01/01/1962 - Regular - MinutesKitsap County Auditor License tabs $ 12.80 Oil Filter Service Hose 72.26 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 7.77 P. 0. Independent Publications 3.26 Black Ball Ferry Serviee Freight 2.50 PARK FUND Caldwell's Paint $ 7.34 Meeting adjourned at 10:35 p. m. on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Lippert and carried. Clerk Port Orchard, Washington January 8, 1962 Mayor Council of the City of Po�rd, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present, were Councilman Powers, Bowers, Lippert, Caldwell and Repanich; also Attorney Don Thompson, Sup't. of Public Works Givens and Chief of Police Gale Dow. Minutes of December 26 meeting approved as read. Sup't. Givens reported the signs for Caldwell's Trading Post were being painted and would be installed soon. As built plans for Westbay continued. Council action on traffic code continued. Chairman Repanich of the Finance Committee reported his committee has agreed on the following rec- ommendations regarding the Employee's Five Point Program: Retirement system; action deferred until report is received from the State regarding retirment systems, 5-day work week; to be allowed whenever feasible, sick leave; 30 day accrual, with advancement up to an additional 30 days for extreme em- ergencies, to be requested by the Department head and allowed at the discretion of the Council. He reported that no longevity pay is being considered, as regular raises would eliminate the need for this. Vacations as follows: 6 mo. of continuous employment; 6 days of vacation, 12 months; 12 work- ing days, 5 years; 15 working days, 15 years; 20 working days. tieing no adverse criticism was offered_, Finance Committee granted approval to direct an ordinance to be drafted, including the above provisions. Fire Chief Bontrager requested that members of the Volunteer Fire Department, who park their cars on the Merchant's parking lot be allowed all day parking priveleges, dtring their working hours. This request granted on motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried unanimously. This being the date bids were to be opened for the drilling, developing and casing of proposed Well No. 7, Mayor directed Assistant Clerk to open bids. Three bids were received, and one alternate bid accompanied the bid of L. R. Gaudio Well Drilling Co.. Those firms submitting bids were: Storey Drilling Co. of Prosser, Washington; $23,408.50, H. 0. Meyer Drilling Co., Inc. of Kirkland, Washington; $31,450.00 and L. R. Gaudio Well Drilling Co. of Tacoma, Washington; $28,055.00. All•bids were referred to Engineer Hammond for study and report at next meeting. Mr. Wallace and Mr. DeHart of the Babe Ruth League presented a request for permission to erect temporary fencing to enclose the Babe Ruth Field at Givens Playground. This request referred to the Park Committee, to meet with Babe Ruth League representatives and report at next meeting. Mayor read letter which Attorney had drafted to send to the Assn. of Washington Cities requesting their assistance to instigate proceedings to make possible the segregation of properties in L. I. D.'s in Cities. Kitsap Street improvement continued. Matter of Police Court monies continued. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried, unanimously, authority given to proceed with traffic control plan in vicinity o� new Postoffice. Fire Dept, radio specs. not ready, matter continued. Study on Safe and lane Fireworks request continued. Zngineer Hammond reported on Tremont Street r/w, and is to draw up plans to present to Council at next meeting. Engineer Hammond also advised Council that the Call:"for Bids on the Sewage Disposal Plant will be delayed until March 1, 1962, due to regulations of the ?dater Pollution Control Act which provides for a wage determination rate from the Bureau of Labor Standards, for which application is to be made 30 days prior to calling for bids. .••• Matter of insurance coverage continued. The appointment of Buel McDaniel, 315 Seattle Street to the Library Board, to fill the unexpired term of Evelyn Fingarson, was confirmed by the Council A��'t. Clerk read letter of resignation from Margaret Jarvis, Librarian of the Port Orchard Public Library. Resignation accepted. Ass't. Clerk directed write letters to Margaret Jarvis and Evelyn Fingarson, thanking them for past service and to Buel McDaniel, advising him of the confirmation of his appointmentto the Library Board. The following bills were read, checked by Department heads and Finance Committee, and ordered paid on motion by Powers, seconded by Bowers and carried. CURRENT EXPENSE L. N. Curtis and Sons Fireman's coat and boots $ 48.51 Pioneer Business Forms Clerk's Office Supplies 74.25 Trick & Murray Election supplies 5.43 Journal of Commerce Publication 0-lell bids) 16.80 P. G. Oil Delivery Diesel oil, City Hall 152.12 Pacific Telephone Clerk, Police and Fire phones 79.60 Thompson Is Time book, Police 2.86 Motorola, Inc. Maintenance, Police radio 5.20 WATER FUND Vanes Lumber :supply Materials $ 9.91 Deal's Blade 2.56 Western Utilities "supply hose nozzle 4.28 Pacific Telephone Service 17.39 Pacific Telephone Automatic Controls 15.00 Valley Pump Service Repair pump 30.74 Wilkins Distributing Co. Anti -Freeze 1.82 STREET FUND Richard S. Wolf Labor $ 194.35 Standard Oil Co. Gasoline 183.31 0. K. Rubber Fielders Tire Repair 2.08 111-Y Lumber Drain Tile 7.70 Sahlberg Equipment Co. Torches 105.46 Deal's Supplies 19.84 Pacific Telephone Service 24.30 Port Orchard Machine Shop Repair loader 5.20 Traffic Control Signs Signs 19.09 Toole Corp. Parts 27.17 Van's Lumber Supply Materials 14.67 LIBRARY FUND Margaret Jarvis Wages $ 23.80 Mrs. Adele A. Leurquin Assisting in Library 9.00 Pacific N.W. Bibliographic Center Membership dues 5.00 Pu;et Sound News Service Books 48.70 PARK FUND Hugo B. Peterson Painting and Janitor work $ 30.24 P. 0. Oil Delivery Diesel Fuel 66.09 Meeting adjourned at 10:15 p. m. on motion by Lippert, seconded b rs nd carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington January 22, 1962 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall, Present, Councilmen Repanich, Caldwell, Powers, Bowers and Lippert. Also present, Attorney Thompson, Superintendent of Public Works Givens and Chief of Police Dow. Minutes of meeting of Januray 8, 1962 approved as read. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried unanimously, Council set the opening of bids on the mobile -adio equipment for fire department and public works department as of 7:30 p. m., Februta+y 26, 1962, also approved the issuance of a call for bids. After considerable discussion of the Council and Mr. Storey of Storey Drilling Co. and with the rec- ommendation of Engineer Hammond, Council on motion by Repanich, seconded by Powers and carried unan- imously rejected the low bid of Storey Drilling Co., for the reason that a rotary type drilling was to he used and that past history with Vell #4, which was a rotary type of drilling, did not meet with the expectations of the City. Motion also stated that Mr. Hammond was authorized to negotiate with Caudio Drilling Co., on an alternate bid and would meet with the Superintendent of Public Works and have a report at the meeting. As built plans for westbay continued. Matter of traffic code continued. Employee retirement program continued. Powers reported that the Babe Ruth League would 11ike to lac a 9vable fen a gn tie ast Side o the diamond and a permanent fence on the West side of the diRamoM t�iis matter cis or urt%a r discuss on and will be aired at the next meeting. Matter of Kitsap Street improvement continued. Safe and Sane Fireworks continued. Engineer Hammond presented a map to C uncil showing the existing line and encroachments in the area of the new Postoffice. Council further requested that he complete a profile map and plan and also a recommendation to the Council as to how the complete traffic control program should be done. Mr. Hammond also presented Council with r/w map of Tremont Street. This item is still under dis- cussion. Council, on motion by Lippert, seconded by Repanich and carried, unanimously, approved the specs and plans for the Sewage Disposal System and set the date of February 26, 1962 at 8:00 p. m. as the open- ing date of the bids subject to Engineers having complete set of specs available. Matter of blanket insurance coverage for the City continued. Council approved the expenditure of approximately $85.00 to make and install two cabinets for the speakers on the radio. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Clerk authorized to transfer enough Principal and Interest from L.I.D. Guaranty Fund to L.I.D. #52 to redeem balance of warrants in L.I.D. #52, held by the Kitsap County Bank. The following bills were read, checked by Department Heads and Finance Committee and ordered paid on motion by Powers, seconded by Caldwell and carried. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Puget -found Power & Light Co. Street Lights $ 719.37 City Clerk Reimbursement 23.64 Thompson's File, P. D. 2.34 Thompson's Mimeo paper, P. D. 24.34 Pete's Gun Shop Ammunition, P. D. 12.48 Port Orchard Variety Keys, P. D. 4.24 Port Orchard Oil Delivery Stove Oil, Fire Dept. 17.27 Board for Volunteer Firement Annual dues 72.00 WATER FUND Mary E. Hodge Wages $ 51.75 City Clerk Reimbursement 90.42 Cverall Cleaning & Sply. Co. Wipe rags 3.23 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. rower 296.20 STREET FUND City Clerk Reimbursement $ 1.60 P. 0. Oil Delivery Stove Oil, shop 50.88 Siler Auto Pare Gaskets 4.04 Kitsap Motors Repairs 97.27 Puget iound Power & Light Co. Service 14.77 R. 5. 1401 f Labor 184.00 PARK FUND Overall Cleaning & Sply. Co. Mop service $ 2.08 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 12.80 City Clerk Puget Sound News Co. 11. R. Huntting Co. LIBRARY FUND Reimbursement Books Books $ 4.00 23.65 103.05 Meeting adjourned at 10:50 P. M. on motion by Powers, seconded by Repanich and carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington February 12, 1962 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present, Councilmen Repanich, Caldwell, Powers Bowers and Lippert. Also present, Attorney Thompson, Chief of Police Dow and Sup't. of Public Works Givens. Minutes of meeting of January 22, 1962 approved as read. Mrs. Paul Powers presented a petition to the Council which requested that either additional parking areas with the twelve hour parking or the parking area behind Hannah and Powell and the Hotel be Increased to twelve hours to accomodate the employees of the various businesses. The petition re- ferred to the Street and Ailey Committee. Mr. Sarb, Mr. .tones and Mr. Noerenberg, representing the Little League Ball Club requested City to help in replacing the back -stop, also replace anchor pipe for fence posts in the back field and mat- erial for the outfield fence. The approximate amount needed for the above is $340.00. Also requested Council to have a bulkhead of timbers placed between the stands on the east and the road. This was re- ferred to the Park Committee for study and recommendations. Mr. Edstrom, Tremonts Street, requested Council to give him permission to install an overnight tent- ing area on his property. This was referred to Planning Commission. Engineer, Sup't. Givens and committee met with Mr. Cnudio and arrived at an alternate plan in the in- stallation of Well No. 7, the zpproximate amount of the new plan was 25,000.00. Upon recommendation of Engineer and Committee, Council unanimously approved the plan on motion by 3tepanich, seconded by Powers and carried. The work will start in about two weeks. After considerable discussion of the Council, with the management of Myhre's Cafe, it was agreed by both parties that the survey of Mr. Sprague showing the property lines will be used. Council unanim- ously agreed on a motion by Lippert and seconded by Bowers that no immediate removal of a portion of the building is necessary but that an agreement shall be drawn up by the attorney showing the property line and that the removal of a portion of the existing building will be done within the next five years. This was agreed to by Myhre's as well as the Council. Airs. Rutz requested that the charge of $4.00 per meeting of the A. A. Club is more than they can pay and that it be dropped to $2.00 per meeting. This was referred to the committee for study. Sanitation committee will call a meeting and meet with the Granquist Bros., regarding the operation and methods used on the garbage pickups. Matter of sidewalks, curbs and gutters fronting the postoffice continued. R/W map showing proposed road and existing fences and property buildings submitted by Engineer. This matter still under advisement. The contractifor all pumping stations for a ten year period was studied by Council and approved on motion by Repanich, seconded by Powers and carried. Matter of blanket insurance for the City continued. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Repanich and carried, the Council confirmed the appointment o.f..the new Librarian,`�rs. Milbrot. Wcstbay as built plans continued. Traffic Code, Employees Retirement Program, Kitsap St. Improvement, and Safe and Snne Fireworks request continued. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Lippert, and carried, Clerk authorized to transfer balance of mon- ies from Harbor Improvement Fund and Sewer Survey Fund to Current Expense and Sewer Fund respectively. The following bills were:.-redd, checked by Department heads and Finance Dommittee and ordered paid on motion by Lippert, seconded by Repanich and carried. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Motorola, Inc. Maintenance, Police radios $ 10.40 Hoare Hardware Misc. 20.14 Pioneer Business Forms Voting supplies 43.76 American Plumbing & Heating Pipe 66.58 Pacific Telephone, N. W. Service 69.25 Trick & Murray Office Supplies 5.05 Caldwells Nails 9.45 :Sargent Sowell Co. Parking Meter Covers 6.68 Thompson's Files 7.02 Rice Electric Electrical supplies, City hall 52.72 P. 0. Independent Publications 47.39 WATER FUND Pacific Telephone, N. W. Service $ 32.01. Overall Supply Co. Wipe rags 2.19 Howe Hardware Misc. 5.41 Anderson Ditching Ditching 15.60 Port Orchard Machine Shop Repairs 6.76 Rice Electric Grease 19.18 Caldwell's Gloves 1.45 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 22.28 R. .;. Wolf Labor 36.80 STREET FUND Piston Service Mainifold $ 45.36 Art Sign Co. Paint Signs 8.32 Howe Hardware Misc. 28.10 Saindon's Tire 47.64 Western Auto Misc. 1.19 Traffic Control Systems Signs 136.34 Hi Y Lumber Material 31.56 Caldwell's Clamps 2.20 Atlas Products Cement 21.74 STREET FUND Wilkins Distributing Co. Tube $ 3.99 Grease 7.47 r^ P. 0. Machine Shop Repairs 6.76 Deal's Misc. 11.48 Pacific N. W. Bell Service 38.45 Black Ball Freight Freight 5.80 R. S. Wolf Labor 230.00 LIBRARY FUND Gaylord Bothers Supplies $ 3.95 Adele Leurquin Wages 50.25 Margaret Jarvis " 53.55 P. 0. Indkependent Advertisement 1.00 Herb's Cabinet Shop Book shelves 386.55 Reader's Ingest Subscription 2.97 Puget wound Ness Books 2.24 H. R. Huntting Co. Books 16.95 SEWER FUND Claud's Service Compressor rental $ 13.52 Anderson Ditching Ditching 5.20 R. S. Wolf Labor 9.20 W. L. Johnson Labor 9.00 PARK FUND P. S. Power & Light Co. Service $ 21.23 Howe Hardware Wax 4.62 Meets u at 11:05 P. M. n motion by Powers, secs C dwell and carried. Clerk Mayor loor ak # err `f Port Orchard, Washington �.i February 26, 1962 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present, Councilmen Repanich, Caldwell, Powers, Bowers and Lippert. Also present, Atty. Thompson, Chief of Police -Dow and Sup't. of 'ublic Works Givens. Minutes of meeting of February 12, 1962 approved as read. Planning Commission's recommendation regarding Mr. Edstrom's request for an overnight tenting area was followed, and on motion by ?Repanich, seconded by Bowers and carried, the request was dis- approved. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Bowers and carried, the neame of Sidney Parkway will be used in reference to the beautification project fronting the bay in the back of the business section of the city. Mrs. Dorothy Stokes reported that the committee on beautification will raise the required mortices by solicitation and the Purdy Gardens Nursery will plant and maintain the area for one year for the sum of $1200.00. Matter of 12-hour parking north of Bay Street continued. Powers reported that he had met with the Little League and that about $400.00 will be needed for the repairs necessary on fence, also that the Active Club needed approximately $350.00 to complete tha Active building. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried, unanimously, Council approved expenditures for both activities. The opening of sewer plant and transmission lines bids resulted in five bide on Unit A and ten bide on Unit B. All bids referred to the engineer to study and report as to the lowest bid in both units �. at the next meeting. Council opened bids on radio equipment for fire and city units. Tow bids were received and referred to fire committee and fire department for study and recommendation at next meeting. Mr. Rutz, representing the Local A. A. Club was present, requesting a reduction in the fee for use of the Active Building. After consideration, Council decided to lower the fee from $4.00 to $2.00 for the period ending May 31, 1962 at which time a survey will be taken on motion by Lippert, sec- onded by Bowers and carried. On lotion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried,"unanimously, Council gave Mayor authority to sign on behalf of the City, the contract with Gaudio Drilling Co., to drill well V. Terry Thompson submitted quotation on interest rates and on purchase of sewer revenue bonds to the Council and on motion by 7-aldweil, seconded by Repanich and carried unanimously, Council approved khe publication of the Sewer Bond Issude and accepted the quotation as presented by Mr. Thompson for the purchase of the bonds at 97h value. Matter of Myhre's building continued. Matter of enforcement of garbage ordinance continued. Mayor reported he would negotiate with parties regarding curbs, gutters and sidewalks in the Post - office area. •- - On motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried, unanimously, Council set date of March 20, 1962 for opening of bids on Tremont Street water mains, at 7:30 P. M. at the City Hall. On motion by Posers, seconded by Lippert, and carried, unanimously, Council gave Sup't. Givens authority to check prices and negotiate for new or used pump for well #6. Matter of blanket fire insurance for city continued. Westbay improvement continued. Traffic code for city continued until new council takes office. Employees retirement program continued. Kitsap Street improvement continued. Safe and Sane fireworks continued. Inasmuch as the South Kitsap School Board is desirous of having a meeting with the City in regard to sewer service charge, the date of 3/6/62 at 700 p. m. was set by the Council. Residents of Sunset Strip requested a light be placed on a pole at the end of the road. After considerable discussion, Council deciddd to place an additional light on the center pole which would give ample lumination, this action on motion by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell and carried. Matter of plot of ground which R. Roland desires to deed to the City for playground purposes re- ferred to committee. As the Junior Chamber of Commerce has given up their charter and as there is no longer an organized club in Port Orchard, it was requested that the city take over and maintain the beautification pro- ject in the Triangle by Tegstroms. This was also referred to committee. City Attorney has written to the City of Aubdrn to secure a copy of their anti -litter ordinance. This matter continued until foregoing feceived. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Lippert and carried, Council changed the gas franchise ordin- ance by eliminating the paragraph which gave the City the right to raise or lower the percentage of tax. This in no way deniesmthe City the right to impose a B & 0 tax at a future date. The following bills were read, checked by department heads and finance committee and ordered paid on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried. Shell Oil Co. Kitsap Motors Trick & Murray Motorola Daily Journal of Commerce County Treasurer Zoning Bulletin C. H. Hudson City Clerk P. O. Oil Delivery T. B. & M. grocery P. S. Power & Light Co. E. R. Harmon D. K. Russell J. B. Ready L. Nordby T. E. Peterson Jim Traveler Motors P. 0. Independent L. F. Hopper B. E. Caldwell P. L. Rice H. Sipe M. Stephens R. S. Wolf Badger Meter Co. P. S. Power & Light Co. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Credit card purchase of gas (Police) $ 2.60 Repair police car 11.42 Police supplies 81.12 Radio maintenance, police 10.40 Adv. for bids 30.00 Fire Patrol tax on garbage dump tract 7.20 Subscriptions 10.00 Election work 63.31 Reimburse cash acct. 18.14 Stove Oil, fire hall 1.41 Paper towels 4.68 Service 566.85 Election worker 13.00 n n 13.00 13.00 13.00 „ 12.50 Repair police car 33.86 Publications 29.56 Election worker 12.50 a w 13.00 s 12.50 12.50 n q 12.50 WATER FUND Labor 36.80 Gaskets 28.62 Service 297.14 Clerk Rdimburse cash acct. $ 31.49 STREET FUND Texaco, Inc. Marfax $ 14.04 Kitsap Motors Repairs 18.06 P. 3. Power & Light Co. Service 9.84 R. S. Wolf Labor 147.20 Meeting adjourned at 11:10 on motion by Lippert, seconded by R n and carried. 1 Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington March 12, 1962 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present, Councilmen Repanich, Caldwell, Powers, Bowers and Lippert. Also present, Supst. of Public Works Givens, Atty. Thomson, and Chief of Police Dow. Minutes of meeting of February 26, 1962 approved as read. On motion by Caldwell ,.seconded by Repanich and carried, the low bid of Motorola, Inc. was accepted for mobile units and base stations for fire department use and public roads department, also addition- al remote control micraphone, additional auxiliary speaker and one remote adapter kit for public works base station approved and added to origianl bid in the amount of $237.00 plus tax. Clerk instuucted to write letter to merchants committee in regard to changing the parking time to 12 hours on parking lots between Frederick Street and Orchard Street. Sewer bids continued until approval is received from Health and Welfare Department on the unit B of Application for federal grant. Attorney reported that he is waiting for a description from Richard Rylander in order to complete the contract between tbe-city and Myhre's. , Council unanimously agreed that the garbage ordinance be adherred to in all respects. Mayor reported that he had contacted Mr. Corliss regarding the area fronting the post office and ad- jacent area and that Mr. Corliss is attempting to get all parties to meet with the city regarding curbs and gutterssand also sidewalks. Matter of blanket fire insurance for the city continued. West Bay improvement continued. Traffic code continued. Employees retirement program continued. Kitsap Street improvement continued. Safe and Sane fireworks in hands of committee and attorney. Bremerton ordinance and fire chief rules being studied. Light on Sunset Strip continued. Plot of ground that Mr. Robert Roland desires to deed to City for playground purposes continued. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Bowers and carried, unanimously, Council agreed to take over the earl and maintenance of the beautification project in the Tegstrom area. Sup't. of Public Works Givens will assign someone to clean and weed this. Attorney reported that no answer as yet has been received on the anti -litter ordinance. Mayor reported on meeting with the school board in regard to sewer service charges at the High School. At the meeting nothing of importance was accomplished except both parties came to a mutual understand- ing of the problem, and that at a future date, another meeting will be held to iron out legal as well as physical problems. Following bills were read, checked by department heads and finance committee and fordered paid on motion by Powers, seconded by Bowers and carried. P. 0. Independent Blake, Moffitt & Towne Freemont Electric P. 0. Machine Shop Rays Auto Shop Deal's 28cific Telephone Bawer Brothers CURRENT EXPRNSE FUND Paper and ballots $ 30.11 Tissue, City Hail 16.24 Misc. 12.96 Bracket 4.94 Repair Police car fender 21.58 Muffler 13.26 Service 23.60 Misc., Police car 35.63 MCA-M111-wag Pacific N. TN'. Bell Service $ 32.10 Wilkins Distributing Co. Batteries 3.87 Oscar Brake Used meter 25.00 Deal's Bulbs 2.95 R. S. wolf Labor 24.15 STREET FUND Texaco, Inc. Grease $ 22.46 Hi•Y-Lumber Paint 3.07 P. 0. Machine Shop Repairs 4.68 Pacific N. W. Bell Service 31.00 R. S. Wolf Labor 232.03 Clarence Braaten Labor 18.10 Walter Corey Labor 26.45 Ben Menees Labor 81.08 Arthur Williams Labor 12.65 LIBRARY FUND Gaylord Bros. Books $ 19.60 PARK FUND Hugo B. Peterson Labor $ 25.92 Meeting adjourn d at 9:50 p. m. until March 20, 1962 at 7:30 pm rement Street bid opening on motion by econded by RepanicA and carried. _ Clerk Mayor rr alr # sh Port Orchard, Washington March 20, 1962 Adjourned meeting called to order by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present, Councilmen Repanich, Caldwell, Powers, Boners and Lippert. As this date was set for the opening of bids on the Trement Street water mains and hydrants, Mayor instructed Clerk to proceed with the openAng. Seven bids were received and referred to the engineer, Geo. Hannomd and Sup't. Givens to study and verify and eeoommend to the Council. The award will probably be made at the next regular meeting on March 26, 1962. The apparent three low bids were received from Standard Plumbing and Heating, in the amount of $12,764.36; Thorburn and Logozzo, $12,907.00, and Frost Construction Co. for $12,972.00. Representatives from the Business Mens committee were present to talk with Council regarding the downtown sewer rate charge. Present, were Mrs. Van Zee; Mrs. Hazel Sim ns, Vic Cohen, Richard Rylander, Mr. & Mrs. Tegstrom and Mr. Mahon. The only item that apparently caused concern with the rate structure was the amount to be charged to hotel and apartment houses, as the percentage of oc- cupancy in this area is about 707., and the owners would 11he this percentage to be used as a basis. Also, they would like to have the Mayor and Council set up a board of equalization of some such other board to meet with dissatisfied owners and report to the Council h thisitr recommendations. Meeting ad d t 9:00 p. m. on mo ion by Repanich, seconds ldwel- and carried. Clerk Mayor * e e e a Port Orchard, Washington March 26, 1962 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present, Councilmen Repanich, Caldwell, Powers, Bowers and Lippert. Also Attorney Thompson and Sup't. of Public Works Givens. Minutes of March 12, 1962 and March 20, 1962 meetings approved as read. Mr. Venn Watson requested the city's feeling toward the placing of signs of various fraternal groups on the entrances into the City. Council took a favorable stand on this and told Mr. Venn Watson that entrance signs similar to those used in Bremerton would be approved. Canvas of election of March 13, 1962, completed and certified by the Mayor and Council. The merchant's committee recommended that the outer parking a rea facing the bay be changed to 12- hour parking six days a week from Sidney St. west. Clerk instructed to contact owners east of Sidney to ascertain if there are any objections on that area. On recommendation of engineer, Council, on motion by Lippert, seconded by Repanich and carried, unan- imously awarded the sewer disposal plant and transmission line bids to Del Guzzi Construction Col, and Thorburn and Logoao Construction Co., respectively. Attorney Thompson reported that the contract between the City and Myhre's regarding alterations to the building at a future date, will be ready by the next meeting. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Bowers and carried, Clerk instructed to contact P. S. Power & Lighkt Co. and have a light installed on the post at the end of Sunset Strip. This light will come from the pole now situated near the center of the strip. Matter of city acquiring the property of Roland was refused on motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried. Reason for refusal is that there is not enough area for a park or recreation area. Planning ci ission will be notified and they will inform Mr. Roland. Upon motion by Repanich, seconded by Powers and carried, Council awarded the bid to install water mains and hydrants on Tremont Street to Standard Plumbing and Heating Co. as they were the low bidder. On motion by Powers, seconded by Repanich and carried, Council approved the Sewer Revenue Bond ordin- ance in the amount of $210,000.00. Upon the request of Sup't. of Public Works Givens, Council, on motion by Repanich, seconded by Lippert and carried, gave approval for Engineer Hammond to furnish grade levels and centerline on Smith Street between Cline and West. The f olloving matters continued until new Council is seated. 1. Blanket insurance for city fire coverage. 2. West Bay improvement. 3. Traffic Code 4. Eaiployee retirement program. 5. Kitsap St. improvement 6. Safe and Sane fireworks. The following bills were read, checked by department heads and finance committee and ordered paid on motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Caldwell's Ceiling the and mist. $ 241.08 C. A. Hudson Services, election 73.95 A. H. Hudson It to 15.60 Mice Election Wire 11.36 Trick & Murray Docket sheets 215.81 Thompson's Office supplies 3.12 Getchmann Insurance Judge Bond 10.00 Kitsap Motors Repair police car 13.00 Mona Corey Election worker 12.75 Thad& Peterson to to 12.75 Marjorie Seephens of to 12.75 L. F. Hopper to to 12.75 Doris Caldwel19 " of 12.50 Leila Nordby to to 13.00 Delms Russell to of 13.00 Pauline Rice of to 13.00 Emma Harmon " " 13.00 15. Billie Caldwell " " 13.00 Temple V. Ehmson Radio channel 5.00 Civil Defense Annual contribution 617.00 P. 0. Independent Publishing 3.05 P. 3. P. & Light Co. Service 699.75 WATER FUND P. S. P. & Light Co. Service $ 313.13 Overall Service & Sply. Co. Wipe rags 2.30 Caldwell's Misc. 8.52 Cladd's Service Backhoe rental 20.80 Kitsap Motors Repairs 11.80 Pacific Telephone Service 15.00 Dept. of Conservation Well #7 water rights 20.00 STREET FUND Kitsap Motors Repairs $ 13.10 Pioneer Towing Crushed rodk 10.00 Caldwell's Cleaner and mist. 5.98 Toole Corp. Grader parts 152,81 Texaco, Inc. Grease 22.46 P. S. Power & Light Co. Service 13.17 SEWER FUND W. L. Johnson P. S. Power 6 Light Co. Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. P. 0. Independent Journal of Commerce Meeting adjourned until 7:30 April 2, will b en the oath of off e. Labor $ 24.75 PARK FUND Service $ 2101 Mop service 4.16 WATER CONSTRUCTION Publications $ 6.30 w 20.40 1962 at which time the new Mayor o her elective officials Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington April 2, 1962 Adjourned meeting of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in session by Mayor R. B. Hall. As this was the date to certify and swear in the newly elected officers, Mayor Hall instructed Clerk to swear in the new Mayor. After swearing in the new Mslgrgre, Nick J. Repanich, Mayor Hall turned the meeting over and retired to the spectator section. Clerk then proceeded to swear in the other elective officials as follows: Lorraine Carrafay, City Treasurer, (two years); Paul Powers, (four years), Robert Geiger, (four years), Wen. C. Lippert, (two years), James R. Bowers, (two years), W. A. Van Zee, (two years); and Richard Rylander, Councilman at Large, (two years.) MbygerRepanfch then welcomed the new members, and then requested the Council's pleasure to declar- ing the 19th of April, 1962 as Violet Peterson Day in the City of Port Orchard. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried, the 19th of April, 1962 was proclaimed Violet Peterson Day. Virgil Parks, representing 10% of the property in the vicinity of Tegstroms requested permission of the Council to circulate a petition for the annexation of property in the KW NW Section 36-24-1E lying wrest of state highway #E14. Council, on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried gave Mr. Parks the approval to circulate the petition, and the area be not required to assume any of the existing City indebt6dness. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. on motion by Lippert, seconded s and arried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington April 9, 1962 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were Councilmen Powers, Rylander, Van Zee, Lippert, Bowers and Geiger. Absent, Councilmen Caldwell. Also present were Attorney Don Thompson, Superintendent of Public Works Givens, Engineer Hammond and Chief of Police Gale Dow. Minutes.of the meeting of March 26, 1962 read and approved. Minutes of the meeting of April 2, 1962 approved as corrected. Residents of property in the NW NW Section 36 - 24 • 1E lying west of state hiway #149, presented a`petttion to the Council requesting annexation of their property to the City of Port Orchard. Pet- itition.signers were: Virgil Parks, Mildred Good, Mrs. Wen. L. Touchette, M. D. Cooper, Mr. Roller and Albert C. Xleffner. Petition was accepted and referred. to Attorney for disposition. Attorney advised Council of recently enacted legislation making it mandatory to obtain a waiver from a review board, in this case consisting of the Mayor of Port Orchard, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners$ and the County Superintendent of Schools, before the City can proceed with annexation. Council indicated all were in agreement to expedite annexation proceedings as rapidly as possible after obtaining waiver from review board. 