximately 4 feet in front .of the scoreboard and would be of bronze and 8 X 16 inch in size. Council approved the installation of the plaque as above stated at the Babe Ruth field on motion by Van Zee, seconded by Rylander and carried. Ron Perkerewicz, representing the Dart -Ells Car Club, requested council approval to hold a automobile safety check in the vicinity of the sewage treatment plant on the week ends of May 16 and May 23, 1964. Also to place a pester of this check at the ends of the City. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert and carried, council approved this voluntary affair. Engineer reported that the contractor would like to turn over to someone the grading of roads in LID #60 and would pay for this service. Said about 8 hours a week would do the job. Council felt that city could do this and informed engineer of this. George Givens will be notified. Engineer reported that the approximate cost of sidewalks and curbs on Cline street, between Dwight and Division would be $6.00 per lineal foot. Following items continued: Garbage rate increase and renewal of contract; Building permits and inspector continued; False arrest insurance; Traffic pattern back of Winebrenners; Gans protest on sewer charge on vacant space; Beach road steps; Discription of tones for attorney. Council approved the plans as presented by Van Zee for the basement of the Active Building, which includes plumbing. After considerable discussion regarding the ground breakage ordinance in regard to the $25.00 rate and effect it appears to be having on the gas company costs the feeling of the council remains as it was , that a complete change of the ordinance would not be in order at this time. Clerk instructed to repay this to Mr. Robertson of Cascade Gas Co. and also inform him that if the gas company has something that should be brought to the attention of the council that they should present themselves at the next regular meeting on April 13, 1964. n Letter from highway department approving the crosswalk fronting Slocum and stating that the state would drill the holes if the city would indicate the position.r�a Summons, SC #44404, Scribner vs City of Port Orchard read and referred to attorney on motion by Powers, seconded by Van Zee and carried. Notice from Paul Rosenbarger, Beach Road, regarding removal of lateral support and causing damage in the amount of $1,000.00 read, rejected and referred to attorney on motion by Geiger, seconded by Powers and carried. It was moved by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried that clerk draw warrants from LID #60 to Terry Thompson & Company in the amounts of $22,326.87 and $1,193.38 respectfully for payment of Lease Company and Hammond, Collier & Isaac. On motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried, warrants drawn from Claims Fund for settlement of normal bills were approved paid. Meeting adjourned until 7:30 Monday, April 6, 1964. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington April 13, 1964 Council of the City of Port Orchard called to regular session by Mayor Repanich. Present councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, Mikelsen, Van Zee, Lippert and Rylander, Minutes of March 23, 1664 approved as read. Mayor referred to street and alley committee for investigation and report the problem of Air. McCrory regarding Mr. Baders fence hindering McCrory from entering his own driveway on Lower Morton alley. Attorney advised that council could possibly use condemnation procedure in this case. Sanitation committee will investigate and advise at next meeting on request of Harvey Cable, Rt. #2, Bbx 248A relative to the leasing of cities 80 acres for brush picking, Council will meet-iwith the Cascade gas Company at 7:30 PM 4/22/64. A meeting of the council will convene at 7:30 PM, 4/16/64 for the purpose of rate increase and franchise renewal of garbage company. Engineer reported that construction is f:-41most complete on LID 60 with exception of a few stub lines and connections. The three homes on Beach Road (Rooms-Rosenbarger- Horton) not yet connected but contact will be made with them by engineer to clarify rumors being spread that connection is not possible. Clerk will contact post office regarding house numbers in Annapolis area. Council instructed clerk to contact Ty Stephens of South Kitsap Schools to arrange with school board a meeting preferrable one half hour earlier than their regular meeting on 4/20/64 relative to storm drainage. Sidewalks, curbs and gutters for portion of Cline street continued. On motion by Mikelsen seconded by Rylander and carried. Attorney will write letter to Robert Gans stating that if the 4ewer service charge now in arrears is paid and that the vacant area in question be noted as a store room only and not for rent or lease, the sewer service charge will be dropped until area is made available. As drawn plans as submitted by Caldwell for traffic pattern and parking in area north of Winebrenners accepted by council on motion by Lippert, seconded. by Geiger and carried Building inspector and permits; false arrest insurance; and beach road steps con- tinued. George Givens will contact state highway regarding crosswalk. On motion by Powers, seconded by Caldwell and carried council gave Supterindent author- ity to negotiate with Paoific Bell on their request for no charge permit to open Kitsap streets On motion by Lippert, seconded by Mikelsen and carried council approved the installation of one street light at the north end of Farragut street. Plan for change in street light as proposed by PSP,&L on Kitsap and Prospect streets approved on motion by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell and carried. Water committee will investigate and recommend at next meeting the banks request for consideration on water bill for water costs from line breakage in their lines. Claim for damages from Florence Armitage of Be..ch road rejected by.council on motion by Gieger, seconded by Powers and carried. Caldwells complaint on trailer replaced on lot at 1112 Spokane referred to attorney who will write letter referring to trailer ordinance. On motion by Lippert, seconded by R,ylander and carried Myron Freyd appointed judge pro tem during Watts absence, 4�21J_thru. Council will meet 7:30, 4/22764 with Cascade Gas People. Claims funds warrants in amount of $6543.68 approved for payment on motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried. Meeting adjourned at 11.25 PM on motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried. n Port Orchard, Washington April 27, 1964 Council of the City of Port Orchard called to regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, Mikelsen, Van Lee, Lippert and Rylander. Minutes of meeting of April 13, 1964 approved as read. Engineer reported that a better price has been negotiated for the surfacing of street in LID #60 and that this item should be deleted from the contract with Lease Company. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Van Lee and carried council authorized engineer to prepare a letter to Lease Company stating that as the contractor is willing to delete item 19 of the contract the city approves and ratifies the same. J George Shope requested council to do something about the neighbors blocking entrance into his residence. Street and Ally committee will investigate Maple street and the problem and advise council. William C. Gross representing Citizens band radio group requested free use of active building for a new group called Search & Rescue Group. Mr. Gross can be'reached at TR 6-22740 Rt 5, Box 545p Park committee will investigate complete revision of exist- ing procedure of renting or using of Active Building. Committee reported that a problem exists in area of McCrory and Bader residence. There appears to be a solution if Mr. Bader will out back a portion of a corner abut- ting to McCrory turn. Committee will contact Mr. Bader regarding this. En wineer will contact Rooms and Horton on Beach road relative to sewer connection. Rosenbarger connection is started. Givens reported that no underground cable was laid along Sidney by Pacific NW Bell as council surmised. Agreement with Pacific NW Bell will be read in this regard. Attorney will write to Thomas J. Taylor at 1112 Spokane Street relative to trailer. Street and Alley committee will investigate portion of Farragut street in vicinity of Bruces and also drainage problem at Division and Farragut and report to council. After considerable discussion the council unanimously approved andadopted an amend- ment to Ordinance #712, Section l/, Section 3, permit fee inspection on motion by Powers, seconded by Rylander than apermit fee of $12.50 for breaking grpund shall be charged for the first 25 feet; a charge of 100 per foot for the next 75 feet and w02 per foot for all over 100 feet. Also an inspection charge in the amount of $10.00 per hour. The above is for boring under street, no digging thru street unless approved by Superihtenddntrof Public Works. Also on motion by Rylander, seconded by Geiger and carried unanimously. Council adopted procedure that the footage for above shall start at MAIN and enntinue to curb. Also that inspection shall consist of all time spent irregardless of the nature as long as it is pertinent to the job. For clarification the permit fee is $12.50. Included in the permit fee the city allows free gratis the first 25 feet of excavating. Mayor opened discussions on request for garbage rate increases and renewal of fran- chise of the Granquist Brothers. Chairman Powers reported thinking of committee and council as decided from study meeting as follows: No increase in rates; renew franchise for a three year period; request complete cooperation with state and government agencies having any connection with project by law; recommend a period of open dumping for public on Saturday; A 100 per customer charge for dumping for both inside and outside customers. Mr. Maddock, representing Granquist Brothers in- i formed council of the following: The original granting of a franchise for a period of five years with option was not legal, that the option shall be renewed or legal action would be or could be taken against prior city council as individuals for dalp- ages; city did not adher to regulations re new franchise upon annexation;of new areas and that the new franchise must show that those areas so annexed have a five year rate protection clause; Also requested and or stated that if the city would increase the per can rate within the city that now pays $1.10 to $1.25 they would pay the city the 100 per can for the areas outside the city and for those inside the Oiw which they have not paid in the past five years. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Lippert and carried unanimously, attorney instructed to prepare new franchise for a.period of five years in favor of Port Orchard Garbage Service (Granquist Brothers) using proper legal wording ao as to protect the city from further problems and to include necessary interpretation to cover old as well as new annexations and to use the same terms and conditions as before. Claim for damages of P. E. Tucker, Route 5, Box 25, Port Orchard, rejected and referred to insurance company on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert, and carried. Minutes of planning commission read and continued to next meeting, Gargabe problem letter from Mrs. Klaisner read and referred to clerk to contact Lloyd Granquist concerning same. Leasing of city 80 acres for brush picking to Harvey Cable continued. . - _........ Sidewalks, curbs and gutters on Cline street continued. Caldwell plans for traffic and parking on parking lot continued. Crosswalk at Slocums; building inspector and Beach road steps cont'd. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell ,nd carried, Treasurer authorized to transfer from Water and Sewer Construction Funds to Bond Interest and Redemption Funds the amounts of $8538.60 and $18314.51 repectfully. On motion by Power, seconded by Geiger and carried unanimously. Rylander opposed. Resolution $1013 authorizing Treasurer to Open saving accounts in Saving and Loan Associations in Bremerton, Gig Harbor and Tacoma, was passed on its first _;reading. Clerk authorized to draw warrants in the amount of $1006.12 from claims fund to pay current bills on motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:33 PM on motion by Van Zee, seconded by Rylbander and carried, Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington May 11, 1964 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, Mikelsen, Van 'Lee, Lippert and Rylander. Minutes of meeting of April 27, 1964 approved as corrected. Mr. Baker and Mr. Dennis, residents of Annapolis Hill area and in LID #60, stated that they were unHappy with the joint sewer connection which engineer had figured on. They are using an old 4" line that they feel is inadgquate. Also there are at least four using the line. Engineer will meet with the parties concerned and assist them in a remedy. Kenneth Butler, secretary of Babe Ruth League requested permission to place or const- ruct fence on field, stating that a gate would be installed for other than players entrance. Also that the concession stand be moved back approximately 35 feet. Matter referred to parks and playground committee with power to act on motion by Van Zee, seconded by Powers and carried. Jtm Pratt of Annapolis requested information as to assessments and charges for sewer on his property as part is in and part is out of district. En -gineer reported that the paving of roads in LID #60 will start about June 1, 1964. Ordinance #726, ,amending Ordinance #712 changing permit fees approved and adopted on motion by Powers, seconded by Rylander and carried.. George Shrope problem with neighbors and right a way continued. 101 Mr. Bader stated that he world relinquish a portion of his bulkhead provided the city would open the 16 foot alley and install a retainin wall. A survey would cost approx- imately $100.00 and a retaining wall approximately 150.00per lineal foot. Committee will do further investigation on this. Problem of one-way traffic at Farragut could be remedied by cribbing and filling. For time being, signs and barricades will be used. The problem at Farragut and Division of drainage will be solved when blacktop is laid according to Superintendent. Matter of rentals at Active building continued as further study shall be made con- cerning the groups which may meet and what constitutes direct connecting. also possible change in rental rate to adult groups. Letter to Thomas J. Taylor of 1112 Spokane Street written by attorney, but no answer received as yet. Resolution #1014 renewing franchise of Granquist Brothers for garbage service in the city read. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Powers and carried the portion relative to picking up of dead animals removed. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Caldwell and carriers the item truck and man for job work changed from $6.50 to $7.50), towers and Mikelsen opposed. Street and Light committee will check and report the need of a street light fronting the Catholic Church. Committee will also report and investigate complaint of Harry Ward that the removal of street light fronting his residence will create a dangerous and dim condition. Claim of Wilbur C. Lemon and Kathleen A. Lemon on damage due to removal of lateral support on Perry street rejected and referred to insurance company on motion by Powers, seconded by Van zee and carried. Matter of contract or agreement with PAC NW regarding underground table cont; Leasing of 80 acres for brush picking continued; Cline Street curbs, gutters and sidewalk con- tinued; Caldwells parking plans continued; crosswalk at Slocums, building inspector and Beach road steps continued. 6w, Clerk authorized to pay current bills from Claims fund in the amount of $6135.70 on motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:05 PM on motion by Powers, seconded by Van `Lee and carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington May 25, 1964 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washingtoncalled to regular session by Mayor Repanich. Present councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, Van Zee, Lippert and Rylander. absent Mikelsen, Minutes of meeting of May 110 1964 approved as read. Approval to tender summer water gallonage to residents for months of May, June, July and August adopted on motion by Van Zee, seconded by Rylander and carried. Mayor Repanich read letter in rebuttal to councilmen Geigers letter printed in Independent presented by Cascade Gas Company representative prior to meeting. at least five members of the Cascade Gas Company and their attorneys were present at meeting. 'They departed at about 11:00 PM after having nothing to say at any time during the meeting. Engineer is still checking for easements in the Baker -Dennis area of Annapolis Hill rel- ative to sewer line installation. It was reported that the fense project of the Babe Ruth League was eliminated. But that the moving of the concession back approximately 35 feet would be done. Van Zee reported that the Lions Club would contribute a check in the approximate amount of $153.O0; and the Active Club a check approximately $285.00 for the express purpose of capital improvement on Active Building. Committee reported that a Mrs. Christianson is probably the party responsible for the barracading of roadway in the vicinity of George Shrope. Committee will contact the party to effect a reconsiliation. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Powers and carried unanimously council adopted the rec- ommendation of street and alley committee that the request for vacation of portions of Perry and Lawrence streets (Bench Road) of Jamez Arthur in letter dated April 29, 1964, be denied. Matter of McCrory - Bader - City alley and turn -in continued. Committee will again contact owners and attempt a settlement. Bader stated that he would exchange a modifica- tion of his bulkhead if city will install a bulkhead on south side of alley to support dirt sluffage. Jim Maddock informed council that the resolution granting franchise to Granquist brothers for exclusive garbage rights was not written to their satisfaction regarding the charge of 100 per can for all customers., And that only those customers in the city which were annexed prior to June 1, 1959 could the 100 per customer be charged. Clerk advised council that he was at fault for the above. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Van Lee and car- ried unanimously council deleted the original writing of resolution and inserted that the 1Q per customer charge applied to only those customers inside the city and which were annexed prior to June 1, 1959. Following utems continued: (1) Active Building rentals fees; Pac NW agreement as to underground cable; brush lease of city 80 acres; Cline street curbs, gutters and side- walk; crosswalk; building inspector; Attorney will write another letter to Mr. Taylor, 1112 Spokane street giving them 60 days to vacate the trailer, on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried unanimously. Superintendent will investigate Taylor street corner as to whether existing street is in private or public property and make correction when blaektopping. Committee reported that the light requested fronting the Catholic church be continued at this time so that committee can work out possibility of street lights from bridge to limits of city. Matter of Mr. Wards protest of removal bf light fronting his property continued until new system is working. Caldwells traffic pattern continued. Also matter of sidewalks on south side of Bay across from deals' will be investigated. Superintendent -reported that an approximate cost of $225.00 would be needed to fix steps r near Carters on Beach road. Council still undecided as to what shall be done regarding the steps. Attorney advised that as long as they are open liability is present Art Morken, Kitsap County Sheriff, was present as a visitor. Mr. Todd resident of the city who resides at 511 Austin, asked the council what their reasoning was regarding the permit fee and inspection fee on the ground breaking ordinance. Attorney Thompson assuming this question was directed because of the suit now pending r• against the city by the Cascade Gas Co., informed council and other city employees that no reasoning or otherconversation should be tendered by the city at this time. Superintendent reported that there are approximately 10 or more cords of assorted fire place wood cut and piled at the park site and should be sold. On motion by Van Lee, seconded by Geiger and carried. Superintendent directed to solicit buyers and sell wood for $10.00 per cord, buyer pick up. Regarding the letter received from Mrs. Klaisner relative to garbage service council feels that in accordance with the existing ordinance the charge is legitimate and shall be paid. Letter from Grange Insurance Co., regarding the Scribner claim read and referred to Insurance Company of city and contractor on motion by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert and carried. Letter from Blind Institute requesting free soliciting within the city read. Clerk instructed to notify thews that the ordinance regulating soliciting is being reviewed and that they will be notified. Summons into Superior Court of the bity by Cascade Gas company relative to ground break- ing ordinance referred to attorney for action. Council approved the request of Blue Star Mothers to sell Daisy's in the city on week- end of June 26 - 27 - 1964. On motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried unanimously council granted city employees the privel.ege of taking the preceeding Friday as holiday for both Memorial and Fourth, Matter of deletions in the plumbing ordinance which appear to be of major importance to the citizens of the city is being studied by the finance committee and recommendations are to be forthcoming at next meeting. Superintendent will contact cent of Washington Rating Bureau to meet with council at 6:30 PM, June 8, 1964 if convenient. Councilman Caldwell will persue possible acquiring of additional road way at Indian Point from present owners. About 30' is needed. Matter of parking adjacent to Myhres under study by street committee. Kings carnival group will be present north of Jordans during May 270 28th,29th, 30th and 31st. No gambling allowed. Attorney will notify city in regard to hiring or allowing to be employed by private business where city requires a license of any one convicted of a felony or otherwise. Matter of Lundy putting high test gas tank for refueling aircraft under study. Attorney advised council that Robert Maffin, urban renewal representative from Tacoma will be meeting with council on June 3, 1964 at 7:30 PM. Second reading of Resolution #1014 accomplished. Clerk allowed to pay current bills from claims fund in amount of $3556.48 on motion by