01/01/1957 - Regular - Minutesproposed intersection of proposed street in Maple Street ?Waterway, and the State Highway.. ih ich would provide for from four to six lanes of traffic,. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee stated that he had not yet ^ received drawings of the Active Club building at Givens Field and was granted } further time on a definite report concerning a heating plant. The Finance and Auditing committee was granted further time for report and rec- emm.endation regarding request by Police for five -.day week. Superintendent was authorized to install blacktop on driveway adjoining the Puget Sound Power & Light Co. garage, the cost of the work to be paid by the Power Company. n The following claimd were presented, after checking by the heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing caamnittee, and were ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Baker and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Street lights Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Clerk, Police and Fire tels WATER FUND Pacific States Cast Pipe Co. Water main (bid) Overall Cleaning & Supply Shop towels Piston Service of Bremerton Bearing for pump Puget Sound Power & Light Power at pumps Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephone and tells All Bearing Service, Inc. Ball bearing Puget Sound Power & Light Pacific Tel & Tel Co. The H. R. Huntting Co. Puget Sound News Co. STREET FUND Light at Bay St. Garage Telephone and tolls MI"'. _7s1�;i� Books for Library Books for Library Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by W Clerk ****..-*-0*** E r andcarried. 371.69 53,20 3,410.53 2.06 4.55 285.08 11.85 38.68 3.80 35.30 38.39 9.78 y Z` Mayor Port Orchard, Washington January 14, 1957 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, R. B. Halls Dusty C. Winebrenner and Harald G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino,~ Superinten- dent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer Olin M. Sprague present. Absent Councilman George A. Broughton. Minutes of meeting of December 26, 1956 read and approved. A petition praying for the annexation of certain territory adjoining Part Orchard on the south and located in the Fernwood, district, was presented to the Council by H. E. Larkin and others. The petition was referred to the Engineer and Attorney for checking of ownerships and sufficiency, to report at a later date. W. H. Cruikshank, contractor for garbage collection in Port Orchard, appeared before the Council, requesting an increase in rates within the town limits. He presented a financial statement and orally gave other data in support of his request. The matter was discussed and referred to the Health and Sanitation committee, with Councilman Baker sitting in as a third member, for study and report. Mayor stated that glass insurance on the Active Club building at Givens Field had been cancelled, as the building is open and subject to mischief. He stated that unearned portion of premium would be returned to the Town. Clerk asked authority to draw warrant in payment of insurance for members of Vol- unteer Fire Department. Authority granted an motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Hall and carried. A letter from Donald A. Heisington relative to right-of-way over town property for road to his property, was read and discussed. Clerk was directed to write to Mr. Holsington,`atating that request is not definite and that matter can be han- dled when he is able to present it to the Council in person and more definitely. Clerk asked authority to transfer $1,200.99 from Current Expense Fund to Water Fund, as provided in 1967 budget. Authority granted on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Barer and carried. On motion by Hall, seconded by Winebrenner and carried, Clerk was authorized to transfer $1,366.32 from Sewer Construction Fund to Sewer Fund, as recommended by State Examiner. Clerk was authorized to make monthly payments of $212.00 to Duncan Parking Meter Company as lease payment on meters. This action was taken on motion by Winebrenner seconded by Repanich and carried. Matter of proposed outlet from Bay Street to new State Highway south of Port Orchard was discussed, and Engineer stated that outline of proposed route would be mapped out shortly. Tom Dunstan, promoter of West Bay Street Shopping Center, appeared before the Council relative to his project, and asked that he might have a conference with the'Street and alley committee. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee stated that he had been approached by representatives of the Little League regarding better lighting at the baseball field. This was referred to the Parks and Playgrounds committee for further investigation and report. Matter of insurance on motorized equipment owned by the Town was discussed, and it was pointed out that at present insurance on this equipment provides for deductions of $250,00 per accident. Referred to Mayor to check on rates for lower deductions. Chief of Police asked permission to establish target range in space at Bay Street garage building for police target practice, stating that the Superintendent had no objection to the plan. This was discussed, and it was moved by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried that permission!be granted on condition that all necessary prodautions be taken for safety, and that the practice be supervised by the police Department, and that law enforcement officers only be permitted to use the range. Engineer Sprague suggested that ordinance be passed establishing platting regula- tions within the town and for territory to be annexed to the town. This was dis- cussed, and no definite action was taken. The following claims checked by heads of departments and by Councilmen Repanich and Baker of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and or- dered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried: A. V. Raygor W, L. Boatwright Donald C. Corey Wilkins Distributing Co. Saindenis Inc. Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Asstn. of Washington Cities V. B. Caldwell Puget Sound Pourer & Light Port Orchard Oil Delivery Beacon Appliance Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Gary Deal Auto Parts V. B. Caldwell Lester R. Helm Gale W. Dew G. A. Shackelford Lester R. Helm Lester R. Helm Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Puget :found Power & Light Co. Transport Clearings Western Tractor & Equipment Pert Orchard Oil Delivery Port Orchard Machine Shop Police service $ 12.88 Police service 67.72 Police service 115.92 Ethyl gas for police 52.38 2 winter tires 27.11 Lub remove chains, police 3.05 job, Lub ob, police 1,55 Annual dues 150.00 Flashlight & bulbs, police 4.50 Street lights 371.69 Furnace oil, city hall 143.77 Clean & repair oil burner, city hall 80.81 WATER FUND Power & lights, pumps $ 256.10 Tire chains, brush, gas tank cap 14.45 Fittings & parts 2.79 Labor 7.76 Labor reading meters 7.76 STRk= FTJND Labor on city streets $ 186.24 Sweeping Bay St., power broom 89.24 Labor on .pity streets 178,48 Shop'towels 3.02 Repair truck 138,36 Service at Bay St. garage 7,70 Freight on paint 2.00 Taper pins .91 Steve oil, street sheds 66.65 Labor and material 10.08 r') K STRIWX FOND Saindon's Inc. Repair tire 4.65 Wilkins Distributing Co. Gasoline 94.76 Gary Deal Auto Parts Anti -Freeze, mdae. 66.54 Tegstrom Building Materials Cedar 23.15 W. M. Prigger Leader rental 256.25 Kitsap County Airport Bankrun gravel 128.10 V. B. Caldwell Scythe blade 2.33 PARK FUND W. M. Prigger .Leader rental .16.25 n Lester R. Helm Labor, Little League Field 15.52 G. A. Shackelford Labor, parks 15.52 Port Orchard Oil Delivery Steve oil 6.91 Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Baker c caririeds-� Clerk * * * Z�w * * * * * mayor Port Orchard, Washington January 28, 1957 Council of the Town of Part Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayer C. H. Largis, with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, Harold G. Baker, Dusty C. Winebrenner and R. B. Hall; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore present. Mihutes of meeting of January 14, 1957 read and approved. H. A. Trimble, business manager of South Kitsap School District, appeared before the Council and asked that Bay Street -Mitchell Road intersection be widened by filling ditch on east side of Mitchell road and installing tile, and moving traffic line to the east to provide a wider turning area. The matter was discussed and referred to the Street and Alley committee to meet with Mr. Trimble at the desig- nated Intersection at 5 p. m. Wednesday, January 30. Councilman Baker brought up the matter of school busses stepping for unloading near the curve in Bay ,Street just crest of Harrison Street, pointing out that this practice ties up traffic both ways. He suggested that stop be made on Sidney Street north of Bay Street, where traffic is controlled by traffic light, pointing out that in this manner traffic would not be interrupted to as great an extent and that the safety of passengers would be protected by the traffic light. This was also referred to the Street and Alley committee. Contracts for street lighting and for light and power at the main pumping plant, were submitted by the Puget Sound Power & Light Company.. Contracts were approved as to form by the Attorney, and on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Repanich and carried. Mayer was authorized to sign contracts, after checking rates by the Clerk. Further time was granted to check petition for annexation of certain property south of Port Orchard. Chairman Winebrenner of the Health and Sanitation committee reported on consideration so far advanced by the committee in preparing an ordinance to govern control of garbage collection. Copies of proposed ordinance were provided for members of the Council for study and consideration. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee made a report on efforts so far put forth in connection with proposed connection with new State Highway No. 14, south of Port Orchard, and Engineer submitted map showing grades and alignment of ' proposed road. The map was studied by the members of the Council, and Councilman Hall and Attorney Perrino stated that they would be in Olympia on January 27, to confer with Highway authorities on proposed road. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee stated that his committee had met with representatives of the "Little League' regarding additional lights at baseball field. He stated that half of the cast of installation vo uld be bourne by the.Little League organization if the Town would pay half. After a discussion it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried that Town pay half the coat of installation of lights as outlined by the plans, the amount net to exceed $300.00. Tom Dunstan, representing the proposed West Bay Street Shopping Center, presented maps showing proposed intersection of street an Maple Street Waterway with State Highway, and the plans were examined by the Council. After a discussion it was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that plan as submitted be approved„ the approval being conditioned on approval by the State Department of Highways and the County Engineer. This being the date on which bids w ere to be opened for supplying gasoline and deisel fuel to the Town, Clerk stated that seven bids had been received. Mayor directed that bids be opened and read, sad bids were received from Wilking Dis- tributing Company, Inc., Union Oil Company of California, Shell Oil Company, J. E. Adams, Tidewater Associated Oil Companye Standard Oil Company of California and Richfield Oil Corporation. Bids were examined by the Council and were referred to the Finance and Auditing Committee to analyze bids and report to Council. Clerk presented certificates from State Department of Labor and Industries and from State Tax Commission showing that claims against Western Drilling and Equip- ment Company for drilling water well in'Port Orchard , had been satisfied, and also a voucher showing a balance of $3rl98.57 due the Western Drilling & Equipment Company on its contract. Clerk was authorized to draw warrant for amount due, on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried. There was a general discussion of method of barricading streets for traffic safety during dangerous conditions caused by snow and ice, and following a discussion it was agreed that clesecl streets be barricaded on right hand lanes; that stop signs on Kitsap Street at its intersection with Sidney Street be blanked out; and that stop sign on Division Street at its east intersection with Sidney Street be blanked out, during times when Sidney Street is barricaded. Chief of Police asked for new radio antenna on roof of Municipal Building, stating that Lindell Radio & TV would install one for $30.00. He was directed to secure other bids for installing antenna before ordering the installation. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee stated that the Tawanka Club had asked permission to install tables, benches and garbage cans at Givens Field, for accommodation of picnickers. After a discussion permission was granted, with the understanding that there be no responsibility to the town for the Install- ation. Councilman Repanich also stated that request had been made for toilet facilities at Central Playfield. This was referred to the Parks and Playgrounds committee for investigation and report. The following claims checked by heads ing committee were read to the Council seconded by Repanich and carried: Donald C. Corey W. L. Boatwright Cleveland Chevrolet Kitsap Co. Garage Kitsap Co. Auditor Lindell Radio & TV Pioneer, Inc. F. E. Langer Agency Port Orchard Independent Town Clerk Puget Bound Power & Light Howe Motor Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Puget Sound Purer & Light Pacific Tel & Tel Ca, Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Town Clerk Western Utilities Supply Kitsap County Auditor W. F. Bruhahn Kitsap County Garage Howard Cooper Corporation Columbia Equipment Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Kitsap County Auditor Rudd Paint & Varnish Co. Bents Truck Parts Lester R. Helm G. A. Shackelford Lloyd Granquist Co. Co. of departments and by the Finance and Audit - and ordered paid on motion by Baker, CURRENT EXPENSE Police service Police service Police car repair Install ,away bar, police car Licenses, police and fire Repair police radio Warrant register & ledger sheets Asst. Clerk band Publish Ord. No. 637 Postage, index cards, rubber bands Lights at Town Hall Prestone, fire truck Tel. & tells, clerk, fire police WATER FUND Power for cathodic equipment Telephone and tells Telephone and tolls 2 M postals C. I. plug, washers Licenses, pick-up trucks Labor tending pumps Repair truck STREET FUND Grader repair & parts 2 sweeper brooms Lighto, Kendall St. garage License tabs for equip. Paint' thinner Carburetor Labor�on city streets Sanding icy streets Sanding icy streets $ 103.04 12.88 253.26 5.45 4.80 13..90 37.28 7.50 3.02 12.68 120.78 3.18 53.65 $ 14.40 23.90 12.35 40.00 11,87 3.9L0 31.04 5.45 $ 248.45 113.28 2.00 9.60 8.27 13.31 195.94 80.51 60.14 C-) C") r 13 • 073 .! t Town Clerk Post Office box rental 1.10 PARK FUND Paget Sound Power & Light Lights at tennis ct., Taylor Reer, 20.05 HARBOR IMPROVEMENT F. E. Langer Agency Lease Bond $ 10.00 Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Baker an carri Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington February 11, 1957 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis, vd th Councilman R. B. Hall, Harold G. Baker, George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore, present. Absent Councilman Dusty C. Winebrenner. Minutes of meeting of January 28, 1957 read and approved. Councilman Broughton, chairman of the Finance and Auditing committee, stated that his committee had checked and considered the bids for gasoline and oil, referred to the committee at the January 28th meeting of the Council, and recommended that the supplying of gasoline be awarded to Wilkins Distributing Co., Inc., and that the award for diesel fuel and stove oil be awarded to the Standard Oil Company of California on their bids as submitted. It was moved by Broughton, seconded by Hall and carried that awards be made as recommended by the Finance and Auditing committee Mrs. A. N. Jones appeared before the council relative tot he petition for annex- ation of her property is the Town of Port Orchard. She was informed of the rec- ommendation of the Engineer, that it strip of land exists between her property and the south town limits, and that the Engineer recommends that this strip be included in the annexation petition. She stated that she would contact property owners in an effort to have this property included. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that his committee had met with H. A. Trimble, manager of the School district, relative to Bay Street - Mitchell read intersection, and that the committee recommended laying tile in the ditch on the east side of Mitchell read and filling the ditch to provide a wider turning area at the Boot of the hill. Report concurred in by the Council. Goo. R. Osborn of the Pioneer Towing Company, contractors for making the waterfront fill, stated that aashovel had damaged the main outfall of the Town sewer,' and that conditions of the tide made it impossible to make permanent repairs at this time, but that temporary repairs would be made, and permanent repairs wuld be made when tidal conditions make such work possible. He made a suggestion that the Town might kick in for part of the cost. Engineer stated that repairs as described, both for temporary and permanent works would, in his opinion be satisfactory. No action taken. Further time was granted for consideration of annexation petition from property owners in Fernwood area, Engineer stating that complete list of ownerships have net yet been checked. More time granted for consideration of garbage ordinance. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that he had contacted representatives of the State Department of Highways regarding proposed connection with State Highway No. 14; that maps had been delivered to Highway officials, and conditions explained. He also stated that a bill providing for establishment of the proposed connection as an access road to State Highway New,. 