01/01/1958 - Regular - MinutesMeeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Bro ghton a car ied. Clerk Mayor 777 G Port Orchard, Washington January 13, 1958 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis with Councilmen R. B. Hall, Dusty C. Winebrenner, Harold G. Baker, George A. Broughton and Rick J. Repanich; Attorney_ Dudle N. Pprrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens- Engineer Olin )1. �prague sad Chief of Police A. L. Wymore present. Minutes of meeting of December 23, 1957 read and approved. Chairman Baker of the Fire and Light committee reported that he had made an inves- tigation of request for light in the alley in Block 12, First Addition, and asked for further time, which Was granted. Proposed garbage ordinance was again taken up and considered, read to -the Council and passed on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Repanich and carried. Clerk asked for authority to pay annual insurance premiums to the State for Firements insurance, in the amount of $69.00 for twenty-three members of the Department. Authority granted on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried. Superintendent reported that pumps have been installed in well#6 reserveir,.and that as soon as water samples from the reservoir are approved that the now station can be put in service whenever needed. Chairman Winebrenner of the Water and Sanitation committee stated that the present rate charged for water taps is far below actual cost and that tapping fee should be raised. This was discusddd and it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried that hereafter tapping fee for water service inside town limits be fixed at $75.00. The following claims, checked by heads of departments, the Finance and Auditing committee and the members of the Council, were read to the CouLucil and ordered paid, on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUG') Donald C. Corey Police 159.36 Donald M. Cunningham Police 26.56 Albert V. Raygor Police 52.12 Cleveland Chevrolet Repair police car 61.48 Cleveland Chevrolet Police car repair 19.68 Wilkins Distributing Co. Gasoline for police 71,92 Kiteap County Auditor Advanced expenses, Annex. Elea. 66.03 Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Diesel for Town Hall; Tire repair 176.11 Pacific Tel & Tel Police, Clerk and Fire telephones 54.20 Port Orchard Independent Card file for Clerk 1.40 American Plbg. & Steam Supply Pipe for Traffic posts 24.56 Western Utilities Supply Co. Fare hydrant 143.83 Deal's Battery for Fire truck 12.35 Association of Wash. Cities 1958 Dues 150.00 Puget Sound Power and Light Co. Street lights 405.85 C. A. Hanks Agency Insurance premium Bay St. Shop 75.02 WATER FUND Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 41.30 Puget Sound Power & Light Power for pumps 261.92 Tedts Thriftway 7 gals Purex 3.98 Rockwell Mfg. Co. Waster Meter farts 30.16 Western Utilities Supply Tube bender 22.64 American Plbg. & Steam Sply. Meter box lids, dies, etc. 62.75 American Plbg. & Steam Sply. Valves 31.+69 H. D. Fowler Co., Inc. Couplings and clamps 69.98 STREET FUND Lester A. Helm Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Labor Telephone and tolls $ 335.59 Tuffibre Co. Material for street broom 12.80 71.40 Dealts Turnsignal for truck 1.40 Wilkins Distributing Co. Gasoline, prestone sealer 71.88 Lloyd Granquist Port Orchard Machine Shop Labor sanding streets Repairs on sweeper 7.92 Lumber Supply Cement, lumber, nails, etc. 9.04 21.18 Columbia Equipment Co. Standard Oil Co. of Calif. d grader blades Stove for 1d1.d0 61.90 oil street sheds ti ' 51i !If Kitsap County Road Dist. #2 Sweeper repair 13.67 Cleveland Chevrolet Flasher for sweeper 1,40 Puget Bound Power & Light Co. Service at Bay St. Garage 6.50 LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Co. Books for Library 12.31 PARK FUND Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Stove oil at Rear. Center 9.71 WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND Service Hdw. & Impl. Co. Meld pipe at well #6 34.10 Lumber Supply La mber, Nails, etc. 26.97 Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, Clerk seconded by Baker a an _.n Port Orchard, Wash. January 27, 1958 Regular meeting of the Gouncil of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, R. B. Hall, Dusty C. Winebrenner and Harold G. Baker;'Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens,•. Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Gale W, Dow of the Police Department. Absent Councilman Broughton. Minutes of meeting of January 13, 1958 read and approved. Representatives of the Port Orchard Federated Junior Women's Club and the Knights of Pythias Lodge appeared before the Council relative to improvements at Givens Field.. They evidenced interest in placing tables, benches and other facilities for picnic accommodations, and stated that thoir organizations would undertake supplying some of these conveniences. The plans were discussed, and a meeting of the Parke and Playgrounds committee of the Council and ac mittees of the two organizations was arranged for 1 o'clock P. m. on Saturday, February 1, 1958. John B. Verhelst, owner of Lot 6, Block 39 Sidney, appeared before the Council and stated that he would like to purchase property from the Town vh ich adjoins his property on the west. This was discussed, and definite action was deferred for in- vestigation of conditions. The garbage ordinance was returned to the Council for further consideration, was discussed, and referred to the Attorney to make changes as agreed upon, and re -submit the dikoument to the Council. Further time was granted Fire and Light committee for definite report and recommen- dations on request for light in alley in Block 12, First Addition. Letter from Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau regarding rates in Port Ordhard, referred to Chairman Baker of Fire and Light committee. Note from James McKenna, voicing his appreciation of the street lights installed in the recently annexed territory, was read and filed. Contract for power at Well No. 6 was presented, approved as to form by the Attorney, and authorized for signature by Mayor, on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried. Mutter of improvements in police office was presented by Gale W. Dow and action was deferred for further investigation and cost estimates. The following claims, checked by members of the Finance and Auditing committee, and by heads of departments, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried: Donald C. Corey Donald M. Cunningham Albert V. Raygor Peninsula Stationers Geri. A. "othenberg Standard --Oil Co. of Cal. Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Puget Sound Power & Light Ludlow Valve Mfg, Co. Leiter R. Heim Gale W. Dow CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Polio service Police service Polio service Dictionary, pen fillers, Police Police radio repair Diesel fuel for town hall Wiper arm and blade, police car Street and town hall lights Fire hydrant parts Labor painting fire hydrants Re-imburse for expenses H 106.24 31.54 26.56 4.91 14,57 60.75 3.72 509.28 74.63 13.86 6.00 f� W. S. Darley Co. Tteffic cones for Fire Dept. 11.31 WATER FUND Western Utilities Supply Co. 'Tubing and various supplies 168.49 Black Ball Freight Service Freight 2.10 Gale W. Dow Labor reading water meters 31.68 Overall Cleaning & Sply. Co. Shop towels 2.31 Puget sound Power & Light Co. Cathodic equipment at tanks 13.76 STREET FUND Olympic Foundry Manholecover $ 46.02 Hannah & Powell First aid supplies 1.96 Totem Equipment Co. Shaft protector sheath 15.31 Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Stove oil 22.03 Armco Drainage & Metal Pro. Pipe and elbows 92.82 Lester R. Helm Labor 144.54 Jenkins Digging Service TrenoU on Port Street 25.83 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service at Kendall St. garage 2.00 WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND Street Fund Loader rental Puget Sound News Co. Books for Library PARK FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Lights at Tennis Cts. and Recr. Bldg. Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Clerk $ 1, 068.00 47.68 15.01 Port Orchard, Washington February 10, 1956 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Harold G. Baker, R. B. Hall, Nick J. Repanich and George. A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore. Absent Councilman Dusty C. Winebrenner. Minutes of Meeting of January 27, 1958 read and approved. This being the date on which bids for gasoline and diesel fuel were to be opened, Clerk stated that five bids had been received and Mayor directed that bids be opened. Bids were received from 0. Jack Jones, Inc., Tidewater Oil Co.; Shell Oil Company, Union Oil Company, Standard Oil Company and J. E. Adams. Bids were examined and computed by the Council, and after checking, it was moved by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried that bid of Tidewater Oil Co. to'furnish diesel oil under the terms of its bid be accepted, and that bid of Standard Oil Co. of Cal. to furnish gasoline and stove oil, under its bid be accepted, and that Mayor be authorized to sign agreements under the terms of the bids. John A. Verhelst, owner of Lot 6, Block 3, Sidney, again appeared before the Council and asked that the Town sell fifteen feet on the easterly side of Lot 5, Block S. stating that he required that much additional land to qualify for bidding on post office lease. This was discussed, and a meeting was arranged, with Mr. Verhelst, the _Mayor and members of the Council, the Engineer and the Superintendent to be yield on the property at-5 o'clock p. m. February 12, 1958. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee reported that his committee had conferred with representatives of the Federated Junior Women+s Club and the Knights of Pythias lodge regarding improvements at Givens Field; that it had been suggested that the Town clear space for picnic grounds, remove some trees from the area and install rest room facilities; that representatives of the organizations would under. take to provide picnic tables and benches and construct fireplace. it was also suggested that,the Active Club be contacted and asked to install toilet facilities in the rest rooms if the Town supplies the equipment. Chairman Baker of the Fire and Light committee reported on request for light in the alley in Block 12, First Addition, stating; that the committee had investigated the request, had conferred with representative of the Poser Company; that the cost of installation of this light would amount to about $75.00 and that the committee had informed the property owners interested that if they would take care of the costs of installation that the Town would pay for maintenance of the light. Further time granted for action on request for changes in police office. Chairman Baker of the Fire and Light committee reported that proposals had been re- ceived from various dealers to supply tires for the two fire trucks, and that some attractive proposals had been received. This was discussed, the proposals were considered, and it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried that the Fire and Light committee be empowered to carry on negotiations and stake purchases of tire equipment. A letter was received from the South Kitsap ImprovementCouncil regarding caution light on Sidney road. This was referred to Councilman Baker. Engineer reported that curb had been placed on line agreed upon in Block 11, Sidney (Tedta Thriftway), but that the job does not receive his approval. Referred to Street and Alley committee. Superintendent Givens, on behalf of Town employees, asked for raise in pay for em- ployees. Referred to Finance and Auditing committee. Further consideration of proposed garbage ordinance was continued. The following claims checked by heads of departments, the Finance and Auditing committee, and the members of the Council, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Hall and carried: Donald. C. Corey Donald M. Cunningham Albert V. Raygor Western Auto Supply Co. Caldwell Trading Post Wilkins Distributing Co. Inc. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Port Orchard Independent Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Town Clerk F. E. Langer Agency Trick & Murray Transport Clearings Pacific Tel & Tel Co. All Bearing; Service, Inc. Caldwell Trading Post Town Clerk Wilkins Distributing Co. Lester R. Helm Siler Auto Parts, Inc. Ray's Auto Rebuild Totem Equipment Co. Rudd Paint & Varnish Co. Port Orchard machine Swop Fruehauf Trailer Co. Tegstrom Building Materials Ted's Thriftway Bremerton Concrete Products Co. Road District No. 2, Kitsap Co. V. B. Caldwell Trading Post Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Pacific Electric Co. Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Gaylord Bros., Inc. Town Clerk Puget Sound News Co. W. H. Stevenson Standard. Oil Co. of Cal. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Police service Police service Police service Punch, car wash for police Marking crayon Gasoline for police car Clerk,"Police and Fire telephones Publishing Diesel fuel for town hall Postage and adv. expenses Clerk, Asst. Clerk and Police bond Warrant register & cash book sheets Freight on signs L'U'Vol za QNTO 1 Telephones and tolls Ball bearing for pump Material for water dept. Postal cards, expenses Gasoline 419410DINO Labor on streets Piston rings, gaskets, etc. Repair dump truck Protector sheath Paint thinner Welding Part for hoist Nails and lumber Toilet tissue, soap, chlorox Concrete brick Repair sweeper Tools and material Telephone and tolls Compressor rental Stove oil for Bay Street garage Library supplies P. 0. Box rent Books for Library PARK FUND Sharpen mower � Diesel and str6ve or, Meeting adVjoyirned on motion by Ball, seconded Clerk Tarried. H 79.68 13.28 13.27 1.49 1.03 87.38 54.95 13.69 84.56 13.76 922.50 28.08 2.10 25.60 1'6.43 11.32 21.56 92.56 229.68 42.50 35.23 15.31 8.27 4.13 13,40 2, 25 12.73 3.20 6.73 7.69 12.85 21.60 26.61 14.21 1.10 14.05 4.77 52.31 Mayor 1� Port Orchard, Washington February 24, 1958 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, R. B. Nall, Dusty C. Winebrenner and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague, and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore. Absent Councilman George A. Broughton. Minutes of meeting of February 10, 1958 read and approved. W. M. Prigger appeared before the Council requesting lease on a parcel of land in the garbage tract on which to pile wood. This was discussed, and it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried that a lease for the desired land be entered Into with Mr. Prigger at $5.00 per month, the lease to be subject to cancellation on thirty days notice; description of tract to be leased: to be furnished by the Engineer. Chief of Police submitted plans and estimates of changes desired in his office. These were studied by the Council and action deferred for further study. Councilman Baker was granted further time to make report on request for caution light on Sidney road. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley~ committee reported on his investigation of curb placed in Block ll, Sidney. Finance and Auditing committee was granted further time for recommendation on request for raise in pay for town employees. Notice of application for transfer of location of Ralph's Tavern was received from the Liquor Cpntrol Board. This was discussed, and no recommendation was made by the Council regarding the transfer. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee stated that he had received request for use of the Council Chambers for meetings of the Retired dents Club. He stated that his committee opposes use of Council Chambers for general use, but that it might be possible to grant use of the Taylor Street Recreation Center, it such use did not interfere with youth activities. Report of the committee approved on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried. Councilman Hall stated that he had conferred with members of the Fire Department regarding improvements which might result in lowered insurance rates in Town, and cited some instances which would redound to the benefit of the Town. Among those taking part in the discussions were Fire Chief T. A. Bontrager, and Lee Caldwell, Charles Russell and William Nearhoff of the Fire Department, who suggested a new building code and a fire lode. Matters referred to Fire and Light committee. Matter of parking along curb in front of Block 11, Sidney, and the installation of parking meters was referred to the Street and Alley committee. Clerk informed the Council that both the Current Expense Fund and the Street Fund are out of cash and that it would be necessary to issue interest bearing warrants in these two funds, until such time as cash reserves can be established. He stated that the $i.tsap County Bank had agreed to handle these warrants at 3% interest: The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Donald C. Cores Police $ 106.34 Albert V. Raygor Police 13.28 Cleveland Chevrolet Police car repair 17.93 George L. Rothenberg Repair police radio 5.00 B. J. Meier Labor on town hall grounds 7.00 Gingreyts Richfield Service Tires and tubes for fire trucks 265.22 Miller Meters Inc. Parking meter parts 11.29 Traffic Control Signs Co. Traffic signs 52.70 Treasurer, Ki tsap County Forest Patrol tax, garbage tract 5.60 Puget Sound -Power & Light Co. Street lights 430.60 Hoene Hardware Case paper towels 7.91 Beacon Electric Company Furnace repair and adjustment 568.33 Pioneer Business Forms Election supplies 22.09 WATER FUND Ratelco, Inc. Repair pipe finder $ 16.72 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power for pumps 235.16 Gale W. Dow _ Labor reading meters 31.68 Overall Cleaning & Supply Shop towels 4.17 STREET FUND Cleveland Chevrolet Repair truck 49.05 Howard Cooper Corp. Parts for roller 41.00 Howe Hardware Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Paint, hardware, various mds.e. Service at Bay St. 48.02 garage 8.90 I STREET FUND Lester R. Helm Bowe Hardware Labor on streets 0 WATER U UN STRU CT I ON x'UND Fittings, etc. Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by ker carried. Clerk Mayor 152.46 Port Orchard, Washington March 10, 1958 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington dAl:led to order by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, Harold G. Baker, Dusty C. Winebrenner and R. B. Hall; Attorney Dudley N. Perrin.e; Superintendent of Public corks George P. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police A. L. Wifymore present. Minutes of meeting of February 24, 1958 read and approved. Finance and Auditing committee reported on request for raise in pay for town employees, recommending a raise of $10.00 per month for regular employees, and a maximum of $2.04 per hour for casual employees. After a discussion it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Broughton and carried that recommendations of committee be accepted, and that ordinance providing for recommended pay scale be passed. Further time was granted to Fire and Light; committee for definite recommendation on request for caution light on Sidney Street* Street and Alley committee was granted further time to make investigation of install- ing parking meters fronting Block 110 Sidney. William F. Klein and Richard L. Kline, residing on South Sidney Street, appeared be- fore the Council and "tated that hhey represented an improvement club in their area, which was interested in establishing a planning board to work with the Council in setting up regulations for lot sizes, street alignments, etc. in their area. This was discussed, and was referred to the Street and Alley committee to arrange a meet- ing with a committee from the Club to work out details of suggested plarming and regulations. One bid was received for insurance on motorized equipment of the Town. The bid was opened and was from Russell L. Sweany Agency, representing the South Kitsap Insurance Agents Association. After consideration of the bid, it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried that bid be accepted, and insurance under the terms of the bid be authorized.