01/01/1963 - Regular - MinutesCaldwells Vans Lumber P.iLRK (cont. ) mist. mdse. 1. U 7 12.04 M. Jarvis labor 23.80 Adele Leurtluin labor 3.40 � Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM on motion by Bowers, seconded by vib Lippert and carried. �:'�HN. Clerk Mayor YF X Port Orchard, Washington January 14, 1963 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in re- gular session by Mayor Nick J. Repani:.ch. Present, were Councilmen Cald- well, Powers, Geiger, Bowers, Lippert, Van Zee and Rylander. Also pre- sent, Chief of Police Gale Dow, Attorney Don Thompson and Superintend- ent of Public Works Givens. Minutes of December 26, 1962 approved as corrected. It was moved by Powers, seconded by Rylander and carried that city employees be directed to construct five signs designating city offices, and post as stipulated by committee. Chairman Powers reported that the finance committee and Mayor had met with representatives of the Pacific Northwest Bell Company(Peaslee, Lounsbury and Smith) and had reached an agreement concerning fee sched- ule for underground transmission line installation. the charges to be made are as follows: right-of-way across unimproved city property(Kendall St.,Black Jack Creek area) a J100.00 inspection fee and a g3o.perp tsotoot easement fee. For excavation on city streets, a $25.00 permit fee and $10.00 per hour for inspection. Attorney to inform Pacific Northwest Bell Co. by letter of this action, and also that the city agrees to the inst- allation of underground viable on the easement granted to the city by Ralph Connell (water main easement) Chief of Police Dow reported on parking ticket program, and discussion was held regarding waterfront parking. Matter continued. After discussion regarding sewer hook-ups for property owners on Last Ray Street, it was agreed to assist property owners by having contract- ors contact them to give estimates. Sup't to contact contractors. Ordinance No. 707, amending Ordinance No. 694, and pertaining to operat- ing a motor vehicle on city streets without a valid and current motor vehicle license, was passed on motion by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert and carried unanimously. Ordinance No. 708, amending trdinance No. 694, and pertaining to second- ary arterials in the city, was passed on motion by rowers, seconded by Lippert and carried unanimously. Ordinance No. 709, (1963 salary scale) was read and passed on motion by Rylander, seconded by Caldwell and carried unanimously. The agreement between City of fort Orchard and K.itsap County uumane Soc- iety for the year, 1963, providing for monthly contributions of �133.42 was accepted on motion by Lippert, seconded by Rylander and carried un- animously. Letter read from Hammond, Collier and Isaac, stating that Unit ► of the Sewage Disposal System was satisfactorily completed. No action taken. Matter continued. Matter of street light installation of Robinson Road referred to comm- ittee. Clerk to advise Frank Christian, Rte. 4, that the Council is not in fav- or of allowing any more water taps on the existing 2" line on Tremont St. It was moved by Caldwell, seconded by Powers and carried, unanimously to"grant Chief of Police Dow permission to huve all facilities installed for tandem parking on downtown streets. Chief stated the cost of the posts would be $1.43 including tax, this price including the cost of all materials, except pipe. Chairman Powers of the Finance Committee reported his committee had met regarding the Uniform Plumbing Cade, recently adopted by the County, i and the committee recommended adoption of same by the City. Matter continued. Clerk to notify ?bus Company that the rental of space for bus zone is 2U,UU per month. The following items continued: Resurfacing Bay Street. Smith Street building. Razing of buildings on Seattle and Sidney streets (F.ii. to to Department of Natural Resources) Courtesy ticket progbam, report on meters by Chief 2/11/63. Applications for fireworks stands. Firemen pensions plan. Radio maintenance policies. Douglas Watt claim. Annapbl is area annexation Traffic - vicinity of Port Cffice. Vacation, sick leave ordinance. be notified, letter `rhe following bills were read, after being checked by department Beads and by members of the finance and auditing committee, anti ordered paid on motion by Lippert, seconded by Rylander and carried: Perrine &. Thompson Slocum hardware Standard Oil Co. General Supply Co. Deal's `trick & Murray I'. C. Thriftway Tritsap County Civil Defense Fremont Electric Pacific Tel & Tel P. 0. lndependant P. O. Machine Shop Slocum Hardware Tlowe's hardware American Water corks Pacific N.W. hell Co. Pacific N.W. Bell Co. P. C. Machine Shop Tritsap Motors CURItuNT EXI-iiNSE FUND Reimbursement, office exp. Mdse. City hall Police gasoline Janitor supplies, Gity Hall Police car expense Police Court receipt books City Hall janitor supplies 1963 contribution Speedometer cable, police car Clerk, Fire and Police Phones Publication Urd. 706, L.I.D. &59 Parking meter expense W,.LTM FUND Train, etc. Supplies .iss'n Dues, Supt. of Public 1�orks ,,automatic control system Service Bar Chev. pickup repairs Howe' s ila.rdware Kitsap Motors Mason County Engineer Standard Oil Co. Slocum Hardware Wilkins Distributing Co. Deals black Pall Freight Co. r'Teneral Supply Co. Pacific N.W. Pell Co. P. 0. Machine Shop Thompson's Lavern Adolf Peacon Electric Mary E. Ii od ge General Supply Co. Howe's hardware Peninsula Stationers A. & P. Co. Slocum Fardware llowe's hardware S ` R"Ii - `r FUND Mdse. Repairs to equipment Rent of gravel plant Gasoline Mdse. Kerosene Supplies Freight on paint `rowels Service Service Brushes Labor Install motor on air compressor SEWER FUND icages Supplies, plant Pellets LIBR,,,RY FUNv Rooks Rooks P.LRK FUND Sire Glass 6i3. 9U 1.07 81.81 36.24 11.34 94.50 1.65 619.00 2.60 74.50 8.88 2.60 19.8U 2.88 15.w0 15.UU 29.50 2.60 8.32 7.41 lUu.08 270.00 D2.15 13.67 17.U4 4.58 2.90 5.46 17.10 13.26 2.62 8.45 165.17 58.90 12.64 1.22 31.54 14.35 47.06 9.52 Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Poweas and carried. Clerk Mayor and the Committee recommended adoption of same by the city. Matter continued. Ck to notify Bus Company that the rental of space for bus zone is �20.UU per th . The Followi-hi.items continued: Resurfacing Bay St t Smith Street building Razing of buildings on Sea and Si to Department of Natura Courtesy ticket program, report Applications for fireworks s ds Firemen pension plan Radio maintenance pol es. Douglas Watt claim Annapolis area exertion rraffir, - vi ity of Post Office Vacation. ck leave ordinance py'`Streets (F.D. to be notified, letter es) rs by Chief 2/11/63 Mee g adjourned at 10:30 p.m. on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Power capfried, Clerk Mayor Port Urehard, Washington January 28, 1963 Council of the City of Port Crehard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were Councilmen rowers, Caldwell reiger, Van Zee, Bowers, Lippert and Hylaander. ,*.lso present , engineer SUPW Givens, Chief Dow and attorney Thompson. Minutes of meeting of January 14, 1963 approved as read. Archie Watson presented council with petition for annexation of area north and east of existing limits to the East. Council accepted petition and referred same to engineer for checking. R. E. Schultheis requested information as to water and sewer connection in the Annapmlis hill area (Block 11,Plat of Annapolis) after considerableaconversation, engineer Hammond axplained the projected plans for the area. Dan Bassen representing the merchants downtown requested that the council again give the merchants approval to hold the carnival in back of Cohen's on 14, 15 and 16 of June and also that all day parking be allowed facing the bay from the post office west. Council approved both requests. Mr. Reierson representing the state retirement system presented the council with information and background as well as answering questions regarding the system. Council tdok information under advisement. Matter of city directory signs continued. Easement to the Pacific Telephone Comapny passed on motion by Lippert, seconded by Rowers and carried for Kendall street and Blackjack area. .attorney will pre- pare agreements for balance of conditions regarding the fees for underground work. Engineer Hammond will prepare costs for those in the east Bay area regarding the sewer connections. Letters will be written to those concerned, informing them of costs and also to those three too low to connect, stating the conditions and perhaps getting together with them to iron out the problem. Vn motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried, council accepted the n recommendation of engineer and accepted the completion of both unit A h B of the sewage system. Matter of fence surrounding the sewage plant referred to sewer committee. Matter of street lights on Robinson road continued. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried, council approved the call for bids on water mains up Cline St. and east on Kendall St. to tanks. Mayor will talk with Mr. Christian regarding he WUter'"'maifi' on iremdnt. Attorney will write to Robert Nuernberg regarding house on Smith street. .Llso will check into Ordinance for condemnation purposes. Council reappointed the beautification committee until projects are completed. Council set date of 2/11/63 for the final hearing of applications for fire works stand. Attorney will prepare Ordinance for plumbing after minor changes made by the Council. Continued until next meeting. Following items continued. Razing of building on Seattle and Sidney St. Courtesy ticket program Fireman pension plan Radio Maintenance policies Douglas Watt claim Traffic control at Post office Vacation and sick leave Following bills read, checked by department heads and finance committee and ordered paid on motion by Rowers, seconded by Lippert and carried. F. E. Langer Agency Ins. & Bonds lt)6. yl Independent publications 21.22 PSP&L street lights 708.26 Tidewater Oil diesel 153.24 J. Noble travel 2.20 Steck Co. supplies 2.88 Morton Pitt Company- supplies :36.14 Nat'l Fire Protection Assdc. dues 19.U0 Julies pipe 15.47 Trick and Murray chair 59.01 Standard Oil, Co. gas 41.96 Arldy Johnsen Co. oxytren refill 5.2U Sewer Construction Del quzi % conpletion 73.17 PARK Fsugo Peterson labor 15.12 PSP&L service 23.75 S6WER Bremerton Printing Co. utility cards 79.40 LIBRARY M. Jarvis labor 13.60 Adele Leurquin labor 3.4U S TRE6 i' Bremerton Printing Co. warrents 48.41 R. Connell welding 91.07 PSP&L service 18.09 Tuffibre Co. stalks 71.40 Tidewater Oil Co. oil 58.90 WATER PSP&L service 16.95 PSP&L service 290.93 'Badger Meter Co. meters 328.69 'Badger Meter Co. meters 7U.64 Anderson Ditching ditching :31.20 Overall Cleaning rags 1.64 American Plumbing & Steam misc. 8.82 Meeting adjourned at 11:25 P.M. on motion by Powers, seconded by Bowers and carried. Cl erk -J Mayor i� r� �1 Port Urchard, Washington February 11, 1963 Council of the City of Fort Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Feiger, Bo wers,VanZee Lippert and Rylander. Also present were .attorney Thompson, Engineer Hammond, SOPW Givens and Chief of Pbtice Dow. Minutes of meeting of January 28, 1963 approved as read. Mayor extended a welcome to the Boy Scouts present who were present and working toward a merit badge in government. A resolution was read from the South Kitsq.p Chamber of Commerce requesting the Council to abandon the rental fee on the space used by the Tacoma bus.; Un the motion by Lippert, seconded by ]lowers and carried unanimously, Council complied. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Caldwell and carried(4 for and 3 against), the Council awarded the west end of the City to the Volunteer .t'ire De artment for the purpose of selling fireworks. The other three applications were t�rawn,by lot by one of the Scouts and the Foreigin Exchange group won and was authorized to sell fireworks in the TBM area. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell and carried unanimously, future groups will not be able to sell fireworks for more than one year at a time. They will be rotated. , Earl Tinius, Executive secretary of the Statewide Employees retirement system pre- sented the e.ouncil with data on this system. Council took program undor advisement. Hi. Way Garage bill for damages incurred to police car while on duty referred to attorney for investigation. Letter from Robert Nourenberg was read. M45'. Nourenberg stated that he would be in this area in the month of April and will make arrangement to have tie house at Hull and Smith razed. No Tresspassing signs will be placed on the grounds. Engineer Hammond reported that the petition for annexation of the-annpolis area is sufficient. On motion by Lilspert, seconded by Caldwell and carried unanimously council moved to accept and file same. Attorney will make arrangement for the meeting of the review board. on motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried unanimously, council approved the installation of Cyclone fence around sewage plant. The type used will be such that slats may be used. On motion by bower and seconded by Rylander and carried unanimously, council adopted recemmendation of committee to install street light on Robinson. Street. Gne at intersection with Fireweed if none is there and one in the middle as well as at the south end. Matter of water mains down 'Tremont to Christians continued. Attorney will draft plumbing ordinance, on motion by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert and carried unanimously, willh no fees necessary to operate within the City. Council will review the fines set up by police aid recommend at next meeting. Overrun on Todds water bill referred to water committee for recommendation. Matter of City standing expense of Dows lihble suit referred to committee. Following bills read, checked by department heads and finance committee and ordered paid on motion by Bowers, seconded by Lippert and carried. Following item continued. (1) water and sewer connection of R. Schultheis. (2) city directory signs. (3) Pacific N14 agreements. (4) Bid call on mains to tanks. (5) razing of building on Seattle and Smith street. (6) Fireman,pension. (7) Douglas Watt claim. (8) Vacation Ordinance. (9) Rudio Maintenance. J10) 'Traffic at Past Office. (11) Courtesy ticket program. Thompsons Morton Pitt Co. Kitsap Motors Westbay Parts Slocums Brinkerhoff TV Fremont Elect. Motorola Inc. Hi Way Garage Deals Bauer & Hopfner Denos L.N.Curtis 'Board of Vol. Firemen Pioneer So, Kitsap Good Roads Caldwells supplies 444.88 badges 59.68 repairs 80,21 misc. 39.66 misc. 126.92 fuses 1.16 spot light 25.72 maintenance 10.40 repairs :81,12 muffler 11.31 misc. 59.67 cutting 78.21 chemicals 28.60 dues 75luO supplies 31.38 dues 5.UO main. 4.84 Todd hardware holder 1,63 Langer. Agency Chiefs bond IU.00 Diver Hut refills 1.56 M. Loomis carpenter 6.24 Pacific NW service 71.60 Neal Hollis labor 62.64 S TR&A Titsap Motors repairs 145.86 Caldwells misc. 5.24 oil Filter Service Machine parts 11.19 Pacific NW service 23.55 Texaco gas 90.95 Wilkins anti freeze 11.96 Standard tail Co. gas 45.08 Larry's Tire Service repairs 19.76 Part Orchard Machine Shop repairs 2.34 WATER Pacific NW service 32.10 Henyon TV battery 11.65 Anderson Ditching digging 36.40 Caldwells merchandise 15.23 S►-:WER Pensalt Co. chemicals 53.82 Scientific Supplies repairs 2.74 Mary Hodge labor 46.b9 Vanec Inc. oil 5.75 Deals misc. 4.37 Caldwells supplies 9.04 LIBRARY M. Milbrot travel 5.85 PaRK Joe Schiro labor 43.2w Meeting adjourned at 11:35 PM on motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington February 25, 1963 Meeting was called to order by acting Mayor V. B. Caldwell in the absence of Mayor Repanich. Present were Councilmen Bowers and Rylander. As no other councilmen were present, meeting was adjourned for lack of quorum unti1.7:30 PM February 26, 1963 on motion by Rylander, seconded by Bowers. adjourned. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Nick J. Repanich at 7:30 PM February 26, 1963 Present were councilmen Caldwell, Powers, Geiger, Lippert, V"n Zee, Bowers and Rylander. Also present SOPW Givens, Engineer Hammond and Chief of Police Dow. Attorney was absent. Minutes of meeting of February 11, and February 25, 1963 approved as reas. On motion by Bowers, seconded by Caldwell and carried unanimously, Ordinance #710 (Plan and System Ordinance for extension and betterment of the water system).was adopted on the first reading. On rpotion by Rylander, seconded by Powers and carried unanimously, council accepted proposal submitted by 'ferry Thompson and Co. for the issuance of $80,,00000�•.0.f€-wager,. vaeenue bonds at the interest rate of 3.25 for the first $20,000.00 and 4.0 for the balance of $60,000.00. 'ferry `ihompson and Company will bear the cost of printing the bonds and the cost of opinions, for the purphase price of $97.50. Aids for the installation of 12" water mains from pump house to tanks were opened, read and tabulated and reffered to engineer Hammond and SOPW Givens for the study n� and recommendation. Fines now •heing used by the police department will be studied by the street :nd alley committee and will be presented to the council for approval at the next reg- ular meeting. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Bowers and carried (six yes and 1 no) the rivid police patrol will be extended for two more months. Vn motion by Rylander, seconded by Lil,pert and carried unanimously, couFicil approved recommendation of finance committee to expand from the general fund up to a maximum of 250,00 toward the defence of the libel suit against the chief of police. r On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Lippert and carried, council decided that the City would not send a man to Mississippi with the Sheriff department to return a prisoner. Chief requested the council to consider a new patrol car. This referred to the finance committee. f Council approved request to change the parking facing the Bay and eastof the post office to the same as that West of the post office. Clerk will write to PSP&L requesting installation of lights on Robinson St. Mayor with council approval, appointed Mrs. Dorothy Sivo to a three year term on the Library Board, replacing Rev. McDaniels. The following continued: (1) Hi Way Garage bill. (2) House on Smith Street, (Volkweiss property) (3) fence around sewage plant. (4) fireman pension, (5) Watt claim. (6) vacation ordinance. (7) Radio maintenance. (8) post office traffic. (9) employee pension. (10) plumbing ordinance. (11) wager and sewer connection for R. Schultheis. (12) city directory signs. (13) Pacific N W agreements. Motion was made by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried, to transfer 42,000.UO from Current expense fund to street fund. The following bills read, checked by finance committee and department heads and ordered paid on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Lippert and carried: Motorola Inc. Richfield Co. Treasurer Clerk PSP&L Independant Tidewater Oil L. N. Curtis PSP&L Overall Supply Tidewater Oil Joe Schiro PSP&L Texaco Inc. Clerk Cl erk Clerk Joe Schiro Overall Supply Clerk Tidewater Oil Beacon Elect, Nammond, Collier & Isaac maintenance gas fire patrol petty cash service Publications deisel boots WATER service rags STREET stove oil labor service gas SEWER petty cash travel LIBRARY petty cash labor mop service petty cash deisel SEWER CONST. misc. eng. WATER. CONS`1'. 10.00 94.75 7.20 35*00 595.19 6.94 176.87 37.44 336.62 2.97 52.38 7.88 17.34 WO.95 30.61 7.50 10.00 25.92 2.08 .32 33.65 161.98 204.42 Journal Commerce publication 20.40 Clerk petty cash 1.20 Independant publication 6.18 Meeting adjourned uktil 3/1/63 at 7:30 on motion by Caldwell, seconded by n Lippert and carried, 11:30 PM. 4 Clerk Mayor Dort Orchard, Washington March 1, 1963 Adjourned meeting called to order by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were council- men Lippert, Rowers, Van Zee, Caldwell and Rylander. Superintendent of Public Works and Engineer Hammond recommended that the low bid submitted by Slead's Septic Systems be approved. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Bowers and carried unanimously, council accepted the recommended bid in the amount of 425,223.00. Meeting adjourned at 5:30 PM on ipotion by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell and carried. Cerk7_� . %�,,c ®, Mayor Port Orchard, Washington March 11, 1963 Meeting was called to order by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, Lippert, Bowers, Van 'Lee and Rylander. also Attorney Thompson, Engineer Hammond and SOPW Givens and Chief Dow. Minutes of the regular meeting of February 26, 1963 and adjourned meeting of March 11, 1963 approved as corrected. on motion by Rylander, seconded by Bowers and carried unanimously, action was taken by adjourned meeting of March 1, 1963 (awarding of bid for Cline and Kendall street water mains to the Slead Septic Systems in the amount of 425,223.UO was ratified. On recommendation of the review board meeting of March 1, 1963 as reported by the mayor that the petition for annexation of the area north anu east of existing city limits be accepted, council accepted the petition on motion by ftylwnuer, seeonded-by Van Zee and carried unanimously. incorporated in the above motion and recommendation review board stated that the portion of `Pracy street from NW corner of block 27 and extending Northerly to Bay street be brought into the city by resolution. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Rylander and carried unanimously the interest �1 rate on the first $20Jg000.00 of Revenue Bond issues &6J be c1lianged to 3.u76 as instructed by Terry Thompson and Co. Park Committee will look into the request of Jahn Klienback representing the Library board to place sign in conspicuous place and to install book slot in the Library door. On motion by Powers seconded by Bowers and carried unanimously, council auth- orized the sale of 80,OOO.00 of Water Revenue Bond Issue IT63. After discussion and minor changes the fines and penalty list prepared by police department was authorized by council on motion by Eylander, seconded by Bowers and carried unanimously, and the corrected and approved list be published in the local paper. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried unanimously, council approved the installation of a controlled rifle and pistol range in the Bartlett building by Pete's run Shop. Rifle calibre shall be 22 lon' and pistol 38 calibre. Grief will inspect and check the procedure. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Powers and carried unanimously, Ordinance j711 Plumbing lydinance was passed and approved bn its first readin©• (►n motion by mowers, seconded by Lippert and carried unanimously, Ordinance #712, excavations and street work by contractors was adopted. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried unanimously, the date of March 251, 1963 was set for the hearing on the annexation of area N ec h of exist- ing city limits. The Volunteer Fire department are having, their annual banquet at Myhres on .lpril 81 1963 at 7:30. The city council, mayor and all elective and appointive dffic- ials and their wives are invited. The cost will be $2.50 per plate. On recommendation of committee and on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried unanimously, council authorized clerk to charge the Todds 25% of the gross water bill during the period of excess water used. Can motion by Rowers, seconded by Rylander and carried unanimously, council inst- ructed attorney to prepare trailer ordinance. Clerk instructed to inform Mr. Hammond to see Mr. Alberti about the bill for side- walks fronting* post office. Clerk will contact Mrs. Leiski. Claims for ,;lass breakage turned over to attorney for action. The following items continued: (1) New Police car (2) Hi Way garage bill. (3`) Smith Street house. (4) sewage plant fence. (5) Firemen pension. (6) Watt claim. (7) Vacation ordinance. (8) Radio maintenance. (9) iraffic at post office. (1U) Pension plan. Following bills read, checked by department heads and finance committee and ordered paid on motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried: Richfield Oil Co. Rice Electric Thriftway Deals Caldwells Pac. N W C & G Elect. Pioneer Forms Board for Vol Firemen Western Utilities Pacific N W Reacon Elect. Larry's Tire Service Kitsap Motors Anderson Ditch: B*gging Rice Electric Cleveland Chev. Pacific N W Rice Electric soul d' s Claud's Westbay Auto parts Texaco Deals Kitsap Motors Caldwells B & It. Gravel Could Is Rice Electric Bremerton Concrete Independent Winehrenners Joe Schiro Caldwells gas 130.68 lights 56.16 Bldg. maint. 