01/01/1955 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard., Washington January 10, 1955 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayer C. H. Largis, with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, Ray B. Hall., Verd W. Nichols and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Super- intendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Sngineer T. C. Breitenstein, present. Minutes of meeting of December 27, 1954 read and approved.. Superintendent reported that.he had made an investigation of conditions in the area of Maple Street, about which G. W. Shope had made complaint, and that it is possible to make improvements there in read conditions, by bulldozing and grading, and that the cost of the project would be approximately $250.00. Attorney agreed to write letter to interested property owners regarding the job, and notifying them that the cost should be paid by the property owners. Clerk reported that the claim of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company for extra compensation for service at the Municipal Building, which was allowed at the meeting of December 97, 19540 had been settled, for $300.00. Attorney Perrino stated that an Examiner from the Division of Municipal Corpora- tions had suggested that certain payments had been made to the Town of Port Orchard by Justice Courts which should have gone to the County. That he had investigated the matter and was of the opinion that the Town is entitled to the money received, after breifing the law in the matter. Councilman Repanich stated that he had been informed that street sweeper would probably be declared surplus by the Navy and offered for sale in the near future. That he would keep in touch concerning the equipneht and would notify the council of developments. Letter from "Little League" baseball organization regarding advertising an fences was read and discussed, and it was decided that representatives of "Little League" be notified to attend the next meeting of the Council when the matter will be taken up. A'etter from "Little League " regarding additional bleachers was read to the Council and discussed; this matter also to be taken up and considered at the next meeting of the Council. Chief of Police brought up the matter of an office chair for the Police Judge, and it was suggested that efforts be made to secure satisfactory chiar from local dealer. Following a discussion it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried that parallel parking be enforced on Frederick Street noth of Bay Street, and that additional meters be installed where space permits. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Baker and carried: Western Auto Supply Port Orchard Indpendent Lumber Supply Howard Cooper Corp. Arthur A. Williams Donald C. Corey T. C. Breitenstein The-Steck Company The Stationers, Inc. Puget Sound Power d Light Co. Town Clerk Assn of Washington Citibs Black Ball. Freight Service Traffic Control Signs Co. Beacon Appliance Standard Oil Co. of Calif. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Battery for fire truck $23.61 Resolution, Division St. Sewer 31.65 Cement for City Mall roof 1.34 Parts for fire truck 5.67 Police service 10.50 Police Service 105.00 Engineer retainer 100.00 Payroll record sheets 9.71 Scotch tape for Clerk 1.16 Street and cross walk lights 315.83 Postage, recording deeds, etc 11.66 1955 Dues 150.00 Freight on traffic signs 3.50 12 red step signs. 85.28 Repair and clean oil burner, City Hallll.85 Tire rpair, lub job, Police car 4.64 WATER FOND Lumber Supply Paint, tile, etc 8.62 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power at main water plant 139.83 W. F. Bruhahn Labor on water lines 5.46 Siler Auto Parts, Inc. Gordon bulb for battery charger 3.86 Parks Jewelry, Inc. Stool 3.35 Wilkins Distributing Co. Anti liu6t 1.38 Town Clerk Postal cards, Lye 20.35 Port Orchard Machine Shop Labor, etc 12.11 Lumber Supply Port Orchard Machine Shop Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Bremerton Concrete Products Wilkins Distributing Co. Gould Sheet Metal Works Kitsap County Air Port Town Clerk Lumber Supply W. L. Johnsen Lumber Supply STREET FUND Cement, nails, lumber, Labor and material Garage lights Kerosene Drain Tile Filters and spark plugs Material and labor Gravel Bridge toll, read trip S EWM FUND Plaster sand Repair sewer lateral PARK FUND etc to Tacoma Nails, Lumber, sand, cement (Little League Field) Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols Clerk 3 98.32 8.76 3.80 16.54 45.05 8.93 10.18 109.20 1.15 .31 9.00 Rim-31 May o Port Orchard, Washi..gtom January 24, 1955 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present councilmen Ray R. Hall, Yerd W. Nichols, Harold G. 'Raker and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Absent Council- man reor ge A. Broughton. Minutes of meeting of January 10, 1955 read and approved. Fire Chief Alan Totten presented a report for the year 1954, showing the total number of alarms answered during the year as 24; fire drills held 50; alarms answered outside town 5; and false alarms answered 1. Total fire losses for the ,year were $1,835.00, and total expenses of the department were 1,903y06. Exp- ens4s were divided at $798.00 paid as compensation to the members of the depart- ment; $60.00 to the State of Washington for insurance, and$1,045.06 for maintenance and appurtenances secured.. Per capita fire loss, based on a population of 2,800 amounted to 65.4 cents, and the cost per capita for expenses of the department was 67.9 cents. The Mayor and Councilmen complimented Fire Chief Totten and the members of the Department for the fine showing made during the year, and express- ed the thanks and appreciation of the community for the unselfish service rendered. Stanley Worden, representing Peninsula Stationers, appeared before the Council and exhibited a chair which the Police Judge desired to purchase and quoted the price at $49.50. Members of the Council examined the chair and on motion by Nichols, seconded by Raker and carried, authorized the purchase at the price quoted. Superintendent Givens stated that a request had been made for a cross walk marking an Prospect Street at the intersection of Bank Street, and this was authorized on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried. Cherles A. Russell, owner, of property in Block 8, First Addition, appeared before the Council regarding improvement to alley in Block 8, First Addition. Referred to Street and Alley coil ni_ttee. Ed Heister, local manager of the Puget Sound Power and. Light Company, reported on improvements being made in Port Orchard by his company to provide better service and permit greater expansion. This being the date on which bids were advertised to be opened for gasoline and deisel oil and stove oil, Mayor directed that bids be opened. Bids were received from Standard Oil Company; Wilkins Distributing Co.; Union Oil Company of Caff iformia; R. L. Lursen; H. B. Mhnees, and Howe Oil Company. Bids were opened and examined by the Council, and following examination of bids and consideration of the terms, it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried that bid,of Ifewe Oil Company for deisel oil at $.126 per gallon be accepted; that the bid of Standard Oil Compjuny for gasoline at $.2053 per gallon be accepted; and that bid of H. B. Menees for stove oil at $.139 be accepted. Joe Stixrud appeared before the Council regarding cross -walk on Bay Street in the vicinity of T.B. & M. Market, and asked that cross walk be designated In that locality in the interest of safety. A general discussion followed, and it was pointed out that signs approved by the State Highway department have been placed in that locality, and no further action was taken. Matter of salary adjustment for employees of the Town of Fort Orchard was brought before the Council, and tUis matter was referred to the Finance and Auditing committee to report at the next meeting of the Council A. M. Mikelsen, Arthur Niemi and James Wilkinson, representing the "Little League" appeared before the Council regarding advertising an fence at Little League baseball diamond. A general discussion of the problems involved was entered into, and it was moved by Nichols, seennded by Hall and carried that "Little League" be authorized to rent advertising space on fence, the income to be disbursed for the benefit and improvement of the Little League field this arrangement to be in force until notified by Council of termina- tion. Disbursements to be made only on approval by the Parks, Buildings and Playgrounds committee of the Council. Discussion of erection of additional bleachers at the Little League field was held, and following the discusssion matter was referred to the Parks and Buildings committee to secure estiamtes of cost of various types of bleachers. The following claims checked by heads of departments and b7 Councilmen Repand6k and Baker of the Finance and Auditing committee, were react to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Donald C. Corey Police service 84.00 Arthur A. Williams Police service 10.50 J. R. Brickerhoff Repair Police radio 12.76 Thompson's Memo refills 1,39 Pacific Tele. & Tele Co. Clerk, Police, Fire Telephones 49.50 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Closing bill, cross walk .64 H. B. Menees Furnace Oil 180.47 Pert Orchard Indpendent Evps, vouchers, call for bids 58.21 Lowman & Hanford Co. Warrant register sheets 14.42 County Auditor Fare Truck and Police car licenses 4.80 Puget Sound Power & Lip t Co. City Hall lights 108.70 Pacific Tele & Tele Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. County Auditor Pacific Tele & Tele Co. Puget Sound Power & Light H. B. Menees County Auditor Lent's Ihe. Overall Cleaning & Supply 0. K. Rubber Welders Howard Cooper Corp. WATER FUND Telephones and tolls Cathodic equipment energy West Street Pump Licensed for pickup trucks STREET FUND Telephone and tolls Co. Kendall Street garage Stove Oil Rolling Stock license Digging drain ditch Co. Shop Towels Tires and recaps Valve for grader PARK FUND s 15.20 17.26 23.09 3.20 12.35 2.00 70.10 8.00 21.89 2.70 109.57 .71 Peninsula Ready Mix 21 yds ready mix concrete 35.54 Puget Sound Power & Liight Co. Recreation bldg. light 17.56 Puget Souhd Power & Light Co. Tennis court 1%' 2,00 Council adjourned an motion by Hall, seconded by Nic and ar ied. CIO may z r 8 Port Orchard, Washington February 14, 1955 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard called to order by Mayor C. H. La.rgis with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Hepanick, Harold G. Raker, Verd W. Nichols and Ray B. Hall; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein present. Minutes of meeting of January 26, 1955 rend and approved. Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee reported that his committee had met and considered the salary of Town employees, and submitted recommendations for salaries as follows: Superintendent of Public Works, 1380,00 per month; Chief of Police $380.00 per month; Police Patrolmen, 325.00 per month; Clerk, $380.00 per month; Assistant Clerk $270.00 per month; Street Foreman, $350.00 per month; Water Foreman $350.00 per month; Laborers, $1.88 per hour; Librarian, $95.00 per month; Street cleaner,$70.00 per month; All salaries to also include cost of State Medical Aid payments to the State of Washington. Following consideration of the suggested pay scale, it was moved by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried that the re- commendations of the committee be approved, that the pay scale as outlined be adopted to be effective as of February 10, 1955. Ordinance covering the findings of the committee and establishing the pay scale passed on,motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee gave a report on his investigation regarding construction of bleachers at "Little League" ball field, showing plans of suggested improvement and giving an estimate of the cost of different types of bleachers. Following a discussion, matter was referred back to the committee and further conferences and definite recom- mendations as to type of bleachers, to report at a future meeting. Street and Alley committee, through Chairman Hall, reported on findings regard- ing improvement of alley in Block 8, First Addition, stating that by grading that alley can be removed from infringement on private property, and put in good passable condition. Request from Library Board for floor covering in Library was considered, and costs of various material and approximate cast of finished "job was submitted. Referred to Finance and Auditing committee for further investigation and report. Chairman Nichols of the [dater and Sewer committee brought up the matter of delinquent water accounts, and this was discussed. It was directed that regulation regarding payment be enforced, and that after payments become delinquent for two months, that notice be given that unless prompt payment is made that water service will be cut off under the terms of the ordinance governing water service. Chairman Raker of the Fire & Light committee, stated that a street light is badly needed on Flower Street at the notherly end of the improved street 'between Blocks 12 and 13, Sidney Villa Addition. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried that street light at this location be approved and that letter be written to the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, direct- ing the installation of this light. Councilman Repanich stated that he had received complaints of lack of police service in the residence areas, and this matter was taken up with the Chief of Police. Request from a Mr. Boyer to truck legs over Town owned land west of Port Orchard was presented, and it was stated that Mr. Boyer should appear before the Co,incil and state details of the request. Clerk stated that sewer revenue bonds of the issue of 1941 would be paid off within a short time, and matter of continuing sewer service charge to create a fund for sewer disposal equipment was discussed, and referred to the Finance committee for further investigation of the matter. Matter of county owned real estate within the town limits was discussed, it being pointed out that Jack DeMaine desired to purchase some of this real estate., and that application had been held up, pending release by the Town for sale of this property. Engineer stated that he would ascertain which lots in the list were desired by the Town, and would report at the next meeting of the Council. Clerk stated that assessment installment in L.I.D. No. 52,(Givens Field property) is due in the amount of $291.17, and asked permission to pay the installment. Permission was granted on motion by Nichols, seconded by Raker and carried. Chief of Police asked permission to have walls of police offices painted. This was approved on motion b- Nichols, seconded by -Maker and carried, estimates of cost to be secured and submitted to the Council. Mayor brought up matter of Legislative bill to permit off-street parking by Towns. Following a discussion, it was the opinion of the members of the Council as expressed, that there is no opposition to the measurer. NO e Superintendent stated that Alonzo Jones desired to extend the water line on his property to permit installing of additional meter for water service on his property outside the town limits. Council re -affirmed its decision made on December 13, 1954 meeting, that additional water service to this property can be made only on the payment of $125.00 for each connection. The following claims checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Donald C. Corey Arthur A. Williams Port Orchard Independent Stephenson, Corporation Western Auto Supply Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Sainden's, Inc. R. A. Getschmann Co. Howe Motor Company Port Orchard Machine Shop F. E. Langer Agency Traffic Control Signs