01/01/1952 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington January 14, 1952 Regular meeting of the Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor William H. Sprague. Present Councilmen John C. Gilchrist, Vard W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall* Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. minutes of meetings of December 10, 1951, December 24, 1951 and December 28, 1952 read and approved. This being the date on which petition for vacation of portion of Bweanyr Street was to be heard, Mayor Spragae called this -tter ib r consideration of Council. Chairman Hall of the Street and -Alley commzittat ap461w..In oppost*,yion to vacation; and Councilmen Repanich, Nichols, Gilchrist and Broughton eseh-'expressed his views on the matter. John M. Boyle appeared as Attorney „for Walter C. Bryant and was heard on the matter, an were also -Mr. Bryant and Harold G. Baker. Matter was brought up for vote -on reading of ordi- nance providing for vacation. Following further discussion, Mayor Sprague called for vote on the ordinance. An amendment relating to easement and removal, of ann obstruc- tions which might interfere with exercising easements was introduced anda vote was agdn called .for. Councilmen Nichols, Gilchrist and Broughton voted for passage of ordinance as amended, and Councilmen Hall and Repanich voted against passage of the ordinance. Mayor declared the ordinance passed as amended, and Attorney was instructed to insert amendment in the ordinance. On this date bids were to be received on gasoline and oil. Mayor•direeted that bids be opened. Bids were received from Wilkins Distributing Company, Union Oil Co. of Cal.. Tide -rater Associated Oil Co., R. L. Lursen Company, Shell Oil Compeny and Howe Oil Company. Bids were read and considered by the Council,, and following exaninav on and m�aa-nsideration, it was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that bid of Wilkins Distributing Company for gasoline at .203 per gallon, under terms of the call for bids, be aacepted.subject to written confirmation of terms of bid. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried that bid of Tide.Water Associated Oil Company for deisel oil at .108 per gallon and stove oil at .123 per gallon, under terms of the bid, and subject to confirmation of delivery point, be accepted. Chairmen Gilchrist of the Water and Seger committee reported on his investigation of complaint of surface water at N. E. White property on Portland Street, and Councilman Hall -also made a report on the matter. The Councilmen noth stated that they could see no responsibility to the Town in the problem, and that it is a property owner's problem. Further time was granted for consideration of a street light on Orchard'Street.' Superintendent Givens reported on his investigation of work done on sewer At, Bard prop_ arty -on Austin Street, stating that he and the Engineer had investigated the'matter and that the cost of the job would be about 050,00. It was moved by Broughton, seconded by Gilchrist and carried that sum of $50.00 be allowed for repair work which was_done, and that Clerk notify property owner to submit claim on voucher for consideration of the ^ouncil. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee and Superintendent made re 'ports relative to steps in vicinity of alley between Seattle and Rockwell Streets in Block 141, First Addition. They stated that right-of-way is uncertain, henee the liability of the•Town In the matter is not definite. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried that Engineer establish right-of-way lines and submit cost estimate of repairs or replacement of steps. Superintendent stated that proper drain or gutter will be placed to protect fill at west end of Morton Street. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee made a report on cross. -walk on Sidney Street near Givens School. Councilman Nichols suggested that a 4000-lu,em street light at this point would be a deed aid. Ed ester of the Puget Sound Power & Light Com- pany stated that he would submit various designs of street light which would x:e suit- able fe•r this location, and the matter was continued for further consideration. Matter of condition of Bay Street at entrance to Self Service Laundry was brought up by Councilman Repanich. Referred to Street and Alley committee with power to act, on motion by Nichols, seconded by Gilarhrist and carried. Chief of Police reported on certain conditions reported to be existing at Port Orchard Athletic Club. Referred to Attorney to write letter to operator. A letter from the 'Christian Women Fe&lowship" of the port Orch:r d Christian Church, relative to display -of "New World Review" in the port Orchw d Public Library was reed. It-Was•directed that Clerk write letter in reply, thanking the group for its interest, and that Library Board be contacted and requested to withdraw publication from circu- lation. This action was on motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Repanich and carried. On motion by Broughton, seconded by .Hall and carried Mayor Sprague was granted a month's leave of absence. Conditions pertaining to police car were referred to'Parks and Planning committee, Coun- cilman Repanich, chairman. a Port Orchard, Washington January 14, 1952 Regular meeting of the Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor William H. Sprague. Present Councilmen John C. Gilchrist, Vard W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall* Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. minutes of meetings of December 10, 1951, December 24, 1951 and December 28, 1952 read and approved. This being the date on which petition for vacation of portion of Bweanyr Street was to be heard, Mayor Spragae called this -tter ib r consideration of Council. Chairman Hall of the Street and -Alley commzittat ap461w..In oppost*,yion to vacation; and Councilmen Repanich, Nichols, Gilchrist and Broughton eseh-'expressed his views on the matter. John M. Boyle appeared as Attorney „for Walter C. Bryant and was heard on the matter, an were also -Mr. Bryant and Harold G. Baker. Matter was brought up for vote -on reading of ordi- nance providing for vacation. Following further discussion, Mayor Sprague called for vote on the ordinance. An amendment relating to easement and removal, of ann obstruc- tions which might interfere with exercising easements was introduced anda vote was agdn called .for. Councilmen Nichols, Gilchrist and Broughton voted for passage of ordinance as amended, and Councilmen Hall and Repanich voted against passage of the ordinance. Mayor declared the ordinance passed as amended, and Attorney was instructed to insert amendment in the ordinance. On this date bids were to be received on gasoline and oil. Mayor•direeted that bids be opened. Bids were received from Wilkins Distributing Company, Union Oil Co. of Cal.. Tide -rater Associated Oil Co., R. L. Lursen Company, Shell Oil Compeny and Howe Oil Company. Bids were read and considered by the Council,, and following exaninav on and m�aa-nsideration, it was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that bid of Wilkins Distributing Company for gasoline at .203 per gallon, under terms of the call for bids, be aacepted.subject to written confirmation of terms of bid. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried that bid of Tide.Water Associated Oil Company for deisel oil at .108 per gallon and stove oil at .123 per gallon, under terms of the bid, and subject to confirmation of delivery point, be accepted. Chairmen Gilchrist of the Water and Seger committee reported on his investigation of complaint of surface water at N. E. White property on Portland Street, and Councilman Hall -also made a report on the matter. The Councilmen noth stated that they could see no responsibility to the Town in the problem, and that it is a property owner's problem. Further time was granted for consideration of a street light on Orchard'Street.' Superintendent Givens reported on his investigation of work done on sewer At, Bard prop_ arty -on Austin Street, stating that he and the Engineer had investigated the'matter and that the cost of the job would be about 050,00. It was moved by Broughton, seconded by Gilchrist and carried that sum of $50.00 be allowed for repair work which was_done, and that Clerk notify property owner to submit claim on voucher for consideration of the ^ouncil. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee and Superintendent made re 'ports relative to steps in vicinity of alley between Seattle and Rockwell Streets in Block 141, First Addition. They stated that right-of-way is uncertain, henee the liability of the•Town In the matter is not definite. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried that Engineer establish right-of-way lines and submit cost estimate of repairs or replacement of steps. Superintendent stated that proper drain or gutter will be placed to protect fill at west end of Morton Street. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee made a report on cross. -walk on Sidney Street near Givens School. Councilman Nichols suggested that a 4000-lu,em street light at this point would be a deed aid. Ed ester of the Puget Sound Power & Light Com- pany stated that he would submit various designs of street light which would x:e suit- able fe•r this location, and the matter was continued for further consideration. Matter of condition of Bay Street at entrance to Self Service Laundry was brought up by Councilman Repanich. Referred to Street and Alley committee with power to act, on motion by Nichols, seconded by Gilarhrist and carried. Chief of Police reported on certain conditions reported to be existing at Port Orchard Athletic Club. Referred to Attorney to write letter to operator. A letter from the 'Christian Women Fe&lowship" of the port Orch:r d Christian Church, relative to display -of "New World Review" in the port Orchw d Public Library was reed. It-Was•directed that Clerk write letter in reply, thanking the group for its interest, and that Library Board be contacted and requested to withdraw publication from circu- lation. This action was on motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Repanich and carried. On motion by Broughton, seconded by .Hall and carried Mayor Sprague was granted a month's leave of absence. Conditions pertaining to police car were referred to'Parks and Planning committee, Coun- cilman Repanich, chairman. a The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by members of the Finan ce and Auditing committee, were submitted to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND County Auditor Fire truck and Police car licenses 4.50 Puget Sound Poweb & Light Co. Street lights 248.58 W. L. Boatwright Police service 129.90 Kress & More Recap tires, Police car 5.92 T. C. Bretieisstein Engineer retainer 100.00 Port Orchard independent Publich Ordinance No. 587 7.32 Howe's hardware Janitor's tools, various merchandise 18.75 Howe Motor Company Repair siren, Police car 5,87 ^� Track & Murray Supplies .for police 3.45 Beacon Appliance Repair caution light 11.37 Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Gasoline and lub cil, Police car 3.35 WATER FUND Kitsap County Auditor Auto licenses 3.00 Howe's Hardware Padlocks, end soap, gloves, crock 7.12 Ainsworth's Grocery Clorox 13.97 Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. Shop towels 3.54 Western Utilities Supply Co. S1,ovels, drill for tapping machine 64.80 Paramount Supply Co. Pipe and fire extinguisher 80.35 Don's Service Station Oil, kerosene, tire repair 7.02 Beacon Appliance Material and labor, install service 33.30 Port Orchard Machine Shop Welding on Ford pickup .52 V. B. Cel dwell Tools and supplies 10.80 Van Waters & Rogers Clorine, freight 9.47 Atlas Foundry and Machine Co, Valve box tops and covers 52.42 STREET FUND Cleveland Chevrolet Co. Truck repair 85.90 Horne Motor Company Repair Ford truck 101.43 Howard Cooper Corp. Choke wire 2.57 County Auditor Motor Vehicle licenses 6.00 Wilkins Distributing Company Gasoline, spark pluigs 102.39 V. B. Caldwell Msa 1 and wedges 5.61 Hodge.& Davis R,p air truck tire 2.58 Union Oil Co. of Cal. 53 gallons oil 42.83 Sheets Automotive Electric Carbuerator parts 3.19 Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Pearl Oil 44.78 -.Jesse W. Sutton Overtime labor 37.75 H. J. :11patrick ©vertime labor 16.61 Orville Brose Labor 7.55 PARK FUND Howe's Hardware Various merchandise 27.48 Beacon Appliance Wiring and maternal, Recreation Building 70.66 V. B. Caldwell Wood screws .62 LIBRARY FUND Puget Sound News Company Books for library 22,90 Meeting djourned on motion b7 Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried. r Clerk & Meg or V/Z 6111' r - - - - - - - - - O --- - - - - - - Port Orchard, Washington f f: January 28, 1952 Regular meeting of the Council of Fort Orchard, Washington celled to order by Clerk Guy L. Wetzel, in the absence of lliayor William h. Sprague. Clerk called for nomina- tions for Mayor to serve during the absence of Mayor Sprague, and the name of John C. Gilchrist was placed in nomination by Councilman Verd 0. Nichols. It was moved by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried that nominations close, and that unani- mous vote of the Council be recorder for Councilman John C. Gilchrist as Acting Mayor. So ordered. Mr. Gilchrist assumed charge of the meeting. Present were Coun- cilmen Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, George A. Broughton and Dick J. Repanich; Ate _torney Dudley N. Perrino; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engin- eer T. C. Breitenstein. Minites of meeting of January 14, 1952 read and approved. Superintendent reported that progress is being made on drainage problem at west end of Morton Street. Matter of betittnr lighting on Sidney Street near Givens School was again taken up, and Ed Heister, local manager of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, exhibited dia- grams and pictures of different lights which were recommended as suitable for the lo- oslity. T).e various types of lights were studied and discussed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried that 4000-lumen, Type 4 Luminar, .on short bracket, be installed in center of block on Sidney Street in front of Givens School. Matter of better lighting on north ends of Sidney, Frederick -land Orchard Streets Brae discussed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Broughtoand carried that 6000- lumen lights be placed on Sidney Street and Frederick Street at extreme north -ends, and a 300-watt lamp be installed on north and of Orchard Street. Ed Sundt, local insurance dealer, called attention of the Council to the fact that liability insurance policy expires in April and asked AboAt plans for securing policy to succeed present policy. Referred to Finance and Auditing committee to investigate and report. Stener Kvinsland, A. E. Farmer and Art Mikelson appeared before the Councilregarding the 1952 program of the "little League" baseball organization, and suggestions were made for making changes at Central Field w:�ere 1951 games were played. Mr. Mikelso-n gave a financial report of the 1951 season, and future programs were discussed. Mat- ter was referred to Parks and Buildings committee, to meet with committee representing the "little League" and others at the Council. Ch.aaber on Monday, February 4, 1952. Mr. Mikelson, speaking for the V.F.W. invited the Mayor and members of the Council to a meeting at Eagle's Hall Wednesday evoking, January 30, 1952, at which time the VFW will present a flag to the Town officials for display in the Council Chao bers. Councilman Hall of the Street and Alley committee made a report on traffic conditions in front of the Self Service Laundry and made recommendations to be carried out when weather permits. Report approved. Chief of Police reported,that full co-operation with officers.exists with operators of the_ Fort Orchard Athletic Club. Matter of objectionable literature in Library was again discussed, and Clerk was directed to ask that careful .screening of reading matter be made by Library Beard be- fore any uncertain articles are placed for use of the Library. Matter of Police car was again taken up and discussed.- Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee stated that it would probably be possible to have repairs mode at the County Garage, at a saving over commercial rates. Advisability of purchasing new car was alsom onsidered, and matter was left in hands of the Planning and Parks com- mittee fpr investigation and report. This being the date upon which hearing on Final Assessment Roll for improvement of West Street was due for hearing, Mayor called the matter before the Council. Letters were reaA from J. F. Honeyford and Mrs. Sybil Howard; and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Williams, M. A. Hill, A. Bard and Walter Williams appear ed In person regard&ng the assessment roll. Following statements by Inerested property owners, and a question and answer period, the Council examined the roll and considered its contents. It was moved by Broughton, seconded by Nichols and carried that assessment roll be approved as presented and that ordinance approving the assessment roll, presented by Attorney Perrino, be passed as presented. Engineer Breitenstein and Superintendent Givens reported on findings concerning steps in and near alley in Block 14, First Addition. Matter was discussed and referred to Stre-et and Alley committee with power to act, on motion by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried. Final payment due R. B, Ryan.,. contractor on Rockwell Street Improvement under L.I.D., No. 53, and Job. W.,�elelt,-,►dnntractor on West Street improvement, under L. I.D. No. 54, were ordered made; after clearance by Auditing committee, on motion by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Auditing committee, and examined by members of the Council, were ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried. - CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Dears Jones,Sheriff Board of prisoners, 1951 206.00 Puget Sound, Power & Light Co. City hall and cross walk lights 91,30 Hannah•& Powell First aid kit for Police 3.08 Slocum Hardware Dry, cells for Fire Department 1.66 Burroughs Adding Machine Company Machine ribbons 7.66 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Various telephones and tolls 43.50 WATER FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power and light, all plan to 208.26 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 20.75 H. B. Menees Stove oil --clean spark plugs 1.44 Transport Clearings Freight 4.64 Slocum Hardware Pipe, fittings, various merchandise 42.76 Burroughs Adding Machine Co, 12 rolls paper 2.28 W. F. Bruhahn Labor on pipe lines 12.08 Matter of betittnr lighting on Sidney Street near Givens School was again taken up, and Ed Heister, local manager of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, exhibited dia- grams and pictures of different lights which were recommended as suitable for the lo- oslity. T).e various types of lights were studied and discussed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried that 4000-lumen, Type 4 Luminar, .on short bracket, be installed in center of block on Sidney Street in front of Givens School. Matter of better lighting on north ends of Sidney, Frederick -land Orchard Streets Brae discussed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Broughtoand carried that 6000- lumen lights be placed on Sidney Street and Frederick Street at extreme north -ends, and a 300-watt lamp be installed on north and of Orchard Street. Ed Sundt, local insurance dealer, called attention of the Council to the fact that liability insurance policy expires in April and asked AboAt plans for securing policy to succeed present policy. Referred to Finance and Auditing committee to investigate and report. Stener Kvinsland, A. E. Farmer and Art Mikelson appeared before the Councilregarding the 1952 program of the "little League" baseball organization, and suggestions were made for making changes at Central Field w:�ere 1951 games were played. Mr. Mikelso-n gave a financial report of the 1951 season, and future programs were discussed. Mat- ter was referred to Parks and Buildings committee, to meet with committee representing the "little League" and others at the Council. Ch.aaber on Monday, February 4, 1952. Mr. Mikelson, speaking for the V.F.W. invited the Mayor and members of the Council to a meeting at Eagle's Hall Wednesday evoking, January 30, 1952, at which time the VFW will present a flag to the Town officials for display in the Council Chao bers. Councilman Hall of the Street and Alley committee made a report on traffic conditions in front of the Self Service Laundry and made recommendations to be carried out when weather permits. Report approved. Chief of Police reported,that full co-operation with officers.exists with operators of the_ Fort Orchard Athletic Club. Matter of objectionable literature in Library was again discussed, and Clerk was directed to ask that careful .screening of reading matter be made by Library Beard be- fore any uncertain articles are placed for use of the Library. Matter of Police car was again taken up and discussed.- Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee stated that it would probably be possible to have repairs mode at the County Garage, at a saving over commercial rates. Advisability of purchasing new car was alsom onsidered, and matter was left in hands of the Planning and Parks com- mittee fpr investigation and report. This being the date upon which hearing on Final Assessment Roll for improvement of West Street was due for hearing, Mayor called the matter before the Council. Letters were reaA from J. F. Honeyford and Mrs. Sybil Howard; and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Williams, M. A. Hill, A. Bard and Walter Williams appear ed In person regard&ng the assessment roll. Following statements by Inerested property owners, and a question and answer period, the Council examined the roll and considered its contents. It was moved by Broughton, seconded by Nichols and carried that assessment roll be approved as presented and that ordinance approving the assessment roll, presented by Attorney Perrino, be passed as presented. Engineer Breitenstein and Superintendent Givens reported on findings concerning steps in and near alley in Block 14, First Addition. Matter was discussed and referred to Stre-et and Alley committee with power to act, on motion by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried. Final payment due R. B, Ryan.,. contractor on Rockwell Street Improvement under L.I.D., No. 53, and Job. W.,�elelt,-,►dnntractor on West Street improvement, under L. I.D. No. 54, were ordered made; after clearance by Auditing committee, on motion by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Auditing committee, and examined by members of the Council, were ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried. - CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Dears Jones,Sheriff Board of prisoners, 1951 206.00 Puget Sound, Power & Light Co. City hall and cross walk lights 91,30 Hannah•& Powell First aid kit for Police 3.08 Slocum Hardware Dry, cells for Fire Department 1.66 Burroughs Adding Machine Company Machine ribbons 7.66 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Various telephones and tolls 43.50 WATER FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power and light, all plan to 208.26 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 20.75 H. B. Menees Stove oil --clean spark plugs 1.44 Transport Clearings Freight 4.64 Slocum Hardware Pipe, fittings, various merchandise 42.76 Burroughs Adding Machine Co, 12 rolls paper 2.28 W. F. Bruhahn Labor on pipe lines 12.08 STREET FUND Slocum Hardware Paint, nails, various merchandise 10.71 Pacific Tel be Tel Co. Garage te'.ephone 7.25 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Lights at street sheds 2.88 Lumber Supply Paint 15.45 Paramount Supply Blacksmith coal 5.67 John N. Vaughn Overtime labor 21.14 H.. J. Kilpatrick Overtime labor 10.57 Jesse W. Sutton Overtime labor 13.59 PARK FUND Puget Sound power & Light (3o. Lights at Forestry Bldg and Tennis Court 5.78 Slocum Hardware Various merchandise 5.94 SEWER FUND A. E. Bard Sewer repair, 926 Austin Street 50.00 L. 1. D. No. 54 (West Street) T. C. Breitenstein Engineering 227.70 Counci. djourned on motion by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried. Clerk Acting Mayor - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - - �� Port Orchard, Washington February 11, 1952 Regular meeting of the Council of the `sown of tort Orchard called to order by Acting Mayor John C. Gilchrist. Present Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Engineer T. C. Breit- enstein, and Superintendent; of Public Works George F. Givens. Absent Mayor Sprague. Minutes of meeting of January 28, 1952 read and approved. Charles Poland appeared before the Council and asked that he be issued license to operate taxicab in Port Orchard., Matter was discussed and referred to Park, Build- ing and Planning committed for investigation and report at next meeting of the Council. Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee made a report on liability insurance matter and action: was continued to the meeting of February 25, 1952. George Swanson, representing the BremertonpTacoma Stages, appeared before the Council regarding parking places for busses operated by his company. The matter was dis- cussed by members of the Council and Mr. Swanson, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded Repanich and carried, that stopping points for the Bremerton -Tacoma Stages be fixed on the east side of Sidney Street, just north of Bay Street intersection for west- bound busses, and on the west side of Sidney Street just north of Bay Street inter- section for east -bound busses. Mr. Swanson complimented the Port Orchard police De- partment for the manner in which they handle traffic during the peak hours. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee, made a report on a meeting which his committee had held with representatives of the "Little League" baseball �roup and others, regarding Central Playfield. He stated that representatives of the Little League" had recommended considerable changes in the field, which would en- tail the expenditure of a considerable sum of money. Matter was discussed and was continued for further consideration, the committee and others to meet with Engineer regarding costa and other details, and to report to the Council at a later date. Mayor 4ilchrist displayed a beautiful flag and standard for the Council Chamber, the gift of Fred Needham Post No. 2669, Veterans of Foreign Wars, which had been pre- sented at a meeting held in Eagle Hall. The mayor and members of the Council ex- pressed their appreciation of the gift, and the Clerk was directed to write a letter to the Post, through the Commander, expressing the appreciation of the officefe of the Town for the gift. Matter of acquisition...Q& new car -'Sari' Police Department was again taken up and dis- cussed, and it was moved b�'Aichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that bids be called for new 1951 or 1952 model 4-door sedan, equipped with heater, the price quotedeto be less federal tax; also for bids for 1951 or 1952 4edoor sedan, the price quoted to be less Federal excise tax and less trade-in price of present police car. Also to advertise for sale of present police car equipped with heater. Acquisition of new truck for Street Department was discussed, and it was moved bg Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that bids be called for 2-ton truck chassis and cab, bids to submitted less Federal excise tax, and also less Federal excise tax and less trade-in for 1947 Ford truck now in use by Street Department; and that bids also be asked for sale of 1947 Ford truck-eiad.-,hassis and cab, all bids to be submitted under specifications to be supplied by Superintendent of Pub- lic Works. t STREET FUND Slocum Hardware Paint, nails, various merchandise 10.71 Pacific Tel be Tel Co. Garage te'.ephone 7.25 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Lights at street sheds 2.88 Lumber Supply Paint 15.45 Paramount Supply Blacksmith coal 5.67 John N. Vaughn Overtime labor 21.14 H.. J. Kilpatrick Overtime labor 10.57 Jesse W. Sutton Overtime labor 13.59 PARK FUND Puget Sound power & Light (3o. Lights at Forestry Bldg and Tennis Court 5.78 Slocum Hardware Various merchandise 5.94 SEWER FUND A. E. Bard Sewer repair, 926 Austin Street 50.00 L. 1. D. No. 54 (West Street) T. C. Breitenstein Engineering 227.70 Counci. djourned on motion by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried. Clerk Acting Mayor - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - - �� Port Orchard, Washington February 11, 1952 Regular meeting of the Council of the `sown of tort Orchard called to order by Acting Mayor John C. Gilchrist. Present Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Engineer T. C. Breit- enstein, and Superintendent; of Public Works George F. Givens. Absent Mayor Sprague. Minutes of meeting of January 28, 1952 read and approved. Charles Poland appeared before the Council and asked that he be issued license to operate taxicab in Port Orchard., Matter was discussed and referred to Park, Build- ing and Planning committed for investigation and report at next meeting of the Council. Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee made a report on liability insurance matter and action: was continued to the meeting of February 25, 1952. George Swanson, representing the BremertonpTacoma Stages, appeared before the Council regarding parking places for busses operated by his company. The matter was dis- cussed by members of the Council and Mr. Swanson, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded Repanich and carried, that stopping points for the Bremerton -Tacoma Stages be fixed on the east side of Sidney Street, just north of Bay Street intersection for west- bound busses, and on the west side of Sidney Street just north of Bay Street inter- section for east -bound busses. Mr. Swanson complimented the Port Orchard police De- partment for the manner in which they handle traffic during the peak hours. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee, made a report on a meeting which his committee had held with representatives of the "Little League" baseball �roup and others, regarding Central Playfield. He stated that representatives of the Little League" had recommended considerable changes in the field, which would en- tail the expenditure of a considerable sum of money. Matter was discussed and was continued for further consideration, the committee and others to meet with Engineer regarding costa and other details, and to report to the Council at a later date. Mayor 4ilchrist displayed a beautiful flag and standard for the Council Chamber, the gift of Fred Needham Post No. 2669, Veterans of Foreign Wars, which had been pre- sented at a meeting held in Eagle Hall. The mayor and members of the Council ex- pressed their appreciation of the gift, and the Clerk was directed to write a letter to the Post, through the Commander, expressing the appreciation of the officefe of the Town for the gift. Matter of acquisition...Q& new car -'Sari' Police Department was again taken up and dis- cussed, and it was moved b�'Aichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that bids be called for new 1951 or 1952 model 4-door sedan, equipped with heater, the price quotedeto be less federal tax; also for bids for 1951 or 1952 4edoor sedan, the price quoted to be less Federal excise tax and less trade-in price of present police car. Also to advertise for sale of present police car equipped with heater. Acquisition of new truck for Street Department was discussed, and it was moved bg Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that bids be called for 2-ton truck chassis and cab, bids to submitted less Federal excise tax, and also less Federal excise tax and less trade-in for 1947 Ford truck now in use by Street Department; and that bids also be asked for sale of 1947 Ford truck-eiad.-,hassis and cab, all bids to be submitted under specifications to be supplied by Superintendent of Pub- lic Works. t Further report. was made on condition of steps in alley in Block 14, First Addition and this was -discussed. It was directed that steps on alley r'_ght-of-way be barricaded and posted as closed. Clerk reported that so far no response had been received to letters notifying Master Plumbers that 1952 license is due, and Councilman Hall made a report on the matter, passed to next meeting for definite action. It was directed that George Bannerman, owner of Slocum Hardware property, be noti- Vied that bdlkhead on south boundary of property is in need o6 repair. This was ordered on motion by Nichols, seconded by hall and carried. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that entrance to Self Ser- vice 'Lau.ndry has been repaired and is now in satisfactory condition. - The -following claims, checked by heads' of departments -and by members of the Auditing committee, were examined by the Council and ordered paid on motion by Hall., seconded by Nichols and "carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Howe Motor Company Repair radiators on fire trucks 52.46 Town Treasurer ' Assessment on Park property 319.54 Part Orchard Independent Printing and publishing 30.35 T. C. Breitensteion, .... k,,_ .... " . Retainer as Engineer and Inspector 100.00 Willard L. Boatwright Police service 78.05 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Gross -walk lights 6.61 Pioneer, Inc. Warrant Register binder and sheets 59.60 Burroughs Adding Machine Co, Carbon paper 5.87 Parks" Jewwlry Police badges 8.24 Rice Electric Globes for traffic bights, etc. .50 WATER FUND . P Oet Sound Power & Light Go. Power and light, all plants 312'.77 Northwest Laboratories Analyze water sample 8.76 Overall Clean ir4g and supply Co. Shop towels 2,30 C. P. Ainsworth Clorox 7.42 Thompsonfs Pencils and thumb tacks ?.81 Howe Motor Company Grease job; replaev brake cable 7.86 Western"Utilities Supply Co. Tapping sleeve, valve, flanges, etc. 187.56 W. F. "Bruhahn Labor 46,81 Talbot Plumbing Pipe covering 3,89 STREET FUND Port U rchard Machine Shop Repairs and Melding 23.91 Cleveland Chevrolet Light bulbs for truck 1.24 Wilkins Distributing Company Gasoline •gg5p Jesse W. Sutton Overtime labor 3.02 John N. Vaughn Overtime labor 4.86 Rice Electric. Labor and material 6.55 Lumber Supply Lumber, paint, etc. 61.44 Howe Motor Company Gas tank, ford truck 20,39 South Kitsip Gravel Company Sand 14.25 • PARK FUND Howe's Hardware Push broom 2.73` Rice Electric Lamps and labor, Tennis Court, 26.27 • LIBRARY FUND The-H. R. Huntti.ng Company Books for Library 9,48 Trick & Murray Supplies 6.31 Council a bourn ---on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried. Y ` Clerk Acting Mayor' _0 Port Orchard, Washington February 25, 1952 Council called to order in regular session by Acting Mayor John C. Gilchrist, with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, Ray B. Hall and'herd W. Nichols; Attorney Dudley N. Perrin; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens present. Absent Mayor William H. Sprague. Minutes of meeting of February 11, 1052 read and approved. John Baxter, Parole Officer in this district, appeared before the Council relative to securing space in the Municipal Building for an pffice for his department. He stated his proposition m d no definite decision was reached. Continued for action. Further report. was made on condition of steps in alley in Block 14, First Addition and this was -discussed. It was directed that steps on alley r'_ght-of-way be barricaded and posted as closed. Clerk reported that so far no response had been received to letters notifying Master Plumbers that 1952 license is due, and Councilman Hall made a report on the matter, passed to next meeting for definite action. It was directed that George Bannerman, owner of Slocum Hardware property, be noti- Vied that bdlkhead on south boundary of property is in need o6 repair. This was ordered on motion by Nichols, seconded by hall and carried. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that entrance to Self Ser- vice 'Lau.ndry has been repaired and is now in satisfactory condition. - The -following claims, checked by heads' of departments -and by members of the Auditing committee, were examined by the Council and ordered paid on motion by Hall., seconded by Nichols and "carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Howe Motor Company Repair radiators on fire trucks 52.46 Town Treasurer ' Assessment on Park property 319.54 Part Orchard Independent Printing and publishing 30.35 T. C. Breitensteion, .... k,,_ .... " . Retainer as Engineer and Inspector 100.00 Willard L. Boatwright Police service 78.05 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Gross -walk lights 6.61 Pioneer, Inc. Warrant Register binder and sheets 59.60 Burroughs Adding Machine Co, Carbon paper 5.87 Parks" Jewwlry Police badges 8.24 Rice Electric Globes for traffic bights, etc. .50 WATER FUND . P Oet Sound Power & Light Go. Power and light, all plants 312'.77 Northwest Laboratories Analyze water sample 8.76 Overall Clean ir4g and supply Co. Shop towels 2,30 C. P. Ainsworth Clorox 7.42 Thompsonfs Pencils and thumb tacks ?.81 Howe Motor Company Grease job; replaev brake cable 7.86 Western"Utilities Supply Co. Tapping sleeve, valve, flanges, etc. 187.56 W. F. "Bruhahn Labor 46,81 Talbot Plumbing Pipe covering 3,89 STREET FUND Port U rchard Machine Shop Repairs and Melding 23.91 Cleveland Chevrolet Light bulbs for truck 1.24 Wilkins Distributing Company Gasoline •gg5p Jesse W. Sutton Overtime labor 3.02 John N. Vaughn Overtime labor 4.86 Rice Electric. Labor and material 6.55 Lumber Supply Lumber, paint, etc. 61.44 Howe Motor Company Gas tank, ford truck 20,39 South Kitsip Gravel Company Sand 14.25 • PARK FUND Howe's Hardware Push broom 2.73` Rice Electric Lamps and labor, Tennis Court, 26.27 • LIBRARY FUND The-H. R. Huntti.ng Company Books for Library 9,48 Trick & Murray Supplies 6.31 Council a bourn ---on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried. Y ` Clerk Acting Mayor' _0 Port Orchard, Washington February 25, 1952 Council called to order in regular session by Acting Mayor John C. Gilchrist, with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, Ray B. Hall and'herd W. Nichols; Attorney Dudley N. Perrin; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens present. Absent Mayor William H. Sprague. Minutes of meeting of February 11, 1052 read and approved. John Baxter, Parole Officer in this district, appeared before the Council relative to securing space in the Municipal Building for an pffice for his department. He stated his proposition m d no definite decision was reached. Continued for action. Ed Sundt, representing local insurance dealers Association, appeared before the Council relative to insurance policies which are nearing expiration dates. A discussion fol- lowed, and Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee recommended that the present policy on rolling stock owned by the town be renewed. It was moved by Broughton, seconded by Hall that existing policy on rolling stock be renewed. Hall, Broughton and Repanich voted for the motion. Nichols did not vote. Motlon declared carried. L. R. Stanton and Robert Klettke, residing ore DeKalb Street, appeared before the Council and asked that work be.done on the street east.of Seattle Street. This was discussed, and was referred to4-the Street and Alley committee to investigate and make recommendations to the Cburicil. Patrolman Gale of. Dow, of the Port Orchard Police Department, stated that a police school is to be held in Shelton beginning March 10, 1952, and stated th& he desired to attend, and would attend the school on his vacation time. He requested that ex- penses of the school be paid by the Town. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried that expenses of Patrolman Dow in attending police schobl'be paid by the Town. Concerning* the application of Charles Poland for taxicab license, Chairman Repanich of the Parks, Building and Planning committee recommended that the application be de- nied on the ground that no need exists for more taxicabs in Port Orchard, as the ser- vice is being well handled by the present operators. It was moved by Broughton, sec- onded by Repanich and carried that recommendations of the cor.mittee be accepted and that application for license be denied. Chatorzman Repanich of the Parks, Buildings and Punning committee made a rep&rt on the request of the "Little League" baseball organization for baseball ground.'He stated that to condition Central Playfield for this activity as requested would be as a xpenw siv"e job, and that it would interfere with other activities which are carried on at this field. He stated that an effort will be made to locate and condition suitable baseball ground at Givens Field, and that this matter has been discussed with sponsors of the "Little League" and that it was believed that a satisfactory arrangement can be made, and that his committee recommended that this be done. It was moved by Broughton, seconded by Hall and carried that'recommendations of the 'committee be accepted and that cormI ttee be given power to act in establishing a ball ground on Givens Field. Superintendent reported that steps in alley in Block 14, First Addition, have beery barricaded and posted as closed. Councilman Nichols reported that cars parking in alley in 'Block 7, First Addition. � create a traffic hazzard and that practice of so parking should be stopped. Referred to Police and Attorney. Clerk asked that $194.08 in L. I. D. No. 47 (Garrison Street) which is in excess of claims against the district, be transferred to the Current Expense Fund, the L.I.D. having been fully paid. This was ordered on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton and members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Kitsap County Treasurer Forest Fire Patrol tax on Garbage tract 5.60 State Treasurer 1952 premium., Volunteer Firemenra Ins. 60.00 H. B. Menees Brake locks on two fire trucks 66.,85 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Various telephones and tolls 43.35 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Street lights 249.21 Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Gasoline and lub oil, Police car 6.08 Trick & Murray Election supplies 5.71 Port Orchard Independent Hearing on Assessment Roll (LID#53) 3.19 WATER FUND Town Clerk Postal cards for water bills 40.00 City of Bremerton Rental of chlorinator =4 Labor 55.70 Western Utilities Supply Co. Rental of upping machine��steel pipe 47.30 Pacific Tel I Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 19.55 Sonotone of Br merton Batteries for pipe loeater.. 4.22 American Plumbing & Steam Supply Caulking lead, galvanized pipe 79.74 W. F. Bruhahn Labor on pipe lines 15.10 STREET FUND Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Garage telephone �7.25 Nelson Eqx ipment Company Bushings 4.65 Transport Clearings Freight 1.43 James A. Morgan Labor cleaning gravel from streets 1.35 John N. Vaughn Overtime labor 8.10 Ed Sundt, representing local insurance dealers Association, appeared before the Council relative to insurance policies which are nearing expiration dates. A discussion fol- lowed, and Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee recommended that the present policy on rolling stock owned by the town be renewed. It was moved by Broughton, seconded by Hall that existing policy on rolling stock be renewed. Hall, Broughton and Repanich voted for the motion. Nichols did not vote. Motlon declared carried. L. R. Stanton and Robert Klettke, residing ore DeKalb Street, appeared before the Council and asked that work be.done on the street east.of Seattle Street. This was discussed, and was referred to4-the Street and Alley committee to investigate and make recommendations to the Cburicil. Patrolman Gale of. Dow, of the Port Orchard Police Department, stated that a police school is to be held in Shelton beginning March 10, 1952, and stated th& he desired to attend, and would attend the school on his vacation time. He requested that ex- penses of the school be paid by the Town. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried that expenses of Patrolman Dow in attending police schobl'be paid by the Town. Concerning* the application of Charles Poland for taxicab license, Chairman Repanich of the Parks, Building and Planning committee recommended that the application be de- nied on the ground that no need exists for more taxicabs in Port Orchard, as the ser- vice is being well handled by the present operators. It was moved by Broughton, sec- onded by Repanich and carried that recommendations of the cor.mittee be accepted and that application for license be denied. Chatorzman Repanich of the Parks, Buildings and Punning committee made a rep&rt on the request of the "Little League" baseball organization for baseball ground.'He stated that to condition Central Playfield for this activity as requested would be as a xpenw siv"e job, and that it would interfere with other activities which are carried on at this field. He stated that an effort will be made to locate and condition suitable baseball ground at Givens Field, and that this matter has been discussed with sponsors of the "Little League" and that it was believed that a satisfactory arrangement can be made, and that his committee recommended that this be done. It was moved by Broughton, seconded by Hall and carried that'recommendations of the 'committee be accepted and that cormI ttee be given power to act in establishing a ball ground on Givens Field. Superintendent reported that steps in alley in Block 14, First Addition, have beery barricaded and posted as closed. Councilman Nichols reported that cars parking in alley in 'Block 7, First Addition. � create a traffic hazzard and that practice of so parking should be stopped. Referred to Police and Attorney. Clerk asked that $194.08 in L. I. D. No. 47 (Garrison Street) which is in excess of claims against the district, be transferred to the Current Expense Fund, the L.I.D. having been fully paid. This was ordered on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton and members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Kitsap County Treasurer Forest Fire Patrol tax on Garbage tract 5.60 State Treasurer 1952 premium., Volunteer Firemenra Ins. 60.00 H. B. Menees Brake locks on two fire trucks 66.,85 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Various telephones and tolls 43.35 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Street lights 249.21 Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Gasoline and lub oil, Police car 6.08 Trick & Murray Election supplies 5.71 Port Orchard Independent Hearing on Assessment Roll (LID#53) 3.19 WATER FUND Town Clerk Postal cards for water bills 40.00 City of Bremerton Rental of chlorinator =4 Labor 55.70 Western Utilities Supply Co. Rental of upping machine��steel pipe 47.30 Pacific Tel I Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 19.55 Sonotone of Br merton Batteries for pipe loeater.. 4.22 American Plumbing & Steam Supply Caulking lead, galvanized pipe 79.74 W. F. Bruhahn Labor on pipe lines 15.10 STREET FUND Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Garage telephone �7.25 Nelson Eqx ipment Company Bushings 4.65 Transport Clearings Freight 1.43 James A. Morgan Labor cleaning gravel from streets 1.35 John N. Vaughn Overtime labor 8.10 LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Company Books for Library 32.32 PARK FUND James A. Morgan Labor cleaning Recreation Building 1.35 Meeti Jed on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried. Clerk Acting Mayor 0 Port Orchard, Washington March 10, 1052 Council called to order in regular session by Mayor Rilliam H. Sprague with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, Jahn C. Gilchrist, herd W. Nichols a^►d Ray B. Hall; Superintendent of public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. G. Breitenstein present. Minutes of meeting of Februam yb25, 1952 read and approved. This being the date on which bids were to be received for 49door sedan for Police De- par$ment, Clerk reported that several bids had been received, and Mayor directed that bids be opened. Bids were received from Bechtel Motors, Crawford Motors, Cleveland," Chevrolet Company and Row-e .Motor Company. The bids were opened and read to the Couneil and.were examined and and considered by the Council. Following consideration and dis- cuBalon, it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried ,that bid of Howe Motor Company for 1952 Ford 6-cylinder sedan, equipped with Magic Air heater and deforster, for-$1,882.31, less $1,036.00 for present police car, or a net cost in cash to the Town of $846.310 be accepted. Bids also being called for 2-tan truck for Street Department, bids were received from Howe Motor lompany, Cleveland Chevrolet Company, Crawford Motors, Bechtel Motors an d American Motors. Bids were opened and read. Bids were examined and considered by the Mayor and members of the Council and following consideration, it was moved by•Nichols, secop4ed,by Gilchrist and carried that bid of Clebeland Chevrolet Company, whioh'offered to furnish the truck according to specifications, for $2,699.97, less $910.97 trade-in allowance on 1947 Ford truck, or a net cost to the Town of $1,789.000 be accepted. Matter of space in the Port Orchw d Municipal Building for office of State Parole officer was -again taken up4i and it was determined that space is not available. Chairmen. Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that he had investigated con- ditions on DeKalb Street, east of 9&Lt&�-e Street, and stated that he believed that with some work with the grader that the roadway can be widened and made sufficient for needs of�the residents., This matter came before the Council on February 25, 1952 when-L. F. Stanton and Robert Klettke appeared in regard thereto, and it was referred to the Street and Alley committee. Chief of Police stated that police School scheduled for the comkng week, and which was to have been attended by Patrolman Gale Dow, had been cancelled. Chairman Repanich of the Parks, Buildings and Planning committee, reported that pland to provide baseball grounds for the "Little League" baseball and other groups of young- sters at Givens Field are about completed; and it is believed will prove satisfactory to all concerned. Clerk presented Certificate of Election from Kitsap County Election Board showing re- sults of election held in Forest Coty area on the proposition of annexation of that area to thelown of port Orchard. The Certificate showed that 68 votes had been cast for the proposition of annexation and 21 votes cast against the proposition, and that annexation had carried. Ordinance providing for annexation of area to the Town of Port Orchard was read, and it was moved by Gilchrist, seconded by Broughton and carried that ordinance be passed and adopted, subject to approval by Engineer as to description of property named in the ordinance, and to approval by Town Attorney as to form and con- ditions. Matter of street lights in area sought to be annexed was considered and it was moved by Gilchrist, seconded by Nichols and carried *hat street lights be authorized to be turned upon approval and nublication of ordinance providing for annexation. Claim of A. Jakoboni for final payment of contract for Bay Street water main, and for taxes due on same, was authorized on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried. Mayor stated that he had received an offer to paint the flagpole in the demorial Plot on Bay Street for $18.00. Mayor was authorized to enter &nto contract with Smith & Hartman to paint the pole for $18.00, on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried. It was stated that Ralph Connell desired to operate an auto wrecking lot on Lots 1 tp 15, Bloek5, Tom Cline's Addition to Sidney. This was discussed and it was the opinion of the Louncil as expressed that there is no objection to the operation, on the premises described. LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Company Books for Library 32.32 PARK FUND James A. Morgan Labor cleaning Recreation Building 1.35 Meeti Jed on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried. Clerk Acting Mayor 0 Port Orchard, Washington March 10, 1052 Council called to order in regular session by Mayor Rilliam H. Sprague with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, Jahn C. Gilchrist, herd W. Nichols a^►d Ray B. Hall; Superintendent of public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. G. Breitenstein present. Minutes of meeting of Februam yb25, 1952 read and approved. This being the date on which bids were to be received for 49door sedan for Police De- par$ment, Clerk reported that several bids had been received, and Mayor directed that bids be opened. Bids were received from Bechtel Motors, Crawford Motors, Cleveland," Chevrolet Company and Row-e .Motor Company. The bids were opened and read to the Couneil and.were examined and and considered by the Council. Following consideration and dis- cuBalon, it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried ,that bid of Howe Motor Company for 1952 Ford 6-cylinder sedan, equipped with Magic Air heater and deforster, for-$1,882.31, less $1,036.00 for present police car, or a net cost in cash to the Town of $846.310 be accepted. Bids also being called for 2-tan truck for Street Department, bids were received from Howe Motor lompany, Cleveland Chevrolet Company, Crawford Motors, Bechtel Motors an d American Motors. Bids were opened and read. Bids were examined and considered by the Mayor and members of the Council and following consideration, it was moved by•Nichols, secop4ed,by Gilchrist and carried that bid of Clebeland Chevrolet Company, whioh'offered to furnish the truck according to specifications, for $2,699.97, less $910.97 trade-in allowance on 1947 Ford truck, or a net cost to the Town of $1,789.000 be accepted. Matter of space in the Port Orchw d Municipal Building for office of State Parole officer was -again taken up4i and it was determined that space is not available. Chairmen. Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that he had investigated con- ditions on DeKalb Street, east of 9&Lt&�-e Street, and stated that he believed that with some work with the grader that the roadway can be widened and made sufficient for needs of�the residents., This matter came before the Council on February 25, 1952 when-L. F. Stanton and Robert Klettke appeared in regard thereto, and it was referred to the Street and Alley committee. Chief of Police stated that police School scheduled for the comkng week, and which was to have been attended by Patrolman Gale Dow, had been cancelled. Chairman Repanich of the Parks, Buildings and Planning committee, reported that pland to provide baseball grounds for the "Little League" baseball and other groups of young- sters at Givens Field are about completed; and it is believed will prove satisfactory to all concerned. Clerk presented Certificate of Election from Kitsap County Election Board showing re- sults of election held in Forest Coty area on the proposition of annexation of that area to thelown of port Orchard. The Certificate showed that 68 votes had been cast for the proposition of annexation and 21 votes cast against the proposition, and that annexation had carried. Ordinance providing for annexation of area to the Town of Port Orchard was read, and it was moved by Gilchrist, seconded by Broughton and carried that ordinance be passed and adopted, subject to approval by Engineer as to description of property named in the ordinance, and to approval by Town Attorney as to form and con- ditions. Matter of street lights in area sought to be annexed was considered and it was moved by Gilchrist, seconded by Nichols and carried *hat street lights be authorized to be turned upon approval and nublication of ordinance providing for annexation. Claim of A. Jakoboni for final payment of contract for Bay Street water main, and for taxes due on same, was authorized on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried. Mayor stated that he had received an offer to paint the flagpole in the demorial Plot on Bay Street for $18.00. Mayor was authorized to enter &nto contract with Smith & Hartman to paint the pole for $18.00, on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried. It was stated that Ralph Connell desired to operate an auto wrecking lot on Lots 1 tp 15, Bloek5, Tom Cline's Addition to Sidney. This was discussed and it was the opinion of the Louncil as expressed that there is no objection to the operation, on the premises described. Matter of parking on the .south side of Prospect Street from Frederick Street east to Sidney Street was discussed and referred to Chief of Police, Superintendent of Public Works and Ltreet and Alley committee. Following claims were presented, after checking by heads of departments and by mem- bers of the Auditing committee, and were ordered paid on motion by Broughton, seconded by Hall and carried: Puget Sound tower & Light Co. T. G. Breitenstein Standard Oil Co. of Cal. William A. Chess Port Orchard Independent A. R. Elliott County Auditor Trick & Murray Howe Motor Company Howes Hardware CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Street and traffic lights Engineer retainer Deisel fuel and lub service Police service Publishing various notices Insurance premium on Town cars State Examiner --Election Notice Various merchandise and supplies Repair siren on Police car Various supplies WATER FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Go. Howes Hardware Rockwell Manufacturing Co., Talbot Plumbing E. N. Hallgren Co. E. D. Fowler & Go., Inc. Port Orchard Machine Shop V. B. Caldwell Hodge & Davis American Plumbing & Steam Sup.Co. W. F. Bruhahn John N. Vaughn H. J. Kilpatrick Sonotone of Bremerton Howe Oil Company Jesse W. Sutton A. Jakoboni Standard Oil Co. of Cal. V. B. Caldwell Port Orchard Machine Shop Bowe Oil Company Wilkins Distributing Go. John N. Vaughn Jesse W. Sutton Power and light, all plants Tools 31t water meter Labor on pipe locater Packing material Valves and copper tubing Repair machine; meter box frame, etc. Tools and fittings 10 gallons gasoline Repair clamp, bundle of pipe Labor on water lines Overtime labor Overtime labor Battery tester for pipe locater Stove oil Overtime labor Balance on contract and sales tax STREET FUND Kerosene and gear grease Cable clamp, chain, hooks, chisel Welding, etc. Stove oil Gasoline Overtime labor Overtime labor 253.93 100.00 109.05 104.04 30,42 341.65 371.84 34.94 5.71 9.90 291,95 7.46 267.80 10.04 41.00 99.26 76.48 8.05 2.87 22.86 32,22 1.62 1.51 5.15 12.86 1.51 1,854.08 '1 PARK FUND Howe's Hardware Various merchandise Counci a�oikrned on -on by Hall, seconded by Gilch and carried. � - / , Y" _ •��r Clerk May or _0 27.17 2.32 16.89 83.96 101.50 4.86 4.53 5.99 ( Port Orchard, Washington March 24, 1952 Meeting of the Council continued to March 25, 1952 aty27:30 for lack of a quorum. lark. Matter of parking on the .south side of Prospect Street from Frederick Street east to Sidney Street was discussed and referred to Chief of Police, Superintendent of Public Works and Ltreet and Alley committee. Following claims were presented, after checking by heads of departments and by mem- bers of the Auditing committee, and were ordered paid on motion by Broughton, seconded by Hall and carried: Puget Sound tower & Light Co. T. G. Breitenstein Standard Oil Co. of Cal. William A. Chess Port Orchard Independent A. R. Elliott County Auditor Trick & Murray Howe Motor Company Howes Hardware CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Street and traffic lights Engineer retainer Deisel fuel and lub service Police service Publishing various notices Insurance premium on Town cars State Examiner --Election Notice Various merchandise and supplies Repair siren on Police car Various supplies WATER FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Go. Howes Hardware Rockwell Manufacturing Co., Talbot Plumbing E. N. Hallgren Co. E. D. Fowler & Go., Inc. Port Orchard Machine Shop V. B. Caldwell Hodge & Davis American Plumbing & Steam Sup.Co. W. F. Bruhahn John N. Vaughn H. J. Kilpatrick Sonotone of Bremerton Howe Oil Company Jesse W. Sutton A. Jakoboni Standard Oil Co. of Cal. V. B. Caldwell Port Orchard Machine Shop Bowe Oil Company Wilkins Distributing Go. John N. Vaughn Jesse W. Sutton Power and light, all plants Tools 31t water meter Labor on pipe locater Packing material Valves and copper tubing Repair machine; meter box frame, etc. Tools and fittings 10 gallons gasoline Repair clamp, bundle of pipe Labor on water lines Overtime labor Overtime labor Battery tester for pipe locater Stove oil Overtime labor Balance on contract and sales tax STREET FUND Kerosene and gear grease Cable clamp, chain, hooks, chisel Welding, etc. Stove oil Gasoline Overtime labor Overtime labor 253.93 100.00 109.05 104.04 30,42 341.65 371.84 34.94 5.71 9.90 291,95 7.46 267.80 10.04 41.00 99.26 76.48 8.05 2.87 22.86 32,22 1.62 1.51 5.15 12.86 1.51 1,854.08 '1 PARK FUND Howe's Hardware Various merchandise Counci a�oikrned on -on by Hall, seconded by Gilch and carried. � - / , Y" _ •��r Clerk May or _0 27.17 2.32 16.89 83.96 101.50 4.86 4.53 5.99 ( Port Orchard, Washington March 24, 1952 Meeting of the Council continued to March 25, 1952 aty27:30 for lack of a quorum. lark. i Port Orchard, Washington March 25, 1952 Continued meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Clerk Guy L. Wetzel in the absence of Mayor William H. Sprague. Councilman John C. Gilchrist was unanimously'elected Acting Mayor, on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried. Present Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, Nick J. Repanich, George A. Broughton and John C. Gilchrist; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. Acting Mayor Gilchrist called the meeting to order. Minutes of Meeting of March 10, 1952 and of March 24, 1952 read and approved. Councilman Nichols reported that he had been informed that some delay is being experienced in securing a black 4-door sedan for Police car, ordered on bid award to Howe Motor Company, due to production and delivery problems, but that a car would probably be available within a short time. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee reported that basball ground for junior baseball at Givens Field has been staked out, and that wot F of conditioning the field for play will be undertaken.. He also reported that while a request had been made for a sprinkling. system on the new ball field, that he recommended that installation of this system be delayed, as grounds can be wet down with hose from standpip6a,without e:cMenditure of cost of sprinkling system. Chairman.Niehols of the Fire and Light Committee reported that six lights have been turned on in Forest City area, recently annexed to Port Orchard, and that other lights would probably be required in that area. He also.stated that he had ascertained from the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, that by the installation lighting of about twenty-three additional street lights that much greater lighting service can be given residents at only a slight increase in the monthly cost, as unit rates would be reduced when 150 units are installed. Mr. Michols recommended that lights be placed for some, distance on the Gig Harbor highway where facilities permit. Matter of additional street lights was discussed,• and was referred to Fire and Light committee for further investigation and detailed report. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that an invest) gation had been made of parking rules on Prospect Street, and stated that his committee re•com- mends 2-hour parking on the south side of Prospect Street between Frederick and Sid - nay Street, and that a system of parallel parking be inaugurated on the curve between Frederick and Bank Streets; that parking on north aide of street between Frederick and Sidney Streets remain as at present, and that parking on south side of street - be barred during intervals when funerals are,being held, except for funeral cars. Report was considered by the.Council and was adopted on motion by Repanich, seconded by Half and carried. Communication relative to annual establishing of population from State Census Board was read to Council and a discussion followed. Matter continued to meeting of April 14, 1952, and during the interim a count is to be made of number of houses in newly annexed territory, as provided by state law, record of construction of new dwelling units was to be secured, and other data pertaining to population figures is to be assembled for consideration. Acting Mayor Gilchrist brought up the matter of F. B. I. police-sebool to be held at Fort Le.wls in May and stated that Patrolman Dow desired to attend. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that Patrolman Gale Dow be authoriTed-to' attend school, and that expenses of course and expenses of officer while attending school be` paid k Ordinance`repealing Ordinance No. 346, and making it unlawful for any person under 21 years a£ -age to acquire in any manner, consume of have in his possession any i'ntox» icating liquor, except under certain conditions, was presented and passed on first reading on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried. Ordinance providing for emergency expenditures in the Street Fund of $1,799.00 for a 2-ton truck, and $846.31 from the Current Expense Fund for a Police car, was intro- duced and read, passed unanimously on first reading and continued to April 14, 1952 for final action. 