3up0t. Givens reported to the Council and interested property owners on the cost of installing a 6" water main extension to serve residents in the area petitioning for annexation to the City. The approximate cost being $3.18 per ft. or approximately $3,437.58. This amount is to include two fire hydrants (2), equipment rental, labor, materials and sales tax, and is quoted on a cash basis only. sup't. Givens further reported the Smith Street grade and centerline project is being completed and the engineer is drawing a profile map. Engineer Hammond reported that the sewage disposal contracts had been mailed to the contractors for signatures►, and the work would commence shortly after they are signed. r i Attorney reported contract between City and Myhre's regarding alterations to building at a future date, is being preppred. Attorney advised Council it is extremely urgent to take action on adopting new Traffic Code. Safe and Sane Fireftrks matter continued - Attorney to draw up ordinance siibilar to one 4n use in Bremerton. Merchant's committee recommendation for changing parking hours in outer parking area facing bay, to a 12-hr. zone continued. Blanket insurance coverage for city continued. Westbay improvement continued. Employee retirement program continued. Triangle at "Y" clean-up continued. Kitsap Street improvement continued. Mayor Repanich reported Mr. Alberti, owner of the Post Office property, has expressed willingness to cooperate in the matter of constructing sidewalk, curbs and gutters along the west side of post office building. He requests a map showing proposed improvement and approximate cosh. Mayor Repanich also reported he had received a request from Mr. Glenn Gresseth, to proclaim the month of April as "Career Teachers Month". Request denied on motion by Powers, seconded by Rylander and carried, unanimously. Letter from Mrs. Frank North, 501 Kendall Street read and referred to Chief of Police for investiga- tion. Chairman Lippert of the Sanitation Committee stated he would check with garbage collector to ascer- tain if letters have been mailed, pertaining to service. Chief of Police Dow reported on City Police participation in the recent man -hunt for the abductor of Bremerton patrolman Johnson. Superintendent Givens reported well No. 7 is down to 600' and no problems have been encountered. It was moved by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried, unanimously, that upon recommendation of the Finance Committee, authorization shall be granted to enable Clerk to make budgetary transfers within a fund, in the accounts of the City. On motion by Powers, Chairman of the Finance Committee, seconded by Geiger and carried, unanimously, authorisation granted Clerk to make budgetary transfers in the Current Expense Fund as thus: from Emergencies & Capital Outlay to Police Court Expense; $156.93, and from Ern a rgencies and Cap- ital Outlay to Registrations and Elections, $211.34. In the Library Fund, thus: from Ripe. to Cap- ital Outlay & Emergencies, Shelving, $11.55. Mayor Repanich stated he would be out of town between April 14 and April 301, 19629 and the Council should elect an acting mayor daring his absence. Paul Powers was nominated by Lippert to serve as acting mayor during the absence of Mayor Repanich. The nomination was seconded by Bowers and carried, unanimously to appoint Paul Powers to serve as acting mayor. The following bills were read, checked by department heads and finance committee, and ordered paid on motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried. - Howe Hardware Kitsap Co. Sheriff Michie King's Service Central Sporting Goods Black Bali Freight P. 0. Mobil Station Motorola, Inc. P. 3. Power & Light Co. Gale Dow Thompson's Bauer Bros. Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Deal's Pacific Tel, N. W. Tidewater Oil Co. Kitsap Motors R. L. Sweany, Insurance CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Police office exp. $ 13.46 Prisoner's board 276.00 Police car repair 73.54 Police shells 52.00 Freight on shells 2.90 Headlight, police car 2.34 Maintenance, police radios 10.40 Taylor St. Fire Hall 13.59 Reimbursement for exp., School 11.05 Engineer pads 9.15 Maint. on Police car 18•.99 Police gasoline 36.63 Police car chains, parts 18.33 Police, fire and clerk 72.85 City Hall diesel, stove oil, fire dept. 305.05 Police car repair 12.79 Automotive physical damage insurance 160.39 WATER FUND Kitsap Motors Truck repair $ 6.52 Winebrenner's Freezer bags, test water samples 3.00 Western Utilities Co. Fittings 95.62 Pacific Telephone Service 18.90 R. L. Sweeny, Insurance Automotive physical damage insurance 40.37 Pacific N. W. Bell Atlas Foundry & Machine Co. Standard Oil Co. Wilkins Distributing Co. Howe Hardware Dear s J. !•'. Hanson, B. & H. Gravel Co. Kitsap Motors Bremerton Concrete Products Co. P. 0. Machine Shop Deno's Welding R. L. Sweeny, Insurance Tidewater ail Co. Anderson Ditch Digging Forget -Me -Nat Florists Bremer's F. W. Woolworth's Bruce Lumber Co. Margie Milbrot, Librarian Claud's Service STREET FUND Service $ 28.70 Frames & grates 155.34 Gasoline 64.79 Tire, tube, kerosene 116.37 Hammer, etc. 2.35 Fittings 18.04 Grader rental 37.44 truck repair 21.13 Pipe 70.76 Repair signs 10.40 Grader repair 27.04 Automotive physical damage insurance 187.04 Store Oil 89.47 SEWER FUND Repairs to sewer line $ 32.76 LIBRARY FUND Cage & Chain $ 4.40 Arrangement 3.12 Drapes, misc. 5.66 Lumber 4.06 Reimb. for a dv. expenses 10.64 WATER CONSTRUCTION Crane rental, well #7 $ 17.16 Meeting ad our d at 10:15 P. M. on motion by Rylander, seconded by Bowers and carried. Clerk�+1i_ �L,e/ Mayor Port Orchard, Washington April 23, 1962 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by aep3ng Mayor Paul Powers. Present, Councilmen Rylander, Geiger, Bowers and Lippert. Absent Councilmen van Zee and Caldwell, and Mayor Repanich. Also present, attorney Thompson, Superintendent Givens and Chief of Police Dow. Minutes of meeting of April 9, 1962 approved as read. As this was the date set for the hearing of protests on the annexation of a portion of Section 36, Mayor Powers called for protests. As there were none, the area was annexed to the City by Ordin- ance No. 691 on motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried, unanimously. Mr. Lomax of Division Street protested the hookup charge of the City in regard to sewer line. Coun- cil informed Mr. Lomax that this is the procedure at this time and that he must conform with it. Engineer Hammond presented Council with a profile map showing grades and center line of Smith St. Committee (Street & Alley) will investigate a small bank of earth in the r/w of the City near Mr. Fr&ssen's residence on Pottery Hill Road and report at next meeting. Sewage Disposal System contracts were ready for City signatures. The agreement regarding boundary lines and removal of portion of existing building of Myhre's, Inc., presented to Council and on motion by Lippert, seconded by Geiger and carried, the agreement was adopted. There will be a meeting of the finance committee and the attorney as well as the Chief of Police to go over the traffic code at 8:00 p. m., April 25, 1962 at the City Hall. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Lippert and carried, Ordinance #692 regulating the sale of safe and sane fireworks was approved and adopted by the Council. Engineer Hammond reported the approximate cost of sidewalks fronting the post office and also HannKh & Powell Drug Store at $700.00. M N Lippert reported on contacts made with various residents relative to garbage service and billing. Council instructed Attorney to draft a letter to Granquist informing him that he is not complying wiite the ordinance and that he shall write each custimer that service will be made and also that charges will be made in accordance with the ordinance. Engineer Hammond reported that the cost of laterals in the vicinity of Beacon Electric, and where con- nections can not be made with the main transmission line of the sewer system, would be $3.75 per lineal foot. Mr. Givens reported Well #7 was completed and water was coming in at 1400 gal. per minute. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Lippert and carried, Superintendent was given authority to purchase materials and install aster mains and fire hydrant from Pottery Hill Road to Roland Street, Robert Roland to reimburse City. Rylander suggested Council might be thinking along the lines of future plats and subdivisions being presented to Council for study and approval in order to keep a consistent procedure and control over subdivisions. Ordinance #693, regulating licensing of dogs was adopted on motion by Rylander, seconded by Lippert and carried. In order to control the weeds at the "Y" beautification project, the suggestion of placing a plastic mat and then putting fine gravel over the mat was approved by the Council. Natter of Sidney Parkway signs referred to Park Committee. Engineer Hammond presented profile and grade map of Kitsap Street from Cline to Seattle Streets. This matter will be continued until next meeting. The following items continued: 1. Blanket insurance coverage for city 2. Westbay improvement 3. Employee retirement 4. Parking time on beach side of city The following bills were: read and checked by department heads and finance committee and ordered paid on motion by Lippert, seconded by Geiger and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Jim Travelers Motors Repair police car $ 87.75 Slocum Hardware Building maintenance 13.73 P. 0. Independent Office supplies 15.60 J. Sibon Reimbursement for exp. 42.91 Seattle Rubber Stamp Co. Seal 9.57 Mary Hodge Typing 9.45 Motorola, Inc. Radio maint. (pplice) 10.40 Clerk ReimburseReimburse cash sect. 16.00 Gale Dow Travel 12.94 Westland Fire Apparatus Co. Firemen6s gear 79.25 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Street lights 566.85 Tidewater Oil Co. Diesel fuel 153.50 WATER FUND Slocum Hardware Fittings $ 6.39 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 306.87 Anderson Ditching Ditching 31.20 Pacific Water Works Supply Lead 30.50 Clerk Reimburse 60.00 Overall Supply Co. Wipe rags 3.23 STREET FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service $ 7.15 Slocum Hardware Co. Fittings 9.94 Cox Machinery Co. Grader parts 53.62 N. P. Railway Freight 5.74 Clerk Reimburse Cash .47 Anderson Ditching Storm drain 15.60 Tidewater Oil Co. Stove oil 50.94 Min SE14ER FUND P. 0. Independent Publication $ 113.06 WATER CONSTRUCTION Hammond, Collier & Isaac Engineering, Well #7 $ 990.00 Gaudio Well Drilling Co. Well #7 24,681.28 Is PARK FUND Slocum Hardware Trowel $ 5.92 Overall Supply Mop service 2.08 H. B. Peterson Labor 74.52 Tidewater oil Co. Diesel, Active Bldg. 51.90 LIBRARY FUND P. O. Indkependent Paper $ 6.68 Clerk Reimburse cash for stamps 4.00 Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p. m. on motion by Rylander, seconded by Geiger and carried. Af Clerk ��A.• �:t..�.r�f _..— mayor Port Orchard, Washington May 14, 1962 Council of the City of Port Orchard called to order in regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present, Councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Rylander, Geiger, Van Zee, Bowers and Lippert. Also, Sup't. of Public Works Givens, Chief of Police Dow and Attorney Thompson. Minutes of meeting of April 23, 1962 approved as read. Mr. Cowan requested Council to inform him of the setback necessary for a comr,rcial building in the area of Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Also, he stated that he would be at least 15 feet back of side- walk. Council informed him that this is all right. Mr. Schire of Annapolis hill area requested Council to do something, in regard to the caterpillar control. Council informed him that there is nothing the City can do, but that the City would see that the local paper would run an item requesting the people to attempt to correct the situation in their own yards. Two applications were received regarding the sale of safe and sane fireworks during the July hol- idays. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Powers and carried, the South Kitsap Active Club and the Port Orchard Volunteer Fire Department were granted permission to apply for the state permit. They will operate the stands at the west and east ends of the City, respectively. Matter of sidewalks in the post office area continued. Don Langert representing 107. pf the area, called the Herron area, requested the Council's permission to circulate a petition for annexation. Permission granted on motion by Rylander, seconded by Powers and carried. The "Y" beautification project continued. Street and Alley committee will study the Kitsap Street project and r eport at the next meeting. Nutter of blanket insurance for fire of City continued. Westbay improvement continued. Employee retirement system continued. No change will be made in the existing parking area north of the Bay at this time. Rylander, on behalf of the merchant's committee requested ithe Council's permission to again hold a circus in the parking area. As no adverse reports were presented after last yearts affair, the Cpuncil granted the request. Merchants will reimburse the Fire Department for any cleaning nec- essary afterwards. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Van Zee and carried, the Council approved a request from the downtown merchants for assistance in the widening of the Sidney Parkway sidewalk. The City will allocate up to $110.00 toward material for forms. The material will be sold and any salvage value will be returned to the City. Park committee will look into the complaint of Mrs. Corliss regarding Central Playgrounds condition. She states that the grass needs cutting; bulkhead needs repairing and the fence is rusty. Attorney reported that Lloyd §ranquist has as yet not answered the letter written to him regarding the conduct of the garbage service. Another letter will be written in a few days. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried, unanimously, Council adopted Resolution #1007 which sets up a L. I. D.'for approximately 550 feet of lateral sewer line from Rockwell east to the booster station. The date of June 4, 1962 at 7:30 p. in. was set for the hearing. Ordinance #694, Traffic Code, was adopted by the Council on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried, unanimously. Ordinance #695, authorizing the sale 66 $67,000.00 of L. I. D. bonds for the South Sidney improvement, was adopted bn motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried, unanimously. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Van Zee and carried, unanimously, Council approved the gquotation of Service Controls, Inc., to install automatic equipment at Well #6 in the amount of $195.00 Council will explore possibilities of enacting an ordinance to aid in the control of rats. The following bills were read and checked by department heads and finance committee, and ordered paid on motion by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND A Tidewater, Inc. 8eisel fuel, City Hall $ 61.89 Pacific Telephone Service, Clerk, Police, Fire 79.96 Daniels Communication Service Misc., Police Office 17.17 R. G. Lloyd Expense Assn. Washington Cities 63.86 Trick & Murray Register sheets 37.88 General .Supply Was, City Hall Maint. 24.60 Bauer Brothers P. D. car repair 80.94 Standard Oil Co. Gasoline, police car 189. Sheriff's Department Prisoner Board, 1961 278.00 Caldwell's Bolts 13.32 Kitsap Motors Repairs, P. D. car 18.56 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Street Lights, City Hall lights 687.00 P. 0. Independent Publications 82.36 Colonial Refining Co. paint 34.16 zxxxxxDXi1RxxxklmmxxxmXEit3EmimxxH**Kxvxxxxxx]KHitiiip vaxmE fiO{11mxxxxxxxxXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxXXXXKXXXxigaxsI LIBRARY FUND H. R. Huntting Co. Books $ 185.44 Winebrenner's Cleaning supplies 5.98 Peninsula Stationers Supplies 13.57 Bra -Dart Industries Supplies 10.45 Puget Sound News Books 66.83 WATER CONSTRUCTION Western Utilities Valves $ 528.24 Winebrenner*s Cartons 1.50 WATER FUND Puget found Power & Light Co. Service 357.69 Mary Hodge Salary, Typing 34.50 Pacific Telephone Service 32.10 Palmer Supply Co. Flanges 34.81 Caldwell's Oil 20.05 Neptune Meter Corp. Box 10.81 Anderson Ditch Digging Ditching 20.80 American Water 'Abrks Assn. Membership subscrip. 15.00 Vip Sport Center Marker 38.22 Wilkins Distributing Co., Inc. Plugs 3.93 P. 0. Machine Shop Iron 39.00 Kitsap Motors Repairs 168.16 Western Utilities Flanges 152.52 H. D. Fowler Pump 2,207.92 L. I. D. NO. 57 Current Expense Fund, City of P. 0. Reimbursement for advanced expenses $ 4,966.32 Weter, Roberts & Shefelman Legal 407.80 YAIJI;Wol W. L. Johnson Labor $ 31.50 STREET FUND Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Gasoline $ 99.80 Claud's Service Equip. rental 133.12 Bremerton Concrete Ring & Cover 89.12 Caldwell's Cleanser 22.93 Texaco, Inc. Oil 53.77 Deal's Filters 3.7 P. 0. Machine Shop Misc. 17.42 Pacific N. W. Bell Service 36.05 Puget Sound Power & Light Service 7.80 Hi-Y Lumber Co. Lumber 31.20 Aaberg & Feek Chains 51.33 Tidewater Oil Co. Caldwell's PARK FUND Deisel fuel Tiller rental $ 31- J. Sodergreen P. 0. Machine Shop PARK FUND (CON.) Sharpen mower Iron $ 6.76 2.08 Meeting adjourn d at 11:30 p. m. on motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington May 28, 1962 Council of the City of fort Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present, Councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Rylander, Van Zee, Bowers, Geiger and Lippert. Minutes of meeting of May 14, 1962 approved as read. Dr. Shirley Benham of the Kitsap County Health Department recommended to the Council to enact an ordinance revamping the present Plumbing Code to coincide with that of the County and other Cities in the County. This would make a consistenlfee charge and specificationsfor the entire County. He also suggested that the City adopt by reference, the County Code, Ordinance #30, and the current Plumbing Code published by the Western Plumbing Officials Association. Ray Anderson, from the South Sidney area, again requested the Council to segregate properties in the case of the Baptist Church property. This referred to attorney to meet with Mr. Anderson. Also informed Mr. Anderson, that this was a private deal and not for the City. Clyde Rice and Mr. Demko reported that the alley between South and Melcher, and Guthrie Street, between West and Garrison Street is a hazard to the public. They requested that the alley be graded and that the street be completely closed. Committee to investigate this and report at the next meet- ing. Matter of blanket fire insurance for City property still in the committee's hands. Caldwell reported on the proposed adjustments in the Westbay area, this appeared to be accepted by the Council. Committee will contact Mr. Gans relative to the changes to be made. Beautification project at "Y" continued. Kitsap street improvement continued. Engineer Hammond will prepare an assessment sheet showing the costs of improvements from Bay Street north on Sidney, to the property owners and will then report back to Council. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Rylander, and carried, Council directed Sup't. Givens to have the fence repaired, bulkhead painted, and take care of the grass at Central Field. Attorney Thompson reported that a second letter had been mailed to Granquist Garbage Service. Attorney Thompson will contact James Gay, and committee will deliberate as to what course the -City shall take regarding hook-up or assessment charges for those residents outside`of L. I. D. #59. The bill submitted by Jim Traveler's Motors for additional repairs, denied by Council. Chief of Pol- ice and Attorney will write letter to company. Letter from Planning Commission, requesting City to proceed with placing the Annapolis hill area on City water read. On motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert, and carried, Council approved the lease for harbor area. Application fee in the amount of $10.00 The following bills were read, checked by Department heads and Finance committee and ordered paid on motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carrteds CURRENT EXPENSE Sargent -Sowell, Inc. Map rack, Clerk $ 41.27 L. N. Curtis & Sons Cartridge exchange, F. D. 3.12 Ouro-Test Corporation Bulbs, City Hall 70.49 Thompson's Police office exp. 1.14 Motorola, Inc. Maint., police radios 10.40 P. 0. Variety Store Misc., office, police 2.78 Hi -Way Garage Repairs, police car 10.40 Des -Moines Credit Bureau Credit Check, police 3.25 Burroughs Office supplies, Clerk 46.70 P. 0. Independent Vouchers 48.57 Bremerton Title Co. Attorney exp. 5.00 St. Gabriel Church Used furnace, fire hall #2 100.00 Western Utilities +r to P. S. P. & Light Co. n � Vic Talvi Robert Eliason Claud's Pacific N. W. Bell Cleveland Chevrolet L. R. Gaudio W. L. Johnson Overall Supply Co. Thomppon's Texaco, Inc. Cleveland Chevrolet B en W. Menees Overall Supply Co. P. S. P. & Light Co. Hugo B. Peterson WATER FUND Meters, misc. $ 181.08 Bend 42.02 Cathodic Service, So. Sidney 4.65 of it Sidney & Kendall 15.41 Wages directing traffic 18.00 ,r 13.50 Backhoe rental (Gig Harbor Hiway line) 280.28 Automatic control system 15.00 Gear lube 2.34 Well #6 labor 208.00 Labor on water lines 33.75 Wipe towels 2.08 Time books, Sup't. 5.72 STREET FUND Motor Oil $ 53.77 Misc. .65 Labor 18.00 PARK FUND Mop service $ 2.08 Service, Active Bldg. 24.86 Labor 95.04 WATER CONSTRUCTION L. R. Gaidio Balance on well #7 $ 6,085.31 Claud's Backhoe rental 21.84 Meeting adjourned at 9:40 p. m. until June 4, 1962, 7:30 p, m. on motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and arried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington June 4, 1962 Adjourned meeting called to order by Mayor Nick J. Repanich at 7:30 P. M. All present except Coun- cilmen Rylander and Lippert. Only written objection to L. I. 0. #59 was from Mr. Deal. It appeared that there is some errors in the property involved. Also, came to light that there is a 20* strip between Menees and Ritchie that belongs to Mr. Breed. As these problems could not be solved at this time, the hearing was set over to the next regular meeting at which time the Engineer and Council will b e in a better position to make decisions. Meeting ad urned at 0:00 p. m. on motion by Powers, seconded by Bowers and carried. Clerk Mayor � � e Port Orchard, Washington June 11, 1962 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present, Councilman Bowers, Caldwell, Rylander, Bowers, geiger and Lippert. Absent Van Zee. Also present, Superintendent of Public Works Givens and Engineer Hammond. Chief of Police Dow and Atty. Thompson absent. Minutes -of meeting of May 28 and adjourned meeting of June 4, 1962 approved as read. Mr. Hughes of the Lund Avenue area requested the Council to furnish City water in their area. Wouncil informed Mr. Hughes that annexation is the first step. Mr. Hughes stated that he would contact res- idents in the area and then proceed with the annexation process. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried, Guthrie Street between West and Garriston Streets will be blocked off in the center to stop all traffic. As the hearing for LID #59 was continued until this date, Council and residents discussed the prob- lems involved and finally came to agreement. On motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried unanimously Council adopted Ordinance 4696, and set the boundary of the LID as was except that the prop- erty of Dal White was elinimated. n Plumbing Code still under study. Blanket fire insurance still under study. West -bay improvement continued. Kitsap Street improvement continued. Assessment sheet for area North of Bay on Sidney continued. Matter of hookup or assessment charges continued. This is in the area East of and {Test of sewer lateral, L.I.D. #59. Problem of servicing the Annapolis Hill area with water continued. The 00inting of Central Field fence continued. Council will think of the possibility of acquiring additional area for playfields. Beautification project in the Tegstrom area continued. Givens requested to hire labor to clean out the weeds and grass. Garbage problem continued. Matter of Travelers bill to Police Department for the transmission trouble continued. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried unanimously, Council set the amount of $3.00 per front foot as the basis for hook up charge, plus $75.00 meter charge in the Tremont area. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried, Council authorized Clerk to pay the Federal Home Agency $8,926.32, which is the amount the City received for advance planning and engineering on the sewer interceptors and plant. The following bills read, checked by department heads and finance committee and ordered paid on motion by Lippert, seconded by Geiger and carried. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND P. 0.11ndependent Publications 351.71 P. 0. Machine Shop Threading 1.04 Thompsons Engineer supplies 10.61 Standard Oil Co. Gasoline (P.D.) 36.63 Howe Hardware Ctips 3.22 Western Plumbing Officials Assoc. Plumbing Code 15.00 Pacific Northwest Bell Service 82.35 Bauer Brothers Misc. 15.90 Key West Credit Bureau Credit Check (P.D.) 2.50 Jim Travelers Motors Repair 11.54 George Cake Flares 27.12 Deal's Muffler (P.D.) 12.01 Caldwell's Supplies 9.13 WATER FUND Overall Supply Co. Wipe rags 3.31 Deals Misc. 19.95 Caldwell's Supplies 16.49 Ray's Auto Rebuild Repairs 15.60 Claud's Service Backhoe rental 125.84 Hallgren Co. Stops 43.85 P. 0. Machine Shop Bar 1.30 Pacific N.W. Bell Service 17.10 John Boling habor 99.00 Western Utilities Vise and supplies 885.04 14ATER CONSTR. FUND Hammond, Collier & Isaac Engineering 150.00 Western Utilities Fittings 105.98 Winebrenner's Misc. 11.50 STREET FUND Hammond, Collier & Isaac Engineering 684.95 en It n Engineering 171.80 P. 0. Machine Shop Misc. 5.46 Pacific N.W. Bell Service 34.10 C. A. Hanksd Insurance 92.96 Caldwell's Mdse. 3.79 B. Menees Labor 3.38 Wilkins Distributing Co., Inc. Filters 2.35 Tidewater Oil Co. Ddisel 97.60 Standard Oil Co. Gasoline 55.68 Bowe Hardware Co. Cutters 10.13 SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND Hammond, Collier & Isaac Engineering 225.35 Del Guzzi Percentage of Completion 11,771.00 Thorburn & Logozo It It 18,475.69 Housing & Home Finance KAX Planning loan 8,926.32 PARK FUND PARK FUND Overall Supply Co. Mop service 2.08 Howe Hardware Misc. 64.91 Goal 13.59 LIBRARY FUND N. Y. Times Subscription 6.50 Gaylord Bros. supplies 16.02 H. R. Huntting Co. Books 3.10 Meeting adjourned at 10.35 on motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried. Clerk �* _ Mayor Fort Orchard, Washington June 25, 1962 The Council of the City of Port Orchard, Wdashington called to order in regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were councilman Caldwell, Van Zee, Geiger, Bowers, Rylander and Lip- pert. Powers excused. Also present, Attorney Thompson, Sup+t. Givens, Chief of Police Dow and Engineer Hammond. Minutes of meeting of June 11, 1962 approved as corrected. Mrs. W. J. McCrory, Mr. McLeod and Mr. Lund, representing more than 1M of the valuation of the area south from City Limits between the old Gig Harbor Highway and Mitchell Road to approximately the north line of the Southeast of the Southeast of Section36-24-1E requested permission from the Council to circulate a petition for annexation to the City. There is no outstanding Indebtedness in the City. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried, unanimously, the request was granted. Sam Dehart, president of the Do. Kitsap Babe Ruth League requested the City to help them, b y placing approximately 6" of dirt on the infield, this should be sand and good soil mixed, and would like a 50/50 deal on expenses with the City on other items. This matter,re£erred to the Park Committee. Matter of hood -up charges to those residents East and West of LID #59, continued. Sewer committee will look into this for future reporting. Attorney recommedded that the High School also be charged a hook-up charge. Plumbing Code continued. Blanket fire insurance still under study. Westbay improvement still in hands of committee. Improvement of Kitsap -;trees continued. George Hammond reported that Mr. Alberti had been notified as to the cost of sidewalks fronting the postofftce and did not appear to mind the cost. Also it appears that Mrs. Leiske knows the approximate cost. Hammond reported about $160.00 apiece. Attorney Thompson reported that there are two means of handling the water situation on Annapolis Hill, either by the existing statute or by contract with the Annapolis Water District. Committee on sewer and annexation will also investigate the water situation. Matter of contact with Granquist Garbage Service continued. After considerable discussion, the bill from Travelers Motors was referred until next meeting at which time, a complete review will be made. Clerk requested to notify Travelerrs Motors of this decision. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert and carried, Clerk instructed to determine the amount of surplus funds that are available from revenue issues, and after consulting with Finance Com- mittee invest the surplus in Government Securities. Park Committee will investigate complaint of cars parking in the area north of the Active Bldg. Planning Commission reported to the Mayor that the problem of junk cars and Misc. items about the. City on private property that is an eye sore. Attorney informed the Council that the City has no jurisdiction on private propetty unless it affects the health, welfare, or morals of the City. Also informed the Council that a Zoning Ordinance would probably be the answer to this problem. Clerk instructed to secure copies of the Zoning Ordinance and circulate to the Councilmen. Annexation of'No-manns land continued. Tremont 3-treet r/w continued. Chief of Police requested that tile be laid in Police office. Finance Committee will look into this matter. Superintendent of Public Works Givens reported that Well #7 is now in the main system and that approximately 650 gpm is running into the system with no power cost. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried, Clerk authorized to draw warrant in the amt. of $5.00 for annual dues of the S. K. Improvement Club. Truer claims for damage (Sweany & Hannah & Powell) to windows and glass door read and turned over to Geo. Hammond for deliverance to proper parties. Letter from Gary Deal regarding the assessment on LID #59 read and held in abeyance until final hearing. Clerk instructed to notify Deal. Letter from St. Paul Insurance Co. regarding claim against City in the Wakefield accident with the sweeper referred to Attorney. The request for plumbing license and four checks in the amount of $2.00 each referred to attorney. Attorney will return them to parties concerned informing them that the City has not and will not issue plumbing license under the existing conditions. Following bills read, checked by Department heads and Finance committee and ordered paid on motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND P. 0. Independent Supplies 26.10 P. i. P. & Light Co. Service 566.85 L. N. Curtis Chinstraps (F.D.) 28.51 Howe Motor Co. Misc. items 21.54 Kitsap Motors Repairs 28.26 WATER FUND P. S. P. & Light Co. Service 265.36 Claud's iervice Backhoe 546.60 Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe 74.88 Elliott Co. Stencils 26.00 Western Utilities Co. Meter stops 143.30 Westbay Auto Parts Battery 13.31 John Boling Labor 180.00 Anderson Ditching Ditching 93.60 Burroughs Maintenance 248.77 STREET FUND Robert Jones Labor 99.00 Lyle Nichols Labor 90.00 P. ;. P. & Light Co. Service 5.84 PARK FUND I Don Langert Painting 140.00 Robert Jones Labor 9.00 Lyle Nichols Labor 18.00 Joseph Place Labor 78.00 Hugo Peterson Labor 155.52 LIBRARY FUND Adele Leurquin Labor 37.40 Margaret Jarvis Labor 27.20 MEETING ourned at 9:30 p. m. on motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington July 9, 1962 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present, Councilmen Caldwell, Geiger, Van Zee, Bowers and Lippert. Absent Powers and Rylander. Present Chief Dow, Sup't. Givens and Atty. Thompson. Minutes of meeting of June 25, 1962 approved as read. Mr. & Mrs. McClenathan requested that their property be deleted from the proposed annexation that n is now under way in the Mitchell area. As the petition is not in, the Council informed them that they will be considered when the proper time comes. Don Langert submitted a petition covering the area known as the Herron area and this was referred to Engineer Hammond for review. Also, no-man's land petition for annexation was submitted by Mr. Sodergreen and this also referred to Engineer. Mr. Molzahn requested the Council to eliminate him from garbage pick-up. �1 r Council, upon motion by Caldwell, seconded by Lippert and carried, eliminated that portion of refuse that comes from the operation of his business if the Health Dept. would approve tide methods now used. Any other garbage would have to be worked out between Molzahn and the collector. Matter of dirt on the Babe Ruth infield continued. Sewer rate ordinance continued. Annapolis Water and sewer problems continued. Committee will meet with Engineer and work out some program for this area. Plumbing code continued. Matter of blanket fire insurance continued. Westbay improvement continued. Imppovement of Kitsap `street continued. Attorney reported that Mrs. Lieseke, of Horluck Transportation Co. indicated that she would like to improve the area near the postoffice if the price was right. George Hammond., Engineer, will prepare a description of bhe area on the north side of the highway directly opposite Hull Street which is owned by the City, and give to Attorney, who will draw a petition to vacate as most of the area is owned by the State. Granquist garbage continued. Attorney and Chief will prepare letter to the Plymouth factory regarding the improper mechanical work by Traveler's Motors. Council feels that the bill of Travelers should not be paid. This matter continued. Council was presented Zoning Resolution as prepared by Planning Commission and will study this until next meeting. Matter of laying tile in Police Department continued. Warren Williams, of South Street, told Chief of Police that the Coca Cola sign will be taken down. Clerk will make arrangements for committee and others to meet with James Gay and Terry Thompson to study Sewer rates and allied items. Public Health Department will be contacted as to the school hook-up on sewer mains. The following bills read, checked by Department heads and finance committee and ordered paid on motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried. P. 0. Independent Deal's Thorburn & Logozo Tidewater Oil Co. Bremerton Printing Co. Earl's Auto Dickson -Fletcher Printing Co. Seattle Rubber stamp Co. Perrine & Thomppon City Clerk Caldwell's Kitsap Motors Standard Oil Co. Pacific N. W. Bell P. 0. Machine Shop Pacific N. W. Bell John Boling AddArson Ditching Pacific Electric Caldwell's City Clerk Badger Meter Co. Western Utilities Standard Oil Co. Deal's CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Publishing Ordinance 22.15 Battery (F.D.) 32.94 Advance, LID #59 2,351.11 Diesel Oil 47.91 Dog Licenses 58.76 Switch, P.D. .99 Bicycle Licenses 46.80 Dog tags 34.44 /copies of Zoning Ordinance 29.50 Reimburse Cash Acct. 48.75 Bldg. Maint. 