Co. Black Ball Freight Service Town. Clerk T. C. Breitenstein -E. A. Breitenstein Slocum Hardware Slocum Hardware Wilkins Dist. Co. Western Auto Supply V. R. Caldwell Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Howe Motor Co. Slocum Hardware W. F. Rruhahn Town Clerk F. E. Langer Agency Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. Wilkins Dist. Co. Ben's Truck Parts Slocum Hardware Cleveland Chev. Co. Rudd Paint Co. V. B Caldwell P. 0. Machine Shop Ace Paving Co. Ulrich Planfiling Equip. Corp. Slocum Hardware Puget Sound News Co. Police service $147.00 Police service 68..25 Notice of caucus 5.75 Drunkometer kits 14.58 Flashlight batteries; car wash 4.72 Street ligbtss 312.95 Tire recap for Police car 7.57 Police Judge bond premium 10.00 Repairs to Police car 19..31 Repair traffic Signs 8.50 Clerk and Police bond premiums 85..00 Street signs 142.96 Freight on signs 3.70 Postage and paper cups 3.44 Engineer retainer 100..00 Engineer's helper 16.20 Engineer's supplies 2.26 Cable and clamps 18.35 WATER FUND Spark Plugs, Anti Freeze 11.40 Wrenck 1.80 Pick Handle, Paint 5.40 Repair Chev. Pickup 6.07 Ford Pickup 22.50 Tools 19.61 Labor 10.70 Postal Cards 20,00 Assttt Clerk Bond 7.50 Shop Towels � 2.50 STREET FUND Gasoline, Spark Plugs 148.48 2 Spr. Leafs t 11.64 Various tools, fittings, paint, etc. 59.48 Repair Dump Truck 5.96 Paint Thinner 8.24 Various Mdse. 2.41 Straighten grader blade 7.99 Road mix and paving material 113.06 ?Vo Index clips and labels 14.69 PARK FUND Tools and fittings 2U.94 LIBRARY FUND Books 19.19 Meetibg adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by M M Clerk ton and carried. Port Orchard, Washington February 28, 1955 Council of the Town of Pert Orchard called to order in regular session by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Ray B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols, Harold G. Baker Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; superinten- dent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of February 14, 1955 read and approved. Widening of nay Street to permit installation of traffic channelizatiun was discussed and Clerk was instructed to write to District Engineer for plans of installation. R. S. Jones and other residents of Sidney Ridge community appeared before tke Council relative to taking over 'by the Town of Port Orchard of Sidney Ridge water system. A general discussion followed, and matter was referred to the Water and Sewer committee, who, in comeany with the Superintendent of Public Works, are to meet with representatives of Sidney Ridge water committee, ascertain facts and report to the council. A. A. Royer, of Route 4, Box 68, appeared before the Council and asked permission to transport lags over SE4 SW2 Sec. 34, Tp. 24 R. lE, which property is owned by the Town. Following a discussion it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried that permission be granted under conditions to be approved by the Super- intendent of Public Works, regarding gates, etc. H. M. Reekafellow appeared and asked for vertical parking in front of his place of business on the north side of Bay Street between Harrison and Seattle Streets. Referred to the Street and Alley committee to investigate and with power to act in the matter. V. M. Parks, representing the Merchants committee of the South Kitsap Chamber of commerce appeared before the Council regarding patrolling of parking lot in Block 13, Sidney by the Police department; the erection of parking signs to be erected and maintained by the Merchants committee; and other matters concerning parking in merchants parking lets. Following a discussion, hatters were referred to the street and alley committee for investigation and report, on motion by Michels, seconded by Raker and carried. Chas. A. Russell appeared before the Council, and asked that a fire telephone be installed in the residence of Lee F. Caldwell, and that an alarm button be in- stalled in his residence. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried that request be granted. Decorating walls in the Police offices was discussed, and Chief of Police Wymere stated that he had received an estimate of $132,00 for painting walls, but that he expects to receive a bid for plastering walls. Matter deferred to meeting of March 141V 1955. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee reported that he had conferred with the "Little League" committee regarding erection of bleachers, and that a tentative agreement had been reached regarding design, finaning, etc. Under the agreement so far reached, cast of bleachers would be divided between the "Little League" and the Town. Referred to the Engineer to prepare sketch and plans of proposed bleachers. Councilman Repanich reported that the Navy is offering a. street sweeper, which has been inspected by himself and Superintendent Givens, for sale, bids to be opened March 8, 1955 at 2 o'clock p.m. Following a discussion, it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried that Clerk be authorized to draw warrant on the Street Fund for not to exceed $499.00, as bid price for sweeper, exact amount of bid to be decided by the Street and Alley committee. Chairman Broughton o" the Finance and Auditing committee submitted samples of floor covering for the Library at a price of 150 per square block tile. Pur- chase was authorized on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried, selection of pattern of 'tile to be made by officials of the Library, and laying cost not to exceed $75.00. Matter of continuing sewer service charge was referred to the Finance and Audit- ing committee for consideration and conference with Attorney, and report back to the Council. On Motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried, Clerk was authorized to draw warrant for $5.00 as and for forest fire patrol tax on garbage tract. The fallowing claims checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried: 11 CURRENT EXPENSE FUNK Howe Motor Company Arthur A. Williams W. L. Boatwright Donald C. Corey Miller Meters, Inc. Miller Meters Inc. Teim Clerk H. B. Menees H. B. Menees Lowman & Hanford Trick & Murray Pacific Tele. & Tele Co. Sheriff Kitsap County State Penitentiary Talbot Plumbing & Heating Pacific Tel & Tel Co. W. F. Bruhahn Johns Mansville Sales Corp. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Town Clerk Siler Auto Parts, Inca Ace Paving Co. Rudd Paint & Varnish Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Howe Motor Company Pacific Tel & Tel Co. H. B.. Menees The H. R. Huntting Car. The Exposition Co. Press I1. B. Menees Talbot Plumbing & Heating Co. Repair police car 46.45 Police service lu*62 Police service 17.:35 Police service 88.11 Parking meter parts 73.14 Parking meter parts 77.67 Postage advanced 7.82 Battery cable 1.39 Furnace Oil :33.86 Election sets 27.04 Receipts in trip. for Police 45.76 Clerk, Police & Fire Telephones 50.20 Beard of prisoners 49.00 Traffic Signs 32.40 WATER FUND Batteries 6.08 Telephones and tells 10.00 Labor 7.37 Used Puller 22.40 West Street pump 20.07 Power at main plant 135.59 Postal cards 1M 20.00 STREET N'UND Vacolite Motor 6.95 Asphalt Mix 129.42 Traffic Paint & Thinner 73.13 Bay Street Garage 2.88 Truck Repair 19.37 Telephone and tells 20.35 Stove Oil and Auto parts 24.71 LIBRARY FUND Books 15.09 Book 2.40 PARK FUND. Stove Oil 9.52 Parts for Toilet 1.59 Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, Clerk 77- seconded by Ha rigid. May Port orchard, Washington March 14, 1955 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, George A. Broughton, Harold G. Baker, Verd W. Nichols and Ray B. Hall; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and 'Bngineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of February 28, 1955 read and approved. Stewart Mathews, president of Cascade Gas Corporation, appeared before the Council, regarding franchise for. natural gas distribution in the Town of Port Orchard, and explained the proposed terms of the franchise ordinance proposal, which was submitted, and answered questions regarding the proposed installation. Copies of proposed ordinances were left with the Council for consideration and study. Following the explanations by Mr. Matthews and discussion by the Council, matter was deferred for further study and consideration. Chairman Mall of the Street and Alley committee reported on the request of H. M. Rockafellow for angle parkingin front of his place of business at. 909'Bay Street, stating that he dLid not favor angle parking as requested* it was suggested that a loading zone at the location might solve the problem, and the matter was referred back to the committee to confer further with Mr. Rockafellow. Estimate of cost of plastering the police offices and the fire chiefs office was received from R. Blowers, offering to plaster the police offices for $215.00, plus state sales tax, and the fire chief's office for $135.00, plus state sales tax. Following a discussion, it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried that Ray Blowers be directed to plaster the police offices for 1215,00, plus state sales tax, work to be undertaken within thirty days. Engineer stated that he would visit the "Little League" baseball field at Givens Field and prepare sketches for construction of bleachers. Councilman Repanich stated that he had been informed that the bid which the Town of Port Orchard submitted for a street sweeper offered for sale by the Navy, had been accepted, and that official notice would no doubt be received in a short time. Matter of establishing a sewer charge for creating a fund toward construction of a sewer disposal plant, was discussed, and was referred to the Finance and Auditing committee to meet with the Clerk to work out a schedule of charges. Communication from Association of Washington Cities regarding signing by the Governor of Senate Bill No. 104, which has passed the Legislature, and which would provide additional income to cities and towns, was read. It wqs directed that a letter be written by the Attorney and signed by the Mayor and members of the Council urging signing of the bill. It was pointed out that the South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce has already sent a letter to the Governor urging signing of the bill. Chairman Nicholas of the Water and Sewer committee reported that his committee had looked over the Sidney Ridge water system, which was offered to the Town, and that definite recommendation was withheld pending information on avail- ability of suitable site for a distribution tank. Continued for further study. Resolutions were received and read from the Port Orchard Kiwanias Club, The South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce, and the South Kitsap Active Club, and a letter from Mrs. Lois Langert, President of the South Kitsap Activettes, endorsing the flouridation of the water system by the Town of fort Orchard. Communications read and ordered filed. Superintendent stated that Kitsap County is the owner of Lot 12, Block 13, Sidney Villa Addition to Sidney, over which the Town maintains a drain, and that this lot can be secured from the County for a total eost.of #30.25. It was pointed out that this lot is necessary to the drainage system, and follow- ing discussion, it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried that Clerk draw warrant for $30.25 as and for cost of deed from Kitsap County to this lot. Clerk submitted election returns from the recent Town election, and these returns w8re eanvassed.by the Mayor and Council members* Results were certified as follows: for imuncihmen, two-year terms, Ray B, Hall, 1851:1votes; Nick J. Repanich, 204 votes and Arthur M. Mikelsen 119 votes; K. K. Smith, 1 vote; and Hans Aarshaug, 1 vote. Clerk directed to issue Certificates of Election to Ray B. Hall and Nick J. Repanich, on the basis of the returns. Engineer and Superintendent submitted report on investigation of location of artesian well on Black Jack Creek, stating that existing wal& is on property owned by Martin Peterson and wife. Superintendent stated that location in desirable for future expansion of the water system, and matter was referred to Councilman Hall to contact owners of the property and ascertain if same is available and at what price. The following calicos, checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried: Arthur A. Williams Donald C. Corey Dick Brinkerhoff Puget Sound Power and -bight Co. Howe oil Company Winebrenner's Food Store Port Orchard Independent Standard Oil Co. of Calif. T. C. 'Breitenstein L. N. Curtis & Sons Peninsula Stationers Saindon's Inc. W. H. Srevenson Pauline Peterson Virginia Sutton Virginia Grosso Jennie Alderman Evelyn Sherk Emma Harmon Kitsap County Treasurer Police service $10.84 Police service 86.72 Repair Police radio 11.64 Street lights 312.95 Deisel fuel for City Hall 143.52 Janitor's supplies 3.00 Publish_Ordinanee and Election 12.49 Tire repair, Police car 1.54 Engineer retainer 100.00 Refill C 0 2 Oxygen tank FD 5.15 Typewriter ribbons, Police 1.60 Recap tire, Police 14.13 Sharpen lawn mower 1.55 Election service 5.00 « " 5.00 « « 5.00 x x 5.00 5.00 « " 5.00 Forest Fie Patrol Tax 5.60 WATER FUND E. A. Breitenstein Pacifie Water Works Supply V. B. Caldwell Port Orchard Machine Shop Parks Jewelry, Inc. Cleveland Chevrolet County Auditor James N. Reeves Bremerton Concrete Pro., Co. V. B. Caldwell Standard tail Co. of Csalif. Howe Oil Company Totem Equipment Company Port Orchard Machine Shop Engi.neerts helper Barricade lantern and battery Pipe fittings and tools Sharpen picks Dry call battery Truck repair Purchase Lot 12, Bk 13 Sidney Villa Labor sanding streets Drain the March. andis e Gasoline Stove Oil Engine Parts Equipment repair Stewart W. Waters and J. W. Sutton, Jr. Lay Floor covering, Library Mary B. Peterson Re-imburse for magazine subs PARK FUND Port Orchard Machine Shop Repair Playground equipment S LM FUND W. L. Johnson Labor Council adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried. Clerk $ 10.80 18.87 8.76 4.64 2.58 9.58 30 ;, 25 5.64 24.19 7.79 198.74 40.82 42.74 23.$8 75.00 11.13 1.03 2.25 Fart Orchard, Washington March 48, 1955 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town, of fort Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C. H. Largisi Present Councilmen Ray B. Hall, Verd W. Niebols, Harold G. Baker, Nick J. Repanich and George A. HroUghton; Super- intendent of Public Works George F. Givens, Absent Attorney Dudley N. Perrine and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of March 14, 1955 read and approved. .M. H. Thompson, ovner!of property in Block 13, Sidney, appeared before the Council and asked that corner of his property on y and Froderiek streets be established in order that early construction may be started on re- -building* Referred to the Street and Alley committee and the Engineer to .establish corners. Eddie Merritt and Leonard Otto, representing the South Eitsap Active Club, appeared before the Council, addressing the group in favor of fluoridation of the water distributed in port Orchard. They stated that a.meeting of the dative Club, at which both sides of the ease would be presented, would be hell. on April 6, 1955 and asked that the Mayor and members of the Council attend this meeting. A representative of the Duncan Meter Company submitted a gimmick to. attach to parking: meters to provide f r voluntary payment of parking JAIP"tions. A discussion followed.; and thi was referred to the'Street and Alley committee and the Chief of Pol ese. A short discussion of the pro used gas franchise to•the Caseade Gas Company was held, and Councilman Nie 0 19 stated that he believed that a definite time limit in which to star construction should be inserted if a franchise is granted., Chairman Hall of the Sire t and Alley committee reported on his conference with H. M. Rockafellow gar -ding parking conditions in front of his place of business, stating t at Mr. Rockafellow did not. favor a loading tone, and that new arrangeme� wither 'than the approved method of parking, . ,. deoided upon. It wa>gt the opinion of the Council members as expressed that the loading zone now dicated on Prospect Street back of the Ross Building should be eliminated., Superintendent stated that the street sweeper has been received, and that it appears to be in good condition, requiring only minor repairs and adjustments. Councilman Hall asked for further time in which to open negotiations for well on Black Jack Creek. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee suggested that Town secure permit to use equipment wider than regular legal limitations, on the State Highway and town streets, as a security measure in operating the street sweeper. Matter referred to the Attorney to apply for permits. Letter from U. S. Ammunition Depot relative to hauling explosives through town was read to Council. Matter of route to be taken was referred to Police, and it was the opinion that Police escort is not necessary, but will be furnished if requested by the Navy. Superintendent stated that request has been made to move dirt from West Street by local contractor. Matter referred to the Engineer to envestigate, and report, so that Council may act inteligently if formal request is received. 9aperintendent also stated that Active Club desires that Town move dirt again- st wall at new building at Givens Field. Superintendent given permission, on motion by Repanieh, seconded by Hall and carried. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and were allowed and ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried: Donald C. Corey Arthur A. Williams W. L. Boatwright Peninsula Stationers Howe Motor -Company Town Clerk Howe Oil Company Thompson's Pacific Tel & Tel Company Puget Sound Power & Light Company Howe's Hardware Totem Equipment Company Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Utility Products co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Home Motor Company Town Clark Howe ail Company Howe Motor Company Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Howard Cooper Corp. Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. Totem Equipment Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Thompson's Howe's Hardware Parks Jewelry Inc. R. B. Ryan Town Clerk Police service Police service Police service Chair; supplies for Police Pollee car repair Postage and advanced expenses Furnace Oil Typing paper for Clerk Telephones and tolls Town hall lights Supplies for Police and City Hall WATER FUND 86.72 10.84 21.68 54.54 18.54 9.82 110.95 3.61 49.20 109.20 27.11 Pipe coupling 9.03 Telephone and tolls 17.55 Meter Seals and Oil 50.59 Power and Light 162.70 Lub Job on pickup 2.21 1 M Postal cards for water bills 20.00' STREET Farm Stove Oil Pants for sweeper Garage lights Brake shoes and cylinter Shop Towels Expans ion rings Telephone Time Book Paint and tools LIBRARY FUND Tile for floor covering Repair book shelves Advanced pest office box rent 47.42 3.97 4.24 62.14 2.11 7.73 '9. ffi'15 2.32` 16.82 191.01 9.58 1.10 PUget Sound Power and Light Co. Taylor St. Real and tennis court 20.59 Howe's Hardware Merchandise 14.13 Howe Oil Co. Stove Oil 7.64' SEWER FUND. Lent's Inc. Sewer conneection 61.38 Council adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried. Glerk yor Port Orchard, Wash. April 11, 1955 Council called to order in regular session by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, George A. Broughton, Harold G. Baker, Berd W. Nichols and Ray B. Hall; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens present. Minutes of Meeting of March 28, 1955 read and approved. G. D. Edward of the Capitol Tavern asked for a license to,conduet dancing in a room -adjoining his tavern Friday and Saturday nights. This was discussed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried that Clerk be authorized to issue license under the terms of Ordinance No. 570, provided the State Liquor Control Board approved holding dances in that location. Consideration of the proposed gas franchise was again taken up, and after discussion, it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that an ordinance be drawn providing for granting of a franchise, among the terms of which are to be a 2 per cent occupation tax on gross revenue; construction to be started within ninety days after natural gas is avail- able in Bremerton; and that franchise be subject to cancellation for non- payment of occupation tax, or for other infractions of the franchise ordinance. Establishment of street lines on Frederick Street north of Bay Street, was referred to Chairman hall of the Street and Alley committee. It was brought to the attention of the Council that Blocky 1 and 2, Terrace Park Addition, is the property of Ritsap County; that the property is desire - able for future expansion of the water resources of the Town. It was moved by Ha 1, seconded by Broughton and carried that Attorney make application to the County Commissioners for acqusition of this land, and that Clerk be authorized to drwwr warrant for the amount of the purchase price to be established by the County Commissioners, together with costs attendant on the transfer. It was moved by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried that ordinance be drawn to permit over -'wide equipment toLbe operated on the- streets of Port Orchard by the Town, Sitsap County and the State of Washington. Superintendent stated that dirt has been filled in back of wall at the site of the new building on Givens Field, Councilman Nichols stated that complaint has been made of a dog nuisance in Block 16, Sidney. Referred to Police Department. Matter of additional 'bleachers at *Little League" baseball ground on Givens Field was discussed, and on motion by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried, Parks and Playgrounds committee was empowered to secure plans and specifications and to call for bids for construction of bleachers. Superintendent stated that he had been unable to secure fertilizer from City of Bremerton for application on baseball field, but that material may be available later. Charles Russell and other members of the Fire Department appeared before the Council and complained of delay in securing additional telephones and alarm button authorized previously by the Council. Clerk directed to order these facilities at once« An informal discussion of fluoridation of water supply was held, bu no action was taken. Superintendent stated that street sweeper is in running condition, and explained somd of the problems in connection with securing rewinding of brooms. The following claims, properly checked and examined by the members of the Finance and Auditing`comstittee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Nichols and carried: Cookson Bros. Service Tilton Sales and Service Stantird Oil Co. of Goal. Arthur A. Williams W. L. Boatwright Donald C. Corey R. L. Sweany Insurance T. C. Breitenstein Port Orchard Independent Puget Sound Power d Light Co. Burroughs Corporation Wilkins .Dist. Co., Inc. V. B. Caldwell Car cleaner for Fire :Dept. Repair Venetian blinds in Police Tire repair, lub service, Police Police service Police service Police service Premium, on rolling stock Engineer and inspector Ballots for Town election Street lights service agreements on machines Filters for Police car Paint and padlock for Police 1.29 10.30 2.58 10.84 10.84 108.40 70.73 100.00 20.60 312.95 131.74 4.11 3.67 WATER FUND Lowman d Hanford Western Utilities Supply Co. R. L. Sweany Insurance Wilkins Dist. Co., Inc. W. F. Bruhahn Wilkins Dist. Co., Inc. Port Orchard Machine Shop H. B. Menees R. L. Sweany Insurance Cleveland Chevrolet V. B. Caldwell Kitsap County Garage Puget Sound News Company Gaylord Bros, Inc. Special drawing pensils $ 3.40 Meter boxes and lids 79.94 Premium on rolling stock 27.93 Filters 5.49 Labor tending pumps 5.64 STREET BLIND Spark Plugs 3.22 Labor and material on sweeper d Tru. 29.77 Various parts and tools 79.32 Premium on rolling stock 165.40 Muffler 3.93 Tools 22.22 Repair grader 17.60 LIBRARY FUND Books 36.00 Supplies for Library 25.27 Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols 01 erk carried. / Mayor e e* e e e s**** e April 25, 1955 Fort Orchard, Washington Council called to order in regular session by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Council- men Ray B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols, Harold G. Baker and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens present. Absent Councilman Nick J. Repanich. Minutes of meeting of April 11, 1955 read and approved. E. M. Merritt of the Port Orchard Active Club appeared and asked about the attitude of the Council relative to calling an election regarding fluoridation of the water supply, before definite action is taken by the Council. Mayor Largis and Council- men Broughton, Baker, Nichols and Hall all expressed the opinion that no action would be taken until after an expression of the residents, through an election, is available. Arthur M. Mikelson, representing the "Little League" appeared regarding construction of bleachers at the baseball field. A general discussion was held, information as to progress so far made was given, and it was directed that bids for construction of bleachers be called at once, and that bids be opened at an adjourned meeting to be held May 20 1955. Matter of condition of backstops at bail fields and repairs necessary to backstops, was referred to the Parks and Playgrounds committee. Kenneth Price, John C. Gilchrist and M. H. Thompson appeared regarding vacation or sale of a portion of Kitsap Street fronting the Methodist Church, to the Church for extension of the building. It was the opinion of the Councilmen as expressed that it is not advisable to vacate or otherwise dispose of any portion of the street, and that the request should be denied. Discussion of manner of governing dogs within the Town was held, and matter was referred to the License and Revenue committee for study' and report. It wqs moved by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried that Superintendent be empowered to secure necessary fertilizer for baseball field. Superintendent reported that street sweeper has been conditioned to a point where it is operating satisfactorily. Fire and Light committee reported that light directing lamps on Prospect Street have been increased to 4,000 lumen, and that the open reflector lamps have been equipped with 2,500 lumen globes, and that the result appears satisfactory. Chaft_- man Baker of the committee recommended that the change be approved, and this was done on motion by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried. On motion by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried light at intersection of Kitsap and Rockwell streets be equipped with 4,000 lumen ,globe. Matter of filling to widen Bay Street was referred to the Mayor to contact property owners* Communication from Association of Washington Cities relative to street mileage and conditions in Town was referred to the Street and Alley committee and the Superintendent. T The following claims, previously checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Pinance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried: Donald C. Corey Arthur A. Williams Willard L. Boatwright Geo. L. Rothenberg Port Orchard Independent Pacific Tel and Tel Company Sargent & Sowell, Inc. Town Clerk R. M. Blowers Western Utilities Supply James A. Morgan Puget Sound Power & Light Overall Cleaning & Supply Burroughs corporation Richard W. Sharer W. F. Bruhahn Town Clerk Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Totem Equipment Company J. Webb Kitchen, Inc. Totem Equipment Company Earl Clark Auto -Supply Chain Belt Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Police service $ Police service Police service Repair Police radio Blanks for Police Court Telephones and tolls Decals for marking rolling stock Postage and janitor supplies Plastering walls in Police off. 2 Fire hydrants Labor on City Ball grounds V,1.% p' �011 I1 86.72 21.68 21.68 19.51 18.13 69.58 65.81 19.55 221.45 251.86 12.00 Power and Light at pumping plants Co. Shop towels Machine paper Digging ditch Labor on service lines Postal cards and eupplies Telehones and tolls STREET FUND Co. Garage lights Retainer assembly and cable Brake lining Engine parts Truck mirror heads Roller chain Bremerton Concrete Pro. Co. James A. Morgan Telephones and tolls 8" drain tile Labor LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Co. Books Council adjourned to Mondays, May 2, 1955 seconded: y Brn and carried. i Clerk e e 201,98 2.11 12.28 13.13 13.18 20.73 24.89 3.80 228.31 8.04 3.37 2.66 3.15 14.41 97.34 7.50 42.95 at 7:30 p, m., a gonby Hall, Ma r � e e Port Orchard, Washington May 2, 1955 Adjourned meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington., called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis, Present Councilmen Harold G. Baker, Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. Clerk reported that three bids had been received for the construction of bleachers at *Little League" baseball ground at Givens Field, according to plans and specifications adopted, and Mayor directed that bids be opened. Bid of L. R. Lundy.offered to do the work for $1,636.80 for eighty lineal feet and ,0W.00 for 100 lineal feet. Bid of R. B. Ryan offered to do the work for 20.90 per foot for 80 lineal feet, and $20.00 per foot for 100 lineal feet. Bid of R. B. Engler offered to do the work for $1,100.00 for 80 lineal feet and $1,370.00 for 100 lineal feet. All bids submitte& excluded sales tax, which was to be added to the final cost. Council considered the bids, and after discussion, it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Ball and carried that completion date for job be set for June 1, 1955; that performance bond for amount of the contract be furnished, and that award be made to R. B. Engler for the construction of 100 feet tf bleachers, on his submitted bid and according to plans and specifications. r Attorney directed to draw contract under above conditions. Matter of line on east`side of Frederick Street, north of Bay Street, was brought up by Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee. A general discussion followed, and matter was referred to Street and Alley committee and the Superintendent of Public Works to confer with property owner and to have line establioshed. Meeting A ed ,o i�iotion by Hall, seconds Clerk: �i Port Orchard, Washington May 9, 1955 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis with Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, George A. Broughton, Ray B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrin;. Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein, present. Minutes of meeting of April 25, 1955 read and approved. Third paragraph of minutes of adjourned meeting amended to read as follows: "Council considered the bids, and after discussion, it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried that completion date for job be set for June 1, 1955; that performance bond for amount of the contract be furnished, and that award be made to R. B. Engler for the construction of 100 feet of bleachers on his submitted bid of $1,370.00 plus tax, and for approximately $130,00 plus tax for construction of steps. Attorney directed to draw contract under above conditions." Minutes of adjourned approved as corrected. Harry Lindall, L. R. Robinson, L. J. Reilly and Vernon Chessman appeared before the Council and asked that spped regulations on Sidney Street be strictly enformed. They cited a bad accident which had occured near the intersection Sidney and Melcher Streets recently, and showed pictures depicting the exteni of the accident. They also cited previous accidents at that point to further bolster their request. A general discussion followed, and it was suggested that Chief of Police contact the Sheriff's office and the State Patrol for assistance in patrolling the area during the hours of from 4 to 8 p.m, in an effort to curb speeding. Matter referred to the Police department for action. Further time was granted to the Finance and Auditing committee for a report and suggestions regarding licensing of dogs. Superintendent reported that he had contacted Mr. Hill, engineer for the State Department of Highways, regarding filling on Bay Street, and that he would probably have some definite report for the next meeting. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that he had contacted Olin M. Sprague engineering firm, regarding alignment of Frederick Street north of Bay Street, and expected definite report within a few days. More time granted. Attorney submitted ordinance granting gas franchise to Cascade Gas Company and same was read to the Council. Following discussion and explanations by the Attorney, it was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that ordinance be adopted as read. Superintendent Givens and Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported on street sweeper. It was pointed out that new conveyor belt should be installed, and that a dirt shoe assembly to prevent spilling dirt should also be installed. Following a discussion it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried that Superintendent be authorized to procure conveyor belt -and dirt shoe assembly. Attorney Perrino stated that he and made application to the County Commissioners to secure Blocks 1 and 2, Terrace Park Addition for the Water department, and that application had been approved. He also stated that he kkd released all, other tax property in the Town in order that it may be offered for sale. It was pointed out that the lot oun ed by Mrs. Mildred Cohen on the corner of Cline and Dwight Streets is littered with trash and is a fire hazzard. Referred to Fire ehief It was stated that complaint had been made of bad odor from incinerator at Kitsap Veterinary Hospital. This was also referred to Fire Chief. Engineer stated that is is planned to open bids for Division Street sewer on June 27, and plans will be ready soon. . The following claims against the Town, checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried: Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Donald C. Corey W. L. Boatwright W. H. Stevenson Howe Oil Company Howe Motor Company Peninsula Stationers T. C. Breitenstein Caldwell Trading Post CURRENT EXPUNSE FUND Tire repair, lub job for Police car 2.58 Police service 86.72 Police service 32.52 Sharpen mower 1.55 Diesel fuel for City Hall 150.76 Repair Police car 93.74 Paper, carbon, pencils, etc for Eng. 10.08 Engineer retainer 100.00 Floor wax for Fire Dept. 3.02 1� ff ! ? , ;yl t i Caldwell Trading Post Cleveland Chevrolet H. B. Menees (� Thompson's W. F. Bruhahn I� H. B*. Menees Auto Parts Howe Oil Company Port Orchard Machine Shop Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Caldwell Trading post Totem Equipment Co. Howe Motor Company Howe Oil Company V. B. Caldwell Paramount Supply Co. Puget Sound News Co. Com'r of Public Lands Merchandise Floor mat for pickup Sealer and brush 1 dozen quad pads Labor Brake fluid and choke cable Stove Oil Labor and material on sweeper Gasoline Paint and. merchandise Engine parts re -line brakes PARR FUND Stove Oil. Mower Handle hose and coupling for flushing LIBRARY FUND Books for Library HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND Harbor area lease 1.48 6.79 1.38 6.70 20.68 5.31 53.92 50.22 115.04 22.55 12.61 7.47 7.68 2.09 148.03 8.13 240.00 Meeting adjourned to May 16 at 8:00 O'clock p.m. on motion by Nichols, second- ed by Hall and carried. Clerk * * W * * * * * Port Orchard, Washington May 16, 1955 Informal meeting of the Council held this date. Present Mayor C. H. Largis, Councilmen Ray B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols, George A. Broughton, Harold G. Baker and Nick J. Repanich; and Attorney Dudley N. Perrino. Cmdideration of alignment of F'rederift Street, north of Bay Street, was taken up, and map submitted by Olin M. Sprague.. licensed engineer, giving detail of the area, was studied. A general discussion folluo ed, which was entered into by the members of the Council and by M. H. Thompson, owner of property abutting east side of Frederick street. A. tentative agreement of -property alignment, based on the map and conditions entering into the matter, was reached by the Council and by the property owner, and final and definite action was continued to May 23, 1955. Meeting adjourned. Clerk * * * * * Part Orchard, Washington May 23, 1955 Mayor Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Harold G. Baker, Nick J. Repanich, George A. Broughton and Ray b. Hall; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein present. Minutes of meeting of May 9, 1955 and adjourned meeting of May 16, 1955 read and approved. Chief of Police stated that patrols are being made on Sidney Street in an effort to cut down speeding and that several tickets had been issued. It was reported that a hedge at the corner of Meleher and Sidney Streets, and also at the corner of Ra,dey and Sidney Streets were traffic hazzards, as they cut down visibility, and this was referred to the Superintendent. Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee reported on dog licensing problem, and suggested that notice be published that dog licenses are due, and that Clerk procure necessary tags; that if complaints are made about dogs that Police investigate and if dogs are not licensed that they be picked up. A general discussion was held on the matter of widening Bay Street from Orchard Street south. This was referred to the Street and Alley committee to investigate and report on availability of fill dirt and riprap. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported on the survey made to establish lines on Frederick Street north of Bay Street, and following a dis- cussion, it was moved by Hall, seconded by Baker and carried that Attorney pre- pare boundary line agreement between the Town and M. H. Thompson, according to the plans, and the conference held with Mr. Thompson on May 160 1955. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee reported that it had been necessary to make some changes in the plans for the bleachers at the Little League baseball field, and that following a conference with the members of the committee that these changes had been authorized, at a cost of approx- imately $55.00. Chief of Police stated that more police protection had been requested at Little League games, and it was suggested that deputies be appointed from among reliable members of Little League organization to work with regular officers in keeping order. Chariman Nichols of the Water and Sewer committee reported that a rig had been engaged to endeavor to clear Well #5, after consultation with members of the committee, and that some work has been done. Superintendent reported that results have not been too satisfactory and that efforts had been suspended. Matter of Civil Defense alarm system was discussed, and Superintendent stated that further study of proper location for additional siren is being made. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the emembers of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Donald C. Corey Police service $97.56 W. L. Boatwright Police service 51.49 Port Orchard Independent Scratch pads, rubber stamp 2.32 Duro Test Corp. Light Globes :34.92 Olin M. Sprague Establish lines on Frederick St. 105.00 Hagan & Peel Tire recaps for Police 15.19 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Street and city hall lights 475.35 Gould Sheet Metal 12 street signs 9.89 WATER FUND Lloyd E. Sherk Labor for Water Department 53.56 Richard W. Sharer Digging service line 10.33 Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. Shop Towels 4.57 Pu.9et Sound Power & Light Co. Power and light at all plants 210.72 STREET FUND Columbia Equipment Co. Broom refill for sweeper 49.53 Siler Auto Parts, Inc. Paint and crud flaps 23.43 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Lights at Kendall St. and Bay St, 6.70 PARK FUND Port Orchard Independent Call for bids for bleacher 2.20 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Lights at Taylor St. Recr, Center 16.08 The Garland Co. Rusto Go 60.60 LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Co. Books for Library 108.85 Meeting ourned on motion by Hall,, seconded by ker an c rried. Cle rk Ma r { Port Orchard, Washington / q_0 Council of the Town of Fort Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis with Councilmen Ray B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols, Harold G. Baker, and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Porrine and Superintendent.of Public Works j� George F. Givens present. Absent Councilman George A. Broughton. ` Minutes of meeting of May 23, 1955 read and approved. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee, reporting on the progress of the Bay Street fill, stated that he had contacted the County Commissioner, and had been assured that full co-operation would be received from the county j road crew in securing fill dirt and riprap. Superintendent reported that Standard Oil Company has done some work preliminary to the fill, and will probably have their work completed at an early date. i Boundary line agreement on Frederick Street north of Bay Street, was again discussed, and more time was granted to reach a definite agreement with M. H. Thompson, owner of abutting property effected. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and! Playgrounds committee reported that work on the bleachers is progressing. Mayor larkis reported that he and Fire Chief -Alan Totten had attended-& Civil Defense meeting at which new methods of alarms were discussed, and i stated that until some definite decision is reached, after further information from State headquarters, that no negotiations would-be underteken toward secur- ing additional alarm facilities for this locality. Councilman Nichols reported that further complaint had been made concerning incinerator at Veterinary Hospital, and this was referred to the Fire Chief. i ! Clerk stated that informal request had been made that Town take over and +� operated Ross Creeek Water District. A discussion was held and no action was taken, pending formal application from the WaterDistrict. Superintendent brought up the matter of securing additional water supply j for the Town and this gas discussed from many angles. it was mowed by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried that Superintendent contact firm of fgeolAgists and ascertain the cost of conference and recommendation regarding i suitable location for additional well. Chairman Repanich made a report on condition of backstops at ball fields and if recommended that more permanent equipment be provided. Following a discussion it was moved by Repancch, seconded by Hall and carried that bids be called for backstop material and construction, according to specifications to be j prepared by the Parks committee and the Superintendent. Councilman Hall made a report on the recent annual convention of the Association of Washington Cities, which he attended in Tacoma, and detailed many of the highlights of the meeting. The claims were examined by the Finance and Auditing committee, and by the members of the Council. Claim of Howe Motors Company for repair to Police car was referred to Councilman Nichols to confer with Howe Motor Company re- garding the claim, and the claim of the Port Orchard Clinic for treatment of a jail prisoner was referred to the Attterney. The following claims were read to the Council and were ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried: Lloyd E Sherk B. A. Getsebmann Co. Donald C. Corey W. L. Boatwright Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Geo. L. Rothenberg Western Auto Supply Store J. R. Brinkerhoff Prichard Shell Service' Pacific Coast Stamp Works Ray B. Hall Howe Oil Company Lowman & Hanford Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Port Orchard Indpendent Port Orchard Machine Shop Rensselaer Valve Company Puget Sound power A Light Co. Trick A Murray Labor cutting grass $ 7.62 Premium liability insurance 1,109.09 Police service 130.28 Police service 44.69 Tire repair, police car 1.03 Repair police radio 5.17 Batteries, globes, car wash 5.61 Repair police radio 3.98 Lamp for Police 1.71 Police badges 7.26 Expenses, AWC Annual Meeting 10.00 Furnace Oil 91.34 Registration forms 4.36 Telephone, tolls and installations 64i08 6,200 warrants 57.49 Repair fire hydrant 4.13 Fire hydrant parts 65.32 Street lights 371.58 Sectional binders for clerk 44.12 1dATkR FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Lloyd E. Shark American plbg & Steam Supply Howe Motor Company Caldwell trading Post Service Hardware & Impl. Co. W. S. Darley Co. Nepturne Meter Company Bremerton Concrete Prod. Co. E. E. Buckner Howe Oil Company Caldwell Trading Post Rudd Paint & Varnish Co. Union Oil Co. of Calif. Port Orchard Machine Shop Cleveland Chevrolet Lloyd S. Shark Wilkins Distributing Co. aft iktwixVfz*mtbxttagxds x Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Pratto Sales Co. Totem Equipment Co., Inc. Port Orchard Machine Shop Black Ball Freight Service Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. 0. K. Rubber Welders Caldwell Trading Post Lloyd 9. Shark Puget Sound Power & Light Co. W. L. Johnson Walter Harvey Power -and light at pump plants $273.24 Telephone and tolls 10.05 Labor 120.32 Copper tubing 54.93 Repair pickup truck 23.60 Tools and pipe 5.71 Labor Cleaning well 590.42 Repair dipping needle 7.81 Water meters and parts 262,38 100 ft well curbing 2790,00 Hand cleaner 6.18 STREET FUND Stove Oil 33.54 Tools and made. 13.53 Traffic paint 181.34 Motor Oil 85.72 Repair door handle on truck 1.29 Truck parts and repair 26.25 Labor cutting brush 15.04 Anti -rust and oil filters 12.85 ARttaNwatXKKd Gasoline 99.37 Set of valves 17.73 Conveyor belt; dirt show assemblies 551.63 Labor and material on equipment 23.93 Feight on belting 10.36 Garage lights 2.56 Telephones and tolls 27.55 Truck Tire 42.53 Merchandise 2,66 Labor 63.92 Tennis court lights 2.00 C�DVjDiiAH �. Repair sewer lateral 4.50 Refund, overpayment on service 14.00 Meeting adjounred on motion by Hall, seconded by Baker and carried: Guy L. Wetzel,Cler Mayor Port Orchard, Washington June 27, 1955 Council of the Town of ]Port Orchard, Washington, called to order in regular session by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, George A. Broughton and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein present. Absent Councilmen Verd W. Nichols and Ray B. Mall. Minutes of meeting of June 13, 1955 read and approved. A discussion of Frederick Street alignment was held and any action deferred to July 11, 1955. A discussion was held on location of additional well for the water system, and Superintendent reported that a communication had been received relative to water locating, and letter was read to the Council. Superintendent further stated that he had contacted that Association of Washington Cities and State Health Director Wilson Bow regarding the advisability of employing use of water locating equipment, and that information on the matter is expected later. Clerk reported that acommunication from the State Census Bureau indicated that the fixed population of Fort Orchard as of April 1, 19550 has been established in the preliminary finding at 2,825 and increase of 25 over the last year's figure. Chairman Repanieh of the Parks and Playgrounds committee reported that the bleachers at the "Little League" baseball diamond on Givens Field are completed, and T. C. Breitenstin building inspector filed a letter .Mating stating that the Job has been eompieted according to specifications. Attorney stated that releases from the State Tax Commission and from the Department of Labor and Industries has been filed, and that construction costs, less 100.00, to be held until some dirt is removed, are due and payable. Clerk submitted map of proposed improvemebt of Alder Road by the County, together with a request for deed for right-of-way, through the Town Garbage tract property. Map and data were examined by the Engineer who reported that request was reasonable, and on motion by Repanich, seconded by Broughton and carried, Mayor was authorized to sign deed for right-of-way on behalf of the 'down of Port Orchard. Attorney submitted ordinance approving plans for sewer on Division and Went Streefis, which was read to the Council and was adopted as read on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 620. Ordinance creating Local Improvement District No. 56 providing for sewer construction on Division and West Streets, was read to the Council and passed as read on motion by Broughton, seconded by Baker -and carried. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 621. Matter of large power mower for Park department was brought up by Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee. After a discussion, Super- intendent was instructed to procure information about various types of mow- ing eq,7ipment. On Motion by Repanich, seconded by Broughton and carried, Superintendent was authorized to purchase three garbage cans and two lawn sprinklers for the Park Department. Application by Ben Garrison, Architect for building permit to erect triplex on Sweany Street and to place the building five feet from the south margin of Sweany Street, was submitted to the Council. As the building code provides that residences shall be twenty feet from property line on -street frontage, this was referred to the building committee to visit the location, ascertain conditions and report to the Council. Superintendent reported that some trees on High Street are so located and of such dissensions that they present more or less of a hazzard to power lines and toon.wel-1 property in the vicinity. This was left to the Superin- tendent to contact loggers and woodcutters in an effort to have the trees removed. " The claims were examined by the Finance and Auditing Committee, and by the members of the Council. The following claims were read to the Council and were ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Broughton and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Howe Motor Company Repair Police car 195.08 Lloyd S. Berg9 Police Service 35,00 Donald C. Corey Police Service 97,56 W. L. Boatwright Police service 108.40 L. N. Curtis & Sons Refill Oxygen CO2 Tank 2.88 T. C. 'Breitenstein Retainer for Engineer 100.00 Pioneer Loyalty Oaths 2.34 F. E. Langer Agency Police Chief" & Harbor'Lease Bonds 20.00 Buaer'Broth ers Two Tires -less trade in Police 25.73 Pacific Coast Stamp Works Dog Tags & Rivets 16.44 Worthington Gamon Meter Co. Gaskets 6.46 Transport Clearings Freight on Supplies 9.05 STREET FUND Ralph W. Moore Mowing Machine Rental with Operator 67.50 Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. Shop Trowels 3.64 Totem Equipment Co. Sprocket 20.95 Machinery Service & Supply VroeM & Signs 42.79 Columbia Equipment Co Broom Refill 52.02 Bauer Bros. Service Tire Repair .88 PARK FUND n Talbot Plumbing & heating Co. Drain Pipe Cleaner 1.34 Peninusla Feed Co. 50# of Salt and Sprinklers 22.01 W. F. Bruhahn Labor at 'Little League Field" 9.10 R. B. Engler Erect Bleachers 1,524.40 SEWER. FUND Atlas Foundry & Machine Co. 2 C. I. Lids 40.48 Meeting adj d., n, motion by Baker, seconds by Ito . _ Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington July 11, 1955 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, George -. Rroughton, Harold G. Baker, Verd W. Nichols and Ray B. Hall; Attorney Dudley N. Perrin ; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. Co Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of June 27.. 1955 read and approved. Regarding question of employing "Water Finder" to locate location for well, letter from J. H. Vogel, engineer of the Association of Washington Cities, was read, and matter was taken under advisement, pending information from people who have employed the means. Final determination on Frederick Street alignment, north of Bay Street was continued. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee, stated that he had been informed that a town band was being organized, and if such develops that concerts may be given at Givens Field. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee also brought up the matter of a power mower, and a general discussion on this matter was held. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried, Clerk was directed to advert- ise for bids for this equipment, both with reverse gear and sukly attachment, and without these accessories. Bids to be opened on July 25, 1955. Chairman Repanich of the Building committee reported that his committee had invest- igated that topography of the property and other details in connection with the application of Ken Garrison, Architect, to place a triplex within five feet of the property line on Sweany Street, and that his committee recommended against grant- ing the application, and that any construction on the property be done in accord- ance with the building code. Report of the committee adopted on motion by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried, and Attorney was requested to so notify Mr. Garrison. Rids for construction of backstop at Givens Field were opened at the direction of the Mayor, two bids being received; one from Cyclone Fence Company, and ene from Colorado Fuel d Iron Corporation. Bid of Cyclone Fence Company offered to do the work for $610.00, plus Washington sales tax, Sid of Colorado Fuel d Iron Corp. offered to do the job for $685.00, plus Washington Sales Tax. It was moved by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried that bid of Cyclone Fence Co. be accepted. � Councilman Nichols brought up the matter of traffic danger at the intersection of Cline and Division Streets, particularly by cars going south on Cline Street. It was pointed out that a blind corner exists. It was recommended that caution sign be installed on Cline Street between Dwight and Division Streets, and that center line be marked on Cline Street, the marker to extend across Division 5treetj in an effort to keep down speed and to direct motorists to the proper lane. Notice from State Department of Conservation and Development, regarding extension of time on water permit on Black Jack Creek, was read, and Clerk was authorised to draw warrant for 950 for one-year extension, on motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried. Superintendent brought up the matter of pay for operator of street sweeper and after a discussion it was agreed that operator should receive hourly pay and that charge should be presented to the Council the first meeting of each month. Superintendent also brought up the matter of furnishing globes for lights at "Little League" field. It was stated that under the agreement by which the lights were installed, that the Town is to furnish globes, and the "Little League" pays for electricity used. Salary of James A. Morgan, janitor and general helper around town, was discussed and was referred to the Building committee for investigation and report. It was stated by Councilman Nichols that motorists drive too rapidly in alley way over private property from Bay Street to the parking lot, and that accidents may result unless practice is stopped. The matter was discussed, but as the � alley is on private property the Town lacks authority except to close the entry from Bay Street. No definite action taken. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND W. L. Boatwright Lloyd S. Berg Donald C._ Corey Cookson Rros. Service T. C. Breitenstein E. A. '9reitenstein Howe Motor Company C & G Radio Supply Co. Geo. L. Rothenberg Slocum Hardware Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Black Ball Rreight Service Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Port Orchard Independent Joseph Tuba Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Town Clerk Howe Oil Company Washington State Penitentiary ,; Police service Police service Police service Gaskets; clean'plugs, police car Engineer retainer Engineer's helper Police car, oil and adjust Vibrator police radio Repair police radio Fertilizer, City hall grounds Telephones and tolls Freight on parking signs Street lights Clay Hall lights for 2 months Publish Ordinances 620 and 621 Trim Shrubs on city kkll grounds Gasoline for police car P. 0. nox rent, postage, etc. Furnace Oil Parking signs WATER FUND Slocum Hardware Town Clerk American Plbg. & Steam Supply Co. American Plbg. & Steam Supply Co. Caldwell Trading Post Puget Sound Power & Light Co. W. F. Bruhahn Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Slocum Hardware Puget Bound Power '-& Light Co. Ralph W. Morre Pert Orchard Machine Shop South Kitsap Gravel Co. Standard Oil Company Cleveland Chevrolet Howe Oil Company Town Clerk Wilkins Distributing Co. Slocum Hardware Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Port Orchard Independent Caldwell Trading Post Beacon Appliance Port Orchard Machine Shop Town Clerk Puget Sound News Company Imperial Book Company W. L. Johnson Slocum Hardware Various merchandise 2 M Postal cards for billing, etc Valve boles ' a.nd packing Couplings and meter boxes Hose and tap Power and light a pump plants Labor tending Pumps Telephone and tolls STREET BUND Telephones and tolls Various merchandise Light at Kendall and Bay St. Garages Mowing machine dental and operator Repairs to sweeper and grader 72 yds of sand Gasoline and Kerosene Repair truck Deisel and stove oil Advanced bridge toll Battery Various merchandise Light service at Taylor St. Recreation Call for bids for backstop Tools and parts for mower Fan Belt for mower Light Bracket LIBRARY FUND P. 0. box rent Books Books Labor 4 pr gbves Council adjounred on motion by Broughton, seconded by Baker and carried. 32.52 85.00 73.17 1.19 100.00 21.60 3.87 4.28 10.33 13.63 53.55 3.50 371.45 91/90 27.62 11.92 1.46 5.30 62.42 14.89 28.06 40.35 77.27 72.66 3.51 314.68 13.16 9.85 21.65 17.47 3.60 5,63 31,78 48.83 115.97 6.92 29.22 1.30 12.87 66.00 8.09 8.57 5.74 1.24 2.58 1.10 18.47 36.22 Clerk May 6. 75 4.28 Pert Orchard, Washington July 25, 1955 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order in regular session by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Ray Be Hall, Qerd W. Nichols, Harold G. Baker, George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of July 11, 1955 read and approved. This being the date on which bids for Division Street sewer were called to be opened, Clerk stated that two bids had been received, and Mayor directed that bids be opened. Bid of Frank Coluccio Construction Company offered to do the 'Job according to the plans and specifications, for a total of $4,386.35; and bid of Lent s, Inc. offered to do the job for $4,395.00, Bids were examined by the Council, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried that bid of Frank Coluccio Construction Company be accepted and contract enter- ed into with this firm to do the work. Clerk stated that wo bids had been received for power mower for Park Department and it was directed that these bids be opened. Ivan W. Lee & Sons offered a 31 inch heavy duty rotary mower with reverse and riding sulky, including state tax, for $739.84. Slocum Hardware Co. offered a Toro 31-inch Whirlwind rotary mower, with reverse and riding sulky for $663.50, plus state tax. Bids were examined by the Council and on motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried, bid of Slocum Hardware was accepted. Superintendent made further report on investigation of "Water Finder" operation, and after a discussion, it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried that Town emply Roy Hamilton to locate probable well sites in the 'town of Port Orchard, with water finder, at a rate of $IUO.00 plus expenses. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee made a report on boundary on east side of Frederick Street, north of Bay Street. After a discussion, it was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that boundary line agree- ment be drawn to establish line at"a point of intersection•of east line of Frederick Street 135 feet from northeast corner of Bay and Frederick Streets, in a northwesterly direLtien, Matter of salary of janitor continued. Chairman Hall Of the Street and Alley committee made a report on proposed Bay Street fill, and further time was granted. Report was made that timbers have been left next to and on the sidewalk on West side of Frederick Street, and this was referred to the Police to have same removed. Letters relative to parking regulations on parking lots were filed with the Clerk. Request by Pert Orchard. Garden Club for use of Taylor Street recreation Center on second Tuesday of each month, beginning in September, was granted; it be- ing understood that use of building would not interfere with supervised youth activities. The following claims, checked by the members of the Finance and auditing committee and by heads of departments, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried: Part Orchard Independent W. L. Boatwright Donald C. Corey Lloyd S. Berg Howe's Hardware C. P. Ainsworth Daily Journal of Commerce Trick & Murray CURRENT EXRONSE FUND Call for Bids, L. 1. D. No. #56 Police service Police service Police service Janitor and lawn supplies Janitor Supplies Call for Bids, L. I. D. No. 56 Traffic books for Police WATER FUND Howe Is Hardware W. F. Rruhahn Richard W. Sharer Puget Sound Power & Light Co. American Plbg & Steam Supply Co. Ov�-ra.11 Cleaning & Supply Co. Utility Products Company Neptune Meter Co. Flashlight batteries Labor tending pumps Digging ditch for water mains. Cathodic Equipment energy Pipe and fittings Shop Towels Water meter parts Water meter part* 13.07 130.08 51.46 60.00 42.11 4.15 26.40 39.46 .23 6:3.92 12.87 17.76 91.25 2.36 9.75 5.71 W STREET FUND Petrometal Industries Reflector panels for signs 72.30 Bremerton Concrete Co. Culvert Pipe 179.81 Kenneth G. Chaussee Labor operating sweeper 18.80 Gale W. Dow Labor operating sweeper 3.76 Ralph W. Morre, Jr. Labor on streets 60.16 -Howe's Hardware Various merchandise 11.89 PARS FUND Howe's Hardware 2 rolls wire -stucco type 35.80 Puget Sound Power & Light Company Lights at Tennis Courts 3.50 W. H. Stevenson Sharpen power mower 4.13 R. A. Rengler Balance withheld on contract 100.00 Howe's Hardware Wire and hog rings 2.09 LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Co. Books for Library 28.48 Puget Sound News Company Books for Library 5.43 SEWER FUND Olympic Foundry Company Tapping saddles 12.29 Council adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Baker and carried. Clerk L �yor Party Orchard, Washington August 8, 1955 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session.by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen Ray B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols, Harold G. Baker, Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein present. Absent Attorney Dudley N. Perrin*. Minutes of meeting of July 25, 1955 read and approved. Superintendent reported that Roy Hamilton had been here and had tested several locations for well drilling purposes, and while at most points checked, some evidences of water had been found, that in only one location checked did indications show a large volume of available water, according to machine readings. He stated that Mr. Hamilton would return in about ten days to recheck the areap and make final recommendations. It was directed that legal description and ownership of location which indicated bent possibilities be secured. Chairman Nichols of the Water and Sewer committee also made a report on the check of possible locations and the findings reported. Matter of salary of janitor for Municipal Building was discussed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried that Ordinance No. 615 be amended to provide a salary of $100.00 per month for janitor. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee stated that he had contacted County officials regarding use of county equipment Sor making Bay Street fill, and that equipment as needed would be available later in the season, and recommended that work of installing fill be delayed until later. Recommendation approved. Question of curbs and sidewalks on Frederick Street, north of Bay Street was discussed, and it was directed that Engineer prepare a plan for installing curbs and gutters and taking care of drainage in this area. Councilman Nichols stated that a shrub and hedge on the property of the Christian Science Church overhangs the sidewalk to a considerable distance, and Clerk stated that he would contact caretaker and request that chrubs be trimmed. Mayor Largis stated that he would he absent from town on a vacation for several weeks, and on motion by Hall, seconded by Baker and carried, Mayor was granted leave and Councilman George A. Broughton was named Acting Msyot during his absence. The following claims, checked by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, and by heads of departments, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried: Port Orchard Tndpendent T. C. Breitenstein Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Gould Sheet Metal Howe tail Company Donald C. Corey Lloyd S. Berg W. L. Boatwright Saindon's, Inc. Howe Motor Company Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Pacific Coast Stamp Works W. F. pruhahn Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Hall gren Company Kenneth G. Chaussee Gale W. Dow Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Port Orchard Machine Shop Standard Oil Co. of Calif.9 Modern Machinery Company Chain Belt Co. H. B. Menes Auto Parts H. A. Menes Auto Parts Slocum Hardware Port Orchard Independent The H. R. Huntting Co. Puget Sound News Company CU11RENT EXPENSE FUND 1 M #10 Envelopes 17.67 Engineer retainer 100.00 Street lights 371.69 Patch fire extinguisher tank 2.33 Deisel fuel 55.62 Police service 86.72 Police service 62.37 Police service 54.20 2 recaps for police car 14.76 Repair and lub police car 6.72 Gasoline and tire repair, Police 4.81 2 police badges 7.26 WATER FUND Labor tending pumps 9.40 Tel and Tolls 9.85 Tapping machine parts 37.44 STREET FUND Operating power sweeper 7.52 Operating power sweeper 11.28 Telephone and tolls 21.50 Loader and grader repair 6.72 Gasoline and kerosene 157.64 Grader l.rts 12.39 Roller Chain 6.00 Various merchandise 4.55 PARK FUND Gasket material and A. C. Plug 1.21 Power mower 685.61 Call for bids for mower 5.04 LIBRARY FUNK Books for Library 2.50 Books for Library 30.74 Meeting adjourned on motion by Nichols, Clerk seconded by B d ried. zi Mayor Port Orchard, Washington August 22, 1955 Council called to order in regszlar session by Acting Mayor George A. Broughton. Present Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, Harold G. Baker and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and FY►gineer T. C. Breitenstein. Absent Mayor Largis. Minutes of meeting of August 8, 1955 read and approved. Superintendent gave a r4port on findings by Roy Hal:iilton regarding probable water locations, stating that Mr. Hamilton had returned and checked his former findings and renewed his reeormmendations as to the best locations. Attorney stated that he had written a letter to the record owner of the property d4signated as the best location, but so far had received no reply. Action in connection with drill- ing for new well was deferred. Attorney presented proposed ordinance amending Ordinance No. 619 to change the salary of the janitor. Ordinance was read to the council and adopted as read on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 622. Engineer stated that he had looked over conditions on Frederick Street north of Bay Street, concerning plan for curbs, gutters and drainage, and would present details at the next meeting of the Council. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that a crew is new working in Kitsap County striping roads for traffic lanes; that this service may be secured far` Port Orchard streets at the rate of $20.00 per hour for machine and $2.70 per gallon for paint. After a discussion, it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Hall, and carried that this service be secured and that Sidney Street from the nay to the south for%m limits; Hull Street from Bay Street to south town limits; Cline Street from bay Street to Kendall Street; and Division Street from Sidney Street to Cline Street be striped. Matter of left turn habits by motorists at intersection of Bay and Sidney Street was discussed, but no action taken. It was called to the attention of the Council that the annual "Days of 149" celebration is scheduled for September 9, 10, and 11, 1955, and Attorney was directed to write letters to tavern operators to provide police service for policing their establishments during the days of the celebration. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid, on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried: Town Clerk Transport Clearings Lbyd S.-Berg Donald C. Corey W. F. Aruhahn Employment S4curity Dept. Town Clerk Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Roy Hamilton W. F. Rruhahn Worthington -Eamon Meter Co. CURRENT &XPENSE FUND Advanced expenses Freight on signs Police service Police Service Janitor and mowing lawns Administration costs 0. A. S. I. WATM FUND 2 M. Postal cards for water bills Power and light for pumps Services with water locator Labor tending pumps Water meter parts STREET FUND R. L. Holmberg Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Overall Cleaning and Supply Co. Puget Sound Power and Light Co. Kenneth G. Chaussee James N. Reeves Gerald D. Schiele Morrison Gravel Co. Barrel pump Brake service on truck Shop towels Garage lights Operating power sweeper Labor on streets Labor on streets 306 yds gravel LIBRARY FUND Imperial Rook Co. Books for Library Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Repa 'ch and Clerk 11 6.30 1.75 97.56 65.04 47.00 17.05 40.00 297.06 150.00 9.40 148.96 6.98 6.36 2.08 1.28 20.68 15Q 04 1ID.50::• 284.58 3.34 ��---------- —May Port Orchard, Washington September 12, 1955 Council called to order in regular session by Mayor C. h. Largis, with Council- men George A. Broughton, Ray B. Hall, Harold G. Baker, Verd W. Nichols, and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein present. Minutes of meeting of August 22, 1955 read and approved. Attorney reported that he had written to owners of property in which the Town is interested for prospective well sites, but so far has received no reply. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley coimnittee reported that the Airway Strip- ing Company had marked the designated Streets under the terms as set forth in their agreement. Engineer submitted final assessment roll for the improvement part of part of Division Street and part of West Street by installation of sanitary sewer. The roll was examined, and on motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried, hearing on said roll was set for October 4, 1955 at 7:30 P.M. and it was direct- ed that proper notice be given to property owners interested. Proposed agreement to purchase copy of Polk's Directory for the Town was submitted but it was the opinion of the Council that the colume would not be of particular value to the Town. Clerk called attention of the Council to the regional meeting of the Association of Wash -in --ton cities to be held in Poulsbo on October 31, 1955, M. H. Thompson appeared before the Council regarding Frederick Street curbs and sidewalks, plans for which were explained by the Engineer. tie also suggested that fire hydrants be placed on water front. In this connection Superintendent explained location of watermains, and the difficulty of installing hydrants on the waterfront at this time, and also detailed long range plans for installing watermains in waterfront area. V. M. Parks appeared before the Council regarding use of Harrison Street between Bev Street and Alley in Block 12, First Addition by prospective purchaser of abutting property. Matter referred to the Street and Ailey committee anti the Engineer for investigation and report. Clerk submitted' preliminary budget for the year 1956. This was considered by the members of the Council; some changes were made, and was adopted as revised on motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried. Superintendent called attention to difficulti4s encountered in some instances in making sewer connections by Property owners, and suggested that the ordinance governing this matter be amended. After a discussion, it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried that Ordinance be amended to provide that sewer connections be made by the Town under the direct supervision of the Superintendent of Public Works, all costs of construction to be borne by property owners. Informal discussion of acquisition of loader for the Street Department was held, and the advantages of possessing such equipment were outlined. No definite action was taken. The following claims! checked by heads of departments and by the Finance and. Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Hall seconded by Baker and carried: Donald C. Corey Lloyd S. Rerg W. L. Boatwright Howe Motor Company Saindon's Inc. Geo. L. Rothenberg Standard Oil Co. of calif. Pert Orchard Independent Howe Oil Company Washington State Penitentary Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Howe's Hardware Port Orchard Independent Pacific Tel & Tel Co. T. C. Breitenstein Howe's Hardware South Kitsap Insurance Assn. Gale W. Dow W. F. Bruhahn Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Port Orchard Machine Shop Sharer Digging Service AmPricna Plbg & St. Supply Co. Cleveland Chevrolet Ainsworth's Grocery Howe's Hardware Howe's Hardware Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Bauer Bros. Service Modern Machinery Co. Black Ball height Service Airway Striping Service Morrison Gravel Company Cleveland Chevrolet Sacco Fuel Company Wilkins Distributing Co. Gerald D. Schiele W. M. Prigger Thomas J. Hoover Vonald Floyd Watare Kenneth G. Chaussee James N. Reeves CURRINT F-U- ENSE FUND Police service $149.05 Police service 119.24 Police service 32.54 Repair Police car 15.12 Tire recap, Police :'7:38 Police radio repair 5.17' Gasoline and oil 112.18 Publish Ordinance No. 622 6.62 Deisel Fuel 70.06' Traffic Signs 9.60' Street lights 371.73 Towels Tetrachloride 25.11 Typewriter ribbons, Police 1.03 Police, Fire and Clerk 'Telephones 55.00 I�ngineer retainer 100.00 WATM FUND Tackle box for meter parts 8.37 Premium on pump houses insurance 177.74. Reading water meters 39.48 Tending pumps 17.86 Telephones and tolls 20.30 Iron 1.03 Digging water trenches 25.50 Meter box covers 4.65 Lubricate truck 1.81 S TREAT FUND Band aids 1122 Tools 3.31 Wheel 2.85 Telephone and tolls 9.85 Repair Tires 4.55 Parts for grader 15.57 Freight on traffic signs 3.50' Striping streets 143.55 Sand 73.24 Truck repair 12.75 Iiauling gravel truck and driver 28.45 Spark Plug .55 Labor on streets 151.38 Rental d'loader 150.00 Labor on streets 56.40 Labor on streets 28.88. Operating street sweeper 26.32'' Labor on streets 15.04 1. PARK FUND Gerald D. Schiele Thomas Hoover Donald Floyd Walters Peninsula Feed Company I Puget Sound News Co. Labor on Givens Field $ 51.63 Labor painting pipes at Central Field 3.76 Labor at Givens Field 23.63 Sprinklers, Hose 28.89 LI MARY FUND Books for Library Meeting adjourned to September 19, 1955 at 7:3 .__on motion by Nichols, second by Broughton and carried. Clerk 4.34 Port Orchard, Washington September 19, 1955 Adjourned meeting of the Council of the `.Gown of fort Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine, and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens present. Absent Councilman Harold G. Raker. Consideration of acquisition of property for location of well was taken up, and a. letter was read from Airs. Catherine J. Carter, offering to sell to the Town, Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, Wheeler's Addition for $750.00 for each let, A general discussion was held, and an effort was made to contact John H. Kelley, owner of Lots 3 and 4, 13loek 3, Wheeler's Addition. Following a discussion, it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that Mayor and Attorney be given authority to conduct negotiations and acquire Lots 3 and 4, Wheeler's Addition to Sidney from John H. Kelley, the maximum price to be considered being fixed at $1,500,00 for the two lots. Meeting adjourned on motion by Nichols, seconded by H and ied. Clerk Aia��r. Part Orchard, Washington September 26, 1955 Council of the 'town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Harold G. Raker, George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich and Ray B. hall; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine, and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. Minutes of meeting of September 12, 1955 and adjourned meeting of September 19, 1955 read and approved. Mayor stated that J. H. Kelley had been contacted and had agreed to sell to the Town of Port Orchard Lots 3 and 4, Block 3, Wheeler's Addition for J200.00 per let; that a draft has been sent and that the deed is awaited. Action on the negotiations, which were authorized by the Council at the adjourned meeting of September 19, 1955, were ratified and approved on motion by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried. Plans for proposed curbs and gutters on Frederick Street, north of B.ay Street, were examined by the Council, and after a discussion, it was agreed that a meeting of the Council with the Engineer at the site of the proposed improve- ment, would-be held at a later date. Clerk stated that the assessment roll for improvement of parts of Division and West Streets by installing a sanitary sewer carried a charge against town property of $1,080.89, and suggested that it be ascertained if money now lying idle in a "Sewer Construction Fund" can be used to pay this assessment, A discussion was held regarding sweeping of Bay Street and garbage collection from sidewalk containers maintained by the Town. Superintendent stated that he would look into these matters and have sam corrected. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that work of repair- ing sidewalks on Pay Street east of Rockwell Avenue, had started and that results appear satisfactory. Fire Chief Alan Totten appeared before the Council, and stated that the state law authorizes the installation of blue lights on the private cars of members of volunteer fire departments; at that some trouble had been encountered at a recent fire because some of the firemen were prevented from driving to their stations as their cars bore no proper identification, and asked the attitude of the Council regarding acquisition of the blue lights by the members of the Department. It was the opinion of the Council as expressed that these lights should be secured, and Chief Totten stated that he would investigate specifications, costs, etc. and report back to the Council. On motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried authorization for securing these lights, under proper regulations, was granted. The following claims, checked by heads of departments, and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid, on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried: CURRENT MIENSE FUND Town Clerk Advanced expenses 13.00 .Toe Stixrud Agency Insurance premium, City Hall 207.50 Lowe Oil Company Deisel fuel for City Ball 31.51 Howe Motor Company Repair and tub Police car 2.38 Ronald C. Corey Police service 86.72 Lloyd S. Rerg Police service 75.88 Duro Test Corp. Light Globes 106.47 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. City Hall lights, 2 months 87.75 Howe's Hardware Floor Wax; flashlight batteries 6.70 T. C. Breitenstein Adv. Engineering L. I. D. No. 56 383.50 W'4:`M FUND Overall Cleaning and Supply Co. Shop towels 2.74 Town Clerk Adv. for postal cards etc. 22.49 Stevens Mill Lumber and labor on Pump house 36.16 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power for Pumping etc. 349.08 Burroughs Corp. Machine ribbons 12.42 Gale W. Dow Labor reading meters 35.72 STREET FUND Geral D. Schiele Labor on streets 79.63 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Lights at garages 3.00 0. K. Rubber Welders Tire and tire repair 54.4Q Howe's Hardware Chain and catches .92 Piston Service, Inc. Brake material 23.56 Gerald D. Schiele Labor on Givens Field 5.25 Pueget Sound Power & Light Co. Tennis Court and Recr. Bldg. Lights 16.90. Howe Oil Company Stove oil for Recr. Center 7.99; Howe's Hardware Window glass and nutty :3.49 LIBRARY FUND Puget Sound News Co., Inc. Book for Library 2.53 Council adjourned to October 3, 1955 on motion by Br ug Gn, nded by Baker and carried. Clerk Mayor Port orchard, Washington October 3, 1955 Adjourned meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Urchard, Washington called to order by the Clerk in the absence of Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Verd 14. Nichols, Harold G. Raker, George L. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perr ne and S;x.perintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. Councilman R. R. Ball was elected as Acting Mayor on motion by Broughton, Second- ed by 'Raker and carried. Councilman,Nichols made a report on investigations of prospects for well on Lots 3 and 4, Block 3, 'vftneler's Addition. He recommended lowering the level of the lots, using the dirt for Bay Street fill, and also suggested changing the grade of Maple Street to create gradual slope of tha street. Following a discuss- ion, it was agreed that the Council as a committee of the whole in company with the Engineer and the Superintendent, would visit the property on October 5, 1955, and inspect the site of 'the proposed well. This being the date for hearing on the budget, notice of which has been properly given, Mayor Hall called for anyone present to be heard on the matter. There were no objections or suggestions for alterations, and ordinance adopting the budget and fixing the tax levies as set forth in the preliminary budget was read to the Council. It was :moved by Broughton, seconded by Nichols and carried that budget as presented be adopt4d, and that ordinance adopting the budget and fixing the tax levies as read to the Council, be passed as read. Ordinance adoptedas Ordinance No. 623. Meeting adjourned on motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried.. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington October 10, 1955 Regular meeting of the Council of the Torn of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilman Nick J. Repanich George A. Broughton, Rag B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine, Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of regular meeting of September 26, 1955 and adjourned meeting of October 3, 1955 read and approved. Superintendent reported that different hours have been arranged to have Bay St. swept, and that conditions are much improved and that no more complaint should be forthcoming. Letter from. State Highway Commission stating that a meeting of the Commission will be held in Bremerton on October 24, to take up various highway matters, was read. This was discussed and Councilman Hall, Chairman of the Street and Alley committee, was delegated to represent Port Orchard. Chairman Nichols of the Water and Sewer committee and Superintendent Givens made a report on conditions at Lots 3 and 4. Block 3, Wheeler's Addition, where it is purposed to drill well. A general discussion followed, and Attorney stated that the first step is to secure permit from the State Supervisor of Hydraulics. On motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried.by Clerk was authorized to draw warrant for expense of securing permit. Chairman Nichols also stated that easement for-*verflow to Black Jack creek had been secured from Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Ross. Matter of informal request by Union Oil Company for certain concessions on Harrison. Street was passed without action, and until such time as definite information Is furnished. Fred Hannah, Chairman of the Merchants Committee appeared before the Council regarding a proposition to lease to the Town the parking lots north of Bay Street, in order that parking may be regulated to the best advantage of the motorist and the business men. No action was taken, pending a definite proposal. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committees, were read and allowed on motion by Baker, sec- onded by Nichols and carried: Port Orchard Independent Puget Sound Power & Light Earl Clark --Western Auto Slocum Hardw#re Saindents, Inc. Thompeson' s Donald C. Corey Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. T. C. Breitenstein State Treasurer CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Budgaf; Assessment roll hearing Street Lights Car Mash for Police Flashlight batteries for Police Tire repair, Police car Typing Paper, staples, Clerk Polices Service Clerk, Police, Fire Dept. Retainer, Engineer Firements Insurance premiums WATER FUND H. B. Manes Auto Parts Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Sheets Automotive Electric Slocum Hardware Tegstrom Building Materials, American PJbg. & Steam Supply Lumber Supply Spark plugs Telephones and tolls Motor Bearings Valves and fittings Roofing and aluminum nails Meter Box tops Cement and materials STREET FUND Tegstrom Building Materials H. B. Menees Auto Parts Standard Oi1.Co. of Calif. Port Orchard Machine Shop Pacific Tel. & Tel. Union Oil Company Port Orchard Oil Delivery Slocum Hardware Guy W . D ow . Kenneth G. Chaussee J. N. Reeves Totum Equipment Company Ace Paving Company Morrison Gravel Co. Lumber Supply Slocum_Hardware %umber, Supply Lumber Tools and material Gaso the Cut axle Telephones and tolls Motor dil and grease 3 Oil barrels Washers, cap screws, etc. Labor on streets Operate street sweeper Labor on streets Broom fibers 24.28 tons asphalt Gravel Lumber, nails, etc. PARK FUND Blades, rivets, belt Lumber and material 46.48 371.69 1.01 3.35 3.21 5.37 81.36 56.82 100.00 70.95 4.16 24.55 7.91 9.38 1.54 20.46 3.92 27.73 20.41 113.12 2.07 10.25 71.41 20.15 1.21 30.08 39,48 + 1�1y . 28 39.26 163.08 66.53 86.30 $ 11..16 39.91 LIBRARY FUND Puget Sound News Co. Lumber Supply Slocum Hardware Books for Library Cement, sewer tile, etc. Mason drill S 11.54 $ 15.82 1.99 Council adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried. clerk _�ayor Port rchard, Washington Octobe 24, 1958,,, gular me ting of the Council of the Townf Port Orchard; Washington ca ed to o er by Mayor C..H. Largis. Presbit Councilmen �Tard W. Nichols, Nick J. Reps. ch and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N.` errine; Super tendent of Public Works,." orks. George F. Givens''and Engineer , C. Breiten ein. sent Councilme-A Rayold G. Baker.. Councilman R�y B. Hall.\ was not p sent a to excused absence, to attend a meeting of \the \ State High Comm s9.on.� Part Orchard, Washington October 24, 1955 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F_Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Absent Councilmen Ray B. Hall and Harold G. Baker. "Last sentence of first paragraph amended to read: "Absent Councilman Harold G. Baker. Councilman Ray B. Hall was not present due to excused absence, to attend the meeting of the State Highway Commission." Minutes of meeting of October 10, 1955 read and approved. Fred Hannah, Chairman of the Port Orchard Merchants Committee again appeared before the Council regarding parking regulations on the parking lots north of Bay Street. No action was taken, it being the opinion of the councilmen that there should be a meeting of minds among the merchants, and a definite agreement on proposed parking regulations, and a definite proposal made to the Council for its consideration. This being the date for hearing on assessment roll fDr.Local Improvement District No. 56 (Division and West Street sewer) Mayor called for any person interested to file objections to the roll as submitted by the Engineer. No objections were made and no one appeared to pr6test the roll. After ex- amining the roll, it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Broughton and carried that Final Assessment roll as submitted for L.I.I. No. 56 be approved and that ordinance approving assessment roll be passed. Final estimate of costs of improvement under L.I.D. No. 56 was presented by the Engineer, showing amount due to Francs C'aluecie Construction Company for construction of the sewer to be $4,789,85, plus sales tax of $159.66. Work having been accepted by the Engineer and approved by the Council on August 25, 1955, and more than thirty d4yg having elapsed since acceptance of the job Clerk was authorized to draw warrants on L.I.D. No. 56 in the amount of J4,789.85 to the Frank Caluecte CoJiatruction Company, payment of sales tax to be withheld until clearance is received from State Tax Com- mission. This action was taken on motion by Repanich, seconded by Broughton and carried. The following claims, checked by heads of departments,•and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee present, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, and seconded by Repanich and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Lloyd S. Berg Police service 54.20 Donald C. Corey Police service 70.52 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Gasoline for police 1.48 Port Orchard Independent Public Ordinance No. 623 8.23 WATER FUND Mrs. Stewart W. Waters Peggy L Breitenstein Oakite Products, Inc.' Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Gale W. Dow W. F. Bruhahn Burroughs Corporation Ray Murray Lowman & Hanford Co. Salary due deceased husband Typing Specs for well. Oakite compound Power at mainplant Labor reading meters Labor tending Pumps Carbon paper Moving dirt at well 4 site Pencils and pencil sharpener STREET FUND W. F. Bruhahn G. A. Shackelford W. L. Boatwright Gale W. Dow Cleveland Chevrolet Puget Sound Power & Light Co.. Overall Cleaning & Supply Labor on streets Truck driver Flagman on streets Flagman on streets Truck repair and parts Lights at Bay St. garage Shop towels LIBRARY FUND Mary B. Peterson, Libratian Re-imbursement for mag. sub. 175.00 11.00 10.13 216.71 41.36 11.28 3.47 45.00 6.25 47.00 150.40 13.16 75.20 23.10 3.20 3.18 5.00 Meeting adjourned on motion by Broughton, seconded by Re ich and carried, r Cler Mayor Port Orchard, Washington November 14, 1965 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor Co H. Largis. Present Councilmen. Harold G. Baker, Verd W. Nichols, Reg B. Hall, Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine and Superintendent of Public Works, George F. Givens. Minutes of meeting of October 24, 1955 amended to read that Councilman Hall was absent from the meeting on excused absence, he having been del- egated by the Council to attend the meeting of the State Highway Commission. Fred B. Roberts of the firm of Robinson & Roberts, Geologists, was present and addressed the Council relative to proposed well. A general discussion of the prospects for the well was held; no definite -action was taken. Superintendent stated that he had been unable to get any person to remove several trees on town property, vhich he considers a menace to the pumping plants at wells 4 and 5, and asked permission to have trees removed by town employees or by the best means possible. Permission granted. Councilman Hall reported on the meeting with the State Highway Commission which he attended in Bremerton on October 24, 1955. He stated that an outline of highway conditions in this locality was taken up and discussed and information given regarding local impvements by the Highway Department. Matter of traffic lanes on Bay Street between Port Street and Water Street was taken up, and Clerk was directed to write a letter to Hon. J. G. Claypool, District Engier, informing him that the fill had been compleQed on Bay Street between tort and Water Streets; asking if there is any other condition which the Town should fulfill in connection with the job, and also calling attention that two power poles would have to be removed, which work would be done by the Power Company when directed by the Highway Department. Clerk read letter from Division of Municipal Corporations relative to vacation pay for town emplogses. Following a discussion the matter was referred to the Finance and Auditing committee to work out terms of a proposed ordinance covering the matter of vacgtions and sick leave, and Clerk was directed to wwite to the Association of Washi#gton Cities asking for suggestions or existing ordinances covering these matters. Attorney Perrine called attention that the traffic ordinance of the Town followed the pattern of the State Patrol traffic regulations; that these regulations had been changed and that a new traffic ordinance should be adopted to conform to the existing terms of the State Code. Attorney was directed to draft an amended ordinance to cover conditions set forth in State Code regarding traffic violations and drunken driving. l A general discussion of parking regulations on parking lots north of Bay Street, which property owners had requested that the town assume, was held and passed without action. The following claims checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committeef were read and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Nichols and carried: Part Orchard Independent Town Clerk Donald C. Corey Lloyd S. Berg T. C. Breitenstein Hoare Oil Company Thompson's Ray B. Hall Traffic Control Sign Co. Beacon Electric Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Purt Sound Power & Light n N K n n n Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Tri-County Typewriter Co. Geo. F. Cake Company. Trick & Murray Howe Motor Co. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Publish Ord. #624; Notice of Assessment L.I.D. No. 56 15.44 Postage and P. 0. box rent 4.63 Police services 89.52 Police service 75.88 Engineer retainer 100.00 Deisel fuel for City Hall 114.16 Typing paper 3.82 Expenses Highway Comm. meeting 3.00 Red Reflectors 15.81 Condition city hall furnace 30.41 Police, fire and clerk tel. & tolls 53.05 Street Lights 371.69 City Hall lights 97.40 Run wire to Russell residence 103.33 Gasoline 248.46 Repair typewriter for Clerk 23.51 1 Gr red flares for police 29.55 1 M sets trip receipts--Treas. 49.10 Lub. and repair police car 6.82 WATER FUND Transport Clearings of P.S. Talbot Plumbing & Heating Hallgren Company Town Clerk Lloyd E. Sherk Overall Cleaning & ',-Supply Puget Sound Power & Light Blanchard's Dept. Store Badger Meter Mfg. Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Braaten Bros, Ralph Reite Columbia Equipment Co. Howe Oil Company Howe Motor Company Kitsap County Garage Puget Sound Power & Light Union Oil Co. of Calif. Port Orchard Machine Shop C. P. Ainsworth Kenneth G. Chaussee G. A. Shackleford Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Torn Clerk The H. R. Huntting Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Beacon Electric Freight rust remover Batteries Pipe clamps Advance for postal cards & mdse. Labor tending pumps Shop towels Power and light all plants 1 pr. hip boots Water meters and connetions Telephone and tolls Rental of loader Break concrete for riprap Broom refill for sweeper Stove oil Tubing and fittings Truck repair Lights at garages Motor Oil Repair loader Soap and solvents Operate street sweeper Driving truck Telephones and tolls LIBRARY FUND Advance P.O. box rent Books for library I�OA19-LLo)�l Reer. Center and tennis court Labor at Little League Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by epanich * * *IV* *-It * is * * 2.00 13.02 29.93 40.65 37.60 2.51 376.87 15.45 168.72 9.85 176.70 288.75 51.23 60.74 1.03 43.14 4.56 40.91 3.62 3.84 45.12 60.16 20.45 1.10 35.04 12.37 10.33 carried. No K Port Orchard, Washington November 28, 1955 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, George A. Broughton, Ray B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrin; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein, present. Minutes of meeting of November 14, 1955 read and approved. Further time was granted in which to consider ordinance providing for vacations and sick leaves for town employees, and the Finance and Auditing committee arranged to meet with Attorney to outline terms of the pro- posed ordinance. Further time was granted to prepare amended traffic ordinance to con. - form to State Highway regulations. A general discussion was entered into relative to proposed well on Lots 2 and W, Block 3, Wheelerfs Addition. The discussion covered advisability of hiring geologist, methods.of drilling and other matters in connection with the project. Following the discussion, it was moved by Repanieh, seconded by Nichols and carried that Clerk be directed to issue call for bids for drilling the well, according to specifications on file, and conditioned on receipt of permit from the State Department of Conservation and Development, the bids to be opened December 27, 1955. A discussion was held regarding operation of street sweeper, Superintendent reporting that present operator no longer will handle the job, knd that he had another man available to take over the operation. Superintendent was authorized to hire man for this work. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried, authority was granted to transfer money remaining in closed L.I.D. funds to the L.I.D. Guarantee Fund, and authorizing the investment of surplus funds in warrants of Local Improvement District No. 56. This action was taken on recommendation of the Finance committee, Jack H. Rogers, publisher of the Port Orchard Independent and photo- grapher Harry Ward, were present and took pictures of the Council In session. The following claims, checked by heads of departments, and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee present, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Hall: Port Orchard Independent Donald C. Corey Lloyd Berg C. & G. Radio Repair Caldwell Trading Post Trick & Murray Thompsons Gary Deal Auto Parts Port Orchard Independent Caldwell Trading Post American Plbg. & St Supply Hallgren Company Ned Johnson Gale W. Dow W. F. Bruhahn Gary Deal Auto Parts CURRENT XX.PB.NSE FUND Rubber stamp, bond paper, tickets 6 Police Service Police service Parts for police radio Floor 'Wax Criminal Complaints, Police Carbon, Ink, & paper, (police) Battery and etc. Fire Dept. WA'2zh FUND Utilities cards -padded, Clerk Tools Co. Blowtorch Coupling Tending pins Reading water meters Tending pumps at main station Battery and etc,. American Plbg & St Supply Co Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Ace Paving Co. G. A. Shackelford Lloyd W. Granquist Norman D. Connelly Donald W. Loop Caldwell Trading Post Kitsap County Revolving Fund Gary Deal Auto Parts Gary Deal Auto Parts Toilet for street garage Truck brake repair Asphalt mix Sanding ice, etc. Sanding icy streets, etc. Sanding icy streets, etc. Sanding icy streets, etc. Cable Road Oil Battery, etc. Battery straps, Etc. 62.78 59.68 21.68 23.16 1.65 26.33 9.46 60.20 $ 13.33- 2.92 17.33 10,66 28.20 30.08 67.68 P-5.18 29.72 11.39 55.91 52.64 55.46 7.52 26,32 13.56 19-ao.00 22.89 2.68 Caldwell Trading Post PAR& FUND Repair Links funnel, oil can $ 1.91 Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried, 4 Cler "—�ayor :: * it, is it -k It :. * " ** Fort Orchard, Washington December 12, 1955 i Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen Ray B. Hail, Verd W. Nichols, Harold G, Baker, Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein present. Minutes of meeting of November 28, 1955 read and approved. Superintendent Givens reported that he had an operator for the street sweeper who seemed to be satisfactory. G. C. Hall appeared before the Council and asked that stop signs be placed on Cline and Tacoma streets where side streets intersect, to mark Cline and Tacoma streets as arterial streets. A general discussion followed and the matter was referred to the Police, Superintendent and the Street and Alley committee to investigate and make recommendations. Attorney presented proposed ordinance providing for vacations and sick leave for town employees. After a lengthy discussion the matter was con- tinued to December 270 1955, More time was allowed to prepare amended traffic ordinance. letters from Frank Cullucio Construction Co. and State Tax Commission re- garding tax on Division Street sewer job were read to the Council. After a discussion, it was moved by Baker, seconded by Broughton and carried that Clerk be authorized to pay sales tax due on the job in the amount of $159.66 from Current Expense Fund, upon receipt of proper voucher from Frank Collucio Construction Company. Mayor stated that H. L. Hanley had mentioned to him that his place of business is somewhat isD"ted for parking facilities due to parking of police car directly in front of his store and a fire hydrant on the east side, making parking in the immediate vicinity impossible. This was re- ferred to the Chief of Police, following a discussion, a report to be made at the next meeting of the Council. It was recommended that stop light at Bay and Sidney Street intersection be left in operation as a stop and go light until 9:30 P. M. on business days, during the holiday season. Referred to police. �I Complaint was made that garbage is being dumped on private property in the vicinity of the Tasty Freeze store. This was referred to police. Question of location of sewer lateral for recreation building being construc- ted at Givens Field by the Active Club was referred to the Engineer. Superintendent brought up the matter of vacations and pay schedule for town employees, and this was continued for further study. Superintendent reported that back stop at Givens Field has been completed according to contract and is a satisfactory job. Chief of Police Wymore asked for extra help during absence of Police Judge who has been taking office shift at station. Permission to hire necessary help was granted on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council., and ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Ball and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUNK Puget Sound Power & Light Street lights 371.69 C. P. Ainsworth Janitor supplies 4,87 Wilkins Distributing Co. Anti -freeze for police car 2,24 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Clerk, Police and Fire tel. & tolls 54,30 Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Gasoline for police car 1.48 Saindon's Inc. Tire recap and repair, police 24.13 Howe Oil Company Furnace Oil for town hall 135,65 T. C. Breitenstein Retainer as engineer 100.00 Caldwell Trading Post Blue lights for VFD members cars 148.92 Howe Motor Company Repair and lube police car 7.75 W. L. Boatwright Police service 8.67 Lloyd S. Berg Police service 54.20 Donald C. Corey Police service 62.36 ( WATER FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Power and lights at pump, plants 296.60 American Water Works Asstn. Annual dues for Supt. 10.00 Bremerton Concrete Pr. Co. Culvert pipe 15.91 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Telephones & tolls 29.45 Port Orchard Independent Water right application 5.00 __ , wAl.rh'R Fu iD Hall gren Co. Pipe clamp Caldwell Trading Post Pipe fittings and supplies Parks Jewelry, Inc. Battery Port Orchard Machine Shop Wrenches, brazing American Plbg. & Steam Spply. Brass dresser coupling Port Orchard Machine Shop Meter cover at Court House Bremerton Concrete Pr. Co. Lester R. Helm G. A. Shackelford Alvin J. Loch Ben Menees Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Ray Murray Wilkins Distributing Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Caldwell Trading Post Bauer Bros. Service Station Standard Oil Co. of Cal. 0 K Rubber Welders Morrison Gravel Co. Howe Motor Co. Howe Oil Co. The H. R. Hunt-ting Co. Howe Oil Company STREET FUND Culvert pipe Street sweeper operator Truck driver Sanding icy streets Sanding icy streets Garage lights Bulldozer rental Filters; anti -freeze; spark plugs Telephones & tolls Tools and supplies Tire repair Gasoline & kerosene Tire repair 45 yards sand Truck repair Stove oil LIBRARY FUND Books for library PARK FUND Stove Oil 0 29.93 10.37 3.05 9.31 28.65 21.91 31.80 34.76 30.08 9.40 9,40 3.80 10.00 33.95 13.26 4.90 1.55 124.18 16.55 34.83 79,83 75.37 48.45 13.33 Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded rought and carried. 1 Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington December 27, 1955 r Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis, Present Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, R. B. Hall, Harold G. Baker, Verd W. Nichols and George A. Broughton, and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. Absent Attorney Dudley N. Perrine and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of December 12, 1955 read and approved. Councilman made a report on the proposition to place stop signs on streets intersecting Cline and Tacoma Streets and recommended against placing sL gns. Other Council members joined in the discussion. No defi- nite action taken. Further time was granted for presentation of amended traffic ordinance and for action on parking conditions at southwest corner of Bay and Sidney Streets. Matters of vacations and pay schedules were continued for consideration and action. This being the date for opening bids for drilling well on Lots 3 and 4. Black 4, Wheeler's Addition, Clerk stated that two bids had been received and Mayor directed that bids be opened. Bids were received from L. R. Gaudio Well Drilling Company and from Western Drilling and Equipment Co., in association with Stoidan Drilling Co. The bids were studied by the Council, and after consideration and study were referred to the Water and Sanitation committee and the Superintendent to compute the bids, ascertain costs of materials and other data, and report back to the Council at the regular meeting on January 9, 1656. Superintendent brought up the matter of reconditioning well No. 5 by cleaning and developing and plugging avove the level where sand enters the over -flora, in order to make the well a better producer. This was discussed by the members of the Council, and Superintendent was author- ized to negotiate with qualified mechanics for the necessary work as suggested, and report back to the Council. This action was taken on motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried. The following claims, checked by the Auditing committee, the heads of departments and the members of the Council, were read in open meeting and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Frank Coluccio Const. Co. Sales tax on L.I.D. No. 56 159.66 Lloyd Berg Police service 43.34 W. L. Boatwright Police service 40.68 Donald C. Corey Police service 70.52 Lester R. Helm Labor on damaged fire hydrant 7.52 Town clerk Advanced Expenses 4.67 I a4A ;r gig Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Lub and oil change on truck 1.81 Town Clerk Postal cards, index cards, etc. 22.59 STREET FUND Overall Cl. & Supply Co. Shop towels 3.71 C. A. Hanks Agency Insurance premium on Bay St. Garage 78.21 Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Truck repair 5.23 Nelson Repair Shop Parts and material 36.47 Port Orchard Oil Delivery 275 gallon tank 44.43 W. M. Prigger Loader rental 126.25 Lester R. Helm Labor on streets 22.56 Kitsap County Airport Bankrun gravel 88.90 F. E. Langer Agency Premium on Kendall St, Garage 75.78 r a► W. L. Johnson Labor on sewer lines 6.75 LIBRARY FUND Geographical Pub. Co. World Atlas 29.75 Town Clerk Re-imburse for P.O. Box rent 1.10 PARK FUND Cyclone Fence Backstop construction (contract) 630.31 Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried. Port Orchard, Washington January 9, 1956 Regular meting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Nick J. Repanich, George A. Broughton, Ray B. Hall and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine. Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein present. Minutes of meeting of December 27, 1955 read and approved, Carl Ainsworth and Hugh Bartlett appeared before the Council and raised objection to water backed up on Bay Street during extreme high tides, and asked that action be taken at once to relieve this situation, which they claim, occurs several times during the year. After a discussion, the matter was referred to the Attorney to communicate with the State Department of Highways and ascertain what can be done to remedy the condition. Attorney stated that traffic ordinance mould be reedy for consideration at next meeting of the Council. Chairman Nichols of the Water and Sanitation committee. reported on bids for drilling well, which had been referred to his committee, and a gener- al discussion of the project was carried on. As the permit from the State Department of Conservation and Development has not yet been re- ceived, awarding of oontract for work was continued to meeting of January 23, 1956. Matter of vacations and pay schedules of town employees was continued to January 23, 1956. Following a report by the Superintendent and a discussion of the matter, on motion by Nichols, seconded by Mall and carried, Superintendent was authorized to proceed with work of having well No. 5 reconditioned in an,effort to improve the supply of water from the well. Patrolmen Gale W. Dow, Eugene M. Scrivner and Kenneth Chaussee appeared before the Council regarding compensating pay for time worked on hol- idays. It was pointed out that this matter &could -be incorporated in the ordinance providing for vacations ah Ieh is now under consideration, and It was suggested that a paragraph including a provision for compensating time for holiday work be presented with the ordinance. Matter of pay schedules and vacation allowances referred to the Finance and Auditing committee. Inquiry was made as to charge to be made for connecting Lots 22, 23 and 242 Block 11, Sidney Villa Addition, to water and sewer services. Fol- lowing a discussion this was referred to the Superintendent to ascertain costs of installation and other work in connection with this matter, and to report back to the Council. Clerk reported that Sergeant Kinzel of the State Patrol had called at- tention to existing parking meters placed too near cross -walks, which created a traffic hazzard. This was referred to the Attorney to com- municate with Sergeant Kinzel regarding the mutter. On motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried, the Finance and Auditing committee was directed to investigate advisability of purchase of a new patrol car for the Police Department. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND T. C. Breitenstein Lindell Radio & T V Service Geo. L. Rothenberg Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Sheriff of Kitsap County Wilkins Distributing Co. Howe Motor Company Lloyd Berg Engineer retainer Repair police radio Tubes for police radio Tire repair and gas for police Board of prisoners Flashlight batteries for police Repair police car Police, service 100.00 7.23 7.95 8.25 172.00 4.85 63.89 54.20 yor 0Q