14 . Returns of Municipal election held on March 11, 1952 were submitted for canvas by the Council, and the returns were certified as follows; For Councilmen for two -years terms: George A. Broughton, 95 votes; Verd W. Nichols, 90 votes; C. H. Largis, 94 votes; John C. Gilchrist, 1, vote; Dean Corliss, 1 vote; Geo. A. Broughton, Jr., i vote; Dan Bassen, 1 vote; Dusty C. Winebrenner, 1 vote. Superintendent submitted tentative figures on the cost of plastering or painting galls in lower halls and in the recreation room on the ground floor of the Port Orchard Municipal Bijilding, and Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Building committee made a report on the matter. A disucssion followed, and it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried that Perks and Building committee be authorized to have halls and recreation room on ground floor plastered. Chairman Nichols of the Fire and Light Committee brought pp the matter of additional fire alar& equipment for general use and under the Civilian Defense program, and Fire Chief Alan Totten explained some of the angles, costs and problems in connection i Port Orchard, Washington March 25, 1952 Continued meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Clerk Guy L. Wetzel in the absence of Mayor William H. Sprague. Councilman John C. Gilchrist was unanimously'elected Acting Mayor, on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried. Present Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, Nick J. Repanich, George A. Broughton and John C. Gilchrist; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. Acting Mayor Gilchrist called the meeting to order. Minutes of Meeting of March 10, 1952 and of March 24, 1952 read and approved. Councilman Nichols reported that he had been informed that some delay is being experienced in securing a black 4-door sedan for Police car, ordered on bid award to Howe Motor Company, due to production and delivery problems, but that a car would probably be available within a short time. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee reported that basball ground for junior baseball at Givens Field has been staked out, and that wot F of conditioning the field for play will be undertaken.. He also reported that while a request had been made for a sprinkling. system on the new ball field, that he recommended that installation of this system be delayed, as grounds can be wet down with hose from standpip6a,without e:cMenditure of cost of sprinkling system. Chairman.Niehols of the Fire and Light Committee reported that six lights have been turned on in Forest City area, recently annexed to Port Orchard, and that other lights would probably be required in that area. He also.stated that he had ascertained from the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, that by the installation lighting of about twenty-three additional street lights that much greater lighting service can be given residents at only a slight increase in the monthly cost, as unit rates would be reduced when 150 units are installed. Mr. Michols recommended that lights be placed for some, distance on the Gig Harbor highway where facilities permit. Matter of additional street lights was discussed,• and was referred to Fire and Light committee for further investigation and detailed report. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that an invest) gation had been made of parking rules on Prospect Street, and stated that his committee re•com- mends 2-hour parking on the south side of Prospect Street between Frederick and Sid - nay Street, and that a system of parallel parking be inaugurated on the curve between Frederick and Bank Streets; that parking on north aide of street between Frederick and Sidney Streets remain as at present, and that parking on south side of street - be barred during intervals when funerals are,being held, except for funeral cars. Report was considered by the.Council and was adopted on motion by Repanich, seconded by Half and carried. Communication relative to annual establishing of population from State Census Board was read to Council and a discussion followed. Matter continued to meeting of April 14, 1952, and during the interim a count is to be made of number of houses in newly annexed territory, as provided by state law, record of construction of new dwelling units was to be secured, and other data pertaining to population figures is to be assembled for consideration. Acting Mayor Gilchrist brought up the matter of F. B. I. police-sebool to be held at Fort Le.wls in May and stated that Patrolman Dow desired to attend. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that Patrolman Gale Dow be authoriTed-to' attend school, and that expenses of course and expenses of officer while attending school be` paid k Ordinance`repealing Ordinance No. 346, and making it unlawful for any person under 21 years a£ -age to acquire in any manner, consume of have in his possession any i'ntox» icating liquor, except under certain conditions, was presented and passed on first reading on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried. Ordinance providing for emergency expenditures in the Street Fund of $1,799.00 for a 2-ton truck, and $846.31 from the Current Expense Fund for a Police car, was intro- duced and read, passed unanimously on first reading and continued to April 14, 1952 for final action. 14 . Returns of Municipal election held on March 11, 1952 were submitted for canvas by the Council, and the returns were certified as follows; For Councilmen for two -years terms: George A. Broughton, 95 votes; Verd W. Nichols, 90 votes; C. H. Largis, 94 votes; John C. Gilchrist, 1, vote; Dean Corliss, 1 vote; Geo. A. Broughton, Jr., i vote; Dan Bassen, 1 vote; Dusty C. Winebrenner, 1 vote. Superintendent submitted tentative figures on the cost of plastering or painting galls in lower halls and in the recreation room on the ground floor of the Port Orchard Municipal Bijilding, and Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Building committee made a report on the matter. A disucssion followed, and it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried that Perks and Building committee be authorized to have halls and recreation room on ground floor plastered. Chairman Nichols of the Fire and Light Committee brought pp the matter of additional fire alar& equipment for general use and under the Civilian Defense program, and Fire Chief Alan Totten explained some of the angles, costs and problems in connection therewith. A general discussion followed, and it was moved by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried that the Fire and Light committee and the Fire Chief be given power to act in the matter of acquiring and installing additional fire alarm equipment throught the Town. Superintendent of Public Works made a request on behalf bf the employees of the Street Department,_ for a cost -of -living increase. This matter was discussed, and was referred to the Finance and Auditing; committee for consideration and recommendation at next meeting of the Council, on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried. The following claims, previously checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing; committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried: Smith & Hartman Auditor Kitsap County Puget Sound Power & Light James A.: Morgan Tide Water Associated Oil F. E. Langer, Agent Emma Harmon Pauline G. Breed Jennie Alderman Dean D. Jones, Sheriff Port Orchard Independent Pacific Tel & Tel Co. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Painting flag pole Forest City Annexation election costs Lights at city hall Labor, city hall grounds Co. Deisel fuel 1?reihium, Clerk's bond Inspector Election Judge Election Judge Election Board of Prisoners Publish Ordinance No. 590 Various telephones and tolls Western Utilities Supply Co. American Plbg & St Sup.Co. H. D. Fowler Co., Inc. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Rockwell Manufacturing Cc. J. W. Welsh C. P. Ainsworth H. B. Menees Puget Sound Power & Light A. Jakoboni Barrett & Yost Slocum Hardware Slocum Hardware W. F. Bruhahn WATER FUND Corp. stops, plugs, etc. Galvanized pipe Tubing, adapter, etc. Telephones and tolls Water Meters and parts Ditching maple Street water replacement B gals Clorox Ignition coil Service, cathodic equipment 18 ft 41 C I pipe Test set, etc Motor, bolts, washers, etc. Pyrene Labor on pipe lines $1B.00 47.50 77.00 8.78 141.00 50.00 10.50 10.50 19.59 20.00 8.04 43.20 27,52 69,67 67.34 18.00 263.29 1BO. 00 2.06 7.11 18.08 21.32 16.08 50.61 7.73 37.70 STREET FUND Slocum Hardware Pyrene Slocum Hardware Tidewater Associated Oil Co. Bolts, paint brush etc Deisel and stove oil 7.72 12.31 Pacific Tel & Tal Co. Puget Sound Power & Light; Telephone service Light at 20.87 7.25 H. B. Menees Auditor Kitsap County street sheds Signal arm; grease gun tips License 3.07 16.12 Johnson Paint & Wallpaper Co. and title, nets truck Traffic paint 2.50 Overall Cleaning and supply Shop towels 79.05 J6hn N. Vaughn Overtime, Labor 2.50 50 Jesse W. Sutton Overtime, Labor 3.24 3.02 PA.RK FUND Puget Sound Power & Light; Service at Forestry Bldg & tennis Ct 5.80 LIBRARY FUND Puget Sound News Co. Books for library 25.80 Counci4add rned on motioonJby Hall, seconded by Repanic and carried "� Y Clerk Maalyor � j therewith. A general discussion followed, and it was moved by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried that the Fire and Light committee and the Fire Chief be given power to act in the matter of acquiring and installing additional fire alarm equipment throught the Town. Superintendent of Public Works made a request on behalf bf the employees of the Street Department,_ for a cost -of -living increase. This matter was discussed, and was referred to the Finance and Auditing; committee for consideration and recommendation at next meeting of the Council, on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried. The following claims, previously checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing; committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried: Smith & Hartman Auditor Kitsap County Puget Sound Power & Light James A.: Morgan Tide Water Associated Oil F. E. Langer, Agent Emma Harmon Pauline G. Breed Jennie Alderman Dean D. Jones, Sheriff Port Orchard Independent Pacific Tel & Tel Co. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Painting flag pole Forest City Annexation election costs Lights at city hall Labor, city hall grounds Co. Deisel fuel 1?reihium, Clerk's bond Inspector Election Judge Election Judge Election Board of Prisoners Publish Ordinance No. 590 Various telephones and tolls Western Utilities Supply Co. American Plbg & St Sup.Co. H. D. Fowler Co., Inc. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Rockwell Manufacturing Cc. J. W. Welsh C. P. Ainsworth H. B. Menees Puget Sound Power & Light A. Jakoboni Barrett & Yost Slocum Hardware Slocum Hardware W. F. Bruhahn WATER FUND Corp. stops, plugs, etc. Galvanized pipe Tubing, adapter, etc. Telephones and tolls Water Meters and parts Ditching maple Street water replacement B gals Clorox Ignition coil Service, cathodic equipment 18 ft 41 C I pipe Test set, etc Motor, bolts, washers, etc. Pyrene Labor on pipe lines $1B.00 47.50 77.00 8.78 141.00 50.00 10.50 10.50 19.59 20.00 8.04 43.20 27,52 69,67 67.34 18.00 263.29 1BO. 00 2.06 7.11 18.08 21.32 16.08 50.61 7.73 37.70 STREET FUND Slocum Hardware Pyrene Slocum Hardware Tidewater Associated Oil Co. Bolts, paint brush etc Deisel and stove oil 7.72 12.31 Pacific Tel & Tal Co. Puget Sound Power & Light; Telephone service Light at 20.87 7.25 H. B. Menees Auditor Kitsap County street sheds Signal arm; grease gun tips License 3.07 16.12 Johnson Paint & Wallpaper Co. and title, nets truck Traffic paint 2.50 Overall Cleaning and supply Shop towels 79.05 J6hn N. Vaughn Overtime, Labor 2.50 50 Jesse W. Sutton Overtime, Labor 3.24 3.02 PA.RK FUND Puget Sound Power & Light; Service at Forestry Bldg & tennis Ct 5.80 LIBRARY FUND Puget Sound News Co. Books for library 25.80 Counci4add rned on motioonJby Hall, seconded by Repanic and carried "� Y Clerk Maalyor � j Port Orchard, Washington April 14, 1952 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard called to order by.Mayor William H. Sprague, with Councilmen John C. Gilchrist, Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens present. Minutes of meeting of March 25, 1952 read and approved. Mr. Less Plymale, Engineer from the Otate Department of Highways, appeared before the Council, and presented a resolution guaranteeing that the Town would permit no en- croachments on Bay Street or Cedar Street over which the right -cif -way for State Highway No. 14 is located. The resolution was read to the Council and was passed and adopted on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried. Mr. Plymaje made a statement to the Council relative to widening of Black Jack Creek bridge, and other work in connection with this improvement, and also in con-' nectio* with the participation by the Town in the improvement by rewrapping the outer fill at the bridge. He stated that bids would be called on the improvement within a'short time, and that work should be completed this summer. Rev. L. 9.,Ireland of the Assembly of God Church appeared before the Council and asked permission to erect a church edifice on Lots 13-14-15, Block 1, Tom Clinets Addition,_ placing the building on the property line where it abuts the state highway. Permission was granted'to place the building on the property line on' motion by Gilchrst, seconded by Broughton and carried. E. W. Bell, proprietor of the Port Orchard Athletic Flub, appeared before the council relative to his application for renewal of his license to operate a Social club. The matter was discussed very thoroughly by the members of the Council and the Mayor, and seceral points were cleared up by statements by Mr. Bell. It was moved by Repanich,` seconded by Gilchrist and carried that application be approved, and that bre authorized to issue license. . C. H. Frost appeared before _the Council relative to dog nuisance in his neighborhood, and this was discussed, and the remedies were suggested. Matter of sewer drainage in the vicinity was alsq.brought up by Mr. Frost, and arrangements were made whereby he is to contact the "ngineer to go over the siituktion. It was stated that early delivery of the new polio car is -anticipated, and Police Department was authorized to have whatever changes were necessary to equip the new car, done in the least expensive manner. Ed Heiste;r, local manager of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, stated that by the addition of 23 street lights, that a lower rate for street lighting service will prevail, and suggested that the Council consider this additional service. The matter was discussed, and Chairman Nichols of the Fire and Light committee, stated that a survey would be made of the town, and places where street Lights should be placed would be indicated on a map and submitted to the Council for study. Mayor s.teted that a check for $300.00 on franchise payment from the Puget Sound Power Company has been received. Mayor also stated that Mrs. Laura Mahan had asked that cross walk lines be painter. across Prospect Street at its intersection with Frederick Street in the interest of pedestrian safety. The matter was discussed and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Hall and 'carried that cross walk lines be painted across Prospect Street at both the east and west margins of the intersection with Frederick Street. Ordinance providing for emergency appropriation in the Street Fund for the sum of $1,789.00 for 2-tan truck, and in the Current Expense Fund for $846.31 for patrol car for the P011ce Department, was read, having been introduced and passed unanimously at the meeting of March 25, 1952, and was passed by unanimous vote of the Council members present, on motion by Broughton, seconded by Hall'and-carried. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance°No. 592. ` f Ordinance No. 591, relating to intoxicating liquor and minors, was passed on second reading on motion by Gilchrist;x seconded by Repanich, and carried and was adopted. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee stated that wals and ceilings in corridors and recreation room on ground floor of the Municipal B4ilding would be plastered in the near future. This work was authorized by action of the Council on March 25, 1952. ` Chairman Brougkte3n-'oi'`-th**k AfboAIttee submitted recommendations regarding salaries of enn!ployees of the to ri of Port Orchard. This was discussed, definite figures were established and ordin nee fixing salaries of twon employees was passed on motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Mall and carried. Adopted as Ordinance No, 593. On Motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried, a resolution was passed adopting daylight saving time on the schedule as maintained by the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. Councilman Gilchrist voted No on the resolution. Matter of liability and property damage insurance came up, and it was directed that bids be called for thisservice, on motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Broughton and carried. Port Orchard, Washington April 14, 1952 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard called to order by.Mayor William H. Sprague, with Councilmen John C. Gilchrist, Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens present. Minutes of meeting of March 25, 1952 read and approved. Mr. Less Plymale, Engineer from the Otate Department of Highways, appeared before the Council, and presented a resolution guaranteeing that the Town would permit no en- croachments on Bay Street or Cedar Street over which the right -cif -way for State Highway No. 14 is located. The resolution was read to the Council and was passed and adopted on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried. Mr. Plymaje made a statement to the Council relative to widening of Black Jack Creek bridge, and other work in connection with this improvement, and also in con-' nectio* with the participation by the Town in the improvement by rewrapping the outer fill at the bridge. He stated that bids would be called on the improvement within a'short time, and that work should be completed this summer. Rev. L. 9.,Ireland of the Assembly of God Church appeared before the Council and asked permission to erect a church edifice on Lots 13-14-15, Block 1, Tom Clinets Addition,_ placing the building on the property line where it abuts the state highway. Permission was granted'to place the building on the property line on' motion by Gilchrst, seconded by Broughton and carried. E. W. Bell, proprietor of the Port Orchard Athletic Flub, appeared before the council relative to his application for renewal of his license to operate a Social club. The matter was discussed very thoroughly by the members of the Council and the Mayor, and seceral points were cleared up by statements by Mr. Bell. It was moved by Repanich,` seconded by Gilchrist and carried that application be approved, and that bre authorized to issue license. . C. H. Frost appeared before _the Council relative to dog nuisance in his neighborhood, and this was discussed, and the remedies were suggested. Matter of sewer drainage in the vicinity was alsq.brought up by Mr. Frost, and arrangements were made whereby he is to contact the "ngineer to go over the siituktion. It was stated that early delivery of the new polio car is -anticipated, and Police Department was authorized to have whatever changes were necessary to equip the new car, done in the least expensive manner. Ed Heiste;r, local manager of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, stated that by the addition of 23 street lights, that a lower rate for street lighting service will prevail, and suggested that the Council consider this additional service. The matter was discussed, and Chairman Nichols of the Fire and Light committee, stated that a survey would be made of the town, and places where street Lights should be placed would be indicated on a map and submitted to the Council for study. Mayor s.teted that a check for $300.00 on franchise payment from the Puget Sound Power Company has been received. Mayor also stated that Mrs. Laura Mahan had asked that cross walk lines be painter. across Prospect Street at its intersection with Frederick Street in the interest of pedestrian safety. The matter was discussed and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Hall and 'carried that cross walk lines be painted across Prospect Street at both the east and west margins of the intersection with Frederick Street. Ordinance providing for emergency appropriation in the Street Fund for the sum of $1,789.00 for 2-tan truck, and in the Current Expense Fund for $846.31 for patrol car for the P011ce Department, was read, having been introduced and passed unanimously at the meeting of March 25, 1952, and was passed by unanimous vote of the Council members present, on motion by Broughton, seconded by Hall'and-carried. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance°No. 592. ` f Ordinance No. 591, relating to intoxicating liquor and minors, was passed on second reading on motion by Gilchrist;x seconded by Repanich, and carried and was adopted. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee stated that wals and ceilings in corridors and recreation room on ground floor of the Municipal B4ilding would be plastered in the near future. This work was authorized by action of the Council on March 25, 1952. ` Chairman Brougkte3n-'oi'`-th**k AfboAIttee submitted recommendations regarding salaries of enn!ployees of the to ri of Port Orchard. This was discussed, definite figures were established and ordin nee fixing salaries of twon employees was passed on motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Mall and carried. Adopted as Ordinance No, 593. On Motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried, a resolution was passed adopting daylight saving time on the schedule as maintained by the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. Councilman Gilchrist voted No on the resolution. Matter of liability and property damage insurance came up, and it was directed that bids be called for thisservice, on motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Broughton and carried. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee stated that a request had been re ceived for use of the old Forestry Building for a nursery school, and stated that he recommended against granting the request, as the building is not equipped for this service, and further that the activity does not come under the head of community enterprises. Report of.the commmittee concurred in by the Council. Mayor stated that protest had been received regarding parking on Prospect Street on the curve between Frederick and Bank Streets. This was discussed, and it was decided that no change would be made in the method of parking at'.this time. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of The Finance and Auditing committee, were read and allowed on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Miller meters Rice Electric V. B. Caldwell T. C. Breitenstein Rice Electric Willard L. Boatwright James A. Morgan Town Clerk Th omp s on r s Port Orchard Independent Puget Sound Power & Light co. Parking meter parts Light globes for city hall Fertilizer for city hall grounds Engineer retainer Dry cell batteries Police service Cleaning grounds at city hall Various advanced expenses Tpw paper Printing and publishing Street and cross walk lights WATER FUND Puget Sound Power & Light H. D. Fowler Co. Inc. R. B. Ryan Town Clerk Thompson's Port Orchard Machine Shop V. B. Caldwell Paramount Supply Bremerton Con.Products Co. Atlas Foundry and Machine Co. Rice Electric Ainsworth's E. N. Hallgren Co. W. F. Bruhahn Cleveland Chevrolet Sheets Automotive Electric V. B. Caldwell Port Orchard Machine Shop Part Orchard Lumber Yard Wilkins Distributing Co. Standard Oil of Cal. Black Ball Freight Lines John N. Vaughn Rice Electric Town Clerk John N. Vaughn James A. Morgan H. J. Kilpatrick Ted Reister H. R. Huntting Co. Trick and Murray Power and light, pump plants Copper pipe and angle stops Install meter box at high school Postal cards and postage Stencil Board 2.0 Meter box covers Paint brush, oil can, bolts Adapters Meter box covers, etc. Valve box parts Cable, pulley, labor Clorox Repair clamps; sleeve nuts Labor STREET FUND Truck and equipment Spark plugs for grader Paint, thinner, bolts, etc. Mount dump body on truck 4 sks cement Gasoline, lub oil Kerosene Freight on traffic lines Overtime labor PARK FUND Sander rental, sand paper Date book for hall and grounds Overtime labor at park Labor at Central Field Overtime labor SHYER FUND Flouerescent dye LIBRARY FUND Books Various supplies Council adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded Clerk 22.56 40.57 2.09 100.00 1.44 156.06 16.88 36.37 3.72 43.31 256.11 266.64 26.78 12.00 20.54 2.06 6.03 2.52 9.17 33.00 39.13 4.51 5.56 9.46 9.19 12789.00 1.48 11.19 77.54 5.36 91.12 11.74 2.99 8.10 3.61 2.47 12.96 8.10 3.02 1.00 75,53 6.31 by Nichols an c ried. Mayor Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee stated that a request had been re ceived for use of the old Forestry Building for a nursery school, and stated that he recommended against granting the request, as the building is not equipped for this service, and further that the activity does not come under the head of community enterprises. Report of.the commmittee concurred in by the Council. Mayor stated that protest had been received regarding parking on Prospect Street on the curve between Frederick and Bank Streets. This was discussed, and it was decided that no change would be made in the method of parking at'.this time. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of The Finance and Auditing committee, were read and allowed on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Miller meters Rice Electric V. B. Caldwell T. C. Breitenstein Rice Electric Willard L. Boatwright James A. Morgan Town Clerk Th omp s on r s Port Orchard Independent Puget Sound Power & Light co. Parking meter parts Light globes for city hall Fertilizer for city hall grounds Engineer retainer Dry cell batteries Police service Cleaning grounds at city hall Various advanced expenses Tpw paper Printing and publishing Street and cross walk lights WATER FUND Puget Sound Power & Light H. D. Fowler Co. Inc. R. B. Ryan Town Clerk Thompson's Port Orchard Machine Shop V. B. Caldwell Paramount Supply Bremerton Con.Products Co. Atlas Foundry and Machine Co. Rice Electric Ainsworth's E. N. Hallgren Co. W. F. Bruhahn Cleveland Chevrolet Sheets Automotive Electric V. B. Caldwell Port Orchard Machine Shop Part Orchard Lumber Yard Wilkins Distributing Co. Standard Oil of Cal. Black Ball Freight Lines John N. Vaughn Rice Electric Town Clerk John N. Vaughn James A. Morgan H. J. Kilpatrick Ted Reister H. R. Huntting Co. Trick and Murray Power and light, pump plants Copper pipe and angle stops Install meter box at high school Postal cards and postage Stencil Board 2.0 Meter box covers Paint brush, oil can, bolts Adapters Meter box covers, etc. Valve box parts Cable, pulley, labor Clorox Repair clamps; sleeve nuts Labor STREET FUND Truck and equipment Spark plugs for grader Paint, thinner, bolts, etc. Mount dump body on truck 4 sks cement Gasoline, lub oil Kerosene Freight on traffic lines Overtime labor PARK FUND Sander rental, sand paper Date book for hall and grounds Overtime labor at park Labor at Central Field Overtime labor SHYER FUND Flouerescent dye LIBRARY FUND Books Various supplies Council adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded Clerk 22.56 40.57 2.09 100.00 1.44 156.06 16.88 36.37 3.72 43.31 256.11 266.64 26.78 12.00 20.54 2.06 6.03 2.52 9.17 33.00 39.13 4.51 5.56 9.46 9.19 12789.00 1.48 11.19 77.54 5.36 91.12 11.74 2.99 8.10 3.61 2.47 12.96 8.10 3.02 1.00 75,53 6.31 by Nichols an c ried. Mayor Port Orchard, Washington April 28, 1952 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor William H. Sprague. Present Councilmen Geo. A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, Ray B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols and John A. Gilchrist; Attorney Dudley N. Perrihe;. Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenatein. Minutes,of April 140 1952 read and approved. Chief of Police reported that new Police car had been received and equipment removed from old car and installed on new one. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried that Chief cC Police be instructed to purchase plastic seat covers; - have deaignating s-Igns painted onfront doors, and secure horn ring for operat16n.of siren, - Chairman Nichols of the Fire and Light committee asked for further time for'hi$ committee in which to check need for additional street lights. This being the date on which bids for liability and property damage insurance were to be received, one bid had been deposited. The bid was opened and action was deferred to the next meeting on the advice of the Attorney, as the bid was ambiguous, incomplete and did not conform to requirements. Ray B. Neese, C. H. McClain and others appeared before the Council, and Mr. Neese as spokesman, requested permission from the Council to put on a "stag party" in Myhre's Banquet Room where various games of chance would be played, and from which the Veterans of Foreign Wars, who are sponsoring the party, would receive a percentag6 of the profits. The request created a lively discussion, in which the Mayor, all of the members of the Council, the Town Attorney and several people in the audience be- came involved. The expression as voiced b7 the Mayor and members of. the Council, not favorable to the request, and permission to conduct the party was not granted. Following the discussions, Councilman Nichols stated that he desired to go on record as favoring the arrest of -any person, regardless -of -position or association who was engaging in any unlawful acts within the Town of Port Orchard. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee submitted and explained plans of Black Jack bridge widening which had been received from the State Department of Highways, and called attention to the riprapping, which appears to be the responsibility of the Town of Port Orchard, stating that about 540 yarns of loose riprap are involved. Bids for the work are to be opened on May 13., 1952. Mayor called attention to the condition of the Forestry Building, stating that the structure is badly ili need of paint and other maintenance work. He also suggested that a more suitable name should be adopted for the building. Chairman Repanich stated that some material is on hand for further repair to the building and that when this work is done that,he also believed a paint job should follow. A general discussion of improvements at Givens Field was entered into, and it was stated that almost capacity use is being made of the field; that considerable improvement is under way and other plans call for erection of an 8-foot fence be-- tween the standard and junior baseball fields; the construction of a backstop at the junior field; top soil on the small baseball field, and construction and equipping before too long a time of rest rooms, and bleachers. Engineer stated that several requests had been made for public improvement in they Forest City area, and that after an inspection tour of the a rea, he had decided to prepare two petitions for submission to the residents; one for the installation of water mains, and the other for the installation of both water mains and sewer system. Mayor stated that he had been approached by Herman Cohan, owner of property on Bay Street east of Harrison Street, relative to condition of the street in front of his property. It was suggested that if curbs and gutters were constructed in front of the property that it would then be possible to improve and maintain the street in better condition. Mayor stated that he would present this solution to Mr. Cohen and other property owners in the area. A discussion of the parking problem on Prospect Street was entered into, but no action t_o change present system was taken. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried that authority be granted to purchase a suitable cash register at a cost of not to exceed $300.00, exclusive) oT sales tax, for the office of the Town Clerk. The following claims checked by heads of departments and by members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were submitted and ordered paid on motion of Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried: ., �... �r:,.