01/01/1959 - Regular - Minutes3TI 212T FUND Lester R. Helm Lyle D. Nichols F. E. Langer Agency Puget Sound Power & L. Slocum Hardware %sley R. Stevens Kitsap County Airport Ray Bock Equip. Co. Totem Equipment Co. Standard Oil Co. of Cabf Piston Service of Breip. V. B. Caldwell Trd. Post Labor on city streets Labor on city streets Fire Ins. premium on Kendall St. Bay Street garage Screws & washers Bank run gravel Bank run gravel for 1958 Valve spring, for loader, points Bearing packing for sweeper Gasoline and Stove oil Bearings for sweeper Hammer garage and plugs Meeting adjourned on motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried. Acting DIN. OF NOUN. CORK STATE gXAMINF.5 $164.22 163.20 81.63 8.90 .37 21.70 102.73 6.42 1.40 196.58 32.80 1.58 Cl erk�� ��'�' Mayor Port Orchard,Nashington January 12, 1959 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, 'Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present were Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Dusty C. Winebrenner, Harold G. Baker, Vern B. Caldwell, Nick J. Repanich; Attorneys Dudley N. Perrine and Don Thompson; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, Engineer Olin S. Sprague, and Sgt. Gale W. Dow. Minutes of meeting of December 22, 1958 read and approved. William J. Touchette of 1001 Bay St. appeared before the Council to ask that the Town consider vacating that part of Seattle Street lying north of Bay Street, as his house is partly on Town right-of-way. Mayor Hall and members of the Council informed him that it is not Town policv to vacate any street or alley, and par- ticularly in water front areas, due to unforseeable future needs of the Town. Engineer presented preliminary assessment roll, plans and estimates of cost of the proposed Sidney Road L. I. D. It was explained that surveys were in progress to obtain right -of --ways for pipe line, and quit claim deeds would have to be acquired from property owners involved. Action on this matter deferred until next meeting, January 26, 1959. It was suggested by Attorney that the Council authorize warrants to be drawn from the Current Expense Fund for advanced engineering and expenses incurred as a result of preliminary work on the proposed Sidney Road L. I. D. Charles A. Russell of the Port Orchard Volunteer Fire Dept. appeared before the Council to outline on the map the area in which storage of flamable liquids in above -ground tanks is prohibited by Section 4 of the Fire Prevention Code recently adopted as Ordinance No. 655 by the Town. Matter of submitting recommendations to the Council by the Finance and Auditing Committee in regard to setting up an Equipment Replacement Fund was continued. Sgt, Dow, speaking in behalf of Chief of Police Wymore, requested that the Town obtain eight new parking meters to replace damaged ones. It was moved by Repanich, seconded by 'dinebrenner and carried that new parking meters be obtained, the number to be determined by need and cost. Sgt, Dow reported that the police car had been checked and no additional damage had been found. n Attorney stated that he had conferred with Al Buchmann in regard to drainage as it affects his property on Bay Street, and Mr. Buchmann had agreed to assume the cost of materials in laying a storm drain line to serve his property, the Town providing the labor. Discussion follow6d concerning location of line, and Chairman Nichols of the Street and Alley Committee and Supt. were directed to confer with Mr. Buchmann reuarding installation of line across his property and emptying into bay. Acting Clerk brought up matter of sick leave and vacation pay for Librarian. It was moved by 'Ninebrenner, seconded by Nichols and carried that this matter be referred to the Finance and Auditing Committee with power to act. Chairman Nichols of the Street and Alley Committee recommended that due to recent adverse publicity of the parking problem on Sidney Hill in the Vicinity of the Post 0ffice, the Council should consider ways and means of alleviating the dangers of parking in this area. Action deferred until next meeting, January 26, 1959. Superintendent stated that he had received a complaint from Walter Ainsworth of 1424 lst Street regarding an unused protion of a Town Street which is washing out and creating a hazard to his property. Street and Alley Committee directed to investigate and report to Council. After considerable discuss -"Lon and study of maps regarding parcels of land desirable for future park and recreational purposes in the East Port Orchard and Orchard Heights areas, it was moved by Repanich, seconded by :Vinebrenner and carried that the Attorney be authorized to apply to the General Services Administration in the name 'of the Town of Port Orchard for the following parcels of land; a 10 acre tract in East Port Orchard area and a 160 acre tract in the Orchard Heights area. The following claims checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing Committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by-Rinebrenner and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Donald C. Corey Police service 122.94 Donald M. Cunningham Police service 163.92 A. V.,Raygor Police service 27.32 Gordon V. Vettleson Police service 40.98 Olin M. Sprague Advanced expenses, Sidney Rd. L. I. D. 400.00 Cleveland Chevrolet Police �qr repairs 77.11 Dick Brinkerhoff Repair Police radio 11.88 L. N. Curtis & Sons 2 Scott air pacs for Fire Dept 477.40 Port Orchard Machine Shop Welding for Park. meter & Drinking fountain 7.23 Lumber Supply Co. Cement, supplies, City Hall 13.60 Earl Clark, Western Auto tsar wash, police 1.24 Peninsula Stationers Ruled sheets, Police 4.03 Trick & Murray Citation & Arrest books, Police 34.13 Deal's Tubing, fittings , City Hall 1G.51 Pacific Tele. & Tele Co. Telephone &. tolls, Clark, Police & Fire phones 54.20 Ass'sn. of Vlash. C-Itles Annual dues 163.75 Tidewater Oil Co. Diesel fuel, City Hall 100.24 Beacon Electric Lamps & Supplies for drink. Ftn. repair 14.89 Port Orchard Independent Filing cards, paper, publish Ord.,#654 9.01 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Gasoline, tire repair, fuses, police 45.61 NATErR FUT:D Mary Lu Melton Assisting in Clerks 0-fice #59a.07 Lumber Supply Co. Paint, lumber, supplies 62.10 West-arn Utilities Sply Co. Fittings & supplies 116.13 City of Bremerton Chlorination of Prospect St. water main 58.65 Thompsonts Pencils for Supt. 4.13 Worthington Gamon Meter ,water meter parts 58.11 H. D. Fowler Co., Inc. Fittings 42.61 Kitsap Motors Truck Fepair 65.16 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Tel & Tolls 26.55 STREET FUND Lester R. Helip Labor on city Streets t261.12 Lester R. Helm Operating power broom on Bay Street 89.76 Lyle D. Yichols Labor on city streets 238.68 Lloyd Granquist Sanding icy streets 16.32 F. A. McIntyre Sanding icy Streets 12.24 LeMoyne V. Harrington Sanding icy streets 16.32 Lumber Supply Co. Supplies 67.34 .+Nash. State Penitentiary City Limits sign 5.36 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Gasoline, stove oil 97.11 Morrison Gravel Co. Gravel €3.60 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephone 11.85 Port Orchard Machine Shop Sign bracket and supplies 12.91 C. A. Hanks, Insurance Fire Insurance on Bay Street garage Bldg. 90.92 Transport Clearings of P. S. Freight on signs 4,48 SE'dER FUND r) W. L. Johnson Labor installing sewer lateral 18.00 LIBRARY FUND The Puget Sound News Co. Books 8.14 The Puget Sound News Co. Books 2.86 The H. R. Huntting Co. Books 11.77 Pacific N. ',N. Bibliographic Ct. Contribution for 1959 5.00 PARK FUND Tidewater Oil Co. Diesel fuel, Active Club Bldg. 60.29 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Stove oil, Taylor St. Recr. Center 8.28 MeetinA�ad��'ned n motion by 3aker, seconded by Winebrenner and carried. f - i - - _Mayor Acting Clerk Port Orchard, '.Nashi ngton January 26, 1959 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, "Nashington called to order in regular session by Maur or R. B. Hall. Present were Councilmen Verd Nichols, Harold G. Baker, Vern B. Caldwell, Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Don Thompson; Superintendent of Public Works, George F. Givens, Engineer Olin S. Sprague, and Chief of Police A. L. �. Wymore. Absent Councilman Dusty C. }"linebrenner. Minutes of meeting of January 12, 1959 read and approved. Engineer reported on progress of proposed Sidney Road L. I. D., stating that more time is needed to secure information relative to acquiring right-of-way for roads in the area. He further stated that a revision had been made in the preliminary plan, moving the water line, on the extreme east side 250' to the east boundary of the District. Matter continued. Mayor Hall reported on an imformal meeting of members of the Council and Terry Thomp- son, Bon Broker, in regard to finaning proposed L. I. D., stating that Mr. Thompson proposed to make necessary arrangements to take L. I. D. bonds and market them. The bond issue to run on a 10 to 15 year basis, drawing interest at the rate of approxi- mately 5 %, preliminary expenses to be paid by Town warrants, and redeemed by Bond Broker at par value plus accrued interest. A discussion was held regarding financing of water tank in proposed L. I. D. It was agreed that the Town should assume part of the cost of tank as benefits would be derived by that part of the Town outside of the L. I. D. from the erection of proposed tank. It was moved by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried that the Water Cons- truction Fund of the Town pay for the difference in cost between a 30,000 gal. tank and a 100,000 gal. water tank, the Local Improvement District to assume the cost of a 30,000 gal. capacity tank. Chairman Nichols of the Street and Alley committee reported that members of his committee had conferred with Al Buchmann pertaining to drainage of his property on Bay Street. He stated that Mr. Buchmann is not in favor of laying a storm sewer across his property, but is not apposed to such, running westerly to existing line. Action deferred. Chief of Police stated that the parking problem in the vicinity of the Post Office on Sidney Street was improving as the State 14otor Vehicle Code regarding double parking and cramping of wheels to the curb was being strictly enforced. After investigation by members of the Street and Alley committee, Attorney Don Thompson and Sup't., and a report by Chairman Nichols regarding complaint by 'falter Ainsworth of 1424 lst St. that an unused portion of a Town street was washing out and creating a hazard to his property, it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that the Town assume no responsibility in this matter. Attorney directed to inform Mr. Ainsworth by letter of this action. Matter of submitting recommendations to the Council by the Finance and Auditing committee in regard to setting up an Equipment Replacement Fund was continued. Mayor Hall read a letter from State Civil Defense Headquarters notifying the Council of a meeting in Tacoma, February 60 1959 for the purpose of co-ordinating Civil Defense plans in this area. Mayor stated he planned to attend the meeting. Myaor Hall stated that the Kitsap County Health Department is desirous of obtaining an increased contribution to the Public Health Pool from the Town. No action taken. A report o% condition of garbage disposal area was received from the Health Dept. and presented to the Council, The following claims checked by heads of department and by the members of the Finance and Auditing Committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Nichols seconded by Caldwell and carried: Donald C. Corey Donald M. Cunningham A. V. Raygor n B. J. Meier Town Clerk Howe Hardware Roney's, Inc. Howe hardware Gingrey's Richfield Puget Sound Power & Light The Steck Company Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Sairdon's, Inc. Atlas Mineral Products Co. Kitsap Co. Auditor Kitsap County Bank Tri-County Typewriter Co. CURRENT EXPENSE Ii'UND Police service Police service Police service Labor shoveling snow (City Hall) Advanced expenses (stamps) Paper towels (City Hall) Gasoline line-a-tank,(Fire Dept.) Wrenches for parking meters Tire repair (Fire Truck) Co.Street and City Hall lights Payroll records,(Clerkls O'fice) Gasoline, (Police Car) Tire remold and adjustment fiineralead for parking meter posts Licenses for Police car and Fire Trucks Coin wrappers,29.98, Pol. Chief Bond 10.00 Cleaning and repair 2 typewriters (Clerk's Office) 68.30 40.98 27.32 5.55 12.82 8.32 12.92 1.99 2.58 561.21 4.01 43.36 13.91 29.97 4.80 39,98 50,63 HATER FUND Lester R. Helm Lyle D. B:ichols Gale W. Dow Town Clerk Mary Lu Melton Port Orchard Independent Kitsap County Auditor Anderson Ditch Digging Puget Sound Power &, Light Co. Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. Lester R. Helm Lyle D. D; ichols Puget Sound Power & Light Gingrey's Richield Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Transport Coe arings of P. Kitsap County Auditor Anderson Ditch Digging Town Clerk Gaylord Bros., Inc. airs. Edith Kunzleman Labor on service line Labor on service line Labor reading water meters 1 M Postals for water bills Ass1t. Clerk-Treas. Record books Licenses for trucks Nater line Power all plants - cathodic Shop towels STREET FUND Labor on city streets Labor on city streets Co. Bay & Kendall garages Truck tire Stove Oil and gasoline S. Freight on bonding cement Licenses for vehicles and equip. Sewer FUND Ditching for sewer lateral LIBRARY FUND Adv. expenses, box rental Library supplies Relief Librarian PA ZK DUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Recreation center & Tennis Gout Lights Meeting adjourned on motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried. a_ 4et_ng Clerk Lorraine Carraway 61 2.C4 6.12 32.64 30.00 36.70 25.89 3.20 8.00 245.60 3.42 ,S161.16 157.08 17.70 64.37 98.26 2.21 11.20 20.00 91; 1.2o 21.91 24.00 17.45 Iday or Ray B. Hall Port Orchard, Washington February 9, 1959 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present were Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Harold G. Baker, Vern B. Caldwell, Nick J. Rapanich; Attorney Don Thomspon; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin S.. Sprague. and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore. Absent Councilman Dusty C. Winebrenner. Minutes of meeting of January 26, 1959 read and approved. Mr. Hugh Bartlett appeared before the Council in regard to a drainage problem at his building, 624 Bay Street, caused by an extremely ;_:high tides. Mr. Bartlett stated he feels entitled to damages if he loses a tenant because of this situation. Referred to Street and Alley Committee, Engineer and Superintendent for investigation and report. Several, residents of Annapolis were present to discuss the mutual problem of sewage disposal and the feasibility of joining with the Town to solve this problem. Mr. Campbell of H. D. Fowler Co. explained to the Council and interested citizens the workings of the Spirogester sewage disposal system, a primary treatment plant, of the type necessary for this locality and approved by the State. He stated that an approximate cost of the plant to serve a population of 5,000 would be between $70,000 and $100,000. Engineer Sprague also stated that interceptors sewers would cost approximately $5 to 6 per foot installed. This matter continued. Interested resident* of the proposed Sidney Road L. I. D. appeared before the Council to inquire about the progress, and preliminary step& necessary to formation of the District. Mayor Hall add sed them that they would be notified by mail of the date set for the hearing. Engineer stated that a little more time was needed relative to acquiring rights-oflways for roads in the area. Matter continued. Lee Caldwell of the Volunteer Fire Dept. appeared before the Council to request approval of his Department joining the National Fire Protection Association and enumerating the benefits to be derived from such membership; the fee being $15.00 yearly. Approval granted on motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried. This being the date on which bids for gasoline, deisel and stove oil were to be openedp Mayor directed Acting Clerk to open bids. Bids were received from Union Oil Co., Richfield Oil Corporation, Shell Oil Co., C. Jack Jones Co., Inc., The Texas Co., Standard Oil Co., Tidwater Oil Co., Part Orchard Oil Delivery, and R.L. Lursen. Bids were examined and computed by the Council, and after checking, it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Caldwell and carried that the bid of Standard Oil Co. of California to furnish gasoline at .2067 and stove oil at .12e8 under the terms of its bid and with the understanding that the stove oil price remain at .1288 for deliveries under 400 gallons, be accepted; and that the bid of Tidewater Oil Co. to furnish deisel oil at .1064 Under the terms of its bid be accepted. Chairman Repanich, of the Finance and Auditing Committee reported that his Committee had met with the Acting Clerk to examine the financial status of the various funds with regard to setting up an Equipment Replacement sand for future needs of the Tovan. He informed the Council that Current Expense and Street Funds will be operating on interest bearing warrants, and stressed the urgency of practi- cing economy within the departments to stay within budget appropriations for the year 1959. Matter continued for further review and study by the Committee. Mayor stated that it had been brought to his attention that out present Police radios cannot successfully be modifiedfor use to most the requiremeais of the F. C. C. for operation on a new frequency band to take effect in 1960. He further stated he had been informed that suitable. Bremerton equipment was available for $600 to 700. Also, the advisability of whether to keep the present police car or purchase a new one was brought up at this time. Both matters referred to the Finance and Auditing Committee for consideration and report. Mayor Hall stated he had attended the Civil Defence. Meeting in Tacoma.on February 6, 1959 regarding co-ordination of Civil Defense plans in this area, and planned to attend a meeting at Civil Defense Headquarters in Bremerton.February 10, 19590 fcr the purpose of formulating County -wide plans. Acting Clerk asked for authority to pa annual insurance premiums to the State for Firements insurance, in the amount of 457.00 for 19 members of the Department. Authority granted on motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich.and carried. Acting Clerk read letter from C. L. Hicks of Route 2, Box 129, asking for removal of a speed limit sign in front of his property. Referred to Street and Illey Committee and Superintendent. Acting Clerk asked for permission to requestanexamination of the general accounts of the Town from the Division of Minicipal Corporations at this time, before the new Clerk -Treasurer takes office. It was moved by Baker, seconded by Nichols, and carried that the Town request an examination by the State Division of Munlelp rl Corporations. Mayor read letter from the State Beautification Committee Chairman regarding the appointment of a Chairman from the Town to undertakethe project of co-ordinating plans for beautification of the. Town in .relation to the Century 21 Exposition in Seattle. Harold Baker was appointed.Chairman of Mayor Hall, The Blue Star Mothers were given approval to hold thier Blue Daisy Sale in Port Orchard on June 25,and 26, 1959, Chairman Caldwell of the Fire and Light Committee reported that the Town is losing revenue by some non-compliance of the Town Building Code. Also, discussion was held regarding possible adoption of new building code. Committee asked to investi- gate and report back to the Council on these matters. Mayor read letter from A. L. Wymore, tendering hia resignation as Chief of Police, effective March 15, 1959. Resignation accepted. Superintendent stated that Leonard Clark of Route 4, Box 318, Port Orchard had requested permission to improve a portion of Short Street for parking facilities at his residence. Permission granted. The following bills checked by heads of departments and by members of the Finance and Auditing Committee were ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Caldwell and carried: Donald C. Corey Donald M. Cunningham Lester R. Helm Cleveland Chevrolet Hannah & Powell V. B. Caldwell Trading Post Trick & Murray Port Orchard Independent P. 0. Independent Beacon Electric Traffic Cont. Sign Co. Port Orchard Machine Shop Wilkins Dis. Co. Inc. Pacific Tle & Tele Co. Standard Oil Co. of Calif. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Police Service Police service Labor on Fire Hydrant Police car repair Pen Refills Clerk's Office Sash Cord Warrant Register & Cash Book Sheets Clk Publish Call for Bids (Gas & Oil) Publish Fire Code Boiler Repair at City Hall Signs (Dead End) Repair Parking Meter Post & Fire Plug Anti -Freeze for Fire Trucks Clerk; Fire & Police Telephone and Tolls Gasoline for Police car WATER FUND $88.82 27.32 4.08 35.37 1.43 5.35 57.62 7.85 25.75 15.30 28.13 7.24 4.48 55.10 44.01 Lester R. Helm Labor on pipe lines 8.16 Mary Lu Melton Ass1t Clerk Treas. 33.12 Anderson Ditch Digg. Bremerton Monument Co. Dear s V. B. Caldwell Trading Post Pacific Electric Co. Kitsap Motors Pacific Tole & Tale Co. Lester R. Helm Lester R. Helm Lyle D..Nichols Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Gingrey► s -Richfield Ray Bock Equipment Co. Surplus Property Fund Lundy Sales & Service Kitsap Motors Kitsap Motors V. B. Caldwell Trading.Post Wilkins Dist. Co. Pacific Tele. & Tole Co. Town Clerk Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Port Orchard Machine Shop Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Lester R. Helm Lyle D. Nichols Lloyd Granquist Olympic Chain Sari Co. Ditching for water lines $24.00 Digging for water tap 14.00 21 Galy. Pipe 7.38 Supplies (putty knife, goves & Screws 1.86 Air compressor Rental 7.31 Installing used heater in Pick up 20.72 Iblephone and tolls 26.5b STREET FUND Labor on City Streets $122.40 Operating power broom on Bey Street 76.50 Labor on City Streets 134.64 Gasoline and stove oil 106.18 Truck Tire 66.95 Loader Parts 16.49 Tools 6.90 Emulsion 2.58 Truck & Loader Repair 15.81 Replace Rear Axel Housing t52 Truck 306.00 Faucet Paint, Mdse. 8.70 Kerosene 15.29 Telephone 11.85 Advanced Expense 4.25 Truck repairs 16.44 Repair Shovel & Welding 20.15 PARK. FUND Stove oil at Taylor St. Recr. Center $ 8.74 WATER Co vSTRUCTION FUND Clearing Right of way Kendall St. $32.64 Clearing right of rosy Kendall St. 32.64 Hauling gravel Prospect St, Job 36.88 Starter Spring 2.22 Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried. Acting Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington February 24, 1959 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Acting Clerk in the absence of Ma or R. B. Hall. Present were Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, Vern B. Caldwell, Verd W. Nichols, Dusty C. Winebrenner and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works merge F. Givens, Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chiefof Police A. L. Wymore.` Acting Clerk called for nominations for Acting Mayor, and it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker that Councilman Nick J. Repanich be named Acting Mayor. There being no further nominations, Councilman Repanich was unanimously named Acting Mayor on a voice vote. Minutes of meeting of February 9, 1959 read and approved. M. W. Martin of 807 Bay Street, presented a petition to the Council asking for the continued service of A. L. Wymore as chief of Police of the Town. Petition accepted and referred to the Finance and Auditing Committee for checking and report to the Council. Mr, Tom Dunstan appeared before the Council to introduce Mr. Robert Gans, Seattle Realtor, the new developer of the proposed Westbay Shopping Center, and to advise the Council that plans are underway for immediate development of the site at the east and of Town. Plans for Street right-of-way as previously accepted by the Council were discussed, as was the problem of traffic control on Bay Street at this point. Mr. Gana was advised by the Counoilto consult with the State Depart- ment of Highways in regard to traffic control on Bay Street for this development. George Thornton of 806 Harrison Street, appeared before the Council objecting to the parking of cars in front of residences at the intersection of Ada and Harrison Streets-k stating that it is a hazard to traffic. Refferred to the Chief of Police for investigation and report. Matter of sewer drainagAw Tpoblem at the building owned by HAgh Bartlett at 624 Bay Street was continued for consultation between Attorney Thompson and Mr. Bartlett refarding this situation. Attorney reported on the proposed Sidney Road L. I. D., stating that more time was needed for preparation of easements and also, there has been some delay in the Quiet Title Action to secure the Cemetary tract for the Town. Matter Continued. Chairman Repanich of the Finance and Auditing Committee reported that his comm- ittee had not yet determined the fesibility of purchasing a new police car and radio equipment from a financial standpoint, but it was his opion, after riding in the police car and considering all factors involved, that the police car should be replaced if possible. Discussion followed regarding police car and it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Nichols, and carried that the Finances and ' Auditing Committee be given power to act in this matter and authorizing issuance of a Call for Bids for a new police car, if after study and consideration of the budget, the Finance and Auditing Committee deem it passible. Chairman Baker of the Parks and Playgrounds Committee reported that work was progressing on improvement to the Babe Ruth Field at Givens Field. They':-fol.lo*ing claims checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing Committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on Motion by Nichols, seconded by Caldwell and carried: Donald C. Cory Donald M. Cunningham Gordon Vettleson Lyle D. Nichols Treasurer, Kitsap Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Truck & Murray Tidewater Oil Company Transport Clearings Mary Lu Melton Gale W. Dow Lester R. Helm H. D. Fowler Co., Inc. Puget Sound Pourer & Light Co. B. & J. Equi went Co. Howe Hardware Co. Lester R. Helm Lyle D. Nochols Tuffibre Company O. K. Rubber Welders Fremont Electric Co. Howe Hardware Co. Dick E. Jones Puget Sound Power & Light The h. R. Huntting Co. Lester R. Helm Lyle D. Nichols Tidewater Oil Co. Lester R. Helm Lyle D. Nichols CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Police Service $102.48 Police service 27.32 Police Service 13.66 Labor at garbage dump 10.20 FTP Tax on garbage dump tract 5.60 Street Lights 426.05 Voter Reg. Cancellation Forms 12.04 Diesel fuel, Town Hall 102.49 Freight on signs 2.28 I'T�+ri 31*119xelb�� Ass?t Clerk -Tress, $42.07 Labor reading water meters 32.64 Labor on service line 6.12 Fittings 9.06 Power, all plants 220.58 Briemze wire rope 7.42 Padlock, File, bolts 8.26 STREET FUND Labor on city streets $138.72 Labor on city streets 93.- Broom Fibre and wire 149.73 Used tire and tire rapa&r 27.38 Windshield wiper and balde, grader 2.09 Wrench, washers, paint remover, mdse 34.11 Sign and blanks 20.67 Bay st. garage 12.80 LIBRARY Books $13.09 PARK FUND Labor loading dirt, ballfield 1Z .24 Cleaning up and hauling dirt ballfield 18.36 Diesel oil, Active Bldg. 23.64 WATER CaNSTURCTION FUND Labor on Kendall St. pipe liras 34,68 Labor on Kendall St. pipe lines 34.68 Meeting adjourned on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried. Acting Clerk Mror Port Orchard, Wash. March 9, 1959 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Acting Mayor Nick J. Repanich in the absence of Mayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilmen HaroldG. Baker, Dusty C. Winebrenner, Verd W. Nichols, and V. B. Cald- well; Attorney Don Thompson; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police A. L. 'Nymore. Minutes of meeting of February 24, 1959 read and approved. Mrs. G. A. Bushnell of 539 Melchor Street, and Mrs. A. N. Jones of Rt. 2, Box 127 appeared before the Council, objecting to the offensive odors and smoke in their res- pective areas from the burning of refuse in trash cans in neighboring yards. Acting Clark read a letter submitted by Mrs. Bushnell in regard to this matter, wherein she stated that this is a health problem with her. Referred to the Health and Sanita- tion Commettee for investigation and report. John Bruckart, representing the firm of Taylor and Bruckart, mill and logging opera- tors, appeared before the Council in regard to the acquisition by his firm of timber and slash on an 80 acre tract owned by the Town, and partially used for garbage disposal. He stated that his firm is now operating a portable mill on adjacent land and it would be convenient to clear the land on the Town tract at this time, hence his request is to be considered a formal application for the purchase of the timber and slash. Procedure of procurement to be determined by the Health and Sanitation Committee, who were given power to act in this matter on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Caldwell and carried. Engineer was asked to make an appraisal of the value of timber and slash, estimated by Mr. Bruckart to be worth approximately $400,.00, Chief of Police reported that the problem of parked cars at the intersection of Ada and Harrison Streets, creating a traffic hazard, had been rectified. Attorney Thompson reported that the sewer drainage problem at the building owned by Hugh Bartlett at 624 Bay Street was taken care of by the owner changing the present drain hook-up into a storm sewer, to the satisfaction of the involved parties. Attorney also reported that more time was needed for preparation of easements in the proposed Sidney Road L. I. D. and that some opposition has been encountered in the Quiet Title Action to secure the cemetary tract for the,Town, creating further delay in this action. Engineer reported that he and Attorney Perrino had attended a meeting with interest- ed residents of the L. I. D. area and pointed out that the meeting was a very favor- able one with no opposition to the proposed L. I. D. plant. Chairman Repanich of the Finance and Auditing Committee reported that his committee had met to study and consider the budget in regard to purchase of a new police car, and upon determining that it is financially feasible to purchase a new police car, a second meeting was held to prepare a call for bids for the police car, and also a call for bids for the sale of the present police car. This action taken upon authorization of the Council giving the committee power to act in this matter. Acting Mayor stated that a few more applications for Police Chief had been received, and Chief Wymore had asked to be considered for a position with the Police Department preferably at night, answering telephones, after his resignation as Chief of Police is effective. Engineer presented a request from the Methodist Church to construct an addition to the present Church building, which would encroach upon street right-of-way if approved. It was explained by Engineer Sprague that the Church property line is 9 feet from sidewalk on north side of Kitsap Street, and the proposed addition would trespass approximately 5* feet into street right-of-way. After deliberation and discussion, it was agreed that permission could not be granted to build in street right-of-way, and particularly at that location because it is a blind corner, and would be considered a safety hazard if there was additional abstraction of view. Also the possibility of widening Kitsap Street is forseeable in the future, hence any building in street area would be at owner's risk, and subject to removal if the need necessitated it. Mr. Charles Biggs of the State Pollution Control Commission appeared before the Council to discuss aspects of the sewage disposal probelm, stating that Federal aid applications for obtaining Federal funds for sewage disposal projects must bw submitted by the deadline, May 150 1959 and a preliminary Engineer's report must be attached to the application form. Hefurther stated that if application is made for Federal aid, and funds areavailable, we can be very certain of receiveing 30% of the entire cost of the project. Engineer informed the Council that he now has enough information to draw up a comprehensive plan, to accompany an application for Federal Aid. The following claims checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing Committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Nichols and carried: CURRSvT EXPENSE FUND Donald Co Corey Albert V. Raygor Donald M. Cunningham Gordon V. Vettleson B. J. Meier Saindon's Trick & Murray Port Orchard Independent Pioneer, Inc. Tidewater Oil -Co. Peninussla Stationers Ted's Thktftway Standard Oil Co. of Calif. George L. Rothenberg B. A. Getchmann Co. Sheriff, Kitsap County Howe Hardware Police service Police service Police service Police service Cutting grass, City Hall Tire remold, Police Police receipt books Scratch pads, Clerk's Office Gen'1. Receipts, Clerk's Office Diisel fuel, Town Hall Caldndar Pad, Police Judge Janitor.Supplias, City Hall Gasoline, Police Police radio repairs Police Judge Bond Board of prisoners, 1958 Keys for Fire Dept. WATER FUND Mary Lu Melton Ass't. Clerk -Treasure Wilkins Distributing Co. Oil Deal's Pitting Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. Shop Towels American Plbg. & St. Supply Packing Port Orchard Machine Shop Kitsap Motors Wilkins Distrib. Co., Inc. Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Howe Hardware Co. Saindon's Lester R. Helm Lester R. Helm The Puget Sound News Co. The H. W. Wilson Co. STREET FUND Bolts Truck repairs Grease, radiator seal Gasoline & Stove Oil Files Tire repair Operating power broom on Bay Street Labor on City streets LIBRARY FUND Books Books PARK FUND 68.30 40,98 40.98 68.30 8.16 10.83 60.45 .57 33.46 131.35 1.55 4,25 44.01 33.80 5.00 344.00 1,29 34.91 .41 1.09 2.06 23.73 .78 140.07 1.75 113.48 2.23 10.44 72.42 153,00 43.50 12.00 Tidewater Oil Co. Diesel Fuel, Active Bldg. 33.74 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Stove► Oil, Taylor St. Rear. Cora ter 8.12 Meeting adjourned on motion by Ba er, seconded by Winebrenner and carried.. n c ng Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington March 23, 1959 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilman Harold G. Baker, Dusty C. Winebrenner, Verd W. Nichols: Vern B. Caldwell, and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police Gale W. Dow. Minutes of meeting of March 9, 1959 read and approved. Mr. Charles Gibbs of the State Pollution Control Commission appeared before the Council regarding proposed sewage disposal program, suggesting the Town secure the services of an outside engineering firm to aid in the preliminary planning, to facilitate meeting the May 15 deadline for application of Federal aid. After discussionof sewage disposal program., it was moved by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried that the Town provead with prelladmarg plans for a sewage disposal system. Engineer was asked to contact an Engineering firm of his choice, Hammonds Collier and Isaac to assist him. It was agreed to discuss preliminary planning with representatives of the Engineering firm at an adjourned meeting of the Council arranged for 7:30 p. m., March 30, 1959. A discussion wa s held regarding the School District's participation in preliminary sewage disposal planning with the Town and Annapolis Sewer District. On motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried, Attorney was directed to write a letter to the Annapolis Sewer District and the South Kitsap School District asking them to bear their fair share of the cost of preliminary plans. M Acting Clerk was directed to write the Pollution Control Commission requesting Federal aid application forms for obtaining Federal funds for Sewage disposal system. This being the date on which bids were to be received for police car, and for sale of 1956 Chevrolet police car, three bids had bean filed and Mayor directed that bids be opened. Bids were received from Howes Motor Company, Cleveland Chevrolet Co., and Johnny P. Severt of Winslow. The bids Were studied by members of the Council, and after careful consideration and compariton, the low bid of Cleveland Chevrolet Co. for a 230 HP heavy duty sedan was accepted at the price of $2,505.47, on motion by RepmIch, seconded by Bloer and carried. It:was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Repanich and carried tha the high bid of Johnny P. Severt for $635.51 cash for 1956 Chevrolet sedan be accepted, and Acting Clerk be directed to take necessary steps to secure the bid, by requesting a $100.00 deposit until delivery date. Attorney Terrance Hanley and Robert Gans, developer of proposed new east side shopp- ing center appeared beforethe Council requesting that the Town amend their claim of street right-of-way in the area, asking the State for the 150 ft. maximum width obtainable instead of the 100 ft. width as in the original claim. It was pointed out by Mr. Gans that development of the shopping center hinged on obtaining an addition- al 50 ft. to facilitate parking of cars. Discussion ensued concerning notifying property owner on the west side, of this request. It was agreed that his matter be continued until adjourned meeting on March 30, 1959 where involved parties could be present to express their views to the Council before any action is taken. Chaftman.-Winebrenner of the Health and Sanitation Committee stated more time was need- ed for.investigation and report in regard to complaints of individuals concerning objectionable odors and smoke from the burning of refuse in the Town. Chairman Winebrenner of the Health and Sm itation Committee also stated Taylor and Bruckart, mill and logging operators had been granted permission to clear the land on the.80 acre garbage tract, a saltrage operation from which the Town received 6400.00. Richard E. McCann and Lester 0. Martens, residents of the.Ross Creek Water District area appeared before the Council in regard to a proposed change of ,location for water supply of the Ross Creek Water District. They were advised to confer with Superintendent to formulate more complete plant to be presented to the Council at a later date. Attorney reported that more time is needed for preparation of legal data relative to the proposed Sidney Road L. I. D. Matter continued. The appointment by the Mayor of Gale W. Dow as Chief of Police was confirmed by the Council on motion by Nichols, seconded by Winebrenner and carried. Acting Clerk read a letter from Ray Greenwood, Attorney at Lain, on behalf of his Client, F. H. Geisler of 113!� Portland Street, asking the Town to remedy drainage probler4 on the Geisler property,,prior to any legal action being taken by the complainant. Matter referred to the Attorney for investigation and reply. Superintendent reported that he had been informed of the installation of faulty plumb- ing in new residentaila construction in Town, that her had talked with the County Plumbing Inspector who had inspected the work, and was of the opinion that the Town should take steps to appoint the County Health Department Plumbing Inspector as inspec- to for the Town,immediately empowering him to enforce the Town Plumbing Code, this be- ing with the consent of the health Department. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried, the Kitsap County Health Department Plumbing Inspector was appoint- ed Plumbing Inspector for the Town of Port Orchard to immediately enforce the Town Plumbing Code. A discussion of the possibility of the withdrawal of the Town from the Bremerton Port District was held, and referred to Attorney for investigation. Superintendent presented an inquiry from Frank McIntyre regarding possible purchase of alder timber on land owned by the Town in the Black Jack Creek area. Referred to the Parks, Playgrounds and Buildings Committee, Harold Baker, Charimsn. Chief of Police brought up the matter of issuance of Police Commission cards to carious individuals without bonding them.. Referred to the Finance and Auditing Committee for investigation and report. The following claims checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing Committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried: Gladys E. Kratz Donald M. Cunningham Donald C. Corey Town Clerk Pioneer Business Forms Pacific Tole. & Tle Co. Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Dick Brinkerhoff Radio, TV Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Port Orchard Independent Port Orchard Independent Port Orchard Independent National Fire Protec. Assn. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Puget Sound Power & Light'Co. Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. Town Clerk Pacific Tel & Tel. Co. Lester R. Helm Pacific Tale. & Tole Co. Gingreyss Richfield Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Saindon's Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Puget Sound News Co. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Police Office clerk Police service Police service Advanced expenses 600 L.I.D. Receipts Clerk -Police- Fire Tole. & Tolls Police car tire repair, Mting, chains 1 eonelrad monitor, police Police car repairs Publish call for bids, Police car Publish call for bids, sale of Police car Onion skin paper, Clerk's office Membership fee for Fire Dept. Street lights and Town Hall lights WATER FUND $42.50 40,98 81.96 10.57 35.30 49.88 5.69 35.13 38.74 15.08 5.59 4.13 15.00 552.13 Power, all plants 219.32 Cathodic equipment 13.12 Shop towels 2.17 Adv. expenses, 2000 portals, file cards 60.52 Telephone, pump house 9.55 STREET FUND Labor on city streets Telephones and tolls Labor mounting truck tire Clutch & hose, truck repair Truck tire Bay & Kendall Street garages LIBRARY FUND Magazine subscriptions PARK FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Taylor St. Recr. Center, Ten. Ct. HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND $163.20 22.22 2.07 4.97 40.59 12.70 $ 25.39 15.58 Port Orchard Machine Shop Repair of mercury vapor lights $17.05 Meeting adjourned until March 30, 1959, on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried. 4cit=g' Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington March 30, 1959 Adjourned meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard called to order by Mayor R. B. Hail. Present Councilman Harold G. Baker, Dusty C. Winebrenner, Verd W. Nichols, Vern B. Caldwell, and Nick J. Repanich; Attorneys Dudley N. Perrin and Don Thompson; Engineer Olin M. Sprague; and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. Several interested residents of the Annapolis-•Retsil area which had indicated a d6s$te to be annexed to the Town were present to participate in a general discussion in relation to the size of the area to be included in annexation petition, which would be acceptable to the Town, and also to discuss the proposed sewage disposal system in regard to preliminary planning. Ed Chapman, spokesman for the annexation Committee from the area stated that his committee reco.rmended the area included in Section 25 be annexed to the Town at the present time, this area being bounded on the East by Olney Road, on the South by the Manchester highway and on the west by Mitchell Road. After much discussion, the question of determining the size of area to be included on petition was referred to the Sanitation committee and members of the Town Planning. Commission to meet with the committee from the Annapolis area to consider the pros and cons of annexation, and determine the boundary lines for recommendation to the Council. Mr. George Eisentrout, South Kitsap Superintendent of Schools and Mr. E. F. McClintock from the South Kitsap School Board were present to present their views in regard to the School District's participation in the sewage disposal system and also to inform the Council that the District is financially unable at this time to contribute toward preliminary planning. Engineer Sprague spoke to the interested group concerning the sewage disposal system, explaining that the interceptor line would come from Olney Road in and around the waterfront to a site which would serve in the most exonomical manner for the treat- ment plant, He further stated that there would be four outlets, one at Olney Creek, Mitchell Point, High School sewer at the foot of Mitchell Road and Orchard Street in Port Orchard, where the 24" outfall is located. This system receive all sewage (� coming from the hill, picking up private sewers along Beach Road, Annapolis, and Bay Street to a mop all contamination of the Bay. Mr. Collier and Hammond of the Engineering Firm assisting Engineer Sprague in this project were present to answer questions and express their opinions regarding this matter of preliminary planning. They explained that the system would be so designed to handle the tributary areas, whether or not they are annexed. As to financing, Mr. Collier suggested that one half the cost could be borne by L.I.D. square foot assessment over drainage area, .and balance of cost financed by revenue from a monthly service charge to users, He further stated that the oast of the comprehensive pre- liminary plans which would include the interceptor sewer and treatment plant, and not include any latterals xn uld cost $1500.00 Federal aid financing being available only for the cost of interceptor system and the disposal plant. It was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Repanich and carried unanimously that the Town assume the entire cost of preliminary planning to be submitted to the State with the Federal Aid application forms for obtaining funds for 30% Federal Aid. Dr. Shirley Benham, Kiteap County Director of Health spoke to the Council regard- ing proposed amendments to the Town Plumbing Code which will be considered at a later date, and also suggesting that plubbing permit applications be obtained at the Clerkrs Office, City Hall and also at the County Health Dpartment office. It was agreed that the fees should be sent directly to the Health Department with applications to eliminate extra bookkeeping. Mr. Robert Gehring appeared before the Council regarding erection of a Root Beer Drive In stand inside the Town limits. It was suggested by Attorney that since the proposed location was on a State Highway, he should present a plot plan regarding, flow of traffic to the Highway Department as there might be a safety hazard invovled. A petition for annexation of tide flats to the Town was presented to the Council and action defferred until next meeting. Meeting adjourned on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried. Mayor Port Orchard, Washington April 13, 1959 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall, Present Councilman Harold G. Baker, Dusty C. Winebrenner, Verd W. Nichols, Vern B. Caldwell and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine and Don Thompson; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police Gale. W. Dow. Minutes of Meeting of March 23, 1959 and adjourned meeting of March 30, 1959 read and approved. Mr. and Mrs. Char]e s Grieve and LeRoy B. Lundy appeared before the Council in re- gard to use of Rockwell Street between Lundy Sales and the Grieve Building on Bay Street. Mrs. Grieve presented objections to the manner in which the street is being used by Mr. Lundy, After discussion, the matter was referred -to the Street and Alley Committee and Attorney to medt with involved parties in regard to solu- tion of this problem. -� Percy A. Williams of 612 Dwight Street appeared before the Council requesting permis- sion to build a garage into the bank fronting his residence and to build it as close to sidewalk as possible. He stated ,his neighbor's garage is 12'f from the side- walk. On motion by Nichols, seconded by Winebrenner and carried, Mr. Williams was granted permission to build garage conforming to his neighbor's garage building line, and with the understanding that an overhead, swing type door will be Installed. A petition for the annexation of certain property to the Town was presented to the Council by Attorney J. Maddock on behalff of the petitioners, D. & P. Investments, Inc., Scott and Catherine Wetzel, R. P. and Carole Josli.n, E. W. and Sally Bloom-- quist and Florence L. Turner. After explanation from Attorney and checking of petition, the date for hearing was set for April 27, 1959, 7,430. p.m. on motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried. I-) �i Edgar F. Hillstrom and William F. Klein appeared before the Council to inquire about the progress on proposed Sidney Road L. I. D. Attorney informed them that the right-of-way deeds were prepared and ready for signature of legal property owners, this to be accomplished at a special meeting called for April 16, 1959 for this purpose. Police Chief Gale Dow presented an offer from the South Kitsap Junior Chamber of Commerce to paint and refinish the materials. This matter referred to the Parks, Playgrounds and Buildings Committee, Harold Baker, Chatkman. Engineer Sprague reported that sewage disposal preliminary plans were being pre- pared and after being approved by the Council would be sent to the State for approval before accompanying the application forms requesting 30% Federal Aid financing. No action taken regarding matter of drainage at residence of F. H. Geisler, 1132 Portland Street. Superintendent reported that faulty plumbing being installed in new residential construction in Town had been corrected. Matter of possible Town withdrawal from Bremerton Port District continued. Inquiry of Frank McIntyre regarding possible purchase of alder timber on land owned by Town in Black Jack Creek area continued for report from Engineer. Further consideration of issuing Police Commission cards without bonding holders cohtinued. Acting Clerk read a letter to Puget Sound Power and Light Company requesting the installation of two additional 2500 Lumen street lights in Jones Addition and moving and existing street light .on Sidney to the intersection of Jones Drive and Sidney Street. This request authorized on motion by Nichols, seconded by Caldwell, and carried. No action taken on request for mercury vapor light in parking area behind Rice Electric on Bay Street. Police Chief Dow reported that effective April 15, 1959, the Sheriff's Office will be receiving police Balls from 12 Midnight until 8 A.M. and will be in direct radio contact with Town patrol car at all times. Matter of State Law permitting right turns at traffic light discussed with no action being taken to limit right turns at traffic light on Boy and Sidney Streets at the present time. Chief Dow also requested that the grass strip between driveways on the west side of City Hall be converted to parking area. Request referred to Parks Playgrounds and Buildings Committee for investigation and report, Mayor reported that delivery of new police car should be within two weeks. The following claims checked by heads of departments and by themembers of the Finan ea and Auditing Committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried. Gladys E. Kratz Donald C. Corey Donald M. Cunningham Gordon V. Vettleson Albert V. Raygor B. J. McJw Perrine & Thompson Roney's Inc. Warren Williams Betty Williams V. B. Caldwell Trading Post Russel L. Sweany, Inc. Pacific Teles:-& Tele Co. Puget Sound Pov er & Light Co. Port Orchard Independent Sargent -Sowell, Inc. Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Thomp son' s Trick & Murray Wilkins Dist. Co. Inc. V. B. Caldwell Trading Post Kitsep County Auditor F. E. Lan gar Agency Mary Lu Melton Lester R. Helm Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Deal's Burroughs Corp. Russell L. Sweany Ins. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Police office duty $135.00 Police service 112.86 Police service 40.98 Police service 27.32 Police service 27.32 Cutting grass and etc. (City Hall) 16.32 Adv. Exp. Sidney Road L.I.D. & Mimio of Ease. 43.70 Throttle Controls (Fire Dept) 33.48 Witness Fees (Police Court) 4.20 Witness Fees (Police Court) 4.20 Sandpaper (Fire Dept) 1.34 Insurance Prem. on 2 Fire Trucks & Police car 70.29 Police, Fire & Clerk Telephone & Tolls 57.60 Street Lights 426.05 Police file cards etc(19.01) Publ. Warr. Calls21.77 2 Police Shields 4.07 Gasoline for Police 41.34 Time Book (Police 2,79 1 Doz. memo Books (Police) 2.59 4 doz. Flashlight batteries 6.45 Floor wax (City Hail) 3.57 Recording fees, Ord. #650 & 630 3.00 Gale Dow Police Ch. official bond Prem. 10.00 WATER FUND Ads't Clerk-Treas. $58.18 Labor on pipe lines 32.64 Pov er, all plants 230.70 1 can wonder -wash .43 Mechanical Service Agreement Yearly 196.33 Insurance Prem on 2 pickups 24.03 WATER FUND (continued) Pacific Tole-& Tole Co. Telephone and tolls Port Orchard Machine Shop Brakets rod and welding Badger Meter Mfg. Co. Water meters V. B. Caldwell Trading Post Padlock and file Kitsap Motors Pickup repair Dept. of Conservation Ground water permit Pacific Tole. & Tole. Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Kitsap Motors Prichard Shell Service Lester R. Helm Lester R. Helm V. B. Caldwell Trading Post Columbia Equip. Co. Russell L. Sweany, Ins. Deal's Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Fort Orchard Machine Shop Morrison Gravel Co. Wilkins Dist. Co. Inc. Standard Oil Co. of Calif. B. J. Meier V. B. Caldwell Trading Post STREET FUND Telephone and tolls Bay street garage Repair shovel Tire Repair Labor on city streets Operating power broom on Bay Street Bolts & Nuts Shovel parts Insurance Prom. on Street Equipment Brake Fluid B&lt Gasoline and stove oil Repair chain, labor and parts for shovel 3 yds gravel Oil filters and grease PARK FUND Stove Oil Cutting grass at Little League WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND 1 axe, 1 chain and saw file Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Winebrenner and carried. s MAYOR $18.90 3.98 350.00 3.84 11.02 3.00 $12.15 10.40 19.43 3.12 212.16 9'7.92 4.07 4173 172.96 7.00 105.41 36.84 5.'74 14.00 7.32 6.12 5.99 Port Orchard, Wash. April 27, 1959 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present were Councilmen Harold G. Baker, Verd W. Nichols and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Don Thompson; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police Gale W. Dow, Absent Council- man Dusty C. Winebrenner and Vern B. Caldwell. Minutes of meeting of April 13, 1959, read and corrected to read as follows; "Engineer Sprague reported that sewage disposal preliminary plans were being prepared and after being approved by the Council, would be sent to the State for approval be- fore accompanying the application forms requesting 30% Federal mid Financing." Chairman Nichols of the Streets and Alleys Committee reported that members of his committee and Don Thompson, Attorney, had met with Mrs. Charles Grieve and L. B. Lundy in regard to solution of parking problem on Rockwell Street, and recommended "No Park- ing" signs be posted on east side of street bordering the Grieve buildAng. Chairman Nichols further stated that his committee informed Mr. Lundy that he would be denied use of that portion of Rockwell Street which he had filled, if there are any more comp- laints received regarding this situation. This being the date on which matter of annexation of certain property, being in part uplands and tidelands in the vicinity of Maple Street Waterway and Beach Load was set for hearing, matter was called up by Mayor Hall. There being no valid opposition an Ordinance for annexation of the area was read to the Council and adopted on motion by Baker, seconded by Nichols and carried unanimously. Engineer reported on Sidney Road L.I.D. stating that most property owners in the area had signed right-of-way deeds, but a few had not complied. Mayor suggested Engineer ask William Klein, Sidney Road resident, to contact those who have not signed in order to expedite proceedings. I-) Mr. Campbell of the bonding firm of Southwick, Campbell and Co. and Mr. Ellsworth, Executive Vice President of William Harper & Sons, Bond Consultants appeared be- fore the Council to offer their assistance and services to the 'Town in regard to financing proposed Town improvements. Don Cheyney appeared before the Council on behalf Qf-jroperty owners in the ah. Jones Addition and requested Council approval of pud to form a Local Improve- ment District for a sewer extension system to serve the Addition. He was informed of the Town's approval and cooperation in this matter. A discussion was held between interested citizens of the Annapolis-Retsil and East Port Orchard area and the Council in regard to proposed annexation of area to Town, sewage disposal system financing and etc. Mr. Heng reported that petitions were being signed readily with very little opposition for calling an election for the purpose of annexin# to the Town. Further time granted to the Parks, Playgrounds and Buildings Committee regarding proposal of ''unior Chamber of Commerce to paint walls and refinish floors in Taylor Street Recreation Building, and also the request of Chiif of Police for additional parking space on Town Hall grounds. Attorney Don Thompson reported that the Kitsap County Prosecuting attorney is awaiting an opinion from the State Attorney General in regard to the Bremerton Port District. Matter continued. Chairman Nichols of the Street and Alley Committee stated he had received a complaint from Roy Howe of 922 Dwight Street concerning dust blowing on his prop- erty from Central playground. No action taken. Matter of sale of alder timber on Town owned property in Black Jack Creek area continued. Finance and Auditing Committee granted more time regarding issuance of Police Co;mission cards. Police Chief Dow brought up the matter of possible use of State Patrol Radar car in Town when it is in the area, the only cost to the Town being the erection of "Checked by Radar" signs at each entrance to town. After discussion, it was moved by Raker, seconded by Repanich and carried that the Town procure "Checked by Radar" signs for erection at the disignated spots to enable the Town to proceed with plans for periodic radar detection of-apgeding motorists. Superintendent Givens and Police Chief Dow, on behalf of Town employees, asked for a raise in pay for employees in their Departments. Referred to Finance and Auditing Committee. Superintendent stated that since Annapolis Water District rejuvenated their well #7, there has been a fall -off in the Town's well #6 flow, which necessitates securing a pump. He further stated he could procure a used pump for $250.00. Superintendent was authorized to punchas.esame on motion by.Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried. Superintendent also informed the Council that the oil heat- er in use at the Taylor St. Recreation Building meeting room is in need of immediate replacement or repair. Referred to Parks, Playgrounds and Buildings Committee. Chief of Police presented to the Council proposed plans for painting, tiling floor and etc. in the Police Dept. offices. Referred to the Buildings Committee. On Behalf of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, Chief of Police requested permission to erect "Welcome to Port Orchard" signs at Town limits. Request tabled until next meeting. The following claims checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing Committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried. B. J. Meier Gladys E. Kratz Donald C. Corey Harold W. Michael Harold W. Michael Gordon V. Vettleson Donald M. Cunningham Albert V. Raygor Town Clerk Tri County Typewriter Co. Port Orchard Independent R. L. Sweany Insurance Tidewater Oil Co. Howe Hardware Slocum Hardware CURRENT 101PENSE FUND Work on City Hall Lawn Police Office Police Service Police dispatcher Unused vacation pay (6 days) Police service Police service Police service Adv. Exp. Postage etc. File cards for Police Dept. Stationery for Police -letter heads Clerk Bodily injury & Prop. damage Blk Ins Deisel Fuel Town Hall Grass catcher janitor supplies Fire Hyd. Valave & Fertilizer & etc. 22.44 100.00 70.05 81.00 81.96 13.66 13.66 27.32 11.11 2.44 20.27 1,129.29 103.46 32.83 23.61 WATER FUND Town Clerk Overall Cleaning & Sply Co. Howe Hardware Mary Lru Melton Slocum Hardware Lester R. Helm Fremont Electric Co. Saidon's Howe Hardware Slocum Hardware Nelander Construction Co. Town Clerk The Puget Sound News Co. Lester R. Helm B. J. Meier Slocum Hardware Slocum Hardware Adv. Exp.'Bridge Toll 1.00 Shop Towels 2.05 Keys locks 11.99 Ass't Clerk-Treas. 33.12 See Voucher 10173 343.71 l STREET FUND Labor on City St. $148.92 Parts for Chev. Bump truck 18.50 Truck Tires 71.20 Merchandise 29.41 See Voucher #6853 54.18 LIBRARY FUND Magazine Rack and Book cart 149.71 Adv. Exp box rent 1.20 Books 31.11 Labor at park and.tennis courts $14.28 Labor at ball parks 22.44 See Voucher #855 105.42 WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND See Voucher #154 74.07 Meeting adjourned on motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried. Atting Cleric --Mayor Port Orchard, Washington May 11, 1959 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilman Harold G. Baker, Dusty C. Winebrenner, Verd W. Nichols, Vern B. Caldwell and Nick J. Repanich; Attorneys Dudley N. Perrine and Don Thompson; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police Gale W. Dow. Minutes of meeting of April 270 1959 read and approved. Hammond and Collier, Engineers presented prel.imimary plans for sewage disposal system to the Council. Of the two plans presented, the No. 1 plan to serve the entire Annapolis-Retsil and Port Orchard area was chosen by the Council to be considered for approval at the next meeting on May 259 1959. The Council recommended that the Health and Sanitation Comxaittee meet with the Engineers prior to the Council meeting to go over the plans in regard to revision of cost and etc. before acceptance. Engineers stated that the Town would gain additional points toward securing 30% Federal aid financing if a contract for engineering had been signed. After consideration and stgdy of contract submitted by the Engineering firm of Hammond, Collier and Isaac, A motion was made by Nichols, seconded by Winebrenner and carried that the Town approve and sign the contract engaging the Engineering firm of Hammond, Collier asd Isaac for the sewage disposal project. On motion by Barer, seconded by Repanich and carried, a resolution was passed to utilize funds in the Sewer Fund for the operation of the sewage disposal plant. A copy of this resolution to accompany application for Federal aid. Advisability of restoring sewer charges to users referred to the Health and Sanitation Committee for investigation and report. Attorney stated he had received inquiries from George Eisentrout, South Kitsap Super- intendent of Schools, and also from the Engineers regarding proportion of cost to be borne by Revenue bonds and by L.I.D. bonds in proposed sewage disposal. project. Attorney to confer with Terry Thompson, Bond Consutant in this matter. On motion by Nichols, seconded by Winebrenner and carried, a resolution was passed, setting up a Sewer Survey Fund, at the request of the State Examiner and authorizing the transfer of $1,990.62 from the Sewer Fund to the Sewer Survey Fund. Mrs. A. N. Jones appeared before the Council stating that plans had been changed in regard to formation of an L.I.D. in the Jones Addition for the purpose of a sewer extension to s"v& the. area. She further stated she would assume the cost of the project which the Superintendent had estimated at $52200.00. Referred to Superintendent and Attorney to arrange financial details with Mrs. Jones. R. J. Caretti of 920 Dwight Street appeared before the Council asking for an investigation of conditions at Central Playground relative to dust and dirt blow- ing to adjacent residences. He was assured of the Cou.ncil's cooperation in this matter when this condition is most offensive. A petition for the annexation of certain property to the Town was presented to the Council by Robert Gehring on behalf of the petitioners, Robert A. Gehring, Glennys Rae Gehring, Ralph T. Connell and M. Alberta Connell. After discussion and con- sultation with Engineer, the date for hearing was set for May 25, 1959 at 7:30 p.m. on motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried. Mr. Ed Chapman appeared before the Council to present a petition with sufficient signatures to cail for an annexation election in the Annapolis-Retsil and adjacent area described in petition, for the purpose of annexing to the Town of Port Orchard. Before taking any action in this matter, it was decided that an informal hearing should be held at the next Council meeting, !Aay 25, 1959 to give the residents of the Town an opportunity to express their opinions regarding the proposed annexa- tion of this area, with notice to be given in the form of a news item to be published in the local papers. William Cruikshank, garbage service operator appeared before the Council regarding proposed sale of garbage service to Lloyd Granquist of Port Orchard, thus necessitat- ing cancellation of present franchise with the Town and issuance of a new franchise for purchaser. Matter referred to Health and Sanitation committee to submit re- commendations. W. M. Prigger appeared before the Council requesting renewal of )case on parcel of land in the garbage tract at $5.00 per month. Request granted on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Bker and carried. Attorney reported that not all right-of-way deeds in the proposedSidney Road L.I.D. area have been signed. Chairman Baker of the Parks, Playgrounds and Buildings Committee reported that his committee had met to investigate and consider requests for proposed improvements, and recomended the following; converting strip of lawn on west side of Town Hall to parking area by blacktopping same; the renovating of Police offices, Town to furnish paint and tile, also new counter top and cabinet; authorization for Junior Chamber of Commerce to paint floors and walls in Taylor Street Recreation Building, the Town furnisheing materials and replacement of oil heater at Taylor Street Building. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried, these improvements were authorized. Permission granted to Gale Dow to remove tool shed building from Central Playground on motion by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried. Engineer reported on alder timber on Town owned property in Black Jack Creek area, and it was agreed not to sell any timber at this time, Superintendent to inform Mr. MacIntyre of this action. Chairman Repanich of the Finance and Auditing Committee reported on the request for raise in pay for town employees, recommending an increase of $15.00 per month for Superintendent and $10.00 per month for regular employees. After discussion, it was moved by Baker, seconded by Nichols and carried that recommendations of committee be accepted and that ordinance providing for recommended pay scale be passed. Councilman Nichols suggested that a letter of thanks for service rendered the Town during his employment be sent to H. J. Kilpatrick upon his retirement May 22, 1959. Mayor stated he had received a request from Ted Thompson, owner of TeW s Thtlft y for a crosswalk in vicinity of Bank and Bay Streets, Referred to Superintendent for investigation and rport. As "Miss Washington" is a resident of Port Orchard, Mayor Hall suggested Attorney prepare a resolution appointing her an "Ambassador of Good Will" for the Town of Port Orchard. Matter of the Town paying entire cost of Medical Aid premium for Town employees referred to Attorney for reply to proper authorities. Letter from Don Busson of 1131 West Street in regard to drainage as it affects his property, referred to Superintendent and Street and Alley Committee for report. Letter from Department of Natural Resourced regarding vacation of Maple Street Naterway received and filed. George Eisentrout, South Kitsap Superintendent of Schools appeared before the Council to report that the School Board could not take any action in relocating their sewer outfall until the Town adopts a sewage disposal plan. Chairman Caldwell of the Fire and Light Committee reported on proposed building code he had been reviewing, and stated members,,of his committee would meet with a rep- resentative of the Planning Commission and any interested citizens at a later date in regard to consideration of this code for possible adoption by the Council. The following claims checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing Committee were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried. CURRENT 9"ENSE FUND Gladys E. Kratz Police office #83,.41 Albert V. Raygor Police service 14.08 Donald M. Cunningham Police service 42.24 Donald C. Corey police service 75.68 Harold Michael Police dispatcher 85,625 Port Orchard Independent Mimio paper, police 4.58 Port Orchard Independent Folders, Clerk and police 5,67 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Street and Town Hall lights 536.60 Perrine & Thompson Reimb. Sidney Road L.I.D. expenses 5.29 Traffic Control Signs Co. Checked by Radar signs (6) 30.36 Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Police car repairs, oil change 70.69 B. J. Meier Labor cutting grass, City Hall 8.40 WATER FUND Mary Lu Melton Ass't. Clerk-Treas. $33.12 Bremerton printing Co. 2 M. Ledger sheets 47.53 Anderson Ditch Digging Ditching for water service line 8.32 American Plubmh & St Sply Co. Fittings 10.31 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power, all plants, Cathodic 272.32 Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Truck repairs (Chev. pickup) 91.69 STREET FUND Lester R. Holm Labor &n City Streets $163.80 Overall Cleaning & Sply. Shop Towels 3.10 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Kendall and Bay Street garages 8.80 Harry Russak Truck Co. Part for 'sweeper 20.80 Transport Clearings P.S. Freight an sweeper part 2.28 LIBRARY FUND Puget Sound News Co. Books 9.11 Mrs. A. P. Kunzleman Assisting in Library 12.00 Leila Nordby Relief Librarian 15.00 PARK FUND Lester R. Helm Labor at City Ball Park 4.20 B. J. Meier Labor in parks 60.90 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Taylor street Ree. Center, Tennis Courts 12.44 Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Nichols and carried. �a ActIng Clerk mayor Port Orchard, Washington (� June 89 1959 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilman Harold G. Baker, Dusty C. dinebrenner, Nick J. Repanich and Vern B. Caldwell; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine and Don Thompson; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police Gala W. Dow. Absent Councilman Verd W. Nichols. Minutes of meeting of May 25, 1959 reed and approved. i� E. F. Hillstrom appeared before the Council to inquire of Sidney Road L.I.D. progess. He was informed by the Attorney that not all the right-of-way easements had been signed and returned, and that there might have to be a revision in the preliminary estimate to include the cost of acquiring right-of-way before a hearing is called on the preliminary assessment roll. He further stated letters could be sent to those property owners of the remaining portion of right-cf-.way needed stating the estimate of assessment excluding and including costs of acquiring right-of-ways, as the Town could not proceed until thisatt i m er s settled. Port Orchard, Washington May 25, 1959 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilman Harold G. Baker, Dusty C. Winebrenner, Verd W. Nichols, Nick J. Repanich and Vern B. Caldwell; Attorney Don Thompson; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police Gale W. Dow. Minutes of meeting of May 11, 1959 Read and approved. Chairman Winebrenner of the Health and Sanitation Committee reported his committee had met with the Consulting Engineers in regard to preliminary plans for sewage disposal project, and recommended that action be deferred for epproval of a plan until a supplemental plan requested by the committee is added to the existing report ( } prepared by the Engineers. Mr. Collier, Consulting Engineer informed the Council that the deadline for applica- tion for Federal aid had been extended to June 15, 1959, and all necessary arrange- ments were being completed to meetthis time limit. Upon request of Mr. Hammond, Consulting Engineer, a resolution was passed on motion yby Winebrenner, seconded by Repanich and carried authorizing Mayor Hall to sign the application for Federal aid for sewage disposal project. Matter of restoring sewer charges to users to be considered at .a later date, upon advice of Chairman Winebrenner of the Sanitation Co--mnittee. Mrs. A. N. Jones again appeared before the Council regarding the proposed sewer extension to serve the Jones Addition and stated that she contemplated having the work done by a private contractor and requested aid from the Town in backfilling lines. After discussion, Mayor informed Mrs. Jones that the Town could not assume the financing of anypart of the project. This being the date on which the matter of annexation of certain property at the south-easterly limits of the Town was set for hearing, matter was called hp by Mayor Hall, There being no opposition, an Ordinance for annexation of the area was read to the Council and adopted as Ordinannee No. 657 on motion by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried unanimously. Chairman Winebrenner of the Sanitation Committee reported his committee had met with Wm. Cruikshank, garbage service operator regarding the rescinding of garbage franchise with the Town due to proposed sale of garbage service, and the negotiat- ing of a new franchise with purchaser. He reported it was the opinion of the of the committee that the purchaser shouk be given an opportunity to enter into a contract with the Town for geirbage service. He further stated that present operator had agreed to clear up all present obligatiohs to the Town. It was moved by Baker, seconded by Winebrenner and carried to recind the present garbage franchise with William Cruikshank, at his request and for the purpose of selling his garbage service, and to offer purchaser of garbage service a new rive year franchise with a five year renewal option. This being the date set for informal hearing on approval or rejection of petition calling for an annexation election for the purpose of annexing certain territory in the Annapolis-Retsil and adjacent areas to the 'Town; and there being no resid- ent of the Town appearing in opposition, it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Nichols and carried unanimously to approve the petition and assume responsibility for the cost of said election. Attorney reported that all remaining right-of-way deeds to be signed by property owners in the Sidney Road L.I.D. had been mailed out and a few had been returned at this date. Matter of issuance of Police commission cards continued. Request for crosswalk in vicinity of Bank and Bay Streets continued. Matter of Town paying entire cost of Medical Aid premium continued for report from Attorney. Report on investigation of drainage problem on property of Don Busson continued. C. F. Clark, resident of Mitchell Road appeared before the Council concerning i maintenance of sewer system if Annapolis Sewer District area is annexed. He informed that upon annexation, all utilities in the area would become the property of the Town, to be maintained and controlled according to Town policy. After discussion as to the advisability of persons being employed by the Town who are immediate relativesto members of the Council or Mayor, it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Caldwell and carried that the Town establish a policy not to hire immediate relatives of members of the Council or Mayor to work for the Town, Department heads to be informed of this action by letter. George Eisentrout, South Kitsap Superintendent of Schools appeared before the Council to report that the School Board could not take any action in relocating their sewer outfall until the Town adopts a sewage disposal plan. Chairman Caldwell of the Fire and Light Committee reported on proposed building code he had been reviewing, and stated members of his committee would meet with a rep- resentative of the Planning Commission and any interested citizens at a later date in regard to consideration of this code for possible adoppion by the Council. The following claims checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing Committee were read to the Council and ordered .paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried. CURRENT EKPENSE FUND Gladys E. Kratz Police office #83,6'41. Albert V. Raygor Police service 14.08 Donald M. Cunningham Police service 4224 Donald C. Corey Police service 75.68 Harold Michael Police dispatcher 85,625 Port Orchard Independent Mimio paper, police 4.58 Port Orchard Independent Folders, Clerk and police 5,67 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Street and Town Hall lights 536.60 Perrine & Thompson Reimb. Sidney Road L.I.D. expenses 5.29 Traffic Control Signs Co. Checked by Radar signs (6) 30.36 Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Police car repairs, oil change 70.69 B. J. Meier Labor cutting grass, City Hall 8.40 WATER FUND Mary Lu Melton Ass't. Clerk-Treas. $33.12 Bremerton printing Co. 2 M. Ledger sheets 47.53 .Anderson Ditch Digging Ditching for water service line 8.32 American Plubmh & St Sply Co. Fittings 10.31 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power, all plants, Cathodic 272.32 Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Truck repairs (Chev. pickup) 91.69 STREET FUND Lester R. Helm 6 Labor in City Streets 163.80 Overall Cleaning & Sply. Shop Towels 3.10 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Kendall and Bay Street garages 8.80 Harry Russak Truck Co. Part for sweeper 20.80 n Transport Clearings P.S. Freight on sweeper part 2.28 LIBRARY FUND Puget Sound News Co. Books 9.11 Mrs. A. P. Kunzleman Assisting in Library 12.00 Leila Nordby Relief Librarian 15.00 PARK FUND Lester R. Helm Labor at City Ball Park 4.20 B. J. Meier Labor in parks 60.90 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Taylor street Rec. Center, Tennis Courts 12.44 Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Nichols and carried. Acting cleric mayor Port Orchard, Washington June B, 1959 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilman Harold G. Baker, Dusty C, Winebrenner, Nick J. Repanich and Vern B. Caldwell; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine and Don Thompson; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police Gale W. Dow. Absent Councilman Verd W. Nichols. Minutes of meeting of May 250 1959 read and approved. E. F. Hillstrom appeared before the Council to inquire of Sidney Road L.I.D. progess. He was informed by the Attorney that not all the right-of-way easements had been signed and returned, and that there might have to be a revision in the preliminary estimate to include the cost of acquiring right-of-way before a hearing is called on the preliminary assessment roll. He further stated letters could be sent to those property owners of the remaining portion of right -of -wag needed stating the estimate of assessment excluding and including costs of acquiring right-of-ways, as the Town could not proceed until this matter is settled. Attorney James Maddock appeared before the Council on behalf of his client, Lloyd Granquist, Garbage Service operator, to request that a provision to dump rural garbage at the Town dump be included in the new garbage franchise between the Town and Granquist Brothers. This request granted on motion by 'Winebrenner, Seconded by Caldwell and carried. Dick McCann appeared before the Council to submit plans for a proposed 6" water line to provide better water pressure for some Ross Creek Water District residents, who are considering annexation to the Town. 