6.20 Repairs 3.64 Gasoline 78.14 Service 79.27 14ATU FUND Wrench 1.56 Service 32.50 Labor 180.00 Ditching 72.80 Compressor rental 24.44 Materials 18.47 Reimburse Cash Acct. 65.00 Meters 702.62 Coupling 164.70 Thinner 3.00 Misc. 18.77 STREET FUND Caldwell's Rental of mower 130.05 Wilkin's Distributing Coal Plugs 26.13 Kitsap Motors Ray Bock Co. Lyle D. Nichols Robert S. Jones Pacific N.W. Bell Larry Tire service Toole Corp. City Clerk Standard Oil Co. P. 0. Machine Shop Bremerton Concrete Auget Sound News Co. H. R. Huntting Peninsula Stationers City Clerk Bremerton Concrete Products Caldwell's Joe Place Pioneer (Cowing Caldwell Is National Lithograph Co. Repairs 144.23 Shaft 96.93 Labor 185.07 Labor 186.76 Service 39.90 Tires 318.88 Teeth 39.84 Reimbrusement Cash Acct. 4.00 Gasoline 95.77 MI sc. 3.12 Materials 195.81 LIBRARY FUND' Books 51.21 Books 11.39 Paper & ribbon 4.42 Reimbursement, cash acct. 12.50 PARK FUND Misc. 113.82 Padlock 5.24 Labor 57.00 Crushed Rock 45.79 SENER FUND Shovel 1.11 L.I.D. #57 Fund Bonds 160.99 SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND Thorburn & Logozo Contract payment 114423.96 Del Guzzi of of 25,520.00 Hammond, Collier & Isaac Engineering 2,085.30 Meeting xAed at 9:45 P. M. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried. lerk,�. Mayor Port Orchard, Washington July 23, 1962 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present, Councilmen Caldwell, Geiger, Van Zee, Bowers, Rylander and Lippert. Absent Powers. Also r epsent, Atty. Thompson, Engineer Hammond and Sup't. Givens. Minutes of meeting of July 9, 1962 approved as read. Petition for annexation of the McCrory area found to be not sufficient and referred back to petitioners. There appears to be considerable ill feeling in the area. Council took stand that petitioners should iron out their difficultieg, other than in Council Chambers, and that the City does not want anything to do with their problems as far as annexation is concerned. Attorney Thompson will arrange for the review board meeting in regard to both "No-man's Land and Heron (Langert) annexations. Rylander reported that no additional dirt is needed on the infield at Babe Ruth Field, but that this Fall, perhaps the City will grade and level the field. Annapolis seater and water problems continued. Plumbing Code continued. Blanket Fire Insurance continued. West -bay improvement continued. Kitsap Street program continued. Mr. Hammond will prepare and submit to attorney Thompson cost estimates and Attorney will contact Mrs. Lieske, regarding the sidewalks in the vicinity of the post - office. The Zoning Resolution was studied and Council would like additional information. Attorney will obtain other zoning ordinances and compare. A meeting will be held at 7:30 p. m. in the Council Chambers on July 30, 1962 to discuss the issue. Matter of tile in police office continued. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell and carried, unanimously, Sewer Rate Ordinance #698 was adopted upon first reading, after corrections. Next reading will be 8/13/62, at this timg, the read- ing will also serve as hearing. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell, and carried, unanimously, Council adopted Ordinance No. 697, which was called a Refunding Ordinance, whereby $54,000.00 of 4'7. Sewer Bonds would be cancelled, and $54,000.00 of 4k Sewer Bonds would be in effect. Council expressed their appreciation to Mr. Thompson for the manner in which he has taken the City's interest at heart. The date of 8/27/62 at 7:30 P. M. at the Council Chambers was set for the hearing of vacation of un- named street near the west limits of the City on motion by Lippert, seconded by Rylander and carried unanimously. Councilman Lippert stated that he would attend the meeting of the South Kitsap Improvement Council on July 25, 1962. Clerk instructed to inform Engineer Hammond that the Council is not a bit satisfied with the black - topping from Slocum Hardware east on Bay Street. The following bills were read, checked by Finance Committee and Department heads and ordered paid by motion of Lippert, seconded by Caldwell and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Vanes Lumber Supply Materials 33.99 Motorola Maintenance (P.D.) 10.40 Mary Hodge Wages, Clerkts Office 16.00 P. S. P. & Light Co. Service 675.91 Kitsap Motors Police car repairs 248.67 Stationers Ko-Rec-Type, Clerk's Office 1.24 P. 0. Independent Stamp, Clerk 1.04 WATER FUND Western Utilities Materials 385.61 P. S. P. & Light Co. Service 638.44 Overall Supply Wipe Rags 2.19 Vanes Lumber Supply Materials 55.80 STREET FUND Howe Hardware Misc. 6.54 P; S. P. & Light Co. Service 7.55 Toole Corp. Sweeper parts 54.11 Claud's Service Hauling 128.96 Vanes Lumber Supply Co. Materials 41.67 John Boling Labor 180.00 Robert Jones Labor 180.00 Lyle Nichols Labor 171.00 SEWER FUND Vanes Lumber Supply Materials 33.89 LIBRARY FUND P. 0. Independent Punch 2.18 PARK FUND Hugo B. Peterson Labor 129.60 Howe Hardware Co. Basket 1.30 Overall Supply Co. Mop service 2.08 P. S. P. & Light Co. Service 21.14 WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND Standard Plumbing & Heating Co. Retainer on Tremont Job 1,876.58 MEETING/adj ne at 11/30 P. M. on motion by Lippert, seconded by Rylander and carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington August 10, 1962 Mayor Nick J. Repanich called meeting to order at 2:00 P. M., this date being for the purpose of the meeting of the review board to determine if the Heron petition and the island on South Sidney n petition should be annexed to the City of Port Orchard. Present were Henry Brown, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, John L. Swan, Department of Commerce and Economic Development, Jim Parmelee, Chairman of the South Kitsap School Board, and Attorney Don Thompson. Also present were Mr. Sodergreen and Mr. Troy Moore, residents of the areas under question. On motion by Swan, seconded by Brown and carried unanimously, Mr. Troy Moore was seated to the Re- view Board as the resident member. All nine points, as required by law were discussed at 1 ength, and as it was the cunanimous feeling of the members of the board that annexation of the Heron petition was for the best interests of both the City and area to be annexed, the area was approved to be annexed to the City of Port Orchard on motion by Brown, seconded by Swan, and carried unanimously. Meetin rned at 2:30 P. N n motion oe Clerk by Moore, seconded by Brown and carried. Mayor Port Orchard, Washington August 10, 1962 Mayor Nick J. Repanich called meeting to order and on motion by Swan, seconded by Parmeleeand carried unanimously, Mr. Sodergreen was seated at the review board table to act as resident member for the board. All nine points as required by law were discussed at length, and as the area is an island completely surrounded by the City of Port Orchard, and that the feeling of the Board was that it would be to the best interests of both the City and the area involved, the island known as the South Sidney petit- ion was approved on motion by Swan, seconded by Brown and carried, unanimously to be annexed to the City of Port Orchard. Meeting ad ourn d at 3.00 on tion by Parmelee, Clerk e � seconded by Brown and carried unanimously. Port Orchard, Washington August 13, 1962 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order in regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present, Councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, Bowers, Rylander, Van Zee and Lippert. Also, Chief Dow, Atty. Perrine, Sup't. Givens and Engineer Hammond. Minutes of meeting of July 23, 1962 approved as corrected. John Kingsbury Forestry Department, reported that the condition of the City garbage dump was in a deplorable condition and that a definite fire hazard exists. Lloyd Granquist took exception to the statements made. Council referred this to the Sewer Committee, who will meet with Kingsbury and Granquist-to straighten the matter out. Letter from Attorney Myron Freyd read (re. segregation of the gay Anderson Property, L.I.D. #57) and referred to Attorney. Engineer will furnish Mr. Freyd with the zone and termini allocation of the total assessment in regard to the church property. Any cost for this allocation will be paid by Mr. Freyd. Henry Price of 503 Rady Street, requested permisssion of the Council to install a bus stop shelter across from Radey St. on the east side of Sidney Street. The Street and Alley Committee will meet with Price and report at next meeting. Mrs. King, representing the Eagles and Auxiliary, requested permission to hold a parade for young- sters and pets on 8/25/62 at 11:00 A. M. It was mutually agreed that the parade would form and start in back of the Shell Station and then parade behind the Grieve Bldg., then down Bay Street thru the City and stop at the Eagle's parking lot. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Van Zee and carried, that the arrangement would be worked out between Mrs. King and the Chief of Police. Mr. Sampson, of Rt. 4, Bx. 162, upon his request to place a trailer, on his property, was informed by the Council that at this time, there are no restrictions on this matter, but that the Council Is in the process of adopting an ordinance that would zone areas for trailers and that the Council is not in favor of the haphazard installation of trailers in the City. Mrs. Etta B. Jones, of the Jones addition to Port Orchard, requested that something be done about the ram -shackle house across the street from her lots. It appears the condition of this shack is affecting sales of lots. As this property in under State control, and ownership at this time, the Attorney was instructed to write the State and relate the conditions and request that it be razed. The above was ordered on motion by Rylander, seconded by Van Zee and carried. Robert Gans and a representative group from Westbay development requested the Council to place their Shopping Center in a special class as for sewer rate charges, and requested a flat rate to cover the entire development and that a charge of approximately $50.00 per month would be fair. Mr. Eisen - trout, Superintendent of S. K. School District No. 402, complained that they still object to the rate and that the Council has not kept them advised as to the progress and that they have not provided for any costs in their current budget. Harold Lundberg, representing the County Commissioners, stated that the rate for the Courthouse is too high. Myron Freyd stated that the charges are arbitrary and not consistent, and that the rate should be based on water consumption. Tymen Stephens, business manager for the S. K. school District #402, wanted to know how the charges were compiled. Several other items were mentioned. After considerable discussion, the Council, on motion by Powers, sec- onded by Lippert and carried, moved that the final passage of the Ordinance be held over until next meeting and, during the interim, more thought would be given to the problem. Lee Caldwell, representing the Fire Department, informed the Council of quotes received to paint the Fire Station #2. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Rylander and carried, Council gave Fire Committee power to act in regard to the painting. Committee will meet with Caldwell and go over additional quotes. Also, in the above motion, the blacktopping of the front and on the east side of the building to the rear, was referred to the committee with power to act, with the concurrence of the Finance Committee. New petition received from the McCrory area for annexation. This referred to Engineer for check. ing. The Review Board met at 2:00 P. M. on 8/10/62 and approved the annexation of both the area known as no-man's land and the area from the Catholic Church north to the City Limits on Mitehell. The following items were continued: Annapolis water and sewer problems, Plumbing Code, Blanket Insurance, West -Bay Improvement, Kitsap Street Improvement, and Post Office Improvement (in.this item, the Engineer reported that the total cost of sidewalks would be $324.000snd this should be divided evenly between Lieske and Alberti. Attorney will contact Mrs. Lieseke on this. The City will do the curb hark.) Also continued was the matter of the Zoning Ordinance, and the in the Police Office. Regarding the poor blacktopping job from Slocum Hardware east, the Engineer reported that the job was done a little early to facilitate traffic and that a seal coat would be placed over the existing, job later on in the year. Mayor reported that the CD expected $617.00 this coming year as Port Orchard's contribution. Also, that they would like the City to p ass a Resolution adopting the by-laws and other items. A sam- ple was presented. This was referred to the attorney for approval. A letter from Kitsap County Health Department was read. It is the expectation that the City will re- mit 504; per capita for the ensuing year, the letter stated. This was referred to the Finance Com- mittee. Del White requested permission to park a trailer on his property, and Council instructed Clerk to inform Mr. White on the same basis as Mr. Sampson was informed. Councilman Bowers reported that he wanted several sets of petitions so that he can start the ball rolling on the area N & E of existing limits on Annapolis Hill. Chief of Police requested Council to approve the purchase of a typewriter as the old one they had been using had been dropped or something, and it cost approximately $30.00 to repair it. This was referred to the Finance Committee. The request of the Pacific N.V. Bell Co. for easement to lay underground telephone cable from Har- rison Street along Kendall Street across Blackjack Creek, referred to the Attorney. Mayor will attempt to acquire more information regarding ownership of shack on Smith and Hull Streets. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried, unanimously, Council approved and accepted the Plat of Fred Best on the southern limits of the City, known as Fernwood RUN Addition to Port Orchard. The following bills were read, checked by Department heads and Finance committee and ordered paid on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Tidewater Oil Co. Diesel Oil 24.01 Standard Oil Co. Police Car gasoline 344.07 Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone & tolls 74.25 Port Orchard V-.riety Keys, knob P.D. office 3.28 Daniel's Communications Repairs 9.02 Thompson's Office Supplies 15.89 Lumber Supply Supplies for P.D. Office Improvement 25.91 P. 0. Independent Horluck Transportation Co. Street Vacation 6.29 (Notice of Hearing) Bauer Brothers Tank, F. D. 58.09 Kitsap Motors P. D. repair 89.52 WATER FUND Western Utilities Fittings 75.52 Pacific N. W. Bell Tel. & tolls 32.10 Service Controls Co. Automatic controls, Well #6 410.80 Deal's Fittings 1.48 Park's Jewelry Battery 3.07 John Boling Labor 270/00 Pacific Coast Cast Iron Pipe & Fittings 4,155.62 P. 0. Machine Shop Welding 8.32 Thompson's Pens, Supt. 10.30 Lundy Lumber Sales Supplies 8.97 Gale Dow Expenses 12.Q9 SEWER FUND W. L. Johnson Labor 13.08 P. 0. Independent Refunding Sewer Bond Ordinance Publication 93.70 SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND Thorburn & Logozo Percentage of Completion 5,631.39 Del Guzzi, Inc. It of of 19,270.00 Hammond, Collier & Isaac Engineering 1,406.27 PARK FUND Lumber Supply Material, Active Club Bldg. 53.88 LIBRARY FUND Wallach Thrifty Drugs Child Tour Publications Puget Sound News Co. P. 0. Independent Toole Corporation Totem Equipment Co. Kitsap Motors Black. Ball Freight Co. Claud's Service Morrison Gravel Co. P. 0. Machine Shop Standard Oil Co. Armco Metal Products Mill & Mine Supply Annapolis Hardware Manson -Jones Bremerton Oil Piston Service Robert; -Jones Lyle D. Nichols 0. K. Tires Deal's Chain Belt Co. Pacific N. W. Bell Meeting adjourned at 11:40 P. M. on motion by Clerk 7 Fiction Books 6.41 Book 3.08 Books 36.27 100 cards 10.19 STREET FUND Material 651.80 Shaft & Repair 389.63 Truck & Grader Repair 417.93 Freight 2.90 Equipment & Rental 66.56 Sand & Gravel 492.90 Supplies &,.Repairs 8.54 Gasoline 431.78 Equipment & Repair 6.01 Supplies 101.07 Merchandise 2.55 Paint 45.14 Road Mix 554.40 Seal 46.88 Labor 221.99 Labor 230.23 Grader 6.24 Supplies 8.69 Equipment Repair 192.76 Tel & Tolls 29.60 Lippert, seconded by Caldwell and carried. Mayor Port Orchard, Washington August 27, 1962 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by idayor Nick J. Repanich. Present, Councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, flan Zee, Bowers, Rylander and Lippert. Also, Superintendent of Public Works Givens, Engineer Hammond and Attorney Thompson. Absent, Chief of Police Dow. Minutes of meeting of August 13, 1962 approved as corrected. Mr. Meyers and Mr. Brandt requested permission of the Council to solicit the City for the purpose of starting a Security Patrol. They would give service from 8:00 P. M. until 6:00 A. M. Council stated that after the Chief has given them clearance and the necessary bonds are in order, they could begin the ven- ture. Council also informed the parties that this arrangement could be and would terminate at the will of the Council. Tymen Stevens, representing the South Kitsap School Board, clarified the item that appeared in the Brem- erton Sun last week by saying the paper had got the wrong information. A meeting was set up by the Council with the School Board for September 6, 1962 at 7:30 P. M. at the Council Chambers. Clerk instructed to notify Mr. Terry Thompson and request his presence. Petition of the West -bay group for a special sewer rate denied by Council Ordinance #698 (fixing the sewer service charge for the various classes and the reimposition of the City sewer charge) was adopted as corrected on motion by Lippert, seconded by Rylander and carried unanimously. Meeting between Granquist and Kingsbury and committee continued. Matter of segregation of the Anderson property continued. Request for the building of a bus stop shelter by Mr. Price of 503 Radey St. approved by Council on motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried unanimously, subject to the following conditions: the building shall be of good material and kept well painted and that all debris surrounding the area shall be policed and shall be placed on east side of Sidney across from Radey Street in line with the power pole. Also, City could and shall dismantle the shed if the above provisions are not kept. Clerk will write to Mr. Price about this. r� Matter of Pet Parade continued. Matter of Mrs. Jones request to raze the shack across from her property continued. Painting of Fire Station #2 referred to the Finance Committee. Approximately 35 years of blacktop would be needed for surfacing job. Labor will be supplied by Department. Supt. Givens reported that the street department needs to be reimbursed for the material at a cost of $4.50 per year. Finance Committee reported that there available funds and that the Street Department would be reimbursed. McCory petition for annexation found to be not sufficient and is to be returned to them. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Ordinance #699, for the annexation of the Heron area, and by motion of Powers, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Ordinance #700, for the annexation of the area south of Tremont and west of Sidney werepassed, and adopted. Resolution #1005, adopting the by-laws and methods of operation of the Civil Defense, was adopted on motion by Powers, seconded by Bowers and carried. Van Zee voted against. Kitsap County Health Department letter requesting 50� per capita for 1963, still in hands of Finance Committee. Kitsap County Humane Society's request for $133.42 per month for 1963 was referred to the Finance Committee. Councilman Geiger reported that the Lee Baker Company of Tacoma will bring a couple of used type- writers to be inspected for the Police Department. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Bowers, and ammended by Geiger the easement to Pacific Telephone crossing Blackjack Creek was granted unanimously, but with the change from $1.00 to $1000.00 for consideration. After discussion of franchise or B. & 0 tax on utilities, the matter was referred to Attorney, who will review the old ordinance and report his recommendations at the next meeting. Matter of razing house on Smith Street continued. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried unanimously, the Ordinance #702, vacating a portion of unnamed street on the western extremities of the City, was adopted. Letter from stay Greenwood, Attorney, regarding payment of trannmission btli to Jim Traveler's Motors was read. Attorney Greenwood stated that he was instructed by Traveler's to bring suit if the bill was not paid. Council, on motion by Powers, seconded by Rylander and carried unanimously again dense d the payment. Attorney will handle this, and will also prepare letter to the Plymouth Company, re- garding the transmission trouble. Sup't. Givens reported that the City Hall roof needs a new face and the approximate cost would be $200.00. Finance Committee reported that funds are available to do the job. Upon this information, Sup't. Givens was instructed to have the job done. The following bills were read, checked by Department heads and finance committee, add oadered paid on motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried unanimously. P. 0. Independent Motorola Municipal finance Association C. A. Hanks Trick & Murray R. R. Yates Piston Service P. S. P. & Light Co. Mary E. Hodge, SA -SO John Boling R. S. Jones Lyle Nichols Chain Belt Co. Pacific Hoist & Derrick Co. Claud's Service P. S. P. & Light Co. Peninsula Feed Washington Belting Co. Texaco Co. Deno* s John Boling Pacific Telephone Overall Supply Puget Sound Power & Light Co. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Publications 20.46 Maintenance contract, P.D. 10.40 Auditing manuals 7.00 Insurance 111.76 Treasurer's Record Book 26.01 Pens 4.16 Tail pipe, P. D. 3.90 Street lights 566.85 Wages, Clerk's Office 22.50 Flags 96.40 STREET FUND Labor 90.00 " 183.38 181.69 Roller Chain 29.52 Cylinder 4002 Hauling 553.28 Power 6.43 Rake 9.41 Lace 17.94 Oil 7.46 Welding 13.52 WATER FUND Labor 90.00 Service 15.00 Wipe rags 4.65 Power 581.48 PARK FUND H. B. Peterson Labor 82.08 Overall Supply Mop Service 2.08 Meeting adjotar a :45 P M. on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried. Clerk � _�_�i► �� �u�� Mayor Port Orchard, Washington September 10, 1962 Council of the City of Port Orchard called to order in regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present, Councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, Rylander, Bowers, Van Zee and Lippert. Also, Engineer Hammond, Chief of Police Dow, Attorney Thompson and Superintendent of Public Works Givens. Minutes of meeting of August 27, 1962 approved as corrected. Matter of security patrol referred to Chief to complete investigation. Librarian Milbrot reported on library activities,and that more reference books are needed and that the adult section should be increased. Also stated that a sign is necessary to show the location of the library and that it should be placed on the south side of the building. Report was made to the Council of the meeting with the School Board and the proposal made by the school authorities of a 20C per person rate. After considerable discussion, and upon the advice of the Attorney, that we would be in a position to be challenged by others and that the Council could find no justification to lower the rate, the proposal was denied. Council will review the situation in in one year to see if any adjustments could be made. Attorney will write letter to School Board conveying the Council's Oesision, and also see what the board's position will be in light of the ab- ove I M SIX decision, made on motion by Lippert, seconded by Rylander and carried unanimously. Meeting between Committee and Granquist and Kingsbury continued. Anderson property segregation continued. Chief reported that the pet parade will be this coming Saturday, September 15, 1962 at 10:00 A. M. Council gave approval to paint, putty and repair roof of cabin east of Fire Station #2. Finance Committee recommednded that $1200.00 be allocated for the Kitsap County Health Department for the year 1963, instead of 50C per capita. Council approved this action on motion by Rylander, seconded by Lippert and carried. The request of the Kitsap County Humane Society for $133.42 per month was approved on motion by Rylander, seconded by Lippert and carried. Pacific Northwest Telephone Co. submitted two additional documents for easement, these were turned over to the Street and Alley Committee and Attorney for legal. Matter of B & 0 and or franchise tax continued. The matter of house on Smith Street continued. Chief will meet with Attorney to secure details and facts so Attorney can write to Plymouth Co. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried, unanimously, 6ouncil approved call for bids on the sidewalk project north of Bey Street on Sidney Street. Finance Committee presented Preliminary Budget to Council and after review by Council, the budget was adopted on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Rylander and carried. The following bills were read, checked by Department Heads and Finance Committee and ordered paid on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried: Bauer & Hopfner Votorola, Inc. P. 0. Independent Mary Bodge Tidewater Oil Co. Employment Security Dept. City Clerk Caldwell Trading Post Thompson's Bill Jacobson Lundy Sales Pacific N. W. Bell George's Service Standard Oil Co. Badger Meter Co. Western Sbilities Caldwell Trading Post Anderson Ditch Digging Deal's Pacific N. W. Bell Western Utilities Clerk CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Police car repair 81.40 Fire Dept. Radio 1,916.98 Publications 32.81 Labor, Clerk's Office 14.25 Diesel oil 44.68 Administrative Exp. 4.89 Reimburse Cash Acct. 10.07 Misc. 31.71 Stencils 4.16 Paint contract, Fire Hall #2 250.00 Materials 6.24 Service 77.00 Police car repair 5.72 Police Gasoline 4.84 WATER FUND Meters 138.63 Meter boxes 276.67 Nuts 9.48 Ditching 78.00 Misc. 6.44 Service 17.10 Tubing 31.62 Reimburse C&sh Acct. 75.20 STREET FUND Pacific Hoist & Derrick Co. Hose 7.86 Caldwell Trading Post Misc. 9.31 Bremerton Oil Oil 2,101.38 Deal's Misc. 36.54 Claud's Hauling 287.04 Clerk Reimburse Cash Acct. 19.50 P. 0. Machine Shop Welding 17.94 Pacific N. W. Bell Service 32.35 N. C. Machine Co. Filters 2.70 James Morgan Labor 12.96 Robert Jones Labor 195.21 R. S. Jones Pit work 24.00 John Boling Labor 217.18 Lyle D. Nichols Labor 186.76 B. & H. Gravel Co. hauling 128.96 Wilkins Distributing Co. Oil 3.44 Tidewater Oil Co. Diesel 41.10 N. C. Machine Co. Gradel rental 10235.00 L. I. D. #57 Street Fund ` Reimbursement for Sidney surfacing 3,500.00 SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND Deal's Electrical equipment 31.82 P. 0. Independent Publications 81.05 Del Guzzi Plant 300389.00 Thorburn & Logozo Interceptor Line 6,487.92 Hammond, Collier & Isaac Engineering 2,083.34 PARK FUND Caldwell Trading Post Mower rental 9.36 S. K. Youth Council Fencing material 443.78 LIBRARY FUND Rhodes Department store Books 7.90 H. R. Huntting Co, Books 5.83 Payless Drugs Books 4.91 P. 0. Independent Supplies 3.85 Gaylord Bros. iupplies 5.98 Puget Sound News Co. Books 7.49 Peninsula Stationers Supplies 6.33 Clerk Reimburse Cash Aect. (Stamps) 4.00 Margaret Jarvis Wages 8.50 Meeting adjou d at 1 :00 o motion by Rylander, seconded by Lippert and carried. Clerk ��,•- _ ,�,► ,� Mayor Port Orchard, Washington September 24, 1962 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Weshington called to order in regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present, Councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, Bowers, Van Zee and Lippert. Absent Rylander. Also present, Attorney Thompson, Engineer Hammond, Sup't. of Public Works Givens and Chief of Police Dow. Minutes of meeting of September 10, 1963 approved as read. Charlie Hughes requested permission to circulate new petition of the South Mitchell Street area. Eng- ineer prepared description and Council approved the request on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Bowers and carried. Matter of Security Patrol continued. The matter of posting a sign at Kitsap and Cline Streets showing the direction to the City Hall and allied departments referred to Finance Committee. Meeting with Forest Department and Granquist continued. Segregation of Anderson property continued. Givens reported the blacktop was in at the Forestry Building. No action yet on painting of small house to the east of Fire Hall. On request of Public Health Department's request for larger budget, Council denied the request. Engineer for Pacific N. W. Bell met with committee and discussed where the lines would go. It was decided that instead of tearing up the street, the lines would be laid in the parking strip. Committee will contact ethiarrcities and from the information, will determine how and what to charge for easements. Attorney advised that both P. S. P. & Light Co. and Pacific N. W. Bell Telephone Co. have been not- ified as to the intention of the City to imppse a B. & 0. Tax. More on this matter will be discussed at the adjourned meeting on 10/1/62. The Smith Street shack continued. Attorney advised Council hhat the letter regarding the police car has been written to the Plymouth Co. (Chrysler Corporation) Matter of sidewalks on Sidney north of Bay Street continued to 10/1/62. On motion by Bowers, seconded by Lippert and carried, unanimously, Council approved request of Planning Commission -to join the Kitsap County Planning Group. The cost would be $500.00 per year, in return maps would be prepared for the City and the services of the Planner would be available. New Zoning Resolution as presented by the Planning Commission referred to the Finance Committee. Committee will meet with the Superintendent of Public Works to prepare the necessary information and maps in order to be eligabie to use the arterial street fund monies. Street and Ailey Committee will study and recommend what is to be done regarding Tremont Street R/W. Clerk will write letters to those property owners involved, setting up the meeting at the Council Chamber at 7:30 P. M. 10/10162. Letter from State read, regarding the razing of building on Sidney. This will be completed by the 15th of of October, 1962. Claim from Douglas Wyatt against the City for $100.00 damages to his car due to a large hold left in the Bay Street in the vicinity of T. B. & M. was read to Council. The following stated that they would attend the legislative meeting of A. W. C. at 6:00 P. M., Nov. 13, 1962 at the Hearthstone Restaurant: Repanich, Powers, Van Zee and Lippert. On motion by Powers, seconded by Bowers and carried, Council approved the Chief of Police purchasing two school signs for Givens School for approximately $26.00. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Bowers and carried, Chief of Police will buy two badges for dispat- chers for approximately $20.00 to read "Radio Operator". Caldwell opposed. As there is no record that the road called "Kissinger Lane` is recorded or shown in any of the County or City offices, the Council decided that the above mentioned road is private property. Clerk in- structed to write Mr. Kissinger and inform him that this is for private maintenance only. The following bills were read, checked by Department heads and Finance Committee and ordered paid on motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Oliverts "U" Drive Police car rental 24.28 Perrine & Thompson Photostats (Council Exp.) 4.00 T hompponts Supplies 8.79 R. Eliason Wages, Clerk's Office 18.00 Board for Volunteer Firemen Insurance 12.00 P. 8. P. & Light Co. Street Lights 665.57 Brinkerhoff T.V. Radio repair (F. D.) 13.83 Black Ball Freight Freight 6.23 Motorola Maintenance, P. D. 10.40 Howe Hardware Misc. 191.37 P. 0. Independent Publications 17.54 Andy Johnson Co. Refills, CO2 10.40 WATER FUND Howe Hardware Misc. 14.93 P. S. P. & Light Co. Power 539.73 John Boling Labor 144.00 Motorola Radios 2,561.52 Ray+s Auto Rebuild Windshield 97.19 Western Utilities Couplings 23.32 Atlas Foundry Meter lids 76.69 Elliott Co. Supplies 7.20 Overall Supply Wipe rags,] 5.63 Cox Machinery Co. Tamper 23.71 Harrison Pipe Co. Meter lids 82.94 STREET FUND Howe Hardware Co. Misc. 5.60 Claud's Hauling 569.92 Lyle D. Nichols Labor 191.83 R. S. Jones Labor 72.00 John Boling Labor 37.83 Texaco, Inc. Lub. oil 22.46 P. S. P. & Light Co. Service 9.72 John Hanson, Braaten Bros. Hauling 87.36 Black Ball Freight Freight 2.90 Piston Service Parts 3.90 PARK FUND Howe Hardware Wax 3.69 P. S. P. & Light Co. Service 12.30 Hugo Peterson Labor 50.76 LIBRARY FUND Howe Hardware Misc. 5.24 Meeting adjourned at 9:45 P. M. until 7:30 P. M. on 10/l/62, on motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington Octoberi1,1962 Adjourned meeting of the Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present,.Councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Van Zee, Geiger and Bowers. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Bowers and carried, unanimously, the salary pf the Librarian was in- creased in the 1963 budget by the amount of $240.00 per year. On motion by Powers, seconded by Caldwell and carried, unanimously, the budget for the year 1963, --- was adopted. On motion by Powers, seconded by Caldwell and carried unanimously, the Council adopted the program to eliminate the ll� parking meter., and the Chief of Police was instructed to make the changes as soon as possible. Attorney was instructed to prepare a letter to the Merchant's Committee proposing to eliminate the courtesy ticket program and possibly go into a graduated ticket, probably a 25c charge if paid within two hours and the full rate thereafter. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 on motion by Powers, seconded by Van Zee and carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington October 8, 1962 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present, Councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, Van Zee, Bowers, Lippert and Rylander. Attor- ney Thompson and Superintendent of Public Works Givens absent. Engineer Hammond and Chief of Police Dow present. Minutes of meeting of September 24 and October 1, 1962 approved as corrected. Dusty Winebrenner, spokesman for the Merchant's committee addressed the Council, protesting the discon- tinuance of the courtesy ticket program. A meeting will be held by the finance Committee and the Mer- chantts Committee to discuss this report to Council. Mr. Rose, of 1141 Tacoma Street, and Mr. Winters requested information relative to deeding the alley between Portland Street and Tacoma Street back to the City. It appears that there is a problem of drainage in this area. Street and Alley committee will investigate the problem and report to the Council. The following protests on the sewer charge were referred to Council for study and decision at a later date: 1. Earl LeFave, representing the American Legion Hall. $10.50 2. Mrs. Dorothy Dildine, 715 Prospect St., charge of $6.50 for Beauty Shop and $3.25 for residence. 3. Mr. Hazard, $6.50 for his Barber Shop which has very few customers. 4. Mr. Bishop, 910 Kitsap St., has apartment in basement that is rented only a part of the year, approx- imately 8 months, balance of year, is used by his family. 5. Mrs. Bolton, $5.50 on her jewelry shop. Matter of Security Patrol continued. Chief states that he sloes not want to issue a commission card to security patrol. Mr. Herb Faubion, Secretary of the Board for Volunteer firemen, Olympia, gave the Council a brief talk on the Volunteer firemen's Pension Plan available to Volunteer Firemen. Council will take the matter of Firemen's Pension under consideration. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Powers and amended on motion by Gt&ger and seconded by Lippert, and passed unanimously, Council adopted the following, program relative to Pacific Telephone N. W. installation of underground cables. There will be an excavation charge of $25.00 for the first 25 lineal feet and a charge of 50C per lineal feet thereafter on all such installation, plus an annual charge of 10c per lineal foot. Attorney will prepare necessary papers. On motion by Powers, seconded by Bowers and carried, Myron Freyd appointed Judge Pro-Tem for period October 12 thru October 28, 1962. Chief of Police instructed to review the traffic conditions at Sidney & Bay Streets and report finding to Council. Sidewalks and curbs continued. Petition for annexation in the South Mitchell area continued. Sign on Kitsap Street showing City Hall directory continued. Granquist and Forestry Department meeting continued. Smith Street Building continued. Police Car letter to Chrysler Corp. continued. Zoning Resolution still in Finance Committee's hands. Arterial Street Fund maps and plans continued. Tremont, St. K/W continued. Douglas Wyatt claim continued. AWC meeting at Hearthstone changed to Nov. 13, 1962. Signs at Givens School continued. The following bills read, checked by Department heads and Finance Committee and ordered paid on motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Kitsap Motors Police Car repairs 276.12 Caldwell Trading Post Paint 4.08 Fremont Electric Calibration, P. D.. 28.60 Pacific Telephone N. W. Service 72.28 P. 0. Independent Publications 4.62 Standard Oil Co. Gasoline 75.70 P. 0. Machine Shop Iron 1.30 Deal's Brakes 20.60 Geo. Coke Co. Flares 35.50 Perrine & Thompson Photostats 22.25 Street Dept. Blacktopping, Fire Hall #2 180.00 John Boling Labor 31.50 Lyke Nichols 31.50 Colonial Refining Roofing 117.00 F. E. Langer Insurance 44.17 Bauer & Hopfner Repairs 18.46 Mobil Station Fan Belt 2.96 Red's Texaco Gasoline 3.70 Mary Hodge Wages, Clerk's Office 32.64 Clerk Reimbursement for Cash Aect. 42.00 Hammond, Collier & Isaac Advance to L.I.D. #59 187.19 Thorburn & Logozo L11D #59 958.45 WATER FUND Anderson Ditching Ditching 88.40 Port Orchard Machine Shop Hitch 6.44 Pacific Telephone N.W. Service 32.10 Clerk REimbursement for Cash Acct. 30.00 John Boling Labor 90.00 Van's Lumber Supply Supplies 73.59 Western Utilites Meter Boxes 17.46 Kitsap Motors Repairs 24.94 Cleveland Chevrolet Lube 2.34 Badger Meter Co. Meters 12.1.2 P. S. P. & Light Co. Service 2.20 Caldwell's Paint 3.20 Deal's Filter 2.00 STREET FUND Kitsap Motors Repairs 407.75 Lyle Nichols Labor 148.50 John Boling " 40.50 P. 0. Machine Shop Welding 5.62 Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Axel 16.89 Anderson Ditching Ditching 16.64 Shell Oil Co. Gasoline 191.54 Morrison gavel Co. Sand 188.52 Deal's Misc.- 10.07 Braaten Bros. Loader 26.00 Road District No. 1 Paint 105.82 Pacific N. W. Bell Service 26.45 Clerk Reimburse Cash 17.93 Hammond, Collier & Isaac Smith Street engineering 230.20 PARK FUND Caldwell Trading Post Rota -Tiller rental 17.62 Joseph Place Labor 51.00 Clerk Reimburse Cash Aect. .45 SEWER FUND Vans Lumber Supply Tile 11.49 LIBRARY FUND Child Publications Books 3.85 M. M. Murphy Bookmarks 14.70 Time Magazine Subscriptions 7.50 Gaylord Bros. Supplies 22.50 SEWER CONSTRUCTION Hammond, Collier & Isaac Engineering 1,737.15 Thorburn & Logozo Percentage of Completion 3,430.64 Del Guzzi ,• ", Plant 27,300.36 Meeting adjourned at 10:50 P. M.on motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried. Clerk `' Mayor Port Orchard, Washington October 22, 19621 Council of the city of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular sess- ion by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present, Councilman Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, Van - Zee, Rylander and Lippert. Bowers absent. also present SOPW Givens, AttaLoney Thompson, Engineer Hammond and Chief of Police flow. Minutes of meeting of October 8, 1962 approved as read. Mrs. Noerenberg, representing the Orthopedic Guild requested the use of the Act- ive building for a per4od of about two weeks during the day to prepare program and items for their annual Bazaar. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Rylander and carried, council granted this permission withour charge. Representatives from the Tacoma Stages and Blue and Gold taxi discussed with the council the possibility of changing the location of the stand as there is not enough room at the present location for the stage. After considerable discussion the matter wqs referred to committee and chief to study and report at the next meeting. Chief instructed to conduct an hourly tour of the City in regard to courtesy tickets for the next two weeks and at the next meeting report the findings to the council. The drainage problem of Mr. Rose and Mr. Winters continued. Under section 21 of the sewer ordinance, council set the following classes. Plumbing shops III; Linoleum shops III; shoe stores IV; furniture and appliance warehouses (storage) IV; Auto parts houses III; dry cleaners (pick up) IV; dairy stores III; That portion of class I listing duplexes and triplexes transferred to class VI; the protests presented to the council at the last meeting were denied in their entirety. Chief reported both gentlemen interested inthe starting of a security patrol cleared by FBI. Council on motion by Lippert, seconded by Van Lee and carried approved the issuance of a license for the patrol and stipulated that the fee should be enough to cover the cost of preparing the ordinance and also for the cost of publishing. Fireman pension plan continued. Attorney will check the legality of councils plan to charge the Pacific Korth West a fee for underground cables and if so will prepare the necessary papers to get the project into force. Sidnay and Bay traffic count continued. Engineer Hammond reported that the bids for sidewalks and curbs on Sidnay will be ready by next mooing. Also that a drainage problem exists in that area and that this will be ready by next meeting. Building on Smith street to be razed continued. Council decided to call a meeting with the planning commission and have the County planner present for Consultation before adopting the zoning resolution. Trailer ordinance to be adopted at the same time. R/14 on Tremont street continued. Clerk instructed to contact chairman of the planning commission and get names and recommendations as to length of appointments so council can set the new commission up at the next meeting. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried , clerk authorized to draw warrant for annual payment of Harbor Lease. Matter of maintenance policies on the water and fire units continued until the first of 1963. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Rylander and carried, clerk authorized to trans- fer $2,100.00 from Sewer Fund to Sewer Bond Fund to pay interest. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Rylander and carried, council authorized the advance of 44,000.00 from Current Expense fund to Street Fund as Street Fund was about that much short of redeeming the outstanding warrants. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert and carried, council atith6ria0d1:6hpuChiole Loupe bppe-dailkeed typewriter from Bremerton €office Machine for $114.50. Following items continued. Petition for annexation of South Mitchell continued. City directory sign continued. Granquist and forestry meeting continued. Arterial street fund plans and Maps continued. Douglas Watt claim continued. AWC meeting will be at Hearthstone on Nov. 13, 1962. Signs at Givens School continued. Letter to Plymouth Company re: Paliee car continued. Following bills read, checked by finance committee and kept. heads and ordered paid on motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried. CURRENT N"k;NSE FUND Thriftway Store Building maintenance 2.98 PSP&L Street lights 566.85 Mary Hodge Labor 36,00 Diver's Hut Ai.rpacks 3.90 Van's Lumber Paint 156.93 Trick & Murray election supplies 48.05 Texaco Inc. PD gas 53.77 Thompson's celle. tape 1.42 TBM #3 towels 4.98 Tidewater Oil deisel 72.39 Dept, Natural Resources harbor lease 295.UO WATER American Plumbing & Hting. pipe 110.68 Overall Cleaning wipe rags 4.03 PSP&L power 39€3.45 Anderson Ditching digging 15U.80 L.D. Nichols labor 31.50 John Boling labor 99.UO STREET PSP&L Power 9.60 Tidewater Oil deisel 34.86 Van's Lumber labor 139.56 Wilkins Distributing Co. oil 32.12 L.D.Nichols labor 148.50 John Boling labor 1:31.66 W. L. Wolf labor 30.42 James Reeves labor 30.42 Black Ball freight 2.90 Rudd Paint Co. paint 8.84 O.K. Tires tires 46.19 Bremerton Oil MC2 731.60 IW OR �4 Hugo Peterson labor 72.36 Overall Cleaning mop service 4.16 �j Van's Lumber cement 5.00 Beacon Electric lights for Little League 23.52 Meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M. on motion by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell. Clerk Mayor Port orchard, Wash. November 12, 1962 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Rresent were Councilmen Powers, Cald- well, Geiger, VanZee, Bowers, Rylander. Also present was attorney Thompson, Engineer Hammond and Chief of Police Dow. Minutes of meeting of October 22, 1962 approved as read. Howard Mulkey, Elmer Lorenzen and Al Bieber, residents of Tacoma Street, appeared before the Council to request City aid in alleviating a drainage problem on properties lying between Tacoma and Portland Streets. In conjunction with this, Chairman Caldwell of the Street and alley Committee reported to the Council, explaining the problem from the viewpoint of,the City; that the City was powerless to act unless given right of way by means of an alley between Tacoma & Portland Streets. At the request of the property owners, Council directed Superintendent to prepare a cost estimate for opening up alley from Sroufe to Melcher Streets, and to *a - elude drainage facilities, this to be ready for next meeting. Pacific Northwest Bell Company representatives, including Harold Luunsbery, right of way agent and John Peaslee, District Manager, appeared before the Council to protest the proposed charges for permit fees for installation of underground transmission lines, and asked that the Council reconsider these fees. After considerable discussion, it was moved by Van Zee, seconded by Powers and carried, with Geiger opposed, to rescind the motion made at the �1 meeting held on October S. 1962, which established fees for underground -� transmission line installation on City streets and property. Following this action, it was moved by Rylander, seconded by Lippert and carried, that right of way fees for installation of underground trans- mission lines by Pacific Northwest Bell Co. on unimproved City property, be established at the following rate: 25 cents per foot plus JlQOir00 ns- pection fee. Attorney instructed to submit this information to Pacific Northwest Bell Co. by letter. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Rylander and carried, the following permit fees for underground transmission line installation on improved City streets were established: $25.00 excavation charge for the first twenty five (25) feet, then 50 cents per lineal foot thereafter, attorney instructed to advise Pacific Northwest Bell co. c/o John Peaslee of this action, by letter. Clerk instructed to secure copies of Ordinances setting up underground transmission line fee schedules from dWC. I Mrs. Etta B. Jones appeared before the Council to request permission to sell lots owned by her, in the Etta B. Jones addition to Port Orchard,, for trailor occupancy. Request tabled until after Council meets with Planning Commission and County Planner. Clerk to advise her of decision. A meeting was set up for Monday, November 19, 1962, with the Council, Port Orchard planning Commission and County Planner, Ralph Lifeendahl, in the Council Chambers, 7:30 p.m. Terms of office for Planning Commission members to be scheduladd at this meeting, members to be notified of this meeting. Merlin Eischens appeared before the Council in regard to Council dispos- ition of the proposed changes made in taxi stand and bus zone locatidns. Councilman Geiger presented information to the Council regarding this :matter and upon motion by Lippert, seconded by Rylander and carried, Plan #2 and Plan #3, as submitted and explained by Geiger, were adopted on a trial' basis, with observation by Chief of Police to be reported to Council. The Plans �l adopted established zones for taxis and eastbound bus on the north side of Bay street, fronting the Taxi Co. office, and for Westbound bus, on the South side of Bap Street, encompassing an area just east of the D.& R. Theatre. The Taxi Co. is to reimburse the City for rental of three meters, and the Bus Company for two meters. Attorney to instruct the Bus Company of this ictib*Q1 . -2- On motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried unanimously, Attorney was instructed to prepare B.& O.1ax Ordinance at the rate of 3� on gross, for Puget Sound Power & Light Co. and Pacific Northwest Bell Co. On motion by Pourers, seconded by Lippert nand carried, the following costs of the sidewalk, curb and gutter improvements north of Bay Street on Sidney Street, were ordered to be borne by the following: Mrs. Mary Lieske, and Mr. Frank 'Alberti: $350WOO plus $14.UO Sales Tax, and $127.38 Engineering fees, a total of $491.38. M,yhre's, Inc.: $126.00 plus $5.04 Sales `tax, and $44.75 Engineering fees, a total of $175.79. City of Port Orchard: $488.00 plus $19.52 Sales Tax and 172.13, wngineer- ing fees, a total of $679.65. 491.38 Lieseke and alberti 175.79 Myhre's 679.65 City of Port Orchard 1,549..82 Total Construction Costs The date of hearing for final Assessment Roll, L.I.D. #59, was scheduled for 12/10/62, on motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried. On motion by Van Zee, seconded by Caldwell and carried, with Powers opposed, Superintendent directed to install water meters at those churches now being billed a flat rate, with Church to pay cost of meter, and City assuming installation costs, with exception of First Lutheran Church, which has paid meter fee to City, according to Superintendent. Sewer charges at $5.50 for Churdh.and Sunday School facilities, as one unit, approved. Councilman Lippert reported on Civil ,Defense meeting, and inspection tour. Upon recommendation of Councilman Geiger, Council directed a letter to be sent to the State Highway Director requesting that a State Traffic Engineer be sent to port Orchard to conduit with City Officials regarding traffic problems at Bay & Sidney, and at the intersection of Beach Road and Highway #14. Also, request disposition of the traffic survey which was mailed some time ago. Councilman Geiger also suggested that Prospect Street be properly marked for parking to accomodate more vehicles. The following items continued: Courtesy 'Pickets; Fireman Pension Plan; �.i Sidney & Bay Street Traffic count; Tremont right-of-way; Smith Street building razing; Maintenance policies on Radio Units; South Mitchell Annexation; City Directory Sign; Street funds & Maps/ arterials; Douglas Watt claim; Security Patrol; Signs at Givens School; Annapolis Annex- ation; Letter written re: Jones Building. The following bills were allowed, after checking by department heads and members of the Finance Cimmittee, on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried: Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Motorola Bauer & Hopfner P. 0. Independent Mary E. Hodge Bremerton Office Machines Caldwell Trading Post Burrough's Thompson's C. & G. Electronics Pacific N.W. Bell Co. Andy Johnson Co. Fremont Electric Deal's Gould Sheet Metal L. N. Curtis Badger Meter Mfg. Co. Standard Oil Co. Current Expense Gasoline, Y.D. 63.49 Police Radio Maint. IU.4U Police Car Maint. 