01/01/1954 - Regular - MinutesMiller Meters Inc. Advances freight on meter parts 1.75 Thompson's Typing paper for Police 3,.66 Howard Cooper Corp. Equipment for Fire Department 237.72 Town Clerk Advanced expenses 6.61 WATER. FUND W. F. Rruhahn Labor 14.08 Amos K. Rates Labor 14.08 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 21.20 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power, west Bay St. Pw:iip 42.55 Town Clerk 2 M. Postal Cards for water bills 40.00 STREET FUND Kitsap County Airport Bank run gravel 317.80 H. t. Menees Auto Parts Battery cable, fatting, brake fluid 6.24 Anderson Sheet Metal Coupling for cultert 5.82 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephone and changes 14.49 LIBRARY FUND Gaylor Bros., Inc. Record book and taps 14.42 Puget Sound News Co. Book 2.85 The H. R. Huntting Co. Books 37.42 Metti_ng adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded b4B,tghton and carried. Port Orchard, Wash. January 11, 1954 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, Ray B. Halt, Verd W. Nichols and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein present. Minutes of meeting of December 28, 1953, read and approved. Further time was granted for final report on request to establish small arms range in Kendall Street garage. L. W. Briokson appeared before the Council regarding opening of alley in block 20 Sidney land Company's Second Addition to Sidney. Matter referred to Engineer ti meet with property .owners. Pest Master Dean M. Sprliss addressed the Council relative to street side and proper house numbers in co"oetion with inauguration of mail delivetye Matter was ref;orreed to, Street Dspartment° to install proper signs. Cleric stated that a binder in the sun of $5,0500.00 for inturatcew had been received from C. A. Hacks Agency as insurance on Day Street garage. Ordinance providing for compensation for volunteer firmen of the Town of Port Orchard was pres442ted and read to the Council. Ordinance passed on motion by Hall, seeded by Broughton and carried. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 614. Su"rintendent Givens nallo4 attention of Council to trouble experienced with algae in the grater which a cases considerable inconvenience, and stated that ohlorim ization of Zee water was the most approved m*Vwd of ridding the supply of the trouble. Following dioussion, it was moved by Michels, so ondod by Repanich and earried, that Superintendent be author - iced to employ necessary means, under supervision of Beulah, Department, to clear the water supply. Matter of requested increase in pay for town employees was referred to Finance and Auditing crj�zi.ttee for inves tigetion and recommendation. Clerk submitted data from State Census Bureau relative to 1954 popula- tion figures for the Town of Port Orchard. Matter considered and een- tinued for study. Chief of Police stated that radio in police car, which has been used on a lean agreement for several months is available for purchase at #125.000 and stated that he believed that it is a good investment. The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanieh and carried that radio be purchased at figure stated. The following claims, chocked by heads of departments and by the members of the Council and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and .Auditing committee, were presented, read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carrieds C. & G. Radio Supply Thompson' si Port Orchard Independent T. Co Breitenstein Saindon's, Inc. Howard Cooper Corp. Port Orchard Machine Shop Standard Oih Co. of Calif. Puget Sound Power & bight Coo Lowman & Hanford Ainsw *rth's Grocery Charl as Kim (sick Willard L. Boatwright Hews Oil Company Worthington Gaston Meter Kitsap Co. Garage Bremerten Con. Pro. Co. Cleveland Chevrolet Rex W. Richmond Home Oil Co. or Cif. Talbot Plumbing Co. Three M. Supply Co. Wilkins Dist. Co. Meeting adj IG 1 1 '1.13110 14"I ;� I I Parts for Police radio Carbon paper, date beck, P.J. Treas Notice, Ord, 613. Reg Oda Engineer retainer Tire recap. Police Hose expander Repairing traffic signs Gasoline for police Street lights Warrant register sheets, etc Janitor's Supplies Police service Police service Deis+el fuel Water motor parts Repair Ford Pickup STR=r FUND Drain the Parts and labor on truck Bulldozing slide from Maple Street Gear grease Toilet bowl and fittings Dust Mop, flour cleaner Gasoline on notion by Hall, seconded by Nacho s anal Cler U F . # 23.87 3.14 12l3.83 100.00 �/7.67 a I . 44 37.60 1.75 314.95 47.38 2.42 84.06 20.34 153.95 4452 6.42 10.16 15.22 25.50 18.84 13.99 6.75 162.79 or�� Port Orchard, Washington January 25, 1954 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, George A. Broughton, Harold G. Baker, Verd W. Nichols and Ray Do Hall; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. Minutes of meeting of January 11, 1954 read and approved. This being the date for receipt of bids for gasoline and oil products for the year beginning .February' 1, 1954 and ending January 31, 1956., Clerk reported that six bids had been received. Mayor 4irected that bids be opened and read, and bids from Wilkins Distributing Company,- N. H. Menees, Howe Oil Company, Union Oil Company, J. R. Adams 4nd Shell Oil Company were read to the Council. Bids were examined by Omembers of the Council, and after consideration and discussion, it ww4i s moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that bid of Wilkins Distributing Company to famish gaselino as required at # .3175 per gallon be accepted, and that bid of H. B. Menees to furnish deisel fuel at # .122 per gallon, and stove oil at # .147 per gallon be accepted. I No report or recommendation regarding permission to install small arms target range at Kendall Street garage was forthcowing, and further time was granted in this matter. Superintendent reported that signs are being prepared for street markers in Port Orchard as requested by the post wastere Superintendent also stated that chlorinating of water supply would probably be undertaken within the no3tt wook or to ndays. Matter of requested increase in pay for town employees was continued until the next meeting of the Council. Councilman Hall stated that there is a lack of observances of closed street signs, posted during the anew and icy conditions,, and that accidents have been narrowly averted in several instances, Chief ,of Polio* stated that many tickets have been issued for failure to observe those signs by motorists, and that a check in being kept on r~aiosed street intersections.. Curfew enforcement was discussod,.and it was stated that conditions have improved since were rigid measures have been adopted* Matter of reserved spoke on Prospect Street for loading and unloading of kindergarten pupils was referred to Police Department Letter was received from C. 0. Horton, Supervisor of Ground Observer Corps in Kitsap County, requesting permission to drop leaflets over Town; Re- ferred back to writer for further.information. Letter was received from McDonald, Taylor d Bruckart, Inc. relative to purchase, of salvage material corn S* of SVJ, Sec. 31, Tp 24 N, 1 Bast, owned by the Town of Port Orchard, and making offer for purchases of same. Referred to Superintendent to ascertain what it is desired to remove, and to estimate quantity, en.motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried. Clerk stated that more than thirty days have elapsed since completion of contract by United Construction Company in LIM No. 55 improvement, and that Certificate from,:Mate.Tau Commission setting forth that taxes are paid has been received. He stated that balance due to United Construction Company, except state taxees, is $30466.400 representing the 1 withheld. This amount is also less $146.64 which United Construction Company owed the Town of Port Orchard for work done -in sterilizing water pains. On Motion by Nichols, second*& by Repanich Land carried.. Clerk was authorised to draw warrants to the United Construction Company in the amount of #3,466.400 representing they amount withhold, and also to draw warrants in the amount of the sales tact, estimated at $679,71, when this amount is verified by the State Tax Commission. Attorney presented a Resolution relative to construction by the Standard Oil Company of California of a dolphin near the outer end of Port Orchard. Resolution was read to the Council, considered and adopted on motion by Repanieh, seconded by Ball and carried. Councilman Hall reported on information which he had received concerning Improvement of Bay Street from garrison Street east to Bitek Jack bridge, and also in couniction with traffic pattern at Bay and Cline Street in- tersection, which is up for consideration. Chief of Police asked that the police office be plastered or etheerwise finished, calling attention to the unattractive condition which now exists. He, was imstruited to secure estimates of cost of plastering these offices and to report at neat meeting of the Council. Mayor Largis, as a smml)or of the Finance Committee, stated that the Finance eomaittee, conesisting. of the Mayor, Clerk -Treasurer and Councilman Broughton of the Council ]inane cosmRittea, had mot and discussed the matter of in- vestin approx tely 450000.00 of surplus funds of the Town in LID No. 58 Warrants,, and that the committee recommended this investment. The scatter was discussed by the Council members, and it wasmoved by Repaniah, and seconded by Baker and carried, that recommendation of the committee be adopted, and that Clerk -Treasurer be audherixed to wake this investment. The following +Maims, chocked by heads of departments, by members of the Council and by Chairman Broughton and Councilman Repanich of the.Fi.nance and Auditing committee, were presented, read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Broughton and carried: gitsap County Auditor Slocum Hardware Beacon Appliance Pent Orchard Independent Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Puget Sound Power & Light Pacific Tel d Tel Coo wilco Fie*e Squipment Co. V. B. Caldwell Charles gissick Licensees for fire trucks and Police Wdeese. for Police and Fire Deept. Service corns walk light Publish ordinance No. 614 Tiro repair, lub`job, Police car Cross walk and city hail lights Polices.. Clerk and Fire Deept. tole►: Hoses, connections and tools Mdse, for Fire Department Police service car $4.80 10.27 5*46 8.24 4.13 9.53 48.10 134.81 21.0:5 74.72 WATER FUND Barrett & Yost Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. Western Utilities Supply Co. Slocum Hardware V. B.. Caldwell Puget Sound Power & Light Transport Clearings Kitsap County AuRiter W. F. Bruhahn Frank A. McIntyre Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Hi.tsap County Auditor Cecil Bader Beacon Appliance Slecum Hardware Transport Clearings Puget Sound Power & Light V. B. Caldwell Slocum Hardware Puget Sound Power & Light The H. R. Huntting Co. 50 Gal Crook for Chlorine job Telephones and tolls Shop towels Copper tubing, etc. Paint, jugs, valves and fittings Fittings and tools Power and light at pump stations Freight on 50-gal crack Lic ens es for pickup trucks Labor sanding icy streets Labor sanding icy streets Telephone Licenses for street equipment Truck tire chains Heater, filter, parts and labor Various merchandise Freight on parts Lights at garages Tank ball, switch, etc. MV,111TIM;�K a7 Tennis net tops Lights at tennis courts and reor. Books for library 41.20 19.80 2.87 97.13 4.07 3.56 156.93 3.50 3.20 Meeting adjourned on notion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried. 49.28 72.16 9.60 8.00 17.50 50.27 29.70 1.75 5.50 1.22 27.72 11.70 19.68 ' �� Clerk r' Port Orchard, Washington February 8, 1954 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Ray B. Hail, Verd W. Nichols, Harold G. Baker, George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of January 25, 1954 read and approved. Leif Erickson and other property owners in Block 2, Sidney Land Company's Second Addition, appeared before the Council regarding opening of alley. They were referred to the Engineer and a conference by the Engineer and property owners was held. No action was taken regarding small arms range in Kendall Street garage. Chairman Repanich made a report on the matter and further time was granted. Superintendent reported that street signs have been placed throughout the town and that all open streets are new marked*. Superintendent also reported on proposed chlorinating of water supply, stating that further conferences have been suggested with health authori- ties before project is started. Matter of compensation of town employees was taken up on report of Finance and Auditing committee. CoAmmitte.'recommended a $10.00 per month increase in pay for regular employees which would establish the following pay schedule; SuperinteMontor fuRle Wo*bjo 370.00 per month; Chief of Police $370,00 per month; Patrol $315. per month; Clerk, $370oOO per month; Assistant Clem $280.00 p+ moth; ftremw in Water Department, #340400 per month; Voreman,ie Stroot D' ikr 1340.00 per month; Police Judge $110,00 per aftth+ ' ariartl 86 40 ►nth; regular laborers $1.82 per hour; Janitor $75,00 r montljswoe er, $120,00 per month. Matter was discussed by members of the Council and it was moved by Broughton, seconded by Repaniah and carried tl t recommendation of committee be adopted, and ordinaneo passod Kiwi scale or pair as set forth in report of committee. Ordinance, adopted as Ord.1nanae No. 615. Letter from C. C. Horton of ground Observer Corps clarifying request to drop leaflets ever Port Orchard was read. After 6ensideration,, it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried that permission be Granted to drop leaflets over town net to exceed three times during the present elaendar year, and that notice be given of time that leaflets are to be dropped. Chief .of Police stated that no estimates of cost of plastering offices have been received, and no action was taken.. Tax bill for $5.60 for Forest Fire Patrol on SWJ SWJ and SZJ SWJ, Secs. 34, TWP 24, N R 1 E, being the. Pert orchard garbage -tract, was presented and ordered paid on motion. by Hall, seconded. by Baker and carried. Councilman Nichols asked clarification of the questions of whether the Town is liable for damages for acts of stembers of the Fire Department or the Police 1}epartment, while on official duties, and if there is liability because of firemen hooking up to private water systems; also to what extent is liability insurance liable under such conditions. Referred to Attorney* A request for cress -walk across Primary State Highway No, 14 at feet of Hull Street was presented to the Council, and denied. Clark presented letter from State Tax Commission showing that $679.71 had boon paid by United Construction Company for tares on LID 55. . The following claims, checked by heads of departments, by members of the Council and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented to the Council and ordered paid on notion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried:: Andersen Sheet Metal Lumber Supply Sainden's, Inc. Pioneer, Inc. T. C. Breitenstein Port Orchard Machine Shop Puget Sound Power d Light Thompson's Goo. L. rothenberg W. L. Boatwright Charles Kisslok Material for street signs Plastic, seal for City Hall roof Tire recap for Police car Parking motor receipt forms Engineer retainer Repair fire hydrant Street lights Supplies Parts for Police car radio Police Police WATER FUND W. F. ,Bruhahn Lumber Supply. Wilkins Distributing Co. Cleveland Chevrolet Barrett & Tout Port Orchard Machine Shop Cookson Bros, American Plbg d St Supply Labor on service .lines Paint, lumbers nails, tile Gasoline; flashlight batteries Chains for pickup Parts for Chlorinator Labor and material Gasoline - Meter boxes STREET FUND Lumber Supply Wilkins Distributing Co. Cleveland Chevrolet Port Orchard Machine Shop Standard ail Co. of Calif. Bauer Bres. Western Auto Supply Transport Clearings Siler Auto Parts Frank A. McIntyre Lloyd W. Grandquist 'carious lumber, paint etc. [gasoline Parts for truck Grind. drill Kerosene Tire repair and battery cable Battery filler Freight Tire Chains Sanding icy streets Sanding icy streets $ 14.83 2.53 8.27 18.81 160.00 18.81 314.95 1.06 13.75 20.34 85.93 22.00 12.45 22.66 12.13 4.47 9.12 6.12 58.99 78.30 187.163 7.26 1.03 13.10 80.08 .81 1.75 23.92 7,04 5.28 Lumber Supply Shingle stain and roof stain, rear. bldg 113.81 LIBRARY FUND Puget Sound News Co. Books for library 12.09 SEWER FUND Lumber Supply Cement 2.99 ,�- Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Rppani.ch and carried. Pert Orchard, Was],kirg ton February 23, 1954 Council of the Town of Pert Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor C. H. Largis, With Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, Gee. A. Broughton, Ray B. Hall, derd W. Nichols and Harold G. Baker: Superinten- dent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein present. Minutes of meeting of February 8, 1954 read and approved. Lief Erickson and other property owners in Sidney Land Company's 2nd addition, appeared.befere the Council relative to opening of alley between Blocks 1 and 2. The Engineer held conference with property owners, and it was agreed that Engineer and members of the Street and Alley ,e*mmittee would meet with the property owners on the site of the alley on Wednesday, February 24, 1954 at 5:15 p.m. to go over the property and consider the request. Superintendent stated that so far no definite recommendations have been received regarding chlorination of water supply and further time was granted. Chairman Nichols of the Water and Sewer committee stated that his com- mittee, together with the Superintendent, had inspected the property through which small stream flews at the site of Well No. 4, and recom- mended that a culvert be laid to carry the waster, and that a fill be made to reclaim the property. The matter was discussed, and the recom- mendatien of the committee was approved. Mr. Nichols also reported that acquisition of Lot 1, Block 1, Sidney, should be distinct asset to the Water Department, and Superintendent was authorised to conduct negotiations with the owner of the lot, $250.00 being named as the maximum price for the let. This action was taken on motion by Nichols