01/01/1960 - Regular - Minuteswater line was indefinitely postponed. No action taken on matter of easements at the Westbay project as Mr. Robert Gans had not make contact with interested persons. n Letter from County Assessor's office was read relative to the valuation of the Forestry Building and property. Mr. Chantler stated that the main building was appraisedeat $42.50.00; shed, $160.00; small house, $680.00; land, $1500.00; total, $6990.00. Matter referred to committee for study. Letter read from OPA•-LOCKA Civic League relative to H.R. 9233 which would amend Internal Revenue Law so that taxpayers could deduct assessments where taxpayer has no option to reject. This was tabled on motion by Winebrenner and aeconded by Caldwell. Map on proposed interchange at Westbay Project was looked at by the Council. Letter from State Highway Dept. was read which stated that the State approved that portion which would be in the State highway. The balance of plan was taken under advisement by the Council pending clarification by Mr. Gans. On motion by Winebrenner and seconded by Caldwell and carried, Jim Maddock was appointed Police Judge Pro Tem during the abxence of Judge Watt on vacation. Ordinance No. 663 providing for emergency expenditure and for advances made to L.I.D. No. 57 was passed on its second reading. Matter of crosswalk in front of D & R Theatre continued. Matter of increase of speed on east and west and of gown continued. Following claims were checked by heads of departments and by the Finance committee, were read and ordered paid on motion by Powers, seconded by Repanich and carried.. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Port Orchard Variety Store Office items 7.46 Slocum Hardware Roller 3.40 Trading P st Misc. items 7.54 Richard Arthur Fire Extinquisher 9.31 George L. Rothenberg Tune Police radio 15.00 Pioneer Business Forms Office Supply 44.02 H. J. Kilpatrick Labor 15.75 WATER FUND Western Utilities Meter boxes 34.00 Slocum Hardware Misc. items 11.51 Trading Post Roof cement 1.58 Overall Cleaning Supply Wipe cloths 4.60 STREET FUND Bremerton Concrete Products Pipe 165.95 H. J. Kilpatrick Labor 8.40 Howe Motor Co. Repairs 19.97 Trading Post Punch 10.66 Slocum. Hardware Misc. 1.79 PARK FUND H. J. Kilpatrick Labor 25.20 Trading Post Staples .52 LIBRARY FUND Puget Sound News Co. Books 12.53 H. R. Huntting Co. Books 15063 Meeting adjourned on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Caldwell and carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington January 11, 1960 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall, present Councilman Dusty Winebrenner, Paul D. Powers, *"arold G. baker, Vern Caldwell and Nick J. Repanich. Als© present Chief of Police Dow, Engineer Sprague and Attorney Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. Minutes of meeting dated December 28, 1959 read and approved. Superintendent of Public Works Givens informed the Council that the water meters at the new Westbay Shopping Center would be at the edge of property line instead of at the buildings. Committee reported on the possibility of putting new doors on the downtown Fire Hall and using old doors at the Forestry Bldg. Matter continued for further study. Baker reported that a change should be made at the crosswalk in front of the D & R Theatre. Winebrenner will contact parties concerned as to their thoughts. Baker will check for easements to the Town from Belknap and Hanks. Matter of increase of speed on east and west ends of town turned over to Chief of Police to use own discretion regarding issuance of tickets. Claim of Joe B. Showalter of lots 12 & 13, Block 14, on xarrison Street referred to Attorney. Claim of Sam Mikelsen of Rt. 3, Bx. 542 against Town for damage done to well by Fire Department rejected by the Council on motion by Repanich„ seconded by Powers and referred to Insurance Company. Mayor Hall ;informed Council of conversation with Mr. Gustav Karla, Consulting and Designing Engineer relative to new type of sewage disposal unit, which possibly would be considerably cheaper than those now under consideration. Committee re- quested Clerk to arrange for a meeting with Mr. �Larla for some future date. After consultation with Mr. Ed hillstrom of the South Sidney Improvement Club, Council approved Ordinance No. 664, which set up L. I. D. No. 57 for water mains, tank and appurtenances in the south Sidney area upon a motion by dinebrenner, and seconded by Baker. Clerk instructed to publish Ordinance and notice of hearing in local paper and also send notices to property owners notifying them that a hearing will be held at the Town Hall at 7:30 p. m. on Monday, February 8, 1960, for protests. Petition for annexation of the 1Loss Creek area continued until next meetin in order to acquire additional signatures. 4n motion by Repanich, seconded by Caldwell, Supt. of Public o'orks given authority to prepare specification and give notice for call of bids for purchase of new pick-up truck. Councilman Powers informed Council that the Active Club Building would be ready to turn over to the Town about Nednesday, January 13, but that grading and installing of concrete sidewalk should be completed before the turn over. On motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Repanich and carried, committee given authority to get the grading completed and to construct forms and your the sidewalk. Chief of Police requested authority to acquire the new radio along with County Sheriff bids and also to purchase a radar unit. This was referred to the Finance committee for further investigation. Following claims were checked by heads of departments and by the Finance and Auditing committee, were read and ordered paid on motion by BGker,s econded by Powers and carried. Association of !dash. Cities G. L. Rothenberg Nic-O-Ray battery Sales Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Howe Hardware Auditor, Kitsap County Van's Lumber Supply r1 tl It Port Orchard Independent Parks Peninsula Stationers Burroughs Corporation George F. Cake Co. Cookson's Texaco Puget Sound tower & Light Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Town Clerk Howe Hardware P, icond &o�el CoLight Co. Town Clerk PO Machine :Shop Claud's Service Van's Lumber Supply Hallgren Co. Wilkins Distributing Co. CURREi�'T EXPENSE FUND Annual moues $ 165.00 Repair Police radio 9.25 Tires " 103.65 Gasoline " 47.04 Keys and clock (Police) 15.09 1958 Election expenses 12.90 Lumber 1.87 Lumber 6.b� Office supplies 13,75 Office lamp 10.40 Of+'ice supplies (Police) 12.74 Office supplies (Clerk) 20.60 Misc. items (Police) 69.48 Bulbs 1.98 Service (Street lights) 429.28 Service (Clerk, Police and Fire) 102.15 Reimburse cash 16.49 Paper towels 8.37 WATER FUND ower 255.76 ervice 28.05 Reimburse cash for postals 60.00 Sharpen bars 2.08 Ditching (Gans) 26.52 Misc. supplies 100.7t Materials 11.85 Batteries 3.24 STREET FUND Wilkins Distributing Co. Oil 52.09 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Gasoline 69.89 Van's Lumber Supply Misc. supplies 47.22 Deal's Parts, Misc. 40.70 Port Orchard Machine Shop Repair sign 2.60 Howe Hardware Misc. 5.25 C. A,, Hanks Insurance 90.92 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Service 12.85 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 10.70 H. J. Kilpatrick Labor 8,.40 Richard Wolf Labor 23.10 SEWER FUND Van's Lumber Supply Pipe 301,00 LIBRARY FUND Town Clerk Reimburse cash 1.20 PARK FUND H. J. Kilpatrick Labor 49.35 WATER CONSTRUCTION Van's Lumber Supply Co. Supplies 23.20 Meeting adjourned on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Baker and carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington January 25, 1960 Minutes of meeting dated January 11, 1960 approved as read. Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilman Harold G. Baker, Dusty C. vVinebrenner, Paul D. Powers, and Nick J. Repanich. Absent Vern Caldwell. Also present Chief of Police Dow, Attorneys Perrine and Thompson and Superintendent of Public Yorks George F. Givens. Council was informed that there was an easement for 16' alley between Belknap and Hanks. Copies being made for Council for next meeting. Meeting between kr. Karla and Seger committee being arranged possibly for next week. Bids were opened for purchase of new pick-up truck for Water Department, as follows: Ford, $1921.49; Jacobson, $1861.12; Crawford, $1809.34; Cleveland, $1802.69; Imperial, $1634.72; after careful consideration by Council and Superintendent of Public 'forks, the low and beat bid was determined to be that of Imperial Motors for a Dodge pick-ups on motion by Laker, seconded by Powers and carried. Ed Hillstrom of the South Sidney Improvement Club stated they would like the water tanks to be placed on revenue bonds and r epied by an increase of water rates, in the proposed South Sidney water extension. They would go for an increase of $1.50 per month as long as some reservation is made so that any one else at a further data: coming into the system would also pay an additional charge to help retire the bonds and also pay the increased monthly rate. The xoss Creek annexation petition held over until the next meeting. Councilman Powers suggested to the Council that the painting of the hall and rest rooms of the Town Hall should be done. Mayor Hall in this behalf stated that at this same time some thought should be given to putting an opening of some sort between the Clerk's Office and Mayor's Office. Matter referred to Finance committee for inves- tigation. Further discussion on the Active Club Building continued for further study and until next meeting. Upon motion by Repanich, seconded by 10inebrenner and carried, the notice of Caucus was approved as set for Tuesday, February 9, 1960. Upon motion by ginebrenner,seconded by Powers and carried, C]e rk was instructed to publish Call For Bids on gasoline, stove ail and deisel oil, for the period, February 169 1960 through December 31, 1960. Sealed bids will be opened at the Town Hall at 7:30 p. m., February 8, 1960. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Winebrenner and carried, Resolution was approved appointing Mayor R. B. hall to act in behalf of the Town of Port Orchard in regard to the application for additional planning funds under Public Law No. 560. Ordinance No. 665, repealing Ordinance No. 6649 (setting up L. I. D. No. 57) was approved on motion by baker, seconded by Powers and carried, also canceling hearing set for February B. 1960. Superintendent Givens requested wage increase for personnel as set up in budget, referred to Finance committee. Following claims were checked by heads of departments and by the Finance committee, were read and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Donald B. Thompson Reimb. Atty. Exp. 6.50 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service, Town Hall 124.73 Rice Electric Maintenance (.Paint, Town Kall) 73.60 Independent Publishin 62.02 Kitsap County Auditor Licenses Police and Fire) 4.80 B. A. Getchmann Co. Police Judge Bond 10.00 STREET FUND Kitsap County Auditor Licenses for vehicles 11.20 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Stove oil 19,55 Kitsep Motors Sweeper repairs 388.26 Richard S. Wolf Labor 52.50 H. J. Kilpatrick Labor 21.00 Redi Gas Service Propane gas 2.08 Totem Equipment Co. Fen belt 6.00 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 3.20 WATER FUND Western Utilities Tapping machine 395.81 Kitsap Motors Repairs 5.72 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 13.12 Kitsap Co. Auditor License for vehicles 3.20 Rice Electric Misc. items 24.18 Instrument Laboratory Co. Noz�1e 8.31 H. J. Kilpatrick Labor 14.70 PARK FUND H. J. Kilpatrick Labor 5.25 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 12.94 Meeting journed on motion by Powers, seconded by Reps"and carried: Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington February 8, 1960 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington caile d to regular session. Upon the absence of Mayor R. B. Hall, Harold G. Baker presided as Acting Mayor. Present Councilman Nick J. Repanich, Paul D. Powers, and Dusty C. Winebrenner. Attorney Don Thompson, Engineer Olin Sprague, Police Chief Gale Dow and Superintendent of Public ,dorks George F. Givens also present. Absent Councilman Vern Caldwell. Minutes of meeting of January 25, 1960 approved as read. Upon motion by Repanich, seconded by Powers and carried the painting of the corridor rest rooms and Mayor's Office in the Town Hall was approved. Labor for this painting is to be furnished by Police Chief Dow, providing the use of a prisoner. Upon recommendation by Finance Committee and by motion of Winebrenner, seconded by Powers and carried, the rate increase for Town employees was approved as set forth In Ordinance No. 666. Bids were opened for gasoline, diesel and stove oil, and after hearing of bids and consideration by the Council, it Was decided that the bids submitted by Texaco was low for the gasoline; regular, .2107; premium, .2457; Port orchard Oil Delivery, stove oil, .119 and diesel, .109. Upon motion by iiinebranner, seconded by Repanich and carried, the above was accepted. The annexation petition of the Ross Creek Area was not submitted at this time as it had not been checked by the Engineer. Byron Johnson of the State Pollution Control Commission was present and spoke to the Council regarding the proposed plan of Mr. Gustav Karla. He stated that the Commission could and would not approve such a plan at this time and that it would take two or more years after completion of such a plan to arrive at a possible answer. He also informed the Council that at this time there. is approximately $65,000.00 available from the Commission if it would be allocated. He suggested that a letter be sent to W r11 r' the Commission requesting that this money be set aside for the Town of Port Orchard, and that formal application be filed prior to June 1, 1960 requesting additional funds in the approximate amount of $45,000.00 to complete the grant. Upon motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Powers and carried, the Clerk was instructed to prepare and mail the request. Ralph Banks of the South Kitsap Improvement Council wanted to know if the Town Council would like to renew their activity in the Council. If so, the dues would be $5.00 per year. This was held over until the next meeting. Mr. Stedman, President of the south Kitsap Junior Chamber of Commerce wanted Council approval to beautify the triangle adjacent to Tegstroms. This was referred to Councilman Powers for committee meeting, and plans would be submitted to tha Council for approval. The acquisition of a radar unit for Police car held over. The following; claims were checked by heads of departments and Finance committee' were read and ordered paid on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Repanich and carried: Roney's Port Orchard Garbage Cleveland Chevrolet Town Clerk Port Orchard Machine Howe 1,40tor Co. Gale 'N. Dow Olin M. Sprague Kitsap Auto Wreckers Pacific Tel & Tel Co. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Fire Truck repair Service Service RepAir police car Reimbursement to cash acet. Shop Bar, police Police car repair Travel expenses, Civil Defense meeting Advance, L. I. D. #57 Police car repairs Service WATER FUND Town Clerk Reimbursement Overall Cleaning Wipe rags Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Service STREET FUND H. J. Kilpatrick Labor Morrison Gravel Co. Gravel Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Gas and oil Port Orchard Machine Shop Bracket Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Service Wilkins Distributing Co., Inc. Kerosene Puget Sound News LIBRARY FUND Books (1M postals) 0 218.82 6.60 28.96 16.20 5.20 1.50 6.00 1,850.00 19."76 74.35 30.42 2.4'7 13.10 49.35 4.16 64.'74 6.60 29.50 16.20 $ 19.12 Meeting adjourned on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Powers and carried, Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington February 23, 1960 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in r egular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilman Nick J. Repanich, Paul D. Powers, Harold G. Baker; absent Councilman Dusty C. Winebrenner and Vern Caldwell. Present Attorney PerrineI Superintendent of Public Works George Givens and Chief of Police Gale Dow. Absent Engineer Olin Sprague. Minutes of meeting dated February 8, 1960 approved as read. Mr. Ralph Banks, president of the South Kitsap Improvement Council again requested if the Town would join the Council for the next two years, 1960 and 1961. Upon motion by Baker, seconded by Powers and carried, approval was given to pay the dues in the amount of $10.00. Ross Creek petition for annexation was not presented to the Council, but will be presented at the next meeting. Mr. Gans of the Westbay Shopping development requested approval on various entrances into the project from Beach Road. After considerable conversation of this matter with the Council and Manning Commission a meeting was set with Mr. Gans, Council, Engineer and Planning Committee for 5:00 p. m. Thursday, February 25, 1960 at the shopping center. Also, matter of a large,sign being placed near the bridge at Blackjack Creek was going to be looked into at the above time and place.