* Mrs. A. N. Jones appeared before the Council and presented petition for annexation of tertitory in south part of town. The petition was referred to the Engineer for checking of land descriptions. It was stated that it might be desired to plat the property and in this connection Chairman Hull of the Street and Alley committee suggested that the Council should study a Matting code similar to that adopted by the County, to insure proper street alignments and other features of proposed plats. A letter was received from W. H. Coomes regarding claim for damage to car. Russell L. Sweany of the Sweany Agency stated that;he would handle this matter and the letter was turned over to him. LeRoy Rischenss asked that the license for taxicabs formerly held by Mrs. Florence Turner be transferred to him, as he had purchased the Ideal and Blue & Gold Taxis. Transfer authorized on motion by Winebrennerm seconded by "all and carried. Chairman Repanich of the parks and rlaygrounds committee stated that the Girl Scout Council had informed him that the Scouts would like to undertake a project of land- scaping and beautifying the grounds at Givens Field, and this was being considered by the committee.,' Chairman Baker of the Fire and Light committee reported that the Puget Sound Power & Light committee plans to install a different type of street lighting gloves, which would give more efficient light and could a longer lived. After a discussion change was authorized on motion by Minebrenner, s handed by "all and carried. Final action on proposed garbage ordinance was accomplished when the ordinance, con- taining changes previously considered, was read to the Council, and ordinance was passed as read on motion by Winebrenner, s,econded by Broughton and carried. Ordin- ance adopted as Ordinance No. 647, and ordered published, ni Terms of amended contract with W. H. Cruikshank, collector, were considered with Mr. Cruikshank, the terms providing for rates to be charged to customers, and also providing for payment of $75.00 per month as franchise fee, starting April 1, 1958; and also providing for review of terms on ,August 1, 19589 if desired. Provisions of contract as outlined were approved on motion by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried, and Attorney was directed to prepare contract under the terms adopted. Resolution was received from Kitsap County Young Republican Club, urging the Council to give careful consideration -before taking action on wining proposed Regional Planning Commission. The following claims, having been approved by heads of departments, and checked by the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Broughton and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Donald C. Corey Police service 79.68 Donald M. Cunningham Police service 26.56 Saindon's, Inc. Tire remolds, for police 21.08 Cleveland Chevrolet Police car repair 6.41 Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Gasoline, tube, etc., police 9.68 Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Diesel fuel for town hall 107.10 L. N. Curtis &-TSons Fire Extinguishers 19.74 Tidewater Oil. Company Diesel fuel, town hall 16.91 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Clerk, Police and Fire tale. 54.85 Port Orchard Independent Publishing and stationery 29.57 Lester R. Helm Labor 7.92 B. J. Meier Labor on town hall grounds 14.00 Hallgren Company Fire hydrant 103.53 WATER FUND Tegstrom Building Materials Paint 6.45 Anderson Ditch Digging Trench for water line 20.67 American Plbg. & Steam Supply Black pipe 3.31 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephonede s antolls 2g,75 Lester R. Helm. Labor on water lines 7.92 Wilkins Distributing Co. Spark plugs 3.78 Siler Auto Parts Paint and thinner 9.15 Totem Equipment Co. Broom wire and parts 48.60 Blanchard's Dept. Store Cotton bate 1.75 Port Orchard achine Shop Repair for sweeper 3.55 Road Dist. No. 2, Kitsap Co. Repair roller 45.73 Lester R. helm Labor on streets 178,20 standard Oil Co. of Calf. Stove oil for street sheds 59.82 acific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 12.10 Wilkins Distributing Co. Oil,, plugs, filters, etc. 65.16 WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND Reds Electric Motor Service ,ewind motor Well #6 56.83 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Install transformers 140.00 Hallgren Company _ Copper tubing 228.91 Service Hardware & Impl. Co. Repair pump and motor 123.10 PARK TUND Lester R. helm Cutting_.itrees at Givens Field 37.60 Port Orchard Machine Shop Angle iron for avower 1.29 LIBRARY FUND Anna W. Bevins Re-imburse for magazine sub. 6.00 Meeting adjourned to March 20, 1958 at 5 p.m. on motion by hall., ded by oughton and carried, to canvas returns of Municipal. Election, Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington March 20, 1958 Adjourned meeting of the Council of the Torn of Port Orchard, Washington, adjourned to this date for the purpose of canvassing the returns of the Municipal Election held on March 11, 1958, and to tally the absentee ballots, called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilman N. J. Repanich,, George A. Broughton and R. B. Hall. Returns canvassed, absentee ballots tallied, and certificate showing the following results of the election signed by Mayor and members of the Council; For Mayor: D. N. Bassen R. B. Ball George J. Snyder John C. Gilchrist For Councilmen: V. B. Caldwell Otto Chantler Lloyd Granquist Ford W. Nichols Charles Odell Paul powers, Jr. G. C. Rylander Edward C. Sundt Meeting adjourned on motion by Broughton, seconded Clerk 153 299 138 . 1 168 39 161 170 141 159• 155 142 by Repanic c 41 Port Orchard, Washington March 24, 1958 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis with Councilmen R. B. Hall, Dusty C. Winebrenner, Harold G. Baker, Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Sup- erintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chtif of Police A. L. Wymore, present. Minutes of regular meeting of March 10, 1958 and adjourned meeting of March 20, 1958 read and approved. Walt'Nelander appeared before the Council regarding conditions on Cedar Street as they effect construction of new medical clinic sin the vicinity, asking for certain con-- cessions regarding the street. Matter was discussed, and was referred to the Street and Alley committee, the Engineer and the Superintendent to meet with Mr. Nelander on the property at 5 p. m. March 25, 1958. Walter Lamb appeared before the Council regarding proposed alterations to a residence at 909 Austin Street. He explained proposed plans and after considering the matter, it was moved by Hall, seconded by Winebrenner and carried that permit be authorized. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lemon appeared before the Council, complaining that their minor son had secured cigarettes and had been playing amusement machines in town. Attorney explained lax governing conditions complained of, and Chief of Police wad directed to notify operators to prohibit minors from playing the machine s, and dealers to watch cigarette machines and deny minors right to secure cigarettes from the machines Resolution concerning garbage contract and rates to be charged read to the Council and passed on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried. ` Chairman Baker of the Fire and Light committee reported on request for caution light on Sidney Street, and it was agreed that person who made request be contacted for definite information. Chairman Hall of they Street and Alley committee reported that so far there has been no meeting with representatives of Fern*ood Improvement Club concerning proposed - platting and zoning regulations, as requested by the Club, but that meeting would be arranged. Engineer Sprague stated that he had checked property descriptions on petition for annexation of A. N. Jones and others, and that descriptions are not accurate. Referred back to petitioners. Proposed installation of parking meters fronting Block 11, Sidney, was discussed and it was moved by Baker, seconded by Repanich and curried that five parking meters be installed in this location. �s Report from Department of health regarding conditions at garbage dump was read to the Council. Notice of meeting of Association of Washington Cities at Spokane on May 21, 22 and 230 1958 was received, and Mayor indicated that he expected to attend the session$ a� did Mayor elect Hall. Copies of platting regulations in force by Ritsap County were distributed to members of the Council, for consideration, as they might be desirable for adoption by the Town of Port Orchard. Clerk called attention to vacation pay and compensation days claimed by discharged patrolman, stating that said patrolman had received his full pay as far as records in the Clerk's office show. It was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Repanich, and carried that Clerk be authorifed to pay amount certified by Chief of Police as due under Ordinance No. 632. After checking by heads of departments and by the Finance and Auditing committee, the following claims were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Fall, seconded by Repanich and carried: Donald C. Corey Donald M. Cunningham Albert V. Raygor L. N. Curtis & Sons Howe Motor Company Port Orchard Independent Dorothy Sivo Nina E. Hull Norma Van Gilder Lillian Van Zee Nettie Nelson Leila Nordby Puget Sound Power & Light Western Utilities Supply Co. Gale W. Dow Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Elliott Addressing Machine American Plbg & St Supply Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. Lester R. Helm Foltz Auto. Wreckers Puget Sound Power & Light Western Tractor & Equip. Co. Lester R. Helm. Puget Sound Power & Light Stenerson's Lester R. Helm Puget Sound News Co. GURREIVT EXPENSE FUND .. Police service 136,50 Police service 109.20 Police service 69.96 CO 2 cartridge refill 2.11 Repair fire truck 26.45 Printing & publishing 130.27 Service on election board 4,00 Service on election board 4.00 Service on election board 4.00 Service on election board 4.00 Service on election board 4,.00 Service on election board 4.00 Street & Town hall lights 533.58 WATER Flanging tool 3.60 Labor reading water meters 32,64 Power for pumps 274.43 Stencils for mailer 10,73 Galt'. pipe 60.86 Shop towels 3.96 STREET FUND Labor on streets 67.32 Seal beam lights for sweeper 5.17 Service at garages 13,14 Parts for grader 4.76 PARK FUND Labor at Givens Field 81.60 Taylor St. Reer. and Tennis eta. 13.90 Chain saw rental 17.00 HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND Burning off parking lines 14.28 LIBRARY FUND Books for Library 6.45 Meeting adjourned on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Ha Clerk �G a Port Urchatrd, itiashin!;ton April 14, 1958 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mavor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Nick J. Iiepani.ch, George A. Broughton, R. R. Hall, Dusty C. and Harold G. Baker; attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Angineer Olin. M. Sprague and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore. Minutes of meeting of 14arch 24, 1958 read and approved. This being the date on which bids for liability insurance wre to be received, bids were opened, three bids being received through the fort Orchard Insurance Writers' Association. The bids were studied by the Council, and it was moved by .Hall, sec- onded by Repanich and carried that the bid of New ttmsterdam. Casualty Company be accepted. Fred Eastwood of 1423 Garrison Street asked that a ,general cleanup of property be undertaken in the interests of sanitation, stating that there are some condi- tions in the neighborhood which are insanitary. This was discussed and it was suggested that he inform the health Department of conditions and that this Depart- ment will take care of the matter. Frank Nunner, Herman V. McRroon, Max Tieielmeier and others werepresent regarding garge regulations. They stated their troubles and were informed that a garbage supervisor will benamed in the near future, and that their problems could be hand- led through the supervisor. Chairman Hall of the Street and alley committee reported that his committee had met with Walter Nelander regarding drainage and fill problems on Cedar Street and that certain conditions had 'been adopted, if work is undertaken. Rngineer Sprague reported on petition of 1L. M. Jones et al., for annexation of property to the Town of Port [Orchard. It was moved by Hall, seconded by Baker and earried that hearing on petition be set for May 12, 1958 and that proper notice be given. r^laim for damages by A? vi.r L. Loch, for alleged damage to leis pickup truck in a collision with town lodder, was read to tho Council. Claim was denied on motion by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried and claim was referred to the Insurance Company. Chairman Taker of the l-'ire and Light committee reported on investigation made of eonditions on Sidney road near L. L. Stetson property, and recommended that a. street light be installed near the property. This was discussed and it was moved by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried that street light he authorized. Superintendent brought up the matter of desired extensions to water system on Maple Street and on Prospect :street. After a di.sc,ission and art explanation of plans it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Broughton and carried that Ulerk be directed to c,11 for bids for 3,500 feet of 6-inch cast iron water Ripe and necessary fit- tin¢s, and 110 feet of 4-inch cast iron water pipe and fittings, and that Finance and Auditing committee confer with Clerk to arrange finaticin g of improvements, both under dater Construction Fund and Water Fund. Chairman j,inebrPnnPr of ti.e health and Sanitation committee brought tip the matter of naming a sni ervisor for garbage department, anti ,after a discussion, it was moved by Hall, seeonded by '3roughton and carried that matter be referred to the Health and Sanitation committee with power to act in nvtriin g a su, ervisor. The following claims, (;heeked by headsof depar°twents and by members of the Finance and Auditin- committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Wine'wirenner and carried: Ponald C. Corey Donald C. Cunningham Albert V. Ragor Peninqula Stationers Cleveland Chevrolet Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Satndons' Tne. r- . J . Meier WinPhrennerIs Howe hardware I u ge+., Sound mower tlC Light Co. F. R. Langer Agency Port Orchard Independent R. L. Sweany Agency Fael_fic Tel & Tel Co. Hannah & Powell Town Clerk Tidewiter [Oil. Company Police service 163.92 Police service 13.66 Police Service 68.30 Letter scale and blotter, Police 3.31 Police e.a,r service r1nd repair 6.46 Tire repair, asolino for Police 109.02 Reynold, wheel balance, etc. Police 19.96 Labor on town hall ,mounds ._ 18.00 Janitor's supplies 3.57 Case towels for town hall 8.13 Street lights 434.60 .3-year premium on patrolmen bond 81.OU Publishing 7.43 Insurance premium on rolling stock 88.66 Clerk, Police and fire telephones 53.70 MPrehandise for Fire Department 2.58 l'osta';e and advanced expenses 7.10 Diesel nliel for town Ball 111.01 I� W."LT r 11 FUND R. L. Sweany Agency Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Lester R. Helm Pneifie, Water Works Supply Western Utilities Supply Anderson l)itchin r Service Overall Cleaning and .iupply Caldwell Trading Post Gould Sheet Metal Works Kitsap Co. Road Dist. No. 2 Rixrroighs Corporation Town Clark N. C. Marine Insurance premium on rollin-e stock lower at pumping stations Labor Wrench fart for ta l►pin machine ,)i ging trench for water line Stop towels Fittings and tools Ga.lAanized guard Tail pipe for truck Service agreement for machines Reibburse for postal cards, etc. Gaskets S T11RFT FUND R. L. Sweany Agency Puget round Power & Light Lester R. Helm Wilkins Distributing Co. Deal 's Ray "oe.k ► quipment Co. Port Orchard Machine Shop Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Caldwell Tra►liwr Post Western Auto Supply Town Clerk Standard (ail Co. of Calif. To'� Nl Cl -rk Caldwell Trading Post Insurance premium on rolling stock Co. Service at Bay:itreet garage Labor on streets Oil filters Cable, brake fluid, etc. Spring Vor loader Labor and material Telephones and tolls Wire, paint, cable, etc. Ignition switch Reimburse for tiaterials rxasoline and :Move oil LI TWURY F I D Reimburse for P. 0. Box rent S F1;14M FUND 0 �M 29.06 218.18 10.20 4.60 5.38 16.53 2.83 7.02 3.51 9.68 196.33 41.01 5.48 208.29 5.00 299.88 13.00 13.60 .32 10.60 11.85 32.72 1.53 .56 187.88 1.10 Rubber gloves 1.86 Meeting adjourned on motion by 13aker, s f Clerk seconded by Hal and car' ed. Mayor Port Orchard, Washin ;ton l,.pril 28, 1958 Regular meeting of the Co74ncil of the Town of fort 6rchard, Washington, called to or- der 'by Mayor C. fi. Largis. Present Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, Harold G. Raker, Dusty C. Winebrenner, R. ll. Ball and George A. Broughton; A-.ttorney lion Thompson; Superinten- dent of Public, 'Worms George F. Givens; t+ingineer ulin 1H. Sprague and Chief of Police A. L. Tdymore. Minutes of meeting of Aptil 1.4, 1958 read and approved. Application for taxi license by Mrs. Florence ti. 'Turner was filed by Myron Freyd, Mt- torney for Mrs. Turner, who ad�,ressed the Council on behalf of thQ application. Erank Shiprs, attorney, appeared on behalf of it. in. Itylander, and Lehoy Eischens ill opi,osing Vie application. Reugest for license was also urged by ."lrs. Turner. A discussion of the matter and consideration of the Ordinance governing operation of taxicabs was held, and it was moved by Reparlich, seconded by Winebrenner and carried that the application be denied. A petition for the construction} of curbs, gutters and sidewalks on Garrison Street be- tween Melcher and Sou'.h Streets, signed by Ed Sundt and others was received. The petition was read to the Council, and was returned to the petitioners for property descriptions and other corrections 'before being considered. 3Irs. E. It. Collette and Mrs. E. 1). Sauer and others appeared in connection with the petition. W. L. Doyle appeared before the Council in reference to trash being dumped on an unopened street west of Tacoma -Harper highway intersection. This was referred to the Street and Alley committee to investigate and report to the Council. This being the date on which bids for water main and fittings were to be received, Mayor directed that bids be opened. Tlids were received from it. D. Fowler Company, United States Pipe and Foundry Uompany, Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Colapany, Ha.11gren Com- pany and Pacific Water Works Supply Company. Bids were referred to the Superintendent, rnginper and the Finance and auditing committee for checking and report. Superintendent reported that West Street north from Helcher is being opened for a short distance by removing dirt and bringing the street to a usable ,grade, the work reinty, done without cost to the Totm or property owners by a contractor who had a place for the dirt. j Chairman Repanieh of the Parks and Playgrounds committee stated that the "Babe Ruth" Leaque officials have requested that they be allowed use of the baseball diamond at 4ivens Field for league play, and asked that some grading be done to bring the field to usable condition, stating that if the necessary grading is (tone that the Leamue will do the other necessary work. This was discussed, a.nd a point was made l! that whatever is done that the field should not be turned over to any group for exclusive use, but should be for the public generally. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee stated that lie had met with the Fern - wood Improvement Club, and had consulted with them regarding some of their problems r41a#ive to street alignments, future`,platting, etc. itn stated that nothing defi- nite had developed but that future meetings will probably be held. It was stated that indiscriminate dumping c,f garbagealongr the road to the garbage tract was ca.usin- trouble, and that this is bein handled by the garbage coutra.ctor. Enwineer reported that he had conferred with the contractor and the owners of the new clinic bein; constructed on the Tacc•ma highway regarding sewer conditions, and recommended that connection be made with existing sewer at the foot of Mitchell Hill, as a spetic tank is undesitahle and unpractical in the location of the clinic. The followinw claims were read to the Council, after being checked by Finance and ,Auditing committee ano heads of departments, and were ordered paid on motion by ball, seconded by Kepanich and carried: CURRENT M'i+NSE FUND Howe Motor Company Fire truck repair 2.58 Slocum Hardware Janitor supplies 1.49 Trick & Murray Traffic violation books, police 41.53 Peninsula Stationers Typewriter ribbon, police 1.60 Albert V. Raygor Police service 61.48 Donald M. Cunningham Police service 6.84 Donald C. Corey Police service 109.28 Atlas *Tineral Products Co. Mineralead for meter posts 22.27 Part Orchard Independent Publish call for bids 5.00 n. J. Meier Labor on town hall o;rtunds 7.20 P. A. Getschma,.nn -Premium on Police Judge bond 10.00 WATB[t FUND Hall.grren Company Meter tops, gaskets, etc. $ 34.37 Gale. W. Dow Labor reading water meters 32.64 SilPr Autp Parts, Inc. Various parts 11.35 Gamon Meter Division Water meter parts 43.93 Port Orchard Independent Call for bids for water main, etc. 17.30 Western Utilities Supply Co. Copper tubing 245.36 STREET FUND Lester R. Helm Labor on streets 163.20 Lundy Sales and Service rraffic faint 30.75 PARK FUND P. J. Meier Labor on playfields $ 28.80 LIAItARY FUND The fl. R. Hiinttzng Company Rooks for Library 28.55 WAT Mi CONSTRUCTION FUND F. A. McIntyre '3ulldozBng right-of-way 100.00 Meeting mourned to May 6; 1.�958 at 7: 30 p. m. to furtl cons ' er ids for water pipe and tongs, on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by er d carried. Clerk Mayor M � M �.}• • >F T � R . '�^ �1`/ � . '1� CIF J Poi�/t Orchard; Washington M" 6, 1958 Adjourned meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C. H. La.rgis, with Councilmen Geor-e m. Brougliton, Nick J. hepari- ieh, R. Hail, Dusty C. (Winebrenner and 1[arvlct G. Baker; .attorney Dudley N. � 1 Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens present. The meetin; was adjourned to this date to hear report on calculations of bids for water main and fittings, opened at regular meetin; of April 28, 1958, and refarred to the Superintendent and the Finance and auditing committee for report. r) SupQrintendent made a report of his study of the bids, and stated that by changing the specifications that a saving could be made, and recommended that the bids for water main be rejected and t'iat the Town open negotiations for purchase of the mater- ial. Present at the meeting were representatives of the-Vacific States Cast Iron Pipe Company and the United States Pipe and Foundry Company, the bidders on the water main. Following a discussion, it was moved by Baker, seconded by Itepanich and carried that the bids for water main be rejected and that an effort be made to negotiate under the revised specifications, which called for Tyton joints instead of mechanical joints. Representatives of the two original bidders stated that the revision in specifications would reduce the cost of the 6-inch water main by 8c per foot, and ti,e 4-inch water grain by6c per foot. 0idl ey NT. P-rrine, si),-akin; as a private citizen, urged that further reductions be made, statinm that he believed that governmental agencies do not receive as adventa- Ip ous hids as do private contractors. A flrrt.her study of tho bids was made, and it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Mall and carried that the offer of the United States Pipe and Foundry Company for water main, tees and plugs be accepted at $2.093 per foot for 6-inch main and $1.40 per foot for 4-inch main, and the priEe of thetees and plugs as stated in the original hid; also that the bid of ii. D. Fowler Company, Inc., for valves, waive boxes and copper tubinw, be accepted. United States Pipe and Foundry Company filed a new offer to comply with the revised specifications and a-reements. Meeting a.d jonrned on motion by 3ia] f Clerk %lay Port Orchard, Washington MAY 12, 1958 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Rep- anich, R. B. Hall, Dusty C. Winebrenner and Harold G. Baker; Attorneys Dudley N. Perrine and Don Thompson; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague;.Chief of Police A. L. Wymore, and Councilmen -elect V. B. Caldwell and Verd W. Nichols. Minutes of regular meeting of April 28, 1958 and adjourned meeting of May 60 1958 read and approved. W. L. Doyle, Clarence Braaten and Glenn G. Good appeared before the Council regarding conditions in the vicinity of Sroufe and Rockwell Streets. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee made a report of his investigation of the area, and the Attorney informed the Council of the legal angles. Following a discussion the visitors were taken to another room by the Attorney where their differences were resolved. R. C. Chapman of 528 Dwight Street appeared before the Council and asked that he be permitted to open a portion of the street. This was referred to the Street and Alley committee, and the committee arranged to meet with Mr. Chapman on the property at 7 o'clock p. m. May 140 1958. Clerk presented bill from Commissioner of Public Lands for lease payment on harbor area lease. The claim was ordered paid on motion by Broughton,seconded by Winebrenner and carried. In connection with this claim, a discussion of the affiliation by the Town in the Bremerton Port District was held, and it was suggested that ways and means be sought by which to sever the Town's connection with the Port District. Application by A. L. Jones et al. for annexation of certain property to the Town of Port Orchard was called for hearing on proper notice, and was continued until necessary documents are supplied. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee brought up the matter of necessary repairs to the tennis courts at Givens Field, and following a discussion, it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried that this be referred to the parks and Playgrounds committee with power to act. Jordell Baker and others appeared before the Council relative to use of baseball diamond at Givens Field for "Babe Ruth" play, and asked for certain improvements, stating that the labor would be taken care of by their committee. Following a dis- cussion, it was arranged for the Parks and Playgrounds committees to meet with the league committee at the field on May 13, 1958 at 5 o'clock. p. m. Charles A. Russell of the Fire Department, asked permission to secure approved fire permits for issuance under certain conditions for burning inside the Town limits. Permission was granted on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich°and carried. Clerk submitted preliminary report from the State Census Board showing the popula- tion of Port Orchard as fixed by the Census Board as of April 1, 1958, to be 3,075. The following claims were read to the Council, and allowed and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried: Donald C. Corey Albert V. Raygor Cleveland Chevrolet Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Port Orchard Machine Shop Tidewater Oil Co. Puget Sound Pourer & Light Co. B. J. Meier racific Tel & Tel Co. Port Orchard Independent Puget Sound Power & Light Kitsap Co. Road Dist. #2 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Prichard Shell Service Overall Cleaning & Supply Lester R. Helm Wilkins Distributing Co. American Plbg & St. Supply Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Ace Paving Co. Service Hdw. & Implement Co. Rudd taint & Varnish Co. Port Orchard Machine Shop Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Puget Sound.Power & Light The H. R. Huntting Co. B. J. Meier Comb of Public Lands CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Police 109.28 Police 13.66 Repair police car 18.67 Gasoline for police 49.86 Weld posts at parking lot 13.44 Diesel Fuel for town hall 61.36 Street lights 434.60 Labor on town hall grounds 14.40 Clerk', Police and Fire tel. 53.30 2 M Evps for Clerk 30.34 HATER FUND Power at all pumps 219.50 Repair pickup 31.43 Telephones and tolls 27.85 Tire repair 5.71 Shop towels 4.51 STRrgi FUND Labor on streets 241.74 Spark plugs 3.78 2" black pipe 68.65 Telephone 11.85 Repair truck 54.43 Crushed rock 11.37 Build up shovel teeth 9.30 Traffic paint 207.70 Welding and material 17.31 Gasoline and stove oil 125.14 Service at Bay St. garage 4.10 Books $ 6.10 z1�1�1/, Labor on playfields 48.60 HARBOR IMPROVEIONT FUND Annual Harbor lease payment Meeting adjourned on motion by Winebrenner Clerk seconded by 1 a d. 6 180.00 Mayor n Port Orchard, Washington May 26, 1958 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by ?4W or C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, Georges A. Broughton, . Harold G. Baker, Duster C. Winebrenner and.R. B. Hall; Attorneys Dudley N. Perrino and .Don Thompson; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, Engineer Olin M. Sprague; Chief of Police A. L. Wymore and Councilmen -elect Verd W. Nichols and V. B. Caldwell. Minutes of meeting of May 120 1958 read and approved. Attorney Marion Garland appeared on behalf of Horluck Transportation Company and asked for a franchise to pperate busses over the streets of Port Orchard. He submitted a proposed ordinance, which was read to the Council. Terms of the franchises were con- sidered and discussed and action was continued until June 9, 1958, Jord.ell Baker and other representatives of the "Babe Ruth League" were present and reported on their meeting with the committee from the Council regarding playing priv&leges at Givens Field.. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee also made a report of the meeting and stated that general agreement had been reached on proposed improvements on the baseball field. Matter of fence for the protection of spectators was discussed, cost figures were submitted, and the committee was' - given power to act in the matter of purchasing fence material, on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Repanich and carried. Frank A. Anderson asked about petition for water mains in Fernwood area,and was informed that no petition has been filed. He also called attention to speeding on Sidney road, and asked that an effort be made to curb this menace. This was referred to the police. Petition for annexation by Alonzo M. Jones at al., was referred to the Engineer for checking descriptions and for report on its regularity. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported on meeting which his comu.tte9e had held with R. C. Chapman regarding fopair to Dwight Street west of Cline Street. He stated that permission had been granted to Mr. Chapman to make improvements, the work to be done under the supervision, and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Pilblic Works. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee stated that the Girl Scouts had made an offer to do some clean-up work at Givens Field, in the picnic area, and /-� that this would be done as a Scout project. 1 Notice was received from Washington State Liquor Control Board of the application by Verd W. Nichols and Dale P. See for as Class H license, in lieu of the license under which they are now operating. Approval by the Council was voted on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried. Petition for improvement of Garrison Street between Melcher Street and South Street, by construction of curbs, gutters and sidewalks, was again submitted, and was referred to the Engineer for checking of ownerships and sufficiency. Superintendent stated that drain in Block 13, Sidney had not been properly -constructed and was now being plugged by tidal action, and that immediate repairs should be mane to eliminate danger of damage. This was referred to the Attorney to write letter to contractor who made they fill and demand immediate repairs to the satisfaction of the Superintendent and the Engineer. Chief Wymore asked about 2-hour parking signs posted on south side of Prospect Street, which are not always heeded by motorists. The matter was referred to Police to check and report back to the Council. Mayor -elect R. B. Hall gave a comprehensive report on the AWC convention which he attended last week in Spokane, stating that for the most part the efforts of the con- vention were directed toward finding additional sources of revenue for cities and towns, and an alert lookout to see that none of the present revenue is -lost. He also stated that a strong program is being outlined to present to the coming session of the Legislature in behalf of cities and towns. This being the last regular meeting at which Mayor C. H. Largis and Councilman Repanich will appear as members of the Town administration, complimentary remarks for their services and co-operation were made by Mayor -elect Hall, Superintendent Givens and others. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried: CUHKkIT EXPENSE FUND Albert V. Raygor Donald M. Cunningham Donald C. Corey B. J. Meier - Puget sound Power & Light Duro-Test Corporation V. B. Caldwell Trading Post R. B. Hall Gale W. Dow H. D. Fowler Company Puget Sound Power & Light Fremont Electric Anderson Ditch Digging Police service 27.32 Police service 13.66 Police service 95.62 Cutting grass at Town Hall- 18.50 Town Hall lights 97.73 120 100-watt lamps 67.36 Floor wax 2.33 Expenses at AWC convention 53.92 La I Labor reading water meters -32.64 Couplings and gaskets 10.42 Cathodic equipment 12.48 Stromberg Jet 2.42 Trench for water service 8.27 STREET FUND n Lester R. Helm Labor on streets 140.94 W. L. Johnson Labor on storm drain 16.32 Lyle D. Nichols Labor on streets 82,62 Western Tractor & Equipment Co. Part for gwader 43.78 V. B. Caldwell Trading Post Paint and thinner 12.33 Totem Equipment Co. Lower assembly for sweeper 95.65 Puget Sound Power.& Light Service at Kendall St. garage 2.00 Atlas Foundry & Machine Co. Manhole grate and gasket 46.51 PARK. FUND B. J. Meier Labor on Playgrounds 42.55 Lester R. Helm Labor on tennis courts 8.16 Lyle D. Nichols Labor on tennis courts 16.32 Paget Sound Power & Light Tennis Court and Rear. Ctr. lights 12.23 Syril Wolfe Bulldozing on picnic ground 64.00 WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND Olin N. Sprague Eng. on Maple & Kendall Sts. 600.00 F, A. McIntyre Bulldozing road for water line 261.00 Lester R, Helm Labor on Maple St. water main 8.16r HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND Lester R. Helm Burning off parking line $ 8.16 Claim of Wm. W. Barager for fertilizer at Givens Field, held over for investigation. Meeting adjourned to June 2, 1958 on motion by Hall, Clerk seconded by Bak and carried. Mayor Port Orchard, Washington June 2, 1958 Adjourned meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C; H. Largis. Present Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, George A. Broughton, Harold G. Baker, Dusty C. Winebrenner and R. B. Hall; Attorney Don Thompson; Chief of Police A. L. Wymore, and Councilmen -elect V. B. Caldwell and Verd W. Nichols, and many citizens in the audience. Minutes of meeting of May 26, 195B read and approved. Clerk asked that he be authorized to transfer $790.34 from Water Fund to Water Rev- enue Bond Fund 1957, Principal and Interest Account, in order to redeem an additional bond of the 1957 issue. He stated that as of May 31, 1958 there was 8,150.82 in the Water Fund, and that by the transfer it would be possible to reduce the indebtedness and out down interest, as the Kitsap County Bank has agreed to redemption of the bonds, although they are not yet due. Authority to transfer money as requested as granted on motion by Repanich, seconded by Broughton and carried. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee stated that the Girl Scbuts have undertaken a project of cleaning up and beautifying the grounds at Givens Field. This being the date on which the Mayor and two members of the Council, elected at the General Election on March 11, 1958, take their respective offices, Clerk administered the oaths of office to Mayor -elect R. B. Hall and Councilmen -elect V. B. Caldwell and Verd W. Nichols, and these gentlemen took their seats as officials of the Town of Port {Orchard. Retiring Mayor Largis presented the gavel to Mayor R. B. Hall with appropriate remakrs, extending best wishes to the newly elected officials for a sue- cessful administration, and thanking the Council members for their co-operation and efficient service during his term. Mayor Hall assumed charge of the meeting, extended his thanks and good wishes to the retiring officials, his greetings to the Council members and announced his appoint- ments as follows: Superintendent of Public Works, George F. Givens; Clerk -Treasurer, Guy L. Wetzel; Chief of Police A. L. Wymore; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Engineer Olin M. Sprague, Chief of Fire Department, Thomas A. Bontrager;•and Police Judge Winifred n L. Watt. Mayor also announced committee appointments as follows: Water, Sewer, Health and Sanitation, Dusty C. Winebrenner, Chairman, George A. Broughton and V. B. daldwell, Finance and Auditing,'George A. Broughton, Chairman, Harold G. Baker and V. B. Caldwell; Parks, Playgrounds and Buildings, Harold G. Baker, Chairman, Dusty C. Winebrenner and Verd W. Nichols; Street and Alley, Verd W. Nichols, Chairman, George A. Broughton and Dusty C. Winebrenner; Fire and Light, V. B. Caldwell, Chairman, Harold G. Baker and 'Verd W. Nichols. Mayor Hall stated that he believed that the Planning Commission should be activated and suggested the names of C. H. Largis, Nick J. Repanich, John C. Gilchrist, Charles A. Russell, V. M. Parks, William Lippert and Ed Heister as members of the'Commission. These persons were approved as members on motion by Nichols$ seconded by Baker :and carried. Meeting adjourned on motion by Winebrenner, second Clerk ed by Nichols an rie Ma Port Orchard, Washington June 9, 1958 n Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor R. B. Hall, with Councilmen V. B. Caaldwell, George A. Broughton, Verd W. Nichols, Dusty C. Winebrenner and Harold G. Baker; Attorneys Dudley N. Perrino and Don Thompson; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague, and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore, present. Minutes of adjourned meeting of June 2, 1958 read and approved. Clare L. Hicks, operator of - bus service from south part of Port Orchard to the Navy Yard, appeared and informed the Council of his status as a bus operator, stating that he held State Certificate No. 779, for bus service over a designated route, and asked that in considering the application of a -franchise by the Horluck Transportation Com- pany that territory overlapping his route be stricken from the franchise. The matter was considered and discussed, and was referred to the Finance and Auditing committee to investigate and report. Maas. Charles A. Bushnell appeared and again objected to burning of garbage in the vic- inity of Melcher Street. The Council heard her complaint and referred the question to the Chief of Police and Chief of the Fire Department for action. Application by A. L. Jones et ux et al for annexation of certain territory to the Town of Port Orchard again came up for hearing. En sneer Olin M. Sprague stated.that he had checked the petition and that it contains 100� of the ownership described in the petition. It was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Broughton and carried that .the petition for annexation