�,,u`•�' tbAREITT EXPENSE FUND W. L. Boatwright Police Service 126.74 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Clerk and Police Telephones 26.05 Howe Motor Company Police car repair;new police car 863.30 County Auditor License of new police car 2.50 F. E. Langer, Agent Premiun Police Ch & Asst Clk bds 15.00 Tide Water Associated Oil Co.Diesel fuel 143.06 i Pioneer, Inc. Registration supplies 13.82 State Penitentiary Traffic signs 16.32 Port Orchard, Washington April 28, 1952 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor William H. Sprague. Present Councilmen Geo. A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, Ray B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols and John A. Gilchrist; Attorney Dudley N. Perrihe;. Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenatein. Minutes,of April 140 1952 read and approved. Chief of Police reported that new Police car had been received and equipment removed from old car and installed on new one. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried that Chief cC Police be instructed to purchase plastic seat covers; - have deaignating s-Igns painted onfront doors, and secure horn ring for operat16n.of siren, - Chairman Nichols of the Fire and Light committee asked for further time for'hi$ committee in which to check need for additional street lights. This being the date on which bids for liability and property damage insurance were to be received, one bid had been deposited. The bid was opened and action was deferred to the next meeting on the advice of the Attorney, as the bid was ambiguous, incomplete and did not conform to requirements. Ray B. Neese, C. H. McClain and others appeared before the Council, and Mr. Neese as spokesman, requested permission from the Council to put on a "stag party" in Myhre's Banquet Room where various games of chance would be played, and from which the Veterans of Foreign Wars, who are sponsoring the party, would receive a percentag6 of the profits. The request created a lively discussion, in which the Mayor, all of the members of the Council, the Town Attorney and several people in the audience be- came involved. The expression as voiced b7 the Mayor and members of. the Council, not favorable to the request, and permission to conduct the party was not granted. Following the discussions, Councilman Nichols stated that he desired to go on record as favoring the arrest of -any person, regardless -of -position or association who was engaging in any unlawful acts within the Town of Port Orchard. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee submitted and explained plans of Black Jack bridge widening which had been received from the State Department of Highways, and called attention to the riprapping, which appears to be the responsibility of the Town of Port Orchard, stating that about 540 yarns of loose riprap are involved. Bids for the work are to be opened on May 13., 1952. Mayor called attention to the condition of the Forestry Building, stating that the structure is badly ili need of paint and other maintenance work. He also suggested that a more suitable name should be adopted for the building. Chairman Repanich stated that some material is on hand for further repair to the building and that when this work is done that,he also believed a paint job should follow. A general discussion of improvements at Givens Field was entered into, and it was stated that almost capacity use is being made of the field; that considerable improvement is under way and other plans call for erection of an 8-foot fence be-- tween the standard and junior baseball fields; the construction of a backstop at the junior field; top soil on the small baseball field, and construction and equipping before too long a time of rest rooms, and bleachers. Engineer stated that several requests had been made for public improvement in they Forest City area, and that after an inspection tour of the a rea, he had decided to prepare two petitions for submission to the residents; one for the installation of water mains, and the other for the installation of both water mains and sewer system. Mayor stated that he had been approached by Herman Cohan, owner of property on Bay Street east of Harrison Street, relative to condition of the street in front of his property. It was suggested that if curbs and gutters were constructed in front of the property that it would then be possible to improve and maintain the street in better condition. Mayor stated that he would present this solution to Mr. Cohen and other property owners in the area. A discussion of the parking problem on Prospect Street was entered into, but no action t_o change present system was taken. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried that authority be granted to purchase a suitable cash register at a cost of not to exceed $300.00, exclusive) oT sales tax, for the office of the Town Clerk. The following claims checked by heads of departments and by members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were submitted and ordered paid on motion of Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried: ., �... �r:,.�,,u`•�' tbAREITT EXPENSE FUND W. L. Boatwright Police Service 126.74 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Clerk and Police Telephones 26.05 Howe Motor Company Police car repair;new police car 863.30 County Auditor License of new police car 2.50 F. E. Langer, Agent Premiun Police Ch & Asst Clk bds 15.00 Tide Water Associated Oil Co.Diesel fuel 143.06 i Pioneer, Inc. Registration supplies 13.82 State Penitentiary Traffic signs 16.32 CURREN EXPENSE FUND con't Trick & Murray Card file and cards--tpw ribbon 13,47 E. A. Breitenstein Assist Engineer 16.20 WATER FUND Pacific Tel & Tel Telephones and tolls 22.70 Burroughs'Adding Machine Co. Service agreements 108.15 --1 Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. Shop Towels 0.06 W. F. Bruhahn Labor 63.42 STRUT FUPTD H. B. Menees 2 clearance lights for truck 1.24 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Garage telephone 7.25 Kress & More Truck tires; mounting, etc. 130.27 Tide Water Associated Oil Co. Stove Oil 15.30 � Bremerton Gravel & Asphalt Co. 4 tons Paving material 26.78 PARK FUND Kitsap County Rd Dist No. 2 Labor and equipment rental 119.58 Tide '.'dater Associated Oil Co. Stove Oil 6.46 LIBRARY FUTM The H. R. Huntting Company Books 2.87 Meeting adj rned on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried. Clerk Mayor -------------- 0------------ Port Orchard, Waszington 'May 12, 1952 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor William H. Sprague. Present councilman Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, Nick J. Repanich and Geor e A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine, Superintendent of -� Public Works George k'. Givens and Engineer 1'. C. Breitenstein. Absent Councilman. John C. Gilchrist. Minutes of meeting of April 23, 1952 read and approved. Chairman Nichols of the Fire and Light committee stated that a survey of the town to ascertain the need for additional street lights would be wade by his committee, and a report would be forth coming at the next meeting Of the Council. A. R. Elliott, representing the Northwest Casualty Company, submitted a letter clarifying and explaining the bid for liability insurance, to be made a part of the bid, and it was moved by :Broughton, seconded by ,Repanich and carried that bid of A. R. Elliott be accepted. A petition for the improvement of certain streets and alleys in Sidney Land CompanYla 2nd Addition to Sidney (now Port Orchard) by installation of water and sewer lines and other nedessary work in connection therewith was received, read to the Council and referred to the Engineer :for checking of ownerships, preliminary estimate, etc. Matter of street names in that portion of Forest City recently annexed to -Port Orchard was referred to the Street and Alley committee for consideration and recommendations. Some of the existing names conflect with names of streets in other portions of Port Orchard. Mayor stated that he had conferred with Herman Cohen, property owner on Bay Street east of Harrison Street relative -to installation of curbs and gutters and that progress is being made toward t*ib'improveraent.. Referred to Engineer regarding grades, etc. Street and Alley conmittee was detailed to investigate parking on Prospect Street, between Frederick and Bank Streets on the north side and to report their recommenda- tions to the Council. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Building committee reported that top soil has been spread on the small baseball field at Givens Field; that work on other improvements is progressing and that material for the backstop has been received, and this will be erected shortly. It was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that a total of 5,500 gallons of water be allowed each tap for the minimum cost of $1.50 during the months of June, July and August. Matter of salary of Chief of Police was taken up, and it was ointed out that due -to inadvertance, the salary of the Chief of Police was fixed at 330.00 per month by action of the Council on April 14, 1952, while the salary as contemplated should have been $335.00 per month. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by 'Repanich and carried CURREN EXPENSE FUND con't Trick & Murray Card file and cards--tpw ribbon 13,47 E. A. Breitenstein Assist Engineer 16.20 WATER FUND Pacific Tel & Tel Telephones and tolls 22.70 Burroughs'Adding Machine Co. Service agreements 108.15 --1 Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. Shop Towels 0.06 W. F. Bruhahn Labor 63.42 STRUT FUPTD H. B. Menees 2 clearance lights for truck 1.24 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Garage telephone 7.25 Kress & More Truck tires; mounting, etc. 130.27 Tide Water Associated Oil Co. Stove Oil 15.30 � Bremerton Gravel & Asphalt Co. 4 tons Paving material 26.78 PARK FUND Kitsap County Rd Dist No. 2 Labor and equipment rental 119.58 Tide '.'dater Associated Oil Co. Stove Oil 6.46 LIBRARY FUTM The H. R. Huntting Company Books 2.87 Meeting adj rned on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried. Clerk Mayor -------------- 0------------ Port Orchard, Waszington 'May 12, 1952 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor William H. Sprague. Present councilman Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, Nick J. Repanich and Geor e A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine, Superintendent of -� Public Works George k'. Givens and Engineer 1'. C. Breitenstein. Absent Councilman. John C. Gilchrist. Minutes of meeting of April 23, 1952 read and approved. Chairman Nichols of the Fire and Light committee stated that a survey of the town to ascertain the need for additional street lights would be wade by his committee, and a report would be forth coming at the next meeting Of the Council. A. R. Elliott, representing the Northwest Casualty Company, submitted a letter clarifying and explaining the bid for liability insurance, to be made a part of the bid, and it was moved by :Broughton, seconded by ,Repanich and carried that bid of A. R. Elliott be accepted. A petition for the improvement of certain streets and alleys in Sidney Land CompanYla 2nd Addition to Sidney (now Port Orchard) by installation of water and sewer lines and other nedessary work in connection therewith was received, read to the Council and referred to the Engineer :for checking of ownerships, preliminary estimate, etc. Matter of street names in that portion of Forest City recently annexed to -Port Orchard was referred to the Street and Alley committee for consideration and recommendations. Some of the existing names conflect with names of streets in other portions of Port Orchard. Mayor stated that he had conferred with Herman Cohen, property owner on Bay Street east of Harrison Street relative -to installation of curbs and gutters and that progress is being made toward t*ib'improveraent.. Referred to Engineer regarding grades, etc. Street and Alley conmittee was detailed to investigate parking on Prospect Street, between Frederick and Bank Streets on the north side and to report their recommenda- tions to the Council. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Building committee reported that top soil has been spread on the small baseball field at Givens Field; that work on other improvements is progressing and that material for the backstop has been received, and this will be erected shortly. It was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that a total of 5,500 gallons of water be allowed each tap for the minimum cost of $1.50 during the months of June, July and August. Matter of salary of Chief of Police was taken up, and it was ointed out that due -to inadvertance, the salary of the Chief of Police was fixed at 330.00 per month by action of the Council on April 14, 1952, while the salary as contemplated should have been $335.00 per month. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by 'Repanich and carried that salary of Chief of Police be fixed at $335.00 permonth, retroactive to April 10, 1952. Robert Gadbarry appeared before the Council relative to purchase of a used concrete mixer owned by the Town. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried that mixer be advertised for sale, the Supers ntendent to ascertain the value to establish a minmum price. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented, read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Stanley J. LeMere Tide Water Assoc.Oil Co. Goo. L. Rothenberg Howe's Hardware J. B. Starr Trick & Murray Puget Sound Power & Light Ray Blowers T. C. Breitenstein Thompson's Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Kitsap County Garage Police service Diesel Fuel Install radio in Police car Mdse:Police, City Hall, Fire Dept. Signs on Police car Legal forms, Police Street and Cross Walk lights Plaster lower floor,City Hall Engineer retainer Clips and carbon paper Change telephone and service FD Re -equip police car WATER FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Powpy- and light, pump plants Van Waters & Rogers. 11. F?efight on empty container -Port Orchard Machine Shop Weld pipe Western Utilites Supply Co. Repair clamps,etc. W. F. Bruhahn Labor Tide Water Associated Oil Howe's Hardware Overall Cleaning & Supply Port Orchard Machine Shop Nelson' Equipment Co. Wilkins Distributing Co. STREET FUND Stove °Oil Sponges Towels for shop Labor and Material LJ 10 cups Gasoline and Oil PARK FUND Winebrenner"s Food Store Soap, Toilet tissue,ete. W. F. Bruhahn Labor on sprinkling system American Plumbing & St Supply Pipe and fittings for back stop 66.72 84.98 15.00 20.81 15,45 1.13 263,50 468.65 100.00 .93 33.54 30,74 254,84 1.47 5,67 24.62 11,34 10.01 1,67 1.42 2,58 5.61 114.02 1.97 19.44 90,74 Stevens Bros. Mill Lumber 17,06 W. L. Johnson Labor 32.63 Gladding, McBean & Comp. Sewer tile 19.78 Transport Clearings Freight on sewer the 3.63 LIBRARY FUND Puget Sound News Co. Books 25.60 The H. R. Huntting Co. Books 14,56 Howe's Hardware Supplies .63 Meeting adjour ed on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried. Clerk 77)a or Afte 'L PC= -------------------- 0 ------------------------ Port Orchard, Washington May 26, 1952 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor William H. Sprague, with Councilmen-Verd W. Nichols, John C. Gilchrist, Ray B. Hell, George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Porrine, Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public Works Georg a F. Givens, present. Minutes of meeting of May 12, 1952 read and approved. R. P. Joslin, owner of property on Garrison and South Streets, appeared before the Council relative to location of culvert across South Street, and asked that same that salary of Chief of Police be fixed at $335.00 permonth, retroactive to April 10, 1952. Robert Gadbarry appeared before the Council relative to purchase of a used concrete mixer owned by the Town. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried that mixer be advertised for sale, the Supers ntendent to ascertain the value to establish a minmum price. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented, read to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Stanley J. LeMere Tide Water Assoc.Oil Co. Goo. L. Rothenberg Howe's Hardware J. B. Starr Trick & Murray Puget Sound Power & Light Ray Blowers T. C. Breitenstein Thompson's Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Kitsap County Garage Police service Diesel Fuel Install radio in Police car Mdse:Police, City Hall, Fire Dept. Signs on Police car Legal forms, Police Street and Cross Walk lights Plaster lower floor,City Hall Engineer retainer Clips and carbon paper Change telephone and service FD Re -equip police car WATER FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Powpy- and light, pump plants Van Waters & Rogers. 11. F?efight on empty container -Port Orchard Machine Shop Weld pipe Western Utilites Supply Co. Repair clamps,etc. W. F. Bruhahn Labor Tide Water Associated Oil Howe's Hardware Overall Cleaning & Supply Port Orchard Machine Shop Nelson' Equipment Co. Wilkins Distributing Co. STREET FUND Stove °Oil Sponges Towels for shop Labor and Material LJ 10 cups Gasoline and Oil PARK FUND Winebrenner"s Food Store Soap, Toilet tissue,ete. W. F. Bruhahn Labor on sprinkling system American Plumbing & St Supply Pipe and fittings for back stop 66.72 84.98 15.00 20.81 15,45 1.13 263,50 468.65 100.00 .93 33.54 30,74 254,84 1.47 5,67 24.62 11,34 10.01 1,67 1.42 2,58 5.61 114.02 1.97 19.44 90,74 Stevens Bros. Mill Lumber 17,06 W. L. Johnson Labor 32.63 Gladding, McBean & Comp. Sewer tile 19.78 Transport Clearings Freight on sewer the 3.63 LIBRARY FUND Puget Sound News Co. Books 25.60 The H. R. Huntting Co. Books 14,56 Howe's Hardware Supplies .63 Meeting adjour ed on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried. Clerk 77)a or Afte 'L PC= -------------------- 0 ------------------------ Port Orchard, Washington May 26, 1952 Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor William H. Sprague, with Councilmen-Verd W. Nichols, John C. Gilchrist, Ray B. Hell, George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Porrine, Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public Works Georg a F. Givens, present. Minutes of meeting of May 12, 1952 read and approved. R. P. Joslin, owner of property on Garrison and South Streets, appeared before the Council relative to location of culvert across South Street, and asked that same be moved to a point at street and alley intersection. Engineer Breitensteine xplained the existing condition and stated that culvert was not installed a proper location and recommended that culvert be moved to a point about twenty feet east of existing location. The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Gilchrist and carried that culvert be moved to a point approximately twenty feet east of existing location. Chairman Nichols of the Fire and Light Committee stated that members of his committee, in company with Ed Heister, local manager for the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, had made a survey of the Town for additional street lights, and made a report on location recommended for twenty-three additional lights. It was pointed out that by the install- ation of 23 additional lights, that a reduced rate for all street lights would become effective. The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Gilchrist, seconded by Broughton and carried that twenty-three additional street lights be authorized to be installed, in order that reduced rate for service might be secured, and that location of lights be left to the judgment of the Fire and Light committee. This being the date upon which bids for concrete mixer were to be received, Clerk reported that three bids had been filed. Bids were opened and R. A. Hill bid $50.00 for the mixer; Don. Langert bid $50.00 and Robert Gadberry submitted a bid of $25.00. Bids were considered, and it was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that all bids be rejected, due to the tie, and bids again be advertised for, to be opened at meeting of the Council on June 9, 1952. Engineer Breitenstein stated that petition for improvements of certain streets in Forest City area, had been returned to petitioners for further action, as the petition was not clear as to purported ownerships. Matter of different names for certain streets in Forest City area, due to conflict with names of existing streets in other parts of Port Orchard, was discussed. R. P. Joslin suggested that as the late C. A. Hanks had iniated the development in the area, and had accomplished much of the improvements, and also that he had served the Town long and faithfully as a Councilman and Mayor, that it might be a courteous gesture to name one of the streets in his honor. Matter of renaming of streets was again re- ferred to Street& Alley committee for recommendation. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that his committee had invest igated complaints of parking near the State Liquor Store, and his committee recommended that fifteen -minute parking only, be permitted for two spaces on north side of Pros- pect Street, immediately west of Frederick Street. Recommendations of committee approved on motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Nichols and carried. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee, stated that improvements on Givens Field arcs progressing, and that much has been accomplished. He stated that the "Little League" -baseball field is being used extensively, that backstop is nearly completed, and that the fence will be erected shortly. Mayor' complimented Mr. Repanich and his committee on their efforts and accomplishments. Clerk reported that application had been received to purchase Lots 12 and 1*, Block 14 Sidney Villa Addition, and that he had received appraisals fo the Value of the lots from three real-estate dealers. Sale of these lots was discussed, and it was mo#ed by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried that Lots 12 and 13, Block 14, Sidney Villa Addition to Sidney (now Port Orchard) be advertised for sale for not less than $750.00. Letter from Department of Public Lands of the State of Washington_.re lease of Harbor area in front of certain property in Original Plat of Sidney and First Addition to 3idney(application for which had been filed previously) was read to the Council and discussed. It was moved by Gilchrist,seconded by Nichols and carried that Town of Port Orchard eater into a lease with the State of tiVashington for this property at a rental of $240.00 per year, as set forth in the letter. Ordinance providing for an emergency appropriation of $235.00 as and for rental for first year's lease of Harbor area fronting certain property in Original Town of Sidney and First Addition to Sidney, was Introduced and passed for final passage to next meeting of the Council, by unanimous vote of the members present.y Letter re. vacanles on Library Beard from Miss Leila Nordby, chairman of the Board was read and passed for further consideration. Mayor stated that Mrs. Winifred Watt, Police Judge, desired office space in Municipal Building, and Chief of Police stated that space could be arranged in his office; that by this arrangement a change; in hours .for patrolmen could be arranged and more time devoted to patrolling. It was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that request of Police Judge be granted, and arrangement with Police Department be approved. Patrolman Gale W. Dow, who attended and graduated from FBI Police School at Fort Lewis, extended his appreciation to the Council for the opportunity to attend the school, and stated that the course was very beneficial. Clerk submitted map designating voting precincts in the Town under changes made necessary by increased voting population. The map was studied by tha members of the Council, and ordinance creating five voting precincts was read and passed on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried. Ordinance adapted as OrdinanceLNo. 594. Mayor called attention to advisability of checking and cleaning boiler in the Municipal Building during the summer months, to insure proper functioning of the equipment. Referred to Superintendent. be moved to a point at street and alley intersection. Engineer Breitensteine xplained the existing condition and stated that culvert was not installed a proper location and recommended that culvert be moved to a point about twenty feet east of existing location. The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Gilchrist and carried that culvert be moved to a point approximately twenty feet east of existing location. Chairman Nichols of the Fire and Light Committee stated that members of his committee, in company with Ed Heister, local manager for the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, had made a survey of the Town for additional street lights, and made a report on location recommended for twenty-three additional lights. It was pointed out that by the install- ation of 23 additional lights, that a reduced rate for all street lights would become effective. The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Gilchrist, seconded by Broughton and carried that twenty-three additional street lights be authorized to be installed, in order that reduced rate for service might be secured, and that location of lights be left to the judgment of the Fire and Light committee. This being the date upon which bids for concrete mixer were to be received, Clerk reported that three bids had been filed. Bids were opened and R. A. Hill bid $50.00 for the mixer; Don. Langert bid $50.00 and Robert Gadberry submitted a bid of $25.00. Bids were considered, and it was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that all bids be rejected, due to the tie, and bids again be advertised for, to be opened at meeting of the Council on June 9, 1952. Engineer Breitenstein stated that petition for improvements of certain streets in Forest City area, had been returned to petitioners for further action, as the petition was not clear as to purported ownerships. Matter of different names for certain streets in Forest City area, due to conflict with names of existing streets in other parts of Port Orchard, was discussed. R. P. Joslin suggested that as the late C. A. Hanks had iniated the development in the area, and had accomplished much of the improvements, and also that he had served the Town long and faithfully as a Councilman and Mayor, that it might be a courteous gesture to name one of the streets in his honor. Matter of renaming of streets was again re- ferred to Street& Alley committee for recommendation. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that his committee had invest igated complaints of parking near the State Liquor Store, and his committee recommended that fifteen -minute parking only, be permitted for two spaces on north side of Pros- pect Street, immediately west of Frederick Street. Recommendations of committee approved on motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Nichols and carried. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee, stated that improvements on Givens Field arcs progressing, and that much has been accomplished. He stated that the "Little League" -baseball field is being used extensively, that backstop is nearly completed, and that the fence will be erected shortly. Mayor' complimented Mr. Repanich and his committee on their efforts and accomplishments. Clerk reported that application had been received to purchase Lots 12 and 1*, Block 14 Sidney Villa Addition, and that he had received appraisals fo the Value of the lots from three real-estate dealers. Sale of these lots was discussed, and it was mo#ed by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried that Lots 12 and 13, Block 14, Sidney Villa Addition to Sidney (now Port Orchard) be advertised for sale for not less than $750.00. Letter from Department of Public Lands of the State of Washington_.re lease of Harbor area in front of certain property in Original Plat of Sidney and First Addition to 3idney(application for which had been filed previously) was read to the Council and discussed. It was moved by Gilchrist,seconded by Nichols and carried that Town of Port Orchard eater into a lease with the State of tiVashington for this property at a rental of $240.00 per year, as set forth in the letter. Ordinance providing for an emergency appropriation of $235.00 as and for rental for first year's lease of Harbor area fronting certain property in Original Town of Sidney and First Addition to Sidney, was Introduced and passed for final passage to next meeting of the Council, by unanimous vote of the members present.y Letter re. vacanles on Library Beard from Miss Leila Nordby, chairman of the Board was read and passed for further consideration. Mayor stated that Mrs. Winifred Watt, Police Judge, desired office space in Municipal Building, and Chief of Police stated that space could be arranged in his office; that by this arrangement a change; in hours .for patrolmen could be arranged and more time devoted to patrolling. It was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that request of Police Judge be granted, and arrangement with Police Department be approved. Patrolman Gale W. Dow, who attended and graduated from FBI Police School at Fort Lewis, extended his appreciation to the Council for the opportunity to attend the school, and stated that the course was very beneficial. Clerk submitted map designating voting precincts in the Town under changes made necessary by increased voting population. The map was studied by tha members of the Council, and ordinance creating five voting precincts was read and passed on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried. Ordinance adapted as OrdinanceLNo. 