- Attorney Perrine submitted revised plan of the South Sidney water improvement. This was referred to the Committee for action. Letter submitted by Engineer Sprague regarding responsibility of Town for the errod- ing of channel in the Maple St. Waterway. This was referred to Attorney for briefing. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried, Clerk was instructed to pay from Town funds the amount of $244.19 to LID #52, which represents the final pay- ments thereof. Matter of beautifying triangle fronting Tegstrom property held over until next meeting. Letter from Fort Orchard Yacht Club thanking Council for new over -street light was read. Plan for the revision of the application of water rates was presented, this was re- ferred to committee for study and recommendations. Matter of radio and radar unit for Police Department, set over until next meeting. The following claims were read and checked by departments and Finance committee and ordered paid on motion by Powers, seconded by Repanich and carried. CURRENT EXPENSE Port Orchard Independent Publishing 17.87 Tidewater Oil Co. Diisel fuel, down Hall 352.43 Board of Volunteer Firemen Annual dues 54.00 Kitsap County Treasurer Fire patrol, garbage tract 7.20 Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Lub, police, tuneup 32.92 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service (street lights) 429.28 L. N. Curtis Chemical refill, police 2.56 Shell oil Co. Gas, police 1.04 WATER FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service (all plants) 255.88 Ted's Thriftway Soap and chlorox 17.39 Overall Cleaning & Sply. Co. Wipe rags 2.08 Rockwell Mfg. Co. Plate 29.49 STREET FUND {� Richard S. Wolf Labor 100.80 H. J. Kilpatrick Labor 49.35 Tidewater Oil Co. Diesel for grader 11.07 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 10.70 LIBRARY FUND H. W. �Vilson Co. Catalog $ 17.00 PARK FUND Tidewater Oil Co. Diesel fuel Active Bldg. 72.48 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service " '" 16.10 Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried at 10:08 p.m.. - d� Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington March 14, 1960 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, Vern B. Caldwell, Paul D. Powers, Dusty C. Winebrenner and Harold G. Baker; also Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, Chief of Police Gale W. Dow and Attorney Don Thompson and Engineer Olin M. Sprague. Minutes of meeting dated February 23, 1960 approved as read. Tom Manuan requested permission to continue merchant patrol in town and Chief Dow was given permission to issue a Police Commission card to Nor. Manuan, permission granted to continue patrol. Marvin Ragsdale, Jim Jordan, Chuck Preston and Harry Berg, representing the Active Club requested the Council's opinion and approval to use the parking lot north of Bay Street for Go -Cart racing. Possibly one or two times a year and on Sundays to raise funds. Matter referred to Street and Alley committee for briefing and to report at next meeting. n The petition of Ross Creek "later District for annexation was returned to Mr. Hall as signatures on petition did not meet the necessary requirements. A. new description is to be prepared decreasing the size of the area to be annexed and Mr. Hall will ob- tain the necessary signatures. A report of the meeting of the Council and other Town employees with Mr. Gans at the Westbay Shopping Center regarding Beach Drive was given, stating that the Town would quit claim a triangular piece of property to Mr. Gans at the west end of Beach Drive and in exchange for this, Mr. Gans would quit claim a portion of his property on the east of his property to the Town. Engineer instructed to draw up descriptions and give to Attorney, also Mr. Joslyn has stated that he would quit claim a strip approx- imately 101 wide to the Town which would extend easterlyfrom the edge of the Gans property. Upon recommendation of committee the new plan for LID #57 is to be turned over to Attorney for preparation of brochure and sent to parties concerned. Beautification of the triangle fronting Tegstromes held over until next meeting. The revised water rate schedule was held over until the next meeting so that the local paper could inform the public about it, and for further investigation of the committee. Radio and radar units for police li-_Id over until next meeting. The agreement between the Town and F. H. & H. Agency referred to Attorney for inter- pretation asto time element and as to repayment, and will be considered at the next meeting. Letter wPitten to the Joint Planning Commission read and date of March 21, 1960 was set for the meeting at 7:30 p. m. at the Town Hall. Matter of vacation rates on garbage charges was referred to Dusty C. Winebrenner for action. On motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Powers and carried, the compensation for the election officers was set at $7.50 each. The following Councilmen were appointed as delegates to the South Kitsap Improvement Council: Paul D. Powers, Harold G. Baker and Vern Caldwell. Following claims were read and checked by Departments and Finance Committee and ordered paid on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Caldwell and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE Lillian Van Zee Election service 7.50 Laura A. Menees Election service 7,50 Leila Nordby Election service 7.50 Port Orchard Independent Publishing & supplies 116.74 U. S. Pencil Co. Ink pencils 12.44 L. N. Curtis & Son Ladder & hoses, fire Dept. 1196.65 Deal's Plugs & filters (police) 74.98 Board for Volunteer Firemen Diseb. Ins., Miller 3.00 P. S. P. & Light Service 554.29 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Gas 138.10 Andy Johnson Co. Refill 2.60 Olin M. Sprague Engineering (LID 57) 140.00 Port Orchard Fuel Delivery Stove Oil 96,12 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Service 72.75 Howes Hardware .Belts 9.01 Howe Motor Co. Repairs, police car 32.54 Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Lub, police 3.98 George L. Rothenberg Transmitter 55.00 WATER FUND H. D. Fowler Fittings . Western Utilities Meter, pipe 1802.62 Slocum Hardware n Imperial Motors Tape 8.43 Pickup 1639.56 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Service 13.10 Olin M. Sprague Engineering (Westbay hook-up) 112.50 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power, all plants 252.39 Caldwell Trading Post Misc. items 14.79 Bauer Bros. Service Tube for truck 5.72 Surplus property Fund Canvas, misc. items 19.67 American Plumbing & St. Sply. Meters 70.43 n STREET FUND H. J. Kilpatrick Labor 49.35 Richard Wolf Labor 117.96 B. W. Menees Labor Amos Bates Labor 33'48 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 10.80 Lundy Sales Cement 8•80 6.03 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Service 35.50 Port Orchard Machine Shop Repairs 31.62 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Stove oil & gasoline 153.35 Deal's Belt 5.51 Joe Thomas Hauling rock 52.00 SEWER FUND W. L. Johnson Labor 9.00 LIBRARY FUND Puget Sound News Co. Books 23.36 PARK FUND r Puget Sound Power. .& Light Co. Service $ 14.83 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Stove oil 7.10 Slocum Hardware Mower parts 31.15 Meeting adjourned at 10:55 on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington March 28, 1960 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session. In the absence of Mayor R. B. Hall, Harold G. taker was dbblirddActing Mayor by a unanimous voice vote. Present Councilman Nick J. Repanich; Paul D. Powers; and Dusty C. Ninebrenner. Absent Councilman Vern C. Caldwell. Also present Superinten- dent of Public Works George F. Givens, Attorneys Perrino & Thompson, Engineer Olin M Sprague and Chief of Police Gale W. Dow. Minutes of meeting of March 14, approved as read. Mr. Clarence Dahlke of R. 1, Bx. 56 requested the use of the Council Chamber on a regular schedule for open discussion group study. Council informed him that the Council Chamber is not for this purpose, but that he should contact Mr. Powers of the Park Committee to see if something could be arranged for the Active Club Bldg. Rev. E. Jorstad of the Assembly of God Church requested vacation of a portion of E. Taylor Street which runs in front of the Church, as they would liketo block it oft as it is a menace to children as a high sand bank is there. Council Informed him that a vacation is out of the question but that he could fence the area and place signs there with the understanding that if the Town should ever want to open the street, the Church would have to relinquish their position. The matter of go-cart racing was referred to Attorney for briefing. Merchants committee said it is okay with them. Mr. Hall (Alroy) turned the petition for the annexation of the Ross Creek Water District and surrounding area into the Council, and Council referred petition to Engineer for proofing. Granquist Brothers Garbage 17ervice requested the Council to raise the garbage rates within the Town. This was held over until a future date. Ordinance No. 667, adjusting the water rates was passed on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Powers qnd carried. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Sinebrenner and carried, Chief of Police Dow was authorized to purchase mobile radio unit of the high band frequency for patrol car. A meeting of the Finance Committee will be held before next meeting to check on radar request. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Powers, the Attorney was instructed to write to the Federal Housing and Home Finance Agency to obtain information as to collection of planning loan if the project did not go to its finality. Any teti:on bpi --the plan- ning loan withheld until the above information is received. Council instructed Clerk to inform residents that if going on vacation in excess of one month and proper notification is given tog arbage service, a reduced rate will be given. Town Planning Commission requested Council to contact F. H. & H. Agency in order to secure a $2,500.00 grant for the Planning and preparation of a comprehensive plan for the Town. Clerk instructed tow rite letter. Attorney instructed to contact Tacoma Humane Society regarding loose dogs, or other means of correcting the dog problem. Beautification of triangle fronting Tegstroms held over. The following claims were read and checked by Department heads and the Finance Committee and ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Winebrenner and carried. CURRENT EXPENSE Part Orchard Independent Misc. & Publishing 29.54 Zoning Bulletin Subscription for Planning Commm. 10.00 Board.for Vol. Firemen Disab. Ins., 2 firemen 6.00 Red's Texaco Wiper blade 2.86 Thompson's Eng. pads, Clerk 4.58 Gladys Kratz File Cabinet, police 10.00 Nic-0-Ray Battery Sales Tire adjustment, police 5.88 Brinkerhoff TV Radio repair, police 6.14 R. L. Sweany Insurance Damage Insurance 103.28 n WATER FUND Richard Wolf Labor $ 16.77 Ben A. Pederson Labor 6.29 Instrument Laboratory Gauge 9.99 Overall Cleaning & Sply. Co, Wipe rags 2.30 Lents, Inc. Cutting blacktop (Westbaa.y) 18.30 Western Utilities Rental equip. 4.56 Western Utilities Bend 39.98 Claudts Service Back hoe 64.22 Puget Sound .Power & Light Co. Service 11.84 R. L. aseaany Insurance Damage Insurance 21.80 STREET FUND Richard Wolf Labor 59.65 H. J. Kilpatrick Labor 48.19 Siler Auto Parts Thermostat 3.30 C. J. Carlson Lumber 18.00 R. L. Sweany Damage Insurance 138.02 11. L. Johnson Puget Sound News Co. SEWER FUND Labor LIBRARY FUND Books PARK FUND 26.19 $ 5.06 Beacon Electric Repair Furnace 33.02 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 12.17 Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p. m. on motion by Powers, seco b Repanich and earridd. Clerk Mayor. r Port Orchard, Washington April 11, 1960 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington call -ad to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall, Present were Councilman Vern B. Caldwellf Nick J. Repenich, Dusty C. Winebrenner, Paul D. Powers and Harold D. Baker. Also present Police Chief Gale W. Dow, Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Attorneys D. N. Perrin* and Don Thompson. Minutes of meeting of March 280 1960 approved as read. Three petitions were received from residents of the South Flower area in the proposed water L.I.D., requesting that they be excluded from than district, as they do not want town water mains laid in their area. Petitions accepted and matter of L. I. D. #57 referred to committee for further study and a report is expected at the next regular meeting. Mr. Stedman and Mr. Rice presented two plans to the Council relatives to the proposed beautification of the triangle fronting Tegstroms. This matter referred to committee with power to act. Also Clerk instructed to contact State Patrol, and Mr. Kinard of the State Highway Department to get their ideas regarding safety as far as traffic in the area is concerned. Council suggested that at least 40' should be considered from the centerline of highway on all sides as a starting point for the placing of shrubs, etc. Engineer will meet with the South Kitsap Junior Chamber of Commerce members to lay out lines. Matter of go-cart racing held over as Attorney did not have a report. Petitions for annexation into the Town of Port Orchard from the Ross Creek area, and from Max Peabody and E. E. Collins was found to be in excess of the 75% needed and on a motion by Powers and seconded by Repanich, the public hearing on the petitions was set for April 25, 1960, the date of the next regular meeting. On motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried, the balance of the moneys in the Ross Creek Water District fund was earmarked to be used solely for the existing system of Ross Creek Water District. This is for a period of three years at which time the monies would be placed in the regular fund. No action on the raise of garbage rates. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Chief of Police was allowed to place order for a radar unit for the police car. Clerk was instructed to get more information from the Bremerton Department in regard to curtailment of the dog problem. No action taken on the contract with the F.H. & H. Agency on planning loan for Sew- age disposal plant. Invitations to the Mayor and Council to attend the S.K. Grand council Fire of the Camp Fire Girls was read. This Council will be at the High School Gymnasium at 7:30 p. m. on April 28, 1960. The matter of garbage pickup was discussed, also the matter of Mr. Kline who has disposal and thinks that he should not be forced to pay for garbage service. Council Instructed Clerk to contact County Health Department to see if they would be able to make calls on dissatisfied citizens to determine if the service should be cancelled or continued. Matter of review of the Janitorial service as well as caretaker for playground ref- erred to committee. County Engineer requested that a City Limits sign be placed at or about the limits near Beach and Mitchell Road. Referred to Superintendent for action. Engineer presented plane showing the property exchange of the Town with Mr. Gans. On motion by Repanich and seconded by Powers andcarried, Engineer instructed to complete the plans and make arrangements with Mr. Gans, and to prepare and execute the deeds. Also to draw specifications for the sidewalks, curbs and gutters and to prepare a cost estimate for the Council. A meeting of the Council is set for April 19, 1960 at 5:00 p. m (informal) at the intersection of Beach and Mitchell to de- termine what is to be done regarding a regrade of the hump in that area. The following bills were read and checked by department and finance committee and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Calwell and ca-^ried. Port Orchard Garbage Service Puget Sound Power & Light Co. General Supply Bremerton Printing Andy Johnson Co. Deal's C. & G. Electronics Western Auto Town Clerk Port Orchard Oil. Delivery Port Orchard Independent Town Clerk Port Orchard Machine Shop Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Kitsap Motors Atlas Foundry & Machine Co. Bremerton Concrete Deal's H. J. Kilpatrick Lent' s Lent's Claud's Service Burrough's Corporation Claud's Service CURRENT EXPENSE Service 6.60 Service, street lights 431.59 Janitor supplies, City Hall 97.71 Traffic books 165.42 Oxygen, police 2.60 Pipe for parking meters 47.30 Police office radio 12.58 fuses .77 Reimburse advanced expenses 17.20 Diesel fuel, Town Hall 95.12 Office supplies, Clerk 6.18 WATER FUND Reimburse advanced exp. 66.36 Repairs 66.56 Service, power all plants 265.02 Repairs 16.12 ]deter seals 134.12 Covers 16.18 Switch 7.10 Labor 28.08 Labor 9.15 Equip. rental 16.3.8 Back6e, work 57.88 Annual service agreement 226.93 SEWER FUND Backhoe $ 22.10 STREET FUND Wilkins Distributing Co. Plugs, oil 66.31 Kitsap Motors Repairs 69.67 Port Orchard Machine Shop Hook 1.04 ^ \ Olin M. Sprague Engineering 364.00 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 10.70 Glents Auto Trim Repair truck seat 10.40 Deal's Chains for grader 62.47 H. J. Kilpatrick Labor 21.60 Western Auto Supply Wax 1.76 LIBRARY FUND Town Clerk Reimburse, adv. exp. 1.57 PARK T_-U ID I. L. Touchette Labor 64.80 Nilkins Distributing Co. Barrel 5.20 Port Orchard Oil Delivery Diesel oil, Active Bldg. 3a 52 Kingsbury Red-e-mix Concrete, Active sidewalk 83.51 Howe Hardware Belt 1.10 Meeting adjourned at 10:35 p. m. on motion by Powers, seconded by Repanich and carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington April 25, 1960 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilman Repanich, Caldwell, Powers, Baker and Winebrenner; also Attorneys terrine & Thompson, Supt. of Public dorks Givens, and Chief of Police Gale W. Dow. Minutes of meeting of April 11, 1960 approved as read„ On motion by Repanich and seconded by Baker, the Council unanimously approved the annexation of the Ross Creek dater District and surrounding area, the effective date of the annexation will be upon the publication of Ordinance No. 668. On motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried, the Council unanimously approved annexation of the Collins property, effective date to be upon publication of Ordinance No. 667. On motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Caldwell and carried, the Peabody property was annexed to the Town, effective date to be upon publication of Ordinance No. 670 On motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried unanimously, the adoption of Resolution forming an L,I.D No. 57 was passed. Engineer was to be instructed to prepare preliminary assessment roll as soon as practibibla. Mrs. Burford of the Business and Professional Womens Club requested the Council to remove two parking meters, namely one in front of Blanchards and the other in front of Myhres, as cars backing up from these meters endanger pedestrian traffic in the cross -walks. Fatter referred to committee for report. Jerry Trogdon, representing the South Kitsap Junior Chamber of Commerce, requested Council approval to use the area in back of Jordans Dept. Store for a teen-age rodeo; this being competition of good driving and the winner going to a possible state meet. Want to hold this affair on May 15, 1960. On motion by 4inebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried, the test given Council approval to be held in conjunction with the Police Chief. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Slnebrenner and carried, the purchase as requested by Library Board of the New World Book Encyclopedias was approved for the amount of $120.59. Letters of resignation received from Miss Leila N rdby and Mrs. Thomas Ross, of the Library Board, and accepted by the Council. Clem instructed to write Library Board and ask them to submit names to fill the vacancies; also to write the above parties, thanking them for their years of service. No i.ames received for delegates to the annual convention of Ass n. of Washington Cities to be held May 11 - 13 at `Nenatchee. Price quotations for the new Fire Hall doors were discussed, and the Committee will act upon the information and report at the next meeting. Atty. Thompson related the progress in regard to cemetery on Sidney. Mr. Gans and Gouncil went over plans regarding sidewalks, curbs and roadway at dest- bay Center and all came to an agreeable conclusion. On motion by Powers, seconded by Repanich and carried, it was ordered that the hump at Eesch and Mitchell Roads be removed and brought to grade, and that the job be done in a proper manner. It was the decision of our Attorney and concurred by the Prosecuting Attorney that go-cart racing was illegal insofar as Town was concerned, and that it must be held on provate property. On motion by 'Ninebrenner, seconded by Repanich and carried that Mayor Hall will represent the Town as applicant for the loan from F.H.&H. Agency. The following; bills were read and checked by departmentsheads and finance committee and ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Powers and carried. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND H. J. Kilpatrick Labor 9.72 Town Clerk Reimburse adv. exp. 4.52 Rice Electric Paint 60.20 R. L. Sweany, Ins. Liability 297.97 Texaco, Inc. Gas, police 110.56 Port Orchard Independent Publications 19.03 U. S. Pencil Co. Pencils, police 8.54 Daniels Communication Repair police radio 36.22 Dudley Perrine Legal on L.I.D. 57 250.00 Howe�Motor Co. Police car repairs 71.05 14ATER FUND H. J. Kilpatrick Labor 15.12 R. L. Sweany, Ins. Liability ins. 235.95 Town Clerk Reimburse adv. exp. 36.00 Texaco, Inc. Gasoline 115.04 Pacific Water 4orks Meter seals 147,36 Atlas Foundry Water box 55.78 Anderson Ditch Digging Ditching 9.84 STREET FUND R. L. Sweany, Ins. Liability ins. 592.61 Tuffibre, Inc. Broom fibers 144.90 Toole Corp. Grader parts 16.00 Overall Cleaning Vipe rags 2.08 SEVVER FUND W. L. Johnson Labor 18.00 Atlas Foundry Manhole covers 99.45 Anderson Ditch Di7 gang Ditching 13.14 LIBRARY F'U1%1D Puget Sound News Co. Books 29.62 Leila Nordby Library service 9.90 Margaret Jarvis to if 39.60 PARK FUND H. J. Kilpatrick Labor 24.84 W. L. Touchette Labor 49.68 R. L. Sweany, Ins. Liability ins. 34.29 Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p. m. on motion by Power econded by Baker and carried. i Clerk Mayor I f Port Drehard, Washington May 9, 1960 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, 'Ja,shington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilmen Repanich, Caldwell, Powers, Sinebrenner and Reker. Also present Supft. of Public Works Givens; absent Engineer Sprague and Chief of Police Gale Dow. Minutes of meeting of April 25, 1960 approved as read. Mr. Alberti, contractor for the new post office, requested Town to give a partial release of the harbor area under lease from the State. The portion involved is the n 501 fronting Lot 7, Sidney Tidelands. Upon motion by Repanich, seconded by maker and carried, Attorney instructed to prepare the necessary papers for the above transaction. Mr. Robinson, representing Crawford Door Co. gave a resume on the merits of his Com- pany's doors for the Fire Hall. Upon motion by Repanich, seconded by Powers, Committee was given authority to act upon the purchase of doors. M Mr. Caldwell and Mr. "dallace of the Babe Ruth League requested funds in the approximate amount of $430.00 to build dugouts and a small building to house the sound equipment and scorer. Referred. Referred to committee for investigation. Meeting to be held with the representatives of the Labe Ruth League at 7:30 p. m. on May 11, 1960, Committee also given power to act in this matter. Matter of removed of parking meters continued until next meeting. Upon motion by 14inebrenner and seconded by Caldwell and carried, Paul Powers to be reimbursed up to $65.00 for expenses while attending the Association of Washington Cities Convention on May 11 - 13. Letter from F. H. & H. Agency was read. Letter from Robert Gans requesting that the Town sweep the Westbay Shopping Center area twice weekly was reed. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Baker a.nd carried, it was stated that the Town would not compete with private enterprise unless it was for emergency measures. On motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Powers, and carried, Clerk was instructed to review the existing charges on rentals and other items made to private parties and adjust them if necessary. Don Thompson, Atty. for Town will report on the proposed Justice Court Reorganization. Matter of janitorial service for the Town hall was discussed and the decision was made to hire H. J. Kilpatrick to replace James Morgan at the Town Hall. Morgan to continue to live at the house on Forestry Bldg. site and watch the building in that area in exchange for rent. Possible that Sup+t. Givens could find something for him to do at odd times. The following bills read and checked by heads of departments and by the Finance committee and ordered paid on motion by Powers, seconded by Winebrenner and carried: Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. R. L. Sweany, Ins. H. J. Kilpatrick W. L. Touchette Caldwell Trading Post Tidewater Oil Co. Port Orchard Oil Delivery Port Orchard Independent Beacon Electric Deal's Western Auto Supply Thompson's Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Port Orchard Machine Shop L. R. Gaudio Roy A. Ecklund Caldwell Trading Post Deal's Black Ball Freight Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Caldwell Trading Post Wilkins Distributing Co. Port Orchard Machine Shop Bremerton Concrete Prod. Co. Cleveland Chevrolet Co. State Penitentiary Robert Miller CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Switbh for pol. car. 5.15 Service, pol., fire & elk 71.95 Liability on fire truck 54.96 Labor 21.60 Labor 7.56 Tools, wax 16.76 Diesel oil 160.46 Diesel oil 96.57 Publications 28.94 4ATER FUND Motor hook-up 3.12 Mat 1.50 Flaps 2.18 Engineer pads, Supt. 9.15 Service 13.10 Misc. service 15.34 Develo,-ing 'fell No. 4 10974.88 Labor 6.48 Supplies 21.91 STREET FUND Mise. items 7.08 Freight 4.56 Service 36.10 Supplies 8.15 Kerosene 22.15 Paisc. 11.70 Grate & frame 17.16 Repairs 23.07 Sign 12.32 Labor 17.28 PARK FUND H. J. Kilpatrick Labor 27.00 W. L. Touchette Labor 56.16 Port Orchard Fuel Delivery Stove oil 11.26 Tidewater Oil Co. Diisel, Active Bldg. 13.72 Commissioner of Public Lands Harbor area lease 180.00 Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p. m. on motion by"Jineb er, econded by Baker, and carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington May 23, 1960 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilman Repanich, Caldwell, Powers and l:aker. Council- man Winebrenner absent. Also present Attorney Thomposn, Engineer Sprague, Chief of Police Gale VV. Dow and Sup't. of Public Works George Givens. Minutes of meeting dated May 9, 1960 approved as read. Lloyd Granquist of the Fort Orchard Garbage Service reported that the faulty equip- ment on garbage truck had been corrected. A petition from people in the Smith and Hull Street area was presented to ra;e a house at 216 Smith Street. It creates a fire hazard as well as a dangerous place for kids to play in. Matter referred to committee and fire chief to determine owner- ship and investigate the problem. Upon the findings of the committee and their recom--nendation, Council approved the expenditure for the two dugouts and scorer shed on the Babe Ruth League ball field, in the amount of *430. As the construction progresses, the bills to be turned over to the Clerk's office for settlement. Councilman Powers reported on the convention held at J11enatchee for the Association of Washington Cities. Also presented his expense bill in the amount of $61.25 which was approved for payment. Clarence Dahlke presented a complaint against businesshouses having outside radios playing louder than is necessary and also playing rock and roll. Council stated that If this is too loud, the Chief of police would take care of the problem. Platter of equipment rentals referred to next meeting. In the matter of Justice Court Reorganization, Attorney Thompson gave a report to the Council stating, that this was in the infant stage at this time, but that a little re- search should be made and that all the cities and towns should make recommendations so that the income now received would not be taken from them. Engineer Sprague presented the preliminary assessment roll for the South Sidney Nater program. The amount of the roll was $106,842.94 Upon motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried, a resolution was adopted by the Council showing; the intention of a proposed L. I. D. and set the hearing for June 13, 1960 at 7.30 P. M. at the Town Hall. Clerk instructed to notify all concerned. A letter from Mrs. 14e.riey was read in which she stated that the Library F,oard would recommend Mrs. R. Roland and Mrs. D. Perrine as the new memt�er of the Board. 14ayor Hall is investigating the new legislation on Library Board members and will have necessary information by the next Council meeting. On motion by Powers and seconded r.y maker and carried, the letter requesting the right to sell fireworks within the Town limits T-os refused and Council will rot allow any sale of fireworks within_ the mown. Council gave approval for the Lngineering firm of Hammond, Collier and Issac to com- plete the final phase of engineering in regard to the Sewage Disposal system. Letter to be written confirmin? the aboveand copies to be sent to the Pollution Control Commission and to t-,e F.H. &; H. Agency. Prospective users of the Active Building are to unite to the Council in care of the Town r( r dates sand time that meetings can he held. Baker thought that it would Ue sa nice gesture 1_1' Laltimore Street near the foot of Mitchell Road could be named I.Yetzel Street. Referred to Cornraittee to report at next meeting. Baker reported for committee regarding parkin; in front of Town Hall, recommending the use of two car lengtli.:" instead of the four now used. Council approved the request of Chief of Police of '.