be granted, and that ordinance annexing said territory be drawn and published. Chairman Baker of the Parks and Playgrounds committee reported on ractiviti6a in coop- eration with the Babe Ruth baseball League, and stated that material for fence for the ball.ground had been ordered. Superintendent reported that so far work has not been completed on Dwight Street, prev- iously authorized to be done by R. C. Chapman under the direction of the Superintendent. Engineer reported that checking of petition for sidewalks, curbs and gutters on Garrison Street had not been completed, but would be ready for consideration at the next meeting of the Council. Superintendent Givens made a report on condition of drain in Block 13, Sidney, and recommended manner in which repairs should be made. Repair work was authorized on motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried. Chief of Police reported on Prospect parking problem, and this was referred to the Street and Alley committee to investigate, and recommend action. Request for permit to construct car port at 1245 West Street. This was referred to the Engineer and the Parks and Buildings committee with power to act, on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Nichols and carried. Mayor Hall stated that he had contacted prospective members of the Planning Commiss- ion , and stated that a meeting would be held Monday evening, June 16, at 7:30, and asked that the members of the Council attend and take part in the deliberations. Councilman Winebrenner called attention to breaks in the pavement on Bay Street, stating that he had been informed that a woman had fallen by stepping in a crack in the surface. This was referred to the Superintendent to confer with the State high- way Supervisor and arrange to have repairs made. Councilman Winebrenner also stated that a movement is on to establish a Municipal float for small boats. This was discussed, and it was directed that Clerk contact the Town+s Insurance Company to ascertain additional cost of liability insurance for this facility. Engineer stated that he had been making maps and preliminary plans for a small beat haven, and that the Council would be kept informed of progress in the effort, which is being furthered by the South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce. New street lighting contracts with the Puget Sound Power & Light Co. were submitted. These were examined and considered, and Mayor was authorized to sign contracts on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Nichols and carried. Plans for proposed service station in east part of town by the Carter Oil Company were submitted, and examined by the Council. Councilman Caldwell stated that he believed that the northerly island should be moved back at least five feet from the suggested location as a traffic safety measure. This was agreed to by other members of the Council. Mayor stated that a meeting is scheduled to be held at Poulsbo on June 19, to talk over plans and consider needs of local municipalities. Mayor and Councilmen Wine- brenner, Baker and Caldwell indicated that they would attend the meeting. Chief of Police asked about the purchase of a new patrol car, stating that the present car has gone about 70,000 miles and would probably be in need of major repairs be- fore long. This was referred to the Finance and Auditing committee. Superintendent reported that water main has been laid on Maple Street and that as soon as "clear" reports are received from analysis of water that customers will be attached to the new line. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded ray Caldwell and carried: Donald C. Corey Glen A. Hahlin Albert V. Raygor Saindonts, Inc. Geo. L. Rothenberg Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Port Orchard Independent Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Roney's, Inc. Town Clerk B. J. Meier Cookson's Service Hannah & Powell Port Orchard Independent V. B. Caldwell Trading Post Deal's Town Clerk Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Bremerton Concrete Products Dealts Lester R. Helm Lyle D. Nichols Wilkins Distributing Co., Inc. Union Oil Co. of Cal. Morrison Gravel Co. V. B. 6aldwell Trading Post Port Orchard Machine Shop Pacific Tel & Tel Co. CURRr:N T EXr&NSA FUND Police 169.28 Police 80.78 Police 68.30 Tire remold for police 10.54 Radio repair, police 15.50 Gasoline for police car 90.72 Envelopes for Police Court 10.35 Telephones and tolls 59.51 Repair seal on pumper 7.62 Reimburse for adv. expenses 8.03 Labor on town hall grounds 16.65 11►a �', ill ���� Tire repair 1.29 Supplies for Water Dept. 2.58 Ledger sheets and index cards 51.04 Fittings and tools 4.60 Spark plugs, coil, etc. 11.88 Reimburse 2 M Postal cards 40.00 Telephones and tolls 30.95 M10 Gasoline 158.70 Manhole blox; culvert pipe 135.87 Truck parts 11.52 Labor 141.78 -Labor 89.76 Prestone Anti -rust 5.46 53 gal Rotor oil 46.16 Sand and gravel 102.15 Machine bolts, rake handles 4.69 Repair work 2.07 Telephone 11.85 n J WATbR CuNSTRUCTIUN FUND Lyle D. Nichols Lester R. Helm Amos Bates Bremerton Monument Co. Claud's Service Rice Electric W. L. Johnson Howe Motor Co, Port Orchard Machine Shop Caldwell Trading Post Lyle D. Nichols Lester R. Helm B. J. Meier Puget Sound News Co. Labor on Maple St, water line 24.48 Labor on water. line r,61*20 Labor on water line 86,70 Ditching on Maple St. 47.50 Ditching on Maple St. line 422.50 Wiring pumps at Well #6 475,33 Labor on Maple St. line 86.70 PARK FUND Repair mower 6.20 Lawn mower repair 2.84 Galv. wire for tennis courts 69.22 Labor on tennis courts 32.64 Labor on tenn_s courts 32.64 Labor at parks 70.30 Li13RARY Books for Library $ 48.77 Meeting adjourned on motion by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington June 23, 1958 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilmen Harold G. Baker, Verd W. Nichols, V. B. Cald- well and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of police A. L. Wymore. Absent Councilman Dusty C, Winebrenner. Minutes of meeting of June 9, 1958 read and approved. Chairman Baker of the Parks and Recreation committee stated that there is no further progress to report on improvement to baseball field. Chairman Broughton of the Finance, Auditing and Franchise committee reported that his committee had met regarding application for bus franchise, but had reached no decision due to lack of desired information. C. L. Hicks, operator of Horseshoe Lake bus service, George Swanson of Bremerton -Tacoma Stages, and Mary Lieseke, applicant for bus franchise in Port Orchard, were present and addressed the Council. Attorney explained the law and the provisions of the proposed ordinance granting franchise, and after a discussion, and at the agreement of all interested persons present, the matter was continued to the regular meeting of July 14, for action. Engineer Sprague reported on petition for improvement of Garrison Street by construc- tion of curbs, gutters and sidewalks, stating that in excess of 50% of owners of front footage on Garrison Street had signed the petition, and stating that before permanent works is done that a grade whould be established. Petition referred to Engineer and Street and Alley committee to investigate and make report. After an investigation of parking regulations on the south side of Prospect Street, Street and Alley committee recommended that all --day parking be permitted in this area, and that 2-hour parking signs be removed, Recommendation of committee adopted on motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried. Mayor Hall reported on the initial meeting of the Planning Commission, and stated that the Commission will meet on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7:30 p. M. Superintendent reported that arrangements have been made tor epair drain in Block 13, Sidney. Request for new patrol car by Police Department was continued. Clerk presented letter from State Tax Commission relating to taxes due on collections for utility services by the Town. This was referred to the Attorney. Mayor Hall stated that he will attend the meeting of the Legislative Interim Committee on Highways on June 24, and recommended that the Council pass a resolution favoring early construction of Puget Sound bridge as recommended by engineers and the Toll Bridge Authority. Resolution was passed unanimously on motion by Nichols, seconded by Caldwell and carried. Superintendent stated that property owner on Ada Street requests rental of machinery for filling portion of Ada Street, and desires to secure fall dirt from garbage dump property. He stated that by removing the dirt at the garbage site that a larger area for disposal of garbage would be created. Rental was authorized, and securing of fill material from garbage site was approved, on motion by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried, with the proviso that the work be done under the supervision of the Superintendent. Notices were received from Washington State Liquor Control Board of applications for renewals of existing licenses from the following establishments in Port Orchard: Star Tavern; T4d's Thriftway; Port Orchard Mixer Shop; Veterans of'Foreign Wars; Round Up Tavern; King Distributing Company; Winebrenner's Food Store; T. B. & M. Stores, and Capitol Tavern. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the Finance and Audit- ing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Baker, sec- onded by Nichols and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Donald C. Corey Police Service 109.28 Albert V. Raygor Police service 20.49 Lumber Supply Materials for Fire Dept. 22.19 Lyle D. Nichols Labor 8.16 B. J..Meier Labor cutting grass 20.35 R. L. Sweany, Insurance Premium, liability insurance 11172.95 Trick & Murray Forms for Clerk 14.92 Tidewater Oil Company Diesel fuel for town hall 36.77 Cleveland Chevrolet Repair police car 22.69 Puget Sound Power & Light Street lights 422.81 Peninsula Stationers Report sheets for police 3.43 Port Orchard Independent. 2 M Fire permits, for Fire Dept. 26..51 WATER FUND Gale W. Dow Labor reading water meters- 36.72 Amos Bates Labor on broken water line 8.16 B. J. Meier Labor at Wells 4 & 5 12.95 Lumber Supply 'Amber and paint 50.60 Western Utilities Supply Pipe fittings 58.15 Overall Cleaning & Supply Shop towels 4.86 Puget Sound Power & Light Power for pumps 372.40 STREEV FUND Lester R. Helm Labor on streets $ 165.24 Lyle D. Nichols Labor on streets 156.06 Gerald Schiele Labor on streets 48.96 Lumber Supply Paint, nails, lumber, etc. 64.94 Cleveland Chevrolet Repair truck 21.97 Puget Sound Power & Light Service at Bay Street garage 2.88 Bremerton Oil goad oil 197.38 Ray Bock Equipment Co. Parts for loader 12.72 Ace Paving Co. Asphalt 6.88 WATER CUNSTRUCTION FUND Lester R. Helm Backfilling water main ditch 4.08 H. D. Fowler Co.-,, Inc. Valves, flanges, tees 175.87 Bremerton Monument Co. Uncover water main 9.00 LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Co. Books for Library 15.55 PARK FUND Lyle D. Nichols Labor on playfields 12.24 B. J. Meier Labor on playfields 57.35 Lester R. Helm Labor on playfields 12.24 SEWER FUND Lumber Supply Co. Cement and sewer the 19.17 Bremerton Monument Co. Exploring for sewer line 38,50 HARBOR IMPROVEDIENT FUND Ramsey Log & Piling Co. Bulldozer rental 35.00 Meeting adjourned on motion by Broughton, seconded by Baker and carried. ,, _ � Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington July 14, 1958 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilmen V. B. Caldwell, George A. Broughton; Harold G. Baker, Dusty C. Winebrenner and Verd W. Nichols; Attorneys Dudley N. Perrine and Don Thompson; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Gale W. Dow of the Police Department. Minutes of meeting of June 23, 1958 read and approved. Application by Horluck Transportation Company for bus franchise, continued from meeting of June 23, 1958, was called up for hearing. Present and taking part in the hearing were Mrs. Mary Lieseke, represented by Attorney Marion Garland; George Swanson, representing the Bremerton -Tacoma Stages; Joe Cherry, bus operator from Manchester area; several riders of co-operative bus service, and others. Various phases of the proposed service were discussed and argued, legal aspects were explained by Attorneys, and following the hearing the application was returned to the committee and Attorney to amend ordinance and present it for action at the meeting of the Council on July 28, 1958. Dale Morrison appeared before the Council relative to drainage over his property on West Street. This was referred to the Engineer and Superintendent to view the prop- erty and make recommendations as to means of correcting difficulties existing. Wm. F. Klien, representing the Sidney Improvement Club, appeared with relation to securing petition for local improvement district in the south of town in an effort to secure water service. Methods necessary were explained. Engineer Sprague wade a report on petition for improvement of Garrison Street by installation of curbs, gutters and sidewalks, presenting plans, cost estimate, etc. A protest against the improvement, signed by several property owners in Blocks 6 and 7, Sidney Villa Addition, was read to the Council and considered with the petition. Action was continued to meeting of July 28, 1958. Superintendent reported that repairs to storm drain in Block 1.3, Sidney, had been completed satisfactorily. Mayor Hall reported that he had attended the meeting of the Interim committee on Highways, had presented the resolution favoring construction of cross -sound bridge, as passed by the Council, and that the meeting appeared favorable to the bridge pro -gram. f ) Chairman Baker of the Parks and Playgrounds ccmanittee reported that meterrial for fence at baseball field at Givens Field had been received, that "Babe Ruth" league represent- atives had been notified, and it was expected that improvements would be made in the near future. Chairman Nichols of the Street and Alley committee reported that the sidewalk on Sidriey Street, fronting Givens School, and in some 6-ther locations is in bad condition and should be repaired. This was discussed and Clerk was directed to write to South Kitsap School District Board of Directors, calling their attention to the condition of the sidewalk and requesting immediate repair by the School District. Clerk presented letter from State Bureau of Hydraulics stating that fee for water permit on Black Jack Creek in amount of 95� is due. Fee ordered paid on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried: Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 521 (Planning Commission ordinance) received and passed for future action. Councilman Caldwell brought up the matter of building code and fire code. Following a discussion, these matters were referred to the Fire and Light committee for study and later report. Letter from Association of Washington Cities calling attention to meeting of legisla- tive committee in the 23rd Legislative district, to be held at Poulsbo July 23, 1958. Mayor and several members of the council expressed intention to attend the meeting. Notice from Washington State Liquor Board stated that license had been renewed for Port Orchard Tavern and Cafe. Clerk submitted figures showing estimated receipts and expenditures for year 19590 based in information so far available. Council considered matter of franchise payments which should be charged for bus franchise, and this matter was referred to the Finance and Franchise committee for study and report. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Wine- brenner, seconded by Caldwell and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Donald C. Corey Albert V. Raygor Donald M. Cunningham Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Saindonws, Inc. Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Standard Oil Cp. of Calif. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Port Orchard Independent Owl Electric Pioneer Business Forms Sheriff Kitsap County B. J. Meier Ludlow Valve Co. Wilkins Distributing Co. B. J. Miler Gerald D. Schiele Amos Bates Puget Sound Power & Light V. B. Caldwell Deal's The Stationers, Inc. Bauer Bros. Road Dist. No. 2, Kitsap Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Anderson Ditch Digging Badger Meter Co. Lester R. Helm Gerald D. Schiele Lyle D. Nichols Arthur Croke F. A. McIntyre Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Tidewater Oil Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. V. B. Caldwell Deal's Port Orchard Machine Shop Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Wilkins Distributing Co. Bremerton Concrete Products Puget Sound News Co. The H. R. Huntting Co. Horluck Transportation Co. Claud's Service Port Orchard Elec. & Sports Port Orchard Machine Shop W. H. Stevenson B. J. Meier V. B. Caldwell Deal's Police service Police service Police service Repair police car Remold Lire for police Gasoline for police Tire and tire repair for police Clerk, Police and Fire tel. 5,500 warrants for Clerk Repair radiator in town hall Registration blanks Board of prisoners for 1957 Labor on town hall grounds Fire hydrant and fittings WATER FUND Auto polish Labor cutting grass Labor on water lines Labornon water lines Power for pumps Pipe and fittings Truck parts File case and index for Clerk Tire repair Repair truck Telephones and tolls Ditching for service lines Water meter and connections STREET FUivD Labor on streets and sweeping Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Bulldozing road to gravel pit Telephone and tolls Diesel fuel for grader Service at Bay Street garage Tools and paint Truck parts Truck repair Gasoline and stove oil Oil and lube grease Drain tile LIBRARY FUND Books for Library Books for Library HARBOR 1MVffUVEMkhT FUND Scow rental and towing Equipment rental PARn F'UMD Installing light at ball field Repair power lawn mower Service lawn mower Labor on playfields Merchandise Bushing WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND 6. 