'vlatter referred to the ;Vater and S•anitgtion Committee for consideration of plans and report. Lloyd Granquist, Garbage Service operator presented a request to park his garbage truck at the Kendall Street garage grounds, and also for permission to use the stall facilities inside the garage to maintain the truck when needed. Permission granted to park garage truck only on grounds and use stall facilities for mainten- ance of garbage truck, under the supervision of the Superintendent of Public Works, on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Caldwell and carried. Councilman Baker reported that the Board of County Commissioners would meet on June 15, 1959, and after consideration of the Annapolis area petition calling for an annexation election to the Town, would probably set July 6, 1959, as the date for the hearing on this matter. Councilman Vinebrenner reported that the supplemental plan to the existing sewage disposal Engineering report had not been submitted as.yet due to the uncertainty of the Annapolis-Retsil area being annexed to the Town. Matter of restoring sewer charges to users continued. Report from Finance and Auditing Committee on issuance of Police Commission cards continued. After report from Superintendent as to establishment of a cross -walk in the vicinity of Bank and Bay Streets, as requested by Ted Thompson, it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Caldwell and carried to establish a crosswalk on the north side of the Bank and Bay Street intersection. Upon direction of Attorney, acting Clerk was instructed to pay full amount of Medical Aid premium for Town Employees Prom Town Funds. Matter of Street drainage affecting the property of Don Busson continued. Matter of proposed new building code continued. Letter of resignation from Verd W. Nichols, as a member of the Council was re- ceived and accepted by the mayor and Council. Naming of successor to fill this vacancy was discussed. Acting Clerk presented a request for an emergency appropriation of $3,207.75 in the ' Current Expense Fund of which $2,350.00 is for police car expenditures, $144.00 board and room for Town prisoners, $700.00 for parking meter expenditures and $13.75 Association of 9fashington Cities. She also asked for an emergency appr opreation Of $500.00 in the Stteet Fund for equipment repair. On motion by Winebrenner and seconded by Baker request for emergency appropriations was granted and ordinance providing for these emergencies was passed unanimously on first reading. Acting Clerk asked that she be authorized to transfer $100.54 from the Water Fund to the Water Revenue Bond Fund, 1957, Principal and Interest Account in order to redeem three Bonds of the 1957 issued. She stated that as -of May 31, 1959 there was $13,943.55 in the Water Fund. Authority to transfer money as requested granted on motion by Repanich, seconded by vvinebrenner and carried. After discussion as to repayment of loan for Street Department loader to Current Expense Fund, Acting Clerk was authorized to draw warrant in the amount of $3,000.00 on the Street Fund for pabtial payment to Current Expense Fund for repayment of loader, on motion by Repanich, seconded by Winebrenner and carried. Chief of Police su,gested changes regarding police phone system. Matter referred. to Finance and Auditing Committee for study and report. t Chief of Police reported the new police car was now in use and proving very sa.tia-- factory, and stated that the now car manual calls for the use of Ethyl gasoline, and that the Town has been purchasing regular grade for use in police car. Matter referred to Finance and Auditing Committee for report. Chief of Police brought up the matter of the New Wage and Hour Law as it would apply to employees in his Department. After discussion, an Emergency Ordinance was passed setting up a wage scale of $1.62 per hour for regularly employed patrolmen for a 48 hour work -week, even though 8 hours of said work -week is paid at time and one-half overtime scale. This action taken on motion by Repanich, seconded by Caldwell and carried unanimously. Acting Clerk announced that the Census Board had unofficially listed the population of the Town at 3,100, an .increase of 25 over 1958. The following claims checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing Committee were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Winebrenner seconded by Baker and carried: Donald C. Corey Donald Tvt. Cunningham Gordon V. Vettleson Albert V. Raygor Gladys E. Kratz Harold Michael H. J. Kilpatrick Lundy Sales Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Nic Of Ray Battery Sales Port Orchard Vaiety Store Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Pacific Tole. & Tole. Co. Tidewater Oil Co. Lester R. Helm Mary Lu 1'delton Service Hardwar & Emplement PacificTEle.& Tole. Co. Van's Lumber Supply Co. Anderson Ditch Digging Beacon Electric Trick & Murray Van's Lumber Supply Americ$n Plmbg: & St, Sply Wilkins Distrib. Co. Howe Hardware V. B. Caldwell Trading Post Bill Whitehead Franics Whitehead Russel Kuhn Lester R. Helm Lester R. Helm Robert Jones Bremerton Concrete Products Howe Hardware Kitsap Motors Port Orchard Machine Shop Pacific Tole. & Tole. Co. Van's Lumber Supply Standard Oil Co. of Calif. V. B. Caldwell Trading Post CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Police service Police service Police service Police service Police office Police Dispatcher Labor cutting grass, City Hall Materials for Police Office Gasoline for Police 3 Tires, Police car Keys, fire Dept., Supplies Police Car Telephone and.tolls Diesel fuel, Town Hall WATER FUND Labor on water lines Ass't Clerk -leas. Co. Pump and installation for Telephone and tolls Lumber & Ma-�eriais Water line ditch, uncover Couplings Water meter book sheets Brick, drain tile Co. Altitude guage Oil File Pipe &, Fittings police well #6 drain line Well #6 Labor painting water towers Labor painting water towers Labor painting water towers STREET FUND Labor on City Streets Operating power broom on Bay Mower rental with operator Drain tile Rat Poison Truck & Sweeper repairs tat Repairs Telephone Lumber, paint and supplies Gasoline and stove oil Supplies PARK FUND H. J. Kilpatrick Labor at ball fields & V. B. Caldwell Trading Post Oil Heater, tire pump, Vans Lumber Supply Nails and lumber Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Stove Oil, Taylor St. Howe Hardware Co. Wire Netting Van's Lumber Supply SEWER FUND Cement Street city park mdse. Rear. Center Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Winebrenner and carried. Acting Clerk Mayor $72.16 42.24 17.60 14.08 99.45 96.10 8.40 25.68 62.63 61.03 5.09 2,503.51 62.50 86.87 fN37. 80 49.68 794.54 27.55 4.53 39.52 2.41 50.62 7.23 6.49 .47 1.04 13.85 91.00 243.25 192.50 130.20 87.15 40.00 26.68 1.50 61.45 5.46 11.85 81.02 68.75 4.76 $42.00 86.77 2.08 7.36 22.'75 t 1.14 Port Orchard, Washington June 22, 1959 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilmen Harold G. Baker, Dusty C. Winebrenner, Nick J. Repanich, Vern B. Caldwell and Paul D. Powers,.incoming Councilman; Attorney Don Thompson; Superintendent of Public Works George F.-Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief M. Sprague and Chief of Police Gala W. Dow. On motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried unanimously, Paul D. Powers was duly elected to the office of Councilman to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Verd N. Nichols, and was sworn into office by the Acting Clerk. Minutes of meeting of June S. 1959 read and approved as correctdd. Mayor announced the following changes in committee assignments: Finance and Auditing Committee, Nick J. Repanich, Chairman, Paul Powers and V. B. Caldwell; Parks, Play- grounds and Buildings Committee, Paul Powers, Chair=ni' Harold G. Baker and Dusty C. Winebrenner; Streets and Alleys Committee, narold G. Baker, Chairman, Nick J._Re- panich and Dusty C. Winebrenner; Fire and Light Committee, V. B. Caldwell, Chairman Harold G. Baker and Paul D. Powers. James R. Brinkerhoff of 830 DeKalb Street appeared before the Council requesting that the Town extend a cement wall he proposes to build on his property line Adjacent to Central P3ayground. He stated this wall if raised to a sufficient height, with the existing fence on top would stop baseballs from hitting his house and creating a hazardous situation, Matter referred to Parks and Playgrounds committee to meet with Superintendent and Mr. Brinkerhoff to ascertain costs and etc. Gilbert Gray, interested party to the proposed Ross Creek Water District improvements submitted to the Council at the Last meeting by Dick McCann,was present to present views and problems of cartain residents of the area in regard to obtaining sufficient water pressure. Chairman Winebrenner of the Water Committee reported his committee had mat to consider the request and plans submitted, and It was the recommendation of the committee to the Oouncil, that no changes or improvements be made to supply Ross Creek Water District or any system outside of the Town limits. Mayor requested Attorney to review Ross Creek Water District agreement with the Tomn in regard to the Townes responsibilities to the District. Attorney reported that more right-of-way deeds had been signed and approximately 2/3 were in at this time in the Sidney Road L.I.D. area. Chairman Repanich of the Finance and Auditing Committee reported his committee had met concerning issuance of police commission cards without bonding holders and re- ported this matter would be continued until a later date for further advice from Attorney; also it was the recommendation of the committee that no change in the present phone system in the police office be authorized at this time. He futher stated the committee recommended installation of a light on a poll by Myhre's Cafe which could be switched on from police office notifying an officer on duty to call In, thus eliminating the need for the police phone downtown. These recommendations were adopted on motion by Repanich, seconded by Powers and carried. In regard to the use of Ethyl or premium grade gasoling in the Police car, Chairman Repanich of the Finance and Auditing Committee stated it was the opinion of his committee that before determining which grade to use, both grades should be used for trial periods and the car checked for performance during this time. Ordinance providing for emergency expenditure of $3,207.75 from CurrentsExpense Fund for police car expenditures, board and room for Town prisoners, parking meter expenditures and Assan. of ':'rash. Cities dues; and further providing for the expend- iture of $500.00 from the Street Fund for equipment repair was presented on second reading and passed unanimously on motion by Repanich, seconded by Baker and adopted as Ordinance No. 660. The appointment by Mayor of Robert Lloyd as Clerk -Treasurer for the Town and conse- quent removal of Lorraine Carraway as Acting Clerk to her former position of Assist- ant Clerk as of July 1, 1959, was confirmed on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Repanich and carried unanimously. By mutual agreement of Council and 11"ayor, Town employees were given a day off to compensate for the 4th of July holiday being on Saturday, this day off to be taken at discretion of Department heads. garbage Franchise for Lloyd IV. and Walter F. Granquist d/b/a Port Orchard Garbage Service, which had been authorized by the Council at the meeting of Matjr 25, 1959, was presented by Attorney. Action deferred for receipt of $800.00 franchise payments from 'Sm. Cruikshank former operator. :Mayor announced the appointment of Dan B2ssen to the P1ffinning Commission. After discussion and explanation bir Air. Ed Heister, local nanager for Puget Sound Power and Light Co. in regard to a 125.00 charge to the Town for moving a street light, payment was authorized on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried. Fire Chief lom Bcntrager of the Volunteer Fire Department appeared before the Council to inform them of the Acquisition of a government surplus Fire Truck, for which the Department had been negotiating for some time. He reported it is a 750 gal. per minute pumper with a 2-stage pump, and plans are underway to equip it for possible use from the Taylor St. Recreation Building garage. Puget Sound Power and Light Co. Mercury Vapor Street sighting Contract presented and referred to Attorney to check before being approved. Acting Clerk read a letter from Margaret Raemp, Kitsap County Civil Defense Director requesting the Town to contribute their share of the 1959 budget which is $358.50. _clatter referred to Finance And Auditing Committee for budget report, ^nd a review of the Civil Defense Ordinance requested by Mayor. A discussion was held regarding the sale of additional water revenue bonds to finance Black Jack Creek water main project, which work had been authorized as part of improvements to be financed under Ordinance #639 providing for the issuance and sale of water revenue bonds in the amoant of not to exceed $95,000.00 par value. Matter referred to Attorney to consult with Terry Thompson, bond broker in regard to t'-is matter. On :notion by 4inebrenner, seconded by Powers and carried unanimously, Acting Clerk was authorized to change the semi-monthly pay days from the loth and 25th of each month to the lst and 16th of each month for those regular employees on the monthly payroll. Acting Cl�:rk read a letter from the Longbranch Improvement Club requesting permiss- ion to use a loud speaker through Town during dance season. Request was granted upon securing proper license from Town Clerk. Finance and AuditAng Committee to review Ordinance No. 460 regarding the use of sound truck vehicles on the streets of the Town, and the license fee. The following claims checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance amd Auditing Committee were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried: CURRENT ;EXPENSE FUND Donald C. Corey Police Service $ 110.00 harold Michael Police service (dispatcher) 93.00 Gladys E. Kratz Police office 95.22 B. J. Meier Labor mowing grass, City Hall 3.16 Town Clerk Reimbursement for adv. Exp. 28.57 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Street lights and moving street light 451.05 R. L. Sweany Insurance Addn'l premium, Public Lia. and F.D. 42.37 Kitsap County Road Dist. #2 Screen install, in police car 36.23 Port Orchard Independent Publish Ord. #658-659 13.71 Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Police car repairs 4.94 G. L. Rothenberg Radio installation in police car 36.19 WATER FUND Mary Lu lVielton Ass't Clerk-Treas. $ 47.84 Robert Jones Labor on water lines 33,60 Town Clerk Advanced expenses 66.10 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. -Power, all plants 333.20 Anderson Ditch Digging Ditching for water ditches :�6.56 STREET FUND Lester R. Helm Labor on City Streets 168.00 Lyle D. Nichols Labor on City Streets 184.80 Richard A. Brown Labor on City Streets 92.44 Robert Jones Mowing weeds along streets 125.00 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Bay street garage 7.40 Dear s Clearance lights for trucks 1.85 PARK FUND H. J. Kilpatrick Labor on ball fields 49.35 H. J. Kilpatrick erroneous witholding tax deduction 7.05 B. J. lvieier Labor at ball parks 32.64 PoryOrchard Elec.& Spt. Shop Labor, materials, tennis cotztlights 96.31 Meeting adjourned on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried. 1 A ng Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington July 13, 1959 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilman Harold G. Baker, Paul D. Powers, Jr., Nick J. Repanich, Vern B. Caldwell; Attorney Dudley N. Ferrine and Don Thompson; Superin- tendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police Gale W. Dow. Absent Councilman Dusty C. ffinebrenner. Minutes of meeting of June 22, 1959 read and approved. Mrs. Ed Earing and members of the Tawanka Jr. NomenTs Club appeared before the Council requesting permission to erect a Jr. Federated Woments Club sigh at the south Sidney Road Town limits. Referred to Street and Alley committee, Harold Baker, Chairman, to work out details. A protest concerning the parking of cars in the Park at Givens Field during Babe Ruth League games was also received from the group, and they were assured this matter would be investigated and remedied. John. Breed, Dick Brinkerhoff, G. C. Triplett and Arvid Peterson appeared before the Council relative to restoring water services t the Knights of Pythias Cemetery. They were assured service would be restored after arrangements were made to assume water charges, being that the Town could not furnish water free to any user. Chairman Powers of the Parks, and Playgrounds committee reported his committee had met at the Central School Playground in regard to proposed concrete wall extension on property line of Dick Brinkerhoff and playground. It was the suggestion of the Committee that if the Council was agreeable to the Town extending the wall, the share of the cost for the Town should be 3/5 of the total cost, and Mr. Brinkerhoffts share, 2/5. It was the opinion of the committee that the wall extension would be the most feasible method of alleviating this hazardous condition which exists. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Powers and carried, the suggestions of the committee were adopted and the Superinten- dent, parks and Playgrounds committee were given power to act in securing at least three estimates of cost of construction and to proceed with the project. Attorney reported that no written agreement between the Town and Ross Creek 'dater Dist- rict for supplying water to that District could be found in Town records. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried unanimously, authorization was .given for -a letter to be sent to Ross Creek 'Hater District informing them of Town policy concerning the limiting of service to users now served and no increase be allowed in volume of water now supplied by the Town to Ross Creek 'Nater District. Attorney reported that some residents of Sidney road L.Z.D. area were reluctant to sign right-of-way deeds because of the loca'.i on of right-of-ways through their property. William Cline, resident of the area is contacting those property owners who are holding up proceedings. T_n regard to the matter of issuance of Police Commission cards, Chairman Repanich of the Finance and Auditing committee stated it w as not necessary for the holders to be bonded and that the Commissions should be issued at the request of the Chief of Police, and with the approval of the Mayor. This suggestion for issuance of cards was adopted on motion by Repanich, seconded by Caldwell and carried. After being approved as to form by Attorney, the Mercury Vapor Street Lighting Contract with Puget Sound Power & Light Co. was accepted and Mayor authorized to sign same on motion by Repanich, seconded by Powers and carried. Request for Civil Defense contribution for 1959 continued for report from Finance and Auditing committee regarding budget. Chairman Repanich stated the Civil Defense Ordin- ance -was passed, but never published. Mayor suggested Ordinance be held in obeyance. Attorney reported on conference with Terry Thompson, bond broker, and Town Clerk in regard to issuance of additional Water Revenue bonds to finance Black Jack Creek water project. He stated the bonds could be issued at the same rate of interest (4-.1%) if sold to local buyers. Superintendent estimated cost of project to be $7,500.00 excluding Engineering fees. Attorney also reported the sewer disposal system financing had been discussed, and it was the suggestion of Terry Thompson to combine Water and Sewer Funds, and issue straight Water and Sewer open-ended bonds, this being an advantage in marketing bonds. He further stated Mr. Thompson suggested the issuance of 40% Water - Sewer Revenue bonds and 60% General Obligation bonds to finance thS cost of the Sewage Disposal project, and offered a suggestion that the Council encourage the use of a Citizen's Advisory committee for publicity to the public. After discussion of Black Jack Creek water extension project. Clerk was directed to call for bids for material, bids to be opened July 27, 1959.on motion by Repanich, sec- onded by Baker and carried. Clerk stated the $800.00 garbage franchise fees had been received from Wm. Cruikshank. On motion by Powers, seconded by Repanich and carried, new franchise for Lloyd W. and '";falter F. Granquist was accepted and Mayor authorized to sign. Enforcement of Trade Stimulator Ordinance #585 was discussed, and after consulting Attorney, it was agreed that terms of Ordinance must be complied with by all con- cerned. Permission granted Police Chief to use Ethyl grade gasoline in Police car. (� Police Chief stated he was desirous of obtaining a radio bo be purchased by him, for use in his personal car to aid him in the performance of his duties, and requested that the Town purchase crystals for the set and pay for the installation of radio in the car. On motion by Powers, seconded by Repanich and carried, purchase of crystals for radio and installation of set in Police Chief's car was authorized. The following claims checked by heads of Departments and by the members of the Fin- ance and Auditing committee were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Caldwell, seconded by Repanich and carried. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND State of Wash. Div. of Purchasing Used pumper, Fire Dept. 600.00 Cookson's Service Fire truck tune-up 1.61 State Board for Volunteer Firemen Firements Disability fee, Geo. P. 3.00 Cleveland Motor Co. Police car repair 31.67 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Clerk, Police & Fire phones 69.60 Western Auto Supply Supplies, police car 1.58 Rice Electric Fire Dept. switches 5.63 Tidewater Oil Co. Diesel oil, Town Hall 19.92 P. 0. Independent Legal publications 8.04 Howe Hardware Paper towels, Town Hall 7.95 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Gas, police car 41,34 F. E. Langer Agency Clerk-Treas. bond 50.00 Harold Michael Police dispatcher 139.50 Donald C. Corey " Patrolman 143.44 Albert V. Raygor " " 28.16 Gordon P. Vettleson " " 28.16 H. J. Kilpatrick Labor cutting grass, Town hall 16,80 Donald M. Cunningham Police Patrolman 14.08 Gladys E. Kratz Police Clerk 150.80 WATER FUND Deal's Pipe and fittings 147.42 Piston Service 2 bearings 29.85 Rice Electric Elec. supplies +?Nell #6 55.26 Pacific Tel & Tel Tel and tolls 22.,65 Overall Cleaning & Sp).y. Shop towels 3.12 Lester R. helm Labor on water lines 16.80 Mary Lu Melton Asstt. Clerk-Treas. 45.08 STREET FUND Bram. Concrete Products Co. Culvert pipe 32.01 Howe Hardware Hasps 1.12 Lundy Sales Culvery pipe 4.81 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Tel and tolls 12.05 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Gas and oil 92.81 Wilkins Uistrib. Co., Inc. Motor oil 50.91 Western Auto Supply Horn button 41 Lyle D. Nichols Labor on City streets 33.60 Lester R. Helm " " " " 235.20 Lester R. Helm " it " 110.25 PARK FUND Port Orchard Electric & Sport Shop Replacing lights, L. L. Field 68.22 H. J. Kilpatrick Labor on Little League Field 32.50 W. L. Touchette Labor at ballfields 56.70 WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND Robert Jones Labor on Kendall St. pipe line 2.10 n Meeting; adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Powers and carried. L_xJClerkMayor Port Orchard, Washington July 27, 1959 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilman Harold G. Baker, Paul D. Powers, Jr., Nick J. Repanich, Vern B. Caldwell; Attorney Don Thompson; Superintendent of Public 'Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police Gale W. Dow. Absent Councilman Dusty C. Winebrenner. Minutes of meeting of July 13, 1959 read and approved. This being the date on which bids were to be opened for pipe and fittings for Black Jack Creek water main project, Mayor directed Clerk to open bids and bids were received from the following: H. D. Fowler, Pacific Water 0orks Supply Co., Pacific States Cast iron Pipe Co., Hallgren Co. and U. S. Pipe and Foundry Co. After careful consideration by Superintendent, Engineer and members of the Finance and Auditing Committee, the low bid of B. S. Pipe and Foundry Co. was accepted for the cast iron pipe and all fittings ex- cept the gate valves and cast iron valve boxes, for which the low laid of H. D. Fowler was accepted. This action on motion by Repanich, seconded by Caldwell and carried unanimously. Following a discussion relative to the financing of Black Jack Creek water project and also Tremont Street water main improvement, it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Powers and carried to authorize Attorney to proceed with arrangements for issuance and marketing of additional bonds in the amount of $B4O00.00 to be sold at the present time and an additional $3,500.00 to be sold in the Sprang for the Tremont St. water main project. Several residents of the 1300 block on Sidney Street appeared before the Council to ex- press their desire for a sewer extension to serve their area. W. C. Rogers, as spokesman for.the group indicated they were desirous of obtaining information as to financing, cost of project and etc. Engineer to meet with the group and report to Council. Phillip Sewel appeared before the Council relative to means of securing property in DeKalb St. Waterway for commercial development. He was informed the Waterway is under the jurisdiction of the State of Washington. Chairman Powers of the parks and Playgrounds committee informed the Council the committee and Superintendent are waiting for additional estimates of cost before proceeding with erection of wall at Central Playground. Chairman Baker of the Street and Alley committee reported he had met with Tawanka Jr. Women's Club representatives at the South Town limits in regard to erection of a Club s sign, any had given them permission to erect sign with the understanding that at some later date, all elub signs might be grouped together under one display. He further reported the matter of cars parking in Givens Park had been remedied by a chain gate being placed at the entrance to the Park. Matter of additional water taps in Ross Creek Water District, to whom the Town is supply- ing water, was again discussed and Mayor requested letter be sent informing them of Town policy in permitting no new water consumers in the area. Clerk presented informa- tion indicating that the Town is losing revenue by supplying floss Creek 'Water District through a master meter. This matter referred to the Water and Sanitation committee for investigation and report. Clerk read letter from E. A. Hillstrom, President of the Sidney Improvement Club asking that an alternate plan for water supply to some parts of the Sidney Road L.I.D. area be considered. Representatives of the Club were present to discuss this matter with the Council. It was agreed that another attempt would be made to contact those property owners who have not signed right-of-way deeds for streets and utilities, by holding a meeting with Town Attorney and Engineer in the Council Chambers. Chairman Repanich of the Finance and Auditing committee stated his committee had met to check on budget and financial status of funds, and stated there sufficient funds available in Current Expense Fund to pay request for $358.50 from Kitsap County Civil Defence, as the Towns share of the 1959 budget. On motion by Laker, seconded by Powers and carried, Clerk was authorized to draw warrant in this amount to Kitsap Co. Civil Defense. Clerk read letter from Troy Moore, Principal. of Givens School, expressing appreciation of Town's cooperation in matter of surfacing bus loading and parking area south of Givens School. Superintendent authorized to proceed with project, with Town furnishing labor only, on motion by Powers, seconded by Repanich and carried. Attorney reported on possibility of South Kitsap area withdrawing from Bremerton Port District, by challenging the election. Police Chief reported the radio had been installed in his car and is satisfactory. He also stated numerous complaints had been received concerning the 25 mile per hour speed limit at the east and west limits of Town. The possibility of raising speed limit was discussed and referred to the Street and Alley committee end Chief of Police for sol- ution. The following claims checked b;e heads of Departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Raker, seconded by Caldwell and carried. CURRENT E �PENSE -wUND Gladys E. Kratz Police office a 101.06 Harold'N. Michael Police Dispatcher 88,35 Charles W. Bo-arski Salary & severance _nay, ptlman. 337.92 Albert V. Rpygor Salary, patrolman 43.56 Gordon V. Vettleson 6aiary, parrolman 5.28 Donald MI. Cunningham Salary, patrolman 70.40 Donald C. Corey Salary, patrolman 66.88 H. J. Kilpatrick Labor mowing grass, Town Hall 12.60 11M. L. Touchette Labor at Town fail 11.70 Lester 1Z. Helm Labor resetting park, meter posts 6.30 George L. Rothenberg_ Repair police radio 14.04 Standard Oil Co. of -alif. Gasoline, police 417.04 Port Orchard Independent Stationery, police 5.15 Peninsule Stationers Forms for radio log, police 4.16 Tilton Sales & Service Repair and clean Council ,hamber blinds 51.48 Port orchard Independent Publish call for bids 8.18 Puget Sound Power & Light City Wall & Street lights 521.95 Town Clerk Advances (postage, office supplies) 5.19 WATER FUND Robert Jones Labor on water lines 35.60 Robert Jones Labor on Kendall St. pipeline 2.10 Wm. L. Touchette Labor at water tanks 9.45 Mary Lou Melton Assisting in Clerks Office 41.40 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power, all plants & cathodic equip. 400,78 Overall Cleaning & Sply. Shop towels 2.08 Town Clerk Reimburse portals for water bills 30.00 STREET FUND Lester R. Helm Labor on City streets 143.85 Robert Jones Rental of mowing machine 12.50 Puget Sound Power &c Light Co. Bay & Kendall St. garages 8.80 LIBRARY FUND Town Clerk Reimburse P. 0. box rental 1.20 Gaylord Brothers Jacket covers for books 10.35 " Stationery.supplies 17,37 I PARK F W Lester R. Helm Labor at Givens Field 16.80 H. J. Kilpatrick Labor at Little League Field 36.75 Wm. L. Touchette Labor for Park Dept. 136.50 �I Puget Sound Power &c Light Co. Recreation Center, tennis Ct. 13.60 Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Caldwell & carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington August 10, 1959 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington calf d to order in regular session by Mayor-R. B. Hall. Present Councilman Harold G. Baker, Paul D. Powers, Jr., Nick J. Repanich, Vern B. Caldwell, Dusty C. Winebrenner; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police Gale W. Dow, 1 Minutes of meeting of July 27, 1959 read and approved. Chairman Paul D. Powers of the 'arks and Playgrounds committee informed the Council that three estimates wore received relative to erection of concrete wall at Central Playground, The lower of the three submitted by Granquist Brothers in the amount of $481.00 was accepted, The others received were Braaten Brothers $590.00 and Ryan Construction Co,, $545.00. Matter of the Ross Creek Water District was -continued pending investigation by rater and Sanitation eo=n1tt@@14 Mr. Kanu.em of 1503 N. Cambriah St., Bremerton, requested authority from Council to instigate &.Merchants. Patrol within the. City. Matter referred to Audit and Finance Committee and Chief of Police to study and make necessary arrangements. n, Mrs. Serba Cruaan, H. B. Cruzan and other members of the Sidney Road L. I. D. area were present requesting additional information -regarding right -of -wag;; methods of laying water lines and allied items. Engineer Sprague and Attorney Perrino informed them as to items in question. They were asked by the Mayor to contact the Sidney Improvement Club and work out something constructive toward the pending L. I. D. Attorney Jim Maddock representing the South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce stated that the Chamber wanted to go on record that the existing Port District should'be dissolved and that the Town of Port Orchard should control and develop their own Port District. A letter is to be written by the Chamber to the Port Commissioners requesting that they resolve to dissolve the present Port District. Attorney Perrine stated that with the present information available it would be difficult to challenge the validity of the election and the cost of such challenge would be approximately $1500.00. A motion by Repanich and seconded by Baker that a letter be sent to the Port Commissioners requesting that they dissolve the present Port District was carried unanimously. Engineer Sprague requested that the City of Bremerton's General Sewer Specifications be adopted by the Town of Port Orchard. This request was carried over until the next meeting. Clerk presented bill from Hammond* Collier and Isaac for professional Engineering services on Sewer Disposal System in the amount of $1504:00 Motion by Winebrenner seconded by Powers and carried that bill be paid and that the amount`of $1500.00 be.transferred from Sewer Survey Fund to Sewer Fund.so that a Warrant can be issued. Superintendent of Public works Givens requested authority to expend approximately $2600.00 to clean"and restore Well #4 back to original, output. Motion by Winebrenner and seconded by Baker and carried unanimously. Councilman Winebrenner informed the Council that there will be 10 (ten) Civilian Defense cards issued in Kitsap County and that it was requested that 1 (one) be issued to Sept. of Public Works Givens. The matter of per capita charge against the Town of Port Orchard for the purpose of reimbursing the Kitsap Co. Health Depto for their services was presented. No action taken. Chief of Police stated that there is no control over the running of dogs within the Town and that something should. -be done about the problem. Contact with the City of Tacoma will be made concerning service in this area. Attorney Perrino stated that after a review of the existing criminal ordinances it would be advisable to rewrite the criminal code for the Town of Port Orchard, and that his office is at this time in the process of doing same. The Mayor informed the Council of the proceedings of meeting held at Retsil Home on July 302 1959 regarding the annexation of the Annapolis area. Clerk presented bill received from Granquist Brothers for garbage in amount of $6.60 for July and August. Approval for payment was granted. Letter was received from State Dept. of Health relative to Sewers in the Etta B. Jones Addition, stating that plans submitted were approved. Also letters from State Dept. of Health and State Pollution Control Commission were received stating that report of Hammond, Collier and Isaac on sewer treatment system and sewage disposal was approved. The following claims checked by heads of Departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Powers and carried. Deals Cookson's Texaco F emen State Board for Volunteer HowerMotor Company Hall's Linoleum Bremerton Printing Co. Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. PO Independent Andy Johnson Co. Cleveland Chevrolet Co. W. L. Johnson Robert Jones Thompson's Pacific Tel & Tel Co. H. D. Fowler Co., Inc. Rockwell Mfg. Co. Dear s Cookson's Texaco Howe Motor Co. Claud's Service CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Battery (Fire Dept.) $ Battery charge (Fire Dept.) Disability Fee, Larry Gratton Switch for Police car Tile, paint for police office Traffic books, police Gasoline, Police Police, fire and clerk phones Stationery, Clerk; Supplies, Police Oxygen refill, resussitator, Police Police car service WATER FUND Labor on pipe line, Jones Add. $ Labor on water lines Engineer pads, Supt. Tel and tolls Valves Box glass Pipe and gate Lube for Chev. Fuel pump 147 Backhoe work, valve pickup pickup Jones Add. water main 4.50 1.56 3.00 .62 11A.86 14,60 47.04 62.75 32.97 5.20 25.43 33.60 60.38 8.35 22.70 87.79 .79 72.28 2.08 5.71 140.40 Lie D. Nichols Labor on City streets 111.30 Richard D. Wolf Labor on City streets 14.70 Port Orchard Machine Shop Signs repair, equip. repair 18.20 Howe Motor Co. Gas line for truck 1.10 Bremerton Concrete Products. Sewer pipe 20.22 Standard Gil Co. Gasoline 121.74 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Tel and tolls 19.70 Howe -Hardware Bolts .56 Cleveland. Chevrolet Lock 4.06 WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND Robert Jones Labor on Kendall line 16.80 Olin M. Sprague Engineering services Kendall line 315.00 Frank McIntyre Bulldozing road for kendall line 650.00 Bremerton Concrete Products Pipe 67.95 PARK FUND Wilkins Distributing Co. Inc. Grease 1.26 Howe Hardware Co. Keys and chain 7.82 Port Orchard Electric & Sports Shop Repair lamps, Little League Field 11.96 Dear s Grease gun 4.87 Meeting joy ned o motio by Winebrennerp seconded dwell wel and carried. / Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington August 24, 1959 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by yy,: Mayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilman Harold G. Ucker, Dusty C. Winebrenner, Paul D. Powers, Nick J. Repanieh and -Vern B. Caldwell; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine and Don Thompson; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of yolice Gale W. Dow. Minutes of meeting of August 10, 1959 reed and approved. Chairman Powers of the Parks and Playgrounds committee reported that work on concrete wall at Central Playground had not commenced as yet. George D. Pickering of 410 Seattle St. appeared before the Council regarding rein- forcement of bulkhead between his property and Central Playground. Matter referred to Parks and Playgrounds committee for investigation and report. Attorney reported he had conferred with Ross Creek Water District Commissioners re- garding the Town limiting service and prohibiting further extensions in the District. Possible annexation was also discussed. Matter continued. Chairman Repanich of the Finance and Auditing committee stated his committee had met and considered the request of Mr. Manuam to establish a Merchants Patrol within the Town. There being no abjection from committee members, the matter was referred to the Chief of Police to make necessary arrangements. Chief of Police reported all details were completed and the Merchants_ Patrol would commence September 1, 1959. Mayor reported on meeting of Sidney Improvement Club which he had attended with Sidney Road residents concerning water extension along Sidney Roadand ax&ludin4g the areas not willing to progress toward formation of an L. I. D. Discussion of this problem followed, and matter was continued until next meeting. Matter of dissolution of Port District continued. Action of adoption of Bremerton's General Sewer Specifications deferred until Engineer secures copies of specifications. Problem of dogs running:at large in the Town continued. Claim from Port Orchard [garbage Service submitted to Sanitation committee for checking and report. Assistant Clerk presented letter from Dr. Shirley Benham, litsap Co. Health Dept, requesting a 503 per capita contribution from.the.Town for the year 1960. Action def-erred. Letters from A.A.A. regarding opening of Alaska St. Viaduct in Seattle on September 39 1959; State College of Washington regarding Water Works School to be held Septem- ber. 14-16 and Assn. of Washington Cities notice of Regional and Legislative District Annual Fall meeting to be held in Port Townsend October 16, 1959, were read and filed. Ordinance No. 661 providing for the issuance of $11,000 in Series B, Dater Reveme Bonds was passed on motion by Repanich, seconded by Powers and carried unanimously, Mayor stated he had received a verbal request from. Cecil Brower, 914 Smith St, to extend a garage building to the property line. The. five foot limit of the Building Code was waived and permission granted Mr. Brewer to extend garage toproperty, line providing letter from neighbor giving consent to this- construction la filed with the Town Clark. This action taken on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried. Reimposition of sewer charges and financing of Sewage Disposal Plant were discussed and an informal meeting of the Council with Terry Thompson, Bond Consultant and the Engineering firm of Hammond, Co uler and Isaacs was arranged for Monday, August 310 19590 7:30 p. m. The following claims checked by heads of Departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee were vead to the Council and ordered paid by motion of Winebrenner, seconded by Caldwell and carried. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Dick Brinkerhoff TV Repair police radio 3.17 F. L. Langer Agency Renewal Fire insurance (City Hall) 109.76 Kitsap Co. Road Dist. #2 Repair police car 83,77 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Street lights 426.05 General Supply Co. Sanitary cleaner (City Hall) 10.54 Slocum Hardware & Furniture Bolts, Fire Dept. .63 Paint thinner .75 n n a Brush & Misc. 24.67 Kitsap Co. Auditor State Examiner fee- 501.14 The Independent Scratch paper, police 2,70 Rubber stamp, Clerk 1.15 Russel L. Sweeny Addt.l. premium, Police car 16.72 Tidewater Oil Co. Diesel fuel, City Hall 20.47 George L. Rothenberg Check police car radio 10.00 OSSCO Recharge CO2, police car 9.10 J. H. Emerson Co. Inhalator bags, police 6.29 WATER FCiND Robert Jones Labor, grater limes 35.70 W, L. Touchette Labor, cutting grass around tanks 9.45 Western Utilities Supply Teen 44.87 n Pacific Water Works Supply Copper tubing 239.43 Slocum Hardware & Furniture Co. Misc. items 37.36 Overall Cleaning Shop towels 2.08 Hallgren Co. Misc. fittings 144.06 P. S. P. & Light Power 527.24 W. L. Touchette Labor, City streets 8.40 Lyle D. Nichols Labor, City streets 144.38 Slocum Hardware & Furniture Co. disc. stems 25.35 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power, Bay St. garage 6.20 WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND Robert Jones Labor, Kendall St. pipol.ihee 58.50 Lyle D. Nichols Labor " " 25.20 W. L. Jr•ohnson Labor 33.60 Hallgren Co. Fittings 29.48 John Schold Equip. rental " 395.20 Kenyon Materials Cement 20.46 H. D- Fowler Co. Gaskets 41,80 American Plmbg. & St. 8ply. Black pipe 280,32 Slocum Hardware & Furniture Co. Nuts and bolts 16.29 PARK FUND Slocum Hdwre. & Furniture -Co. Belt and blades 20.60 n W. L. Touohette Labor, ball park 77.70 Meeting adjourned on motion by Repanich, seconded by Caldwell and carried. v ��✓ Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington September 14, 1959 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilman Harold G. Baker, Dusty C. Winebrenner, Paul D. Powers, Nick J. Repanich and 'fern B. Caldwell; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine and Don Thompson; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer 011m M. Sprague and Chief of Police Gale W. Dow. Mr. Nelson of the Sidney Improvement Club stated that the residents in the area of Sidney -Goldenrod and Fireweed Roads were desirous of going ahead with the water line program and that they were willing to pay the gross costs if at a latter date late- comers wanted to hook up a premium would be added to help the original group. He also stated that at this time there were only about six residents that had not given easements. Mr. Sprague, Town Engineer stated that he would meet with the Improvement Club on Thursday, September 17, 1959. Mr. Simpson, whose residence is locatdd in the Ross Creek Water District area requested that the Town Council give the Commissioners of Rose Creek Water District approval to add one more hook-up to the line, namely his own. This approval was given on motion by Baker, seconded by Winebrenner, and passed unanimously. Mr.. John H. MacDonald and Mr. Carl F. Reece of 308 and 310 Sweany St. respectfully commented that the grader while working on alley between Sweany and Taylor Streets had out about four feet off their property, destroying strawberry and rhubarb plants. They asked It something could be done about this affair. Matter referred to Street and Alley committee to make a report at next meeting. Engineer Sprague in meantime will determine the location and the lines of the alley. Robert Gadberrg, of 906 Grant Street asked the Council if a sign such as "Children At -Play" or sililar, be placed at the entrance of Smith Street. Inasmuch as Smith St.. is a dead end Street, Mr. Gedberry was informed that the Council did not feel that a sign was warranted. Councilman Paul D. Powers, Chairman of the parks, Playgrounds and Buildings Committee reported that construction of bulkhead at Central Playground would start about Septem- ber 16 or 1T. Also reported that Mr. Pickering was informed that the Town would re- pair bulkhead at same time when the work load was lessened. Engineer Sprague reported that he had copies of the Bremerton General Sewer Specific- ations and that they were suitable for our needs. Specifications were adopted on motion by Repanich, seconded by Powers and carried unanimously. A claim in the amount of $137.74 submitted by Little League for installation of wiring was held over for further investigation. Clerk instructed to present minutes in which payment of such claims were originally agreed. Matter of diss,olu tion of Port District continued. Claim for garbage service against Town of Port Orchard ordered to be paid. Superin- tendent of Public Forks directed to eliminate the following three garbage cans on the first day of October, 1959; Post Office, Slocum Hardware and in front of Muyskens. Action was deferred on letter from. Kitsap Co. Health Dept: requesting a 50� per capita contribution. The following claims checked by heads of Departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committet were read to the Council and ordered paid by motion of Wine- brenner, seconded by Caldwell and carried. Port Orchard Garbage Givens Company L. R. Haiman Trading Post Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Lundy Sales Secretary of State CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Service Garbage Dry powder (Fire Dept.) Fire Insurance Taylor Roe. Bldg. Wax (City Halle Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Town Clerk The Port Orchard Independent H. J. Kilpatrick Ludlow Valve Mfg. Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Town Clerk Trading Post Truman's TV Anderson Ditch Digging W. L. Touchette Service Clerk, Police, Fire) Materials 1959 Session Laws Gasoline, Police Reimburse cash adv. exp. Publications Labor City hall WATER FUND Fire hydrant Service Reimburse petty cash (Adv. exp.) Tools Battery Service Labor $ $ 13.20 4.26 101.08 4.00 83.55 7,48 1.00 47.04 7.28 70.63 6.30 129.79 11.85 50.50 22.27 2.86 37.44 12.60 "01101wm# i Bremerton Oil MC mix 310.48 Transport Clearings Freight 2.28 Trading Post Cable 1.11 Bremerton Concrete Prod. Co. Culvert pipe 445.31 Wilkins Distributing Co. Kerosene 35.11 Standard Oil Co. Gasoline 89.50 Howe Hardware Rake 3.72 Port Orchard Machine Shop Welding 2.08 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Service 31.65 Kitsap Motors Labor 43.82 Richard A. Brown Labor 31.50 Richard Wolf Labor 65.10 Lyle D. Nichols Labor 235.20 W. L. Touchette Labor 8.40 Olin M. Sprague Engineering (West, Garrison Alley) 75.00 WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND W. L. Johnson Labor 50.40 Robert Jones Labor 92.40 Olin M. Sprague Engineering ( Kendall St. line) 150.00 U. S. Pipe & Foundry Co. Pipe 3087$.84 H. D. Fowler Co. Valves 286.08 Port Orchard Machine Shop Welding 40.04 SEWER FUND W. L. Johnson Labor 12.60 LIBRARY FUND H. R. Huntting Co. Books 89.98 Puget Sound News Co. Books 31.48 PARK FUND H. J. Kilpatrick Labor 43,05 W. L. Touchette Labor 24.15 Trading Post Rake 3r,04 Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington September 28, 1959 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilman Harold G. Baker, Dusty C. Winebrenner, Paul D. Powers, Vern B. Caldwell; Attorney Dudley N. Parrine,• Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police Gale W. Dow, Engineer Sprague stated that no meeting at this time had been held with the Sidney Improvement Club but that a meeting had been arranged for Saturdays October 3, 1959, Engineer Sprague also reported that alley between Sweany and Taylor Streets was 12to (twelve) feet in width, and that there is no property line except concrete wall on South side and using that as a basis there would be an encroachment of approximately four feet on the north side of Alley. Councilman Paul D. Powers, Chairman, of Parks, Playgrounds and Buildings committee reported that construction on bulkhead at Central Playground would commences on September 29, 1959, Also, he reported on vandalism around the Active Club Building. Chief of ]police was instructed to patrol area more often. Also, possibility of an cuff limits caretaker was brought up, committee to investigates the possib6lity. Leif Erickson requested information as to procedure of getting new street built in the vicinity of Block 11, Aidneay Villa Add. to Sidney, Town Attorney was requested to secure legal conditions and inform Mr. Erickson. Letter received from State pollution Control Commission stating that grant requested for Sewage Disposal System was disallowed was read by Clerk. Mr, Garton and representatives Mrs Johnson of State Pollution Control Commission appeared for the purpose of answering questions pertinent to the Federal Grant. Also present was Mr. Terry Thompson of Thompson & Co., Municipal Securities and Mr. Hammond of Hammond, Collier and Isaac, Consulting Engineers. Mr. Garton informed the Council that the grant was not given for the following reasons: (1) Of the two grants in this category, the City of Bellingham had the most points in need because of size and amount of sewage.-(2) Bellingham had a major portion of their engineering oompidted and the Town of Port Orchard did not. The Council was also informed that the need for disposal is just as great as it was in past years, and it was suggested by Mr. Garton that a reapplication be instigated for the forthcoming year and that more engineering be completed to increase our points. In -order that the applications for grants be considered they must be in the hands of the Pollution Control Commiss- ion pr&or to May 1 of the year in which the grants are allocated. The following claims were checked by heads of Departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee were read to the Council and ordered paid by motion of Caldwell, seconded by Powers and carried: Gordon V. Vettleson Jordan' s Service Dick Brinkerhoff TV 0. A. Hanks Insurance Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Employment Security Dept. George L. Rothenberg n n Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Thompsonts State Board for Volunteer Firemen U. S. Pipe & Foundry Co. John Schold Northern Pacific Bank Note Co. Anderson Ditch Digging Overall Cleaning & Supply Thompsonts Dorothy E. Hovegaard CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Reimbursement for varnish, Pot. office Gas (police car) Radio tubes for Police Insurance premium (Active Bldg.) Service (Town Hall lights & street Lights Prorated taxes Check police radio ri n n Repairs & service police car Mise. office items (Clerk) Disability (Albert Beiber) WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND 2.62 7.00 5.72 69.90 506.20 4.62 9.05 6.00 26.08 1.77 3.00 Tees 42.66 Machine (Equip.) rental 266.00 Series B. Water Revenue Bonds 76.64 WATER FUND Ditching 24.96 Wipe rags 2.18 Time books 5.62 Refund on meter installation (Wa. Tap) 25.00 3104 Lyle D. Nichols Labor 168.00 H. J. Kilpatrick Labor 21.00 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 6.40 Anderson Ditch Digging Ditching 352.96 SMR FUND Anderson Ditch Digging Ditching 18.54 LIBRARY FUND Puget Sound News Co. Periodicals 11.52 PARK FUND H. J. Kilpatrick Labor 28.35 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 13.28 Meeting adjourned on motion by Powers, seconded by Baker and carried. �,7 by� Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington October 5, 1959 Statutory meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard held for the purpose of conducting a hearing on the preliminary budget, and for fixing the tax levies for 1960, was called to order by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present were Councilman Dusty C. Winebrenner, V. B. Caldwell, Paul D. Powers and Chief of Police Gale W. Dow. Mayor called for hearing on budget, and there were no citizens present who appeared either for or against the preliminary budget, and Mayor declared the hearing closed. Ordinance approving the preliminary budget as the final budget for the year 1960 and for fixing the tax levies for 1960 was read.. It was moved by Winebrenner, seer onded by Caldwell and carried that the budget be adopted and that Ordinance approving the budget and fixing the tax levies for 1960 be passed as read. Meetingagdjourned on,otion by Powers, seconded by C 11 carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington October 13, 1959 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in. --regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilman Harold G. Baker, Dusty C..Winebrenner, Paul D. Powers, Vern`B. Caldwell and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino, Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police Gale W. Dow. Regular scheduled meeting for October 12, 1959 set up to October 13, 1959 as the 12th fell on Columbus Day. Minutes of meeting of September 28, 1959 read and approved. Also minutes of October 5, 1959 read and approved. Engineer Olin M. Sprague distributed cost estimates on the Sidney Road Water project. The total of estimate amounted to $80,333.21 and would embrace the area from Tremont (� Street to Highway #14 on Sidney and Goldenrod: and Fireweed Roads to the east from Sidney Road. Engineer Sprague also showed map of the plan to Council and also to representatives present of the -Sidney Improvement Club. A motion by Baker and sec- onded by Winebrenner and carried that Engineer Sprague prepare preliminary assessment roll, this to be ready by about November 23, 1959. Mr. Alroy Hall and others from the Ross Creek Water District were present and requested Information regarding annexation, and also wanted to know what benefits could be expected upon annexation. It was suggested that they form a committee, then contact Mr. Sprague as to legal description of property to be annexed. A meeting was scheduled for the Ross Creek committee and the Water and Sewer committee of the Council for October 20, 1950 at City Hell at 80,00 p. m. Any action regarding Sewage Disposal system was delayed until information that Mr. Garton of the State Pollution Commission promised was received. Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens reported that they were ready to go ahead on Well #4. This wes approved by the Council. The following claims were checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee were read and ordered paid on motion by Powers, seconded by Baker and carried. Town - Clark Vanes Lumber Supply Pert Orchard Independent I dependent Granquist Construction Co. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Peninsula Stationers Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Howe hardware Co. Town Clerk Pacific Tel & Tel Paoific Tel & Tel U. S. Pipe Co. Port Orchard Machine Shop Kitsap Motors Lyle D. Nichols H. J. Kilpatrick Tegstrom Bldg. Materials Port Orchard l'achine Shop Kitsap Motors Kitsap Motors Emiles Auto Service Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Bremerton Concrete Morrison Gravel Co. Puget Sound News Co. Town Clerk Granquist Construction Co. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Reimbursement - cash acct. Plywood, Firec';Dapt. Publish budget Office Supplies Garbage, Sept. & Oct. Telephone service Lub and Misc., Police car Misc. office supplies, Police Gasoline, police Misc, stems, police WATER FUND Reimbursement - cash acct. Telephone service Telephone service Pipe Repairs Repair Ford pickup STREET FUND Labor Labor Sewer pipe Repairs Repairs, dump truck Repairs Repairs Gasoline Culvert pipe Sand LIBRARY FUND Books Reimbursement of cash PARK FUND 3/5 of Brinkerhoff bulkhead Meeting adjourned on motion by Caldwell$ seconded by Winebrenner and carried. L:::r - L C k 9.20 12.06 51.00 7.12 9.90 61,75 11.70 8,70 47.04 2.69 30.00 20.90 12.05 936.75 5,46 125.78 174.30 49.35 6.24 3.64 10.04 325.94 37.46 89.50 93.41 44.93 28.90 1.20 346.32 Mayor Port Orchard, Washington October 26, 1959 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall.. Present Councilmen Harold G. Baker, Dusty C. Winebrenner, Paul D. Powers, Vern B. Caldwell, Nick J. Repanich„ Attorneys Dudley N.'Perrine and non Thompson; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Pollee Gale W. Dow* Engineer Olin M. Sprague reported that he had a man started on the Sidney water line assessment roll. On Tuesday, October 200 1959, committee and others from the hors Crock District met with Councilman Repanich and Caldwell of the Water, Sewer committee and Engineer Sprague for further information regardin annexation. It was indicated by the representatives from Rose Creek area that annexation seemed to be favored by a large portion.of the area. Another meeting was set up for Tuesday, October 27, 1969 at the City 'all at 80*00 P. m. and Engineer Sprague was asked to be present. Letter was received and read from Mr. Byrot Johnson of the Pollution Control commission giving information to the Town as to how to request data regardina a planning loam. Letter was written to Federal Home and #ousing Agency. Mrs. C ahen had roquested authority to prplace sidewalks and place curbing in front of her building -facing Frederick Street; a problem of drainage being involved, matter referred to Engineer Sprague to obtain levels and other pertinent information and re- port to Council. Charles Russell stated that before a building and zoning code could be completed, a comprehensive plan is necessary as all three are tied together. A map of the Rapist of Black 10, Sidney Tidelands was submitted for Council approval. This was turned over to Attorney Perrino for legal problems. Dan Bassen reported that the crosswalk in front of the D & R Theatre was a potential death trap because of traffic heading west on Bay Street. Matter turned over to Committee 'for report. Letter received from State of Washington Dept. of Natural Resources was read, stating that the Town of Port Orchard still had 60 days from 10/13/59 to select additional footage on the Maple Strut Waterway. Matter held in abeyance until next meeting. The followin claims were checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read and ordered paid on motion by Baker,, seconded by Caldwell and carried; CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Port Orchard Independent Publish Ord. #662.' 