(Dwr paying the $250.00 deductiule on the liability coverage if the personal car was damaged while in official use. On motion by Caldwell, seconded by Powers and carried, Council stated that Mr. Nelander shall adhere to the State Highway specifications in regard to the use of culvert in the vicinity of Cold Storage Lockers. Mr. Cans formally invited the Tvlayor, Councilman and officials of Town, by letter, to be present at the grand opening of the Westbay Shopping Center on June 3, 1960. Subject to the approval of the owners of businesses fronting the two parking meters (Myhres and Blanchards), Chief requested lamrmixmixxxto remove same on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried. Mayor acknowledged the past service of the two outgoing Councilmen, Baker and Idine- brenner. The folla*ing bills were read and checked by heads of departments and by the Finance committee and ordered paid on motion by Powers, seconded by Caldwell and carried: n 1� CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Howe Motor Co. Repair police car 149.98 L. N. Curtis Co. Boots and costs, Fire Dept. 256.30 General Supply Co. Cleaning kits, Town Hall 2.70 Tidewater Oil Co. Diesel fuel 22.13 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 598.79 Texaco, Inc. Gasoline, police 55.27 Trick & Murray Ticket holders 10.78 Andy Johnson Cc. Oxygen refill 2.60 Robert Miller Labor 8.64 Olin Sprague L.I.D. #57 engineering 500.00 Paul D. Powers Expenses, A.W.C. convention 61.25 'HATER FUND Robert Miller Labor 6.48 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 351.86 R. L. Sweany, Ins. Dodge liability 15.10 Anderson Ditch Digging Ditching 8.84 Howe 14otor Co. Paint 4.26 Overall Cleaning & Sply. Co. Wipe rags 3.32 Gamon Meter Co. Misc. 35.69 Pacific neater 'Yorks Seals 93.60 STREET FUND Robert Miller Labor 149.04 Texaco, Inc. Gas 84.28 Anderson Ditch Digging Ditching 17.68 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 11.87 Frismo Safety Co. Plastix 38.50 LIBRARY FUND Puget Sound News Co. Books 4.89 PARK FUND Robert Miller Labor 8.64 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 19.67 Lyle Piercy Labor 5.48 Meeting adjourned at 10:27 on motion by Powers, seconde Baker and carried: Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington June l3, 1960 Council of the Town of Port Orchard called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilman Repanich, Powers and Baker. Also Attorney Perrine and Thompson, Engineer Sprague, Chief of Police Dowr-and Superintendent of PUblie Works George Givens. Absent Councilman Caldwell and Winebrenner. Councilman Baker relinquished his seat on the Council and Mayor re- quested Clerk to swear in the newly elected Councilmen. Oath of Office was administered to Nick J. Repanich, Paul D. Powers, Charles Russell and William .Lippert. Council then resumed its regular business. Minutes of meeting of May 23, 1960 approved as read. Chairman of the Parks committee reported that the construction of dugouts and scorer shed was completed on the Babe Ruth Field. Chief of Police Dow reported that the loud radio playing down town was under control and has been very quiet in the past two weeks. Matter of building at 216 Smith Street referred to next meeting. On motion by Lippert and seconded by Repanich and carried, the Town adopted the rental rates as used by the County. The matter of the reorganization of the Justice Court was referred to the next meeting. A meeting of the Library Board and with the Mayor as well as the Attorney will meet in the very near future to adopt by -.laws and to go over the Library policies in general. The naming of Baltimore to Wetzel Street referred to next meeting. A letter was received from Mr. Nelander stating that the use of inferior culvert was a temporary matter and would remove same upon the request of Town. Chief reported that as soon as new NO PARKING signs were received, the two parking meters (Myhre's and Blanchards) would be removed. The hearing on the South Sidney water L.I.D. #57 was opened by the Mayor and all dissenters were asked to state the reasons for their protests. Majority of protests were from the increase cin the last notice. This was explained by the engineer as resulting from the new descriptions, and from normal increase in the cost of materials and supplies, as well as improper application in some instances of the zoning of the property. Most of the persons present were satisfied at the close of the discussion except in tow cases, namely, Hopper and Kubli. In the case of Hopper, a zoning application on a 45 method is to be used which will result in a lower assessment. Kubli stated that his property should not be assessed as it is unimproved and is undesirable for residential use. Entire roll returned to Engineer to adjust and report at the next meeting. The petition for annexation of Donald Barra was read to the Council and was turned over to the Street and Alley committee for investigation. Mayor reported that he had been invited and attended a meeting at the Elks Club in Bremerton and that the order of Elks had presented a 50-star flag to the Cities and Towns in the County. The flag was displayed at the meeting and a picture was taken by Chuck Kimball of the Port Orchard Independent. On motion by Repanich, seconded ky Russell and carried unanimously, Clerk was instructed to forward a letter to the Elks, thanking them for the flag. On the letter read to the Council from Mr. Nelander, requesting Town to request the Power And Light Co. to remove a power pole in the vicinity of his excavation, the Council decided not to make the request as according to the Attorney, a request of this nature should show a benefit to the Town as a hole. Council dedided that this was of no apparent benefit to the Town and felt it a problem be- tween Mr. Nelander and the Power Co. Clerk instructed to wirte a letter regarding this. Mayor reported that there is a telephone pole in the Westbay area that overhangs the Street and is probably a hazard to cars, also requested members of Council to look at the condition and possibly make recommendations regarding it at the next meeting. Street and Alley committee are to inspect conditions relative to sidewalks, cross -walks and traffic direction buttong at the Westbay Shopping Center. Letter from Merrill Wallace, Attorney for the Port Commission, was read to the Council. The text of the letter was a request of the Town to let the Port Commission know just what portions of the Maple Street Waterway remains vested in the Port Commission, if any. Mr. Gans had requested the Commission to sell the center 50 feet of the Waterway to him. The Council instructed the Clerk to write the Commission, stating that the Town would like to purchase that portion above mentioned, if possible, for public development. On letter from Mr. Gans regarding the opening of a restaurant and cocktail lounge at the Westbay Center, Council instructed Clerk to inform Mr. Gans that no objections are contemplated. Councilman Powers of the Park Committee stated that a men and women's rest room is needed at Central Playground. This could be accomplished at no cost to the Town except the hookup on the sewer line. Matter referred to committee. On motion by Powers, seconded by Repanich and carried, the Chief of Police was authorized to attend the Wash. State Law Enforcement School on Traffic and alli4d subjects, if vacancy occurs. The cost to the Town to be approximately $95.00 Councilman Russell suggested that the Council room should have a large map of the Town on one of the walls and also have a blackboard available to help point out information to the public. Russell to look into this matter. The following bills were read and checked by heads of departments and the Finance committee and ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Lippert and carried. CURRENT EXPENSE Town Clerk Reimbursement $ 25.35 Port Orchard. Garbage May and June service 6.60 F. E. Langer Ass't. Clerk bond 10.00 Port Orchard Independent Supplies 88.64 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 480.05 Port Orchard Oil Delivery Diesel fuel, Town Hall 28.00 Allied Credit Exchange Printing, Police 29.38 Thompson's Desk tray, police 9.36 Daniel's Communication Service Tubes police radio 6.21 WATER FUND R. B. Ryan Water meter $ 249.60 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephone service 13.10 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 10.60 it of It " it Se rvice 305.67 Port Orchard Machine Shop Plates 18.20 Ray's Auto Rebuild Work on pickup 10.92 Claud's Service Back -hoe rental 98.28 Western Utilities Supply Miscellaneous items 204.11 Howe Hardware 11 " 4.65 Town Clerk Reimbursement 30.00 STREET FUND Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Service 35.73_5 Port Orchard Machine Shop Sharpen bar 1.04 Deal's Misc. 3.18 Totem Equipment Flange 30.68 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 9.13 Port Orchard Oil Delivery Stove oil 28.34 James-W. Justice Labor 34.56 Atlas Foundry Catch basins 147.26 Morrison Gravel Co. Pea gravel 6.24 Erick D. Chess Labor 17.28 Claud's Service Equip. rental 61.76 Robert Miller Labor 232.20 Lundy Lumber Sales Paint 44.15 PARK FUND Elmer Rose Labor $ 47.62 Port Orchard Oil Delivery Diesel 10.88 Tegstrom Bldg. Materials Material, Babe Ruth Field 408.28 Beacon Electric Lights 76.34 Edwin S. Sandberg Labor 92.88 James W. Justice Labor 17.28 Robert Miller Labor 2.5.62 SEWER FUND W. L. Johnson Labor $ 11.25 INN-131M.111kirel ht1 Puget Sound News Co. Books $ 79.29 Meeting adjourned at 11/25 p. m. on motion by Powers, seconded by Russe and carried. Clerk Cam.. Mayor Port Orchard, Washington June 279 1960 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilmen Repanich, Caldwell, Powers, Russell and Lippert. Also Superintendent of Public Works George Givens, Engineer Olin S. Sprague and Chief of Police Gale W. Dow., also Attorney Don Thomppon. Minutes of meeting of June 13, 1960 approved as read. On the matter of L. I. D. #57, reference was made to the Kubli property and upon recommendation of the Engineer, the Council upon motion by Lippert, seconded by Rep=iQh and carried, eliminated the property from the L. I. D. The property at 216 Smith Street, that consitutes a dangerous area for kids as well as a fire hazard is to be investigated as to owner and clerk is to inform owner upon advice from attorney that something must be done, and if property owner does nothing, the Council will take action according to law. A petition for curbs, sidewalks and gutters was received from owners of property along Garrison Street between South and Guthrie. The required percentage of lineal footage as to signatures was found to be present. Turned over to Engineer to prepare preliminary assessment roll and estimate of cost. Council set the date of July 6, 1960 at 7:30 P. m. at the Town Hall for a meeting to go over the various items resulting from L. I. D. #57 as well as some conversAtion regarding the sewer program. Ray Anderson reported that the sign near or at Hall's Linoleum is quite low and could be dangerous if young children should platy around it. Referred to Chief of Police for investigation. Attorney Thompson will write a letter regarding the redistricting of the Justice Court. It wastth recom- mendation of the `ayor and with full approvement of the Council that the text of the letter shall be that things are all right as they are and that this Town should have a justice of the Peace within the Town. Virgil Parks of the Planning Commission presented, to the Council, (1), Zoning Resolution, (2), land use map, (3) Street and Alley, present and future map. Also requested that appointments of three new members to the Commisssion from the following areas of the Town:? (1) South Sidney area, (2) Ross Creek area and (3) Pottery Hill area.Tgn.i�-.n Meeting of Mayor and Library Board referred to next meeting. Change of name of Baltimore Street to Wetzel Street referred to next meeting. The petition of Donald Barra to annex to the Town held up pending result of petition being circulated in that area which would embrace considerable more area dnd would include the Barra property. Russell will investigate the telephone pole in question in the Westbay vicinity and will report at next meeting. Superintendent of Public Works George Givens will check into the sidewalk, crosswalks and centerline markings in the Westbay area as well as signs needed. On motion by Caldwell and seconded by Repanich and carried, Committee on Parks and Playgrounds was given authority to act regarding constructing rest rooms in the Active Bldg. Bill for hot water tank from Beacon Electric for Babe Ruth League returned as this is a matter for them and does not come under Council action. Clerk to check on matter of a used vacuum cleaner for Town Hall. Letter from Sidney Improvement Club regarding reflector lights on center line on curve at Sidney and Melcher referred to Superintendent Givens. Russell report4&1 that he would have further information on the large map and blackboard for the Council Chamber at the next meeting. Chief of Police Gale Dow informed Council that Frank Kuhn is now back from the Array and is on the patrol force. Also stated that the radar unit would be in full use this coming week., also that the baystion frequency :had been applied for, and that the radio would possibly be installed in bout one week. Finance committee will meet with Chief this coming week. Chief The specifications for new fire truck was turned over to the Fire & Light Committee to meet with Fire The following bills were read and checked by heads of departments and the Finance committee and were ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Lippert and carried. CURRENT EXPENSE Shell Oil Co. Police gasoline $ 6.77 Howe Motor Co. Repair police car 30.04 Art & Britt Town hall signs 7.28 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Service 76.55 Town Clerk Reimbursement, stamps, etc. 8.00 Crawford Door Co. Fire Hall doors 447.20 S. K. Chamber of Commerce Route map .50 H. L. Raught Appraisal cemetery tract 15.00 Kitsap Motors Repair fire truck 18.95 F. E. Langer Agency Clerk bond 50.00 WATER FUND Town Clerk Reimburse postals $ 30.00 Atlas Foundry Boxes and covers 107.23 Overall Service Wipe rags 2.23 Kitsap Motors Repairs 3.12 Western Utilities Meter boxes 412.54 STREET FUND Erick D. Chess Labor $ 69.12 James A. Morgan Labor 36.72 Robert Miller Labor 159.84 Prismo Safety Corp. Freight 7.71 Kitsap Motors Repair sweeper 11.34 Walter Dickinson Labor, rental 144.00 Texaco, Inc. Gasoline 113.78 LIBRARY -TUND Margaret E. Jarvis Labor $ 12.38 Puget Sound News Co. Books 25.89 Robert Miller Labor $ 8.64 PARK FUND Edwin S. Sandberg Labor $ 103.68 Meeting ad' ur d at 0:30 o n motion by Powers, seconded by Caldwell carried. Clerk Mayor n Port Orchard, Washington July 11, 1960 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilmen Repanich, Caldwell, Powers, Russell and Lippert. Also Attorney Perrine and Thompson, Engineer Sprague, Chief of Police Dow and Y-uperintendent of Public Works George Givens. Minutes of meeting dated June 27, 1960 approved as read. Clerk instructed to secure address of woners of property at 216 Hull Street and inform Attorney, who will write regarding the razing of7building. Assessment roll and estimate of cost of the pettti&rr,f6rrsidewalks, curbs and gutters on Garrison St. �l between South and Guthrie will be presented by the Engineer at the next meeting. Chief reported that the sign at Hall's Linoleum is probably to low but is on pr&vate property. Russell btated that there is little chance if any that an electric shock could be gotten from it. Letter regarding the redistricting of Justice Courts had been written. The meeting of the Mayor and Library Board is continued uuntil next meeting as chairman of board has not contacted the Mayor as to a meeting. Apparently a portion of Baltimore Street is in the County, therefore on motion by Russell, seconded by Powers to change the name to Guy Wetzel Street and also to request the County to do likewise. Carried unanimously. Petition of Donald Barra to annex carried over to next meeting. Mr. Art Larsen of the Pacific Telephone informed Russell that pole in question at the Westbay area is in and completed as far as he is concerned. On motion by Russell, seconded by Repanich and carried that Attorney write a letter to the Telephone Company. Engineer Sprague requested at least 30 days to complete a drawing of the sidewalks and crosswalks at the Westbay Center. 41atter of rest rooms at the Active Building referred to next meeting. The hot water heater at the Babe Ruth concession will het be paid by Town. Clerk instructed to notify Sidney Improvement Club that centerline light would be of no use at Sidney and Melcher. Possibly reflectors on North side of posts will be the answer. Radar unit still not in working condition. Possibility of factory defect. Russel's maps and drawings referred to next meeting. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Lippert and carried, that Town purchase Base station unit in the approximate amount of $684.00, also that written statement that this unit will service the area in a aatisfactory manner. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Russell and carried, the bid opening for the new fire truck was set for August 8, 1960 at 7:30 P. m. at the Town Hall. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Lippert and carried, L. I. D. #57 was set kipby the passage of Ordinance #671. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Russell and carried, Attorney authorized to recom- pense heirs of cemetery property dip to the amount of $250.00 each. On motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried, the Town will install tank and pay for same from issue of revenue bonds. Matter of acquiring pump site from Mrs. Barr referred to next meeting. Committee will look into the possible change of telephone for police as requested by Chief of Police. Chief of Police reported that there are three new type pinball machines located at Myhres, Round -up and Port Orchard Tavern. These are automatic pay-off instead of manual. Council expressed attitude that we will enforce existing ordinance and collect license fees as on the regular type being used. Givens reported that upon inspection�of the 18" storm drain at the si*e of the new Post Office, that the drain is going upgard instead of downward at about 12 in. to one. Attorney will draft a letter to Mr. Alberti informing him of this condition and that it must be corrected accordingly to the Town specifications. Also Council approved the removal of telephone pole which will be in the way near the SW corner of Post Office site. The following bills were read and checked by heads of departments and by the Finance and Auditing committee and ordered paid on motion by Powers, seconded by Repanich and carried. CURRENT EXPENSE n Wilkins Distributing Co. Tires, Police $ 102.52 Howe Motor Company Repairs, police car 26.83 Texaco, Inc. Gasoline, police 110.56 Kitsap Motors Repairs, fire truck 19.45 Slocum Hardware Lock (City Hall) 5.74 Howe Hardware Mdse. 4.68 Thompson's Typewriter ribbon 6.03 Port Orchard Oil Delivery Diesel fuel City Hall 50.45 PeninsuiA Stationers Supplies, police 4.16 CURRENT EXPENSE Port Orchard Independent Mimeo $ 4.58 WATER FUND Howe Hardware Washers $ 3.28 Deal's Filter 1.18 Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Lube 4.63 Port Orchard Machine Shop Plates 10.14 Western Utilities Clamps 56.16 Kitsap Motors Repairs 28.27 Slocum Hardware Nuts & washers 6.76 Slocum Hardware Misc. 13.19 Thompson's Eng. pads, Supt. 9.15 STREET FUND Wilkins Distributing Co. Kerosene $ 15.65 Deal's Battery 17.29 Howe Hardware Pitch fork 5.34 Slocum Hardwrate Misc::.. 1.17 Port Orchard Machine Shop Misc. 9.36 Edwin S. Sandberg Labor 20.52 Edwin S. Sandberg Labor 1.00 Robert Miller Labor 155.52 1, Slocum Hardware Puget Sound News Co. Field Enterprises Corp. Margaret Jarvis Chisel LIBRARY FUND Books World Book Labor PARK FUND $ 1.95 $ 12.25 122.59 16.50 Slocum Hardware Mower & misc. $ 103.10 Edwin S. Sandberg Labor 57.24 Kingsbury Redi-Mix Concrete, active bldg. 29.64 Deal's Pipe 34.48 Wm. L. Touchette Labor 17.28 Howe Hardware Padlock 2.29 Meeting adjourned at 9:50 P. m. on motion by Powers, seconded by Russell and carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington July 25, 1960 Council of the Town of Port Orchard called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present were Councilmen Repanich, Caldwell, Powers, Russell and Lippert. Also Superintendent of Public Works George Givens, Chief of Police Gale Dow, Engineer Sprague and Attorney Perrine. Minutes of meeting dated July 11, 1960 approved as read. The ownership of property at 216 Smith St. was determined and Attorney will write letter to owners stating that the building should come down as it is a dangerous place for kids to play, as well as being a fire hazard. Ed Heister of P. S. P. & Light Co.,reported that at least one pole may be needed and approximately 15 lights to light the Ross Creek area. Councilman Lippert will meet with Mr. Heister in this matter. Also, when the pole at site of new Post Office is moved back along the waterfront, the one at rear of Hannah & Powell should have a mercury vapor light installed. Committee will advise. Garrison Street improvement by sidewalks, curbs and gutters was presented by the Engineer. After approving the assessment roll on a motion by Lippert, seconded by Repanich and carried, a hearing date was set for 7:30 P. m., August 8, 1960 at the Town Hall. Attorney reported that a letter had been written to Pacific Telephone Co. regarding the pole at Westbay. Petition for annexation and for sewers was presented to the Council for the approximately 10-acre !bract lying East of Mitchell Road. Turned over to Engineer for checking. Matter of as built maps referred to next meeting. No further report on rest rooms at Active Building. Matter of 3-section map and, future mappings presented by Russell and continued. The plans for cocktail bar and restaurant at Westbay Shopping Center was studied by Liquor Inspector and was then referred to Fird Department for inspection. Lee Caldwell inspected area and recommended some changes. Mr. Gans will cone to Port Orchard sometime next week to meet with Caldwell. Mr. Terry Thompson spent considerable time answering questions and advising Council as to financing of the new water tank and of the L. I. D. proceedings for South Sidney area. 0£ the various pieces of property investigated for a tank site, the one lying south of the Johnson tract belmnging to a Mrs. Jessie Stout was selected as being best suited. As the owner has indicated the desire to sell, the Attorney was authorized to consumate the deal and to offer up to $2000 and appraisal fees if necessary to acquire the entire plot of land consisting of approximately 13/4 acres, on motion by Russell, seconded by Repanich and carried. The thought of a ground level reservoir was injected to the Council for future thinking by Engineer. On motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried, the height of the tank may be raised by ten or 15 feet from what was originally considered. Supt. Givens reported that the pump site at the Barr property could be obtained and that the parties will set a price this coming week. Easements and R%W deeds for the L. I. D. 157 are to be recorded. F88 License has been received and base station radio has been ordered. Mayor Hall reported that there will be no meeting with the Library Board until Attorney Thompson returns from Reserve Training. Mr. Alberti informed Attorney that the storm drain condition will be corrected. Letter from Pat Nicholson regarding the sale of approximately 100 acres at the Fuel Depot was read, and Russell statad that he might make the tour at 9:00 a. m. on July 26, 1960. Supt. Givens reported that with the increase in water accounts, a new well would be needed in the near future, Mr. Terry Thompson remarking that it would be possible to include this amount, approximately $20,000 along with the bond issue which would be needed for the tank, an open end type of issue. Committee will convene on this matter. Chief Dow reported that the stop sign at the bottom of Mitchell Hill is about 60 feet from the normal stop line, and he recommended that a channel barrier be placed from sign to the traffic line. Also informed Council that possibly a short -block overhaul is in the offing for the patrol car. Matter referred to Committee. The following bills were read and checked by heads of departments and Finance and AudiAing committee and ordered paid on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried. CURRENT EXPENSE Port Orchard Independent Publications $ 50.13 Traffic Control Sign Co. Signs 19.05 P. S. P. & Light Co. Street and City Hall 594.20 Fred R. Bixler Expenses 10.90 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Service 72.55 Caldwell Trading Post Mdse, vacuum cleaner 65.92 '5. WATER FUND Caldwell, Trading Post Roofing $ 10.65 P. S. P. & Light Co. Power 458.46 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Service 42.65 STREET FUND Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. Shop towels $ 2.08 Gorst Ready -Mix Sand 29.04 P. S. P. & Light Co. Service 9.47 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Service 14.40 Caldwell Trading Post Misc. mdse. 3.77 R. D. Sampson Labor 86.40 Robert Miller Labor 60.48 W. L. Johnson Labor 34.56 James A. Morgan Labor 51.84 Puget Sound News Robert Miller W. L. Johnson Claud's Service P. S. P. & Light Co. Lundy Sales E. S. Sandberg Meeting ad' ne at 10:40 p. m. on motion Clerk Books $ 8.67 Labor $ 8.64 Labor 17.28 Equip. rental (backhoe) 37.44 Service $ 18.25 Paint 11.90 Labor 60.48 by Russell, sewn b rt and carried. Mayor On motion by Repanich, seconded by Russell and carried, L.I.D. No. 58 (Curbs, gutters and sidewalks from South to Guthrie Streets on Garrison Street) was set up. A percentage of 67% of the owners of front footage on petition. Ordinance No. 672 set up the L. I. D. Committee recommended that the bid of Roney's. Inc. was the apparent low and complete bid. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Russell and carried, the award was made to Roney's. Inc. As two of the bidders objected to having a performance bond as stated by the specifications; inasmuch as this bond would serve no purpose in any event, that portion of the specifications was eliminated on motion by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell and carried. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Caldwell, the purchase of 1,200 feet of fire hose was awarded to L. N. Curtis Co. at $1.22 per foot. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Russell and carried, the petition for annexation of the East Mitchell 10-acre area was annexed to the Town. Ordinance to be prepared and published. There were c^ no protests at the hearing. Mayor and representatives of the Town, who went to Marysville and Snohomish to look at the lagoon type disposal system, made a report to the Council expressing considerable interest. At this time there is being prepared, by Hammond, Collier & Isaac, a preliminary report on this lagoon system for this area. No report given regarding Mr. Gan's request to have Town vacate the E 75' of Maple Street Waterway. No report on either the sectional or "as built maps". No report on restrooms at Active Building. Attorney instructed to contact; Mrs. Stout and attempt to get a rebate on the purchase of the tank site property as instead of 210 feet along Sidney Road, there appears to be only 1S9 feet. As there is a possibility that, the County -may move their relay station to a higher elevation, the matter of the Town's new police radio equipment will be held up. Attorney will arrange a meeting for Library Board when Mrs. Merley, Chairman returns. A stop line across Mitchell St.. at the intersection with Bay St. will be looked into by Chief of Police and committee. Powers reported that there had. not been a chance to meet regarding the repairs in the Library. A survey and description is necessary before the purchase of property for booster pumping station. Engineer will take note-ands.prepare same. Contract signed and completed by Town with Roney's for new fire truck, and is made a part of these minutes. Ed Heister of the Puget Sound Power and Light Company recommended that at least four additional lights are needed in the Tegstrom area. Referred to committee. Lloyd Granquist, builder, stated that he would push a road through the alley between Smith and Kendall Streets lying west of Cline St. if Town would stake it out. Referred to Engineer. Chief Dow stated that a traffic hazard is in existance fronting Lundy Sales. Cars are parking ver- tical, which would place them in the right--of-way. Committee to check this out and report. Following bills were read and checked by heads of departments and Finance and Auditing committee, and ordered paid on motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers, and carried. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Art & Britt Signs, Town Hall $ 15.60 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 480.05 Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Bushings (Police car) 3.74 R. L. Sweany, Ins. Insurance 168.32 Olin M. Sprague Engineering (LID #57) 270.00 Van's Lumber Supply Bldg. Maintenance 5.83 Van's Lumber Supply Lumber (F.D.) 17.91 R. B. Hall Mayor expenses 14.00 Town Clerk Reimburse Cash - adv. expenses 14.72 WATER FUND R. Sampson Labor $ 17.28 Town Clerk Reimb. cash, adv. expenses (postals,etc.) 68.70 Pritchard's Shell Service Tire repair 14.56 Rental Machinery Co. Compressor rental 32.11 Van's Lumber Supply Tile 12.72 Overall Cleaning & Sply. Co. Wipe rags 2.08 Lents, Inc. Compressor rental 25.74 Harrison Pipe Co. Meter boxes 94.35 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power 29.29 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power 573•83 Claud's Service Backhoe rental 187.20 r. J WAT 3R. CONSTRUCTION Lan-'s Service Chain saw SEWER. FUND $ 161.20 /1 W. L. Johnson Labor $ 17.28 R. Sampson Labor 19.44 Town Clerk Reimb. adv. exp. 3.50 Rental Machinery Co. Equip. rental. 32.11 Vanes Lumber Misc. 44.98 LIBRARY FUND Town Clerk Reimbursement $ 4.39 Marilyn Jarvis Labor 20.63 �} Puget Sound News Co. Books 2.88 PARK FUND VPn's Lumber Supply Tile $ 4.41 Ed Sandberg Labor 38.88 STREET FUND R. Sampson Labor $ 157.68 J. M. Morgan Labor 51.84 Lyle D. Nichols Labor 12.96 Town Clerk Reimbursement 10.00 Kitsap Motors Repairs 9.52 Texaco, Inc. Gasoline 73.75 Vanes Lumber Supply Misc. 45.90 Bremerton Oil Road Oil 99,07 Ray Bock Equipment Co. Loader repair 44.89 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 5.72 Cox Machine Co. Traffic cones 61.15 Meeting adjourned at 10:17 on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Russell and 'ed. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington September 12, 1960 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present were Councilmen Repanich, Caldwell, Powers, Russell and Lippert. Also present Attorney Thompson, Engineer Sprague, Chief of Police Downand Superintendent of Public Works Givens. Minutes of meeting of August 22, 1960 approved as read. William Raye, representing Foster and Marshall, Investment Brokers spoke to the Council on the merits of his company. Mr. Marshall and Mr. Parmalee, representing the South Kitsap School Board had a few questions concerning sever and water, relative to the annexation to the Town. Also complimented the Chief of Police for his work on the Youth Activities Day parade. Richard Rylander, of Kitsap Realty, offered a tract of land to the Town which may be satisfac- tory for a lagoon sewage disposal system. Will supply Town with a map showing the location. Referred to Committee. Powers reported .on work necessary for the Library and stated that the amount needed would be approximately $150.00. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Caldwell and carried, the committee was given power to act in this matter. Matter of property line dispute between Geislers and Hovgaard referred to Attorney, who will ad- vise as to the Town's position at the next meeting. Committee reported that the stop line at the intersection of Bay and Mitchell has been installed. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Repanich and carried that the financing of the L.T.D. #58 on Garrison Street be done by the issue of 5% warrants in the approximate amount of $8,000.00, which will be carred by the Kitsap County Bank. Also, on motion by Russell, seconded by Powers and carried, Clerk is to secure information on Government bonds and report at next meeting. Attorney reported that there has been no attempt to regain rebate in the Stout transaction but will have something by the next meeting. Mrs. Barr will probably complete the transaction for the sale of property for pump house site this coming Tuesday. Matter of lights in the area of Tegstrom's continued till next meeting. Attorney reported that Mr. Alberti was informed by the Army Engineers that they could not extend the mains beyond the inner harbor line. Attorney is now in the process of getting the permission of Horl*ck Transportation Co. (Lieseke's), and then of the Army Engineers. Alberti stated that he would correct the conditions as now Exist, in regard to the storm drains. The situation of parking at Lundy's is to be taken care of by the Chief of Police. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Lippert, and carried, Committee will purchase 40 chairs and two tables for the Active Building. 11,-) Possibility of caretaker or janitor referred to committee for the grounds and Active Recreation Bldg. On motion by Powers, seconded by Russell and carried, the Supt. of Public Works was instructAd to purchase the pipe cutter and 3/4 copper pipe in the approximate amount of $1,200.00. It was the expressed opinion of the Council that the Garbage Ordinance will be complied with in all cases. It was again the opinion that no outside the Town water taps be allowed, and that there would be no exceptions of this opinion. Clerk's request to purchase a demonstrates, electric typewriter was approved on motion by Repanich, seconded by Caldwell and carried. Preliminary Budget for 1961 was adopted as corrected on motion by Repanich, seconded by Lippert and carried. Bills were read, checked by Department heads and approved on motion by Repanich, seconded iby Caldwell and carried. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Gale Dow Mileage $18.00 Port Orchard Variety Mdse. 1.80 Western Auto Supply Wipe cloth (Police) .68 Pacific Tel Service 78.90 Howe Motor Co. Repairs (Police car) 238.43 Texaco, Inc. Gasoline (police) 49.14 Daniels Communication Service Repair police radio 6.82 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 480.05 Thompson's Envelopes 8.05 Port Orchard Independent Supplies and publications 70.47 WATER FUND i� Deal's Pipe $ 45.86 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 470.20 Thompson's Autodex (Supt.) 4.11 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Service 17.10 American Plumbing & Steam Sply. Gasket 7.97 Valley Pump Service Repair pump 68.52 Alvin Frey Water refund 2.50 Wilkins Distributing Co. Oil 7.04 STREET FUND James A. Morgan Labor sweeping street $ 6.48 Ray D. Sampson Labor 264.60 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 7.89 Deal's Battery Adjustment 5.60 Bremerton Concrete Pipe 24.13 Piston Service Ball bearing 49.40 Kitnap Motors Repairs 72.89 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Service 28.45 Port Orchard Machine Shop Misc. 14.72 Port Orchard Oil Delivery Diesel iIMNXX 22.56 Wilkins Distributing Co. oil 52.91 SEWER FUND Johns Manville Corporation Sewer pipe $ 17.47 Bremerton Concrete Pipe 154.48 WATER CONSTRUCTION K. K. Smith Labor 69.12 E. S. Sandberg Labor 120.96 PARK FUND E. S. Sandberg Labor $ 17.28 Lundy Sales Drain tile 8.88 LIBRARY FUND Marilyn Jarvis Labor $ 28.05 Meeting u at 11125 on motion by Russell, seconded by 1. kancarrted. i Clerk Mayor Pdwt Orchard, Washington September 26, 1960 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present were Councilmen Repanich, Caldwell, Powers, and Lippert. Also Councilman Russell, and Engineer Sprague, Chief of Police Dow and Supt. of Public Works Givens. Attorney not present. \ 1 Minutes of meeting of September 12 approved as corrected. Troy Moore and Don Langert, owners of property outside Town limits requested the Council to make andexception to the policy of the Council that no new water users can connect. The Council informed them that if they could petition for annexation, then they could get water. Also referred them to the Water and Sewer Committee for information pertaining to this matter. The matter of property line violation between the Town and Geisler and Hovgaard, referred to next meeting. Robert Miller requested the Town to negotiate a lease with him to pick brush in the property in the vicinity of the garbage dump. He would pay 107. of the gross. Inasmuch as there may be an existing lease with a Mr. Johnson on this property, no action was taken. Clerk instructed to check this matter out and report at next meeting. The petition submitted by Mr. Jim Bowers of the Annapolis #2 area was presented to the Council by the Engineer with a percentage of 89% of the land value. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Russell and carried, the hearing for this annexation will be at 7:30 p. m. on October 10, 1060. Mr. Wm. Van Zee, representing the owners of property fronting new post office building, advised the Council that through collections from owners, almost enough money is on hand to install a concrete or steel pole and run the line to a pole at approximately the Southeast corner of the Post Office building, but that they would probably need some assistance on the light. Also requested the Town to install a mercury vapor light on the existing pole located in the sidewalk southwesterly of the Post Office. An agreement has been prepared giving Town power to patrol and have jurisdiction over that area. Also, that the cost of power is to be borne by the Town. Mr. Van Zee instructed to furnish Attorneyowith this agreement, and the committee will confer with Attorney and report at next meeting. No report has been as yet given on the property presented by the K&trap Realty in regard to the lagoon site for sewage disposal. No report on repairs to library. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Powers and carried, the call for bids will be published setting r'F the opening date at 7:30 p. m., October 10, 1960, on the Garrison Street Improvement, L.I.D. #58. Caldwell reported on the meeting of Kitsap County Health Department and also Civil Defense. Nothing of interest was reported except that the County had cut the contribution by $500.00. Caldwell excused at 9:00 as there is sickness in the family. Matter of lights in the Tegstrom area continued. Chief of Police instructed to contact Fred Pierce, of the State Highway Department regarding parking east of Beacon Electric. Powers reported that the tables and chairs for the Active Building are on order. Matter of caretaker for &ctive Bldg. continued. Committee reported that approximately $375.00 was needed to complete the Forestry Building for a suitable place to house the Fire Department. Finance Committee will convene to determine if avail- able funds are budgeted. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Russell, and carried, that insulation and wallboard be purchased as needed. Committee will continue on this project. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Lippert and carried, Clerk instructed, with the assistance of the Engineer and Supt. of Public Works, to prepareGand publish a call for bids on one 100,000 gallon water storage tank. Bids will be received at 700 p. m. at the Town Hall on October 17, 1960. Superintendent of Public Works reported that the site for pump station has been purchased. Russell stated that the islands fronting Westbay Center should be filled with gravel and blacktopped. Supt, will contact Mr. Gans to see if he will do the job or if he desires the Town to do the job and bill Westbay. Library B oard members were appointed to take office as of October 1, 1960 as follows: Miss Leila Nordby, one year; Mrs. Melvin Fingerson, two years; Mrs. Dudley Perrine, three years; Mrs. Robert Marley, four years; and Mrs. Robert Roland, five years. Letters to the long standing members are to express the appreciation for past service. Two new members for the Planning Commission were appointed on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried, as follows: Jack Thompson, Pottery Hill area end Ed Hillstrom, South Sidney area. Mayor proposed that the Council chip in together and obtain a charter membership from Ferryland. Bills were read, checked by departments and approved to be paid on motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Motorola Police radio $ 863.20 Daniels Communication Service Repair radio 23.07 F. E. Langer Agency Police Chief Bond 10.00 Texaco, Inc. Police gasoline 146.19 Andy Johnson Co. Refill oxygen 5.30 Caldwell Trading Post Nails 1.38 Ted's Thriftway 108c. 10.17 Thompson's Office supplies 3.66 L. N. Curtis Co. Hose(Fire Dept.) 1,522.56 Town Clerk Reimb. Cash 19.59 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 106.95 Employment Security Administrative Expense 4.37 Port Orchard Independent Office supplies 18.20 WATER FUND Bremerton Water Works 1-1� CC $ 9.52 Snap -On -Tools Pliers 4.07 Overall Supply Co. Wipe rags8 2.08 Ted's Thriftway Paper towels 10.01 Caldwells Fittings 35.61 Pacific Water Works Supply Tube and Cutter 1,207.09 Bremerton Oil• MC3 Mix 141.69 Torun Clerk Adv. Expenses 35.50 Transport Clearings of Puget Sound Freight 29.75 Puget round Power & Light Service 14.84 STREET FUND Raymond D. Sampson Labor $ . 172.80 Caldwell Trading Post Mdse. 23.50 Texaco, Inc. Gasoline 153.81 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 2.20 Transport Clearings of P.S. freight 2.28 OK Rubber Welders Sectional 12.19 SEWER FUND Bremerton Oil MC3 Mix $ 141.70 LIBRARY FUND Marilyn Jarvis Assisting in Library $ 14.85 Puget Sound News Books 16.26 Town► Clerk Advanced expenses 5.91 VXTER CONSTRUCTION E. S. Sandberg Labor $ 89.64 Caldwell Trading Post Gloves 2.95 PARK FUND E. S. Sandberg Labor $ 6.48 Puget Sound Power & Light Service 14.19 Caldwell Trading Post Misc. 3.42 Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p. m. on motion by Lippert, seconded by us ell nd carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington October 3, 1960 Statutory meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard held for the purpose of conducting a hearing on the Preliminary Budget for 1961 and for the fixing of the tax levies for 1961, was called to order by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present were Councilmen Repanich, Caldwell, Powers, Russell and Lippert. Mayor called for hearing on budget, and there were no citizens present who appeared for or against the preliminary budget, and Mayor ordered hearing closed. Ordinance approving the Preliminary Budget as the final budget for the year 1961 and for the fixing of tax levies for the year 1961 wage read.l It was moved by Repanich, seconded by Lippert and carried, that the budget be adopted and the Ordinance approving the budget and fixing the tax 1 levies for 1961 be passed as read. Meeting adjourned n motion by Caldwell, seconded by Powers and carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington October 10, 1960 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session 1by Mayor-R. B. Hall.. Present Councilmen Repanich, Caldwell, Powers, Russell and Lippert. Also Attorneys Perrine and Thompson, Engineer Sprague, Chief of Police Dow and Superintendent of _Public Works Givens. Minutes of meeting of Spetember 26, and October 3, 1960 approved as read. Bits for the construction of sidewalks, curbs and gutters on Garrison Street, between Guthrie and South were opened. Low bid was submitted by Robert Ryan of Part Orchard, in the amount of $4,990.42. The next and only other bid was submitted by Linden Construction Company of Bremerton in the amount of $7,640.00. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Russell and carried, the bid of Robert Ryan was accepted, and Attorney is to prepare the contract between Ryan and the Town. As there is still some doubt regarding the lease between the Town and a second party on the Town garbage dump property, the matter of lease with Mr. Miller was referred to next meeting. Mr. Givens is to ; inform Attorney how this second party may be located. Attorney reported that the property dispute between Hovgaard and Geisler is of a civil matter and should be resolved between the owners. As there is a possible chance that adverse possession may apply, the Townts Ordinance is not being violated. Clerk instructed to issue building permit stating, that the five-foot restriction is in effect. As there were no objections on the petition for annexation of the Annapolis #2 area, a motion by Lippert, seconded by Russell and carried, was made to prepare ordinance and publish same to the effect that the area will be become a part of the Town of Port Orchard. Attorney, Engineer and committee will meet to work out some solution as to -the water lines and taps. Matter of Langert and Moore petition referred to next meeting. Will._iam Van Zee reported that the owners now have enough money to install the pole and lights. Mr. Ross and Mr. Gilchrist apparehtly own the lights in front of the old Post Office, and Mr. Ross stated that the downtown owners could have his interest. Attorney reported that the old lease is in order as far as legality is concerned. Property of Kitsap Realty is not feasible for a lagoon sewage disposal system. Clerk instructed to inform Robert Rylander. Mr. Hammond and Isaac and committee as well as members of the Council and Supt. of Public Works Givens visited various sites in the area on October 8, 1960, for the purpose of locating a suitable area for a lagoon. The engineers from Hannond, Collier and Isaac will be back to meet with the Council on November 7, 1960. On motion by Russell, seconded by Lippert and carried, the Park, Playgrounds and Buildings committee have power to act regarding the repair work in the Library. No report on the Tegstrom property, other than the work is being carried out in. accordance with Town specifications. On motion by Russell, seconded by Lippert and carried, Tegstrom can fill and improve the area of the Town south of his property. Chief of Police Dow reported that contact was made with Fred Pierce of the State Hiway Dept. regarding the parking problem east of Beacon Electric, but that no reply has as yet been received. Tables and chairs for the Active Club Building have not beens received. E. Sandberg stated that he would take the job as caretaker at the Active Club Building for the amount of $2.16 per hour. Chief Dow reported that the radar was holding up quite well, and that Al Wymore was considering the dis�ptcher job. Givens stated that Mr. Gans of Westbay Shopping Center would like the Town to fill the islands and bill him. Givens stated that this has been done. Matter of curbs fronting Union Station will be taken up at the next meeting. [Nothing has been done regarding the storm sewer drain at the new Post Office. Attorney reported that permission must be secured from Army Engineers and that Mrs. Mary Lieseke must request this permission as she holds the lease of the tidelands. The attorney and engineer will prepare the request and also attach a sketch. The Attorney will prepare a letter for the Engineer to send to Mr. Nelander in regard to the inferior culiierts installed, requesting him to remove or place culvert of Townts specifications. Engineer reported that approximately 12 holes were drilled at the tank site and found that there were about 3 feet of loam and below that, very hard "hardpan" Virgil Parks, Chairman of the Planning Commission requested that bbree additional men be appointed to the Planning Commission, making a total of nine men. Gave the names of the following for possible appointments H. Mangels, 911 Hull St., R. E. Scribner, Tracy St., and LeRoy Bullard, Annapolis area. Bills were checked by heads of Departments and by members of the Finance and Auditing Committee, read and approved to be paid on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried. CURRENT EXPENSE Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Service $ 76.95 L.I.D. #58 Publication 7.14 Port Orchard Independent Publication 31.92 Port Orchard Independent Publication 13.94 Thompson's Office Supplies 1.24 Stationers Office supplies 1.27 Trick & Murray Office supplies 39.46 Paul Bartholomew Labor $7.76 Port Orchard Oil Delivery Diesel fuel, City Hall 55.43 Kitsap Motors Police car 12.85 Texaco, Inc. Police gasoline 87.22 Electric Service Co. Radio repair 22.04 WATER FUND Nic-O-Ray Battery Sales Tires $ 53.66 Port Orchard Machim Shop Labor 1.82 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Service 32.05 Worthington Corp. Meter disc 27.46 Port Orchard Independent Publication 11.26 Kitsap Motors Tune-up 6.110 Cox Machinery Co. Asphalt cutter 15.01 Olin M. Sprague Engineering 200.00 STREET FUND Raymond D. Sampson Labor $ 172.80 James A. Morgan Labor 19.44 Texaco, Inc. Gasoline 111.67 Port Orchard Machine Shop Repairs 24.96 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Service 18.10 Deal's Mdse. 18.09 Kingsbury's Red-I'Mix Pea gravel 62.40 Wilkins Distributing Co; Inc. Oil 3.45 Bremerton Oil Me 2 227.25 Kitsap Motors Shovel repair 6.66 Johns Manville Tegstrom's E. S. Sandberg Gaylord Brothers H. R. Huntting Co. Puget Sound News Co. E. S. Sandberg Olin M. Sprague SEWER FUND Freight $ 6.53 PARK FUND Lumber $ 33.48 Labor 4.32 LIBRARY 0 FUND Supplies $ 11.34 Books 69.31 Books 23.08 WATER CONSTRUCTION Labor $ 60.48 Engineering 100.00 Meeting adjourned until 7:30 p. m., October 17, 1960, on motion by Dowers, seconded by Russell and carried. ,on WISP � "Mi ..