01/01/1956 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington January 9, 1956 Regular meting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Nick J. Repanich, George A. Broughton, Ray B. Hall and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine. Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein present. Minutes of meeting of December 27, 1955 read and approved, Carl Ainsworth and Hugh Bartlett appeared before the Council and raised objection to water backed up on Bay Street during extreme high tides, and asked that action be taken at once to relieve this situation, which they claim, occurs several times during the year. After a discussion, the matter was referred to the Attorney to communicate with the State Department of Highways and ascertain what can be done to remedy the condition. Attorney stated that traffic ordinance mould be reedy for consideration at next meeting of the Council. Chairman Nichols of the Water and Sanitation committee. reported on bids for drilling well, which had been referred to his committee, and a gener- al discussion of the project was carried on. As the permit from the State Department of Conservation and Development has not yet been re- ceived, awarding of oontract for work was continued to meeting of January 23, 1956. Matter of vacations and pay schedules of town employees was continued to January 23, 1956. Following a report by the Superintendent and a discussion of the matter, on motion by Nichols, seconded by Mall and carried, Superintendent was authorized to proceed with work of having well No. 5 reconditioned in an,effort to improve the supply of water from the well. Patrolmen Gale W. Dow, Eugene M. Scrivner and Kenneth Chaussee appeared before the Council regarding compensating pay for time worked on hol- idays. It was pointed out that this matter &could -be incorporated in the ordinance providing for vacations ah Ieh is now under consideration, and It was suggested that a paragraph including a provision for compensating time for holiday work be presented with the ordinance. Matter of pay schedules and vacation allowances referred to the Finance and Auditing committee. Inquiry was made as to charge to be made for connecting Lots 22, 23 and 242 Block 11, Sidney Villa Addition, to water and sewer services. Fol- lowing a discussion this was referred to the Superintendent to ascertain costs of installation and other work in connection with this matter, and to report back to the Council. Clerk reported that Sergeant Kinzel of the State Patrol had called at- tention to existing parking meters placed too near cross -walks, which created a traffic hazzard. This was referred to the Attorney to com- municate with Sergeant Kinzel regarding the mutter. On motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried, the Finance and Auditing committee was directed to investigate advisability of purchase of a new patrol car for the Police Department. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND T. C. Breitenstein Lindell Radio & T V Service Geo. L. Rothenberg Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Sheriff of Kitsap County Wilkins Distributing Co. Howe Motor Company Lloyd Berg Engineer retainer Repair police radio Tubes for police radio Tire repair and gas for police Board of prisoners Flashlight batteries for police Repair police car Police, service 100.00 7.23 7.95 8.25 172.00 4.85 63.89 54.20 yor 0Q CURRENT hXPENSE FUND Donala C. Corey W. L. Boatwright Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Howe Oil Company Pioneer, Inc. Puget Sound Power & Light Wilkins Distributing Co. Gary Deal Auto Parts Slocum Hardware Kitsap County Auditor Port Orchard Independent Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Cookson Bros. Service Howe Motor Company Utility Products Co. Gould Sheet Metal Howe cif Company Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Utility Products Co. Columbia Equipment Co. Port Orchard Machine Shop South Kitsap Gravel Co. Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Gary Deal Auto Parts Slocum Hardware Kitsap County Auditor Lester Helm Howe Oil Company Police service 54.20 Police service 43.48 Police, Fire & Clerk tel & tolls 56.05 Deisel Fuel for city hall 180.33 Parking meter Records 7.50 Street Lights 362.22 Anti -freeze and oil for Fire Dept. 9.23 Install chains on fire truck -5.17 Various merchandise 17.57 Truck licenses 3.20 Call for bids for well 26.70 Telephone & tolls 12.00 Tire Repair 1.29 Brake service on truck 3.62 Water meter sealers 13.95 STREET FUND 12 Metal signs 9.30 Stove oil 77.70 Telephones & Tolls 25,.80 Gasoline 113.12 Stop Sign blanks 40,28 Clutch lining for shovel 19.50 Labor on truck 12.26 90 yards sand 46.50 Truck repair 41.90 Parts for sweeper; chain 41.24 Various merchandise 7.15 Licenses for street equipment 8.00 Operating sweeper 81.78 PARK FUND Stove oil 3.49 Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Baker and Carried. ,".lerk Mayor r -k-R 11*.4,lie I,-I.r I, ImIsrIc W,Im Port Orchard, Washington January 23, 1956 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, Ray B.`Hall, Verd W. Nichols and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrin and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens present. Minutes of meeting of January 9, 1956 read and approved. Attorney and Superintendent reported on conferences which they had held with officials of the State Department of Highways relative to drain- age preblam on Bay Street in front of Ainsworthfs store, Which, they stated, would indicate that changes may be made which will eliminate the trouble. Reports accepted. Attorney stated that changes in regulations and conditions had made it advisable to redraft the amended traffic ordinance, and that ordinance would be ready to submit at the next meeting of the Council.. Suggested ordinance for vacations and sick leave, as revised from previous reading, was again read and referred back to the Finance and Auditing committee. Discussion of drilling of proposed new well on Lots 3 and 4, Block 3, Wheelers Addition, was entered into, and it wasmoved by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried that award on bids for drilling well be given to Western Drilling & Equipment Company, the latter from the Western Drill- ing & Equipment Company, dated January 5, 1956, to become a part of the bid, and to be included in the terms of the contract. This award was conditioned on receipt of permit from the State Department of Con- servation & Development, to drill the well. Superintendent reported on his investigation of costs of sewer and water connections to Lots 22, 23 and 24, Block 11, Sidney Villa Addi- tion, stating that: the cost of these installations to the property line would be $211.00. Following a discussion, it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried that work be authorized upon payment of this sum into the Town. Treasury, by the property owner. A. H. Hall appeared before the Council relative to securing water ser- vice for two houses on his property on the south side of Tremont street. Following a discussion, it was moved by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried that water service be furnished to the property In question for two residences upon the pfyment of $250.00 by the property owner to the Town Treasury. Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee reported that his committee favored purchase of a new car for police patrol, and fol- lowing a discussion, it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Broughton and carried that bids be called for a new standard 4-door sedan equipped with heater; full specifications of the car and heater to be furnished, together vt th separate bids on car and heater; bids to be submitted for cash price of the car, less federal excise tax, and also for cash price of the car less federal excise tax and less alllowance which will be made for present patrol car on trade-in; also that bids be asked for sale of the present patrol car, for cash. Bill Herdman appeared before the Council and asked if building permit would be issued for construction of a modern service station on Lots 5 and 6. Block 18, Sidney. This was discussed, and was referred to the Street and Allay committee to investigate among adjoining property owners, and make report at next meeting of the Council. This being the date on which bids were to be received for supplying gasoline and heating oils to the Town of Port Orchard for year begin- ning February 1, 1956, Clerk reported that bids had been received from Tide Water Associated Oil Company; Howe Oil Company- Wilkins Distribut- ing Co.; Inc.; Standard Oil Co. of Calif.; Union Oil Company of Calif.; and R. L. Lursen. Mayor directed that bids be opened. Council members studied the bids and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried that contract for furnishing gasoline and heating oils for the year beginning February 1, 1956 be awarded to Wilkins Distributing Co., Inc. on their bid of .2269 per gallon for gasoline; .1393 per gallon for stove oil, and .1293 per gallon for deisel furnace oil. The following claims checked by heads of departments, and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried: Lloyd Berg Donald C. Corey W. L. Boatwright Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Howefs Hardware Kitsap County Auditor Port Orchard Independent Kitsap County F. E. Langer Agency CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Police service 32.52 Police service 59.68 Police service 9.52 Gasoline; mount chains, Police 2.51 Batteries etc., Police; janitor 16.35 supplies License for patrol car and fire 4.80 Supplies and publications 49.34 State Examiner's fees and exp. 433.14 Police chief bond 10.00 'PATER FUND ,Badger Meter Mfg. Co. 'Water meter &: parts 61.82 Overall Cleaning & Supply Shop towels 2.12 Gale W. Dow Labor reading meters 37.60 Howe's Hardware Lub grease 2.46 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power & light, pump. plants 279.14 STREET FUND Howe's Hardware Various merchandise 2.54 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Bay St. garage service 5.60 Lester R. Helm Labor on streets 142.8B PARK FUND Lester R. Helm Labor at Little League field 7.52 LIBRARY FUND Puget Sound News Co. Books for Library r 54.92 Gaylord Bros., 141c. Library sup li 14.05 Meeti o��jd on motion by Hall, se on ZN a carried. -�C Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington February 14, 1956 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, George A. Broughton, Ray B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols and Harold G. Baker present. Also present were Attorney Dudley N. Perrin, Superintendent of ftblic Works George F. Givens and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore. Minutes of meeting of January 25, 1956 read and approved. Dusty C. Winebrenner and V. M. Parks were present at the meeting and requested that parking regulations be established on parking lots north of Bay Street, particularly with reference to the property leased by the Town of Port Orchard from the State of Washington. Following a general discussion, the matter was referred to the Street and Alley committee to meet with a committee from the Chamber of Commerce to arrive at definite understanding regarding regulation of parking, and t.o report back to the Council at its next meeting. Matter of traffic hazzards at cross walks in the middle of the block on Bay Street, between Sidney and Frederick Streets was again discussed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that parking meters on Bay Street, which permit the existence of the alleged hazzard, be removed and placed on Orchard Street where same is feasible,. E. W. Bloomquist requested that stump in Seattle Street adjacemt to his veterinary hospital be removed, as it is a haven for rats, and interferes with some improvements that he desires to make. After a discussion, it was agreed that the town employees would remove the stump, the costs to be bourne equally by the Town and Dr. Bloomquist. This being the date on,which bids were to be received for patrol car for the Police Department, two bids had been filed and Mayor directed that bids be opened. Bids were received from Howe Motor Company and Cleveland Chevrolet Company. Bids were studied by the members of the Council, and were referred to the Finance and Auditing committee to study the bids, evaluate costs and report to the next meeting of the Council. Ordinance providing for vacations and sick leave was again considered; and following discussion, it was moved by Hall, seconded by Baker and carried that ordinance be adopted as read and amended, provision being made for accumulation of sick leave to a maximum of thirty days; that employees with two years or more services with the Town to be automatically covered by sick leave provisions as of this date; and that compensating days be allowed members of the Police department who work on holidays. Mayor presented ordinance covering Civil Defense.matters and same was passed on motion by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried. Signing of contract for drilling of new well was delayed pending permit from State Department of Health. Superintendent brought up the matter of securing front-end loader for the Street Department, and submitted data as to the type of machine most suitable. Referred to the Finance and Auditing committee to investigate and report to the Council. Mayor stated that request to erect service station on Lots 5 and 6. Block 18, Sidney had been withdrawn. Finance and Auditing committee presented a schedule of rates of pay for town employees, and after consi4eration the schedule was adopted and ordinance providing for the rates of pay set forth was passed on motion by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried: Lloyd Berg Donald C. Corey Saindon:s Inc. Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Thompson' s Gary Deal Auto Parts Howe Motor Company Gary Deal Auto Parts T. C. Breitenstein Port Orchard Independent Rennsselaer Valve Co. Traffic Control Sign Co, Miller Meters Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Police Service Police Service Tire: recap, Police Chassis lub,-, tire repair; Typewriter ribbon, police Delco battery, police car Repair police car Labor and material on fire Engineer retainer Publishing notices Fire hydrant parts Traffic signs Parking meter parts Clerk, Police & Fire telep police truck hones 125.00 118,75 7093 4.74 1.55 10,18 20,07 12,32 100,00 28.2:6 111.87 37.34 216.55 53.05 CURREIV2 EXPENSE B. A. Getschmann Co. Police Judge bond 10.00 Lowman & Hanford Co. Election supplies 10.85 Howe's Hardware Sweeping compound, city hall 4.56 Puget Sound Power & Light Lights at city hall, 2 months 124.05 Howe Oil Company Furnace oil, city hall 143.2:7 F. E. Langer Agency Premium on Treasurer's bond 75.00 WATER FUND Lester R. Helm Labor 45.12- W. F. Bruhahn Labor tending pumps 33.84 Howe Motor Company Repair pickup 12.92 Western Utilities Supply Co. Couplings and repair collars 39.32 Puget Sound Power & Light Energy for cathodic equipment 17.16 Howe's Hardware Parts tray 1.16 Bremerton Cone. Pr. Co. Drain the for new well site 112.73 F. E. Langer Agency Asst. Clerk's bond premium 5.00 Port Orchard Machine Shop Iron 3.10 Lumber Supply Building material 40.07 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 12.80 V. B. Caldwell Tools and merchandise 77.16 Neptune Meter Company Water meter parts 13.05 Wilkins Distr. Co. Anti -freeze 2.24 Sharer Digging Service Rental of digging machine 136.00 Rockwell Mfg. Co. Water meter parts 29.50 STREET FUND J. E. Haseltine Co. Dozen shovels 36.58 Howe Oil Company Stove oil 35.94 Puget Sound Power & Light Service at Kendall St. garage 2.00 Howets Hardware Tools and supplies 6.36 Port Orchard Machine Shop Repair shovel 6.97 Lester R. Helm. Labor 263.08 Ben Menees Labor sanding streets 18.80 Lumber Supply Paint, lumber, nails, etc. 50.79 Morrison Gravel Co. 4!:;, yds. gravel 5.69 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephone and tolls 25.30 Gary Deal Auto Parts Various merchandise 6.01 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Gasoline and kerosene 138.43 Tegstrom Building Materials 6x8 rough timber 5.15 LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Co. Books 34.46 Geographical Publishing Co. Metal folding stand 9.90 ]Puget Sound News Co. Books 31,79 M10 Puget Sound Power & Light Tennis court and Recr. Bldg, 23.20 Port Orchard Machine Shop Ball bracket ring 2.07 Howes Hardware 1 pair nets 2.09 Lumber Supply Sewer tile 2.39 W. L. Johnson Labor on.sewer lateral 9.00 Meeting adjourned to February 16, 1956 at 7.30 .--an m ion by Broughton, corded by Hall and carried: f�� Cayor Port Orchard, Washington February 16, 1956 Adjourned meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis., Present Councilmen Harold G. Baker, Ray B. Hall and Nick J. Repanich. Mayor Largis announced that the meeting had been adjourned to this date to meet with representatives of the State Department of Highways, and he introduced J. C. Claypool, District Engineer: Neil R. McKay, C. L. Plymale, and D. B. Trowbridge, all of the Engineering Department of the Highway Department; and Rudy E. Hensel., member of the State Highway Commission. This group was present to explain the plans for the new highway from Bethel to Anderson Hill, and to give information as to alignment and other data in comnection with the road. Interested property owners present were Post Master D. M. Corliss, V. M. Parks, C. L. Ainsworth and C. W. (Red) Beck of the South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce. Details of grades, access facilities along the route of the new highway, and other points were explained, and questions by citizens were answered. The District Engineer also stated that the State Department of Highways is planning to install a traffic control pattern on Bay Stre®t between Port Street and Kitsap Street, and that in connection with this job would take care of the drainage problem on Bay Street between Port and Orchard Streets. Cle Mayor 3� * Port Orchard, Washington February 27, 1956 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, Harold G. Baker, Verd W. Nichols and Ray B Hall; Super- intendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore present. Absent Attorney Dudley N. Perrin. Minutes of meeting of February 14, 1956 and adjourned meeting of February 16, 1956, read and approved. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee stated that his committee had not been contacted by a committee from the Merchant's committee from the Chamber of Commerce, and that no conference had been held regarding parking regulations on parking lots. Matter continued. Finance and Auditing committee reported that consideration of purchase of front-end loader had not been held, and this was continued. Oscar Ramsey appeared before the Council and asked that pedestrian sign near corner of Orchard and Bay Streets, which interferes Yd th long loads of logs and piles going over the highway, be replaced by an overhead sign. This was discussed and referred to the Street and Alley committee. Clifford Christian, owner of property adjoining garbage dump property, appeared before the Council asking for a right-of-way over garbage dump property to his property. This was discussed, and action was deferred for investigation. Councilman Baker stated that he had been approached by a member of the Lions Club, which club desires to place trash cans on sidewalks to receive litter, the cans to be marked by the Clubs identification. Offer accep- ted, the cans to be suitable for the use intended. Clerk asked authority to draw warrant to the State Treasurer in the amount of 63.00 for Firemen's Relief and Pension fund; and also in the amount of 15-.60 to the County Treasurer for payment of FFP taxes on garbage tract. Authority granted on motion by Broughton, seconded by Nichols and carried. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee stated that he had held a conversation with. Vic Pinard, State Highway Supervisor, regarding traffic pattern and drainage problem on Bay Street. He stated that the resident engineer of the Highway Department will prepare plans and that the State Maintenance crew would make the improvement,• also that he had assured the Supervisor that the Town would cooperate in making the improvement. The report waa accepted. Finance and Auditing committee made a report on purchase of Police car. A discussion followed, and it was moved by Baker, seconded by Hall and carried that bid of Cleveland Chevrolet Company for 8-cylinder sedan, according to specifications submitted, be accepted at the price of $19216.78, plus turn -in of present police car. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND W. L. Boatwright Police service 28.98 Lloyd Berg Police service 51.56 Donald C. Corey Police service 57.96 Howe's Hardware Mop, case paper towels 8.91 Thompson's Memo refills for clerk 1.50 Puget Sound Power & Light Street lights 367.69 Trick & Murray Reg. blks. for Clerk;; traffic 23.82 County Treasurer FFP tax on garbage tract 5.60 Board for Volunteer Firemen Annual fees for relief and pensions 63.00 ft:xsA FUND Pioneer, Inc. Warrant register sheets 8.99 Puget Sound Power & Light Pumping &. light energy 260.69 Rockwell Mfg. Co. Water meter parts 14.30 Buds Sport Shop Brass pulley 1.50 W. F. Bruhan Labor tending pumps 34.92 Gale I.Y. Dow Reading water meters 36.86 Earl Clark, Western Auto Puget Sound Power &; Light Overall cleaning & Supply Lloyd Granquist Ben Menees Lester R. Helm G. A. Shackelford STREza, FUND Set of screw drivers 2.05 Light at Bay Street garage 1,92 Shop towels 2.05 Labor sanding streets 36,86 Labor sanding streets 25.22 Labor on streets 120.28 Labor sanding streets 5.82 Pkh.rn FUND Howe+s Hardware Bolts and washers .15 Meeting adjourned on motion by Nichols, seconded by'Hall and carried. Clerk or J� Port Orchard, Washington March 12, 1956 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, Harold G. Baker and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrin and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore. Absent Councilman George A. Broughton and Superintendent George F. Givens. ?Minutes of meeting of February 27, 1956 read and approved. Messrs. Morrison, Dyykeman and Foster appeared before the Council relative to securing location for small boat moorage in Port Orchards, in order to attract boating enthusiasts to this locality. Following a discussion, this was referred to the Parks and Playgrounds committee to investigate the feasibility of the program, possible sites and other features, and re- port back to the Council. Fire Chief Alan Totten stated that the Telephone Company desires to change the number of the fire alarm telephones in Port Orchard, due to crowded con- ditions on certain trunk lines. Change was agreeable to the Council. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported on the conference which his committee had held with a committee from the Port Orchard Merchants Association regarding parking. He stated that three proposals had been made by the merchants. First: All -day parking only on outside 1a ne in Block 12, Sidney and Block 13, First Addition, this parking to be regulated by parking meters, second: All -day parking in outside lane in Block 12, Sidney and Block 13, First Addition, to be regulated by permits issued by author- ity of the Town;. third: All day parking in Block 12, Sidney and Block 13, First Addition, parking to be free and on a first -come, first served basis; All other areas in parking lots to be two-hour parking, except for designated' spaces behind various business places, vh ich were to be reserved for loading,' etc. Matter was discussed, and it was the opinion of the Councilmen as expressed that free all -day parking on a first -come, first -served basis on outside lanes should be permitted. Matter referred back to the committee for further conference with Merchants committee. Clifford Christian again appeared regarding right-of-way over certain land on the garbage tract. Continued as investigation of matter had not been com- pleted. More time was granted to Finance and Auditing committee for report and rec- ommendation on purchase of front-end loader. A letter from Olin N. Sprggue, applying for position as Town Engineer was read. Councilman Hall and Attorney Perrine both stated that E. B. Covey is also in- terested in the position. Matter continued. Chief of Police reported that parking troubles exist on Mitchell road near the High School, and that a request had been made for relief. It was suggested that matter be taken up with the Sheriff in an effort to work out some sol- ution between the school, the town and the county to relieve the situation, Report was made that contractors would start work on new well by the first of the week. Chief of Police reported that new police car would be delivered in about thirty days. The following claims,''checked by heads of departments, by the Finance and Auditing committee, and by the members of the Council, were read and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried: Puget Sound Power & Light Western Auto Supply Co. V. B. Caldwell Port Orchard Oil Delivery Lloyd Berg Donald C. Corey Port Orchard Independent Lindell Radio & TV Service Saindonts Inc. Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. V. B. Caldwell Howe Motor Company Port Orchard Machine Shop Pacific Tel. and Tel. Co. Gary Deal Auto Parts Lester R. Helm V. B. Caldwell Cleveland Chevrolet Port Orchard Oil Delivery Wilkins Distributing Co. Transport Clearings Gary Deal Auto Parts Columbia Equipment Co. Bents Truck Parts Port Orchard Machine Shop Atlas Foundry & Machine Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Lester R. Helm Lester R. Helm CURHE4vT Bkei uSh FUND Street lights etc. Car wash for Police Caulking compound Furnace Oil for city hall Police service Police service Supplies and publishing Repair police radio Tire remold for police car Tire repair, police car Police, fire, and clerk telephone WkeM FUND 424.40 1.43 .88 147,78 50.00 97,92 11.07 5.35 7.93 3.35 54.75 Pipe fittings and material 6.80 Labor and truck repair 15.11 Repair pulley 1.55 Telephones and tolls 25.50 Hose clamp .25 Labor on culvert line --new well 50.44 SjJ'ti' KV FUIqD Merchandise 2.10 Parts and repairs 7.89 Stove Oil 29.80 Gasoline 136.14 Freight 4.00 Bulbs for truck lights 1.14 Broom refill 51.59 Parts for Truck 7.06 Equipment repair and material 36.90 Monument cases and covers 65.09 Telephones and tolls 15.00 Sweeping Bay Street 55.29 Labor on streets 141.62 LIBRARY FUND Puget Sound News Co. Books for Library 29.01 PARK FUND Port Orchard Oil Delivery Stove oil 7.20 Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Baker and carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, vrasningtcn March 26, 1956 Council of the Town of Port Orchard called to order in regular session by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Harold G. Baker, Nick J. Repanich and Ray B. Hall; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore. Absent Councilman George A. Broughton, due to illness. Minutes of meeting of March 12, 1956 read and approved. Clifford Christian again appeared regarding right-of-way for road over part of garbage tract. Superintendent made a report, the matter was discussed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Baker apd carried that temporary right-of-way, revokable at any time, be granted to Mr. Christian. Messrs. Dusty C. Winebrenner, Fred C. Hannah and V. M. Parks appeared before the Council and talked over parking regulations on the parking lots north of Bay Street. The final plans as tentatively adopted provide for parking meters to be placed on outside line of parking space in Block 12, Sidney and Block 13, First Addition, to permit all -day parking for 25�; the remainder of the lots, except that space reserved for loading and unloading directly behind the build- ings to be for free two-hour parking; and the Town to have control and regula- tion of street ends. Following a discussion, it was :roved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that tentative plan be adopted, with the understanding that proper documents for control and regulation be drawn and signed by both the Town and the Merchants committee. Mr. Winebrenner also stated that the Merchants committee disired to again put in use "'courtesy tickets" to be handled by the police, who would be provided with money to feed the meters for violations after the first hour had expired, in an effort to build up good will among citizens of the comity. On motion by Hall, seconded by Baker and carried, plan was approved, for the police to co-operate in the effort. No report was forthcoming on investigation of purchase of front-end loader and matter was continued. Securing of engineer was discussed, and it was suggested that Olin M. Sprague be contacted and asked to attend the next meeting of the Council when details will be discussed with him as to duties, compensation, etc. Parks and Playgrounds committee reported through Chairman Repanich that no new information is available on matter of small boat moorage and same was continued. Superintendent reported that drillers are down 188 feet on the new well. At this time the Mayor and members of the Council canvassed the returns of the Municipal election held on March 13, 1956 and reported and certified results, after counting of absentee ballots, as follows: For Councilmen for four-year terms: George A. Broughton, 167 votes; Verd W. Nichols, 133 votes: Harold G. Baker, 194 votes; Virgil I Parks, 134 votes; Charles A. Russell, 124 votes; Dusty C. Winebrenner, 186 votes. George A. Broughton, Harold G. Baker and Dusty C. Winebrenner were declared elected as Councilmen for four-year terms, and Clerk was directed to issue cer- tificates of election accordingly. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Bakers seconded by Nichols and carried: W. L. Boatwright Donald C. Corey L. N. Curtis & Sons Port Orchard Independent Carolyn Powers Wm. L. Smith Mrs. Anna L. Main Mrs. Jennie Alderman Mrs. Imm.a Braaten Mrs. Evelyn Sherk Howe Oil Company Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Town Clerk American Plbg & Steam Supply Puget Sound Power & Light Overall Cleaning & Supply Western Utilities Supply Gale W. Dow Town Clerk CURRE11T EXPENSE FUND Police service Police service Parts for resuscitator Ballots --Notice of Election Service on Election Board Service on Election Board Service on Election Board Service on Election Board Service on Election Board Service on Election Board Furnace Oil Town hall lights, 2 mo. Advanced expenses WATER FUNK 9 38,64 141.68 5.28 50.39 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 35.59 96,65 25,88 Deter bones, covers, etc. 111,86 Power and light for pumps 289.28 Shop Towels 2.06 Angle stops ---repair clamps 54.72 Labor reading meters 36.86 2 M Postal cards 40.00 W T Puget Sound Power & Light Howe Oil Company Lester R. Helm Gale W. Dow Town Clerk Howe Oil Company Puget Sound Power & Light Puget Sound News Co. Town Clerk STALT,'T FUND Lights at Kendall and Bay Sts. 4.56 Stove Oil 33.14 Labor 143.56 Flagging traffic 3.88 Advanced expenses .64 P"K FUND Stove oil $ 7.67 Tennis Ct and Recr. Center 18.36 Alm,- u' ail�1�7 Books for Library 10.64 P. 0. Box rent for Library 1.10 Meeting adjourned on motion by Nichols, Clerk seconded by Hall and carrie Mayor Port Orchard, Washington April 9, 1956 Council called to order in regular session b y Mayor C. H. Largis Present Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, George A. Broughton, Ray B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino,- Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore. Minutes of meeting of March 26, 1956 read and approved. Letter from South Kitsap Youth Athletic Council, Inc. asking that.bank on property line at Givens Field near Little League ball grounds be protected from caving by construction of wall or additional bleachers; that fence be painted, and for water connection to concessions stand, and stating that Council would pay up to $550.00 toward expense of improvements was read. Arthur M. Mikelsen, president of the Council was present and explained details. Referred to Parks and Playgrounds committee. R. P. Joslin appeared before the Council and stated that permanent monuments had been placed at Sidney and Bay Streets; at Frederick and Bay Streets, and at a point near Orchard and Bay Streets, and presented a. bill for $25.00 as Town's portion of cost, payable to Olin M. Sprague. Claim was aaathorized on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried. _ Thomas Dunstan and Mr. Hustead, together with their attorney James 0. Arthur, appeared before the Council with relation to having Maple Street Waterway vacated. Mr. Dunstan and Mr. Arthur made statements regarding the request, and Gordon Howe of ciowe:s Inc. stated that he is in favor of granting the request. The waterway under discussion divides the Howe property and the property of the petitioners. Matter was discussed and referred to the Street and Alley committee for investigation and report. Letter and petition asking that Sroufe Street, between Sidney Street and Spokane Street, be closed during stated hours in order that children may be -permitted to play on the street, was received from Douglas Handel, Superin- tendent of School District No. 402, and Troy Moore, principal of Givens School,• and several teachers. Matter was discussed by the Council, Mr. Moore made a statement of what is desired, and was referred to the Attorney for opinion and report, on motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried. Myron H. Freyd presented an application for transfer of taxi licenses now+ held by Ideal and Blue and Gold Taxi Companies, to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd S. Turner. After a discussion, this was referred to License committee to inves- tigate and report. Letter from Little League president, asking for use of Givens Field for practice of.baseball rookies, was referred to Parks and Playgrounds committee. Olin M. Sprague appeared at the meeting by request, in connection with his application for position as Town Engineer. Following talks among the Council- men and Mr. Sprague, it was moved by Nichols, seconded I Hall and carried that Olin M. Sprague be named Town Engineer on a retainer of100.00 per month, condition of employment to follow same scope of m rk as was performed by T. C. Breitenstein. Clerk request authority to draw warrant for $281.87 to pay Town installment on Tacoma Street improvement. Authority granted on motion by Broughton, sec- onded by Repanich and carried. Superintendent brought up the matter of $15.00 permit fee which has heretofore been charged for sewer installation. He pointed out that under present operation all sewer installations are done by the Town and that the fee.is a part of the cost of the installation. Fee eliminated on motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried. Chairman Nichols o'' the Water and Sanitation committee reported that the new well is down to a depth of 319 feet, that some water has been reached, and that prospects are good. Superintendent stated that Jesse did. Sutton has been acting as foreman of the 'Hater Department since the death of Stewart W. 'Waters; that his service is satisfactory, and asked that his appointment be made permanent. Request granted on motion by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried. Chief of Police stated that the new police car has arrived, and asked permission to have same equipped. he was authorized to purchase seat covers, and have car prepared for its required service. Clerk stated that emergency appropriation would be required for payment of new car and emergency ordinance was presented. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried Emergency ordinance providing for expenditure of $1,216.78 for new police car be passed on first reading. Motion carried un- animously. Superintendent stated that grader needs a thorough overhaul, and that the motor is now at Howard Cooper plant in Seattle being conditioned. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee stated that sidewalk in front of new Richfield Station on Bay Street has been in bad shape for several weeks, and brought up the matter of approach to the station. It was agreed that the approach be constructed according to plans agreeable to the Engineer. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee, asked that sewer connection be located for new building being constructed at Givens Field. Referred to the Engineer. Councilman Repanich also brought up the matter of street connection between Hull Street and Cline Street, somewhere in the vicinity of Givens Field on Cline Street. Matter discussed, without action being taken. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Baker and carried: CUHREnT EXrr.ASB FUND Lloyd Berg Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Howard Cooper Corp.. Howe Motor Company Howe Motor Company Peninsula Stationers Hannah & Powell Lindall Radio:& TV Service Caldwell Trading Post Thompson's Wilkins Distributing Co. Port Orchard Oil Delivery Traffic Control Signs Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Donald C. Corey Olin M. Sprague Russell L. Sweany Agency Trick & Murray Police service 38.64 Gasoline and tire repair, Police 3.81 Shut-off handles for Siamese 3.95 Repair fire truck 19,22 Repair and lub police car 19.47 Stapler and staples for police 3.88 First Aid materials and bulbs 2.22 Repair police radio 14.50 Floor wax, city hall 3.59 Typing paper, Clerk 7.23 Flashlight batteries for police 4.84 Deisel fuel, city hall 175.15 12 traffic signs 110.36 Fire, police and clerk tel & tolls 54.00 Police service 103.04 Setting monuments 25.00 Insurance premium on rolling stock 72.72 Reg. supplies and warrant rag sheets 24.97 WATER FUND Howe Motor Company Stoican Well Drilling Co. Western Drilling & Equip. Co Bremerton Concrete Products Caldwell Trading Post Howe Hardware American Plbg & St. Supply Western Utilities Supply Co. Sharer Digging Service Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Russell L. Sweany Agency Repair pick-up Developing well No. 5 Progress payment on new well Drain tile Tools and material Keys Advanced freight Pipe clamp Dig water line trench Telephones and tolls Insurance premium on rolling stock 18.84 391.92 49324.38 27.39 30.00 .47 24,.85 17.57 12.50 17.40 26.28 STREET FUND Atlas Foundry & Machine Co. Howe Motor Company Gary Deal Auto Parts Bremerton Concrete Products Cleveland Chevrolet Co, Port Orchard M2chine Shop Lester R. Helm Saindon's, Inc. Totem Equipment Co. Port Orchard Oil Delivery Wilkins Distributing Co. Howe Hardware Black Ball Freight Service R. L. Sweany Agency Puget Sound News Co. 6 frames and grates for drains Repair radiator on truck Battery, brake fluid, clamp, hose Drain tile Repair truck Repair mirror arm on truck Labor Tire repair Broom material Stove Oil Gasoline Brush, hinges Freight on material Insurance premium on rolling stock Books for library S Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Nichols and carried. r_ Clerk it it it .J 143.47 15.50 22.37 13.24 116.43 1.03 207.58 2.58 39,26 65.76 124.80 7.21 4.42 179.40 15,68 Mayor Port Orchard, Washington April 23, 1956 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Harold G, Baker, Ray B. Hall, George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Superintendent of Public Works George F..Givens, Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore present. Minutes of meeting of April 9, 1956 read and approved. Chairman Broughton of the License committee reported on matter of granting taxi license to Floyd S. Turner, and recommended that license be granted., Attorney Myron Freyd appeared in behalf of Floyd S. Turner. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried that recommendation of the License committee be approved, and that license be granted. M. H. Thompson appeared before the Council with reference to boundary line agreement of Lot 1, Block 13, Sidney boundary. This matter having been agreed upon"on July 25, 1955, it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried that Mayor be authorized to sign agreement as presented. Letter from Thomas E. Dunstan relative to vacation of Maple Street waterway was read. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported on two conferences held with interested property owners during the past two weeks, and after a discussion it was agreed that a hearing on the proposed vacation be held can May 7, 1956 at 7:30 o'clock, to which those who have appeared with reference to this matter be notified. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee reported on request from the Youth Council relative to improvements at Givens Field, Committee recommended that water and sewer connections be made to concessions stand, but that matter of painting fence be continued for further study. It was moved by Baker, seconded by Hall and carried that water and sewer connections be made at concessions stand, according to recommendations of committee. Engineer Sprague reported that sewer connection to building at Givens Field being constructed by Active Club would be made to Kendall Street sewer line. Chairman Nichols of the Water and Sanitation committee reported that new well has now been drilled to a depth of 391 feet, and that prospects are promising for good well. Attorney Perrino reported on proposed request for closing of Sroufe Street during certain hours for use as playground for Givens school pupils. It was moved by Baker, seconded by Hall and carried that request be denied, and that Parks and Playgrounds committee contact school authorities, stating the position of the Council on the matter. Lao Caldwell asked permission to have baseball game on Givens Field on June 3, 1956, under sponsorship of Active Club. Permission granted. Attorney Perrino submitted plumbing code on behalf of Health Department. This was discussed and continued to meeting of May 14, 1956. Emergency ordinance appropriating $1,216.78 for new police car was read on second reading and passed unanimously on motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and oarried. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Gloms Auto Trim W. L. Boatwright Donald C. Corey C. P. Ainsworth Store The Garland Company R. L. Sweany, Insurance Cleveland Chevrolet Cc. Transport Clearings Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Seat covers for police car Police service Police service Janitor's supplies Firemen's badges Premium Liability Insurance Police car purchase (bid) Freight on traffic signs Street Lights WATER FUND Gale W. Dow Labor reading water meters Western Utilities Supply Co. Wrench sets Sharer Digging Service Dig trench for water service Jenkins Excavating Co. Digging ditch Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power for pumping plants Slocum Hardware Various merchandise Burroughs Corporation Service agreement STREET FUND Modern Machinery Co. Columbia Equipment Co. The Garland Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Overall Cleaning and Supply Cc Slocum Hardware Ray Dlurray Lester R. Helm "f. L. Johnson (Assigned) W. L. Johnson The H. R. Huntting Co. Parts for grader Broom refill Traffic paint Bay Street garage service Shop towels Various merchandise and tools Bulldozer rental Labor on streets Install sewer lateral Labor on lateral LIBRARY FUND Books for library 36.17 32.00 102.40 4.47 78.57 19156.33 1,216.78 2.00 371.69 Meeting asi,journed on motion by Half, seconded by Brough on and r ied. 40.7 C lerk 31.04 5.15 55.25 12.00 270.50 8.83 164.60 206.94 50.24 16.50 2.88 3.74 25.62 22.50 161.02 40.00 15.75 6.90 Mayor Port Orchard, Washington May 14, 1956 Regular session of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayer C. H. Largis. Present Councilman George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, Ray B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N.GPerrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer Olin M. Sprague. Minutes of meeting of April 23, 1956 read and approved. Mayor called up the matter of petition for vacation of Maple Street Waterway, concerning which committee hearings have been held. Councilman Nichols stated that he considered this one of the most important decisions that has confronted the Council during his terms of office, and that he believed that action should be deferred until the new council is organized after June 1, 1956. He said he did not feel that, as he is retiring from office in a few days, that -he should take part in making this decision. He said that he would be willing to resign and make room for the Councilman -elect to be elected for his unexpired term. After a discussion, it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Baker that action on the petition to initiate proceedings to vacate the Maple Street Waterway, becontinued to June 11, 1956. Mayor called for a vote on the motion and -the result was as follows: Nichols and Baker voted for the motion, and Hall, Broughton and Repanich voted against the motion. Mayor declared the motion lost. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported on committee hearings that have been held on the matter of the Maple Street Waterway vacation, stating that he did not believe that objections raised have raised any points which would outweigh the benefits which he believed would accrue to the Town by the vacation of the waterway and the development of the adjoining tract, but that the Street and Alley committee reported the matter without recommendation. He stated that personally he favored a resolution by the Council to initiate vacation proceedings. A letter from Dr. R. E. Boehme in opposition to the vacation, and a letter from H. F. Hustad setting forth what is intended in the line of development were read to the Council. Scott 10etzal, owner of property adjoining the property proposed to be developed, entered the discussion to ascertain to what location the flow. of Black Jack creek would be diverted if the waterway is vacated. It was pointed out that if the waterway is vacated that provision shall be made to divert the flow of the creek over the property of the petitioners. Councilmen Repanich and Broughton voiced approval of passing a resolution to initiate proceedings for the vacation of the waterway to permit development of the adjoining tract, as beneficial to the Town. Councilman Baker objected to passing of a resolution to vacate the waterway, citing what he believed would be serious damage to the local economy by develop- mant of the adjoining tract as proposed, and that he felt -that the damage to the local economy would greatly offset any benefits which might result. Thomas E. Dunstan and H. F. Hustad, petitioners for the vacation of the waterway, both spoke regarding the proposed vacation, Following the discussions it was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich that a resolution be passed petitioning the State Commissioner of Public Lands to institute proceedings to vacate the Maple Street waterway, under terms of the resolution. Mayor called for vote on the motion and results were as follows: Councilmen Hall, Broughton and Repanich voted for the motion; Councilman Baker voted against the motion, and Councilman Nichols refrained from voting, giving as the reason for his action, the reasons stated by him in the discussions. Mayor declared the motion carried. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee stated that his committee had met with school officials: regarding playground space adjacent to Givens School,, and that a plan had been discussed which it is believed irould be satisfactory. This would provide an area on Givens Field adjacent to the school, in which the school officials and the Town would coy -operate. Consideration of plumbing code was continued to meeting of May 28, 1956. Dr..Howard Minor addressed the Council, urging flouridation of the town water supply for the benefit of children's teeth. Dusty Winebrenner stated that many compliments had been received since the Merchants' committee of the Chamber of Commerce had instituted the practice of taking care of parking meter violations and the issuance of "'courtesy tickets"., and that the program is well received by the public. Joe-OtBrien representing the Duncan Parking Meter Company, appeared before the Council, demonstrated new type parking meter, and gave, costs and terms of pur- chase. Discussion of new meters and installation of all —day meters on designated portions of parking lots was held, and matter was passed for -further consideration. Clerk presented ordinance providing for emergency appropriation of $1,500.00 for equipment repair in the Street Fund. Ordinance passed on first reading on motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried. Mayor presented proposal from N. E. Larkin for extension of water system to supply water to an area on Sidney Road south of Town limits. This was discussed' and passed for further information and consideration. Chief of Police Wymore stated that an expenditure of approximately $75.00 would be required to put radio in police car in condition to meet mechanical condit- ions in the new police car. This expenditure was authorized on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried. The following claims checked by heads of departments and by the Finance and Auditing committee, were read and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Hall and carried: CURRENT E PENSE FUND Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Kitsap County Garage L. N. Curtis & Sons Donald C. Corey Kenneth W. Berg W. L. Boatwright Port Orchard Independent Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Port Orchard Oil Delivery Tacoma Oxygen Company P. 0. Sports and Electric Shop Burroughs Corporation: Town Clerk Ben J. Maier Assn. Washington Cities Howe Hardware Puget Sound Power & Light Nestern Utilities Supply Co. Sharer Digging Service P. 0. Electric & Sports Shop Port Orchard Machine Shop Parks of Port Orchard. Howe Hardware Western Drilling & Egpmt. Pacific Tel &. Tel Co. Lester R. Helm American Plbg & St Supply Bremerton Monument Co. Town Clerk Lester R. Helm P. 0. Oil Delivery Wilkins Distributing Co. Amos Bates J. t. Hazeltine & Co. Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Cleveland Chevrolet Gary Deal Auto Parts Port Orchard Machine Shop Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Union Oil Co. of Cal. O.K. Rubber Welders [Iowa Motor Co. Howe Hardware Howard Cooper Corp. Howard Cooper Corp. Sharer Digging Service W. L. Johnson Amos Bates Lester R. Helm Ben J. Meier P. 0. Oil Delivery Service Fuel Company Co Labor and equipment on Police car $ 118.54 Install siren etc. on Police car 53.34 gr Flares for police 19.57 Police service 138.16 Police service 1?.68 Police service 83.60 Ord. #627--emergenc7 for police car 5.47 Police, Clerk, Fire Tel & Tolls 54.05 Furnace Oil 85.11 ilefill Recussitator tanks 5.68 Repair fire siren 5.16 Carbon paper for Clerk 4.96 Re-imburse for advanced expenses 9.20 Labor at city hall grounds 7.00 Annual dues 150.00 2 flanges for police car 2.49 Street lights 371.69 WATER FUND Wrench Dig water line on Cline St. Labor & material on tank switch Make wrench Battery Pipe and fittings Progress payment on Well No. 6 Telephones and tolls Labor Co. Pipe and alt guage Dig water trenches Postal cards and keys (re-imburse) STREET FUND Labor Stove oil Gasoline & lube grease Sweeping streets 1 doz. shovels Penetrating oil Parts for truck Switches for sweeper Labor, material and repair Telephones and tolls Triton oil and grease Tubes for grader and truck Repair sweeper Hose connector and gasket Labor and parts on Adams grader Labor and �a its on Adams grader PARK FUND Dig sewer lateral ditch Labor on Little League sewer Labor on park equipment Labor on Givens Field & Little lg. Labor at parks Stove Oil Fertilizer for park grounds � .88 12.50 101.93 8.78 2.33 15.97 3,066.37 22,90 7.60 71.82 56.00 40.36 161.02 26.77 125.29 31.04 38.64 2.76 14.15 2.44 3.61 24.95 62.02 27.49 4.85 .37 315.41 494.25 12.50 15.75 104.64 119.31 29.75 7.77 35.13 The H. R. Huntting Co. Puget Sound News Company Town Clerk LIBRARY FUND Books Books Typewriter ribbon (re-imburse) HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FU M 0 2.50 18.35 1,29 CommIr of Public Lands Lease payment on harbor area; 240.00 Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried. Clerk Mayor ;; Part Orchard, Washington May 28, 1956 Regular session of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayer C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Verd W. Nicholas Harold G. Baker, Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton.; Attorney Dudley N. Perrin ; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer Olin M. Sprague. Absent Councilman hay B. Hall. Minutes -of meeting of May 14, 1956 read and approved. N. E. Larkin, Howard Marvin and several other residents of Sidney Read, south a,f the Port Orchard town limits, appeared before the Council relative to securing a water supply from the Town of Port Orchard for their area. It was painted out by Mr. Marvin that a good well exists can his place, which might be put _in service for an extension of the town water system, and he stated further that he would deed the well and sufficient ground to the Town to erect a water tank. A general discussion of the matter was entered into, and it was referred to the Water and Sanitation committee to look into the matter, confer with interested property owners on Sidney Road and report buck to the Council at its next meeting. Ross Powell, C. E. Petersen and Russell. Sweany appeared before the Council and requested a sub -lease from the Town of an area In the Harbor Area now under lease to the Town, for establishment of a yacht Club and facilities. Many angles of the question were discussed, and following the discussions, the matter was referred to the Parks and Playgrounds committee to confer with the yacht owners, look into the feasibility of the project and report at the next meeting of the Council. W. H. Cruikshank, contractor for garbage disposal in the Town of Port Orchard, appeared and stated that disposal space ct the present garbage dump is sufficient to last only until about the first of next year, and asked that additional, space be secured for garbage dump. Following a discussion the matter was referred to the Health and Sanitation committee to visit the area owned by the Town, can which is located the existing garbage dump, and ascertain what can be done to increase facilities for garbage disposal on the tract. Joe O'Brien, representing the Duncan Meter Corporation, again appeared before the Council regarding sale of parking meters, Following a discussion and explanations, it was moved by Baker, seconded by Nichols and carried, that the Town purchase new meters to replace these now in service, at a price of $52.00, delivered in Port Orchard and installed ready for use, and the old meters now owned by the Town. It was agreed that all new parts new on hand would be re -purchased by the Duncan Meter Corporation from the Town, and that payment for the new meters should be made at the rate of t2.00 per month per meter in service; also that a two-year guarantee would be furnished with the new meters. Attorney presented formal resolution requesting the Commissioner of Public Lands of the State of Washington to initiate proceedings for vacation of Maple Street Waterway, as was directed by the Council at the meeting on Play 14, 1956. The resolution was read to the Council and it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Broughton that the resolution be passed as read. Mayor culled for vote on the motion and motion was declared carried, there being no dis- senting votes cast. Consideration of new plumbing code was continued. Councilman Nichols stated that he had been informed that a merchant patrol is being operated in Port Orchard vC thout sanction or co-operation of either the police or sheriff's departments. Chief of Police Wymore .stated that he was aware of this condition. The matter was discussed, and it was directed that the Attorney draw an ordinance governing the operation of merchant patrol service in the Town of Port Orchard. Superintendent reported that the new well is down to a depth of 596 feet, but that water in sufficient quantities has not been reached. lie stated that cost of continued drilling; would be at the same rate as the original contract, to - wit. $18.50 per foot; but that it might be necessary to continue with a 10-inch casing. Clerk gave a report on financial status of the Water Fund. Ordinance providing for emergency appropriation of 1%.,.l,500.00 for equipment re- pair in the Street Fund was presented on second reading and was passed unanimous- ly on motion by -tiepanich, seconded by Nichols and carried. Chief of Police was authoriged to experiment with ethyl gasoline in the police car, as he stated that best .results are not being obtained by use of regular cgasoline. Attorney Perrine stated that he had been contacted by Thomas E. Dunstan and II. F. Hustad, asking him to represent them in their legal matters,. and asked if the Council had any objection to his assuming this business. It was agreed that no objection existed. The following claims checked by heads of departments and by the Finance and Auditing committee, were read and ordered pi.id on motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND 4Y. L. Boatwright Police service 37.80 Donald C. Corey Police service 89.60 Kenneth ff. Berg Police service 25.60 Puget Sound Power & bight Town hall lights 92.15 Thompson's Engr. Dads for Clerk 3.10 SATER FUND '+Vorthingt on Corp. Puget Sound Power & Light Burroughs Corporation W. F. Bruhahn Gale W. Dow Beacon Electric Co. Shop Dort Orchard Electric: & Spt. Overall Cl. k.