594. Mayor called attention to advisability of checking and cleaning boiler in the Municipal Building during the summer months, to insure proper functioning of the equipment. Referred to Superintendent. Chairman Hall of Street and Alley committee stated that a'truck loaded with brush has been parked on Sidney Street for several days, and created an unsightly and undesirable condition. Referred to police. Matter of parking on Prospect Street next to Eagle Hall was discussed, and it was suggested that 10-mi-nuted parking be installed for a c6uple of spaces at this point. No action taken. Mayor Sprague called attention to the fact that this meeting is the last one for - John C. Gilchrist as a Councilman. He complimented Mr. Gilchrist for his efforts and accomplishments on behalf of the Town and expressed his regret at Mr. Gilchristts retirement from the Council. Mr, Gilchrist stated that he had enjoyed exceedingly the two years spent as a Councilman, had gained some good experience from the service; valued highly the relationship with the Mayor and Council members, and paid a compliment to the members for their sincerity, co --operation and unselfish service. The f oilowing claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND A. R. Elliott, Agent Premium, liability insurance $1,117.82 W. L. Boatwright Police°Sertice 112.08 Stanley J. LeMere Police Service 83.40 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Various telephones and tolls 47.95 Puget Scund Power &, Light Light at City Hall; sireln (Fire Dt) 439.90 E. A. Breitenstein Assist Engineer 54,00 Otto E. Brose Trim shrubs at City Hall grounds 3.00 Gale W. Dow Expenses FBI School 20.90 Town Clerk Postage, Police and Clerk,etc. 10.80 Burroughs Adding•Machine Co. 1f3'cost of cash register 100.43 WATER FUND Pacific Tel &-Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 20.60 Town Clerk 1500 postal cards 30,00 Rockwell Manufacturing Co. 2 I" Water meters 96.72 Worthington-Samon Meter Co. Meter parts 5.06 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 1/3 cost of cash register 100.42 Frank N. Heinrich Used Water Meter 15.00 W. F. Bruhahn Labor on pipe lines 19.44 American.Plbg & Steam Meter Boxes 60.23 Dons $ervice Cleaning Compound 1.25 Puget Sound Power & Light Service at water tanks (Cathodic) 18.18 STREET FUND Pacific Tel & Tel Street Dept Telephone 7,25 Bay View Mill Cedar Posts 17.30 Puget Sound Power & Light Co.Light at street sheds 2.11 Bremerton Concrete Products Culvert pipe 102.93 Port Orchard .Independent Call for bids (concrete mixer) 3.92 H. B. Menees Brake Fluid 5.10 LIBRARY FUND The H.Huntting Co. Books 76.86 H. W. Wilson Co. Book 4,00 Puget Sound News Co. Books 20.89 C. S. Osburn Magazine subscription 7.50 PARK FUND Peninsula Ready Mix Cement Concrete mix 16.12 Stevens Bros Mill Lumber 144.08 B. Caldwell Material for backstop 71.79 Puget Sound Power & Light Light service, tennis courts 5.90 Bremerton Concrete Products Concrete the 1.85 SBVn FUND Buroughs Adding Machine Co. 1/3 cost cash register 100.43 Council adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried. Clerk Mayor Chairman Hall of Street and Alley committee stated that a'truck loaded with brush has been parked on Sidney Street for several days, and created an unsightly and undesirable condition. Referred to police. Matter of parking on Prospect Street next to Eagle Hall was discussed, and it was suggested that 10-mi-nuted parking be installed for a c6uple of spaces at this point. No action taken. Mayor Sprague called attention to the fact that this meeting is the last one for - John C. Gilchrist as a Councilman. He complimented Mr. Gilchrist for his efforts and accomplishments on behalf of the Town and expressed his regret at Mr. Gilchristts retirement from the Council. Mr, Gilchrist stated that he had enjoyed exceedingly the two years spent as a Councilman, had gained some good experience from the service; valued highly the relationship with the Mayor and Council members, and paid a compliment to the members for their sincerity, co --operation and unselfish service. The f oilowing claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND A. R. Elliott, Agent Premium, liability insurance $1,117.82 W. L. Boatwright Police°Sertice 112.08 Stanley J. LeMere Police Service 83.40 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Various telephones and tolls 47.95 Puget Scund Power &, Light Light at City Hall; sireln (Fire Dt) 439.90 E. A. Breitenstein Assist Engineer 54,00 Otto E. Brose Trim shrubs at City Hall grounds 3.00 Gale W. Dow Expenses FBI School 20.90 Town Clerk Postage, Police and Clerk,etc. 10.80 Burroughs Adding•Machine Co. 1f3'cost of cash register 100.43 WATER FUND Pacific Tel &-Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 20.60 Town Clerk 1500 postal cards 30,00 Rockwell Manufacturing Co. 2 I" Water meters 96.72 Worthington-Samon Meter Co. Meter parts 5.06 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 1/3 cost of cash register 100.42 Frank N. Heinrich Used Water Meter 15.00 W. F. Bruhahn Labor on pipe lines 19.44 American.Plbg & Steam Meter Boxes 60.23 Dons $ervice Cleaning Compound 1.25 Puget Sound Power & Light Service at water tanks (Cathodic) 18.18 STREET FUND Pacific Tel & Tel Street Dept Telephone 7,25 Bay View Mill Cedar Posts 17.30 Puget Sound Power & Light Co.Light at street sheds 2.11 Bremerton Concrete Products Culvert pipe 102.93 Port Orchard .Independent Call for bids (concrete mixer) 3.92 H. B. Menees Brake Fluid 5.10 LIBRARY FUND The H.Huntting Co. Books 76.86 H. W. Wilson Co. Book 4,00 Puget Sound News Co. Books 20.89 C. S. Osburn Magazine subscription 7.50 PARK FUND Peninsula Ready Mix Cement Concrete mix 16.12 Stevens Bros Mill Lumber 144.08 B. Caldwell Material for backstop 71.79 Puget Sound Power & Light Light service, tennis courts 5.90 Bremerton Concrete Products Concrete the 1.85 SBVn FUND Buroughs Adding Machine Co. 1/3 cost cash register 100.43 Council adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried. Clerk Mayor Part Orchard, Wai ington June 9, 1952 Regular meeting of th6­ Council• of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor William H. Sprague. Mayor Sprague administered the oath of office to Council -men Verd W. Nichols, George A. Broughton and C. H. Largis, after which � these members took their seats as councilmen. present Councilmen Ray B. Mall, Verd W. Nichols, C. H. Largis, Nick J. Repanich and George A, Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Pu.bl,c Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. . A Minutes of May 28, 1952 read and paragraph relating to inspection of boiler in Municipal Building, was corrected to read: "Refdrred to Superintendent". Engineer Breitenstein reported that so far the petition for improvement of certain streets in Forest City area, which was referred back to petitioners, had not been returned, and that hwne petition is returned it'will be checked for ownerships. w Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee stated that so far no definite sugg- estions are forthcoming from his committee regarding renaming of streets in Forest City area, and further time was granted. Superintendent stated that as soon as signs designating fifteen -minute parking are available, that they would be installed in two parking spaces on north side of Pros- pect Street, immediately west of Frederick Street. This being the date upon which bids were to be received for Lots 12 and 13, Block 14- Sidney Villa Addition, Clerk: staged that no bids had been received. Ordinnnce providing for an emergency appropriation for payment for lease of Harbor area from the State of Washington, covering property fronting Block 13, Sidney and part of Block 13, First Addition to Sidney, which was introduced at meeting,of May 28, 1952, was again read and passed unanimously on motion by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried. Mayor suggested that a citizens committee be named to confer with members of the Council relative to improvement of harbor area in order that most.satisfactory and economical results may be obtained. Councilman Hall made a report of a trip which he and the Clerk made to Olympia, where a visit was made to the office of the Commissioner of Public Lands regarding harbor area lease. He had requested that lines be established by the State, but was informed that this could not be done without special authority, and suggested that a bill be Introduced in the Legislature to provide for establishing the lines of the harbor area. Mr. Hall also stated that the District office of the Department of highways had been visited where information relative to the improvement of Bay Street and Black Jack bridge. had been obtained, and that there is a possibility construction of a wider highway between Black Jack bridge and Harrison will be included in the highway budget for the next biennium. Matter of location of additional 23 street lights in order to secure lower rate for all street lighting, was again discussed, and .final decision by the Fire and Light committee was delayed until It is ascertained at what location State Highway Department places.lights at Black Jack intersection. Letter from Miss Leila Nordby, Chairman of the Library Board, suggesting names of persons to be appointed to fill two vacancies on the Library Board, was read. At Suggestion of Miss Nordby, mayor appointed I•irs. A. L. Venn Matson and Mrs. Robert Murley to the Board. Appointments confirmed on motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried. Engineer T. C. Breitenstein stated that he had investigated proposed curbs and gutters on north side of Bay Street east of Harrison .Street,and that establishing a grade which would conform to the existing street and the fl-or levels of buildings presents a problem. Engineer to confer with property owners on the matter. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee made a report on proposed curbs and gutters on north side of Bay Street west of Black Jack bridge. A Discussion followed, and matter was referred to Engineer for report. This being the date upon which bids for concrete mixer were to be received, three bids were received and ordered opened. Bids were received from Robert Gadberry, R. A. Hill r and Don Langert. Bids were examined and it was moved by Ball, seconded by Broughton and carried that bid of Langert for $B2.00, which was the highest bid, be accepted. Letter was receoved from Mrs. Estella Stetson regarding broken sidewalk on Prospect Street, which stated that walk: was broken when Municipal Building was built. Engineer Stated that walk was not broken when he made a survey of the Christian Science property, subsequent to erection of Municipal Building, and Superintendent stated that he, believed that the walk was broken by heavy equipment when church was erected. Clerk was directed to write a letter to Mrs. Stetson, setting forth that the information at hand proved that the walk was not broken by the Town, and that the 'gown is not responsible for its repair. Letter was received from the Navy C1ub,_,stating that the Club desires to exhibit a collection of authentic curioq&Xies to"the near future, and requesting consideration for Its exhibition in Port Orchard. Clerk was directed to inform the Navy Club that the exhibit may be shown in Port Orchard, and directing that the Police Department be ' contacted as to location of exhibit. r' r Letter stating that hearing by the Joint Fact Finding committee of the State Legislature will be held in Bremerton on June 20, 1952, regarding highways, str6ets and bridges was read to Council. Attendance by Street and Alley committee and Superintendent of Public Works was authorized. Letter froin'T. C. Breitenstein regarding employment was read, A discussion followed, and it was decided that 14r. Breitenstein would be reatined as Buildirg and Plumbing inspebtor at the present retainer, and that engineering work is to be billed,separately.. Matter of grass and weeds growing on parking strips and over walks was referred to,Police to notify property owners to clear debris from walks and parking strips. Superintendent was authorized to purchase order for hose for Park Department, Mayor Sprague announced committee appointments as dollows: Street and.Alley: Ray.B. Hall, Chairman; George A. Broughton and Vard W. Nichols. Wat.er,,Sewer Health and Sanitation* C. H. Largis, Chairman: George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich. Fire and Light:- Verd W. Nichols, Chairman, C. H, largis and Ray Be Hall . Finance, Auditing and License: George A. Broughton, Chairman; Nick J. Repanich and C. H. Largis. Parks, Buildings and Planning: N. J. Repanich, Chairman: Verd W, Nichols and Ray B. Hall. The following claims were presented and read, after checking by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Auditing committee, and were ordered paid on Motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Pioneer, Inc. R. B. Ryan Trick & Murray Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Howe's Hardware Port Orchard Independent E. A. Breitenstein T. C. Breitenstein Marvin S. Gilliland Puget Sound Power & Light American Plbg & Steam Sup. Western Utilites Supply Co. Howe's Hardware W, F. Bruhahn Wilkins Distrb. Co. WozOthington-Garcon Meter Div. V. Be Caldwell° Port Orchard Machine Shop Pete Storseth Street and Cross walk lights Certificates of Registration Siren Stand at Forestry Bldg. Registration binders etc. Gasoline, tire repair -Police Door stops, star drill,ammunition Banks for police Assist Engineer Retainer Police service WATER FUND West Bay street pumps Pipe and fittings Pipe and fittings Pipe fitting and turpentine Labor on Water line Tire Tube Water Meter parts Torch, tape, nails, center punch Brazing Painting sign STREET FUND Kress & More Tire Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Kerosene Wilkins Distributing Co. Gasoline V. B. Caldwell Tools and Nails Port Orchard Machine Shop Welding and material Nathan Nesseth. Labor on Streets Port Orchard Machine Shop American Plbg & St Supply Peninsula Ready Mix Concrete W. H, Stevenson V. Be Caldwell W, F. Bruhahn Howe's Hardware PARK FUND Back Stop Assembly Labor and Materials Galvanized pipe 3� yards Mix Sharpen & adjust power mower Padlocks, bolts and w ashers Labor on divens Field Pipe and fittings; hose bibs LIBRARY FUND 263,24 7,90 30.90 77,'79- 2.32 15.02 31.57 48,60 100.00 58.38 66.07 47.98 65.48 3.57 58.32 3,06 12.15 7.60 1.03 16.00 6.20 11.74 106.58 5.43 13.72 12.40 251.89 61.39 49 , 85 4.00 5,56 12.96 6.89 Puget Sound News Co, Books for library 38.77 ' Matting adjourned on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall nd carried. Clerk Mayor I r' r Letter stating that hearing by the Joint Fact Finding committee of the State Legislature will be held in Bremerton on June 20, 1952, regarding highways, str6ets and bridges was read to Council. Attendance by Street and Alley committee and Superintendent of Public Works was authorized. Letter froin'T. C. Breitenstein regarding employment was read, A discussion followed, and it was decided that 14r. Breitenstein would be reatined as Buildirg and Plumbing inspebtor at the present retainer, and that engineering work is to be billed,separately.. Matter of grass and weeds growing on parking strips and over walks was referred to,Police to notify property owners to clear debris from walks and parking strips. Superintendent was authorized to purchase order for hose for Park Department, Mayor Sprague announced committee appointments as dollows: Street and.Alley: Ray.B. Hall, Chairman; George A. Broughton and Vard W. Nichols. Wat.er,,Sewer Health and Sanitation* C. H. Largis, Chairman: George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich. Fire and Light:- Verd W. Nichols, Chairman, C. H, largis and Ray Be Hall . Finance, Auditing and License: George A. Broughton, Chairman; Nick J. Repanich and C. H. Largis. Parks, Buildings and Planning: N. J. Repanich, Chairman: Verd W, Nichols and Ray B. Hall. The following claims were presented and read, after checking by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Auditing committee, and were ordered paid on Motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Pioneer, Inc. R. B. Ryan Trick & Murray Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Howe's Hardware Port Orchard Independent E. A. Breitenstein T. C. Breitenstein Marvin S. Gilliland Puget Sound Power & Light American Plbg & Steam Sup. Western Utilites Supply Co. Howe's Hardware W, F. Bruhahn Wilkins Distrb. Co. WozOthington-Garcon Meter Div. V. Be Caldwell° Port Orchard Machine Shop Pete Storseth Street and Cross walk lights Certificates of Registration Siren Stand at Forestry Bldg. Registration binders etc. Gasoline, tire repair -Police Door stops, star drill,ammunition Banks for police Assist Engineer Retainer Police service WATER FUND West Bay street pumps Pipe and fittings Pipe and fittings Pipe fitting and turpentine Labor on Water line Tire Tube Water Meter parts Torch, tape, nails, center punch Brazing Painting sign STREET FUND Kress & More Tire Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Kerosene Wilkins Distributing Co. Gasoline V. B. Caldwell Tools and Nails Port Orchard Machine Shop Welding and material Nathan Nesseth. Labor on Streets Port Orchard Machine Shop American Plbg & St Supply Peninsula Ready Mix Concrete W. H, Stevenson V. Be Caldwell W, F. Bruhahn Howe's Hardware PARK FUND Back Stop Assembly Labor and Materials Galvanized pipe 3� yards Mix Sharpen & adjust power mower Padlocks, bolts and w ashers Labor on divens Field Pipe and fittings; hose bibs LIBRARY FUND 263,24 7,90 30.90 77,'79- 2.32 15.02 31.57 48,60 100.00 58.38 66.07 47.98 65.48 3.57 58.32 3,06 12.15 7.60 1.03 16.00 6.20 11.74 106.58 5.43 13.72 12.40 251.89 61.39 49 , 85 4.00 5,56 12.96 6.89 Puget Sound News Co, Books for library 38.77 ' Matting adjourned on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall nd carried. Clerk Mayor I Port Orchard, Washington June 23, 1952 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard called to order by Mayor William H. Sprague, with Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall and Nick J. Repanich; Engineer T.,C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public Works George, F. Givens present. Absent Councilmen George A. Broughton and C. H. Largis and Attorney Dudley N. Perrine. Minutes of meeting of June 9, 1952 read and approved. Engineer presented petition for improving certain streets in Forest City area by installing water mains and sewers, and stated that petition had been checked and was sufficient. On motion by Repanich, seco nded by Hall and carried,'Eng;tr_eer was directed to do preliminary work to bring the matter to a public hearing. Matter of renaming streets in Forest City area in order that there be no duplication of names within the Town, was discussed, and Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee recommended on 'behalf of his committee, that the°First, Second, Third and Fourth Streets in Forest City area be designation as West, Garrison, Flower and Howard Streets, as continuations of streets in Town of Port Orchard. On motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried,• it was directed that ordinance be prepared for consideration of the Council, naming the Streets in Forest City area, as recommended by the committee, and that each water user In the a rea be notified by the Clerk that renaming of streets is to be -considered at the meeting of the Council on July 14, 1952. Clerk presented lease .for Harbor area fronting certain property in Port Orchard, as prepared and submitted by Washington State Department of Public lands. On motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried, Mayor was authorized to sign lease on behalf of the Town of Port Orchard upon approval of the terms of the le ase by the Attorney. Discussion was had relative to installing curbs and gutters on Bay Street west from Black Jack bridge to Rockwell Street, and this matter was referred to Councilman Hall, chairman of the Street and Alley committee for further conferences with prop- erty owners. Chief of Police reported that cleaning of parking strips and walks of grass and debris is progressing satisfactorily. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee reported that bleachers at Givens Field are being installed. Superintendent Givens brought up the matter of repair to the Ford pickup truck used by the Water Department, explaining probably costs for partial and complete over- haul. It was moved by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried that Superintendent be authorized to have a complete overhaul on the engine, and t o make the best deal possible for the work. Clerk called attention to shortages in several appropriations, caused by emer ency work during the past few months, and asked for emergency appropriation so of 4181.00 for registrations elections; $280.00 for Engineer's expense; and $350.00 for insurance premium, all in the Current Expense Fund; and $1,160.00 for supplies and $750.00 for iffice expense in the'Kater fund. Ordinance providing for these appropiations was submitted and passed to next meeting of the Council for final action on motion by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried. The following claims checked by heads of departments and by Councilman Repanich of the Finance and Auditing committee and by other .members of the Council, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall andc arried: Pacific Tel & Tel. Co. Port Orchard Independent Puget Bound Power & Light Co. Peninsula Stationers Marvin S. Gilliland Tide Water Associated Oil Co. Pacific Tel & T61 Co. Worthington Gamon Meter Div. Overall Cleaning & Supply Western Utilities Supply Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Nathan Nesseth Pacific Tel & Tel Howard Cooper Corp. Cleveland Chevrolet Tide Water Assoc. Oil Co. CUR RENT E XPENSE FUND Various telephones and tolls 30.90 Publishing 36.04 Copper wire for CD alarm siren 144.61 File cabinet for Police 5,25 Police service 66.72 Deisel fuel for City Hall 62.19 WATER IFrND Water Dept. telephones and tolls 22.43 Water 14eter parts 12.01 Shop towels 2.80 Flexible couplings 5.71 Power and light, main plant 214.11 STREET FUND Labor on streets 124,00 Telephone 7.25 Pipe set for grader 23.32 12 qts motor oil 3.74 Stove and deisel oil 25,45 W Port Orchard, Washington June 23, 1952 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard called to order by Mayor William H. Sprague, with Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall and Nick J. Repanich; Engineer T.,C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public Works George, F. Givens present. Absent Councilmen George A. Broughton and C. H. Largis and Attorney Dudley N. Perrine. Minutes of meeting of June 9, 1952 read and approved. Engineer presented petition for improving certain streets in Forest City area by installing water mains and sewers, and stated that petition had been checked and was sufficient. On motion by Repanich, seco nded by Hall and carried,'Eng;tr_eer was directed to do preliminary work to bring the matter to a public hearing. Matter of renaming streets in Forest City area in order that there be no duplication of names within the Town, was discussed, and Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee recommended on 'behalf of his committee, that the°First, Second, Third and Fourth Streets in Forest City area be designation as West, Garrison, Flower and Howard Streets, as continuations of streets in Town of Port Orchard. On motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried,• it was directed that ordinance be prepared for consideration of the Council, naming the Streets in Forest City area, as recommended by the committee, and that each water user In the a rea be notified by the Clerk that renaming of streets is to be -considered at the meeting of the Council on July 14, 1952. Clerk presented lease .for Harbor area fronting certain property in Port Orchard, as prepared and submitted by Washington State Department of Public lands. On motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried, Mayor was authorized to sign lease on behalf of the Town of Port Orchard upon approval of the terms of the le ase by the Attorney. Discussion was had relative to installing curbs and gutters on Bay Street west from Black Jack bridge to Rockwell Street, and this matter was referred to Councilman Hall, chairman of the Street and Alley committee for further conferences with prop- erty owners. Chief of Police reported that cleaning of parking strips and walks of grass and debris is progressing satisfactorily. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee reported that bleachers at Givens Field are being installed. Superintendent Givens brought up the matter of repair to the Ford pickup truck used by the Water Department, explaining probably costs for partial and complete over- haul. It was moved by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried that Superintendent be authorized to have a complete overhaul on the engine, and t o make the best deal possible for the work. Clerk called attention to shortages in several appropriations, caused by emer ency work during the past few months, and asked for emergency appropriation so of 4181.00 for registrations elections; $280.00 for Engineer's expense; and $350.00 for insurance premium, all in the Current Expense Fund; and $1,160.00 for supplies and $750.00 for iffice expense in the'Kater fund. Ordinance providing for these appropiations was submitted and passed to next meeting of the Council for final action on motion by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried. The following claims checked by heads of departments and by Councilman Repanich of the Finance and Auditing committee and by other .members of the Council, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall andc arried: Pacific Tel & Tel. Co. Port Orchard Independent Puget Bound Power & Light Co. Peninsula Stationers Marvin S. Gilliland Tide Water Associated Oil Co. Pacific Tel & T61 Co. Worthington Gamon Meter Div. Overall Cleaning & Supply Western Utilities Supply Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Nathan Nesseth Pacific Tel & Tel Howard Cooper Corp. Cleveland Chevrolet Tide Water Assoc. Oil Co. CUR RENT E XPENSE FUND Various telephones and tolls 30.90 Publishing 36.04 Copper wire for CD alarm siren 144.61 File cabinet for Police 5,25 Police service 66.72 Deisel fuel for City Hall 62.19 WATER IFrND Water Dept. telephones and tolls 22.43 Water 14eter parts 12.01 Shop towels 2.80 Flexible couplings 5.71 Power and light, main plant 214.11 STREET FUND Labor on streets 124,00 Telephone 7.25 Pipe set for grader 23.32 12 qts motor oil 3.74 Stove and deisel oil 25,45 W LIBRARY FUND The H. R: Huntting Books for library 31.60 Puget Sound News Co. Books for library 8.65 SEVER FUND Labor cleaning clogged W. L. Johnson g sewer 6,75 Clerk submitted findings of the State Census Board, which fixed the populat$on of Port Orchard as -of April 1. 1952 at 2,775. Council adj urned on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried. Clerk Mayor °- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Port Port Orchard, Washington July 14, 1952 Council called to order in regular session by Mayor William H. Sprague, with Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Ray Be Hall, George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendet of Public Workd George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein present. Absent Councilman C. H. Largis. Minutes of June 23, 1952 read and approved. Attorney reported -that Town must furnish bond in connection with Harbor area. lease,.and Clerk was directed to secure suety bond for $500.00,.as required under terms of lease. Chairman -Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that efforts to have, property -owners construct curbs and gutters on north side of Bay Street west from Black Jack bridge have been unsuccessful, and that matter is a closed issue. Superintendent reported ttiiat no arrangements have yet,been made for repair to Ford pickup truck, and furt?-ier time was granted. 0n second reading of ordinance providing for emergency appropriations in Current Expense and Water Funds, ordinance providing for emergency appropriations was passed unanimously on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried. Ordinance- adopted as Ordinance No. 596. R. P. Joslin appeared before the Council and presented a petition for vacation of a strip of land on the north side of South Street, and explained the terms of the petition. After a discussion, it was moved by Broughton, seconded by Repanieh and carried that Resolution be passed fixing a hearing on the matter for August 11, 1952. Resolution providing for improvements in Forest City area wa-s read to the Council, and was referred to the Engineer to prepare preliminary plans and estimates for the proposed work. Ordinance providing for re -naming streets in that protion of. Forest City now annexed to part Orchard, vies read. Clerk stated that notice had been sent to all water users in the area, askif.g for suggestions, but no one appeared in connection with the matter, and ordinance was passed as read on motion of Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried. Ordinance,adopted as OrdinancaNNo;597. It was directed that city limits sign on Sidney Street be moved to the inter- section of Sidney and Tremont Streets. Letter from State Supervisor of Hydraulics regarding water right on Black Jack creek was read, and Clerk was directed to request extension of water right, and to remit fee of 9V required in connection therewith. It was directed that parking spaces be marked at curbs on both sides of Prospect Street in order that parking may.be more eff&ciently operated. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that Joseph Haas installed forms for sidewalk in front of Lotll, Block 13, First Addition which do not conform to grade. Matter was discussed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried that sidewalk be installed according to Engineer's specifications, and,on Engineer's approval. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read, and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried: LIBRARY FUND The H. R: Huntting Books for library 31.60 Puget Sound News Co. Books for library 8.65 SEVER FUND Labor cleaning clogged W. L. Johnson g sewer 6,75 Clerk submitted findings of the State Census Board, which fixed the populat$on of Port Orchard as -of April 1. 1952 at 2,775. Council adj urned on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried. Clerk Mayor °- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Port Port Orchard, Washington July 14, 1952 Council called to order in regular session by Mayor William H. Sprague, with Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Ray Be Hall, George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendet of Public Workd George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein present. Absent Councilman C. H. Largis. Minutes of June 23, 1952 read and approved. Attorney reported -that Town must furnish bond in connection with Harbor area. lease,.and Clerk was directed to secure suety bond for $500.00,.as required under terms of lease. Chairman -Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that efforts to have, property -owners construct curbs and gutters on north side of Bay Street west from Black Jack bridge have been unsuccessful, and that matter is a closed issue. Superintendent reported ttiiat no arrangements have yet,been made for repair to Ford pickup truck, and furt?-ier time was granted. 0n second reading of ordinance providing for emergency appropriations in Current Expense and Water Funds, ordinance providing for emergency appropriations was passed unanimously on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried. Ordinance- adopted as Ordinance No. 596. R. P. Joslin appeared before the Council and presented a petition for vacation of a strip of land on the north side of South Street, and explained the terms of the petition. After a discussion, it was moved by Broughton, seconded by Repanieh and carried that Resolution be passed fixing a hearing on the matter for August 11, 1952. Resolution providing for improvements in Forest City area wa-s read to the Council, and was referred to the Engineer to prepare preliminary plans and estimates for the proposed work. Ordinance providing for re -naming streets in that protion of. Forest City now annexed to part Orchard, vies read. Clerk stated that notice had been sent to all water users in the area, askif.g for suggestions, but no one appeared in connection with the matter, and ordinance was passed as read on motion of Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried. Ordinance,adopted as OrdinancaNNo;597. It was directed that city limits sign on Sidney Street be moved to the inter- section of Sidney and Tremont Streets. Letter from State Supervisor of Hydraulics regarding water right on Black Jack creek was read, and Clerk was directed to request extension of water right, and to remit fee of 9V required in connection therewith. It was directed that parking spaces be marked at curbs on both sides of Prospect Street in order that parking may.be more eff&ciently operated. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that Joseph Haas installed forms for sidewalk in front of Lotll, Block 13, First Addition which do not conform to grade. Matter was discussed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried that sidewalk be installed according to Engineer's specifications, and,on Engineer's approval. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, were read, and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried: (3URRENT EXPENSE FUND Standard Oil Co. Tide Water Assoc. Oil Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Town Clerk Town Clerk Albert V. Raygor W. L. Boatwright T. C. Breitenstein C..&*"Q' ,. Radio Supply Three M Supply Co. Port Orchard Independent Trick & Murray Gasoline and Lub service Police Deisel Oil for Town Hall Co. Street, cross walk and town hall 1300 postal cards for registration P. 0. Box rent and postage Police service Police service Engineer retainer Radio part fair police radio Mod; bucket Envelopes for Clerk Complaint blanks for Police Court Puget Sound Power & Light Grinnell Co. of pacific Wilkins Distributing Co. Port Orchard Machine S hop H. D. Fowler Co., Inc. Town Clerk W. F. Bruhahan Puget Sound Power & Light South Kitsap Gravel Co. Overall cleaning & Supply Wilkins Distributing Co. Town Clerk Port Orchard Machine Shop Nelson Ecuipment Co. Washington State Ferries W. Alcorn Three M Supply Co. Howard Cooper Corp. Nathan Nesseth W. F. Bruhahn WATER FUND Power and light, all plants Pipe fittings Gasoline Wrne ch Brass saddles and meter valves 1 M postal. cards Labor on water lines STREET FUND Co. Light at garage 84, yards sand Shop towels Gasoline and Spark Plugs Tide Water Association Oil Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Port Orchard Machine Shop Americana. Corporation Postage, etc. Welding; 12-guage Mats for tires Toll on grader to hand Soap Garage Brooip Spring for grader Labor Labor Deisel oil steel plate and from Seattle repaid PARK FUND Light at Rocreation Bldg. Iron bar L I ERARY FUND American Annual Council adjourned on motion by Hall, 4.39 78.98 - 331.85 26.00 7,01 58.36 84.06 100.00 8.78 6,70 29.30 26.20 297.75 23.54 5.89 1.29 59.48 20.00 72.09 2.00 43.52 1,9.2 110.50 2.37 2.86 16.80 24,30 3,71 B.43 1.23 164.30 10.53 13.68 3,07 .67 2.95 seconded by Nichols and carried. Clerk AINU Mayor 0----------------------- Port Orchard, Washington July 26, 1952 Council called to order in regular session by Mayor William H. Sprague with Council- men George A. Broughton, C. H. Largi,s,..,Verd W. Nichols and Ray B. Hall; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintende4t0of Public Works George E. Givens and Engineer T. C Breitenstein pre•seYit�: absent Councilman Repanich. Minutes ocf meeting of July 14, 1952 read and first sentence of last paragraph was corrected to read: "Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that Joseph Haas had installed forms for sidewalk in fromt of Lot 11, Block 13, First Addition, which do not oondorm to grade." Minutes approved as corrected. Engineer Breitenstein reported that he went to the Joseph Haas property (Lot 11 Block 13, First Addition at about 9 o'clock a. m. on July 15, and that the side walk had been laid when he arrived, but that it was not in accordance with Engineer's specifications. Matter was discussed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried that Attorney write a letter to Joseph Haas, protest- ing that the walk is not according to specifications, is not satisfactory to the Council, and to submit an indemnity agreement to be signed by Mr. Haas, indemnify- ing the Town of Port Orchard from damages from any cause that might result from improper and unapproved construction of the walk in from of Lot 11, Block 13, First Addition to -Sidney. Resolution declarin8 inte ntior_ to create improvement district for laying water mains and sewer in forest City area, was submitted to the Council, and on motion of Broughton, seconded by Nichols and carried hearing on Resolution was set for September 9, 1952 at 7:30 o'clock p. m. (3URRENT EXPENSE FUND Standard Oil Co. Tide Water Assoc. Oil Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Town Clerk Town Clerk Albert V. Raygor W. L. Boatwright T. C. Breitenstein C..