136.60 191.24 40.98 13.44 10.55 49.86 18.38 54,30 71.30 5,17 12.65 325,00 29,60 143.14 1.82 11.10 26.56 75.48 378,24 10.61 33.28 3.92 1,03 5.12 31.75 12.52 61,83 281.52 199.92 1B7.68 8.16 76.50 12,25 17.26 3.50 9.81 8.28 4.38 90.20 79,17 58.31 32.04 7.67 146.00 182.00 90.94 1.29 4.65 86.95 .97 .76 Anderson Ditch Digging Ditching on Maple Street 8.27 Hallgren Company 2 4" plugs 8.49 V. B. Caldwell Pipe fittings 9.B6 Lester R. Helm Labor on Maple St. water line 42.84 Lyle D. Nichols Labor on Maple St. water line 24.48 Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Broughton and carried. OLL._-a. 09 (&_ Clpvk Mayor 1� Port Orchard, Washington July 28, 1958 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Dusty C. Winebrenner, �) Harold G. Baker and V. B. Caldwell; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore. Absent Councilman George A. Broughton. Minutes of meeting of July 14, 1958 read and approved. Engineer Sprague made a report on drainage problem in the vicinity of South and West Streets, and exhibited plans for suggested solution of the problem, together with cost estimate. The plans were studied, the matter discussed, and was referred to Street and Alley committee, Engineer, Superintendent and Attorney to work out plans for the job, and to suggest manner of financing. Application for bus franchise by Horluck Transportation Company, continued from July 14, 1958, was again taken up and discussed. Terms of the ordinance granting the franchise were explained by the Attorney, various phases were discussed, and it was moved by Baker, seconded by.Winebrenner and carried that franchise be granted for a term of three years, with option for extension if approved by the Council, the matter of franchise payments or compensation to be established by resolution. Floyd Buss, residing on Garrison Street, presented a protest against formation of a local improvement district for construction of curbs, gutters and sidewalks on the street, signed by many residents in the proposed district. Protest was referred to the Engineer for checking of ownerships and percentage of area, on motion by Wine- brenner, seconded by Nichols and carried. Gahryn McPherson.. representing the Saints Hot Rod Club requested permission to install coke machine in Forestry Building, where their meetings are held. He stated that proper wiring would be installed and certificate showing wiring would be submitted to Council, and that costs of operation would be paid by the Hot Rod Club. Per- mission granted on motion by Baker, seconded by Winebrenner and carried. Chairman Caldwell of the Fire and Light committee, stated that no definite recommen- dation is forth coming on proposed fire and building codes, but suggested that a study be made of the National codes with a view to adopting these codes as a nucleus for a permanent code. Mayor Hall reported on meeting which he, in company with Councilmen Caldwell, Baker and Broughton attended at Poulsbo, concerning legislative efforts for benefit of cities and towns of the State. He outlined aims of the Legislative committee and Councilman Baker, Nichols and Caldwell were named on a committee to serve with the Mayor in future activities of the Legislative committee. Mayor stated that he had attended a meeting of the Civil Defense group and that under the terms of the budget for civil defense, Port Orchard is asked for an appropriation of $358.50 as its share of the anticipated expenses. Clark requested authority to draw warrant for $263.03 for assessment against Givens Field property in L. I. D. No. 52. Authority granted om motion by Baker, seconded by Nichols and carried. Letter from Company "I", 414th Infantry, asking sanction by the Town for use of certain land for tactical training, reed. Council oked use of land as outlined in the letter. Superintendent stated that Ross Creek Water District has indicated that it might consider turning its water system over to the Town is such is agreed upon. Matter was referred to the Water and Sewer committee for investigation and report. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Nichols and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Puget Sound Power and Light Co. Street and town hall lights B. J. Meier Labor on town hall grounds Donald M. Cunningham Police service Albert V. Raygor Police service Donald C. Corey Police service Town Treasurer Assessment on Tacoma St. Hallgren Company Western Utilities Supply Ted's Thriftway Anderson Ditch Digging Puget Sound Power & Light Wm. Jacobson B. J. Meier Gale W. Dow WATER FUND Gaskets, clamps, valve boxes, etc. Pipe fittings Purex for water treatment Digging water trenches Service for cathodic equipment Labor on water lines Labor at water tanks Reading water meters 2- 510.10 27.'75 95.66 20.49 109.28 263.03 289.39 123.54 9.42 16.65 15.36 16.32 3.70 32.64 STREET FUND Ted's Thriftway Hand cleaner & towels 15.80 Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. Shop towels 2.70 Puget Sound Power & Light Service at Kendall St. garage 2.00 David J. Price Mower rental 160.00 B. J. Meier Labor at Bay Street garage 3.70 Gerald Schiele Labor at streets 163.20 Lyle D. Nichols Labor on streets 167.28 Lester R. Helm Labor on streets 163.20 PAtcn FUND Wm. W. Barager Fertilizer at Little League $ 77.50 Puget Sound Power & Light Service at Reer Center --Tennis cts. 8.88 B. J. Meier Labor on playfields 57.35 WATER U U.N STRUCTION FUND Bremerton Monument Co. Ditching for water lines 38.50 Pacific Electric Co. Rental of Compressor 11.95 SEWER FUND Anderson Ditch Digging Dig sewer trench. 8.27 W. L. Johnson Labor on sewer lateral 9.00 LIBRANX FUND The H. R. Huntting Co. Books for Library 2.34 Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Nichols and carried. Clerk Mayor 'f- Port Orchard, Washington August 11, 1958 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Fort Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilmen Harold G. Baker, Dusty C. Winebrenner and Verd W. Nichols; Attorneys Dudley N. Perrine and Don Thompson; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens;- Engineer Olin M. Sprague and C4iof of Police A. L. Wymore. Absent Councilmen George A. Broughton and V. B. Caldwell. Minutes of meeting of July 28, 1958 read and approved. Mrs. A. Hong appeared before the Council and complained of alleged gambling in Port Orchard, citing instances of alleged misconduct in card games. Following a discussion in which the members of the Council, the Town Attorney, and Frank Shiers, attorney for Myhre's Cafe, took part, it"was moved by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried that a committee be appointed to investigate the charges fully, and make a report to the Council. Mayor appointed Councilmen Winebrenner, Baker and Nichols to make the investigation and report. Mrs. IV. S. Pauley of 201 Tremont Street appeared before the Council, complaining about her water bill, which was excessive due to a broken water pipe. The Council heard her complaint, and on considered negligence on the part of the Town, voted to fix the amount of the July water bill at 10.40, on motion by Nichols, seconded by Winebrenner and carried. Engineer Sprague submitted cost estimate for improving the drainage problem on South and West Streets, and Chairman Nichols of the Street and Alley committee, also mane a report on this matter. Matter was referred to the property owners and the Street and Alley committee to work out details of accomplishing the work. Virgil Hall, who is aDnstructing a business building on Highway #14 southerly from Black Jack bridge, asked for a street light to be placed on a light pole at or near the South Kitsap Medical Clinic. Referred to the Fire and Light committee. Engineer submitted report on protest petition filed against improvement of Garrison Street by constructing curbs, gutters and sidewalks, showing that 80.3 percent of the front footagek ownership had signed the protest. Petition for improvement was denied on motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried. Mayor reported on meeting of Legislative committee for the 23rd Legislative District, and gave schedule cf future meetings. Councilman Winebrenner brought up the matter of garbage supervision and inspection of property for violation of garbage ordinance. This was referred to the health and Sanitation Committee to confer.with the Health Department. Councilman Winebrenner stated that a movement is being promoted to establish a small boat landing, and asked that engineering fees be paid by the Town, as the installation will be largely on Town property. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried that the Town pay Engineering fees in connection with the installation. A letter from Dr. Shirley Benham, Jr., County Health officer, asking for larger con- tribution from Town of Port Orchard, was read. No action was taken. The following claims checked by Councilman Baker of the Finance and Auditing committee, and heads of departments, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Winebrenner and carried: Donald C. Corey Albert V. Raygor Donald M. Cunningham Wilkins Distributing Co. Western Auto Supply Cleveland Chevrolet Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Port Orchard Independent Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Ted's Thriftway B. J. Meier Amos Bates Wm. Jacobson Overall Cleaning & Supply Anderson Ditch Digging Western Utilities Supply Co. Claud's Service Caldwell Trading Post Howe Motor Company American Plbg. & St. Supply Pacific Water Works Supply Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Lester R. helm Gerald D. Schiele Lyle D. Nichols Kitsap Motors Bremerton Oil Tidewater Oil Company Armco Drainage and Metal Co. Ben's Truck Parts Cleveland Chevrolet William Sehmel Bremerton Concrete Products Port Orchard Machine Shop Morrison Gravel Co. Wilkins Distributing Co. Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Lyle D. Nichols 4Y. L. Johnson Gerald D. Schiele Lester R. Helm Anderson Ditch Digging Claudts Service Port Orchard Machine Shop B. J. Meier Port Orchard Machine Shop Puget Sound News Co. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Police service 109.28 Police service 40.98 Police service 40.98 Gasoline hose for police 10.45 Car wash for police 2.25 Repair police car 43.18 Gasoline for police car 49.86 Vouchers, typing paper 55.44 Clerk, police and fire telephones 56.35 Janitor's supplies 2.14 Labor on town hall grounds 25.90 Janitor work at town hall 18.36 WATER FUND Labor�on water lines 32.64 Shop towels 2.46 Trench for water line 20.67 Cast iron meter boxes 84,70 Ditching for water connections 13.00 Tools and fittings 7.09 Repair truck 85.67 Pipe, fittings and valves 133.76 Manhole cover and ring 44.79 Telephone 11.85 STREET FUND Telephone and tolls 28.75 Labor 232.56 Labor 153.00 Labor 153.00 Truck repairs 60,29 MC3 Road oil 811.20 Deisel oil for grader 18.91 Culvert pipe 32.65 Spring leaf 5.84 Spring and cap .55 Bulldozing 25.00 Drain tile 33.48 Repairs to truck 5.95 108 yards sand 66.96 Kerosene 31.14 Gasoline 104.93 SEWER FUND Labor on sewer lateral 14.28 Labor on sewer lateral 20.25 Labor on sewer lateral 14.28 Labor on plugged sewer 14.28 Digging for sewer lateral 41.33 Sewer ditch 45.50 Repair augur 1.29 PARK FM Labor on playfields 53.65 Repair mower 1.29 LIBRARY FUND Books for Library $ 9.13 WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND U. S. Pipe & Foundry Water main and fittings 8026.28 a Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Nichols and carried. Clerk -��.�. Mayor Port Orchard, Washington August 25, 1958 Regular meeting of the Council of the 'own of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor R. B. Hall with Councilmen V. B. Caldwell, Verd N. Nichols, Dusty C. dine- brenner and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Don Thompson; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police A. L. Wymors present. Absent Councilman George A. Broughton. Minutes of meeting of August 11, 1958 read and approved. Lawrence McTavish appeared before the Council and complained about a loose cover on a manhole which caused distracting noise when a car went over it, and asked that a gasket be placed under the cover to eliminate the noise. He also requested surfacing of the alley in Block 14, First Addition, and the construction of steps to lead from the alley to Seattle Street. He was informed that if the property owners would pay for the material that the Town would furnish, the labor for surfacing the alley; that the steps formerly existing to lead from the alley to Seattle Street had been removed as a hazzard, and that a gasket would be placed under the manhole cover. John St. Laurent, representing Howe Motor Company, asked that his. Company be permitted to rent the p~rking meters in town for October 16, to provide free parking for motor- ists on that day. This was discussed, and it was moved by Baker, seconded by Nichols and carried that the request be granted, and that charge for the rental on October 16, be fixed at $20.00. W. H. McClain requested use of the Council Chambers on September 2 and 16th, and Oct- ober 7 for meetings of the ViIlf Post, due to rebuilding of the Post building. Per- mission to use Chambers granted on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Caldwell and carried. The Council committee consisting of Councilmen Winebrenner, Nichols and Baker, named by the Mayor to investigate charges of card games in Port Orchard, reported on their findings, reporting; that they found no facts to substantiate charges by Mrs. A. Heng. Mrs. Hong again appeared before the Council and made further statements. Matter tabled on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Nichols an d carried. Superintendent Givens reported on drainage problem in the vidinity of West and South Streets, stating that one contractor had given a figure of $1.25 per foot for install- ing drain and another had given a flat figure of $620.00 for the job. Matter con- tinued to September 8, 1958. Chairman Caldwell made a report on request for light on Cedar Street, recommending the installation as requested. Street light of 2,500 lumen power authorized on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried. Question of garbage supervision and information on boat landing were continued to September 8, 1958. Councilman Baker wade a report on meeting of Legislative committee for the 23rd District held -in Bremerton on August 21, 1958. Letter concerning Kitsap County Planning Commission was read and filed. Letter from Mayor Gordon S. Clinton of Seattle, dealing with annexation of territory to cities, together with proposed changes in legislation concerning the matter, was referred to the Attorney. Letter from Mayor Jack Denise of Auburn, re. cleanup and beautification of cities, and suggesting a state wide contest, referred to the Parks and Playgrounds committee. Chairman Caldwell of the Fire and Light committee brought up the matter of a fire code and building code for Port Orchard. This was discussed and Clerk was directed to write to the Association of Washington Cities for suggestions regarding these codes, on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Caldwell and carried. Councilman Winebrenner brought up the matter of accoustical the for ceiling in Coun- cil Chamber. Clerk directed to get prices from dealers. Attorney Thompson presented proposed ordinance providing for subsistence pay for mom- n bars of the police department. Ordinance was referred to the Attorney for opinion from Attorney General. Double parking of transit busses and school busses was discussed, and Chief of Police Wymore stated that he had told bus drivers to park further north on Sidney Street to avoid traffic congestion. Matter of parking of trailers for rental purposes was brought up, and no definite action was taken, as no concentration of trailers has yet occured. Complaint was made of hotr-rodding drivers in the vicinity of Sidney and Taylor Streets. f l Referred to Police. Enlarged plat of Sunset Lane Cemetery was submitted for Council approval. Mayor was authorized to sign plat on approval by the Engineer. This action was authorized on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Nichols and carried. r The following claims were read to the Council, after being checked by department heads and Councilmen Caldwell and Baker of the Finance and Auditing committee. Councilman Winebrenner stated that he is opposed to having work done by other than established local private enterprise, and took exception to the claims for work done for the Street and Water departments by the County Road district garage. Following a discussion it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Winebrenner and carried that claims as presented be paid: B. J. Meier Amos Bates Town Clerk Russell L. Sweany Agency Puget Sound Power & Light Trick & Murray Gingrey's Richfield Service Donald M. Cunningham Donald C. Corey W. L. Johnson Gerald-D. Schiele Lyle D. Nichols Gale W. Dow Wm. Jacobson Lester R. Helm Wm. H. Whitehead F. L. Whitehead Town Clerk Puget Sound Power & Light H. D. Fowler Co., Inc. Kitsap Co. Road Dist. No. 2 Lester R. Helm Gerald D. Schiele Lyle D. Nichols Kitsap Co. Road Dist. No. 2 Puget Sound Power & Light Bingrey's Richfield Service Ray Bock Equipment Co. Town Clerk B. J. Meier Town Clerk CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Labor on town hall grounds 18.50 Janitor service, town hall 12.24 Reimburse for advanced expenses 13.63 Add1l. premium on Liability insurance 9.24 Street lights 424.43 Registration supplies 4.20 Fire Dept. supplies 1.55 Police service 109.22 Police service 40.98 WATER FUND Labor on Prospect St. main 81.60 Labor on Prospect St. main 126.48 Labor on Prospect St. Main 120.36 Labor reading water meters 40:80 Labor on Prospect St. main 116.28 Labor on Prospect St. main 106.08 Painting water towers 73.50 Painting water towers 73,50 Reimburse for advanced expenses 50.65 Power for pumps 465,46 Valves, valve boxes, etc. 433.15 Repair pickup 20,33 STREET FUND Labor on streets 48.96 Labor on streets 36.72 Labor on streets 42.84 Repair equipment 20.32 Bay Street garage services 4.10 Tire and tube for truck 74.98 Loader repair 26.14 Reimburse for advanced expenses 3.38 PARK FUND Labor on parks and playfields 77.70 LIBRARY FUND Reimburse for P. 0. Box rent Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Caldwell and carried. Clerk 1.20 Mayor Fort Orchard, Washington September S. 1958 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor R. B. Hall, with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Harold G. Bdcer, Dusty C. Winebrenner and Verd W. Nichols ; Attorneys Dudley N. Perrine and Don Thompson; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore present. Absent Councilman V. B. Caldwell. Minutes of meeting of August 25, 1958 read and approved. Dale Morrison appeared before the Council regarding drainage in vicinity of South and West Streets, and after a lengthy discussion the matter was again referred to the Street and Alley committee and the Attorney to view the property and endeavor to work out a solution. Mrs. R. C. Chapman appeared before the Council regarding partial opening of Dwight Street, *Ich was authorized under prescribed conditions at a previous date. This was referred to the Street and Alley committee, the Superintendent and the Engineer. Fire Chief T. A. Bontrager and Capt. Charles A. Russell complained of conditions on the second floor of a building at 714 Bay Street, stating that both a fire hazard f and a health condition exists on the premises. This was referred to the Attorney to write a letter to the owner of the property to remedy conditions in a manner satisfactory to the Fire Chief. Matter of procuring a garbage supervisor continued, as was also the report on proposed small boat landing. Attorney reported on proposed measure to the Legislature regarding annexation of property to Towns, as suggested by Mayor Clinton of Seattle. This was tabled on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried. Estimates of costs of materials for placing accoustical tile on ceiling of Council chambers were received from Lumber Supply Company and Tegstrom Building Materials. Following a discussion, the Clerk was directed to contact local contractors to ascer- tain the cost of the completed job, including all labor and material. Parking of m mmercial and school busses was discussed, as it effects traffic and Mayor hall made a report on parking of bus at Givens School. This was referred to the Street and Alley committee and the Chief of Police to endeavor to work out a satisfactory solution. Chairman Nichols of the Street and Alley committee reported on a controversy between Charles Grieve and Lundy Building Materials, and stated that he believed that a satisfactory arrangement had been vro rked out between the twu disputants, as it effects Rockwell Street. Clerk presented statement from Superintendent showing that material in the amount of $2,199.84 had been used in replacing wooden water main on Prospect Street, and that this material had been paid for by the Water Construction Fund, and that it should have been paid for by the Water Fund. Clerk asked authority to transfer $2,199.84 from Water Fund to Water Construction Fund. Authority granted on motion by Nichold, seconded by Winebrenner and carried. Mayor Hall stated that a vacancy exists on the Planning Commission, and suggested the name of Richard A. Rylander. The appointment was confirmed on motion by Baker, seconded by Nichols and carried. A letter from Mrs. Mary Hartwell, criticising existence of debris on Bay Street and congregating of rude youths at and near taxi stands, was read to the Council. Re- ferred to Chief of Police and Superintendent. Al Farmer requested permission for parade by the Cooties at 6 p. m. September 20. Permission granted on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried. Clerk presented preliminary budget for 1959, which contained some alterations from the original draft, and the Mayor and Council studied the items of the budget, made further alterations, and the preliminary budget was approved and its publication authorized on motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried. Chief of Police reported that arrangements for policing the annual "Days of �49" had had been completed and that provisions for policing conform to last year's plan. This was agreed to by the Council. The following claims, checked by heads of departments, and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried: Donald M. Cunningham Albert V. Raygor Standard Oil of Calif. Standard Oil Co. Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Port Orchard Independent Saindon's, Inc. Peninsula Stationers Thompson's Western Utilities Supply Co. B. J. Meier Anderson 'itch Digging B. J. Meier Claud's Service Port Orchard Machine Hallgren Company CURRENT n�. PWN SL FUND Police service Police service Gasoline for police Gasoline for police Repair police car Rm bond paper for police Remolds for police car Pen refills for police Index tabs and scratch paper, Clerk Fire hydrant Labor on town hall grounds Ditch around fire hydrant _ ' s Y).O-1 Labor cutting grass Ditching on Prospect Street Shop Machine and tool flange Meter box lids Kitsap Motors Deal's Wilkins Distributing Co. Port Orchard Machine Shop Standard Oil of Calif. Lester R. Helm Gerald D. Schiele Lyle D. Nichols STKrivr PUND Truck repair Graphite packing 1 Radiator stop leak Hole r chain Gasoline and oil Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets 95.62 68.30 70.68 4.07 9.70 2.74 20.80 1.03 5.84 146.56 11.10 12.40 9.25 500.72 B.27 21.32 24.26 2.33 .78 16.28 193.14 218.38 138.72 141.78 SEWER FUND Anderson Ditch Digging Lester R. Helm Lyle D. Nichols Gerald D. Schiele W. L. Johnson Marie A. Lochry Dig sewer lateral ditches 33.06 Labor on sewer 7.a teral 8.16 Labor on sewer lateral 8.16 Labor on sewer lateral 8.16 Labor on sewer lateral 13.50 LIBRARY FUND Book for library $ 3.20 WATER CUtvSTRUCTlOiv FUND �. Deal's 210 feet l" galy. pipe 56.11 PAHn FUND B. J. Meier Mowing and watering at play,fields 22.20 Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Winebrenner and carried. �-7 Mayor Clerk � Port Orchard, Washington September 22, 1958 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor R. B. Hall, with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Harold G. Baker, Dusty C. Winebrenner and V. B. Caldwell; Attorney Don Thompson; Superintendent of Public Works, George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague, and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore present. Absent Councilman Verd W. Nichols. Minutes of meeting of September 81 read and approved. Henry Olson and Mel Case from the Olympic Rallymasters Driving Club appeared before the Council regarding the use of the Merchants Parking Lot for a gymnkhana, a contest of driving skill. They were informed that permission for use of lot must be cleared by the Merchants Committee, Virgil Parks, Chairman, and the owners of the property,. Arnie Bjorken appeared before the Council requesting approval of operating additional card games tables in his establishment. This matter was referred to the Attorney for interpretation of Ordianance #480, and Mr. Bjorken was instructed to obtain additional license from the City Clerk G. D Edwards appeared before the Council in regard to dancing in his establishment. He was directed to secure clearance from the State Liquor Control Board before apply- ing for a dance license from the City Clerk. Councilman Winebrenner reported on Dwight Street improvement, stating that work is progressing satisfactorily. Matter continued for further report. The matter of securing estimates of costs and materials for placing accoustical tile on ceiling of Council chambers was continued, as no estimates had been received from local contractors. Councilman Winebrenner of the Health and Sanitation Committee reported that his comm- ittee and the Attorney had viewed the area.in the vicinity of South and West Streets, as it pertains to drainage. He stated that it was their opinion that the Town had some -responsibility in the matter, in that they collected and dumped water on private property, and that this would be a continual annoyance unless remedied. Various ways and means of alleviating the problem were discussed. Tom Myers and Dale Morrison appeared before the Council again in regard to the drainage �- in vicinity of South and ydest Streets as it affects their property. Mayor liall ex- plained the previous Council discussion on this matter, and it was suggested by Councilman Winebrenner that the Town install and engineer drainage facilities, and property owners assume cost of materials. Tom Myers, as spokesman, stated that would be agreeable with them. Details to be drawn up by the engineer and property owners to report back at next Council meeting, October 10, 1958. Councilman Caldwell of the Fire and Light Committee recommended that the'Council adopt the National Board of Fire Underwriter's "Fire Prevention Code", abbreviated edition. Discussion followed concerning reduced fire insurance rates for the Town if a new Fire Code and building code is adopted and new fire fighting equipment is secured. Matter continued for further report after a joint meeting of Fire and Light committee with a committee from the Fire Department. Nick Repanich, John Gilchrist, Virgil Parks, Charles Russell and Dick Rylander, all members of the Port Orchard Planning Commission met with the Council to present their opinions regarding the acquisition and means of financing the purchase of a new fire truck and equipment. After considerable discussion and advice from Attor- ney, it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Caldwell and unanimously carried that the Attorney be directed to draw an ordinance with the intention of procuring a special levy of 10 mills, to be voted upon by the qualified voters of the Town of Port Orchard at the General Election to be held November 4, 1958. Assistant Clerk requested authority to draw warrant for F. I. C. A. administrative expense. Authority granted on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried. Superintendent Givens stated that an estimated 655 ft. of 4" water main and fittings costing approximately $1100.00, would be needed for the A. N. Jones water main in- stallation, after payment of $1500.00 to the Town Treasury for labor and materials Is made. Attorney stated that State law allowed cities of the fourth class to ex- pend up to and including $5000.00 without a call for bids for any construction of public work or improvement by contract or day labor, and expenditure not to exceed $2000.00 for any purchase of supplies, materials, equipment or services. Permission was granted Superintendent to proceed with project. Charles Russell, of the Port Orchard Volumteer Fire Dept. and Councilman Winebrenner reportedthat the unsatisfactory conditions on the second floor of a building at 714 Bay St. no longer existed, and that another inspection is to be made concerning the structural condition of the building. Superintendent Givens reported on progress of completing Prospect St. water main job. He stated that analysis of several water samples had been chlorinated four times, and that a joint compound used had been found to be contaminated. He further stated that after talking with officials of the U. S. Pipe and Foundry Co., who were great- ly concerned, it was suggested that one more chlorination be attempted, using the City of Bremerton gas chlorinating equipment, and ;hat at this date he is waiting for the report of the last water sample from the main, It was moved by Baker, sec- onded by Caldwell and carried that the Water and Sanitation committee work with Supt. Givens, with power to act in case of emergency. The following claims, checked by heads of departments, and by the members of the Fin- ance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Broughton and carried: CURRE€VT hX bB SE FUND Joseph Tuba Gerald Schiele Lester R. Helm Donald S. Erdahl Fred Bider Donald C. Corey Donald M. Cunningham Albert V. Raygor Ludlow Valves Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Cookson Texaco Service Puget Sound Power & Light Vuget Sound Power & Light Employment Security Dept. Pruning shrubs at City Hall Labor cleaning up around City Mall Labor replacing parking meter posts Police service Police service Police service Police service Police service Fire Hydrant Parts Clerk, Police & Fire telephones & tolls Diff. & Trans. grease, fire truck Co. Street lights Co. Town Hall lights Administrative Expense Lester R. Helm Gale W. Dow Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Badger Meter Co. Peninsula Feed Co. OK Rubber Welders H. D. Fowler Co., Inc. Overall Cleaning & Supply 'o. American Plumbing & Steam Sply. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Lyle D. Nichols Lester R. Helm Gerald Schiele Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. OK Rubber Welders Transport Clearings Kitsap Co. Road Dist. ## 2 Rudd Paint & Varnish Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel Co. WATER FUND Labor on water lines Labor, reading water meters Power Water meters Lime and Fertilizer Recap and tubes Couplings and gaskets Shop Towels Gate valve and etc. Telephones and tolls STi'1' FUND Labor on city streets Labor on city streets Labor on city streets Bay Street garage Kendall Street garage Tires and tubes Freight on traffic paint Equipment rental & hauling material Paint thinner Telephone & tolls PARK FUND 9.18 16.32 8.16 10.26 10.26 87.11 95.64 92.72 47.51 55.70 1.30 424.43 91,20 5.07 2.04 32.64 399.40 175.00 5.53 51099 42.50 2.61 20.12 26.80 146.88 136.68 114.24 3.50 2.00 66.31 2.10 174.73 8.27 11.85 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Recreation center & tennis courts 10.16 C. A. Hanks Agency Fire insurance renewal on Rec. hall 74.10 Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Caldwell and carried. �.., 0— C t l Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington October 6, 1958 Statutory meeting of the Council, held for the purpose of conducting a hearing on the preliminary budget, and for fixing the tax levies for 1959, was called to order by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present were Councilman Dusty C. Winebrenner, Verd W. Nichols and V. B. Caldwell, and Attorney Don Thompson. Mayor called for hearing on budget, and there were no citizens present who appeared either for or against the preliminary budget, and Mayor declared the hearing closed. Ordinance approving the preliminary budget as the final budget for the year 1959, and fixing the tax levies for 1959 was read. It was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Nichols and carried that the budget be adop- ted and that ordinance approving the budget and fixing the tax levies for 1959 be passed as read. Meeting adjourned on motion by Nichols, seconded by Caldwell and carried. Clerk Mayor * $c * 4; $c Port Orchard, "vashington October 14, 1958 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by May or R. B. Hall, with Councilmen V. B. Caldwell, Verd '4. Nichols, Dusty C. Winebrenner and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Don Thompson; Superintendent of Public 'Norks George F. Gi_vens; Engineer Olin 14. Sprague and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore present. Absent Councilman George A. Broughton. Minutes of Budget hearing meeting on October 6, 1958, and regular meeting of September 22, 195S read and approved. `I. P, Klein, resident of Precinct No. 6, appeared before the Council and presented a petition asking formation of a local improvement district for the purpose of installing water service in the area. The petition was received and referred to the Engineer to check ownerships snd sufficiency of the petition, mhe"Ergineer presented plans for drainage system in the vicinity of !'Vest and South Streets and these plans were examined by the Council. Tom Myers, represent- ing property owners in the area, stated that material would be purchased by the property owners, but that a question of an easement would delay prosecution of the work. Continued for execution of easement in question. Mrs. A. N. Jones presented plat of Etta B. Jones Addition to Port Orchard for consideration by the Council. The plat was referred to the Engineer for checking, and a hearing on adoption of the plat was set for October 27, 1958 on motion by 'V nebrenner, seconded by Nichols and carried. Councilman Jinebrenner reported that the improvement to Dwight Street, authorized to be done by the property owners, a?pears to be completed. Clerk submitted one offer for installing accoustical tile in the council Chamber. R. ?. Ryan offered to place accoustical the on the ceiling, stapled to strips, with a 1 3/8 inch cove, together with accoustical the to be pasted to walls down two feet from the ceiling, for $415.16, plus state sales tax. This was considered by the Council and work was authorized according to the offer, on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Nichols and carried. Matter of adoption of Nati(,nal Board of Fire Underwriters "Fire Prevention Code" was discussed, and action was deferred until a report is received from the Fire and Light committee of the Council and a committee from the Fire Department. Superintendent reported that the Prospect Street water main job is completed; that the trouble which had developed through contamination of calking material had been cleared of bacteria, vnd that all services had been connected. It was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Caldwell and carried that bill for extra cost of chlorinat- ing and other items be sent to the United States Pipe and Foundry Company. Matter of solid support by the Council of the proposed 10--mill levy for fire equip- ment, et,c$ was discussed, and it was moved by Caldwell, seconded by Baker and carried that the Council pass a resolution that the Council is solidly behind the proposition. A report on cdndition of garbage disposal area was received from the Health Depart- ment. Letter of resignation_ as a member of the Council was received from George A. Broughton. It was moved by1,111nebrenner, seconded by Nichols and carried that the resignation be accepted with regret, and that • letter express!.ng the regret of the Council and an appreciation of the long service rendered be sent to Mr. Broughton. Naming of successor to fill the unexpired term of George A. Broughton as councilman was discussed, and it was moved by Winelbrenner.. seconded by Baker and unanimously carried that Nick J. Repanich be elected to fill the unexpired term. Chairman Nichols of the Street and Alley committee brought up the need of a compressor, citing many instances where work was delayed for lack of this equipment, and inconveniences caused in endeavoring to rent a compressor. This was discussed, and Superintendent was authorized. to investigate possiblity of securing a used compressor, taking into consideration the trade-in of the Quickway shovel as part payment. Matter of securing location of water tower In south part of town was discussed, and Attorney was asked to investigate possibility of securing location on Sidney Cemetery tract. Chairman Nichols stated that L. B. Lundy had been granted permission to make a fill in rear of Lot 150 Block 16, First Addition in such a manner that the fill will not Interfere with drainage culvert, the work to be done to the satisfaction of the Superintendent. Matter of parking large trucks and trailers on Dears lot so that vision for traffic will not be impaired, and the placing of recruiting signs on American Legion plot, were referred to the Police. The following claims, checked by heads of departments, and by the members of the Fin- ance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Nichols and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Gale W. Dow Material for gun mount for Police 10.00 Albert V. Raygor Police service 109,28 Donald C. Corey Police service 109.28 Gordon V. Vettleson Police service 34.15 Donald M. Cunningham Police service 27.32 Wilkins Distributing Co. Gas nozzle for police tank 11.69 Town Clerk Postage and advanced expenses 14.33 Saindonts, Inc. Tire remold for police 11.57 Cleveland Chevrolet Repair police car 30.75 Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Gasoline for police 95.90 Peninsula Stationers Ribbon for Add Mach!ne 1.60 C,_ldwell Trading Post Batteries, globes for police 8.Z Caldwell Trading Post Abrasives for Fire Dept. 1.86 Part Orchard Independent Publishing Budget and O,ds 451-452 47.05 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Clerk, Police and F" Tel and tolls 55.85 Port Orchard Machjne Shop Braze fire plug 5.68 Joseph Tuba Trim shrubs at town hall 5.10 Trick A Murray Registration blanks 23.56 HATER FUND Lester R. Helm Labor on Prospect St. water line 73.44 Corey Johnson Labor 70.38 William Latherow Labor on Prospect St. Waterline 66,30 Lyle D. N.Tch ols Labor on Prospect St. water line 99.94 Gerald D. Schiele I•abor on Prospect St. water line 16'.32 Mary Lu Melton Assi&tang in Clerks Office 8.10 Caldwell Trading Post Pipe fittings, Etc 39,42 Town Clerk Postal cards, etc. 30.45 Ted+s Thriftway Chlorine products 15.32 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 32,30 Ludlow Valve Co. Gate Valves 97,38 Anerson Ditch Digging Ditching for service lines 198.00 Cleveland Chevrolet Repair pickup 9.45 H. D. Fowler Co., Inc. Pipe fittings 4.62 Ppget Sound Power & Light Co. Power at main plant 166.33 W stern Utilities Supply R pair Clamp 18. 69 Lumber Supply Co. Paint, lumber, etc. 15.69 STREET FUND Lester R. Helm Lyle D. Nichols Ray Bock Equipment Co. Wilkins Distributing Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Port Orchard Me ch: ne Shop Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Bremerton Oil Lumber Supply Co. Lyle D. Nichols Beacon Electric Co. Standard Oil Co. of Cal. C ldwell Trading Post Lumber Supply Co. The 11. R. Huntting Co. Puget Sound News Co. Town Clerk "V. L. Johnson Olympic Foundry Company Lumber Supply Company Labor and Street sweeping Labor on streets Repair loader Oil filters Telephones and tolls Welding and repairs Gasoline, kerosene and oil MC2 Road oil Lumber, cement, paint 17: 1*3+0till k)r07 Labor on tennis courts Service call and repair Stove oil at reer. Canter Lawn rake 2 sks cement LIBRARY FUND Books Books P. 0. Box rent'for Library SEVIER FUND Labor .f on sewer lateral Meter ial Sewer Tile and cement Meeting adjourned on motion by ''linebrenner, seconded by Nichols and carried. 287.64 171.36 51.75 14.38 12.90 11.88 183.39 747.50 29.67 8.16 5.68 8.02 2.38 3.00 36.78 34.66 1.20 15,75 5.49 181.30 ., ClerkMayor Port Orchard, Washington October 27, 1958 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by_Mayor R. B. Halle Councilman -elect Nick J. Repanich was present at the meeting and was duly sworn in as a member of the Council. Present were toitneilmen Dusty C. Winebrenner, Verd W. Nichols, Harold G. Baker, V. B. Caldwell and Nick J. Repanich; Attorneys Dudley N. Perrine and Don Thompson; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin 11. Sprague and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore. Minutes of meeting of October 14, 1958 read and approved. Engineer Sprague submitted report on a petition for the formation of a local improve- ment district in Precinct No. 6 to secure water service, showing the petition as sufficient to form the district. Following a discussion and explanations, it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Nichols and carried that the Engineer be directed to prepare a preliminary assessment roll and submit same to the Council for further preceedin,gs. Plitt of Etta R. Jones Addition to Port Orchard was submitted for final action. The Plgt was approved by the Lngineer and the Superintendent of Public Works, and being considered in proper order it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried that the plat be approved and adopted. F.