- Supply Co. Amos Bates Lester R. Helm Howard Cooper Corporation Totem Equipment Company Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. howe Motor Company W. L. Johnson Lester R. Helm Syril Wolf V. H. Raymond Sharer Digging Service Puget Sound Power & Light Rice Electric N. H. Stevenson Imperial Book Co. -Ilater meter parts Power for Pumping plants Trlachine ribbons Labor tending bumps Labor reading viater meters Repair pump switch Install bearings on pump motor Shop towels STREET DUND Labor sweeping Bay St. Labor on city streets Parts and labor on grader Counter shaft Service at Bay St. garage Service at Kendall St. Garage Special nuts SE�V;'JER FUND 126.76 279,52 6.26 31.04 2'7.16 10.33 23.25 3.42 11.64 130.68 311.55 26.58 1.60 2.00 1.07 Labor on Sweeny St. sewer line 46.56 Labor on Sweeny St. sewer line 15.52 Bulldozing on Sweany St. sewer line 42.00 Covering Sweany St. sewer line 40.00 Digging sewer line on Sweeny St. 127.50 PARK FUND Service at recreation center 13.58 Meter and labor at tennis deurt 25.09 Sharpen power mower 5.17 LIBRARY FUND Looks 0 26.19 Meeting adjourned on motion by :Saber, seconded by Clerk * A� Bra hta Vancried. Mayor Part Orchard, Washington June 11, 1956 Regular session of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Wa:h ington, called to called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Dusty C. Winebrenner, Harold G. Baker, Nick J. Repanich, George A. Broughton and Ray B. Hall; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer Olin M. Sprague. Minutes of meeting of May 28, 1956 read and approved. Councilman Repanich of the Water and Sanitation committee stated that his committee had investigated and inspected the well on the property of Mr. Howard Marvin. He reported it to be a 6" well, approximately 350t deep. He further stated that they had come to no conclusion at this time for a recommendation in regard to extension of the Town water system to residents of Sidney Read south of the Port Orchard town limits. It was agreed that the producing capacity of the new well and many other aspects of the situation wa uld have to be determine& before any action was taken by the Council. Mr. N. E. Larkin stated the residents interested in this proposed extension were forming a club to work with the Town of Pert Orchard in regard to this matter. Councilman Repanich, of the Parks and Playgrounds committee reported that a com- mittee from the Port Orchard Yacht Club had met with his committee relative to sub- leasing from the Town an area in the harbor area now under.lease to the Town from the State, to be used for Yacht Club moorage and facilities. Councilman Repanich further stated that probable location of proposed Yacht basin would be the'area dir- ectly behind Hannah and Powell Drug Stare and the Peninsula Feed Store. It was pointed out that this would be a more desirable location for access to facilities by yacht owners. Suggested area would be partially on private property and partially on State land. Also, the yacht club committee expressed desire to cooperate with Town policy in any way. Councilman Repanich said that his committee held a very .favorable opinion of the matter at this time. Mayor suggested that Yacht Club draw up their specifications and submit them to the Council for approval, prior to any action being taken. - Matter relating to increasing garbage dump facilities was continued to next meeting. Mayor reported that the contract had been signed for the purchase of 106 new parking meters by the Town of Pest Orchard from Duncan Meter Corporation. jYayor submitted a petition from Mamie H. McClenathan petitioning the Town of Pert Orchard for annexation of the following described property: That portion of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 36, Township 24 North, Range 1 East, W. M., lying between the 'Vest line of State Highway Number 14 and the West line of said Section 36. A resolution to hold a hearing on said annexation was passed on motion by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried. It shall be determined at the hearing whether or not property is to be annexed to.the Town. Hearing will be held July 9, 1956. Assistant Clerk was directed to notify Mrs. McClenathan of proceedings. Superintendent reported on matter of opening up alley located between Smith and Kendall Streets, beginning at Cline and running west to West St.; property owners to stand the cost of opening up and grading alley, and the Town to maintain it. Authority was granted Superintendent to proceed with the work. Superintendent also reported that the new well is down to a depth of 601t 5" with the 12" casing. A 10" casing will be used from here on. Water in sufficient quantity Mill has net been reached. Chief of Police Wymore reported that experiment in using all Ethyl gasoline in police car produced far better results in performance and mileage, than using all regular grade or half regular, half Ethyl gasoline. Mayor reported that the Merchant Patrol discussed at the last meeting had left town. Attorney stated ordinance governing the operation of merchant patrol service in the Town of Port Orchard was not ready at the present time. DiscussLon of traffic control problems at the Cline and Bay St. intersection was held. Mayor directed Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee to investigate problems relative to the Town's interests in the matter. The following claims checked by heads of departments and by the Finance and Auditing committee, were read and ordered paid an motion by Hill, seconded by Baker and carried. Ben J. Tyleier Kenneth IN. Berg 79. L. Boatwright Donald C. Corey Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Howe Hardware Port Orchard Oil Delivery CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Cutting grass, etc, at City hall Police service Police service Police service Chg tires, tub, oil chg -- police car Telephones & tolls, pol, fire, elk. Gas, police car Janiter supplies, City Ball Diesel oil, City Hall VIATER FUND N. F. Bruhahn Gary Deal Auto Parts 'Milkins Distributing Co., Inc. Port orchard-ochine Shop Sharer Digging Service Western Drilling & Equip. Co. Reel. ?,Machinery Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. American Plmbg & St. Sply Co. Sharer Digging Service Labor tending pumps at main plant Elec. fuel pump, v�;r mdse. Spark plugs, oil barrel PLunp br,. cke t Digging water ditch Progress payment #3 on new well Bearing for turbine pump Telephone & tolls Pipe & var. mdse. Digging water ditches STREET FUND G. A. Shackelford Lester R. '7L8Im Lester R. Pelm Union Oil Co. of Calif Totem Equip. Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Modern i:Tachinery Co., Inc. Port Orchard Machine Shop Bremerton Concrete Products Gary Deal Auto Parts Port Orchard Oil Delivery Wilkins Distributing Co., Inc. W. L. Johnson. W. L. Johnson The Puget Sound News Co. Ben J. Mteier Howe Hardware Labor on city streets Labor on city streets Labor sweeping Bay St --power swpr. Motor oil :Bearing for rrder Telephones & tolls Grader parts Repairs, welding, mdse. Culvert pipe Fittings and clamps Stove oil Gas and oil SE"0M FUND Sewer lateral installation Sewer installation LIBRARY I�'[JTJD Books PARK FU ND Labor at playfield 'Pail, hog rings iJ.eeting adjourned on motion by Hall, i Clerk YV� ., :: ;, ., 4� 28.00 103.04 30.48 77.28 4.65 53.40 3.02 1.95 75.35 16.49 25.22 B. Y6y4 . ! 6 10.00 2,059.98 26.12 12.65 144.89 20.00 91.18 139.68 52.38 46.00 10.05 23.35 10.02 21.97 54.83 1.76 8.78 137.69 40.00 78.50 27.94 49.00 2.18 seconded by Br g'ton and rried. MayQr"'�. i� Port Orchard, 'Nm shington June 25, 1956 Council called to order in regular session by I°v7ayor C. H. Largis, with Council- men George A. Broughton, Trick J. Repanich, hay B. siall, Dusty C. Winebrenner and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin 14. Sprague, and Police Officer John. Holland present. ".4inutes of meeting of June 11, 1956 read and approved. Mayor announced committee appointments 2s follows; Street and Alley committee: Ray B. Hall, chairman, George A. Broughton And Dusty C. Winebrenner; ;dater, Sewer, Health and Sanitation committee: Dusty C. Winebrenner, chairman, George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; Fire and Light committee: Harold G. Baker, chairman, Dusty C. Winebrenner and Ray B. Hall; Finance, Auditing and License committee: George A. Broughton, chairman, Harold G. Baker and Nick J. Repanich; Parks, Buildings and Playgrounds committee: Nick J. Repanich, chairman, Harold. G. Baker and Ray B. Hall. Chairman Winebrenner of the Health and Sanitation committee reported on an Investigation of conditions at the garbage dump, and stated that a tentative plan had been evolved which would provide desirable dumping area for a long period of time, and be less expensive than other means suggested. He stated that a meeting would be held by his committee with the Health Department in an effort to secure approval of the plan. A letter was received from Traffic Appliance Corporation regarding parking meters, and matters contained therein were referred to be taken up with repre- sentttives of the company, regarding shipments of old meter heads, freight charges, etc. Attorney presented ordinance governing use of police uniforms, carrying of firearms, etc. Ordinance was read to the Council and was passed unanimously by the Council, and signed by the Mayor, on motion by Repanich, seconded by Winebrenner and carried. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 629. Chairman Hall and Councilman Xinebrenner of the Street and Alley commI ttee made a report on traffic pattern on Bay Street between Port Street and Isitsap Street, and -Lee Caldwell also reported on conditions since the east side of Bay Street might be rolled to permit easier access to parking spaces available. Matter was discussed and referred to the Street and Alley committee for investigation and report. Hugh Brown and Bud Belknap, representing the "Days of 149" committee., appeared before the Council, and asked that the Town request tavern, cocktail lounge and club operators to hire uniformed officers to patrol their places of business and control use of liquor during the celebration in order to prevent liquor being taken outside for consumption, and to help preserve order during the celebration. They also asked than officer be placed in the carnival area, and that two officers be stationed on the parking lots, in addition to the regular officers. IYlatter was discussed and referred to the Police Department and License committee; the License committee to meet with the steering committee from the "Days of 149" in an effort to work out a satisfactory solution to maintain_ decency and order during the celebration. L. B. Hobinson and Lawrence J. Reilly, residing on Sidney Street, appeared be- fore the Council and requested some action to prevent speeding and reckless driving in the vicinity of Melcher and Sidney streets where serious accidents have occurred in the past. The matter was discussed, -and a suggestion that a blinker light be placed at the intersection was considered. Matter referred to the.Street and Alley committee. Clerk reported that the preliminary report from the State Census Board gave Port Orchard a populati©n of 2,850, an increase of 25 over the population for 1955. A letter from the Pert Orchard Garden Club, requesting use of the Taylor Street Recreation Center on the second Tuesday of each month starting in September, was read to the Council. Permission was granted for use of the building as requested, unless such use would conflict with youth activities. Yotices were received from the State Liquor Control Board of applications for various classes of licenses, as follows; M.. N. r-"artin et ux, d/b/a as Ralphrs Tavern; Viola Edwards et vir, d/b/a Capital Tavern; Verd W. Nichols and Dale P. See, d/b/a Port Orchard Tavern; Winebrenner's Food Store; Ray A. Reibel et u.x, d/b/a Port Orchard Mixer Shop; Wendell W. Bosley, d/b/a Star Tavern; Veterans of Foreign Wars; Robert Rylander et al d/b/a Myhre's Cafe, The Council went on record as having no objections to issuance of these licenses. Councilman Repanich reported that garbage is allowed to accumulate and is so me - times burned back of T B & PSI Market and Howe TvIoter Company, and stated that conditions appear insanitary and sometimes dangerous. Referred to the Health and Sanitation coirrrnittee. Superintendent reported that new well is down to approximately 635 feet, and that so far water in sufficient quantities has not been developed.. Councilman Winebrenner was granted leave of absence for three weeks, as he will be absent from town. Jack H. Rogers, publisher of the Port Orchard Independent, submitted draft of advertising campaign which it is proposed to run in connection with the Merchantfs program of courtesy parking tickets. Program was approved. The following claims, checked by heads of departments, and by the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on metien by Wine- brenner, seconded by Baker and Carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Kenneth Berg Police service Donald C. Corey Police service W. L. Boatwright Police service Columbia Electronics Sales Dynamotor for Police radio Trick & Ijurray Traffic books for Police Ben J. Meier Labor on city hall grounds V. B. Caldwell Padlock for police Puget Sound Power & Light Street lights Town Clerk Re-imburse for advanced expenses -4A`'ER I,UND 144.68 77.28 57.96 13.93 39.50 15.52 1.55 371.69 7.01 I-Vestern Utilities Supply Co. Meter stops, valves and fittings 176.07 Talbot Flbg & Htg Battery tester 6.72 V. B. Caldwell Pipe fittings and tools 8.14 Puget Sound Power & Light Power for pumping 343.14 G,le N. Dow Labor reading water meters 33.95 Town Clerk Re-imburse for 2 M Postal cards 40.00 P. 0. Machine Shop Slocum hardw..re Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Totem Equipment Co. Auditor, Kitsap County Modern 7:Iachinory Co. V. H. Raymond B. F. Jones T•.Zorrison Gravel Co. Star Mlachinery Co. Caldwell Trading Post Columbia Equipment Co. Port Orchard independent Garland Company Town Clerk Puget Sound Power & Light G. A. Shackelford Lester R. Helm Slocum hardware The Grrland Company Ben J. Meier Sharer Digging Service 3. L. Johnson STREET FUTID Repair truck 12.14 Shovels, belting, bolts, etc. 11.91 '+Lachine oil 4.58 Bevel Shaft --broom guard 44.83 Title and license for sweeper 1B.07 Bearing cap for grader 4.32 Equipment rental, hauling gravel 110.00 repair vo rk on shovel 1.4.78 468 yds. gravel 435.24 Sweeper parts 16.15 Paint and merchandise 7.12 Sweeper broom refill 46.55 Emergency Ordinance No. 628 6.74 Traffic Paint 66.20 Re-imburse -'or advanced expenses 1.50 Lights at Bay Street garage 1.60 Labor 159.08 Labor 156.17 PARK FUND Pipe, mower parts, paint, etc. 40.38 "aint and paint roller 57.70 Labor on park property 31.50 SE,iER FUND Digging sewer trenches 91 76.50 Labor on sewer lateral 5.63 LIBILZ RY TPUND Town Clerk Re-imburse for advanced box rent $ 1.10 Council adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Winebrenner and carried. �` _ % Clerk - ?: ayer Port Orchard, Washington July 9, 1956 Council of the Town of Pori; Orchard, Washington called to order in regular eating by iiayor C. H. La.r;is. Present Councilmen Harold G. Baker, Ray B. Hall Flick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley Y. Perrine; Superin- tendent of Public Works George F. Givens Engineer Olin T. Spra ue and Ps;trolman John F. Rolland. Absent Councilman Dusty C. Winebrenner. Minutes of meeting of June 25, 1956 read and approved. C. L. Ainsworth appeared before the Council and requested that the Town relin- quish its lease on that ?cortion of ilsarbor, area lying outside Lots 1-2-3-4, Block 11, Sidney Tidelands, and also on that portion lying outside part of Port Street. 114r. Ainswortla stated that he had contacted the State Department of Public Lands, and that he could secure a suitable lease tothe harbor area outside his land., if the Town ino uld relinquish that part of its lease; also that plans for his con- templated improvement had been approved by the Land Department. Following a discussion ,, it was moved by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried that a resol- ution be passed relinquishing that portion of the harbor area lying outside of Lots 1-2-3-4, Block 11, Sidney Tidelands, and also that portion lying outside a portion of Port Street, and that lelr. Ainsworth enter into a covenant with the Town to maintain Port Street for public use.. E. L. Larkin appeared before the Council relative to the annexation to the Town of an area lying south of gown in the Fernwood district. He stated that consid- erable interest had been evidenced at a recent meeting of residents of the a rea. Ile was told that definite details Mo uld have to be submitted to the Town, including land descriptions, number of residents, valuations, etc., before the Town could take any definite action., and !Ar. Larkin stated that the group contemplated hiring an Attorney to handle details of the matter. Councilman expressed interest in the proposition, and passed the matter for detailed application. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee, reporting on the committee's investigation of conditions at Sidney and Yelcher streets, stated that his committee does not favor the installation of a blinker light at the intersection at present, as they did not believe it would be effective. He stated that a plan to widen the street to its fullest possible width, and the installation of guard posts and reflectors was recommended. Following a discussion, it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Broughton and carried that Superintendent be authorized to make improvements at this point according to plans submitted by j the Engineer. Chairman hall of the Street and Alley committee, also reported on traffic pattern on Bay Street between Port and Kitsap Streets. He stated that the committee had no recorLmenda.tion to snake at this time, but that he had talked to the State Engineers in Olympia, and that T-4r. Manley from the State Department of Highways would be in Port Orchard on July 10, and would contact the Mayor regarding the traffic pattern. Councilman Hepanich stated that the Health and Sanitation committee desired further time to present ordinance to regulate garbage collection. More time granted. Clerk presented request for an emergency appropriation of $7,,500.00 for betterments and extensions to the water department. It was moved by Broughton, seconded by hall and carried that emergency ordinance providing; $7,500.00 for betterments and extensions to water system be passed on first reading. ^«otion carried unanimously. It was moved by Baker, seconded by Broughton and carried that Town pay expenses of Councilmen l�epanich and Hall and Superintendent Givens to attend meeting relating to natural gas distribution, in Seattle, on June 10, 1956. Letter from State Supervisor of Hydraulics stating that 95� is due for annual fees for Townes water right on 'Black Jack creek. Clerk authorized to make payment. Superintendent brought up the matter of drainage problem at intersection of Bay and Frederick Streets.. This was discussed and referred to the Engineer and Superintendent. Patrolman Holland reported that he had contacted the operators of taverns And cocktail lounges regarding extra uniformed police during the "Days of 149" cele- bration, and that they had informed him that they would co-operate in the matter, under the terms as laid down by the Town. The following claims, checked by heads of departments, by the members of the Finance and Auditing connnittee, and by members of the Council, were read and C", ordered pia id, on motion by, Hall, seconded by Baker and carried; CORR XT ExrtnS.z FUND Don ld C. Core W. t Boatwright Wilkins Distributing Co. Howe Hardware Standard Oil Co. of Cal Port Orchard Independent Ord. Cleveland Chevrolet Lindell. Radio & TV Port Orchard Oil Delivery Traffic Control Sign Co. Hannah & Powell Slocum Hardware Lester R. Helm G. A. Shackelford Ben J. Meier Police service Police service Ethyl Gasoline for police car Car cleaner and mop for police Gasoline for police car #629; typing paper for police Lub and oil, police car Convert police car radio to 12v Deisel fuel for city hall Traffic sign Supplies for Fire Dept. Merchandise Cleaning around fire hydrants Cleaning around fire hydrants Cutting grass at city hall WATER FUND Slocum Hardware Puget Sound Power & Light Overall Cleaning & Supply American Plbg & St Supply Co. Worthing-Gamon Meter Div. Fletcher & Company Western Drilling & Egpmt Co. W. F. Bruhahn Cleveland Chevrolet Port Orchard Machine Shop Port Orchard Oil Delivery Howe Hardware Western Tractor & Egpmt. Co. Wilkins Distributing Co. Lester R. Helm Lester R. Helm G. A. Shackelford IV. M. Prigger Ben J. Meier Puget Sound Power & Light W. M. Prigger The H. 1-11. Wilson Company Pipe fittings Energy at cathodic equipr.ient Shop towels Pipe fittings Waiter meter parts 2 M ledger sheets Progress pmt #4 on, new well Tending pumps STREET FUND Repair dump truck Spl bolts and nuts Deisel fuel Motor guards and tools Universal joint for grrder Gasoline Labor on streets Operating street sweeper Labor on streets Equipment rental PARK'FUND Labor at playfields Tennis court lights Equipment rental LIBRARY FUND Reference book HARBOR IMPROVEMENT ' `UND 115.92 154.56 56.68 2.7'7 5.21 17.60 1.01 36.17 79.49 10.09 2.07 .52 15.52 15.52 14.00 10.25 14.72 4.11 8.01 3.49 69.75 1, 975.82 15.52 79.89 1.03 18.84 11.29 20.99 106.19 124.16 65.59 124.16 80.00 49.00 2.00 55.00 $ 21.00 The F. E. Langer Agency Premium on lease bond 10.00 Meeting adjourned'on motion by Baker, seconded by Hall carried. Clork T�fa or Port Orchard, Washington July 23, 1956 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called `J to order by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick �-/ J. Repanich, Ray B. lull and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Norks George F. Givens;, Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of PoliceA. L. Wymore. Absent Councilman Dusty C. Winebrenner. Minutes of meeting of July 9, 1956 read and approved. A well -filled Council Chamber greeted the session when the meeting was opened, and :,1ayor Largis called for business from the floor. Gerald J. Popelka and other residents of Radey Street asked that a sidewalk be constructed on the west side of Sidney Street between Radey and T;Jelcher Streets for the protection of children going to and from school, it being pointed out that it is now necessary for pedestrians to walk on the street. Others who spoke on the matter were Ben Menees, Ray Kratz and other residents. Complaint was also made by these citizens that shrubs growing at intersection of Radey and Sidney Streets makes visibility very limited, and Asked that measures be taken to remedy this situation. G. C. Triplett stated that he planted the hedge on the northwest corner of Sidney and Radey Streets when he owned the property, and that the hedge was planted in the street right-of-way about four feet,. The property owners appearing were insistent that early measures be taken to construct the desired sidewalk and remedy the blind corners, and suggested that money might be raised among the interested property owners to defray the cost of the walk. Following a discussion, it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried that matter be referred to the Street and Alley committee, the Engineer and the Superintendent of Public :'Yorks with power to act. Mark Monosmith, Walter Williams, G. C. Triplett, L. IV. Coles and others voiced objections to barking dogs, and odor from incinerator, at the Kitsap Veterinary Hospital, stating that conditions were such as to constitute'& nuisance. Dr. E. W. Bloomquist, proprietor of the hospital, was present and after some ex- changes of ideas among objectors and the Doctor, Mr. Bloomquist stated that he would endeavor to correct objectionable conditions. Matter was referred to the Health and Sanitation committee to investigate and report back to the Council. A recent fatal accident near the corner of Sidney and Melchor Streets brought several residents from that locality to the Council meeting, demanding that some measures be adopted in an effort to prevent future accidents. Present ani addressing the Council were L. B. Robinson, Lawrence W. Reilly, Marry Lindall, Harold Meukow and others. The argruments became somewhat acrimonious at times, but nobody appeared to have the answer to the question or a remedy for immediate solution. Charles E. Kimble, a resident of the vicinity, suggested a series of stop and caution lights as a means of bettering conditions. Citizens were told of the measures adopted by the Council as to widening the street, placing guard posts and reflectors, vh ich work is to be done it the earliest possible time. Following a vigorous rhubarb and general discussion, the matter was referred to the Street and Alley committee, the Engineer and Superintendent to endeavor to work out the best possible solution and proceed with whatever measures are deemed advisable. This action taken on motion by Repanich, seconded cy Baker and carried. Health and Saanitiation committee granted more time to present ordinance regulating garbage collection. Mayor Largis stated that he had met with representatives from State Department of Highways concerning traffic pattern on Bay Street, and expected to have some information later. Ordinance providing for emergency expenditure of $7,500.00 from Water Fund for extensions and betterments to the water system, was presented on second reading and passed unanimously on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried.. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 631. Ordinance providing for annexation of that portion of Southwest Quarter of North- west Quarter of Section 36, Twp.24 North, Range 1 East, W. MT., lying between the west line of State Highway No. 14 and the '.',lest line of said Section 36, was read to the Council and passed on motion by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried, Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 630. Mayor brought up the matter of permitting political meetings to be held in the City Hall, and the Council went on record and against permitting political meetings in the building. Request was made by Little League to place banners across Bay Street to advertise Northwest Tournament Little League play-off at Givens Field. Council went on record as having no objection if banners are so p1aced that they do not interfere ( ) with traffic. Purchase of fertilizer for Little League baseball field was authorized. Councilman Baker reported that street light neaar Sroufe and Sidney Streets had been moved to new location for convenience of pedestrians. Superintendent reported on progress of new well, stating that conditions appear favorable to securing good supply of water in a few more feet of drilling. The following claims, checked by the Finance and Auditing committee and by the heads of departments, were allowed and ordered paid on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and. carried: CURRENT EXPEP SE FUIM Ben J. Meier Mowing and trimming at city hall 15.52 Ray B. Hall Expenses of officials to Seattle 6.25 Donald C. Corey Police service 103.04 Daniels Communication Serv. Parts for police radio 0.69 C:. A. Hanks Agency Premium, insurance on city hall 162.68 L. T.T. Curtis & Sons Supplies for fire department 25.36 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Police, Fire Rnd Clerk tel and tolls 54.60 C. P. Ainsworth Janitorts supplies 4.95 Puget Sound Power and Light Street I-Ights, 1?371.69; city hall tG2.40 454.09 Gale W. Dow W. F. Bruhahn Pacific Tel & Tel 'Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Overall Cleaning & Supply Western Utilities Supple Beacon Electric Co. G. A. Shackelford Lester R. Helm Columbia Equipment Co. Totem Equipment Company Puget Sound Power & Light Calvin S. Rhines Pacific Tel w Tel Co. HATER FUI'D Labor reading Deters Tending pumps at main Telephones and tolls Co Power and light at pump Co.Shop towelsCo. Yeter boxes Pipe fittings STREET P'J:M Labor on streets Labor on streets Sweeper repair, broom a Broom wire for sweeper Bay St. and Kendall S t . Moving dirt with loader Telephones and -tolls LIBRARY 14PU14D plant plants lad freight garages 29.10 11.64 12.00 296. ,0 2.56 68.34 .95 t 159.08 Imperial Book Company Books for Library The H. R. Iluntting Comp -any Books for Library PARK FUZZ Amos Bates Labor on park property? T J. Meier 'Natering and moFaing at ball fields Puget Sound Power & Light Co.Lights at Taylor St. recreation bldg. 14eeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried. 159.03 lf3.15 39.27 3.92 112.50 24,50 15.34 46.09 52.33 65.96 8.84 Clerk or �.�i t 4 le it :; Port Orchard, 'Washington August 11, 1956 We, the undersigned, regularly elected members of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, hereby call a special meeting of the said Council of the Town of Port Orchard, for 12:30 p. m., August 11, 1056, for the purpose of electing an Acting Mayor to serve during the absence of Mayor C. H. Largis from the Town; to pass an labor claims which have been presented, and for such other business as may properly come before the meeting;. Dated at Port Orchard, Washington this 9th d&y of August, 1956. n Port Orchard, Washington August 11, 1956 Pursuant to call signed by Councilmen R. B. Ball, Harold G. 12aker, Dusty C. Winebrenner and George A. Broughton, Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, met in special session this date. TIeeting called to order by Clerk in absence of T.Iayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Hall, Baker, Winebrenner and Droug?iton. Clerk called for nominations for Acting Mlayor during absence of Mayor Largis, and Councilman Ray B. Hall was unanimously Elected as Acting.ayor on motion by Winebrenner, seconded. by Baker and carried. Labor claims were presented to the Council and were allowed as follows on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Broughton and carried: CURREAT EXrBASE FUND Lester R. Helm Labor on fire hydrants 3.88 G. A. Shackelford Labor on fire hydrants 3.88 G. A. Shackelford Labor on fire hydrants 5.82 Ben J. Meier Cutting grass at city hall 21.00 INAT,vIi ITTUD IV. F. Bruhalm Tending pumps at booster plant 17.46 Lester R. Helm Labor on water lines 7.76 STREET FUIID Lester R. Helm Sweeping Bay Street, power broom 34.39 Lester R. Helm Labor on town streets 216.31 G. A. Shackelford Labor on streets 224.07 Amos Bates Sweeping Bay Street 3.88 PARK FUND Lester R. Helm Labor at Little League field 3.88 Jack Raney Labor at Little League field 12.00 Willard Mead Labor at Little League field 12,00 Ben J. Meier Labor at Playf fields 98.00 SEVER FUIIID 1V. L. Johnson Labor on sewer laterals 11.25 Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Broughton and carried. Clerk Acting Mayor Port Orchard, '!'lash ington August 13, 1956 Regular session of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Nashington, called to order by Acting Mlayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilmen Harold G. Baker and Dusty C. Winebrenner; Attorney Dudley If. Perrine and Engineer Olin ICI. Sprague. For lack of ai quorum, meeting was adjourned to August 14, 1956, at 7:30 P. M. on direction of the Acting !vlayor., IY ZY, A Clerk Acting Mayor Port Orchard, Washington August 14, 1956 Adjourned meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Acting Mayor R. B. 'fall. Present Councilmen Dusty C. Winebrenner, Harold G. Baker and George A. Broughton; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer Olin r-1. Sprague; Chief of Police A. L. Wymore. Absent �!ay©r C. H. Largis and Councilman Nick J. Repanich. Acting Mayor Hall, chairman of the Street and Alley committee, reported on in- vestigation of Sidney Street near the intersection of 114elcher Street. He stated that to date the lines have not been established, and that until this is done, definite plans cannot be made. Engineer stated that he would attempt to get the lines established within a fea days. Councilman Winebrenner suggested that a change in the grade south of Mlelcher Street might be an aid to bettering visibility and make for safer driving. Superintendent stated that pasts are being set on the east side of the street and that reflector markers would be placed on the posts. Attention of the Council was called to brush over the walks at Dwight and Cline Streets. This was referred to the Superintendent. 1-Jore time was granted to ?-iealth and Sanitation committee to report on investiga- tion at Veterinary Hospital. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee made a report on traffic pattern on Bay Street. he stated that the Highway Department requested a no -narking ban on east side of Bay Street from stop sign in front of City fall to Bank Street. It was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried that no parking be permitted on east side of Bay Street between the stop sign in front of City Hall to Lank Street. Superintendent reported t,-?t prospects for water in new well are promising and that it is expected to strike a flour within a few feet. A letter from Curley Creek Grange complimenting the Council on its e.f'forts to keep the coming "D�ys of 149 clean and free from. rowdism, was read and ordered filed. Councilman Baker brought up the matter of brush and grass being permitted to grow over sidewalks and vr:;lkways in town and asked that some measures be taken to have property owners clean walks in front of their property. Following a dis- cussion, it was decided tliat newspaper publicity sheuld be used, and an effort made to have property owners clean their walks voluntarily, before any action is taken. Preperty owners on DeKalb Street, west of Sidney Street, 1sked that work be done on that section of the Street to put it in good condition_. Referred to the Sup- erintendent.. Chief of Police asked if part-time patrolmen, wcrkinj; regularly on odd shifts, are entitled to vacations. Referred to the Attorney. A discussion of parkin; place for police car in down town area was held rafter the matter was brought up by Councilman Baker. It :aa.s suggested that parking place be changed from time to time, in order that no business house would be deprived of parking in front of its door, more than other business houses in town. No definite action taken. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing com -Ittee were read to the council. and ordered I:. id on m6tioil by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried: Fred R. lixson Donald C. Corey Wilkins Distributing Co. Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Port Orchard Oil Delivery Puget Sound Power & Light Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Gary Deal Auto Parts Howe Motor Company Puget Sound Perrer &; Light 11ilkins Distributing Co. 9"hompson's Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Sharer Digging Service CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Police service $ 115.40 Police service 206.08 Ethyl gas, batteries for police 78.17 Gasoline for police car 3.18 Furnace oil =or city hall 27.13 Street lights 371.69 Clerk, police, & fire tel. 54.80 Radio tubes for police 3.30 Repair fire truck 27.69 WATER FUND Power Pe light at all plants 389.96 Oil, spark plugs 9.01 Purchase order books 6.20 'telephones and tolls 18.40 Ir.ench for water lines 10.00 n n E 'WATER FUND 0 Lumber Supply Howe Motor Company Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Western Drilling & Egpmt. Co. American Plbg. & St. Supply Port Orchard Oil Delivery Wilkins Distributing Co. Limb e r Supply Anne Dowling Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Gpry Deal Auto Parts Port Orchard Machine Shop -eacific Tel & Tel Co. Syril Wolf Hitsap County Oil Storage E. R. Stevens Columbia Equipment Co. Morrison Gravel Company Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Lumber Supply Cookson Bros. Service L. R. Haiman Calvin S. Rhines Lumber Supply The H. R. Huntting Co. Puget Sound News Company Cement, lumber, etc. Lubricate truck Truce repair Progress payment on well Tap machine and parts STREET FUND Diesel fuel for grader GAsoline, etc. Lumber and supplies Chassis lubricator & grease gun Bay Street garage service Truck repair Brake fluid; fan belt, etc. Material and welding Telephone and tolls Mowing machine rental MC2 Road Oil Mowing machine rental Freight on broom Gravel and sand PARK FUND Tennis Court lights Paint, glass, lumber, nails, Repair mower tire Premium; insurance Taylor St. Ditching for sewer line Sewer tile, cement, etc. LIBRARY FUND Books for Library Books for Library 90.92 1.93 13.94 1.9824..10, 30.56 20.98 313.84 75.55 65.00 1.92 23.62 9.56 13.85 11.85 45.00 676,75 21.25 6.08 139.51 7.28 etc. 72.70 1.29 Rec. 93.60 22.50 457.78 81.63 8.50 Meeting adjourned an motion by Broughton, seconded by Winebrenner and carried. Clerk * * * ile ., ' * * * Mayor Fort Orchard, Washingt©n August 27, 1956 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Acting lviayor R. B. Hall, with Councilmen Dusty C. Winebrenner, Dick J. Repanich, George A. Broughton and Harold G. Baker, Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore present. Absent Mayor C. H. Largis. Minutes of meeting of August 14, 1956 read and approved. Acting iviayor Hall, chairman of the Street and Alley co' imittee, reported that his committee had made an investigation of conditions on Sidney Street, south of Melcher Street; that it had been established that a hedge on some of the property is in the street, and that the owner had agreed that the hedge could be cut out; that construction of a sidewalk had not been, definitely worked out. He also stated that detailed plans for improvement of the arena are being made by the En- gineer for consideration by the Council. Following a discussion it was moved by 'Ninebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried that matter be referred back to the Street and Alley committee and the Superintendent in an effort to work out some plan o;"' improvement which would be the most advantageous to the public, with right-of-way available. 14atter of clearing grass, brush and other debris from sidewalks was again discussed nr d Superintendent stated that he had made a check of property throughout the town and had found some places which should be cleaned up. It was moved by Wine- brenner, seconded by Repanich and carried that list of owners be furnished to Clerk and that Clerk write letters to property owners where walkways need clearing to proceed with the work at once. Councilman Repanich stated that members of tha Health and Sanitation committee, together with other members of the Council and the Superintendent had visited the garbage dump site in company with representatives of the local and State Health departments, and that the Health officials had agreed en the Town's plan for enlarging the dump area, their approval being conditioned on approval by the County Engineer. Superintendent reported on progress of the new well, stating that a good flow of water had been secured, and that it should be a much better flow when well is fully developed. Ordinance providing vacations and sick leaves for town employees was read and discussed, and matter of vacation for regular part time employees came up for consideration. This phase of the ordinance was referred back to the committee, and members of the committee reported that they were of the opinion that the ordinance was satisfactory as presented. It was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried that ordinance be passed as read. Ordinance adapted as Ordinance No. 632. Hugh Brown, general chairman for the "Days of 149" celebration appeared before the Council and stated corLnittee's desires regarding extra policing during the event. He asked for three additional patrolmen for the town during the celebra- tion and for three patrolmen on the carnival grounds. Following a discussion it was agreed that six additional patrolmen would be appointed by the Chief of Police, three of these men to be paid by the Town and three by celebration committee. Councilman Winebrenner.reported on his investir;ation of parking of police car in downtown area, and recommended that a suitable cover be secured which could be attached to meter designating the meter as a police car zone, and that park- ing place be changed from time to time to points to be selected by the Chief of Police. Following a discussion, it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carr ied that suitable cover for meter, designating parking space for police tsar, be secured, and that Chief of Police use his judgrgent in selecting various parking places for car. Chairman Winebrenner of the Health and Sanitation committee reported that his committee had held a meeting with Dr. E. W. 3loemquist regarding etnditi€+ns at the Kitsap Veterinary Hospital, and that they had been informed that there is no longer any burning of garbage, and that a wall had been erected around dog pens and an effort is being made to provide a sound -proof area. Superintendent presented a plan for striping certain streets in town for traffic guidance, and that he suggested striping the following streets: High and Bull Streets to the town limits; Sidney Street from Bay Street to the town limits; Cline Street from Bay Street to ?;elcher Street; Division Street from Cline to Sidney Streets; South Street from Sidney Street to Flower Street; Austin Street from Division to Dwight streets; Dwight Street from Cline to Austin Street; on Kitsap Street from Seattle Street to Rockwell, and around the curve on Rockwell; a total striping program of approximately three miles. Following a discussion, it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Broughton and carried that Superinten- dent be empowered to have this work done. A petition for the aannexrtion of certain property near the Tacoma -harper highway intersection wags presented, and date of hearing; set for September 10, 1956 Chairman. Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee reported on his investig- ation of need of -a intin€, outside of the :Lunicipal Building. He stated that all woodwork should be painted, and in some instarces scraped and sanded, and that at least one coat of paint should be applied to the walls of the building. Following a discussion, it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried that bids be called for furnishing labor and equipment to do the jab, and that Superintendent investigate purchase of material necessary for the job. The following claims, checked by heads of departments, and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion b, Baker, seconded by Broughton and carried: Donald C. Corey 'S. L. Boatwright Fred R . 'Nixs en Kitsap County Garage Town Clerk The Givens Company Roney's Inc. Trick & ,:'urray Pert Orchard Independent Traffic Control Sign Co. 'N . F . Bruh n lin Ben J. Meier Cleveland Chevrolet CU-R.RE17C EXPENSE: FUND Police service Police service Police service Install screen in police car Advanced expenses 2 graphite guns, Fire De?-)t. Refill oxygentanks, Fire' Dept.. Registration supplies, &to. Publish emergency ordinance Traffic Signs and reflectors Janitor service Cutting grass at city hall Repair police car 123.80 4-1.86 23.00 10.67 10.83 3.10 5.17 3'7.08 6.94 51.15 25.58 14.00 16.60 ME al ;JATER FUND N Kitsap County Garage Labor and parts on pick-up v 23.97 Town Clerk 2 r1 'Postals and supplies 4--0.4'7 Gale 111. Dow Labor reading water meters 29.10 W, F. Bruhahn Labor terdIng pumps 30.07 G. A. Shackelford Lester R. Helm Kitsap County Garage Modern Machinery C o . Overall Cleaning & Supply Saindon's, Inc. Rudd Paint & Varnish Co. Braaten Bros.. Ben J. Meier Service Fuel Co. Amos Bates STREET FUND Labor on streets $ 155.20 Labor on streets 159.08 Labor on grader and loader 5.34 Parts for grader 3.17 Shop towels 2.00 2 truck tires and tube 149.19 Traffic paint 229.81 Equipment rental 204.60 PARK FUND Work on playfields 56.00 Fertilizer application 31.62 Labor painting tennis court fence 36.86 LIBRARY FTJ-IM Mrs. A. P. Kunzelman Relief Librarian 20.00 P. S. Dews Company Books for library 18.69 Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by �Yinebrenner and carried. Clerk Vw- Mayor Port Orchard, Washington September 10, 1956 Council of the gown of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order in regular session by :;layor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen George A. Broughton, Ray B. Hall and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley K. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Narks George F. Givens and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore. Absent, Councilmen. Dick J. Repanich and Dusty C. Winebrenner. Minutes of meeting of August 27, 1956 read and approved. Henry E. Larkin and other residents of the district around Fernwnad was present and asked several questions about service and rates for water; what the possibilities for securing water service in that area from the town appeared to be, and stated that there is a great deal of interest out that way in be- coming part.of Port Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bushnell of 539 Yelcher Street appeared before the Council and complained about people in the neighborhood burning garbage, asserting that the practice created an offensive odor, Referred to the Health and Sanitation committee to investigate. Mrs. A. N. Jones, residing near the south limits of the town asked that better water service be provided for her property and showed a drawing outlining what it is proposed to do to the property in a development program. This was referred to the Water and Sewer committee and the Superintendent to investigate conditions, explore possibilities, and report back to the Council. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported on the condition of Sidney Street, south of Melcher. He stated that y.e believed that this is a "territorial road", and as such was originally platted Ps a 60-font right-of-way, and that he had been informed that there are Court decisions holding that these territorial roads continue in their original status. This matter was referred to the Attorney for an opinion. Mr. Hall also stated that a temporary sidewalk along the west side of Sidney Street will be constructed 4 thin a few days and that other changes and improvements will probably await report of the Engineer on existing right-of-way, and the Attorney for an opinion on the territorial road right-of-way. Superintendent givens reported that the well T,,To. 6 is flowing about 350 gallons a minute from a depth of 806 feet; that plans are being made to develop the well at that depth, and that the surplus pipe will be removed within a short time. Ile stated that he did not deem it advisable at this time to endeavor to go to greater depth, as conditions indicate that the present supply is ample and steady. Chief of Police Wymore stated that he had secured extra Dien for duty during the "Days of 149" celebration under agreements made with the committee and the operators of taverns, cocktail lounges, etc. This being the date on which matter of annexation of certain property in the vicinity of the Tacoma -Harper highway intersection was set for hearing, matter was called up by Mayer Largis. John. Tegstrom, owner of the property and the petitioner, was present and presented his case. No one appeared in oppos- ition, and fallowinE; a discussion, it was moved by B&ker, s econded by Hall and carried that petition be granted, Attorney to draw ordinance providing for annexation. John Tegstrom also stated that extra property had been acquired by the State Highway Department to prctect fill and provide for drainage at the time that Highway No. 14 had been constructed abutting; the property which had just been annexed. He stated that since that time that drainage had been provided to the satisfaction of the Highway Department, and that the hole had been filled, and asked that this narrow strip be vacated as part of the street. The matter was explained and discussed and was passed for action pending filing of pet- ition for vacation. Clerk presented Preliminary Budget for the ye;r 1957, and this was considered by the Council. It was carefully examined, changes made, and was adopted as the Prelinimary Budget on motion b�, Baker, seconded by Broughton and carried. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee stated that the alignment and grade on the cross --walk on Bay Street between the Mildred Cohen and M. H. Thompson property at the Frederick Street intersection is unsatisfactory and should be remedied. He said that it would be a considerable project which would probably require removing and replacing at proper level of pavement and providing new drainage facilities. This was discussed but passed for later action, pending report by Engineer. Chief of Police Wymore stated that school officials had asked .for stop signs from all entrances to the intersection at the foot of Mitchell Hill and Bay Street, as the construction of a building rear the intersection had reduced visibility. Referred to the Street and Alley committee.. The fallowing claims, checked by heads of departments, and by the members of the Finance and Auditing; committee, were reed to the Council and ordered rx id on motion by Baker, seconded by Broughton and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND W. L. Boatwright Police service � 37.28 Donald C. Corey Police service 64.40 A. V. Raygor Police service 38.64 Gould Sheet Metal Parking meter cover 10.85 Gary Deal Auto farts Globe, socket, ratchet - police 6.62 Everlite Display Lettering for meter box cover 3.10 Cleveland Chevrolet Oil change - police car 3.C2 Wilkins Distributing Co. Ethyl gss for police car 65.48 Standnrd Oil Co. of Calif. Gas - police 2.58 Peninsula Stationers Stationery - police 7.44 Alfred Pederson Labor cutting grass - City Mall 14.00 V. P. Caldwell Floor Wax 5.27 Port Orchard Independent Publishing Ordinance #632 32.30 WATER FUND Pacific Tel &: Tel Co. Telephone & tolls s 18.90 V. L. Caldwell Various merchandise 11.74 Wilkins Distributing Co. 2 - 5 gal. cans 18.83 Gary Dead Auto Parts Batteries, .socket, sna2k plug, etc. 45.65 Elliott Address. Machine Co. Stencils 22.51 STREET FUND G. A. Shackelford Labor on city- streets 133.86 Lester R. Helm Labor on city streets 136.77 Lester R. Helm Operating Power sweeper can Bay St. 64.02 F. L. Whitehead Sanding road oil cn city streets 31.04 Gale W. Dow Sanding; road oil on city streets 24.25 Gary Deal Auto Parts Truck parts 12.51 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephone 3, tolls 11.85 n STREET FUIM V. B. Caldwell Various merchandise Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Repair hoist coupling Wilkins Distributing Co. Gasoline Transport Clearings of P. S. Freight on signs Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Kerosene oil Howe Motor Co. Labor on truck Lester R. Helm Alfred Pedersen H. R. Huntting Co. P.1RK FUND Labor in city parks Lh>::or; rowing, watering, ball park LIBRARY FUND Books Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Baker and carried. in, 7.35 2.07 232,46 2.00 34.07 3.10 5.82 49.00 7.88 Clerk Mayor Part Orchard, 'Na.shington September 24, 1956 Council of the Town of Part Orchard, 'Nashin€ton called to order in regular session by Mayor C. H. La.rgis. Present Councilmen Harold G. Baker, Dusty C. Winebrenner and Ray B. Fall; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens;. Engineer Olin Y. Sprague and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore. Absent Councilmen George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich. Minutes of meeting cf September 10, 1956 read and approved. Chief of Police was asked to investigate complaint made by Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bushnell of burning of garbage on Melcher Street. Superintendent Givens reported that he had talked with Mrs. A. N. Jones regarding water service at her property south of town, and that they had plans for ultim- ately erecting several dwelling units on their property, for which they %z uld want adequate water service, brobably through a 4-inch main, but at the present time they were interested in better service through twe small taps. The matter was discussed and -the proposition of extra water service through small taps was referred to the Water and Sewer committee and the Superintendent. Superintendent also stated that a temporary sidewalk has been constructed from I,ielcher Street south to neap.- the center of the Ha -ry Radey property on the west side of Sidney Street, and would be extended to Radey Street when conditions permit. Superintendent reported that the surplus 10-inch casing has been removed from the new well, and that removal of the surplus 12-inch casing will be in progress this week, and that the contract should be completed shortly. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley coirnittee, during a discussion of the extension of the waterfront parking lot by property owners and business men, suggested that the opening of Wiest Street and use of the surplus dirt for the proposed fill, should be considered. He stated that this might prove to be a project which would be beneficial both ways, and that it should be taken into consideratien in the planning. Engineer was instructed to look into the matter and provide data as to grade and alignment of West Street. Engineer was also directed to investigate placing of drain extensions and man -holes on proposed new fill. Matter of crosswalk on north side of Sidney Street between Thompson and Cohen property was referred to Street and Ailey committee, the Engineer and the Superin- tendent. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee stated that he had looked into the matter of stop signs from all directions at the intersection of Mitchell Road and Bay Street, and recommended no change in the present arrangement. He stated that as part of the property is outside the town limits, that the town has no authority to erect signs in this area, and that present signs seem adequate for protection of the public. On motion by Winebrenner, seconded by ball and carried, it was directed that parking meters be placed on sidewalk on east side of Frederick Street north of Bay Street. Oscar Ramsey appeared before the Council and asked permission to construct and operate a burner for disposal of refuse from a pile pealing machine. This was discussed from many angles, and Attorney explained the legal angles of the proposition, and it was s-i gested that its construction and use might be objec- tionable to neighboring property owners and that an easement be secured from these property owners and residents consenting to the construction and operation of the burner. This Mr. Ramsey said he would do and report back with his findings at the next meeting of the Council. Mr. Ramsey also asked for the vacation of Short Street, north of Bay Street, as he owns the property on both sides of the street; that the street is not used as a thoroughfare and is daangerous to the public in its present condition. The Council expressed themselves as opposed to vacating the street, but on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried, it was directed that the street be barricaded, as it is unopened, unimproved, not used for street purposes and Is dangerous in its present condition to the public. The extension of a drain across i%lr. Raamsey's property 13 necer 4ary and lie asked concerning the extension. He was informed that a continuation of the 24-inch drain now serving should be made to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Public arks. Atterney reported that he had investigated the suggestion that Sidney Street is a territorial road, anti thus is sixty feet in width, and had found some auth- orities for the contention, but that he would like further time to So into the matter to a greater extent. More time granted. The following claims, checked by heads of departments zind by Councilmen Baker of the :Finance and Auditing committee, and other members of the Council, were read and ordered paid on motion by hall, seconded by Baker and cal. -Tied: Donald C. Corey Vd. L. Boatwright A. V. Raygor Fred R. Wixssn L. N. Curtis & Sons Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Pert Orchard Independent Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Puget Sound Power &. Light Co. Alfred Pedersen Overall Cleaning & Supply Gale W. Dow A. H. Cox & Company Western Drilling & Eqpt. Co. CURRENT EXPENSE FJND Police service 38.64 Police service 43.47 Police service 91.16 Police service 85.33 Spikes and fuses for Police 18.52 Clerk, Police and Fire telephones 52.50 Call for bids, paint city hall 8.57 City hall li Ghts (214onths ) 82.40 Street lights 371.69 lJowing and trimming city hall gr. 14.00 :9'ATER FUND Shop towels 2.88 Labor reading water meters 29.10 TJ*gneta for auxiliary engine 62.63 Progre s s payment on V. ell #6 659.78 STREET FUND G. A. Shackelford Labor on streets 163.93 Lester R. helm Labor on streets 155.20 Nelson Repair Shop Hydraulic pump parts 5.63 V. H. Rxym©nd Hauling gravel 50.00 Bremerton Oil Road Oil 286.13 Morrison Gravel Co. Sand and gravel 197.62 Columbia Equipment Co. Broom for sweeper 54.15 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service art Kendall St. garage 2.00 Cascade Natural Gas Corp. Propane gas 2.36 LIBRARY FUND The Ii. R. :iuntting Co. Books for Librr.ry 24.13 Gaylord Bros., Inc. Supplies for Library 15.09 PARK. FUND Alfred Pedersen Labor can playfields 24.50 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Lights at Taylor St. Hecr. Center 8.16 P:Teeting adjourned on motion by Broker, seconded by 11l1re")re and a ied. Mayor n n n Port Orchard, Washington October 1, 1956 This being the date fixed by Statute for hearing on the annual Bfidget, Mayor �) C. H. Largis called the meeting to order at 7;30 p. m. Present Councilmen Dusty C. Winebrenner, Harold G. Baker and R. B. Hall, and Attorney Dudley N. Perrino. N Proof of proper notice of hearing on budget was submitted, and Mayor called for anyone present that so desired, to be heard on the budget or any item therein contained. There being no one who desired to be heard, it was moved` by Baker, seconded. by Hall and carried that the Budget be adopted as submitted and advertised, and that Ordinance adapting the Budget and fixing the tax levies for the year 1957 be passed are read. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 633. Meeting adjourned on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Hall and carried. Clerk Port Orchard, Washington October 8, 1956 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor C, H. Largis, with Councilmen Nick J. Repanieh, R. B. Hall, Dusty C. Winebrenner and Harold G. Baker, Attorney Dildley N. Perrino; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of P0,11ee A. L. Wore, present. Absent Councilman George A. Broughton. Minutes of regular meeting of September 24, 1956 and Budget Hearing meeting of October 1, 1956, read and approved. V B. Caldwell, owner of property in Block 8, Sidney, appeared before the Council and.asked about parking regulations on Bag Street fronting his property, Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee explained the problems entering -into the parking regulations in this area. A suggestion was made by Lee Caldwell that perhaps a cross -walk should be designated somewhere in the block.. It was also suggested that changes in the curb alignment would be a benefit. `The various problems were discussed, and the matter was referred to the Street and Alley com- mittee and the Superintendent to investigate and report. Mrs. A. N. Jones again appeared before the Council regarding water service to her property lying south of the town limits, indicating that in the futa*ure service would probably be desired for several dwellings on the property. Chairman Wine. breAner of the Water and Sanitation committee explained the problems confronting the town in extending water service outside the limits of the town id th present facilities, but indicated that future planning might point a way to extend service beyond the town limits. Felix Warhoe, resident on Maple Street, appeared before the Council regarding obstructions on roadway in that vicinity. Matter was referred tb the Engineer. It was stated that complaint about burning of garbage in the south part of town would be investigated by the Health Department. Superintendent reported that Well No. 6 is practically completed; that it is pro- ducing in the neighborhood of 400 gallons per minute; and that specifications are being worked out to provide for putting the well in service. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that he, in company with the Engineer, had gone over the suggested West Street approach to the Town from the south, and had found that such a thoroughfare appears practical. Preliminary draw - Ingo showing approximate grades and other data were shown to the Council. After a discussion, it was suggested that an investigation be made of Railroad Avenue approach in connection with a new thoroughfare into town. A discussion was held regarding a comprehensive plan of improvement to the water system, looking to needs in the future, in order that any improvements made would tie into a permanent system of facilities and be adequate for future needs. This was referred to the Engineer and the Superintendent to prepare such a plan. Mayor Largis brought up the matter of the apparent necessity of increased rates for water service in order to meet necessary costs of increasing and bettering the service. He pointed out that rates an now in offset were established over fifty years ago, and that costs of operation and construction are five or six times greater now than at that time; and that in order to adequately serve the public that it'would be necessary to increase rates. This was referred to the Water and Sanitation committee for investigation and report. Ordinance No. 634, providing for the annexation of the John Tegstrom property, hearing on which was held and annexation approved on September 10, 1956, was read to the Council and passed on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried. Chief of Police stated that siren on police car is the property of Alan Totten, fire chief, and asked that he be' authorized to purchase a siren for the Police car. Hb was directed to investigate -type and cost of siren desired and report to the Council. Clerk submitted report of financial condition of Water Fund, showing a balance of $6,431,21 in fund as of this date, The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and'Auditing ammmittee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on notion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried. Fred R. Wixson Donald C. Corey raffic Control Sign Co. aoific Tel & Tel Co. Olympic Iron & wahine Works Port Orchard Independent Pioneer, Inc. The Givens Co. Town Clerk P. 0. Oil Delivery Wilkina Dist. Co. Sterling P Norton George A. Thornton Alfred Pedersen Police service Police service Traffic signs and reflectors Clerks Police and Fire tel and tolls Repair ,scaffold hook Publish budget and notice of hearing Registration supplies Insulated wire cutters for Fire Dept. Various advanced expenses Deisel fuel for town hall Gasoline for police Painting at town hall Painting at town hall Mooring and trimming at town hall grds. 17.28 90,16 149,42 54,30 2.07 30.95 25.62 11.38 8.67 99.01 52.38 128.00 184.00 14.00 RATER FUND Puget Sound Power &Light Co. Power and Light for plants 346.26 Cookson Bros. service Tire repair 1.29 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 28.48 Town Clerk Various advanced expenses 27.76 Peninsula Feed Co. Burlap bags 2.88 STREET FUND Cleveland Chevrolet Replace spring shackle 3.50 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 11.85 Gary']Deal Auto Party Parts and material 3.50 P. 0. Machine Shop Labor and material 8.27 G. A. Shackelford Labor 155.20 Lester R. Helm Labor 227,95 Puget Sound Power & Light Bay Street garage service 3.20 Peninsula Feed Co. 2 sax of salt 2.48 Modern Machinery Co. Farts for grader 4.15 Wilkins Distributing Co. Gasoline and oil filters 118.65 PARK FUND Peninsula Feed Co. Fertilizer for ball field 13.44 Puget Sound Power & Light Tennis court lights 2.00 Alfred Pedersen Labor on park grounds 15.75 Sharer Digging Service Trenching for sewer and water 85,100 W. L. Johnsen Installing sewer at new club house 36.00 Town Clerk The H. R. Huntting Co. !pirw�U-X `W410 4] P. 0. box rent Books for library a1• fM�s Town Clerk Chalk line re-imbursement Meeting adjourned on motion by Halls seconded b:7 Bake n C Clerk 1.10 9,22 .52 d, Mayor Port Orchard, Washington October 22, 1956 Regular meeting of the Council of the Torn of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C, H. Largis. Present Councilmen Harold G. Baker, Dusty C. Wine-. brenner, Ray B. mall and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague, and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore. Minutes of meeting of October S. 1956 read and approved. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that he, together with the Superintendent, had investigated the parking problem on Bay Street in front of the Caldwell property, and suggested that the curb north from the ramp to the fire station to the Caldwell property line be rol]ed so that it would be possible to drive over it'to the Caldwell parking space in front of the store, would ease the problem and provide for better conditions. Report accepted by the Council. Engineer was granted further time to investigate and report on reported obstructions on roadway in vicinity of Maple Street, complained about by Felix Warhae. Further time was granted in which to make further surveys and investigation of pos- sible routes for a thoroughfare south from Bay Street to the town limits, in the vicinity of West Street and Railroad Avenue. It was suggested that various routes be explored with a view to making report to the State Department of Highways. Chairman Winebrenner of the Water and Sanitation committee reported that his comm. mittee had met and considered water rate adjustments, but recommended that definite report and recommendations be delayed until the progress plan of improvement of the system is submitted, in order that financial needs of the system may be more accurately estimated. Superintendent submitted list of materials and approximate cost of improvements and extensions to the water system, which he deems necessary to be done at this time. Council considered the estimate, and it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried that bids be called for f"urnishing.the materials required, bids to be opened at the meeting of the Council on November 13, 1956. Superintendent also submitted list of materials and costs of materials used in improvements at Givens Field, which materials had been supplied by the Sewer Depart- ment for the Park Department. On motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Repanich and carried.. Clerk was directed to transfer the sum of $176.49 from the Park Fund to the Sewer Fund, as the cost of the materials used. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee reported that his committee had met with a committee from the Active Club with relation to the building being constructed at Givens Field by the Active Club as a recreation building. He stated that construction of the building is progressing, and that it is near the finishing stage; but that this work will be delayed until windows are installed and a heating plant installed. A discussion of specifications for a heating plant adequate to serve the building was held, and it was agreed that heating engineers be consulted before any definite action is taken. It was also stated that the Active Club desired that the Town pay the cost of the heating plant. Following a discussion it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Hall and carried that Mayor and Clerk secure in- surance on the building, covering gliss breakage and other features, in the amount of $15,000.00. Clerk submitted financial statement of the Water Fund and asked for an emergency appropriation of 5,000,00 to handle the cost of improvements contemplated, and he also asked for an emergency appropriation of $10200.00 for town hall maintenance to meet the cost of painting the building and deficiencies which have accrued during the year. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Winebrenner and carried, request for emergency appropriations was granted, and ordinance providing for these emergencies was passed unanimously on first reading. Superintendent was directed to secure sample pf water from Ross creek where it is effected by drainage from garbage track, and have same analysed. Dale Morrison of 1316 West Street appeared before the Council regarding drainage t ' difficulties near his property. Referred to the Street and Alley committee. Chief of Police asked about the status of the employment of Donald C. Cores, who is on regular employment four days a week. This was referred to the Attorney who stated that under the terms of the ordinance No. 632, Mr. Corey is a regular employee. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee reported that dirt is sloughing off the bank against the fence at the Little League field. This was ref- erred to the Superintendent. Councilman Repanich also brought up the matter of a possible street connection between Hull Street and Cline Street somewhere in the vicinity of Sroufe Street, Engineer stated that as data is accumulated regarding thoroughfare in the West Street area, that perhaps some means might be found to establish such a connection. Copy of ordinance covering garbage collection, in force in Anacorteas, was submitted by the Health and Sanitation committee, and Clerk was directed to request copies of amendments to this ordinance from the City of Anacortes. Councilman Winebrenner asked for permission to have some trees out on Austin Street near its intersection with Dwight Street. This was agreed to by the Council,, pro- vided debris and brush was cleaned up. The following olaime, checked by heads of departments and. by Councilmen Repanieh and Baker of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried: Thompson's Port Orchard Independent Transport Clearings Puget Sound Poorer & Light Donald C. Corey W. L. Boatwright, Stephenson Corporation Tilton Sales & Service Alfred, Pedersen Sterling P, Norton Goo. M. Thornton The Garland Company Lumber Supply Pioneer, Inc. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Typing paper and blotters Publish Ordinance No. 635 Freight Streetlights Pollob service Police service Drunkometer test kits Repair blinds in Police station Mowing and trimming at city hall Painting city hall Painting city hall Aluminum roof coating, city hall Paint and material for city hall Registration supplies WATER FUND Western Drilling & Egpmt. Co. Progress payment on Well No. 6. Puget Bound Power & Light Power and light at pump plants Gale W. Dow Labor reading meters Lester R. Holm G. A. Shackelford Airway Striping Service Lumber Supply Puget Sound Power & Light i E Alfred Pedersen W. L. Johnson Bremerton Cone. Products Co. Lumber Supply Johns -Manville Corp. Labor on streets Labor on streets Striping streets Lumber, Nails, Cement, etc, Bay street garage f7ic�ii�r,Ti�7 Mowing Little League field Labor on sewer to Active Club bldg. Well casing and covers SEWER FUND Sorer pipe for stock pile Saddles for transite sewer pipe Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Re ankh an rried. H 0 .2 4.85 8.28 4.00 371.69 103.04 25.76 17.34 13.38 7.00 44.00 64,00 95.00 217,53 16.80 713.00 304.90 29.10 166,84 155,20 118038 88,30 3,20 5.25 9.00 12.09 296.24 39.89 Cler ayor Part Orchard, Washington November 13, 1956 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilman Nick J. Repanich, Ray B. Hall, Dusty C. Winebrenner and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Superinten- dent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police A."L. Wym6re. Absent Councilman George A. Broughton, Minutes of meeting of October 22, 1956 read and approved. Mrs. A. N. Janes appeared before the Couzwil relative to her property adjoining Port Orchard on the Sidney road, and expr tided an inclination to have her property annexed to the Town. Matter. of water and' sewer service to the tract was discussed, and conditions concerning these problems were referred to Water and Soarer committee and the Engineer„ Engineer reported that he had investigated complaint by Felix Warhoe, property owner on Maples Street; had found corner stakes and other data,, and that i� did not .appear that any obstruction is in the street. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley c emmi.ttee reported that he and the Engineer had gone .over a projected outlet from the Town over the Railroad Avenue route* had run preliminary lines and that the route appeared feasible** that an approximate grade of 3% appeared possible. It was suggested that a conference be held with representatives of the State Department of Highways and with county authorities, regarding the proposed route, In connection with his report, Mr. hall stated that it might be passible to establish andeast-serest c annection between Hall and Cline Streets in connection with the project. A general discussion was held regarding increase in water rates, and Chairman Winebrenner of the dater and Sewer committee stated that his committee had consid- ered the matter; had made estimates of returns from certain increases, but asked further time to give a definite report. He stated that it was the opinion of the committee that rates should not be established until progress program is submitted by the Engineer. Engineer Sprague stated that he believed a definite plan of ex- tension and improvement could be completed by the first of the year. Attorney Perrino stated that he had been contacted by several people in the vicinity of Givens Field, complaining of conduct of youngsters in that area. This was discussed and was referred to the Parks and Playgrounds committee to investigate and report„ Attorney also submitted petition by John Tegstrom. et ux., praying for the vacation of a portion of a thoroughfare adjoining their property at ,the Tacoma -Harper Highway intersection. Petition was received .and -date of hearing on petition was set for December 10, 1956, on motion by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried. This being the date on which bids were to be received for pipe and fittings for extension to the crater system, Clerk reported that five bids had been received. Mayor directed that bids be opened, and the following submitted tenders; Western Utilities Supply Company; Pacific Water Works :Supply Company, Pacific States Cast Iroh Pipe Co.; United states Pipe and Foundry Company and H. D. Fowler & Company„ Bids were examined by the Council and were referred to the Water and Bearer Committee (Councilman Hall to act with the committee) and the Superintendent, to tabulate the bids, and with .power to act in making awards. This action was taken on motion by Baker, seconded by Hall and carried. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee reported that his committee hack under consideration proper heating facilities for the new building at Givens Field, but so far no decision has been reached, He stated that heating engineers would be consulted, and that a definite recommendation would be made in the near future. Chairman Winebrenner of the Water and Sewer committee reported that samples of water from Ross Creek headwaters in the vicinity of the garbage tract had been taken and that analysis showed that this water is unusable. Further samples were to be taken to establish conditions of the water in that area. Further time was granted for submission of garbage ordinance, as•Chairman Winebrenner of the Sanitation committee stated that satisfactory ordinance for this community has not yet been compiled. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that an inspection of a drainage problem on the Dale Morrison property at 1316 West Street had been made; that the water complained of follows a natural drainage course, and as it is on private property, there is no responsibility to the Town. Emergency Ordinance providing for emergency appropriation of $5,000.00 in the Water Fund for extensions and betterments, and of 01.92004,00 for Torn hall maintenance, which was introduced at the meeting of October 22, 1956, was read to the council and passed unanimously by the members of the Council present, on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried. Superintendent asked if there is any responsibility by the Town in maintaining the parking lets on the water front. This was discussed, and it was the opinion of the Councilmen as expressed that the Torn has no responsibility in the matter. A letter from MccCutcheon & Sawyer, law firm in Tacoma, regarding civil serviee'status for Lthe police force was read and considered. This was referred to the Finance and Auditing coamittee$ together with Councilman Winebrenner, for investigation and report. Councilman Repanich stated that he had been approached several times for permission to establish a rental trailer camp at the corner of Kendall and Cline Streets. This was discussed, and application to establish such a court was denied on motion by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried. Clerk stated that a request had been received from the members of the Annapolis Sewer Commission that a joint meeting of the Commission and the Council of Port Orchard be held to talk over possibilities of joint participation in sewer disposal facilities. Council agreed that a meeting be called for November 19, 1956 at the Torn Hall, if date is satisfactory to the Annapolis Sewer Commission. Clerk was directed to write letter to J. C. Claypool, District Highway Engineer, in- forming that action had been taken to eliminate parking on east side of Bay Street from the Town Hall to Bank Street. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Councilmen Repanich and Bakerof the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Winebrenner and. carried. CURRENT EXPENSE FM (� Donald C. Corey Police service 167.44 W. L. Boatwright Police service 141.68 A. V. Raygor Police service 90.16 Fred R. Wixson Police service 6.44 L. N. Curtis & Sons Siren for police car 67.17 Saindont's, Ind. Tires & remolds for police car 62.70 Peninsula Stationers Typewriter ribbon & staples„ police 2.84 V. B. Caldwell Padlecks for police 2.10 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Seal beam unit for police 2.38 Cleveland Chevrolet Parts & repairs - police oar 32.18 Cleveland Chevrolet Repairs, lub, oil chg - police car 62.97 Port Orchard Independent Police Dept. cards (100) 7.75 Pacific Coast Stamp Works Polices badges f8l 29.15 Wilkins Distributing Co. Anti -Freeze, ethyl gas - police 64.70 George F. Cake Co. Reddone for flashlight - police 3.41 Part Orchard Independent Call for bide for pipe & fittings 11,89 Traffio Control Sign Co. Traffic 'signs 10.33 Port Orchard Oil Delivery Deisel fuel, city hall 77,50 Trick & Murray Election supplies (certif. of reg.) 8.08 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Clark, fire & police tel & tolls, 53.85 V. B. Caldwell Paint thinner 3.03 American Plmbg. & St. Splp. Co. 211 black pipe for parking meter post 54.47 Jeseph Tuba Trimming shrubbery 16.00 Howe Motor Company Repair heater on fire truck 5.65 Transport Clearings of P. S. Freight 2.00 WATER FUND Pacific Tel do Tel Co. Telephone & tolls 12.00 V. B. Caldwell. 3/4 shackle 1.03 Olson Shoot. Metal Works Recmre radiator 54,33 Gale W. Dow Labor reading water meters 5.70 Howe Motor Co. Truck repair 48.45 n STREET FUND Lester R. Helm Labor on city streets 224.07 Lester R. Helm Power sweeping Bay St. 87.30 G. A. Shackelford Labor on city streets 217.28 Totem Equipment Co. Dirt shoe strips for sweeper 8.29 Overall Cleaning & Sply. Co. Shop towels 2.74 Wilkins Distributing Co. Gasoline 76.99 Cleveland Chevrolet Tubing .21, Standard Oil Co. Oil 4.58 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephone & tolls 26.65 V. B. Caldwell Cable, nails, tools, etc. 24.42 Port Orchard Lachine Shop Labor & material 4.65 LIBRARY FUND H. R. Huntting Co, Books 8.12 Puget Sound News Co. Books 65.87 Pert Orchard Oil Delivery Stave ail 7.92 C. A. Hanks Agency Insurance premium on Active bldg. 55.71 V. B. Caldwell Spring for Re* Mowe 1.30 Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Rep ich and ar ad. ' f Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington November 26, 1956 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, �3 called to order by Mayor C. H. %argil. Present Councilmen R. B. Hall, Dusty 0. Winebrenner, Harold G. Baker and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague, and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore. Minutes of meeting of November 13, 1956 read and approved. Mrs. A. N. Jones appeared before the Council and presented a petition for the annexation of certain territory owned by her and her husband, and also property n owned by Art Orijudes at ux., to the Town of Pert Orchard. The petition was received and referred to the Attorney and the Engineer for checking and report back to the Council. Tom Dunstan and Guy Strickland appeared before the Council relative to establish. ment by the Town of streets on the vacated Maple Street waterway. After a con.. Terence, Mr. Dunstan agreed to furnish detailed plans of the proposed improvement to the Council at its next meeting. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that he and Councilman Winebrenner had met with Les Plymale of the State Department of Highways relative to a new connection through Pert Orchard toward Highway 14 south of pert Orchard. That they had not received much encouragembnt of state participation, but had been advised to continue with the program which had been started for promotion of the connecting link. It was decided to prepare a pre- liminary from Bay Street in Part Orchard, along the proposed Railroad Avenue route, and to extend to the new state highway, and to contact State Highway offloials for a conference in which representatives of the Town government, -the County and Chamber of Commerce would take part. Chairman Repanieh of the Parks and Playgrounds committee was granted further time for investigation of reported conduct of youngsters at Givens Field, and also for definite recommendation on heating equipment at the new building being constructed by the Active Club. Chairman Winebrenner of the Water and Sewer committee reported that his committee, with Councilman Hall, sitting in as a third member, had gone over the bids for pipe and fittings referred to the committee on November 13, and had consulted with the Superintendent; and had adjudged the bid of the Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Company and that of H. B. Fowler company as the best bids. Action of the committee was ratified on motion by Hall, seconded by Baker and carried. Further time was granted to the Finance and Auditing committee for a report and recommendation regarding Civil Service status for the Marshal and his deputies. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee presented the matter of entrance to the proposed Maple Street shopping center, stating that the State Department of Highways is interested in this matter. This was continued for two weeks, when it is expected that proposed plans of the development will be available. Councilman Baker brought up the matter of trash on the sidewalks in certain areas,, and Chief Wymere stated that he would again contact the property owners in an effort is secure action, Councilman Repsanich stated that complaint had been made that roll of black top material on Austin Street is net marked for night driving, and it was agreed that reflector markers should be placed on each end of the roll to warn motorists. Clerk stated that warrants numbered from 1 to 34, in the amount of $40789.859 had been issued against Local Improvement District No. 56, (Division Street Sewed, to the contractor in payment for the construction of the serer system in that area; that warrant No. 1 is for $1,OOO.O0; warrant No. 2, for 500.00; warrant fie. 3 for $250.00* warrants No. 4 to 33 inclusive are for $100.00 each, and warrant No. 34 is for 39.85; that money has not been received in amounts as indicated when the job was ordered, and that interest is accumulating on the entire issue, an sufficient funds have net been received to pick up the first warrants. He further stated that he had contacted a representative of the Division of Municipal corporations, who had stated that new warrants should be issued to pick up the original warrants; that accumulated interest should be paid to the warrant holders by check from funds so far collected in the district, and that the new warrants should bear interest from the date of issues. That the Council should pass a resolution authorising the Issuance of the new warrants in amounts that can be redeemed more readily. Follow- ing a discussion of the matter and advice from the Attorney, it was moved by Repanich, second by Winebrenner and carried that resolution be passed authorizing issuance of new rants to redeem the original issue, and that interest so far accumulated be paid to warrant holders from funds on hand. Superintendent stated that the City of Bremerton has a front-end loader Mich is to be replaced by a larger machine, and which is for sale, He stated that the machine would be very useful to the Town, and that he believed that it might be secured for about $700.00. After a discussion, it was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that bids be called for a used front-end loader, on specifications to be furnished by the Superintendent, and that right be reserved to reject any and all bids. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Councilmen Repanich and Baker of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Hall and carried: Donald C. Corey Police service 90.16 W. L. Boatwright Police service 25.76 Part Orchard Independent Publish Ord. #6351 200 cards, Pol. 15.06 Puget Sound Power & Light Street and Town Hall lights 461.99 WATER FUND Worthington Gamon Motor Div. Water meter parts $ 60.94 Puget Sound Power & Light Service at main plant, cathodic, 279.92 wells four and five STREET FUND G. A. Shackelford Labor on city streets $ 139.68 Lester R. Helm saber on city streets 139.68 Overall Cleaning & Supply Shop towels 2.31 Puget Sound Power & Light Service at Bay & Kendall garages 5.20 Thompsonn's Time book 2.53 Kitsap County Road oil 220.50 LIERARY FUND Paget Sound News Co. Superior Publishing Co. 4 Puget Sound Power & Light C. A. Banks Agency - 0 Service at Rec. Bldg. & tennis ct. $ Insurance premium - Active Bldg. Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by W renner Ad carried. Clerk Mayor 17.34 3.36 14.60 319.50 Port Orchard, Washington December 10, 1956 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C., H. Largis, with Ceuncilmen.Nick J. Repanich, Harold G. Baker, Dusty C. Winebrenner, and R. B.,Hall; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Super- intendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore present. Absent Councilman George A. Broughton. Minutes of meeting of November 26, 1956 read and approved. Tom Dunstan submitted suggested plans for streets and connections to his pro- posed development adjoining Maple Street Waterway, and stated that he is negotiating with C. L. Ainsworth for acquisition of a strip of land between his property and Bay Street. He stated that if he secures this strip of land that he will deed it to the Town of Peet Orchard to provide for widening of Bag Street from Black Jack bridge to the foot of Mitchell Hill. Plans were examined and discussed, and it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Winebrenner and carried that Resolution be passed establishing a 100-foot street in the center of Maple Street Waterway, with connections to adjoining property 100 feet in width, spaced at 400 feet from south line of waterway for first intersection, and ether northerly intersections to be established at 300-foot distances. It was agreed that Mr. Dunstan would meet with the Street and Alley committee on December 17, 1956 to work out definite lines of proposed streets to submit to the State Department of Public Lands and the State Department of Highways. n This being the date for hearing the petition to vacate certain portion of street adjoining the John Tegstrem property at the Tacoma -Harper Y. matter was called for hearing. Mr. Tegstrom was present, and submitted map showing conditions of property sought to be vacated, and it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Winebrenner and carried that petition be granted,and that ordinance providing for vacation be passed as read. Ordinance adopted as ordinance No. 636. Ordinance prohibiting parking on east side of Cline and Bay Streets from north line of Kitsap street to south line of Bank Street was read and passed on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried. Ordinance adapted as Ordinance No. 637. Engineer Sprague reported an his investigation of petition of Alonzo N. Janes at al. for annexation of certain property to the Town of Port Orchard, and statea that if this _property is annexed that it would leave a small tract between the property sought to be annexed and the south limits of Port Orchard. He suggested that before the Jones property is annexed that an effort be made to include the tract adjoining the Jones property 6n the north in the annexation. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported on further preliminary exploration of proposed highway route from Bay Street to connect with new Highway No. 14 south of Port Orchard, stating that a satisfactory route has been found. More.time granted in this matter. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee reported that he had, investigated reports of misconduct in the vicinity of Givens Field and stated that there have been no recent reports of misconduct, but recommended that J. W, Sutton Jr. be named a special deputy marshall to handle future trouble in the area. Report adopted and it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried. that J. W, Sutton Jr. be appointed special deputy. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee also reported on heating plant at Active Club Building at Givens Field. He stated that he had contacted heating engineers who had recommended a hot air furnace which could be fired either with gas or oil, with controls as located that heat could be controlled where needed. He stated that the Active Club would supply plans of building and that further investigation would be made. Matter of proposed purchase of front-end leader was continued. A request from the Retired Menas Club for use of the Council Chamber for meetings, was referred to the Parks and Buildings committees. Clerk' asked permission to pay casual laborers employed by the Town an the regular payroll on December 24, on certification by the Superintendent or Ether supervisor in charge, that claims are correct, Permission granted on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried. Chief of Police A. L. Wymore stated th$t he had lost two patrolmen to the county within the last month, due to higher pay and the five-day week. He asked that the local force be placed on a five-day, which would require the employment of another patrolman and a dispatcher for night duty. This was discussed by the Council and referred to the Finance and Auditing committee for investigation and report. Clerk stated that lease agreement with the Duncan Parking Meter-porporation had been received and asked permission to pay monthly payments for October -and November, 1956, as provided in' the lease agreement. Authority granted to•make-PAyments at the rate of $2.00 per month per meter or $212.00 per month for 106 meters delivered and installed. Superintendent stated that he had been approached by M. H. Thompson, owner of property on Bay and Frederick Streets, to fill and blacktop ditch which was dug up during construction of the building. Authority granted on assurance of pay for the work. Superintendent also reported that an accident which occured at the Airport gravel pit, involving a Town truck and a County loader had caused approximately $75.00 in damage to the Town truck. He said that he had contacted officials of the County and it had been suggested that as there is a question of liability that the cost of repairs be divided equally between the Town and the County. This settlement was authorized can motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Councilmen Repanich and. Baker of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE Donald C. Carey Police service 103.04 W. L. Boatwright Police service 38.64 Peninsula Stationers Pen set for police 4,44 Wilkins Distributing Co. Ethyl gas, police 104.76 Part Orchard Oil Delivery Diesel fuel, town hall 173.41 Port Orchard Electric & Spt. Shp/Install switch in town hall 5.73 B. A. Getschmann Co. Police judge bond premium 10.00 Town Clerk Postage, etc. 9.30 Cleveland Chevrolet Police car service 6.25 CURRENT EXPENSE Cleveland Chevrolet Guage for police .51 Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Tire repair, police 1.29 Beatty Scaffolds, Inc. Scaffold rental 37.94 Ainsworth Grocery Janitor supplies 3.00 WATER FUND Per West Supply Co. Wrench 2.69 Western Utilities Supply Coupling and reducer 75.13 Cleveland. Chevrolet Oil change 1.81 P. 0. Machine Shop Shim for water pump 1.29 Town Clerk Postal cards, white gas, etc. 45.46 STREET FUND G. A. Shackelford Labor en city streets 163.93 Lester R. Helm Operating power swpr. an Bay St. 61,11 Lester R. Helm Labor on city streets 175.51 P. 0. Oil Delivery Diesel & stove oil 90.39 Wilkins Dist. Co., Inc. Gasoline, spark plugs 201,11 P. 0. Machine Shop Repair grinder arm 4.13 Cleveland. Chevrolet Co. Repair truck 5.50 Bergs Auto Parts Signal arm kit 14,83 Union.Oil Co. Lubricating oil 42,45 Bremerton Concrete Prod. Co. Drain tile 95,69 C. A. Hanks Agency Insurance Pram. on Bay St.'garsage 75.02 RLRK FUND Part Orchard Oil Delivery Steve Oil 6.06 Port Orchard Machine Shop Cut hole in manhole cover 1.03 LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Co. Books 5.84 The H. R. Huntting Co. Books 24,54 Puget Sounds News Co. Books 5.39 (� Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, Clerk seconded by Hall a d carried. c Mayor Port Orchard, Washington December 24, 1956 On this date the Clerk called the meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington to order at the regular time, and there not being a quorum present the meeting was adjourned to Wednesday, Dece be 6, 19�6. Clerk 'f May®ram Port Orchard, Washington December 26, 1956 Adjourned meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Harold G, Baker, Dusty C. Winebrenner, Ray B. Hall and Nick J. Repanich, and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. Minutes of meeting of December 10, 1956 and December 24, 1956 read and approved.. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported on a meeting which his committee had with Tom Dunstan, relative, to streets and intersections in the pro- ponei. Test Bay Street Shopping Center and the Maxplo Street Waterway. He stated that in considering the street alignments and intersections, that it had been agreed that sa radius be provided on all four corners of intersections, and that he recommended a radius of 50 feet on each intersection corner. After a discussion, it was moved by Repanich, seconded by.Ha',ll and carried that a 50-foot radius be provided at each intersection corner. Chairman hall also presented maps showing proposed intersection of proposed street in Maple Street ?Waterway, and the State Highway.. ih ich could provide for from four to six lanes of traffic. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee stated that he had not pet received drawings of the Active Club building at Givens Field and was granted. �j further time on a definite report concerning a heating plant. The Finance and Auditing committee was granted further time for report and rec- ommendation regarding request by Police for five -.day week. Superintendent was authorized to install blacktop on driveway adjoining the Puget Sound Power & Light Co. garage, the cost of the work to be paid by the bower Company. n The following claimd were presented, after checking by the heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing commmittee, and were ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Baker and carried: r) CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Street lights 371.69 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Clerk, Police and Fire tels 53.20 WATER FUND Pacific States Cast Pipe Co. Water main (bid) 30410.53 Overall Cleaning & Supply Shop towels 2.06 Piston Service of Bremerton Bearing for pump 4.55 Puget Sound Power & Light power at pumps 285.08 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephone and tells 11.85 All Bearing Service, Inc. Ball bearing 38.68 STREET FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Light at Bay St. Garage 3.80 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephone and tolls 35.30 The H. R. Huntting Co. Books for Library 38.39 Puget Sound News Co. Books for Library 9,78 Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Winajb ner andcarried, Clerk ****,-**r*** .mow----a--�,-� sl'_ or Port Orchard, Washington January 14, 1957 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, R. B. Halls Dusty C. Winebrenner and Harald G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Superinten- dent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer Olin M. Sprague present. Absent Councilman George A. Broughton. Minutes of meeting of December 26, 1956 read and approved. A petition praying for the annexation of certain territory adjoining Port Orchard an the south and located in the Fernwood district, was presented to the Council by H. E. Larkin and others. The petition was referred to the Engineer and Attorney for checking of ownerships and sufficiency, to report at a later date. W. H. Cruikshank, contractor for garbage collection in Port Orchard, appeared before the Council, requesting an increase in rates within the town limits. He presented a financial statement and orally gave other data in support of his request. The matter was discussed and referred to the Health and Sanitation committee, with Councilman Baker sitting in as a third member, for study and report. Mayor stated that glass insurance on the Active Club building at Givens Field had been cancelled, as the building is open and subject to mischief. He stated that unearned portion of premium would be returned to the Town. Clerk asked authority to draw warrant in payment of insurance for members of Vol- unteer Fire Department. Authority granted on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Hall and carried. Port Orchard, Washington July 9, 1956 Council of the Town of Pori; Orchard, Washington called to order in regular eating by iiayor C. H. La.r;is. Present Councilmen Harold G. Baker, Ray B. Hall Flick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley Y. Perrine; Superin- tendent of Public Works George F. Givens Engineer Olin T. Spra ue and Ps;trolman John F. Rolland. Absent Councilman Dusty C. Winebrenner. Minutes of meeting of June 25, 1956 read and approved. C. L. Ainsworth appeared before the Council and requested that the Town relin- quish its lease on that ?cortion of ilsarbor, area lying outside Lots 1-2-3-4, Block 11, Sidney Tidelands, and also on that portion lying outside part of Port Street. 114r. Ainswortla stated that he had contacted the State Department of Public Lands, and that he could secure a suitable lease tothe harbor area outside his land., if the Town ino uld relinquish that part of its lease; also that plans for his con- templated improvement had been approved by the Land Department. Following a discussion ,, it was moved by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried that a resol- ution be passed relinquishing that portion of the harbor area lying outside of Lots 1-2-3-4, Block 11, Sidney Tidelands, and also that portion lying outside a portion of Port Street, and that lelr. Ainsworth enter into a covenant with the Town to maintain Port Street for public use.. E. L. Larkin appeared before the Council relative to the annexation to the Town of an area lying south of gown in the Fernwood district. He stated that consid- erable interest had been evidenced at a recent meeting of residents of the a rea. Ile was told that definite details Mo uld have to be submitted to the Town, including land descriptions, number of residents, valuations, etc., before the Town could take any definite action., and !Ar. Larkin stated that the group contemplated hiring an Attorney to handle details of the matter. Councilman expressed interest in the proposition, and passed the matter for detailed application. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee, reporting on the committee's investigation of conditions at Sidney and Yelcher streets, stated that his committee does not favor the installation of a blinker light at the intersection at present, as they did not believe it would be effective. He stated that a plan to widen the street to its fullest possible width, and the installation of guard posts and reflectors was recommended. Following a discussion, it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Broughton and carried that Superintendent be authorized to make improvements at this point according to plans submitted by j the Engineer. Chairman hall of the Street and Alley committee, also reported on traffic pattern on Bay Street between Port and Kitsap Streets. He stated that the committee had no recorLmenda.tion to snake at this time, but that he had talked to the State Engineers in Olympia, and that T-4r. Manley from the State Department of Highways would be in Port Orchard on July 10, and would contact the Mayor regarding the traffic pattern. Councilman Hepanich stated that the Health and Sanitation committee desired further time to present ordinance to regulate garbage collection. More time granted. Clerk presented request for an emergency appropriation of $7,,500.00 for betterments and extensions to the water department. It was moved by Broughton, seconded by hall and carried that emergency ordinance providing; $7,500.00 for betterments and extensions to water system be passed on first reading. ^«otion carried unanimously. It was moved by Baker, seconded by Broughton and carried that Town pay expenses of Councilmen l�epanich and Hall and Superintendent Givens to attend meeting relating to natural gas distribution, in Seattle, on June 10, 1956. Letter from State Supervisor of Hydraulics stating that 95� is due for annual fees for Town's water right on 'Black Jack creek. Clerk authorized to make payment. Superintendent brought up the matter of drainage problem at intersection of Bay and Frederick Streets.. This was discussed and referred to the Engineer and Superintendent. Patrolman Holland reported that he had contacted the operators of taverns And cocktail lounges regarding extra uniformed police during the "Days of 149" cele- bration, and that they had informed him that they would co-operate in the matter, under the terms as laid down by the Town. The following claims, checked by heads of departments, by the members of the Finance and Auditing connnittee, and by members of the Council, were read and C", ordered -tR id, on motion by.Hall, seconded by Baker and carried; CORR XT ExrtnS.z FUND Don ld C. Core W. t Boatwright Wilkins Distributing Co. Howe Hardware Standard Oil Co. of Cal Port Orchard Independent Ord. Cleveland Chevrolet Lindell. Radio & TV Port Orchard Oil Delivery Traffic Control Sign Co. Hannah & Powell Slocum Hardware Lester R. Helm G. A. Shackelford Ben J. Meier Police service Police service Ethyl Gasoline for police car Car cleaner and mop for police Gasoline for police car #629; typing paper for police Lub and oil, police car Convert police car radio to 12v Deisel fuel for city hall Traffic sign Supplies for Fire Dept. Merchandise Cleaning around fire hydrants Cleaning around fire hydrants Cutting grass at city hall WATER FUND Slocum Hardware Puget Sound Power & Light Overall Cleaning & Supply American Plbg & St Supply Co. Worthing-Gamon Meter Div. Fletcher & Company Western Drilling & Egpmt Co. W. F. Bruhahn Cleveland Chevrolet Port Orchard Machine Shop Port Orchard Oil Delivery Howe Hardware Western Tractor & Egpmt. Co. Wilkins Distributing Co. Lester R. Helm Lester R. Helm G. A. Shackelford IV. M. Prigger Ben J. Meier Puget Sound Power & Light W. M. Prigger The H. 1-11. Wilson Company Pipe fittings Energy at cathodic equipr.ient Shop towels Pipe fittings Waiter meter parts 2 M ledger sheets Progress pmt #4 on, new well Tending pumps STREET FUND Repair dump truck Spl bolts and nuts Deisel fuel Motor guards and tools Universal joint for grrder Gasoline Labor on streets Operating street sweeper Labor on streets Equipment rental PARK'FUND Labor at playfields Tennis court lights Equipment rental LIBRARY FUND Reference book HARBOR IMPROVEMENT ' `UND 115.92 154.56 56.68 2.7'7 5.21 17.60 1.01 36.17 79.49 10.09 2.07 .52 15.52 15.52 14.00 10.25 14.72 4.11 8.01 3.49 69.75 1, 975.82 15.52 79.89 1.03 18.84 11.29 20.99 106.19 124.16 65.59 124.16 80.00 49.00 2.00 55.00 $ 21.00 The F. E. Langer Agency Premium on lease bond 10.00 Meeting adjourned'on motion by Baker, seconded by Hall carried. Clork T�fa or Port Orchard, Washington July 23, 1956 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called `J to order by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick �-/ J. Repanich, Ray B. lull and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Norks George F. Givens;, Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of PoliceA. L. Wymore. Absent Councilman Dusty C. Winebrenner. Minutes of meeting of July 9, 1956 read and approved. A well -filled Council Chamber greeted the session when the meeting was opened, and :,1ayor Largis called for business from the floor. Gerald J. Popelka and other residents of Radey Street asked that a sidewalk be constructed on the west side of Sidney Street between Radey and T;Jelcher Streets for the protection of children going to and from school, it being pointed out that it is now necessary for pedestrians to walk on the street. Others who spoke on the matter were Ben Menees, Ray Kratz and other residents. Complaint was also made by these citizens that shrubs growing at intersection of Radey and Sidney Streets makes visibility very limited, and Asked that measures be taken to remedy this situation. G. C. Triplett stated that he planted the hedge on the northwest corner of Sidney and Radey Streets when he owned the property, and that the hedge was planted in the street right-of-way about four feet,. The property owners appearing were insistent that early measures be taken to construct the desired sidewalk and remedy the blind corners, and suggested that money might be raised among the interested property owners to defray the cost of the walk. Following a discussion, it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried that matter be referred to the Street and Alley committee, the Engineer and the Superintendent of Public :'Yorks with power to act. Mark Monosmith, Walter Williams, G. C. Triplett, L. IV. Coles and others voiced objections to barking dogs, and odor from incinerator, at the Kitsap Veterinary Hospital, stating that conditions were such as to constitute'& nuisance. Dr. E. W. Bloomquist, proprietor of the hospital, was present and after some ex- changes of ideas among objectors and the Doctor, Mr. Bloomquist stated that he would endeavor to correct objectionable conditions. Matter was referred to the Health and Sanitation committee to investigate and report back to the Council. A recent fatal accident near the corner of Sidney and Melchor Streets brought several residents from that locality to the Council meeting, demanding that some measures be adopted in an effort to prevent future accidents. Present ani addressing the Council were L. B. Robinson, Lawrence W. Reilly, Marry Lindall, Harold Meukow and others. The argruments became somewhat acrimonious at times, but nobody appeared to have the answer to the question or a remedy for immediate solution. Charles E. Kimble, a resident of the vicinity, suggested a series of stop and caution lights as a means of bettering conditions. Citizens were told of the measures adopted by the Council as to widening the street, placing guard posts and reflectors, vh ich work is to be done it the earliest possible time. Following a vigorous rhubarb and general discussion, the matter was referred to the Street and Alley committee, the Engineer and Superintendent to endeavor to work out the best possible solution and proceed with whatever measures are deemed advisable. This action taken on motion by Repanich, seconded cy Baker and carried. Health and Saanitiation committee granted more time to present ordinance regulating garbage collection. Mayor Largis stated that he had met with representatives from State Department of Highways concerning traffic pattern on Bay Street, and expected to have some information later. Ordinance providing for emergency expenditure of $7,500.00 from Water Fund for extensions and betterments to the water system, was presented on second reading and passed unanimously on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried.. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 631. Ordinance providing for annexation of that portion of Southwest Quarter of North- west Quarter of Section 36, Twp.24 North, Range 1 East, W. MT., lying between the west line of State Highway No. 14 and the '.',lest line of said Section 36, was read to the Council and passed on motion by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried, Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 630. Mayor brought up the matter of permitting political meetings to be held in the City Hall, and the Council went on record and against permitting political meetings in the building. Request was made by Little League to place banners across Bay Street to advertise Northwest Tournament Little League play-off at Givens Field. Council went on record as having no objection if banners are so p1aced that they do not interfere ( ) with traffic. Purchase of fertilizer for Little League baseball field was authorized. Councilman Baker reported that street light near Sroufe and Sidney Streets had been moved to new location for convenience of pedestrians. Superintendent reported on progress of new well, stating that conditions appear favorable to securing good supply of rater in a few more feet of drilling. The following claims, checked by the Finance and Auditing committee and by the heads of departments, were allowed and ordered paid on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and. carried: CURRENT EXPEP SE FUIM Ben J. Meier Mowing and trimming at city hall 15.52 Ray B. Hall Expenses of officials to Seattle 6.25 Donald C. Corey Police service 103.04 Daniels Communication Serv. Parts for police radio 0.69 C:. A. Hanks Agency Premium, insurance on city hall 162.68 L. T.T. Curtis & Sons Supplies for fire department 25.36 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Police, Fire Rnd Clerk tel and tolls 54.60 C. P. Ainsworth Janitorts supplies 4.95 Puget Sound Power and Light Street I-Ights, 1?371.69; city hall tG2.40 454.09 Gale W. Dow W. F. Bruhahn Pacific Tel & Tel 'Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Overall Cleaning & Supply Western Utilities Supple Beacon Electric Co. G. A. Shackelford Lester R. Helm Columbia Equipment Co. Totem Equipment Company Puget Sound Power & Light Calvin S. Rhines Pacific Tel w Tel Co. HATER FUI'D Labor reading Deters Tending pumps at main Telephones and tolls Co Power and light at pump Co.Shop towelsCo. Yeter boxes Pipe fittings STREET P'J:M Labor on streets Labor on streets Sweeper repair, broom a Broom wire for sweeper Bay St. and Kendall S t . Moving dirt with loader Telephones and -tolls LIBRARY 14PU14D plant plants lad freight garages 29.10 11.64 12.00 296. ,0 2.56 68.34 .95 t 159.08 Imperial Book Company Books for Library The H. R. Iluntting Comp -any Books for Library PARK FUZZ Amos Bates Labor on park property? T J. Meier 'Natering and moFaing at ball fields Puget Sound Power & Light Co.Lights at Taylor St. recreation bldg. 14eeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried. 159.03 lf3.15 39.27 3.92 112.50 24,50 15.34 46.09 52.33 65.96 8.84 Clerk or �.�i t 4 le it :; Port Orchard, 'Washington August 11, 1956 We, the undersigned, regularly elected members of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, hereby call a special meeting of the said Council of the Town of Port Orchard, for 12:30 p. m., August 11, 1056, for the purpose of electing an Acting Mayor to serve during the absence of Mayor C. H. Largis from the Town; to pass an labor claims which have been presented, and for such other business as may properly come before the meeting;. Dated at Port Orchard, Washington this 9th d&y of August, 1956. n Port Orchard, Washington August 11, 1956 Pursuant to call signed by Councilmen R. B. Ball, Harold G. 12aker, Dusty C. Winebrenner and George A. Broughton, Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, met in special session this date. TIeeting called to order by Clerk in absence of T.Iayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Hall, Baker, Winebrenner and Droug?iton. Clerk called for nominations for Acting Mlayor during absence of Mayor Largis, and Councilman Ray B. Hall was unanimously Elected as Acting.ayor on motion by Winebrenner, seconded. by Baker and carried. Labor claims were presented to the Council and were allowed as follows on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Broughton and carried: CURREAT EXrBASE FUND Lester R. Helm Labor on fire hydrants 3.88 G. A. Shackelford Labor on fire hydrants 3.88 G. A. Shackelford Labor on fire hydrants 5.82 Ben J. Meier Cutting grass at city hall 21.00 INAT,vIi ITTUD IV. F. Bruhalm Tending pumps at booster plant 17.46 Lester R. Helm Labor on water lines 7.76 STREET FUIID Lester R. Helm Sweeping Bay Street, power broom 34.39 Lester R. Helm Labor on town streets 216.31 G. A. Shackelford Labor on streets 224.07 Amos Bates Sweeping Bay Street 3.88 PARK FUND Lester R. Helm Labor at Little League field 3.88 Jack Raney Labor at Little League field 12.00 Willard Mead Labor at Little League field 12,00 Ben J. Meier Labor at Playf fields 98.00 SEVER FUIIID 1V. L. Johnson Labor on sewer laterals 11.25 Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Broughton and carried. Clerk Acting Mayor Port Orchard, '!'lash ington August 13, 1956 Regular session of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Nashington, called to order by Acting Mlayor R. B. Hall. Present Councilmen Harold G. Baker and Dusty C. Winebrenner; Attorney Dudley If. Perrine and Engineer Olin ICI. Sprague. For lack of ai quorum, meeting was adjourned to August 14, 1956, at 7:30 P. M. on direction of the Acting !vlayor., IY ZY, A Clerk Acting Mayor Port Orchard, Washington August 14, 1956 Adjourned meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Acting Mayor R. B. 'fall. Present Councilmen Dusty C. Winebrenner, Harold G. Baker and George A. Broughton; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer Olin r-1. Sprague; Chief of Police A. L. Wymore. Absent �!ay©r C. H. Largis and Councilman Nick J. Repanich. Acting Mayor Hall, chairman of the Street and Alley committee, reported on in- vestigation of Sidney Street near the intersection of 114elcher Street. He stated that to date the lines have not been established, and that until this is done, definite plans cannot be made. Engineer stated that he would attempt to get the lines established within a fea days. Councilman Winebrenner suggested that a change in the grade south of Mlelcher Street might be an aid to bettering visibility and make for safer driving. Superintendent stated that pasts are being set on the east side of the street and that reflector markers would be placed on the posts. Attention of the Council was called to brush over the walks at Dwight and Cline Streets. This was referred to the Superintendent. 1-Jore time was granted to ?-iealth and Sanitation committee to report on investiga- tion at Veterinary Hospital. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee made a report on traffic pattern on Bay Street. he stated that the Highway Department requested a no -narking ban on east side of Bay Street from stop sign in front of City fall to Bank Street. It was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried that no parking be permitted on east side of Bay Street between the stop sign in front of City Hall to Lank Street. Superintendent reported t,-?t prospects for water in new well are promising and that it is expected to strike a flour within a few feet. A letter from Curley Creek Grange complimenting the Council on its e.f'forts to keep the coming "D�ys of 149 clean and free from. rowdism, was read and ordered filed. Councilman Baker brought up the matter of brush and grass being permitted to grow over sidewalks and vr:;lkways in town and asked that some measures be taken to have property owners clean walks in front of their property. Following a dis- cussion, it was decided tliat newspaper publicity sheuld be used, and an effort made to have property owners clean their walks voluntarily, before any action is taken. Preperty owners on DeKalb Street, west of Sidney Street, 1sked that work be done on that section of the Street to put it in good condition_. Referred to the Sup- erintendent.. Chief of Police asked if part-time patrolmen, wcrkinj; regularly on odd shifts, are entitled to vacations. Referred to the Attorney. A discussion of parkin; place for police car in down town area was held rafter the matter was brought up by Councilman Baker. It :aa.s suggested that parking place be changed from time to time, in order that no business house would be deprived of parking in front of its door, more than other business houses in town. No definite action taken. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing com -Ittee were read to the council. and ordered I:. id on m6tioil by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried: Fred R. lixson Donald C. Corey Wilkins Distributing Co. Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Port Orchard Oil Delivery Puget Sound Power & Light Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Gary Deal Auto Parts Howe Motor Company Puget Sound Perrer &; Light 11ilkins Distributing Co. 9"hompson's Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Sharer Digging Service CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Police service $ 115.40 Police service 206.08 Ethyl gas, batteries for police 78.17 Gasoline for police car 3.18 Furnace oil =or city hall 27.13 Street lights 371.69 Clerk, police, & fire tel. 54.80 Radio tubes for police 3.30 Repair fire truck 27.69 WATER FUND Power Pe light at all plants 389.96 Oil, spark plugs 9.01 Purchase order books 6.20 'telephones and tolls 18.40 Ir.ench for water lines 10.00 n n E 'WATER FUND 0 Lumber Supply Howe Motor Company Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Western Drilling & Egpmt. Co. American Plbg. & St. Supply Port Orchard Oil Delivery Wilkins Distributing Co. Limb e r Supply Anne Dowling Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Gpry Deal Auto Parts Port Orchard Machine Shop -eacific Tel & Tel Co. Syril Wolf Hitsap County Oil Storage E. R. Stevens Columbia Equipment Co. Morrison Gravel Company Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Lumber Supply Cookson Bros. Service L. R. Haiman Calvin S. Rhines Lumber Supply The H. R. Huntting Co. Puget Sound News Company Cement, lumber, etc. Lubricate truck Truce repair Progress payment on well Tap machine and parts STREET FUND Diesel fuel for grader GAsoline, etc. Lumber and supplies Chassis lubricator & grease gun Bay Street garage service Truck repair Brake fluid; fan belt, etc. Material and welding Telephone and tolls Mowing machine rental MC2 Road Oil Mowing machine rental Freight on broom Gravel and sand PARK FUND Tennis Court lights Paint, glass, lumber, nails, Repair mower tire Premium; insurance Taylor St. Ditching for sewer line Sewer tile, cement, etc. LIBRARY FUND Books for Library Books for Library 90.92 1.93 13.94 1.9824..10, 30.56 20.98 313.84 75.55 65.00 1.92 23.62 9.56 13.85 11.85 45.00 676,75 21.25 6.08 139.51 7.28 etc. 72.70 1.29 Rec. 93.60 22.50 457.78 81.63 8.50 Meeting adjourned an motion by Broughton, seconded by Winebrenner and carried. Clerk * * * ile ., ' * * * Mayor Fort Orchard, Washingt©n August 27, 1956 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Acting lviayor R. B. Hall, with Councilmen Dusty C. Winebrenner, Dick J. Repanich, George A. Broughton and Harold G. Baker, Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore present. Absent Mayor C. H. Largis. Minutes of meeting of August 14, 1956 read and approved. Acting iviayor Hall, chairman of the Street and Alley co' imittee, reported that his committee had made an investigation of conditions on Sidney Street, south of Melcher Street; that it had been established that a hedge on some of the property is in the street, and that the owner had agreed that the hedge could be cut out; that construction of a sidewalk had not been, definitely worked out. He also stated that detailed plans for improvement of the arena are being made by the En- gineer for consideration by the Council. Following a discussion it was moved by 'Ninebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried that matter be referred back to the Street and Alley committee and the Superintendent in an effort to work out some plan o;"' improvement which would be the most advantageous to the public, with right-of-way available. 