01/01/1953 - Regular - MinutesFort orchard, Washington January 12, 1953 Regular meeting of the Co-Lmeil of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by mayor William K. Sprague, with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, I -la- B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols and C. H. Largis; attorney Dudley N. Perrine; ,superintendent of Public works George F. Givens and Dingineer T. C. Breitenstein present. ?Minutes of meeting of December 22, 1952 read and alJproved. Suggested traffic ordinance, directed to be drawn at previous meeting of the Council, was read. Following a discussion, it was itioved by Hall, seconded by Repanich that ordinance be passed as read. Motion carried, and ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 605. Alan Totten, Chief of the Fire Department, appeared before the Council and made recommendations regarding safety at Forestry Building. He recommended that a I! -quart Pyrene fire extinguisher be placed on the second floor of the building, and that one 5-gallon pump can be installed on first floor and one on second floor. He also recommended that fire escape be construct- ed on outside of east wall of the building, to lead from window furthest north on east side of building; that steps on fire escape be less than 22 feet wide, and that it be so constructed that it would not be winthin reach from the ground, but that with weight of a person on the steps that it would slope close enough to the ground for safety in leaving the building. These recommendations were discussed, and it was directed that estimates of cost of fire escape as reco!iunended by the fire Chief be ascertained, and that other equipment recommended be secured. A resolution was introduced by Councilman Nichols that number of firemen on the fire department be extended from twenty to twenty-five members. Resolution passed on motion by Nichols, seconded by Largis and carried. A discussion regarding suitable name for old forestry Building was held, and Mayor asked for suggestions from Councilmen for suitable name. Chairman Hall of the! Street and Alley committee reported that he had investigated condition of Guthrie Street as it intersects Garrison Street on the west, and recommended that no extensive work be undertaken until weather conditions improve. Councilman Bro,_zghton of the Street and Alley committee reported that he and Councilman Nichols had investigated request for re -location of cross walk between Harrison and Seattle Streets on Bay Street, and stated that cross walk could be located at a point further west that existing corssing. A discussion followed and Street and Alley committee were given power to act in designating cross -walk in this locality, on motion by Largis, second by Repanich and carried. Matter of cross -wall;: at east end of Black Jack Bridge was discussed, and it was directed that, corns -walk be located and marked in this area. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. `,;izzte, r@siding on Portland Street, appeared before the Council regarding drainage problem on their property. `L'iLis was re- ferred to Health and Sanitation committee to investigate and report at next meeting of the Council. This being the date on which bids were to be received for supplying gasoline, stove oil and deisel oil for the year beginning February 1, 1953, Clerk reported that bids and been received from Union Oil Co. of Calif- ornia; R. L. Lursen;; Wilkins Distributing Co.; Howe Oil Company and Shell Oil Company. Bids were opened and examined and considered by the Council, and following consideration it was moved by Hall, seconded by Largis and carrigd,,,th�t.rbid of Wilkins Distributing Co. for furnishing gasoline at 28,'7� �ir' 'gallon, be accepted; that bid of Wilkins Dis- tributing Company for furnishing stove oil at 13.50 per gallon be ac- cepted, and that bid of Howe Oil Company for furnishing deisel furnace oil at 11.3¢ per gallon be accepted. Mayor called attention to the annual report of the Police Department, commending the department for the fine showing for the year, and calling attention to the accomplishments of the department. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Auditing Committee and members of the Council were presented and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE Rice Electric 100-Watt Lamp (City Hall) 16.68 Winebrenner's Food Store Janitor Supplies 2.81 Lumber Supply Paint and Enamel 20.29 Lumber Supply Shiplap for decking in attic 3.91 Kenneth G. Chaussee Police service 119.50 Willard L. Boatwright Police service 7.45 P.S.P. & L.Co. Street Lights 272.45 P.S.P. & L.Co. Cross Walk 3.69 P. 0. Independent Call for Bids (Gas and Oil) 6.79 P. 0. Independent Supplies for Police Dept. 1.64 P. 0. Independent Envelopes for Police 18.20 T. C. Breitenstein Engineer's Retainer 100.00 Howe's Hardware Batteries and Janitors Supplies 19.10 Standard Oil Co. Tire Repair and Gas for Police Car 5/36 Howe's Hardware Flashlight Batteries 4.17 Howard Cooper Corp. Four Pairs of rubaer boots 50.37 WAT01 EXPENSE Rice Electric 6-300-Lamp for Pump sta. 1.90 E. Rallgren Co. Packing Material 15.66 Reusselaer Valve Co. Gate Valves 20.18 P.S.P. & L. Co. Main Palnt 149.01 Howe's Hardware Gal. Turp 1.95 V. R. Caldwell Tools and Fittings 5.34 STREET E%TENSE Round Seattle Chain Co. Grader Chins 73.48 P. 0. Machine Shop Street Sign Blanks, Shaft, Gear 30.54 Lumber Supply Cement Lumber Paint 56.65 Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Heater Connections 5/59 Wilkins Dist, Co. Gasoline 105.56 Howe's Hardware Tools 4.82 II. R. Menees 2 Switches 2.42 V. R. Caldwell Fuzes, Bolts, Hack Saw Blades and Paint Thinner 5.36 LIBIUUiY EXPENSE Howe's Hardware Shellac and Alchol .78 P,,UIK ="ENSL V. n. Caldwell Pipe Fittings 4.69 Lumber Supply Nails Lumber and Various 12.60 Howe's Hardware Parts for fountain paint brush 14.65 Howe's Hardware Paint Bolts and etc. 60.73 Howe's Hardware Tolls, paint, Mdse for Forestry 22.33 Howe's Hardware Paint and thinner 36.19 Council adjourned on motion by Broughton. seconded by Hall and carried. Port Orchard, liashington January 26, 1953 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, called to order by Mayor William H. Spraguey Present Councilmen C. H. Largis, Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of January 12, 1953 read and approved. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. White were again present regarding drainage problem in the vicinity of Portland Street. Chairman Largis of the Water, Health and Sanitation committee made a report of the investigation of iris committee and general discussion followed. It was the opinion of the members of the Council as expressed, that the Town is riot responsible, as from the investi- gation it is apparent that the area in question is a natural drainage course, and that property owners are responsible for taking care of any trouble that may exist. Engineer was directed to establish street lines in the vicinity to ascertain if culvert extends over provate property, and a proposal to secure for the Town right of way for alley, stated to have been previously vacated, was suggested as a means by which the Town might make permanent improvement in the drainage problem in the future. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee asked for further time to secure figurer and plans -for constructing fire escape at old Forestry Builcjj. w A d-pc*lot of the fire escape installation was had, and it was the opinion of the Council members as expressed that a door should be cut from the window from which the fire escape is to lead. 1. Question of suitable name for former Forestry Building was again brought up by the Mayor, and it was agreed that the building should hereafter be known as the "Taylor Street Recreation Bhil.ding," the name havingbeen suggested by George F.Givens, Superintendent of Public Works. Mayor brought up the matter of salary of Police Judge, citing extra work which is constantly being added to the office, and suggested a salary of $100.00 per month. Records were produced to prove the growth in the volume of work during the past three or four years. Following a discussion, it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Largis and carried that salary of Police Judge be fixed at $100.00 per month, and that ordinance fixing salary be amended a-cordingly. A Resolution endorsinv and approving an appropriation by the Washington State Legislature of '�770,000,00 for preliminary plans, surveys and financin' of the proposed cross. -sound bridge, and expressing the confidence of the Council in the State 'roll Bridge Authorityand its Engiiieers in matters pertaining to location, routes, termini, and other details concerning the proposed bridge, was passed unanimously on motion by Hall, seconded bil Nichols and carried. Mayor made a report on a meeting with the State Highway Comitission, at- tended by the Mayor, Councilmen Largis and. Hall and the Clerk, relative to negotiations for securing the State Highway 3arage .for the Town of Port Orchard. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee called attention to a news item that an appropriation is included in the State Highway Budget for urideninr. and surfacing Bay Street from Black Jack Bridge west to Harrison Street, and suggested that it might be the responsiblility of the 'Town to see that right-of-way is clear before the improvement is undertaken. The following claims, the^ked by heads of departrients and by Chairman Tinoughton of the Auditing committee, and by members of the Council, were presented and ordered paid on ytiotion by Nichols, seconded by Largis and carried: Willard L. Boatwright Kenneth G. Chaussee P,eacon Appliance Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Trick & Murray Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Wash. State Penitentiary CURRENT 1'CPENSE FUND Police service 9.34 Police service 102.74 Repair cross -Walk light 4.42 `lire repair ord l�_flr job, 2.58 1M Trip keceipts• Treas. 48.74 Various 'Telephones and Tolls46.85 Traffic Signs 68.64 WATtR FUND Worthington Gamen Meters W. F. Rruhahn Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Black Ball Freight Lines Pacific Tel & Tel. Kitsap County Airport Water meter parts Labor on pipe lines Telephones and tolls STREET FUND Freight on grader blades Telephone Gravel LIBRARY FUND 24.05 6.48 21.75 2.41 7.25 30.99 Puget Sound News Co. Books for library 21.97 Council adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried. , Ute MOVITMVI: ` , >_ * * * * * * is * . * r 7' Port Urchard, Wash-Lngton February 9, 1053 Regular meeting of the Council of the 'town of Port Urchaard, �,ashin ton called to order by Mayor William H. Sprague. Present Councilmen C. H. Largis, Verd 14. Ni&.ols, Hay B. Hall and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public 64orks George F. Givens and Eng�_neer T. C. '9reitenstein. Absent Councilman Flick J. Repanich. Minutes of meet-zng of January 26, 1953 read and approved. , Further ti,- e was allowed on fire escape at 'Taylor Street Recreation Building. Ordinance No. 606, fixing sElary of Police Judge, read and pa:•ssed on motion by Proughton, Seconded by Largis and cai Tied. Mayor Sprague reported on meeting which he Lad attended in Olympia, rela- tive to cross -sound bridge project. Mayor also reported that he had contacted officials in Olympia concerning acquisition by the Tour of the State Garage property in Port Orchard, and stated that prospects are good for the Town secaring the property. Chairman Nichols of the sire and Light committee proposed on behalf of liis committee that he recommended that 4,000 lumen lamp at Black Jack be moved to Sweany Street one-half Block west cf Cline Street, and replaced as a 2,500 lumen lamp. He also recommended that a new 2500 lurzen lmp be installed on Radey Street one-half block west of Sidney Street. lie also recommended that light previously autLiorized on Morton Street west of R6ckwell Street be installed on existing pole. Recommendations of com- mittee were airproved on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried. Street and Alley committee recommended. that cross -walk be smirked at east end of Black Jack sidewalk, and recommended re -installation of cross -walk light at this point. The committee also recommended that cross -walk be marked across Bay Street at east margin of Watt Building to north side of Street. These recommendations were adopted on motion by Broughton, seconded by Nichols and carried. On motion by Largis, seconded by Hall and carried, Clerk was instructed to call for bids for pickup truck for Water Department, and for 2-ton truck chassis and cab, and an alternate bid for 2-ton chassis and cab complete !� with dump body for Street Department, specifications to be furnished by Superintendent of Public Works. Engineer and Superintendent submitted plan for replacing existing 4-inch water main on Sidney Street, south from Kendall Street, with 8-inch cast iron main. This was discussed, and was referred to slater and Sewer com- mittee for further study, with Councilman hall serving on the conanittee. Superintendent was asked to secure approximate and comparative costs of rock rip rap and broken concrete rip rap, and report at next meeting. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, and :also by members of the Council, were read and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and. carried: Miller Metdrs Inc. Thompson's Kitsap Co. Garage Rev. Fd Puget Sound Power & Light Kenneth G. Chaussee T. C. Rreitenstein S. Knudson Town Clerk Tide Water Asst'd Oil Co. Trick & Murray Black Ball Freight Service Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Port wrchard Independent American Plbg & Steam Supply Co. Wilkins Distributing Co. Overall_ Cleaning & Supply Town Clerk Slocum Hardware Slocum Hardware Slocum Hardware Bremerton Concrete Pro. Co. Tide Water Asst'd Oil Co. Machinery Service and Supply Wilkins Distributing Co. Black Ball Freight Howard Cooper Corp. Puget Sound News Co. CU dUN T L:a.i-�LN S E FUND Parking meter parts 14.97 Fidld books for LJ'�ngineer & Supt. 10.20 Repairs to Police car 1�.07 Street Lights 272.45 Police Service 74.72 Engineer retainer 100.v0 Assist Engineer 16.20 Postage and expenses to Olympia 17.60 Furnace oil for City Hall 155.48 Treasurer's Report book 14.82 Freight on Traffic signs 3.50 Gasoline for police car 1.44 Publish Ordinance No. 605 7/88 Wii.Tl+R FUND Meter box 3.74 Oil filters and spark plugs 7.63 Shop Towels 2.45 2 M Postal cards for water bills 40.00 Material and tools 4.40 STREET FUND Tu ols and material 6.81 Axle and Thermometer 5.50 Drain the 47.28 Stove and deisel Oil 63.06 Grader blades 122.25 Gasoline and Oil filters 112.69 Freight bill 1.80 Gaskets and seals .75 LIBRARY FUND Books for Library 38.34 Council adjourned on motion by Broughton, seconded by Hall and carried. Port Orchard, Washington February 24, 1953 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Clerk in the absence of Mayor William H. Sprague. Clerk called for nominations for Acting Mayor, and the name of Councilmen Nick J. Repanich was placed in nomination by Councilman Largis. There being no further nominations, Clerk was directed to cast the unanimous vote of the Council for Nick J. Repanich as Acting Mayor. Thus done and so ordered. Present Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, George A. Broughton, C. U. Largis, Verd W. Nichols and Ray B. Hall; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, absent Mayor William N. Sprague. Acting Maaor Repanich called the meeting to order and directed the reading r� of the minutes. Minutes of February 9, 1953 read and approved. r This being the date on which bids for 2-ton pickup truck for Water Depart- men'and 2-ton truck for Street Department were advertised to be received, Clerk reported that bids had been received from Howe Motor Company, Cleve- land Chevrolet, Bechtel Motor Company, and Crawford 111iotors. Mayor Directed that bids be opened and read to the Council. Following reading of the bids, Council considered the various offers and specifications of equipment listed in the bids. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Largis and carried that in the bids. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Largis and carried that in the bids. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Largis and carried that bid of Cleveland Chevrolet Company for Pickup truck for Water Department be accepted in the sum of $10518.22. Following consideration of bids for 2-ton truck and for body and hoist, it was moved by Hall, seconded by Largis and carried that bid of Cleveland Chevrolet Company for 2-ton truck equipped with body and hoist and other equipment specified, be accepted in the sum of $3,423.64. Under the terms of the bid as accepted, truck is to have dump body and hoist installed, and in addition to other specifications listed, is to have heater installed at the price accepted. Clerk reported that a bid had been received from Don La.ngert for 1938 Inter- national pickup, which was offered for disposal, in the amount of $168.00, It was moved by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried that bid of Don Lan- gert in the sum of $168.00 for 1938 Internation pickup truck be accepted. A. W. Peterson, resident on Sidney Street, appeared before the Council regard- ing property lines of his property, particularly with relation to power line easement. Following statement by Mr. Peterson and by Attorney Perrinel it was held that Town could take no action in the matter. Fu ther time was granted for construction of Fire escape on Taylor Street Recreation Building, and a conference among Park Committee, Engineer Breiten- stein, Superintendent Givens and a local contractor was announced to prepare plans for fire escape. Superintendent reported that he had ascertained that rock riprap placed on fills along water front wo,.ld cost approximately $4.50 per yard, and that this price is about the same which broken concrete riprap, delivered stock piled and later placed would cost. Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee reported that his committee recommended that rates of pay be established as follows: Super- intendent of Public Works, $360.00 per montho Water Foreman, $330.00 per month; Street Foreman, $330.00 per month; Chief of Police $360.00 per month; Patrolmen, $305.00 per month; Clerk $360.00 per month; Laborers $1.76 per hour (maximum). The report of the committee was discussed and it was moved by Hall, seconded by Lakggis and carried that report be accepted and Clydinan d. a i� gd�� eNtblishing rates of pay as recommended. Matter of proposed water main on Sidney Street south from Kendall Street was discussed, and was referred to Water and Sewer committee to meet with Engineer and Superintendent of Public Works at 5 P.M. February 25, 1953, Clerk presented roster of members of Port Orchard Volunteer Fire Department, �. and it was moved by`Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried that Clerk be instructed to send fee for insurance on members of the Department, to the State Department. Report was made that Washington Veterans Home has agreed to pay $750.00 for 1931 Fire truck, owned by the sown and w'aich has been stored at Veterans Home for several months. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Largis and carried that offer be accepted, and Clerk be authorized to transfer title to the State of Washington. Claims, which had been checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council. Claim of the Feenaughty Machinery Company for Littlefield oiler in the .mount of $2,428."4 was considered by the Council, and it was roved by Hall, seconded by Largis and carried, that $2,000.00 be paid on Clain of Feenaughty Machinery Company, the remainder to be withheld pending further order of the Council, and that the following claims be paid as presented: Port Orchard Independent Miller Meters, Inc. L. N. Curtis & Sons Puget Sound Power & Light County Treasurer Howard Cooper Corp. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Pioneer, Inc. Willard L. Boatwright Kenneth G. Chaussee American P1by & St. Supply Puget Sound Power & Lig,�,t Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Western Utilities Supply Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Kress & More Feenaughty Machinery Co. The 11. kl. lunntting Co. The H. R. Hunntting Co. CURRENT E)G-FIi SE FUND SuP pl ie s and Publishing 12.98 Parking Meter Repairs 51.36 Refill oxygen tank for Fire Dpt 2.58 Cross Walk Light 1.98 Forest Fire tax on garbage tract 5.60 Repair Fire Nozzle 12.40 Telephones and tolls 46.20 Election supplies 28.36 Police service 9.34 Police Service 84.06 1 LiTER FUND Pipe and fittings 20.27 Addptersand caps 11.80 Power and light at pump plants 197.70 Telephones and tolls 23.60 Strap for duo stop 1.51 S TRENT P TND Telephone 7.25 Truck tube and mounting tie 5.90 Partial payment on Littlefiedl Oiler 2,000.00 LI BFLU1Y FUND Books for library 11.49 Books for library 52.42 idlK FUND American Plbg & St. Supply Galvanized pipe 70.57 Council adjourned on �,otion by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried. ej7zet, Port Orchard, Washington March 9, 1953 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor William H. Sprague. Present Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, Ray B. Hall, Yerd W. Nichols and C. H. Largis; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Warks George F. Givens and. Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of February 24, 1953 read and approved. Art Mikelsen, representing the "Little League", appeared before the Council relative to improvements planned at baseball ground. He stated that lumber for the fence has been donated, that poles for installing field lights have been promised, and other donations are forthcoming. He also stated that it is expected work on field will sAart at an early date. He explained plans for lighting field, and said that complete installation of lights would cost approximately 1,236.00. He requested co-operation of the Town in financing, saking that Toon underwrite contract for fights, the Town to be re-imbursed to the extent of $500.00 at the start of the contract, and to receive further sums as funds become available, until full cost is paid. A ,general discussion .followed, and the matter was left to the Parks and Playgrounds committee to examine and approve plans for lighting field. Matter of granting concessions for refreshments to "Little League" committee was also discussed, and passed until season opens when it will be definitely decided. Ordinance regulating signs on rights -of -way for streets and highways, presented at request of State Department of Highways, was read and passed on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 607. Superintendent stated that new truck for Street Department will be delivered this week, and a discussion of making necessary changes in Dodge truck to handle oiler was held. Engineer Breitenstein outlined plans for fire escape ladder on Taylor Street Recreation Center,_the plans calling for a door on east side of the building, leading to a platform, from which stairs would extend toward the ground; the door to be equipped with panic bar opening from inside. Mayor stated that he had received a call from William Bugge, State Director of Highways, that former State garage building in Port Orchard is available to the Town for $5,500.00. A discussion followed, and it was moved by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried that Mayor be given power to act in negotiations, and to make commitment for purchase of property. Chairman Largis of the Water and Sewer committee reported on eonerences relative to water extension south from water towers. Engineer suggested that consulting engineer to engaged to make recommendations regarding improvement, and following a discussion, it was moved by Broughton, seconded by Largis and carried that Engineer be contacted to consult with Town officers in the matter. Councilman Nichols brought up the matter of difficulties encountered in sanitary matters on Division Street, west of Cline Street' Engineer stated that there are about three places in the area that are effected. The matter was referred to the Engineer to contact property owners and make recommendations. Ordinance regarding salaries of Town employees was presented and passed on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 608. Superintendent reported that complaint has been made that J. V. Stixrud has encroached on the alley in Block 8, First Addition. .A. discussion followed, -and this was referred to the Street and Alley committee to meet at 5 p.m. on March 10, 1953, view the property, incompany with the Engineer, Attorney and Superintendent, and make recommendations. Mayor stated that salesman had contacted him regarding purchase of ,state flag for Council Chamber. Following discussion, matter was not approved. Chief of Police submitted request for two-way radio for Police office, and submitted specifications. Following a discussion, the matter was referred the Fire and Light committee to investigate and report their recomm- endations. The r9.11o44ng,*#Uim&,o%Iij # ked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of t1ke Finance and Auditing committee, and by the members of the Council, were presexated. Claim of Wilkingss Distributing Co. held up pending advise elf Attorney on interpretation of bid, and claim of Howard Cooper Corporation, held up pending approval'by Fire Cheif Totten. Following claims ordered paid on motion by Largis, seconded by Nichols and carried. Auditor Kitsap County Tides Asstd Oil Co. Port Orchard Independent Standard Oil Co. of Calf. T. C. Breitenstein Puget Sound Power & Light Thompsones Howees Hardware Willard L. Boatwright Kenneth G. Chaussee H. B. Menees Western Utilities Supply American P1bg & Stean Supply Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Theo L. Zink Kitsap Co. Auditor W. F. Bruhahn Bremerton Conrete Pr. Co. Cleveland Chevrolet Sheets Automotive Electric H. B. Menees Port Orchard Machine Shop State Examiner fee Deisel fuel for city Publishing Gasoline for police Engineer retainer City Hall lights Large carbon paper Graphite, dry cells Police service 9 Police service WATER FUND $325.77 hall 139.67 24.27 car 2.68 100.00 58.23 1.55 for police 3.25 46.70 9.34 Sockets 1.42 Strap for duo stop 1.51 Meter boxes -adapters 16.82 Current for cathodic system 19.65 Ditching machine rental 8.50 License and. certificate (pickup)2.50 Labor on pipe lines 24.64 STREET FUND Drain Tile 76.20 tune engine; parts 0.24 Repair generator on Wader 6.58 Battery fillers, globes, etc. 5.96 Repair signal arm; out and drill pipe 4.91 Puget Sound Power & Light Lights at garage 2.55 Tide Water Water Assted Oil Co. Stove Oil 10.55 Ruget Sound News Company Puget Sound Power & Light Tide Wat4r Asstfd Oil Co. Howe's Hardware LIBRARY FUND Books for Library 6.70 PARK FUND Light at tennis courts and Rec. Hall 9.59 Stove Oil 8.38 Glass for Window in Rae. Ball .44 SEWER FUND Atlas Mineral Products Co. Joint compound and Gal primerl6.27, Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Largis and carried. n ;- _ ��► , a P"Ov1e Port Orchard, Washington March 23, 1953 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Maaor William H. Sprague, with Councilmen C. H. Largis, Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Superintendent of Public Works and Engineer T. C. Breitens- tein, present. Minutes of meeting of March 9, 1953 read and approved. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee stated that his committee is investigating plans regarding lighting of baseball field at Givens Field, and that it is expected to have a meeting with lighting eng- ineers, and committees from the Council and the "Little League" organization some time this week. J. W. Floberg, hydraulic engineer, was present as consultant in connection with proposed extension of water main from Kendall Street to south town limits. He outlined needs of the section sought to be served, and made sugg- estions for future development of the water system in that area. Following his report a general discussion followed, and it was the opinion of the mem- bers of the Council as expressed that proposed extension should not be undertaken at this time. Following further discussion, it was moved by Largis, seconded by Repanich and carried, that bids for installation of water mains and sewer in Forest City area as provided for in Local Improvement plans and specifications formerly adopted, be called to be opened at the meeting of the Council. on April 13, 1953. Superintendent stated that progess is being made on converting Dodge Truck for handling oiler; he also stated that new trucks ordered on recent call for bids have been delivered and are in service. Chairman Repanich stated that he had received a bid of $156.00 for construct- ing fire escape, installing door, etc. on Taylor Street Recreation Building according to plans adopted, and that work will be done soon. Mayor Sprague outlined negotiations regarding acquisition of State Garage property in Port Orchard, and letter from State Highway Commission outlining and setting forth terms of the deal was read. Price fixed by the Highway Commission for the property is $5,#00.00, with one-half to be paid at time of sale and remainder within eighteen months. Following a discussion it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried that $20750.00 be placed in escrow in Kitsap County Bank, that escrow roceipt be sent to Highway Commission together with a letter of acceptance of their offer, and that.money be paid to Highway Commission on receipt of approved transfer documents. Engineer Breitenstein reported that he had contacted property owners on Division Street!$ West of cline street, regarding sewer problem in that area. He stated that the property owners will attempt to secure adequate petition for Local Improvement District to install sewer system, and will also attempt to secure right -of way easements over private property for laying sewer lines. r Roturns of the Municipal election held on March 10, 1953 were canvassed by the Council, and findings recorded and signed. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that his committee together with the Engineer, Superintendent and Attorney had inspected the alley in Block 8, First Addition, adjoining the J. V. Stixrud property, about which complaint had been made. He stated that a hazzard exists in the present condition of the alley due to grading on private property, and that his committee recommends that a bulkhead be constructed on the alley -line, and that backfiil be made to secure the full width of the alley. He stated that probably the Town could assist in making the back fill. Report of the committee approved, and Attorney requested to write a letter to Mr. Stixrud setting forth the findingsof the Council, on motion by Repanich, seconded by Largis and carried. Mayor Sprague brought up the matter of debris piled on the parking strip in front of the Harry ward property and the Chas. Blum property on B.itsap Street, stating that in addition to being unsightly, it is also fires hazzard. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried that the property owners be notified to clear the debris from the parking strip or that it will be removed by the Town and charged to the property; the Attorney to.so 49t:k#:y, the property owners. Letters regarding radio for Police office were read to the Council, and fol- lowigg a discussion, it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried that radio be purchased, the pruchase to be contingent upon allocation of wave length for operating the stet. Application was made for a license to conduct dancing in the Port orchard Tavern, under the terms of Ordinance No. 570. It was moved by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried that Clerk be authorized to issue license as requested. An estimate'of $52.50 for cleaning and refinishing outside doors of the main floor of the Municipal Building and the Library was received from Irving P. Lee. Following a discussion, the matter was referred to the Clerk to arrange for having work done. Councilman Hall submitted original tracing, of a new map of the Town of port Orchard which -has been prepared and which will be ready for printing in a short time. The map was examined by the Council, a couple of additions to the detail were suggested, and was approved by the Council. It was stated that the Townes part of the cost is $55,00 which was approved. Communication from State Census Board relative topopulation changes in Port Orchard during the past year was read sand discussed. Mayor stated that he would take steps looking toward a count of the residents within the Town Limits. The following claims, checked by heads of departments, by Councilmen and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Broughton , seconded by Largis and carried: Port Orchard Indpendent Winebrennear's Food Store E. B. Covey Puget Sound Power & Light Saindon's Tire Service Burroughs adding Machine Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Willard L. Boatwright Jennie Alderman Mary B. Cline Maegaret Brewer Virginia Grosso Crystal L. Gilchrist Lottie L. Curtis Leila Nordby Edith gunzelman Emma Harmon Agnes I. Pearson Frances Neerenberg Virginia L. Sutton Harry Radey Stella Rodal Jennie Snypp Howard Cooper Corp. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Publish ordinances 607-608 8.16 Janitor's Supplies 2.35 Work on Town map 55.00 Co. Cross walk and street lights 294.69 Re -caps for Police car 22.56 Co. 25 rolls add machine tape 4.21 Telephones and tolls (various) 46.00 Police service 81.36 Election service 3.00 Election bored 3.00 Election board. 