Powers, seconded by Caldwell and carried. Council adjourned at 11:50 PM on motion by Lippert, seconded by Van Zee and carried. N Port Orchard, Washington June 8, 1964 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Repanieh, Present councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, Mikelsen, Lippett and Rylander. Absent Van Zee. Minutes of meeting of May 25, 1964 approved as read. Cecil Bader presented council with quotation for constructing a concrete bulkhead on the alley known as lower Morton in amount of $1000.00 plus tax. The problem in that area again referred to committee. Mr. Robertson of Cascade Gas present. Committee will meet with Mr. Cable and explore the cities 80 acres in regard to brush picking lease. Council instructed engineer that if no other way is possible to Met the esker, Dennis and Myers sewer lines in and working then pay the monetary amount as stated by Mrs. French for easement across her property. Eng reported that on south side of Kitsap street at the Hanley residence the garage will not be at proper slope to get the car in after construction.. Council told engineer to make whatever repairs are necessary in regard to this condition if and after attorney studies the problem to see if city haw an obligation legally. On motion by Mike Jaen, seconded by Lippert and carried unanimously council accepted work of Lease company of LID #60 in its entirety. Engineer informed council that the county will commence blaektopping of roads during the week of June 15. Following items continued: committee recommendation of Beach steps; fireplace wood at park; Indian point r/w; tennis court fdneing; active Bldg. fees; Cline street curbs and gutters; crosswalk; building inspector; lights in. Catholic church vicinity; possibility of inefficient lighting on Kitsap street; On motion by Caldwell., seconded by Lippert and carried that all correspondence in regard to connections, water or sewer, building permits and other items where location and vic- inity is needed a complete description and/or drawing showing exact distances must be submitted4. On recommendation of chairman of finance committee council instructed attorney to draw amendment to Plumbing ordinance reinstating sections 1101 - 1119; 1201 - 1218 and 1301 - 1323, Chief instructed to mark for meters place parking places adjacent to Myhres on Sidney to accomodate four vehicles. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Lippert and carried council approved the parking pattern of Caldwells for painting. After marking new stalls and lines street department will paint the lines yellow. Attorney reported that Del Davis will attend next meeting to inform council on how to get federal grant for planning loan so that a realistic zoning, building and allied codes can be put into effect within the city. Attorney also informed council of high point in meeting with Robert Maffin from Tacoma Urban Renewal League. George Givens will take care of complaint of Mrs. Dean Corliss that grass is rather high and prohibits view next to central field. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Mikelsen and carried, council approved the Kiwanis having a donkey ball game at Little League field on July 7, and that the field shall be left in as good a condition as before. On request of attorney council on motion by Rylander, seconded by Lipert and carried - instructed attorney to enter gross complaint for unpaid permit charges and fees plus cosy and costs against Cascade Gas Company. After considerable discussion regarding whether a plastic line shall be laid along Kitsap street for a telephone line at a future date and whether the Superintendent of Public Works shall have the authority to expend approximately $135.00 to lay this line.Ro until approved the action on motion by Geiger, seconded by Caldwell and carried with all yeas except Rylander . n Representative of Washington Survey and Rating Bureau requested to meet with council and planning commission on June 15, 1964 at 7:30 PM. Mayor and members of council will meet at City Hall at 5:00 PM and take gentlemen'to dinner prior to meeting. On motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried unanimously council elected to have a one mill levy for regional library for year 1966 placed before the people on the September 1964 primaries. Attorney will prepare ordinance. On motion by Powers, seconded by Geiger and carried council approved and adopted resolution #1015 transferring of various funds as requested by treasurer. There will be a meeting at 7:00 PM, June 16, 1964 at council chambers with employees and council and agent :from the Statewide Retirement System in regard to a retirement � system for the employees which will go into effect January 1965 if the council approves such action. On motion by Powers seconded by Caldwell, and carried council approved the bill of Maxine Johnson for J7.50 plus tax for preparing a list of owners of property in the LID #60. In the matter of Shelton, Remy Property and in accordance with state statutes regarding health conditions, the Superintendent of Public Works can in conjuntion with the Health Department agent enter upon the property and clean the health hazzard that exists. Clerk instructed to contact health department and arrange for their agent to meet with the cities agent and clean this hazzard up. Resolution #1014 (granting of garL4age franchise tea granquist Brothers) read for their time and adopted by council on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried. Clerk authorized to draw warrants from claims fund in the amount of $1341.78 to pay current obligations. Council adjourned at 11:30 PM on motion by Geiger, seconded by Mikelsen and carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington June 22, 1964 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Presont councilmen Powers, Geiger, Mikelsen, Van 'Gee, Lippert and Rylander. Caldwell excused. Minutes of meeting of June 8, 1964 approved as read. Mr. Morgan requested council to compute the cost in lieu of assessment for water con- nections on property at Tract 3, Haywards Home Tracts. Engineer Hammond computed the cost at $265.00. Morgan then said that the portion already with water should not be included and that the new property is not on Trement, but back considerably from Trement. Committee will report on this at next meeting. Sampsons' requested action on a request that was supposed to have been referred to council from planning commission. The council was not aware of this request to install a new trailer where there is now an older one. This will be taken up with planning commission for action. Mr. Davis representing the Department of Commerce and Economic Development gave council a short informative talk on how to apply and what qualifications are required to get 701 money for comprehensive planning and allied items. Council will meet with planning commission and arrange for another meeting with Mr. Davis along with planning commission. Tentative meeting July 6, 1964. Mrs. Johnson from area near and across from Gullo Clinic protested sewer service charges. By survey only, the north half of lower Morton Alley appears to be open and centerline appears to be considerably faOther south than was thought. Mr. Bader has shown intent- ion of moving his property line southerly which would narrow the alley. attorney states that there is a possibility of adverse possession in this matter. Council feels that Mr. Rader should open the alley to its original state and instructed attorney to write a letter to Mr. Bader to this effect and that the city would if ptssible assist in cor- recting the problem at the one corner at west end of Bader property. The above ordered on motion by Lippert, seconded by Geiger, carried. Matter of brush lease with Mr. Cable continued. Engineer reported that Mrs. French consented to a fee of $50.00 for an easement across the vastly portion of her property for sewer lines and council approved the action on motion by Geiger, seconded by Lippert and carried. Mikelsen reported that the lights at the intersection of Sidney and Kitsap are not in proper position, but that the power company will change this. also, that there appears to be insufficient lighting in the area fronting Wards. This will be looked into when construction is completed. Also that seven new street lights installed on r Mitchell, south of existing lights to the South limits on Mitchell on every other pole would solve the lighting needs of the residents in that area and also would probably entice others to annex. On motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and car- ried, council approved installation of the seven lights (street) on Mitchell and clerk instructed to inform Paget Power. Ordinance #728 amending plumbing ordinance adopted on motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried. Superintendent will investigate as to poison or oil to eliminate grass around Central field. Matter of plastic or other type conduit underground, on Kitsap St. for future city use, still continued. Superintendent will contact Pacific NW engineers as to ',additional information. Mayor reported on meeting with representative from Washington Survey and Rating Bureau. Ordinance #727 relating to special election in September for 1 mill for regional library adopted on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried. Mikelsen reported on wire for tennis court, stated that about 850 lineal feet is needed and that he is getting additional prices on various sizes and types. On motion by Geiger, seconded by Rylander and carried,council will request extension of contract with the Department of Public Assistance on the Community Welfare Project. On motion by Mikelsen, seconded by Rylander and carried; Mutual .mid agreement between Fire District #7 and Post Orchard Volunteer Department approved and accepted. 0n motion by Van Zee, seconded' by Lippert and carried, clerk authorized to pay for one (1) bond in amount of $10001.00 for Gale Dow for handling of city money. Clerk to inform Judge that bonding for the handling of police court monies are ',her respon- sibility. Letter from Virgil Parks protesting sewer service charge read, mayor will; take positive action in this regard. On motion by Powers, seconded by Geiger and carried, claim of A & J Utility Contractors for lein on retained percentage accepted and filed with city clerk. Claim in amount of $3287,41 against Lease Co., LID #60. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Lippert and carried, Treasurer authorized to trans- fer $25000.00 from Arterial Street Fund to Street Fund, Kitsap Street Project. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Lippert and carried, transfer of $5960'23 to Street Fund from Park Fund for Labor and Equipment Rental on Babe Ruth Field. On motion by Geiger, seconded by Powers and carried, clerk authorized to draw remenue warrants from LID #60 to Terry Thompson and Co., for payment of Lease Co.,, Donald Thompson and Ruth French in the amount of $1748.760 - $900.00 and $50.00,,respectively. Attorney advised council that Mr. Taylor at 1112 Spokane will be moving his trailer within 90 days. On attorneys question to council of there by any possible chance of a decrease in the ground breaking ordinance or any arbitration with the Cascade Gas Company on the fee, council advise attorney that they will remain as they originally stated on problem. Superintendent reported that the state highway department advised the city that if a couple of holes would be drilled, they would install crosswalk signs and maintain the crosswalk at Slocums. The following items continued: parking places at Myhres; Painting of parking stalls; Remy Shelton property clean up; Committee report on Beach steps; fireplace wood sale - from park; r%w at Mitchell point; Fees at active building; Cline street curbs and gutters; zoning and building code. On motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried,coundil approved for payment from claims funds those bills presented for current operation in the amount of �15, 584..9I. Meeting adjourned at 12:00 PM on motion by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert and carried. Port Orchard, Washington July 13, 1964 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were Councilmen Powers, Geiger, Lippert, Rylander; Mikelsen and Van Zee. Caldwell excused, Xinutes of the meeting of June 22, 1964 approved as read. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Powers and carried, the plot of Frank Woods for two residences facing Cline Street approved as presented except that the side yard distance to Kendall street be increased to 15 feet. Mr. Cable requested a contract for brush picking on City owned land adjacent to garbage dump. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Powers and carried, a lease for three years, beginning with 1 July, 1964 was granted. Granquist brothers are to be informed of lease as access to land will be made through garbage dump. attorney will draw up contract. On motion by Mikelsen, seconded by Rylander and carried, Arlene Ryer, as spokesman for Kitsap Saddle Club was granted permission to suspend banners over Bay St. to advertise the Saddle Club Show. Lee Caldwell shall stand by during the raising to insure safety. Committee recommended that the figure submitted by Engineer Hammond in the amount of *265.00 for charges in lieu of assessment on the E. Morgan property be sustained. On motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried, council adopted the committee recommendation. Clerk instructed to contact members of the Planning Commission and inform then that Mr. Lifvendahl will meet with the Council and Planning Commission Thursday, July 16, 1964 at 7:30 P.M. to discuss Federal assistance for Planning and Zoning. Mr. Bader was present to discuss the possibility of City maintenance of the alley behind his home, known as lower Morton street if he will round off his bulkhead, allowing more adequate space for trucks and turn around. Members of the Council planned to view the situation Tuesday after work and try to reach some decision. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Mikelsen and carried, City Clerk was instructed to obtain and carry bond covering police clerk. Mayor instructed Chief Dow to prepare a letter, "To whom it may concern" showing dates of employment, termination and length of time in service for William Hankin. � Matter of Codification referred to the Finance Committee for discussion. On motion by Mikelsen, seconded by Van "Lee and carried, Council approved bill from North Kitsap Gravel and Asphault for the amount of $21,237.25 and granted a 15 day extension of time due to rain fall. Council received complaint of the disorderly appearance around Caldwell's Trading Post and requested it be made more presentable. Mr. Caldwell to be informed. Civil Defence`requested a map showing the distribution of sewer and water lines as well as gas lines and main cut-offs. Matter referred to George Givens. Mr. Weir requested water hook-up on Sunset Drive; Referred to Committee for further investigation. Letter from Gary Deal requesting an estimate of cost in lieu of assessment for his property on Bay Street was read. Matter referred to Givens and Hammond for consideration. Motion made by Powers, seconded by Geiger and carried that the Tucker summons be referred to the City Attorney. City Planning Commission minutes were read to the Council which stated no further meetings will be held this summer until 9/21/64. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Rylander and carried, Council adopted Ordinance #729 formulating new Precinct and that a map showing boundaries be presented to Mr. Kimble for possible publication. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Rylander and carried (Geiger and Powers opposed) Council asserted a letter be written to the County Commissioners offering City owned property, cost free, for the proposed site of the Kitsap County Juvenile Home adjoining the present one. Richard Rylander, on behalf of the owners of the plat "Proposed Rylander Addition to Port Orchard"' presented plat to Council for adoption. adoption was withheld pending recommendation of Planning Commission and Public hearing. 1 On motion by Rylander, seconded by Lippert and carried, Council concurred the Mayor's appointment of Mary Hodge to acting City Clerk with a salary increase to;4350.00 per month, and that City Clerk R. G. Lloyd be placed on a leave of absence fair the balance �- of the year 1964. Hal Brevig and Annapolis residents submitted petition to Council for LTD for work to be done to sidewalks. Referred to Engineer Hammond and Superintendent Givens for consid- eration. Superintendent of Public Works reported that approximately 161 of storm drain is needed in_backof Post Office. Mr. Lawrence, Navy Yard diver will be over soon to do this work. Mr. Givens also presented request from residents in the area of Mr. James Heron on Mitchell road for larger water line. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Van Zee and carried, bills presented *n the amount of $40146.89 be paid. Meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington July 27, 1964 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by acting Clerk. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Powers and carried, Vern Caldwell was appointed acting Mayor in the absence of Mayor Repanich. Present were Councilmen Powers, Mikelsen, Rylander, Lippert, Geiger and 4eting Mayor Caldwell. Minutes of the meeting of July 13, 1964 were approved as read. Mrs. Erna Hopper presented preliminary plat for eight building lots in the area of South Flower and Fireweed Streets, (tax lot 57). On motion by Powers, seconded by Rylander and carried, preliminary plat was accepted with adjustment of street width to 50 feet as recommended by Council. Engineer Hammond directed to compute "in lieu of water assessment" charges for said property and to report to the City Council for final disposition. Committee to meet with Mr. Hopper, Sr., in regard to his request that City clean up area fronting his property. Mr. Weigel of the Kitsap County Health and Sa to on Department presented to City Council and Don Thompson, the matter of Unifo o and Ordinance #698 which are not compatible. Mayor instructed Mr. Weigel to prepare revised Code and to present to the Council. Mr. Ward, who resides on Kitsap Street inquired about street lighting in an area where light poles are absent leaving a very dark spot. Art Mikelsen reported that matter is under investigation and that Mr. Stegfried will review this problem soon. Don Bowdoin, secretary to the gire Department presented plans to proceed with pur- chase of equipment fer the Fire Department as allocated. Purchase of ten radios with dual tone and covering a 15 mile radius was discussed. Mr. Bowdoin stated that he has also written a letter to Mr. Cox.,,Railway Express Co/, for information on truck which may be purchased to carry auxilliary equipment. City attorney reported on meeting with Lifvendahl and Del Davis, stating the costs of planning loan project will be approximately $9,000.00 to $12$000.00 and that the City share willfbe approximately $3,000.00 to $4,000..00. Matter continued. In the matter of Cecil Bader's request to the City, Council advised City Attorney to write letter to Mrs. Irene McCrory regarding civil dispute. Matter of maps showing lay -out of sewer and water lines referred to Superintendent, George Givens who will commence work on this project as soon as time permits, Approx- imate cost will be $1,800.00. Map for gas lines pending from Cascade Gas Company. Clerk instructed to inform Mr. Weir that Council denied request for water hook-up on the Sunset Drive water main. Upon motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried, this request was denied. Givens informed Council that sewer assessments on Gary Deal property, Sidney First additioift, Block 10, have been paid, that he can hook up to the sewer as requested. Mr. Deal will submit proposed plan for Drive -In for approval. This being the date set for public hearing on plat of Proposed Rylander addition to Port Orchard, and there being no protest, Council approved and accepted said plat on motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried. Upon request of Rylander, proposed LID on Rylander plat was submitted to Engineer Hammond to activate proceedings. n Lippert reported on a request that seal coat along edge of new surface on Beach Drive, be made for pedestrian walk -way. Givens will estimate cost of project and submit to Mr. Brevi.g in Annapolis. Meting City Clerk read letter from Schultheis, Maddock and H. J. Sutton, Attys. on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. James Pieratt requesting withdrawal of Lots 10 & 11 BIk. 27, Annapolis Addition from LID #60 assessment roll. Upon advice of City attorney, re- quest was granted to delete Lot 10 (lot 11 not assessed.) This action taken upon motion by Powers, seconded by Rylander and carried. Givens presented a request from Mr. Christian on Pottery Hill for water service. Matter continued. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Rylander and carried, Resolution No. 1016 was passed upon request of Treasurer, cancelling worthless LID #40 securities from LID Guarantee Investment Fund, transferring balances of paid -up LID Fund to LID Guarantee Fund and cancelling LID #59 warrants (duplication),, #12-17, $561.5$ from LID Guarantee Investment Fund and transferring $4,500.00 to Arterial Street Fund. Also transfer loan of $45OO M from current expense to Arterial Street Fund. Motion by Powers, seconded by Rylander and carried, Council authorized Clerk to draw warrant from LID #60 to Terry Thompson and Co., of Seattle, Washington for. payment of Kitsap County Road Dist. #2 in the amount of $11,397.06. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Powers and carried, current bills in the amount of $3,352.81 were allowed and ordered paid by the City Council. Meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M. Clerk ^i.=ter' �r �'I��.