+ Mayor Port Orchard, Washington October 17, 1960 Adjourned meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard called to order for the purpose of opening bids on one 100,000 gallon water tank for the South Sidney water tank site, was called to order by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present were Councilmen Repanich, Caldwell, Powers, Russell and Lippert. Also, Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Superintendent of Public Works Givens were present. Four bids were received, all accompanied by the 5% bid bond. Bids were as followsz Graver Tank & Mfg. Co. $ 35,856.00 American Pipe & Construction Co. 36,231.00 Pittsburgh -Des Moines Steel Corp. 35,520.00 Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. 28,400.00 All bids referred to committee and Engineer and Superintendent of Public Works for study and recommen- dations to the Council at the next regular meeting. Meeting d 7:55 p. m. on motion by Repanich, seconded by Po sand carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington October 24, 1960 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present, Councilmen Repanich, Caldwell, Powers, Russell and Lippert. Also Chief of Police Gale Dow, Superintendent of Public Works George Givens, Engineer Olin Sprague and Abborney Dudley j} N. 'Terrine. Minutes of meeting of 10/10/60 and adjourned meeting of 10/17/60 approved as read. Upon recommendation of the Fire and Light committee, a motion was made by Repanich, seconded by Powers and carried that the Puget Sound Power & Light Co. be authorized to install one pole and light and seventeen additional lights in the Annapolis #2 annexed area. Cost of the pole to be approximately $63.00 On motion by Repanich, seconded by Lippert and carried, the recommendation of the Water committee was approveddand Chicago Bridge and Iron Co. was awarded the contract to build and install the 100,000 gallon tank on Sidney Road. The additional quote on the coal tar enamel treatment in lieu of conven- tional paint job in the amount of $3,000.00 was referred to a later date. Attorney will complete contract. Clerk will inform bidder of the method of financing. Curt Rice, representing the Merchant's Committee of the Port Orchard Chamber of Commerce requested approval of the Council to remove every third meter box and use the base pipe to place Christmas trees and lights for the corning season. On motion by Russell, seconded by Powers and carried that Christmas trees could be placed on or about the meter bases and possibly by using some other device, the meter boxes may not have to be removed. In any event, a locking devise shall be used to insure' the' safety of the meters. On the lease of Town property to R. Miller for brush picking, no further informatkon rendered except Attorney was positive that hhere is no existing lease. Attorney to verify this. On motion by Repanich , seconded by Russell and carried that the Town be allowed to draft a lease between the Town and R. Miller for the signature of the Mayor in the amount of 107. of the gross. Committee, Attorney and Engineer will meet with the Annapolis Water District on 10/26/60 at the Annap- olis Fire Hall to begin negotiations on the water lines in the Annapolis #2,#1 annexed areas. No further information on the Langert and Moore petition. Problem at Lundys has been solved according to Chief of Police Dow. Radar is out. Chief of Police wrote letter to the company telling them to give us a new one or to cancel out the order. Wymore indicated he would take the Police dispatcher job. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Powers and carried, that the Chief of Police purchase the used base station foam Daniels Communication, which will come from the Sheriff's Office in the amount of $300.00 installed and for a $7.00 per month maintenance fee. Engineer requested to run #/w line fronting Veltex station, and street dept. will post as no parking. Ken Manely of the State Hiway Department suggested buttons and possibly stop bar at the turn off of Bay to Cline. On motion by Powers, seconded by Russell and carried, the matter of lease with property owners north of Hannah & Powell and Van Zee's was referred to committee and Attorney with power to act. The main question which arose is whether the lease contained only the serve -items or patrol as a public thoroughfare as well. Tables and charis for the Active Club Building received. As -built plans for Westbay not yet completed. �t No action on the storm drains at the Alberti property. Letter to Nelander not yet written. On motion by Russell, seconded by Lippert and carried, the appointment of Marlin Mangels, 911 Hull St. and R. E. Scribner of Tracy Street approved. Superintendent of Public Works Givens reported that a great deal of success has been in order on the cleaning and bailing of well #6, and that there is a possibility that a pumping volume of about 1000 g.p.m. will be forthcoming. Bills were read, checked by department heads and ordered paid on'motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE P. 0. Independent Office supplies $ 11.63 Ray's Thriftway Mdse. 7.46 Fremont Electric Switch .93 Motorola C. & E. Maintenance 10/40 Thompson's Note books 7.02 Shell Oil Co. Gas 1.30 Howe Motor Co. Repairs 62.53 Ven Ko Products Cleaning blinds 59.02 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Paul Bartholomew Service 480.05 Painting Library 34.56 LIBRARY FUND Better Homes and Gardens 2-yr. subscription $ 3.001 Puget Sound News Books 10.13 Marilyn Jarvis Labor 18.15 WATER FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service $ 431.57 Pacific Water Works Supply Oil 5.16 Garlock, Inc. Packing 76.87 Overall Supply Co. Wipe Rags 5.31 STREET FUND Johnson Paint Co. Traffic paint $ 120.12 Howe Motor Co. Felt 1.46 Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Repairs 1.57 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 11.30 R. D. Sampson Labor 122.04 PARK FUND E. S. Sandberg Labor $ 41.04 Park's Tables and chairs 218.40 Meeting adjorned at 10:15 p. m. on motion by Powers, seconded by Caldwell and carried. � � e Mayor Port Orchard, Washington November 14, 1960 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present were Councilmen Lippert, Russell, Powers and Caldwell. Absent, Councilman Repanich. Also present, Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, Engineer Olin M. Sprauge, Chief of Police Gale W. Dowry and Attorney Don Thompson. ` Minutes of meeting of October 24, 1960 approved as read. Letter from Chicago Bridge and Iron Co. read by Assistant Clerk, informing Council that cathodic equipment could be furnished and installed in South Sidney water tank for the sum of $1,430.00, including all labor, materials and equipment necessary. Discussion was held and Chairman Caldwell of the Water committee recommedded knstallation of the eahhadic equipment in lieu of coal tar treat- ment. Upon motion by Caldwell, seconded by Lippert and carried, Chicago Bridge and Iron Company's projosal to furnish cathodic equipment in the above amount and terms was aecept6d. Ass't. Clerk directed to notify company. Meeting of Town officials and members of the Annapolis Water District continued until a future date. Chief of Police Dow reported that he is checking on new radar units available and will have further to report on this matter at the next meeting. Chairman Russell of the :street and Alley committee reports parking problem at Veltex station is bean g remedied. Chairman Lippert of the Fire and Light committee reported negotiations were continuing regarding lease agreement between property owners in Block 13, First Add. to Sidney and the Town. He also reported Puget Sound Power and Light Co. had been authorized to proceed with installation of lights as approved by Council on 10/24/60. Parking problem in area of new Post Office discussed, and it was determined that negotiations be- tween the Postmaster and the Street and Alley committee should continue for solution of problem, with cooperation of Town in providing sign and parking lines. As -built plans for Whstbay not yet completed, Engineer reported but should be ready by next meeting. Engineer reported concrete work on L.L.D. 058 should be completed soon, and that additional 6" drain pipe and an extra catch basin was installed, also that concrete work had terminated some twenty feet short of termination point in preliminary plans, due to the anticipated grading of South Street. Attorney Thompson asked for continuation until next meeting of matter of Alberti property drains and letter to Post Office contractor, Walt Nelander. Superintendent Givens reported that well #6 development job was completed very satisfactorily, with installation of a 25' screen, and test pumping 1,500 gal. per min., with a possibility of pumping up to 2,000 gal. per min. Superintendent also reported upon the necessity at this time of purchasing a new pump for well #6, and also a new pump for the Melcher Street pumping station, as installation should proceed this winter to meet the demand for increased water supply in 1961. Upon motion by Lippert, seconded by Russell and carried, unanimously, Ass't Clerk was authorized to issue call for bids for two pumps, specifications to be furnished by Superintendent and bid opening date set for November 28, 1960, 7:30 P. M. Engineer Sprague and Council discussed formation of L.I.D. for sewer extensionsseast of Town and Engineer was directed to secure approval on the project from the Health Dgpartment, before further preparation continues on this project.. Engineer also reported on the possibility of utilizing a 60-acre tract west of Town in the Ross point area as a possible site for a sewage lagoon system, and which, in his opinion is the best prospect to date. He stated property owners were to be ascertained. Matter continued. Assistant Clerk read a communication from Margaret McPherson, County Auditor, stating that the Town's request to be included in the County's call for gasoline and oil bids, for the year 1961, had been approved by the CountylCommissioners. It was moved by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried lunanimously that the Attorney make necessary arrangements to include the Town in the County*s forthcoming bid call. Miryr Hall stated he had been approached by a County Commissioner as to the possible acquisition of the Taylor St. Forestry Bldg. and property by the County. It was the opinion of the Council that the Town retain ownership of this property. Discussion was held regarding possible acquisition of tax -title property in Black Jack Creek area for park purposes. Matter continued. Attorney recommended that since the Motor Vehicle Laws of the Town have to be brought up to date, the Town cojld adopt the Association of Washington Cities phamplet by reference. Matter continued. Councilman Caldwell brought up the matter of moving oil heater in Taylor St. Fire Hall to the down- stairs area, from its present location, until a furnace is obtained. Committee. and Firemen to check ;eto this matter. The following bills were read, checked by heads of departments and by members of the Finance and Auditing committee, and ordered paid on motion by Lippert, seconded by Caldwell and carried. Joseph Tuba Edwin S. Sandberg Olin M. Sprague Town Clerk Howe Motor Co. Howe Motor Co. Bauer Bros. Chevron_ Kitsap Co. Auditor Motorola Deal's P. 0. Garbage P. 0. independent P. 0. Oil Delivery Daniels Communication Service Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Peninsula Stationers Wilkins Distributing Co., Inc. Pioneer Business Forms Texaco, Inc. P. S. P. & L. Co. P. S. P. & L. Co. Caldwell Trading Post Caldwell Trading Post .Sack Buckingham Caldwell 'Grading Post Town Clerk P. S. P. & Light Co. Bremerton Office Machines Claud's Service Western Utilities Supply Worthington Corp.. American Plmbg. & St. Sply. Co. Pacific Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Deal's P. 0. Machine Shop L. R. Gaudio, well drilling CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Labor trimming shrubery $ 16.20 Janitor, City Hall 22.14 Engineering, L.Z.D. #58 350.00 Reimb. advanced expenses 12.19 Police car repairs 84.33 Lube, Police car 4.16 Police car repairs 172.21 Reimb., Ssate Examiner 379.63 Police radio maint. agreement 5.20 Flasher, fire dept. 2.35 Service 13.20 Publishing legals 19.07 Diesel, City Hall 36.62 Repair Police base radio 6.24 Clerk, Fire and Police 80.95 Police office supplies 3.02 Anti -freeze, pplice car 2.08 Treasurer's receipts 55.96 Police gasoline 56.51 Street lights 480.05 Town Hall and Taylor Fire Station 121.55 Insulation, Taylor Fire Hall 32.68 Mdse., City Hall maint. 18.58 WATER FUND Labor on water lines $ 96.12 Anti -freeze 3.96 1 M Postal$ 30.00 Power, all plants 352.96 Typewriter, Clerk's Office 2261.08 Ditching 93.60 Fittings -� 411.66 Gasket d 1.28 Pipe and packing 238.06 Compressor rental 26.99 Tel. & tolls 29.65 Filter, pipe 19.49 Welding, etc. 2.08 Developing well #6 2,918.70 STREET FUND Jack Buckingham Labor $ 23.76 Raymond D. Sampson Labor 69.12 Kitsap Motors Truck repairs 9.88 Deal's Flasher 1.09 P. 0. Machine Shop Equip. repairs 3,90 Pacific Telephone, Northwest Tel. & tolls 32.80 Wilkins Distributing Co., Inc. Kerosene 16.20 P. S. P. & Light Co. Kendall and Bay St. garages 9.13 Texaco, Inc. Gasoline 56.89 STREET FUND Texaco, Inc. 'Gasoline $ 50.57 Caldwell Trading Post Mdse. 24.23 Howe Hardware Mdse. 9.44 LIBRARY FUND Marilyn Jarvis Assisting in Library $ 20.63 Peninsula Stationers Chair 39.00 The Puget Sound Dews Co. Books 6.85 Town Clerk Postage, adv. exp. .50 PARK FUND Edwin S. Sandberg Janitor, active bldg. $ 15.12 Jack Buckingham Labor 12.96 Joseph Tuba Labor 5.40 Howe Hardware Supplies, Active Bldg. 3.28 mWATER CONSTRUCTION FUND Olin M. Sprague Engineering $ 100.00 F. A. McIntyre Bulldozing Sidney Tank site 220.00 Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p. m. on motion by Russell, seconded by Po and carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington November 28, 1960 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilman Repanich, Caldwell, Powers, Russell and Lippe h t. Also present Engineer Sprague, Chief Dow and Attorney Thompson, and Sup't. of Public Works Givens. Minutes of meeting November 14, 1960 read and approved. Following bids were reeeiveed and opened for the 500 g.p. m. and 800 gal per min. pumps; Worthing- ton Corp.; Valley Pump Service; Polson Implement Co; H. D. Fowler Co.; De Laval Pacific Co.; and Fairbanks Morse and Co. All bids referred to the S.O/P.W. and committee for inspection. Recom- mendations will be heard at the adjourned meeting set for 7:30 p. m. on November 30, 1960. Meeting of Town officials and the Annapolis Water District continued. Chief Dow related the points in a different type radar now being used by other cities and will have a more complete report at the next meeting. The Engineer will get together with the Chief and determine lines and right of way fronting the Veltex Station. The lease with the merchants fronting the post office is continued. Chief was informed that he has no jurisdiction in that area. The as -built plans for the Westbay area continued till next meeting. Mr. Hammond and Mr. Isaac of the consulting engineering firm of Collier, Hammond and Isaac informed the Council of the preliminary plan for a lagoon type sewage disposal in the Ross Creek area. Also gave the figure of approximately $220,000.00 as the cost of ;installation and also for pumps and force mains. Mr. Hammond stated that the monthly cast of operation should be in the approximate amount of $100.00. Attorney is going to contact owners of the property in the area desired for permission to drill test holds and also to find the feelings regarding purchase of property: Curt Rice, representing the Merchant's Committee of the Chamber of Commerce requested approv al to go ahead with the Christmas tree installation. On Motion by Lippert, seconded by Russell and carried, Council approved removal of approximately 30 meters and that the Committee pay the Town $20.00 per week for the five weeks used. This approval only good for the year 1960. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Caldwell and carried, that the Clerk be authorized to use L.I.D. Guarantee Fund funds to pay for the work on L.I.D. 858. Attorney reported that letter has been written to Walt Nelander and also that the Lieseke's will sign a n easement regarding the storm drain fronting the Postoffice. Council adopted rules regarding the use of Active Building on motion by Lippert, seconded by Rep- anich and carried, to be effective January 1, 1961. ^ Engineer reported that the Health Department gave Town approval to use the existing sewer outfall 1 at Blackjack for any new users from the Mitchell area. Matter of tax title property in the -Blackjack creek area continued. Matter of Motor Vehicle laws held in abeyance. Moving of oil heater in Forestry building continued. Superintendent of Public Works Givens instructed to get quotations on installation of foundation and footing for the tank and present at the the adjourned meeting on 11/30/60. On motion by Lippert, seconded by Powers and carried, that the Clerk be authorized to draw a warrant in the amount of $153.83 and pay the Town assessment on L.I.D. #56, fifth payment being due. Matter of new ppiice car referred to committee. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Powers and carried, that James Maddock be appointed Judge pro tem to hear a case that Judge Watt would not hear. Following bills were read, checked by epartment heads and Finance committee members and ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Caldwell and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND P. 0. Independent Publications and Office splies. $ 17.76 Texaco, Inc. Gasoline, police 54.05 The Steck Co. Payroll forms, Clerk 4.13 Hallgren Co. Material, fire dept. 7.66 WATER FUND Mary E. Hodge Typing, Clerk's Office $ 20.25 Jack Buckingham Labor 8.64 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 14.40 Pritchard's Service Tube 4.68 Anderson Ditch Digging Ditching 18.72 Western Utilities Clamp for repairs 22.00 Western Utilities Caps 22.43 STREET FUND Jack Buckingham Labor 17.28 Overall Cleaning Co. Shop towels 5.76 LIBRARY FUND Marilyn Jarvis Labor $ 18.15 Puget Sound News Co. Books 15.50 � SEWER FUND W. L. Johnson Labor $ 11.25 Jack Buckingham Labor 8.64 Anderson Ditching Ditching 21.06 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service (Park) 8.80 E. S. Sandberg PARK FUND Labor $ 17.28 Meeting adjourned/at ll Opp po m+ on motion b Ps� wer seconded b panich and carried. until s30 p. m. on Novembe 3 1 ,0, Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington November 30, 1960 Adjourned meeting called to order by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilmen Repanich, Caldwell, Powers and Lippert. Absent Russell, Engineer Sprague and Attorney. Superintendent of Public Works present. Two bids mare received for the foundations of the tank. One in the amount of $2,227.57 from R. B. Ryan and the other in the amount of $3,984.00 from Nelander Construction Co. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Caldwell and carried, that the bid of R. B. Ryan be accepted. Upon the recommendation of the committee, a motion made by Repanich, seconded by Lippert and carried, awarded the purchase of two pumps to the Fairbanks -Morse Company. Dick Rylander of Kitsap Realty informed the Council that about 60 acres of property in the area of the intersection of Alder Road and P.S.H. #14 was being sold for the sum of 25,000.00. This area includes approximately 13 acres in the Ross Creek area that.the Town may want for a lagoon. The client of Rylander wanted it on record, that if the Town should purchase the property from him at a later date, the price would be the pro-rata cost of the entire piece, or about $450.00 per acre. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p. m. on motion by Powers, seconded by L t and carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington December 12, 1960 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present, Councilmen Repanich, Caldwell, Powers and Lippert. Absent, Councilman Russell. Also present, Chief of Police Dow, Engineer Sprague, Sup't. of Public Works Givens and Attorney Perrine. Minutes of meeting of November 28, 1960 approved as read. Mr. John Bruckart, owner of property in the Ross Creek area informed the Council that he did not favor a lagoon system in the area and that he would not allow the Town to trespass upon his property in any event. Meeting with Annapolis Water District continued. The parking problem fronting the Veltex station has been corrected. Mr. Johnson and Mr. Lundberg from the Annapolis Hill area requested information regarding sewer connections in their area. It appears that a petition will be circulated in that area for the formation of an L. I. D. Matter of lease with the downtown merchants continued. As built plans for the West Bay area was submitted by the Engineer. Matter referred to committee. A meeting of the Council and with Mr. Thompson and Mr. Hammond was set up for 7:30 p. m. at the Town Hall on December 14, 1960 for the purpose of getting information on financing of sewer system and other problems facing the Town at this time. Attorney reported that no action had been taken by Walt Nelander at this time. An application will be forwarded to the Army Engineers regarding athe extension of the storm drain at the new Post - office, Engineer to furnish a drawing for Attorney to attach to application. Acquisition of tax title property in the Black Jack area continued. The need of a light fronting the Active Building referred to committee. Caldwell reported thht the oil heater had been moved downstairs at the old Forestry Building, and that the coiling is being installed by the Firemen. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Lippert and carried, the Finance Committee was given power to act in regard to the purchase of a new police car. Clerk instructed to call Kitsap Co. Health Dept. regarding fees and inspection routines. Letter from James Arthur, Attorney for the Grieves was read regarding the extension of a drain on their property as well as a dispute between them and Leroy B. Lundy. Attorney to write letter re- garding the above. First reading of the Emergency Ordinance was read. Engineer reported that L.I.D. #58 was 90% complete. Also requested other offices for the Engineer- ing Department. Referred to committee. Chief of Police Dow requested that the proposed pay raises go into effect 1/1/61. This was referred to the Finance committee. The following bills were read, checked by Department Heads and Finance Committee and ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Powers and carried. CURRENT EXPENSE Rice Electric Supplies, paint $ 69.40 E. S. Sandberg Labor, City Hall 7.56 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 480.05 Shell Oil Co. Gasoline, Police 3.12 Westbay Union Station Gasoline, Police 1.00 Olin Sprague L.L.A. #57 900.00 Kitsap Co. Sheriff Prisoner board, 1960 264.00 L. N. Curtis Co. Hose recoupled 2.08 Motorola Corp. Maintenance agreement, Police 5.20 Pacific Telephone Service 75.35 WATER FUND Puget Sound Power & Light fio. Service $ 343.98 Smith -Blair Co. Couplings 186.86 Rice Electric Material for pump 45.45 Overall Cleaning Wipe Towerls 3.99 Nat'l. Chemsearth Clix 35.42 Bremerton Concrete Covers and lids 51.48 Piston Service Ball bearings 11.17 Claud's Service Standby 19.76 Pacific Telephone, N. W. Service 17.10 Port Orchard Machine Shop Repairs 16.12 Mary E. Hodge Typing, Clerk's Office 34.50 STREET FUND r r Pacific Telephone Servide $ 34.25 Rice Electric Tape 1.45 Bremerton Concrete Markers 29.85 C. A. Hanks Insurance 90/92 Texas Co. Gasoline 65.32 Hi-Y Lumber Co. Pipe 26.21 Kitsap Motors Repairs 25.86 Puget Sound Power ;& Light Co. Service 11.30 Puget Sound News Marilyn Jarvis American Library Association Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. E. S. Sandberg Winebrenner's LIBRARY FUND Books $ 28.22 Labor 14.03 Book List 6.00 PARK FUND Service 2.08 Labor 11.88 Spic & Span .97 Meeting ad rn d at 10:45 on motion by Repanich, seconded by C d ll and carried. Clerk wc Mayor Port Orchard, Washington December 27, 1960 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present, Councilmen Repanich, Caldwell, Powers, Russell and Lippert. Also present, Chief of Police Dow, Engineer Sprague, Sup't. of Public Works Givens and Attorney Thompson. Minutes pf meeting of December 12, 1960 approved as read. Discussion over the Bruckart property carried over to future meeting. Meeting with the Annapolis Water District referred to next meeting. No action was taken in reference to the petition for sewers in the Annapolis area. Lippert reported that the downtown merchants will extend the lease of the property fronting the Post - office for a period of not to exceed 15 years. No action has been taken regarding the as -built plans for Westbay. A report was given regarding the meeting held with Mr. Terry Thompson and Mr. Hammond. Engineer will give a description and sketch of the area north of the Postoffice to the Attorney so the proper steps can be taken to extend the storm drain. No action as yet taken regarding the Nelander property. Attorney.` will again contact Mr. Nelander. Matter of late closing on New Years was taken up and Council decided to go along with the regulations as set forth for clubs and taverns by the Liquor Control Board. No action was taken on the tax title property in the Black Jack area. No action taken regarding the light fronting the Active Building. Progress is being made on the 2orestry Building. Lippert will see about a stove. Engineer will look at the upstairs of the Forestry Building to see if suitable for a drafting room. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Lippert and carried, Committee given power to act on move of Engineer. This move is intended as a temporary measure. Matter of Kitsap Co. Health Dept. fees for inspection referred to a future date as there is a possib- ility that a County -wide rate will be set up Attorney reported that a conversation was held with Attorney Arthur regarding the Grieve and Lundy dispute and that all appears to be settled. On motion by -,Repanich, seconded by Lippert and carried, the Emergency Ordinance was passed on its second reading. On motion by ussell, seconded by Lippert and carried, the hearing on Garrison Street L.I.D. was set up for Fetruary 13, 1961. StAn Brainerd, patrolman, resigned fvom the force effective on 12130/60. Committee will investigate the possibility of pay raises to go into effect as of the first of the year. On motion by Russell, seconded by Lippert and carried, the Finance committee has power to act. The Supt. of Public Works will prepare a program covering necessary improvements for a three year period and will meet with Water committee at 7:30 p. m., December 29, 1960 to get the recommendation for the Revenue Bond Issue. As no amount was budgeted for Civil Defense during 1960, the request for money was turned down. The following bills were read, checked by Department heads and Finance Committee and ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Powers and carried. Port Orchard Garbage Service Peninsula Stationers Wilkins Distributing Co., Inc. Shell Oil Co. Caldwell Trading, Post Van's Lumber Co. Howe Hardware Port Orchard Oil Delivery Olin Sprague Motorola Gale Dow Town Clerk Howe Motor Co. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Nov. & Dec. $ 8.80 File cabinet (Police) 23.87 Tires 34.17 Gasoline 2.52 Misc. items 7.50 Materials 215.29 Pail 1.22 Diesel 101.36 Engineering, L.I.D. #57 900.00 Maint. policy, Police 5.20 Mileage 13.80 Cask,Reimbursement 11.65 Repairs 82.21 WATER FUND Trick & Murray Meter sheets $ 71.22 Town Clerk Cash reimbursement 65.33 Mary E. Hodge Typing, Clerk's Office 10.50 Pacific Water Works Meters 132.60 STREET FUND Port Orchard Oil Delivery Diesel $ 49.23 Texaco, Inc. Gasoline 84.28 Van's Lumber Misc. 25.81 Caldwell's Misc. 4.40 Rudd Paint & Varnish Co. Paint 143.78 LIBRARY FUND Reader's Digest Subscription $ 2.97 H. R. Huntting Co. Books 61.75 Town Clerk Cash reimbursement 4.56 PARK FUND E. S. Sandberg Labor $ 7.56 Town Clerk Cash Reimbursement 1.23 Port Orchard Oil Delivery Diesel 17.23 Van's Lumber Material 1.96 WATER CONSTRUCTION B. & H. Gravel Co. Ditching $ 71.24 I Meetin jo rned at 10.00 M. on motion by Repanich, second Ca well and carried. Clerk Mayor cv Port Orchard, Washington January 9, 1961 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present, Councilmen Repanich, Caldwell, Powers, Russell and Lippert. Also, Sup't. of Public Works Givens, Chief of Police Dow and Attorney Thompson. Absent, Engineer Sprague. Minutes of meeting of December 26, 1960 approved as read. Bruckart property discussion carried over to future meeting. Matter of meeting with Annapolis Water District referred to next meeting.. No action taken in regard to sewer petition on the Annapolis area. No further action taken on the Merchant's lease of property in Post office area. The as -built plans for Westbay referred to next meeting. Tax title property in Blackjack area referred to future meeting. Light fronting Active Building referred to next meeting. it Three bids were received for a new police car. One from Ford, Halvorsen and Jim Traveller Motors. After consideration, the bid from Halversen for a Plymouth police -type car was accepted. The amount of the bid for the type and style wanted was 1,714.18. Delivery expected in about 40 days. On motion by-Lipperty seconded by Powers and carried, a long range plan for improvements to the water system by means of Revenue Bond issue was approved. The issue would be in the approximate amount of $160,000.00 On motion by Repanich, seconded by Caldwell and carried, Clerk instructed to issue a warrant in the amount of $406.50 to the Kitsap County Civil Defense for the 1960 payment. Ordinance putting the employees pay raise into effect for the year only was approved on motion by Repanich, seconded by Lippert and carried. Sup't. of Public Works Givens reported that there was a good buy of a used Ford dump truck available. On motion by .Caldwell, seconded by Lippert, that the committee have power to act on the purchase of this dump truck. Informal meeting set for 7:30 p. m., January 12, 1961 regarding the 5% sales tax to cities. A meeting was set up for 7:30 pl. m., January 16, 1961 at the Town Hall to discuss the sewer sit- uation. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Russell and carried, the Chief of Police is to investigate the possibility of renting a radar for one month and then report to the Council within 30 days. There is to be a meeting at Bremerton City Hall at 1:00 p. m. to discuss the possibility of forming a County Humane Society. Committee will investigate the fire exit at the V.F.W. building and report at next meeting. The following bills were read, checked by department heads and finance committee and ordered paid on motion by Powers, seconded by Lippert and carried. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Hannah & Powell Prescription for prisoner $ 4.37 Deal's Battery, F.D. 12.43 Port Orchard Independent Publications 42.42 Pacific Telephone Service 80.30 Howe Hardware Tape .78 Association of Wash. Cities Annual dues 159.35 WATER FUND Dealts Rope 1.70 Beacon Electric Hook-up & repairs, pump 48.26 Mary E. Hodge Typing, Clerk's Office 5.82 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Service 17.65 Valley Pump Service Repairs 40.09 STREET FUND Pacific Telephone Service 12.15 Bremerton Concrete Products Pipe 40.01 Gorst Ready -Mix Sand 75.37 Kitsap Co. Road Dist. #2 Rental of equipment 315.07 Port Orchard Machine Shop Repairs 17.35 Bowe Hardware Bolts 1.31 DtAl0 s Misc. items 2.15 LIBRARY FUND Pacific N.W. Bibliographic Center Annual fee 5.00 PARK FUND E. S. Sandberg Labor 2.16 WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND Hallgren Co. Materials 472.98 Bremerton Concrete Products Pipe 136.47 11-1 Meeting ad rned at 11000 p. m. on motion by `Russell, second pp t and carried. -C Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington January 23, 1961 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present, Councilmen Repanich, Caldwell, Powers, Russell and Lippert. Also Attorney Perrine and Thompson, Engineer Sprague, S.O.P.W. Givens and Chief of Police Dow. Minutes of meeting of January 9, 1961 approved as read. Proposal for an automatic water control system called the TelemetrSystem was presented to the Council. On motion by Russell, seconded by Powers and carried, the Water Committee was authorized with power to act in accepting or rejecting the system. Mr. Chournard of the Sideey Ridge Water System requested Council to approve a new tap to his trailer. This matter was referred to the Attorney for legal advice. Clerk will look into minutes to see if there were any committments by the Town in the past as to hook-up in that system.