14 had been intro- duced in the Legislature. Chief of Police reported that he had received offers for installing radio antenna on Municipal Building, and that tender of Lindall Radio & TV was the best offer by a considerable sum. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee stated that no definite recommendation regarding toilets at Central Pla3f field is not ready for submission, and further time was granted. Mayor stated that a check issued many years ago, which apparently is the proper- ty of the Town, is being held by the Kitsap County Bank, and would be turned ever to the Town on proper protection to the Bank. Referred to the Attorney to draw proper instrument. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee stated that he has been conferring with heating engineers regarding heating plant at the new Active Club Building at Givens Field, and that definite recommendations regarding most suit- able installation would be forthcoming shortly. Clerk reported.on the financial condition of the Water Fund, and stated that he had been informed by the Division of Municipal Corporations that funds for handling Water Fund warrants could be leaned from other funds of the Town, and that it would be possible for the Current Expense Fund to handle Water Fund warrants, should the Water Fund be overdrawn by reason of necessary expenditures. Superintendent stated that Well No. 4 should be cleaned out at once to insure maximum flow during the summer, and this work was authorized on motion by Repan- ich, seconded by Hall and carried, the work to be done on an hourly basis. Laying of water mains on Maple Street was also authorized an motion by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried: The following claims., checked by heads of departments and by the Finance and Auditing committee, were read U the Council arid -•ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried: W. L. Boatwright Donald C. Corey George F. Cake Co. Wilkins Distributing Co. Port Orchard Independent Peninsula Stationers F. E. Langer Agency Gould Sheet "Meta.l Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Pert Orchard Oil Delivery Port Orchard Machine Shop Pacific Tel & Tel Co. CURRENT ZCPENSE 'FUND Police service Police service Fuses with spikes Ethyl gasoline for police 2 M eves; Call for bids Pen fillers for police Band premium, Clerk & Police Street signs Lub,job, police car Deisel fuel for town hall Repair door to fire hall Clerk, police and fire telephones Xk2r.h FUND Port Orchard Machine Shop Brass wire H. D. Fowler Co,, Inc. Pipe and fittings Thompson's Carmine pencils Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephone and tolls V. B. Caldwell Trups., Thinner, etc. Lester R. Helm Labor Lester R. helm. Totem Equipment Co. Western Tractor & Equip. Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co, Port Orchard ail Delivery Wilkins Distributing Co. Tekstrom Building Materials The H. R. Huntting Co. Puget Sound News Company Port Orchard Oil Delivery STRhW FUND Labor Broom refill Grader parts Telephone and t€ l]IB Steve oil Gasoline Lumber i, ;0e Books for Library Books PAR.& FUND Stove eil, Recr. Center lJ 38.64 90.16 19.77 52.38 37.86 1.43 85.00 18.60 1.82 220.20 5.1"7 53.35 1.55 578.86 1.76 31.'75 3.89 10.67 186.24 45.40 139,73 11.85 50.82 71.07 16.38 16.22 22.73 15.12 Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded H 11 n carried. �f Clerk Mayor l , (7) n n M Port Orchard* Washington February 25, 1957 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, R. B. Hall, Dusty C. Winebrenner and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague. Minutes of meeting of February 11, 1957 read and approved. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee stated that data is being assembled on heating plant at new Active Club building at Givens Field. Petition for annexation of A. N. Jones property was continued for action. Engineer Sprague returned petition for annexation of property in Sec. 359 Tp, 23 N, R 1E, which had been referred to him for checking, together with as report of his findings. Several property owners and residents of the area were present and H. E. Larkin clarified some points concerning the petition. After a discussion, the petition was returned to the Engineer to make a further check of ownerships. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee stated that work is progressing on alterations at intersection of Bay Street and Mitchell Hill road, as agreed upon with representatives of School District No. 402. A general discussion of the proposed Gar jge ordinance was held, and it was decided to hold a committee meeting to further consider the matter on March 7, 1957 at 7:30 p . m. A discussion of financial conditions of the Water Fund and of necessary exten- sions to the system was held, and Engineer stated that he would have a tentative outline of extensions to submit to the committee at its March 7 meeting. A letter was received from an individual who signed herself "An Irate Citizen of Port Orchard", complaining of conditions in front of Kitsap Motors, Buchman's used car loot and Standard Oil plant as they effect pedestrians. The letter was considered by the Council and was referred to the Police to see that conditions are corrected. Councilman Repanich stated that L. C. Marshall had contacted him regarding assessments can his property on Rockwell Street, stating that he had never received notice of installments due until this year, and that interest had accumulated to where he didn't feel that he should have to pay. Attorney stated that in- terest cannot be.waived, and that accumulated interest would have to be paid. Attorney stated that in the annexation of the Tegstrom property that a portion of the tract had been inadvertently omitted from the description, and that he believed that it could be included by a new ordinance citing the omission and including than additional property. This was agreed to by the membererof the Council and the matter was referred to the Attorney for further proceedings. It was stated that Braaten Brea. had done considerable grading at the site of the new wells and that it had been previously tentatively agreed that the Town might participate in the cast to the amount of about $90.00. This was discussed and passed, pending receipt of claim by BreAten Bros. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid b;r motion by Repanich, secbnded by Hall and carried: CURRZNT EXPENSE FUND Donald C. Carey Police service 103.04 A. V. Raygor Police service 12.88 W. L. Boatwright Polices service 38.64 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Street lights 371 69 Kitsap County Treasurer F.F.P. tax on Garbage tract 5.60 WATER FUND Utility Products Company Water meter parts 54.24 Gale W. Dow Labor reading water meters 36.86 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Light and power at pump plants 284.12 Cleveland Chevrolet Repair pickup 51.23 Overall Cleaning & Supply Shop towels 5.19 STREET FUND Lester R. Helm Labor on streets 162.96 G. A. Shackelford Labor sanding streets 11064 Gary Deal Auto Parts Truck parts 3.22 Cleveland Chevrolet Repair truck 29.80 Western Tractor & Equipment Co. Small pin .64 Columbia Equipment Company Clutch parts for Shovel truck 21.25 Puget Sound Power & Light Bay Street garage service 8.90 Thsmpsonts Quill brushes 2.89 Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Bak -c led. Clerk Mayor Pert Orchard, Washington March 11, 1957 Port Orchard Town Council called to order in regular session by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Harold G.'Baker, Dusty C. Winebrenner, R. B. Hall, George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Superin- tendent of Public Works George F. Givens, Engineer Olin M. Sprague -and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore. Minutes of meeting of February 25, 1957 read and approved. Chairman Repanieh of the Parks and Playgrounds committee stated that after a survey and conferences with heating engineers, that he recommended installation of hot-air heating plant in the Active Club building at Givens Field, and that specifications would soon be available for submission to the Council, and for call for bids. Petition for annexation of territory south of Pert Orchard town limits was again considered, after report by Engineer, and following discussion it was returned to the petitioners to contact other property owners who should be in- terested in the annexation question. H. E. Larkin represented the petitioners at the meeting. L. B. Lundy and Francis Fuller, resionts an South Street, appeared before the Council regarding drainage problem in that vicinity. The matter was discussed, and was referred to the Street and Alley committee,, with a recommendation that Engineer and Superintendent look ever the area and report cat the committee. Further consideration of the garbage ordinance was continued. Consideration of adjusted water rates taken up and discussed by the Council. Engineer submitted suggested plan of improvements for the water system, prepared by the Engineer and the Superintendent and this plan was considered by the Council. After consideration of the plan and the needs of expansion of the system, and the financial angles involved, rates were established as follows For the first 3,500 gallons of water, $2,50: For the next 30,000 gallons of water, 30,q( per thousand gallons; for all water used above 33,500 gallons 20� per thousand gallons. Ordinance providing for rates set forth was presented by the Attarney,•read to the Council and passed as read on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Repanich and carried. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 638. Mayer stated that he would contact bond brokers regarding issuance and sale of utility bonds to finance improvements to wratersystem, and if possible arrange meeting to discuss financing. Attorney stated that he will present ordinance to prohibit carrying switch knives for consideration by the Council, citing some instances where these knives have caused trouble. Matter of renting parking meter space for merchandising displays by local bus- iness'firms was brought up by Councilman Winebrenner. This was discussed and referred to the police. Chief of Police asked that members of the force who are attending the FBI Police School be supplied with ammunition for target practice and instruction. Request granted on motion by Baker, seconded by Winebrenner and carried. On motion by Broughton, seconded by Baker and carried the following claims, were ordered paid, after having been checked by heads of departments, the Fin- ance and Auditing committee and members of the Council: al Cleveland Chevrolet W. L. Boatwright Donald C. Corey Earl Clark,_Westorn Auto Saindon's, Inc. Port Orchard ail Delivery Wilkins Distributing Co. Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Lumber Supply Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Peninsula Stationers R. L. Sweany, Insurance American Plbg. & St. Supply Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Lumber Supply Co. Lester R. Helm Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Wilkins Distributing Co. Lumber Supply Bremerton Concrete Prod. Co. Port Orchard Machine Shop Gary Deal Auto Parts Union Oil Co. of Cal. Cookson Bros. Service Beacon Electric Co. Tegstrom Building Materials Gould Sheet Metal Earl Clark, Western Auto Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Hallgren Company Puget Sound News Co. The H. R. Huntting Co. Mrs. Edith Kunzelman CURRENT EXPt0SE FUND Repair police car 27.34 Police service 38.64 Police service 103.04 Car soap & polish, police 3.64 Tires, tubes and remoulds, police 39.22 Deisel fuel, Town Hall 52.76 Ethyl gasoline, police 51.28 Deisel fuel, town hall. 36.44 Lumber 1.24 Clerk, police and Fire tel & tells 54.15 Calendar pad for Police Judge 1.55 Premium on rolling stock 271.33 WATER FUND Meter box covers 48.26 Telephone & tolls 12.70 Lumber and Materials 37.97 STREET FUND Labor on streets 228.92 Telephones and tolls 30.15 Gasoline, oil filters, etc. 66.12 Lumber, cement, etc. 92.17 Drain tile 53.01 Repairs and material 6,71 Repair parts 13.73 53 gal T5X motor oil 52,03 Tire repair 1.03 Repair garage heater 28.16 Drain tile 4.13 Material for street signs 9.30 2 tail lights for truck 2.31 Kerosene and deisel oil 36.23 Grader part 15.93 Books for library 36.01 Books for library 2.95 Relief librarian 36.00 PARK FUND Lumber Supply Lumber 1.09 Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Stove mil, Taylor St. Reer. Center $ 10.99 Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Hall an -carried f Clerk /� Mayor Port Orchard, Washington March 25, 1957 Council called to order in regular session by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Dusty C. Winebrenner and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent ®f Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore present. Absent Councilmen R. B. Hall and Nick J. Repanich. Minutes of meeting of March 11, 1957 read and approved. A delegation of residents in the area south of Port Orchard, seeking annexation to the Town, were present and filed petition for annexation. The petition was con- sidered and it was moved by Baker, seconded by Broughton and carried that hearing can petition be held Tuesday evening, April 9, 1957s at 7:30 aalelock. Fred Brunton, R. E. Nelson, Archie Fleming and 0. M. Buckallew appeared before the Council, presenting tentative plans for extensive improvements to the Christ- ian Church at DeKalb and Harrison Streets, and sought information of the Council as to alignment of building and other matters. This was referred to the Street and Alley committee and the Engineer to look over the property and make recomm- endation. Engineer Olin M. Sprague stated that he had looked over the drainage problem in the South Street area, and suggested a drainage line running west on South Street to empty into the gulch west of Howard Street. No action taken. Consideration of heating plant at Active Club building at Givens Field was con- tinued. On motion by Broughton, seconded. by Baker and carried ordinance amending Ordin- ance No. 634 (Tegstrom annexation) was passed and adopted, Claim of Braaten Bros. for bulldozing at site of Well No. 6, was referred to Superintendent to confer with claimants on adjustment. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Broughton and Baker of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Broughton and carried. - W.. L. Boatwright Donald C. Corey Donald M. Cunningham, Standard Oil Co. of Calif. George F. Cake Co. Puget round Power & Light Co. Port Orchard Independent Alfred Pedersen Gale W. Dow Service Hardware & Zqtxip. Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. Western Utilities Supply Co. Lester R. Helm Western Tractor & Egptmt. Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Rudd Paint & Varnish Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. W. H. Stevenson Alfred Pedersen Puget Sound News Co. Mary B. Paterson CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Police Police Police Gasoline and service, Police Ammunition for police Town Hall and street lights Stationary and publish ordinance Labor on Town Hall grounds Labor Clean wells Pumtp and tank service Shop towels Pipe fittings and parts Labor on streets Control lever and pin Street garages Traffic paint PARK FUND Tennis court and Recr Ctr lights � Condition lawn mower Labor on Givens field L1.BRAHY FUND Books for Library Reimburse for magazine subs. Meeting adjourned on motion by Broughton, seconded by Clerk 141.68 90.16. 27,21 8.53 41.32 468.34 64.60 19s25 31.04 778.74 290.68 2,06 25.14 155.20 19.05 9.70 229.81 20.95 5.67 12.25 10.57 10.25 rried. Mayor n Port Orchard, Washington April 81 1957 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen R. B. Hall, Dusty C. Winebrenner, Harold G. Baker, George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perriney Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chl6f of Police A. L. Wymere. Minutes of meeting of March 25, 1957 read and approved. Further time was granted to Street and Alley committee for report on investigation of Christian Church building plans. Clifford Christian appeared before the Council regarding right-of-way ever the Town garbage tract to his property. This was referred to the Street and Alley committee for investigation and report. Attorney present6d an ordinance with relation to plan nn d system for water works extensions. This erdinance was read to the Council, amended to detail proposed improvements, and was passed can motion by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried. Superintendent, on behalf of employees under his control, stated that the men sought a pay raise due to cost of living conditions. This was referred to the Finance and Auditing committee, Engineer and Superintendent reported on a drainage problem on Bay Street at the west town. limits. This was referred to the Engineer and the Superintendent to investigate conditions and liability of the Town and to report to the Council. Drainage conditions on South Street were discussed, and referred to the Street and Alley committee, the committee to meet with the Engineer and the Superintendent on the property involved at 4.30 P. M., Wednesday, April 10. Mayor stated that negotiations were under way among property owners looking toward filling waterfront from Ainsworth's stare southerly to include the Gary Deal property, and stated that Port Street was in the area to be filled, and that this part of the project would be taken care of by the property owners under certain conditions. A General discussion followed, and it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Hall and carried that in consideration of the amount of money which the filling of Part Street would cost Standard Oil Company and Ainsworth's. that the street, when completed, be left open to traffic and to free public parking, li-ni.ted only to police regulations. It was stated that contractors on the waterfront fill would make permanent repair to sewer outfall during the period of low tides an April 16 and 17th. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered pa id on motion by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried: Donald M. Cunningham W. L. Boatwright Donald C. Carey Caldwell Trading Pest Lindall-Truman TV Cleveland Chevrolet Port Orchard Independent Peninsula Stationers Wilkins Distributing Co.' Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Otte Voll Sign Shop Town Clerk Wash. State Penitentiary Black Ball. Freight Service American P1bg,& St Supply Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Wilkins Distributing Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Caldwell Trading Post Port Orchard Electric Shop Braaten Bros. Town Clerk Lester R. Helm Port Orchard Machine Sheep Cookson Bros. Service Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Cleveland Chevrolet CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Police service 85.03 Police service 59,57 Police service 90.16 Pad -lock for police .78 Aerial for police radio 35.00 Service police car 9.01 Stationery for police 21.75 Refill for pens --police 2.58 Ethyl gasoline, police 100.00 Clerk, Police and Fire Tel. 54.85 Traffic signs 4.15 Advanced expenses 13.95 Traffic Signs 10.68 Freight on signs from Walla Walla 4.00 2" black pipe for signs 54.50 Diesel fuel for town hall 165.91 WATER FUND Spark plugs, batteries 4.38 Telephone and tells 12.15 Various merchandise 14.79 Labor and material at tanks 110,21 Bulldozing at Well 6 site 90.00 2 M postal cards for wa. bills 40.00 STREET FUND Labor 225.04 Sign Repair 12.40 Tube repair .78 Telephones and tolls 47,25 Truck parts .97 STREET FUND Town Clerk Reimburse for ferry fare, etc. 2.08 Caldwell Trading Post Washers, rings, drift punch 1.03 Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Diesel and stove oil 77.39 Peninsula Feed Co. Rock salt for ice and snow 16.02 LIBRARY FUND Town Clerk reimburse for P.O. Sox rent 1.10 PARK FUND Caldwell Trading fast Axle for lawn mower 1.03 Standard Oil Co, of Cal. Stove oil 9.01 Meeting adjourned on motion by Repanich, seconded by Broughton and carried. Clerk Mayer Port Orchard, Washington April 9, 1957 This being the date on which hearing on petition for annexation of certain prop- erty in Section 2, Twp. 23 N, R 1 E. and in Section 35, Twp. 24 N, R 1 E, to the Town of Part Orchard, Washington, was scheduled for hearing, Mayor called the hearing, with Councilmen Nick. J. Repanich, George A. Broughton, R. B. Hall, Dusty C. Winebrenner and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine: Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Superintendent of 'Public 60orks George F. Givens; and a few scores of interested property owners in the area sought to be sn nexed, present. Mayor called for expressions of opinion from these in favor of the annexation, and remarkIl:,were made by Raymond H. Anderson and Mrs. Maxine Johnsen, during the course of the hearing. Opposition speakers included Bob Jones, Bernard Chcournard, Byron Mattern, J. W. Sodergren, E. A. Thelander, James Poole, Mrs. Elsie Mattern, and Mrs. Richard Carlson. Following the discussions on the pros and cons of the petition, Mrs. Estelle Carlson as owner of two pieces of property in Section 35, Twp. 24, N, R 1 E, fully described in the petition for annexation, withdrew her name from the pet- ition and her property therefrom. Assessed valuation of her property as shown by the petition, is $120.00 on one tract, and $1,200.00 an one tract. Albert Anderson, Jr. also withdrew his name from the petition and his property therefrom. His property is located in Section 35, Twp. 24 N, R 1 E. is fully described in the petition and is assessed at $30270.00. Bernard LaFave withdrew his name from the petition and his pr operty therefrom. His property is located in Sec 2, Twp. 23 N, R L E, and is fully set forth in the petition by description. Assessed valuation of the LaFave property is $950.00. Total valuation of property withdrawn from the petition was $5,540.00. Mayor called for any remarks from the floor or fr+sm any or property owners, and there being none, the meeting was adjourned, any fu the one a tien to be takeW,*t the meeting of the Council on April 22, 95 _�--- Clerk Mayor / - - 3F it Port Orchard, Washington April 22, 1957 Council called to order in regular session by Mayor C, H. Largis, with Councilmen Harald G. Baker, Dusty C. Winebrenner, R. B. Hall and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore present. Absent Councilman Nick J. Repanich. Minutes of meeting of April 8, 1957 read and approved and minutes of hearing on annexation of property in Sec. 2, Twp. 23 N, R 1 E and in Sec. 35, Twp. 24 N, R 1 E, on April 9, 1957 were read and approved. Miss Leila Nordby, chairman of the Library Board, appeared before the Council and asked that a hearing be held regarding library problems, and for consideration of affiliation with the County Library Board. Hearing set for Monday, April 29, 1957 at 7:30 p. m. Further hearing on petition for annexation of property south of Port Orchard in the Fernwood area, was called and H. E. Larkin and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson appeared before the Council. Mayor stated that the record of the petition showed that the petition is short by $1,937.75 of assessed valuation to make it a valid petition under the Statute, and the petition was therefore denied. R. B. Hall, Chairman dif! the Street and Alley committee reported that his committee had gone over the property over which Clifford Christian seeks right-of-way for road across the corner of the garbage tract, and stated that he did not believe that sale of the ground desired would be detrimental to the town or to the facilities of the garbage tract. After a discussion, it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Hall and carried that Clerk issue call for bids for sale of the property involved, description to be furnished by the Engineer. E. H. Heister, local manager of the Puget Sound Power & Light Co., appeared before the Council and stated that improvements initiated by his company would change sus- pension type of street lights to bracket type, and asked permission of the Council to make the change, stating thatnew lights would be on 8 and 12 foot brackets and would furnish as efficient lighting as the present setup. After a discussion, permission was granted to make the change, on motion by Broughton, seconded by Winebrenner and carried. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported in regard to plans for �� extension to the Christian Church at DeKalb and Harrison Streets, and fixed the time as 4:45 p. m., April 24, for the committee to inspect the property. On motion by Baker, seconded by Hall and carried, committee was given power to act in approv- ing or disapproving the plans. Further time was granted to the Finance and Auditing committee for recommendation for pay raise for town employees. Superintendent reported on drainage problem on Bay Street at west town limits. Matter passed for action. Superintendent also reported that repairs to sewer outfall have been made, and that repairs appear to meet Engineer's requirements. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported on inspection by his committee of drainage problem on South Street, and stated that plans of improvement would be submitted by Engineer for consideration by the Council. On motion by Hall, seconded by Winebrenner and carried, leave of absence was granted to Councilman Repanich. Council granted use of Council Chamber to Little League group -for May 19 1957. Several members pf the Port Orchard Volumteer Fire Department met with the Council, and their spokesman, Assistant Chief T. A. Bontrager, detailed some of the problems of the department, relative to inadequate fire regulations in the Town, and the appointment of a Chief of the Department tor eplace former Chief Alan Totten, whose death occured last week. Various matters were discussed and were referred to the Fire and Light Committee to meet with a committee from the Fire Department to con- sider needed ordinance provisions. The representatives of the Department stated, at the request of the Mayor, that they would make a recommendation for a new Chief. Chairman Winebrenner of the '+Dater, Health and Sanitation committee, stated that hearing on garbage ordinance would be held at 8 p. m. April 29, and the Clerk was directed to ask Joe Weigel, Chief Sanitarian of the Health Department, to be present. The following claims, approved by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, r'1 and the heads of departments, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by hall, seconded by Winebrenner and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND W. L. Boatwright Police service 115.92 Donald C. Corey Police service 90.16 Donald M. Cunningham Police service 92.32 Alfred Pedersen Labor on town hall grounds 26.25 li Traffic Control Signs Co. Traffic signs 25.42 Puget Sound Power & Light Street lights 371.69 Port Orchard Independent Publish Notice of Hearing 10.37 Dudley N. Perrino Telephone tolls (Monroe case) 5.90 Ainsworth's Grocery Janitor supplies 2.78 Duro-Test Corp. Light globes 45.50 WATER FUND Sharer Digging Service Rental of digging machine 17.50 Puget Sound Power & Light Power and light at pump plants 256.50 Gala W. Dow Reading water meters 31.04 Lester R. Helm Labor on service lines 7.76 Puget Sound Power & Light Annapolis Feed & Hardware Street Dept., Bremerton Gary Deal Auto Parts Earl Clark, Western Auto Overall Cleaning & Supply Wilkins distributing Co. Lester R. Helm Edger Anderson Lester R. Helm Alfred Pedersen The H. R. Huntting Co. Follett Library Book Co. Puget Sound News Co. STREET FUND Bay Street garage service 4.70 Galvanized bolts 2.48 Broom stock 84.00 Horn button --clamps 1.58 Tail light 1.16 Shop towels 2.50 Grader tires; gasoline 454.45 Labor 135.80 31i1�: l�l� Digging sewer ditch 16.53 Labor 11.64 PARK FUND Labor on playf ields 9: 6 Books Books Books Meeting ad ourned on motion by Baker, seconded by hall -ca -----01erk - --- Port Orchard, Washington April 29, 1957 $ 42.00 SW 88.23 36.23 2.86 Mayer Mayor and members of the Council convened as a committee of the whole to consider various matters informally. Present Mayor C. H. Largis; Councilmen R. B. Hall, Dusty C. Winebrenner, Harold G. Baker; and George A. Broughton; Miss Leila Nordby, Mrs. T. A. Ross, Mrs. M. H. Fingerson, and Mrs. R. W. Marley, members of the Library Beard; Mrs, Evelyn Bowman, representative of the Regional Library of Kitsap County; J. A. Weigel and Hal Edwards, of the Kitsap Count Health Department, and Terry Thompson, bond broker. Mrs. Bowman explained operation of the regional library, and advised of Port Otcharsdrs responsibility and probable coast to the Town, should the Local library cooperate in' -the County regional library operation. Mr. Weigel and Mr. Edwards consulted with the members of the Council concerning the proposed garbage ordinance. Mr. Thompson explained the newt steps to be taken in the preparation and sale of bonds for water utility purposes, and stated that the proper ordinance providing for the issuance of bonds would be prepared and ready for consideration of the Council at its meeting on May 13, 1957. These matters wa:°e taken under consideration by the Council for later action. Clark Mayor Port Orchard, Washington May 13, 1957 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Part Orchard, Washington called to order by the Clerk in the absence of Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen George A. Broughton, R. B. Hall, Dusty C. Winebrenner and Harpld G. Baker- Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore . Clerk called for nominations for Acting Mayor, and it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker that Councilman R. B. Hall be named Acting Mayor. There being no further nominations, Councilman Hall was unanimously named Acting Mayor on a voice vote. Minutes of meeting of April 22, 1957, and informal meeting of April 29, 1957, were read and approved. This being the date on which bids were to be received for construction of water reservoir and pump house on Lots 3 and 4. Block 3, Wheeler's Addition. Clerk stated that three bids had been received. Mayor directed that bids be opened, and bids of Vic Imhof Construction Co. & Covey Construction Co. as a joint bid, Commercial Builders of Bremer.ten, and R. B. Ryan, were read to the Council.. After considering the bids, it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Broughton and carried, that bid of R. B. Ryan be accepted for the contract price of $7,482.00. L. E. Larkin and Fred L. Paige, residents of the Fernwved District, appeared before the Council and presented a petition asking an election to vote on annexing certain territcrry in Section 2, Twp. 23 N, R 1 E. and in Section 35, Twp 24 N, R L E to the Town of Port Orchard, Petition was received and referred to the Engineer and the Attorney for checking and report. J. N. Curtis asked permission to remove stumps in the alley in Block 2, Wheeleres Addition, where the Peninsula Cold Storage Co-op. is making improvements. Matter was discussed, and it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried that permission to remove stumps and dirt as requested, be granted provided that clearance is received from Sunset Lane Cemetery Co. to do the work. Terry Thompson, bond breaker, presented ordinance providing for issuance of bonds for water works extensions. Action on this matter was continued to May 27, 1957S on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Broughton and carried. Further consideration of operation of Library was continued to,May 27, 1957, Engineer submitted description of property sought to be purchased by Clifford Christian for right -of -wag. After a discussion it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried that action be deferred until appraisal is made of the value of the property in question. A Letter from trustees of the Christian Church relative to building permit, was received and action deferred to May 27, 1957. Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee reported on request for increase in pay for town employees, recommending an increase of $10.00 per month for -town employees. Following a discussion it was moved by Broughton, seconded by Winebrenner and carried that ordinance providing for increases as recommended be passed., Chairman Baker of the Fire and Light committee reported that his committee had held meeting with representative from Washington Surveying & Rating.Bureau and members of the Pert Orchard Fire Department, vh ere a fire code had been discussed and considered. He stated that further study will be made of the matter and suggested thAt representatives df business be in attendance to offer suggestions and learn of benefits. Matter referred back to the committee for further study and recommendation. Capt. Charles Russell of the Fire Department asked that Town furnish materials for some needed betterments at the fire station and in the office. It was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and, carried that fire department be authorized to expend up to $100.00 for materials to make requested improvements to facilities. Superintendent was authorized to procure fertilizer for Little League baseball field. i A request from Mrs. Ed Earing for use of the Taylor Street Recreation Center for meetings of the Port Orchard Junior Women's Club was referred to Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee. Chairman Winebrenner of the Health and Sanitation committee reported on an on -sight inspection of garbage dump property, and detailed plans for increasing the disposal area. After a discussion it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried that Superintendent work with County road crew and at their convenience in preparing new area for garbage disposal. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on mention by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUTAD Donald M. Cunningham W. L. Boatwright Donald C. Corey Cleveland Chevrolet Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. County Auditor Seattle Rubber Stamp Co. Howets Hardware Burroughs Corp. Alfred Pedersen Port Orchard Independent Port Orchard Independent Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co, W. F. Bruhahn Howe Motor Ce, Phelps Motor Service Instrument Laboratories, Inc. Parks Jewelry, Inc. Port Orchard Machine Shop Lumber Supply Co. Piston Service of Bremerton George F. Givens Lester R. Helm Atlas Mineral Products Co. Lumber Supply Co. Morrison Gravel Co. V. H. Rqr mend Gary Deal Auto Parts Pacific Tel & Tel Co, Bremerton Concrete Products V. B. Caldwell Puget Sound Power and Light Co. Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Machinery Service and Supply Port Orchard Mach ne Shop Port Orchard Mac ne Shop Cleveland Chavrol4et Kitsap County Garage Kitsap Co. bead Dist. No. 2 Sainden's, Inc. Part Orchard Eleatric Shop Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Alfred Pedersen Howe's Hardware Howeis Hardware Leila Nordby Mrs. A. P. Kunzelman Dept. of Natural Resources Police service Police service Police service Repair police car Street lights Diesel fuel, city hall Light glove for police car Police, Clerk and Fire telephones Reimburse for State Examiner Dog tags Janitor supplies Service agreement Labor on town hall grounds Call for bids, reservoir Ordinance No. 639--pl2n and system WATER FUND Power for pumps Telephones and tells Labor at pump house Spotlight gears Overhaul mower engine Packing material Battery Weld on pickup Material at new well Engine parts Expenses to Waterworks Conv. STREET FUND Labor can streets Mineralead Lumber and supplies 450 yds. gravel Truck rental hauling gravel Tools and merchandise Telephones and tells - Drain tile Tools and merchandise Service at Bay St. garage Stave oil Parts for strum king torches Bracket Various labor and material Repair truck Grader repair Repair sweeper Grader tires PARK FUND Light fixtures at Little League Stove Oil Work at playfields Pipe Power Mower LIBRARY FUND Relief Librarian Relief Librarian Annual lease premium Meeting adjourned an motion by Winebrenner, Clerk 0 1 150.04 94.99 148.12 41,20 371.69 150.44 .55 54.20 331,36 16.25 14.41 170.08 28.00 11.34 45.62 269,74 22.10 17.46 3.72 16.01 4.24 3.62 3.62 131.04 30;19 9.50 330.60 22.67 40.91 465.00 95.00 42.30 12.75 31.31 11.21 4.40 52.08 20.81 4.13 21.32 21.51 13.59 8.14 450.34 $ 289.24 9.01 54.25 35.15 76,62 74.57 81.22 seconded by Ba nd a ad. 178.50 Mayor n Port Orchard, Washington May 27, 1957 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen J. J. Repanich, George A. Broughton, R. B. Hall, Dusty C. Winebrenner and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Super- intendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and. Chief of Police A. L. Wymore present. Minutes of meeting of May 13, 1957 read and approved. Mrs. Dorothy Stokes appeared before the Council in company with other people regard- ing the joining by the Town of Port Orchard with the County Regional Library organ- ization. She spoke in favor of the action, and urged participation of the Town in the effort, and presented a petition which had been previously circulated, rec*mmen- ging-the action. Dr. Rasmussen of Poulsbe told of the experience of Poulsbo in the group, picturing it as very satisfactory. Mrs Stanley L. Wells also spoke in favor of joining the Regional library. The matter was discussed and was referred to the Finance and Auditing committee for investigation and report. The petition asking for an election to pass on the question of annexation of certain property in Section 2, Twp. 23 N, R 1 E, and in Section 35, Twp 24 N, R 1 E, to the Town of Port Orchard, together with a petition opposing the annexation, was taken up and discussed. It was moved by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried that the petition be received, and that it be resolved by the Council of the Town of Port Orchard that the petition be forwarded to the County Commissioners of Kitsap County, Washington, for further action, and with the approval of the Council. 0. M. Buckallew and J. W. Dyson appeared before the Council regarding construction plans for alterations to the Port Orchard Christian Church. A general discussion followed and Attorney stated that lacking a zoning ordinance the Town could not force changes in plans unless a nuisance is created. On motion by Hall, seconded. by Winebrenner and carried, the Council went on record as in no way approving the con- struction of a church or any other building, or any permanent alteration to any building, on any street or alleyway. Thomas A. Bentrager, Assistant Chief of the Fire Department, was named Chief of the Department by Mayor Largis, under the recommendation of the Fire Department and with the approval of the Council. This is to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Fire Chief Alan Totten. Terry Thompson, bond broker, addressed .the Council relative to issuance and sale of Water Utility bonds. Ordinance providing for the issuance of bonds and detailing form of the bonds was studied by the Council and. Attorney and some changes were made. Following studies of the ordinance, Mr. Thompson presented an offer for the purchase of the bonds. This was considered by the Council, and it was moved. by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried that $50,000.00 in Water Utility bonds be offered for sale at this time, and that the offer of Terry Thompson be accepted.. This offer provided for purchasing the bonds at 971, and at 4-41% interest; and that expenses of Attorney+s gees and printing be paid by Terry Thompson. It was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried, that ordinance as amended be passed, subject to approval by the Attorney. Further time was granted for appraisal of property in Section 34, Twp. 27 N, R 1 E, for which application to purchase had been made by Clifford Christian. Chairman Winebrenner of the Health and Sanitation committee reported on progress in preparing garbage ordinance and this was discussed. Attorney was asked to prepare ordinance to include provisions contained in present draft, for submission to the Council. Superintendent reported that work is well under way on the reservoir at site of Well No. 6, and there had been some delay by non -arrival of steel for re-inforcing. He also reported that garbage disposal area at garbage site is about completed and ready for use. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that the State Department of Highways is making plans for improvement of Highway No. 14 from Orchard Street westerly to the town limits, and that plans would probably be ready for inspection in a short time. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Donald M. Cunningham Police service 103.86 t ? W. L. Boatwright Police service 66.35 Donald C. Corey Police service 92.89 Wilkins Distributing Co. Ethyl gas for police 57,73 Saind.en's Inc. Tire remolds for police 42.59 Alfred Pedersen Mowing grass at Town Hall 17.50 Puget Sound Power & Light Town Hall lights 87.65 Ainsworth's Grocery Janitor supplies 4.40 WATER, FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Overall Cleaning & Supply Morrison Gravel. Co. Lester R. Helm Western Utility Supply Co. Gale W. Dow A. W. Peterson Wilkins Distributing Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Howe Hardware Sheets Automotive Electric Sainden's, Inc. Lester R. Helm Machinery Service & Supply Wilkins Distributing Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Lester R. Helm Alfred Pedersen The H. R. Huntting Co. Current for cathodic equip. 14.08 Shop towels 2.34 4J yds. gravel 5.82 Labor at Well #6 21,34 Valve and fittings 222.16 Labor reading meters 31.04 Repair gasoline engine 68.20 Motor oil, spark plugs 10.08 STREET FUND Service at Kendall St. Garage 2.00 Various merchandise and tools 23.79 Motor parts 12.03 Tire tube 6.20 Labor on streets 104.76 Stern King torch parts 20.46 Gasoline, spark plugs, etc. 82.45 PARK FUND Taylor St. Center and Tennis Ct. 13.80 Labor on playfields 31.04 Labor on playfields 94.50 LIBRARY FUND Books for Library $ 28.36 Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Ha Clerk carri �aysr Port Orchard, Washington June 10, 1957 Council, of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen Harold G. Baker, Dusty C. Winebrenner, R. B. Hall, Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton;; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine* Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore present. Minutes of 'meeting of May 270 1957 read and approved. Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing Committee reported that his com- mittee had met and considered the matter of the participation by the Town in the Regional Library organization, and after considering the many angles involved in such action, recommended against signing a contract with the County Regional Lib- rary at this 'time. He stated the reasons considered by the committee for the rec- ommendation, 'and Councilman Repanich and Baker of the committee, also voi6ed their ideas in the matter. Following the report, it was moved by Mall, seconded by Repanich and carried that the report of the committee be adopted. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that no definite appraisal of the value of property in the garbage tract, sought to be purchased by Clifford Christian, had been arrived at, and further time was granted. Continued consideration of garbage ordinance was had, and ordinance was referred back to the committee for further study and revision. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee reported that the Tawanka group had presentdd two picnic tables and a garbage can to the Park department, and had installed these facilities in the trees at Givens Field. He reported that this results in a nice picnic area at the park and expressed the hope that the people of the town would avail themselves of the use of this picnic area. Superintendent reported that the final pouring of concrete at the reservoir at the site of Well No. 6 will be completed this week, and that the work is progress- ing satisfactorily. He also reported that repairs are being made to drains on the waterfront, damaged when riprap was placed on the waterfront fill. Superintendent reported that new dumping area at the garbage tract has been com- pleted and that provision has been made for several years disposal of garbage, with sufficient fill dirt in close proximity to cover refuse as it is dumped. Attorney stated that complaint has been made of discharging of firearms in the vicinity of the garbage dump and asked that signs prohibiting discharge of fire- arms be posted. This was authorized on motion by Baker, seconded by Hall and carried. C-)� n Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee brought up the matter of securing front-end loader. This was discussed, and Superintendent was authorized to contact dealers and ascertain what is available. Councilman hall was granted a monthts leave of absence. Attorney stated that he had been contacted by residents near the southeast Town limits, asking if in the event their area is annexed to the Town, if water main would be extended to provide service. Superintendent stated that plans under the program of extension provide for water main in this area, but that this section of new main is scheduled for installation next year. The following claims checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the council and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Broughton and carried: CURRr;NT EXPENSE FUND Donald M. Cunningham Police service 11.54 Donald C. Corey Police service 106.16 Wilkins Distributing Co. Ethyl gasoline for police 102.56 Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Tube for police car 4.44 Peninsula Stationers Staples; pen fillers for police 2.33 Trick & Murray Criminal complaints; loyalty oaths 27.54 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Clerk, Fire, Police telephones 55.70 Thompson's Typing paper for Clerk 7.23 Lester R. Helm Labor at garbage dump 39.60 Alfred Pedersen Mowing grass at town hall grounds 8.75 Willard Mead Labor at garbage dump 15.84 R. L. Sweeny Insurance Premium on liability policy 1,226.66 ViNVER FUND Hallgren Company Repair M Scope 30.83 Port, Orchard Machine Shop Cover fcr pipe 5.12 American Plbg & Steam Supply Pipe and fittings 52.60 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 12.30 STREWX FUND Lester R. Helm Labor on streets and sweeping 164.16 Cookson Bros. Service Repair tube for sweeper .78 n Wilkins Distributing co. Gasoline 157.35 Port Orchard Machine Shop Repairs to equipment 13.97 Union Oil Co. of Calif. 53 gals Triton motor oil 46.28 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 24.75 Cyril Wolf Rental of mowing machine 65.00 Willard D. Mead Labor on streets 7.92 PARK FUND Lester R. Helm Labor at town park 15.84 Willard D. Mead Labor at town park 23.76 Alfred Pedersen Labor at playfields 70.00 Service Fuel Co. Fertilizer job at Little League 34.00 The H. R. Huntting Co. LIBRARY FUND Books for library Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Br ghton and a ried. Clerk Mayor ��' $ 12.08 Port Orchard, Washington June 24, 1957 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, Dusty C. Winebrenner, Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine, Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens: Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore present. Absent Councilman R. B. Hall. Minutes of meeting of June 10, 1957 read and approved. On motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Repanich and carried, proposed garbage ordinance was tabled for consideration until such time as the entire membership of the Council, can meet and consider its provisions. Further time was granted for fixing minimum price for land in garbage tract, which Is sought to be purchased by Clifford Christian. Letter was received from Pollution Control Commission regarding sewer disposal plans for the Town of Port Orchard. This was discussed, and Engineer stated that he is making maps and assembling data for this facility, and that he believed that in making plans, that the limits should not be confined entirely to the town limits but should anticipate future annexations and expansions, so that whatever is done would fit in vA th future progress of the community. Clerk in- structed to write to Pollution Control Commission regarding the matter. Matter of purchase of front end loader was taken up and discussed, and Superin- tendent exhibited specifications and details of various machines available at varying costs. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Broughton and carried, Clerk was instructed to call for bids for thi* equipment, according to specifications to be supplied by the Superintendent, the bids to be opened at regular meeting of the Council on July B, 1957. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee reported that his com- mittee had gone over information secured covering heating plant in the Active Club building at Givens Field, and gave information as to the findings. Matter referred to Superintendent and Engineer to work out specifications for suitable heating plant. Installation of drinking fountain at concession stand at "Little League" field, was discussed, but no definite action was taken. Councilman Winebrenner stated that he expected to be absent from Town during the month of July, and a leave of absence was granted. The following claims, approved by the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Repanich and carried: Albert V. Raygor Donald C. Corey Alfred Pedersen Cleveland Chevrolet Pacific Coast Stamp Works Port Orchard Independent Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Gary Deal Auto Parts Kitsap Co. Road Dist No. 2 Lester R. Helm Gale W. Dow American Plbg & St Supply Co. Western Utilities Supply Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Lester R. Helm Willard D. Mead Puget Sound Power & Light Western Tractor & EquipmIt. Gary Deal Auto Parts Bremerton Oil Delivery Overall Cleaning & Supply Black Ball Freight Service W. L. Johnson Anderson Digging Service Alfred Pedersen The H. R. Huntting Co. n n n n CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Police service 13.27 Police service 79.02 Labor on Town Hall grounds 26.25 Repair police car 87,26 Police badges 17.65 Publish Ordinance No. 640 6.89 Street Lights 371.69 Fitting for drinking fountain .61 Equipment rental at garbage dump 312.97 WATER FUND Labor on water lines 33.66 Reading water meters 31.68 Pipe and Fittings 24.15 Curb stops and Ells 40.13 Power for pump plants 322.36 STREET FUND Labor on streets 124.74 Labor on streets 158.40 Service at Bay St. garage 3.50 Slip yoke and boots for grader 32.78 Brake fluid, etc. 5.71 Road, Oil 394.62 Shop towels 2.46 Freight on grader parts •2.10 SEWER FUND Labor on sewer lines 13.50 Ditching for sewer 20.67 PARK FUND Labor on playgrounds $ 77.00 LIBRARY FUND Books for library 5.64 Books for library 9.23 Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Repan ch and ed. Clerk Mayor l� n �I �I Port Orchard, Washington July 8, 1957 C) r) Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Patrol- man Gale W. Dow present. Absent Councilmen R. B. Hall and Dusty C. Winebrenner; Superintendent of Public Oorks George F. Givens and Chi&f of Police A. L. Wymore. Minutes of meeting of June 24, 1957 read and approved. Richard C. Broughner of the State Pollution Control Commission addressed the Council regarding construction of a sewer disposal plant in the Town. Numerous questions were asked and answered, and Mr. Broughner stressed that it is incumbent on the Town to proceed with plans for construction of a disposal plant. Exception was taken by the Mayor and Council to statements recently circulated that Port Urchard is the worst offender from the standpoint of pollution in the area. Mr. Broughner closed his remarks with the statement that Port Orchard should proceed with plans for early con- struction of a disposal plant, and that the Pollution Control Commission shall be kept informed of progress in the matter. This being the date on which bids for front end loader were to be received, Clerk reported bids from six different firms and Mayor directed that bids be opened. Bids were received from Hatten Machinery Company, Parker Budk & Son, Joe Thomas, Pacific Hoist & Derrick Co., Smith Equipment Co., and Ray Bock Equipment Company. Bids were read' to the Council and were referred to the Superintendent and Finance in d Auditing committee for analysis and report. Request from Port Orchard Garden Club for use of quarters for regular meetings was referred to the Parks and Playgrounds committee. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried, Clerk was directed to call for bids for 4,200 feet of 10" cast iron water main, bids to be opened at the meeting of the Council on July 22, 1957. Communication from the State Tax Commission regarding claimed tax payments from, the Town, was read to the Council and referred to the Attorney. Councilman Baker brought up the matter of installing blinker light on Sidney Street south of Melcher street in a further effort to eliminate accidents in that area. This was discussed and referred to the Fire and Light committee for investigation as to costs, etc., and for report. Matter of drains across Bay Street under proposed fill south of Port Street was dis- cussed and referred to Engineer to confer with State Engineers. Request was made for typewriter stand and file for Police Judge. On motion by Baker seconded by Repanich and carried, an expenditure of $50.00 was authorized for this purpose. The following claims checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered laid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Broughton and carried: Donald M. Cunningham Donald C. Corey Albert V. Raygor Cleveland Chevrolet Wilkins Distributing Co. Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Saindon's Inc. Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Standard oil Co. of Cal. Howe Motor Co. Town Clerk Lester R. Helm Bean Meier CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Police service Police service Police service Repair police car Ethyl gas for police car Gasoline for police Tire remoulds for police car Diesel fuel for Town hall Diesel fuel for Town hall Repair fire truck Reimburse for adv. expenses Cutting grass around fire plugs Mowing at Town hall grounds WATER FUND 21. 