3.00 Election board, 3.00 Election Board 3.00 Election Board 3,00 Election Berard 3.00 Election Board 3.00 Election Board 3.00 Election Board 3.00 -Election Board 3.00 Election bored 3.00 Election Board ' 3.00 Election Board 3.00 Election Board 3.00 Fire Dept. Equipment 108.61- WATER FUND Western Utilities Supply Co. Pipe fittings 20.71 Cleveland Chevrolet Co. 2-ton pickup truek 1,518.22 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 24.45 Tacoma Plumbing Company 2 C I Water conditioners 33.02 American Plumbing & Steam Supply Pipe fittings 11.74 Slocum Hardware Tools 4.70 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power and light, main plant 163.91 STREET FUND Overall Cleaning 4% Supply Co. Slocum Hardware Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Kitsap County Auditor Mire Flex Company Pacific Tel & Tel Company W. F. Bruhahn Johnson Paint Company PARK FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Rice Electric Shop towels 2.08 Bolts, nuts, molasses gate 7.33 2-ton truck and dump body e2mt30423.64 License and registration for turck2.50 Traffic Signs 33.22 Telephone 7.25 Labor 35.20 Paint thinner 4.64 Lights at Taylor St. Recreation 4.91 Wiring at Taylor St. Recreation 99.15 Atlas Mineral Product Co. Freight on Jointing compound 5.93 Council adjour ed on motion by Nichols, seconds by is and carried. am kirpr ue,, Mayor 7eey Cleric Port Orchard, Washington April 13, 1953 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Clerk in absence of Mayor William H. Sprague, Present Councilmen C. F. Largis, Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. hall, and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Engineer T. C. Breiten- stein and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. Absent Mayor William H. Sprague and Councilmen George A. Broughton. Councilman Largis elected as acting Mayor on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried. Mr. Largis assumed charge of the meeting. Minutes of meetii!g of March 23, 1953 read and approved. This being the date on which bids for laying water mains and construct- ing sewers on parts of South and Tremont Streets and on West, Garrison and Flower Streets in Sidney Land Company's Second Addition, Clerk statedthat thirteen bids had been received. Mayor directed that bids be opened and read, bids were opened and read from Milone and Tucci; G. G. Teskey; Harbor Construction Company; Shoreline Construction Company; Covey Con- struction Company; L. 0. Franklin Company; A. Jakoboni; Lario Libri; United Construction Company; J. W. Welsh; Superior Construction Company;Harold Erickson, Max. Reielmeier and E. E. Kinney, property owners in the area affected by the improvement, addressed the Council and asked information concerning the improvement. Following consideration of the bids by mem- bers of the Council, it was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and car- ried, that bids be referred to the Engineer, the Superintendent and the Water and Sewer Committee for checked, and that award of contract be de- ferred to the regular meeting of the Council on April 27, 1953. F�now ing passage of the motion it was arranged that meeting of the Water and Sewer committee, the Engineer and Superintenedent would be held in the Council Chamber at 3:00 p.m. ib April 18, 1953. N. F. Andrews of Route 4, Box 293, Port Orchard appeared before the Council stating that he desired to open coffee bar and card room, and asked con- cerning a license. Matter was referred to the License Committee for in- vestigation and report. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Building committee reported that his committee had met with a committee from the "Little League" regarding the lighting of the ball field at Givens Field, and that a list of materials required had been detailed, and he explained the list and the proposed work to the Council. Following a discussion, it was moved by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried that bids be called for materials listed. Superintendent reported that outside, fire escape had been constructed on the Taylor Street Recreation Building. Engineer reported that there had been no further developments reported in the matter of sewer on Division Street, west of Cline street. Matter of Drinking fountain for downtown area was brought up by Superinten- dent Givens and discussed by the Council. It was suggested that service clubs be contacted regarding installing fountain before action is taken by the Council. The following claims,.checked the Council, and by Councilman committee, were submitted and by Repanich and carried: Howe Motor Company Port Orchard Independent C. & G Radio Supply Co. A. V. Raygor Willard L. Boatwright Daily Journal of Commerce T. C. Breitenstein Wilkins Distributing Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Howe Oil Company State Tax Commission Kitsap County Garage Rev. Peninsula Stationers Thompsonts B. A. Getschmann Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Bremerton Gas Company Co. Pd. by heads of departments and by members of Repanich of the Finance and Auditing ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded Transport Clerarings of Puget Sd. J. W. Flowberg V. B. Caldwell Sonotone of Bremerton Lent's American Plbg & St Supply Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Crane Company Howe Motor Co. Howe Motor Co. P. 0. Machine Shop Cleveland Chevrolet Transport Clearings of PS PSP & L Co. V. B. Caldwell Glen's Auto Trim Wilkins Dist. Co. PSP & L Co. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Repair Police car and Fire Truck Ballots; Call for bids Vibrators for Police radio Police service Police service Call for bids Engineer retainer Gasoline and spark plugs Street and City Hall lights Furnace, Oil for 2 months Sales tax on sale of fire truck Repairs to police car Police Court appointment book Typewriter ribbonis=and dater Police Jud a bond Telephone Police) Propane gas for fire pot Freight Consulting Engi®eer Paint, tools and mdse. Batteries for pipe locater Plumbers' furnace 12 water meters. Pipe fittings Service agreements Power and light Asphalt Paint Repair standby engine Repair Ford Pickup STREET FUND Convert Dodge truck, Welding etc Labor and parts Freight Lights at Garage Tolls and Paint Repairs to truck cushions Gas and Oil PARK FUND Tennis Courts 18.84 43.30 8.78 8N .80 50.88 25.20 100.00 115.90 340.91 192.28 22.50 12.90 1.29 4.02 10.00 15.96 2.58 1.75 100,00 13.87 4.22 50.09 247.90 15.92 120.72 191.65 19.28 171.54 24.23 207.27 4.42 1.75 2.34 10.27 15.45 137.15 3.55 Coi cil adJour d on motion by Nichols, seconded b 11 FL ried. Mayor , Clerk Too ha , Washington p 27, 953 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town o rt Orchard called to order by Mayor William H. Sprague, with Councilmen eorge A. Broughton, Nick J. Kepanich, C. H. Largis, Verd W. Nichols and Ray B. Hall; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens present. Minutes of meeting of April 13, 1953 read and approved. Awarding of contract for laying water mains and sewers on West, Garrison, Flower and other streets in Forest City area, came up for action on report of Water and sewer committee. airman Largis of the Water and Sewer Com- mittee reported that his committee had held conferences with.Eagineer and Superintendent of Public Works, had checked the bids and considdred the fa;ttehnfrom various angles, and recommended that the bid of the United Construction Company be accepted as the best bid. That the offer provided for cast iron water main and vitrofied sewer tile, and that the figure quoted is below t * the Engineer's estimate. WalterW. Bergerson, representing the Pollution Control Commission, was present and stated conditions which the Pollution Control Commission would require for approval of the improvement by the Commission. Following a general discussion, it was moved by Largis, seconded by Broughton and carried that the bid of the United Construction Company be accepted, subject to approval of the improvement by the Pollution Control Commission, and contract to be entered into by the Town of Port Orchard and the United Construction Company upon receipt of approval, and according to specifications and terms to be established by the Council. Ronald Danieldon, attorney representing G. C. Blaze, appeared before the Council and made application for building permit for residence on Lots 19 and 20, Block 2, Pottery Addition. The matter was discussed by the Council and on motion by Largis, seconded by Broughton and carried, was referred to the Parks and Buildings committee with power to act in granting the permit, Raymond Neese, co-chairman for the annual "Days of "49" celebration, appeared before the Council and asked permission to hold the carnival and other fea- tures of the celebration on the parking lot in Block 13, First Addition to � Sidney. He also asked, that if permission is granted to hold features in Town, that Sidney Street, north of Bay Street, be closed to traffic on Fri- day and Saturday, September 11 and 12, 1953. Dusty Winebrenner, co-chairman representing the Kiwanis Club, also addressed the Council regarding the matter, and following a discussion, it was referred to Street and Alley com- mittee to meet with the committee representing the days of 14, on May 7, 1953. Application of N. F. Andrews for license for coffee bar and card room, re- ferred to License and Auditing committee at meeting of April 13, 1953, came up for hearing on report of the committee. Mr. Andrews was present and addressed tj�e Council.-im .his own behalf. The committee reported unfavorably on the.,4w c ation as presented, and it was moved by Mall, seconded by Proughton and carried .that the report of the committee be accepted and that the application for license be denied. M. H. (Rex) Thompson appeared before the Council regarding admission tax and asked for repeal of the ordinance assessing the tax. Following his state- ment, the matter was referred to the Finance and Auditing committee for investigation and report at the next meeting. Chairman Repanieh of -the Parks and. Buildings committee reported that the BPW desired to install curtains in the Taylor Street Recreation Building, and asked that the Town purchase the material. Authority to purchase necessary material was granted on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried. Mayor Sprague reported that he had contacted official of the State Highway Commission relative to transfer documents for State Garage property in Dort Orchard, and expected to receive definite action shortly. Dusty C. Winebrenner addressed the Council regarding peddlers and the Port - Orchard ordinance governing peddling within the limits of the lown, and asked that the Kirkland ordinance governing peddling be studied by the Council, as this ordinance is reputed to be a desirable ordinance. Clerk was directed to secure copy of the Kirkland Ordinance. This being the date on which bids for electrical equipment for lighting the "Little League" baseball field at Givens Field, were to be received, Clerk reported that five bids had been received, Mayor directed that bids be opened and read. Bids were received from Graybar Electric; General Electric Supply Company; Westinghouse Electric Supply Company; Love Electric Company and Globe Electric Company. Bids were examined and checked. A general dis- cussion of the field lighting was held, and Chairman Repanieh of the Park and Playgrounds committee stated that the fir poles which had been delivered to the field were no permanent enough to justify installing, and following further discussion it was moved by Repanieh, seconded by Largis and carried that bid of Love Electric Company in the amount of $1,476.44 be accepted, provided letter is produced guaranteeing delivery fob Port Orchard, and within 48 hours; and that metier of acquiring suitable poles be left in the hand of the Parks and Playgrounds committee. The following claims, checked by heads of department,,by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing Committee, and by members of the Council, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and � carried. Pacific Tel d Tel Co. Various telephones and tolls $46.20 Puget Sound Power & bight Co. Cross walk lights 7,22 Irving p. Lee Refinishing outside doors on City hall54.08 Albert V. Raygor Police service 71.19 W,. A. Chess Police service 10.17 WATER FUND W. F. Bruhahn Labor on water lines $40.48 Overall Cleaning and Supply Shop towels 3.35 Elliott addressing Mach. Co. Stencils for water bills 4.12 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 22.95 Pensylvania Salt Mfg.Co. Perchloron 23.69 STREET FUND Kress & More Tire repair 3.50 Rudd Paint and Varnish Co. Traffic paint and thinner 117.94 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephone 7.25 PARK FIND Port Orchard Independent Call for bids 3.89 LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Runtting Co. Books for library.• 6.08 Council adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried. Ar am 117 wagugymayor---, Port Orchard, Washington May 11, 1953 Council called to order in regular session by Clerk in the absence of Mayor William H. Sprague. Councilman C. H. Largis was unanimously named as Acting Mayor. Present Councilmen C: H. Largis, Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Superin- tendent of Public Works George F. Givens, and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Absent Mayor William H. Sprague. Acting Mayor Largis assumed charge of the meeting, called for reading of the minutes of April 27, 1953, which were approved as read. Victor H. Pinard, Supervisor for the State Highway Department in this area, appeared before the Council relative to parking on State Highway right-of- way at Manchester -Gig Harbor Y. This was discussed, and Mr. Pinard stated that parking by peddlers would be barred in this area or highway property, and that signs would be posted warning peddlers of this action. Matter of cross -walk light at east end of Black Jack bridge, protecting Annapolis intersection, was taken up with Mr. Pinard. It was stated that light was removed when improvement at Black Jack Creek was installed, and that it had not been replaced. Clerk was directed to write to J. C. Clay- pool, District Engineer, relative to having light replaced. Letter from Pollution Control. Commission, granting approval for installation of water mains and sewers in Sidney Land Company's Second Addition, was read to the Council. Attorney stated that contract for this work has been drawn, under action by the Council, awarding contract to United Con- struction Company, and that contractor would be notified to appear and sign contract and file bond. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee reported on application d� of J. C. Glase for building permit, stating that permit had been authorized by his committee, after investigation. Clerk stated that permit had been issued on authority of the Committee. Chairman Hall of the Street and .Alley Committee reported that meeting with the Committee's in charge of the "Days of 049" cleebration had been delayed and that a report would be given following the meeting. Matter of admission tax, which had been referred to the Finance and License �. committee at the last meeting, was reported on by Chairman Broughton of the Committee. He stated that the Committee favored repeal of the ordinance in its present form. The matter was discussed, and following statements by Councilmen Repanich, Hall and Nichols, it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried that ordinance be amended to exempt moving pictures theatres from the terms of the trdinance effective July I, 1953. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee reported on progress so far made in erecting lighting facilities at the "Little League" baseball field. He stated that Class 1 cedar poles, butt treated, were available, and that order had been placed for the poles, under authority granted to the committee. Clerk read notice from State Department of Public Service, notifying of the hearing on the proposal to merge the Puget Sound Power & Light Company and the Washington Water Power Company. Letter ordered filed. Letter from Puget Sound Power & Light Company quoting estimate of $120.00 for replacing wiring on water tank control system was read. It was moved by Broughton, seconded by Nichols and carried that work be authorized, under terms of the letter. Councilman Nichols reported that he had received complaint regarding alley between Morton and tP#YStr. Bets. Referred to Superintendent. Superintendent made a report on painting the outside of the water tanks, and following a discussion, it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that bids be called far painting all exterior surfaces of the tanks and supporting stziuctuNs, according to specifications to be furnished by the Superintendent of Public Works. Attorney Perrine reported on the condition of the alley in Block 8, first Addition, adjoining the J. V. 5tixrud property. This was discussed by the members of the Council, all of whom expressed the opinion that the present condition is dangerous. Mr. Stixrud appeared before the Council, and stated that, given some time that he could have bulkhead erected. Superintendent was directed to have temporary barricade constructed to protect traffic, pending early construction of bulkhead, when fill will bemade to extend alley to its full width. Report was made of a strip of land lying between the Kendall and Mattsen Additions, and that application has been made to purchase part of this strip by abutting property owners. Referred to Attorney for a report at the next meeting of the Council. Acting Mayor Largis reported that deen had been received from the State of Washington for State garage property in Port Orchard, and copy of letter concerning this matter was read to the Council. Letter filed. Councilman Hall reported that a trailer has been parked on lot on Bay Street next to Tasty Freeze store. Referred to Chief of Police to investigate if trailer is occupied, and if sanitary conditions are beifg complied with. The following claims, checked by heads of departments, by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, and other memebers of the Council, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Albert V. Raygor Willard L. Boatwright T. R. Hubbard F. E. Langer Agency Port Orchard