seconded by Repanich and carried. Matter of parking on Sidney Street between Bay Street and Eitsap Street was discussed, and was referred to the Chamber of Commerce for definite recommendation. Councilman Baker stated that M. Hartness had asked permission to out brush on Austin Street adjoining his property, and this request was granted on condition that no debris be left after cutting. Further plans for improvement of Bay Street from Harrison Street to Blackjack bridge were received from the State Department of Highways, and matter of securing right-of�way for proposed improvement, suggested in the letter from the Department was discussed. Chairman gall of the Street and Alley committee stated that he would contact proper authori- ties of the Highway Department, and would endeavor to secure conference with Highway Engineers to iron out any problems which occur. Chas. H. Russell of the Port Orchard Fire Department submitted list of supplies needed by Department. Permission to purchase the necessary articles was granted. Purchase of new Police patrol car was discussed, and Clerk was directed to call for bids for supplying car, and for sale of present police car, the bids -to be opened March 22, 1954. The following claims, checked by heads of departments, by memebers of the Council and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Bail, seconded by Repanich,, and carried: Charles Ki.ssiek Wm. A. Chess Thommpson's Port Orchard Indpendent Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Waters & Sutton Overall Cleaning & Supply Port Orchard Oil Delivery E. N. Hallgren Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Elliott Addressing Machine W. F. Bruhahn Co. Co. .r ' :�-i • r 4 r F Police service Police service Memo fillers and typing Publishing notices Telephones and tolls Cress Walk Light Laying the in Clerk's WATER FUND Shop towels Steve oil Pipe clamps Power and light Telphones and tells Stencils for addresses Labor paper office $84.06 10.17 4.05 13.52 48.55 1.00 40.00 3.12 8.62 13.29 170.13 20.90 22.44 42.24 ^1 NO Siler Auto Parts Parts, filter, etc. Peninsula Peed Co. Salt for ice control Port Orchard Oil Delivery Stove [oil Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Light at Bay St. -Garage Pacific Tel &'Tel Co. Telephone American Plbg & St. Supply Co. Check valve Puget Sound News Co. The H. R. Huntting Co. Ceuneil adjourned on motion by Clerk LIBRARY FUND Books for Library Books for Library, • so 4.74 111.28 8.60 9.80 7.50 38.43 39.37 Baker, seconded y Rep c and carried.. mayor * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Port Orchard, Washington March 8, 1954 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard called to order by Wayor C. H. Largis.. Present Councilmen Ray B. Fall, Verd W. Ni6hols, Harold G. Barer, Nick J. Repanich and George .A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of February 23,. 1954 read and approved. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that his committee, the Engineer and property owners interested had inspected the alley between Blocks l and`2, Sidney Land Company's 2nd Addition with a view to opening alley, and detailed how traffic could be served by opening alley, Lief Erickson,, Mrs. W. S. Pauley and other property owners entered into the discussions, and the matter was referred to the Engineer and the Attorney to prepare desired easements for rightwof-way. Representatives from the OLi.ttle League" asked permission to rename the small baseball field at Givens Field. Following a disussion the matter was referred to the Parks and Buildings committee for definite recommendation. Superintendent stated that he contacted the owner of Lot 10 Black 11 Sidney, and that an agroeaent.had been reached whereby owner would sell lot to Town for $250.00, furnishing title insurance and paying coons of transfer. On motion by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried Clerk was authorized to draw warrant in payment for the lot An the sum of'$250.00 from the Water Fund, on approval of transfer documents by the Attorney* Parking on Sidney Street between Bay Street and Sitsap Street was again disuessed, and no change in present method of parking was made. Communication.from Civilian Defense Council relative to Port Orchard's share of expense for operating was read and considered. It was moved by Broughton, seconded by Baiter and carried that ordinance appropriat- ing $443.97 as an emergency appropriation for this purpose be passed. Motion carried unanimously. Clerk gave list of names of Election officers for Town election to be held March 9, 1954, and on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried, list of election offloers -was approved, and Clerk was authorized to draw warrant to each of the blection officers in the amount of $3.00 for services in handling town balloter. Councilman Nichols brought up the matter of the alley in Block 160 Sidney, and this was referred to the Engineer for report. No action was taken on request for "Slow" sign on Garrison Street in Sidney Land Company's 2nd Addition. Matter of alley in Block S. First Addition as it is effected by the Joe Stixrud property was disucssed and referred to the Attorney to communicate with Mr. Stizrud and order improvements made as agreed between Mr. Stisrud and the Council. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported on Bay Street improvement by the State Department of Highways, reading copy of letter sent to Department, to which no reply has yet been received. Superintendent brought up the matter of street sweeper, stating that machine is available. The matter was referred to the Superintendent to arrange for demonstration of machine offered. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Repanich and carried: T. C. Breitenstein E. A. Breitenstein Charles Kissick 4. L. Boatwright V. B. Caldwell Puget Sound Power d Light Co. Port Orchard Independent Prichard Associated Station Thompson's standard Oil Co. of Calif. Beacon Appliance Saindon's, Inc. H. B. Menees Pert Orchard Machine Shop Miller Meters, Inc. Cleveland Chevrolet V. B. Caldwell Bremerton Cone. Products Prichard Ass'ted Service H. B. Menees Ainsworth's Grocery Cleveland Chevrolet V. B. Caldwell Wilkins Distr. Co. Pert Orchard Machine Pert Orchard Machine Standard Oil Company Union Oil Company H. B. Menees Council K .1:: Engineer retainer Engineer helper Police service Police service Floor tile, cement, etc Street lights Emblem cut for stationery Fan belt for fire truck Copy sheets Gasoline, tire repair, tube Replace switches; repair light Tire recap for police Furnace Oil Repair hydrant Parking meter parts $100.00 16.20 71.19 10.50 43.94 305.95 13.62 2,73 2.73 5.69 29.74 10.33 169.13 22.66 191.67 Pickup repair 2,95 Tools and fittings 5.09 Well Curbing 139:05 Tire repair 2.29 Fram cartridge 2.03 0; 1 114�1 a Cs Hand cleaner 11.33 Parts and labor on dump truck 33.40 Paints, tubing, various mdse 17.05 Gasoline, filters etc 157.19 Shop 2 cab guards 141.11 Shop Permatez 1.29 Kerosene 26.20 Motor Oil 44.22 Grease, haskete, stove ott etc. 93.85 !#d3ourned on motion by Nichols, second by.H and carried. Cl Mayor 10/ o* o 0 0*** o 0 0 o e o 0 i Port Orchard, Washington March 221, 1954 Council called order in regular session by Mayor C. H. Largis with CounsdlmenEa George A. Broughton, Nick 3. Repanich, Har6ld G. Baker, Verd W. Nichols and Ray B. Hall; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino and Engineer T. C. Breitendtein present. Minutes of meeting of March S. 1954 read and approved as read. Warren Williams appeared before the Council asking for street repair at the Seattle -Bay Street caressing. This was -discussed,, and was passed for definite action until Bay Street improvement bf State Highway Department is completed, as this improvement may correct trouble. Matter of alley between Blocks 1 and 2, Sidney Land Company's Second Addition again dame before the Council, Lief Erickson and Mrs. W. S. Pauley, interested property owners being, present. Chairman Hall of the 3treot-and Alloy committee, and'ether members of the committee stated that they believed that this matter had been settled by agreement wrong property owners and the committee, by which right-of-way was to bs'providod'over private property for Certain distance. It appeared that in consideration for granting right-of-way over private property that Mr. and Mrs. Pauley wanted.south portion of alley vacated. This did not appear satisfactory to all property owners concerned, and Mr. Erickson stated that he would present petition to have alley opened on lines as platted. Continued to April 12,11954. C. L. Plymale and William Long, and Mr. Darr, Engineers from the State Depart- ment of Highways, were present regarding proposed widening of Bay Street from Harrison Street to Black Jack Bridge. They displayed plans for the'improvo- ment, and took up the matter of securing right-of-way. Mr. Plymale stated that if right-of-way is sedured prinWtly that bids for job can be advertised within thirty days. Mr. Long stated that he had ordered titles reports and would contact property owners as soon as reports were received. Further details of securing right-of-way are to be taken up on March 25, 1954 at 7 o'clock p.m. This being the date on which bids for now police car were to be received.. Mayer directed Clerk to open bias. Bids were received from Gig Harbor Motors, Howe Motor Compay; Cleveland Chevrolet, and Crawford Meters. Bids were studied and considered'by the Council, and final action was continued to Thursday, March 25, 1954 on motion by Repanich, seconded by Broughton and carried. Bd Hefster, local manager for Puget Sound Power d Light Company presented a bill for electric service at the Pert Orchard Municipal Building, covering the year 1953, and based on indicated consumption at time meter was installed, stating that meter had been faulty and had not registered properly, Amount of claim was #370#25. Following a discussion, the matter was referred to the Attorney. Representatives from Feenaughtly Machinery Company appeared before the Council regarding sale to the Town of a used street sweeper. They gave details of service that machine would perform, and answered questions regarding machine, stating that machine would be demonstrated if Town is interested in purchase. This was referred to Superintendent to work out details of schedule for cleaning Bay Street, and to ascertain on what street a machine would be practid%1 to use. Joe Stiarud appeared before the Council, regarding repairs to alley on his property in Block 8, First Addition, as agreed to on May 11, 1953 stating that given further time, retaining wall would be constructed to permit filling alley to full width. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Building committee reported that his committee would not recommend changing the name of the baseball field at Givens Field, but if it was desirod'to designate the "Little League" by a definite -name it could be permitted, provided they name "Givens Field" is still maintained in connection with the name. Application was received from W. A. Johnson for lease on garbage tract for right to harvest decorative greens and Christmas trees. Referred to Water and Sanitation committee for investigation and report. Convassing of election returns of recent Municipal election Continued to March 25, 1954. Bangineer and Inspector brought up the matter of issuing permits for bring- ing in project dwelling houses. Following a discussion the matter was left to the descretion of theBuilding Inspector in the matter of Issuing permits. Chief of Police submitted a bid from Charles P. Patnude for plastering Police offices and Fire Chief's office, as follows: Furnished labor and material for Felice offices, #215.00+ furnished labor and material for Fire Chief's office, $135. 'Referred'back to Chief of police to secure more bids. Ouperintendent brought up the matter of bulldozing and making fills on streets in Town on which grades have not been established or which have not been improved, asking if Council favored work in these instances. It was the opinion of the Councilmen as expressed that Town should not establish a policy of doing work under these conditions. The following calicos, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing Committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Broughton, seconded by Nichols and carried: R. L. Sweany Agency Howe Motor Company Charles gissick W. L. Boatwirght Rice Electric Lowman & Hanford Co. Port Orchard Independent Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Trick & Murray Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Howe Motor Company W. F. Bruhahn Worthington -Gammon Meter Div. R. L. Sweany Agency Worthington -Damon Meter Div. Overall Cleaning & Supply SilerAute Parts Nelson Equipment Co. Howe Motor Company Anderson Sheet Metal Puget Sound Power & Light Co. R. L. Sweany agency Puget Sound Power & Light Co. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Insurance premium on rolling stock$ Repair Police car Police service Police serives Light globes, Plugs, etc Election supplies Publish ordinance and bid call City Hall and corss walk lights Supplies for Clerk and Police Court WATER FUND 44 L Power and light, at plants Repair radiator on pickup Labor Water meter parts Insurance premium on rolling stock Water meter parts Shop Towels Welding material Grader blades Truck repair; grader repair Material for Street Signs Kendall and Day Street Lights Insurance premium on rolling stock 64.84 :33.80 91.53 10.50 36.73 33.48 9.54 102.48 34.47 $205.56 15.30 27.30 123.71 32.16 66.33 3.20 2.58 85.39 23.32 14.83 6.10 177.31 Tennis Court and Reer. Center lights 13.16 LIBRARY FUND Puget Sound News Company Books for Library 31.73 Mary B. Peterson Re-imburse for Magazine subs, 14.00 Moved by Broughton, seconded by Baker and carried that meeting adjourn to March 25, 1954 at 7:00 o'clock p.m. Clerk 7 Mayor Port Orchard, Washington March 25, 1954 Adjourned session of the Council of Port Orchard, Washington called. to order by Mayor C. H. Largis with Councilmen Ray B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols, Harold G. Baker, George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine, and Engineers C. L. Plymale and Wm. Long of the State Department of .Highways present. Mayor C. H. Largis mane a report on negotiations so far conducted in effort to secure right-of-way for widening of Bay Street ever Lots 4 and 7. Block 140 First Addition. A general discussion followed, entered into by members of the Council, the State Engineers and Walter J. XeCrory, owner of the lots in question. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee and kttorney Dudley N. Perrine made suggestions for outlet to lots 4 and 7. Block 14, First Addition, acorss Lots 8 and 9, Block 14, First Addition, and Engineer was directed to make locations and report his findings. Matter continued for further action. Consideratt.on for bids for police car, continued from March 22, 1954, was taken up, the bids were analyzed,and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that bid of . Motor Company for 6-cylinder Ford sedan for $1,773.58, less $1,144.00 allowed for 1952 Ford, and including state sales tax, and $71.43 for heater, plus sales tax, be accepted. Clerk was authorized to issue purchase order and sign transfer for ownership for 1952 Ford. OR WR Canvass of returns of municipal election held on March 9, 1954, continued from March 22, 1954, was conducted by the Council and the official returns as determined by the Council, sitting as a canvassing board were as follows; For Councilmen, 2-year terms (three to be elected CANDIDATE... George A. Broughton Verd W. Nichols Harold G. Baker Arthur M. Mikelsen Bob Rice Lies` Erickson Alfred Benoit Muyskens Ray Neese John Vaughn Louis Haimann Roland Del White PRECINCT NO. 1 2 3 4 d 5 Total 55 83 82 97 317 49 77 64 97 286 52 86 71 84 293 24 16 22 38 100 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 On the record of the returns, George A. Broughton, Verd W. Nichols and Harold G. Baker were declared elected to the positions of Councilmen for two+yeaf% terms, on motion by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried. Mtfeting adjourned to April 1, 1954 at 7 o'clock p.m. on motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried. Clerk Mayor e�es�ee* Port Orchard, Washington April 1, 1954 Meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, adjourned to this date from March 25, 1954, called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Council- men Harold G. Baker, Ray A. Hall, Nick J. Repanich, and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino. Absent Councilman Verd W. Nichols. Resolution submitted by Civil Defense organization providing for mutual assistance, when requested, in case of disaster, read and adopted on motion by Hall, eotihded by Brought*A and carried. Matter of right-of-way for Bay Strout improvement was again taken up, with a view to providing outlet for Lots 4 and 7, Block 14, and 2 and 3 Block 14, First Addition, which property will be effected by widening of Ykay Street. Uds Hi;osoy wasip�*Aont and stated that he is the owner of .the easterly twil i ;f`det Of hot 1. Block 14, First Additionp and aloe Lets 2 and Ble 'k 14 First Addition, and that he would deed right-of- way over this property for outlet to Lots 4 and 7. Block 14, First Addition, provided certain presezribed conditions of construction of roadway are followed. Walter McCrory, owner of Lots 4 and 7. Block 14, First Addition, teas also present,, , and stated that this arrangement is satisfactory to him. r,Resolutton setting forth these provisions and providing for conditions set forth was passed ;_Action by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried. Referred to Engftmw, to set stakes and pdrivide -descriptions of property involved. Mayor brought up the matter of fill on Lot 7, Block 10, Sidney, owned by Standard Oil Company of California, concerning which Resolutuion no. 1954-1 was passed January 25, 1954. After discussion, this_was referred to the Attorney for further conference and correspondence. Meeting adjourned on notion by Broughton, seconded Clerk and carried. Port Orchard, Washington April 12, 1954 Regular meeting of the: Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C. ff. Largis, with Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, George W. Broughton, Ray B. Hall., Verd W. Nichols and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein present. Minutes of meeting of March 22, 1954 and adjourned meetings of March 25, 1954 and April 1, 1954 read and approved. Property owners in Sidney Land Company's Second Addition interested in opening alley between Blocks l and 2, Sidney Land Company's Second Addition, were present, and Lief Erickson, W. S. Pauley, R. M. Parker and Thomas E. Dailey addressed the Council relative to opening alley. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee made a statement concerning the alley opening, and following a general discussion it was agreed that the members of the Street and Alley committee, the Engineer and the Superintendent would meet with the property owners interested at 11 o'clock a.m. Saturday, April 17, 1954, in and effort to clarify the situation and follow the desires of the interested property owners. A petition purporting to seek opening of the alley as platted, and signed by twelve citizens was presented by Mr. Erickson, and was filed with no action taken, pending results of hearing on April 1.7, 1954. Purchase of street sweeper was again brought up and Superintendent gave informa- tion regarding the situation that he had secured since the last meeting of the CounciA. Representatives of the Feenaughty Machinery Company were also present and took part in the conversations. Following a discussion, action was delayed, and in the meantime the Finance Committee scheduled a meeting for April 13, 1954 to consider the financial angles involved, and to report back to the Council. Offer by Feenaughty Machinery representatives to demonstrate the machine was referred to the Superintendent to fix time and date of demonstration if same is desired. Mark Monosmith, president of the Port Orchard Lions Club, appeared before the Council and offered as a gift from the Club in the form a playfield equip- ment for Givens Field. He displayed descriptive matter of a slide which it is proposed to donate, and the gift was accepted by Mayor Largis on behalf of the Town. Mayor expressed the thanks of the Town government for the gift, and the interest which the new Lions Club is taking in promoting betterments in the community. Mrs. Fred Brockhoff of 1437 Garrison Street addressed the Council relative to having traffic sign placed between South and Tremont Streets on Garrison Street. Following a discussion, Superintendent was directed to replace stop sign at Garrison and Tremont Street, and Chief of Police was directed to patrol the area and endeavor or ascertain if traffic regulations are being violated and to secure license numbers of violators, if possible. Chairman Nichols of the Water and Sanitation Committee reported an the request to lease the garbage tract for harvest of Salal and huckleberry brush, and W. A. Johnson, applicant, was present in regard to the lease. Following a discussion, it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried that agree- ment be entered into between the Town of Port Orchard and W. A. Johnson for picking brush on the tract, the Town of assume no responsibility for policing or for any liability in connection with the harvesting of the brush, and a rental of 10% if the grass sales from the tract to be paid to the Town of Port Orchard by the lessee. Clerk stated that check for #300.00 as and for annual franchise payment by the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, had been received from Ed Heister, local manager for the Company. Action on claim of Puget Sound Power & Light Co. for electric service at the Part Orchard Municipal Building, due to alleged fault in meter, was continued to April 26, 1954. Attorney stated that Joe, Stixrud had informed him that he is arranging to have wall constructed on his south property line for improvement of alley in Block B, First Addition. Chief of Police submitted three estimates for plastering walls in two Police office roams and Fire Chief's offices Estimates were received from L. V. Cronkhite, Jack F. Harris and Chas. P. Patnude. After considering the offers it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Broughton and carried that es- timate of Chas. P. Patnude to plaster two police offices for $215.00 plus tax; and the Fire Cheif's office for $135.00, plus tax, be accepted, Bideer to enter into contract for the work; and setting time limit of sixty days for completion of job. A Letter was received from the South Kitsap Improvement Council relative to condition of sidewalk and curb on east side of Frederick Street bet- ween Bay and Prospect Streets. Referred to Superintendent to investigate and make report of possible improvement. Letter from H. J. Theisen relative to traffic rights of veterans suffer- ing from specified handicaps as allowed by Federal laws and the special acts of the City of Seattle, was read to the Council. Following a dis- cussion, it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried that Police be empowered to cancel tickets under conditions as listed, upon proper showing and identification by veteran. Letter from County Auditor setting forth cast to Town of examination of Town by Examiner from State Division of Municipal Corporations was read to the Council, and Clerk was authorized to make payment in the amount of $385.95 on motion by Brouhgton, seconded by Baker and carried. .Emergency appropriation for $701.01, was requested by the Clerk for pur- chase of Police car from Howe Motor Company, authorized at meeting of March 25, 1954. On motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanch andunani- mously carried ordinance providing for emergency appropriation as requested was passed on first reading. Chief of Police asked for authority to have appropriate lettering painted on net police car, and same was granted. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented and read and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Broughton and carried: H. B. Menees C. M. Kissick W. L. Boatwright Howe's Hardware V. B. Caldwell Hydrotex industries Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Port Orchard Indpendent Parks Jewelry, Inc. T. C. Breitenstein Town Clerk Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Western Auto Supply Geo. L. Rothenberg County Auditor V. B. Caldwell Burroughs Corporation Western.Utilities Supply Overall Cleaning & Supply Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Howe's Hardware W..F. Bruhahn Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Town Clerk V. Rodius Howe's Hardware Bents Truck Parts V. B. Caldwell Bauer Bros. Rudd Paint & Varnish Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Town Clerk Wilkins distributing Co. W. F. Bruhahn Howe's Hardware Puget Sound Power & Light Co. C. A. Hanks Agency Union Oil Co. of Calif. 0. K. Rubber Welders H. B. Menees Talbot Plumbing Co. CURRENT EXPENSE FEINT) Furnace Oil $182.T1 Policg service 94.50 Police service 31.50 Various mere andise for Police & FD 6.07 Supplies for Fire Dpt. 40.71 Special lubricant 52,38 Street and traffic lights 316.87 Ballets, supplies and publication 59.98 Tile for Clerk's office floor 91.90 Retainer and expenses 107.00 Advanced expenses 21.88 Telephones and tells 50.60 Car wash for Police 1.01 Install radio in Police car 20.00 License for Police car 2.60 WATER FUND Screws and paint brush 1.03 Service agreements 131.74 Meter resetters 10.71 Shop Towels 2.62 Telephones and tolls 21.35 Tools 4.73 Labor on service lines 20.93 Power and light, all plants 188.50 Advanced expenses, re-imburse 60.56 Gate valves 13.39 STREET FUND Torch wicks 11.68 Main spring leaf 6.59 Tools 6.03 Tire Repair 8.50 Paint Thinner 14.42 Telephone 9.85 Supplies for Street Dept re-imburse 2.40 Purolaters 7.37 Labor cleaning catch basins 3.64 Mdse 3.38 Garage light and power 4.70 Insurance premium, Street Garage 143.22 Bbl Motor Oil 41.22 Tire re -cap 29.87 Stove oil and parts 78.99 Used Faucet 1.03 LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Co. W. F. Aruhahn Sam Stornelli Welsh Construction Co. Howe's Hardware Pert Orchard Machine Shop Books #57.75 Labor on Sweany Street fill 62.79 Rental of Bulldozer 133.59 Rental of truck and driver 152.50 PARK FUND Ilog rings, calbe etc. 7.81 Welding and material 37.96 Meeting adjourned on motion by Broughton, seconded by H nd carried. J Clerkayr Port Orchard, Washington April 26, 1954 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Ray Be Hall, Verd W. Nichols, Harold G. Baker, George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of April 120 1954 read and approved. Alley between Blocks 1 and 2, Sidney Land Company's Second Addition again came up for discussion by property owners interested in its opening. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee made a report of a meeting which his committee had held with property owners, and Lief Erickson and Mrs. W. S. Pauley entered into the discussion. Following the discussion, Chairman Hall recommend- ed that the Town accept a deed from Mr. abd Mrs. W. S. Pauley for right-of- way over portion of their property, offered as a detour from platted alley lines, and that permission be granted to the property owners to open the alley, after easements for slope rights have been secured, the work to be done according to specifications of the Engineer. On motion by Broughton, seconded by Nichols, report of the committee was adopted, the Attorney to prepare deeds, easements, etc. Frank Woods appeared before the Council and asked that Lots 12 and 13, Block 14, Sidney Villa Addition, owned by the Town, be put up for sale under sealed bids. After a discussion, it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried, that Clerk be instructed to advertise for sale of these lots, tenders to be made by sealed bids, and that right to reject any and all bids be reserved. Superintendent Givens reported that street sweeper is being put in shape by Feenaughty Machinery Company, and that a demonstration will be given on Tuesday, April 27, 1954, some time after noon. Again continued for final action was clain of Puget Sound Power & Light Company for extra compensation for service at the Municipal Building. Superintendent reported that negotiations are going on relative to betterment of sidewalk on east side of Frederick Street. Chairman Nichols of the Water and Sanitation Committee reported that he had attended a police school in Bremerton where drunkometer was demonstrated, and stated that Bremerton Police would permit use of machine by Pert Orchard, provided that Part Orchard provide its own kits" for tests. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried that Port Orchard Police be authorized to purchase one dozen "kits" to have for use if and when services of the machine are desired. Chairman Nichols also pointed out that Patrolman Dow had attended the Police school in Bremerton, and had received a high rating in the tests at the close of the school. Ordinance providing for emergency appropriations in the Current Expense Fund for #701.01 for purchase of police car, and for $443.97 for civilian defense, the appropriation for civilian defense having been passed on first reading on March 8, 1954, and for the police car on April 12, 1954, was read to the Council on second reading and was unanimously passed on motion by Broughton, seconded by Hall and carried. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 616. A resolution passed by the Washington State Highway Commission governing erection of signs ©n state highway rights -of -way, was read to the Council and ordered filed. Letter from A. M. Mikelsen, president of the "Little League," setting forth schedules of practices and games for the season, and the use that was desired from various playfields, was read and referred to the Parks and Playgrounds committee. Councilman Baker, Pert Orchard chairman Vor Civilian Defense, outlined activities of the Civilian Defense set-up, and asked that the Municipal Building be granted for use as a control center. He stated that an assistant director and a general chairman were being sought to assist in the work of the organization. On motion by Hall, sedonded by Nichols and carried, use of Municipal Building for a control center was granted to the Civilian Defense committee. Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee reported that his committee had held a meeting, had studied the financial status of the Town, and that it had found that available funds exist for purchase of a street sweeper up to the limit of the price suggested, if it is decided to purchase this equipment. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee submitted a map of the Town of Port Orchard showing in detail property within the Town which has become the property of the county through tax sales, and suggested that the Town make an effort through proper channels to secure this property from the county. The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried that Torn seek to secure title to this tax title property. Referred to the Attorney to preceed with negotiations. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee stated that lumber had been out from legs which had previously been secured for light poles, and which had not been used for poles, and that a request has been made for more bleachers at,the "Little League"' baseball field from this lumber. He stated that a definite report would be made later. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by members of the Finance committee, were presented, read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried: County Auditor Thompson's Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Wilco Fire Equipment Co. Gale W. Dow J. B. Starr C. M. Ki.ssick W. L. Boatwright W. F. Rruhahn Pacific Tel and Tel Co. Western Utilities Supply Co. Ben's Truck Parts Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. J. W. Welsh W. L. Johnson J. W. Welsh Sam Stornelli W. F. Bruhahn CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Re-imbursement, State Examination $385.95 Typing paper 3.66 Clerk, Police and Fire Dept Phones 53.20 Nozzles 134.93 Expenses at Police School 7.10 Signs on Police car 15.00 Police Service 84.00 Police service 13.14 WATER FUND Labor on water lines and at pump sta 43.68 Telephones and tolls 19.40 Pipe fittings 124.95 STREET FUND Clutch discs and facings Telephone PARK FUND Truck and Shovel rental Labor on drain at Little League SEWER FUND Truck and operator moving dirt Bulldozing fill dirt Labor on sewer fill Meeting adjourned an motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried. Clerk 14.41 9.85 68.00 11.25 112.50 113.88 43.68 n Port Orchard, Washington. May 10, 1954 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, Ray R. Hall, Verd W. Nichols and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein, present. Minutes of meeting of April 26, 1954 read and appreved. This being the date on which bids had been called for sale of Lets 12 and 13, Block 14, Sidney villa Addition, Clerk reported that one bid had been received, and Mayor directed that bid be opened. Bid was received from Mrs. Dorothy Hovgaard offering $375.00 for the two lets. Bid was discussed, and it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried that bid be rejected; and that negotiations for sale of lots be entered into. R. P. Joslin was present and made an offer of $630.00 for the two lots. This was the highest offer received, and following further discussion, it was moved by Hall, seconded by Baker, and carried that offer of $630.00 by R. P. Joslin for lots 12 and 13, Block 14, Sidney Villa Addition, be accepted. Mr. Joslin presented a check to Clerk for sale price, and it was moved by Baker, seconded by Broughton and carried that ordinance be passed transfering the Town of Port Orchard's title to these lets to R. R. and Ida Ryan, in whose behalf R. P. Joslin had made the tender. Matter of purchase by the Town of Let 1, Block 1, Sidney, Which has been under consideration for some time, was reported on by Attorney. Mr. Perrine stated that Eva Woods Osburn, the reputed owner of the let, would execute quick claim deed to the let, but that there are some miner heirs involved, and that a clear t ;A ; ,. title could not be secured at this time. Referred to Attorney for further investigation and report. Superintendent reported that the street sweeper had been demonstrated by Feenaughty Machinery Company and that results are satisfactory. Following a discussion, it was suggested by Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee, that-ne definite action toward calling for bids for this equipment be taken for two weeks. Continued as per suggestion of Chairman Ball. Sulkerintendent reported that in a conference with E. S. Howe, it had been suggested that Town participate in renewing sidwwalk on east side of Frederick Street to the extent of removing present walk and moving whatever dirt is necessary to place new walk on established grade. Following a discussion, it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried that matter be referred to the Street and Alley committee with power to act. Map showing proposed grade on Bay Street between Harrison Street and Black Jack Bridge, on portion of street to be improved by State Department of Highways, together with copy of Resolution approving the proposed grade, was submitted to the Council. Following a study of the proposed grade and statements by the Engineer and Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee, Resolution approving grade as set forth on map was passed on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried. Proposed ordinance dealing with Civil Defense was presented by the Clerk an behalf of the C. D. Director, and was referred to the Attorney for study and report. Letter was received from Commissioner of Public Lands approving request by the Town of improvement of Harbor Area on which Town holds lease. Clerk submitted list of members of the Port Orchard Volunteer Fire Depart- ment, and asked authority to draw warrant to the State of Washington for Firemen's Benefit Association. It was moved by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried that Clerk be authorized to draw warrant for $57.00, being $3.00 for each member of the Fire Department certified for Firemen's Benefits. Councilman Baker, Civil Defense chairman for Pert Orchard, asked for co- operation of Town administration in securing Assistant Director for Port Orchard. This was discussed and several suggestions made. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Recreation committee reported that Little League committee has requested erection of bleachers at "Little Leaguer field to accommodate 400 people, and that he had received estimate of cost of this improvement at $969.00, using; available material at the field. He stated that cost of bleachers to accomodate 200 people had been estimated at $484.00. Councilman Hall suggested that he believed that concrete bleachers might be more advisable as wood construction would be subject to continual repair. Following a discussion, matter was referred to Parks committee for further study and report to the Council. Attorney Perrine made a report on methods by which Town might acquire tax title: property from the county, setting forth limitations as to future use and disposition of the property under the laws of the state. Following a discussion, it was suggested that request be made that property within the Town be withheld from scale until Town has an opportunity to go ever the list of lets. Referred to Attorney to communicate with County Commissioners regard- ing matter. 1' 1 Attorney stated that he would contact Joe Stixrud regarding construction of wall on his property to permit construction of alley in Block 18, First Addition. Chairman Broughton and Councilman Repanich of the Finance committee and the Clerk reported on a conference with the State Tax Commission regard- ing compensating tax,; for which the Tax Commission had billed the Town. They stated that an amended report would be received from. the Tax Commission some time during May. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read and ordered paid an motion by Baker, seconded by Nichols and carried. 1 • RM RtaI■ I' ` Wilkins Dist. Co. Thompson's Port Orchard Independent Port Orchard Indpendent H. B. Menees Association of Wash. Cities Western Auto Supply B. A. Getschmann Co. T, C. Breitenstein Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. J. R.- Brickerhoff Orbrey A. Anderson State Treasurer W. F. Bruhahn Western Utilities Supply Cleveland Chevrolet Ren's Truck Parts H. B. Menees Wilkins ]list. Co. Port [Orchard Machine Shop Nelsen Equipment Co. American Plbg & St Supply Bremerton Monuement Works Oil filters for Fire Dept. Ring binder sheets; file folders Letter heads; evelopes Warrants, vouchers, etc. Furnace Oil 1954 Service Fees Car wash and polish cloths Police Judge Bond Engineer retainer Lub job; gasoline for Police Street lights Repair on police car Police service Firemen's Relief Fund WATER. FUND Labor Pipe fittings STREET FUND Repair door handle on truck Clutch pedal plate Steve Oil, etc. Gasoline Welding and Material Cylinder assembly PARK FUND Pipe for water system Equipment rental can ball field LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Co. Books for Library Hertzberg's Waah. Bindery Re -bind books Gaylord Bros., Inc. Cabinet and Library supplies SEWER FUND Bramerton Concrete Prod. Co. 60 ft. 30" well curbing Com'r of Public Lands Harbor Area Lease 7.29 4.66 29.17 111.76 99.09 150.00 1.10 10.00 100.00 2.99 314.95 15.55 102.74 57.00 10.92 11.64 5.03 17.85 52.51 134.42 10.89 10.32 108.55 36.00 16.82 112.11 133.02 166.86 240.00 Meeting adjourned on motion by Nichols seconded by Brough on and carried. ( fir//Gl: Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington May 24, 1954 Regular meeting of the Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen Ray B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols, Harold G. Baker, George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein present. Minutes of meeting of May 100 1954 read and approved. Superintendent reported that trial use of the street sweeper, which has been demonstrated by Feenaughty Machinery Company, and proved satisfactory. A general discussion of proposed purchase of such equipment wasentered into and it was moved by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried that Clerk be instructed to call for bids for used street sweeper, bids to be opened June 14, 1954, under specifications to be supplied by Superintendent of Public Works, and at a cost not to exceed $3,000.00; and the right to reject any and all bids to be reserved to the Town. Chairman Hall of the .'street and Alley committee and Superintendent repert- ed an reconstruction of Frederick Street sidewalk. Progress in negotiations was reported, and matter was continued in the hands of the Street and Alley committee, to report at next meeting of the Council. Proposed Civil Defense Ordinance, referred to the Attorney at the meeting of May 100 1954, again came up for consideration, and following report by the Attorney, and discussion, it was moved by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried, that ordinance be passed as submitted. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee reported on affairs at Little League baseball field at Givens Field, stating that matter of bleachers had been considered by the committee. Councilman Hall and Repanich of the committee expressed favor toward concrete bleach- ers, if any are to be constructed, and this matter was continued for fur- ther study. Chairman stated that floodlights were requested in the grove back of the present bleachers, for which it was stated that "Little League" would pay for electric current used. In this connection it was suggested that Town buy fixtures and that "Little League" install same. Mr. Repanich also stated that a tool shed ha4 been requested. Following a discussion, matter of bleachers was continued in the hands of the committee for re- port at next meeting; and it was moved by Broughton, seconded by Nichols and carried that ether matters be referred to the Parkd and Playgrounds committee with power to act. It was also agreed that Town should take care of grass mowing and watering. Mayor stated that he had received an invitation for a representative of the Town government to attend the annual Strawberry Festival at Marys- ville, and asked if any member of the Council would attend. Councilman Repanich was tagged for this assignment. Matter of attendance at the annual meeting of the Association of Washington Citifes-in Spokane was also considered, and Councilman Mall stated that he had considered attending this meeting, and might be able to represent Port Orchard. Matter of sewer construction on Division Street came up, and was discussed following a statement that certain property owners are seriously interested. Councilman Nichols, Chairman of the Water and Sewer committee, stated that petitions would be provided for property owners, asking for the improvement. On Motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and ca:-ried, Superintendent Givens and Stewart W. Waters, Foreman in the Water Department, were authorized to attend the internation convention of the American Water Works Association in Seattle during the week of May 24-28; 1954; The Toth to reimburse them for expenses. Chairman Nichols of the Water and Sewer committee, reported that is had become necessary for the Town to install sewer lateral to certain property in Forest City, as contractor had failed to install lateral at the time r� sewer was installed. Matter of reimbursement from contractor referred to Attorney. Attorney stated that he had written a letter, copy of which is on file with the Clerk, to the County Commissioners, asking that tax title property with- in the Limits of Port Orchard be withheld from sale until Town has opportun- ity to check list and ascertain what it is desired that the Town Acquire. He stated that reasonable time will be granted for investigation in this matter. r The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Nichols); seconded by Baker and carried: i 1i � a♦� �►,�` � all ,l� R. L. Sweany Joseph Tuba Howe Motor Company Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Wilco Fire Equipm't Co. Pert Orchard Independent Motorola Corp. E. R. Johnson Pacific Tel and Tel Co. W. L. Boatwright Orbrey A. Anflerson Town Clerk Premium on liability insurance $1,276.56 Trimming shrubs at City Hall 21.81 Repairs to police car and fire tr. 130.22 Cross walk and City Hall lights 97.39 Drunkometer test kits 9.02 Publish Ordinance 616 & call for bids 11.54 Radio for police car (Sheriff) 125.00 25 M Coin Wrappers (Tubular 26.77 Telephones and tolls 50.05 Police Service 105.00 Police Service 74.72 Advanced expenses 16.13 9 O-0341h�� Howe Motor Company Repair pickup trucks 12.48 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power and lights 213.48 American Plbg & St. Supply Pipe and fittings 106.16 Robert Barber Nursery Heather bush and fertilizer 2.68 Port Orchard Nursery Rose bushes 4.64 H. D. Fowler Co., Inc. 4 duo stops with copper outlets 17.15 Western Utilities Supply Repair M. Scope 7.09 Town Clerk 2 M Postal cards 40.00 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 18.50 S TREE Howe Motor Company Truck repair 11.58 Puget Sound Power & Light Lights at garages 3.00 Overall Cleaning & Supply Shop Towels 4.13 Traffic Safety Supply Co. Street Signs 17.92 PARK FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Lights at tennis court and Reer. 13.23 Joeph Tuba Trim Shrubs 9.10 V. F. Rrihahn Labor at Givens Field 12.74 SEWER FUND Bremerton Monument Works Equipment rental 25.50 W. L. Johnson Labor on sewer lateral 6.75 A discussion was held regarding coverage in liability insurance policy, and it was suggested that attorney investigate to ascertain if unnecessary coverage is being carried. Meeting arned on motion by Nichols, seconded by all and carried. Clerk Mayor 40 Part Orchard, Washington June 14, 1954 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Ray B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols, Harold G. Baker and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Absent Councilman George A. Broughton. Minutes of meeting of May 24, 1954 read and approved. James B. Hussey and Walter McCrory, owners of property effected by state improvement on Bay Street, appeared before the Council relative to drive- way to their properties. Superintendent stated that work could start immed- iately if lines were established. Attorney Perrine made statement regard- ing property lines and matter was deferred for conference with interested property owners and town officials. F. Warhoe, resident on Maple Street, appeared before the Council regarding street alignment. Referred to Engineer to meet with Mr. Warhoe. Walter Nelander, V. M. Parks, and Joe Stansberry, representing the South Kitsap Active Club, appeared before the Council., stating that the Active Club sought to secure the former Federal Housing Authority office building, and move it t* property in Port Orchard, the building to be fitted up for a youth center. As a location for the building, dimensions of which were given as 45 x 85 feet, the Active Club suggested a place on Givens Field; the Central Playfield or the Town street maintenance property on Kendall street. They asked that a location of sufficient size to permit the later construction of a swimming pool be provided, as a swimming pool is included in the overall plan fetr-the youth center. It was pointed out that if a location on or near Givens Field is provided that rest room facilities would be available for the field. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that Town accept the offer of the Active Club, the building site to be selected from available property belinging to the Town. Matter of dog licenses was discussed, and attorney gave outline of previsions which could be included in ordinance. Following a discussion, matter was referred to the License committee. This being the date on which bids for used street sweeper were to be re- ceived, Mayor directed that bids be opened. Only bid received was from Feenaughty Machinery Company for used sweeper, at,$2,750.00, plus J82.50 state Sales tax. Bid was accompanied by descriptive literature. Following consideration, action an bid was deferred to later date, an motion by Repanich, seconded by Mall and carried. Further time was granted fro report on Frederick Street didewalk. Chairman Nichols of the Water and Sewer committee reported that so far no information has been reeeiged regarding Division Street sewer extension. Further time granted. Councilman Repanich reported that he attended the Strawberry Festival at Marysville as a representative of Port Orchard, and that an enjoyable cele- bration was put on. Councilman Hall reported on his attendance at the annual meeting of the Association of Washington Cities in Spokane. He stated that the Associa- tion adopted with only minor changes, the proposed legislation by the Execu- tive committee, to be submitted to the next session of the State Legislature. This included provisions to bar taxation of governmental units by the State, and other measures beneficial to cities and towns. &idorsement of the Gov- ernor's safety campaign and pledges to aid in its enfgreement were also reported by Mr. Hall as actions of the meeting. Chairman Nichols of the Water committee reported that a water pipe serving portion of the Municipal Building has broken under the building, and asked that Council members look into the matter of repairs foliowing meeting. Superintendent stated 'that the Street Garage an Bay Street would be much improved by a coat of paint, and following a discussion matter was re- ferred to the Parks and Building committee to report at next meeting of the Council. A discussion of fill and other improvements on Lot 30 Block 12, Sidney, as same effect the Harbor Area lease held by the Town, was held, and referred to the Street and Alley committee for investigation and report. Mayor Largis stated that he would be absent from town on his vacation, and would not be present for the next meeting of the Council. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried, Councilman Ray B. Hall was named Acting Mayor during the absence of Mayor Largis. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Councilman Repanich and Baker of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND F. E. Langer Agency T. C. Breitenstein Theasan Lumber Yard E. A. Breitenstein G. F. Menz W. L. Boatwright Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. H. B. Menees Howe Motor Company Howe's Hardware Howe's Hardware W. F. Bruhahn Premium Clerk and Ass't Clerk bonds Engineer retainer Engineers' stakes Engineer's Assistant Police service Police service Tire repair, lub job, etc. Police Street and cross walk lights Furnace Oil Police car purchase Sprinkler system fixtures Paper towels and car wash Labor moving fire hydrants on Bay St. $55.00 100.00 6.85 21.60 93.40 47.25 4.53 322.95 67.03 701.01 10.12 15.45 43.68 '^1 WATER FUND Ha. B. Menees Fletcher & Co. American Plumbing & St. Supply Wilkins Distributing Co, V. B. Caldwell Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Western Auto Supply Thomas Hoover Western Utilities Supply Co. Slocum Hardware George F. Givens Battery cable 2 M Ledger sheets Water meters Battery Pipe fittings etc. Shop towels Power and light, all plants Storage battery Labor on service lines Meter resetter Tools, etc. Re-imburse for expenses at AWA Meet STREET FUND H. B. Menees Ralph W. Moore, Jr. Bauer Brothers Wilkins Distributing Co. V. B. Caldwell Port Orchard Machine Shop Port Orchard Indpendent Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Feenaughty Machinery Co. Slocum Hardware South Kitsap Gravel Co. Cleveland Chevrolet Stove Oil Mower and operator rental Tire repair Gasoline and greases Various merchandise Repair shovel and sweeper call for Bids for sweeper Lights at street garage 2 wire brooms Various merchandise 132 yards sand Lub job PARS FUND Port Orchard Machine Shop Welding and material V. B. Caldwell Tools and various mdse. American Plumbing & St. Supply 2 drinking fountains Slocum Hardware Various merchandise W. F. Bruhahn Labor at tennis courts Howe's Hardware Stucco wire Mary B. Peterson The H. R. Huntting Co. Americanna Corp. Blanchard's Dept. Store W. L. Johnsen LIBRARY FUND Re-imburse for book purchase Books for library Americanna Annual SEWS FUND Boots Labor on sewer lines Council adjourned an motion by Hall, Clerk S 1.87 61.80 273.67 11.82 15.94 3.07 209.67 25.70 5.46 6.11 2.46 17.75 10.08 86.25 2.83 134.51 7.83 77.71 6.48 2.24 41.92 39.43 65.92 1.80 13.91 14.37 60.92 51.61 3.64 27.77 2.00 2.50 2.95 13.34 18.00 seconded by N' and carried. Mayor Port Orchard, Washington June 28, 1954 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by acting Mayor Ray B. Hall. Present Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Harold G. Baker, Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrin; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Absent Mayor C. H. Largis. Minutes of meeting of June 14, 1954 read and approved. Purchase of street sweeper, bids for which were opened at the meeting of June 14, 1954, was discussed, and Councilman Repanich asked for more time before definitely disposing of the matter. Following a discussion, it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried that bids be rejected. Mr. and Mrs. 14arron Alderman appeared before the Council regarding property lines in Block 14, First Addition where driveway has been opened. Engineer stated that work had been done within proper bounds, and that survey stakes are still in existance showing the corner of abutting property. Engineer reported on his investigation of street and alley conditions on Maple street, about which F. Warhoe had inquired on June 14, 1954, he also made recommendations as to solution of problem presented. It was agreed that members of the Street and Alley committee and other Council- men, together with the Engineer, would meet on the property at 6 p. m. Wednesday, June 30, 1954. V. M. Parks and Walter Nelander of the Active Club appeared before the Council regarding construction of Youth Center as outlined at the meeting of June 14, 1954. Councilman Repanich made a report on this matter, and it was agreed