14atter of clearing grass, brush and other debris from sidewalks was again discussed nr d Superintendent stated that he had made a check of property throughout the town and had found some places which should be cleaned up. It was moved by Wine- brenner, seconded by Repanich and carried that list of owners be furnished to Clerk and that Clerk write letters to property owners where walkways need clearing to proceed with the work at once. Councilman Repanich stated that members of tha Health and Sanitation committee, together with other members of the Council and the Superintendent had visited the garbage dump site in company with representatives of the local and State Health departments, and that the Health officials had agreed en the Town's plan for enlarging the dump area, their approval being conditioned on approval by the County Engineer. Superintendent reported on progress of the new well, stating that a good flow of water had been secured, and that it should be a much better flow when well is fully developed. Ordinance providing vacations and sick leaves for town employees was read and discussed, and matter of vacation for regular part time employees came up for consideration. This phase of the ordinance was referred back to the committee, and members of the committee reported that they were of the opinion that the ordinance was satisfactory as presented. It was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried that ordinance be passed as read. Ordinance adapted as Ordinance No. 632. Hugh Brown, general chairman for the "Days of 149" celebration appeared before the Council and stated corLnittee's desires regarding extra policing during the event. He asked for three additional patrolmen for the town during the celebra- tion and for three patrolmen on the carnival grounds. Following a discussion it was agreed that six additional patrolmen would be appointed by the Chief of Police, three of these men to be paid by the Town and three by celebration committee. Councilman Winebrenner.reported on his investir;ation of parking of police car in downtown area, and recommended that a suitable cover be secured which could be attached to meter designating the meter as a police car zone, and that park- ing place be changed from time to time to points to be selected by the Chief of Police. Following a discussion, it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carr ied that suitable cover for meter, designating parking space for police tsar, be secured, and that Chief of Police use his judgrgent in selecting various parking places for car. Chairman Winebrenner of the Health and Sanitation committee reported that his committee had held a meeting with Dr. E. W. 3loemquist regarding etnditi€+ns at the Kitsap Veterinary Hospital, and that they had been informed that there is no longer any burning of garbage, and that a wall had been erected around dog pens and an effort is being made to provide a sound -proof area. Superintendent presented a plan for striping certain streets in town for traffic guidance, and that he suggested striping the following streets: High and Bull Streets to the town limits; Sidney Street from Bay Street to the town limits; Cline Street from Bay Street to ?;elcher Street; Division Street from Cline to Sidney Streets; South Street from Sidney Street to Flower Street; Austin Street from Division to Dwight streets; Dwight Street from Cline to Austin Street; on Kitsap Street from Seattle Street to Rockwell, and around the curve on Rockwell; a total striping program of approximately three miles. Following a discussion, it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Broughton and carried that Superinten- dent be empowered to have this work done. A petition for the aannexrtion of certain property near the Tacoma -harper highway intersection wags presented, and date of hearing; set for September 10, 1956 Chairman. Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee reported on his investig- ation of need of -a intin€, outside of the :Lunicipal Building. He stated that all woodwork should be painted, and in some instarces scraped and sanded, and that at least one coat of paint should be applied to the walls of the building. Following a discussion, it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried that bids be called for furnishing labor and equipment to do the jab, and that Superintendent investigate purchase of material necessary for the job. The following claims, checked by heads of departments, and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion b, Baker, seconded by Broughton and carried: Donald C. Corey 'S. L. Boatwright Fred R . 'Nixs en Kitsap County Garage Town Clerk The Givens Company Roney's Inc. Trick & Pert Orchard Independent Traffic Control Sign Co. 'N . F . Bruh n lin Ben J. Meier Cleveland Chevrolet CU-R.RE17C EXPENSE: FUND Police service Police service Police service Install screen in police car Advanced expenses 2 graphite guns, Fire De?-)t. Refill oxygen tanks, Fire Dept.. Registration supplies, &to. Publish emergency ordinance Traffic Signs and reflectors Janitor service Cutting grass at city hall Repair police car 123.80 4-1.86 23.00 10.67 10.83 3.10 5.17 3'7.08 6.94 51.15 25.58 14.00 16.60 ME al ;JATER FUND N Kitsap County Garage Labor and parts on pick-up v 23.97 Town Clerk 2 r1 'Postals and supplies 4--0.4'7 Gale 111. Dow Labor reading water meters 29.10 W, F. Bruhahn Labor terdIng pumps 30.07 G. A. Shackelford Lester R. Helm Kitsap County Garage Modern Machinery C o . Overall Cleaning & Supply Saindon's, Inc. Rudd Paint & Varnish Co. Braaten Bros.. Ben J. Meier Service Fuel Co. Amos Bates STREET FUND Labor on streets $ 155.20 Labor on streets 159.08 Labor on grader and loader 5.34 Parts for grader 3.17 Shop towels 2.00 2 truck tires and tube 149.19 Traffic paint 229.81 Equipment rental 204.60 PARK FUND Work on playfields 56.00 Fertilizer application 31.62 Labor painting tennis court fence 36.86 LIBRARY FTJ-IM Mrs. A. P. Kunzelman Relief Librarian 20.00 P. S. Dews Company Books for library 18.69 Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by �Yinebrenner and carried. Clerk Vw- Mayor Port Orchard, Washington September 10, 1956 Council of the gown of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order in regular session by :;layor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen George A. Broughton, Ray B. Hall and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley K. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Narks George F. Givens and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore. Absent, Councilmen. Dick J. Repanich and Dusty C. Winebrenner. Minutes of meeting of August 27, 1956 read and approved. Henry E. Larkin and other residents of the district around Fernwnad was present and asked several questions about service and rates for water; what the possibilities for securing water service in that area from the town appeared to be, and stated that there is a great deal of interest out that way in be- coming part.of Port Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bushnell of 539 Yelcher Street appeared before the Council and complained about people in the neighborhood burning garbage, asserting that the practice created an offensive odor, Referred to the Health and Sanitation committee to investigate. Mrs. A. N. Jones, residing near the south limits of the town asked that better water service be provided for her property and showed a drawing outlining what it is proposed to do to the property in a development program. This was referred to the Water and Sewer committee and the Superintendent to investigate conditions, explore possibilities, and report back to the Council. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported on the condition of Sidney Street, south of Melcher. He stated that y.e believed that this is a "territorial road", and as such was originally platted Ps a 60-font right-of-way, and that he had been informed that there are Court decisions holding that these territorial roads continue in their original status. This matter was referred to the Attorney for an opinion. Mr. Hall also stated that a temporary sidewalk along the west side of Sidney Street will be constructed 4 thin a few days and that other changes and improvements will probably await report of the Engineer on existing right-of-way, and the Attorney for an opinion on the territorial road right-of-way. Superintendent givens reported that the well T,,To. 6 is flowing about 350 gallons a minute from a depth of 806 feet; that plans are being made to develop the well at that depth, and that the surplus pipe will be removed within a short time. Ile stated that he did not deem it advisable at this time to endeavor to go to greater depth, as conditions indicate that the present supply is ample and steady. Chief of Police Wymore stated that he had secured extra Dien for duty during the "Days of 149" celebration under agreements made with the committee and the operators of taverns, cocktail lounges, etc. This being the date on which matter of annexation of certain property in the vicinity of the Tacoma -Harper highway intersection was set for hearing, matter was called up by Mayer Largis. John. Tegstrom, owner of the property and the petitioner, was present and presented his case. No one appeared in oppos- ition, and fallowinE; a discussion, it was moved by B&ker, s econded by Hall and carried that petition be granted, Attorney to draw ordinance providing for annexation. John Tegstrom also stated that extra property had been acquired by the State Highway Department to prctect fill and provide for drainage at the time that Highway No. 14 had been constructed abutting; the property which had just been annexed. He stated that since that time that drainage had been provided to the satisfaction of the Highway Department, and that the hole had been filled, and asked that this narrow strip be vacated as part of the street. The matter was explained and discussed and was passed for action pending filing of pet- ition for vacation. Clerk presented Preliminary Budget for the ye;r 1957, and this was considered by the Council. It was carefully examined, changes made, and was adopted as the Prelinimary Budget on motion b�, Baker, seconded by Broughton and carried. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee stated that the alignment and grade on the cross --walk on Bay Street between the Mildred Cohen and M. H. Thompson property at the Frederick Street intersection is unsatisfactory and should be remedied. He said that it would be a considerable project which would probably require removing and replacing at proper level of pavement and providing new drainage facilities. This was discussed but passed for later action, pending report by Engineer. Chief of Police Wymore stated that school officials had asked .for stop signs from all entrances to the intersection at the foot of Mitchell Hill and Bay Street, as the construction of a building rear the intersection had reduced visibility. Referred to the Street and Alley committee.. The fallowing claims, checked by heads of departments, and by the members of the Finance and Auditing; committee, were reed to the Council and ordered rx id on motion by Baker, seconded by Broughton and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND W. L. Boatwright Police service � 37.28 Donald C. Corey Police service 64.40 A. V. Raygor Police service 38.64 Gould Sheet Metal Parking meter cover 10.85 Gary Deal Auto farts Globe, socket, ratchet - police 6.62 Everlite Display Lettering for meter box cover 3.10 Cleveland Chevrolet Oil change - police car 3.C2 Wilkins Distributing Co. Ethyl gss for police car 65.48 Standnrd Oil Co. of Calif. Gas - police 2.58 Peninsula Stationers Stationery - police 7.44 Alfred Pederson Labor cutting grass - City Mall 14.00 V. P. Caldwell Floor Wax 5.27 Port Orchard Independent Publishing Ordinance #632 32.30 WATER FUND Pacific Tel &: Tel Co. Telephone & tolls s 18.90 V. L. Caldwell Various merchandise 11.74 Wilkins Distributing Co. 2 - 5 gal. cans 18.83 Gary Dead Auto Parts Batteries, .socket, sna2k plug, etc. 45.65 Elliott Address. Machine Co. Stencils 22.51 STREET FUND G. A. Shackelford Labor on city- streets 133.86 Lester R. Helm Labor on city streets 136.77 Lester R. Helm Operating Power sweeper can Bay St. 64.02 F. L. Whitehead Sanding road oil cn city streets 31.04 Gale W. Dow Sanding; road oil on city streets 24.25 Gary Deal Auto Parts Truck parts 12.51 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephone 3, tolls 11.85 n STREET FUIM V. B. Caldwell Various merchandise Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Repair hoist coupling Wilkins Distributing Co. Gasoline Transport Clearings of P. S. Freight on signs Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Kerosene oil Howe Motor Co. Labor on truck Lester R. Helm Alfred Pedersen H. R. Huntting Co. P.1RK FUND Labor in city parks Lh>::or; rowing, watering, ball park LIBRARY FUND Books Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Baker and carried. in, 7.35 2.07 232,46 2.00 34.07 3.10 5.82 49.00 7.88 Clerk Mayor Part Orchard, 'Na.shington September 24, 1956 Council of the Town of Part Orchard, 'Nashin€ton called to order in regular session by Mayor C. H. La.rgis. Present Councilmen Harold G. Baker, Dusty C. Winebrenner and Ray B. Fall; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens;. Engineer Olin Y. Sprague and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore. Absent Councilmen George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich. Minutes of meeting cf September 10, 1956 read and approved. Chief of Police was asked to investigate complaint made by Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bushnell of burning of garbage on Melcher Street. Superintendent Givens reported that he had talked with Mrs. A. N. Jones regarding water service at her property south of town, and that they had plans for ultim- ately erecting several dwelling units on their property, for which they %z uld want adequate water service, brobably through a 4-inch main, but at the present time they were interested in better service through twe small taps. The matter was discussed and -the proposition of extra water service through small taps was referred to the Water and Sewer committee and the Superintendent. Superintendent also stated that a temporary sidewalk has been constructed from I,ielcher Street south to neap.- the center of the Ha -ry Radey property on the west side of Sidney Street, and would be extended to Radey Street when conditions permit. Superintendent reported that the surplus 10-inch casing has been removed from the new well, and that removal of the surplus 12-inch casing will be in progress this week, and that the contract should be completed shortly. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley coirnittee, during a discussion of the extension of the waterfront parking lot by property owners and business men, suggested that the opening of Wiest Street and use of the surplus dirt for the proposed fill, should be considered. He stated that this might prove to be a project which would be beneficial both ways, and that it should be taken into consideratien in the planning. Engineer was instructed to look into the matter and provide data as to grade and alignment of West Street. Engineer was also directed to investigate placing of drain extensions and man -holes on proposed new fill. Matter of crosswalk on north side of Sidney Street between Thompson and Cohen property was referred to Street and Ailey committee, the Engineer and the Superin- tendent. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee stated that he had looked into the matter of stop signs from all directions at the intersection of Mitchell Road and Bay Street, and recommended no change in the present arrangement. He stated that as part of the property is outside the town limits, that the town has no authority to erect signs in this area, and that present signs seem adequate for protection of the public. On motion by Winebrenner, seconded by ball and carried, it was directed that parking meters be placed on sidewalk on east side of Frederick Street north of Bay Street. Oscar Ramsey appeared before the Council and asked permission to construct and operate a burner for disposal of refuse from a pile pealing machine. This was discussed from many angles, and Attorney explained the legal angles of the proposition, and it was s-i gested that its construction and use might be objec- tionable to neighboring property owners and that an easement be secured from these property owners and residents consenting to the construction and operation of the burner. This Mr. Ramsey said he would do and report back with his findings at the next meeting of the Council. Mr. Ramsey also asked for the vacation of Short Street, north of Bay Street, as he owns the property on both sides of the street; that the street is not used as a thoroughfare and is daangerous to the public in its present condition. The Council expressed themselves as opposed to vacating the street, but on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried, it was directed that the street be barricaded, as it is unopened, unimproved, not used for street purposes and Is dangerous in its present condition to the public. The extension of a drain across i%lr. Raamsey's property 13 necer 4ary and lie asked concerning the extension. He was informed that a continuation of the 24-inch drain now serving should be made to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Public arks. Atterney reported that he had investigated the suggestion that Sidney Street is a territorial road, anti thus is sixty feet in width, and had found some auth- orities for the contention, but that he would like further time to So into the matter to a greater extent. More time granted. The following claims, checked by heads of departments zind by Councilmen Baker of the :Finance and Auditing committee, and other members of the Council, were read and ordered paid on motion by hall, seconded by Baker and cal. -Tied: Donald C. Corey Vd. L. Boatwright A. V. Raygor Fred R. Wixssn L. N. Curtis & Sons Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Pert Orchard Independent Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Puget Sound Power &. Light Co. Alfred Pedersen Overall Cleaning & Supply Gale W. Dow A. H. Cox & Company Western Drilling & Eqpt. Co. CURRENT EXPENSE FJND Police service 38.64 Police service 43.47 Police service 91.16 Police service 85.33 Spikes and fuses for Police 18.52 Clerk, Police and Fire telephones 52.50 Call for bids, paint city hall 8.57 City hall li Ghts (214onths ) 82.40 Street lights 371.69 lJowing and trimming city hall gr. 14.00 :9'ATER FUND Shop towels 2.88 Labor reading water meters 29.10 TJ*gneta for auxiliary engine 62.63 Progre s s payment on V. ell #6 659.78 STREET FUND G. A. Shackelford Labor on streets 163.93 Lester R. helm Labor on streets 155.20 Nelson Repair Shop Hydraulic pump parts 5.63 V. H. Rxym©nd Hauling gravel 50.00 Bremerton Oil Road Oil 286.13 Morrison Gravel Co. Sand and gravel 197.62 Columbia Equipment Co. Broom for sweeper 54.15 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service art Kendall St. garage 2.00 Cascade Natural Gas Corp. Propane gas 2.36 LIBRARY FUND The Ii. R. :iuntting Co. Books for Librr.ry 24.13 Gaylord Bros., Inc. Supplies for Library 15.09 PARK. FUND Alfred Pedersen Labor can playfields 24.50 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Lights at Taylor St. Hecr. Center 8.16 P:Teeting adjourned on motion by Broker, seconded by 11l1re")re and a ied. Mayor n n n Port Orchard, Washington October 1, 1956 This being the date fixed by Statute for hearing on the annual Bfidget, Mayor �) C. H. Largis called the meeting to order at 7;30 p. m. Present Councilmen Dusty C. Winebrenner, Harold G. Baker and R. B. Hall, and Attorney Dudley N. Perrino. N Proof of proper notice of hearing on budget was submitted, and Mayor called for anyone present that so desired, to be heard on the budget or any item therein contained. There being no one who desired to be heard, it was moved` by Baker, seconded. by Hall and carried that the Budget be adopted as submitted and advertised, and that Ordinance adapting the Budget and fixing the tax levies for the year 1957 be passed are read. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 633. Meeting adjourned on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Hall and carried. Clerk Port Orchard, Washington October 8, 1956 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor C, H. Largis, with Councilmen Nick J. Repanieh, R. B. Hall, Dusty C. Winebrenner and Harold G. Baker, Attorney Dildley N. Perrino; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of P0,11ee A. L. Wore, present. Absent Councilman George A. Broughton. Minutes of regular meeting of September 24, 1956 and Budget Hearing meeting of October 1, 1956, read and approved. V B. Caldwell, owner of property in Block 8, Sidney, appeared before the Council and.asked about parking regulations on Bag Street fronting his property, Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee explained the problems entering -into the parking regulations in this area. A suggestion was made by Lee Caldwell that perhaps a cross -walk should be designated somewhere in the block.. It was also suggested that changes in the curb alignment would be a benefit. `The various problems were discussed, and the matter was referred to the Street and Alley com- mittee and the Superintendent to investigate and report. Mrs. A. N. Jones again appeared before the Council regarding water service to her property lying south of the town limits, indicating that in the futa*ure service would probably be desired for several dwellings on the property. Chairman Wine. breAner of the Water and Sanitation committee explained the problems confronting the town in extending water service outside the limits of the town id th present facilities, but indicated that future planning might point a way to extend service beyond the town limits. Felix Warhoe, resident on Maple Street, appeared before the Council regarding obstructions on roadway in that vicinity. Matter was referred tb the Engineer. It was stated that complaint about burning of garbage in the south part of town would be investigated by the Health Department. Superintendent reported that Well No. 6 is practically completed; that it is pro- ducing in the neighborhood of 400 gallons per minute; and that specifications are being worked out to provide for putting the well in service. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that he, in company with the Engineer, had gone over the suggested West Street approach to the Town from the south, and had found that such a thoroughfare appears practical. Preliminary draw - Ingo showing approximate grades and other data were shown to the Council. After a discussion, it was suggested that an investigation be made of Railroad Avenue approach in connection with a new thoroughfare into town. A discussion was held regarding a comprehensive plan of improvement to the water system, looking to needs in the future, in order that any improvements made would tie into a permanent system of facilities and be adequate for future needs. This was referred to the Engineer and the Superintendent to prepare such a plan. Mayor Largis brought up the matter of the apparent necessity of increased rates for water service in order to meet necessary costs of increasing and bettering the service. He pointed out that rates an now in offset were established over fifty years ago, and that costs of operation and construction are five or six times greater now than at that time; and that in order to adequately serve the public that it'would be necessary to increase rates. This was referred to the Water and Sanitation committee for investigation and report. Ordinance No. 634, providing for the annexation of the John Tegstrom property, hearing on which was held and annexation approved on September 10, 1956, was read to the Council and passed on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried. Chief of Police stated that siren on police car is the property of Alan Totten, fire chief, and asked that he be' authorized to purchase a siren for the Police car. Hb was directed to investigate -type and cost of siren desired and report to the Council. Clerk submitted report of financial condition of Water Fund, showing a balance of $6,431,21 in fund as of this date, The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and'Auditing ammmittee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on notion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried. Fred R. Wixson Donald C. Corey raffic Control Sign Co. aoific Tel & Tel Co. Olympic Iron & wahine Works Port Orchard Independent Pioneer, Inc. The Givens Co. Town Clerk P. 0. Oil Delivery Wilkina Dist. Co. Sterling P Norton George A. Thornton Alfred Pedersen Police service Police service Traffic signs and reflectors Clerks Police and Fire tel and tolls Repair ,scaffold hook Publish budget and notice of hearing Registration supplies Insulated wire cutters for Fire Dept. Various advanced expenses Deisel fuel for town hall Gasoline for police Painting at town hall Painting at town hall Mooring and trimming at town hall grds. 17.28 90,16 149,42 54,30 2.07 30.95 25.62 11.38 8.67 99.01 52.38 128.00 184.00 14.00 RATER FUND Puget Sound Power &Light Co. Power and Light for plants 346.26 Cookson Bros. service Tire repair 1.29 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 28.48 Town Clerk Various advanced expenses 27.76 Peninsula Feed Co. Burlap bags 2.88 STREET FUND Cleveland Chevrolet Replace spring shackle 3.50 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 11.85 Gary']Deal Auto Party Parts and material 3.50 P. 0. Machine Shop Labor and material 8.27 G. A. Shackelford Labor 155.20 Lester R. Helm Labor 227,95 Puget Sound Power & Light Bay Street garage service 3.20 Peninsula Feed Co. 2 sax of salt 2.48 Modern Machinery Co. Farts for grader 4.15 Wilkins Distributing Co. Gasoline and oil filters 118.65 PARK FUND Peninsula Feed Co. Fertilizer for ball field 13.44 Puget Sound Power & Light Tennis court lights 2.00 Alfred Pedersen Labor on park grounds 15.75 Sharer Digging Service Trenching for sewer and water 85,100 W. L. Johnsen Installing sewer at new club house 36.00 Town Clerk The H. R. Huntting Co. !pirw�U-X `W410 4] P. 0. box rent Books for library a1• fM�s Town Clerk Chalk line re-imbursement Meeting adjourned on motion by Halls seconded b:7 Bake n C Clerk 1.10 9,22 .52 d, Mayor Port Orchard, Washington October 22, 1956 Regular meeting of the Council of the Torn of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C, H. Largis. Present Councilmen Harold G. Baker, Dusty C. Wine-. brenner, Ray B. mall and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague, and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore. Minutes of meeting of October S. 1956 read and approved. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that he, together with the Superintendent, had investigated the parking problem on Bay Street in front of the Caldwell property, and suggested that the curb north from the ramp to the fire station to the Caldwell property line be rol]ed so that it would be possible to drive over it'to the Caldwell parking space in front of the store, would ease the problem and provide for better conditions. Report accepted by the Council. Engineer was granted further time to investigate and report on reported obstructions on roadway in vicinity of Maple Street, complained about by Felix Warhae. Further time was granted in which to make further surveys and investigation of pos- sible routes for a thoroughfare south from Bay Street to the town limits, in the vicinity of West Street and Railroad Avenue. It was suggested that various routes be explored with a view to making report to the State Department of Highways. Chairman Winebrenner of the Water and Sanitation committee reported that his comm. mittee had met and considered water rate adjustments, but recommended that definite report and recommendations be delayed until the progress plan of improvement of the system is submitted, in order that financial needs of the system may be more accurately estimated. Superintendent submitted list of materials and approximate cost of improvements and extensions to the water system, which he deems necessary to be done at this time. Council considered the estimate, and it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried that bids be called for f"urnishing.the materials required, bids to be opened at the meeting of the Council on November 13, 1956. Superintendent also submitted list of materials and costs of materials used in improvements at Givens Field, which materials had been supplied by the Sewer Depart- ment for the Park Department. On motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Repanich and carried.. Clerk was directed to transfer the sum of $176.49 from the Park Fund to the Sewer Fund, as the cost of the materials used. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee reported that his committee had met with a committee from the Active Club with relation to the building being constructed at Givens Field by the Active Club as a recreation building. He stated that construction of the building is progressing, and that it is near the finishing stage; but that this work will be delayed until windows are installed and a heating plant installed. A discussion of specifications for a heating plant adequate to serve the building was held, and it was agreed that heating engineers be consulted before any definite action is taken. It was also stated that the Active Club desired that the Town pay the cost of the heating plant. Following a discussion it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Hall and carried that Mayor and Clerk secure in- surance on the building, covering gliss breakage and other features, in the amount of $15,000.00. Clerk submitted financial statement of the Water Fund and asked for an emergency appropriation of 5,000,00 to handle the cost of improvements contemplated, and he also asked for an emergency appropriation of $10200.00 for town hall maintenance to meet the cost of painting the building and deficiencies which have accrued during the year. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Winebrenner and carried, request for emergency appropriations was granted, and ordinance providing for these emergencies was passed unanimously on first reading. Superintendent was directed to secure sample pf water from Ross creek where it is effected by drainage from garbage track, and have same analysed. Dale Morrison of 1316 West Street appeared before the Council regarding drainage t ' difficulties near his property. Referred to the Street and Alley committee. Chief of Police asked about the status of the employment of Donald C. Cores, who is on regular employment four days a week. This was referred to the Attorney who stated that under the terms of the ordinance No. 632, Mr. Corey is a regular employee. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee reported that dirt is sloughing off the bank against the fence at the Little League field. This was ref- erred to the Superintendent. Councilman Repanich also brought up the matter of a possible street connection between Hull Street and Cline Street somewhere in the vicinity of Sroufe Street, Engineer stated that as data is accumulated regarding thoroughfare in the West Street area, that perhaps some means might be found to establish such a connection. Copy of ordinance covering garbage collection, in force in Anacorteas, was submitted by the Health and Sanitation committee, and Clerk was directed to request copies of amendments to this ordinance from the City of Anacortes. Councilman Winebrenner asked for permission to have some trees out on Austin Street near its intersection with Dwight Street. This was agreed to by the Council,, pro- vided debris and brush was cleaned up. The following olaime, checked by heads of departments and. by Councilmen Repanieh and Baker of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried: Thompson's Port Orchard Independent Transport Clearings Puget Sound Poorer & Light Donald C. Corey W. L. Boatwright, Stephenson Corporation Tilton Sales & Service Alfred, Pedersen Sterling P, Norton Goo. M. Thornton The Garland Company Lumber Supply Pioneer, Inc. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Typing paper and blotters Publish Ordinance No. 635 Freight Streetlights Pollob service Police service Drunkometer test kits Repair blinds in Police station Mowing and trimming at city hall Painting city hall Painting city hall Aluminum roof coating, city hall Paint and material for city hall Registration supplies WATER FUND Western Drilling & Egpmt. Co. Progress payment on Well No. 6. Puget Bound Power & Light Power and light at pump plants Gale W. Dow Labor reading meters Lester R. Holm G. A. Shackelford Airway Striping Service Lumber Supply Puget Sound Power & Light i E Alfred Pedersen W. L. Johnson Bremerton Cone. Products Co. Lumber Supply Johns -Manville Corp. Labor on streets Labor on streets Striping streets Lumber, Nails, Cement, etc, Bay street garage f7ic�ii�r,Ti�7 Mowing Little League field Labor on sewer to Active Club bldg. Well casing and covers SEWER FUND Sorer pipe for stock pile Saddles for transite sewer pipe Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Re ankh an rried. H 0 .2 4.85 8.28 4.00 371.69 103.04 25.76 17.34 13.38 7.00 44.00 64,00 95.00 217,53 16.80 713.00 304.90 29.10 166,84 155,20 118038 88,30 3,20 5.25 9.00 12.09 296.24 39.89 Cler ayor Part Orchard, Washington November 13, 1956 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilman Nick J. Repanich, Ray B. Hall, Dusty C. Winebrenner and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Superinten- dent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police A."L. Wym6re. Absent Councilman George A. Broughton, Minutes of meeting of October 22, 1956 read and approved. Mrs. A. N. Janes appeared before the Couzwil relative to her property adjoining Port Orchard on the Sidney road, and expr tided an inclination to have her property annexed to the Town. Matter. of water and' sewer service to the tract was discussed, and conditions concerning these problems were referred to Water and Soarer committee and the Engineer„ Engineer reported that he had investigated complaint by Felix Warhoe, property owner on Maples Street; had found corner stakes and other data,, and that i� did not .appear that any obstruction is in the street. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley c emmi.ttee reported that he and the Engineer had gone .over a projected outlet from the Town over the Railroad Avenue route* had run preliminary lines and that the route appeared feasible** that an approximate grade of 3% appeared possible. It was suggested that a conference be held with representatives of the State Department of Highways and with county authorities, regarding the proposed route, In connection with his report, Mr. hall stated that it might be passible to establish andeast-serest c annection between Hall and Cline Streets in connection with the project. A general discussion was held regarding increase in water rates, and Chairman Winebrenner of the dater and Sewer committee stated that his committee had consid- ered the matter; had made estimates of returns from certain increases, but asked further time to give a definite report. He stated that it was the opinion of the committee that rates should not be established until progress program is submitted by the Engineer. Engineer Sprague stated that he believed a definite plan of ex- tension and improvement could be completed by the first of the year. Attorney Perrino stated that he had been contacted by several people in the vicinity of Givens Field, complaining of conduct of youngsters in that area. This was discussed and was referred to the Parks and Playgrounds committee to investigate and report„ Attorney also submitted petition by John Tegstrom. et ux., praying for the vacation of a portion of a thoroughfare adjoining their property at ,the Tacoma -Harper Highway intersection. Petition was received .and -date of hearing on petition was set for December 10, 1956, on motion by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried. This being the date on which bids were to be received for pipe and fittings for extension to the crater system, Clerk reported that five bids had been received. Mayor directed that bids be opened, and the following submitted tenders; Western Utilities Supply Company; Pacific Water Works :Supply Company, Pacific States Cast Iroh Pipe Co.; United states Pipe and Foundry Company and H. D. Fowler & Company„ Bids were examined by the Council and were referred to the Water and Bearer Committee (Councilman Hall to act with the committee) and the Superintendent, to tabulate the bids, and with .power to act in making awards. This action was taken on motion by Baker, seconded by Hall and carried. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee reported that his committee hack under consideration proper heating facilities for the new building at Givens Field, but so far no decision has been reached, He stated that heating engineers would be consulted, and that a definite recommendation would be made in the near future. Chairman Winebrenner of the Water and Sewer committee reported that samples of water from Ross Creek headwaters in the vicinity of the garbage tract had been taken and that analysis showed that this water is unusable. Further samples were to be taken to establish conditions of the water in that area. Further time was granted for submission of garbage ordinance, as•Chairman Winebrenner of the Sanitation committee stated that satisfactory ordinance for this community has not yet been compiled. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that an inspection of a drainage problem on the Dale Morrison property at 1316 West Street had been made; that the water complained of follows a natural drainage course, and as it is on private property, there is no responsibility to the Town. Emergency Ordinance providing for emergency appropriation of $5,000.00 in the Water Fund for extensions and betterments, and of 01.92004,00 for Torn hall maintenance, which was introduced at the meeting of October 22, 1956, was read to the council and passed unanimously by the members of the Council present, on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried. Superintendent asked if there is any responsibility by the Town in maintaining the parking lets on the water front. This was discussed, and it was the opinion of the Councilmen as expressed that the Torn has no responsibility in the matter. A letter from MccCutcheon & Sawyer, law firm in Tacoma, regarding civil serviee'status for Lthe police force was read and considered. This was referred to the Finance and Auditing coamittee$ together with Councilman Winebrenner, for investigation and report. Councilman Repanich stated that he had been approached several times for permission to establish a rental trailer camp at the corner of Kendall and Cline Streets. This was discussed, and application to establish such a court was denied on motion by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried. Clerk stated that a request had been received from the members of the Annapolis Sewer Commission that a joint meeting of the Commission and the Council of Port Orchard be held to talk over possibilities of joint participation in sewer disposal facilities. Council agreed that a meeting be called for November 19, 1956 at the Torn Hall, if date is satisfactory to the Annapolis Sewer Commission. Clerk was directed to write letter to J. C. Claypool, District Highway Engineer, in- forming that action had been taken to eliminate parking on east side of Bay Street from the Town Hall to Bank Street. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Councilmen Repanich and Bakerof the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Winebrenner and. carried. CURRENT EXPENSE FM (� Donald C. Corey Police service 167.44 W. L. Boatwright Police service 141.68 A. V. Raygor Police service 90.16 Fred R. Wixson Police service 6.44 L. N. Curtis & Sons Siren for police car 67.17 Saindont's, Ind. Tires & remolds for police car 62.70 Peninsula Stationers Typewriter ribbon & staples„ police 2.84 V. B. Caldwell Padlecks for police 2.10 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Seal beam unit for police 2.38 Cleveland Chevrolet Parts & repairs - police oar 32.18 Cleveland Chevrolet Repairs, lub, oil chg - police car 62.97 Port Orchard Independent Police Dept. cards (100) 7.75 Pacific Coast Stamp Works Polices badges f8l 29.15 Wilkins Distributing Co. Anti -Freeze, ethyl gas - police 64.70 George F. Cake Co. Reddone for flashlight - police 3.41 Part Orchard Independent Call for bide for pipe & fittings 11,89 Traffio Control Sign Co. Traffic 'signs 10.33 Port Orchard Oil Delivery Deisel fuel, city hall 77,50 Trick & Murray Election supplies (certif. of reg.) 8.08 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Clark, fire & police tel & tolls, 53.85 V. B. Caldwell Paint thinner 3.03 American Plmbg. & St. Splp. Co. 211 black pipe for parking meter post 54.47 Jeseph Tuba Trimming shrubbery 16.00 Howe Motor Company Repair heater on fire truck 5.65 Transport Clearings of P. S. Freight 2.00 WATER FUND Pacific Tel do Tel Co. Telephone & tolls 12.00 V. B. Caldwell. 3/4 shackle 1.03 Olson Shoot. Metal Works Recmre radiator 54,33 Gale W. Dow Labor reading water meters 5.70 Howe Motor Co. Truck repair 48.45 n STREET FUND Lester R. Helm Labor on city streets 224.07 Lester R. Helm Power sweeping Bay St. 87.30 G. A. Shackelford Labor on city streets 217.28 Totem Equipment Co. Dirt shoe strips for sweeper 8.29 Overall Cleaning & Sply. Co. Shop towels 2.74 Wilkins Distributing Co. Gasoline 76.99 Cleveland Chevrolet Tubing .21, Standard Oil Co. Oil 4.58 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephone & tolls 26.65 V. B. Caldwell Cable, nails, tools, etc. 24.42 Port Orchard Lachine Shop Labor & material 4.65 LIBRARY FUND H. R. Huntting Co, Books 8.12 Puget Sound News Co. Books 65.87 Pert Orchard Oil Delivery Stave ail 7.92 C. A. Hanks Agency Insurance premium on Active bldg. 55.71 V. B. Caldwell Spring for Re* Mowe 1.30 Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Rep ich and ar ad. ' f Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington November 26, 1956 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, �3 called to order by Mayor C. H. %argil. Present Councilmen R. B. Hall, Dusty 0. Winebrenner, Harold G. Baker and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague, and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore. Minutes of meeting of November 13, 1956 read and approved. Mrs. A. N. Jones appeared before the Council and presented a petition for the annexation of certain territory owned by her and her husband, and also property n owned by Art Orijudes at ux., to the Town of Pert Orchard. The petition was received and referred to the Attorney and the Engineer for checking and report back to the Council. Tom Dunstan and Guy Strickland appeared before the Council relative to establish. ment by the Town of streets on the vacated Maple Street waterway. After a con.. Terence, Mr. Dunstan agreed to furnish detailed plans of the proposed improvement to the Council at its next meeting. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that he and Councilman Winebrenner had met with Les Plymale of the State Department of Highways relative to a new connection through Pert Orchard toward Highway 14 south of pert Orchard. That they had not received much encouragembnt of state participation, but had been advised to continue with the program which had been started for promotion of the connecting link. It was decided to prepare a pre- liminary from Bay Street in Part Orchard, along the proposed Railroad Avenue route, and to extend to the new state highway, and to contact State Highway offloials for a conference in which representatives of the Town government, -the County and Chamber of Commerce would take part. Chairman Repanieh of the Parks and Playgrounds committee was granted further time for investigation of reported conduct of youngsters at Givens Field, and also for definite recommendation on heating equipment at the new building being constructed by the Active Club. Chairman Winebrenner of the Water and Sewer committee reported that his committee, with Councilman Hall, sitting in as a third member, had gone over the bids for pipe and fittings referred to the committee on November 13, and had consulted with the Superintendent; and had adjudged the bid of the Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Company and that of H. B. Fowler company as the best bids. Action of the committee was ratified on motion by Hall, seconded by Baker and carried. Further time was granted to the Finance and Auditing committee for a report and recommendation regarding Civil Service status for the Marshal and his deputies. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee presented the matter of entrance to the proposed Maple Street shopping center, stating that the State Department of Highways is interested in this matter. This was continued for two weeks, when it is expected that proposed plans of the development will be available. Councilman Baker brought up the matter of trash on the sidewalks in certain areas,, and Chief Wymere stated that he would again contact the property owners in an effort is secure action, Councilman Repsanich stated that complaint had been made that roll of black top material on Austin Street is net marked for night driving, and it was agreed that reflector markers should be placed on each end of the roll to warn motorists. Clerk stated that warrants numbered from 1 to 34, in the amount of $40789.859 had been issued against Local Improvement District No. 56, (Division Street Sewed, to the contractor in payment for the construction of the serer system in that area; that warrant No. 1 is for $1,OOO.O0; warrant No. 2, for 500.00; warrant fie. 3 for $250.00* warrants No. 4 to 33 inclusive are for $100.00 each, and warrant No. 34 is for 39.85; that money has not been received in amounts as indicated when the job was ordered, and that interest is accumulating on the entire issue, an sufficient funds have net been received to pick up the first warrants. He further stated that he had contacted a representative of the Division of Municipal corporations, who had stated that new warrants should be issued to pick up the original warrants; that accumulated interest should be paid to the warrant holders by check from funds so far collected in the district, and that the new warrants should bear interest from the date of issues. That the Council should pass a resolution authorising the Issuance of the new warrants in amounts that can be redeemed more readily. Follow- ing a discussion of the matter and advice from the Attorney, it was moved by Repanich, second by Winebrenner and carried that resolution be passed authorizing issuance of new rants to redeem the original issue, and that interest so far accumulated be paid to warrant holders from funds on hand. Superintendent stated that the City of Bremerton has a front-end loader Mich is to be replaced by a larger machine, and which is for sale, He stated that the machine would be very useful to the Town, and that he believed that it might be secured for about $700.00. After a discussion, it was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that bids be called for a used front-end loader, on specifications to be furnished by the Superintendent, and that right be reserved to reject any and all bids. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Councilmen Repanich and Baker of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Hall and carried: Donald C. Corey Police service 90.16 W. L. Boatwright Police service 25.76 Part Orchard Independent Publish Ord. #6351 200 cards, Pol. 15.06 Puget Sound Power & Light Street and Town Hall lights 461.99 WATER FUND Worthington Gamon Motor Div. Water meter parts $ 60.94 Puget Sound Power & Light Service at main plant, cathodic, 279.92 wells four and five STREET FUND G. A. Shackelford Labor on city streets $ 139.68 Lester R. Helm saber on city streets 139.68 Overall Cleaning & Supply Shop towels 2.31 Puget Sound Power & Light Service at Bay & Kendall garages 5.20 Thompsonn's Time book 2.53 Kitsap County Road oil 220.50 LIERARY FUND Paget Sound News Co. Superior Publishing Co. 4 Puget Sound Power & Light C. A. Banks Agency - 0 Service at Rec. Bldg. & tennis ct. $ Insurance premium - Active Bldg. Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by W renner Ad carried. Clerk Mayor 17.34 3.36 14.60 319.50 Port Orchard, Washington December 10, 1956 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C., H. Largis, with Ceuncilmen.Nick J. Repanich, Harold G. Baker, Dusty C. Winebrenner, and R. B.,Hall; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Super- intendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer Olin M. Sprague and Chief of Police A. L. Wymore present. Absent Councilman George A. Broughton. Minutes of meeting of November 26, 1956 read and approved. Tom Dunstan submitted suggested plans for streets and connections to his pro- posed development adjoining Maple Street Waterway, and stated that he is negotiating with C. L. Ainsworth for acquisition of a strip of land between his property and Bay Street. He stated that if he secures this strip of land that he will deed it to the Town of Peet Orchard to provide for widening of Bag Street from Black Jack bridge to the foot of Mitchell Hill. Plans were examined and discussed, and it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Winebrenner and carried that Resolution be passed establishing a 100-foot street in the center of Maple Street Waterway, with connections to adjoining property 100 feet in width, spaced at 400 feet from south line of waterway for first intersection, and ether northerly intersections to be established at 300-foot distances. It was agreed that Mr. Dunstan would meet with the Street and Alley committee on December 17, 1956 to work out definite lines of proposed streets to submit to the State Department of Public Lands and the State Department of Highways. n This being the date for hearing the petition to vacate certain portion of street adjoining the John Tegstrem property at the Tacoma -Harper Y. matter was called for hearing. Mr. Tegstrom was present, and submitted map showing conditions of property sought to be vacated, and it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Winebrenner and carried that petition be granted,and that ordinance providing for vacation be passed as read. Ordinance adopted as ordinance No. 636. Ordinance prohibiting parking on east side of Cline and Bay Streets from north line of Kitsap street to south line of Bank Street was read and passed on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried. Ordinance adapted as Ordinance No. 637. Engineer Sprague reported an his investigation of petition of Alonzo N. Janes at al. for annexation of certain property to the Town of Port Orchard, and statea that if this _property is annexed that it would leave a small tract between the property sought to be annexed and the south limits of Port Orchard. He suggested that before the Jones property is annexed that an effort be made to include the tract adjoining the Jones property 6n the north in the annexation. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported on further preliminary exploration of proposed highway route from Bay Street to connect with new Highway No. 14 south of Port Orchard, stating that a satisfactory route has been found. More.time granted in this matter. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee reported that he had, investigated reports of misconduct in the vicinity of Givens Field and stated that there have been no recent reports of misconduct, but recommended that J. W, Sutton Jr. be named a special deputy marshall to handle future trouble in the area. Report adopted and it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried. that J. W, Sutton Jr. be appointed special deputy. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee also reported on heating plant at Active Club Building at Givens Field. He stated that he had contacted heating engineers who had recommended a hot air furnace which could be fired either with gas or oil, with controls as located that heat could be controlled where needed. He stated that the Active Club would supply plans of building and that further investigation would be made. Matter of proposed purchase of front-end leader was continued. A request from the Retired Menas Club for use of the Council Chamber for meetings, was referred to the Parks and Buildings committees. Clerk' asked permission to pay casual laborers employed by the Town an the regular payroll on December 24, on certification by the Superintendent or Ether supervisor in charge, that claims are correct, Permission granted on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried. Chief of Police A. L. Wymore stated th$t he had lost two patrolmen to the county within the last month, due to higher pay and the five-day week. He asked that the local force be placed on a five-day, which would require the employment of another patrolman and a dispatcher for night duty. This was discussed by the Council and referred to the Finance and Auditing committee for investigation and report. Clerk stated that lease agreement with the Duncan Parking Meter-porporation had been received and asked permission to pay monthly payments for October -and November, 1956, as provided in' the lease agreement. Authority granted to•make-PAyments at the rate of $2.00 per month per meter or $212.00 per month for 106 meters delivered and installed. Superintendent stated that he had been approached by M. H. Thompson, owner of property on Bay and Frederick Streets, to fill and blacktop ditch which was dug up during construction of the building. Authority granted on assurance of pay for the work. Superintendent also reported that an accident which occured at the Airport gravel pit, involving a Town truck and a County loader had caused approximately $75.00 in damage to the Town truck. He said that he had contacted officials of the County and it had been suggested that as there is a question of liability that the cost of repairs be divided equally between the Town and the County. This settlement was authorized can motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Baker and carried. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Councilmen Repanich and. Baker of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE Donald C. Carey Police service 103.04 W. L. Boatwright Police service 38.64 Peninsula Stationers Pen set for police 4,44 Wilkins Distributing Co. Ethyl gas, police 104.76 Part Orchard Oil Delivery Diesel fuel, town hall 173.41 Port Orchard Electric & Spt. Shp/Install switch in town hall 5.73 B. A. Getschmann Co. Police judge bond premium 10.00 Town Clerk Postage, etc. 9.30 Cleveland Chevrolet Police car service 6.25 CURRENT EXPENSE Cleveland Chevrolet Guage for police .51 Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Tire repair, police 1.29 Beatty Scaffolds, Inc. Scaffold rental 37.94 Ainsworth Grocery Janitor supplies 3.00 WATER FUND Per West Supply Co. Wrench 2.69 Western Utilities Supply Coupling and reducer 75.13 Cleveland. Chevrolet Oil change 1.81 P. 0. Machine Shop Shim for water pump 1.29 Town Clerk Postal cards, white gas, etc. 45.46 STREET FUND G. A. Shackelford Labor en city streets 163.93 Lester R. Helm Operating power swpr. an Bay St. 61,11 Lester R. Helm Labor on city streets 175.51 P. 0. Oil Delivery Diesel & stove oil 90.39 Wilkins Dist. Co., Inc. Gasoline, spark plugs 201,11 P. 0. Machine Shop Repair grinder arm 4.13 Cleveland. Chevrolet Co. Repair truck 5.50 Bergs Auto Parts Signal arm kit 14,83 Union.Oil Co. Lubricating oil 42,45 Bremerton Concrete Prod. Co. Drain tile 95,69 C. A. Hanks Agency Insurance Pram. on Bay St.'garsage 75.02 RLRK FUND Part Orchard Oil Delivery Steve Oil 6.06 Port Orchard Machine Shop Cut hole in manhole cover 1.03 LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Co. Books 5.84 The H. R. Huntting Co. Books 24,54 Puget Sounds News Co. Books 5.39 (� Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, Clerk seconded by Hall a d carried. c Mayor Port Orchard, Washington December 24, 1956 On this date the Clerk called the meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington to order at the regular time, and there not being a quorum present the meeting was adjourned to Wednesday, Dece be 6, 19�6. Clerk 'f May®ram Port Orchard, Washington December 26, 1956 Adjourned meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Harold G, Baker, Dusty C. Winebrenner, Ray B. Hall and Nick J. Repanich, and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. Minutes of meeting of December 10, 1956 and December 24, 1956 read and approved.. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported on a meeting which his committee had with Tom Dunstan, relative, to streets and intersections in the pro- ponei. Test Bay Street Shopping Center and the Maxplo Street Waterway. He stated that in considering the street alignments and intersections, that it had been agreed that sa radius be provided on all four corners of intersections, and that he recommended a radius of 50 feet on each intersection corner. After a discussion, it was moved by Repanich, seconded by.Ha',ll and carried that a 50-foot radius be provided at each intersection corner. Chairman hall also presented maps showing proposed intersection of proposed street in Maple Street ?Waterway, and the State Highway.. ih ich could provide for from four to six lanes of traffic. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee stated that he had not pet received drawings of the Active Club building at Givens Field and was granted. �j further time on a definite report concerning a heating plant. The Finance and Auditing committee was granted further time for report and rec- ommendation regarding request by Police for five -.day week. Superintendent was authorized to install blacktop on driveway adjoining the Puget Sound Power & Light Co. garage, the cost of the work to be paid by the bower Company. n The following claimd were presented, after checking by the heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing commmittee, and were ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Baker and carried: r) CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Street lights 371.69 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Clerk, Police and Fire tels 53.20 WATER FUND Pacific States Cast Pipe Co. Water main (bid) 30410.53 Overall Cleaning & Supply Shop towels 2.06 Piston Service of Bremerton Bearing for pump 4.55 Puget Sound Power & Light power at pumps 285.08 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephone and tells 11.85 All Bearing Service, Inc. Ball bearing 38.68 STREET FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Light at Bay St. Garage 3.80 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephone and tolls 35.30 The H. R. Huntting Co. Books for Library 38.39 Puget Sound News Co. Books for Library 9,78 Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Winajb ner andcarried, Clerk ****,-**r*** .mow----a--�,-� sl'_ or Port Orchard, Washington January 14, 1957 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, R. B. Halls Dusty C. Winebrenner and Harald G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Superinten- dent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer Olin M. Sprague present. Absent Councilman George A. Broughton. Minutes of meeting of December 26, 1956 read and approved. A petition praying for the annexation of certain territory adjoining Port Orchard an the south and located in the Fernwood district, was presented to the Council by H. E. Larkin and others. The petition was referred to the Engineer and Attorney for checking of ownerships and sufficiency, to report at a later date. W. H. Cruikshank, contractor for garbage collection in Port Orchard, appeared before the Council, requesting an increase in rates within the town limits. He presented a financial statement and orally gave other data in support of his request. The matter was discussed and referred to the Health and Sanitation committee, with Councilman Baker sitting in as a third member, for study and report. Mayor stated that glass insurance on the Active Club building at Givens Field had been cancelled, as the building is open and subject to mischief. He stated that unearned portion of premium would be returned to the Town. Clerk asked authority to draw warrant in payment of insurance for members of Vol- unteer Fire Department. Authority granted on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Hall and carried.