-H. Geisler of 1132 Portland Street appeared before the Council regarding drain- agq problem in that vicinity. This was referred to the Street and Alley committee for investigation and report. Chairman Winebrenner of the Health and Sanitation committee reported that conditions at the marbage dump, which were reported by the Health Department as unsatisfactory, and had been corrected. Fire Chief T. A. Rontrager, and Assistant Chiefs Lee Caldwell and Charles A. Russell, appeared before the Council and explained the proposed lire Prevention Code, which had been recommended for adoption by Chairman V. B. Caldwell of the Fire and Light Committee. Final adoption was deferred for inclusion of provisions to cover local conditons. Councilman Repanich, former chairman of the Palnning Committee, reported that V. M. Parks had been elected chairman of the Pkinning Committee to replace Mr..Repanich, and suggested that would probably be necessary to name additional members, as some of the men originally appointed had not attended any meetings of the committee. Action deferred. Mattor of site for additional water tower was discussed, and was continued for further information. Truek and car parkinfr practices er, area in front of 547 Rudy Str Set :sere reported as traffic hazzards, as obscuring visibili*y, and this was referred to the Street and Alley committee and the Police. Basement for drainage line over private property in the vicinity of West and South Streets not being produced, this matter was continued. An Agreement for drainage facilities between the Town of Port Orchard and Mr. and Mrs. William Fletcher on Harrison Street, was presented, and Mayor was authorized to sign agreement, on motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried. Mayor presented a request from Mayor Gordon S. Clinton of Seattle, for endorsement of program to keep the Military Transport Service active in the Puget Sound and Grays Harbor areas, and on motion by Winebrenner seconded by Repanich and carried, resolution endorsing the program was adopted. n Mayor Hall presented a letter from Mayor Clinton of Seattle, notifying of a meeting for the study of transporAttion problems in the Puget Sound area. Mayorstated that he planned to attend the meeting. Mayor Hall made a report on possible development of Blake Island, explaining the various proposals. Following a discussion, it was moved by Baker, seconded by Winebrenner and carried that Town of Port Orchard pass a resolution endorsing the plans 49 outlined for private development of the island, the resolution to be presented at a meeting to discuss the proposition to be held in Bremerton October 28, 1958. Councilman Caldwell and Attorney Don Thompson stated that they would present the resolution at the meeting. On motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Raker and carried, action on affiliation by the Town of Port Orchard in the Kitsap County Planning commission was tabled for further study and consideration. Mayor Hall named Councilman Repanich as Chairman of the Finance and auditing Committee and to membership on the Streets and Alleys committee, and on the Water, sewer and Sanitation Committee. Councilman Winebrenner stated that Port Orchard would be featured on a television program, "This is hour Town", over Channel 7, KIRO, and that representatives of the Station would be in Port Orchard on Tuesday, October 28, to arrange the presentation. The€fntlowing claims checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Winebrenner and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND � Donald C. Corey Police service 27.32 Albert V. Raygor Police service 136.60 Gordon V. Vettleson Police service 81.96 Miller Meters Parking meter parts 30.15 F. E. Langer Agency Insurance premium on Town Hall 109.97 L. N. Curtis & Sons Supplies for Fire Dept. 8.78 Puget Sound Power & Light Street Lights 424.43 Hans Aarshaug Labor on Town Hall grounds 25.90 Deal's Parts for fire truck 2.38 Ralph L. Smith, M. D. Physical exam for fireman 5,00 WNTZt 14TND ILvle D. Nichols Labor on water lines 8:16 Gale W. Pow Reading water meters 32.84 Lester R. Helm Labor on pipe lines Rremerton Monument Co. Ditching for water lines 14.75 Anderson Ditch Pigging Ditching for water lines 40.00 Deal's Pipe Fittings 31.67 Puget Sound Power & Light Power for pumps 157.65 Overall -Cleaning & Supply Shop towels 3.36 Western utilities Supply Co. Corporation Stops 40.68 Western Utilities Supply Co. Corporation stops 25.52 Pill's Saw & Lawn Mover Serv. Sharpen saws J.:36 STREET FUND Lyle D. Nichols Labor on streets 122.40 Lester R. Holm Labor on streets 126.48 Armeo Drainage & Metal Co: Galvanized pipe 24.80 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service at Ray St. Garage 4.70 ` Columbia Equipment Co. Cylinder Assembly 26,77 Deal's Auto parts 3.83 P�URK FUND Hans Aarshaug Mowing at Little League $ 16.18 Lester R. Helm Labor on Babe Ruth Field 8.16 Lyle P. Nichols Labor on Rabe Ruth Field 8.16 Rill's Saw & Mower Service Sharpen Power Mower 5.17 �l S EWIJ3 FUND Bremerton Monument Co. Sewer Ditch Lester R. Helm labor on plugged sewer line Lyle D. Nichols Labor on plugged sewer line 23.75 16.34 16.32 Meeting adjourned on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried. Clerk -� Mayor Port Orchard, 'Jashington November 10, 1956 Council of the Town of Pcrt Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present were Councilmen Dusty C. Ninebrenner, Verd 111. Nichols, Harold G. Baker, V. B. Caldwell and Nick J. Repanich; Attorneys Dudley N. Perrine and Don Thompson; Superintendent of Public Ilarks George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief .of Police A. L. Vlymore. A moment of silence was observed inmemory of the late Guy L. "Ietzel. Minutes of meeting of October 27, 1958, read and approved. Due to the death of Guy L. Wetzel, Clerk -Treasurer of the Town of Port Orchard on November 4, 1958, Lorraine Carraway, Assistant Clerk -Treasurer was declared Acting Clerk -Treasurer by MW or H211 on motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried. Acting Clerk was instructed to secure additional bond coverage commen- surate with her duties. Matter of compensation for additional duties referred to the Pinance and Auditing committee for further study and report. H. J. Kilpatrick appeared before the Council concerning improvements to and unused portion of '`Jest Street to facilitate access to his property on DeKalb Street. This was referred to the Street and Alley Co,mittee and the Superintendent for investigation and solution. Report on preliminary assessment roll for formation of a local improvenmtt district in Precinct No. 6 to secure water service and continued for further preparation by the Engineer. After investigation and report by Councilman Nichols of the Street and Alley Committee relative to the drainage problem in the vicinity of 1132 Portland Street, no action was taken by the Council. Mayor Hall appointed John Iiull of 713 Hull Street, to filla vacancy on the Port Orchard Planning Commission, on motion by Baker, seconded by Nichols and carried. Truck and car parking practices, obsuring visibility on area fronting 547 Bay Street were reported as corrected at this time. Matter of signs which are obscuring visibility in front of same location, was referred to the Police Department. Report on site for additional water tower was discussed and was continued far further information. An easement for drainage line over private property in the vicinity of Iffest and South Street not being produced, this matter continued. Formal action on the proposed Fire Prevention Code was deferred until next meeting as it was deemed necessary to give public notification in a news article regarding t.is matter. Acting Clerk was instructed to have news item published. Councilman Nichols submitted an estimate from Albert Yingling relative to painting the Council Chambers. The cost was estimated at50.00 being time and material at $3.131 per hour. No action taken. The total cost of $3.00 for cleaning sewage from under the heuse of Mrs. Elmer Rose of Tacoma Street was assumed by the Town, in that the Town was responsible for a plugged main line sewer causing pressure which inflicted the damage. This action was taken on motion by Baker, seconded by Nichols and carried. A Resolution presented by Attorney, and read to the Council by IA&yor.Hall, inmemory of the late Guy L. Wetzel., Clerk -Treasurer of the Town of Port Orchard, praising his outstanding service rendered the community, was adopted on motion by I'Jinebrenner, seconded by Caldwell and carried. Acting Clerk was directed to send a duplicate of the original Resolution together with a letter of transmittal to Mrs. Guy L. Wetzel. Acting Clerk presented a .request for an emergency appropriation of $ 1,500.00 in the Water Fund for labor, repair and maintenance during the remainder of 1958. It was moved by Ninebrenner, seconded by Nichols and carried unanimously that emergency ordinance appropriating $lt500.00 for labor, repair and maintenance in the ':'dater Fund be passed on first reading. After deliberation and discussion concerning proposed water system improvements to the Town, a motion was made by Repanic4l seconded by Caldwell and carried directing Superintendent to proceed with preliminary work on proposed project of connecting system from well #6 to the water tanks on Kendall Street. This work to be financed by the Water Construction Fund. Additional discussion as to financing the completion of this project and further improvements was held. Attorney to confer with Terry Thompson and Associates, Bond Broker, to determine aspects of financing. Acting Clerk to W epare financial statement of !,"dater Fund in regard to this matter. Mayor stated that a few written applications for the position of Clerk -Treasurer of the Town of Port Orchard :had b,.--en received. Action on this matter deferred. The following claims checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing Committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Bnker, seconded by Repanich and carried: A. V. Raygor Gordon V. Vettleson Donald C. Corey Wilkins Distrib. Co. Inc. Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Saindonts Hans Aarshaug Cleveland Chevrolet Co. V. B. Caldwell L. N. Curtis & Sons L. N. Curtis & Sons Pacific Tele & Tele. Co. Tidewater Oil Co. Howe Motor Co. Lester R. Helm Mary Lu Melton Mrs. Guy L. l-detzel Proportioneers, Inc. Howe Motor Co. Town of Port Orchard (St.Fund) Dealt s V. B. Caldwell Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Paci! is Tel & Tel Co. Wilkins Dist. Co., Inc. Lester R. Helm Lyle D. Nichols Standard Oil Co. of Cn1 if. V. B. Caldwell Port Orchard tlachine Shop W. H. Stevenson Wilkins Dist. Co., Inc. Sahlberg Equip. Co. Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Morrison Caravel Co. Dealts The Puget Sound News Co. Morrison Gravel Co. Palmer G. Lewis Co., Inc. Hans Aarshaug CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Police service 68.30 Police service 68.30 Police service 13.66 Police car (Anti Freeze) 2.18 Gasoline for police car & Tire repair 52.44 Police car (Tire Remold) 10.83 Cutting grass and etc. (City Hail) 18.36 Work on Police car 12.92 Fittings, chain rental (Fire truck) 2.48 Red flares for police 34.74 To cover current expense Warr. #18714 for Two Scott Air Pacs complete with extra tank 479.60 Police, Clerk, Fire telephones and tolls 54.55 Deisel fuel fm Town Hall 59.11 Repair Fire Truck 76.62 4ATER FUND Labor on water lines ° 4.08 Assisting in Clerk-Treas. office 21.48 Guy L. ietzelts wages & vacation pay 284.66 Farts 20.29 Repair Pickup 22.57 Loader rental on Pros.&,Aaple water mains 576.00 T. Sol lamp �33 Fittings, mdse. *95 Telephone and tolls 14.10 Telephone and tolls 21.10 Anti -Freeze 4.32 STREET FUND Labor on city streets 151.96 Labor,:on city streets 164.22 Stove oil for street shed, gas& pearl oil 125.23 Cable for shove. screw drivers 22.25 Repairs on equipment 65.43 Sharpen saws 2.25 15 Gal. anti -freeze 32.63 1 doz. push brooms 35.27 Plug & spring .43 Sand & Gravel 39.74 Battery, condenser, brake fluid 18.04 LIBRARY FUND Books �$ 18.02 PARK FUND Builders sand & gravel for B.R. Field 6.30 Fence for Babe Ruth Field 309.36 Labor cutting grass and etc. 9.25 Meeting adjourned on motion by Nichols.. seconded by Repanich and carried. - Acting Clerk * X :C ')C ';"r 'iC 'iF' .. n Mayor i� RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TUfN OF PORT ORCHARD WHEREAS, GUY L. INETZEL faithfully served the Town of Port Orchard as Town Clerk thereof from 1943 until November 4, 1958, when he was taken from us while still in active performance of his duties; and WBERZAS, the Council of the Town of Port Orchard unanimously feels that one of the major reasons for the Town of Port Orchard being in a sound financial condition was partly due to the advice, suggestions and information rendered it by the said Guy L. Wetzel; and WHEREAS, the Town Council further unanimously believes that Guy L. Wetzel rendered the Town of Port Orchard outstanding services as Town Clerk far beyond the requirements of his office and that his loss is keenly felt, not only by the Town Council, but by all of his fellow citizens; and WBERLAo, the Council of the Town of Port Orchard wishes to memorialize his passing and to record forever the gratitude and appreciation of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard and all of the citizens thereof for the outstanding services rendered to the entire community by the said Guy L. Wetzel; NUW, 'T'HERzVuhr:, be it, and it hereby is, unanimously gassed and resolved by the Council of the sown of Port Orchard, sitting in regular session on Monday, November 10, 1958, as follows: 1. BE IT KNOW.N Tu ALL XbiN that the Council of the Town of Port Orchard does by these presents express its deep sense of loss at the passing of Guy L. Wetzel, the Town Clerk, and does further memorialize forever its appreciation for the out- standing services rendered to the Town of Port Orchard by the said Guy L. 'Jetzel. 2. This Resolution shall be, and it hereby is ordered, made a part of the permanent minutes of the Town Council so that forever there shall be a record of Mr. Wetzel!s services to the Town and the Town's appreciation thereof. 3. The acting Clerk of the Town is hereby directed to send a duplicate original of this Resolution to Florence Wetzel, the widow of the late Guy L. Wetzel. DATW this 10th day of November, 1958. R . B. Hall MAYO.H A`17EST • Lorraine Carrawi A(;a!IvG C1.,r:hk APPRuVEv: Harold G_ Baker Dusty C. Winebrenner Verd_ W. Nichols Vern B. Caldwell Nick J. Repanich TOWn COUNCiL Port Orchard,'r'Vashington November 24, 1958 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, °7ash:'ngton called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present were Councilmen Dusty C. Winebrenner, Verd W. Nichols, Harold G. Baker, V. B. Caldwell and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Don Thompson; Superin- tendent George F. Givens; Engineer Olin T,I. Sprague and Chief of Police A. L. Ylymore. ;Minutes of meeting of November 10, 1958 read and corrected to read as follows, The total cost of 43.00 for cleaning sewage from under the house of Mrs. Elmer Rose of Tacoma St. was assumed by the Town, in that the Town was responsible for a plugged main line sewer causing pressure which inflicted the damage. This action was taken on motion by Baker, seconded by Nichols and carried. Mrs. Hannah Langer, Mrs. Charles Joslin, Rev. -dayne Giffin, Harold Hanley and others appeared before the Council regarding excessive spped and noise from Sidney Street traffic between Bay Street and the top of Sidney Hill. After many complaints were heard, a discussion of this ensued, the Council assured the citizens that a concerted effort would be made to correct the situation. The matter was referred to the Police and the Street and Alley Committee to work out details of a concentrated drive of violators. Rev. Hamar Benson, of the First Lutheran Church of Port Orchard appeared before the Council relative to obtaining permission to place directional signs for his church at various locations throughout town. This was referred to the Street and Alley Comm- ittee for investigation a.nd report. Rev. Wayne Griffin, of the Hirst Methodist Church of Port Orchard asked permission, on behalf of the Ministerial Association, to restore a church directory sign at the east end of town. Permission was granted. Acting Clerk read letter from Edgar A. Hillstrom, President of the Sidney Improve- ment Club requesting that the Town place a City limit sign at the intersection of highway 14 and Sidney Road. It was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Nichols and carried that a City Limits sign be placed at this location; the Street and Alley Committee being given power to act. n Tom Bontrager, Fire Chief, appeared before the Council to request that the Town pur- chase two additional Scott Air Pacs for the Fire Department. After discussion,a motion was made by Nichols and seconded by Caldwell that the Council authorize purchase of two Scott Air Pacs, to be paid for from the 1959 budget. Motion carried. William F. Klein and Edgar A. Hillstrom, residents of the area interested in forma- tion of an local improvement district to secure vrater service appeared before the Council, Mr. Klein gave his ideas concerning utilization of existing wells in the area, as an alternative to the plan worked out by the Sup't. and Engineer. After much discussion it was suggested by Mr4. Hillstrom that the Engineer and Sup't. proceed with the original plan regarding water transmission. The Engineer and Sup't were directed by the Council to proceed with original plans. Engineer stat- ed that progress on preliminary assessment roll for area desiring water service was retarted due to suggestions and opinions of some of the residents of the area in regard to the tank and water transmission problem.. Matter of additional compensation for Acting Clerk -Tress. deferred for further study. Councilman Nichols of the Street and Alley Committee reported that his committee investigated the request of H. J. Kilpatrick for improvements to and unused portion of lNest Street to facilitate acess to his property on DeKalb Street. He stated it was their opinion that the Town had no obligation in this matter. Police Chief Wymore reported that conditions are corrected regarding signs obscuring visibility at 547 Bay Street. The matter of an easement for drainage line over private property in the viciinity of West and South Street was continued. Attorney Don Thompson reported that a quiet Title Action may be necessary to secure property for water tower site. It was moved by Baker, seconded T;y Nichols -nd carried that Attorney be authorized to commence 0.uiet Title Action to acquire property in the name of the Town of Port Orchard. Yr. Ttudd, representing Standard Oil Co. of California, appeared before the Council asking for a delay in ada:ption of the proposed sire Presention Code until December 8, 1058 as the main office had not been advised of the code. Request granted. After discussion regarding Council "hambers improvements, a motion was made by N.J.chols, seconded by Repanich and carried to paint the Council Chambers. Details and color referred to the Buildings Co-=iittee and Sup (t. Ordinance providing for emergency expenditure of rp1,500.00 from Water Fund for labor, repair, and maintenance, was resented on second reading, and passed unanimously on motion by Baker, seconded by VlJ nebrenner and carried. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance NO.653. Acting Clerk asked that she beauthorized to transfer t538.21 from Water Fund to Vister Revenue Bond Fund, 1957, Prindipal and Intererst Account, in order to redeem three bonds December 1, 1.958. This was discussed and on lotion by Repanich, second- ed by Caldwell and carried, the transfer was authorized. Report on Vlater Fund finances deferred until next meet_i_ng. Mrs. R. B. Ball appeared before the Council in r egard to the beautification program of the Town in relation to the Seattle Exposition two years hence. Chairman Faker of the Parks and Hzyground Committee was directed to contact Garden Clubs on this matter. Acting Clerk requested authority to draw warrant on Water Fund in the amount of 1)163.76 to pay'Toi%n Assessment in L. I. D. No. 56. Authority granted on motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried. Acting Clerk read letter from T,Tarch of Dimes, T"rs. John Hull, District Chrmn., asking for a representative to the meeting, December 1, 1^58. Councilman Baker offered to represent the Council at this meeting. Letter from Clarence Dahl.ke protesting shielded windows in V. r . .V. Building, referr- ed to Acting Clerk for reply. Ti,,e following claims checked by heads of departments and b;r members of the Finan ce and Auditing Committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by �=2ker, seconded by Repanich and carried: Dorald C. Corey A. V. Rayger Gordon Vettleson Hans Aarshaug F. E. Langer Agency Rice Electric Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Port Orchard Independent Roneys, Inc. Mpry Lu Kelton Gale '.J. Dow Overall Cleaning & Sply Co. American Plb. & St. Sply Co. Mrs. Guy L. '."Jetzel Hallgren Company Puget Sound Pow er & Light Co. Rice Electric CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Police service Police service Police service Labor mowing grass (city Hall) Acting Clerk Bond Two Lampe Street Lights and City Hall Lights Warrant of arrest forms and file cards Repair pump on fire truck JATEX r'U PD Ass 1 t Clerk--Treas. Labor reading water meters Shop Towels Meter Box lids and supplies Reimb. for erroneous deduction of Soc. Valve Box `._aps with lids Power (all plants cathodic equip.) Morse Pump grease STREET FUNND Lester R. Helm Labor on city Streets Lyle D. Vichols Labor on city streets Morrison Gravel Co. Balance due on Voucher #6707 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Kendall and Bay Street Garages Rice Electric Lamps "ors. Elmer Rose Lester R. Helm H. R. Hunntting Co., Inc. SEWER 1,,uvD Damage Claim Labor flushing sewer line Li BRAKY FTJND Books PARA FUND Puget Sound Power &. Light Co. Taylor St. Recr. & Tennis Courts Se c. Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried. 81.96 27.32 27.32 3.70 10.00 2.89 539.19 13.13 281.65 39.38 32.64 4.35 55.95 7.24 44,06 213.22 6.82 $1'79.52 146.88 6.03 6.70 9.04 3.00 8.16 $ 41.87 12.05 ter. Acting Clerk Mayor v * * * * * J.- Port Orchard, Washington December 8, 1958 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present were Councilman Dusty C. Winebrenner, Verd W. Nichols, Harold C. Raker, V. E. Caldwell, and Nick J. Repanich; Attorneys Dddley N. Perrine and Don Thompson; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore. Minutes of meeting of November 240 1958 read and approved. Chief" of Police A. L. Wymore reported on the drive and special patrol for traffic violators on Sidney Hill, stating that several arrests had been made during this time. It was agreed that the drive should. continue. The matter of granting permission to the First Lutheran Church to place direction- al signs at various locations throughout Town was continued for further study and report by the Street and .Alley committee. Report on progress of preliminary assessment roll for the area interested in recur, ing water service was continued due to the absence of the Engineer. Attorneys Perrine and Thompson submitted a report on progress of Quiet Title Action in regard to securing the plat of land desired for water tower site for the Town. They stated that the Title report was not complete as to ownership prior to 18910 and that some title would have to be secured from heirs. This action to acquire the land for the Town of Port Orchard would take at least six monthsi they estimat- ed, and that the expense, including costs and A.ttorney's fees would not be likely to exceed $250.00, Attorney driected to proceed with project. C'haitman Raker of the Parks anI 11iiildings cQmmitt-�e reported t4a,t iris committee con— ferred with Siip,�rint,-�ndent rry;arei:ink rise of Town ewploy(fes to point the Council Chaml)er, tre color had li,-�n s ,l,ae.tett aied ,v( rk w( uld comt,►once sc,on, using T(jwn emi.loy- ees. The installation of the aecoustical tile ceiling was discussed and found to be acceptable without molding along edge of tile, molding to be installed later if desired. Chairman Repanich of the Finance and Auditing committee reported that his committee had met to study Water Fund finances, and found the Water Fund in good financial status. He stated that it is the opinion of the committee that at the present rate of income, and if deemed necessary, the Town could issue up to $40,000.00 in addi- tional Water Revenue Bonds. Chairman Baker of the Parks and Playgrounds committee reported that he had contacted the Port Orchard Garden Club in regard to the beautification program of the Town in relation to the County -wide program, and that they have agreed to cooperate, and report to the Council at a later date. It was moved by Repanich, seconded by Winebrenner and carried that an ordinance be passers providing for the following pay scale: Acting Clerk -Treasurer; $350.00 per month retroactive to November 4, 1958 abd terminating one month after new Clerk --Treas- urer assumes office, at which time salary shall revert to $300.00 per month as Assist- ant Clerk -Treasurer. It was moved by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried that the starting salary of the newly appointed Clerk -Treasurer be $400.00 per month, this to be included in the Ordinance fixing the salary of the Acting Clerk Treasurer. After a discussion by members of the Fire Dept. with the Council, adoption of the Nat- ional Roard of Fire Underwriters Fire Prevention Code, abbreviated form, was delayed for considerrtion of the Standard Code, a more complete, detailed code. This matter referred to the Fire and Light Committee to meet with members of the Fire Dept. for further study and report. Mayor Hall reported on the meeting he attended in Seattle in regard to the :tudy of transposition problems ih the Puget Sound area. Councilman Winebrenner consented to act as representative from the Town in this matter. Pick Rylander appeared before the Council on behalf. of Robert Rylander relative to obtaining permission for the installation of a temporary sidewalk on Town right-of-way along the west side of Sidney S+. in Block 13, First Addition to Sidney; lying ad- jacent to Myhre's Cafe. After discussion it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Nichols and carried that the Attorney be designated to draw the necessary agreement for Robert Rylander to install a temporary sidewalk built to the specifications of the Town Engineer and Superintendent of Public Works. The need for replacing Police car and other Town equipment in the future was discussed and after an explanation from Attorney in regard to setting; up an Equipment Replace- ment Fund, the Finance and Auditing committee were asked to investigate and submit recommendations to the Council on this matter. Superintendent reported that since the State will not supply City Limits signs for the Town, he had placed an order with the State Penitentiary for same. The following claims checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing Committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried: Donald C. Corny Gordon V. Vettleson Albert V. Raygor Donald M. Cunningham Lester R. Helm Lyle D. Nichols Delbert A. Cooper Town Clerk R. R. Ryan Earl Clark(Western Auto) Pac. Tele & Tele Co. Deal'ss L. N. Curtis & Sons F. E. Langer Agency Slocum Hdwe. Tid4vater Oil Co. Tidewater Oil Co. Port Orchard Machine Sljop Thompson's Beacon Xleettic Port Orchard Independent Peninsula Stationers Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Saindonrs,Ine. Cleveland Chevrolet CURRENT EXPI�lSE FUND Police service Police service Police service Police service Labor on drinking fountain repair L&bor on water line to drinking fourtain P lice service (special patrol on Sidney) Advanced Expense ('Postage, Keys, Police car switch) Installing Accoustical Tile in Council Chamber Trouble light for Police Dept. Clerk, Police and Fire Telephone and tolls Pipe fittings 2 Scott Sling Refills Acting Clerks Bond Paint, Screw, anchors and etc. Deisel Fuel for City Hall Dei.sel Fuel for City Hall Brackets for door Bond paper for Clerk's office Lowering Light & Fixtures in Council Chambers Publish warrant Call Waster Basket for Police Wiper Blade for Police car Police Car Tire remolds Repairs, Lub & Oil change (Police Car) 81.00 13.66 13.06 27.32 16.32 16.32 30.00 14.20 429.00 7.21 57.60 87 5.17 40.00 7.76 59.11 59.11 15.50 3.41 5.17 1.22 2.84 1.81 35.94 47.72 Lester R. Helm Mary Lu Melton Wilkins Dist. Co., Inc. Pao. Tale &Tele Co. Ted 's Thriftway Town Clerk Slocum Hardware Overall Cing. & Sply Co. Fog -Tile Meter Seal Co. n Lester R. Helm Lester R. Helm Lyle D. Nichols Town Clerk Hannah &,Powell Pao. Tale. & Tale. Co. Deals Wilkins Dist. Co. Inc. Ray Flock Equipment Co. Port Orchard Machine Shop Tidewater Oil Co. Kitsap Co. Road Dist. Lundy Sales Kitsap Motors Slocum Hardware W H. R. Hunntting Co. Slocum Hardware Lyle D. Nichols Slocum Hardware Slocum Hardware F. E. Langer Agency Labor on water lines 12.24 Assisting in Clerk's Office 35.80 Oil Filters 3.60 Telephone and tolls 21.95 Chlorox & Paper Towels 10.78 Postal Cards for water bills 60.00 Crowbar, stews 70.00 Shop Towels 2.06 Water meter seals and gaskets 111.05 STREET FUND Labor on City Streets $134„64 Operating Power broom on Bay Street 69.36 Labor on City Streets 118.32 Bridge Tolls 4.80 Talc & Powder Blower 2.16 Telephone and tolls 16.30 Brake Fluid, Radiator Repair 5.37 Spark plugs, motor oil, wheel bearing, lube. 54.65 Repair loader 93.35 Repair sign, drill, taps, spring, keystock 4.13 Deisel Fuel for Grader 17.38 Brake adjustment 6.1b Post Paint and lumber 19.73 Repair Trucks and sweeper 39.41 Floor compound and Forks 12.08 LIBFURY FUND Books 6 10.20 PARK FUND Nets, Twine and etc. 4.21 Labor at Little League Field 8.16 WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND Extension Cord 12.04 Valves and fittings 6.12 HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND Harbor Area Lease Bond 0 10.00 Meeting adjourned on motion by Nichols, seconded by Caldwell and carried. —Acting Clerks Mayor Port Orchard, Washington December 22, 1958 Council of the Town of Port Orchard called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present were Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Harold G. Baker, Vern B. Caldwell and Nick J. Repanich; Attorneys Dudley N. Perrine and Don Thompson; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, Engineer Olin S. Sprague, and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore. Absent Councilman Dusty C. Winebrenner. Minutes of meeting of December 8, 1958 read and approved. Chief of Police reported tjoat the special Police patrol on Sidney Hill was still being maintained. It was agreed that no further special patrol service be needed At this time. Chairman Nichols of the Street and Alley committee reported that he had conferred with _Rev. Benson of the First Lutheran Church in regard to their request to place church directional signs at various locations in Town, and•had advised him that due to the possibility of other churches wanting to place signs in Town also, the request had been denied. Engineer Sprague stated that a preliminary plan and assessment roll for the area in Precinct #6 interested in securing water service, would be submitted to the Council at the nefft meeting on January 12, 1959. Lee Caldwell o I the Fort Creiiar d Voltintber VirO De-�t. reported en a tu:;eting "ttended by members of Qie. Tire Dept. will the Fire & L.l JAt K_ t,iitt i C Uie C(,Uncil in raaurd to adoption of a Fire Code for the Town, stating that all present were in accord for acceptance of the Abbreviated Edition of the Fire Code. Chairman Caldwell of the Fire & Light Committee also stated that it was the opinion of his committee that the Abbreviated Edition be accepted. After discussion, it was moved by Baker, se- conded by Repanich and carried unanimously that the National Board of Fire tinder - writers Abbreviated Edition of the Fire Prevention Code of 1956 be adipted. Matter of submitting recommendations to the Council by the Finance and auditing Committee in regard to setting up an Equipment Replacement Pond was continued. Chairman Nichols of the Street and Alley Committee brought up the matter of rdpair needed for 1951 Street Dept. truck, stating that the present rear -end housing is sprung and in need of being straightened or replaced by new housing, and that the truck cannot be used in its present condition. After discussion it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Caldwell and carried unanimously that new housing be installed in the 1951 Truck. Matter of police car being struck by another vehicle while on routine duty was dis- cussed and Chief of Police was advised to have car therougily ehecked for possible additional damage. Acting Clerk read a Claim For Damages in the amount of $188,76 against the Town of Port Orchard sumitted by Robert B. Ryan. After discussion it was moved by Baker, seconded by Nichols and carried unanimously that the claim be rejected and referred to the Insurance Company. After discussion as to advisability of giving Town employees an extra day off after Christmas, it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Caldwell and carried unanimously that the Town employees be given Friday, December 26, 1958 as a holiday. Attorney brought up the matter of appointing, a temporary Police Judge durin-, the absence of Winifred Watt, and after discussion it was moved by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried that Myron I+reyd be appointed Police Judge protem during the absence of Mrs. Winifred Watt. The matter of drainage as it effects Bay Street in the vicinity of Bank Street was discussed, and after discussion was referred to the Attorney to confer with property owner involved and submit report at the next meeting on January 12, 1959. Councilman Nichols suargested that the Town consider purchase of a compresser which would cost around $1,700.00 complete. This matter deferred until next meeting for further consideration. The following claims checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council a.nd ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried: Donald C. Corey Donald M. Cunningham A. V. Raygor Gordon V. Vettleson Delbert B. Cooper Lester R. Helm 4 Rice Electric Rice Electric V. R. Caldwell Trading Post Howe Motor Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Slocum Hardware Kitsap County Auditor Rental Machinery Co. P. 0. Independent Peninsula Stationers CURRENT EXPENSE; FUND Police service Police service Police service Police service Police service (Special patrol) Labor painting Council Chamber Paint & patching for Council Chamber Radio tube for Police Paint, thinner, switch, for Town Hall Fire Truck Repair Street Lights Gasoline for police car Painttrays, roller, knife & screws Reimb. for 1,780 ballots for Gen'1 Election Rental of compressor for repr. water line Publishing Emergency Ord. IJ653 Stapes, calander pad, Police Judge Pen, refills WATER MIND $81.96 54.64 40.98 6.84 60.00 6.12 44.03 2.84 5.39 31.93 425.96 88.02 12.07 70.27 29.45 5.69 4.16 Mary Lu Melton Asst. in Clerk -Tr. office 23.12 Gale W. Dow Labor reading water meters 16.32 Toun Clerk Adv. Expense 1000 Postal cards 30.00 Howe Motor Co. Repair pickup 10.16 Slocum Hardware Bolts, hacksaw, tools 7.76 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power all plants 223.34 Thompson's 1 doz. engineer pads, Sup't 8.30 American Water Wks, Assn. Alnual dues, Supt. 15.00 E ,� Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Stove Oil, Reer. center $ 8.59 ME 3TI 212T FUND Lester R. Helm Lyle D. Nichols F. E. Langer Agency Puget Sound Power & L. Slocum Hardware %sley R. Stevens Kitsap County Airport Ray Bock Equip. Co. Totem Equipment Co. Standard Oil Co. of Cabf Piston Service of Breip. V. B. Caldwell Trd. Post Labor on city streets Labor on city streets Fire Ins. premium on Kendall St. Bay Street garage Screws & washers Bank run gravel Bank run gravel for 1958 Valve spring, for loader, points Bearing packing for sweeper Gasoline and Stove oil Bearings for sweeper Hammer garage and plugs Meeting adjourned on motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried. Acting DIN. OF NOUN. CORK STATE gXAMINF.5 $164.22 163.20 81.63 8.90 .37 21.70 102.73 6.42 1.40 196.58 32.80 1.58 Cl erk�� ��'�' Mayor Port Orchard,Nashington January 12, 1959 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, 'Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor R. B. Hall. Present were Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Dusty C. Winebrenner, Harold G. Baker, Vern B. Caldwell, Nick J. Repanich; Attorneys Dudley N. Perrine and Don Thompson; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, Engineer Olin S. Sprague, and Sgt. Gale W. Dow. Minutes of meeting of December 22, 1958 read and approved. William J. Touchette of 1001 Bay St. appeared before the Council to ask that the Town consider vacating that part of Seattle Street lying north of Bay Street, as his house is partly on Town right-of-way. Mayor Hall and members of the Council informed him that it is not Town policy to vacate any street or alley, and par- ticularly in water front areas, due to unforseeable future needs of the Town. Engineer presented preliminary assessment roll, plans and estimates of cost of the proposed Sidney Road L. I. D. It was explained that surveys were in progress to obtain right -of --ways for pipe line, and quit claim deeds would have to be acquired from property owners involved. Action on this matter deferred until next meeting, January 26, 1959. It was suggested by Attorney that the Council authorize warrants to be drawn from the Current Expense Fund for advanced engineering and expenses incurred as a result of preliminary work on the proposed Sidney Road L. I. D. Charles A. Russell of the Port Orchard Volunteer Fire Dept. appeared before the Council to outline on the map the area in which storage of flamable liquids in above -ground tanks is prohibited by Section 4 of the Fire Prevention Code recently adopted as Ordinance No. 655 by the Town. Matter of submitting recommendations to the Council by the Finance and Auditing Committee in regard to setting up an Equipment Replacement Fund was continued. Sgt, Dow, speaking in behalf of Chief of Police Wymore, requested that the Town obtain eight new parking meters to replace damaged ones. It was moved by Repanich, seconded by 'dinebrenner and carried that new parking meters be obtained, the number to be determined by need and cost. Sgt, Dow reported that the police car had been checked and no additional damage had been found. n Attorney stated that he had conferred with Al Buchmann in regard to drainage as it affects his property on Bay Street, and Mr. Buchmann had agreed to assume the cost of materials in laying a storm drain line to serve his property, the Town providing the labor. Discussion follow6d concerning location of line, and Chairman Nichols of the Street and Alley Committee and Supt. were directed to confer with Mr. Buchmann reuarding installation of line across his property and emptying into bay. Acting Clerk brought up matter of sick leave and vacation pay for Librarian. It was moved by 'Ninebrenner, seconded by Nichols and carried that this matter be referred to the Finance and Auditing Committee with power to act. Chairman Nichols of the Street and Alley Committee recommended that due to recent adverse publicity of the parking problem on Sidney Hill in the Vicinity of the Post 0ffice, the Council should consider ways and means of alleviating the dangers of parking in this area. Action deferred until next meeting, January 26, 1959.