92,B9 132,70 132.70 29.53 51.28 1.70 21.08 42.78 38.36 23.25 16,64 5.94 7.00 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 25.10 American Plbg & St. Supply Flanges, gaskets, etc. 30.58 Sheets Automotive Electric Overhaul magneto 25.69 Western Utilities Supply Co. Dresser Plug 16.05 Port Orchard Independent Publish Ordinance No. 641 86.28 Talbot Plumbing Co. Pipe and material 22.49 Port Orchard Machine Shop Cover for pipe 5.12 Piston Service of Bremerton Bearing 6.70 Town Clerk Postal cards, eta. 61.01 American Water 'wVorks Assn. Annual dues for Supt. 10.00 STREET FUND Lester R. Helm Wm. D. Mead Howe Motor'Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Cleveland Chevrolet Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Feenaughty Machinery Co. Port Orchard Machine Shop Cookson Bros. Service Wilkins Distributing Co. Kitsap Co. Rd. Dist. No. 2 Town Clerk Anderson Ditching Service Anderson Ditching Service W. L. Johnson Wm. D. Mead Puget Sound News Company Town Clerk P. 0. Electric & Sports Ben Meier Lester R. Helm R. B. Ryan Labor 195.53 Labor 118.80 Truck repair 19.64 Telephones and tolls 19.25 Repair part for truck .65 Machine oil, diesel and stove 51.92 Broom filling machine 77.50 Repair vise, sharpen bars 11.36 Repair tube for sweeper .78 Gasoline, kerosene, etc. 90.85 Diesel fuel for grader 13.53 Reimburse for advanced expenses 2.40 Digging sewer ditch 24.80 1:M'3*fl 1=2i1 � Digging sewer ditch 24.80 Labor on sewer line 13.50 Labor on sewer line 7.92 Books for Library 30.77 P. 0. box rent advanced 1.10 PAR& FUND 8 M watt light globes; labor 37.75 Labor on play fields 31.50 WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND Labor on well drains '23.76 85% contract for reservoir 6$92.48 On motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried, meeting adjourned to Monday, July 15, 1957 at 5:30 p. m., to receive report of Finance and Auditing committee re: bids for loader, and to act in making award, and for such other business that might properly come before the meeting. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington July 15, 1957 Council called to order in adjourned session by IUtayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, Harold G. Baker and Ray B. Hall; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Given"s present. Meeting having been adjourned to this date to hear report of Finance and Auditing committee on its recommendation, after analygting bids for front-end loader, Mayor called for report of committee, Chairman Broughton reported that his committee had examined the bids, considered the needs of the Town, and recommended that the bid of Ray Bock Equipment Company for International Harvester W-400 tractor and Shawnee Loadmaster Loader for $4,600.00 plus sales tax, be accepted. Following a discussion and examination of specifications, it was moved by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried that recommendation of Finance and Auditing committee be adopted and that bid of Ray Bock Equipment Company for $4,600.00 plus sales tax of $153.34 be accepted. It was moved by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried that Street Fund be author- ized to borrow $4,753,30 from Current Expense Fund,'without interest, for purchase of the above described equipment, the loan to be repaid from rentals or other in- come from the equipment, and from resources of the Street Fund during 1958. There being no further business meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Hall and carried. Clerk �- Mayor a Port Orchard, Washington July 22, 1957 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, R. B. Hall and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague said Chief of Police A. L. Wymore present. Absent Councilman Dusty C. Winebrenner. Minutes of meeting of July 8, 1957 and adjourned meeting of July 15, 1957 read and approved. Albert Anderson appeared before the Council and asked for a water tap on his property adjoining the Town on the South. This was discussed and it was moved by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried that a tap be installed on payment of fee of $125.00 and regular tapping -fee of $22.50. Kenneth Melton and Lee Caldwell, representing the committee for the annual "Days of f49" celebration asked if policing as was conducted during the 1956 celebration would be satiffactory for the 1957 event. This was discussed and it was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that Council approve method of policing as was in force last year during the celebration, which providdd for uniformed officers at each entrance or exit of each tavern or cocktail lounge, to be paid by operators of these places, and for six additional officers for regular duty, three of whom are to be paid by the Town and three by the celebration committee, and all officers to be app- roved by the Chief of Police. Question of establishing carnival site for the celeb- ration in Block 13, Sidney, instead of in Block 13, First Addition was not acted upon, as both sites are private property, but it was suggested that this question be taken up with the Merchantsr committee of the Chamber of Commerce. This being the date on which bids were to be received for furnishing 10" cast iron water main, Mayor directed that bids be opened. Bids were opened and read from the Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co., and from United States Pipe and Foundry Company,• bid for Century asbestos pipe was received from H. D. Fowler Co., Inc. Bids were examined by the Council and it was moved by Repanich, seconded b Baker and carried that bid of United States Pipe & Foundry Company be accepted at 4.035 per foot for 4,200 feet of main. Matter of installing blinker light on Sidney Street south of Melcher Street was dis- cussed and continued for action. Engineer reported on drainage system on Bay Street occasioned by filling of abutting property. Superintendent submitted list of fittings required for water extension projects, and it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried that bids for this material be called, to be opened at an adjourned meeting on August 5, 1957 at 5:30 Otclock p. m. The following claims checked by heads of departments and by the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Hall and carried: Donald M. Cunningham Albert V. Raygor Don C. Corey P. S. Office Equipment Co. Gale W. Dow Puget Sound Power & Light Pacific Tel & Tel Co. V. B. Caldwell Ben Meier Amos Bates Port Orchard Indep6ndent James N. Reeves Gale W. Dow Overall Cleaning & Supply V. B. C a ldwe l l Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Syril Wolf Elliott Addressing Machine Co. Lester R. Helm Vim. D. Mead W. A. Johnson Kitsap Motors Bens Truck Parts Kitsap County Oil Storage V. B. Caldwell Paget Sound Power & Light Gary Deal Auto Parts CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Police service 152.65 Police service 92.89 Police service 66.35 Steel cabinet for Police Judge 46.50 Expenses trip to Tacoma 3.50 Street & Town hall lights 448.09 Clerk, police and Fire telephones 57.09 Nails, paint, etc. 7.21 Labor on Town hall grounds 14.00 Repair Town hall roof 23.76 Publish Call for Bids 7.73 VJATER FUND Labor on water lines 3.96 Labor reading meters 31.68 Shop towels 2.27 Tools 2.38 Electric service 319.04 Bulldozing 27.21 Stencils, ink, etc. 10.73 STREET FUND Labor 168.30 Labor 158.00 Labor 44.56 Repair shovel truck 44.74 Parts for truck 17,44 Road.Oil 530,25 Tools and belting 12.75 Services at garages 5.80 Tool 1.85 I " ly; VD = M 0)ZN. Syril Wolf Bulldozing 7.23 Ray Bock Equipment Co. Tractor and Loader 4,753.30 WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND H. D. Fowler Co., Inc. Flanges 19.05 Service Hdw & Implement Co. Water pipe and labor 99.72 Lester R. Helm Labor 5,94 W. A. Johnson Labor 7.52 Amos Bates Labor 7.52 PARK FUND Alfred Pedersen Labor on playfields 15.75 �I Ben Meier Labor on playfields 66.50 Puget Sound Power & Light Light service, tennis cts and Recr. 8.88 SEWER FUND V. B. Caldwell Level $ 2.93 On motion by Baker, seconded by "all and carried, meeting adjourned to August 5, 1957 at 5:30 p. m, to consider bids for fittings and for such -buss as might come before the meeting. Clerk Mayo Port Orchard, Washington August 5, 1957 Adjourned meeting of the Council of the Town of Fort Orchard, Washington, called by the Clerk in the absence of Mayor C. H. Largis. Councilman R. B. Hall was elected Acting Mayor on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried. Present were Councilmen R. B. Hall, Harold G. Baker, Nick J. Repanich and Dusty C. Winebrenner. The meeting having been adjourned to this date to receive bids for fittings for water extension projects, Clerk stated that four bids had been received and Acting Mayor directed that bids be opened. Bids were received and read from Western Util- ities Supply Company,;, H. D. Fowler Co., Inc.; Pacific Water Works Supply Co., and Hallgren Company. The bids were examined by the members of the Council, and it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried that bids be referred -to the Finance and Auditing committee and the Superintendent with power to act in making awards. The Finance and Auditing Committee and the Superintendent checked the bids, compared offers and reported back to the meeting with the following recommendations: That awards be made to Hallgren Company for 1 1011 test plug, mech. joint 1 Tee 10" mech jt x 10" mech jt x 6" flange 4 Tees 10" mech jt x 10" mech jt x 4" flange 3 4" Tees 4" hub x 4" hub x 4" hub 1 411 Tee, mech jt x mech jt x.mech jt. 1 4" mech jt -alug 300 lbs caulking lead H. D. Fowler Co., Inc. for 1 10 x 10 x 10 plain end Tee 1 6" gate valve 4 4" gate valves 2 8 x 10 reducing couplings Pacific Water Works Supply Co. for 1 10" gate valve, flange and mech jt. 2 10" gate valves, mech jt. x mech jt. 8 valve boxes. Following the report of the committee and the Superintendent, it was moved by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried that report of the committee be approved and awards made as recommended. n Meetin�radjourned on motion by Repanich, seconds b ried. ^7 v �I Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington August 12, 1957 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Acting Mayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, Dusty C. Winebrenner and Harold G. Baker; Superintendent of Public idorks George F. Givens; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore. Absent Mayor C. H. Largis and Councilman George A. Broughton. Minutes of meeting of July 22, 1957 and adjourned meeting of August 5, 1957 read and approved. Mr. Hall brought up the matter of a hump in Sidney Street between Melcher and South Streets and recommednded that this hump be removed during the time that the water main is being laid on Sidney Street. Engineer stated that he would furnish profile of grade so that work could be prosecuted with the least delay. Discussion was held regarding blinker light on Sidney Street south of Melcher Street, and this matter was continued. Councilman Winebrenner brought up the matter of traffic bottleneck on Bay Street during rush hours, and suggested that a stop and go light at Bay and Frederick streets to operate in conjunction with the light at Bay and Sidney Streets might be an aid in eliminating this bottleneck. This was discussed, and it was suggested that traffic might be lessened with the opening of the new link of Highway 14, and that definite action should be deferred until the new highway is opened. John C. Gilchrist of Pendleton -Gilchrist Funeral home, appeared before the Council relative to entrance to parking lot which is to be developed at an early date. This was referred to the Street and Alley committee and the Superintendent to confer with Mr. Gilchrist at the property, which is described as part of Lot 6, Block 15, Sidney, at 5:30 p. m. August 13, 1957 Wm. Cruickshank stated that he had been approached by Officer Gephart of the State Patrol regarding discharging of fire arms at and near the garbage tract. Clerk stated that the property had been posted with "No Trespassing" signs, and that "No Shooting" signs had been procured and that these would be posted immediately. Matter of drainage problem on Bay street created by waterfront fill south of Port Street, was continued, following statement by Engineer. On motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried, it was provided that use of grader and operator be made available for levelling on waterfr63it parking lot, costs to be paid by property owners and the committee. Report of conditions at garbage dump was received from Health Department. Mr Cruick- shank stated that improvements are being made, and that when work is completed that Health Department will be asked to make another check. Chairman Winebrenner of the Health and Sanitation committee asked that a hearing by the Mayor and all Council members be held on the proposed garbage ordinance at 7:30 p. m. on August 19, 1957. (Hearing continued indefinitely, as amended) Attorney submitted copy of letter sent to the State Tax Commission relative to claim by State of unpaid taxes due from the Town of Port Orchard. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Winebrenner and carried. - Donald C. Corey Albert V. Raygor Donald M. Cunningham Saindon's, Inc. Trick & Murray Lindall-Truman TV C. & G. Radio Supply Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Cleveland Chevrolet Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Wilkins Distributing Co. V. B. Caldwell Trading Post Kitsap Realty, Inc. Kitsap County Road Dist. #2 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Port Orchard Independent Amos Bates Benjamin J. Meier CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Police service 172.64 Police service 132.80 Police service 66.40 Tire recaps for police car 29.86 Citations and arrest tickets 59.12 Radio batteries 9.77 Radiart for police radio 8.56 Brake fluid for police car .52 Repair police car 159,07 Diesel fuel, town hall 75.01 Ethyl gas for police car 51.28 Roof brugh and janitor supplies 5.49 Ins. premium on town hall 162.68 Labor at garbage tract 60.49 Clerk, police and Fire tel &- toll 54.05 Publishing and supplies 40,89 Repair roof of town hall 7,74 Cutting grass at town hall 21.00 WATER FUND Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 13.65 Lindall-Truman TV Battery 1.09 V. B. Caldwell Trading Post Bushing, etc. 1.40 Jenkins Excavating Digging trench for water main 18.00 4ATER FUND Western Utilities Supply Co. Federal Pipe and Tank Co. Bauer Bros. Service Sonotone of Bremerton Fairbanks Morse & Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Lester R. Helm Willard D. Mead Wilkins Distributing Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Port Orchard Machine Sh9D V. B. Caldwell Trading rost W. M. Prigger Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Cleveland Chevrolet Gould Sheet Metal Works Kitsap Co. !toad Dist. No. 2 Puget Sound Power & Light W. L. Johnson Willard D. Mead Lester R. Helm Charles W. Bojarski Frank Kuhn James Reeves W. A. Johnson Port Orchard Machine Shop Jenkins Excavating D Jenkins Excavating Western Utilities Supply Talbot Plumbing.& Heating Claud's service The H. R. huntting Co. Port Orchard Independent Puget Sound News Co. American P1bg. & St Supply Ben J. Meier Tegstrom Building Materials Dresser Couplings 43.14 Repair Clamps 62.99 Tire repair 1.29 Batteries 7.75 Housing cover for pump 9.80 Power for pumps 330.46 STREET FUND Labor on streets 228.30 Labor on streets 174.24 Gasoline '.157z35 Telephones and tolls 30.05 Re-inforde loader; repair chain 14.21 Cable, paint, etc. 30.55 Rental of Fordson loader 196.25 Diesel and stove oil 35.07 Truck repair 38.00 Ga1v. iron; labor 23.25 Labor on shovel truck 12.20 Bay Street garage 3.20 WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND Labor on pipe lines 55.44 Labor on pipe lines 63.36 Labor on pipe lines 102.96 Directing traffic 7.92 Directing traffic 9.90 Labor on pipe lines 31.68 Labor on pipe lines 79.20 Drain pipe canvas; cut and weld 32.03 Digging trench 166.00 Digging trench 216.00 Cast iron Ells _.1.0841 Soil pipe 2.36 Equipment rental 304.00 LIBRARY FUND Books for Library 3.15 Typewriter 33.58 Books for Library 13.30 Drinking fountain for ball field 32.53 Labor on playfields 103.25 11�1. �I ►1�, Cement and sand $ 2.12 Meeting adjourned on motion by Winebrenner, Cl6rk seconded by Baker d carried. �1L Mayor * * *� * * * n Port Orchard, Washington August 26, 1957 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis with Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, Harold G. Baker, Dusty C. Winebrenner and R. B. Hall; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Gale W. Dow of the Police department. Minutes of meeting of August 12, 1957 read and corrected to show that conference on proposed garbage ordinance was continued indefinitely, instead of to a day certain as shown in the minutes. Attorney presented ordinance providing for the annexation of certain territory contiguous to Port Orchard on the south, for which an election held August 13, 1957 had resulted favorably. Ordinance was read to the council and passed unan- I im,ously on motion by Hall, seconded by Baker and carried. Chairman Baker of the Fire and Light committee, asked that consideration of blinker light on Sidney Street south of Melcher Street, be continued until present water extension work is completed and street is again placed in condition. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. White appeared before the Council relative to drainage problem on their property on Portland Street. This was discussed and it was stated that there is some sentiment favoring re -deeding a vacated alley back to the Town, and that if this is done drainage can be more easliy handled. Action deferred. Lee Caldwell of the Port Orchard Volunteer Fire Department appeared and asked that a reserve fund be created looking toward the acquisition of a new fire truck. He cj also suggested the advisability of placing one of the fire trucks on Sidney hill, preferably In a masonry building to be constructed on town owned property at the corner of Kendall and Sidney streets. Various matters concerning the fire department were discussed and deferred for further consideration and action. Erpineer submitted plans and specifications for heating plant for the Active Club building at the Givens Field. These were studied by the Council and on motion by Repanich, seconded by hall and carried. Clerk was directed to call for bids for furnishing a heating plant for this building. Clerk stated that two new members had been added to the list of volunteer firemen and asked authority to draw warrant for insurance on these members. Authority granted on motion by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried. Matter of securing property near Tremont Street for park and water system purposes was referred to Councilman Hall. Patrolman Dow brought up the matter of speed limit on Sidney road which just came into the Town. This was referred to the Police department to confer with the Sheriff. Patrolman Dow also asked,that some arrangement be made with Highway authorities to divert traffic over new link of State Highway #14 during "Days of 149" parade. This was referred to the police to take the matter up with the State Patrol. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried it was resolved that the Town of Port Orchard adopt hours set by the State Liquor Control Board in fixing the time at which taverns and cocktail lounges may remain open. Engineer Sprague stated that he might be absent from Town for two or three weeks and asked if this came to pass that he be granted leave of absence. Leave granted as requested. The following claims, checked by the Finance and Auditing committee, and heads of the various departments, were read to the �ouncil and ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by hall and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Donald M. Cunningham Police service 26.56 Donald C. Corey Police service 106.24 Albert V. Raygor Police service 92.96 Howe Hardware Gun cleaning equipment (police) 6.31 Port Orchard Independent Printing and supplies 10.45 Town Clerk Re-imburse for adv. expenses 7.96 Puget Sound Power & Light Street lights 360.49 Rice Electric Paint for fire dept. 15.49 Ben J. Meier Labor on Town Hall grounds 14.00 W. F. Bruhahn Relief janitor service 29.70 Bremerton Concrete Pr. Co. .18" culvert for garbage tract 70.31 WATER FUND W. L. Johnson Labor on water lines � 13.86 Willard D. Mead Labor on water lines 3.96 Gale W. Dow Labor reading water meters 31.66 Town Clerk Re-imburse for 2M postal cards 40.00 Talbot Plumbing Soil pipe and fittings 4.43 Bremerton Concrete Prod. Co. 10" Bend 4.35 STREET FUND Lester R. Helm Labor on streets 1 . Willard D. Mead Labor on streets 153.44 Morrison Gravel Co. Town 941 yards sand 122.09 Clerk Bridge toll, postage (re-imburse) 3.07 Howe Hardware Tools and various mdse. 47.57 Rice Electric Friction tape .82 Gary Deal Auto Parts Oil, alemite, etc. 2.43 Overall Cleaning & Supply Shop towels 3.09 PARK FUND W. L. Johnson Labor on Little League field 7.92 n Ben Meier Labor on ball park 49-'1180 Howe Hardware Fittings 6.07 WATER CONSTRUCTIuN FUND Hallgren Company Lent+s, Inc. Pacific Water Works Supply Jenkins Excavating Willard D. Mead Lester R. Helm H. D. Fowler Co., Inc. Winebrenner's Food Store W. L. Johnson Water system parts Fittings Gate valves, etc. Digging trench for main Labor on Sidney St. main Labor on water mains Flanges Clorox,1 etc. SEtiM FUND Labor on sewer lateral Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by hall and carried. Clerk 390.72 6.86 520.35 48.00 19.80 14.85 211.14 6.91 5.63 Mayo Port Orchard, Wash. September 9, 1957 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Dusty C. Winebrenner, R. B. Hall, George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public 4orks George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore. Absent Councilman Harold G. Baker. Minutes of meeting of August 26, 1957 read and approved. Harold Lundberg, Commissioner of District No. 2, appeared before the Council rel- ative to boundary line of newly annexed territory in Section 35, Twp. 24.N, R 1 E., iW.M., calling attention to the fact that the east boundary lies east of Sidney read, leaving the entire road within the County, while in the adjoining territory on the south, the road is entirely within the annexed area, thus causing a gap in the sys- tem between Tremont Street and the new southern town limits. This was discussed, and it was suggested that a right-of-way might be deeded by the county to the Town for that portion now lying in the county, and that to equalize maintenance responsib- ility, that the Town would maintain Sidney road, and the county would maintain Tremont street, half of which lies in the county and half in the Town of Port Orchard. The matter was referred to Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee and t0 Superintendent of Public Ydorks George F. Givens, to work out details with the County Commissioners and the County Engineer. E. F. Houser, residing on Goldenrod .Rcad in the area which was recently annexed to Port Orchard, appeared before the Council and asked what steps should be taken looking toward the acquisition of water service in the area. Attorney Perrino ex- plained the necessary procedure in forming an improvement district. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported on his investigations so far looking to the acquisition of property for town purposes in the south part of Town, and stated that further investigation would be made. Chief of Police stated that it had been arranged with the Washington State Patrol to route traffic over the new link of PSH #14 during the hours of the annual "Days of 14911 parade on September 14. Chairman Hall also reported on a meeting which the Street and Alley Committee and a committee from the Merchants' committee of the Chamber of Commerce had held regarli- ing the parking lot, and stated that it appeared to be the opinion that all -day parking meters should be placed on outer edge of parking lot. Joseph L. O'Brien, representing Duncan Parking Meter Corporation was present and demonstrated double parking meters, and explained their operation. Matters concerning the parking lot were discussed, and it was moved by hall, seconded by Winebrenner and carried that the Town accept the parking lot under the terms of an existing agreement, subject to the approval by the Attorney of the proper form of the agreement. It was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Hall and carried that an order be placed for forty-one double parking meters at a cost of t116.25 per instrument installed, in accordance with an agreement made with Joseph L. O'Brien, the meters to be placed at designated places on the parking lot, and the agreement to provide for cancell- ation of the order at any time before shiplaent of the meters. Attorney was directed to secure instrument of conveyance of parking lot rights to the Town, and to have same recorded if instrument is in proper order. i� V. M. Parks presented suggestions for information to be dissenjinated to the public regarding new parking lot regulations, the advantages to the public of its operation and existence, and of the efforts of the business men and property owners in creating this facility. Mr. Parks stated that any cost incident to the distribution of this information would be taken care of by the Merchants' committee. This was referred to Jack Rogers of the Port Orchard Independent, on motion by Repanich, seconded by 4811 and carried. A general discussion of speed limits to be established on parking lot was held, and it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Winebrenner and carried that speed limit of 15 miles per hour be extablished, and that area be posted accordingly. Attorney stated that present traffic ordinance of the Town of Port Orchard which embodies provisions of the state code, is out-of-date, due to changed enacted by the State, and suggested that a new ordinance be enacted embodying present provisions of the State code, and providing for automatic changes as changes are made by the State. This action was directed, on motion by Repanich, seconded by Broughton and carried. Superintendent reported on progress of water extension being made can Sidney 'Street under 1957 Bond programs stating that good progress ---is being made and that the job should be completed earlier than anticipated. Clerk presented preliminary budget for 1958, which was prepared with the idea that annexation of the Fernwood area would be approved by the Secretary of State, and thus included revenue from that area. The budget was studied by the members of the Council and after due consideration was adopted as the Preliminary Budget for 195B, on motion by Repanich, seconded by Broughton and carried. The following claims, checked by the Finance and Auditing committee, and heads of the various departments, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Winebrenner and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Saindon's Inc. Remold tire, police 10.55 Sainden's Inc. Tire, wheel balance, tire repr, 23.27 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Tire service, gasoline - police 4.96 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Diesel fuel, Town Hall 28.52 Wilkins Distributing Co. 'Motor oil, Fire Dept. 7.81 Wilkins Distributing Co. Ethyl gas, police 51,28 Trick & Murray Receipt books, police 58.39 V. B. Caldwell Car mop, police 5.12 Donald C. Corey Police service 106.24 Albert V. Raygor Police service 26.56 Donald M. Cunningham Police service 26.56 Tegstrom Bldg. Materials Lumber, nails, etc., Fire Dept. 51.69 Burroughs Corp. 25 rolls machine paper 5.63 Ray's Auto Rebuild Repair fire truck 20.66 Pmrt'Orchard Independent Publish Ord. No. 643 (Fernwovd Annex.) 9.53 V. B. Caldwell Paint, Fire Dept. 5.32 Ben Meier Cutting grass, City Hall 14.00 W. F. Bruhahn Janitor work, City Hall 9.90 '04ATER FUND Bill Henry Whitehead Spot painting on water towers 45.50 Lawrence A. Hagen Giater Tower painters helper 32.50 V. B. Caldwell Pipe fittings 13.90 H. D. Fowler Co. Link for pipe cutter 11.26 Pacific 111ster Works Supply Link for pipe cutter 10.37 Wilkins Distributing Co. Filters 3.94 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephone & tolls 12.55 A. H. Cox Co. Magneto 68.85 All Bearing Service 2 bearings 20.25 WATER CONSTRUCTIUR FUND American Plmbg. Packing, pipe, etc. 93.69 Service Hardware & Impl. Overhaul motor 138.97 Olin M. Sprague Crane Company Engineering services 750.00 Nipple & flanges 4.38 V. B. Caldwell 14aterial for water ext. 1891.5 Thomas A. Hoover Labor on Sidney St. water main 34.65 Lester R. Helm 'Millard Labor on Sidney St. water main 173.25 D. Mead Labor on Sidney St. water main 1.36.62 W. L. Johnson Labor on Sidney St. water main 99.00 James G. Stevenson Labor on Sidney St. water main 126.72 Miles R. Phillips Labor:on Sidney St. water main 15,84 STREET FUND Gary Deal Auto Parts Hose clamp, shift lever, var. spl. 29.10 Bremerton Oil Road oil 310.03 P. 0. Machine Shop Nuts, bolts, repairs 7.28 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones & toils 36,20 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Machine Oil 9.20 Wilkins Distributing Co. Gasoline, oil &c kerosene 291.15 Deno's fielding Machine & Sply. Labor & materials for wt. on loader 59.60 STREET FUND Columbia Equipment Co. Columbia Equipment Co. V. B. Caldwell Lester R. Helm Lester R. Helm Willard D. Mead Lester R. Helm W. L. Johnson Puget Sound News Co. V. B. Caldwell Ben Meier Shovel parts 5.49 Shovel parts 46.81 Rake handles, bench vise 109.04 Labor on city streets 17.82 Operating power broom on Bay St. 74.25 i Labor on city streets 15.84 SEVIER FUND Labor on sewer lateral 3.96 Labor on sewer lateral 37.13 LIBRARY FUND Books 10.98 PARK FUND Tire for mower Labor at city parks Meeting adjourned on motion by Broughton, seconded by epanich ar�carried. *'��I•� >�� Clerk 1..03 29.15 Mayer Port Orchard, Washington September 23, 1957 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis; present Councilmen Dusty C. Winebrenner, R. B. Hall and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore. Absant Councilmen Harold G. Baker and George A. Broughton and Engineer Olin ML. Sprague. Minutes of meeting of September 9, 1957 read and approved. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported on conversations with the County Commissioners relative to maintenance of Tremont Street, and further time was granted for final report. Matter of Boundaries of newly annexed territory south of town as it effects Sidney Street, was reported on by Attorney. ;More time granted for final report on agree- ment with County. This being the date on which bids for heating plant in Active Club building at Givens Field, were to be received, Clerk reported three bids had been filed and Mayor directed that same be opened. Bids were received from Bremerton Oil, Talbot i Plumbing Co. and Service Fuel. Bids were examined by the Council and were referred to the Parks and Buildings committee on motion by hall, seconded by Repanich and carried. Letter from Fraternal Order of Eagles regarding garbage service was referred to Councilman Winebrenner of the Health and Sanitation committee. Mayor stated that he had been contacted relative to larger contribution from Port Orchard for the Health Department. It was pointed out that as the preliminary bud- get had been adopted that increases cannot be made. Mayor also stated that he had contacted the State Highway department requesting adequate signs to mark the intersections of State Highway No. 14 and the roads lead- ing to Part Orchard, and had been informed that as the roads effected are county , roads that the request should -come from the County Commissioners; that he had con- tacted the Board and that requests for these signs had been forwarded to the Highway Department. Sewage problems in west portion of town on Bay Street were referred to Councilman Winebrenner to consult with Health Department. Clerk asks authority to pay assessment on town property for Tacoma Street improve- ment in the amount of $272.56. Authority granted on motion by Repanich, seconded by Winebrenner and carried. Mary Lieseke, Fred Hannah, V. M. Parks and others appeared before the Council regard- ing parking locations and other problems on parking lot. A general rhubarb ensued and the matter was resolved by an agreement of a meeting by the Street and Alley committee, a committee from the Merchantsf committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Mrs. Lieseke on the parking lot at 501clock p. m. Wednesday, September 25, 1957. Councilman Repanich was named to the Street and Alley committee in the absence of Councilman Broughton. i� 0 n n Matter of timbers along sidewalk on west side of Frederick Street next to Port Orchard Department Store came up, and Clerk was directed to write to Mrs. Cohen to remove the timbers within ten days, on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried. Bob Lawrence of Beacon Appliance explained to the Council necessary repairs and ren- ovations which should be made to heating plant at town hall, and work was authorized on motion by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried. Chief of Police brought up the matter of creating the position of sargeant in the police department, to designate authority in the absence of the Chief. This was con- tinued to next meeting. It was stated by the Mayor that order for lease of parking meters for parking lot had been cancelled due to conditions which had arisen. The following claims checked by heads of departments and by Councilman Repanich of the Finance -and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Repanich and carried: Albert V. Raygor Donald M. Cunningham Donald C. Corey MY Fire Extinguisher Service Western Auto Supply Co. Cleveland Chevrolet Andy Johnson .Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Hallgren Company Gale W. Dow Lawrence A. Hagen Bill Henry Whitehead Overall Cleaning & Supply Puget Sound Power & Light Cleveland Chevrolet Dept. of Consv. & Dev1m1t. Thomas A. Hoover F. A. McIntyre Lester R. Helm Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Kitsap Co. Road Dist. No. 2 So. Kitsap Gravel Co. Port Orchard'0il Delivery Cookson Bros. Cleveland Chevrolet Lester R. Helm Ames K. Bates Thomas A. Hoover Janes Reeves Anton Norsby M. W. Hammond W. F. Bruhahn Hallgren Co. H. D. Fowler Co;, Inc. Claud's Service Pacific Water Works Supply Pacific Electric Western Utilities Supply Hallgren Company T. B. & M. Grocery CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Police service $ 102.92 Police service 39.84 Police service 126.16 Badges for Fire Dept. 50.96 Car wash; Scotch tape for police 1.94 Police car service 18.77 Refill oxygen tanks --Fire Dept. 5.17 Clerk, Police, Fire Tel and tall 54.05 WATER FUND Capper tubing 177.59 Labor reading meters 31.68 Labor painting water tanks 3..171*25 Labor painting water tanks 239.75 Shop towels 3.10 Power for pumps 324.82 Oil change on pickup 2.07 Water permit extension .95 STREET FUND Labor can streets 7.92 Labor on streets 13.86 Labor on streets 58.41 Service at Bay St. garage 4.40 Repair shovel 23.60 Sand 97.55 Diesel oil for road mix 12.74 Tire repair 1„29 Repair truck 66.70 'RATER CONS`1'RUCTION FUND Labor on Sidney Street main Labor on Sidney Street main Labor on Sidney Street main Labor on Sidney Street main Labor on Sidney Street main Labor on Sidney Street main Tending lights on Sidney Street Flanges, Tubing, fittings Fittings and Couplings Equipment rental, ditching Valve boxes Compressor rental 10" Dresser coupling Repair clamp Chlorox and Purex 133.55 79.20 168.30 8.91 79.20 4.95 23.76 505.87 356.39 1,845.95 68.56 21.20 96.86 39.82 11.16 PARK FUND Port Orchard Independent Call for bids for furnace 18.52 W. F. Bruhahn Labor at Little League field 11.88 Meeting adjourned on motion by call, seconded by Win Brenner an rried. Cle i Mayor Fort Orchard, Washington October 7, 1957 This being the date provided by the Laws of the State of Washington, as the date on which the annual budget shall be adopted and tax levies fixed, Council of the Town of port Orchard, Washington was called to order by 1'1ayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Dusty C. Winebrenner', R. B. Hall and Nick J. Repanich. Clerk submitted copy of the Preliminary Budget for the year 1958, as adopted by the Council, and also submitted affidavit of publication of Notice of Hearing on Budget. Mayor called for objections or other remarks from any person interested, and there were no responses. Budget items were again considered by the Council, and after consideration, no changes or alterations were suggested. Ordinance providing for adoption of the Preliminary Budget as submitted as the Annual Budget for 1958, and fixing the tag: levies for the year 1958 was submitted and read to the Council. It was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that the Ordinance as submitted be passed. Ordinance adopted as Urdinance No. 644. Yeetirg djourned on motion by Repanich, seconded Hal an carried. Clerk T,iayor Port Orchard, Washington October 14, 1957 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis with Councilmen Dusty C. Winebrenner, R. B. Hall, Harold G. Baker, George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore present. Minutes of meeting of September 23, 1957 and October 7, 1957 read and approved. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee stated that so far no definite agreement had been reached with the County relative to maintenance of Tremont Street and further time was granted. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee reported that his com- mittee had met with a committee from the Active Club concerning the acquisition and installation of a heating plant in the Active Club building at Givens Field; that it had been agreed that the Town would purchase the heating units and that the installation would be taken care of by the Active Club. He stated that the Active Club would pay the Service Fuel Co. for the installation and that the work is to be completed by November 15, 1957. He recommended that the heating unit be purchased from the Service Fuel CompaO on its bid of $1,695.00 plus State sales tax. It was moved by Repanich, seconded by Hail and carried that the rec- ommendation of the Committee be accepted. Chairman Winebrenner of the Health and Sanitation committee reported that he had conferred with the Health Department relative to sanitary condition on property on Bay Street near the west Town Limits, and that the matter would be taken care of by the Health Department. Matter of creating the position of Police Sereant, continued from last meeting, was referred to the Finance and Auditing committee for further investigation and report. A petition asking a franchise for operating bus service over the streets of Port Orchard by Albert Lieseke and 'Nillis Nearhoff was presented to the Council, con- sidered and discussed and referred to the Finance and Auditing committee for report and recommendation. C. L. Ainsworth appeared before the Council requesting that parking meters on Bay Street fronting Block 11, Sidney, be removed; that sidewalk elevations fronting the block be established, and for permission to construct a loading ramp which would encroach several feet on Port Street. These matters were referred to the Street and Alley committee to confer with Mr. Ainsworth on the property and make recommendations. Councilman Repanich was substituted for Councilman Winebrenner on the Street and Alley committee for the conference and recommendations on these matters. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that an on -the -spot con- ference had been held by his committee, a committee from the Chamber of Commerce and Albert Lieseke of the Horluck Transportation Company regarding parking con- ditions on the parking lot. That some progress was made, and that it is believed that satisfactory arrangements will result from the conference. It was moved by hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that an easement for right- of-way for driveway over garbage tract be granted to Clifford Christian, instead of sale of the property as requested by Mr. Christian. Engineer to furnish detailed description of right-of-way. Vacation of alley in Block 3, Sidney, informally requested by J. B. Verhelst, was discussed, and the opinion of the Council as expressed, was opposed to the vacation. �I V4. C-,1 The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered raid on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Donald C. Corey Police service 119.52 Donald M. Cunningham Police service 39.84 Albert V. Raygor Police service 13.28 Saindon's Inc. Tire remoulds for police car 26.32 Standard Oil Co. of Calif Gasoline and tire repair, police 11.85 Peninsula Stationers Pen refills, typing paper, police 5.87 Sheriff, Kitsap County Board of prisoners 186.00 State Penitentiary Traffic signs 19.62 Town Clerk Reimburse for advanced expenses 17.42 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Diesel fuel for town hall 16.82 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Police, Clerk, Fire tel and tolls 54.22 Puget Sound Power & Light Town hall lights 97.50 Puget Sound Power & Light Street lights 355.69 Port Orchard Independent Budget hearing 31.58 Traffic Control Signs Co. Traffic signs 27.9O Transport Clearings of P.S. Freight 2.10 Hans Aarshaug Cutting grass at town hall 8.75 WATER FUND Hallgren Co. Meter boxes•, var. fittings 234.01 Town Clerk Reimburse for postal cards 20.00 Kitsap Co. Road Dist. ##2 Repair pick-up 14.86 Pacific dater Works Supply Co. Valve boxes 131.41 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephone and tolls 11.85 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Energy for cathodic egpmt. 15.46 Bill Henry White Painting on tanks 14.00 Lawrence A. Kagen Painting on tanks 10.00 STREET FUND Lester R. Helm Labor on streets 267.14 F. A. McIntyre Labor on streets 15.84 Thomas A. Hoover Labor on streets 157.50 Airway Striping Service Striping streets for traffic lines 207.99 Port Orchard Machine Shop Repairs 2.32 Kitsap Motors Shovel and truck repair 45.49 Kitsap Co. Oil Storage Plant Road Oil 220.50 Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Repair dump truck 154.87 Gary Deal Auto Parts Various merchandise 4.05 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 35.10 Standard Oil Co. of Calif.- Diesel fuel for Street Dept. 22.39 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Light at Kendall St. garage 2.00 Olympic Iron & Machine Yorks Sharpen scarfire teeth 10.33 Town Clerk Reimburse for advanced expenses 1135 Western Tractor & Eqpt. Co. Parts for grader 19.93 Service Hdw. & Implement Co. Grader repair 62.00 PARK FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Tennis court and Recr. Ctr. lights 8.56 C. A. Hanks Insurance Premium for Active Glub Building 144.90 W. F. Bruhahn Labor on Little League field 28.00 LIBRARY FUND Town Clerk Reimburse for P. 0. box rents 1.10 The H. R. Hluntting Co. Books for library 79.67 DATER CONSTRUCTION FUND U. S. Pipe and Foundry Co. 10" water main 17,431.41 V. B. Caldwell_ Trading Post `'later Tools and merchandise 35.29 Pacific yIks. Supply Co. Pipe fittings for Sidney St. job 395.53 H. D. Fowler Co., Inc. 2 10" couplings 51.56 Pacific ':later `Nks Supply Co. 10" Tee Forest Park Grocery 4 gal. chlorox 69.73 2.27 Lester R. Helm Labor on Sidney St. water line 61.38 Thomas A. Hoover Labor on Sidney St. water line 61.38 Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Broughton and carried. C. e rk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington October 28, 1957 Regular meeting of the Council of the town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mlayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen Dusty C. Winebrenner, Harold G. Baker, Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore present. Absent Councilman R. B. Hall and Superintendent of Public corks George F. Givens. Minutes of meeting of October 14, 1957 read and approved. John A. Bishop appeared with Mrs. Mary Lieseke and Willis Nearhoff seeking a per- mit to operate a bus line over the streets of port Orchard, and asked that the ap- plication filed last week by Willis Nearhoff and Albert Lieseke be amended to show that horluck Transportation Company is the petitioner. The proposed plan to operate the bus service was explained, and a general discussion followed. Myron Freyd appeared on behalf of Blue and Gold and Ideal Taxi operators, and Mrs. Florence Turner, operator of the Taxi fleet, opposed the granting; of a franchise. Chairman Broughton of the "inance and License committee reported that his committee had considered the application, after it was referred to his committee, and found no objection to granting the permit. After further discussion, it was moved by Laker, seconded by Repanich and carried that a resolution be passed granting the permit on a six-month trial basis, and that the Mayor be authorized to sign certif- icate granting permit. C. L. Ainsworth appeared before the Council regarding sidewalk alignment, loading ramp and other matters in connection with operation of business on Block 11, Sidney. Engineer Sprague stated that he had investigated conditions and recommended tearing out the old sidewalk, establishing grades to conform to present alignment of street; the installation of two catch basins on either side of the property and tile to carry the drainage to the bay. Councilman Repanich of the Street and Alley comm- ittee recommended construction of curbs, and insisted on ample safeguards to protect the public from injury around the proposed ramp. Mr. Ainsworth stated that the ramp would be properly protected by erection of an approved fence. Following a discussion, it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by 1roughton and carried that the matters be referred to the Street and Alley committee, with Councilman Repanich acting in -lieu of Councilman Winebrenner, on the committee, with power to act. ,,11illiam F. Klein asked about procedure for initiating a local improvement district in the newly annexed territory to secure water service. The procedure was explained by the Attorney. Charles A. Russell and Lee Caldwell, members of the Fire Department appeared before the Council regarding matters concerning the department. They pointed out that as there is no water service in the newly annexed territory that it will be necessary to survey the area and find all sources of water which might be utilized in case of fire. 'Matters concerning building regulations and inspection of property were also brought up, as was the possibility of securing more modern equipment. These matters are to be discussed by the Fire Department and the Fire and Light committee of the Council at a future meeting;. William F. Klein also suggested that some means be considered to light the intersec- tion of the Sidney road and Lighway 14 so that it would be more accessible, partic- ularly after dark. Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee reported that his committee after consideration, approved the creation of position oil sergeant on the Police department. After a discussion an ordinance was passed creating the position and fixing the salary at d$355.00 per month, on motion by Broughton, seconded by Wine- brenner and carried. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 645. Letter from TIrs. Dorothy Stokes regarding parking ticket was read to the Council and ordered filed. The following; claims, checked by heads of departments and by the Finance and Audit- ing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by dinebrenner, seconded by T�epanich and carried: Albert V. Raygor Donald C. Corey Ahthon:v Guymon, Inc. Lindall-Truman TV Trick & Murray Wilkins Distributing Co. Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Givens Co. for Fire Dept. Port Orchard Independent Thompson's Transport Clearings Puget Sound Power & Light Alfred Pedersen CURR.nT EXYiLivSE FUND Police Service Police service Re -blue carbine Repair police radio Traffic ticket books for police Ethyl gasoline for police Battery charge, tire switch --police Car plates, boots, liners, wrenches Publish Ordinance No. 644 Typing paper, memo fillers for Clerk Freight on signs from State Pen Street lights Labor cutting grass at town hall 13.23 106.24 7.75 11.10 41.57 38.46 1.81 175.8�0 Q ./ . 2% 5.15 4.20 390.06 8.75 N WATER FUND American Plbg & St. Supply W. S. Darley Co. Fairbanks Morse & Co. A. H. Cox Co. Fog -Tate Meter Seal. Co. Transport Clearings Puget Sound Power & Light Ga le W. Dow Lawrence A. Hagen Bill henry Whitehead Overall Cleaning & Supply Western Tractor & Egpmt. Co. V. H. Raymond Wilkins Distr. Co., Inc. Thomas A. Hoover Lester R. Helm Puget Sound Power & Light Jenkins Excavating Alfred Pedersen W. F. Bruhahn Hallgren Company Wilkins Distr. Co., Lester R. Helm A. H. Cox Co. Jenkins Excavating Puget Sound News Co. F. E. Langer Agencey Suction hose Sonoscopes for leak detector Wearing rings Asphalt cutters Meter boxes Freight on wood pipe Power for pumping plants Labor reading water meters Labor on water towers Labor on water towers STREET FUND Shop towels Parts Truck rental Gasoline, filters, etc. Labor on streets Labor on streets Service at Bay St. garage Ditching for culvert PARK FUND Cutting grass at Little League Labor on Little League Field WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND Tees and couplings Inc. Kerosene, etc. Labor on Sidney Street line Clay spade Ditching for water line LIBRARY FUND Books for Library HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND Meeting adjourned on motion Premium on lease bond 52.92 4.96 15.79 25.73 46.32 2.10 303.28 34.68 15.00 21.00 2.17 4,73 15.00 115.12 146.52 136.60 2.56 10.00 by Baker, seconded by Rep& ich and rigid. Clerk Mayor 5.25 13.86 19.85 34.36 7.92 15.9B 455.00 25.93 10.00 Port Orchard, Washington November 12, 1957 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen George A. Broughton, NNick J. Repanich, R. B. Hall, Dusty C. Winebrenner and "arold G. Baker; Don Thompson, Attorney; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore, present. Minutes of meeting of October 28, 1957 read and approved. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee, reported that his committee had investigated drainage conditions on Port Street and Orchard Street, and other conditions existing in Block 11, Sidney. He recommended that Town install catch basins and drains on Port and Orchard Streets, and that curb be constructed the length of the block on Hay Street. The report was considered and discussed, and it was moved by Rapanich, seconded by Hall and carried that catch basins and drains as recommeri.ded be installed by the Town, and that curb be constructed by property owner. Chairman Baker of the Fire and Light committee reported that he had gone over the roads in the territory recently annexed to Port Orchard between Tremont Street and State Highway No. 14, in company with Ed Heister of the Puget Sound Power & Light Co., and he recommended the installation of thirteen 150-watt street lights at points agreed upon. Locations of the lights were explained, the matter was discussed, and it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Hall and carried, that lights as recommended be installed. C. L. Ainsworth appeared. before the Council regarding ,mercury vapor light on Orchard Street. After a discussion, it was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that installation of mercury vapor light by petitioner be authorized. C. L. Hicks, operator of bus service from certain locations in Port Orchard to the P. S. N. S. appeared before the Council regarding; permit recently granted to Horluck Transportation Co. for bus service, and stated his position in the matter. He asked that he be notified of any pending action in connection with bus service in Port Orchard. A request was presented through Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings com- mittee for use of Taylor Street Recreation Center for religious teacher training. This eras discussed, and it was the opinion of the Council as expressed that public buildings owned by the Town should not be available for religious or political purposes. The request was turned back to the committee, to notify applicant of the decision. Clerk stated that there is "�'2,500.00 in the Vlater Bond Redemption and Interest fund, and that by adding dal, 500.00 by transfer from the 'Water Fund that four bonds could be redeemed on December 1, 1957, by agreement with the bond holder, and asked that he be authorized to transfer 1,500.00 from the ',°dater Fund to the Bond Redemption Fund to redeem four bonds. lie stated that this transfer would leave a balance of over $6,000.00 in the dater Fund. This was discussed, and on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and ca-�ried, the transfer was authorized. A Letter was received .from the State Department of Highways stating that the portion of State Hi?hway No. 14, at the Tacoma -harper Y, except that portion running east toward Harper has been transferred to the Town. A request was received from the Fire Department for the purchase of two Scott Air Packs at a cost of approximately $250.00 each. Action on request was delayed for investigation, and Clerk was directed to contact Bremerton Fire Department regard- ing this, or similar equipment. It was agreed that a meeting of the Council as a committee of the whole to discuss the proposed garbage ordinance mould be held at the Town stall at 7:30 p. m. on November 18, 1957. The following claims, checked by Finance and Auditing committee, by Winebrenner, seconded by Hall Donald C. Corey Albert V. Raygor Donald !:'. Cunningham Cleveland Chevrolet uVilkins Distributing Co. Pacific Coast Stamp Works Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Port Orchard Independent Town Clerk Pacific Tel &; Tel Co. Pioneer, Inc. Miller Meters, Inc. Alfred Pedersen Joseph Tuba Lester R. Helm Hallgren Co. Caldwell Trading Post Kitsap Road Dist. No. 2 Service Hardware 8- Impl. Co. Town Clerk Wilkins Dist. Co. All Bearing Service, Inc. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Lester R. Helm W. L. Johnson Jenkins Excavating Ditching Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Caldwell Trading Post Wilkins Dist. Co., Inc. Bremerton Concrete Products Port Orchard 14achine Shop Pacific Tel & Tel Co. heads of depart_,,Bents and by the members of the were read to the Council and. ordered paid, on motion and carried: CURREvT EXrEV6.6 FUND Police service dF, Police service Poll-ce service Repair police car Ethyl gasoline, police Sergeant's badges for police Diesel fuel for town hall Publish Ordinance K o. 645 Re-imburse for advanced expenses Clerk, Police and Fire Dept. tel Registration binder Parking meter parts Labor on town hall grounds Pruning shrubs at town hall grounds WATER FUND Labor for water dept. Pipe and fittings Tape, crayon, putty knife Repairs to portable pump Overhaul pump at main plant Postal cards and postage Prestone and anti -rust Ball bearings for pump Telephones and tolls STREET FUND Labor on streets Labor on street storm drain Ditching for storm drain Stove oil at Bay St. garage Cable and drill Gasoline, kerosene, filters, Co. Drain tile Truck repair Telephone and tolls etc. V, 92.96 66.40 13.28 33.02 66.34 17.10 94.12 4.56 7.85 54.80 44.09 25.86 8.75 11.00 39.60 43.98 4.23 10.40 119.12 20.23 7.68 43.05 25.20 229.68 23.76 130.00 13.39 21.47 281.18 23.44 3.10 13.15 PARK FUND Standard Oil Co. of Calif. - Stove oil at Taylor St. center 9.71 (� LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Hunt ting Co. Books for Library 23.96 SEWER FUND Caldwell Trading Post Gloves and drill 2.51 VIATtH CONSTRUCTIOn FUND Port Orchard Machine Shop Labor and material 16.01 Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Brough d ca ad. J Clerk �— Mayor Port Orchard, Viashington November 25, 1957 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen R. B. Fall, Dusty C. V'iinebrenner, Harold G. Baker, Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Super- intendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague, and Chief of Police A. L. INymore. Minutes of meeting of November 12, 1957 read and approved. H. E. Edwards, sanitarian from the Kitsap County Health Department, appeared before the Council relative to a health problem on Bay Street near the west town limits, caused by sewage accumulation. He stated that there are about seven residences in the area without proper sanitary facilities, which are the offenders. The matter was discussed and was referred to the health and Sanitation committee and the Engineer �! for an investigation and report. Mayor stated that the Mayor, Attorney and Clerk had attended a meeting with represen- tatives from the Annapolis Sewer district, where problems relating to sewer disposal facilities were discussed. He stated that nothing definite was worked out to report to the Council but that future conferences are scheduled. At the suggestion of Councilman Winebrenner of the Health and Sanitation committee, final action on proposed garbage ordinance was delayed, and a public hearing on the proposed ordinance was set for December 9, 1957, and notice of the hearing will be given through the Port Orchard Independent. Request from the Fire Department for purchase of two Scott Air Packs was again taken up, and Clerk reported what he had been informed by contacting the Bremerton Fire Department concerning the equipment, and Councilman Baker reported 6)a his investigation. Captains Charles A. Russell and Lee F. Caldwell of the Fire Department presented the case or the Fire Department, and following a discussion it was moved by Baker and seconded by Repanich and carried that purchase of two Scott Air Packs be authorized. Charles A. Russell stated that he would investigate sale of surplus fire hose at Naval Ship Yard and report his recommendations. Schedule and map, showing route of the Horseshoe Lake Bus Service, was received, examined and ordered filed. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee reported that he had been informed by the electrician installing electric service on the heating plant in the Active Club building at Givens Field, that additional contrble should be installed to increase the efficiency of the plant. This was discussed and referred to the Superintendent to confer with the electrician and report his findings. Members of the Council voiced their approvals of the marking of the Curb on the curve on Prospect Street to designate "No Parking." Sidewalk line in Block 11, Sidney was discussed and referred to the Superintendent and Engineer for investigation and report. Ordinance creating six voting precincts in the Town, the sixth precinct to include the area recently annexed, was read to the Council and passed on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried. Signs designating speed limit of 35 miles per hour on Sidney road from P. S. H. #14 to Tremont Street and from Bay Street to the Tacoma-Hsrper Y, were directed to be posted. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the Finance and Audit- ing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Baker and carried: Albert V. Raygor Donald C. Corey Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Gale W. Dow Puget Sound Power & Light Puget Sound Power & Light Overall Cleaning & Supply Western Utilities Supply Co. Black Ball Freight Service Lester R. Helm Puget Sound Power & Light Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Atlas Foundry & Machine Co. Lundy Sales Pacific Electric Company Puget Sound Power & Light Puget Sound News Company CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Police service 39.84 Police service 106.24 Street lights 405.36 Town hall lights 89.93 WATER FUND Labor, reading meters $ 31.68 Cathodic Equipment at tanks 13.76 Power for pumping 267.22 Shop towels 2.06 Cutting wheels for pipe cutter 10.34 Freight on parts 2.10 STREET FUND Labor on streets 142.56 Service at garages 6.70 Repair truck 57.66 Frames and gates for catch basin 162.48 2 gallons paint 12.29 Equipment rental 28.71 PARR FUND Tennis Court and tecr. Center LIBRARY FUND Council adjourned on motion b-�- hall, Clerk Books for library seconded by B 12.48 12.57 n.d rrie 11 Mayor Port Orchard, Washington December 9, 1957 Regular meeting of the Council of the Touin of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis with Councile#en George A. Broughton, lick J. Repanich, Dustin C. Winebrenner, R. B. Hall and Harold G. Baker„ Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Superintendent of Public Works George V.Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore, present. Minutes of meeting of November 25, 1957 mead. Councilman Winebrenner excepted to the statement in the minutes that "Members of the Council voiced their approvals of the marking of the curb on the curve on Prospect Street to designate No Parking", stating that he believed that an excess of parking space had been eliminated by so. painting the curb. This was discussed and referred to the 'Street and Alley committee. This being the date on which a hearing was scheduled on the proposed garbage ordin- ance, and there being many citizens presetat, Mayor called for statements from inter- ested property owners and residents. Opinions regarding the proposed ordinance, and questions pertaining to its provision# were voiced by Larry McTavish, L. B. Robinson, E. J. Rielly, J. A. wafer, H. A. Burkes, T. H. Lundberg, Ralph Connell, Gary Deal, H. R. Lochry, D. J. Talbot, and others. Final action on the proposed ordinance was deferred for further study, snd inclusion of some additional provisions. Engineer submitted report and two proposals concerning the sewage problem on Bay Street near the west Town limits. The report and proposals were read to the Council and the matters were referred to the Health and Sanitation eormittee to consider the problems involved in connection with the report and proposals of the Engineer. Chairman Repanioh of the Parks and Buildings committee and superintendent Givens reported on suggested additions to equip furnace at Active Club building at Givens Field. This was discussed, and it was moved. by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried that a magnetic relay switch on fan motor be installed and that relay con- troller also be installed. Engineer reported on sidewalk lines fronting Block 110 Sidney. Referred to Street and Alley committee to confer with property owner. Clerk.requested authority to draw warrant''lon rater Fund in the amount of $168.72 to pay Town assessment in L. 1. D. No. 56. Authority granted on motion by Baker, sec- onded by Broughton and carried. Letter from Port Orchard Garden Club requesting meeting place in Active Club building when it is available, read to the Council, Clerk stated that through the courtesy of the Kitsap County Bank, that $4,000.00 in Dater Improvement bonds had been redeemed ahead of the due date, making a saving in interest. Chief of Police asked for additional space for his office, stating that he had insufficient room to store files, etc. Referred to Fire and Light committee. The following claims, checked, by heads of departments, by the Finance and Auditing committee and the members of the Council, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Hell, seconded by Winebrenner and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Donald C. Corey Police service $ 79.65 Albert V. Raygor Police services 26.56 Donald M. Cunningham Police service 39,34 Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Light gloves, tire service, lub 5.22 Saindon+s, Inc. Remolds for police 30.75 Wilkins Dial.. Co. Ethylgass flash batteries, police 57.73 Cleveland Chevrolet Repair police car 36.87 Kitsap Motors Fire truck repair 9.61 L. N. Curtis & Sons 2 Scott Air packs 479.60 The Givens Co. 6 Cannisters, for Fire Dept. 47.05 Caldwell Trading Post Hardware 1.04 Peninsula Propane Gas Co. 20# Propane gas 2.22 The Stationers, Inc. 2 card files 14.96 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Clerk, Police and Fire Telephones 56.40 Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Diesel fuel for Town hall 85.56 Pioneer, Inc. Parking meter record books 7.46 Peninsula Stationers Repair police typewriter 21,49 WATER FUND Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 32,34 Caldwell Trading Post Pipe fittings and pole axe 3.75 Port Orchard Machine Shop Material and welding 9.d4 STREF,T FUND Lester R. Helm Labor on streets 179.19 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephone and tolls 12.25 Wilkins Distributing Co. Gasoline, spark plugs 110,22 Port Orchard Machine Shop Masher 1,03 A. H. Cox & Company Moil point 15.49 Kitaap Motors Truck repair 48.67 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Stove oil 45.76 Bremerton Concrete Products Drain tile 167.67 PARK FUND Service Fuel Co. Standard Oil Co. of Cal, Furnace at Active Club bldg. 500 Gals Diesel fuel 10751.50 71.30 WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND Caldwell Trading Post Pipe fittings 1.72 Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Broughton and car do _. ' Clerk �o �:.r 1 Port Orchard, Washington December 23, 1957 Regular meeting of the Council of the flown of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, Georg A. Broughton, Harold G. Baker, Duster C. Winebrenner and R. B. Hall; Superintendent of ublic Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police A. L. Wymere. Absent Attorney Dudley N. Perrino. Minutes of meeting of December 9, 1957 read and approved. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley cemnitt o reported that his committee had in. vestigateed conditions on curve on Prospect Street, for parking, and stated, that two parking spaces could be established between cross walks at Frederick Street intersection, and one north of driveway at Navy View Apartments, and recommended that these parking spaces be made available. This was discussed, and it was moved by Hall, seconded Repanich and carried that recommendation of committee be approved and parking spaces be established as recommended. %rther action on proposed garbage ordinance was continued. Chairman Winebrenner of the Health and Sanitation committee reported that he had con- ferred with representatives of Health Department regarding insanitary conditions on Bay Street near west town limits, and that further consideration would be given to possible remedies. Chairman Baker of the Fire and Light committee reported that an investigation had been made of request of Police Department for more office space, and suggested that additional space might be acquired by re -arranging office furniture and fixtures, constructing shelves and moving lookers to the firemen's recreation room. Application of A� N. Jones at ux and Art Orej%Ldos at ux, peti0ioning for the annex• ation of part of Sec 35Twp 24 north, R 1 E to the Town of Port Orchard, together with a letter from the Angineer relating to the petition, were taken up and considered. Action was deferred pending effort to include additional property in the petition. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported on parking conditions in Block 11, Sidney, as they effect sidewalk aligftment fronting this block. Ted. Thomp- son, tennant on the property was present and entered into the discussion. Matter continued to confer with Attorney. L. B. Lundy appeared before the Council and requested a street light in the alley between Bay and Kitsap Streets, east of Sidney Street. He also stated that dra'ila in the vicinity La so low that it is a traffic menace. Request for light referred to the Fire and ight committee, and condition of drain was refamred to the Superin- tengent. After checking by heads of departments and by the Finance and Auditing committee, the following claims were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried: Donald C. Corey Donald M. Cunningham George Rothenberg Lumber Supply Rice Electric We W. Fire Extinguisher Serv. T mn Clerk 'The Stock Co. Port Orchard Independent Lester R. Helm. Gale W. Dow H. D, Fowler Co., Inc. Lumber Supply Puget Sound Power & Light American Water Wks. Assn. Town Clerk Badger Meter Mfg. Co. Deal's Lester R. Helm. Kitsap County Airport Deals Lumber Supply Puget Sound Power & Light Overall Cleaning & Supply Town Clerk American Plbg & St Supply Jenkins Excavating Deal's Service Hdw, & Implement Co. Rice Electric Rice Electric The H. R. Huntting Co. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Police service 79.68 Police service 39.84 Repair police radio 10.91 Lumber, tile, etc. for F.D. 45,88 Light fixture, etc. for F.D. 22.52 Coats and shut-off valves 182.43 Postage stamps COO Payroll 4.56 Publish Ordinance 646 25.86 Labor on water lines 23.76 Labor reading meters 31.68 Reducing flanges 13.67 Paint, cement, glass, etc. 86,99 Power for pumps 271.58 1958 dues for Superintendent 10.00 2M Postal cards 40.00 Connection flanges 121,56 Car light bulbs 1.77 STREET FUND Labor on streets 134.64 Bank ran gravel 144.94 Various parts 11,01 Lumber, cement, nails, etc. 114.06 Bay Street garage service 5.00 Shop towels 2.06 Re-imburse for mdse. .80 WATER CONSTRUCTION Pipe fittings 92.63 Digging ditch at Well #6 24,00 Pipe fittings 1,49 Welding pipe in pump house 39.78 Material & labor 7.03 Wiring for 110 V. service, well #6 155.00 LIBRARY FUND Books Per library 6,32 SEVER FUND Lumber Supply Sewer Ells, etc. $ 37.82 Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Bro ghton a car ied. Ste- Clerk Mayor 77 .7 .t� Fort Orchard, Washington January 131, 1958 Regular meeting of the Council of the 'Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis with Councilmen R. B. Hall, Dusty C. Winebrenner, Harold G. Baker, George A. Broughton and Rick J. Repanich; Attorney:Dudle N. Terrine; Superintendent of Publics Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olinprague sad Chief of Police A. L. Wymors present. Minutes of meeting of December 230 1957 read and approved. Chairman Baker of the Fires and Light committee reported that he had made an inves- tigation of request for light in the alley in Block 12, First Addition, and asked for further time, which was granted. Proposed garbage ordinance was again taken up and considered, read to the Council and passed on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Repanich and carried. Clerk asked for authority to pay annual insurance premiums to the State for Firements Insurance, in the amount of $69.00 for twenty-three members of the Department. Authority granted on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried. Superintendent reported that pumps have been installed in well #6 reservoir,.and that as soon as water samples from the reservoir are approved that the new station can be put in service whenever needed. Chairman Winebrenner of the Water and Sanitation committee stated that the present rate charged for water taps is far below actual cost and that tapping fee should be raised. This was discuse6d and it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried that hereafter tapping fee for water service inside town limits be fixed at $75.00. The following claims, chocked by heads of departments, the Finance and Auditing committee and the members of the Council, were read to the 'Council and ordered paid, on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Donald C. Corey Police $ 159.36 Donald M. Cunningham Police 26.56 Albert V. Raygor Police 52.12 Cleveland Chevrolet Repair police car 61.48 Cleveland Chevrolet Police car repair 19.68 Wilkins Distributing Co. Gasoline for police 71.92 Kitsaap County Auditor Advanced expenses, Annex. Elea, 66.03 Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Diesel for Town Hall; Tire repair 176.11 Pacific Tel & Tel Police, Clerk and Fire telephones 54.20 Port Orchard Independent Card file for Clerk 1.40 American Plbg. & Steam Supply Pipe for Traffic posts 24.56 Western Utilities Supply Co. Fire hydrant 143.83 Deal's Battery for Fire truck 12.35 Association of Wash. Cities 1958 Dues 150.00 Puget Sound Power and Light Co. Street lights 405.85 C. A. Hanks Agency Insurance premium Bay St. Shop 75.02 WATER FOND Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls #1.S0 Puget Sound Power & Light Power for pumps 261.92 Twits Thriftway 7 gals Purex 3.98 Rockwell Mfg. Co. Waster Meter parts 30.16 Western Utilities Supply Tube bender 22.64 American Plbg. & Stearn Sply. Meter box lids, dies, etc. 62.75 American Plbg. & Steam Sply, Valves 31.69 H. D. Fowler Co., Inc. Couplings and clamps 69.98 STREET FOND Lester R. Helm Labor 335.59 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephone and tolls 12.80 Tuffibre Co. Material, for street broom 71.40 Dealts Turnsignal for truck 1.40 Wilkins Distributing Co. Gasoline, prestone sealer 71.88 Lloyd Granquist Labor sanding streets 7.92 Port Orchard Machine Shop Repairs on sweeper 9.04 Lumber Supply Cement, lumber, nails, etc. 21.18 Columbia Equipment Co. 6 grader blades 161 Standard (ail Co. of Calif. Stove oil for street sheds .60 6.60