&*"Q' ,. Radio Supply Three M Supply Co. Port Orchard Independent Trick & Murray Gasoline and Lub service Police Deisel Oil for Town Hall Co. Street, cross walk and town hall 1300 postal cards for registration P. 0. Box rent and postage Police service Police service Engineer retainer Radio part fair police radio Mod; bucket Envelopes for Clerk Complaint blanks for Police Court Puget Sound Power & Light Grinnell Co. of pacific Wilkins Distributing Co. Port Orchard Machine S hop H. D. Fowler Co., Inc. Town Clerk W. F. Bruhahan Puget Sound Power & Light South Kitsap Gravel Co. Overall cleaning & Supply Wilkins Distributing Co. Town Clerk Port Orchard Machine Shop Nelson Ecuipment Co. Washington State Ferries W. Alcorn Three M Supply Co. Howard Cooper Corp. Nathan Nesseth W. F. Bruhahn WATER FUND Power and light, all plants Pipe fittings Gasoline Wrne ch Brass saddles and meter valves 1 M postal. cards Labor on water lines STREET FUND Co. Light at garage 84, yards sand Shop towels Gasoline and Spark Plugs Tide Water Association Oil Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Port Orchard Machine Shop Americana. Corporation Postage, etc. Welding; 12-guage Mats for tires Toll on grader to hand Soap Garage Brooip Spring for grader Labor Labor Deisel oil steel plate and from Seattle repaid PARK FUND Light at Rocreation Bldg. Iron bar L I ERARY FUND American Annual Council adjourned on motion by Hall, 4.39 78.98 - 331.85 26.00 7,01 58.36 84.06 100.00 8.78 6,70 29.30 26.20 297.75 23.54 5.89 1.29 59.48 20.00 72.09 2.00 43.52 1,9.2 110.50 2.37 2.86 16.80 24,30 3,71 B.43 1.23 164.30 10.53 13.68 3,07 .67 2.95 seconded by Nichols and carried. Clerk AINU Mayor 0----------------------- Port Orchard, Washington July 26, 1952 Council called to order in regular session by Mayor William H. Sprague with Council- men George A. Broughton, C. H. Largi,s,..,Verd W. Nichols and Ray B. Hall; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintende4t0of Public Works George E. Givens and Engineer T. C Breitenstein pre•seYit�: absent Councilman Repanich. Minutes ocf meeting of July 14, 1952 read and first sentence of last paragraph was corrected to read: "Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that Joseph Haas had installed forms for sidewalk in fromt of Lot 11, Block 13, First Addition, which do not oondorm to grade." Minutes approved as corrected. Engineer Breitenstein reported that he went to the Joseph Haas property (Lot 11 Block 13, First Addition at about 9 o'clock a. m. on July 15, and that the side walk had been laid when he arrived, but that it was not in accordance with Engineer's specifications. Matter was discussed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried that Attorney write a letter to Joseph Haas, protest- ing that the walk is not according to specifications, is not satisfactory to the Council, and to submit an indemnity agreement to be signed by Mr. Haas, indemnify- ing the Town of Port Orchard from damages from any cause that might result from improper and unapproved construction of the walk in from of Lot 11, Block 13, First Addition to -Sidney. Resolution declarin8 inte ntior_ to create improvement district for laying water mains and sewer in forest City area, was submitted to the Council, and on motion of Broughton, seconded by Nichols and carried hearing on Resolution was set for September 9, 1952 at 7:30 o'clock p. m. Superintendent stated that more time is desired to paint parking lines on Prospect Street. Further time granted. Bond in connection with lease f6r Harbor Area, was submitted and si.gned by Mayor on behalf of the Town of Port Orchard. Mayor brought up.the matter of the salary of the Police Judge and pointed out the increase in work in this department, and stated that an increase in salary has been requested by the Police Judge. Matter was discussed, and on motion by Broughton, seconded by Nichols and carried, salary was fired at $75.00 per month, beginning July 10, 1952. Ordinance fixing salary adopted as Ordinance No. 59B. Various provisions of the Building and Plumbing Code came up for discussion on suggestion by Councilman Nichols, but no action was taken. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee and by members of the Council were submitted, and -ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried. Lumber Supply T. C. Breitenstein Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Trick & Murray Port Orchard Independent Albert V. Raygor Willard L. Boatwright Kitsap Co. Garage Rev.fund CURRENT EXPTNSE FUND Lumber and material Advance engineering costs, Forest city Various telephones and tolls Registration supplies, etc. Publish Ordinances 596-597 Police service Police service Accessories for police car :"WATER 1' UivL/ 11.31 200.00 47.85 18.41 12,90 66.72 - 112.08 7.99 Puget Sound Power & Light Cathodic service 19.34 Harbor Welding Weld elbow at pump house 15.45 M. W. Hammond 120 ft copper pipe 40,00 Pacific'Tel & Tel Co Telephone and tolls 23.10 Lumber Supply Concrete blocks, sand, Lumber etc. 23.83 W. F. Bruhahn Labor 93.96 STREET FUND Eumber Supply Lumber and cedar posts 69.18 Howard Cooper Corp. Grader Repair 424.36 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Street Telephone 7.25 Nathan Nesseth L;.bor on streets 121.67 PARK FUND Lumber Supply Lumber, cement,,etc, 38.39 R. B. Ryan Bleachers 405.38 Puget Sound Power & Light Tennis Courts Lights 2.00 Nathan Nesseth Labor 6.20 LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Co. Books for Library 45.89 Puget Sound News Co. Book 2.52 Meeting adjourned on motion by Hell, seconders by Broughton and carried. Clerk Mayor 41 a - - Port Orchard, Washington August 11, 1952 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor William H. Spyraague, with Councilmen George A. Broughtont Nick J. Repanich and C. H. Largts; Superintendent of Public Works George F. a Givens, Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Attorney Dudley N. Perrino present. Absent Councilmen Verd W. Nichols and Ray B. Hall. Minutes of meeting of July 28, 1952 read and approved. Mrs:. H. R. Lochry, Mrs. Kenneth Hooker, Mrs. George Snyder and -Mrs. Vaun Allen, representing various groups of the community, appeared before the Council, asking for improvements at the Forestry Building and for permission to use the building for meetings of various groups. A general discussion was entered into, and the Mayor and Councilman Repanich explained the setup under which the Town acquired Superintendent stated that more time is desired to paint parking lines on Prospect Street. Further time granted. Bond in connection with lease f6r Harbor Area, was submitted and si.gned by Mayor on behalf of the Town of Port Orchard. Mayor brought up.the matter of the salary of the Police Judge and pointed out the increase in work in this department, and stated that an increase in salary has been requested by the Police Judge. Matter was discussed, and on motion by Broughton, seconded by Nichols and carried, salary was fired at $75.00 per month, beginning July 10, 1952. Ordinance fixing salary adopted as Ordinance No. 59B. Various provisions of the Building and Plumbing Code came up for discussion on suggestion by Councilman Nichols, but no action was taken. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee and by members of the Council were submitted, and -ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried. Lumber Supply T. C. Breitenstein Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Trick & Murray Port Orchard Independent Albert V. Raygor Willard L. Boatwright Kitsap Co. Garage Rev.fund CURRENT EXPTNSE FUND Lumber and material Advance engineering costs, Forest city Various telephones and tolls Registration supplies, etc. Publish Ordinances 596-597 Police service Police service Accessories for police car :"WATER 1' UivL/ 11.31 200.00 47.85 18.41 12,90 66.72 - 112.08 7.99 Puget Sound Power & Light Cathodic service 19.34 Harbor Welding Weld elbow at pump house 15.45 M. W. Hammond 120 ft copper pipe 40,00 Pacific'Tel & Tel Co Telephone and tolls 23.10 Lumber Supply Concrete blocks, sand, Lumber etc. 23.83 W. F. Bruhahn Labor 93.96 STREET FUND Eumber Supply Lumber and cedar posts 69.18 Howard Cooper Corp. Grader Repair 424.36 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Street Telephone 7.25 Nathan Nesseth L;.bor on streets 121.67 PARK FUND Lumber Supply Lumber, cement,,etc, 38.39 R. B. Ryan Bleachers 405.38 Puget Sound Power & Light Tennis Courts Lights 2.00 Nathan Nesseth Labor 6.20 LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Co. Books for Library 45.89 Puget Sound News Co. Book 2.52 Meeting adjourned on motion by Hell, seconders by Broughton and carried. Clerk Mayor 41 a - - Port Orchard, Washington August 11, 1952 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor William H. Spyraague, with Councilmen George A. Broughtont Nick J. Repanich and C. H. Largts; Superintendent of Public Works George F. a Givens, Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Attorney Dudley N. Perrino present. Absent Councilmen Verd W. Nichols and Ray B. Hall. Minutes of meeting of July 28, 1952 read and approved. Mrs:. H. R. Lochry, Mrs. Kenneth Hooker, Mrs. George Snyder and -Mrs. Vaun Allen, representing various groups of the community, appeared before the Council, asking for improvements at the Forestry Building and for permission to use the building for meetings of various groups. A general discussion was entered into, and the Mayor and Councilman Repanich explained the setup under which the Town acquired the building and the uses to which the building was more or less pledged. There was no definite action taken on the requests of the ladies, but the way was left open for further meetings and for a co/ -operative effort to accomplish the plans which have been laid out; for improvement of the property. R. P. Joslin appeared before the Council relative to the erection by private Interests of a bus shelter somewhere on Sidney Street north of Bay Street for the convenience of the travelling public. The matter was discussed, and it was pointed out by the Mayor and Council that before permission is granted for any construction that plans should be submitted for approval. This being the date upon which petition for vacation of a portion of South Street was set to be heard, matter was called for hearing. There were noobjections presented h.efore the Council, and Clerk reported that none had been filed. After consideration, ordinance providing for 'vacation as prayed for was read, and it was moved by Broughton, seconded by Repanich.and carried that ordinance be passed as read. Motion carried unanimously and ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 599. Superintendent stated that parking spaces on Prospect Street*iuld be lined within a few days, and further time wp'allowed for this work. Clerk stated that sufficient funds are on hand to pay Bonds No 46, 479 48, and 49 of 1941 Sewer Utility issue, which may called under optional provisions of the ordinance and bonds, and on motion by Repanich, seconded by Broughton and carried, Clerk was directed to call bonds No. 46, 479 48 and 49 (41 percent Sewer Revenue bonds) to be redeemed on or after September 15, 1952, no interest to be paid on these bonds after September 15, 1952. Superintendent Givens brought up the matter of acquiring an oil distributor and stated prospects for securing a used machine and gave prices of used and new equipment. Matter was discussed, and was passed for further investigation and report. On motion by Broughton, seconded by Largis and carried, salary of Attorney was fixed at *120.00 per month, beginning August 10, 1952. The following claims were presented, after having been checked by heads of departments, and by Chairman Broughton of the Auditing committee, and by members of the Council, and were ordered paid on motion by Largis, seconded by Repanidh and carried: ' Cookson Bros, Service Kitsap County Bank Port orchard Independent; Port Orchard Independent County Auditot Slocum Hardware Standard Oil Company Trick & Murray Tide Water Associated 01.1 Co. Thompson's T. C. Breitenstein S. Knudson W. L. Boatwright Albdrt V. Raygor Western Utilities Su,ply Co. Cookson Bros,`Service V. B. Caldwell Transport Clearings of P. S. Slocum Hardware Rockwell Manufacturing Co. Atlas Mineral Products Co, H. B. Menees W. F. Bruhahn South Kitsap Gravel Co. Slocum Hardware Kitsap Co. Eq. Rtl & Rev Fund V. B. Caldwell Wilkins Distributing Co. Port orchard Machine Shop Tide Water Associated Oil Co. H. B. Menees Union Oil Co. of California Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. W. F. Bruhahn Nathan Nesseth Wm. Sapp CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Gasoline for Fire Dept. 4.31 Bank draft for harbor lease 235,00 Publish Ordinance No. 598 2.52 Stationery and supplies for Police 3.71 Forest City Election costs 30.04 Weed and feed for lawn, City Hall 2.73 Lub job, switch tires, Police car 2.32 Index guides 3.36 Deisel fuel, City Hall 22,25 Typewriter paper, pencils 4.90 Retainer as Engineer 100.00 Assist Engineer 16.20 Police service 65.38 Police service 66.72 WATER FUND Gatevalve, packing 21.40 10 gals, gasoline 2,88 Paint, thinner, var. mdse. 7.81 Freight 1.43 Tools 14.05 12 water meters 259.56 Carton Hydro rings 14.42 Gasoline 3.42 Labor 40.50 STREET FUND 188 yards sand 97.08 Screws and washers 5,2i Road Oil 470.25 Sythe blade, cable, etc. 21.90 Gasoline 213.68 Welding and material 10.47 Deisel fuel for grader 16.80 Grease fittings; regular gasoline 6.82 Motor Oil 40.94 Shop Towels 2.36 Labor on streets 17.82 Labor on streets 128.65 Labor on streets 37.2) OR the building and the uses to which the building was more or less pledged. There was no definite action taken on the requests of the ladies, but the way was left open for further meetings and for a co/ -operative effort to accomplish the plans which have been laid out; for improvement of the property. R. P. Joslin appeared before the Council relative to the erection by private Interests of a bus shelter somewhere on Sidney Street north of Bay Street for the convenience of the travelling public. The matter was discussed, and it was pointed out by the Mayor and Council that before permission is granted for any construction that plans should be submitted for approval. This being the date upon which petition for vacation of a portion of South Street was set to be heard, matter was called for hearing. There were noobjections presented h.efore the Council, and Clerk reported that none had been filed. After consideration, ordinance providing for 'vacation as prayed for was read, and it was moved by Broughton, seconded by Repanich.and carried that ordinance be passed as read. Motion carried unanimously and ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 599. Superintendent stated that parking spaces on Prospect Street*iuld be lined within a few days, and further time wp'allowed for this work. Clerk stated that sufficient funds are on hand to pay Bonds No 46, 479 48, and 49 of 1941 Sewer Utility issue, which may called under optional provisions of the ordinance and bonds, and on motion by Repanich, seconded by Broughton and carried, Clerk was directed to call bonds No. 46, 479 48 and 49 (41 percent Sewer Revenue bonds) to be redeemed on or after September 15, 1952, no interest to be paid on these bonds after September 15, 1952. Superintendent Givens brought up the matter of acquiring an oil distributor and stated prospects for securing a used machine and gave prices of used and new equipment. Matter was discussed, and was passed for further investigation and report. On motion by Broughton, seconded by Largis and carried, salary of Attorney was fixed at *120.00 per month, beginning August 10, 1952. The following claims were presented, after having been checked by heads of departments, and by Chairman Broughton of the Auditing committee, and by members of the Council, and were ordered paid on motion by Largis, seconded by Repanidh and carried: ' Cookson Bros, Service Kitsap County Bank Port orchard Independent; Port Orchard Independent County Auditot Slocum Hardware Standard Oil Company Trick & Murray Tide Water Associated 01.1 Co. Thompson's T. C. Breitenstein S. Knudson W. L. Boatwright Albdrt V. Raygor Western Utilities Su,ply Co. Cookson Bros,`Service V. B. Caldwell Transport Clearings of P. S. Slocum Hardware Rockwell Manufacturing Co. Atlas Mineral Products Co, H. B. Menees W. F. Bruhahn South Kitsap Gravel Co. Slocum Hardware Kitsap Co. Eq. Rtl & Rev Fund V. B. Caldwell Wilkins Distributing Co. Port orchard Machine Shop Tide Water Associated Oil Co. H. B. Menees Union Oil Co. of California Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. W. F. Bruhahn Nathan Nesseth Wm. Sapp CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Gasoline for Fire Dept. 4.31 Bank draft for harbor lease 235,00 Publish Ordinance No. 598 2.52 Stationery and supplies for Police 3.71 Forest City Election costs 30.04 Weed and feed for lawn, City Hall 2.73 Lub job, switch tires, Police car 2.32 Index guides 3.36 Deisel fuel, City Hall 22,25 Typewriter paper, pencils 4.90 Retainer as Engineer 100.00 Assist Engineer 16.20 Police service 65.38 Police service 66.72 WATER FUND Gatevalve, packing 21.40 10 gals, gasoline 2,88 Paint, thinner, var. mdse. 7.81 Freight 1.43 Tools 14.05 12 water meters 259.56 Carton Hydro rings 14.42 Gasoline 3.42 Labor 40.50 STREET FUND 188 yards sand 97.08 Screws and washers 5,2i Road Oil 470.25 Sythe blade, cable, etc. 21.90 Gasoline 213.68 Welding and material 10.47 Deisel fuel for grader 16.80 Grease fittings; regular gasoline 6.82 Motor Oil 40.94 Shop Towels 2.36 Labor on streets 17.82 Labor on streets 128.65 Labor on streets 37.2) OR PARK FUNK Slocum Hardware V. B. Caldwell .The H. R. Huntting Co. Puget Sound News Co. W. L. Johnson Paint, brushes, Sprinkler caps; LIERARY FUND Books Books Bolts, Washers wire Labor, cleaning lateral 4.39 2.78 4.51 19.48 6.75 Meeting adjo reed on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried. Clerk Mayor ------------------ 0-------------------- Port Orchard, Washington August 25, 1952 Council called to order in regular Aession by Mayor William H. Sprague with Council- men Rag B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols, C. H. Largis, George A. Broughton, and Nick Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Suprintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. .Breitenstein present. A. W. Hodge, chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, was present regarding sale of oil distributor by Kitsap County Road District to the Town of Port orchard. Mr„ Hodge stated the proposition that the County Road District would`agree to, and a general discussion of the proposition was entered into. It was moved by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried thatbids be called for a new or used oil distribu- tor, of at Least 1,000 gallon oil capacity, bids to be opened September 8, 1952, .Letter from Port Orchard Kiwanis Club, presenting to the Town -of Port Orchard certain playground equipment owned by the Club was read. The gift was accepted by the Town, and it was directed that the equipment be turned over to they Parks and Playgrounds committee, and that a letter accepting the gift and expressing the appreciation of the Town for the donation be written to the Kiwanis Club. Letter from the Association of Washington Cities announcing dates and places of regional meeting was read, and the hope was expressed that the Mayor and smo berrs of the Council would be able to attend the meeting to be held in Tacoma on October 10, 1952. Repair of water truck was discussed and Superintendent stated that arrangements to have this work done would be made soon. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Largis and carried that Parks and Play- grounds committee be given power to act in having necessary maintenance work done on buildings at old Forestry site. Mayor stated that Joseph Haas desired a parking meter placed in front of his building on Bay street, instead of no parking regulation, as at present, Matter was referred to Street and Alley committee. Superintendent stated that ww,;er tanks should be painted on outside, and gave some detailed information on the matter. It was moved by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried that bids for this work be called for, returnable on September S. 1952, the bids to call for the ,job on condition that the Twon furnish the material. Clerk submitted tentative budget for the year 1953, and this matter was continued to September S. 1952, The following claims, checked and approved by heads of departments, and checked by Councilman Broughton of the Auditing committee, and members of the Council, were read and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Largis and carried: PARK FUNK Slocum Hardware V. B. Caldwell .The H. R. Huntting Co. Puget Sound News Co. W. L. Johnson Paint, brushes, Sprinkler caps; LIERARY FUND Books Books Bolts, Washers wire Labor, cleaning lateral 4.39 2.78 4.51 19.48 6.75 Meeting adjo reed on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried. Clerk Mayor ------------------ 0-------------------- Port Orchard, Washington August 25, 1952 Council called to order in regular Aession by Mayor William H. Sprague with Council- men Rag B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols, C. H. Largis, George A. Broughton, and Nick Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Suprintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. .Breitenstein present. A. W. Hodge, chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, was present regarding sale of oil distributor by Kitsap County Road District to the Town of Port orchard. Mr„ Hodge stated the proposition that the County Road District would`agree to, and a general discussion of the proposition was entered into. It was moved by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried thatbids be called for a new or used oil distribu- tor, of at Least 1,000 gallon oil capacity, bids to be opened September 8, 1952, .Letter from Port Orchard Kiwanis Club, presenting to the Town -of Port Orchard certain playground equipment owned by the Club was read. The gift was accepted by the Town, and it was directed that the equipment be turned over to they Parks and Playgrounds committee, and that a letter accepting the gift and expressing the appreciation of the Town for the donation be written to the Kiwanis Club. Letter from the Association of Washington Cities announcing dates and places of regional meeting was read, and the hope was expressed that the Mayor and smo berrs of the Council would be able to attend the meeting to be held in Tacoma on October 10, 1952. Repair of water truck was discussed and Superintendent stated that arrangements to have this work done would be made soon. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Largis and carried that Parks and Play- grounds committee be given power to act in having necessary maintenance work done on buildings at old Forestry site. Mayor stated that Joseph Haas desired a parking meter placed in front of his building on Bay street, instead of no parking regulation, as at present, Matter was referred to Street and Alley committee. Superintendent stated that ww,;er tanks should be painted on outside, and gave some detailed information on the matter. It was moved by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried that bids for this work be called for, returnable on September S. 1952, the bids to call for the ,job on condition that the Twon furnish the material. Clerk submitted tentative budget for the year 1953, and this matter was continued to September S. 1952, The following claims, checked and approved by heads of departments, and checked by Councilman Broughton of the Auditing committee, and members of the Council, were read and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Largis and carried: CURRENT EXPhkJbE FUND Port Orchard Independent Howard Cooper Corp. A. R. Elliott Wm. Sapp 'Hillard L. Boatwright Albert V. Raygor Margaret. Hodge Trick & Murray Everlite Display Rensselaer Valve Co. Kitsap Realty Company Pacific Tel & Tel Co. T. R. Hubbard Puget. Sound Power & Light Publish Resolution and Bond Call Booster Hose, Fire Dept, Premium Police Judge bond Cut grass at City Hall Police service Police service Assist in Clerkts office Registration supplies Traffic sign (City Limits) Fire Hydrant extension Premium Fire ins. Town Hall Various telephones and tolls Seat Covers, oil filters, etc. Police Cross walk lights WATER FUND Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power and light, all plants W. F. Bruhahn Labor 'Town Clerk Postal cards and postage STREET FUND Kitsap Co. Equip. Rental. & Rev Fd Road Oil Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Garage Telephone Nathan Nesseth Labor The H. R. Huntting Co. Grinnell Co. of Pacific Howard Cooper Corp. LIBRARY FUND Books PARK FUND Pipe for backstop SEWER FUND Hose and adapters Council adjorned on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried. 33.40 47.46 10.00 4.05 93.40 66.72 56.00 19.03 7.21 23.69 172.48 50.00 37,24 2.28 20,85 373.89 B9.10 40.27 608.00 7,25 124.00 95.10 260.53 97,64 Clark Mayor .----------------- 0 --_----------------- Port Orchard, Washington Septemver 8, 1952 Council called to order in regular sessiop, by Mayor William H. Sprague, with Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, George A. Broughton, Ray B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols and C. H. Largis; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of August 25, 1952 read and approved. Art Mikelsen, representing the "Little League" baseball organization, appeared before the Council regarding past and future activities of the organization. He expressed appreciation for the co-operation which has been received from the Town in the matter of preparing playfields, and in other matters, and outlined a program of what is hoped to accomplish in the future. He stated that the "Little League" would supply grass seed and do the work of seeding the field, would make an effort to install lights for night games and suggested that perhaps a sprinkling system for maintenance of the grounds might be an economical system. He stated that if the proposed improvements are made that they would be made on condition that the Town would maintain the grounds, and hs also stated that in the event these things are a complished by the "Little League" that the organization would like a voice, in connection with the Council committee, In the adminisjrattpn of t"` field. Matter was continued for consideration and a meeting by the Parks and Playgrounds committee with the 'Little League" members. This being the date upon which bids were to be received on oil distributor, Clerk reported that four bids had been received. Bids were directed to be opened and were read from Feenaughty Machinery Co., A. H. Cox & Co., Acme Equipment Co., and Kitsap County. Bids were read and considered by the Council and representatives of the bidders held conferences with the Sine rintd.ent of Public Works. Following the conferences, Superintendent recommended furtb4W consideration of the bids CURRENT EXPhkJbE FUND Port Orchard Independent Howard Cooper Corp. A. R. Elliott Wm. Sapp 'Hillard L. Boatwright Albert V. Raygor Margaret. Hodge Trick & Murray Everlite Display Rensselaer Valve Co. Kitsap Realty Company Pacific Tel & Tel Co. T. R. Hubbard Puget. Sound Power & Light Publish Resolution and Bond Call Booster Hose, Fire Dept, Premium Police Judge bond Cut grass at City Hall Police service Police service Assist in Clerkts office Registration supplies Traffic sign (City Limits) Fire Hydrant extension Premium Fire ins. Town Hall Various telephones and tolls Seat Covers, oil filters, etc. Police Cross walk lights WATER FUND Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power and light, all plants W. F. Bruhahn Labor 'Town Clerk Postal cards and postage STREET FUND Kitsap Co. Equip. Rental. & Rev Fd Road Oil Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Garage Telephone Nathan Nesseth Labor The H. R. Huntting Co. Grinnell Co. of Pacific Howard Cooper Corp. LIBRARY FUND Books PARK FUND Pipe for backstop SEWER FUND Hose and adapters Council adjorned on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried. 33.40 47.46 10.00 4.05 93.40 66.72 56.00 19.03 7.21 23.69 172.48 50.00 37,24 2.28 20,85 373.89 B9.10 40.27 608.00 7,25 124.00 95.10 260.53 97,64 Clark Mayor .----------------- 0 --_----------------- Port Orchard, Washington Septemver 8, 1952 Council called to order in regular sessiop, by Mayor William H. Sprague, with Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, George A. Broughton, Ray B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols and C. H. Largis; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of August 25, 1952 read and approved. Art Mikelsen, representing the "Little League" baseball organization, appeared before the Council regarding past and future activities of the organization. He expressed appreciation for the co-operation which has been received from the Town in the matter of preparing playfields, and in other matters, and outlined a program of what is hoped to accomplish in the future. He stated that the "Little League" would supply grass seed and do the work of seeding the field, would make an effort to install lights for night games and suggested that perhaps a sprinkling system for maintenance of the grounds might be an economical system. He stated that if the proposed improvements are made that they would be made on condition that the Town would maintain the grounds, and hs also stated that in the event these things are a complished by the "Little League" that the organization would like a voice, in connection with the Council committee, In the adminisjrattpn of t"` field. Matter was continued for consideration and a meeting by the Parks and Playgrounds committee with the 'Little League" members. This being the date upon which bids were to be received on oil distributor, Clerk reported that four bids had been received. Bids were directed to be opened and were read from Feenaughty Machinery Co., A. H. Cox & Co., Acme Equipment Co., and Kitsap County. Bids were read and considered by the Council and representatives of the bidders held conferences with the Sine rintd.ent of Public Works. Following the conferences, Superintendent recommended furtb4W consideration of the bids by the Street. and Alley committee, and a report to the Council at the next meeting. Matter referred to Street and Alley committees for consideration and report, on recommendation of Superintendent. Hearing on proposed local improvement district 1n,Forest City area was called for hearing by Mayor Sprague, in pursuance of published notice and Mr. resolution. Interested property owners present included and Mrs. Lee H. McClure, Mrs. Lief Erickson, Max Beilmeier and Max Biellmeier, Jr. Con- ferences were held by property owners and the Engineer, and a discussion of various problems was, held. There were no protests filed and no protests were made to the Council. Attorney was directed to draft an ordinance creating the improvement. district, and definite action was continued .to the next meeting of the Council. Bids for painting the exterior of two water tanks were scheduled to be opened at this time, but Clerk reported that no bids had been received. Matter was discussed, and Superintendent was directed to negotiate with prospective bidders, and report at the next meeting of the Council. Councilman Hall reported that grading and filling at Black Jack bridge has been sublet by the general contractor, and that Town should be prepared to place riprsp, under agreement with State Department of Highways. Letter from Kitsap County Planning Commission regarding rezoning of property from the head of b*r to Ross Point.to commercial and industrial, was read and ordered filed. Mayor stated that he had been approached regarding advisability of the torn Library becoming affiliated with the Kitsap 'County Library Setup. Matter was discussed and referred to Finance and Auditing committee. Clerk presented revised preliminary budget for 1953, which contained some changes recommended by Superintendent of Public Works. Suggested buget was examined and considered by the Council and was adopted as the preliminary budget for 1953 on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried. Clerk was directed to give proper notice of hearing on proposed budget. The following claims checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Auditing committee, and by members of the Council, were read and ordered paid on motion by Broughton, seconded by Nichols and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Tie repair; oil for Police car 2,62 Albert V. Raygor Police service 66.72 Willard L. Boatwright Police service 18.68 Port Orchard Independent Publish Ordinance No. 600 l�gp Thompson's Typewriter repair; var. Mdee. 32.16 James A. Morgan Cutting grass at City Hall 6.75 W. F. Sapp Janitor relief 37.50 T. C. Breitenstein Engineer retainer 100.00 Sheriff of Kitsap County Board of prisoners 1.15.00 Wilkins Distributing Co. Oil filters for police car 5.19 Puget Sound Power do Light Co. Street Lights 268.60 WATER FUND W. F. Bruhahn Labor at water plant 48.60 STREET FUND Wilkins Distributing Co. Gasoline 205.23 South Kitsap Gravel Co. Sand and gravel 141.11 Nathan Nesseth Labor on streets 75.95 Wm. F. Sapp Releif street cleaner 55.00 Cleveland Chevrolet Co., Parts for truck 7,61 Port Orchard Independent Call for bids for oil distr. 