that the Parks and Buildings committee and other member& of the Council would meet with representatives of the Active Club at Givens Field on Wednesday, June 301, 1954 at 7:30 p. m. to work out details of lication, etc. involved in the matter. Attorney asked for more time to present proposed dog licensinguardinanee. Further time granted. A letter from Mrs. Mildred S. Cohen regarding her property lines of her property an bay and Frederick Streets was read to the Council and discussed. It was agreed that Engineer be secured to establish lines and that copy of findings be filed with the State Land Office. Councilman Nichols stated that Hannah & Powell, who are constructing a new store on Bay and Sidney Streets, desired to construct sidewalk fronting their property on Sidney Street, and asked that Engineer fix lines. Permission was granted to construct walk on lines to be furnished by the Engineer and according to specifications to be prepare& by the Engineer. Letter from Assembly of God Church regarding driveway to their property on State Highway No. 14 and on Cedar Street, was read and discussed, and it. was moved by Repanich seconded by Nichols and carried that work may be done by the Church organization, on grades and lines to be provided by the Engineer and according to his specifications. Councilman Nichols stated that he had been contacted by a representative of the "Little League" who claimed that the ToNm had not lived up to an agreement to construct additional bleachers at the Little League field. Mr. Nichols stated that no agreement had been Made to construct these bleachers, and other members of the Council agreed to his statement; state- ing that construction of additional bleachers is still undecided, and is open for consideration. Matter of Purchase of Lot 10 Block 1, Sidney, again came up for discussion and Attorney stated that there had been no change in conditions as regards insurable title to the property. Superintendent was to again con- tact the reputed owner of the property. Matter of gradds on Bay Street where State is making improvement was re- ferred to the Engineer and the Superintendent to check on grades. The following; claims checked by heads of departments and by Councilmen Broughton, Repanich and Baker of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Broughton, seconded by Raker and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND G. F. Menz Police Service J89.25 F. E. Langer Agency Premium Police Chief Bond 10.00 Ray R. Hall Reimburse expenses AWA annual mtg 41.54 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and toils 49.05 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Sanotone of Rremerton Elliott Ad,tressing Mach. Co. Amos 'dates W. F. Bruhahn Thomas Hoover Gale W. Dow Beacon Appliances J. P. Jenkins Western Utilities Supply Co. Burroughs Corporation WATIM FUND Telephones and tolls Batteries for pipe locator Postal card stencils Labor Labor Labor:" Flagman Repairs to wiring at water tanks Equipment Rental Gate Valves and copper tubing 25 rolls earbonized paper STREET FUND Thomas Hoover Labor Ralph Moore Equipment rental Braaten Bros, Equipment Rental Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls PARR FUND Thomas Hoover Labor at tennis court and ball field LIBRARY FUND 16.93 6.34 5.13 14.56 138.32 18.20 10.92 9.67 182.75 253.41 32,21 61.88 31.88 41.72 10.10 58.24 Puget Sound News Company Books for Library 13.24 Council adjourned en. motion by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried. _.__.D Acting 41-11� Clerk Mayor �HWY D_ nail Port Orchard, Washington July 12, 1954 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port -Orchard called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, George A. Broughton, Ray B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols and Harold G. Baker; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino -and Engineer T. C. Breit- enstein present. Minutes of meeting of June 28, 1954 read and approved. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that his com- mittee, with other members of the Council and the Engineer had visited the Maple Street area, referred to the committee, regarding street alignments, and that definite recommendations would be made when sketch of area is submitted by the Engineer. -Chairman Repanich reported that his committee, Parks and Playgrounds, and other Council members had met with representatives of the Active Club at Givens Field regarding location and plans for erecting Youth Center by the Active Club. That tentative agreements had been reached. Don Rasmussen of the Active Club was present and stated that it is desired to start assembling the building on the site at an early date, and asked that corners be established, and that grading and excavating be done as soon as possible. A general discussion followed, and it was moved by Broughton, seconded by Hall and carried that Parks and Playgrounds com- mittee be given power to act in estalbishing lines, grading, bulldozing ,and excavating. Notice from State Department of Conservation and Development regarding water permit on Black Jack Creek was read to the Council, and Clerk was authorized to draw warrant for 950 as fee for extension of permit, an motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried. Attorney stated that he had written to the Association of Washington Cities.for information on how other towns in the Port Orchard class are handling dog licenses, and would prepare ordinance when information is received. Attorney reported that Engineer J. H. Pattison had set stakes showing the north boundary of Lot 3, Block 12, Sidney, and that agreement had been submitted to Mrs. Mildred Cohen for signature, but that she d14 not sign the agreement. A general discussion followed, and can motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried, the Street and Alley committee and the Attorney were given power to act in working out an acceptable agree- ment with Mrs. Cohen. Following a statement by Attorney Perrine, negotiations for purchase of Seattle, addressed to Council regarding finances and possible soprees of revenue for sewer disposal plant. On Motion by Repanich, seconded by Broughton and carried, a warrant for $50.0O was authorized to be dragn to James Hussey for deen to alleyway in Block 14, First Addition. Chief of Police asked that 28-mile sign be posted at the intersection of Sidney and DeKalb Streets in an effort to slow traffic coming north on Sidney Street. Sign authorized on motion by Nochols, seconded by Repanich and carried. Councilman Baker, who has been serving as CD Director in Port Orchard, stated that due to circumstances beyond his control that he could no longer serve and asked that some other person be named for the post. Definite action deferred, pending the contacting of probable available ; people for the job. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried: Rice Electric W. L. Boatwright G. F. Menz Peninsula Stationers T. C. Breitenstein Wilins Distributing Co. H. R. Menees Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Brinkerhoff TV Service Puget Sound Power & Light Co. V. R. Caldwell Lowman & Hanford Co. Howe Motor Company Chas. A. Russell, Assignee CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Labor and material, Cr. Wk light 434.09 Police service 73.50 Police service 105.00 Desk sets for Clerk 10.20 Engineer retainer 100.00 Gasoline 138.55 Furnace Oil 38.07 Tire Repair, police 2.06 Repair Police radio 17.18 Street and Cress Walk li,4its 318.15 Plumbing supplies for City Hall 1.77 Registration supplies 12.26 Police car repair 9.63 Firements compensation 78,00 WATER FUND Bove Motor Company American P1bg & St Supply Co. Cleveland Chevrolet Western utilities Supply Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Rice Electric W. F. Bruhahn Rice Electric Rice Electric V. B. Caldwell Supervisor of Hydraulics Repair Ford Pickup 2 Mils galvinized pipe Lub job an pickup Copper tubing Power and light, all plants Run conduit to switch on water tank Labor Labor and material, various plants Labor and material on tank switch Pipe fittings etc. Black Jack water permit fee STREET FUND Rice Electric Puget Sound Power and Light Co. Thomas Hoover Wilkins Distributing Co. Cleveland Chevrolet V. B. Caldwell Port Orchard Machine Shop V. R. Caldwell Thomas Hoover Port Orchard Machine Shop F. E. Langer Agency 3.4 Hp motor Light at garage Labor on streets Filters and car Nu Valve grind and parts Hoze nozzel Labor and material PARR FU ND 3.4 Valave; 1 inch line Labor at Givens Field Repair lights HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND Premium on lease bond 4.69 45.66 1.80'. 57.68 272.98' 206.00'. 21.84 29.74 19.53 35.41 .95 Council adjourned on motion by Broughton, seconded aker and carried. l �, Clerk _-`�ay®r � l 41.74 1.92 98.28 9,06 16.94 1.39'I 18,92. 5.47 32.76 12.88 10.00 Pert Orchard, Washington July 26, 1954 Council called to order in regular session by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen Harold G. Baker, Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton present. Also Attorney Dudley N. Perrine, Superinten- dent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein in attendance. Minutes of meeting of July 12, 1954 read and approved. Matter of street alignments on Maple Street was continued, as Engineer reported that there appears to be lack of agreement by property owners re- gardin; proposed changes. Engineer reported that regested work at Givens Field to make ready for the erectifn of the Youth renter by the Active Club, had been undertaken; that plan to excavate basement, leaving four foot ground area to carry the walls had not been practical, and that it had been necessary to excavate for full basement, thus necessitating full foundation, and that this course is being followed, with better results. Attorney was granted further time to present ordinance for licensing dogs. Agreement signed by Mildred Cohen, regarding property lines on noth side of Lot 30 Block 12, idney, was read to the Council and discussed, and approved on motion by Hall', seconded by Repanich and carried; the Mayor being autlo- ized to sign agreement on behalf of the town of Port Orchard. Clerk reported that extension of time for one year on Black Jack water right had been received from State Department of Conservation and Jelvelopment. Clerk also reported that communication had been received from County Treas- urer, setting forth that Toxin of Port Orchard has been allotted $403.20 for Harbor Improvement fund. Letter addressed to Port Orchard Police from Ardell Woie, complimenting the Police Department, and especially Patrolman Chaussee, for the manner in which a recent accident was handled, was read to the Council. Clerk reported that report from the State Census Board had fixed the popula- tion of Port Orchard at 2,800, 25 less than was listed in 1953. Dr. Shirley Benham; County Health officer, addressed the Council setting forth the activities of the Department in Port Orchard, and asking that Port Orchard participate in the program. The matter was discussed from various angles by the Council, and Superintendent Givens outlined some of the services that the Town has received from the Health Department. After a general dis- cussion, the matter was referred to the Water, Sewer and Sanitation com- mittee, and to the Finance and Auditing committee for further study and report at the next meeting of the Council. Councilman Hall, during the discussions suggested as his opinion that it might be better to pay the Health_ Department for services as they are rendered, rather than to make a definite appropration for the services. Joe O'Brian, reprezenting the Miller Meter Company, addressed the Council regarding replacing present parking meters with more up-to-date equipment. Matter referred to the Street and Alley committee for investigation and report. Chief of Police referred application for appointment as patrolman submitted by Jahn Robert Hall, and sam was studied by the Council. Chairman Nichols of the Water and Sewer' committee stated that Superintendent had contacted him regarding purchase of pipe locater, and that he had advised that machine be secured on trial basis. Machine was received and Superin- tendent stated that it is satisfactory. Chief of Police asked about parking at Little League Field during tournament play, and matter was left to the discretion of the Police Department. Mayer stated that Alan Totten had been named as CD chairman, replacing Harold Baker, who had resigned. The following calims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton and Councilmen Repanich and Baker of the Finance and Audinting committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Repnaich and carried: George F. Menz W. L. Boatwright Trick & Murray C. A. Young Puget Sound Power Town Clerk CURRENT EXPENSE FUND & Light Co. Wilco Fire Equipment to. Puget Sound Power & Light E. N. Hallgren Company Western Utilities Supply Town Clerk Kenneth Chaus ee Deane Hough Thomas Hoover Overall Cleaning & Supply Puget Sound Power & Light Siler Auto Parts, Inc. Howard Cooper carp. Rice Electric South Kitsap Gravel Co. Ralph W. Moore, Jr. Fred Thomet Rice Eleetire Puget Sound Power,", Light W. H. Stevenson Thomas Hoover E. A. Tireitenstein Rice Electric The Ii. R. Huntting Company Puget Sound News Company Police service $73.50 Police service 126.00 traffic ticket books 39.30 Batteries; car soap for Police 4.24 Lights at Town Hall 86.18 Remimburse for postage and'incidentals 10.94 Nozzles and equipment for Fire Dept., 185.54 WATER FUND Current for cathodic equipment 4.16 Pipe locater 170.98 Caulking lead 43.07 2 M Postal cards 40.00 Labor on pipe lines 4.55 Labor cutting grass and weeds 3.64 STREET FUND Labor on streets 140.14 Shop Towels 2.06 Lights at Kendall Street shed 2.00 Vace-lite lens for truck 3.09 Parts for adaiis grader 13.84 Service call and material 2.88 Sand and Gravel 72.10 Labor on streets 10.01 Labor on streets 10.01 PARK FUND Labor and material at tennis courts 108.38 Lights at Taylor St. Rec and tennis cts 9.56 Sharpen power mower 5.15 Labor at Little League field 25.48 Engineer Helper at Givens field 27.00 1500 watt globes and service call 49.85 LIBRARY FUND Books for Library 2.85 Books for Library 24.12 Council adjourned on motion by Broughton, seconded y all and carried. Clerk r Port Orchard, Washington August 9, 1954 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to or"D by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen George A. Brougton, Harold G. Baker, herd W. Nichols and Ray B. hall; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein present. Absent Councilman Niek.J. Repanich and Attorney Dudley N. Perrino. Minutes of Meeting of July 26, 1954 read and. approved. E. H. Lomax and C. H. Frost, residents on Division Street, west of Cline Street appeared before the Council regarding proposed sewer in that locality. Council- man Nichols, chairman of the Water and. Sewer oommittee, made a statement of progress so far made, and asked that more effort be put forth to secure signatures of property owners effected on the petition for the improvement. Mr. Frost and Mr. Lomax both stated that they would assist in promoting the petition and action was deferred. Ray Heath, consulting engineer, spoke briefly to the Council regarding pro- posed sewer disposal plant for the town. Engineer submitted drawing showing property lines and ownerships on Maple Street, and also some streets and alleys which it is desired to vacate and proposed driveways and parking area, which it is proposed to establish. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee, made a report, and stated that he does not favor vacation of any public thoroughfares in that locality, and stating further that he believed that the matter was community disagree- ment and one that the Town is not obligated to settle. Following a discussion, matter was continued to August 23, 1954. Virgil Pakks, Sheriff Dean Jones, Elmer Isviek, high school principal, and others appeared before the Council regarding patrolling Mitchell Road during the heavy traffic hours as a safety measure. It was pointed put that a genuine hazzard exists when sbhool dismisses, due to numerous cars leaving the plant. Mr. Isvick stated that a student coucil is in process of being Formed to aid in the matter, and Sheriff Jones and Chief of Police Wymore, stated that they believed it would be possible to work out a co-operative plan among the Police, the Sheriff, the State Patrol and the Student Council, whereby the traffic problem could be controlled. Matter of participation in the gitsap County Health program, referred to the Health and Sanitation committee and the Finance and Auditing committee at the � meeting of July 26, 1954, was reported on by Chairman Broughton of the Finance committee, who stated that a conference among the committee members favored participation. Councilman Hall voiced objection to regular participation, and reiterated his opinion that the Town should pay for whatever services were required from the Health Department, rather than enter into a regular agreement. Following the discussions, it was moved by Broughton, seconded by Nichols and carried that ordinance be prepared providing for participation in the health program.. and fixing amount of monthly payments to the Depart- ment. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee stated that after an invest- igation, his committee did not deem it advisable or economical to purchase new parking meters. Letter from Washington Surveying &.Rating Bureau, calling attention to confer- ence of National Fire Protection Association in Seattle on Sept *.22 1954 was read, and on motion by Nichols, meaonded by Broughton and carried, Chief of Pire Department or his r infer* was authorized to attend the sessions, expenses to be paid by the Teti Clerk called attention of the Council to the fact that sufficient money is on hand to redeem 1941 Sewer Revenue bonds No. 400 41 and 42 under optional call provisions, and on motion by Broughton, seconded by Baker and carried,•Clerk was directed to call these bonds. Superintendent stated that Civil Defense Council wanted maps showing location of water mains and sewer lines in Port Orchard, to be placed invarious places within the State, and to be'available in ease of disaster. On Motion by Nichols, seconded by Broughton, matter was referred to the Engineer to prepare map, or to provide inteligible reference data to be used in connection with the official map of the Town, the references to give locations of water mains and sewer lines. Superintendent also stgted that request has been made to have the Street De- partment blacktop turn -around area on McCrory property at the expense of the property owner. Continued to meeting of August 23, 1954. The following claims, checked and approved by heads of departments and by the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried. G. F. Mena Goo. F. Cake Company Standard Oil co. of Calif. Saindon's Inc* Howe Motor Company Port Orchard Indpendent Winebrenner's_ T. C. Breitenstein W. H. Stevenson Pacific Tel d .Tel Co. H . Do Men eesc Puget Sound Power d Light Co. V. B. Caldwell Wilkins Distributing Co. W. F. Bruhahn Puget Sound Power d Light Pacific: Tel d Tel Co. Howe Motor Company . Ralph W. Moore, Jr. Thomas Hoover Fred Thomet Amos Bates Cleveland Chevrolet Pacific Tel d Tel Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. H. B. Menees Port Orchard Machine Shop Wilkins Distributing Co. J. W. Welsh Welsh Fuel Company V. B. Caldwell Peninula Feed Company Meetin'A adjourned CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Police service $90.71 Flares and flashlight for Police 23.20 Tire repair for Police 2.09 Tire recap for Police 15.14 Repair Police car 44.90 Traffic tickets etc. Police 39.19 JaAi.tor's Supplies 3.94 Engineer retainer pay 1001,00 Sharpen mower 1.55 Police, Clerk d Fire Telephones 49.90 ,Fuel oil. for City Hall 49.76 Street lights 314.95 Wheel for wheelbarraw 5.01 Gasoline 111.58 Labor 72.80 Light at pumping -plant 1.00 Telephones and tolls 17.30 Repair pickup 4.38 �30*14N'Liaa 1t1i, Labor on streets 110.11 Labor on streets 141.05 Labor on streets 111.93 Labor on streets 9.10 Truck repiir 39.25 Telephone and tolls (2 months.) 19.85 Service at garage 1.90 Deisel fuel, etc. 30.25 Labor and material. 20.03 Battery 12.82 Bulldozing and equipment rental 3041,00 Loader rental 29.50 Hoe 2.4d 2 sprinklers 12.77 on motion by Hall, seconded by Baker and carried. Clerk --)ftyor e e e a a a e* e e e e e e e e Port orchard., Washington August 23, 1954 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard called to order by Mayor C. H. Largist with Councilmen Ray B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols, Harold G. Baker, George A. Broughton and Dick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Superintendent of Public works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein present. Minutes of meeting of August 9, 1954 read and approved. Ed Meister, local manager of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, appeared before the Council regarding charges for Mercury vapor lights„ and presented a contract for this service. Contest referred to the Attorney. Discussion of replacement of 1,000 lumen lamps now in use as street lights with 2,500 linen lamps was held, and was referred to the Fire and Light committee for investigation and report to tho Council on motion by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried. Mrs. Warren Williams appeared before the Council requesting use of the Taylor Street Recreation Center for kindergarten. She stated that if grant- ed use of the building that cost of lighting,janitor service and heating would be taken are of by the sponsors of the kindergarten, and that it would probably be necessary to hold two sessions daily, due to thenumber of registrants. Followi.ng.a discussion the matter was referred, to the Parks and Buildings committee for investigation and report. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported on sidewalk alignment and other conditions front Hannah d Powell property on Sidney street, north of Bay Street. He stated that it would be necessary to move a power pole which is located near the center of the sidewalk, and that under condition, it is the responsibility of the Town to have the pole moved. Following a discussion, it was'moved by Repanich and seconded by Broughton and carried, that Power Company be notified to move the pole, the Town of Port Orchard. to pay the cost of mov- ing, and that Street and Alley committee have power to act in setting location of the pole. Matter of blaektopping turnaround on McCrory property came up for discussion on report by the Superintendent that he had been requested to do the work at the expense of the property owner. Following the discussion it was moved by Hall seconded by Baker and carried that work be done by the Town, at the expense of the property owner, as the work tied in with right -of -wag and other conditions due to widening roadway on Bay Street, on roll call vote, Hall, Repanich and Baker.voted for the motion and Broughtonand Nichols voted Against the motion. Motion declared carried. Matter of street alignments and suggested street vacations on and near Maple Street, weds dismissed from further consideration. Application of National Advertising Company to erect sign on First Street near its intersection with Cedar Street, was rejected on motion by Repanich seconded by Mall and carried. 'Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee brought up the matter of a sprinkling system at Little League baseball field at Givens Field, and also the matter of garbage collection from this point, Superintendent stated that he would contact the garbage collector regarding garbage, and matter of sprinkling system was passed. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee also brought up the matter of the Town assistng in financing cost of Foundation for recreation building which the Active Club is erecting at Givens Field, and after a discussion this smatter was continued for action. Matter of Proposed fill of lots in Block 10, Sidney was discussed and was referred to the Attorney to correspond with Standard Oil Company giving information on the matter. Superintendent reported that property owners in unplatted area on north side of Bay Street and east of Harrison Street, were interested in construct- ing sidewalks and exurbs fronting their property, and Councilman Nichols stated that cross -walk in that cross -waft in.that area appeared dangerous, and suggested that warning sign indicating cross walk be installed. These 'matters were discussed and continued for further consideration. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee, suggested that Town writ* a letter to the State Department of Highways, expressing the appreciation of of the Town for the fine job that has been done in widening the roadway on Bay Street. Chairman Hall also stated that he believed that repairs should be made to the sidewalks on south side of Bay Street from Harrison Street to the new walks constructed by the State, and also from the new walk to Black Jack Bridge, and suggested that perhaps blacktopping over the present walk would be advisable. Referred to the Superintendent for investigation and report at the next meeting of the Council. Superintendent gave further data on a request to him by Herman Cohen relative to sidewalk and cub fronting property on Bay Street east of Harrison Street, and following a discussion, it was moved by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried that authority be granted to oonstruct sidewalks curbs and gutters, the work to be done,under plans and specifiesations to be furnished by the Engineer. Chief of Police asked authority to purchase new typewriter for his office and this request was continued for further consideration. Clerk stated that he had been approu"ed with a suggestion the Town take over the Sidney Ridge water system, now operated by the community, the entire property to be transferred to the Town without cost. Following a discussion the matter was referred to the Water and Sewer committee and the Superintendent for investigation and report. The following claims, shocked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Baker and. carried: The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the members of Finance and Auditing committee, were presented, and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Baker and carried:, Donald C. Corey Police service 6 $94.50 G. F. Menz Police service 10.50 Amos K. Bates Labor at City Hall 29*12 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Cross Walk liens 1.00 Pacific Tel d Tel Co. I Clerk., Police and Fire Telephones 49.30 WATER Bremerton Monument Company 3 hre with trenching machine 25.50 Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. Shop Towels 2„02 V. B. Caldwell 50 ft hose; 1 qt spray 7.04 Pacific Tel and Tel Co. Telphones and tolls 9.85 Puget Sound Power d Light Co. Power and lights at pumping plants 324.30 Ralph W. Moore, Jr. L Labor 16.38 E��+.� 11 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 17.05 Kitsap County M.0 Road Oil (195 bole) 975.00 Amos K. Bates Labor 32.76 Ralph W. Moore, Jr. Labor 74„62 Fred Thomet Labor 87.36 Thomas Hoover Labor 101.92 Amos K. Bates Labor cutting grass and watering 10.92 Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, %' Clerk i seconded by Ba d carried. Port Orchard, Washington September 13, 1954. Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Ray B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols, Harold G. Baker and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Terrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breiten- stein. Absent Councilman Nick J. Repanich. Minutes of meeting of August 23, 1954 read and approved. E. H. Lomax and C. H. Frost, residents on Division Street, west of Cline Street, appeared before the Council and filed a petition signed by eight property owners asking for construction of sewer in their district. The petition was referred to the Water and Sewer committee and the Attorney. Norman Cohen appeared before the Council regarding curbs, gutters and sidewalks, .on north side of Bay Street, ,immediately east of garrison Street, fronting his property and that of other property owners.Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported on his investigation of the proposed improvement. Matter was referred to the Street and Alley committee and the Engineer to confer m.th the property owners. Chairman Baker of the Fire and Light committee reported on survey made by members of his committee and Ed Meister of the Puget Sound Power and Light Company to ascertain advisability of increasing lumen power of lights in certain areas. The committee recommended that a 2,500 lumen lamp be installed on Taylor Street in front of the Taylor Street Recreation Center, and that lumen power of sixty-two existing 1,000 lumen,lamps be increased to 2,500 lumen lamps. Councilman Nichols also made a report on the survey., Following a discussion it was moved by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried that 2,500 lumen bracket lamp .be installed on Taylor Street near Recreation Building. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried that all 1,000 lumen lamps now in service be re- placed by 2,500 lumen lamps. Matter of moving utility pole near north end of. Sidney Street discussed, and on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and, carried it was ordered that pole be not moved at this time. Chakiman. Hall of the Street and Alley committee brought up the matter of drainage on Sidney Street fronting Hannah d Nowell property. It was ordered on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried that necessary work be done by the Street department, and that Hannah d Po well be billed for the cost. Further discussion of repairing sidewalk on Bay Street to connect with new walks put in by the State was held, and Superintendent reported that to improve walks by laying coating of blacktop over existing walks would cost approximately $600.00. Work ordered done on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried. Acquisition of Sidney Ridge water system was discussed and continued for further information. It was directed that letter be written to State Department of Highways attention Mr. Plymale, expressing appreciatiod of work done by the State on Bay Street and okking for suggestions as to parking and cross -walks. Superintendent stated that request had been made to designate UGN drive by placing temporary signs on sidewalks in the business district. Following a discussion permission was granted. Matter of street light near Smith and West Streets was referred to Fire and Light committee. On motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried, Clerk was authorized to draw warrant for $298.11 for assessment against Town property in L.I.D. No. 52. Contract with Puget Sound Power & Light Company for service for mercury vapor lights was submitted and. having been approved as to form by Attorney.. Mayor was authorized to sign on behalf of the Town of Port Orchard on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried. Mutual Assistance agreement among Towns and Cities Fire Districts, submitted by CD Director, was presented for further considerationand on motion by Baker, seconded by Broughton and carried, Mayor was authorized to sign on behalf of the Town of Port Orchard.. Preliminary budget was examined and considered, some minor changes made, and was passed and ordered published on motion by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried. On motion by Baker, seconded by Hall and carried, Mrs. Mildred Cohen was authorized to build sidewalk abutting her property on Frederick Street under plans and specifications of the Engineer, the work to be done at the expense of the property owner. Matter of hedge at corner of Sidney and Radey Street, which is considered dangerous to traffic, Was discussed, and it was suggested that owner of property be contacted with view to having hedge trimmed to eki*tnate danger. Th- following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Councilmen Broughton and baker of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented to the Council and ordered paid on motion bv Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried: Donald C. Corey W. L. Boatwright Puget Sound Power & Light Co. T. C. Breitenstein H . B . Mene e+s Colonial refining & Chem. Co. Joseph Tuba L. N. Curtis & Sons Lowman & Hanford F. 8. Langer Agency Western Auto Supply Part Orchard Independent Wilkins Distributing Co. Town Clerk Amos Bates Town Treasurer W. F. Bruhahn Lumber Supply Puget Sound Power & Light Co. V. B. Caldwell American Plbg & Steam Supply H. D. Fowler Co., Inc. Port Orchard Machine Shop Talbot Plumbing Standard Plumbing Co. Town Clerk Police service #147.00 Police service 63.00 Street and city hall lights 396.20 Engineer retainer 100.00 Furnace oil 56.56 Paint and brushes 144.60 Work on city hall grounds 14.00 Re -fill CO2 Tank 2,58 Registration supplies 16.08 Insurance prey :6~tty Hall:. 172.48 .Car Wash, Police 1.01 Call for bids, sewer bonds 2.30 Gasoline 218.16 Advanced expense 5,00 Janitor work and mowing lawn 34.54 Assessments, L.I.D. No, 528 298.41 Water Fund Labor on water lines 60.06 Cement, lumber nails 59.51 Power and light, all plans 292.76 Merchandise 2.87 Copper tubing 83.89 Valve -Box tops and lids 34.71 Repair truck bumper. 4.12 Water meter 20.60 Ditching 71.07 1 M Postal cards 20.00 0 STREET FUND E. R. Stevens Rudd Paint d Varnish Co. Port Orchard Machine Shop Standard Oil Co. of Calif. South Kitsap Gravel Co. Lumber Supply Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Town Clerk Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. Rudd Paint d Varnish Co. Ralph W. Morre, Jr. Thomas Hoover Fred Thomet Gale W. Dow W. F. Bruhahn Amos Bates Lumber Brushed Shovel Repair Kerosene Sand and gravel Lumber, Cement, Nails, etc Light at garages Bridge toll advanced Shop Towels Paint and thinner Labor on city streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Sweeping streets S. Knudson Engineer Helper Thomas Hoover Labor on park property Lumber Supply Lumber, cement, etc. V. B. Caldwell Merchandise Puget Sound Power d Light Co. Light at Recreation Center Kitsap Farmers Power mower; peat moss Puget Sound News So. 9 Lumber Supply LIBRARY FM Sewer Fund Cement; sewer the Meeting adjourned on motion by Nichols, Clerk 9.08 34.77 3.35 13.10 181.36 178.62 3.92 1.30 2.31 170.77 98.28 78.26 21.84 9.10 9.10 32.76 10.80 54.60 70.68 3.25 6.88 141.60 18.14 24.93 seconded by BrvuMton and carried. b Port Orchard, Washington September 27, 1954 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port 0rchard, Washington called tb order by Mayor C. H. Largis with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, Harold G. Baker, Verd W. Nichols and Ray B. Hall; Attorney Dudley N. Verrine and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein present. Minutes of meeting of September 13, 1954 read and approved. Paul H. Isaacs, representing Heath, Hammond and Collier, engineers appeared before the Council and showed pictures and explained details of various sewage disposal plants that his company had designed, and asked for considera- tion of his firm if and when the Council employed a consutling engineering firm. Bred Rannah, representing Hannah d Poweell, appeared and asked for limited parking on Sidney Street fronting their property. Matter was referred to the w Street and Alley committee and the Police Department for investigation. C. H. Frost of Division Street between Cline and West Streets, again appeared before the Council regarding sewer in that block. f. A. Trimble and Post Master Dean M. Corliss asked for more limited parking regulations in the area around the post office and this was referred to the Street and Alley committee for action. Mr. Trimble and Lloyd Granquist compkained of speeding on Cline Street between Division and Kendall Streets and asked that effort be made to curb excessive speed in that area in the interest of safety for youngsters. Matter was discussed and Police Department was asked to check speed of autos on this and other residence streets. Engineer T. C. Breitenstein reported that property owners on north side of Bay Street east of Harrison Street were in agreement on installing curbs and gutters and sidewalks fronting their property and that work will proabably start soon under plans and specifications by the engineer and under his supervision. Chair- man Sall of the Street and Alley committee also reported on this matter, stating that his committee had agreed that Town would blacktop area between existing blacktop and the gutters, which agreement was approved by the council. Clerk was instructed to procure letter from officers of the Sidney Ridge Water committee, concerning their desire to have the Town take over their system without cost to the Town. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that one corsswalk sign had been marked on Bay Street near T B & M Market, but that marking of other cross -walks would be delayed until some word is receivled from the State Depart- ment.of Highways concerning the matter. Chairman Baker of the Fire and Light committee stated that he had investigated the request for street light at the Smith and West Street intersection, and that.it is recommended that a light be placed there. Light ordered installed on motion by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried. It was reported that some obstructions are being placed on sidewalk areas on Frederick Street, north of Bay Street, and Police were notified to see that no obstructions are placed on any sidewalk areas. Chairman Hall stated that warning signs, indicating that traffic is approach- ing cross -walk should be marked on payvement, and that stencil for making these warnings would cost approximately $100.00/ Following a discussion, it was moved by Hall, seconded by Baker and carried that Superintendent be authorized to procure proper stencil. Acquisition of street sweeper was again discussed, and Councilman Repanieh stat- ed that he would endeavor to secure information regarding pruchase of a used machine for this purpose. The following claims were checked and approved by the Finance and Auditing committee.. presented to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Hepancich, seconded by Broughton and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Transport Clearings Advanced Freight 6.03 Sheriff Kitsap County Board of prisoners 106.00 Thompson's Typing paper 3.61 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Police, Clerk and Fire Telephones 49.30 W. L. Boatwright Police service 52.50 Donald C. Corey Police service 104.50 WATER FUND W. F. Bruhahn Ralph W. Moore, Jr. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. American Plbg & St. Supply Co. Western utilities Supply Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. W. F. Bruhahn Ralp). W. Moore, Jr. Thomas Hoover Gale W. Dow Frank A. McIntyre Pacific Tel & Tel Co. H. B. Menees Labor Labor Telephones and tolls Freight on pipe (Advanced) Meter boxes and pipe fittings Energy for cathodic equipment Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Telephone and Tolls Deis el fuel 'for grander PARK FUND Thomas Hoover Labor Puget Sound Power & Light Col Tennis Court Lights The H. R. Huntting Co. LIBRARY FUND Books 14.56 18.20 19.25 1.75 113.68 20.60 29.12 11.83 58.24 7.28 29.12 9.85 20.99 29.12 3.52 45.23 Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Baker a rr d. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington October 4, 1954 This meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, held under the direction of R.R.S 9000-30 called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis, for the purpose of adopting final budget for the -year 1954. Present Council- men Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hail and Harold G. Baker. Mayor called for any person who dtoired to be heard in connection with the proposed budget to state his case, and there being no one who desired to be heard, Ordinance was presented and read to the Council, adopting the preliminary budget as published,.and fixing the tax levies. Ordinance passed as read on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 618. Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Hall carried. i Clerk or Port Orchard, Wgshington October 11, 1954 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis, Present Councilmen George A. Broughton, Ray B. Sall, Verd W. Nichols and Harold G. Baker; Superintendent of Public Worsts George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Absent Councilman Dick J. Repsnk6h and Attorney Dudley N. Perrino. Minutes of meeting of September 27, 1954 and October 4, 1954 read and approved. Chairman Nall of the Street and Alley committee reported on investigation of parking regulations on the east side of Sidney Street, north of Bay Street and recommended that parking meters be placed in this block, and also that parking meter be placed east of Sidney Street on north side of Bay Street, and that cress -walk be repainted to conferm to sidewalk alighnment. Councilman nichols suggested that 10-minute parking limit be placed in effect from Bay Street north to end of Hannah d Powell Building on east side of Sidney Street. Following a discussion, it was moved by Hall, seconded by Baker and carried, that parking meters be placed on east side of Sidney Street north of Bay Street for the length of the -existing sidewalk, except for driveway to clinic, and also that meter be placed on north side of Bap Street just east of Sidney Street. Parking problem on Sidney Street near the post office was discussed, and it was pointed out that all -day parking exists on both sides of Sidney Street south from the post office. It was directed that parking on both sides of Sidney Street between Prospect Street and Kitsap Street be limited to two hours. Engineer reported that details have not yet been completed for installation of sidewalks, burber and gutters on Bay Street east from Harrison Street and further time was granted in this matter. Councilman Nichols of the Street and Alley committee reported that he had investigated, along with Engineers from the State Department of Highways, parking possibilities on Bay Street east of Harrison Streetp That parking on north side of Bay Street from Harrison Street east to Reacon Appliance store is feasible and agreeable to the State Engineers, provided that 171 feet be available from center of street to the parked cars; and that a new type of cross -walk light is available and is recommended for installa- tion at cross walk sites. Matter referred for further information. E. H. Lomax appeared before the Council regarding newer installation on Division Street between Cline and West Streets, and was informed that work can be accomplished by the passage of a resolution creating an improvement district due to health hazaard existing, and that a method of assessment had been worked out to include property on West Street as well as on,Division Street, and that it is believed that the Town can finance the improvement with surplus flAnds, pending payment of assessments by property owners. Civil Defense Director Alan Totten reported on activites and progress sty far accomplished and stated that he has received fine co-operation from any residents, and that further effort will be made to bring many more people into active participation in the program. Fire Chief Alan Totten and Superintendent Givens stated that there are several obsolete fire hydrants in existence in different parts of town and recommended that modern hydrants be installed to replace outmoded equipment. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried that two new hydrants be purchased, to be placed on sites recommended by the Fire Chiif and the Superintendent, to replace old hydrants. Letter from State Department of Highways relative to balance of $2,750.00 due on pruchase price of State Garage property read. it was moved by Hall seconded by Broughton and carried that Clerk be authorized to draw -warrant for $1,375.00 on the Street Fund and the Water Fund, as provided for in the budget, to the Kitsap.County Bank, Escrow Agent, to pay the balance of $2,750.00 due on the purchase price of the property. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee stated that the installation of the new sidewplk between Bay and Proppect Struts on the east side of Frederick Street, is a fine improvement, and wed that the Clerk write a letter of appreciation to Ed S. Howe for installing the new walk. Building Inspector called attention to the fact that Mrs. Mildred Cohen is constructing a building without a building permit, and without submitting plans for the building. Matter referred to Attorney to contact Mrs. Cohen. The following claims, properly checked by heads of departments and by members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented, read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Nichols and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE kUND Howe Motor Company C. & G. Radio Supply Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Goo. Rothenberg Saindon's Inc. J. R. Brinkerhoff Donald C. Corey Miller Meters T. C. Breitenstein Port Orchard Independent Puget Sound Power & Light Co. J. B. Hussey Amos Bates Thomas A. hoover Howe Motor Company K. 0. Schultheis W. F. Bruhahn Kitsap County Bank Amos Bates Thomas Hoover Wilkins Distributing Co. Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Union Oil Co. of Calif. South Kitsap Gravel Co. Port Orchard Machine Shop -Cleveland Chevrolet Kitsap County Bank Puget Sound News Company Gaylor Bros., Inc. Repair police car and fire truck Repair police radio Gas and tire repair, police car Repair police radio Recap tire, police Repair police radio Police service Parking meter parts Engineer retainer Publish budget items and hearing Street Lights Deed to pt Lot 3, Bk 140 ist Add Labor on roof of city hall Labor on roof of city hall WATER FUND Paint and thinner Batteries for pipe locater Labor on water lines Payment on State garage (Escrow) STREET FUND Labor for street Labor for street Oil and grease Kerosene Triton Motor Oil Sand and gravel Washers Truck parts Payment on state LIBRARY FUND department department garage (escrow) 459.30 3.92 2.47 5.15 8.08 9.50 84.00 161.51 100.00 35.57 134.95 50.00 14.56 14.56 14.99 5.67 46.41 1,375.00 80.99 131.04 9.48 13.10 41.22 200.48 .26 9,84 1,375.00 Books for library 17.07 Supplies for Library 18.80 Meetingjourned on motion by Hall, Clerk seconded by Brou a cried. May Port Orchard, Washington, October 25, 1954 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen Ray B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols, Harold G. Baker, Nick J. Rapanich and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrin*; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein, present. Minutes of meeting of October 11, 1954 read and approved. Engineer stated that progress is being made on sidewalks, curuss and gutters on north side of Bay Street east of Harrison Street, and it is expected that work will be ready to start shortly. Clerk presented five year pumping contract with Puget Sound Power & Light Company for station at West and High Streets, and on motion by Broughton, seconded -by Hall, and carried Mayor was authorized to sign sam on approval by Attorney. Superintendent stated that proposal has been made to deed alley between Blocks 3 and 4, Railroad Addition, previously vacated, back to the Town of Port Orchard for alley. Matter was discussed, and it was decided that proponents should work out the details and present proposal to the Town Council for action. Superintendent also brought up the matter of water connection requested by Albert Anderson, his property being outside the Town limits, but accessable to water main on flreemont Street. Following a discussion, it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that connection be made on payment by Iroporty owner of regular tapping fee of $22.500 and the further payment of 125.00 as assessment charge for the main lines; the connection being made for one hour-ing unit only.' It Vas also moved by Nichols, seconded -by Repanich and carried that for any future connections outside the Town limits, that application be made to the Council, and°that rate of assessment will be made in each case submitted, Enginner presented description of property to be included in proposed improve- ment district for construction of sewer on Division and Bleat Streets, together with estimate of costs. Fatter was referred to the attorney to draw Resolution providing for the improvement district anddeclaring the improvement necessary as a health measure. Letter was received from School District No. 402, regarding closing of portion of Sroufe Street adjacent to Givens School during certain hours, as it was stated that children play on this street. Council memebers expressed them- selves as opposed to the closure, as thereis a large playfield adjoining the school grounds which is available to the school. Matter referred to the Mayor to contact school officials, Councilman Baker brought up the matter of the Town's payment to the Bitsap County Health Department for services and participation in the health program. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that payment of $50.00 per month be made to the Health Department starting January 1, 1955, as provided for in the budget. Dr. Howard Minor, Dentist, appeared before the Council and urged that the Town undertake U fluorination program for the water supply, contending that the treatment is extremely beneficial to children'ss teeth. Matter was discussed and was passed for further consideration and for further information and reaction of water users to the proposal, - Harry Ward, local photographer, was present and took several shots of the Council in action for the Port 'Orchard Indpendent. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee,, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried: Donald C. Corey W. L. Boatwright V. B. Caldwell Pacific Tel & Tel Co. H. B. Mene es Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Port Orchard Indpecbnt Overall Cleaning & Supply Pacific Tole & Tel Co. American Plbg & St. Supply Co. V. B. Caldwell Puget Sound Power & Light Co. H. B. Menees W. F. Bruhahn Police service $94. 50 Police service 10,50 Galv. pails; mower parts 3.19 Police, Clerk and Fire Telephones 49.65 Furnace tail 102.52 Cross Walk Light 4.10 Publish Ordinance #618 4.20 WATER FUND Shop towels 5.83 Telephones and tolls 17.10 Cement meter boxes and covers 39.34 Pipe fittings and gaint 4.78 Power and light, all plants 256.48 Thermostat 2.07 Labor 9.10 STREET FUND Peninsula Feed Co. Howard Cooper Corp. Thomas Hoover Pacific Tele & Tole Co. V. ` B. Cadlweil Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Brem'rton Concrete Products H. B. Menees Paint for street sheds Grader parts Labor Telephones and tolls Chain and repair links Bay Street garage lights Culvert Pipe Stove Oil, wire and brake fluid Wan aao i 199.08 16.75 14.56 9.85 16.98 1.00 68.69 29.19 H. B. Menees Stove Oil 9.52 Council adjourned on motion by Broughton, second r and carried. Clerk /'Mayor Port Orchard, Washington November 8, 1954 Rbgular meeting of the Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, George A. Broughton, Ray IL. Hall, Verd W. Nichols and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Super- intendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein present. Minutes of meeting of October 25, 1954 read and approved. Contract with Puget Sound Power & Light Company for pwoer at West Bay Street pumping plant was signed by Mayor, as authorized by action of the Council on October 25, 1954. Resolution for improvement of Division and other streets by installation of Sewer, was presented and read to the Council and passed for final action. Councilman Nichols brought up the matter of improvement of alley in Block 8, First Addition, back of Joe Stixrud property, stating that nothing had been done by the property owner toward erecting wall and doing other work as directed by the Council on May 110 1953, and as further promised by Mr. Stixrud on March 22, 1954. A discussion followed and Attorney was directed to contact Mr. Stixrud, either in person, or by letter, directing that work be done, Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee reported that he had been contacted by the Port Orchard Garden Club relative to improving first floor of Taylor Street Recreation Building. Following a discussion, matter was referred back to the committee to confer further on details. Claim of Puget Sound Pokier & Light Company for extra compensation claimed for electric service at Municipal Building, due to faulty meter, was taken up and discussed, and Ed '.Heister, local manager of the Company, explained the claim. Attorney stated that he had secured an opinion from the Attorney General regarding payment of the claim: Following a discussion, matter was deferred, pending receipt of 'a proper voucher, when definite action may be taken. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented to the Council and. ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried: Wilco Fire Equipment Co. Wilkins Distributing Co. Standard Oil Co. of Calif. gainden's Inc. Thompso n's Howe Motor Company Tri-County Typewriter Co. W. L. Boatwright Donald C. Corey T. C. Breitenstein E. A. Breitenstein Winebrenner's Food Store Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Xitsap County Engineer H. B. Menees CURRENT EXPENSE FUND 2 brass mystery nozzles Filters, batteries and anti Tire repair, Police Re -cap tire for Police Carbon paper for Police Repair and lubricate Police Repair Police typewriter Police service Police service Engineer retainer Engineer helper Janitor's Supplies Street and traffic light Town Maps Chais for Police car freeze car 1176.74 7.34 2.06 7.07 1.13 2.83 5.15 73.50 94.50 100.00 .32.40 2.18 276.92 7.19 8.50 WATER FUND Bremerton Monument Co. Kitsap County Garage W.F. Bruhahn Puget Sound Power d Licit Co. Western Utilities Supply Co. Thompson's E. N. Hallgren Co. Howe Motor Company H. B. Menees H. D. Fowler Co., Inc. Wilkins Distributing Co. Wilkins Distributing Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Kitsap County Rev. Fund Kitsap County Garage H. B. Menees Black Ball Freight Service Port Orchard Machine Shop Foltz Auto Wrecking Kenyon Materials Co., Ainsw€►rth's Grocery Port Orchard Machine Inc. Shop Ditching for water lines Repair pickup Laborer service lines Power and light, West Bay St. Repair Clamps and pipe Fittings Erasers and large envelops 4 pipe clamps and packing Parts for pickup Tire Chains for pickup tureks Repair saddles Anti -freeze _N I I Gasoline and anti -freeze Service at Bay Street garage 180 bbls Road Oil Traffic paint Chains for grader and trucks Breight Labor and material 5 us ed axl es PARS FUND Ready -mix Cleaning supplies Backstop for ball field LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Co. Books for Library The Puget Sound News Co. Books for Library 50.47 18.19 14.56 50.99 112.49 7,93 34.74 3.19 18.25 26.13 5.72 1674,05 2.24 900.00 12.75 107.29 1.75 7.49 1.80 19.16 5.14 54.08 4.92 15,07 Meeting adjourned on motion by Broughton, second --Bak and carried. ! Clerk �7m�ayor' Port Orchard, Washington November 22, 1954 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by the Clerk in the absence of Mayor C. H. Largisp Clerk called for nominations for Acting Mayor, and Councilman Ray B. Hall was nominated by Councilman Repanich; nomination was seconded by Councilman Broughton, and Mr. Hall was unanimously named Acting Mayor. Present at the meeting were Acting Mayor Ray B. Hall, Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Harold G. Baker, George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine;'Superintendent of Public Works George.F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of November 8, 1954 read and approved. Resolution No. 54-2, relaing to proposed improvement District on Division Street between Cline and West Streets and other streets, was again taken up, and date of hearing on resolution was fixed for Monday, December 27, 1954, at 7:30 p.m. Resolution was signed and proper notice was ordered given to property owners. Letter from State Sanitation Engineer setting forth the necessity for the proposed improvement was read and ordered filed. Attorney reported that he had contacted Joe Stixrud regarding retaining wall on his property in Block S. First Addition, to protect alley, and that he was assured that work will be undertaken promptly. Councilman Nichols also re- ported that he had contacted interested individuals and had been assured of the same thing. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee reported that he had received no further word regarding improvements on the lower floor of the Taylor Street Recreation Building, and matter was passed. Matter of claim of Puget Sound Power & Light Company for additional compensation for electric energy at Municipal Building was ordered stricken from the agenda, pending further word from the Power company. W. H. Cruikshank, contractor for collecting garbage, appeared before the Council and asked approval of raise in rates for garbage collection. A discussion followed, and matter was referred to the Water, Sewer, and Sanitation committee to meet with Mr. Cruikshank, ascertain details and report to the council. Claim of Ronald Edstrom for alleged damages for injuries claimed to have been suffered in a fall on a sidewalk on Bay Street, was read to the Council. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried that claim be rejected and referred to the Northwest Casualty Company, with whom liability insurance is carried. Letter from Dr. George 1ungerter, Mayor of Port Townsend, addressed to Mayor C. H. Largis, and requesting that Mayor send telegram to President of the United States, urging transfer of Fort Worden property at Port Townsend from the Army to the Veterans administration for establishment of National Military Home for Veterans, was read and Council approved granting request. Bulletin was received from East Port Orchard Merchants Association regarding beautification of Gig Harbor -Harper "Y" was read to the Council: Bulletin urged participation of the Town in maintaining the tract as a park after its completion. A discussion followed, and it was pointed out that this tract of land does not beling to the Town and that the T+ovn lacks authority to enter onto property not belonging to the Town there and that4mki1a the Town govern- ment favors any project for betterment, that there are no funds available for this purpose. It was directed that a letter setting forth the situation as it effects the Town be sent to the Association. Superintendent submitted drawin; of proposed cross -walk sign, which was examined by members of the Council. On Motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried matter was referred to the Street and Alley committee to negotiate and procure sign. On Motion by Broughton, seconded by Baker and carried, Water Superintendent and Water Foreman were authorized to attend the sessions of the Water Works Association in Seattle, expenses to be paid by the Town. Clerk brought up the matter of a chair which was delivered to the Police Judge, and which has not yet been paid for. Following a discussion, it was moved by Broughton, seconded by Nich®ls and carried that chair be returned to dealer, and that bill be not allowed. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee brought up the matter of the construction of the building by Mrs. Mildred Cohen on the corner of Bay and Frederick Streets, stating that the building encroaches on Frederick Street. Following a discussion, matter was deferred, and was referred to the Attorney for report at the next meeting. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by members of the Finance and Auditing, committee, were approved and ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Rro:ghton and carried. Claim of Feenaughty Machinery Company for rental of sweeper was disallowed by the same motion, and notice was directed to be sent to the Feenaughty Machinery Company of the Council's action, end asking that a claim for broom be filed, which part of claim was approved by the Council: H. R. Menees Atlas Mineral Products Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Miller meters, Inc. Town Clerk Donald C. Corey Arthur A. Williams W. L.Boatwright Pacific Tel & Tel Co. W. F. Bruhahn Town Clerk CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Furnace Oil for city HU11 Mineralead for Parking meters Co. Town hall lights (2months) Clerk Police and fire tel and Parking meter parts Postage, box rent, etc Police Service Police service Police service Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Earl Clark Pacific Tele & :ele Co. Overall Cleaning & Supply H. A. Menees Puget Sound Power & Light Sargent -Sowell, Inc. Olympic Iron Machine Wks Puget Sound Power & Light Co. ff [NofflWamb"I Telephones and tolls Labor 3 M Postal Cards Pump and cathodic equipment STREET FUND Truck mirror Telephone and tolls Shop Towels Stove Oil and mdse Light at Kendall St. Garage Cross Walk Stencils Make and Sharpen Points PARK FUND 115.84 29.87 95.90 to l ls49. 30 127.89 11.06 84.00 10.50 42.00 Light at Tennis court and Recr. Meeting adjourned on motion by Bro.:ghton,seconded by Baker and carried. 22.70 18.20 60.00 196.47 1.43 10.00 3.85 43.16 2.00 82.31 7.47 12.12 Acting Mayor Ray B. Hall Port Orchard, Washington December 13, 1954 Regular meeting of the Bouncil of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Ma or C. H. Largis, with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, Verd W. Nichols and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley Nt Perrin ; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breiten- stein present. Absent Councilman Ray B. Hall. Minutes of meeting of November 22, 1954 read and approved. Troy W. Hamilton of 708 Kitsap Street appeared before the Council regarding all -day parking on both sides of Kitsap Street. The matter was discussed by Council members, and action was deferred until all council members are present. A. L. Jones and Art Orajodis appeared before the Council regarding installation of water taps to their property from the water main on Tremont Street. The matter was discussed by members of the Council, and it was agreed, on motion by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried that water taps may be secured from the Sidney -Tremont Street mains on the payment for each tap of $125.00 plus tapping fee, the service to be for one service only. Councilman Nichols of the Street and Ailey committee reported that work is progressing on the construction of wall to protect the alley in Block 8, First Addition, on the Joe Stixrud property. Claim of Puget Sound Power & Light Company for additional compensation for eleStrie service in the Municipal Building, was taken up and laid over for action. Matter of request of W. H. Cruikshank for increase in rates for garbage collection in Port Orchard, was reported on by Chairman Nichols and the Water and Sanitation committee, and following a discussion it was stricken from the agenda/ Superintendent reported that he had contacted a local sign maker regarding reflector type cross -walk sign and that the price quoted was $76.00 for each sign; that the price quoted by a Tacoma firm, which it is stated makes the signs for the State was $58.00 per sign. Superintendent wqs directed to secure further prices, and to act under the direction of the Street and Alley committee, which committee was given jawer to act at the meeting of November 220 1954. Attorney stated that he had gone over the matter of enrroachment on Frederick Street in constructing the Cohen Building. This was discussed by memebers of the Council, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by.Baker and carried that a lease for use of this property encroached on be untered into with Mrs. Cohen, at a rental of $1.00 per year, the terms of the lease to be approved by the Council. Clerk stated that a duplicate payment had been made in Local Improvement District No. 49 by T. R. Hubbard, and asked authority to refund the amount of $40.07 to T. R. Hubbard for duplicate payment, Refund approved on motion by Broughton, seconded by Nichols and carried. Letter from Totem Equipment Company regarding street sweeper was read, and matter wascontinued. Councilman Repanich stated that complaints had been made of speeding on some Streets in the residence districts, especially near Givens School and the Tacoma Street playgrounds, and asked that measures be taken by Police to halt the practice. Referred to the Police for action. Councilman Nichols asked that area on Bay Street east of Harrison Street where all -day parking is permitted, be marked so that greatest number of cars can be accomodated. Referred to Superintendent. Clerk reported that the estimated assessment against Town property in the proposed L.I.D. for Division and West Street sewer, is $823.94. Superintendent Givens reported on the school for Water Works employees which he and the Foreman attended at the University of Washington, was very informative, and that.a lot of good information was received. Mayor reported that a school bus is parked all night in the vicinity of Seattle and Kitsap Streets, and this was referred to the Police. The following claims checked by heads of departments and by the members of the Finance and Auditing committee were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Nicholas, seconded by Repanich and carried: CURRENT FENS E FUND Trick & Murray Saindin's, Inc. J. R. Rrinkerhoff Howe Motor Company Western auto Supply Arthur A. Williams Donald C. Corey T. C. Breitenstein Puget Sound Power & Light Company Puget Sound Power & Light Company W. F. Bruhahn V. B. Caldwell A. B. Caldwell Standard Oil Co. of Calif. American Plbg & Steam Supply T. R. Hubbard American Plbg & Steam Supply Co. American Plbg & Steam Supply Co. American Plbg & Steam Supply Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 19. B. Caldwell W. F. Bruhahn George F. Givens Police Court docket, etc. Win er treads for Police car Repair Police radio Repair and Lubricate Police car 2 cans car wash for Police Police service Police service Engineer retainer Street lights Cross Walk light Labor on fire hydrant Tarpaulin for Fire Dept. Tools and material, City Hall Swipe blades and lub job, police car 6 lengths 2" block pipe Refund on Assessment WATER FUND Water meters Water meters, meter box tops, etc. Meter box tops Power and ligxit at pump plants Pipe fittings Labor on service lines Re-imburse for expenses at School STREET FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Company V. 71. Caldwell Thomas Hoover Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Wilkins Dist. Co. Wilkins Dist. Co. Bremerton Concrete Products The Garland Co. Port Orchard Machi a Shop J. W. Welsh Braaten Aros. Port Orchard Machine Shop The H. R. Huntting Co. Puget Sound News Company Light at Bay Street Garage Tools and paint Labor on Streets Repair to treuk Dil Barrell Gasoline and anti -rust Drain tile Inlaycrete Keys, drift pins repair signs Bu,ldozer rental Equipment rental PARK FUND Bolts and nuts LIBRARY FUND Books for Library Books for Library Meeting adjourned on motion by Baker, seconded by Rep and carried. 0 173.15 16.44 17.57 15.24 1.01 42.00 126.00 100.00 312.95 4.10 21.84 9.43 2.60 4.64 51.11 40.07 142.14 123.34 1.44 157.38 2.27 29.12 20.11 2.56 6.99 116.48 2.33 6.70 121,58 295.00 13.70 G.49 9.37 55.62 .62 25.04 34.81 ^Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington December 27, 1954 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis with Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Harold G. Baker, Ray B. Hall, Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton; Atternoy Dudley N. Perrino; Superintendent bf Public Works George F. Givens and Hhntkneer T. C. Breitenstein present. Minutes of meeting of December 13, 1954 read and approved. This being the date upon which hearing on proposed sewer on Division and West Streets, relative to forming Local Improvement District, was advertised for hearing, Mayor called the matter for hearing. H. J. Kilpatrick and Frank Woods appeared regarding the matter and stated that they are not the owners of Lot 2, Block 2, Sidney, against which it is proposed to levy assessment for the improvement. R. E. Pearson, ®weer of Lot 40 Block 1, Smith's Addition, appeared and objected to the proposed assessment against his lot, on the grounds that he is already connected to sewer on Cline .Street. This was discussed by members of the Council, various questions raised were considered, and it was moved by Nichols, second4d. by Repanich and carried that petition of Mr. Pearson to have Lot 4, Block 1, Smith's Addition removed from the proposed district be denied. There being no other persons who desired to be heard on the matter, the hearing was continued to January 24, 1955, on motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried. G. W. Shope, owner of property in the vicinity of Maple Street, appeared before the Council regarding streets and rodds in that locality# A general discussion of conditions effecting the locality was entered into, and it was pointed out that the Council members had previously visited the area in an effort to settle the matters involved. FbIlowing the discussion, matter was referred to the Superintendent for investigation and report of what can be done to better conditions. Claim of Puget Sound Power & Light Company for compensation for electric service claimed due for City Hall service, which amount was claimed, due to a faulty meter, was presented and discussed. Letter from Attorney General's office stating that claim may be paid was read. Councilman Nichols raised objection to payment of the claim, contending that a faulty meter is no fault of the Town and that the claim, should be denied. It was -moved by Broughton, seconded by Bakerand carried that claim of Puget Sound Power & Light Company for $370.25 be paid. On roll call vote, Broughton, Repanieh and Hall and Baker voted for payment of the claim Nichols voted No. Claim of Howe Motor Company for various truck and car repairs was presented and discussed, and was ordered paid on motion by Broughton, seconded by Baker and carried, all Councilmen voting yes. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried that Clerk write letter to Post Master, asking that mail box located on parking strip in front of Lot 80 Block 8, First Addition, be moved to some other loca- tion that will not interfere with keeping parking strip in Order. Superintendent reported that marking of parking area on Bay Street east of Harrison Street, has been delayed for further information as to road clearance. Mayor stated that he had been informed that negotiations are being pro- moted looking toward filling of additional tide lands between Frederick and Orchard Streets to provide more parking space. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the members, of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read and ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried: Don C. Corey Arthur A. Williams Howe Motor Company Pacific Tale & Tale Co. Western Utilities Supply Co. Western Utilities Supply Co. A. B. Menees Washington State Penitentiary Howe Oil Company Howe Motor Company Howe Motor Company CURRENT hXPENSE FUND Police service Police service Police car repair Clerk, Fire and Police Telephone Fire Hydrant parts Feeight, prepaid Furnace Oil for city hall Traffic Signs Patdaeo Oil Police car repair Fire Truck repair WATER FUND Overall Cleaning & Supply Company American Water Works Assn. Pacific Tale & Tale Co. H. B. Menees Lent's Inc. Howe Oil Company Howe Motor Company The Garland Company Pacific Tel & Tel Co. H. B. Menees Voyd L. Shark 9 W. L. Rohnson (Assigned) Atlas Foundry & Machine Co. C. A. Hanks Agency Howe Oil Company Howe Motor Company P. F. Collier & Sons The H. R. Huntting Co. Lowman & Hanford Co. Shop Towels T955 dues for Supt. Telephone and tolls Stove Oil and parts Shovel rental Stove Oil Truck repair STREET FUND Traffic paint; inlayerete Telephone and tolls Stove Oil Labor on streets Laying storm sewer (contract) Frames and grates for catch basin Insurance premium, Street Garage Deisel fuel for grader Truck repair LIBRARY FUND Books Books 4 rolls PARK FUND mending tape Lloyd E. Sherk Labor Cleaning drain H. B. Menees Stove Oil Howe Oil Company Stove Oil Meeting adjo' � ion by Broughton, seconds l( s� L '�- ark $84.00 73.50 7.99 49.35 79.60 1.75 169.82 19.44 164.40 17.47 30.81 2.25 10.00 21.00 10.61 26.27 7.11 17.46 44.70 15.65 65.53 7.28 115.00 139.31 111.71 18.21 12.00 7.78 85.65 4.49 ditch 7.28 9.52 le� 35.68 dLcr&ried. may