7.15 United Pencil, Inc. Pencils 5.27 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 426.05 WATER FUND Overall Cleaning Wipe rage 2.08 U. S. Pipe & Foundry Co. Valves -120.64 U. S. Pipe & Foundry Co. Valves 45.76 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 345.38 Atlas Foundry & Machinery C.I. valve boxes 57.19 STREET FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 5.90 H. J. Kilpatrick Labor � 49.35 Kingsbury Redimix viand 28.08 Bremerton Oil Me 3 mix 85.21 WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND Claud's Service Ditching 41.60 LIBRARY FUND H. R. Huntting Co. Books 37.83 Puget Sound News Co. Books 21.51 PARK FUND Claud's Service Ditching 15.45 Meeting adjourned on motion by Powers, seaD nded by Baker and carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington November 99 1959 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor R. B. liall. Present Councilmen Harold G. Baker, Dusty C. Winebrenner, Paul D. Powers, Vern B. Caldwell, Nick J. Repanich; Attorneys Dudley N. Perrine and Don Thompson, Engineer Olin M. Sprague, Chief of Police Gale W. Dow and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. Minttes of meeting of October 26, 1959 read and approved. Mr. Rex Thompson of the Port District reported that a meeting of the Port District Commission was held and a vote was taken to dissolve -the Port Commission, this failing by lack of majority. Reason given for failure was that funds now in the district would fall into the hands of the various School Districts within the district. A letter from Merrill Wallace, Attorney for the Port District to Attorney Perrino regard- ing the above was read and Clerk instructed tosend copies to School Districts concerned. Letter from Federal Home and Housing Agency was read; Council instructed Clerk to for- ward applications for planning loan to Mr. Hammond of Hammond, Collier and Isaac, Consulting Engineers for completion and also to request Mr. Hammond to be present at our next regular meeting on November 23, 1959 for further consultation regarding the loan as well as the revised estimate of the sewage disposal plant. Superintendent George F. Givens informed the Council that the drainage system on Fred- erick Street was installed and that two catch basins were used to afford proper drainage. Council granted permission for Mrs. Cohen to put in curbs if wanted. Approval of the Replat of Block 10, Sidney Tidelands on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Repanich and carried. Letter from Dept. of Natural Resources relative to additional footage on Meple Street Waterway referred to Engineer Sprague and Attorney Perrino to draw sketch as to Footage wanted and laterals needed. A thought was brought up of taking a strip 75 Feet aide on both east and west sides of Waterway as well as laterals. Renewal of the Municipal Water Pumping Power with Puget Sound Power and Light Company for ten years was approved by Council on motion by Baker, seconded by Powers. Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens instructed to contact home owners regard- ing Ordinance #599 Vacation of portion of South Street and if they would desire to deed back to City the 10 foot strip, the deeds would be received. Posters informed Council the Active Building would possibly be ready by the let of Decem. ber. Matter of Forestry Building turned over to committee for report. Clerk instructed to recheck mercury light installed at Ted's Thriftway and inform Council at next meeting. The following cl#ims were checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read and ordered paid on motion by powers, seconded by Caldwell and carried.: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Dr. T. T. Middleton Physical (new fireman) 5.00 Port Orchard Independent Office items (police) 9.67 Kitsap County Auditor Annapolis Election 301.95 Tcwn Clerk Reimburse cash sect. (stamps) 4,00 Trick & Murray Office forms (Clerk) 44.65 Itowe Motor Co. Repairs (police car) 6.86 Kitsap Motors Brakes (fire truck) 3.64 -Deals Misc. parts (police) 19.17 Joseph Tuba Labor trimming shrubs City Hall 15.75 Cleveland ChaVrolet Co. Lub (police car) 27.62 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Service 71.75 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Gasoline (police) 99.63 Nic-O-Ray Tires (police) 69.10 WATER FUND Trading Post Misc. items Town Clerk Reimbursement ostals p 300.00. Tegstrom Bldg. Materials Paint 27.02 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Service 12.35 Dealts Misc. Items 14.49 STREET FUND Howe Motor Co. Repairs (chew. truck) 11.96 Union 0il Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Service 48.70 Dealts Misc. items 25.55 92 Wilkins Distributing Co., Inc. Oil . Clerk -Kitsap Motors Reimbursement (bridge tolls) 53 ..53 20 H. J. Kilpatrick Repairs Labor 66 1..33 Trading post Anti -freeze 34.13 STREET FUND Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Gasoline & stove oil $ 76.18 LIBRAW FUND H. R. Huntting Co. Books 18.41 PARK FUND Joseph Tuba Trimming 5.25 W. L. Touchette Labor 8.40 HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND F. E. Langer Agency Lease bond premium $ 10.00 Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and -carried. T le�� Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington November 23, 1959 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilmen Harold G. Baker, Dusty Winebrenner, Paul D. Powers, Vern D. Caldwell and Nick J. Repanich. Also Attorneys Perrino and Thompson, Engineer Olin M. Sprague, Bhief of Police Gale Dow and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. Minutes of meeting dated November 9, 1959 read and approved. Mr. Robert Gans of the gestbay Shopping Center presented plans to the Council for their approval of a revised traffic interchange for the Blackjack Creek area. Council approved two forty foot access entrances to the shopping area provided State highway Department also approved same. The actual interchange was referred to the Highway Department for their recommendations and at that time the Council will act. Matter of making a selection of portions of Maple Street Waterway for street purposes i in accordance with letter from Department of Natural. Resources of the State of Wash- ington dated October 13, 1959 was taken up .and Council selected a strip 751 in width running north along the west and east boundaries of wa*orway with lateral 1001 in width running east and west across waterway the first of said lateral having its south line 1501 north of the southwest corner of lot Y. plat of Sidney Tidelands and other northerly laterals at 3001 intervals being measured north from the north lines of intersections. This was passed on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried. A request was also made by Mr. Gans to install water service into the shopping center by the Town rather than at the edge of Town property. No action taken at this time, matter referred to committee for investigation. Mr. Hammond of Hammond, Collier and Isaac, consulting engineers, reported that their 1portion of the application for Federal funds for the additional engineering on the disposal system was competed. Balance of application to be completed by Town Attor- ney, Mr. Perrino took application and stated that he would complete same immediately. Upon completion the application is to be returned to Mr. Hammond and he will file same with Federal office. Mr. Sprague reported that assessment roll for South Sidney water mains was not com- pleted, but would be for the next meeting. Mr. Dames Maddock, representing South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce requested the Town to write a letter to General Service Administration requesting that the proposed sale of property in the Orchard Heights area be delayed so that the Dept. of Public Instit- utions would have a chance to acquire property in that area for a new eight million dollar penal institution. Clerk instructed to prepare letter and mail same. Paul D. Powers informed Council that the Active Club Building would be ready to be turned over to the Town in a Couple of weeks. Clerk instructed to call Mr. Largis and request him to give an appraisal to the Town of the Forestry Building and property. The following claims were checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing Committee, were read and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Caldwell and carried.: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Siler Auto Parts Install valves on Seagrave Fire Truck 37.50 Peninsula Stationers Simplex forms 4.49 Puget Sound power & Light Co. Service 544.14 WATER FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power STREET FUND Rental Equipment Co. Compressor rental Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service H. J, Kilpatrick Labor Gorst Ready Mix Sand Armco Metal Pipe Emil's Auto Service Repair W. L. Johnson B. & H. Gravel Co. SKNER FUND Labor Digging $ 252.00 15.60 8.80 49.35 32.45 35.61 13.00 9.00 39.52 Meeting adjourned on motion by Repanich, seconded by Winebrenner and carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington December 14, 1959 XxMAR2r�RzxlaXXXZi1. Council of the `Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to regu ar session. rresent Councilman Harold G. Baker, Dusty Winebrenner, Paul D. Powers, Vern D. Caldwell and Nick J. Repanich. Also Attorneys Perrine and Thompson, Engineer Olin M. Sprague, Chief of Police Gale W. Dow and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. Absent Mayor R. B. Hall Upon motion by Baker, seconded by Powers and carried, Nick J. Repanich was appointed Acting Mayor. Minutes of meeting dated November 23, 1959 read and approved. Olin M. Sprague presented assessment roll and allied papers on the South.•:Sidney water improvement. Upon motion by Baker, seconded by Powers, the hearing of said assessment roll was set for January 25, 1960. Clerk instructed to prepare notice of hearing and send to interested parties and also to publich in paper. Mr. C. W. Beck representing the South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce requested the Council to write a letter to the Department of State Institutions voicing the approval of the Town of having a penal institution in the area. Upon motion by Winebrenner and seconded by Caldwell and carried the Clerk was instructed to write the letter and mail. Mayor R. B. Hall arrived at meeting and resumed the Mayors seat. Mr. Alroy Hall and other representatives of the Ross Creek Area presented a petition to the Council covering area to be annexed, also stated that sufficient signatures were acquired to meet the 75% of the value of property in the area. Petition was accepted and turned over to Engineer to determine the sufficiency. Also requested that any monies now in the Ross Creek Water District be placed in an account for the use of major improvements in the area. Mr. R. Rice stated that there is a need fc;r a street light approximately in front of the Port Orchard Marina. Matter referred to committee for action at next meeting. Committee reported that easements could be had from ivir. Gans for water lines to be laid at Westbay Shopping Center. Mr. Givens recommended that lines be laid up to the shopping center. On motion by Winebrenner and seconded by Powers --that Town carry lines and install meters it the shopping center. Attorney to draw up the necessary easements. Resolution necessary for the application of Federal Planning Funds approved upon motion by Winebrenner, seconded by baker and passed. Letter from General Service Administration was read. Councilman Baker stated that he would locate and check deed to the Town for the Forestry Building property. Letter from Y. F. W. #2669 protesting Town Police entering their place of business read. Attorney instructed tow rite letter stating that Town Police have authority to enter on their regular tour. Letter from State Highway Department regarding a standard fire sign was read, and Clerk ordered to turn letter over to Fire Chief. Can motion by Powers and seconded by Caldwell the repayment of loan from Stre►ett-F nliense to 81vX'3#-,T=d for purchase of loider and payment to L. Z. D. #56 from Water fund was approved and passed. Emergency Appropriation in the amount of $3722.00 was approved upon motion by Baker, and seconded by Repanich. Matter of crosswalk in front of D & R Theatre was taken up. No action at this time. No action taken on the increase of speed at the east and west ends of town, but was referred t o committee for investigation. The following claims were checked by heads of departments and by the Finance committee; were read and ordered paid on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Caldwell and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND P. 0. Garbage Service Garbage pickups 6.60 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 429.26 17.85 H. J. Kilpatrick Labor 4.29 Shell Oil Co. Ted's Thriftway Gas Supplies (City hall) 1.62 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Gasoline; (Police) 92.45 Cleveland Chevrolet Co. laubrieation 13.40 Tilton Sales Port Orchard Electric Blinds City Hall Town hall (Fire Siren) 46.77 62.40 Robert Presser Glen's Auto Trim Bail refund Repair Police car seat 15.00 26.00 Olin M. Sprague Adv. on So. Sidney L.I.D. 800.00 Hoare Hardware Misc. items •94 Howe " Ropers (paint City Hall offices) 1.22 Howe " Nuts 1.91 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Service, police fire and clerk 61.25 WATER FUND Cookson's Lub 2.08 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power 250.83 Deal's Pipe fittings 23.11 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Blaze 1•95 American Water Yorks Annual dues 15.00 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Service 11.85 Overall Supply Wipe cloths 4.23 :Nilkins Distributing Co., Inc. Filter 1.49 STREET FUND H. J. Kilpatrick Labor 31.50 Hatch & Kirk Filter 23.05 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service 10.10 J. E. Haseltine Co. Shovels 123.24 Kitsap Motors Brakes 37.39 Part Orchard Machine Shop Repairs 2.86 Bremerton Concrete Co. Pipe 29.12 Howe Hardware Misc. items 5.25 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Servk a 22.50 Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Oil and Gasoline 121.52 LIBRARY FUND H. R. Huntting Co. Books 24,77 PARK FUND howe hardware Bolts 1.42 Tegstrom Bldg. Supplies Lumber 61.15 Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Oil 6.83 Meet g adjourned on motion by Repanich, seconded by Caldwell and carried. Clerk Mayor r� Port Orchard Washington December 28, 1959 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilman Dusty Winebrenner, Paul D. Powers, Vern D. Caldwell and Nick J. Repanich. Absent Harold G. Baker. Also present Attorney Thompson, Chief of Police Gall W. Dow and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. Minutes of meeting dated December 14, 1959 approved as read. Fire and Light Committee reported that a light is necessary on Bay Street just,weat of the Yacht Club and recommended that an open reflector type with, 4000 lumen be in- stalled by the ewer Co. on either a long bracket or wire suspension. On motion by Caldwell and seconded by Repanich and carried, the above recommendation was passed. On motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Powers and carried, the hearing on South Sidney water line was indefinitely postponed. No action taken on matter of easements at the Westbay project as Mr. Robert Gans had not make contact with interested persons. n Letter from County Assessor's office was read relative to the valuation of the Forestry Building and property. Mr. Chantler stated that the main building was appraisedeat $42.50.00; shed, $160.00; small house, $680.00; land, $1500.00; total, $6990.00. Matter referred to committee for study. Letter read from OPA•-LOCKA Civic League relative to H.R. 9233 which would amend Internal Revenue Law so that taxpayers could deduct assessments where taxpayer has no option to reject. This was tabled on motion by Winebrenner and aeconded by Caldwell. Map on proposed interchange at Westbay Project was looked at by the Council. Letter from State Highway Dept. was read which stated that the State approved that portion which would be in the State highway. The balance of plan was taken under advisement by the Council pending clarification by Mr. Gans. On motion by Winebrenner and seconded by Caldwell and carried, Jim Maddock was appointed Police Judge Pro Tem during the abxence of Judge Watt on vacation. Ordinance No. 663 providing for emergency expenditure and for advances made to L.I.D. No. 57 was passed on its second reading. Matter of crosswalk in front of D & R Theatre continued. Matter of increase of speed on east and west and of gown continued. Following claims were checked by heads of departments and by the Finance committee, were read and ordered paid on motion by Powers, seconded by Repanich and carried.. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Port Orchard Variety Store Office items 7.46 Slocum Hardware Roller 3.40 Trading P st Misc. items 7.54 Richard Arthur Fire Extinquisher 9.31 George L. Rothenberg Tune Police radio 15.00 Pioneer Business Forms Office Supply 44.02 H. J. Kilpatrick Labor 15.75 WATER FUND Western Utilities Meter boxes 34.00 Slocum Hardware Misc. items 11.51 Trading Post Roof cement 1.58 Overall Cleaning Supply Wipe cloths 4.60 STREET FUND Bremerton Concrete Products Pipe 165.95 H. J. Kilpatrick Labor 8.40 Howe Motor Co. Repairs 19.97 Trading Post Punch 10.66 Slocum. Hardware Misc. 1.79 PARK FUND H. J. Kilpatrick Labor 25.20 Trading Post Staples .52 LIBRARY FUND Puget Sound News Co. Books 12.53 H. R. Huntting Co. Books 15063 Meeting adjourned on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Caldwell and carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington January 11, 1960 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall, present Councilman Dusty Winebrenner, Paul D. Powers, *"arold G. baker, Vern Caldwell and Nick J. Repanich. Als© present Chief of Police Dow, Engineer Sprague and Attorney Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. Minutes of meeting dated December 28, 1959 read and approved. Superintendent of Public Works Givens informed the Council that the water meters at the new Westbay Shopping Center would be at the edge of property line instead of at the buildings.