2,15 light bulbs 1.96 brooms 24.24 service 74.77 repair radar 77.1U office supplies 44.31 disability ins. 3.U0 WATER misc. 60.21 service 32.96 coupler 4.61 tire 19.68 repairs 5.10 ditching 10.40 batteries 12.17 S TREh;T lock 3,30 service 34.33 Misc. 29.6U street signs 18.72 rental 1U.40 misc. 1U.76 oil & gas 132.25 battery 44.74 repairs 259.98 sLewii�R misc. lu.U9 blacktop 31.20 plugs 4.70 cover .73 ring 13.10 Wa.'1h& CUNST. publications 41.71 LIBRARY cleaning supplies 3.14 PARK labor 23.76 cement 9.98 Meeting adjourned at 11:00 PM on motion by Bowers, seconded by Rylander and carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington March 25, 1963 Meeting was called to order by Mayor ;nick J. Rep;anich, !'resent were councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, V.in Zee, Bowers, Lippert and Rylander. ilso present was Chief Fora, S()PW Givens and :attorney thompson. Minutes of meeting of March 11, 1963 approved as read. Cn motion by Van Zee, seconded by Bowers and carried, fire department author- ized to purchase fire hose in the approximate amount of �118jb.48 as quoted by supplier and will test loose before payment. ,.Iso on motion by Caluwell, seconded by Lippert and carried, council approved frequency tests for both utility and fire department radio units. As there were no written or oral obj.cctions to the annexation of the �nnapelis area, ordinance #714, annexing the arez to tiie City as approved and passed on motion by Van Zee, seconded by Bowers and carried unanimously. Cn motion by Rylander, seconded by Van Zee and carried, council approved the request of Library Board to install book slot in the library door. Towers was excused for the next two meetings by the mayor. !Attorney advised council that the ordinance on mobile units was as yet not ready. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell and carried unanimously, ordinance ,#713 W ter Revenue Bond. Issue 1963) in the amount of 480,000.OU was passed on its first reading. Planning commission minutes of 2/18/63 and 3/18/63 read. Clerk was instructed to get By Laws of the joint plunnin board for possible members from the city to sit on board. On redommendation of finance committee, and on motion by Lippert, seconded by Rylander and carried, clerk authorized to call for bius on new accounting; machine. (In motion by Rylander, seconded by Powers and carried, SUPW Givens authorized to issue call for bids on two dump trucks and one 3/4 ton pickup. Matter of police car continued in the W*nds of the finance committee. Caldwell reported that a trailer on Spokane street is not stationed in accord- ance with the building ordinance and that a letter should be written to the resident instructing them of the infringement. Caldwell also sported the area behind the Flying ri station and the Standard Station are potential junk ,yards and should be cleaned up. This matter referred to t°olice department for action. Caldwell also reported on a revised traffic pattern for the parkin; lot behind Winebrenners. This plan has been approved by the mercEaants committee artd also on motion by Powers, seconded by Bowers and carried., council authorized the committee to put the plan into effect. The committee will contact Mr. iiaiwnond for assistance. The following items continued: Alberti - Leiski bill, Highway garage bill, Smith street shack, Sewage plant fence, fireman and regular pension, Watt claim, vacation ordinance. Following bills read, cheeked by department heads and finance committee and ordered paid on motion by Powers, seconded by Bowers and carried. Independent Joe Schiro C.F r,. Electric R. Miller Tidewater Oil Co. Duncan Meter Co. Trick & Murray PSNL Perrine & Thompson F. L. Langer igency Dickson Fletbher Penninsula Stationers Motorola Inc. Vitsap rotors 'Western Utilities Joe Schiro Overall Supply Pac . NW PSP&L Daniels Commune. CURRENT l+`G"Ni) publications 125.53 labor 54.UU radar check 7.28 labor 15.75 diesel 124.76 sales tax 23.6u tabs 1.fiU street lights 746-68 LID 59 38.UU Judge Bond IU.UU Commission cards 8.84 adding machine ribbon 1.56 maintenance 1U.40 repair Yll car. 79.98 WATER saddle 4.97 labor b.UU wipe rags 3.27 service 15.00 service 324.53 service 29.32 �1 r� S T Ri,,'E T Tidewater Oil Co. Atlas Mineral Co. Plack Tull Claud Is Vans Limber PS k'&L Claud I s Vans Lumber Niallace & 'Tiernan Scientific Supplies Pennsalt Chem. Corp. Anderson ditching Joe Srhirc W. L. Johnson Overall supply Joe Schiro l'enninsula Stationers M. Jarvis raylord brothers Puget Sound News .1. Le urq uin oil 7U.68 lead 21.99 f reight 2.75 motor poles & compressor 86.84 limber 27..50 service 13.79 S1&W.U;R service connections 548.5i) lumber 19.50 tubes 6.3U misc. 6.88 chlorine 287.04 ditching 46.8U labor 45.00 labor 18.UU P,iRK mop service 4,16 labor 8.64 LI BR -JIY misc. 13.18 labor 13.60 books 29.38 books 70.69 labor 5.10 Wii!li,R GUNS' Lents labor 8.00 Meeting adjourned at 10:00 pm on motion by Lippert, seconded by lowers and carried. Clerk hayor Port Orchard, Washington April 9, 1963 Meeting called to order by Mayor Dick J. Repanich. Present were councilmen Powers,; Caldwell, Geiger, Lippert, VanZee, and Rylander. Bowers excused. Also present SOPW Givens, Chief Dow and Engineer Hammond. Attorney Thompson absent. Minutes of meeting of March 25, 1963 approved as corrected. Bids for the purchase of two dump trucks and one 3/4 ton pickup truck opened and read. After reading bids referred to SOPW Givens for checking and verification and for recommendation to the Council. Following bids were received: Dump Trucks 3/4 ton pickup $9,488.72 $2,304.58 Travelers Motors 9,227.02 2*224.17 Cleveland Chevrolet 90950.00 2,333.00 Jacobsen Motors 9,741.20 2,276.75 Crawford Motors 9,636.50 2.298.36 Howe Motors Mr. Weir of Tremont street requested council to connect him with water from main on Sunset Drive Council informed the gentleman that at a future date a main is anticipated running along Tremont L and that he mould be better to connect at this line. On motion by Powers, seconded by VenZee and carried unanimously, council approved the chiefs request for a new patrol car and authorized a call for bids to be published. Also in motion that dealer must submit guarentee. Opening date set fur the bids, 7;30 PM April 22, 1963. Chief will contact R. L. Sweany regarding the danger and hazzard of the old blacksmith shop on Bay Street. �l Engineer will prepare a scale map of the traffic pattern in the parking area. Matter of Alberti and Lieski payments on sidettalk fronting postoffice referred to attorney. Council stated that the 15% retained in the Del Guzzi contract be retained until the leak in plant be fixed. Engineer will contact the construction company. Engineer reported that as soon as right-of-ways are completed, the connecting main with new well and main through parking lot will be ready for call for bids. Sewer committee will work with engineer as to the proposed line in the Annapolis area to be severed. Street and Light committee recommended that the following lights be installed in the Annapolis ;i hill area. (1) Mitchell Point (2) Perry and Lawrence (3) Tracy and Lawrence (4) Decatuer and Lawrence (5) and one in the middle of Decatuer street. Council approved this recommendation on motion by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell and carried unanimously. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried, City will apply for use of manpower through the program set up by the public assistance department of the State. The handling of police court monies will be investigated by the finance committee and they will recommend their findings to the council. On motion by VanZee. seconded by Rylander and carried, council granted 12 days emergency sick leave to Walter Corey to be used upon the completion of all annual and compensitory leave. Mayor Repanich commended Officer Noble on the grades received at the recent police and F.B.I. training school at Fort Lewis. Council approved Blue Star Mothers sale of flowers this coming week end. In connection with authorization of $80,000.00 Water Revenue Bonds, 1963, Treasurer authorized to call for payment the following bonds: Water Revenue Bonds 1957, Series A & B, Bonds numbered 1 to 11 inclusive; Bonds numbered 26 to 35 inclusive, and Bonds numbered 41 to 50 inclusive, to be redeemed at one hundred and accrued interest on June 1, 1963. Treasurer also authorized to make proper inter -fund transfers to pick up bonds. This action taken upon motion by Powers, seconded by Caldwell and carried unanimously. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Lippert and carried, council approved the transfer of $2,763.47 from LID.'s 49, 52, 53, 54 to LID Guarentee Fund. Aldo on same motion the council deleted the Cohen property which was found to be non existent in LID 49. On motion by Ry;alander, seconded by Lippert and carried, clerk authorized to transfer balance of Fire Truck Levy, 1960 in amount of $482.42 into the General Fund. Council determined that the business of a rifle and pistol range shall be classified at a rate of $10.50 per month for sewer. Mayor informed council of the possibility of acquiring labor from public assistance recipients. A member of the state public assistance department will contact clerk in near future regarding the application. Council approved the filing of the application and of the use of these labor- ers if possible. Ordinance regarding mobile homes continued. Following items continued: (1) High Way Garage Bill (2) Smith Street building (3) sewage plant fence (4) pensions plain (5) Watt clam (6) vacation ordinance. Following bills read, checked by department heads and finance committee and ordered paid on notion by Lippert, seconded by Rylander and carried. Independent Publications $72.08 Clerk reimburse 68.83 Kitsap Byke Shop lock 1.30 Fremont Electric switch 1.20 Burroughs maintnance policy 75.09 Kitsap Motors repairs 31.35 Richfield Corp. gas 111.63 C. & G. Electric batteries 19.47 Earl's Service parts 3.82 R. Lloyd travel 7.60 Perrine photostats 2.50 Deal's battery 44.74 Beacon Electric relay 6.96 Vans misc. 10.02 C. A. Hanks liability 372.88 Langer Agency treasurer bonds 50.00 Bauer police car service 11.91 WATER Joe Schiro labor 36.00 Kitsap Motors Dodge repair 11.91 PSP&L cathodic 7.78 Western Utilities valves 112.81 Port Orchard Machine Shop misc. 2.08 STREET Joe Schiro labor 99.00 Traffic Control Signs signs 190.20 Larry's Service tire repair 6.24 Kitsap Motors repairs 76.21 Redi Gas Company propane 2.08 Union Oil Company oil 60:68 Port Orchard Machine Shop misc. r� f� Rudd Paint Company paint $257.1+4 Duro Test lamps 17.50 PARK Clerk petty cash .32 Kitsap Motors mower 4.68 PSP&L service 26.77 LIBRARY Clerk petty cash 5.00 North West Bible Center annual subs 10.00 SEWER CONST. Independent call for bids 6.76 SEWER Clerk petty cash 3.00 Joe Schiro labor 86.64 Meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. until 5:00 P.M. April 10, 1963 on motion by Lippert, seconded by F*yTRadbv"and carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington April 10, 1963 Adjourned meeting called to order by Mayor Repanich. Present were councilmen Powers, Caldwell Geiger and Lippert. Superintendent of Public Works Givens reported that there were some errors in the bid submitted by Cleveland Chevrolet and that he had contacted the company and had a revised bid regarding the two dump trucks. Also that Ford Motor company represe rated by John St. Laurent protested informal negotiations by the City with the Chevrolet company and that in any event, although higher on bid, they should be considered and should get the pickup bid. Council, after dis- cussion decided to adjourn this meeting until 8:30 AM April 13, 1963 so that legal advise could be obtained. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M. on motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington April 13, 1963 Adjourned meeting called to order at 8:00 AM by Mayor Repanich. Present were councilmen Rylander, Lippert, Caldwell, Powers and Geiger. Supt. Public Works Givens had previously reported that there were errors made by the bidders and that also the orginal specifications were not written in such manner as to give each bidder a fair chance to bid realistically. Upon the advise of legal opinion council rejected all bids pertaining to the two dump trucks on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Lippert and carried unanimously. After considerable discussion, council on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Lippert and carried unanimously changed the original specifications to read in part: 1� cu. yrd. with side boards for 5 cu. yrds. water level; frame not less than 15.86 modulus; five speed transmission; nine hundred by 20, 10 ply nylon tires; six cylinder, with not less than 292 cu. inch. Bid price shall be f.o.b. Port Orchard. Bid opening will be 4/29/63. Meeti ng adjourned at 9:00 A.M. on motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington April 22, 1963 Meeting called to order by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, Van Zee, Lippert and Rylander. Bowers excused. Also present Chief Dow and Engineer Hammond. Absent SOPW Givens and Attorney Thompson. Minutes of meeting of April 9, and of adjourned meetings of April 10 and April 13, 1963 approved as read. Judy Tollinger represented the High School requesting approval to place a banner advertising the school play "Bye Bye Birdie" across Bay street at about the D & R. Theatre. This was approved by motion of Lippert, seconded by Rylander and carried. Following bids were opened on purchase of new police car: 8 Following bids -were opened on purchase of new police car: Oldsmobile, $2,617.48; Ford, $2.504.72; Dodge, $2,419.11. Bids referred to finance Committee and Chief of Police for review and recommendation. R. L. Sweany informed chief that the old machine shop building will be cleaned up in the near fut ure. Engineer Hammond reported that the sewage plant leak has been repaired and that final retained fee should be paid. Clerk instructed to get clearance from SOPW before warrent is rendered. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Lippert and carried unanimously, council passed resolution #1009 which set up the intent to order LID #60, and to set the date of hearing as of May 20, 1963. Upon recommendation of engineer, council on motion by Powers, secinded by Lippert and carried unanimously, included in assessment roll stub fees in the amount of $100.00 each. LID #60. Application for State Public Assistance regarding use of Welfare recipients approved and Clerk instructed to mail same to department of institutions. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Geigier,.and carried unanimously, Council authorized clerk to extend payment of sewer connection charges not to exceed six months in hardship cases. Matter of Boling being continued on traffic control referred to finance committee. Following items continued. (1) scale map for traffic pattern in parking area. (2) Alberti and Lieske sidewalk payments. (3) preparation of bids for connections to new well and new main through parking lot. (4) finance committee report on police court monies. (5) Ordinance on Mobile homes. (6) Highway G&VA&e bill (7) Smith street building, (8) Sewage plant fence (9) pension plan and vacation ordinance. Following bills read, checked by department heads and finance -:-committee and ordered paid on .► motion by Lippert, seconded by Geiger and carried. Independent Publications $7.10 Independent Publications 5.96 PSP&L Street lights 595.19 Pacific Nw Service 81.97 U.S. Pencil Co. Pens 12.84 Joe Schiro labor 20.25 T idewater Oil deisel 106.61 F. E. Langer Fire Insurance 84.87 C. A. Hanks Liability 1,674.85 000 Western Utilities repairs 97.53 L.N. Curtis Co. First Aid Kits 82.65 Joe Schiro Labor 51.75 Pacific N.W. Service 17.96 Standard Oil Co.. thinner 3.00 Claud's back hoe 5.20 Overall Supply wipe rags 3.34 PSP&L power 295.88 STREET Western Utilities torch 58.46 Pac. N.W. service 28.73 Union Oil Co. oil 60.45 PSP&L service 9.94 Nat'l Chem. search paint 54.91 W. S. Darley Co. lenses 15.42 Tidewater Oil Co. stove 55.50 SEWER B&H Paving. patching 78.00 PSP&L service 250.38 PSP&L transformers 300.00 Joe Schiro labor 90.00 Claud's sewer conn -.:va 98.28 PARK John Sodergreen sharpen mower 6.76 Overall Cleaning mop service 2.08 H. Peterson labor 79.92 WATER CONST Sleads Septic Cline Street job 23,648.77 Western Utilities valve 61.30 Denos welding 9.36 Hammond Collier & Isaac engineering 2,678.53 Lent"s pipe 8.00 Independent Bond Ordinance 114.82 Meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. until 7:30 P.M. April 29, 1963 on motion by Lippert, seconded by Rylander and carried. Clerk April 29, 1963 Meeting called to order by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were councilmen Powers, Caldwell Geiger, Lippert and Rylander. Upon recommendation of finance committee and on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried unanimously, council accepted bid of Howe Motor Co. rfor police car with standard transmission in the amount of $2,504.72 plus tax. Bids were opened at this time for two dump trucks complete with bodies as per specification Bids submitted were Cleveland Motors, $9,557.02; Jacobsen, $109574:.00 and Crawford Motors, $10,704.72. Bids referred to SOPW and attorney for study and recommendation. Meeting adjourned until 5:00 P.M. May 1, 1963. WEMWO,:�►.-t;• / May 1, 1963 Meeting called to order by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were councilmen Powers, Geiger, Lippert and Rylander. After considerable discussion and with advice of attorney the bid from Cleveland Motors was thrown out as it did not meet with specifications as called for.. Of the following, two bids; Jacobsen, GMC and Crawford International, council accepted the bid of two International dump trucks complete in the amount of $10,840.22 plus sales tax. Meeting adjourned at 6:15, P.M. on motion by Geiger, seconded by Powers and carried, Clerk 'sAMayor Port Orchard, Washington May 13, 1963 Meeting called to order by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were councilmen Geiger, Van Zee, Bowers, Lipppert and Rylander. Absent were Powers and Caldwell. Also present Chief Dow. Absent was SOPW Givens and attorney Thompson. Minutes of meeting of April 22, 29 and May 1, 1963 approved as read. Bert Workman representing the Washington State Parks Association requested council to write letters to Governor and Senators Jackson and Magnuson to hold up sale of Manchester annex until the next legislattve session, at which time it is expected that enough money will be allocated for the Sate to buy the area at about $187,000.00. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Rylander and carried, Council approved the letter and information was turned over to the attorney to write the letters for the mayors signature. Mr. Dehardt representing the Babe Ruth League, requested the city to supply drain the for the ball diamond. The installation would be done by league. This was approved by motion by Lippert, seconded by Van Zee and carried that the City supply the material and referred to engineer and parks committee with power to act. Dr. Minor requested that the City change the speed limit from 25 to 35 mph from his.office to the east limits of the City. This referred to street committee and chief to study. Dorothy Stokes requested Council to approve the placing of ten Conifer trees in boxes 29X21R 8*, five on each side of Bay Street from Rexal Drug to Howes. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert and carried this was approved. Mr. Rodgers, who resides on Sidney near the intersection with South, requested sewer hook-up with the city system. T he extension would be about 2501. There has been no prior assessment. Referred to sewer committee for study and recommendation. Dudley Perrin requested that the retained money from the Thorburn and Legoza account with the exception of $1,100.00 (Erickson lien) be issued to the Perrine trust account if all other liens be satisfied. Council on motion by Rylander, seconded by Van Zee and carried approved this action. South Kitsap Schools were present and asked numerous questions regarding the pending LID and also what alternatives the City would tender them. After considerable discussion, a meeting was set up with them and the Council for 7:30 P.M. on May 22, 1963 at which time the attorney will have additional legal information necessary. Scho61 District was informed that unless a lettwr of intent to be considered as a part of LID 060 was received by the City on or before June 3, 1963 they could and would not be eligible for time contract. Resolution #1010 declaring June 10, 1963 as date for hearing on protest of LID #60 oss passed on motion by Geigge, seconded by Lippert and carded. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried unanimously, council adopted summer water used in the additional amount to 2,000 galons during the months of June, July and August. All bills read, checked by finance committee and department heads and ordered paid on motion by Lippert, seconded by Geiger and carried, in the following amounts to be expended from various funds. Current Expense $2,014.17 Park $177.78 Water 713.85 Library 37.56 Street 881.82 Sewer Const. 28,457.69 Sewer 680.30 Water Const. 65.44 Meeting adjourned at 11:05 P.M. until 7:30 P.M. May 15, 1963 on motion by Bowersm seconded by Lippert and carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington May 15, 1963 Adjourned meeting called to order by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were Councilmen VanZee Bowers, Lippert, Rylander and Geiggr . Regarding the possible encroachment by Mr. Slaughbach on Annapolis Hill, Council will advise Mrs. Jensen to see her attorney to regard to injunction or other means to stop the encrouch- ment, on motion by Lippert, seconded by VanZee and carried. Revised Vacation Ordinance #715, adopted by Council on, motion by Ryalnder, seconded by Lippert and carried. Councilmen Lippert stated that he would possibly attend the Association of Washington Cities convention at Longview this coming June. Matter of continued service of John Boling still in hands of finance committee. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Bowers and carried unanimously, Council set the date of June 10, 1963 as opening date for bids on water mains from well #7 to pumping plant and water mains north of business district downtown. Matter of Sweany buildings continued. On motion by Ryalnder, seconded by VanZee and carried, SOPW instructed to install City Limits sign, population sign and 25 mile zone sign at entrance to City from Mitchell and also change existing signs on Bay Street old limits to the new limits on east approach to city. Councilmen also decided that the Catholic Church shall place and provide their own flags for crossing during Bible week. Matter of possible liability of Cline street sidewalk as referred to by letter from Mobil Oil., continued. Councilman Van Zee requested council to make some sort of adjustment in regard to sewer service charges on vacant business offices. This referred to finance committee. Following items continued: (1) parking area pattern map (2) Alberti and Lieski sidewalk payments (3) finance committee report regarding police court monies (4) mobile home Ordinance (5) Highway garage bill (6) Smith street building (7) pension plan. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M. on motion by Bpwers, seconded by Geiggr and carried. Clerk —.�, Mayor Port Orchard, Washington May 27, 1963 Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were councilmen Powers, Geiger, VanZee, Lippert, Bowers and Rylander. Absent was Caldwell, and Engineer. Present Atty. Thompson, SOPW Givens and Chief Dow. Minutes of meeting of May 13 and 15, 1963 approved as read. Mr. & Mrs. Bushnell requested council to do something about neighbors burning garbage in their trash barrels and stoves, as the stink is terrible. T hey were informed to contact chief when this condition exists and he will take care of the problem. Mr. Worland representing the senior citizens of the area requested the city to do something about a sidewalk or path of some kind for depestrians to walk on from the Westbay area to the eastern limits of the City as a great number of the pedestrians are elderly and could be injured by motor vehicles. They matter referred to committee for investigation. Mr. Robert Huston asked various questions regarding the sdwer assessment and charges for ins- pection by health department on the new sewer LID. He was informed that any one desiring inf- ormation on the LLD should contact City clerk. Area abutting, Active building and the park area will be off limits for cars and SOPW will chain off area to stop cars from entteing. Clerk instructed to check the easement that thb School has running down Mitchell. /^ Matter of continued service of John Boling continued. l Sweany's clean up program on Bay street continued. Changing of City limits signs continued. Attorney will write Mobil Company retarding their letter as to liability on abutting sidewalk on east side of Cline. On motion by Powers, seconded by Geiger and carried, Treasurer authorized to purchase L.I.D. { #59 warrents from L.I.D. Investment Fund. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Van Zee and carried unanimously, council adopted the policy to a ten (10) day notice in regard to sewer connection as set forth in Section 18 of the sewer Ordinance . On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert and carried unanimously, Council approved the improve- ment of Kitsap street from Bay to Seattle by the widening it up to the existing sidewalks. From Bay to Sidney the width will be approxina rely 34 feet and from Sidney to Seattle the width will be the full 60' if possible. Council approved the request of the Blue Star Mothers to sell flowers during June 28 & 29, 1963. Council will think and keep eyes open for possible purchase of park property. Following items continued: (1) Increase of speed on east part of City. (2) Rodgers sewer connection. (3) Parking area pattern map. (4) Alberti and Lieski sidewalk payments. (5) Police court monies. (6) Mobile home Ordinance. (7) Highway garage bill. (8) Smith Street building. (9) Pension plan. Council decided to arbitrate sewer charges for vacant business building on theft individual merits. In the case of VanZee request for relief, council instructed Clerk to stop charges on the two business vacancies.until further notice. All bills read, checked by finance committee and department heads and ordered paid on motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried in the following amounts: Current Expense $235.08 Water $65.45 Street $838.67 Library 16.72 Sewer 242.54 Park 326.78 Meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. on motion by Rylander, seconded by Bowers and carried. .�� P4A-IC Mayor Port Orchard, Washington June 10, 1963 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were councilmen Powers, Geiger, Bowers, Lippert and Rylander. Abseint was Caldwell and Vah Zee.. Also present Engineer Hammond, Attorney Thompson, Chief Dow and SOPW Givens. Minutes of meeting of May 27, 1963 approved as read. Mayor declared meeting open for protests on possible LID #60. Protests were read and others present stated their verbal protests. All taken under consideration. Engineer Hammond explained the procedure regarding costs and method of arriving at same and answered questions regarding the LID. The fo llowing bids were opened and read to council and referred to engineer for study. Council on motion by Bowers, seconded by Lippert and carried, authorized engineer to 'award bid to lowest bidder if everything is in order. Lents' $24,741.00 Slead's 26,154.50 Metcalf -Grimm 21,990-40 Tonneson 27,590.80 Glen Rocky 20,546.75 Council accepted offer and requested of South Kitsap High School to enter into LID #60 on motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried unanimously. The two (2) conditions requested by the School as stated in the letter were also accepted on above motion. Attorney instructed to inform School of council action. Mr. Worelands request re: sidewalks for elderly citizens east of City continued. Easement of school running down Mitchell continued. Increased speed east of City continued. Boling matter continued. City limits sign continued. Rodgers sewer connection continued. Mobile homes ordinance continued. Parking pattern map.continued. Letter to Mobile Co, re: liability continued. Alberti and Lieski sidewalk continued,. Smith street building continued. Pension plan continued. Engineer submitted plans for improvement on gitsap Street to Alley to committee for study. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Geiger and carried, City clerk authorized to purchase 5 acre tract of Port Orchard Villa Tract #14 for city park in the amount of $3,500.00 Park Committee will meet with the county and school park committee in regard to property continguous to the City. On motion by Powers, seconded by Bowers and carried, council approved a call for bids re: sale of old police car. Following amounts approved by council on motion by Bowers, seconded by Lippert and carried to be expended for the purpose of paying city bills; Current Expense $492.11 Water $168.51 Library $5.00 Sewer 1,016.16 Park 46.89 Water Const. 37.44 Sewer Const. 2,976.22 Street 773.31 Meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M. until 8:00 P.M. June 13, 1963 on motion by Bowers, seconded by Rylander and carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington June 13, 1963 Meeting called to order by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. All councilmen present except Caldwell and Lippert. After considerable discustion regarding LID # 60, council ordered preparation of Ordinance setting up the LID and also Clerk to notify those in area of the intent of the Council to broceed with the LID after passing of the ordinance on June 24, 1963. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. on motion by Rylander, seconded by Powers and carried. until of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to Present were c Po , eiger, Van Zee, Dow, attorney T n, Engines d Supt. Givens. es of meeting of June Orcha rd.,.-Whshi-fIgton .qua.-y- f &,—YW3 ar s s J Repanich rs and Lippert. Absent were Chief Port Orchard, Washington June 24, 1963 Council pf the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to or§atar session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were councilmen Powers, Van Zee, Bowers, Lippert and Rylander. Absent were councilmen Geiger and C ldwell. Also present were chief Dow and attorney Thompson, Engineer Hammond and Supt. George Giveng. Minutes of meeting of June 10, 1963 approved as read. As there were numerous residents present from the area encompassed by LID#60, mayor asked them if there were any questions. After considerable explanations by council and attorney and engineer, mayor requested the reading of Ordinance #716(ordinance formulating LID #60). After reading, council on motion by Rylander seconded by Lippert and carried unanimously adopted the ordinance. George Shope of Maple street requested council assistance regarding the neighbors partially closing of Maple street. Matter referred to Street and alley committee for study. Mr. Beck requested information regarding the subdividing and of obtaining water on a strip of land on Tremont street. Street and alley committee will study this and report to council. W Mr. Christian again presented council with request for water to his property on the western end of city limits. Water committee will investigate and report on this. Minutes, Council, June 24, 1963 (continued) On motion by Bowers, seconded by Rylander and carried unanimously, council approved the engineers plans for the improvement on Kitsap street and also approved the engineer to submit plans and specifications in a prospectus to the state highway department in order to utilize ;arterial road funds. Finance committee will check over the old police car before placing same for sale. On motion by Bowers, seconded by Powers and carried, council approved transfer from General Govern- ment to Police Fund the amount of $2,604.91 for the purchase of Police car. Chief will attempt to get someone to work a 28 hour week, 8 hours in the office on Mondays and the balance checking traffic. Chief will place the speed sign for 35 miles at the east city limits. On motion by Powers, seconded by Bowers and carried unanimously, council determined that the City will stand for the engineering on the sidewalks and curbs fronting the post office area and that Myhre*s shall be refunded the amount paid for the engineering and that Alberti andlLieseke will not be billed for it. Engineer authorized to prepare specifications and plans and call for bids on motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried unanimously. Chief will check the cost for false arrest insurance and report to the council. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried, council approved the payment of the 15% retainer on Slead's Septic Systems contract. Councilman Lippert reported on the convention at Longview of the Association of Washington Cities. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried unanimously, council instructed that all parties be billed for the sewer service charge regardless of vacancies and that if their were any problems the council will settle them on an individual basis. Attorney will sett up a meet- ing with the Annapolis water district for 7:30 PM 7/10/63 for discussion relative to city water in the Annapolis hill area. Following items continued: (1) Worelands request for sidewalk east of the City. (2) Mobile home Ordinance. (3) Smith Street building. (4) Rodgers sewer connection. (5) Parking meter map. (6) Pension plans. (7) Meeting of park committee with County Park Commission. (8) Plymouth Police car. Following amount approved by council on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried to be expended from the following funds: Current Expense $3,558.65 Water $725.75 Street $1,227.35, Park $3,511.71 Library $554.04, Sewer $1,349.74. Meeting was adjourned at 10:00 PM on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried. Clerk1...� �..�► F..,Mayor / ' Port Orchard, Washington July 10, 1963 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, Van Zee, Bowers and Lippert. Absent was Rylander. Also present Chief Dow, Attorney Thompson, Engineer Hammond and Supt. George Givens. Minutes of meeting of June 24, 1963 approved as read. Mr. Charles Young of Route 5, Box 491 requested varience of building limitations so that he could construct an addition to his house on Harrison and Taylor street. Also the Planning commission recommendation for the garage of Mr. Bates of Cline street and Division was submitted. Recommendation stated that if the garage was built 16 feet from Division and 1 food from Cline the commission will grant the construction. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Geiggve and carried unanimously council appointed special committee of Lippert, Caldwell and Powers to check these two problems and that they have the power to act on behalf of the City. Sewer committee will investigate the request of Mr. Hazard regarding sewer charge in the Arts & Crafts shelter and report. Council approved the issue of a building permit for Harry Slaughbach to install a retaining wall on the south side of his prop erty. Matter of request of George Shope re: closing of Maple street continued. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Van Zee and carried, council set a minimum of 20 feet for easement for utilities and sewage line off the West portion of Mr. Beck's property. Regarding water service to the Christian property, council decided that the area to be sub -divided shall be platted before the City will consider improvements and also if the property owner is available, funds to pay for the installation. A meeting with the Annapolis Water District was set up by attorney Thompson for 7:30 PM July 10, 1963 at the District office to begin planning on the water condition for the Annapolis area. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried, council approved the engineers recommendation to make the width of Kitsap street from Cline to Seattle 37 feet for the purpose of arterial road participation. Sale of police car continued. Engineer reported plans and specifications for LID #60 in process. False arrest insurance continued. Request for sidewalk east of City continued. Mobile home ordin- ance continued. Smith street building continued. Parking pattern continued. Pension continued. Park and county park commission meeting continued. Clerk instructed to write letter to Mr. Rodgers stating that sewer would be available providing a hook-up fee of $100W00and also payment of installation from existing line to the North limits of his property at a approximate cost of $10.50 per foot. Council shall think about coming Olection. Primary in February and general in March. Purchase of new fire truck referred to fire committee for investagation. Geiger reported that assistance may be available through agreement with the Puget Sound Govern- mental Conference in the purchase of Open Space items. Clerk instructed to investigate and authorizedto apply if possible. Attorney will write letter to county commissioners regarding the feeling of the council in keeping the detention home in the south area. On motion by Bowers, seconded by Lippert and carried the following amounts approved to be paid from the appropriate funds: Current Expense: $2,299.70, Water: $621.17, Street: $349.91, Sewer: $215.73, Library, $7.00, Water Construction, $1,440.00. Meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M. on motion by Bowers, seconded by Lippert and carried. C 1 er k�r,.+r �,,r i� Mayor Port orchard, Washington July 22, 1963 Council of the City of Port Orchard called to regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were Councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, Van Zee, Bowers, Lippert and Rylander. Also Attorney Thompson, Chief of Police Dow, Engineer Hammond and Superintendent Givens. Minutes of meeting of July 8, 1963 approved as read. Committee reported that the inspection of the properties of Young and Bates had been inspected and that permission was granted by the committee to the owners for variances as follows: Young can build with a 20 foot set -back from Harrison and 17 foot setback from Taylor. Bates shall build with a 16 foot setback from Division and a 2 foot setback from Cline. Council on motion by Rylander, seconded by Lippert and carried unanimously, rejected the requests of both Mrs. Grieve and Mr. Hazard that the service charge be adjusted on thier units. Request of George Shope that the City do something about the blocking of Maple Street continued. Ted Wright and Jim Maddock, representing the South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce requested the council to donate lot 7, block 4 of Sweany Addition to the county and also to vacate portions of Sweany and Austin streets upon receipt of proper petition for the purpose of building a new detention home. Council on motion by Rylander, seconded by Lippert and carried unanimously �f approved the request and ordered same. Also instructed clerk to write letter stating council action to Mr. Wright. Petition for annexation of area south of Catholic Church and between Mitchell and highway 14 and bounded on the south by Lundberg road returned to petitioners for lack of necessary signers. Engineer Hammond reported that a second prospectus was forwarded to the highway department for Kitsap street improvement showing a 38 foot width and including sidewalks. Park committee reported that the county has no plans for future recreational development. Fire committee will look into the possible special election for new fire truck. Also will see ghat amount will be necessary. Engineer will inspect and report on the possibilities of the south 80 feet of Lot 2, Block 5 Wheelers addition. Chief Dow requested council to keep the old police car for a second police car. Finance committee will call for bids and see what transpires. Letter regarding business houses with glass breakage resulting from the negligence of contractor laying the sewer transmission line was read and will be submitted to cities insurance company. Following items continued: (1) Christian water service. (2) Specs on LID #60. (3) False arrest insurance. (4)Walkway East of City. (5) Mobile Home Ordinance. (6) Smith street building. (7) Parking Pattern. (8) Pension plan. Council on motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried, approved the expenditures in the following amount from respective unds. Current Expense, $990.97; Water, $986.96; Street, $434.72; Park, $20.13; Library, $3.40; Sewer, $96.98. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. on motion by Bowers, seconded by Van Zee and carried. Clerk L2L,�X. 1 ('� ;� � _ Mayor Port Orchard, Washington August 12, 1963 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, Van Zee, Bowers and Rylander. Absent was Lippert. Also present were Attorney Thompson, Chief Dow, Engineer Hammond and Superintendent Givens. Minutes of meeting of July 22, 1963 approved as read. Mr. Robinson, Mr. Rogers and Mr. Pyall of Cascade gas addressed the council in regard to a gas code and left data for council to look over. Mr. Pyatt, safety supervisor, informed council that the gas company is quite concerned about the safety factor regarding gas and that he will work with the city on this item. Mrs. Milner, representing the Arts and Crafts club stated that the sewer charge on the rental from Mr. Hazard does not seem fair as there is -no sewer facilities in the area rented. Mr. Schultheis requested date for possible construction of LID #60, so that he could coordinate the sewer connection with that of the building of the apartments.. Engineer reported that the call for bids will be published and that a possible opening will be 11 AM, 9-9-63. Attorney will write letters to parties in the Maple Street area regarding the complaint of Mr. Shope that the street is being blocked off. Committee reported that it is possible to construct a walkway on the eastern entrance to the City limits, Superintendent instructed to estimate the amount of riprap and materials needed. Also any work on this project would commence after the LID #60 is completed. Plans on county detention home continued. Engineer authorized to place the call for bids and specify date of open as 11 AM, 9-3-63 for Kitsap street improvement on motion by Van Zee, seconded by•Powers and carried. Council on motion by Geiger, seconded by Bowers and carried approved the request of the fire department to buy the following items in the approximate amount of $800.00. Deluge set; 4 Scott air bottles; 2� Gate valve and 4 dry chemical ext. Also that the offer by the Divers Hut to supply air to the city for the sum of $36.00 per year. Lloyd Berg was commended by the mayor and council for his fine work in detecting the parties responsible for the Peed store fire. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Powers and carried, council set the date of November 5, 1963 and approved the calling for a special election to raise miliage for the purchase of a new fire truck. f Attorney will notify Mr. Hovgard that a plat .must be filed and that certain conditions must be met concerning Sherman street and approved by the council before any permit will be issued for construction of homes on Tremont street. Following con tinued: (1) Christian water (2) false arrest ins. (3) Smith street house (4) parking pattern (5) pensions (6) engineers report on S 80, 2/5 Wheelers. Mayor informed council that welfare workers can be used on parks and playgrounds and instructed clerk to modify application and for3ard same to proper authorities. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Bowers and carried, clerk authorized to pay bills and to expend monies from the following funds in the amount shown: Current Expense, $1,114.04. Water, $233.73. Seater, $885.59. Park, $19.54. Street, $755.65. Sewer Construction, $12,332.10. Library, $60.18. Water Construction, $21,789.18. Meeting adjourned until 7:30 PM, 8/19/63 on motion by Powers, seconded by Rylander and carried. t ` Mayor Clerk Port Orchard, Washington August 26. 1963 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, Van Zee, Bowers and Lippert. Rylander absent in Seattle on business. Also present was Chief Dow, Superentendent Givens and Engineer Hammond. Minutes of meeting of August 12, 1963 approved as read. Matter of water connection for Mr. Weir referred to water and finance committee. East city walkway continued after sewer LID completed. Bid opening. on Kitsap street improvement set for 11 AM 9/3/63 and opening for LID #60 set for 2:30 PM 9/9/63. On motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried council set the millage at 82 mills, election date for November 5, 1963 for purchase of new fire truck complete as stated in Resolution 41112. Terry Thompson presented council with proposal to purchase sewer LID bonds for LID #60 at par value with effective interest rate of 4.40 X. Council accepted proposal on motion by Powers, seconded by Bowers and carried unanimously. Finance committee will review with water committee the hookup charges and meter fee now being used for possible adjustment. Attorney will prepare amendment for sewer ordinance to eliminate the existing (in lieu of assessment charge) of $4.25 per front foot, and state the charge will be of a reasonable one. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried, council approved the Eagles request to have a parade on September 7, 1963, starting time will be at 11:00 AM. Chief stated this is okay with him but that approval is necessary from the state highway department. Clerk instructed to write letter to Mr. Schulthies stating that the city can not open that portion of Balitmore street between Farragut and Tracy. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Bowers and carried, council approved a request that the NARCE could meet in the Active Building providing a fee of $4.00 per meeting is paid the City. On motion by Bowers, seconded by Lippert and carried unanimously, council approved and adopted Ordinance #716, amending the existing building code by the increase of inspection and building n permit fees and altering the penalties to a realistic amount. Finance committee will investigate the possibility of increasing the dispatchers hourly rate to $1.25. Chief shall advertise for either male or female. Following items continued: (1) County detention home. (2) Hanson building on Tremont. (3) Christian water mains. (4) False arrest insurance. (5) Smith street house. (6) Parking pattern. (7) Pensions. (8) report on lot 2/5 Wheelers. (9) National gas Code. (10) Zoning Ordinance. and allied matters relating to zoning. Following amount approved by finance committee and ordered paid on motion by Powers, seconded by Geiger and carried. Current Expense, $1,147.87. Sewer, $239.00. Street, $626.95. Water, $745.10. Library, $27.17. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 PM on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Powers and carried. - r Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington September 9, 1963 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, Van Zee, Lippert and Rylander. Absent was Bowers. Also present was Engineer Hammond, Attorney Thompson, Superintendent Givens and Chief Dow. Minutes of meeting of August 26, 1963 approved as read. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Caldwell and carried unanimously, council accepted the only bid submitted for the improvement of Kitsap street in the amount of $35,187.75 and also with the concurrance of bidder (North Kitsap Band & Gravel) that construction would not start until 5/15/64 and that payment would not be made until 6/1/64. On recommendation of engineer and committee council approved and accepted the low bid of the Lease company in the amount of $168,763.00 for the sewer lines, laterals and mains and other allied items for LID #b60. Bid awarded to the low bidder subject to approval of Public Health Department. The above action on motion by Lippert, seconded by Van Zee and carried unanimously. Don Ireland, representing Bremerton Atbulance service requested council approval to try a two month test period for service in this area to see if the operation would pay, also would like some sort of regulations imposed by city to protest this sort of operation. Kenneth Butler representing the Babe Ruth League requested various items to be done to and for the League by the City. A list was referred to chairman of Parks committee for study and re- commendation. Ordinance 4717 (re special election on November 5, 1963) approved and adopted on motion by Rylander, seconded by Lippert and carried unanimously. Ordinance 4#718, amending existing sewer ordinance by eliminating the set in lieu of Assessment charge and giving the council authority to regulate this charge according to current charges adopted on motion by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert and carried unanimously. Councilman Rylander will contact Mr. Hanson regarding the 5 acre tract on Tremont which may be platted and will find what the intentions of Hanson are and also if the property would be avail- able for sale. Street and alley committee will reactivate the councils plans regarding traffic planning in the following areas. Westbay intersection; parking at Westbay au to parts, Lundy•s and Deals. Apparently Mr. Gans did not fulfill the plans for curbing and other items at the Westbay project and possibly the city could do the work or have the work completed and bill Mr. Gans. Clerk instructed to contact Open Space Program and request someone to visit the city and inform the council of the program. Street and alley committee will investigate the possibility of new sidewalks on the north side of Prospect street between Frederick and Sidney streets. Chief requested amending the traffic code to include impounding of cars for various reasons. Chief will submit list of Items to council for their study. On motion by Geigee, seconded by Rylander and carried, council approved the placing of 15 minute parking signs and the enforcement of same from existing police car parking area in front of the city hall on Prospect street to the corner of Prospect and Kitsap. Following amounts authorized by council on recommendation of finance committee to be paid from the various funds on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried: Current Expense, $1,103.96 Water, $175.96 Street, $629.75 Seger, $199.12 Library, $10.45 Park $12.83. Council adjourned at 10:50 PM on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Rylander. 7 Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington September 23, 1963 Council of the city of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were councilmen Powers, Geiger, Van Zee, Bowers, Lippert and Rylander. Absent was Caldwell. Also present Chief Dow, Engineer Hammond and Attorney Thompson. Minutes of meeting of September 9, 1963 approved as read. President of the Babe Ruth League asked the council for assistance wi th the items submitted at the last meeting for the improvement of the field. Matter referred to the Parks and Play- ground committee. Letter regarding water hook up to the Sunset give system as requested by Mr. Seals read and after considerable discussion, the water committee was directed to meet with the gentlemen and look over the area affected and if ground lay was satisfactory with the committee, permission is to be granted and the payment for connection purposes be handled in accordance with the policy of Water & Sewer Act of 1962. Supertntendent of Public Forks will investigate any compliants regarding faulty work done by the Gas company contractors and make arrangements to have the job completed. Rylander had no report on the Tremont property owned by J. Hanson. Assistant fire Chief reported that the fire department will burn the building at Smith and Hull streets on Sunday, September 28, weather permitting. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Lippert and carried the following amounts were approved to be expended from the various funds after approval by the fifnance committee. Current Expense, $1,116.76 Water, $175.96 Street, $635.95 Sewer, $202.12 Library, $10.45 Part, $12.83. After reading Ordinance,#719 (Zoning) was adopted on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert, pnd carried unanimously. Mobil home Ordinance #720 was read and adopted on motion by Rylander, seconded by Lippert and carried unanimously subject to the approval of the Public Health department. Following items continued: Traffic pattern plan at Westbay, Deal's and Lundys. Open Space Pro,.- gram; amending of traffic code. Meeting adjourned at 11:30 PM, on motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried. l �WYNI, - �_W_Wlfff-�Aml Port Orchard, Washington October 7, 1963 Council of the City of Port Orchard, 'jashington called to order for the purpose of fixing the final budget and making the tax levies. As Mayor Repanich was not present, councilman Caldwell was nominated and appointed acting mayor on motion by Powers, seconded by Rylander and carried. After considerable discussion on the part of the fire department and police department against the committee c mmendati n to use the answering service instead of dispatchers , the meeting adjourned at : � M until p1:3t0 PM October 8, 1963 so that the finance committee could make ad- justments necesaary as to finances, on motion by Geiger, seconded by Powers and carried. Clerk Ma yor Port Orchard, Washington October 8, 1963 Council of the city of Port Orchard, Washington was called to order by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Upon recommendation of the finance committee that the answering service idea be eliminated and that the same coverage as at: present be continued the coup cil adopted the final budget and fixed the tax levies as stated in Ordinance #721 on motion by Bowers, seconded by Lippert and car carried unanimously, meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried. iC !�C SAC �C 7AC 7�t i� Port Orchard, Washington October 14, 1963 Council of the city of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were councilmen Caldwell, Powers, Geiger, Van Zee, Rowers and Lippert. Absent was council- man Rylander. Also present Chief of Police Gale Dow, Attorney Thompson and Sup't. Givens. Minutes of meeting of September 23, 1963 approved as corrected. Mr. and Mrs. Couinard, Bushnell and Sampson protested the mobil home Ordinance, and stated that they were being discriminated against. Council referred to parties to the planning commission for further disposition. Councilman Van Zee will meet with Rylander regarding the request of dirt and grass seed for the little league fields. Matter of Hanson property continued, traffic pattern continued, open space program continued, amending of traffic codes continued. Street committee will prepare information so that letter can be drafted to Highway department regarding traffic pattern and allied items on C. Bay St. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Powers and carried, agreement to Regional Library approved for signature, with approval of attorney. Street committee recommended approval of plans submitted by James Reeve for garage at Sroufe and Tacoma St. Plans approved by the council. Council instructed clerk to impose penalty on Robert Rice for not acquiring building permit. Resolution 4 1011 appropriating the unexpended balance of the Park Fund for 1962 to 1963 , in the amount of $4717.36 and transfers in the current expense Fund from General Government to Police Department in the amount of $3,000.00, and to the Fire Department in the amount of $2,000.00 authorized and adopted on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Powers and carried unanimously. Minutes of October 14, continued Finance committee will Gee if funds are available for about a $2,500.00 purchase df a sweeper for the street. Upon recommendation of finance committee, the following amounts were approved to be paid from the following funds: Current Expense $1,227.00 Water $1,223.70 Street $404.06 Sewer 460.52 Library 50.84 Park .94 On.;motion by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell and carried, council authorized clerk to issue revenue warrent in the amount of $8,438.15 drawn to the account of Terry Thompson for engineering fees on LID #60. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 PIA on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried., Clark mayor Port Orchard, Washington October 28, 1963 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Nick J. Renanieh. Present were councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, Van Zee, Bowers, Lippert and Rylander. Also present attorney Thompson, Engineer Hammond and Sup't. Givens. Minutes of meeting of October 14, 1963 approved as read. Ed Hillstrom representing the pl,,inning commission requested the council to clarify the intent of the mobil home and trailor Ordinance in regard to existing trailor homes in the City. Council set a meeting with the planning commission for November 18, 1963 to cover the Ordinance. Robert Rice requested council to not impose penalty for building addition to business without acquiring building permit. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Lippert and carried, council waived penalty in this case. Adolph Helm of Annapolis Hill protested the actions of engineer and contractor regarding the hook up or sub line at•the property line, and that they were not contacted or consulted on the matter. Engineer will meet with parties and put line where necessary on October 30, at 10:00 AM. Chuck Kimble, representing the proposed South Kitsap Park District requested council to consider a resolution to include the city in the district. This referred to Parks committee for. invest= igation and report at ndxt°meeting. Parks committee reported that about $570.00 would be necessary to improse the Babe Ruth field as requested by the league. Clerk instructed to write letter to Robert Gans and makb appointment to meet with the street committee regarding the traffic problem-atWestBay. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried, Sup't authorized to call for bids on the sale of the shovel and back hoe to be opened at the next meeting. Following amounts approved by the department heads and finance committee to be expended from the various funds: Current Expense $536.44 hater $62.38 Street $916.02 Library 4.02 .sewer 58.46 Park 25.92 On motion by Powers, seconded by Bowers and carried, council authorized clerk to draw the following warrents in the amount indicated to the account of Terry Thompson. R-2 $19,048.19 R-3 $44.40 R-4 $600.00 and R-5 $952.40. Following items continued: Hanson Plat; Traffic pattern; Open Space program; amending of traffic codes. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 PM on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Lippert and carried. Next meeting Tuesday, November 12, 1963. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington November 12, 1963 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Van Zee, Bowers, Lippert and Rylander. Also-present'were Chief of Police Dow and Engineer Hammond. Absent were Councilmen Geiger, Attorney Thompson and Superintendent Givens. Minutes of meeting of October 28, 1963 approved as read. As this was the meeting that the bids for the sale of shovel and backhoe was to be opened, clerk read the bids as follows. L. R. Jones, $1,052.13 on shovel; Julies, $1,250.08 and Morrison, $1,404.00 also on shovel. On advice of attorney, the bid of Morrison which was for sand in trade rather than cash, could be __--�.�consicered ass no bid if so desired. The bid was rejected and Julies bid accepted on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Powers and carried. Jack Dean representing the Kitsap County Shcriff department boys activity, requested information from Council relative to a plan for the basement plumbing of the .'fictive Building. Also stated that funds may be available to help the City install plumbing. Park committee will prepare and submit a complete layout for the plumbing and partition work in the near future. Jim Bowers reported that the approximate cost for each window of the Active building would be $3.00 for glass and screening. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Lippert and carried, council approved the request of the Dart Ells (car club) to place a Santa Clause about 20' in height in the center of the triangle park at the Manchester Y. Lee Caldwell reported that about $900.00 would be needed to replace the wire screening_around the::_. tennis court. Parks Committee will take this matter under advisement. Mayor instructed clerk to write to CD director and have the members of the council placed on the mailing list. Council took no action on request of the South Kitsap Park District at this time. Attorney as yet has not received an opinion from the AWC as to.the cities position regarding our own_;parks.and're creation areas. Matter of meeting with Mr. Gans relative to traffic pattern continued. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried, council approved preliminary sketch for the plat of Monta Vista Addition located on lots 4 & 5 of Haywards Home tracts. Also on motion and adopted by council that before final plat is accepted, curbs, gutter s and storm drains must be installed and also that Hanson Drive and Circle be black topped and that a 6" water main and hydrant be a part of the platt, all in accordance with the specifications as set forth by the Superintendent of Public works of the City of Port Orchard. Traffic Code amendments continued. Wilson Grant letter regarding the sale of timber in Black Jack valley continued. Following amounts approved for payment on recommendation of finance department on motion by Bowers, seconded by Rylander and carried. Current Expense, $783.31; Grater, $265.61; Street, $1,456.25; Library, 304.39 Park, 240.47. Aieeting adjourned at 10:30 PM on motion by Rylander, seconded by Bowers and carried. R Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington November 26, 1963 Council of the City of Port Orchard called to regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich,.. Present, were councilmen'Powers, Caldwell' Geiger, Van Zee, Bowers and Lippert. Rylander excused. Also Chief of Police Dow and Superintendent Givens. Minutes of meeting of November 12, 1964 approved as read. Mr. Cooper requested council to review and make new determination regarding the placing of trailer on his property. Submitted to council papers showing order placed for trailer as of Sept. 10, 1963. All papers referred to finance committee to study and investigate and on motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried, committee has power to act on this utter. Council, after considerable study determined that the new windows, screening and rough plumbing will be the first things completed in the Active building. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Caldwell and carried, clerk instructed to have attorney pre- pare resolution and necessary papers in regard to the cities joining the South Kitsap Park District when and if formed. Clerk and attorney will attempt to get additional data oil gas company connection charges for ground breakage. When this has been done, a meeting will be arranged with the representative of the gas company. Following quoations were received and read to council for installing gas converter to existing boiler: Wright, $890.00 Standard Plunbing $15016.00 Deals 916.00 Gould Sheet Metal 880.00 No action taken at this time. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Powers and carried~ no more quotes will be accepted. On motion by Geiger, seconded by Van Zee and carried, council will attempt to get a rate from the gas company covering the entire city installations now and in future based on total consumption. Clerk to contact and make appointment with field man for some evening at 5:00 P.M. and committee. Mr. Gans met with the committee regarding the Westbay traffic pattern. No definite action or agreement made. Original qmp of pateern will be procured for reference. Letter from Wilson Grant will be answered to effect that the council does not desire to sell any of the cities timber at this time. Clerk instructed to have local paper inform service clubs and groups that the council will re- ceive their applications for fire works stands until December 9, 1963. On motion by rowers, seconded by Geiglcvu and carried, council appointed Myron Freyd as Police Judge pro-eempore during the period of December 15, 1963 through January 15, 1964. Clerk instructed to request attorney to prepare ordinance for next meeting for the adoption of the National Building Code. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Powers and carried, superintendent authorized to accept delivery on used sweeper and to negotiate for a lease rental basis. Matter of Walt Corey's request for emergency leave continued. Following matter continued: (1) tennis court fence (2) South Kitsap Park District (3) Gans and traffic pattern (4) Traffic code. Following amounts approved by the finance committee to be paid from the respective funds and council concurred on motion by Powers, seconded by Caldwell and carried. Current Expense, $973.35; Water, $291.54; Sewer, $750.00; Street, $22.29; Park, $13.57 Meeting adjourned at 11!15 pm on motion by Van Zee, seconded by Caldwell and carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington December 9, 1963 Council of the city of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Mick J. Repanich. Present were councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, Van Zee, Bowers, Lippert and Rylander. Also present were attorney Thompson and Superintendent Givens. Minutes of meeting of November 26, 1963 approved as read. Mrs. Carter of Beach Road requested information as to liability if home should slide or become damaged due to sewer construction. This matter referred to attorney who informed MSC. Carter that only after such an occurance and after investigation could anything definite be resolved. As there were three applications received for fireworks stands this coming July 4th, 1964, Council on motion by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert and carried ordered secret ballots be prepared and a vote taken, each councilman voting for two. Upon count, the Volunteer Fire Department received 7 votes, the American Field Service (Foreign Student Program) received 4 votes and Troop #525 3 votes. Fireworks stands awarded to Volenteer Fire Department and American Field Service. Lloyd Granquist requested the city council to consider a raise in the garbage rates inside the city of 15c per can per month. Matter referred to finance committee for study and recommend- ation. Council after review allowed the request of Mr. Cooper to place trailer on his lot. The application for purchase and contract for purchase of this trailer was consumated prior to the passage of the mobile home ordinance. Myhres contributed considerable amount of soil pipe to the city for use in the Active Build- ing. Mr. Givens will pick the pipe up. Also the rough plumbing will be placed in basement of Active Building sometime in the middle of January. On motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried unanimously, council adopted resolution #1011 entering the South Kitsap Parks District. Matter of ground breakage for gas company continued. Building code continued. Ordinance #722, (establishing a Pay Roll and Claims Fund) adopted on motion by Powers, second- ed by Bowers and carried. Council, after considerable discussion, determined that the vacant area of Mr. Robert Gans in the Westbay Center shall be charged for sewer service even though empty. Mayor will contact potential members for planning commission. Matter of Gans and Westbay pattern for traffic continued. Matter of converting city hall to gas continued. Tennis court fence continued. Following amounts approved by finance committee and ordered paid on motion by Bowers, seconded by Lippert and carried. Current Expense, $641.89; Water $137.09; Park, $183.21; Street, $226.03; Sewer, $72.07; Council approved the payment by revenue warrents number R-6 and R-7 to Lease Company., and Hammond. Collier and Isaac in the amounts of $49,491.43 and $2,719.22 respectively, on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert And carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:05 pm on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Van Zee and carried. OR Clerk Mayor February , 1964 Port Or ard, Washington Council of the Ci of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular ssion by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Prose were councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, n Zee, Lippert and FTlander. Also press n was Chief Dow, Engineer Ham mond, Attor y Thompson and Super- intendent George Givens. Minutes of meeting of Janua 7, 1964 approved as read.,! One bird received for used Wayne s eper in amount o $2,312.00 from Feenaughty Machinery Company. Bid acceopted on motion b ippert, sec deld by Geiger and carried unanimously. Mr. Robertson and Mr. Peck representing C cede Gas Co., presented themselves to the council and protested the ground break ordinance. They stated that it discriminated r.. against the gas company. On motion by go seconded and carried unanimously, council maintained the prior stand, that no sp al con 'oration be gives. Council informed Granquist Brother that no further scussion will be had on rate increase on garbage service until records howing income and exp se are submitted to council. Attorney Thompson reported t)ekt sidewalks in need of repair"tn�the City can be ordered repaired by the council by resolute under certain conditions. Hazardous condition atAAvision and Cline streets referred to Stre k,and Alley Committee, as well as conditior/at Keleher and Sidney: r Street and Alle committee will investigate and report conditions and ree ndation of steps at Beach and rry. Councilmaw'Caldwell presented plans of Westbay and adjoining area for purposes Xotraf fic 7chance study• ', eported that some additional soil pipe is needed at Active building and that hd, as to get some in Bremerton at a reduced rate. Council voiced approval.