4.31 PARK FUND Nathan-Nesseth Labor painting grand stand 17.05 Meeting adj&-ned on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried_ —Clerk Mayor by the Street. and Alley committee, and a report to the Council at the next meeting. Matter referred to Street and Alley committees for consideration and report, on recommendation of Superintendent. Hearing on proposed local improvement district 1n,Forest City area was called for hearing by Mayor Sprague, in pursuance of published notice and Mr. resolution. Interested property owners present included and Mrs. Lee H. McClure, Mrs. Lief Erickson, Max Beilmeier and Max Biellmeier, Jr. Con- ferences were held by property owners and the Engineer, and a discussion of various problems was, held. There were no protests filed and no protests were made to the Council. Attorney was directed to draft an ordinance creating the improvement. district, and definite action was continued .to the next meeting of the Council. Bids for painting the exterior of two water tanks were scheduled to be opened at this time, but Clerk reported that no bids had been received. Matter was discussed, and Superintendent was directed to negotiate with prospective bidders, and report at the next meeting of the Council. Councilman Hall reported that grading and filling at Black Jack bridge has been sublet by the general contractor, and that Town should be prepared to place riprsp, under agreement with State Department of Highways. Letter from Kitsap County Planning Commission regarding rezoning of property from the head of b*r to Ross Point.to commercial and industrial, was read and ordered filed. Mayor stated that he had been approached regarding advisability of the torn Library becoming affiliated with the Kitsap 'County Library Setup. Matter was discussed and referred to Finance and Auditing committee. Clerk presented revised preliminary budget for 1953, which contained some changes recommended by Superintendent of Public Works. Suggested buget was examined and considered by the Council and was adopted as the preliminary budget for 1953 on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried. Clerk was directed to give proper notice of hearing on proposed budget. The following claims checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Auditing committee, and by members of the Council, were read and ordered paid on motion by Broughton, seconded by Nichols and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Tie repair; oil for Police car 2,62 Albert V. Raygor Police service 66.72 Willard L. Boatwright Police service 18.68 Port Orchard Independent Publish Ordinance No. 600 l�gp Thompson's Typewriter repair; var. Mdee. 32.16 James A. Morgan Cutting grass at City Hall 6.75 W. F. Sapp Janitor relief 37.50 T. C. Breitenstein Engineer retainer 100.00 Sheriff of Kitsap County Board of prisoners 1.15.00 Wilkins Distributing Co. Oil filters for police car 5.19 Puget Sound Power do Light Co. Street Lights 268.60 WATER FUND W. F. Bruhahn Labor at water plant 48.60 STREET FUND Wilkins Distributing Co. Gasoline 205.23 South Kitsap Gravel Co. Sand and gravel 141.11 Nathan Nesseth Labor on streets 75.95 Wm. F. Sapp Releif street cleaner 55.00 Cleveland Chevrolet Co., Parts for truck 7,61 Port Orchard Independent Call for bids for oil distr. 4.31 PARK FUND Nathan-Nesseth Labor painting grand stand 17.05 Meeting adj&-ned on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried_ —Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington September 22, 1952 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor William H, Sprague, Present Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, Nick J. Repanich and C. H. Largis; Attorney Dudley N. Perrin. Absent Councilman.George A. Broughton, Superintendent George F. Givens and Engineer T.-C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of September S. 1952 read and approved. Burton D. Kreidler, owner of property on Short Street, appeared before the Council relative to condition of the approach from Short Street to the PSH#14. This was discussed, and suggestions made as to means of correcting difficulty,, and definite action deferred to later date. Smith & Hartman, painting contractors, appeared before the Council regarding painting of water tanks., and offered to do the work according to specifica- tions for 1,800.00 for two tanks, or $900.00 for one tank, the material to be furnished by the town. Matter continued for furth6r consideration. Purchase of oi•1 distributor was taken up and discussed, and Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee stated that perhaps the deal offered by Kitsap County might be the most economical, considering the amount of work that would be required from the equipment. Final action deferred to October 13, 1952. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee stated that his committee had held a meeting with the Little League" representatives regard- ing work to be done at ball ground. He reported on the projects outlined by the "Little League",'hn.d a general discussion followed. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that grade on ball diamond be prepared for pleat of grass. Ordinance creating assessment district and providing for method of payment and other details in connection with Forest City improvement, in accordance with findings at hearing on September S. 1952, was read and passed on motion by Repanich, seconded by all and carried. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance Na 601. George Carter appeared before the Council regarding grading on alley between Maple and Cedar Streets. The matter was discussed and deferred for action. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee and Mayor Sprague explained negotiations which have been held regarding riprapping at Black Jack bridge, and told of difficulties encountered in securing County equipment for the job. Mayor and Councilman Hall are to again contact County Engineer and commissioner Hodge in regard to securing county equipment. Tentative proposals for painting the Forestry building, the caretaker's house and woodshed adjoining, were received, and turned over to Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Pley grounds committee. Matter of making a charge for use of the Forestry Building under certain conditions, was referred to the Parks and Buildings committee. Mayor Sprague statgd that inquiry .hat been made relative to pu.rchhseraby'the Washington Veterans Home of the Model A Fire Truck, which has been stored at the Veterans Home for s6veral months. Fire Chief Alan Totten was re- quested to communicate with the Superintendent of the Washington Veterans Home relative to a purchase. The following claims were examined by members of the Council, Oked by Council- man Repanich of the Auditing committee, and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Largis and carried: Saindon's Tire Shop Albert V. Raygor John H. Banter Rice Electric American LaFrance Foam.ite Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Rice Electric Rice Electric T. C. Breitenstein CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Recaps for Police car 14.26 Police service 58.38 Police service 18.34 Labor and material, air-r id 37.80 Siren Siren, C. D. Alarm 257,50 Cross walk and city hall lights 47,26 Range hock -up, heater repair 59,13 Wire range, and parts FD 53.66 Advance L.I.D. No. 55 200,00 Port Orchard, Washington September 22, 1952 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor William H, Sprague, Present Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, Nick J. Repanich and C. H. Largis; Attorney Dudley N. Perrin. Absent Councilman.George A. Broughton, Superintendent George F. Givens and Engineer T.-C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of September S. 1952 read and approved. Burton D. Kreidler, owner of property on Short Street, appeared before the Council relative to condition of the approach from Short Street to the PSH#14. This was discussed, and suggestions made as to means of correcting difficulty,, and definite action deferred to later date. Smith & Hartman, painting contractors, appeared before the Council regarding painting of water tanks., and offered to do the work according to specifica- tions for 1,800.00 for two tanks, or $900.00 for one tank, the material to be furnished by the town. Matter continued for furth6r consideration. Purchase of oi•1 distributor was taken up and discussed, and Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee stated that perhaps the deal offered by Kitsap County might be the most economical, considering the amount of work that would be required from the equipment. Final action deferred to October 13, 1952. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee stated that his committee had held a meeting with the Little League" representatives regard- ing work to be done at ball ground. He reported on the projects outlined by the "Little League",'hn.d a general discussion followed. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that grade on ball diamond be prepared for pleat of grass. Ordinance creating assessment district and providing for method of payment and other details in connection with Forest City improvement, in accordance with findings at hearing on September S. 1952, was read and passed on motion by Repanich, seconded by all and carried. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance Na 601. George Carter appeared before the Council regarding grading on alley between Maple and Cedar Streets. The matter was discussed and deferred for action. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee and Mayor Sprague explained negotiations which have been held regarding riprapping at Black Jack bridge, and told of difficulties encountered in securing County equipment for the job. Mayor and Councilman Hall are to again contact County Engineer and commissioner Hodge in regard to securing county equipment. Tentative proposals for painting the Forestry building, the caretaker's house and woodshed adjoining, were received, and turned over to Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Pley grounds committee. Matter of making a charge for use of the Forestry Building under certain conditions, was referred to the Parks and Buildings committee. Mayor Sprague statgd that inquiry .hat been made relative to pu.rchhseraby'the Washington Veterans Home of the Model A Fire Truck, which has been stored at the Veterans Home for s6veral months. Fire Chief Alan Totten was re- quested to communicate with the Superintendent of the Washington Veterans Home relative to a purchase. The following claims were examined by members of the Council, Oked by Council- man Repanich of the Auditing committee, and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Largis and carried: Saindon's Tire Shop Albert V. Raygor John H. Banter Rice Electric American LaFrance Foam.ite Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Rice Electric Rice Electric T. C. Breitenstein CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Recaps for Police car 14.26 Police service 58.38 Police service 18.34 Labor and material, air-r id 37.80 Siren Siren, C. D. Alarm 257,50 Cross walk and city hall lights 47,26 Range hock -up, heater repair 59,13 Wire range, and parts FD 53.66 Advance L.I.D. No. 55 200,00 STREET FUND Kitsap County Equip. Repair Rev Fd Road Oil $ 703.00 Overall Cleaning and Supply Shop Towels 2.06 Union Oil Co. of California Motor Oil 42,86 Puget Sound Power & Light Lights at Garage 2.00 W. F. Bruhahn Labor 57,51 Mathan Nesseth Labor 94.55 ' WATER FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Power and light at all plants 336.80 Donss Service White gasoline for torch 2,00 Sheens Auto Electric Spark Plugs 3.28 Rico Electric sight globes and friction tape3.49 W. F. Bruhahn Labor 16.9D PARK FUND Nathan Nesseth Puget Sound Power & Light Rice Electric The H. R. Huntting Co. Puget Sound News Company Labor 27 .90 Lights at Forestry Bldg. 2.69 Repair lights at Tenris Court22.15 LIBRARY FUND Books Books 4,82 44,36 Council adjourned on motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich sand carried. Transport Clearings Freight 2,81 Clerk May or ---------------------- 0-_--_----------___.._.._.. Port Orchard, Washington October 60 1952 Council called to order in session prescribed by State law for fi nal Considera- tion of the budget for 1953, by Ma"r Willaim H. Sprague. Present Council- men C H. Largis, Ray Be Hall and Nick J. Raapm ich;- and Attorney Dudley N, Perrie. Mai or called for hearing on the 1953 budget and asked for any suggestions or objEe bons from members of the Council or from the audience. No voice was raised regarding the budget as proposed, and an ordinance approving the preliminary budget as the final budget and fixing the tax levies for the year 1953 was reaad4 It was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that ordinances be passed an read. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 602. Kenneth Price of Price's Dairy appeared before the council regarding sign on street near intersection of Bay and DeKaal b streets, and akked for its removal. A discussion follvved, and it was moved by Repanich n seconded by Hall and carried that a resolution be passed directing Attorney to notify property owners, where signs or other obstructions notifed, or complaint is made. Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall., seconded by Repanich and carried. STREET FUND Kitsap County Equip. Repair Rev Fd Road Oil $ 703.00 Overall Cleaning and Supply Shop Towels 2.06 Union Oil Co. of California Motor Oil 42,86 Puget Sound Power & Light Lights at Garage 2.00 W. F. Bruhahn Labor 57,51 Mathan Nesseth Labor 94.55 ' WATER FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Power and light at all plants 336.80 Donss Service White gasoline for torch 2,00 Sheens Auto Electric Spark Plugs 3.28 Rico Electric sight globes and friction tape3.49 W. F. Bruhahn Labor 16.9D PARK FUND Nathan Nesseth Puget Sound Power & Light Rice Electric The H. R. Huntting Co. Puget Sound News Company Labor 27 .90 Lights at Forestry Bldg. 2.69 Repair lights at Tenris Court22.15 LIBRARY FUND Books Books 4,82 44,36 Council adjourned on motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich sand carried. Transport Clearings Freight 2,81 Clerk May or ---------------------- 0-_--_----------___.._.._.. Port Orchard, Washington October 60 1952 Council called to order in session prescribed by State law for fi nal Considera- tion of the budget for 1953, by Ma"r Willaim H. Sprague. Present Council- men C H. Largis, Ray Be Hall and Nick J. Raapm ich;- and Attorney Dudley N, Perrie. Mai or called for hearing on the 1953 budget and asked for any suggestions or objEe bons from members of the Council or from the audience. No voice was raised regarding the budget as proposed, and an ordinance approving the preliminary budget as the final budget and fixing the tax levies for the year 1953 was reaad4 It was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that ordinances be passed an read. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 602. Kenneth Price of Price's Dairy appeared before the council regarding sign on street near intersection of Bay and DeKaal b streets, and akked for its removal. A discussion follvved, and it was moved by Repanich n seconded by Hall and carried that a resolution be passed directing Attorney to notify property owners, where signs or other obstructions notifed, or complaint is made. Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall., seconded by Repanich and carried. Port Orchard, Washington October 13, 1952 i Council of the Town of Port Orchard called to order by the Clerk, in the absence of Mayor William H. Sprague. Prbsent Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, C. H. Largis, Verd W. Nichols and Ray R. Hall; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. absent Mayor William H. Sprague and Councilman George A. Broughton. Clerk called for election of Acting Mayor, and Councilman Rapanich was unanimously +' chosen Acting Mayor, and assumed charge of the meeting. Minutes of regular meeting of September 22, 1952 and special meeting of October 6, 1952 read.and approved. A. L. Van Buskirk appeared:"before the Council regarding the sign owned by the - Lumber Supply and located on Town property near DeKalb and Bay Streets. Mr. Van Buskirk explained his attitude concerning the matter, and a discussion followed. The matter was referred to the Attorney to attempt to have interested parties iu the controversy reach and amicable settlement. Glenn Farrar, representing the Feenaughty Machinery Company was present regard- ing the purchase of an oil distributor. Councilman Nichols, in the course of the discussion, stated that, he favored delaying the purchase of an oil distributor until later, and Councilman Hall also stated that he believed inore investigation should be�made before definite action is taken. It was moved by Hwll,'sedonded by Largis.and carried that action be deferred to October 27, 1952. Superintendent stated that additional dirt would be dumped on Short Street to ease the approach to the highway, as requested by Air. Krei.dler. Painting outside of water tanks was again taken up, and Superintendent re- commended=that this work be deferred until next spring, which action was approved by the Council. i Superintendent stated that "Little League" field at Givens Playfield has been put in shape for planting grass. Superintendent also stated that riprapping job on Black Jack fill has been completed. It was stated that carpenter work on old Forestry Building is under way, and Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee stated that painting the buildings in the group had been awarded to Thesan Lumber Co. and 1. P. Lee, the town to furnish material for the job. It was moved by Hall, seconded by Largis and carried that Attorney prepare contract to be entered into between the contractors and the` �► ►►'A Matter of repair of Dodge dump truck was discussed, and Chairman Hall of'the Street and Alley conftittee reported on various cost estimates received. Follow- ing the discussion, it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Largis and. carried that work be done by Cleveland Chevrolet Company. � Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee stated that it had been reliably announced that Lots 3,4, and 5. Block 3, Sidney, now owned and occupied by the State Department of Highways as garage, is to be offered for sale in the.near. future, and that the facilities as they exist would be attractive and desirable for the Town of Port Orchard. Following a discussion the matter was referred to Councilman Hall for further investigation. Mayor Repanich called attention tt traffic hazzabd at the Bay, High and DeKalb Street intersection, especially during rush traffic hours, and suggested that j perhaps a yellow line marking traffic lanes on DeKalb Street might aid in pre- venting accidents. Referred to Superintendent and Chief of Police for invest- igation and report. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Councilman Largis of the Finance and Auditing committee and other members of the Council, were read and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND W. L. Boatwright Police service $ 18.68 Albert V. Raygor Police service 66.72 T. C. Rreitenstein Engineer retainer 100.00 Thompson's Scotfh tape, type cleaner, etc. 3.16 Kitsa.p Co. Garage Repair police car 8.09 Talbot Plumbing Urinal, City Hall. 56.14 Wilkins Distributing Co. Gasoline 100.49 Town Clerk Various expense advanced 12.75 T�eacon Appliance Labor and Material, oil burner 9.69 I, V. R. Caldwell Paint and thinner 1.55 Lent's Clean, check and repair furnace 13.29 Trick d Murray Registration Supplies 15.45 Port Orchard Independent Publishing Budget and Ordinances 36.46 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Various Telephones and tolls 46.55 Puget Sound Power d Light Co. Street Lights 273.96 Port Orchard, Washington October 13, 1952 i Council of the Town of Port Orchard called to order by the Clerk, in the absence of Mayor William H. Sprague. Prbsent Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, C. H. Largis, Verd W. Nichols and Ray R. Hall; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. absent Mayor William H. Sprague and Councilman George A. Broughton. Clerk called for election of Acting Mayor, and Councilman Rapanich was unanimously +' chosen Acting Mayor, and assumed charge of the meeting. Minutes of regular meeting of September 22, 1952 and special meeting of October 6, 1952 read.and approved. A. L. Van Buskirk appeared:"before the Council regarding the sign owned by the - Lumber Supply and located on Town property near DeKalb and Bay Streets. Mr. Van Buskirk explained his attitude concerning the matter, and a discussion followed. The matter was referred to the Attorney to attempt to have interested parties iu the controversy reach and amicable settlement. Glenn Farrar, representing the Feenaughty Machinery Company was present regard- ing the purchase of an oil distributor. Councilman Nichols, in the course of the discussion, stated that, he favored delaying the purchase of an oil distributor until later, and Councilman Hall also stated that he believed inore investigation should be�made before definite action is taken. It was moved by Hwll,'sedonded by Largis.and carried that action be deferred to October 27, 1952. Superintendent stated that additional dirt would be dumped on Short Street to ease the approach to the highway, as requested by Air. Krei.dler. Painting outside of water tanks was again taken up, and Superintendent re- commended=that this work be deferred until next spring, which action was approved by the Council. i Superintendent stated that "Little League" field at Givens Playfield has been put in shape for planting grass. Superintendent also stated that riprapping job on Black Jack fill has been completed. It was stated that carpenter work on old Forestry Building is under way, and Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee stated that painting the buildings in the group had been awarded to Thesan Lumber Co. and 1. P. Lee, the town to furnish material for the job. It was moved by Hall, seconded by Largis and carried that Attorney prepare contract to be entered into between the contractors and the` �► ►►'A Matter of repair of Dodge dump truck was discussed, and Chairman Hall of'the Street and Alley conftittee reported on various cost estimates received. Follow- ing the discussion, it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Largis and. carried that work be done by Cleveland Chevrolet Company. � Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee stated that it had been reliably announced that Lots 3,4, and 5. Block 3, Sidney, now owned and occupied by the State Department of Highways as garage, is to be offered for sale in the.near. future, and that the facilities as they exist would be attractive and desirable for the Town of Port Orchard. Following a discussion the matter was referred to Councilman Hall for further investigation. Mayor Repanich called attention tt traffic hazzabd at the Bay, High and DeKalb Street intersection, especially during rush traffic hours, and suggested that j perhaps a yellow line marking traffic lanes on DeKalb Street might aid in pre- venting accidents. Referred to Superintendent and Chief of Police for invest- igation and report. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Councilman Largis of the Finance and Auditing committee and other members of the Council, were read and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND W. L. Boatwright Police service $ 18.68 Albert V. Raygor Police service 66.72 T. C. Rreitenstein Engineer retainer 100.00 Thompson's Scotfh tape, type cleaner, etc. 3.16 Kitsa.p Co. Garage Repair police car 8.09 Talbot Plumbing Urinal, City Hall. 56.14 Wilkins Distributing Co. Gasoline 100.49 Town Clerk Various expense advanced 12.75 T�eacon Appliance Labor and Material, oil burner 9.69 I, V. R. Caldwell Paint and thinner 1.55 Lent's Clean, check and repair furnace 13.29 Trick d Murray Registration Supplies 15.45 Port Orchard Independent Publishing Budget and Ordinances 36.46 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Various Telephones and tolls 46.55 Puget Sound Power d Light Co. Street Lights 273.96 WATF+;R FUND W. F. Bruhahn Overall Cleaning & Supply H. B. Menees V. B. Caldwell Town Clerk Somotone of Bremerton Joe's Upholstery Fog Tite Meter Seal Co. Kitsap Co. Garage Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Lee F. Caldwell Nathan Nesseth Johnson Paint Company Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Braaten & Crouse H. R. Menees Cleveland Chevrolet V. B. Caldwell Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Port Orchard Machine Shop Kitsap Co. Road District Labor on water lines Shop Towels Headlight globe RuUier tape; linseed oil I M Postal Cards Batteries for pipe loeater Seat cushion for pickup truck Meter seals, etc. Repair Ford Pickup Telephones and tolls Labor lowering water main STREET FUND Labor on streets Traffic paint Telephone Loading blacktop Fan belt; fuse Repair Dodge truck Tools Kerosene Manhole cover; repair grate, Equipment rental and gravel PARK FUND Nathan Nesseth Labor painting fence American Plbg & St.Supply Co. Galvanized pipe Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Tennis Court lights V. B. Caldwell Linseed oil; paint brush LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Co. Books for Library etc. Council adjourned on motion by Hall, seenndAd by Nichols and ea.rriod. 69.66 2.76 .44 2.01 20.00 4.22 18.96 43.67 173.39 24.50 4.86 93.00 74,A 93 7.25 66.95 3.40 24.25 8.49 11.74 52.12 433.10 79.05 61.11 27.38 4.53 31.89 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Port Orchard, Washington October 27, 1952 Council of the Town of Port Orchard called to order in regular session by Mayor William H. Sprague, with Councilmen C. H. Largis, Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Ball and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein, present. Absent Councilman George A. Broughton. Minutes of meeting of October 13, 1952 read and approved. Attorney Perrine stated that he had not yet held conference with citizens interested in sign on DeKalb Street, about which complaint had been made, and further time was granted. Acquisition of oil distributor, continued from meeting of October 13, 19520 was again taken up and considered by the Council. A representative of the Feenaughty Machinery Company was present and entered into the discussions. The matter was considered and discussed from amny angles and following the discussion, it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried that bid of Feenaughty Machinery Company for Littleford Distributor under terms of bid and specifications, be accepted at $2,358.00 plus sales tax. A discussionwas entered into regarding truck upon which to amount oil dis- tributor, and Councilman Nichols suggested that Superintendent secure estimates for lengthening Dodge truck now owned by the Town, to proper size to carry distributor. WATF+;R FUND W. F. Bruhahn Overall Cleaning & Supply H. B. Menees V. B. Caldwell Town Clerk Somotone of Bremerton Joe's Upholstery Fog Tite Meter Seal Co. Kitsap Co. Garage Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Lee F. Caldwell Nathan Nesseth Johnson Paint Company Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Braaten & Crouse H. R. Menees Cleveland Chevrolet V. B. Caldwell Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Port Orchard Machine Shop Kitsap Co. Road District Labor on water lines Shop Towels Headlight globe RuUier tape; linseed oil I M Postal Cards Batteries for pipe loeater Seat cushion for pickup truck Meter seals, etc. Repair Ford Pickup Telephones and tolls Labor lowering water main STREET FUND Labor on streets Traffic paint Telephone Loading blacktop Fan belt; fuse Repair Dodge truck Tools Kerosene Manhole cover; repair grate, Equipment rental and gravel PARK FUND Nathan Nesseth Labor painting fence American Plbg & St.Supply Co. Galvanized pipe Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Tennis Court lights V. B. Caldwell Linseed oil; paint brush LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Co. Books for Library etc. Council adjourned on motion by Hall, seenndAd by Nichols and ea.rriod. 