► i.LrA_ Mayor k�ort Orchard, Washington August 10, 1964 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were Councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, Lippert, Mikelsen and Van Zee. Absent, Councilman Rylander. Minutes of meeting of July 27, 1964 approved as read. Engineer Hammond reported that water charges in lieu of assessment for Tax Lot #57, Hugh Hopper property, were computed according to the zone and termini method used for L. I. D. #57, and the charge for said property is $2,337,00. Credit on this amount for $363,68 is acknowledged. Mayor Repanich reported on meeting held with representatives of planning consultant firms and members of the City Council, with Kitsap County Planner, Ralph Lifvendahl also present. Mayor stated that Mr. Lifvendahl offered to contribute services for City of Port Orchard up to $4,000.00 for joint cooperation with County in regard to comprehensive planning. attorney advised Council that engineering firm of Hammond, Collier and Isaac had requested to be considered as a bidder for proposed *7010 project. Councilman Caldwell reported on contact with L..M. Cole, abutting property owner to the w e&t of the Cecil Rader property, regarding possibility of easement to City for alley access. Matter continued. Discussion held regarding additional costs of Kitsap Street project. Engineer stated this was due primarily to unforseen difficulties which arose from very unstable road bed conditions, and additional expense for more sidewalk. Engineer Hammond reported that surfacing of streets on Annapolis Hill was being completedf� and High School sewer was not connected to new line as yet. Final assessment roll, L. I. D. #60 to be prepared as soon as all costs are ascertained. Superintendent Givens inquired on behalf of Bert Workman, resident of Tremont Street,, as to the possibility of Council granting a partial payment of the "in lieu of water assessment" charge to serve his property with City water. Council concurred that charge must be paid in full for entire parcel of land owned by Mr. Workman. The Parks, Playgrounds and Buildings Committee, Rylander, Chairman, was directed to secure estimates for repair work necessary on Municipal Building and submit to Council. On motion by Wan Zee, seconded by Lippert and carried, yearly membership dues to the South Council of Good Roads association was ordered paid. Request of Chief Dow to send patrolman Albert Mares to training school approved. Attorney Thompson granted permission to be excused from August 24th meeting of .:Council. Attorney Thompson stated that trial with Cascade Natural Gas Corp. had been set for February 17 and 18, 1965, and further stated that attorneys for gas company wish to take dispositions from Mayor Repanich and Councilman Geiger at the office of Jones , Grey, Kehoe, Hooker and Olson, Norton Building, Seattle, Washington. Matter regarding gas installation charges for City residents discussed, and attorney offered to write the Public Utilities Commission regarding complaints received. Mayor stated he is to attend a meeting in Bremerton on 8/11/64, regarding Juvenile Home Levy. Bob Lloyd, County Commissioner, informed Council of the possible availability to the City, of County -owned Land in the Black Jack Creek area. Matter to be investigated. The Babe Ruth League and Little League request for $250.00 for materials to partition the Active Building basement, was granted and plans approved as amended On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Mikelsen and carried. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Van Zee and carried,lills in the following amounts were ordered paid: Current Expense Fund; $1,422.05, Street Fund; $158#04, Sewer Fund; $112.45, Park Fund; $42,43 and Arterial Street Fund, $11,236,52. The following items were continued; plumbing code, Kitspp Street light, water and sewer maps, Rylander L. I. D. and Beach Road walk -way. Meeting adjourned at 10:20 P. M. on motion by. Powers, seconded by Geiger -and carried. Clerk Mayor Port 0rchard, Washington August 24, 1964 j^ Council of_the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were Councilmen Powers, Lippert, Van Zee, Mikelsen, Caldwell and Geiger. Rylander excused. Minutes of meeting of August 10, 1964 approved as corrected. J. L. McDaniel, Tom Harper and Mrs. Reina, Seigner requested restoration of Third Street, Engineer Hammond and Superintendent Givens reported that the street has been widened, oiled and graveled and in time will be a favorable surface for Third Street. Five property owners from Mahon Street in Annapolis requested additional,repairing to Mahon Street, a stop sign and speed limit sign posted. Matter referred to Street and Alley committee. Joe Christian from Melcher St. requested water service to his residence and expressed willingness to annex to the City. Matter referred to water committee. Don Rasmussen, representing Gary Deal, presented plans for new business in the Water street area and requested of the City quit -claim deed for a small portion of land for parking space. Matter considered and referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Permission granted to property owner to go ahead with Crazy Eric's portion of proposal and to prepare petition for Street vacation on motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried. Application for employtpent submitted in a letter by Walter Denton for position of Engineer and Surveyer was read and applicant informed letter will be placed on file. M. G. Poole, professional planner, presented his qualifications and proposal to the r, Council for professional planning ihi;regard to "701" project. Mr. .Poole advised Council will set date for meeting in the near future. Two bids for roof repElring on City Hall were presented and discussed. On motion by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers and carried, the committee will ask for additional bids including alluminum coating and carrying guarantee. Building committee was given power to act on decision. Request ;_ranted to Kitsap County Sheriff's Department and the Port Orchard Police De- partment -for the use of Ball Field for slow pitch games on August 30. Matter of property on Blackjack Creek, available to the City, continued. Plumbing code continued. Matter of Gas Company -City attorney communication continued. Council was informed that the date for LID #59 forclosure sale has been set for August 28th. Engineer Hammond reported that the estimate for Rylander Curb and Roads are now avail- able and will be submitted with the plot plan at the next meeting. On motion by Mikelsen, seconded by Lippert and carried, Puget Power authorized to install a light on Kitsap Street, 10 lights on Mitchell and one light at the end of Farragut Street. Mr. Rader was present to discuss issue concerning maintenance of alley behind his prop- erty and possible LID. Matter continued pending attorneys investigation. On motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried, bills in the following amounts be aid. Current expense, $760.07; Water Fund, $495.58; Street Fund, 4530.08; Sewer .Fund, 266.31; Park Fund, $87.46. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P. M. on motion by Powers, seconded by Mikelsen and carried. Clerk , Mayor Port Orchard, Washington September 14, 1964 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were councilmen Lippert, Van Lee, Mikelsen, Powers, Caldwell and Geiger. Rylander excused. Minutes of meeting of ilugust 24, 1964 api,roved as corrected. Wayne Chastain and Frank King, engineers, presented Leora Park Plat and road plan. Matter of street width decision referred to Planning Commission for meeting of Sept" ember 21, and to be returned to Council for September 28 meeting and final decision. Don Rasmussen and Gary Deal presented petition for Bay St. development. On motion by Posers, seconded by Lippert and carried, the City will accept vacation of 3,000 sq. ft. of property and that October 12, 1964, 8:00 P. M. be set for time of hearing on vaca- tion of that portion of Water St. as proposed'in the petition. Supt. Givens will locate drain line by the next meeting. Mr. Deal agreed to pave 361 to 40' of Water 5t. (200 feet of Water St.). Cecil Rader was present regarding decision of Council on City alley maintenance. On motion by Powers, seconded by "jippert and carried that City sttorney get a declaration of agreement from L. W. Cole in order that engineer design a proper bulkhead which Mr. Rader agreed to install at the edge of alley. Matter to be Continued. Engineer Hammond presented the estimate for the total cost for water hook-up, curbs, gutters and roadway for Rylander Plat. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Mikelsen, and carried, petition be accepted and submitted to Attorney for disposition. Mayor advised Givens to inform Joe Christian that in order to annex to the City of Port Orchard he must present petition from his :attorney, cost to be absorved by pet- itioner, in order to hook up to City water. Rids were accepted by Council for painting of the City Hall from J & J Contractors, 4rahn & Co. On motion by Mikelsen, seconded by Van Zee and carried, the bid submitted by Grahn and Co. be accepted as specified, with the stipulation that painting be comp- leted by October 16, 1964. Engineer Hammond recommended the Kitsap Street job be accepted and that the amount sub- mitted by Kitsap Gravel and Asphalt be paid. It was moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van Zee and carried that the work on Kitsap St. for Mr. Hanely be discontinued. Engineer Hammond presented to the Council the cost set up for L. 1. D. #6U. On motion by Powers, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Council authorized acting Clerk to draw warrants from L.I. D. #60. On motion by Powers, seconded by Caldwell and c«rried, Council authorized Acting Clerk to draw warrants from L. 1. D. ho. 60 to ferry Thompson and Co. of Seattle, Washington for payment of Claud's Service, B & H Gravely& Paving Co., I.0, , Trick & Murray, Kitsap County Road District No. 2, and Lease Co., in the amount of 37.440 $603.200 $1,145.49 and $16,599.09 respectively. Mayor Repanich requested establishing a mileage rate at the rate of 100 per mile and expenses for those City officials who travel to other cities for meetings, conventions, �.,� etc. Motion made by Lippert, seconded by Mikelsen and carried. Superintendent Givens reported an estimate of $4,000.00 for tank painting. Council authorized a call for bids on motion by Powers, seconded by Geiger and carried. City Attorney recommended consultation with representative of Insurance Assoc. persuant to premium rate increase for the protection of the City. The proposed Ordinance which has been prepared by Kitsap County Health Dept, is ready for presentation to the Council. On motion by Powers, seconded by Mikelsen and carried, bills in the amount of $5,949.84 be paid. C. E. $2,664.07; Water $716.65; Street, $2,328.60; Sewer, $212.22; Park, $28.30. Meeting adjourned at 12:00 midnight by order of the Council. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington September 21, 1964 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to special session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich at 7:00 P. M. Present were councilmen Rylander, Lippert, Powers, Caldwell and Van Zee. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert and carried, Ordinance #730, providing for special levy of 1 mill for Retional Library service for the year 1966 was passed, and approved to be put on the ballot for the November 3, 1964 General Election. Meeting adjourned at 7:15 P. M. by order of the Council. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington September 28, 1964 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were Councilmen Mikelsen, Powers, Geiger, Rylander, Van Zee, Caldwell and Lippert. Minutes of the meeting of September 14, 1964 approved as corrected. This being the date set for hearing for vacation of a portion of Water St. and there being no one appearing in protest to said vacation, motion was made by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried, that Ordinance No. 731, vacating a portion of Water street be adopted. On motion by Geiger, seconded by Lippert and carried, K6ndaiy, October 5th -it 7:40 P. M. was date set for public hearing on Leora Park Plat. Public notice will be posted in 4 places, upon advice of Attorney. Cecil Bader appeared again before the Council with the offer that he will furnish labor and material and will build bulkhead providing 8 feet radius on SW corner of hts property in compliance with City engineer specifications, providing (City will haul away dirt, back fill and provide reasonable maintenance of alleyp :attorney reported Ernie Cole refused to grant rel4ase of responsibility for damages to City and granted permission to City for removal of laurel hedge if necessary. On motion by Powers, seconded by Van Zee and carried, Mr. Bader was granted permission to proceed. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Rylander and carried, City Council allowed a second varience to Frank Woods for construction on Kendall street of 12.7 feet 'set -back. Letter was read to Council by attorney Thompson from Cascade Natural Gas. Coin regard to our street breakage fees. Engineer Hammond requested a date be set for final hearing on LID #60. On motion by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers and carried, November 2nd, 7:30 P. M. was set. Mr. George Rice, representing the Great Books Club, requested permission for the Club to meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month in the Port Orchard Public Library. After discussion, club withdrew their request. This being the date set for opening of bids for painting of Kendall St. weter tank, Mayor instructed acting Clerk to open the 2 bids received which were inthe following amounts. J. & J. Painting Contractors, 8,840.00. Joe P. Kinney Painters, $4,760.00. No action was taken. Referred to Engineer Hammond and held over until return of Superintendent Givens. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Mikelsen and carried, Chief of Police be instructed to`repairing of parking meters on Bay St. October 1, 1964, 7:30 P. M. was date set for joint meeting of City Council, City Planning Commission and Ralph Lifvendahl, County Planner to act on bids for Compre- hensive Planning. Monday, October 5th, 7:30 P. M. was time and date set for meeting of City Council for passing of the budget, and setting tag levies. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert and carried, bills presented in the following amounts be paid. CE. $352.38; Water, $342.91; Street, 572.99; Sewer, $147.84; Park, $93.29; Misc. $2,295.74. Total, $3,805.15 Meeting adjourned at 11:00 P. M. i Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington October 5, 1964 Special meeting of the Council was called to ordor at 7:30 P.M. Port Orchard, Washington, by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were Councilmen Powers, Van Zee, Mikelsen, Caldwell and Lippert. Rylander absent. Geiger excused. This being the date set for budget hearing, and there being no protest heard, Council acopted the 1965 budget as revised, (352,227.21) and fixed the tax levies for 1965 as stated in Ordinance No. 732, upon motion by Lippert, seconded by Dowers and carried. This also being date set for hearing on Leora Park Addition to Port Orchard,, and there laeih..o .sprflteet._h$rd;:;.�oi+iol plat was accepted by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried. Meeting adjourned at :10 P. M. Clerk { Mayor %-ort Orchard, Washington October 26, 1964 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were Councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, Van 'Zee, Mikelsen, Lippert and Rylander. Minutes of the meeting of October 12, 1964 approved as read. Joe Oswald appeared before the Council to discuss cost of extending water line to his property. Mr. Lippert, Chairman of the water committee reported he had contacted Mr. Rbthwell regarding possible formation of an L. 1. D. on Bothwell St., stating Mr. Bothwell was not in favor of said improvement. George Givens reported water»main hook up as follows: 550' of water line G$3.50 ($1,925.00 plus tax and 15% overhead). Matter continued. Chairman Caldwell of the Street and Alley Committee reported to Council on meeting with Louis Anderson, owner of Gould Sheet Metal building, regarding installation of 36"' culvert across alley in Block 2, Sidney Addition. Cost to be distributed by property owners as follows: City 1 length and H. J. Kilpatrick, 1 length, (4 ft.). Installation cost to be borne. by Anderson, also a fill between Anderson and Kil- patrick property, and possible riprapping. It was moved by Lippert, seconded by Rylander and carried that Attorney -be authorized to draw up a license for use of City property,. Above plan was accepted b Council and H. J. Kilpatrick who will be allowed to pay his share of culvert at 45.00 per month to the City, who will absorb cost of 2 lengths, approximately 8 ft. Anderson to assume balance of cost of culvert. Rap Hail, building Inspector, reported on trailer on Mitchell Road, occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Allen. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Caldwell and carried trailer permit be denied for reason of inadequate lot size. Trailer must be moved in 90 days. Mayor Repanich stated Mr. Bollman had contacted him, expressing intent to sell part of her property and requesting estimate of cost for platting. Mayor to advise her to contact an engineering firm. Water Committee action to accept Joe P. Kinney bid of $4,500.00 for painting water tanks was ratified on motion by Powers, seconded by Van Lee and carried. Minutes of Port Orchard Planning Committee were read by Mayor Repanich for Sept. and October in which the following recommendations were made: Approval of Methodist Church building program; Six months trailer extension to Walter Seals. On Motion by Van Zee, seconded by Powers and carried, recommendations rre accepted. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Lippert and carried, Seals trailer must be moved from the property when their ho-xse is ready for occupancy or when 6 months has expired. Finance Committee instructed to review the Pension plans and to make recommendations. Attorney Don Thompson read letter from Public Utilities Commission regarding Caseado Gas Company connection charges. Thursday, November 12, 7:30 P. M. set for meeting be- tween Gas company representatives and members of the Council in the Council chambers. On motion by Mikelsen, seconded by Rylander and carried, the charges for 'water line on South. Flower Street to Leora Plat, a distance of approximately 270 ft. be as follows: 1,665.41, less $363.68 credit. n Letter read by Mayor from Mayor McKisson of Winslow informing Mayor and Council of District meeting at the hearthstone on Wednesday November 18, 1964. Legislators and Councilmen are urged to attend. Mayor to inform him of number attending district meeting. Engineer Hammond reported notices had gone out to property owners in LID #60 advising them that the Resolution No. was 1010 instead of 1009 as was indicated in their notices for hearing on November 2, 1964. Mayor appointed committee consisting of Lippert, Powers and Caldwell to sit as board of equalization to consider protests to assess- ment roll, L. 1. D. #60 at hearing on November 2, 1964. Mayor read letter from South Kitsap Improvement Club notifying Council of their meeting at the High School on October 28, 1964. On motion by Powers, seconded by Van Zee and carried, purchase of brief ease for secretary of Port Orchard Planning Commission was authorized. Proposed building code and fire zones referred to Finance Committee for study and report. Councilman Van Zee requested consideration by Council in regard to sewer charge for -vacancy in Modern Hotel Building. Request referred to Water and Sewer Committee. Superintendent directed to investigate drainage problem in vicinity of M©lzahn property on May street and report to Council. May street right-of-way through Bert Workman's property referred to Street Committee for investigation and report. Councilman Mikelsen reported Port Orchard Thriftway had paid City the delinquent bill, (1962 through June 1964) for mercury vapor light service, and there has been no response from Quality Food Center in regard to delinquent bill in the amount of $108.00 for the years 1960 - 61. Councilman Mikelsen also reported on matter of concern regarding burned but street lights, stating P. S. P. c& L. Co. no longer makes periodic checks, but r6lies on reports from residents. Mikelsen recoremended citizens be made aware of their re- sponsibility to report burned out street lights to Puget Sound Power and Light Co. by means of stamping water and sewer bills with pertinent information. This recom- mendation adopted on motion by Van Zee, seconded by Powers and carried. Councilman Mikelsen advised Council of the dangerous situation which exists from cars parking illegally on the wrong side of the street, in the residential areas and recom- mended that illegal parking law be enforced. It was moved by Mikelsen, seconded by Van Zee and carried that after due publicity and warning to offenders. Police Depart* meet take action to enforce illegal parking laws. Bills in the following amount were ordered paid on motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers andearried. C. E., 1,751.95, Water, 522.76; Street, $831..75; Sewer, $212..88; Park, $74.76; arterial street, $26.73. Total $3,420..83. Meeting adjourned 12:00 midnight. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington November 2, 1964 Special meeting for Hearing on Assessment Roll, L. I. D. #60, called to order by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Presgnt were Councilmen Powers, Lippert and Caldwell, Geiger and Mikelsen, also engineer Hammond and Attorney Don Thompson. Mayor read letters of protest from the following property owners: Arthur 0, Grenst"d, Hazel Touchette, Dante and Hazel Chackel, Henry F. Muyskens, Robert Gans, Frank Shiers, on behalf of clients Virgil and Marian Hall, Myron Freyd, on behalf of NOlander Estate, William Marshall, Albert and Helen Rooms, Florence Armitage, Sarah L. Waehoe, Dudley Ferrine on behalf of Mrs. John C. Parrott, Helen L. Clauden, P. E. Rosenbarger, R. P. Joslin and E. W. Bloomquist, Donald and Pauline Barra, Harold E. ttageo Sr. Dudley Perrine on behalf of W. E. .Ainsworth, Francis M. Patterson, Carl chroder, E. R. Fein, Jennie Biruce, Dudley Perrine on behalf of Marquerite Tegstro , Dudley Perrine on bdhalf of Annapolis Water District, T. A. and Edna Hoover an: Robert Roland. Letters to be considered and filed. Property owners and representatives of property owners appearing in pe council were Arthur 0. Grenstad, Robert Gans, William Marshall, a.lbe Rooms, Sarag and Felix Warhoe, P. E. Rosenbarger, R. P. Joslin, Har Francis M. Peterson, Mrs. E. R. Fein, Robert Roland and Dudley Perrine Hearing continued until 7:30 P. M.J. November 9, 1964. Committee to meet with Engineer Hammond and Attorney Thompson Thursday at 1:OO P. M. to consider protests and view property involved. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P. M. Clerk Port Orchard, Washington November 9, 1964 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular sessi Nick J. Repanich. Present were councilmen Powers, Rylander, Caldwell, Van Zee, Lippert and Geiger. Minutes of the meeting of October 26, 1964 approved as corrected. Special meeting on L.I. D. #60 approved as corrected. son to address t and . Helen ld 6. Stage, Jr. November 5, Mayor on by Mayor Mikelsen, tes of the Joe Oswald and Charles Ryan appeared before the Council requesting a decision on water line on Bothwell street. On motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried, City will install water line and estimate cost of connection eharges. based on zone and termini method. The estimate for Oswald is $500.00 for water line and $75,00 connection charge. Supt. Givens advised to order a supply of pipe. Chairman Caldwell reported on agreement with Louis .Anderson with the f llowing arrangements: City will provide 1 length of pipe, H. J. Kilpatrick, 1 length of pipe and Anderson will provide the balance of pipe. Plans are in order to begin in about 2 weeks. Mikelsen reported that the stamp to be used on billing cards to notify the res- idents of Port Orchard to report burned out street lights, is on order. Art Mikelsen also reported ac request for lights on Roland and May streets. On motion by Mikelsen, seconded by Powers and carried, acting Clerk to notify Mr Siegfried of Puget Power Co. to install 3 open reflector type lights. Fire Chief Bontrager presented one of the new radios with tone generat rs for Council to see and explained new tone alerts. He requested permission to order an additional 10 radios to be delivered now and billed May 1, 1965. also, he discussed traffic -fire light .control buttons on Bay St. Matter continued. Chief Dow requested purchase of new radio in place of used one for sec funds are available. Matter continued. Mayor Repanich appointed councilmen Powers, Geiger and Caldwell as a review City Clerk applications and to submit to Mayor the five best q from which the Mayor will make a selection at a future date. Finance Committee will have answer on retirement program prepared by t meeting. Letter of resignation read from Dorothy Siva from the Library Board, d effective when replacement is made by recommendation of the board. Co car if el to iiled next ed Oct. 3 0, inued. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Lippert and carried, tile in the Library should be replaced. Referred to buildings committee chairman, Van Zee. Van Zee reported broken windows in Youth Activity Bldg. George Givens was author- ized to get some one to help him to install new windows and repair tho a which are only cracked. Buildings Committee to look into the problem of the damaged ceilAng in the Council chambers. On motion by Mikelsen, seconded by Van Zee and carried, Attorney to to k into the possibility of formulating an Ordinance regulating BB guns inside he City limits. Letter from Delbert Davis read by Mayor, acknowledged and filed. Council has been invited to attend meeting of Council of Town of Gig Harbor with the Planning Commission, Council and consultants and engineers. Meeting scheduled at 8:00 P. M. November 10, 1964. Mayor repnrted on communication from Mayor McKisson of Winslow regarding Legistative meeting at the Hearthstone November 18, at 6:30 P. M. Referendum 34 will be dis- cussed. Invitation to be extended to Chuck Kimble, the President of the,Chamber of Commerce and to the President of the Women's Federation of Voters. Mikelsen.. Powers, Caldwell, Geiger will attend. . i The following meeti.ngscere also announced: Meeting of the Planning Commission, Monday, November 16; Community Leadership Training Program classes November 9 & 25 at the S. K. High School; Washington State Parks & Recreation Committee outdoor space plan, November 11 & 13, 2:00 P.M., Tacoma County City Bldg.; meet- ing with the Gas Co. Thursday, November 12, 7:30; Traffic Safety - Law hndorce- ment and engineering Clinic, December 3 & 41 Olympia, Washington. The following recommendations continued: Building Code, Fire Zoning, Van Lee request for reduction of charges for sewer, May street water drainage, Workman right-of-way. Mayor reported to the Council the decisions made on L.I.D. #60 protests by the committee. 1. Mildred Ryan, 98 Russell Road, Bremerton, Washington, Lot 1 & 20 Block 4, Annapolis. Protest was submitted after hearing and is too late, and in addition, the property is benefited. 2. R. P. Joslin and E. W. Bloomquist, P. 0. Box 171, Fort Orchard, Washington, Lots 1 to 9 inclusive, Block 3, Plat of Annapolis and vacated South- erly 15 feet of Depot Street Wjacent to said Lot 9 - - property is benefited. Lots 6 to 9, Block 1, Plat of Annapolis, tidelands are valuable and benefited. 3. Donald Barra, Lot 18, Block 5, Fowler's Replat iddition, estimate was based on 100 linear feet width, when actually property is 144.22 linear feet in width. Error was explained to Mr. Barra. Protest denied. 4. Carl Schroder, Route 4, Box 1, Port Orchard, Washington, Lot 24, Block 4, Fowler's Replat. Property is benefited to extent of assessmentp addit- ional stub and extension of main cost the city approximately $180.00. 5. E. R. Fein, Route 4, Box 156, Port Orchard, Washington, Lot 1, Block 5, Annapolis.. Property front is on Division Street and is benefited to extent of assessment. 6. Jenny B. Bruce, P. 0. Box 154, Port Orchard, Washington, Lots 3 and 4, including vacated strip, Block 14, Plat of Annapolis, connection fee is for eonnection to stub, not from stub to house. 7. Annapolis Water District, c/a Dudley N. Perrine, P. 0. Box 25, Port Orchard, Washington, portion of Government Lot 1. There could be facilities using sewer service on this property, therefore, it is benefited. 8. T. A. Hoover, 1422 Third St. Port Orchard, Washington, Lot 6, Block 7, Wheeler's Addition, connection fee is for stub. 9. Arthur 0. Grenstad, Route 4, Box 72, Port Orchard, Washington Lot 70 Block 14, South 45 feet including vacated strip, Plat of Annapolis, connection fee is for stub. 10. Hazel A. Touchette, Route 3, Box 10, Port Orchard, Washington Lot 2, Block 130. There was no assessment on the driveway. 11. Dante L. Chackel, Route 6, Box 530, Port Orchard, Washington East 120 feet of Lot 10, Block 1, Lot 11, Block 1, Lot 1 & 2, Block 2p Annapolis. Tidelands are of value and have been benefited. Connection All be made when requested at $100.00 apiece. 12. Henry F. Muyskens, Route 4, Box 20, Port Orchard, Washington, Lots 9, 10, 14 and 22 are charged to Henry H. Muyskens, Route 4, Box 20, Port Orchard, Washington. Ownerships come from County treasurer which list the peoperty merely as *Henry Muyskens" Sewer ordinance provides for $100.00 connection charge per resident, regardless of common hookup. The ten feet purchased from R. E. Scribner will be segregated. 13. Marguerite Tegstrom, c/o Dudley N. Perrine, L. U. Box 25, Port (Orchard, Washington, Lot 16, Block 2, Cline's addition, Lot 17, block 2, Tom Cline's addition, Lot 18, Block 2, Tbm Cline's ��Lddition. attorney will check to see if property is owned by State of Washington. 14. W. E. Ainsworth, c/o Dudley N. Perrine, P. 0. Box 25, fort Orch- ard, Washington, Lots 11 and 12�Wheeler's addition. Lot 12 is buildable, Lot 11 will be deleted. �- 15. Felix & Sarah L. Warhoe, P. 0. Box 24, Port Orchard, Washington, Lot 5, Rlock 4, Wheeler's Addition, Mrs. Warhoe was satisfied at the hearing. 16. Virgil Hall, c/o Frank A. Shiers, P. U. Box 126, Port Orchard, Washington, Lot 2, Block 5, in the south 80 feet of Wheeler's �iddition to the town of Port Orchard. The City will accept the deed to hold property in trust for L.I.D. #60. 17. Myron H. Freyd, Trustee under the Bankruptcy of Joseph Charles Nelander, 823 Bay Street, Port Orchard, Washington, Lot 14 to 20 inclusive, Block 9, Wheeler's Addition to Sidney. Property is benefited to this extent. 18. Robert Roland, Lots 21, 22, Block 12, Plat of Annapolis. Lots 21 and 22 will not be benefited and vill be deleted. 19. Mrs. John G. Parrott, Route 4, Box 89-B, Port Orchard, Washington Lot 40 Block 20 and Lot 12, Block 20, Plat of Annapolis. Both lots are build- able and are benefited to this extent. 20. William E. Marshall, Route 4, Box 96, Port Orchard, Washington Lot 7, Block 26, Lot 8 and 9. Block 26, Lot 11, block 26, Plat of Annapolis. Lot 7, 8 and 9 are benefited, Lot 11 will be .ssessed from Faragut Street, reducing assessment. 21. P. E. Rosenbarger, c/o Marion Garland, 205-7 Dietz Building, Bremerton, Washington, Lot 10 Block 20, rnnapolis. Lot is buildable and, therefore, benefited by sewer. Varience would be granted for building. 22. Harold E. Stage, Sr., Route 6, Box 511, Fort Orchard, Lots 11 2 and 3. Block 27, Annapolis addition. A building could be built on this j property obtaining benefit from the sewer, therefore, benefited to the extent of the assessment. 23. The remainder of the objections were all to assessment on tidelands. The committee found that the tidelands were valuable and benefited to the extent of the assessments and therefore, the protests should be denied.. On motion by Powers, seconded by Caldwell and carried, recommendations be accepted. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Geiger and carried, attorney be instructed to draw up an Ordinance confirming assessment roll on L.I.D. #60. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Lippert and carried, hearing continued until next meeting. On motion by Powers, seconded by Caldwell and carried, bills pre- sented in the following amounts be paid: C. 6.0 $999.55; Water, $250.06; Street, $1,260.46, Sewer, $126.63; Park, $39.71; Total: $2 686141. Meeting was adjourned at 11:00 Y.M. Clerk �" r Mayor Fort Orchard, Washington November 23, 1964 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were councilmen Powers, Geiger, Mikelsen, Lippert and Van 'Lee. Caldwell excused. Rylander absent. Minutes of Meeting of November 9, 1964 approved as corrected. Jordell Raker vas present to inquire about date when payment may be made on TAID -W. Ordinance #733 was read by Mayor Repanich. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Mikelsen and earried, Council adopted Ordinance #733 with condition that,deter- mination of interest rate be held over for final decision upon contact with Terry Thompson, Bond Broker, and that the committee be given the power to act on interest rate. Committee from Council, Geiger'. Mikelsen and Lippert, appointed by Mayor. Superintendent Givens reported on progress of work on Oswald property. Hdnnmond reported on estimate of cost and recommenried furiher reviewing by Council before final. costs are determined. Powers, chairman 'of finance committee reported his committee favored authoriza- tion for Chief of Police to tairchase new instead of used radio for second police car. On motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried, Chief granted permission to order radio. Finance committee reported on decision of Committee for retirement grogram for City employees The State Employees' Retirement system of the State of Washington was chosen. On motion by Mikelsen, seconded by Geiger and carried, recommenda- tions of the committee be accepted to become effective January 1, 1965, for .all salaried employees and elected officials who wish to participate. Resignation of Dorothy Sive from the Library Board was discussed. John Kleinbeck to recommend successor to the Council. Replacement of tile in the Library, damaged by water during heavy rainfall was discussed. Referred to Buildings committee. Givens reported that the broken windows in the Active Building have been replaced. He also reported that the accoustioa.l tile on the ceiling of the larger room has been punctured. Rylander, chairman of the Parks and Playgrounds committee is to investigate and act on plans for repairing. Matter of RB sun ordinance to be continued. Referred to Chief of rolice; Mikelsen and the ittorney until next meeting. Mayor reported on meeting at Gig Harbor where comprehensive planning consultants discussed a comprehensive planning program. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Mikelsen and carried, U"n-ineer Hammond to pre- pare a preliminary plan to submit to attorney for proposed L1D for curbs and side- walks with traffic pattern on Bay St. to be considered from Meal's to the Bridge and to be continued through to Westbay Shopping Center. Matter Continued. Parks and Playgrounds committee to investigate seeding and beautification of area alonz water by Parking lot. Committee to work with Beautification committee to move trees in planters along Bay St. and to transfer them to grounds of City Hall. December 10 1964 at 6:00 P. M. was new time and date set for District meeting of Association of Washington Cities at the Hearthstone in Bremerton. Councilman Powers presented completed map for fire zones. Givens and engineer Hammond to assist attorney in drawing up legal descriptions. Committee to recom- mend adoption of Building Code. Continued for next meeting. Matter of sewer charges to be discussed and reviewed. Continued. Ammendment to Ordinance #726 establishing fees for street breakage was discussed. Attorney to revise ordinance to read, �5.00 for first 100 ft. and $5.00 for any portion of next 300 ft. Continued. Matter of sewer charges to be discussed and reviewed. Continued. Ammendment to Ordinance #726 establishing fees for street breakage was discussed. Attorney to read, $5.00 for first 100 ft. and $5.00 for any portion of next 300 ft, Continued. Chairman Powers of Finance Committee reported on investigation of costs, types of Police cars available, etc, in regard to purchase of second police ear. 1t was moved by Lippert, seconded by Van Zee and carried, with Mikelsen opposed' to authorize Chief of Police and Finance committee to prepare specifications for Call for Bids for Fairlane size'car with a minimum of 225 HP.. Mikelsen reported a dangerous rise on Sidney street which makes visibility iml,os- sible for on -coming traffic. Referred to Street and Alley committee for'investi- gation. Chief of Police Given authori.,ation to enforce regulations requiring bus drivers to stop buses in bus zones only, as regulations specify. Letter was read from Attorney General of the State of Washington to Donald H. Thompson, City Attorney, informing him that the City of Port Orchard must comply with recommendations persuant to audit in April, 1964. This matter referred to attorney for reply. Matter of Van Zee reduction in sewer fee, May street drainage, Workman roadway were continued. On motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried, bills in the following be paid: C. E. $1,221.60; Water, $399.85; Street, $473.82; Sewer, $570.55; Park, $265.78; Total, $2,929.60. Communications read: Health Department re: Gardner residence at 1135 Portland street. Humane society report. Meeting continued until. November 24, at 5:00 Y.M. kdjourned at 12:05 A.M. Clerk T r Mayor * * x4 * * * * * * * * * * * Port Orchard, Washington November 24, 1964 Meeting of the Council Committee appointed by Mayor was held at the time and place directed, but was adjourned at 5:10 P.M. for lack of a quarum and was continued to 5:00 P. M. November 25, 1964. Clerk _ - Mayor Port Urchard, Washington November 25, 1964 Committee of Council appointed by Mayor, namely, Geiger, Mikelsen anu Lippert, met at appointed time and place to act upon fixin interest rate for LID#60, Ordinance #733, On motion by Mikelsen, seconded by Lippert and carried, interest rate for LID #60, Ordinance #733, confirming and approving assessment roll, was fixed at 52% per annum. Meeting adjourned at 5:30 P.M. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington December 14, 1964 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washi►igten called to regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were Councilmen Rylander, Lippert, Mikelsen, rowers, Caldwell, Van Zee, and Geiger. absent was City Attorney Thompson. Minutes of meeting of November 23, 1964 approved as corrected. Supt. Givens reported that weather permitting, water extension to the Joe Oswald property would commence December 12, 1964. Mr. Heckle was present to thank the Co►ncil for eliminating parking V 4 charges during the Holiday shopping period. Map .for Westbay traffic pattern was reviewed by the Council. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Lippert and carried, committee be given power to act upon recommenda- tions of Engineer Hammond who will draw up plans. Joseph Haas, Frank Shiers, attorney representing Mr. Haas, and Charles Ryan contrac- tor, were present to request building permit for Washington State Liquor Store being constructed. Letter was read from Planning Commission approving issuance of building permit with Pedestrian traffic only from Bay Street. Ray Hall reported specifications meet with "building ecde for commercial zone. Joseph Haas stated he would assume costs for filling 25 ft. between his property and Harrison Street behind Peninsula Feed Store if easements can be obtained,, to be used in continuation of street to Harrison. On motion. by Powers, seconded by 'Lippert and carried, building; permit be issued in accordance with Planning Commission. Mr. Rierson, accounts :ludi_tor for State Employees Retirement System met, with Council regarding the retirement system to be adopted by Council for City Employees and elected officials who wish to participate. Matter of verification referred to attor- ney and continued to next meeting. Treasurer reported attorney advised that Cascade Natural Gas Co. has agreed to a settlement with City of Port Orchard. Ordinance will be revised and presented at the next meeting. Continued. Letter from Ty Stephens for American Field Service requesting 4th of July Fire- works stand. Letter filed until later dale. Chief of Police requested that a judge pro-tem be appointed during the Holidays to fill the vas ancy created by a liaive-of-absence for Judge Watt. On motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried, Myron Freyd to be contacted. Ed Sundt reported a dangerous situation created bY speeding official ears into the 3 way intersection on DeKalb, Pottery and Bay Streets. Study requested on this situation and continued. Letter from Joe Haas read by Mayor regarding sewer charges on property on Garrison Street. Referred to water and sewer committee. Chief Dow reported that call for bids will be published in the Bremerton Sun and In the Port Orchard Independent. Matter of property owner constructing pig pen near property line of newly const- ructed home referred to Health Department. Continued: Attorney's report on LID #60 continued to next meeting. Extension of May street through Workman property. Matter of South and Sidney street inter- section hazzard to be continued: Elliott ac;dressing machine referred tocom- mittee. BB gun [ordinance continued. adoption of zoning and building code con- tinued. Matter of Van Zee request for reduction of charges continued. Beaut- ification and waterfront parking problems continued. Breed property sewer hook-up matter continued. Gi-ens reported tile is replaced in Library and accoustical tile in Activd Bldg. Mikelsen reported lights have been installed on May St. & Roland St. Planters have been moved and placed at City Hall. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell and carried, bills in the following amounts be paid: C. E. $754.05; Water, $826.20; Street, $949,00; Sewer, 542.42; Park, $39.30; 'Library, $3,100.00. 'Total: $9,210.97. Meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M. Mayor Port Orchard, Washington ieeember 28, 1964 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were Councilmen hylander, Lippert, Mikelsen, Van Zee, Geiger, Caldwell and Powers. Minutes of meeting of December 14, 1964 approved as read. Harry Hansen appeared before Council regarding Planning and Zoning. He is to cont- act Mayor at a later date. Matter continued. Engineer Hammond authorized Ray Hall to present to Council for study, a map of West Ray street improvements. Matter continued pending meeting with Engineer Hammond. Bids for purchase of Police car were or�ened by Clerk and presented to Council by the Mayor. Bids were received from the following: Howe Motors, 2,688.61 and Jim, Traveller Motors.. Inc., $2,565.62 and an alternate bid of $2,809.94. 0n motion by Lippert, seconded by Rylander and carried, bids were rejected and new call for bids authorized for January 4, 1965. On motion 'hy Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried, Ordinance #734 was adopted affiliating City of Fort Orchard with State Retirement System. Clarence Freimuth appeared before Council requesting clarification on reduction of eb-Aes from $16.00 to $4.00, Active Club rental for non --profit teen age dances. Referred to Committee for review and varification before next dance scheduled. Attorney Thompson presented Ordinance #735 regarding street breakage permit fees and read letter written by Will iLnderson, Attorney for Cascade Natural Gas Comi:any authorizing settlement out of court. After reading the Ordinance by the Mayor, motion was made by Mikelsen, seconded by Van ;Lee and carried, Ordinance #735 be adopted. Ordinance establishing a commission for Civil Service and appointment of three persons to serve on commission deferred till n�.at meeting. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Resolution #1017 was passed allowing^ transfer of funds by Treasurer as requested in last audit, and budget appropriation adjustments in warrant register by Clerk. Attorney stated that EBS Management consultant Del Davis wishes opportunity for bid- ding and presentation to Council as well as Mr. Poole of Hammond, Collier and lsaa.c. Matter deferred. Matter of trailer on South St. becoming permanent residence brought before Council and referred to Caldwell for investigation. On motion 11v Mikelsen, seconded by Lippert and married, N-iKCE, Retired Mens Club be allowed to construct closet in Active Bldg. for storage of equipment and supplies. Fire Zoning map and specified restrictions presented by Ray Hall. Preparation of Building Code and Fire Zone held over to next meeting. Discussion of Washington State Liquor Store being constructed on Joe Haas property held. No action was taken. Chief of Police Gale Dow reported hiring of 4 new men to the Police Dept, two for radio operators: Earl Reamy and Terry M. Smith and Lwo f'or p"trolmen: Phil Corliss and James Harrington; Attorney ?hompson reported on 6 legal claims resulting from slide damage in An- napolis. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert and carried, Attorney be given the authority to meet with claimants at 8:00 P.M. on Thurs. Jan. 14,,1965 in the Council Chambers to discuss City position in this matter and related aspects.. Attorney will contact property owners involved. Attorney reported on BB gun Ordinance deeming it illegal to shoot or possess same. Preliminary plan to be drawn up. Letter from John J. O'Connell, Attorney General to Attorney Thompson, was read to Council by Mayor regarding interest rate on temporary loans within City funds. Attorney authorized to write letter to Bonding Co. concerning Police Court monies. Letter of appreciation was read by Mayor from Mr. Heckle commending City street crews for care of City streets during the recent snow and ice conditions. On motion by Mikelsen, seconded by Caldwell and carried, bills in the following amounts be allowed: C. E.. $249.19; Water, $368.46; Street, $78.88; Sewer, $15.76. Parks, $20.22; Total.: $732.51. Meeting adjourned at 11:20 P.M. Clerk ,ageMayor 4 Ir * XF �I