22.69 Publication Ord. #T02 8.U9 Wages, Clerk's Office 54.38 Typewriter, P.Do & 167.28 Typewriter repair, Clerk Mdse. F. D. & Clerk's Office 4.38 Carbon paper, Clerk's office 15.96 Carbon paper, P. D. 4.94 Batteries 5.49 Fire, Clerk & Police 76.40 Oxygen Refill, P. D. 5.20 Speedometer Recalibration, P. D. 9.36 City Hall Heating System 84.3U Repair, Police Car Exp. Furnace, Fire Hall W2 122.86 Cartridge Refill 3.12 WATER FUND Meter parts 42,09 Blazo 2.b9 r� f 1� Caldwell Trading Post Claud's Service Pa..cific N.W. Bell Co. Doe's Auto Upholstery Deal's Codkson's Ta.xaco John Boling Howe Hardware Kitsap County Road Dist.#2 Deal's Pacific N.W. Bell Co. Standard Oil Co. Hi-Y Lumber Co. P. 0. Machine Shop John Boling Lyle D. Nichols George R. Hammond Mdse 5.00 Equip. Rental 22.88 Telephones & Tolls, Auto.controls 32.10 Recover Dodge Pickup seats 29.12 Battery 27.40 Tire Repair 1.56 Labor on 'Water Lines 146.03 STREET FUND Mdse 3.77 Equip. Rental for Road surfacing 128.66 Mdse. 5.31 Tel. & Tolls 35.95 Gasoline 64.79 Saw 11.56 Repair ditch 5.20 Labor 109.36 Labor 223.86 Engineering,Sidney St, Project 344.27 SEW&R CONS` RUC ION Del Guzzi, Inc. Progress Payment, Sewage .Plant 16,004.58 Thorburn & Logozo Progress Payment, Sewage System. 40050.42 Hammond, Collier & Isaac Engineering, " " 1,327.64 Meeting adjourned at 12:01 A.M. on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried. Clerk Mayor Port brehard, Washington November 26, 1962 Council of the City of port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were councilmen Powers, Caldwell, Geiger, Bowers, Lippert and Rylander. Van See absent because of illness. Also present Thompson, Dow, Givens and Hammond. Minutes of meeting of November 12, 1962 approved as corrected. Mr. Winters and Mr. Rose of Tacoma street were present to see what could be done regarding the drainage of water in the alley between Tacoma andlPort- land Streets. SOWP informed them that an estimate of 41999.60 would be the approximate cost to open this alley. Council informed them that it would be necessary for the residents to deed the alley to the City before the City would do the work. Parties present will contact other residentsland when possible council will meet with them to work this problem out. Matter of inspection and excavation fees continued until information is received from AWC. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried unanimously council will ap ly for membership in the Joint Planning Commission, also an annual fee of 500 will be offered. also on motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried unanimously, Mayor will appoint 8 members to the Planning Comm- ission and attorney will draft an ordinance setting up the Planning (Comm- ission. On motion by Powers, seconded by Bowers and with Council adfirmation•unan- imously council amended motion of prior -meeting and increased the B&O tax on PSP&L and1lac. Telephone from 3% to 5%. Committee will meet to complete the six (6) year plan for the state so that the J0 gas tax can be used. The residents of 'Tremont Street will then be notified and a meeting will be called to negotiate for right -of-way. Matter of courtesy ticket survey and patrol of City referred to finance committee. Street and alley committee will contact business people between Frederick and Sidney regarding the proposed traffic system that Caldwell presented to the Council. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried unanimously Council approved the pumping contracts for power at disposal plant and booster station with PSP&L. Chief will contact Bremerton in regard to the overhaul of the parking meters. Also will study the possibility of tandem parking. The following items continued: Hearing on LID #59 final assessment roll, 12/10/62. Metering of churches continued. Firemen pension. Smith street building Maintenance policy of radios. City directory signs. Douglas Watt claim. Annapolis annexation. Following bills read, checked by department heads and finance committee and ordered paid o1i motion by Bowers, seconded by Lippert and carried. Thompsons Office supplies 39.41 Independent Supplies 26.34 Mary Hodge Labor 34.50 Wilkins Tires 68.93 Divers Hut Air refills 3.75 Perrine Mimeo 5.25 PSP&L Street lights 696.23 Black Ball Freight 4.00 Motorola Maintenance 10.40 Bremerton Printing Ledger sheets 42.02 Tidewater Oil Diesel 41.33 Amer.Plbg. & Steam Pipe 47.42 Gale Dow Travel 2.40 WA'Tl R PSP&L Power 322.94 John Boling Labor 121.52 LID #56 Assessments 143.88 Kitsap Motors Repairs 93.61 Overall Supply Rags 4.84 Pacific Elect. Rental 20.71 STR&ET John Boling Labor 72.00 Lyle D. Nichols Labor 180.00 PSP&L Service 10.03 Silers Cleaner 13.92 B&H Gravel Blacktop 187.20 SA -SO Signs 48.24 Granquist Bros. Sidewalk 777.11 Totem Equipment Broom wire 41..90 Ray Block Co. Disc. 22.97 Deno's Bolts 6.28 Wilkins Kerosene 17.04 Tidewater Oil Stove Oil 24.91 Atlas Foundry Frames 218.42 Kitsap Motors Repairs 8.11 Jim Morgan Labor 12.96 M. Jarvis Labor 5.10 Penn Stationers Misc. 7.68 Readers Digest Subscription 2.97 H. R. Huntting Co. Books 20.99 Independent Misc. 1.04 Westbay Drugs Books 5.21 M. Milbrot Travel 6.09 Stocks Lbr. Lumber 3.94 n Ramona Thomas Labor 15.00 Tidewater Oil Diesel 24.69 Overall Supply Mop Service 2.08 Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. on motion by Powers, seconded by -Bowers and carried. fort Orchard, Washington December 100 1962 Council of the City of Port Greb and called to regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were Councilmen Caldwell, Powers, Geiger, Bowers, Van Zee, Lippert and Rylander. Also present was attorney 'Thompson, .Engineer Hammond, Chief Dow and Sup't. Givens. Minutes of the meeting of November 26 approved as corrected. Mr. Qu6torff and Mr. Seigfried representing the PSP&L company were present in regard to the B&O tax ordinance. Mr. Quistorff reported that the approx- imate gross income from this area is $250,00 per annum, Letter was read from US ,army Garrison, Fort Lawton stating that the pike sites requested by the CD are not available. on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried unanimously ordinance 4705, relating to a 5% B&0 tax on the PSP&L was passed. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Caldwell and carried unanimously Ordin- ance #703 relating to 5% B&O tax on Pacific 'Telephone Co. was passed, Mayor Repanich declared that the hearing of assessment roll on LID #59 was open. Two parties were present, R. B. hall and Mrs. Menees. As there were no protests the roll was accepted and approved on motion by Caldwell, sec- onded by Rylander and carried unanimously. Engineer Hammond reported that the sewage plant will be in operation in a few days. Problem of surfacing job on Bay street was discussed at length. Hammond reported that the settling was a normal problem and did not think we could force the contractor to redo the job. One of the two other methods will be investigated. (1) see if the State Highway department will complete the job. (2) Give a seal coat in the sunmer. Councilman Caldwell presented a complete map on traffic control for area in front of Post Office. Also reported on meeting with representatives from highway department regarding the Westb.ay area and also Post Office area. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Bowers and carried unanimously, Street and Alley committee was given power to act on Caldwell plans* also submitted by Caldwell were plans for Westbay area. Clerk instructed to contact Mr. Cans to arrange a meeting with committee. Ordinance *407 amending #521, by setting up an eight (8) member planning commission was adopted by Lippert, seconded by Rylander and carried unani- mously. Meter overhaul continued. Street department reported that approximately $250.00 would be the cost to install meter posts and allied work. On motion,by Rylander, seconded by Powers and carried, attorney instructed to draw amending ordinance to traffic code to include City authority to arrest violators in regard to car licensing. Mayor reported on meeting with the Puget Sounders. Boy Scout Troop 4525 and Volunteer Fire department requested license to run Fire works booths this coming year. Council received the application and will decide at a latter date. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried the next council meet- ing night will be on the 26 of December. On motion by Rylander, seconded by Lil:pert and carried, the clerk is author- ized to tnerease the petty cash account to 4305,00. Letter from the State Department of Natural Resources of razing building on Sidney road, also building on Seattle Street, council will inspect and offer the razing of this additional building on motion by Powers, seconded by Caldwell and carried. Councilman Van Zee excused ffom next meeting. FOLLOWINn ITEMS CONTINUED: Tns ection fees for underground cables. Radio Main. p g policies Courtesy ticket survey. City Directory Signs Firemen pensions. Douglas Watt claim. Smith Street building. Annapolis annexation. Following bills read, approved by department heads and finance committee and ordered paid on motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried. Mary Bodge Labor 36.00 Joe Tuba Labor 30.28 Bremerton Sun Publication 15.74 TR&M Towels 4.77 AWC Dues 175.00 V. B. Caldwell Travel 14.10 Clerk Reimbursement 45.40 Givens Refills 12.48 Dungan Parking Meter Co. Changes 12.55 Bauer & Hopfner POD* -ear 73.57 Andy 5ohnson Co. Refills 5.20 Deals Misc. 86.63 `1 Wilkins Tires 139.69 1 Gale Dow travel 11.60 WATER U.S. Post Office Postaels 288.00 Wilkins Anti freeze 3.43 Pacific Water Works Misc. 83.50 Deal's Misc. 6.97 liallgren Co. drenches 31w50 Western Utilities Valves 55.46 S TMh;`T' Wilkins Anti freeze 34.56 John Boling Labor 128.25 Lyle D. Nichols Labor 135.00 C. A. Hanks Fire Ins. 92.96 Traffic Control Co. Signs 20.02 Deal's Battery 18.04 Rudd Paint Co. Paint 74.10 Port Orchard Machine Shop Misc. 14.54 Howe Hardware Bolts .67 Kitsap Motors Repaiks 2:3.67 LIBPARY City Clerk Reimbursement 8.00 SEWER Bremerton Concrete Blocks 15.60 U.S.Post Office Postals 288.UU Clerk Reimbursement 33.UU Pennsalt Corp. Chlorine 107.64 John Boling Labor :3:3.75 H. Peterson Labor 57.24 Lyle D. Nichols Labor 27.00 .Toe Tuba Labor 9.UO C. A. Hanks Insurance iceount 102.15 SEWER CONSTRUCTION Thorburn & Logozo Percentage of Completion 2192.31 Del ruzzi Percentage of Completion 4968.10 Hammond Collier & Isaac Engineering 571.35 Meeting adjourned at 10:35 PM on motion by Van Zee, seconded by Bowers and carried. Clerk ; Mayor Port Orchard, 'Wash. December 26, 1962 Council of the City of Port Orchard, called to regular session by Mayor Nick J. Repanich. Present were Councilmen Caldwell, rowers, Geiger, Bowers and Lippert. Absent were Rylander and VanZee. Also present was Chief of Police Dow and Attorney Thompson. absent was SOPW Givens. Minutes, of meeting of December 10, 1962 approved as corrected. Mayor reported on meeting with Mri&Ahambers of the highway department in regards to the 2 cent gas tax. Matter of resurfacing on Hay street continued. The amending of the traffic code to include for 1963 license violators. continued. Clerk will notify fire department and they will inspect and recommend on the razing of the two building (one on Seattle and one on Sidney street). Letter will then be forwarded to Dept. of Natural Resources. On motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried, finance committee was given power to act regardin the inspection and a.xcavation fees for underground cables. Courtesy ticket program continued, shief will assign a. man to continually check the meters for the next month and report at the first meeting in February of the results. On motion by Lippert, seconded by lowers and carried, council set the salary at $1.50 per hour. Matter of additional signs showing city offices continueu. Givens is to put either aluminum of scotch light on the sign in front of building. Matter of fire works continued. Another application received from .american Legion to sell fire works at the East end of the city. Cn motion by Lippert, seconded by Rowers and carried, Ordinance 1r706 (con- firming final assessment roll on LID ;f59) was approved. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Bowers and carried, the City Clerk was allowed to distribute, from the various appropriations within the budget to balance the accounts at the end of the year. Following items continued: Firemans pensions Douglas Watt claim Smith street building ,innapolis. annexation Radio mainenance policies Following; bills read, checked by department heads and finance committee and ordered paid on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried: Vans Lumber paint, etc. 236.06 Perrine photostat y.75 Independent publications 108.51 Thompson's book 2U.64 PSP&L service 566.85 Motorola mainenance 10.4O State Fire Bd. Insurance 3.00 Tidewater [ail deisel 93.93 Standard Oil Co. gas 219.78 PAC NW service 69.85 W. Corev expense 1U.2U Pauer Bros. repairs 56.8U 'Prick & Murray supplies 104.63 Duncan Meter Co. segments 8.36 Mary Hodge labor 43.13 Pacific N.W. Bell service 17.10 Pacific N.W. Bell service 15.00 Anderson Ditching ditching 2U.8U Hauer Brothers repairs 8.84 Overall Supply wipe rags 3.86 Van Lumber mdse. 10.71 Fremont Fleet. gear .56 City of Bremerton chlorine 22.15 PSP&L power 2W.38 STREET Tidewater Oil oil 48.77 Pacific Niq Bell service 28.35 Road Dist. j#2 roadmarker 58.39 Caldwells misc. 5.43 Redi-Gas Co. propane 2.U8 PSP&L service 14.18 Vans Lumber mdse 50.41 Rudd Paint Co. paint 55.74 Fitsap County Airport gravel 17y.UU Standard Oil Co. gas 41J9.55 SEWER Bremerton Printing notices 76.38 Chemisearth cleaning compound 93.83 N. s Overall Supply mop sergiee 2.08 Caldwells Vans Lumber P.iLRK (cont. ) mist. mdse. 1. U 7 12.04 M. Jarvis labor 23.80 Adele Leurtluin labor 3.40 � Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM on motion by Bowers, seconded by vib Lippert and carried. �:'�HN. Clerk Mayor YF X Port Orchard, Washington January 14, 1963 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in re- gular session by Mayor Nick J. Repani:.ch. Present, were Councilmen Cald- well, Powers, Geiger, Bowers, Lippert, Van Zee and Rylander. Also pre- sent, Chief of Police Gale Dow, Attorney Don Thompson and Superintend- ent of Public Works Givens. Minutes of December 26, 1962 approved as corrected. It was moved by Powers, seconded by Rylander and carried that city employees be directed to construct five signs designating city offices, and post as stipulated by committee. Chairman Powers reported that the finance committee and Mayor had met with representatives of the Pacific Northwest Bell Company(Peaslee, Lounsbury and Smith) and had reached an agreement concerning fee sched- ule for underground transmission line installation. the charges to be made are as follows: right-of-way across unimproved city property(Kendall St.,Black Jack Creek area) a J100.00 inspection fee and a g3o.perp tsotoot easement fee. For excavation on city streets, a $25.00 permit fee and $10.00 per hour for inspection. Attorney to inform Pacific Northwest Bell Co. by letter of this action, and also that the city agrees to the inst- allation of underground viable on the easement granted to the city by Ralph Connell (water main easement) Chief of Police Dow reported on parking ticket program, and discussion was held regarding waterfront parking. Matter continued. After discussion regarding sewer hook-ups for property owners on Last Ray Street, it was agreed to assist property owners by having contract- ors contact them to give estimates. Sup't to contact contractors. Ordinance No. 707, amending Ordinance No. 694, and pertaining to operat- ing a motor vehicle on city streets without a valid and current motor vehicle license, was passed on motion by Van Zee, seconded by Lippert and carried unanimously. Ordinance No. 708, amending trdinance No. 694, and pertaining to second- ary arterials in the city, was passed on motion by rowers, seconded by Lippert and carried unanimously. Ordinance No. 709, (1963 salary scale) was read and passed on motion by Rylander, seconded by Caldwell and carried unanimously. The agreement between City of fort Orchard and K.itsap County uumane Soc- iety for the year, 1963, providing for monthly contributions of �133.42 was accepted on motion by Lippert, seconded by Rylander and carried un- animously. Letter read from Hammond, Collier and Isaac, stating that Unit ► of the Sewage Disposal System was satisfactorily completed. No action taken. Matter continued. Matter of street light installation of Robinson Road referred to comm- ittee. Clerk to advise Frank Christian, Rte. 4, that the Council is not in fav- or of allowing any more water taps on the existing 2" line on Tremont St. It was moved by Caldwell, seconded by Powers and carried, unanimously to"grant Chief of Police Dow permission to huve all facilities installed for tandem parking on downtown streets. Chief stated the cost of the posts would be $1.43 including tax, this price including the cost of all materials, except pipe. Chairman Powers of the Finance Committee reported his committee had met regarding the Uniform Plumbing Cade, recently adopted by the County, i