Independent Howe Oil Company Howe Motor Company Puget Sound Power d Light Company B. A. Getschmann Co. T. C. Breitenstein Howe's Hardware V. B. Caldwell Pacific Tel & Tel Howe Motor Company T. R. Hubbard W. F. Aruhahn Police service Police service Equipment for Police car Premium on Clerk's bond Imprint check for Treasurer Furnace Oil Repair Police Car Street lights Premium on rolling stock insurance Engineer retainer fee Tissue towels; door glass WATER FUND Tools and paint Company Telephone and tolls Spot Light for water truck Bleeder hose; hydrometer Labor on water lines STREET FUND V. A. Caldwell J. W. Welsh F. E. Langer Agnecy Cleveland Chevrolet Port Orchard Fuel Oil Delivery Wilkins Distributing Company H. B. Menees T. R. Hubbard Port Orchard Machine Shop Hodge & Davis Siler Auto Parts, Inc. Howe's Hardware Paint, pipe fittings, etc Bulldozing on Third Street Extended Coverage, Street 6 bulbs Stove Oil Oil Filters Various merchandise License holders; switch Labor and material on Oil Tire repair Spark Plugs Tools Garage truck $91.56 20.34 7.73 50.00 8.14 131.87 10.31 313.59 385.26 100.00 9.60 2.66 10.57 18,54 .91 6.88 12.02 30.00 9.44 1.98 45.29 3.69 10.95 2.28 73.91 2.58 2.18 r V. B. Caldwell Parts for power mower 7.47 Wilkins Distributing Co. Stove Oil 7.34 H. B. Menees Screw driver; grinding compound 1.35 Howe's Hardware Wire netting, paint, etc. 50.89 LIBRARY FUND Puget Sound news Company Books for library $ 40.85 HARBOR IMPROVEMENT FUND Commissioner of Public Lands Harbor Area Lease $ 240.00 Council adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried. Clerk G 0. Acting Mayor Port Orchard, Washington May 25, 1953 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port orchard called to order by Mayor William H. Sprague. Present Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, Ray B. Hall and C. H. Largis; Attorney Dudley N. Terrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Mayor Sprague asked that he and Attorney Perrine be excused from the meeting to attend another eox'erence and asked Councilman Largis to assume the chair as Acting Mayor. Acting Mayor Largis called for reading of the minutes of May 110 1953, which were read and approved. Mr. fiargis called attention to the unfinished condition of the fire escape at the Taylor Street Recreation Building, and it was explained that com- pletion of the job was held up for material. Mr. Largis stated that the platform leading from the door, and also the stairs were not equipped with railings, and that if it were necessary to use the fire escape that great danger would exist, in that persons might be shoved from the platform, Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported on the meeting by his committee with the committees from the "Days of 149" group, stating that the Celebration committee desired to hold their carnival features down town; that this committee would cooperate with the Town in policing; that various business places would also maintain people to help maintain order during the event. He stated that it was also desired to close Sidney Street north of Bay Street during the celebration, and to hold street dances during the event. The committee recommended that the requests of the "Days of 149" committee be granted. Other members of the Street and Alley committee concurred in Chairman Hall's report. Clerk stated that so far no reply had been received from District State Highway Engineer J. C. Claypool, regarding replacement of cross -walk light_ near east end of Black Jack Bridge. Submission of ordinance amending Admission Tax ordinance was continued until the meeting of June S. 1953. Superintendent reported that barricade had been constructed in alley in Block 8, First Addition, adjacent to Stixrud property, and that greater safety would result, pending construction of concrete wall and filling of alley, as agreed at May 11, 1953 meeting of the Council. Superintendent also reported that roadway had been partially cleared of overhanging limbs and other obstructions in the alley in Block 14, First Addition, about which complaint was made May 11, 1953, and it was believed that conditions will be satisfactory. Further time was granted for report on property lying between Kendall and Mattson Additions, for which application for purchase has been made. Chief of Police stated that trailer on lot next to Tasty Freeze store is parked temporarily by out-of-town visitors, and that no unsatisfactory con- ditions exist by its being so parked. A Resolution by the Roardl of County Commissions of Kitsa.p County, asking for the vacation -of portions of certain streets, was read to the Council, discussed, and referred to the Street and Alley committee and the Attorney for investigation and report at the next meeting of the Council. A letter from the Prosecuting Attorney, regarding parking at Gig Harbor - Manchester Y, was read and ordered filed. Chief of Police was granted permission to employ extra patrolment to work during vacation periods of regular patrolmen. Claims were submitted, after checking by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, and were allowed and ordered paid on motion by Hall, .seconded by Repanich and carried; claim of Cascade Pole Company, to be held until poles are checked by Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee: Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Albert V. Raygor Nelson Equipment Co. Miraldi Welding Supply E. A. Breitenstein T. C. Breitenstein Burroughs Adding Mach. Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Sonotone of Bremerton W . F. Bruhahn Pacific Tel & Tel Co. CURRENT E" MS E FUND Various telephones and tolls 47.50 City Hall and cross walk lights 30.50 Police service 81.36 Firemen's badges 73.23 Re -charge Co 2 fire extinguishers 13.44 Engineer's Assistant 75.60 Advance Engineering L.I.U. #55 250.00 WATER. FUND Service agreement on cash register 10.10 Power and light, all pump plants 177.21 Hearing aid batteries 4.22 Labor on pipe lines 6.88 Telephones and tolls 30.35 STREET FUND Washington State Ferries Ferry fare, round trip to Seattle 4.20 Overall Cleaning & 9upply Shop Towels 3.25 Puget Sound Power & Light Light and power at garage 3.34 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Garage Telephone 7.25 Howard Cooper Corp. Grader repairs and parts 78.58 The H. R. Huntting Co. Puget Sound News Co. Gaylord Bros., Inc Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Cascade Pole Company LIBRARY FUND Books Books Library supplies Light, Rec. and Tennis Courts Treated cedar light poles 67.70 36.30 19.78 19.75 475.55 Meeting adjourned to June 1, 1953 on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried. Clerk 7�^ Acting Mayor Port Orchard, Washington June 10 1953 Adjourned session of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard called to order by Mayor William 119 Sprague. Present Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, George A. Broughton, Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall and C. H. Largis; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine, and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. Mayor Sprague stated that the meeting was called to induct the Mayor -elect into office, and to start this terms of two re-elected Councilmen. He administered the oath of office to Councilman -elect R. B. Hall and to Councilman -elect Nick J. Repanich. He then administered the oath to C. H. Largis as Mayor, and presented to Mayor Largis, a handsome hardwood gavel, silver trimmed and handsomely engraved for the Town of Port Orchard. Mayor Largis received the gift on behalf of the Town, expressed the appreciation of the Town government for the gift, and paid a tribute to Mr. Sprague for his excellent and beneficial work on behalf of the Town during his terms as Councilman and Mayor. Councilmen Nichols, Hall, Repanich and 'Broughton, all expressed their pleasure for the opportunity of serving with Mr. Sprague, and paid high compliments to him for the success of his administration. Mr. Sprague responded and pledged his best efforts as a private citizen, to the Town, and stated that he stood ready at anytime to render any service within his pvver. At this point Attorney Perrine presented a gift to Mr. Sprague on behalf of the Mayor and Councilmen. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that the thanks and appreciation of the Town government be officially extended to Mr. Sprague for his untiring and beneficial efforts on behalf of the Town of Port Orchard. Mayor Largis announced his appointments as follows: Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works, George F. Givens, Chief of Police, Albert L. Wymore; Police Judge, Winifred L. Watt; Chief of the Fire De- partment, Alan Totten; Engineer, T. C. Breitenstein; Clerk -Treasurer, Guy L. Wetzel. Mayor stated that committe appointments would be announced at a later date. Mayor called attention to the fact that a vacancy exists on the Council, and this was discussed by members of the Council. Following the discus- sion, it was moved by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried that Harold G. Baker be elected as Councilman to service the unexpired term of C. H. Largis. Future extensions and betterments to the water system, and the matter of rates to be charged for water to insure financial stability of the utility, were discussed at some length, with no definite action being taken. Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, Clerk seconded by Nichols and carri Port Orchard, -Washington June S, 1953 Regualr meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen Vers W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, Present. Councilman -elect Harold G. Baker was sworn in as Councilman by the Clerk and took his seat with the council. Minutes of meeting of May 25, 1953 and adjourned meeting of June 1, 1953 read and approved. Chairman Repanich stated for further time for completion of fire escape at Taylor Street Recreation Center. Request granted. Letter from J. C. Claypool, District Engineer of the State Department of Highways, stated that cross -walk light at east end of Black Jack Creek had been removed by Power Company when roadway was widened. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee stated that investigation shoudl be made of condition of road at the turn from PSH No. 14 to East Bay Street where cross -walk light should be located. Referred to Street and Alley committee to investigate and report both on cross -walk light and read condition. Ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 563 and providing for admission tax on certain amusements was read and passed, with an alteration to provide a tax of one cent on each twenty cents or fraction thereof, charged for ad- missions, on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried. Matter of property lying between Kendall and Mattson Additions, which had been under investigation, was dismissed. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that his committee had investigated request for vacation of certain streets by the Board. of County Commissioners, stating that vacation of Hemlock Street abutting Block S, Tom Cline's Addition is recommended, but that vacation of certia n por- tions of Austin Street and Sweany Street is not favored. He also stated that it is against the policy of the Committee to favor vacation of streets and alleys except in'extreme cases, and aksed that the Council adopt a policy unfavorable to vacation of streets and alleys. Members of the Council expressed themselves as in accord with this policy. Matter of final action on vacation of Hemlock Street continued to June 22, 1953. Clerk presented request from Vic Pinard, Supervisor of State Highways in this district, for resolution prohibiting parking at Manchester -Gig Harbor highway Y. Resolution as requested passed on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried. Joe Brisky appeared before the Council regarding location of card room in the Star Cigar Store. Matter referred to License and Finance committee for investigation. This being the date upon which bids were to be received for painting the exterior of two water tanks and appurtenances, Clerk stated that tow bids had been received. Mayor directed that bids be opened, and tenders were received from Smith & Hartman and from Joe P. Finney. Bids were considered by the Council, and following consideration, it was moved by Repanieh, seconded by Broughton and carried that bids be rejected, and that Superintendent negotiate with contractors in an effort to secure favorable contract for painting the tanks . Superintendent reported that progress is being made on construction of sewer mains in Sidney Land Company's 2nd Addition, under contract to the United Construction Company. Mayor Largis announced his committee appointments as follows: STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Ray B. Hull, Chairman George A. Broughton Verd W. Nichols WATER, SEWER, HEALTH AND SANITATION Verd W. Nichols, Chairman George A. Broughton Nick J. Repanieh FIRE AND LIGHT COMMITTEE Harold G. Baker, Chairman Verd W. Nichols Ray B. Hall FINANCE, AUDITING AND LICENSE George A. Broughton, Chairman Harold G. Baker Nick J. Repanich .PARKS, BUILDINGS AND PLAYGROUNDS Nick J. Repanieh, Chairman Harold G. Baker Ray B. Hall The following claims, checked by heads of Departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing Committee, were read and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried: Willard L. Boatwright Albert V. Raygor V. B. Caldwell Port Orchard Independent Moterola Communications Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Hitsap Co. Garage Revolving Fd Howe Oil Company Town Clerk T. C. Breitenstein E. A. Breitenstein V. B. Caldwell American Plbg & Steam Supply Wilkins Distributing Co. Port Orchard Independent Atlas Foundry & Mach. Co. Howe Motor Company Town Clerk W. F. Bruhahn t • • �i it tf�► �!T�l �:ii�i�] Police service 71.19 Police service 81.36 Brackets and screws (Police) .88 Vouchers and supplies 30.56 Police radio 410.93 Street Lights 314.32 Police car repair 16.04 Deisel fuel for city hall 32.43 Postage; index cards 5.41 Advance L.I.D. #55 200.00 Engineer's Assistant L.I.D. ,#55 81.00 WATER Pipe fittings 17.03 Pipe and fittings and freight 106.55 Gasoline 10.48 Call for bids, painting tanks 6.48 C. 1. Valve Boxes 70.44 Repair Ford pickup 10.96 2 M postal cards and postage 40.17 Labor 41.28 '1 STREET FUND V. B. Caldwell Hodge & Davis Wilkins Distributing Co. Nelson Equipment Company Howe Motor Company Howe Oil Company Town Clerk The H. R. Huntting Co. Hoisting cable $18.96 Tire repair 2.58 Gasoline 111.50 Repair parts for shovel 189.47 Repair radiator 4.64 Deis el fuel 17.92 Ferry fare, etc 8.56 LIBRARY FUND Books 34.66 Council adjourned on Motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carri rO xv- Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington June 22, 1953 Council called to order in regular session by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, Ray B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols and Harold G. Baker; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. Absent Councilman George A. Broughton, Attorney Dudley N. Prerrine and Engineer T. C. Breiten- stein. Minutes of meeting of June 8, 1953 read and approved. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and ftasygrounds committee reported that the fire escape at Taylor Street Recreation Building should be completed some time during the current week. Matter of cross -walk light and improvement in crossing at east end of Black J&6k bridge were reported on by Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee, who requested further time to make a more detailed investigation of needs in the locality. Farther time granted. Superintendent reported that keys to former State Highway Garage property had been received and that the work of conditioning the buildings for use by the Town is going forward. Councilman Repanich of the License and Finance committee reported that the committee had visited the Star Cigar Store and investigated conditions regarding card room; and had informed the proprieter of requirements' for operating card room; and stated that if operators comply with restric- tions laid down by the committee and the Chief of Police the conditions would be satisfactory. Superintendent reported that following negotiations for painting water tanks, entered into after bids were rejected, had resulted in receipt of three tenders for the work as follows: Joe Kinney, $1,650.00; Smith & Hartman, $1,600,00; and John H. Whitehead, $1,145.00. A. general discussion of offers follow6d, and it was the opinion of the Councilmen as expressed that award should be made to John H. Whitehead, or his representative, if proper contract and bend are executed. Matter of vacation of Hemlock Street, as requested by the County Commis- sioners, was agiin taken up, and it was pointed out that proper petition should be filed, notice of hearing posted, and hearing held by the Council. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee stated that right-of-way from Hemlock Street to existing county road had been requested by some property owners, and that this might be arranged by the Commissioners. Notices of hearings by Army Engineers on various bridge routes proposed by the State Toll Bridge Authority, were submitted to the Council. Letter from Port Orchard Garden Club expressing appreciation of use of the Taylor Street Recreation Hall for its meetings, and offering the ser- vices of the Club and its members in landscaping the grounds or furnishings for the interior of the Hall, was received and read to the Council. Engineer's estimate of work progress under LID No. 55, showin a completion in the amount of $8,152.75, and withholding 15f, or a net of 6,929.840 was submitted and studied by the Council, and referred for action to be brought up with other claims. Permission was granted to purchase two tires for Police car. II'� Councilman Hall reported that map of the Town is ready for production, and that supply may be obtained upon application and arranging details of payment. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Councilman Repanich of the License: and Auditing committee, were read, examined by the members of the Council and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried: Slocum Hardware Thompson's Puget Sound Powdr & Light Co. W. F. Bruhahn Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Albert V. - Raygor E. A. Breitenstein T. C. Breitenstein Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Slocum Hardware American Plbg & St Supply Co. Port Orchard Machine Shop W. F. Bruhahn Pacific Tel & Tel Co. R. W. Moore, Jr. Slocum Hardware Union Oil Co. of Calif. Port Orchard Machine Shop R. W. Moore, Jr. Slocum Hardware American Plbg & St Supply Co. Love Electric Co. Puget Sound News Co. Americana Corp. W. L. Johnson CURRENT E "ENS E FUND Toggle bolts,screws, etc. 2.18 Letter tray and typing paper 4.53 Cross Walk lights 2.35 Labor clearing around fig Hydrants 12.04 Telephones and tolls 48.20 Police service 71.19 Labor, assist. Engineer LID #55 97.20 Advance for engineering LID #55 200.00 WATER FUND Telephone and tolls 22.40 Power and light, all plants replace authomatie switch wir4 355.11 Tolls, fittings, various merchandise 32.52 Pipe and fittings 43.48 Repair Chev pickup 41.20 Labor on water lines 12.04 STREET FUND Telephones $ 7.50 Mowing grass in streets and alleys 52.50 ,Various merchandise 32.20 Bbl Trition Motor Oil 40.94 Repair shovel 33.51 PARK FUND Mowing grass at Givens Field 15,75 Garbage can for Recre. Bldg. 5.51 Galv. pipe 70.57 Electrical, supplies to light field 651.03 LIBRARY FUND Books 8.84 Americanna Annual 2.95 SEWER FUND Labor 9.00 L. 1. D. No. 55 Sidney Land Co. 2nd Arid. Engineer's estimate, $8,,152.75 Less 10 Meeting adj v job f yI-* ed on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried. Clerk Mayor ,'11—� �1 Port Orchard, Washington July 13, 1953 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilman Verd W. Nichols, HaroldG, Baker, George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, and Engineer T. C. Breiten- stein. Absent Councilman Ray B. Hall. Minutes of Meeting of June 22, 1953 read and approved. Councilman Nichols of.the Street and Alley Committee reported on inspection of conditions at Black Jack -Annapolis road intersection and recommended, on behalf of the committee that the roadway should be widened near the east end of the bridge, a walk constructed north from the intersection, and that a cross -walk light be installed. He asked that an estimate be made by the Engineer of the cast and specifications for this improvement, final action to be taken after the Engineer's report. Referred to the .Engineer for esti- mate and plans. Councilman Nichols also stated that sanitary conditions on Division Street, between Cline and West Streets, are very unsatiBfactory, due to inability to secure good drain fields for septic tanks, and stated that some action should be taken to remedy the condition. Referred to the Water and Sewer committee and the Engineer for investigation and report. Matter of installing a drinking fountain in downtown area was brought up, and was referred to Councilman Repanich to contact Active Club, to ascertain if that organization would be interested in installing fountain. It was pointed out by Councilman Nichols that the gutter adjacent to the Tasty Freeze store is in such condition that it does not drain properly. This was referred to the Superindendent of Public Works. It was stated that the Inspector for the Washington State Liquor Control Bbard would visit the Council in the near future concerning policing of the establishments under his control during the coming "Days of 149" celebration, at which time the Council will be informed of requirements in the matter. The following claims checked by heads of departments and by Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read on motion by Nichols, seconded.by Repanich and carried; T. C. Breitenstein E. A. Breitenstein Port Orchard Independent W. L. Boatwright Frank C. Spraggins V. B. Caldwell Sainden's Inc. Association of Wash. Cities Howe Oil Company Thompson's Puget Sound Power g Light Co. Standard Oil Co. of, Calif. Town Clem V. B. Caldwell Overall Cleaning & Supply Machinery SBrvice Supply American Plumbing St, Supply W. F. Bruhahn Town Clerk Talbot plumbing Co. Howe Motor Company H. B. Menees Three M Supply Co. Mrs. Lyle Davis V. B. Caldwell Wilkins Distributing Co. Port Orchard Machine Shop Ren's Truck Parts Town Clerk Chairman and ordered paid Advance on LID No. 55 (Engineering) $200.00 Assist Engineer, LID No. 55 108.00 Publish Ordinance No. 609 23.38 Police service 122.04 Police service 116.76 2 pike poles for Fire Dept. 15.30 Tires for Police Car 25.96 1953 service fees 145.00 Deisel fuel 55.26 Var. mdse. for Clerk 12.77 Street Lights - 314.95 Gasoline for Police car 1.84 Postage and advanced expenses 13.56 WATER FUND Pipe fittings 11.91 Shop Towels 2.81 1 doz# flare pots 27.19 Corporation cocks 116.59 Labor on Water liners and pumps 188.32 Postal cards and postage 20.50 STREET FUND Plumbing supplies for street sheds 3.34 Reline brakes 6.03 Brake lining 9.33 Street brooms 36.46 Compressor and meter 85.00 Brushes, cycle, etc. 5.65 Gasoline and -battery 124.32 Welding 2.84 Muffler for GMC 7.45 RD trip ferry fare to Seattle, etc 4.90 Gaylord tiros. Inc. The H. R. Huntting Co. Port Orchard Independent Port Orchard Lumber Yard W. L. Johnson LIBRARY F13ND Library supplies Books Catoleg cards SEWER FUND Cement Labor Meeting adjourned on motion by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried. Clerk 12.05 24.32 3.09 1.39 24.75 Mayor k__ v Port Orchard, Washington July 27, 1953 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, Ray B. Hall and Verd W. Nichols; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; .Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, present. Absent Councilman Harold G. Baker. Minutes.of meeting of July 13, 1953 read and approved. Mr. John Morgan, Inspector for the Washington State Liquor Control Board, appeared before the Council regarding adequate policing and control of persons during the coming "Days of P49" celebration, stating that his department received complaints of conduct during the last celebration. The matter was discussed by members of the Council, all of whom spoke in favor ofdoing everything possible to control the crowds during the celebration, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that the Attorneybe directed to write a letter to each operator of an establishment holding Liquor Board License, to maintain order in their pla+cad of business; to permit no one to take any alcoholic beverages from the premises; to permit no boisterous conduct, and to suggest that suit- able persons be employed to assist in maintaining order during the celebration. Engineer reported on his investigation of proposed changes in street alignment and cross -walk location on Bay Street east of Black Jack bridge, and recommend- ed.that any changes be held in abeyance until such time as permanent improve- ment can be made. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee also made a report and concurred in the recommendation of the Engineer; and also stated that the cross -walk should be left in its present location and that cross -walk light be installed before the opening of school. Fred C. Hannah appeared before the Council and asked that present parking method on Sidney Street north of Bay Street be changed to permit diagonal parking on the property adjoining the Central Building. This would r4quire the removal of two parking meters and two taxi stands. A discussion followed and the matter was referred to the Street and Alley committee to investigate and report at the next meeting of the Council. Chairman Nichols of the Water, Sewer and Sanitation committee,reported on condition on Division Street west of Cline effecting sewage and drainage, Engineer also made a report, stating that a preliminary check indicates that the cost of installing sewer system in that area would be approximately 5,300.00; amounting to about °�195.00 for 60-foot lot, and $135.00 for a 40-foot lot. Following a discussion, it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that Engineer be instructed to make preliminary plans and estimates of the work, and that petition be pr„g tired rgr.submissi.on to property owners, in an effort to initiate an imp*d`"e'94ht project, either under Local Improvement District method or by direct payments by property owners. Councilman Repanich was granted further time to receive definite answer from the Active Club relative to installation of drinking fountain in the downtown area. Superintendent reported that an asphalt lift has been installed in gutter on Bay Street between Harrison and Seattle Streets where base of gutter was complained of as being; too low. Attorney Perrine asked that signs be placed on Kitsap Street at its intersection with Seattle Street, warning against dumping refuse on Seattle Street and Kitsap Street intersection. It was also suggested that property owners in vicinity be contacted regarding the practice. Signs were ordered placed on motion by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried. It was reported that refuse and trash is permitted to accumulate at Talbot Plumbing Company property on Bay Street, and this was referred to the Sanitation committee for investigation. Councilman Nichols called attention to disregard by may motorists of the cross -walk sign on Bay Street between Frederick and Sidney Streets, and suggested that police issue tickets to violaters. Referred to Police. Clerk reported on estimates received from Association of Washington Cities of per capita funds to be received from State during 1954 for liquor profits, gas tax and automobile excise tax. The following claims, checked by heads of departments, and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing Committee, and by members of the Council, were presented, read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND B. A. Getschmann Co. Liability insurance premium $1156.51 L. N. Curtis & Sons Refill Co2 cylinders 5.15 Saindon's Tire Co. Tire repair for police 6.49 Frank C. Spraggins Police service 66.72 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tells 48.85 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. City hall and cross walk lights 23.32 Trick & Murray Warrant register sheets 11.84 Thompson's Supplies for Clerk 1.75 Lumber Supply Grade stake material for Engineer 14.34 George F. Cake Co. 2 gross 20-min fuses 20.08 W. H. Stevenson Sharpen lawn mower 1.50 Western Utilities Supply Co. Fairbanks, Morse & Co. Americna Plbg. & St. Supply W. F. Bruhahn Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Puget Sound Power & Light H. D. Flowler Co., Inc. Lumber Supply Transport Clearings Kress & More Puget Sound Power & Light Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Overall Cleaning and Supply R. W. Moore, Jr. W. H. Stevenson Lumber Supply Puget Sound Power & Light The H. R. Huntting Co. Puget Sound Nevis Company W. L. Johnson WATER FUND Tapping saddles 10.84 Bearing grease 29.04 Pipe and fittings 250.18 Labor 80.08 Telephones and tolls 22.80 Power and light 290.21 Repair pipe locator 29.25 STREET FUND Lumber, and material 70.10 Freight 1.75 Grader Tire 78.00 Light at garages 4.08 Telephone and moving to new location 13.25 Shop Towels 2.52 PARK FUND Tractor and operator snowing grass Sharpen power mower Lumber, nails, paint, etc. Tennis court and Rec. Bldg. light LIBRARY FUND Books Books SEWER FUND Labor Council adjouroe+d on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried. Clerk 10.50 4.00 34.33 22.79 31.51 2.16 9.00 Mayor Port Orchard, Washington August 10, 1953 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Clerk Guy L. Wetzel, in the absence of Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Nick J. Repanich and Herold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein, and Dr. Shirley Benham, County Health Officer. Absent Mayor C. H. Largis and Councilmen R. B. Hall and George A. Broughton. Meeting adjourned to Thursday, August 13, Councilmen present, for lack of quorum. 1953 at 7:30 p.m., by agreement of t� Clerk Port Orchard, Washington August 13, 1953 Adjourned meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Harold G. Baker, George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Absent Councilman Ray A. Hall. Minutes of meeting of July 27, 1953 and August 10, 1953 read and approved. Councilman Nichols of the Street and Alley committee reported on matter of park- ing at Ray-Dekalb and High Street intersection, stating that a hazzard exists at this point. Ray Kratz of Price's Dairy Store; Al Van Buskirk of Lumber Supply; Frank Woods of Woods Real Estate; Mr. Gould of Anderson's Sheet Metal Works, and C. F. Rosenta.ngle, of Callisons, all business men in the vicinity, spoke on the matter, some favoring limited parking, some favoring no parking in the inter- section and some in favor of unlimited parking. Following a discussion, matter was referred to Street and Alley committee, the Engineer and Police with power to act. Matter of change in parking arrangement on Sidney Street, north of Bay Street, was continued. Superintendent stated that signs are being prepared to warn against dumping refuse at Kitsap-Seattle Street intersection and would be placed as soon as received. Clerk stated that sufficient funds are on hand to redeem Bonds No. 43-44 and 45 of 1941 Sewer Revenue bonds, on September 15, 1953, and on motion by Broughton, seconded by Nichols and carried a resolution was passed authorizing the calling; of these bonds. Clerk was authorized to pay Town a,sessments on Tacoma Street assessment, L.I.D. No. 52. On motion by Brou hton, seconded by Nichols and carried, Clerk was authorized to draw warrant for 428.74, balance due to Feenaughty Machinery Company an Little- field oiler, Superintendent stating that equipment is entirely satisfactory. Clerk was authorized -'to draw warrant to State Department of Conservation and Development for water rift on Black Jack Creek in amount of 950. Letter from Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau, relative to convention of Western States Fireman to be held in Tacoma in September. Moved by Baker, seconded by Nichols and carried that expenses of two members of the Fire Department be paid, if members choose to attend. Letter was received from M. A. Fenwick, Superintendent of the Washington Veterans Home, relative to fire protection at the }Tome and requesting that Port Orchard Fire Department be available at the Home in case of emergency, was read. Referred to Fire Chief Alan Totten for reply. Clerk presented preliminary budget, together with some suggestions, for 1954, and this was discussed and passed for further study. Letter from the Department of Public Health regarding sanitary conditions on Division Street, west of` Cline .3treet, was read to the Council. Engineer ,Submitted preliminary estimate of cost of sewer, and also a description of property to be included in an assessment district, if it is decided to form such a district. The matter was discussed by members of the Council, and copies of petitions cover- ing the proposed improvemnet, and other data, were turned over to Chairman Nichols of the Water and Sanitation committee to contact property owners and to ascertain to what extent the property owners were interested in furhtering the project. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, and by members of the Council, were presented and read to the Council, were presented and read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried; Puget Sound Power & Light Kitsap County Engineer Frank C. Spra;gins Saindon's, Inc. T. C. Breitenstein Port Orchard Independent Wilkins Distributing Co. Thompson's Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Howe's Hardware Howard Cooper Corp. Slocum Hardware CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Co. Street and cross walk lights Maps of Part Orchard Police service Balance wheels on Police car Engineer retainer Printing Oil filters for police car Supplies for Police and Clerk Gasoline for Police car Tissue Towels and batteries Recharge fire extinguisher Bolts and screws W. F. Bruhahn Worthington Gamon Meter Co. Slocum Hardware H. B. Menees Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Howe's Hardware V. B. Caldwell W. F. Bruhahn Lyle D. Nichols Howe's Hardware Slocum Hardware Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Pratte Sales Co. H. R. Menees Beacon Appliance Pert Orchard Machine Shop Wilkins Distributing Co. Standard idol Co. of Calif. Piston Service v. R. Caldwell Braaten & Crouse Port Orchard Lumber Yard Slocum Hardware Howe's Hardware L. R. Haiman R. R. Ryan W. L. Johnson 14ATER FUND Labor Water meter parts Paint for water tanks Gasoline Power and light, all plants Scythe handle Varicus merchandise STREET FUND Labor as truck driver Labor on streets Paint and plumbing supplies Material for street garage Lights at Bay ,St. Garage Parts for compressor Brake fluid; hose clamps Wiring and supplies at garage Labor and material Gasoline, batteries, spark plugs Kerosene Bearings; rubber hammer Toilet Tank, paint, brushes, etc. Loading asphalt with leader Drain tile PARE FUND Bolts Paint, hose, fertilizer Premium, insurance on Rec. Bldg. Fire escape, Taylor St. Rec. SEWilM FUND Labor on sewer laterals 321.75 30.00 58.38 2.06 100.00 70.09 5.19 20.90 1.54 12.51 3.14 .53 12.32 31.97 219.86 1.54 353.28 3.56 5.54 140.80 128.00 21.63 12.25 1.00 40.99 4.48 65.07 10.88 187.06 13.10 7.78 14.77 15.00 16.27 .44 45.13 129.05 190.91 meeting adjourned on Motion by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried. Clerk 38.25 Port Orchard, Washington August 24, 1953 Council called to order in regular session by Mayor C. H. Largis, Present Councilmen Harold G. Baker, Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Absent Councilman Nick J. Repanich. Minutes of meeting of August 13, 1953 read and approved. Clair Craswell and Ray Kratz, representing Price's Dairy Store, appeared before the Council relative to parking in Bay-Dekalb and Hull Street inter- section. A general discussion followed on the report of the Street and Alley committee, to whom the matter had been referred, and it was agreed that committee would meet with Price's Dairy representatives following the meeting of the Council. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported on matter of changes in parking regulations on Sidney Street, north of Bay Street, adjoining Hannah & Powell Drug Store. Mr. Hall stated that Ideal and Blue and Gold Taxi operators were agreeable to the change provided they could have taxi parking space re- instated on east side of Sidney Street if and when parking meters are installed at that point. This was agreed to by the committee, and it was moved by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried that request of Hannah & Powell be granted, and under conditions set forth regarding taxi stands. Superintendent reported that no bid had been received for sale of used hoist. J. C. Jenkins, representing the Veterans of Foreign Wars, asked permission to install marble ring at Givens Field for use in annual marble tournaments. clatter was discussed and referred to Parks and. Playgrounds committee. Joe Brisky of the Star Cigar Store appeared before the council relative to conditions regarding card rooms. A discussion followed and matter was passed pending a conference with the State Liquor Inspector. Superintendent stated that some residents just outside the limits of LID No. 55 were desirous of connecting to sewer in that area, and asked for a statement by the Council as to the charge for such connection. Following a discussion, it was moved by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried that a charge of J125.00 to be paid in cash, be assessed agiirnst property owners outside the limits of the district for connecting with the sewer, the money received to be deposited to the benefit of the LID No. 55; this action being contingent on legal right to do connect. Clerk stated that a request had been made for compensation for volunteer firemen for attending drills, and for attending fires within the Town limits. This was discussed, and Clerk made suggestions for providing the money for this service in the 1954 budget. Clerk was directed to include this expense in budget provisions for 1954. Russell E. Lomax, representing lim. E'. Harper & Co. was present at the meeting and discussed with members of the Council matters concerning financing LID projects. A discussion was again held regarding parking meters at cross -walk on Bay Street between Frederick and Sidney Streets. This was referred to the Street and Alley committee and Chief of Police for investigation and report. The following; claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented, considered by the council, and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Howe Motor Company Repair Police car d 71.69 W. L. Boatwright Police service 91.53 Howe Oil Company Deisel fuel 63.00 Everlite Displays "No Dumping" signs 12.36 E. A. Rrei.tenstei.n Angineer's helper LID #55 43.20 Kitsap County Engineer Blue print paper 3.27 Amos Bates Labor, city hall and grounds 25.60 Harold R. Fels Labor, city hall and grounds 25.60 Puget Sound Auto Electric Co. Regulator for police 15.57 WATER FUND W. F. Rruhahn Labor 42.34 Edward Thesan & John Whitehead Painting water tanks 10179 .35 Overall Cleaning & Supply Shop Towels 2.25 STREET FUND Lyle D. Nichols Labor 96.00 W. F. Aruhahn Labor 42.24 Kenneth G. Chaussee Labor 6.40 Amos Bates8 Labor 38.40 Harold R. Fels Labor 38.40 South Kitsap Gravel Co. Sand 187.18 Kress & More Grader tires 81.08 Howe Motor Company Repair GMC truck 12.30 Amerienn Plbg & Steam Supply Co. Lubricants .39 Kitsap Co. Equ. Rental & Rev. Fund 'toad Oil 405.00 Ainsworths Cleaning supplies 9,62 PA RK FUND Lyle D. Nichols Labor 6.40 H. R. Fels Labor 6.40 Amos K. Rates Labor 6.40 LIBRARY FUND Puget Sound News Company Beoks Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded N' o a . carried. 21.82 Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington September 14, 1953 Regular meeting of the Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, Ray B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols and Harold G. Baker; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine,-and Engineer T. C. Breit- enstein present. Minutes of meeting of August 24, 1053 read and approved. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Mahan appeared before the Council, and entered a complaint against permiscuous shooting of air guns in the neighborhood, stating that damage had been done to their property by breaking windows and also that danger of personal injury existed from the practice, and aksed that more stringent ordinance be passed regarding the use of air guns and slingshots. {� The matter was discussed, and Vas referred to the License and Finance committee to confer with the Attorney regarding an amended ordinance. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Pauley appeared before the Council regarding water and sewer service to their property adjoining the territory embraced in Local Improvement District No. 55. They were informed that this service could be secured b paying into the Local Improvement No. 55, $125.00 for water service and L25.00 for sewer service, under regulations adopted by the Council at the meeting of August 24, 19530 it being explained that these sums approximate the amounts assessed against 50-foot frontage within the district. It was also pointed out that these payments must be made in cash. Lee Caldwell coapplAined of gravel on the street in front of caldwellfs Trading Post, stating that gravel was thrown by cars getting off the paved surface, It was suggested that he contact the Supervisor of State Highways in this district. Clancy Foote, who holds the contract for garbage collection in Fort Orchard, and William Cruikshank appeared before the Council relative to transfer of existing garbage contract to Mr. Cruikshank. The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried that the Council approve the transfer,and that a new contract be entered into with Mr. Cruikshank, providing for a five-year contract with an option for five -years extension. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that a solution had been reached regarding parking at Bay-Aegalb and Hull street inter- section; that a parking area had been established and that traffic lines had been agreed upon. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee.was granted more time in the matter of establishing a marble ring at Givens Field. . The matter of cross walk on Bay Street between Sidney and Frederick Streets, as it is effected by parking meter locations, was taken up and discussed, and Chairman Hall and Superintendent Givens made a report on investigations conducted. It was recommended that long -angle parking be established on east side of Frederick Street, and that a meter be installed at the south- west corner of Bay and Sidney Streets. Following the discussion, it was moved by Hall seconded by Repanich and carried, that no change in meter locations be made at this time on Bay Street, but that meter be installed at southwest corner of Bay and Sidney Streets, and that long angle parking be inaugurated on the east side of Frederick Street. Condition of street at northwest corner of Prospect and Frederick street discussed, -and referred to Street and Alley committee and the Superintendent to make investigation and report. gnn&ttkaxxodxat>smmtxKkxxomtkNa xixvta) xxxof In discussing danger to pedes- trians at cross -walks, it was suggested that warning signs painted on pavement designating cross walks ahead, might be advisable. No definite Action taken. Notices were received from Washington State Liquor Control Board, that applications for renewal of existing licenses by Myhre & Rylander, �- Eleanor E. and Michael Martin of Ralph's Tavern, Verd Nichols and Dale See of Pert Orchard Tavern, Joseph P. and Mary Brisky of The Star Vigar Store and T. B. & M. Super Market were up for consideration. Renewal of these licenses was approved. Letter was received from School district No. 402, thanking the Town of Port Orchard for use of facilities for special school eledtion. Letter from City of Port Angeles inviting Mayor, Councilmen and other Town officials to attend regional meeting of Association of Washington Cities on October 29, 1953 Vas read. Letter from So!zth Kitsap Chamber of Commerce requesting that Town request consulta- tion with Extension Service Department of the University of Washington, regarding enlarging of parking areas north of Day Street, was read, and request was approved. The preliminary budget for the year 1954 was again taken up and discussed by the Council. It was suggested that due to repair work necessary in constructing a trestle, that item of 0800.00 for labor, material and miscellaneous, in the Sewer Fund, be increased. to $1,800.001, and that item of $6,240.00 for bond interest and redemption be decreased to $50240.00. It was moved by Hall, seconded by Broughton that Preliminary Budget be adopted and published, with the changes suggested in the Sewer Fund incorporated. Motion carried. •h, Engineer submitted estimate of amount clue to United Construction Company in L.I.D. No. 55. This was discussed and was continued to meeting of September 28, 1953, on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, and members of the Council, were read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried: Howard Cooper Corp. Town Clerk C. & ter. Radio Supply Co. Willard L. Boatwright C. M. Kissick Wm. A. Chess T. C. Breitenstein E. A. Breitenstein Joseph Tuba Amos K. .Rates Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Fcerlite Displays Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Howe Oil Company Gale W. Dow W. F. Rruhahn Amos K. Rates Town Clerk Pacific Tel and Tel Co. Port Orchard Machine Shop Western Utilities Supply Co. Slocum Hardware Puget Soiind. Power & Light Company American Plbg. & Steam Supply Co. W. F. Rruhahn Frank A. McIntyre Boyd F. Bell Wilkins Distributing Co. Port Orchard Machine Shop Olympic Shade Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. H. R. Menees Slocum Hardware Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Town Clerk The If. R. Huntting Co. John H. Uhitehead Ct M(ENT EXPENSE FUR'D 2 Beacon hay lights for F. D. 154.50 Advanced expenses, various 7.45 Radiart for Police car 8.53 Police service 71.19 Police service 116.76 Police service 20.34 Engineer iietainer 100.00 Engineer's helper 75.60 Labor on city hall grot,nds 10.56 Lvebor on city hall roof 14.08 Street and cross walk lights 320.85 No parking signs 5.15 Tire repair; lub job, Police car 2.58 Various telephones and tolls 47.70 P+Nirnace Gil 18.01 Closing salary Police Department 122.04 %SAT?+ t FUNS Labor 167.20 Labor 28.16 Various advanced expenses 44.20 Telephones and tolls 21.50 Repair water tank gua;e 4.90 Copper tubing 59.76 Paint, tools, pipe fittings 25.31 Power and light, all plants 309.96 Pipe fittings 6.73 STREET FUND Labor on streets La')or on Streets Labor on streets Gasoline and battery Labor on oil tank Venetian blind tape Telephone Gasket meterial, tubing and fittings Bolts, washers, water bag, etc. Lights at garage Various advanced expenses LIBRARY FUND Books for Library PARK FUND Painting roofs at Taylor St. Rec Meeting; adjourned on moticn by Nichols, seconde y _!faker Clerk carried. 28.16 10.56 7.04 121.09 5.26 5.05 7.50 2.42 2.69 1.00 2.63 100.05 80.U0 Port Orchard, Washington September 28, 1953 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Pert Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor C.. H. Largis, with CouncUmen Nick J. Repanich, George A. Broughton, Harold G. Baker, Verd W. Nichols and Ray B. Hall; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of September 14, 1953 read and approved. C: V. Fawcett, representing McLean & Co., bond brokers, appeared before the Council regarding financing of various public improvements,. H. L. Lochry appeared before the council regarding street alignment on Spokane r Street, and also asked regarding water and sewer connections. The matter was referred to the Street and Alley committee Por investigation and report. Dr. Shirley Benham, County Health officer, addressed the Council regarding participation by the Town of fort Orchard in the Kitsap County -Bremerton Health department. A general discussion of various problems of sanitation in Port Orchard was entered into with the Health officer. Chairmen Broughton of the License and Finance committee, reported on proposed changes in ordinance regulating air guns and sling shots, stating that the committee recommended against any change in the existing ordinance. Report of committee approved on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried. More time was granted to Parks and Buildings committee for consideration of location of marble ring at Givens Field. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee stated that he had been contacted relative to permitting kindergarten to held in the Taylor Street Recreation Building. A general discussion followed, and it was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that request to hold kindergarten in Recreation Building be rejected. Attorney Perrine reported on various phases of liability in Local Improvement Districts. Final estimate for Local Improvement District No. 55 was presented by the Engineer, and examined by the Council. Following a discussion and statement by the Engineer, the esti�iate was approved and Clerk was authorized to draw warrants against Local improvement District No. 55 in the amount of $134544.02. A petition asking the vacation of First Street in Wheeler's Addition'wus present- ed and discussed by the Council. The members re -iterated their former policy established June 8, 1953, of apposing vacation of streets and alleys exvept in emergencies. Petition was referred to Attorney report. Notices from Washington State Liquor Control Board that application for renewal of licenses had been received from Part Orchard Mixer Shop, Winebrenner's Foot' Store, Capital Tavern and Veterans of Foreign Wars were read to Council, and there was no opposition voiced to renewal of licenses. Letters from Charles L. Klinefelter, County Civilian Defense chairman, regard- ing Port Orchard's liability for the CD program were read and dis-cussed. It was moved by Repanich, seconded by Baker and carried that warrant for $600.00 be drawn in favor of Civilian Defense officials. Citim for $510.00 for Mddical supplies, stated in the letters, was tabled following statement by Mayor Largis that so far these supplies have not been received in Kitsap County. The following claims, checked by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, and other members of the Council, were read and ordered paid on motion by Baker, seconded by Nichols and carried: T. C. Breitenstein Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Winifred L. Watt Wm. A. Chess Peninsula Stationers Howe Motor Company Willard L. Boatwright Charles M. Kissick F. E. T_j-an-or Avencr Pacific Tel & Tel Co. F. E. Langer agency A. K. Bates W. F. Bruhahn �_-- Howe Motor Company CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Engineering L.I.D.,No. 55 200.00 City Hall lights 15.00 Various telephones and tolls 48.75 Expenses attending Police Judge5ch.17.52 Police service 38.13 Repair dropped police typewriter 15.45 Repair police car 10.31 Police service 101.70 Pnlice service 66.72 Chief of Police bond premium 10i00 WAT +' i. FUND Supt. and Planttelephones and tolls22.20 Asst. Clerk's bond premium 5.00 Labor 109.12 Labor 125,84 Nuts a.nd scews .21 S TR i4,'ET FI1ND Nelson Equipment Company Gaskets; bucket teeth for shovel $31..46 Bents True.k Parts Spring leaf for truck 5.82 South Kitsap Gravel Co. Sand :and gravel 68.86 Rudd Paint & Varnish Co. Traffic paint and' thinner 186.95 Howe Motor Company Repair truck spring 18.20 Braaten & Cronse Loading fill dirt by mach-ne 40.00 Boyd F. Bell truck driver 142.56 V. H. Raymond 'Truck and driver rental 140.00 F. E. Langer Agnecy Insurance premium on street sheds 98.25 Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. Shop Towels 2.68 Howe Oil Company Deisel oil 17.79 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. '.telephone 7.50 Puget Sound Power & Li,;Yit Co. Light service, Kendall St. Garage 2.00 PPP RK Fti AI Love Electric Company Various electrical. equipment 798.80 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Lights at tennis court and reer. 17.44 SEWTAR PTIN f Port Orchard Lumber Yard Cement ;+nd sewer the 4.48 LI?3lULKY FUND The H. R. Huntting Co. Books 4:3.29 Meeting adjourned to October 5, 1953 at 7:30 P.M. on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried.. r Clerk �'''� Mayor G-7 Port Orchard, Wastlangton October 5, 1953 Adjourned meeting of the Council of Port Orchard, liashington called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, flay B. Hall, and Harold G. Baker; and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Absent Councilman George A. Broughton and Nick J. R.epanich. The meeting was adjourned to this date for purpose of final consideration of the 1954 budget, and to give any citizen of the Town Uffe opportunity to be heard either for or against the proposed budget as advertised. Mayor Largis called for a hearing on the budget and no one appeared or spoke either for or a;ainsEt the preliminary budget. Mayor called for action on preliminary budget as advertised, and Clerk read ordinance adopting the budget and fixing the tax levies fof 1954, It was moved by Ball, seconded by Nichols and carried that budget be adopted as the budget for 1954, and that ordinance adopting budget and fixing tax levies be passed as read. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 610, and Clerk was directed to suT-)mit certified copy to the Kitsap County Assessor. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley co►miittee stated that his committee had contacted a firm which is striping roads and highways in Kitsap County relative to center -striping surfaced streets within the Town of Port Orchard. He stated that the cost, would be $40.00 per mile, and further stated that his committee recommended that the surfaced streets within the Town of Port Orchard be center -striped; The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Faker, seconded by Nichols and carried that recommendations of the committee be approved, and that the Street and Alley committee be empowered to have I the work done. Clerk called attention to the fact that October 12, 1953 (the next regular meeting date of the Council) is a legal holiday, and that the meeting of the Council will be held on Tuesday evening, October 13, 1953. Meeting adjourned on Motion by Nichols, seconded b al and carried. i Clerk I�hiyor Port Orchard, Washington October 13, 1953 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of port Orchard called to order by mayor Co H. Largis, with Councilmen Harold G. Baker, Verd W. Nichols, Ray Be Hall, Nick J. Repanich, George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrin ; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein, present. Minutes of meeting of September 28, 1953 and meeting of October 5, 1953 read and approved. Wm. H. Sprague and Dusty C. Winebrenner appeared before the Council relative to parking problems, and asked that police check on the parking lots for overtime parking, and issue tickets in posted areas. A general discussion followed but no definite action was taken. Mr. Sprague also brought up the matter of additional fills for parking area, and asked if the Town would co-operate to the extent of filling the streets ends. A discussion followed on this matter and the Engineer was directed to set stakes to indicate the harbor line in the vicinity of "Frederick Street.. Matter left open for further considera- tion. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that his committee had investigated conditions on Spokane Street involving the H. R. Levhry property, and stated that permission had been granted to construct steps leading from the property to the street. He also stated that matter of sewer connection to property had been investigated, and that # appeared that the most feasible method for sewer connection would be construction of sewer in the alley. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee stated that so far nothing had been decided relative to marble ring at Givens Field. He also stated that a Senior Girl Scout troop asked permission to clean and paint the kitchen at Taylor Street Recreation Building as a project. Council expressed agreement.to the proposition. Final Assessment roll for Local Improvement District No. 55 was presented by the Engineer and considered by the Council. It was moved by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried that resolution be passed calling a hearing on said roll for November 23, 1953, and that proper notice of such hearing be given, this action to be subject to approval by the Attorney. Petition for vacation First Street in Wheeler's Addition, was again pre- sented, with additional signature. Petitioners were advised that an order setting dote for hearing and providing notices of hearing should be pre- pared and submitted to the Council. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and examined by the members, and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried: Miller Meters, Inc. Puget Sound Power d Light Thempson's Nitsap Co. Garage Rev. Fund Trick d Murray T. C. Breitenstein, T. C. Breitenstein Saindon's, Inc.. Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Charles Nissick Willard L. Boatwright Wm. A. Chess Port Orchard Indpendent The Steck Co. Puget Sound Power d Light Co. W. F. Bruhabn A. H. Bates V. B. Caldwell H. D. Flowler Co., Inc. Wilkins Distributing Co. Overall Cleaning and Supply Bremerton Monument Co. Boyd F. Bell V. H. Raymond Airway Striping Service Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Braaten Bros. Union Oil Co. of Calif. Port Orchard Machine Shop Puget Sound Power d Light Co. Richard Brush Co. CURRENT MWENSE FUND Parking meter parts $124.85 Street and cross walk lights 320.85 Typing paper 3.66 Generater bolt, Police car 2.25 Traffic books, Police 35.56 Engineer retainer 100.00 Advance, L.I.D. #55 478.09 Recap tire, Police car 7.67 Gasoline, Police Car 1.43 Police service 75.06 Police service 20.34 Police service 20.34 Publishing budget and Ordinance 610 32.09 Payroll records 3.76 WATER FUND Power and light, all plants 287.68 Labor 66.88 Labor 42.24 Hedge shearsIt 9.02 Valves and Couplings 70.97 Oil filters 5.82 Shop towels 4.16 Ditcher rental 136.00 Labor 154.88 Truck and driver rental 220.00 Striping center lines on streets 204.88 Kerosene 13.10 Loader rental 58.71 Bbl motor oil 40.94 Repair shovel :c 57.73 Garage lights 1.00 Street brooms 37.08 C STREET FUND (continued) V. B. Caldwell Wilkings Distributing Co. Howard Cooper Corp. Paint, tools, etc Gasoline, oil, greade Part for grader Council adjourned on motion by Hall, Clerk j 7c7 24.93 231.77 17.96 seconded by Nichols and carried. Port Orchard, Washington October 26, 1953 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchaard, 'wash-Lngton called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, Ray B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols and Harold G. Baker; K'ttorney Dudley N. Perrine, SUperintenden.t of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein present. Minutes of meeting of October 13, 1953 read and approved. Resolution fixing time for hearing on petition for vacation of First Street in Wheeler's Addition, setting the date of hearing for November 23, 19530 at 8 o'clock p.m. was read and passed on motion by Broughton, seconded by Nichols and carried. Mayor stated that he had been approached regarding parking meters located at cross -walk on Buy Street between Sidney and Frederick Streets, the claim being made that a hazzard exists to pedestrians. This was discussed and no action was taken regarding removal of meters. Plans for proposed drinking fountain on Sidney Street near Bay Street were submitted from Active Club, which organization is undertaking install- ation of fountain. Plans were -examined and were accepted as submitted, on motion by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried, the fountain to be installed under supervision of the Superintendent. C1p rk submitted notice of hearing on requested increase in rates by Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company. No action taken. Mayor stated that local manager for the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. had contacted him relative to re -arranging the make-up of the local tele- phone directory, placing Port Orchard in the same section of the book as is Bremerton, and placing; the yellow pages behind the directory. This was discussed, and it was moved by Baker, seconded by Nichols and carried that the Council go on record as opposing the proposed changes in the directory, and requesting that addresses of telephone subscribers be in- cluded in the Port Orchard listings, as completely as passible. Complaint was made of parking on DeKalb Street, west of Cline Street, in driveway, and this was referred to the Police Department. Mayor brought up the matter of town employees, and stated that Council should be notified of the employment of any help in order that best service may be obtained. In emergency, an employee may be hired, but his ,employment would remain on a temporary basis until ratification by the Council. Chairman Hall of the Street ;And nlley committee brought up the matter of insurance coverage on Street garage, and it was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that this be referred to the Finance and Auditing Committee with power to secure insurance in the proper amount. Superintendent stated that request had been made for privilege of parking county equipment in unoccupied stalls in town garage. This was discussed, and it was moved by Hall, seconded by Maker and carried that Superintendent be empowered to admit county equipment for parking in unoccupied stalls in Town sheds. Mayor stated that he appointed Councilman Harold G. Baker to represent the Town administration on the Civilian Defense Committee. r r The following claims, approved by heads of departments and checked by Chair- man Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read to the Council and ordered paid an motion by Hull, seconded by Broughton and carried: George Harris Charles Kissick Willard L. Boatwright Arthur A. Williams Pacific Tel. & Tel Company F. E. Langer Agency Puget Sound Power & might Co. United Construction Company Western Utilities Co. W. F. Bruhahn Part Orchard Machine Shop Richard R. Morgan Pacific Tel. & Tel. Company Forest Park Grocery Pacific Tel. & Tel. Company Boyd F. Bell W. F. Bruhahn Boyd F. Bell CURRENT 0W E NS E FUND Police service 74.72 Police service 66.72 Police service 10.17 Police service 9.34 Telephones and tells 47.55 Insurance premium City Hall 172.48 WATER FUND Current for cathadic equipment 19.26 Water main, valves & valve bx. 273.18 Parts for wrench; oil 2.96 Labor 28.16 Drain cover and bolts 1.29 Current for Chlorinator 1.50 Telephones and tolls 23.25 Chlorox and current for Chlort'r 3.50 STREET FUND Telephone at street shed 7.50 Labor on streets 73.92 PARK FUND Labor on ball field 4.40 Labor on ball field 24.64 Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Baker and carried. -9 Clerk Mayor Port Orchard$ Washington November 9, 1953 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen Harold G. Baker, Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perri.ne; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of October 26, 1953 read and approved. E. M. Farmer appeared before the Council on behalf of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and asked that Kendall Street garage be made available to his organization for a small arms range. A general discussion followed after Mr. Farmer's request and explanations, and the matter was referred to the Parks and Buildings committee to report at the next meeting of the Council. Superintendent reported that work has not yet been started on the drinking fountain, being undertaken by the Active Club. Following<<a report by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing com- mittee relative to insurance on Bay Street garage, and a discussion of the matter, further time for final action was granted. Notee was received from the Washington State Liquor Control Board, an- nouncing transfer of license from F. C. Lambert to hay A. Reibel and Gertrude E. Reibel. No objection was made to the transfer. Petition by Kitsap County, through its board of County Commissioners, for vacation of part of Hemlock Street, was read, and it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Broughton and carried that Resolution be passed callid.g a hearing on the matter for December 14, 1953, and Clerk was directed to .give proper notice by posting notices of said hearing. It was reported that approach has been constructed to the Shannon Building on Pay Street, that appears to have some objectionable features. Referred to Building inspector. Chief of Police submitted applications of Gale W. Dow Land E. 211. Scrivner for employment as patrolmen. Applications were considered and approved on motion by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried. Permission was granted to Chief of Police to mount red light, no longer in use by the Fire Department, an the police patrol car. Chief of Police stated that he would be in Tacoma on November 10, 1953, attending meeting of state, county and city police officers for informa- tion regarding Governor Langlie's drive against illegal driving. The following claims, checked by heads of departments, by Chairman Bro-eghton, of the Finance and Auditing committee, and by members of the Council, were read and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Baker and carried. Claim of Love Electric Company for master switch, in the amount of $106.50, was held for further information regarding char- acter of the switch. Howe Meter Company George Harris Charles Kissick Willard L. Boatwright Puget Sound. Power & Light Co. Seattle Rubber Stamp Co. Talbot Plumbing Company Port Orchard Indpendent Town Clerk T. C. Preitenstein Wilkins Distributing C:o. Traffic Cc:ntrol Sign Co. Standard Oil Company of Calif. Slocum Hardware Howe Oil Company Slocum Hardware Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Town Clerk Howe Motor Company Wilkins Distributing Co. W. F. Bruhahn Cleveland Chevrolet Kitsap Co. Garage Revolving Fund R. A. Rutz Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Wilkins Distributing Co. Siler Auto Parts Co. Cleveland Chevrolet Cleveland Chevrolet V. B. Caldwell Hodge & Davis Town Clerk Howe Motor Company Slocum Hardware Slocum Hardware Howe Oil Company Mrs. Helen Snyder So. Kitsap Little League, Inc. Howe Oil Company CURRENT M-1ENSE FUND Repair Police car $77.80 Police service 74.82 Police service 75.06 Police service 40.68 Street and Cross walk lights 317.83 Repair seal; rubber stamp 5.48 Repairs to City ball furnace 100.35 Supplies for Police; notice 8.65 Advanced expenses 12.44 Engineer Retainer 100.00 Battery for F.D.; Anti -freeze 26.16 Six traffic signs 38.59 Gasoline; tire repair, police 2.47 Asphalt for rcof repair, City Ha118.71 Furnace oil 9:3.71 WATI,R FUND Flashlight batteries; wrench 5.87 Power and l*&t 50.51 Postal cards for water bills 40.00 Brake repair on pickup 15.64 Battery; snit- freeze 15.86 Labor 26.28 Lub Job 1.80 Repair pickup 32.33 STREET FUND Used Oil heater 15.UU Garage lights 1.00 Gasoline and anti -freeze 126.30 Part for heater .89 Truck repair 23.21 Adjust brakes; weld spring, etc 10,26 Cable, etc. 18.94 Tire repair 5.16 Bridge tell, rd trip to Tacoma 2,00 Replace main leaf, GMC Truck 19..16 Tools 6.21 Bolts, washers, nuts, etc. 1.50 Deisel fuel for grader 17,46 PARK 1'UND Material for curtains, recr. Bldg 12.02 Re-imburse for hummas soil 162.00 Steve Oil 7.25 LIBIU i.Y FUND Puget Sound News Company Books 54.70 Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by .s an carried. % r Clerk Mayer v Port Orchard, Washington November 23, 1953 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor C. H. Largis. Present Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, Ray B. Halt, Verd W. Nichols and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. Minutes of meeting of November 9, 1953 read and approved. This being the date of hearing on final assessment roll for Local Improve- ment District No. 55, Mayor called the matter up for hearing. Clerk read letters and protests from Squire M. and Christine Payne;'Harold E. Main and Anna L. Main; Lee H. McClure and Edith McClure; and W. S. Tonnemaker, In addition to the letters filed, Mr. and Mrs. McClure, Mr. and Mrs. Payne, Mr. To-Inemaker, J. A. Heembrock, Matilda. Frank and Mrs. Mildred Cohen appeared in person and entered oral protests and asked questions concerning the im- provement. William Smith voiced his satisfaction with the job, and the charges made against his property in the district. The matters presented to the Council were considered and discussed by the Council members, questions were answered by the Engineer and the Attorney, and following the hearing it was moved by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried that the final -assessment roll for L.I.D. No. 55 as presented by the Engineer be approved, and ordinance approving said assessment rollbe passed. Petition for vacation of First Street in Wheeler's Addition came up for hearing on resolution and notice, and Oscar Johnson and Mrs. Roasmond John- son spoke in favor of the petition. Chairman Hall of the Street and Ailey committee stated that his committee had looked ever the situation, considered the matter, and recommended that the petition be denied. It was moved by Repanich, seconded by Broughton and carried that the recommendation of the Street and Alley committee be approved and that the petition be denied. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee reported th:-t his committee had meet with E. M. Farmer, relative to establishment of a small arms range in the Kendall Street Garage, and that further time was requested for definite report and recommendation. Further time granted. Chairman Broughton of the Finance and AuditiAg committee was granted further time for definite report on insurance on Bay Street Garage, T. C.•Breitenstein, building inspector, stated that he had viewed the approach to the Shannon Building, about which complaint was made, and found that the approach as constructed is entirely on private property, however, he stated that some changes have been made in the approach, which makes it more satisfactory. Letter from State Land Commission, relative to sale of West half of Tide- land Lot Z in Wheeler's Second Addition was read. Gary Deal, representing Talbot Plumbing Co. appeared before the Council regarding the matter and explained conditions. A discussion followed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Baker and carried that Attorney confer with 'down Parking Lot committee, ascertain their plans for future fills and parking Lots, and report to the Council on December 14, 1953. Plans for proposed widening and surfacing of Bay Street from Harrison Street to Black Jack Bridge, submitted by State Department of highways, were ex- amined and considered by the Council, and it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried that Attorney communicate with the State Department of Highways to the effect that plans are approved and that Town will sup- port the State in securing completion of the project. It was reported that Fire Department has laid tile floor in the recreation room, and that there has been some expense incurred for materials. It was E moved by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried that Fire Department be re-imbursed for materials purchased, and that Clark secure estimates for haviAg similar floor covering laid in Clerk's office. Ed Heister, local manager for the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, sub- mitted a copy of a map which his company has prepared, showing Locations and lumen capacity of all street lights. Map was received and filed in the C1Prk's office. Superintendent reported that there is one location in the water system in Local Improvement District No. 55 area, which still shows impurities in .the water, and that steps are being taken to correct the situation before connecting this area on to the water system. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, were allowed and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried: Claim of Love Electire Company for switch for field lighting system, was again held over: Charles Kissick Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Sheriff Kitsap County Burroughs Corporation Padific Tel & Tel. Co. Beacon Appliance Rockwell Mfg. Company Western Utilities Supply Co. H. D. Flowler Co., Inc. Kress & More Wallace & Tier-nan Co., lnc. American Plbg. & St. Supply Company Puget Sound Power & Light Company W. F. Rruhahn Pacific Tel. & 'gel. Co. Wilkins Distributing Co. Overall Cleaning & Supply Puget Sound Power & Light Purt Orchard Machine Shop Pacific Tel & Tel Co. 'Beacon Appliance 'Beacon Appliance Puget Sound Power & LigYit Company CIMRENT "ENSE FUND Police service 66.72 Lights at Town Hall 10.75 Board of priseners 151.00 Ribbons, carbon, etc 16.25 Clerk, Police and Fire Dept. 48.15 Furnace work, replace switches 27.01 WAT111 FUND Water Meter parts 20.49 Meter seals 25.33 3 Resetters 17.99 Tires for pickup 85.35 Solvent 3.47 Bracket assembly 12.36 Power, main plant and cathedic 153.39 Labor 21.12 Telephones and tells 21.15 STREET FUND Stove oil 41.35 Shop Towels 2.41 Lights at Kendall St. garage 2.00 Repair shovel 63.09 Street Department telephone 7.50 Compressor hook-up; labor etc. 37.93 Used Heater 20,08 PARK FUND Light at tennis Court and Reer. 15.00 LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Company Books 3.15 Council adjourned on motion by Nichols, seconded by B g ton and carried. Clerk May`If�+ Port Orchard, Washington December 14, 1953 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port (Ircha,rd, Washington called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen Harold G. Raker, Verd ir. Nichols, Ray Tn. Hall, Nick J. Relpanich and George :.. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine, Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein present. Minutes of meeting of November 23, 1953 read and approved. Letter received from State Land Commission re. sale of W 30 feet of Lot Z, Sidney Tidlands. Matter was first considered at meeting of November 23, ID53. Thr. mattor was discussed, and it wus moved by .e,�Linich, seconded by hall and. carried that the Council go on record as not apposing the presentation of this tract for sale. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee asked for further time in matter of permitting small arms rane to be installed in Kendall Street Ga.rae, as requested by V.F.W. Further time granted. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee also reported that R. R. Ryan, contractor, had given an estimate of $26,258.00 as cost of re- placement of Fray Street garage. This estiia.te was requested in considering -amount of insurance to be placed on the building. A general discussion fol- lowed, and it was the opinion of the Councilmen as expressed that chances of -complete destruction of building by fire are remote, and that insurance in the amount of the purchase price of $5,500.00 should be adequotei Referred back to Finance and Auditing committee. Samples and costs of tile for Clerk's office were submitted, and considered by the Council. It was stated that tile would be laid by members of the Fire Department. It was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that sample of plastic tile as submitted be approved, and that Firemen's fund be paid amount of cost of laying. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee reported that ap- ,prox.imately $2,400.00 had ben expended on ball field at Givens Field, and that so far Town has been re-imbursed to the amount of approximately $1,100.00. That further re-imbursement of about $300.00 will be forth- coming from Little League. He stated that this is accordance with agreement entered into at time of start of project. Matter of erecting rest rooms and shower facilities was discussed, and it was also stated -that the Active Club has expressed interest in preparing park facilities under the trees on Givens field by constructing wading pool, installing picnic tables and benches, and doing other improvements. It was called to the attention of the Council that safety island should be installed at Bay and Cline Street intersection, and this was discussedp It was directed that letter be written to J. C. Claypool, state Highway District Engineer, attention C. L. Plymale, regarding advisability of this improve- ment and asking that the wort: be undertaken by the State when other work is done on Ray Street. Parking in front of and near the post office came in for discussion, and it was stated that the existing situation might be relieved if and when house to house mail delivery is inaugurated in Port Orchard. It was moved by Hall, seennded by Repanich and carried that Council pass resolution urging early start of house to house mail delivery, that copies of vesolution be sent to proper post office authorities, and to members of the Washington delegation in Congress. Clerk submitted request for emergency appropriations to balance warrant register as follows: Current Expense Fund: Telephone and telegraph, $75.UU; ,Police salaries, $700.00; Police expenses, $550.00; Jail and meals.42UO.00; -Police car expense, $300.00; Street and traffic lighting $200.00; Miseel- laneous, $800.00. Water Fund: General office expenses, 400.00; Excise tax, $150.00. Street Fund: Shop expense, $lUO.00; Equipment repair,4100.00; Industrial Insurance and Medical kid, 100,00; Gas and oil, $250.00, This was discussed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried that Ordinance providing for Emergency appropriations as set forth be passed on first reading. 1 This being the date for hearing on petition by Kitsap County for vacation of part of Hemlock Street in Tom Cline's Addition, matter was called up for hearing. No objections were registered against the vacation, and ordinance providing for vacation was read and passed as read on motion by Repanich,. seconded by Raker and carried. Chairman Hall of=the Street and Alley commit- tee made a report on the petition for vacation, stating that his committee favored the petition for the reason that the streets parallels the county rodd; would never be needed for street purposes, and that adjoining property is provided an outlet over county property to county road, by terms of the ordinance. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. u12. The following claims, checked by heads of departments, by members of the Council ,and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read, and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Baker and carried: CURRENT EKPENSE FUND Charles Kissick W. L. Boatwright Hward Cooper Corp. Lowman & Hanford Co. T. C. Breitenstein Kitsap County Sheriff The Todd Company Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Puget sound Power & Light Co. Western Auto Supply Howe Oil Company V. R. Caldwell Howe Motor Company -Howe's Hardware Police service $108.42 Police service - 20.34 Hose fittings, etc. 37.3.25 Binder, dater, stamp pad 39.50 Engineer retainer. 100.00 Board of prisoners 136.00 Protectograph 108.34 Lub job, police car 1.80 Street and cross walk lights 317.83 2 cans car wash, police car 1.01 Deisel fuel, City Hall 94.39 Floor tile, cement, etc., F.D. 74.48 Repair police car and fire turke 95.55 Batteries, etc., Police 5.84 'dATLR FUND American P1b . & St. Supply Co. Overall Cleaning & Supply Talbot Plbg. & Htg. Co. John H. Whitehead C. P. Ainsworth Grocery Forest Park Grocery American Water Works Ass'n Pu ;et Sound Power & Light Co. V. A. Caldwell W. F. Bruhahn Amos K.. Rates Oil and compound Shop Towels Pipe caps and plugs Repair measuring guage, water tank Clorex Clorox, and electric current 1954 dues for Supt. Power and light various merchandise Labor Labor STREET FUND Maurice R. Hershey Pratto Sales Co. Black Rall Freig.t Service V. T= . Caldwell Siler Auto Parkts, Inc. Wilkins Distributing C&. Port Orchard Machi-e Shop Union Oil Co. of Calif. Howe Oil Company Bremerton Concret Prod. Co. Howes Hardware Kitsap Co. Eq. Retn. & Revl. Fund Puet.Sound Power & Light Co. Labor and truck driver Valves and fittings for compressor Freight Cable, Paint, fittings Parts and fittings for compressor Gasoline Repairs and labor A-1 Grease Stove Oil Culvert Pipe Tools, plastic sealer Road oil Lights at garage PARK FUND 3.32 1.03 10.18 10,00 17,55 4.80 10.00 134.43 2.44 84.48 84.48 84.48 43.07 1.75 39.18 40.40 111.51 17.01 7.21 13.21 65.08 22.03 520.UO 2.24 Love Electric Co. Electric switch, "Little League" 106.50 Howe's Hardware Paint, mop, sweeping compound 17.41 Council adjloirned on motion by Nichols, seconded by al and a ried. J : Clark "�--�Ma.yo r Port Orchard, Wash,ngton December 28, 1953 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Wa.shiltgton called to order by Mayor C. If. Largis. Present Councilmen Nick J. Hepanich, George A. Broughton, Ray P. Hall, Verd W. Nichols and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of PuL1ic Works George F. Givens, and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Yinutes of meeting of December 14, 1953 read and approved. Art Mikelsen, President of the "Little League" appeared before the Council, reviewed the activities of the organization during the past year, stating that all bills had been paid, and that he desired to express the appreciation and thanks of the organization to the Town government for its cooperation and assistance in making the program successful. He also tendered a check for $397.00 as the amount due from the "Little League" for money advanced in developing the baseball field. Chairman Repani,ch and Councilman Ball of the Parks and Recreation committee reported on conferences which had been held with reference to small arms range in Kendall Street garage. They stated that details of the proposed operation had been discussed with ,E. M. Farmer df the VF'W, but so far no definite recommendations were forthcoming. Councilman Nichols, the third member of the committee, also spoke on.the matter, and following a general discussion, the matter was referred back to the committee for further study and report. Copies of Resolution urging early inauguration of house to house mail de- livery in Port Orchard, passed at the meeting of the Council on December 14, 1953, were submitted by Attorney Perrine and were signed by Mayor and all membcr.s.of the Council, and were directed to be dispatched to proper authorities in the post Office Department. Ordinance providing for emergency appropriations in various funds, passed on first reading on December 14, 1953, was again read to the Council and passed unanimously on motion by Broughtom, seconded by Baker and carried. The fallowing claims, checked by heads of departments, by Council members, and by Chairman Rro-aghton of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Raker sand carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Everlite Displays `traffic signs 63.35 Part Orchard lndpendent Publish ordinances 611-612 17.32 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 47.55 Charles Kissick Police service 84.06 Willard L. Boatwright Police service 10.17 Miller Meters Inc. Advances freight on meter parts 1.75 Thompson's Typing paper for Police 3,.66 Howard Cooper Corp. Equipment for Fire Department 237.72 Town Clerk Advanced expenses 6.61 WATER. FUND W. F. Rruhahn Labor 14.08 Amos K. Rates Labor 14.08 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 21.20 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power, west Bay St. Pw:iip 42.55 Town Clerk 2 M. Postal Cards for water bills 40.00 STREET FUND Kitsap County Airport Bank run gravel 317.80 H. t. Menees Auto Parts Battery cable, fatting, brake fluid 6.24 Anderson Sheet Metal Coupling for cultert 5.82 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephone and changes 14.49 LIBRARY FUND Gaylor Bros., Inc. Record book and taps 14.42 Puget Sound News Co. Book 2.85 The H. R. Huntting Co. Books 37.42 Metti_ng adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded b4B,tghton and carried. Port Orchard, Wash. January 11, 1954 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor C. H. Largis, with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, Ray B. Halt, Verd W. Nichols and Harold G. Baker; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein present. Minutes of meeting of December 28, 1953, read and approved. Further time was granted for final report on request to establish small arms range in Kendall Street garage. L. W. Briokson appeared before the Council regarding opening of alley in block 20 Sidney land Company's Second Addition to Sidney. Matter referred to Engineer ti meet with property .owners. Pest Master Dean M. Sprliss addressed the Council relative to street side and proper house numbers in co"oetion with inauguration of mail delivetye Matter was ref;orreed to, Street Dspartment° to install proper signs. Cleric stated that a binder in the sun of $5,0500.00 for inturatcew had been received from C. A. Hacks Agency as insurance on Day Street garage. Ordinance providing for compensation for volunteer firmen of the Town of Port Orchard was pres442ted and read to the Council. Ordinance passed on motion by Hall, seeded by Broughton and carried. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 614. Su"rintendent Givens nallo4 attention of Council to trouble experienced with algae in the grater which a cases considerable inconvenience, and stated that ohlorim ization of Zee water was the most approved m*Vwd of ridding the supply of the trouble. Following dioussion, it was moved by Michels, so ondod by Repanich and earried, that Superintendent be author - iced to employ necessary means, under supervision of Beulah, Department, to clear the water supply. Matter of requested increase in pay for town employees was referred to Finance and Auditing crj�zi.ttee for inves tigetion and recommendation. Clerk submitted data from State Census Bureau relative to 1954 popula- tion figures for the Town of Port Orchard. Matter considered and een- tinued for study.