69.66 2.76 .44 2.01 20.00 4.22 18.96 43.67 173.39 24.50 4.86 93.00 74,A 93 7.25 66.95 3.40 24.25 8.49 11.74 52.12 433.10 79.05 61.11 27.38 4.53 31.89 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Port Orchard, Washington October 27, 1952 Council of the Town of Port Orchard called to order in regular session by Mayor William H. Sprague, with Councilmen C. H. Largis, Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Ball and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein, present. Absent Councilman George A. Broughton. Minutes of meeting of October 13, 1952 read and approved. Attorney Perrine stated that he had not yet held conference with citizens interested in sign on DeKalb Street, about which complaint had been made, and further time was granted. Acquisition of oil distributor, continued from meeting of October 13, 19520 was again taken up and considered by the Council. A representative of the Feenaughty Machinery Company was present and entered into the discussions. The matter was considered and discussed from amny angles and following the discussion, it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried that bid of Feenaughty Machinery Company for Littleford Distributor under terms of bid and specifications, be accepted at $2,358.00 plus sales tax. A discussionwas entered into regarding truck upon which to amount oil dis- tributor, and Councilman Nichols suggested that Superintendent secure estimates for lengthening Dodge truck now owned by the Town, to proper size to carry distributor. I Representative of Hill -Erhart Mill Company appeared before the Council regarding purchase of timber on land owned by the Town in the S2 SW4 of Section 24,TWP. 24 R1 E. and presented a bid for the timber for $1,500.00. The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Hall-, seconded by Nichols and carried that timber in question be offered for sale for not less than 1,500.00, and at public auction to be held at the front door of the Port Orchard Municipal Building at 10 o'clock A.M. on November 12, 1952. Corrected by Council. "That successful bidder shall deposit at least 25% of the amount bid with the Clerk at the time of sale, balance to be paid within 48 hours, or deposit forfeited; and that suceessful bidder shall have six months in which to remove the timber, the sale to include only the timber ten inches in diameter or over." Superintendent stated that carpenter work at Forestry Building has been completed and that it is expected that painting would be undertaken in the near future. Clerk was directed to contact Puget Sound Power & Light Co. relative to 220-volt service for range and water heater in tiiis building. It was moved by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried that 25 chairs be purchased by the Parks, Buildings and Playgrounds committee for the Forestry Building. r, Chairman Hall,c�; the Strdet and Alley committee reported that he had contacted J. C. Claypool, district highway Engineer, relative to axquisition by the Town of the State Garage property in Block 3, Sidney, and that a letter pertaining to this matter had been sent to the Highway Department. Superintendent reported that yellow traffic line has been painted on DeKalb Street and. stop sign placed to direct traffic at Bay, DeKalb and High street intersdetion, as suggested at the last meeting of tLe Council. Engineer was requested to contact property owners regarding curbs and gutters on north side of 'lay Street, west of Harrison Street. Chairman Repanich stated that he had been contacted by a "Book Club" which disired to held regular meetings in the Council Chamber. The matter was dis- cussed and passed. A discussion regarding reports on improper operation of the Port Orchard Athletic Club was held, but no action was taken. Clerk reported that final payments on assessments in L.I.D. No 23 became due and delinquent on July 27, 1930, and that the fi:ial payments on assessments in L. I. D. Nos. 24, 25, and 26 became due delinquent on August 22, 1930, and re- quested that the Assessment rolls be canneelled by resolution of the Council. The matter was discussed, and it was :Moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that a Resolution by passed cancelling L.I.D. assessment rolls No. 23 24, 25 and 26, under provisions Of the Statutue. Clark also reported that L.I.D. No 42 is paid up in full, and that there is a balance of $357.48 remaining in the fund; also that L.I.D. No. 43 is paid up in Full, andthat there is a balance of $263.87 remaining in the fund with an outstanding warrant of $49.00 issued on October 10, 1940. This was discussed, and it was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich, and carried that Warrant No. 88 in the amount of $49.00 issued against L.I.D. No 43 be cancelled, and that the sum of 1357.48 remaining in L. I.D. No. 42, and the sum of $263.87 remaining in L.I.D. No. 43 be transferred to the Current Expense Fund. The following claims, checked and approved by heads of departments, and by Councilman Repanich of the Eiance and Auditing committee, were submitted and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and Carried: Kenneth G. Chaussee W. L. '3oatwright ' S . Knudson B. A. Breitdnstein Tide Water Associated Oil Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Port Orchard Independent Washington State Penitientiary How's Hardware I3owe's Hardware Howe's Hardware W. F. TAruhahn Western Utilities Supply Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. CU1ILREN T EXPLNS E FUND Police service 75.06 Police service 9.34 Engineer's helper 5.40 Engineer's helper 21.60 Delsel fuel, City Hall 52.05 Various telephones and tolls 52.72 Supplies for police; publish Ord. 7.52 Traffic Sigms 8.58 Carnu; paper towels 8.74 WATT+U. FUND Gate valve; Bile fittings, etc. 14.44 Mower; paint; joint compa.ound 50.75 Labor 68.04 Copper repair bands 7.77 Plant telephone and tolls 17.93 I Representative of Hill -Erhart Mill Company appeared before the Council regarding purchase of timber on land owned by the Town in the S2 SW4 of Section 24,TWP. 24 R1 E. and presented a bid for the timber for $1,500.00. The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Hall-, seconded by Nichols and carried that timber in question be offered for sale for not less than 1,500.00, and at public auction to be held at the front door of the Port Orchard Municipal Building at 10 o'clock A.M. on November 12, 1952. Corrected by Council. "That successful bidder shall deposit at least 25% of the amount bid with the Clerk at the time of sale, balance to be paid within 48 hours, or deposit forfeited; and that suceessful bidder shall have six months in which to remove the timber, the sale to include only the timber ten inches in diameter or over." Superintendent stated that carpenter work at Forestry Building has been completed and that it is expected that painting would be undertaken in the near future. Clerk was directed to contact Puget Sound Power & Light Co. relative to 220-volt service for range and water heater in tiiis building. It was moved by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried that 25 chairs be purchased by the Parks, Buildings and Playgrounds committee for the Forestry Building. r, Chairman Hall,c�; the Strdet and Alley committee reported that he had contacted J. C. Claypool, district highway Engineer, relative to axquisition by the Town of the State Garage property in Block 3, Sidney, and that a letter pertaining to this matter had been sent to the Highway Department. Superintendent reported that yellow traffic line has been painted on DeKalb Street and. stop sign placed to direct traffic at Bay, DeKalb and High street intersdetion, as suggested at the last meeting of tLe Council. Engineer was requested to contact property owners regarding curbs and gutters on north side of 'lay Street, west of Harrison Street. Chairman Repanich stated that he had been contacted by a "Book Club" which disired to held regular meetings in the Council Chamber. The matter was dis- cussed and passed. A discussion regarding reports on improper operation of the Port Orchard Athletic Club was held, but no action was taken. Clerk reported that final payments on assessments in L.I.D. No 23 became due and delinquent on July 27, 1930, and that the fi:ial payments on assessments in L. I. D. Nos. 24, 25, and 26 became due delinquent on August 22, 1930, and re- quested that the Assessment rolls be canneelled by resolution of the Council. The matter was discussed, and it was :Moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that a Resolution by passed cancelling L.I.D. assessment rolls No. 23 24, 25 and 26, under provisions Of the Statutue. Clark also reported that L.I.D. No 42 is paid up in full, and that there is a balance of $357.48 remaining in the fund; also that L.I.D. No. 43 is paid up in Full, andthat there is a balance of $263.87 remaining in the fund with an outstanding warrant of $49.00 issued on October 10, 1940. This was discussed, and it was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich, and carried that Warrant No. 88 in the amount of $49.00 issued against L.I.D. No 43 be cancelled, and that the sum of 1357.48 remaining in L. I.D. No. 42, and the sum of $263.87 remaining in L.I.D. No. 43 be transferred to the Current Expense Fund. The following claims, checked and approved by heads of departments, and by Councilman Repanich of the Eiance and Auditing committee, were submitted and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and Carried: Kenneth G. Chaussee W. L. '3oatwright ' S . Knudson B. A. Breitdnstein Tide Water Associated Oil Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Port Orchard Independent Washington State Penitientiary How's Hardware I3owe's Hardware Howe's Hardware W. F. TAruhahn Western Utilities Supply Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. CU1ILREN T EXPLNS E FUND Police service 75.06 Police service 9.34 Engineer's helper 5.40 Engineer's helper 21.60 Delsel fuel, City Hall 52.05 Various telephones and tolls 52.72 Supplies for police; publish Ord. 7.52 Traffic Sigms 8.58 Carnu; paper towels 8.74 WATT+U. FUND Gate valve; Bile fittings, etc. 14.44 Mower; paint; joint compa.ound 50.75 Labor 68.04 Copper repair bands 7.77 Plant telephone and tolls 17.93 STREET FUND Tide Water Associated Oil Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Atlas Foundry & Machine Co. Bremerton Concrete Products Co. The H. R. Huntting Co. Puget Sound News Co. Deisel fuel Telephone C I Frames and Grates Drain Tile LI BRI LRY FOND Books Books Meeting adjourned on motion by Nichols, seconded by Largis and carried. * * * * - * * X * * * * yip' m Port Orchard, Washington November 101, 1952 18.68 8.22 45.01 57.94 I9.84 25.03 Regular meeting of the council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mavor William H. Sprague. Present Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, C. H. Largis, Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley V. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of October 27, 1952 read and corrected, to acid to paragraph 6, "That successful bidder shall deposit at least 25% of the amount bid with the Clerk at time of -sale, balance to be paid within 48 hours, or deposit for- feited; and that the successful bidder shall have six months in which to re- move the timber, the sale to include only that timber ten inches in diameter or over." Discussion was again held regarding sign at DeKalb Street near Bay Street.. Attorney stated that he would write letter to Price's Dairy regarding the sign and resolution relative thereto was amanded.to add the words, "on order of the Council, "the resolution to read, , "Attorney to notify property owners, where signs or other obstructions exist on city property, to have same removed, whenever so notified, or complaint is made, and on the order of the Council." Superintendent Givens stated that he had investigated cost of extending the Dodge Truck to a size to handle the oil distributor, and that the estimate recieved was a maximum cost of $175.00. A discussion foil.owed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that Superintendent contact dealers regarding availability and cost of a new or used truck suitable for needs of thk Street Department. Mayor called attention to the fact that auction of timber of garbage tract was to be held November 12, 1952. Clerk reported that 220-colt service is available at Forestry Building, and he was authorized to sign application for this service, on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried. Robert Roland appeared before the Council and asked permission to use the Council Chamber for meeting place for the "Great Books ClUb." This was discussed, and it was suggested that space for the meetiigs might be secured in the Forestry Building. A discussion of operation of the Port Orchard Athletic Club was entered into, and it was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that Attorney write letter to operator of the Club, giving ten -days notice of hearing as to why license should not be revoked. Mayor Sprague and Councilmen Largis, and Hall made a report on a conference held with representatives from the State Department of Highways, regarding acquisition by the Town of the State Highway Garage property in Port Orchard. It was stated that letters had been sent by the Mayor, the Board of County Commissioners, and that State Senator Jack Rogers had agreed to assist in placing the matter properly before the State highway Commission. STREET FUND Tide Water Associated Oil Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Atlas Foundry & Machine Co. Bremerton Concrete Products Co. The H. R. Huntting Co. Puget Sound News Co. Deisel fuel Telephone C I Frames and Grates Drain Tile LI BRI LRY FOND Books Books Meeting adjourned on motion by Nichols, seconded by Largis and carried. * * * * - * * X * * * * yip' m Port Orchard, Washington November 101, 1952 18.68 8.22 45.01 57.94 I9.84 25.03 Regular meeting of the council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mavor William H. Sprague. Present Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, C. H. Largis, Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley V. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of October 27, 1952 read and corrected, to acid to paragraph 6, "That successful bidder shall deposit at least 25% of the amount bid with the Clerk at time of -sale, balance to be paid within 48 hours, or deposit for- feited; and that the successful bidder shall have six months in which to re- move the timber, the sale to include only that timber ten inches in diameter or over." Discussion was again held regarding sign at DeKalb Street near Bay Street.. Attorney stated that he would write letter to Price's Dairy regarding the sign and resolution relative thereto was amanded.to add the words, "on order of the Council, "the resolution to read, , "Attorney to notify property owners, where signs or other obstructions exist on city property, to have same removed, whenever so notified, or complaint is made, and on the order of the Council." Superintendent Givens stated that he had investigated cost of extending the Dodge Truck to a size to handle the oil distributor, and that the estimate recieved was a maximum cost of $175.00. A discussion foil.owed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that Superintendent contact dealers regarding availability and cost of a new or used truck suitable for needs of thk Street Department. Mayor called attention to the fact that auction of timber of garbage tract was to be held November 12, 1952. Clerk reported that 220-colt service is available at Forestry Building, and he was authorized to sign application for this service, on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried. Robert Roland appeared before the Council and asked permission to use the Council Chamber for meeting place for the "Great Books ClUb." This was discussed, and it was suggested that space for the meetiigs might be secured in the Forestry Building. A discussion of operation of the Port Orchard Athletic Club was entered into, and it was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that Attorney write letter to operator of the Club, giving ten -days notice of hearing as to why license should not be revoked. Mayor Sprague and Councilmen Largis, and Hall made a report on a conference held with representatives from the State Department of Highways, regarding acquisition by the Town of the State Highway Garage property in Port Orchard. It was stated that letters had been sent by the Mayor, the Board of County Commissioners, and that State Senator Jack Rogers had agreed to assist in placing the matter properly before the State highway Commission. Engineer stated that lie had contacted some of tkie property owners interested in concrete curbs and gutters on north side of Bay Street east from Harrison Street, and that he believed that some solution can be worked out. Matter of a map of the Town of Fort Orchard, including territory recently annexed, was discussed, and Mayor and Councilman Hall Stated that they would contact County Engineer's office relative to the matter. The following claims, checked by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, and by memebers of the Council, were read and ordered ,.aid on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried: Kenneth G. Chaussee Geo. F. Cake Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Rice Electric Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Trick & Murrgy Port Orchard Independent Port Orchard Independent T. C. Breitenstein Thompson's Rice Electric Wilkins Dist. Co. Western Utilities Thompson's Kress & More CUlJIEN`t IaPEN i E FUND Police service 2 Gr. Fuzees, Police Cross Walk Lights Case lamps for City Hall Gasoline, Police car Warrant Register sheets Notice of sale of timber Supplies for police Retainer, Engineer Bond paper, blotters WA ViR FUND Pole switch; box and cover, etc Battery for Aux pump engine Supply 12 meter boxes Doz wedge eresers Repair grader tire E. N. Hallgren Co. Cleveland Chevrolet C. Stewart Osburn Mary B. Peterson R. P. Ryan STREET FUND Mineralead Repair Dodge dump truck LIBRARY FUN-) 2-year Sub. Readers Digest Re-imburse for history book PARK FUND Labor repairing Forestry Bldg. Council adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried. UG.72 22.01 1.64 12.57 1.34 29.53 8.09 2.88 100,00 5.21 1.70 14.65 47.56 .21 5/67 10.30 492.97 5,00 1.80 308.75 Port Orchard, Washington November 24, 1952 Council called to order in regular session by Mayor William H. Sprague, with Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, George A. Broughton and wick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, present. Absent Councilman C. F. Largis, and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of November 10, 1952 read and approved. Superintendent reported on investigations which he had made regarding a*ailability of new and used trucks suitable for use by the Street Departmeht. Referred to Street and Alley committee for further investigation and report. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee suggested that a used truck on which to mount oil distributor might be available. Superintendent also reported that the oil distributor has been received and is stored in Street garage, waiting inspection and assembly by the seller. Mayor Sprague reported. that timber on garbage tract, wlli.ch was offered at auction on November 12, 1952, had been sold for $2,810.00 to Edward Arness. A discussion of necessary work at the Forestry Building was entered into, and it was suggested that wiring for electric range and water heater be arranged for, and that a fire escape or outside stairway be erected as a safety measure. Following the discussion, it was moved by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried that these matters be referred to the Parks and Playgrounds committee with power to act. Mayor reported on negotiations so far conducted looking,toward the acquisition of the State Highway garage property in Port Orchard' and a discussion followed. It was moved by Broughton, seconded by Hall and carried that Mayor be given power to act for the Town of Port Orchard in submitting offer for the property in negotiating with the Highway Commission. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that he had contacted the County Engineer's office regarding securing a map of the Town of Port Orchard, and that he believed that arrangements can be made whereby a map may be secured which will include the entire town limits. Ed Heister, local manager of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, stated that sketches, showing locations of additional street lights, previously authorized by the Council, are about completed and that installation of these lights will begin shortly. He also reported that progress is being made in extending additional facilities for better service in t-Ue area. Mayor called attention to the power shortage throughout the Northwest, and listed measures that are being taken to conserve power. A discussion followed, and on motion by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried, Resolution was passed requesting business houses and general users of electricity to conserve energy to as great an extent as possible, in order to provide sufficient power and light for essential use. W. Belknap and Arthur Mikelsen, representing the Veterans of Foreign Wars, appeared before the Council and requested an amendment to the Ordinance controll- ing amusement machines to exempt fraternal and patriotic organizations from the Master license feature. A discussion followed, and it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried that Ordinance No. 502 be amended to make the license fee for non-profit fraternal, and patriotic organizations $25.00 per machine per year, and 10% of the gross income of the machines, payments to be made to the Town under the terms of the original ordinance. Earl Bell, Operator of the Port Orchard Athletic Club, was present in response to a notice of hearing as to why his license should not be revoked. Following the hearing, it was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that license of the Port Orchard Atheletic Club be revoked for cause. Carlton Nau and John Wallace, representing R. W. Beck & Associates, con- sulting engineers, appeared before the Council, regarding consideration of their services as consulting engineers if and when utility and sanitation extension is undertaken. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee reported on a meeting which his committee had held with promoters of the "Little Leaguet", and stated that is was proposed to erect a fence to mark the outfield limits, and that the project be financed by -'advertising sign boards painted on the fence. After receipts sufficierpi"'"t - pay the costs are received, all money for advertis- ing. spade `to lo`�dicr`tio the Town. He also stated that it is planned as a future developtpnt ioJight the field for athletic events, this project also to be carried through to" $completion by the "Little League" Organization, and costs for lighting to be paid from events held at the field. Committee recommend- ed that the program be approved, and following a discussion the report of the committee was accepted and. approved. Clerk presented for first reading Ordinance providing for emergency appropriations in various funds as follows: Current Expense Fund: Police salaries, $1,500.00 Police Court salaries and ex ease $150.00; Jail and board of prisoners, $150.00; Publishing and advertising, 100.00; Water Fund: Power and light, $650.00; State Excise Tax, $125.00; Street Fund: Equipment rental, $300.00; Equipment repair, $300,00; gas and oil, $350.00;Social security, $100.00; Ini.�dstrial Insur- ance and medical aid, $75,00; Library Fund: Books and periodicals, $200.00. Passed on first reading by ananimous vote on motion by Nichols, seconded by Rroughton and carried. r", The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Mall and carried: CUI ;h ENT EXP ENS E FUND Puget Sound Power A. Light Street, City Hall and Cross Walks lts$317.25 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Various tlephones and tolls 52.45 Willard L. Boatwright Police service 18.68 KenrEth G. Chaussee Police service 83.40 Tri-County Typewriter Co. Typewriter for Clerk 149.35 Howard Cooper Corp. 6 Pr Firemen's boots 25.95 Black Ball Freight Service Freight on traffic signs from W.W. 3.50 M. Hartness Services auctioneer (timber) 10.00 Tide Water Associated Oil Deisel fuel for City Hall 72,642 Tk1T Hsi. FUND Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones U,nd tolls 15.65 Puget Sound Power & Light Power and light, pump pants 297.57 1d. F. Bruhahn Labor 8.10 #WDf0il,K Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephone service 7.25 Tide Water Associated Oil Stove Oil 10.26 Puget Sound Power & Light Lights at garage 2.00 Black Rall Freight Service Freight on cement bonding comp. 1.75 Overall Cleaning & Supply Shop Towels 2.32 Jesse W. Sutton Heater for Chev Truck 10,00 PARK FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Tennis court and Forestry Lights 12.11 Thesan's Lumber Co. Painting Forestry group 262.56 LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Co. Books 13.49 Puget Sound News Co. Books 30.30 ��ft�:i�til��It W. L. Johnson Labor Cleaning sewer lateral 6.75 L.I.D. NO. 53.(Rockwell Street) R. B. Ryan Sales tax on contract price 33.51 Meeting adjourned on motion by Nichols, seconde5Vby Bro M104e.i WM T—M"I and carried. e or a December 8, 1952 Port Orchard, Washington Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to older in regular session by Mayor William H. Sprague. Present Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, George A. Broughton, C. H. Largis, Verd W. Nichols and Ray B. Hall; Attorney Dudley N. Perrin ; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of November 24, 1952, read and approved. Superintendent reported on investigations he had made relative to truck for Street Department, and a general discussion followed. Mayor suggested that it might prove advantageious to delay action and to consider the purchase of a new truck. Matter held in abeyance for further consideration and action. Superintendent also reported that ranges donated by Mayor Sprague to the Forestry Ruilding have been installed and are in use. He was directed to make the best possible deal on an electric water heater of not less than fifty -gallon capacty, and have same installed. Construction`of fire escape on Forestry Building was discussed, and Chairman Repanich of the barks committee stated that he`would like to have the Fire Chief inspdct the building and make recommendations. Further time granted in this matter. Mayor stated that he had received a letter from the State Highway Commission fixing a meeting to consider the Town's application to acquire highway Garage in Port Orchard, as of January 14, 1953 at 1:30 P.M. Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 502 and previous ordinances relating to amusement machines, was read and passed on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried. Chairman R,epanich of the Parks and Playgrounds committee reported that the "Littl Leagixe" organization had asked for information on charge to be made for advertising signs on fence at small ball ground at Givens Field, after expiration of two year period, during which expenses of construction and maintenance of fence is anticipated would be taken care of. No fee was fixed or considered by Council, and the matter was tabled until such time as maintenance becomes an obligation of the Town. ,Jt was directed that stop signs be installed on all streets where they,intdrsect. bay Street, where signs do not now exist. Also it was stated that suitable signs should be placed on Tacoma Street to warn of public playground and children. Matter referred to Superintendent and Chief of Police. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that he had investigated further the likelihood of securing a map of the Town of Port Orchard, and stated that a new map will probably be compbeted in the near future, showing the entire area of the Town and indicating street vacations and other changes which have occurred since the original plat was made. Chas. A. Russell submitted a sketch of the waterfront area of Port Orchard, which is being pre- pared in the Navy Yard, showing harbor lines, etc. Matter of calling for bids for pickup truck for water department was deferred for later consideration. Ordinance providing for emergency appropriationsy which was passed unanimously on first reading at NqM24, 1952 meeting, was read on second reading and Passed urimo'+"en fiion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried. Ordinance adopted as 0pdinance No. 604. `9. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee brought up the matter of parking on Kitsap Street, pointing out that during freezing weather when traffic is necessarily routed over Kitsap Street, that a considerable hazzard exists from cars parked on both sides of Kitsap Street. A general discussion followed, and the matter was passed for further investigation and recommendation. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committeewere presented and ordered paid on �. motion by Nichols, seconded by Largis and carried. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Hodge & Davis Grease and Lub Job, Police car 2.70 Kenneth G. Chaussee Police service 74.72 V. B. Caldwell Lacquer and paint 7.47 Slocum Hardware Paint brush 3,01 T. C. Breitenstein Engineer retainer 100.00 Puget Sound Power & Light Street Lights 272.45 Town Clerk Postage and Janitor supplies 7.50 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Gasoline for Police Car 4.12 WATL"R DEPARTMI N T V. R. Caldwell Kitsap County Garage 'Bremerton Concrete Products Thompson's l Doz. Trade pads Town Clerk Nlestern Utilities Supply Co. Slocum Hardware Slocum Hardware Panther Oil & Grease Co. Piston Service ` Port Orchard Machine Ship Wilkins Distributing Co. V. B. Caldwell Slocum Hardware Transport Cleari=igs Slocum Hardware Slocum Hardware n ,f ,f ff V. B. Caldwell Port Orchard Machine Shop Northern School Supply Co. Thinner, paint and nails P 1.36 Repair Ford Pickup 14.72 48 meter Box covers 59.33 1 1DOa. 'Trade pads 6.70 2 M Postal Cards 40.00 Cutter wheels; duo stops 18.14 Screw Driver; joint compound- 4.03 Masking Tape .32 STREET D fat'f ITNT `j' T Lubricant and gear grease 45.22 Defroster attachment 1.27 Sign bracket 1.29 Gasoline and anti -Freeze 139.71 Steel tape; metal screws 4.27 Paint 2.74 Freight 1.94 Paint, bolts and tools 6.75 PARK FUND Paint 10.82 Paint 151.55 Hog rings 3.76 faint for Grandstand 28.50 Paint and thinner 6.04 Repair chair 1.03 25 chairs 136.48 LI BRARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Co. Books 31.12 Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried. W ze , Clerk Lf William Sp r e, Mayor Port Orchard, Washington December 2.2, 1952. Regular meeting of the Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by the Clerk in the absence of Mayor William H. Sprague. Councilmen hay B. Hall was elected Acting Mayor by unanimous vote of the Council and assumed charge of the meeting. Present were Councilman Ilay B. Hall, Verd it: Nichols, C. H. Largis, George A. Broughton and Nick J. Mepanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine, Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of December 8, 1952 read and approved. Matter of calling for bids for truck for Street Department and pickup truck for Water Department deferred to later date. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings conni.ttee and Supt. Givens reported that ranges donated for the Forestry Building, had been installed and are ready for use. It was directed that letter of thanks be transmitted by the Parks and Buildings committee to Howe's Hardware and Mayor Sprague, for the donation of this equipment. ` Further time was granted for definite report on fire escape at Forestry 'Building. It was reported that a 52-gallon autbmati.c hot water tank has been installed in the Forestry Building. Acting Mayor called attention to the meeting by the Mayor with the State Highway Commission on January 14, 1953 at 1:30 P.M. Chief of Police and Superintendent reported that ;More time is desired for installation of stop signs on all streets intersecting on the Bay Street. More time granted. At this time Mayor Sprague entered the meeting and took his seat as Mayor. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee stated that he had no definite report or recommendations regarding parking on Kitsap Street. A General discussion followed, and it was wtoved by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried that Ordinance empowering Police and Street Department to clear streets of cars and to control traffic be drafted by the Attorney and presented to Council at the next meeting, for consideration. Clerk stated that the Water Department had expended $20.06 in material and labor in installing hot water tank in the Forestry Building, and asked permission to transfer this amount from the Park Fund to the Water Fund. Request granted on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried. Attention was called to condition of Guthrie Street at its intersection with Garrison Street. Referred to Street and Alley committee for in- vestigation and recommendation. A.resolution was passed on motion by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried, providing that closi;g hours for Taverns in Port Orchard on New Year's Eve, shall conform to the hours established by the Washington State Liquor Control Board. Einer Gilbertson, proprietor of "Tasty Freeze" ice cream drive-in, appeared before the Council regarding parking and cross walk marking in the vicinity of 1iis store on Bay Street. Referred to Chief of Police and to Council- men Broughton and Nichols of the Street and Alley committee. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented, examined by the Council, and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Largis and carried: Puget Sound Power & Light Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Willard L. Boatwright Kenneth G. Chaussee County Auditor American LaFrance Foamite Co. American Plby & Steam Supply Port Orchard Independent Howard Cooper Corp. Howard Cooper Corp. Tide Water Asst'd Oil Co. Association of Wash. Cities American Water Works Ass'n 14. F . • Bruhahn Overall cleaning & Supply Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Kress & More Puget Sound Power & Light County Auditor Pacific Tel & Tel Co. County Auditor J. W. Welsh Black Ball Freight Service Tide Water Asst'd Oil Co. Howard Cooper Corp. W. F. Bruhahn Talbot Plumbing Co. Tide Water Asst'd Oil Co. Water Fund CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Cross Walk Lights 3.49 Various Telephones and tolls 46.45 Police service 9.34 Police Service 74.72 Fire truck & Police car lie. 4.50 2 drums chemical 14.63 Pipe for parking meter posts 25.80 Publish Ordinance 603 19.54 Repair Hose coupling 3.30 Goats, nozzles, etc for Fire Dept 174.89 Deisel fuel 91.77 1952 Service Fee 125.00 WATER FUND 1953 dues for Supt. 10.00 Labor 8.10 Shop Towels 2.06 Telephones and tolls 27/35 Re -cap tire 6.17 Power & Light, 197.43 Licenses, 2 pickup trucks 3.00 STREET FUND Street garage td ephons 7.25 Street Equipment Licenses 6.00 Shovel rental, riprap on St. ends144.00 Freight on material 10.36 Stove Oil 8.99 Gear and seal for -radar 78.35 Labor 32.40 PARK FOND Hot eater Tank for Forest Bldg. 102.04 Stove Oil 7.81 Labor and Material install tank 20.06 Council adjourned on motion by Largis, seconded y Nichols and carried.